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No. 181093

A thread for those who are interested in either adopting a vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian lifestyle or just less meat in general.

Please feel free to discuss
>challenges you've faced
>brands you recommend
>alternatives you recommend

Please refrain from turning infighting about ethics

No. 181098

bean chili

No. 181099

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Tofu nuggets are so sexy. My parents are so picky when I cook tofu and don't like it, but they love this recipe

No. 181137

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double freezing is king. I've also taken to shaking cubed tofu in a bag full of cornstarch, then panfrying. Made a sauce of ketchup, gochujang, and honey to coat. So so good. Pic related, that was dinner a while ago

Recently for breakfast I've stopped making breakfast sandwiches and just started eating a bowl of granola. Add oat milk, a spoonful of chia seeds, almonds, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries too. I feel so healthy and like I'm going to make great life choices for the rest of the day

No. 181180

Ooooh this is a promising thread. I haven't eaten meat in maybe 3 or 4 months and before that, I've always tried to grab the veg option too. I don't miss meat anymore after knowing that there are good meat alternatives. For really easy and delicious veg meals, I like to cook some basic Indian food but without ghee and butter. Though it doesn't taste like takeout from the restaurant, it's so yummy especially the leftovers after a few days. Other than Indian food, I also like cooking Chinese and Italian. I do like Korean food but it's hard to veganize it, so I just end up eating namul and tofu a lot.

No. 181186

This week I'll try eating the tofu like that, I'm too used to have it scrambled and it looks amazing nonnie. I also like to cook it a little bit from all sides until it's golden, I add pomodoro sauce and raice and let it boil, it's super good too

No. 181197

The difference between visiting my bf's family and and mine is insane. My family has always had a bunch of vegans and vegetarians so it's felt normal for most of my meals to be plant based even if I didn't stop eating meat myself until 6 years ago. My boyfriend on the other hand has refused to eat meat his whole life and his family still makes jokes and won't accommodate anything. The tried to trick us into eating bacon grease last time we visited. So childish!

No. 181218

>The tried to trick us into eating bacon
WHY do people do this? Apart from being jerks. What do they get out of it?

No. 181260

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Omnis like to think of themselves as good people who care about animals, care about environment or at the very least care about their own health. Vegans are constant reminder of their hypocrisy, of their own lack of discipline and morals, so they want to drag you down to their level.

No. 181278

I don't understand the pic kek it would be a yes if he was vegan and not vegetarian?

No. 181280

What Korean recipes are you struggling to veganize? I only really cook Korean or Japanese food at home and I’ve been a vegan for about two years.
The Korean Vegan has some good recipes, her videos are kinda weird but she has a blog where you can read the recipes. Maangchi also has vegan options on her website. (If it’s the anchovy broth base you’re struggling with, four dried shiitake caps plus 1 piece of kombu plus a handful of fresh seafood mushrooms with half a white onion works great.)

No. 181282

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No. 181290

I want to return to being vegan/pescatarian but the only two foods I have a hard time replacing are chicken wings and salmon. The salmon especially as nothing really seems to rival the inherent fattiness of fish.

Can anyone recommend some recipes for replacements? Preferably higher in protein as well as carbs don't satiate me normally. Right now I'd say about 2/3 meals for me everyday are vegan but if I could just replace the salmon it'd be fulltime.

No. 181295

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>The tried to trick us into eating bacon grease last time we visited

ugh sorry they did that to you. I don't eat out or at other people's houses but I have a fear of others trying to sneak meat into my meals. it grosses me out so much to think that could happen. milk or eggs I wouldn't be too upset but anything meat related I think I'd wanna puke

my dad is really weird about meat. he eats quite a bit, also loves eggs. he's currently on a statin and tablets for his high blood pressure but he still asks me if I want bacon or chicken every now and then. I've been vegan since 2017. I just look at him and say '…. no' if he catches me in a bad mood I casusally mention his medication. bitch move maybe but he's on those medications cause of the food he's trying to get me to eat

I hear so many people say they care about climate change, talk about how they love animals and hate animal cruelty but once you bring up the animal products they consume suddenly they're like picrel

No. 181304

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In terms of taste, I cant think of anything similar. But nutrition-wise, they dont have anything essential. Fatty acids are plentiful in various seeds, nuts and vegetable oils. Chia seeds in particular are rich in Omega-3. Only thing in fish that you wont find enough in vegetable is DHA, which again, is not essential acid. It is found in kelp (that is where fish get it from), so if you want just eat that or take kelp supplements.
As for getting enough proteins, wholegrain foods, seeds, nuts and legunes have you covered. Especially soy, and anything made from it, is great source of complete and highly bio-available protein. Dried soy plates, like picrel, are 50% protein, fantastic when you want to up your protein intake while keeping calories down.

No. 181318

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I highly recommend TVP and soy curls as meat replacements. Picrel is the brand of soy curls that I buy, and I love them. They're so fuckin tender. If you feel grossed out by the feel of meat, then these might not be the best though

No. 181323

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Samefag, I also like this on the rare occasion that I crave fish. Idk if it's a vegan or just vegetarian, but it's pretty good.

No. 181328

Cool thread! So I finally bought myself a tofu press and I wish I'd bought one sooner. It really does make a huge difference to the flavour the tofu holds during cooking, get one if you're going to be using tofu!

No. 181373

Holy fuck, does anyone else eat an unholy amount of rice?

I didn't even realise I was doing it until someone told me the thing that puts them off being vegetarian is being aware of how often I eat rice. And I just "???" and monitored myself for a month. I do. I eat sooo much fucking rice

No. 181374

Grats on your tofu press, anon! I actually hated tofu before a bought mine, 100% worth it if you have the one that acts as a cute little container for the tofu as well.

No. 181375

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Oh yes. I dont like cooking, I try to get it over with as fast as I can. Rice is very convenient for that. Just dump entire bag of into one pot, whole bunch of vegetable into the other, after both are done mix them together and voilà, enough food for next two days. Tastes bland, and by the 7th identical meal in a row I want to cry, but it is nutritious and quick and cheap.

No. 181376

Hey anon, here's something cool that I learned from my mom: cook rice with some stock or other spices, a bit of oil, and whatever else you're eating (like canned beans). One pot, and the flavors meld together into flavortown

No. 181389

Isn't rice just some everyday filler meal, like bread or something? I eat it pretty much daily or every other day and I wouldn't dream of calling that a lot, because it doesn't register to me as something you could eat a lot of (is this explanation understandable? I'm not sure…). It's on the same level as "Oh you drink so much water, having it every day" for me kek.

No. 181429

Yeah, it's a staple food and a lot of meateaters eat it daily too.

No. 181436

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Rice is the best thing ever but if you want, you can replace it sometimes with quinoa. It's very nutritious and a good source of protein, iron, etc

No. 181445

I'm so happy about this thread, thx u to the anon you made it

>I hear so many people say they care about climate change, talk about how they love animals and hate animal cruelty but once you bring up the animal products they consume suddenly they're like picrel
the real difference is that it's easy to say you're all these things and tweet about it but changing your eating habits require actually doing something and challenging your conrtable life. I also hate when people use the "it's expensive excuse". they either eat out every evening or only eat pasta because they can't cook.

No. 181476

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Shakshuka with beans.
I make it without eggs because I don't like how eggs taste with tomatoes. Goat cheese/feta goes really well with it too.
I use the leftovers as a sauce to eat with rice/pasta later.

No. 181484

Sounds amazing! I think I'm gonna make it for myself tonight

No. 181486

but if it doesnt have the eggs…and you eat it with pasta… haven't you made pasta sauce…?

No. 181546

wow anon I literally thought it was another trendy grain with the same nutritional quality as couscous. I'll pick some up soon then

No. 181651

If its worth anything, I started adding a big of quinoa to my rice and salads and its seems my hair has gotten a tad more glossy and my nails a little bit stronger

(Plus it makes my food look cool and sophisticated)

No. 181678

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An absolute queen

No. 181682

thats pretty funny anon… if I ran a quirky grain bowl restaurant I would have a "keen queen" quinoa item.

No. 181742

>They tried to trick us into eating bacon
wow imagine if you were a Jewish person…

Don't have anything to contribute to this thread as I eat mozzarella sandwich toast at the moment

No. 182000

Vegan of 6 years here.. Just wanted to mention that you guys should definitely take a b12 supplement, whether you're vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian or omni. It's harder to find B12 in vegan foods and it's an important vitamin. I just take the little dissolvable things daily. You could also try to eat nutritional yeast or something, but you'd have to eat a lot of it and a supplement is easier and more reliable.

The same goes for vitamin D. Everyone should supplement, especially people in colder regions with less sun.

No. 182004

seconding this advice! I would also recommend using spray type/liquid vit d and b12. I found my levels of vit d never improved while taking those in tablet form. my doctor said it could be because they were being destroyed by stomach acid before it could be absorbed into my body. now I use a spray which I let sit in my mouth, for around a minute before swallowing it down. this way helps with absorbtion apparently! I use a brand called betteryou but there are loads on the market

>nutritional yeast

I love nutritional yeast. I always put a generous amount in with baked beans

No. 182131

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Any veg Britbongs I really recommend buying pic rel for a beef substitute, yes it is quite pricey at £3 but it lasts for 2 meals and has very good macros ( 24g protein
for half a pack) also is suuuper delicious.
I get a pack of ramen pimp it out with some veg then plop on some of the beefless pieces and ugh it's perfect.

No. 182311

Any vegan, simple recipes for spicy food? I know the most popular are from asian cuisine but where I live it's so complicated/expensive to find those common ingredients

No. 182316

I'd love to see a vegan version of dakgaejang, sundae, and seolleongtang which are very very meat heavy and the dishes I miss most. I am Korean though and I don't think there would be a veg alternative to these dishes, sadly…

No. 182418

Does anyone here have any recommendations for the horrible gas pains I get after eating greens? I have had a shit diet my whole life and my desire to go vegetarian/generally eat healthier is dwindling because of this pain… Why do veggies hurt me?

No. 182424

I've got a couple lazy go-tos. If you can't find the ingredients irl then you can probably order them for cheap online. Once you manage to get a hold of them then they'll usually last for months too.

Chickpea coconut curry:
>dice onion and garlic and saute in oil
>add curry powder (madras curry powder is my go-to), turmeric, paprika, cumin (much better if you grind it from whole), coriander, a bay leaf
>dump in a can of coconut milk and two cans chickpeas (I add chicken bullion for the shitty chicken taste but you can sub with some MSG)
>optional: add smallish can of diced tomatoes, amchur powder (you can sub with lemon juice), methi, and asafoetida
>add whole orange habanero or scotch bonnet (you can dice if you want extra spicy) or kashmir chilis if you can't get
>simmer and adjust for taste until it tastes good
>eat as-is or serve over basmati rice

Tempeh mapo tofu:
>rehydrate some shitakes; chop and reserve liquid
>simmer crumbled-up tempeh in water, soy sauce, chinese black vinegar, worcestershire sauce if you can get a vegan type I guess. without the worcestershire sauce just black vinegar does the trick, they're very similar
>drain after 20 mins
>follow this recipe: https://www.chinasichuanfood.com/mapo-tofu-recipe/ but sub the tempeh and chopped shiitake for beef and don't reserve either for the end, just saute it all up front + sub stock for reserved mushroom liquid + sub dou-chi with korean black bean paste b/c less hassle
>i like to serve it over straight ramen noodles instead of rice and add a bit of maple syrup while cooking b/c sweet tooth

Sorry if these are too complicated/expensive and imprecise. There are also a bunch of great recipes out there for channa masala and spicy red lentil soup that have more simple ingredients, e.g.

>chop an onion, a knob of ginger (can sub powdered), and garlic

>saute in oil, then add cumin, coriander, and turmeric (or just curry powder) and mix into the onions
>dump in lentils, water or veggie stock, can of diced tomatoes and/or can of coconut milk optional
>add cayenne powder until it's spicy enough
>adjust ingredients + salt to taste
>simmer until the lentils break down

No. 182457

Most probably your gut flora isn't up to the task yet. Bacterial colonies in the gut play a large role in digestion, particularly of plant material. Try taking probiotics, it might help.
Or drink yoghurt, that's what I do. I avoid all animal products but drink yoghurt every day because of the beneficial probiotic cultures it contains and it makes a world of a difference for my bowels.

No. 182485

Been there. Your body is not yet used to it. Eat a small amount of veggies every single day then gradually increase the amount. You could try taking Beano before, see if it helps at all. I also second what other anon said, add some sort of probiotic to your diet

No. 182493

If you only recently went vegan, it will usually take couple weeks for you gut fauna to adjust. Just suffer through it.
Also, legumes can cause bloating. Before cooking them, always soak them in water before to wash out the oligosaccharides. Day before cooking put beans into large pot, fill it with water, and leave it overnight. Usually I also switch the water in the morning and leave them soak for couple more hours to completely get rid of oligosaccharides.

No. 182520

Anon you're amazing! Everything sounds so tasty, thank u so so much

No. 182550

Thanks anon, is there a specific kind of yogurt? I've been making a green smoothie with greek yogurt every day, does that suffice?
I broke down and bought some beano yesterday, it definitely helped. I think I'll take it more regularly just to be safe. I've never had gas pain like that so I thought there was something REALLY wrong with me lol glad it's not out of the norm

No. 182654

Any yoghurt will do, you can try out different types to see which one soothes your stomach best. I have a friend that drinks kefir every day because it's got supposedly even more probiotics than regular yogurt (plus it has yeast) so you can try that.

No. 182657

Also, the friend in question is completely lactose intolerant but can drink kefir with no problem.

No. 182673


I did the third one last night and made a red lentil curry of sorts, didn't know it was this easy! Thanks!

No. 182709

I know OP says not to sperg about ethics but this entire thing puts me in so much distress. It seems like my body is only able to absorb heme iron. I was meat free for 4 years but I constantly had anaemia (that heavy kind that makes you faint) and I tried so many different iron and B12 supplements and of course I had diet rich in plants containing iron and I took extra vitamin C to enhance iron absorbtion etc. but nothing helped. I finally went back to eating meat and after like 7 months I slowly managed to raise my iron and B12 levels, it's still not as high as it should be, but I'm getting there, and I finally stopped feeling so weak and tired all the time. I read that only 2–20% of non heme iron is absorbed by the body, maybe this absorbtion is even more screwed in my case? I have IBS and my doctor suggested I might have poor intestinal absorbtion. I was pumped with antibiotics as a child and it probably killed all the good bacteria in my guts and it looks like it's still not able to regenerate because I have recurring fungal infections. There was a time I was constantly losing weight despite eating like 2k callories a day. It felt like something was eating me from the inside. I also struggled with severe hair loss.
I had doctors telling me that a meat free diet is forbidden in my case. And even with my current diet, which seems good for me, it will take months to get my guts back to optimal form, if that's even possible. I can't eat many things, like fruits (except berries in small amounts), gluten, dairy except for kefir and eggs, sugar, beans, peas, tea and coffee. Those things make my condition so much worse. I can eat only cooked/roasted/pickled vegetables, cooked/roasted meat, eggs, nuts, gluten-free grains like buckwheat, amaranth, millet, quinoa etc. and small amounts of rice and tofu. Eating feels like a chore. I don't know what to do now, it makes me feel terrible because I was meat free for a few years and I always wanted to drop meat for ethical reasons. I would cry eating shit like liver (not to mention it tastes disgusting), I hate the taste and smell of most meats, especially beef. I know that most people can be healthy on a meat free diet but I can't even advocate for it anymore because that would make me a hypocrite. I was a volunteer at a sanctuary for saved animals, I took care of chickens, turkeys and pigs, now just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I hope that when my symptoms get less severe and I manage to raise my iron levels some more, I will be able to go back to meat-free diet

No. 182715

God anon please listen to your doctors. I'm vegetarian but, in my unpopular opinion, veganism/vegetarianism/meat-free diet is a luxury. If you can't afford yourself that luxury for pressing medical reasons then don't do it.

No. 182723

No. 182734

If you can handle them, canned clams have 220% of your daily value of iron in a 140g serving, and it is heme I believe. They're by far one of the most heme iron rich foods, but obviously… they're not for everyone. But you only need 70g for your daily iron, which is not much more than a shot glass full of pureed clam. Talk to your doctor about it but maybe a daily shot of clam mash could help you? Now clams aren't vegetarian I guess but they are really barely alive, so it's kind of like eating insects which I'd consider ok.

No. 183502

No problem! I would recommend building up your spice + shelf ingredient collection over time; a lot of the best vegan (and non-vegan) recipes are stovetop ones that require a lot of ingredients, but once you get familiar with what the ingredients taste like and how to use them then it becomes as easy as throwing stuff into a pot in a semi-structured order.
Awww anon, don't beat yourself up for something that's beyond your control. Only the most purity-testing asshole would tear you down for eating meat to survive.
Farmed bivalve shellfish are also quite possibly one of the most environmentally-friendly foods out there.

No. 183519

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What’s your fave fake-meats, anons?

Mine is picrel & gardein meatless meatballs. I’m an omnivore but I have been trying to find good meat substitutes and both of these hit the spot while being about as tasty as their meat equivalents.

Had to try a few repulsive meat substitutes before finding these. Granted the quorn nugs have egg in their breading, but I think there’s a vegan version out there too.

No. 183521

Gardein mandarin chicken pieces, Lightlife Deli slices and hotdogs, and the Beyond sausages. Soy curls are also great, but hard to find if you don't order them online.

No. 183522

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I don't really like Quorn, but I haven't had their nugs. Their chick'n patties are so thin and look sad in the box. Gardein fish tenders are my favorite, then pea protein patties like Beyond Meat. Aldi has their own version and they're pretty tasty! For vegan bacon I like Sweet Earth's because they don't make me feel like I'm eating flavored paper

I normally find veg sausage to be repulsive too but Trader Joes's vegetarian version (Italian sausage-less sausage) is not bad at all. The texture is soft and nice

No. 183523

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Samefag, I also really like these with some rice and broccoli.

No. 183525

Samefag, but Fieldroast sausages are also pretty good!

No. 183526

all other anons have given solid advice, I'd also like to add that fermented foods may help build up your gut bacteria. things like saurkraut, kimchi and kombucha.

I love everything by Linda McCartney. the burgers from that brand are delicious. my meat loving dad even says he likes them. I also like the brand Frys.

No. 183529

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These are my favourite Quorn product and meat substitute in general, they're great with broccoli.

Repost because dropped image

No. 183537

Oh look, would you guess that the guy who made this video is also a right wing freak?

No. 183558

Thank you for all the suggestions anons, I’m excited to try these!!

No. 183598

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Seitan based dishes. I love those from deli and restaurants, or from scratch if youre good!

Those prepackaged you can find in the big chain / organic stores can be a hit or miss and if they are plain you have to cook em right, spices and nice cunchy leafy greens or a stir fry

No. 183600

A tip try to get those in big "elastic" chunks rather than round shaped and too firm (unless you are gonna dice them up or used in a sauce)

No. 183797


its not a luxury. maybe not eating eggs is a luxury but meat is literally a luxury. I can buy a gram of b12 for $15 which will last like 1000 days or something.

meat is more resource intensive per calorie,vitamin, and nutrient than plants.

No. 183855

I think the luxury they were referring to is health. Normally I would agree with you but that anon has a serious health condition preventing them from absorbing iron. In their case it's better to listen to doctors and try animal derived iron

No. 183897

I made samosas yesterday, with a salad on the side and it was so good I can't wait to eat my leftovers lol. Highly recommend trying to make some if you got spare time!!

No. 184176

I’m so happy someone made this thread!! Here’s one of my favorite vegan recipes

African Peanut Stew
> Sauté 1 diced onion and 1 diced red pepper in olive oil for u til translucent, then add minced garlic and ginger. Sauté another 2 or 3 minutes
> Whisk together 1/3c creamy peanut butter and 2tbsp tomato paste with some hot vegetable broth until smooth
> Add peanut butter mixture to sautéed vegetables, then add one can of diced tomatoes, one can of strained garbanzo beans, and 3cups water.
>Add vegetable bouillon, lots of thyme, black pepper, salt to taste
>Simmer for at least 30 minutes (I usually wait longer. If you can see red oil separating from the soup then it’s perfect!!)
>Top with chopped cilantro and serve with rice or bread
This recipe is sooooo good but I haven’t had it in a while because it’s not the most diet friendly haha. But I definitely recommend trying it out at least once!

No. 184447

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Does anyone here use an iron fish? I was thinking about buying one.
This sounds delicious! Definitely want to try this

No. 184475

Do vegans even need iron supplements? It is plentiful in various legumes, seeds and nuts, and I found some research paper that states vegan are no more prone to anemia than omnis. Not to mention iron is strong oxidant, so I wouldnt want to take any more of it than necessary.

No. 184477

I'm vegetarian. I should get tested, but I don't feel like I get enough iron so it's just something I'm considering.

No. 184490

The iron in plants is less bioavailable than in meat sources, not to mention other plant compounds (like tannins in tea or coffee) disrupt the absorption of plant-based iron.

No. 184504

Kinda related but this is a stupid question kek is it okayish to "control" your iron levels with your period? I can't afford to get blood tests that often, so I don't worry about iron if my period is normal (I don't take the pill)

No. 185008

my mom gave me one as a present and I hadn't ever used it until I read your post, so I decided to give it a whirl. it scratched my cookware. it rusts almost instantly after you wash it if you don't dry it immediately. you need to apply the lucky iron fish oil on it every time you wash it. you need to boil it for 10 minutes, so it won't work for pasta or anything that requires you to drain the water. it fucked up a recipe that I've been making for years, so now I'm sitting here choking down crunchy rice. 0/10 would not recommend. you might as well take a multivitamin for the exact same effect with much less effort.

No. 185039

Talking bullshit about "oxidants" in food = kook = please leave, we're talking seriously about nutrition. There's a reason the "antioxidant" fad is dead, which is that we don't really know that well how the body deals with oxidative stress - some level of oxidative stress is probably good for you. As just one example, the cells of your body are more able to handle oxidative stress than bacteria or cancer cells. If you see anyone talking like this about "oxidants" you should instantly know theyre a full on gooptritionist and disregard.

Yes vegans need iron supplements, and those don't work well for a lot of people, so a lot of people can't even be vegan healthily.

No. 185161

Hey anon, can I get sources for any of this?

No. 185168

I’ve never heard this before. I thought oxidative stress = inflammation = disease

No. 188449

Anyone else enjoy watching food travel documentary shows but hate seeing how most of the dishes revolve around meat? I wish there was a vegetarian or vegan food show, I bet there's enough dishes from around the world to showcase for at least 1 series.

No. 192471

digits declare this as based

No. 195238

idk, but maybe you could watch episodes that revolve around countries like India, I think they're vegetarian due to Hinduism

No. 195302

I like making my own hummus but using infused sunflower oil (chili garlic is a personal favorite) instead of evoo. Topping it with sun dried tomatoes or diced avocado is great. It goes very well with yellow or red bell peppers.

No. 195304

Samefag but shredded wheat is a good dry snack source of iron.(just have to watch your sodium intake)

No. 195451

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Britanons, what are some non-dairy milk brands that are relatively cheap, doesn't go bad fast, and taste generally good? I plan to use this milk in fairly large quantities (180ml for my morning quaker oats). I get most of my dairy milk from my local corner store for 60p/liter (in 3-liter jugs) and doesn't offer any alternatives. I guess I could buy from Lidl or Tesco. I haven't checked my local Lidl yet, but I've been checking Tesco's options. Most of Tesco's options are either store brand, Alpro, Oatly, and other miscellaneous brands. The price of the store-brand non-dairy milk is a little bit more expensive, but I'm willing to pay (assuming it tastes alright and last a decent amount of time. I'd like to hear other anons experience with store-brand Tesco milk), but the Alpro seems comparatively more expensive (£1.30-80/liter) and I'm unfamiliar with how it tastes. Oatly,from what I've seen online, is very popular, but it also is quite expensive compared to what I'm used to (£1.50-80/liter). Tescos' non-dairy milk lacks the convenience and prices of dairy milk. Is Lidl better, what brands would you recommend from there?

No. 195473

hey anon. I'm mostly an almond milk drinker and I find a bottle in the fridge can last well over a week and a bit. I sometimes still drink it even if it starts to taste a little funky lol. but the amounts your planning to use, you should be fine and not have much/any waste

if you're used to diary milk you may want to use the kind that has sugar in it, for the brand alpro all their milks have sugar as standard, otherwise it states that they're 'unsweetened' on the box. I personally don't mind the unsweetened with cereal but with oats I like the usual kind. just in case you were wondering about that

I've only tried tesco's own rice milk (since my local tesco only sells it's own brand rice milk) and it was quite good!
as for lidl I actually tried an almond milk from a brand at lidl called 'free!' or something similar and it was not very nice, actually the only time I disliked a non dairy milk

they are expensive but you can't go wrong with oatly (oat milk is delcious omg) or alpro and of course alpro does soya, almond, rice, oat and so on. that said, I whenever I get chance to go to an aldi their own almond milk, oat and soya milk is pretty great, and I think it's around 79p a litre. the brand is 'acti leaf' which I think is an aldi brand.

good luck finding one that works for you!

No. 196364

ooh i've seen these and wanted to try them out but i'm retarded and thought they were like a vegan version of chicharrones, idk if you can et these dry like as a pork rind chip esque snack and now i'm craving them and can't have them lol. if any anons know a meatless replacement please lmk!!!

No. 197533

What are some tips for making tofu taste more like chicken? I'm considering following vid rel, but I would like to hear other anons methods as well

No. 197590

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Late reply but, what about Snacklins? I've never had them before, but they're meant to be like pork skins. You don't want to try to eat uncooked soy curls btw, they're hard and have no flavor.

No. 197659

Safe + Fair pea protein chips are a pretty close approximation.

No. 198916

I've been vegan for a month and my period hit me really hard. I was dizzy and nauseous and even now that it's over I still feel slightly faint at certain times of the day. I'm assuming it is iron but I have been taking prenatals that supposedly have a fuckton of iron and eating tons of iron rich food? I'm planning on getting an iron test done soon but just wondering if anyone else experienced this/ is there some other deficiency I should be looking out for.

No. 198935

>is there some other deficiency I should be looking out for.
(It's probably iron, but you should also check) are you having enough salt. I get those symptoms when my salt levels are low. Maybe your new diet isn't as salty as your old one?

No. 204552

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For people who like meat substitutes, I highly recommend the picrel! It taste's super similar to real bacon, it even has "fatty" parts. One of my meat-eater relatives tried it and also said it tastes like bacon.

No. 204553

I hate cooking I would eat rice with salad and lemon everyday if I didn't live with my family who often say "our meat is so yummy!" But alway have a veggie burger or something for me.
Bf got vegetarian recently so now we're looking at eachother saying what do we eat for hours because again, cooking is so hard, I admire you noonies

No. 204690

Vegan hamburgers and tacos are the best.

No. 204691

The problem I have with these substitutes is that they're all made of soybean oil or some shitty seed oils.

No. 204764

I will never understand those substitutes. Why try to badly copy a certain taste when there are so many divine natural flavor profiles of vegan food to explore.

No. 204806

I loved this kind so much, it used to be the norm where I live in the UK but at some point all the major supermarkets stopped selling it and now only sell either Quorn products or their own branded stuff. The coloured stripes made me feel like a cartoon character, I loved it.
Quorn bacon is nice too but it comes in a plastic package so I don't want it.

No. 205142

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I got the wrong order at a fast food place (accidentally had meat) and didn't realize till I got home. I thought I might try to eat it because I felt bad about wasting. It tasted like shit and made me feel sick so I stopped after a few bites. I tried this before a few years back with a messed up order at another restaurant and it was also gross. I feel like even if I wanted to go back to eating meat regularly I couldn't because the taste is just so bad to me.

No. 205168

Oh nonna no don't ever eat meat to avoid waste, I know it sucks but you could maybe give it to someone that eats meat? We lose specialised enzymes so fast and it's not worth the crazy stomachache.

No. 205248

Nonnies I'm so fucking hungry 24/7 no matter what I eat, caffeine doesn't work either is this just the sacrifice you have to make for being a skinny bitch?

No. 205250

Morison cashew milk is probably the nicest cheap plant milk tbh anon, but I only ever buy oatly because it's fucking addictive and delicious.

No. 205251

I'm retarded I meant to post in the diet thread, kek

No. 205275

>We lose specialised enzymes so fast and it's not worth the crazy stomachache.
nta but what…? Does this actually happen? I have been a vegetarian for like 4 years and I ate ham/fried chicken like 5 times through these years because they were laying around in the house and I'm a weak woman sometimes. They didn't do anything to me but maybe it's because I'm not vegan and I still consume animal products?

No. 206765

NTA but it only happens to me sometimes, usually I'm fine (I'm also a vegetarian)

anyway I came here to say I love beans

No. 211624

Does anyone know of more quick weeknight meal recipes to make besides sauteed veges mixed with noodles? I love spinach, garlic, onion, and mushrooms mixed with noodles but vege pastas are the only easy recipes I can find on Pinterest that don't include meat. That and fried rice.

No. 211658

yeah no… I don't think most people ever stop being able to digest meat. Dairy is a different story - after cutting out most dairy for a year or so (not even vegan just changing habits) I now can't eat a pint of ice cream without having awful stinky farts.

I'm sure primitive humans went months or years between finding edible meat at times…you'll be fine. I mean, not to eat a giant steak maybe, but that makes anyone sick who isn't an accustomed big mongo eater.

No. 211659

A good vegetive pasta: olio e prezzemola

- finely chop parsley until you have 1 cup or so
- mix parsley with tbsp of lemon juice, 2 tbsp of olive oil, black pepper to taste, plus tsp of lemon zest or orange liqueur if extra kick desired. Let rest up to 2 hrs to develop flavors
-boil water & cook 1/2 lb spaghetti
-mix spaghetti with herb mixture

I am making this presently, my herbs are resting & my pasta water is boiling. same basic recipe works with many herbs & mixes of herbs, and leafy greens as well, try also with finely chopped basil, mint, parsley & arugula; leave out the black pepper if using more delicate herbs like basil & mint so their flavors come through.

No. 211663

>let rest up to 2 hrs
Thanks for the recipe girl but I feel like you didn't thoroughly read my post at all lol. I work 40 hours.

No. 211666

"let rest UP TO 2 hours" means that you can also use it right away, and it will be fine, although a little better if rested.

please don't ask for recipes then complain. this is a very simple, fresh, healthy, tasty vegetarian meal that can be made in less than 30 min.

No. 211669

What about a nice veggie curry? All you have to do is cut up the vegetables, sautée aromatics, put the veg in, the curry spices, then water, then wait 10 to 30 mins.

No. 211710


girl, it's fucking nutrientless pasta with a tiny amount of green shit. get out of here with your "please be nice to my healthy fresh recipe"

No. 211719

Please don't recommend recipes when you didn't even read my post. I wasn't even asking for pasta dishes.

That's actually a good idea. Thanks, anon! I'll search for some recipes on this.

Lmfao right?

No. 212232

Hey, I’m a different anon, but I’ll throw some ideas out. If you like them, I’ll share the recipes. Since you don’t have much time to cook, maybe you could pre make some dishes on a day off, and use them throughout your busy week?
I’m thinking soups or stews, crockpot situations that you can leave on at work and let it do it’s thing.
You can use jackfruit (canned) and make tacos?
Also, I have a recipe for a black bean southwestern quiche bake with a quinoa crust, and it’s savory, easy and packed with good proteins.
These are a few easy ideas, so let me know if you want the recipes!

No. 214855

I wish McDonald's would add a vegetarian food option where I live already. It seems to be the last major chain with no veggie options. Also almond milk or any other non-dairy milk options for coffee. It's the fast food restaurant I go to the least now but if they added those it'd probably be my #1.

No. 214874

Minestrone soup maybe? You can omit the pasta and eat it with bread instead. I like it with sourdough. You can also freeze this for the future and pop it in a pot for a quick meal.
I would add garbanzo beans and some tomato paste personally but you can do whatever; the recipe is highly customizable.
Also…. add a splash of bbq sauce…. just do it….. I know I'm going to get roasted for this but it is so good.

No. 214926

I have a soft spot for a meatless mac

No. 221234

i've been vegetarian since i was 2016 so around 6 years now and went vegan for a brief period of 6 months in 2018.
for one of my 2022 resolutions i've decided to go fully vegan again, not only for the animals but for my health as well. i have enough resources to make it work so i really have no excuse other than being lazy. looking forward to cooking and trying food that i haven't before!

No. 221235

since 2016* kek

No. 223509

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Canadian anons keep an eye out for these if you're looking for a meaty (not mushroomy) dumpling. Texture and flavour are pretty decent and my brother thought they were regular pork dumplings from a cheap local place.

No. 223696

Which grocery store, anon?!

No. 224760

I've seen them at Save-On in BC and Saskatchewan

No. 224809

Oh ty for responding! Hopefully they have them in Ontario, too.

No. 247314

Just a random thought, but as a vegetarian it always kind of confuses me when meat-eaters ask what I eat. I genuinely don't know how to respond other than "everything you do, just with slightly different ingredients". Do they actually think we only eat salads and green smoothies or something?

No. 247361

yes. it is a little less so nowadays but people would always go for the "you only eat rabbit food" kinda comments.
some people can not wrap their heads around that plant based replacements for things even exist or that people could actually enjoy them or like that people can actually cook well and not just eat plain boiled broccoli like their mom made.

No. 247372

>some people can not wrap their heads around that plant based replacements for things even exist or that people could actually enjoy them or like that people can actually cook well
It's so weird too, because plant-based replacements are becoming more and more popular/mainstream, so you think that more would understand that it doesn't just have to be kale or whatever. It's a work in progress I guess, more people will continue to understand what a vegetarian/vegan diet truly can be.

No. 247408

yeah i have the same problem. it's an annoying question i get all the time. i just tell them i eat everything they do except with different ingredients

No. 248514

Nonners, any good vegetarian pasta recipes?
One of my favourite is cinder pasta, but I like tomato and mozzarella too, do you have any homemade recipes?
And veg/vegan curry recipes?

Greetings from a flexi

No. 248549

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A vegan coworker got a blue apron box once with a vegan alfredo recipe and she made some for me. She altered the base recipe a lot on her own so I didn't get the recipe but I did find this which was similar!


I remember she added some peas and a bunch of other stuff in there too. I don't care for nut milk and you don't taste the coconut from the coconut milk at all.

No. 251014

why does stupid ass milk powder and gelatin have to be added to everything is this god's way of telling me i don't need to eat candy

No. 251043

sour patch kids & swedish fish are my go-tos

No. 251078

Make your own dark chocolate almond butter cups and chill them nonni. Go crazy make muffin sized cups. Have a ball and screw the gelatin.

No. 251118

It was hard for me to avoid gelatin products at first, but over time I just became grossed out by it. Milk powder is a tough one though.

No. 265085

I started cooking my beans from dry to save money but the thing is after I cook them they make my house smell for a day.

No. 271874

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I can't find the vegetarian version of oyster sauce (which is used in a lot of Asian dishes) anymore. I guess due to all the supply chain issues.

No. 277276

So I bought seitan and don't know what to do with it. Any particular recipes you like?

No. 279365

I like eating that with buckwheat noodles in a "soup" and spring onions and Pak Choi

No. 279899

I'm kind of sad that Beyond Meat is failing. I don't want fast food places to get rid of their veggie burgers after hearing this news.

No. 279906

I wish they'd lower their prices to be in parity with actual meat. I work in the meat department at a grocery store (even tho I'm veg lol) and the beyond brand is so fucking expensive.

No. 279908

I read before they're already not making any profit on their products as it is.

No. 279909

Oops meant to quote >>279906

No. 279917

Just hope they can stay afloat, those fucking sausages are too good

No. 280768

I'm trying this out tonight, I'll let you all know how it goes

No. 280770

recommending sauce Stache on YT's recipes, they are very good and he aims at making everything high quality and extremely affordable (takes some prep to order or find certain ingredients if you're attempting more complicated meat analogues)

No. 280870

Update: It was fine. More prep than I'd like to do tbh. Maybe next time I'll freeze a lot of tofu at once to cut down on prep time.
I also need to find a better context for it than the awful stir fry I made

No. 288273

I'm trying to go vegetarian while also losing weight and restricting calories to between 1,000-1,500 a day, is there any low calorie vegetarian or vegan recipes that have a lot of vitamins and nutrients in them? or does any nona have some healthy stuff I can add to other meals to get more nutritional value from them - such as adding spirulina powder to smoothies or something similar?

No. 354538

The only thing keeping me from being vegan is butter and heavy cream. Are there alternatives that are genuinely good? Not a fan of coconut

No. 354600

There is simply nothing that can compare to real butter and heavy cream, and I think you know this.

No. 354613

Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but it's ok to just be mostly vegan.

No. 354619

If you eat eggs they can be very filling and low calorie if you know how to cook them, and eggs have a lot of nutrients — the yolk is practically a multivitamin, plus they have protein. Not sure if you’re a vegetarian who eats eggs though since chicken are treated kinda poorly… I know some people opt out of that specifically or only buy the super certified free range $10/dz eggs so it’s not a good everyday food at that price, etc.
I also recommend looking into Indian and/or other Asian vegetarian recipes (I know there’s a lot of variety in Asia but just pick a country with food you like) because those cuisines have some good vegetarian fare that’s flavorful and has varied ingredients. You’d have to make it with your diet in mind of course but I lost a lot of weight eating homemade Thai curries and soups.

No. 355019

Lentils, beans, chickpeas, eggs, and brown rice. Fatty foods like avocado are also very filling. Since you're restricting calories broccoli and cauliflower are super low calorie and you can add them to just about anything. You can make filling and delicious soups with any vegetables and pulses you have lying around. Egg fried rice with veg, baked/broiled veg with rice or potatoes, oatmeal, omelettes, and curries are all easy to make, filling, and low calorie, if you control how much fat and carbs you add.

No. 355026

I’m not vegan but I think I could go through with it 100% if it wasn’t for dairy products such as butter, cream, cheeses and so on, I guess lacto-vegetarianism is the term for it. I try to eat as clean as possible and avoid highly processed foods, and I think a lot of dairy substitutes are highly processed (in particular there is increasing evidence for emulsifiers being inflammatory) and in general just not as good, so I’d rather eat something consisting of “whole food” ingredients than add soy cream or whatever. I love vegetable soups but I pretty much always add milk or cream to them, it’s great both nutritionally speaking and flavor-wise. I will always use animal fat for cooking because of the industrial processing cooking oils go through. But if you really don’t want to eat these products I think getting more fat from other sources is good. I love snacking on nuts, especially cashew. I think they are very filling in an of themselves and you can add them to a lot of recipes such as stir-fries or salads. Cold-pressed oils are also good. Don’t use them for frying anything, but you can add them to salads or make hummus etc.

No. 355037

I can’t eat lentils or legume type things like chickpeas without having the worst gas and toxic farts of my life, is there something wrong with my bowels?

No. 355042

Most people who complain about not being able to eat legumes usually are not used to having enough fiber in your diet, so when they finally do, it makes their digestive system explode. This can be fixed by introducing fiber slowly into your diet. If that's not the case, then maybe you're just sensitive to them.

No. 355059

Second this anon >>355042 Fiber is actually eaten by microbiome in your gut. If you don’t eat fiber that often, it means the bacteria that helps you break down fiber literally dies (because they don’t get any food). That will leave the fiber fermenting longer in your intestine, producing gas. So sometimes it’s just a matter of powering through it for a couple of weeks until your microbiome adjusts and you get more bacteria that can break down the legumes effectively. Some people claim to have a sensitivity to something found in lentils/legumes called lectins, but I don't know much about the science behind this and the symptoms seems similar to what you'd experience if you generally have a wacky gut flora. I think food is so much more complicated that what we've thought. Anyway, I've seen some of these people say salt brining the legumes extensively can help, so soaking your legumes in salted water for several days (water should be replaced after 24 hours then every 12th hour). I assume pre-fermentation can also be helpful but idk how common it is to ferment legumes.

No. 355067

>Fiber is actually eaten by microbiome in your gut. If you don’t eat fiber that often, it means the bacteria that helps you break down fiber literally dies (because they don’t get any food).
Wooowww, this could be part of the reason why I was still constipated despite eating fiber a while ago. I never knew this, I love our intelligent anons. Nta.

No. 355079

AYRT. I’m glad I could peak your interest! I'm just someone who’s interested in food and have read some pop science books on the subject, so I’m by no means an expert. There has been a scientific break-through regarding our understanding of the gut microbiome for the past 10 years or so and I think it’s very exciting. If you have a high fiber diet your gut flora will be adapted to breaking down the fiber, so I would assume changing your diet can help with constipation but again I’m not an expert. Food is super intricate though. I hope it’s ok for me to go on a tangent, but I was just about to try veganism when I started dating someone who has fructose malabsorption. I had never heard about it. Turns out his body lacks an enzyme to break down fructose and it’s considered a normal genetic variation. He needs to be mindful about how much fructose he eats, or he gets IBS-like symptoms, so a vegetarian diet for him would be extremely limited in terms of what he could eat. I was mostly into veganism due to environmental reasons, but it led me to really reconsider my stance on it and whether it’s feasible for everyone. So while I think in general all people benefit from eating more fiber (I think even if you have fructose malabsorption, having a healthy gut bacteria can help in alleviating some of these symptoms by doing the job for you??) we have to remember that we are all different in terms of our genetics. He still eats fiber but needs to do so in moderation and in combination with fats and protein. I’ve also heard eating a high carb diet is better if you’re highly active because the body absorbs a certain amount of sugar directly for energy and the rest gets stored in your liver, so if you live a very passive lifestyle on a high carb diet your body can’t utilize the sugar and will just store it as fat in your liver. That being said I think it’s a controversial take and I don’t understand it 100% because I don’t have a background in biology kek.

No. 355085

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What are you doing this November 1, nonnies? Personally, I might go to a fancy vegan restaurant or a cafe and order the things I usually avoid due to their high price. And then I'll listen to a whole bunch of vegan music, I really like it, but I usually don't listen to it because it's mostly punk/hardcore (not always though) and I avoid lyric-heavy music unless I'm in a right mood.
After that, I'll go to a local vegan "convention" with famous vegans in my country as speakers.

No. 355097

I already answered you but if you want something specific here's a really simple and good recipe. https://thaicaliente.com/pad-prik-khing-tofu/
I ate this weekly while I was losing weight (didn't do the fried egg part though); sometimes I would make it a soup/curry and add more water, shirataki noodles and a splash of coconut milk.
I do recommend that brand of curry paste, it tastes good and most are not high in calories.

No. 355116

Always had trouble with eating, was never satiated very much before, but after reading the book "whole foods diet" I finally pushed myself to eating more vegetables. It's been amazing, I feel full after eating, so clearly there was something missing and my body just didnt know what. 90% whole foods and 10% animal produce works best for me, and I'm sure if the info was more widely available more people would be vegetarian, but obviously with all the politics and nitty gritty details the establishment pushes out people already have their plates full.

No. 355119

I recently watched and read some stuff about the Mcgovern Report (1970s US government report recommending basically what you just said) and how the meat/sugar/dairy industries threw a pissfit and got it rewritten. it would be nice if people could get better public messaging/information about it but oh well.

No. 355202

That’s so awesome anon! It’s frustrating because it really is that simple, yet a lot of people try very hard to better their own health but are simply misinformed.

Looking into this and I think the Mcgovern Report’s understanding about nutrition is a bit outdated, but the bottom line of eating more whole foods stands true. We know today that animal fat is not bad, we also know eating fruit in abundance can negatively impact your cholesterol (unless you are highly active) because they contain such high amounts of sugar. Veggies are superior to fruit because of this. I think whether you are vegan, vegetarian or someone who eats meat, we all benefit from eating less processed foods and getting more fiber into our diet. When it comes to information about nutrition it should be anchored in science, so we should also be critical of any industry that has a stake in the game. I wonder what kind of impact it could have had on the average American’s lifestyle if the report hadn’t been rewritten. It's really unfortunate.

No. 370244

I'm living paycheck to paycheck so I made a point to stop buying meat. It always expires before I eat all of it, and it's too expensive to purchase single cuts or half-portions depending on how frequently I eat them. So what's been saving my ass?
>dark red kidney beans
>pre-pressed tofu (baked or thrown in the air fryer with spices)
>oatmeal with frozen berries
>raw sugar

I used to be vegan when I was underaged… now I just eat whatever's most affordable, which appears to be frozen plant products and beans.

No. 370252

Oddly enough, I don’t eat a lot of meat, not because of health reasons, I just think most meat is really gross. I only eat chicken when it’s white meat, and fish. I don’t think it’s had any significant effects, because I get protein through stuff like eggs, tofu, and yogurt. I find that I gain and lose weight very fast though, depending on if I overeat or not. I think it’s a lot easier to overeat when it’s not meat, but self control helps a lot

No. 370270

I admit I like the texture of meat and its ability to absorb seasonings, sauces and marinades. But I hate that the only way to get it is to kill an animal. I would be ok with lab grown meat if it's ethical and healthy with no side effects, and not insanely expensive.
Red meat gives me digestion issues all the time, I think I have a sensitivity to it or something though.
I agree with vegan morals but find vegan mock animal products too bland and hard to eat, so I'm waiting for better alternatives.

No. 390474

Where do you buy pre-pressed tofu cheap?

No. 390624

Well if it makes it any better, you kill way more animals eating produce from megacrops than meat from local farms.

No. 390840

sage for personal blogging, but i was vegan for ~2 years (was vegetarian beforehand) before recovering from restrictive eating, now after a year of eating animal products i feel ready to go vegetarian again. i completely agree with veganism on an ethical level & have begun to feel viscerally repulsed by meat. i plan to eat vegan at home and be lacto-ovo veggie when dining out with friends or eating at friends/families’ home… subsisting off iceberg lettuce and shredded carrots when i go to my boomer relatives’ home because they don’t understand how to make dietary accommodations is just unrealistic and unfeasible for me at this time. i wish i lived somewhere that was more amenable to veganism, also sadly my favorite vegan restaurant in my city closed down this past year.

been really loving on hummus, broccoli, blueberries, edamame, tofu with szechuan sauce, lentils, & rice lately. it’s crazy how much better i feel getting a good ~20-30 grams of fiber per day. dunno if this is just my personal food psychosis but it’s like i can tangibly feel my blood sugar stabilizing and my digestive system being cleansed when i’m eating this way.

No. 390846

Sounds like a healthy diet! I’ve also been a vegetarian for a very long time, and I get that same visceral reaction to meat. I’ve never gone vegan though, even if I don’t like the diary industry. I just love milk and cheese and yogurt too damn much. FYI in case you’re new, you didn’t sage properly kek

No. 390848

You don't have to sage on the ot boards.

No. 390869

This, if you're doing it for ethical reasons, rather than going strictly vegan or vegetarian, it's best to make informed choices based on where you live, which may sometimes include eating meat to round out your diet in absence if more eco-friendly substitutes. Nothing against veganism, I'm nearly entirely vegan due to health-related dietary restrictions and benefit heavily off of all the advances vegan food has made over the years.

No. 390876

nta and genuine question as a meat-eater, how can eating produce kill more animals?

No. 390883

monocropping kills a massive amount of small animals and when you add up all the insects, worms, rodents and birds that get killed, you end up with a vastly higher bodycount than you get from raising something like beef

No. 390895

Additional to what >>390883 said, when it come to environmental concernsz the stress of overproducing a specific crop or transporting it thousands of miles to meet demand is often much more detrimental than the impact of raising animals. You can also factor in that certain crops are directly tied to human rights abuses which you'd assume should also be an issue for those so concerned about animal welfare.

No. 390896

Most crops go into feeding livestock. Less livestock, less crops

No. 390908

This doesn't make sense to me - meat eaters also eat crops? Nobody is eating only local meat. By this logic, they're contributing to both kinds of animal death.

No. 407600

Is the meat industry really completely cruel? I'm too spooked to watch all those abuse videos but I have seen some before. I have just started being a vegetarian because of ethical reasons and I just want to know if I'm doing the right thing. So many people online these days go on about meat benefits etc. while I know that, the only meat I could possibly be accepting of is if I bought it from a farmer who raised the meat himself on a pasture with care. But as of now, all supermarket meat is just sourced from cruel animal slaughterhouses where they are treated like crap. I've even seen footage of workers abusing the animals. So are all meat industries really like this?
Also another question, but I'm concerned about what being a vego might do to my health. Can it mess with my hormones? My reproductive system? My cognitive function? There is so much to read online that I'm just not sure. As a beginner, any tips and info would be great thanks.

No. 407601

ethically speaking it's not like you're cruelty free once you go vegan. plastic kills countless animals everyday. a lot of things you consume on a daily basis are also sourced from human cruelty, too. I'm not vegan myself but I'm aware of how the meat/milk/egg industry have cruel practices, because I have family who are involved in the milk industry (albeit, a small farm, I imagine a bigger farm would employ more anti ethical practices), I know the cows are treated relatively well and roam free whenever possible, but ultimately they're treated for profit. if you still want to consume animal sourced food but want to keep it relatively cruelty free I suggest locally sourcing your eggs and milk if you can, most small farmers treat their cattle and chicken like pets. I can't say anything about locally sourced meat because no matter what, you're eating a dead animal even if they didn't suffer while they were alive.

No. 407614

That's very true about not being totally cruelty free. However I will say I have been 90% plastic free for many years now, I've always been an advocate of organic produce, reduction of harmful chemicals, naturally made products for around the house etc. I've just still been a meat eater throughout this process unfortunately. I believe I'm ready to take the next step, just have more questions. And re: locally sourced eggs/milk that's a good idea. I only drink almond milk but I do still eat eggs and cheese. I try to buy organic if I can but I think I need to go the extra mile and attend a farmers market on the weekend instead. And to your last yeah, eating a dead animal is basically the concept that has been haunting me since I was younger, it's just always been hard especially in a family where every meal contains a form of meat. Hence why I thought to myself well, if I could eat meat that's sourced from a farmer with minimal animals, maybe that's better? But I suppose I need to think deeper and realize that the act of killing an animal for food is not something suitable to my ethos anymore. The things I'm worried about now are health/nutrition however. Coming from a background of always eating meat as mentioned, I'm worried that a veg diet could hinder my body/brain in some ways..

No. 408591

I won't comment on the ethical side of it too much, because frankly I think plenty of others are going to do it for me. One point I think that may not come up otherwise is that its easier and faster to breed strains of plants that can adapt to a changing climate, and this process accrues no suffering. Additionally, many third world countries are seeing the environmental and economic benefits of investing bio diverse forestry and agricultural practices.
I think we're going to need animal protein for a while yet to feed the population we have, but because of other aspects of my lifestyle I've chosen to go vegetarian and I'll shift to vegan at some point. I think the worst thing you can do is beat yourself up, remember that women often made to bear a disproportionate amount of guilt over food and eating. Just do what you can in line with what you care about.
As for the health thing, no, you'll be fine. I get blood tests every year (I've been vegetarian for four years) and I've never had a deficiency. Take a B12 complex every day (all women should be anyways) and don't just eat pasta for every meal and you'll be fine.

No. 408638

Can a vegan give me a typical day of eating? I'm curious about how other normal vegans eat day to day that isn't just beautiful insta reel salads

No. 408682

Just imagine the same dishes you would eat except swap out the protein for tofu/mock meat/lentils…

No. 408721

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I've been on a tempeh journey lately, nonas. I've been pretty bad at seasoning it how I like, but I love it when I order it at restaurants, so I'm determined and persistent. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago one of my coworkers went to track down Lightlife brand tempeh for me in back of the store and instead brought me Tofurky by mistake (pic related). I bought it because I felt guilty he went through the effort for me, but oh my god?? I never really sought a bacon substitute before, but THIS IS IT. I've done it by itself, with breakfast, breakfast burritos, and today I'm finally going to attempt to recapture the joy of a BLT. Wish me luck, but I know it will be sooo yummy regardless.

No. 408751

Breakfast: tofu scramble w/ peppers, onions, and spinach with a piece of toast or oats with banana and berries
Lunch: big salad like those reels kek (lettuce/spinach, quinoa, chickpeas or lentils, whatever veggies laying around, salad dressing, and some nuts or seeds), sandwich or wrap (I really like to make a fake tuna salad filling with chickpeas), or leftovers from the previous night's dinner
Dinner: I like lots of asian cuisines and they're easy to adapt to a vegan diet if not already. for example, saag paneer w/ tofu instead of cheese, stir fry with lots of veggies and tempeh, sweet and sour chickpeas. Typically my dinners follow the formula of some legume + grain + veggies + sauce
Snacks: veggies and hummus, a handful of nuts, fruit, pretzels
Like >>408682 said, most dishes can be made vegan. I tend not to use a ton of meat substitutes, though I like them on occasion. Not gonna lie, though, I think my meals are visually appealing as they often include a rainbow of whole foods. The whole "vegan slop" meme makes me roll my eyes because a lot of non-vegan food looks like bland beige crap imo

No. 408827

Nonnas I like eating meat substitutes but I'm reading all this info now about it being pumped with additives and terrible for your hormones

No. 408850

I don't eat breakfast, just coffee with oatmilk in the morning. Lunch is usually either a bean and rice burrito bowl, a hummus and vegetable wrap, or a big lentil salad. For dinner it's either pasta/noodle dishes, curry, some type of stir fry with rice and vegetables and tofu, or "pizza" which I don't usually bother adding fake cheese to so really it's just flatbread and veggies. I have a weakness for sweets so I eat a lot coconut ice cream, sticky rice pudding with mango, and other baked goods. Recently I've been making a lot of recipes from the Vegan Korean Cookbook, I'm not Korean but everything I've made so far is really delicious, I highly recommend it.

No. 409082

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Not all fake meats are made the same, but at the end of the day, it's still processed food. I prefer veggie burgers made of beans and other plants over impossible or beyond meat. You're still better off eating whole foods, of course, but it isn't always an option especially when eating out. I eat fake meat, but it's not an everyday thing.
I'd also question the source of the information because a lot of people are propagandized against fake meats not realizing the meats they eat have the same problems of additives and hormones, plus loads of other problems. Animal agriculture doesn't need to list all the crap they put into their products like the substitutes do. If they were required to be honest about it like picrel, those arguments wouldn't have any weight

No. 409108

About as bad as any other processed food. The fake meats are to vegan diet what the hot dog is to omnivorous diets. Except hot dogs are cheap and fake meat it >$10/lb (which is why I won’t buy it.)

No. 409109

Except hot dogs are filled with saturated fat and cholesterol (inb4 one of those people who believe butter is the pinnacle of health pops in)

No. 409111

butter is the pinnacle of health and has unironically made my skin better

No. 409112

Good luck with that. This is the vegan & vegetarian thread.

No. 409113

I’m eating vegan butter! I thought we were talking about the fat in meat alternatives anyway

No. 409114

Fake meats also have saturated fats and the only reason they don’t have cholesterol is because the fat in them is from sunflower oil or other cholesterol free processed oils.

No. 409120

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For obvious reason fake meat almost always has less saturated fat than real meats especially processed meats.
>cholesterol free processed oils
Yes? That's the point. Cholesterol is not synthesized by plants. All oils are processed.
I don't even want to argue about it. It's biology 101. Also, the thread isn't for arguing about vegetarianism.

No. 409122

Wasn’t trying to argue about them or say something silly like she might as well eat a hot dog because they’re the same (they’re not — and I’m also not advocating for eating hot dogs at all since hot dogs are meat, duh) but I personally don’t think the fake meats are much better than a hot dog health-wise.

No. 409123

Saturated fat isnt bad for you, all your hormones and your brain uses cholesterol.

No. 409125

Yeah, I hate everyone other than nutrition autists because people don’t realise how dumb common food science is for some things. Eating a diet high in carbohydrates was the strongest predictor for high cholesterol (as well as high carbohydrates) anyway, and there are also different types of cholesterol, some that is beneficial. Most of the cholesterol in your blood is produced endogenously.

No. 409674

Does veganism impact fertility/female reproduction negatively?
Also vegan anons what daily supplements do you take?

No. 409696

People still think eating fat makes you fat

No. 411316

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Tried mock duck for the first time, it was really good! I got it from the frozen section in an asian supermarket. It’s pretty expensive and the fake duck flavor is kind of strong though so it might not be everyones cup of tea. Next I want to try tempeh, which is another vegan protein I’ve been sleeping on!

No. 411319

I buy it in a can, it's delicious. It's cheaper. I wish they made a less sweet version.

No. 411320

I've tried looking for the canned version but I can't find it in my local asian store! I'd like to try that too, so I'll keep looking

No. 411339

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I hope you come across it one day! I assume the canned stuff is cheaper because shipping a can is a lot cheaper than shipping a frozen item, especially if what you bought is made in Asia and you don't live anywhere near there. I think it's basically the same ingredients, just wheat gluten stuff. My favorite was picrel mock chicken because it wasn't so sweet, but I can not find it anywhere anymore. I'm thinking of just making my own seitan mock chicken because it would be so cheap (but it's sort of time consuming) https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/2-ingredient-vegan-chicken-washed-flour-seitan/

No. 411347

I want this. I've made some out of the can from a Chinese grocery store but it didn't look nearly as good as yours.

No. 411441

paulas choice now has a lawsuit for lying about being vegan? shame, I really loved their range.

No. 411452

I've noticed that going out to average restaurants, the veg options are always asian centric. Its either a veg noodle or a curry. And while that's fine, I just feel like there should be a wider variety of baseline veg options in restaurants. Sure if you go somewhere special the options become better. But I'm referring to just regular pubs or simple restaurants you might go to with your family. I've just noticed that the food I choose is always focused on asian cuisine. Why? Because its easier to make?

No. 411488

It's just the trend. It's better than the way it used to be (if you were vegetarian you could have pasta and cheese and if you were vegan you could have french fries kek). I'm not a fan of the "kung pao cauliflower" trend though, it has no calories and I want sustenance.
I'm not strictly vegetarian when I eat out but I am at home so I'm always looking at the vegetarian options to see if I can reasonably stay vegetarian when eating out and it has been getting better over the years but still seems like a hard concept for some kitchens to wrap their head around that you don't need meat or a meat substitute to eat a meal.

No. 411545

A lot of Asian cuisines already have longstanding basis for vegan alternatives and have been incentivized by their populations to seek out veg alternatives. Any Asian country touched by Buddhism for example will have a subset of its cuisine that's veg.
I've noticed LatAm restaurants in my area also frequently tend to have veg options though, if they're not outright completely veg restaurants.

No. 411547

I'm referring to western countries though. I'm in australia and once I leave a major city its like vegetarians are some kind of foreign concept where only indians/asians can do it. I find it weird I mean here in aus, so many christians/catholics have been doing lent for decades which requires no meat. And many arabic cultures here also have no meat throughout the year. But no its always assumed that vegan = buddhist/hippie. I'm so far from that and I'm quite sick of eating the same curries and noodles when I go out.

No. 411548

I'm vegetarian now but I still eat mostly vegan so here's what I would eat on a typical day
breakfast: some sort of beans/legumes in a tomatoey passata sauce on some toast (like a shakshuka with bell pepper/chilli/garlic and spices)
Lunch: Rice with edamame, tofu, vegan kewpie, some veggies like carrots/cucumbers.
Dinner: Where I really shine. Could be some pasta with lentils, could be a stew with pearl barley and chickpeas. Sundays I get a vegan shnitzel from the store and roast some veggies with it. Just the other night I crumbed a cauliflower "steak" and served it with some asparagus and a butter bean puree.

If you sort of follow the protein/complex carb/veggie rule, the possibilities are endless.

No. 411551

this sounds good anon

No. 411561

pretty much what I used to eat but veganified.
Brekkie: Milo cereal and a smoothie or toast with plant based cheese and tomato (if its a weekend then a vegan english breakfast)
Lunch: Usually snacks like a protein bar and a shake, sometimes a salad if I feel like making it.
Dinner: Literally anything, its cold where I am at the moment so tonight I had a mushroom pie with pea soup. Sometimes I eat vegan bolognese, mushroom dumplings, vegan roast with veggies, vegan schnitzel with coleslaw. etc

No. 411589

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If I can vent for a second about restaurant vegan food: The vegan "carrot dog" trend is actually insulting I hate it so much, it's such a joke. The first time I saw it I thought it would be some processed fake meat that included carrots for color, but no it's actually just a grilled carrot on a hot dog bun and they're charging like $9 for this. Get the fuck out.

No. 412257

A challenge I've faced is finding processed vegan food that DOESN'T upset my stomach or bowls, I have lactose intolerance and even beans, spicy food, and any vegan cheese in general upset by bowls in the same way that dairy does, The only meat NOT to do that is the Cauliflower Vegan Chicken, Anyone know any Vegan Cheeses that DON'T do the same shit that dairy does?

No. 412265

Have you tried making your own cheese sauce out of cashews and nutritional yeast etc? Or one of those “vegan liquid mozzarella” recipes (they’re supposed to be really good and it seems weird at first but it looks like melted mozzarella after you cook it.)

No. 412791

Seasoned vegans please help a new vegan such as myself who is terrified of the potential health deterioration I keep reading about with this diet. I keep seeing reels of ex vegans who talk about how brittle their bones became and all the hair loss and organ damage and fertility issues that came with veganism and its honestly putting me in a bad headspace because I really stand for the ethics of this diet.

No. 412795

That sounds hilariously unappealing with normal hot dog toppings.
I could easily see it being tolerable (but expensive) with its own medly, but fucking ketchup mustard and relish? Really???

No. 412815

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literally take some multivitamins and eat a varied diet, dont eat a lot of those processed vegan meats and focus on whole foods. It wouldnt hurt to get blood work done regularly if you think your diet is lacking. I know many people who have been vegan for decades and are way healthier than your average person. I think a lot of those ex vegans had EDs and didnt consume enough food and blamed it on their diet.
tmi but before i went vegan i was an anachan for a while and broke multiple teeth from lack of nutrients but as a vegan ive been thriving and haven't had any problems since.

No. 412865

Disclaimer: I'm omnivore.

It seems common for some ex-vegans, and people in general, to develop issues with digestion of fibers due to modern processing, or rather lack thereof. I think a lot of these issues can be mediated by soaking/fermenting plants, particularly grains, beans and lentils, before consuming them. There is some truth to the "grains are trying to kill us" meme; grains, beans and lentils contain antinutrients such as gluten, phytates, lectins, oxalate etc., but by soaking/fermenting them you break down some of the antinutrients and you also make nutrients present more accessible. This is how people commonly prepared plant fibers all across the world until quite recently. A lot of prefabricated food contain grains etc. that haven't been properly processed by soaking/fermenting. I think some of the health issues certain ex vegans experience may be attributed to this. If you don't have the time to soak/ferment, you can buy beans and lentils presoaked. I recommend soaking/fermenting your grains, an example being sourdough. An added bonus to eating fermented foods is the beneficial bacteria that may aid with digestion, boost your immune system and so on. If you're interested in learning more I recommend The Art of Fermentation by Sandor Katz, which is mostly about wild fermentation of different carbohydrates (plants) although there are also chapters dedicated to dairy and meat.

No. 412871

If you're worried about it there are always supplements. I personally only take B-12 and I think people who take 50 supplements a day are insane but I think if it helps give you some piece of mind it's worth it. Regardless of your diet you should be doing weight bearing exercises for your bones and seeing a dentist. To be honest a lot of the problems described by these ex-vegans sound like hormonal issues to me but it's obviously popular to hate on veganism so those types of videos get a ton of views. Also if you want to just see a dietician they can definitely help you out with making sure you're eating a balanced diet while vegan.

No. 413021

Thanks anons for the tips

No. 414025

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this recipe sounds delicious to me https://biancazapatka.com/en/vegan-liverwurst-pate/
I don't see how it would taste like actual liverwurst based on the ingredients (maybe the smoked tofu helps?) but I'm a big fan of bean pastes with bread. I wish there was a whole cookbook for them.

No. 416953

NOT going to lie, Honestly Carrots are DISGUSTING AND VILE how is this shit actually good whatsoever, How TF is this shit appetizing? I'd rather have a vegan possessed meat hot dog

No. 416954

Anybody watch, Carleigh Bodrug, On YouTube? Her Vegan shorts food videos looks bomb, It's really helped find recipes that look good and on the healthier side of things

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