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No. 182898
>be me
>18 years old
>black female
>short hair that is growing, but not fast enough, even though I take care of it, I could probably do better
>acne that is also slowly going away, but will take forever either way, I've had this shit for years
>bad teeth, but my family has found a dentist for cheap, not yet started
>strawberry legs are preventing me from wearing skirts and dresses
>I am super feminine, and want to wear more feminine things, but I don't think I'm pretty enough sometimes, especially for J-fashion
>I am ladylike, but can do better in speech (no cursing) and posture (upright and cross legs when sitting)
>I love Japan (since I was 8 years old, I got into it), and I love cute things, it's my personality, and I don't know exactly how to get a pink princess room, but it's my dream to achieve it when we move this year
>I don't like showing my arms because they look wear and too muscular, and my elbows differ, they're both dark, but my left one is darker than my right one, even if no one else cares or notices
>I want to be apart of J-fashion and a bit of Lolita, but I think I'm too ugly for it for these reasons
Please give me tips to look better or products and companies to try out. I'm more or less the description in the picture, but uglier and not fit to be (I guess), just yet anyway.
No. 182904
>>182898>18 years oldI can tell.
>short hair that is growing, but not fast enough, even though I take care of it, I could probably do betterLong natural hair, especially curly hair, takes time. There is only so much you can do to speed up the process, let your body do its thing. Anyway, short hair can be cute as well.
>acne that is also slowly going away, but will take forever either way, I've had this shit for yearsSounds like a good thing, keep at it.
>bad teeth, but my family has found a dentist for cheap, not yet startedAgain, sounds like you've already found the solution for this.
>strawberry legs are preventing me from wearing skirts and dressesTry wearing pantyhose. You can find them in a variety of colors and levels of transparency and even shimmer. They make completely opaque ones if you're that insecure.
>I am ladylike, but can do better in speech (no cursing) and posture (upright and cross legs when sitting)So do that?
>I love Japan (since I was 8 years old, I got into it), and I love cute things, it's my personality, and I don't know exactly how to get a pink princess room, but it's my dream to achieve it when we move this yearLook at other rooms that you like and try to find similar things for your room. It's not rocket science.
>I don't like showing my arms because they look wear and too muscularYou'll be happy about this when you're older and people around you have loose arms. Embrace it.
>I want to be apart of J-fashion and a bit of Lolita, but I think I'm too ugly for it for these reasonsLolita is unflattering on everyone over the age of 6 so who cares? And you really think you'll get boolied out of jfash because you aren't perfect? Have you seen real weebs irl? Just facetune your pimples if it's that big a deal, everyone does it and no one cares.
No. 182922
Go to a dermatologist, if you can't/don't want to, buy benzylperoxide at the pharmacy, start with the lowest percentage of active ingredient available, work up if needed. It's a no-prescription needed (everywhere afaik) medicine made to cure bactertial acne and a good starting point for tackling acne. Don't get drugstore crap like clearasil. Make sure you read the leaflet so you know what to expect and how to use it. Also get yourself a sunscreen (spf in makeup will not be enough) and make sure to wear it everyday without a fail and apply more throughout the day if needed and try to stay out of the sun while using it. Benzoylperoxide makes your skin extra sensitive to uv so you need the protection (of course using spf daily is recommended to begin with).
Also you sound really, really young, I'm not sure if you're even 18. There's more to life and happiness than looks and materialistic desires. Social relationships, family, school and carreer, meaningful ways of spending your time; those are things important to happines asell. I mean this in the sincerest way possible but I think you have a lot of self-development, reflecting and maturing to do. (sorry for awkward wording, am esl)
No. 182985
>>182898Strawberry legs, AKA keratosis pilaris (or KP). It occurs because your skin is too stupid to know how to properly shed dead cells (mine is incredibly stupid), so they kind of get stuck together and plug up hair follicles. So what you wanna do is exfoliate with extreme prejudice. Get an Italy towel (they sell em in Korean and Japanese stores, also Amazon, they're like plastic rough-textured towels), get a body wash with salicylic acid (helps dissolve the gummy, dead skin cells), and go to town. Then afterwards, moisturize with something exfoliating, like urea cream (I just use Eucerin). Your mileage may vary, too, btw. This routine helped clear up my arms but my legs are still stubborn. Godspeed.