File: 1621948724057.jpg (70.93 KB, 516x729, le homo kohlchannicus.jpg)

No. 187521
File: 1621949083387.png (20.08 KB, 240x160, cyberbully.png)

now I can cyberbully an actual moid
No. 187522
File: 1621949263499.jpg (91.51 KB, 1000x750, kohl.jpg)

Come to ladies
We're gonna have SEX
File: 1621949733218.png (238.7 KB, 317x325, Ikeda.png)

>>187523might as well sperg about shit before mods wake up and actually ban this thread. I love this sorta art style
No. 187526
File: 1621949894074.jpg (63.78 KB, 440x669, oscar.jpg)

>>187525We're radfems, anon. Radfems are politically lesbians (either are lesbians or don't have sex at all). I only simp for 2d bishoujo/bishounen
No. 187530
File: 1621950619596.webm (1.23 MB, 576x1024, 1619152573174.webm)
imagine spending the better part of the last 5 years having your brain and ego melted by uninterrupted /pol/ exposure, flying to washington in the middle of a pandemic to hear trump whine about oprah and mike pence at a rally, marching up to congress on his orders to smash shit and then mill around aimlessly
you go home and hear that biden won anyway and all of your favorite twitter news sources named like Patriot Newsman Of the West with avatars of roman statues have posted your photo online and are labeling you a "gay communist antifa actor." then the next day the god emperor you pasted into warhammer memes puts out a video cucking himself and bending the knee. "i'm sorry, those were heinous acts! p-please let me tweet again jack!!" you can't leave dc because the airlines have dubbed you a flight risk. you can't stay because the cops are actively looking for you after one of their own died. your roommate at the only hotel that would accept you is a guy named based_kekistani1488 who wants to show you his goblin slayer torrents. the sun is going down and you're getting cold.
No. 187532
File: 1621951348719.jpg (198.02 KB, 1200x675, coom.jpg)

No. 187536
File: 1621953763358.jpg (50.15 KB, 480x660, babbbe8be93b4e40277e70026849c4…)

Embrace Christos the true saviour of Orthodoxy(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 187553
File: 1621961201437.png (72.57 KB, 1714x784, blackpill on race and…)

>>187545/g/ is still a board no matter how much you cope about it roastie.
>>187547Lmao like you're not a sad collection of mentally ill femcels and trannys pretending to be foids.
and just look at all these butthurt replies in threda, low IQ posts about 4chan and pol.
Why are american cunts always such dumb vapid cunts who think they know everything about you even though they know jackshit.
I am grappa, I am a balding shitskin from Kohlchan, I live in Sweden on welfare and I hate women more then anything else. You are racist, sexist, ableist, heightist and most of all giant hypocrites.
I was destined to forever being single because of my race and because I'm a baldning manlet, every single woman I walk past look at me with disgust even when she is a fat hambeast my looksequal.
File: 1621963124806.jpg (798.85 KB, 3110x2073, 1413765786186.jpg)

Since we're at it have my fav fa meetup pic
No. 187571
File: 1621963232872.png (151.21 KB, 892x590, 1440160370760.png)

No. 187575
File: 1621963437161.jpg (22 KB, 275x275, 06bdeb51-1089-4503-8164-ec0638…)

Let's make this thread into the new pinkpilled manhate thread already
No. 187576
File: 1621963588499.jpg (177.1 KB, 723x1100, MR-19927-317892-104.jpg)

>>187524Fuck yeah, 70's overdramatic manga!
No. 187582
File: 1621963901139.png (256.07 KB, 464x553, 1620558792102.png)

No boys on the female board reeeeee
anyway idk where this image came from, I found on here in another (now deleted) cringe scrote thread. Og artist if you see this you're based and ily
No. 187584
File: 1621964061025.webm (666.4 KB, 640x640, chad.webm)
Gtfo out before I wake up my white chad bf
No. 187587
File: 1621964238573.jpg (33.36 KB, 300x450, stock-photo-of-hide-the-pain-h…)

Do some males here even go outside.
No. 187589
>>187582I think that image is from cc
>>187569They could have tried at least, but I don't mind I'm only looking at the cutie on the far right anyway
No. 187590
File: 1621964543964.jpeg (479.69 KB, 1920x1920, F2108B36-6960-4360-AF7E-57E1B1…)

>tfw better version of the forbidden man
No. 187591
Because all men by design have mommy issues, perpetually avenging a trauma inflicted by something known as "maternal omnipotence". All males resent it, but women don't due to their ability to become mothers themselves. Most of what we define as "masculine identity" is just a set of pitiful exercises at establishing oneself outside of mommy's oppressive power. Predictably, everything about this particular LARP revolves around men defining themselves entirely around women and "not being women" as though they ever could be them - another "a-actually I'm choosing this, it's not like I CAN'T do something you can" cope.
Men are never mad at women for reasons that have nothing to do with being rejected by them. Immediately pursuing porn of them is a form of panicked reassurance seeking - "no no no, this is not really happening! They're not better than me like mommy, they're not above me like mommy, they're not LEAVING like mommy did! See, there's this video of them groveling before me! Okay, I can feel alright for a few hours now!". For a man, a woman rejecting him is wielding dreadful power over him. She is the mommy withholding the nipple, she is killing him. As most things men think and feel after puberty are tainted by their libido (because their sole purpose is dispensing sperm and dying), the "mommy don't leave, I hate you bitch, I will hold my breath until you come back" infantile rage becomes "I will fuck mommy so hard until she's cock-hypnotized into staying because my cock is very magical actually, it's totally not worthless unlike what those Tinder bitches think". Most male fetishes can be traced back this way, they're nothing but sexualized maladaptive coping mechanisms - coping with female withdrawal, coping with powerlessness, coping with sexual expendability, coping with reality itself. Biologically worthless penises become worship-worthy and precious (while still being portrayed as dirty because men can't help but resent women who lower themselves by being with them), biological garbage that is semen is craved like it's ambrosia, women cease being cold and picky like mommy - not only are they eternally available, they actually become this way after being unavailable because the male is just so irresistible - the essence behind all the pathetically wishful "turning a cold bitch into a cock hungry submissive slut" drivel that helps them cope with how women treat them in real life. In that case porn is supposed to be some sort of a reassuring sequel to being told to fuck off by their most recent beta orbiting subject, which requires that initial rejection to be incorporated into the fictional narrative as something that's "overcome" later.
You can't help but notice the obvious pussy envy and desire to switch places - males want women to be the easily coomditioned, expendable, sex addicted ones - groveling before the more valuable set of gonads. The ressentiment and envy of a disposable ballsack thus culminates in trooning out. Is it really surprising how obsessed AGPs are with the "mommy" narrative? AGP is the absolute pinnacle of male coping, something that's usually followed by surrender and death.
Males have no sexual fantasies, all they have is predictable eroticized copes. You can coom-meme them into anything including killing themselves, if you push the right buttons. They're not people, they're a malignant growth around their semen pustules.
No. 187602
File: 1621965514517.png (22.64 KB, 154x207, adult.PNG)

No matter sources, studies or proof for your take about "women bad" it will always be a watered down version of what men did or are doing.
No. 187606
File: 1621965847023.jpg (Spoiler Image,692.1 KB, 2000x2000, 3780549-Denki-Kaminari-Hitoshi…)

>>187599jannies are sleeping post your ships
No. 187607
File: 1621965998705.jpg (118.65 KB, 1080x1346, eb3da18d2b4c409877dc7662a5ed83…)

>>187606mads mikkelsen x mads mikkelsen
No. 187608
File: 1621966211074.jpeg (38.22 KB, 828x1792, EtMZT0iXEAAQwBh.jpeg)

>This entire board is proof that the only thing vapid roasties can talka bout nowadays is sex, boys and muh depression. How you got the right to vote is beyond me.
No. 187609
File: 1621966232883.jpg (104.6 KB, 563x800, 21910065889313_153.jpg)

>>187606BAN ANIME. How can 3DPD ever compete
No. 187613
File: 1621966522581.jpg (14.36 KB, 288x450, 215613032-288-k746859.jpg)

are normie ships allowed?
No. 187626
File: 1621967965292.jpg (15.95 KB, 564x376, 12c03a9347982ae51e04051046ec2a…)

No. 187627
File: 1621968018889.jpg (89.77 KB, 590x738, james-mcavoy-great-british-bak…)

I would give anything to see James McAvoy pleasure himself. Imagine his powerful puffy man balls pulsing and shooting 7 thick white ropes of man batter, using his creamy ball juice to frost a cake mmm James McAvoy
No. 187628
>ywn have 1970s serial killer ted bundy at your mercy, handcuffed and furious about you slapping him around and treating him however you want, glaring at you murderously
>ywn push him to the floor and onto his knees, roughly pulling down his pants while he protests angrily and tells you to stop, you cant do this, etc
>ywn push into him mercilessly with your strap on, hearing his voice crack and give way to panicked sobs
>ywn grab him by the hair and push his face into the floor while remarking how hard and dripping his cock is
>ywn hear him unsuccessfully try to stifle his pitiful, broken sounding moans as he spreads his thighs to allow you in deeper
>ywn tease him for cumming just from being fucked in the ass, without you ever even touching his dick
>ywn turn him over so you can look at his crying, drooling, whimpering face
No. 187631
File: 1621968402541.jpeg (129.82 KB, 800x540, 509DFF86-4334-45E4-948F-DA0374…)

Where do I find more pictures like this one?
No. 187633
File: 1621968647428.jpg (6.34 KB, 163x310, download.jpeg-3.jpg)

Mads Mikkelsen probably explodes the kind of semen that fills you up like 750ml of warm milk, just absolutely ruptures from his randi scandi live balls and floods my insides like the Gaviscon heartburn TV advertisement
No. 187635
File: 1621968734218.jpg (57.57 KB, 800x533, man-cake-face-over-purple-back…)

>>187631This is the kind of content we need.
No. 187638
File: 1621968916403.gif (1.32 MB, 220x123, tenor.gif)

No. 187639
File: 1621969049690.jpeg (42.03 KB, 500x749, 5ff4da3ae4c05.jpeg)

Men as a collective should pay for their crimes
No. 187640
File: 1621969091355.jpg (154.17 KB, 900x500, 1ft53s8e.jpg)

>>187632yeeesss this again
No. 187642
File: 1621969135156.jpg (831.39 KB, 1513x1934, HUNT2-superJumbo-v2.jpg)

God I just want him to smash me with his big square head bouncing all over the place and shit. Imagine his cock, long and thick and veiny like a stallion, twitching as he pushes my legs up ove my head and rails me full of his man gravy
He can totally do this because hes not a manlet
No. 187643
File: 1621969255855.jpg (126.88 KB, 688x1000, adam-driver-6.jpg)

hot rat man
No. 187645
File: 1621969376440.jpg (245.12 KB, 1800x1200, 115.jpg)

There is no copypasta, I want to fuck him
No. 187646
File: 1621969456220.png (963.04 KB, 1327x733, yum.png)

No. 187647
File: 1621969606008.jpg (53.35 KB, 737x737, e0bec6fcbd1707b30ecac688645fd6…)

Jschlatt is my dream boyfriend tbh. I was gonna make another creampie shit post but honestly this is just true
No. 187648
File: 1621969607896.jpg (80.54 KB, 500x375, 1411188354228.jpg)

Hot men to domestic/physical labour camps. Ugly men to the trenches.
No. 187649
File: 1621969639418.jpeg (353.01 KB, 522x800, 00747511-65C1-4DFA-85D1-7EA1B6…)

>tfw kaeya isn’t real so he can fuck me properly.
No. 187651
File: 1621969696078.jpeg (65.01 KB, 733x674, F2D7DA08-F1C7-4D51-908B-79B12B…)

Fuck Printers. I just got my undergrad in digital forensics and information security (cyber security so ethical hacking and such) I understand programming languages, hardware, and even how to break into it. I have knowledge in network security and even lock picking for physical security. I understand hardware specifications how computers read input and output. I can generally trouble shoot something and fix it and have even repaired a few minor hardware issues, but no matter how well adjusted or acquainted with technology I am. I have never understood fucking printers.
They are the bane of I.T. and are some how fucking primitive in a world of constantly changing technology. They break (they are fairly a little more complex) and don't work. You sometimes need to plug them up, use a disc, or just use them over the web and even Bluetooth now. They are overpriced and just stupid to setup sometimes.
I repeat, fuck printers!
No. 187652
File: 1621969702278.jpg (296.36 KB, 1280x640, Emmanuel-Macron-onemedia24.jpg)

>>187645There is no copypasta, I want to fuck him
>>187633>>187642fucking kek
No. 187655
File: 1621969799788.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.7 KB, 320x180, tagteamme.jpg)

No. 187656
File: 1621969803502.jpg (425.66 KB, 1500x1093, stock-photo-cut-frankfurter-sa…)

No. 187658
File: 1621969820819.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.89 KB, 920x612, Snapchat-1918388461.jpg)

No. 187659
File: 1621969871612.jpg (35.36 KB, 400x400, EvEOSf6XcAIRDHi.jpg)

>>187649>she doesnt know mihoyo is working on a sao like virtual reality gamejust hold on for 10 years sister
No. 187660
File: 1621969876704.jpg (115.47 KB, 640x480, 1304352529233.jpg)

I love what this thread became.
No. 187665
File: 1621969932887.jpg (61.89 KB, 1080x471, Snapchat-335263386.jpg)

No. 187666
File: 1621969949548.jpeg (100.78 KB, 712x938, 561F2828-3725-44B0-A9B6-1C5F13…)

>>187659I’m praying
nonnie, let’s hope for it to happen.
No. 187667
File: 1621969986471.jpg (120.81 KB, 538x1000, DgVHJwZUEAAZDFk.jpg)

lmfao you have clearly never watched a single video of ours together holy shit. we're in a full time bdsm relationship based on dynamic, not some vanilla bedroom only thing. i worship his dick 24/7. but thanks for providing us with material for our next 'salty beta' video
No. 187668
File: 1621969994725.jpg (120.3 KB, 640x639, ab67706c0000bebbac3e34e63796e3…)

>>187655Remember when Charlie looked like this? Good old times
No. 187669
File: 1621970003671.jpg (83.76 KB, 640x480, sausage-cut.jpg)

>>187663>>187622my empowerment song
No. 187670
He wanted beef in the parking lot, uh
My niggas dogs and we bark a lot, uh
Auto-bot choppas they spark a lot
I'll beat your ass, I don't care if it's dark or not, uh (yeah)
Look, I can't see the bullshit like Ray Charles, uh (yeah, yeah)
Y'all niggas faggots like James Charles, uh
Ran a train on your sister like a freight car, uh (haha, yeah)
That and a dick, same size of my AR, uh
Petco playing with the kitty, my nigga
I mean for really, my nigga
I mean the choppa hold a hundred-fifty bullets, my nigga
If you wan' pull up, my nigga
Then we can't do it, my nigga
I mean ooh, huh
That nigga pull up, he thought we gon' fist fight
Lil' did he know I keep the strap like a dizz-ike (haha, yeah)
Suicide door on my whips, slit my wrist like
That's lil' Tokyo, dirty with the dick right (uh)
I need that ice, I need that ice, bitch, I need the crystals
I need to put some diamonds on my pistol
That bitch want suck my dick, but I won't kiss her, uh
Blow up like missile, huh, yeah, I blew up like a missile, huh
She blow my dick just like a whistle, huh (yeah, yeah)
My diamonds prettier than glitter, uh (yeah, yeah)
Nigga don't like me, kill me right now, uh
Otherwise, nigga, pipe down, uh
Y'all niggas rap too loud, nigga (y'all niggas rap too loud, yeah)
Shh, what's that sound? Uh (what's that sound? Yeah)
That's me sneaking in your house with the choppa (brrt)
I'ma put that bitch in your mouth (doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)
Good morning (wha?), My name is Tokyo (what's up?)
Just like a window (yeah), I'm here to air it out
No. 187672
File: 1621970094999.jpg (56.45 KB, 792x719, Snapchat-2069961733.jpg)

No. 187673
His sperms can only get more rancid
No. 187678
File: 1621970253957.gif (326.74 KB, 680x425, effa42dac363a54ade4cbbdd9f9f52…)

post boomer gifs
No. 187679
File: 1621970270010.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.44 KB, 734x719, Snapchat-1073872704.jpg)

>>187668Me looking at hot apron man???? Dream submissive
No. 187681
File: 1621970345085.jpg (62.47 KB, 640x594, 7372662.jpg)

This is now an official Dababy thread.
No. 187682
File: 1621970383538.jpg (119.82 KB, 720x982, Snapchat-381117733.jpg)

Moids don't look like this anymore what's the point
No. 187683
File: 1621970390306.jpeg (91.75 KB, 854x674, 5E3B98AF-7FB7-45B4-90EE-5D02F0…)

>>187652There is no copypasta this time, I want to fuck him
If Truman took on the sins of his forefathers and pulled a Christof 20 years later, hence the headphones
No. 187687
File: 1621970487526.gif (1.35 MB, 480x269, giphy (6).gif)

No. 187690
File: 1621970580996.jpg (78.2 KB, 680x962, Snapchat-1996946031.jpg)

No. 187691
File: 1621970588731.gif (885.92 KB, 147x260, 283537FE-57A6-432D-844F-D2BB10…)

No. 187692
File: 1621970608300.jpg (1.58 MB, 3024x4032, funko.jpg)

No. 187693
File: 1621970615992.gif (9.65 KB, 124x122, CiKcVKX.gif)

Me and a nonnette
No. 187695
File: 1621970715212.jpg (24.42 KB, 500x500, gaybat.jpg)

I sure hope it does
No. 187697
File: 1621970816017.jpg (253.32 KB, 1600x900, descargar.jpg)

No. 187698
File: 1621970816225.gif (27.94 KB, 112x112,…)

da bee
No. 187701
File: 1621970927699.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.05 KB, 480x640, Snapchat-1521514844.jpg)

"I came in the sewers once. My semen slide down a drain pipe and, low and behold, the TMNT was born" - raccooneggs
No. 187703
File: 1621971036516.jpg (48.54 KB, 517x497, pp.jpg)

No. 187705
File: 1621971058580.png (173.21 KB, 1242x575, 1608677225020.png)

No. 187706
>>187595lol wut? he's ugly as shit, the only redeemable quality he has is that he's very white
are you brown?
No. 187709
File: 1621971212290.gif (941.87 KB, 220x275, tenor.gif)

>>187706shut the fuck up racist
No. 187711
File: 1621971264785.jpeg (53.78 KB, 750x750, 96D4422A-BB08-4FA7-9993-A7243D…)

No. 187714
>>187709Oh shit, you really brown?
Chasing after the most basic moids because they are white is pathetic.
You should feel ashamed.
No. 187716
File: 1621971422685.gif (804.04 KB, 300x222, GeneralPleasingBluetickcoonhou…)

>>187714Yes, as you can tell: I am Megan thee stallion
No. 187728
File: 1621971801698.jpg (27.09 KB, 425x425, broody.jpg)

Scary how realistic these reborn dolls are getting
No. 187730
File: 1621971963917.jpeg (51.65 KB, 700x700, grayby.jpeg)

No. 187733
File: 1621972132348.png (1.22 MB, 854x902, terf cats 3.png)

Y'all have bad priorities. We have a completely unmoderated thread, yet you waste it and turn it into a porn thread/dumbass shitposting thread when we could be making a Gender critical or man-hating thread
No. 187742
File: 1621972406439.jpg (36.23 KB, 268x499, e3772061d51b4dbf8a45cddb65e1bc…)

No. 187744
Wet! Wet! Wet! Wet! Wet! Wet! Wet! Wet!
Hahahaha, ah, oh my God
Stupid boy think that I need him, hmph
I go cold like changing seasons
I go red hot like a demon
I go ghost for no damn reason
Stupid boy think that I need him
Stupid boy think that I need him
Pleasin' season, I'm spicy
Hard to touch, too much too pricey
Heathen, I'm in your psyche
You don't know no one else like me, woah
Stupid boy think that I need him
Stupid boy think that I need him
I know you think about me in the shower
PornHub in your browser
Fantasize about the pussy power
Think about me with your hand down your trousers
I'm sweet then I'm sour, I'm big boss Bowser
I know you salivating over me, sir
Nipples through the t-shirt
Told your mommy that you're bringing home a keeper
Knees are getting weaker when he hear me through the speaker
Big wood, cut him off, cedar
No. 187745
File: 1621972456182.jpg (77.92 KB, 736x723, tism.jpg)

No. 187748
File: 1621972511014.png (376.29 KB, 500x504, jvkf32x2tro31.png)

>>187733shut up and post cringe
No. 187750
File: 1621972557136.jpg (21.79 KB, 249x227, tumblr_m360ubZphk1ru7s1io1_250…)

No. 187751
File: 1621972592842.jpg (102.81 KB, 675x1200, 97cef23b49deaaf4fb9d8b87e54674…)

No. 187752
File: 1621972675301.png (227.94 KB, 300x293, misandry-300x293.png)

No. 187753
File: 1621972700959.jpg (48.73 KB, 1152x648, sdfgh.jpg)

No. 187756
File: 1621972730101.jpg (9.91 KB, 600x282, Kill-all-men-tweet.jpg)

No. 187757
File: 1621972746251.gif (3.79 MB, 480x270, DEEEBFDA-2D27-4A07-96E3-4A26B6…)

No. 187758
File: 1621972790501.jpg (44.05 KB, 750x625, lil.jpg)

No. 187759
File: 1621972792746.png (1.25 MB, 1342x710, Screen_Shot_2021-03-18_at_11.5…)

>>187749>>187750>>187751>>187752we get it, can you read the room for once
No. 187762
File: 1621972949268.jpg (61.04 KB, 500x478, Real-Life-Villains-Wiki-Fandom…)

I gucking hate them so much. Mens words are cheap. They're just fucking animals
No. 187763
File: 1621972984397.png (29.28 KB, 733x244, ok.png)

No. 187768
File: 1621973169828.jpg (4.48 KB, 300x168, descargar.jpg)

azalea banks thread
No. 187776
File: 1621973414659.jpeg (6.08 KB, 306x164, images (10).jpeg)

>>187766I bet it's that tranny from the mtf thread the other day
No. 187777
File: 1621973427302.webm (2.33 MB, 640x360, ZQqcLXn.webm)
No. 187778
File: 1621973462067.jpg (71.58 KB, 680x560, 40d.jpg)

Stop this foolishness
No. 187780
File: 1621973521620.jpg (93.43 KB, 1396x1121, x8drei7uenx41.jpg)

No. 187781
File: 1621973627012.jpeg (90.74 KB, 878x785, who-is-the-ugliest-man-in-the-…)

men are ugly
No. 187783
File: 1621973676472.jpg (25.68 KB, 800x419, ugly-man.jpg)

No. 187784
File: 1621973712365.jpg (50.15 KB, 525x622, 7b0eb5d32c9456866980d48c9267c2…)

No. 187785
File: 1621973752649.jpeg (39.39 KB, 480x360, 1A00CEBD-8226-490F-8417-EB2E5F…)

Is it culture appropriation to spurdopost if I’m not Finnish?
No. 187786
File: 1621973755260.png (165.66 KB, 257x435, 257px-YamiBakura-DULI.png)

3D men really can't compare
No. 187789
File: 1621973832658.jpg (202.34 KB, 1564x1564, cobes.jpg)

Young cobes looks like a lesbian I used to know
No. 187790
File: 1621973902411.jpg (31.4 KB, 700x394, 50388173_303.jpg)

ew wtf why make all of us look at ugly moids. don't worry nonas let me cleanse your palates
No. 187791
File: 1621973906721.png (1.39 KB, 204x74, werfgiorgipohrgj.png)

what does my music collection say about me?
No. 187792
File: 1621973934387.jpg (75.54 KB, 615x610, df642616190eb44406ff489e47c871…)

No. 187795
File: 1621974069947.gif (948.04 KB, 400x288, malehairloss.gif)