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No. 177524
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ding ding.
Marilyn Monroe comes to mind.
No. 177592
>>177524I actually stumbled across this one earlier today. Eggs in warm milk. I knew some people drink raw eggs (despite only actually being able to digest about 50% of the protein from raw eggs) but I have never heard of THIS concoction.
Do you think many people adopted it after reading this?
No. 177595
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This one always made me laugh. I'm not sure what era it's from but I think it's so funny that there were just women at home pretending to fuck the air as a workout
No. 177596
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No. 177597
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Heres the product. The containers look prettier than most perfume bottles tbh
No. 177609
I love all these vintage adverts/posters!
>>177596>>177597Wait this isn't a photoshop? Why is it free? How are they making money?
No. 177686
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Has anyone ever adopted a workout routine they seen from old times? This one is for titties. They all seemed to have wonderful hourglass figures back then, I wonder if I should switch my routine to these
No. 177687
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No. 177689
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>>177686>hey all seemed to have wonderful hourglass figures back thenI think it's because of the shapewear and cone bras they used. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think women used to used corsets before photoshoots to create some of that hourglass shape.
No. 177734
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>>177686You have consider that most of what you're seeing are actresses and models who have been hand picked for their looks. They're not going to hire a women with a more athletic stocky build to promote their workout since that wasn't what was consider ideal. They did however have less obese people, but that's more to do with the terribly diets people have nowadays.
No. 177736
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>>177689Heyoooo I got tons of websites that specialize in retro shapewear and girdles: (For US ladies: yeah it’s stupid expensive but I have some of her stuff and it is amazing. love functional retro lingerie. It makes everything look so smooth. And it’s sexy too.
No. 177741
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I consider this sometimes. I've never actually tried it out as a way if having my makeup but I love the way makeup looked back then
No. 177749
>>177743I think back then a sanitized tape worm was just a worm that hadn't been inside anything yet. Or, realistically, it's just a lie to shill them more easily.
I doubt that the same people who took cocaine for a mild cold really cared but hey it sounds medicallylylylyly to be sanitized
No. 177771
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>>177478I'm a turbo autist for even caring, but this is an edit. Mid century advertisements didn't have disclaimers on them, and even if they did, they wouldn't just randomly drop one in a box over the product illustration. That's not even a period accurate logo. Plus the ad copy underneath would be way more verbose than just STOCK UP ON [BRAND]. I sound like the irish stew copypasta but faked up 'old' ads really chap my ass.
Anyways, here's one where they straight up claim that white sugar is healthier for you than a piece of fruit. Because calories!
No. 177784
>>177771Well spotted! I would never have copped on to that being an edit.
Also, I've seen this ad in the past and it lead me down a bit of a rabbit hole. Apparently replacing food with sugar was initially aimed at children
No. 177795
>>177771Being a woman in this era was so bleak.
My grandmother only lost weight back then because she was on speed. Doctors would prescribe speed to overworked/tired housewives so they could keep their figure and have the energy to go into the workforce and then come home to do domestic duties. Not surprised that sugar was advertised as healthy, I bet a few spoonful of sugar was considered dainty back then. Nutritional information was abysmal and it's still being bought by major food conglomerate lobbies. Hell, I remember back in the 90s and early 2000s that fat was the boogeyman in food. My mom used to buy "low-fat" food that made up for lack of flavor from the fat removal with, you guessed it, sugar!
No. 177812
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Wanna be skinny, eat this fucking ring of jelly flesh. Fucking circle of dog food. Its shaped like a life ring to save you here have dog meat ring toss
No. 177816
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>>177813You forgot women intentionally reforming themself with corsets in the name of beauty
No. 177817
>>177813I'm sure people in the future will be saying the same about us. Drugs are still given away like candy, now for the mental illness equivalents of a cold. They're not just drugging up the serious cases in psych wards, they're giving them to any kid that has a "problem".
And god knows what they put in cosmetics. Like that anon upthread I don't use deodorant either because of cancer causing ingredients. I don't trust them not to put carcinogens in other stuff too so I don't use any make up or cosmetics products.
The industries have not changed, nor did the consumer's attitude towards them. It's still all the same shit in a different packaging.
No. 177818
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And anorexia for religious purposes. This is actually why a lot of Victorian beauties in literature are described as weak dainty pale women. Sometimes bedridden, I've noticed.
No. 177831
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It's a miracle she managed to live as long as she did
No. 177839
>>177837I guess it's similar to wearing high heels today. Definitely unhealthy if you overdo it and it restricts your movement, but people still push through the discomfort.
One day in the future people will be having all the same questions about high-heel shoes as we now have about corsets. I really can't see that type of misogynistic fashion last and sooner or later they will go the way of the corset.
I'm this anon
>>177817 and this thread is just showing me how nothing underlying women's beauty and health has substantially changed even though the thread was supposed to showcase the opposite.
No. 177854
>>177839This is why I refuse to wear high heels. I can't wait for the day women realise on a large scale that wearing high heels is a voluntary handicap.
>>177849I think about this too. I don't want kids, it's crazy to think about that if I was born just a handfull of decades earlier I could/would've been in a position where I had to marry and have a man's kids and have that be my life against my choice or be a social outcast. And that's in a modern Western country. It's one of the reasons why I'm firmly anti-tranny/transrights because I see how fragile and recent women's rights are and how easily they could just be broken down again. Sorry if this is derailing.
No. 177861
>>177854I don't want kids either so I'm sure that if I was born in a previous era I'd become a nun. It was a respectable way to avoid all that husband and kids bullshit.
I presume there were a lot of lesbians in covenants for a similar reason, and I'm bi so I'd probably find a nun gf to sin with. Also, nuns make some really rich flavourful wines in the covenant vineyards…
No. 177862
>>177831Isn't that fake? Looks like the right side of her waist is colored in white
Karolina made a video about this, I wouldn't have noticed otherwise
No. 177877
>>177847some men have a fetish for that kind of thing (women's discomfort)
>>177849most women were not housebound dolls. the vast majority of women were working class, and they had to support their families on their meager earnings because many men made little money or just pissed their salary away. ofc many of these women were illiterate and had no time to document their lives so our impression of women in the past is based on the experiences of middle class or upper class women. the idea that women never worked is retarded and many men were way too useless to support a family on their own. also household work was pure drudgery back then
No. 177925
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Marilyn Monroe used to tone her skin with half a strawberry.
Some of these tips only seem weird until I remember mayo works in hair and honey works on your face. Tempted to try out strawberry toner now
Actually has anyone fucked around with old beauty tips?
No. 177930
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>>177925>mayo works in hairreading this made me have a flashback of that disgusting guy from 90 day fiance
No. 177954
>>177925yes but anon mayo works on hair because egg AND oil are both good for hair. honey works on the face because honey has antibacterial properties and helps the skin heal.
if you put strawberry on your face and leave it all day i don't see it doing anything other than give you fungal acne and MAYBE some brightening
No. 177968
>>177925my main concern would be strawberries are lightly acidic 3.0-3.5 ph heres some shit i copy pasta from paulas choice (skin brand) site so take from it what you will
Research has shown that mild disruptions in skin’s pH (such as from using an AHA or BHA leave-on exfoliant whose pH is 3.6 or a mineral sunscreen with a pH of 7.5) are temporary. The skin naturally equalises to its normal pH, typically within an hour. And there’s actually a benefit: Research has shown that acidic products stimulate skin to produce key substances it needs to look smooth, supple, and hydrated.
On the other hand, using highly acidic (pH 2.5 or lower) or alkaline (pH 8 or greater) products causes a more significant disruption in skin’s pH, so it takes skin longer to get back to normal.
more here No. 177976
>>177896>>177903>>177924Haha awesome. I think back before any kind of real sex education it was easier to interpret a lack of interest in
men as some sort of virtuous chaste asexuality, so I'll bet a lot of lesbians wound up as nuns. There's a few historical accounts of lesbian goings-on in nunneries; the upcoming film 'Benedetta' is based on accounts from a 17th-century Italian convent.
No. 177999
>>177976A lot of nuns were shagging priests and all. I'm willing to put money on at least half of all nuns not being as chaste and perfect as is required.
It's better to give in to these things than abide by those silly rules anyway.
No. 178000
>>177930Mayo in hair used to be taken at least semi seriously until Big Ed crashed into the surface of the earth
My only real concern with using mayo is the possibility of protein overload. Wouldn't want Lille Jean lookin hair where it's just about ready to fall out
No. 178067
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Ah yes. Let’s all douche with Lysol.
No. 178068
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No. 178071
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>>177812There was basically a gelatin craze in the 50s because people realized how well it preserved things, and because the companies that made the molds did a really good job of shilling it in magazines and cookbooks.
No. 178072
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>>178068>reduce fleshFor some reason that phrase makes me uncomfortable
No. 178073
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>>178071>you will never taste JELL-O brand celery flavored JELL-OWhy even live
No. 178077
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>>178071If you look at the table you will notice a fish jello made by serial killing cannibal Hannibal Lecter, confirming you have to be a lunatic to eat anything that isn't a fruit suspended in jello
He then describes the fish as "a nietzchien fish", which either means he thinks this food is pure nihilism or he's just crazy from all the fish jello and saying gibberish
No. 178111
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Just put a whole ass chicken drumstick in Jell-O, fuck it.
>>178073>Celery>Jell-O>Cel-O No. 178115
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Sliced boiled egg and shrimps in jello. The pure nutrition in this scran is enough for to never need to take a supplement ever again
No. 178123
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>>178115I wonder how much the unbridled gelatin consumption contributed to 20th century Americans being stereotyped as big, broad, toothy bastards. At the very least, these abominations probably prevented a lot of kids from being totally malnourished in the 30's, which is when the gelatin craze really started ramping up. The thought is absolutely disgusting, but egg studded JELL-O is definitely going to make for stronger kids than french friess and chicken nuggies. Anyways here's a page of mostly normal gelatin concoctions. 1930's commercial artists were masters at painting these things.
No. 178126
>>178123>>178115>>178077>>178074>>178073It’s like some easy way to make aspic. And these jello monstrosities that are supposed to be aspics are just a holdover from before refrigeration. And even then it was only for the rich because of how it was made.
Before powdered gelatin, aspic was made from cuts of basically inedible animal cartilage (however you can use celery, too) that would take forever to cook.
So, these 1950s housewives knew that aspics were a symbol of wealth and status when their parents, grandparents or when they were children. While some can be eaten, mostly they were for decoration.
So it makes sense that they were popular.
We look back and wonder who tf ate that shit, and apparently not a lot of them did.
Aspics are still popular in some parts of the world, they’re just called different things,
No. 178130
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All the fruit jello examples look amazing. Like I think this would be FANTASIC with icecream or whipped cream
No. 178157
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>>177807Fun fact, the company that patented Adderall originally marketed as a weight loss supplement. Before it was called adderall, it was called Obetrol. Adderall is in the amphetamine family.
No. 178169
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>>178157>>178158I take Adderall and yeah, I lost about 5 pounds on it. That's not a lot but I'm only 5'3" and went from 112 to like 107. It's weird because you pretty much don't feel hungry, like at all. I have to force myself to eat protein bars and shakes because I lose all interest in food while I'm on my meds, so if I'm putting something in my mouth it had better be really nutritious.
I'm loling at the fine print on that OBETROL ad. IDK if other people get "constipation" as a side effect, but I have to run to the bathroom exactly 1 hr after I take my medication, and it's supposed to be the extended-release kind. It also has "psychopathic personality" listed as a "precaution" bc Adderall can make people manic if they're bipolar.
No. 178178
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Bananas, ham slices, and hollandaise sauce.
"God is dead" - F. Nietzche
No. 178195
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>>178126god i love chicken aspic with a nice big dash of vinegar. all hail mother russia.
No. 178206
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>>178195All hail mother Russia
No. 178287
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This is a chicken. This is a fucking chicken
No. 178291
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>>178287Tbf it’s chicken salad.
Now what would be horrifying is if it was a whole fucking chicken basted in some jello Mayo mix.
No. 178293
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Now this is a festive face that wants to fucking party.
No. 178322
>>178195>tfw an aspic loving americanIt is so hard to find places that sell this even though it's GOAT.
>>178199It's really good, anon. Aspic tends to be a bit softer than jello. There's kind of a mental block when you first try it because it's a texture that's more common in sweets, but it's a lot like a less fatty pate imo. It's full of collagen too, which is so good for you. /sperg