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No. 178914
It took a bit of time, but you will eventually accept yourself and develop self-control.
Please practice being patient and know that you don't have to please anyone. Being embarrassed about existing as you are only hurts you, makes you mistreat yourself even more, and never impresses anyone anyway. In fact, you lash out and self-sabotage.
Most importantly, avoiding basic, unchangeable aspects about your identity and personality doesn't make them go away. You are what you are and accepting that will make you happier than you can imagine now.
>>178910I hope you can love yourself someday anon. It sounds like you've gone through a lot and you didn't deserve any of it. Little you should have been loved from the start.
No. 178958
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>>178892>Your gut told you that you were ill-equipped for a relationship all those years ago and you made a pact to never take a step you weren't ready for, and you were right.Anon, that's beautiful. You're so kind to your past self. Taking your inspirational words to heart for myself, too. Love you!
No. 179029
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Hi, past self, I’m glad you finally gave up on what the tv told you about glow ups and suddenly becoming friends with everyone else.
I’m also glad you love yourself and that you don’t want to change your skin color to become some weird ass bimbo caricature.
I’m glad that you never killed yourself and that even if you were cringe, you were free.
Sure, our brother is still a fucking retard, and sure, we don’t have the apartment we wanted at 25, nor the marriage and stuff you also wanted before you were 25.
But be glad, we’re fine and not locked up in a relationshit with some motherfucking weird ass bastard.
Also, thank you for never accepting being in a relationship with that weird guy that would only talk about the Simpsons, it would’ve been retarded and you would’ve ended up getting even more bullied than before.
Things get better, we got two amazing friends, definitely not the whole school like you wanted before, those retards are trash, so don’t sweat it, sweetie.
Our best friends are amazing and lovely, we might end up living together with our closest best friend, she’s beautiful, smart, lovely and she only wants the best for us, unlike that bitch ass hoe fucking idiot Abraham, what a fucking retard, I’m glad you left that ugly hoe and her ugly ass toxic self, bitch fuck.
I love you! Be well! We have a nice life!
No. 179180
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To my teen self: Hi, don't worry too much about feeling stupid or ugly. Because you are not, so please stop crying and wanting to harm yourself over it.
Just because no one has expressed attraction towards you it doesn't mean that you are unlovable, escaping the constraints of school and living under less defined social norms will do wonders for you.
I know you may feel disconnected from everyone right now, but you will find a way to fit in, and feel accomplished with your relationships. You have so much to offer.
And for the last time, please stop crying you are not ugly. Also don't self harm, your mom will find out years later and will be upset. There are many more scars to come, no need to get a head start.
That suspicious gut feeling that you have about men but can't put into words yet is true. Be careful around them, even your male family members that are not your father or cousins.