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No. 189588
>what is cheugy?Cheugy means something that's off-trend. This term is popularized by tik-tok, some people might use cheugy to define something that is outdated, tryhard, uncool, and tacky. According to urban dictionary, "The opposite of trendy. Stylish years ago but no longer in style. Used when someone still follows these out of date trends. This may include but not be limited to fashion, habits on social media, usage of slang, etc." and defines it as "a slang adjective mocking someone or something as “uncool”—they are out of touch with current trends or trying too hard to be trendy."
Even though cheugy is mostly used to descrive cringy attitudes in adults (and to tease millenials), it can also be found between the current gen z. Even the word cheugy is debatably cheugy.
Some examples of cheugy:
>Using brand logo clothes>Being a "disney adult">Using items that pander too hard into a fandom like Harry Potter>Phrases like "live laugh love" or #girlboss>Anything that might had been cool in high school or middle school but isn't anymore>etcDiscuss cheugy in this thread!
What are some examples you can think of? Are you a bit cheugy?
Find some random cheugy examples here: No. 189596
>>189595People laugh at old trends in every generation regardless of whether they're linked to something you can monetize and sell or not. Don't be dense.
Does using "xD" count? I seriously can't tell anymore
No. 189616
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How do you pronounce cheugy?
Anyway I saw this on the attractive women thread and this particular elastic belt on the right is giving me war flashbacks.
No. 189621
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>>189596I hate xD but I guess I'm the one who has a fucking issue considering I'd rather see "kek" used in a group chat than xD
Instead of the usual millenial refs here are some recent to mid 2010s trends that I find cheugy in 2021
>Thrasher shirts and sweaters>Tommy Hilfiger>Every egirl/grunge outfits worn by korean girls that we've been seeing on Pinterest since 2015 >Fishnet tights under jeans>Tattoo chokers>Knee high socks>Heavy instathot makeup>White Fila sneakers>Hair ombre in unnatural colors>Farquaad/black bob with straight bangs>Gold casio + Daniel Wellington watchesThe cheugy shit I'm still wearing include
>AA pleated skirt + awful high rise skinny jeans>Old skool Vans>Mustard Kanken No. 189637
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>>189621I feel like the AA skirt was only out for like a year or two around 2016-2018 then came back full force practically everyone is wearing it again that I know. But otherwise I agree with your list
Anyways I can’t wait for picrel to become cheugy in approximately 2 years. All the art students around me walking around looking clapped with their $250 shag mullets and bleach jobs. at what point does it stop being alternative since everyone fucking has it… A non artsy friend got it and it looks so bad it doesn’t suit her face or hair type at all. I feel bad for her but I guess it’s just hair lol
No. 189639
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>>189637Yes I saw tennis skirts being repopularized
>All the art students around me walking around looking clapped with their $250 shag mullets and bleach jobsMy fucking sides, yes. The mullet and picrel "wolf haircut" too. It's like a weird attempt to have a final fantasy haircut and tbh it only looks cool on asian hair textures. Even then, it still looks like a Host Club haircut to me
No. 189640
>>189637This haircut was trendy around hipsters… ~3 years ago? I saw it at all the bars I went to.
I had this haircut 2 years ago and I hate seeing pictures of myself from this time. It is so ugly.
No. 189641
>>189640It gained mainstream popularity around last year or so.
A good rule of thumb to find out what will become cheugy is to spot the trends that got "stolen" from more indie fashion movements and gained big mainstream popularity.
No. 189650
>>189621How the fuck do those fishnets work, they start like regular fishnet tights above the shorts but then disappear?? Is it like a fishnet granny panty?
I like the fishnets under jeans look but this is just weird to me.
No. 189665
>>189639looks cute, not cheugy
everyone please post more personal cheugy examples
No. 189679
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I think coachella style is cheuggy.
No. 189680
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>>189679I think it depends, those outfits look too normie, picrel are absolutely cheugy tho
No. 189686
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>>189639>>189677agreeing with second anon, looks like it would be such a hassle to maintain all the layers and different lengths
might be cuter with curlier hair but it could just as easily be a late 80's-tier clusterfuck
flannels and ripped, lightwash jeans, both together and separately, are unisex cheugisms
>balayages>ombres>beach waves>messy buns>huge circular sunglasses>infinity scarves >fringe detailing everywhere>enormous branded totes>heavy branding in general>full beat makeup looks>"soft glam"are all cheugismo maximo, fucking fight me
No. 189689
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Looking at the thread image I use Pinterest and the cry-laugh emoji. Other than that, I love low rise jeans and chokers (my holdovers from the 90s).
Oh, and I still have a studded belt. With skulls. I don't think I'd ever wear it again, but I also can't bring myself to get rid of it.
No. 189696
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This thread is just making me nostalgic.
No. 189704
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>>189679100% agree. Adding to that, I think Berghain, the people that go there, and the minimalist style of dark techno it's associated with are cheug.
No. 189716
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this "goth" shit
>watches true crime
>"cat mom"
>"normal people scare me"
>everything she owns has to be black (almost as cringe as someone who owns everything pink)
>obsessed with tea for some reason
>watches safya nygaard
No. 189717
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Happy that this thread exists, bc I recently bought a Uniqlo skirt, similar to picrel, in that dated looking Tiffany/Robin's egg blue (2010s style). I really like it regardless. Is there any way to style this that doesn't look dated?
No. 189731
>>189717The elements of this skirt are so twee. If you wanna take it in another direction then you have to style it with something contrasting like
>>189726 mentioned. Maybe something like one of those baby tees from the 90s (as in those small, snug knit tees made for women, not a literal baby's shirt), or a vintage band t shirt with cool art?
No. 189736
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>>189734I think that colour is easily associated with this particular era in early 2010s fashion, when it was last popular. That combined with the fast fashion looking quality of the skirt in the reference pic make it look kinda dated. Adding to that, fast fashion is cheugy.
No. 189740
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>>189716this reminds me so much of the pastel goth trend that was pretty popular on tumblr a few years ago. idk, the thing that bothers me most about these styles how the quality of the aesthetic screams clearance bin at a spencers.
No. 189741
>>189738I think she meant shit like something you would buy at forever21, hottopic, dollskills etc those "trendy" fast fashion places that you buy something one day and the next month it has already becomed dated
What is trendy nowadays, anyways? all I see is egirl shit and I think egirl kawaii emo goth crap is already becoming cheugy
No. 189742
>>189734Yeah I don't see it either. I would've gotten it if it was a skater skirt/tennis skirt/high-low skirt but I don't associate this style of skirt nor it's colour with any trend from the 2010's. Maybe it just wasn't a thing where I am.
>>189736>the fast fashion looking quality of the skirt in the reference pic make it look kinda datedBut everything fast fashion looks fast fashion, including everything you get from trendy fast fashion stores right now. And that seems inherintely contradictory. How can it be both trendy but still cheugy because it looks fast fashion?
No. 189745
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I hate the mid 2010s style, I agree with what anon said about the thrasher shirts and chokers. I'll add:
>anime shirts
>shirts with aliens
>anything with crystals, tarot cards, ouija boards, upside down crosses etc
>anything stoner "hippy" or "trippy"
>anything referring to "vibes" in an unironic non-meme way i.e "hippy vibes" or "summer vibes"
>art hoe plant mom shit
>Korean grid patterns
>nu goth and pastel goth
>Belle delphine uwu gamer girl kawaii waifu style
>sailor moon images on clothes
All this shit is so overdone its stale as fuck at this point
No. 189746
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>>189745Also any patterns with cactuses and pineapples are cheugy as hell
No. 189749
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>>189746don't get me started on unicorns, flamingos and mermaids
On the theme of patterns, these stupid floral/leaves shit, and squiggly lines (chevron?)
>>189745I thought zoomers were very into that kind of anime shirt kek but everything you listed is ultra fucking cheugy I hate it so much
No. 189777
>>189775imo, people tend to thrift then complete their wardrobe with fast fashion.
buy a funny "fish fear me women want me" shirt for 3 bucks then get an h&m skirt to make it wearable.
No. 189781
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>>189745>Belle delphine uwu gamer girl kawaii waifu styleI remember when it was all over Tumblr in 2014-2015 and was basically a pastel version of the "pale grunge" wave. Can't believe it's still a thing
No. 189786
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>>189745>>189781iirc the kawaii waifu schlick and anime shirts is still trendy as fuck, just because you don't like it doesn't mean its not popular.
No. 189796
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>>189786Thus why I pointed out that "I can't believe it's still a thing", even tho it's mainly just teens on tiktok. I blame Euphoria/June for the rebirth of uwu kawaii casual jfash soft girl look.
Picrel makes me cringe so bad, the Liz Lisa Aliexpress shoes rip off sent me to the moon
No. 189806
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>>189802It looks too ddlg fag to me and the shoes retailed for 400+ bucks, apparently from a brand called ANOUKI
No. 189816
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Is this hairstyle considered cheugy?
No. 189838
>>189828High five anon. I like to dress in a classic style and also buy vintage items. These constantly changing trends just leads to stress and worry about being out of date.
Just ordered some Victorian jewelry from Etsy instead, because I love that shit.
No. 189844
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Back in middle school every guy had the JB haircut and this purple sweater. If they had a supreme shirt under it and a flat brim cap they were the shit
No. 189897
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>>189588Which hairstyles, hair trends, hair colors, etc. do you find the most cheugy?
No. 189900
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what do you consider to be the best examples of cheugy shit (ie the absolute worst and most cringe-worthy offenders)?
No. 189909
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>>189897Unnatural pastels, "beach waves", tie and dye hair and warm blonde with dark roots in general
>>189900For me it's picrel. If I see one more khaki parka I'm gonna sudoku. And you know damn well that the people dressing like picrel are the first ones to complain about the Y2K revival, bitch stfu you're dressed like a proper meme spreadsheet of the worst and most uninventive fashion decade, how dare you shit on Paris Hilton
No. 189928
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>>189897This hair just screams dog mom who love brunch and chardonnay
No. 189930
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Ear gauges are very 2012 and cheugy
No. 189940
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>>189937Her name is Jessica Braun, honestly she doesn’t look bad at all esp in comparison with people who put zero effort into their style, but it’s the outfit on the far left that really bothers me lol
No. 189949
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Grid patterns, egg/bread/shiba inu prints, words in Japanese in "simplistic" designs, etc.
This kind of thing.
No. 189951
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>>189940Kek, that is really ugly. As long as she's into it it's all good
No. 189985
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>>189897Ombres, never trust a bitch with an ombre in 2021
No. 189990
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>>189742>>189734Tiffany blue used to be on everything circa 2012, nowadays where I am you almost never see it unless it's on Mormon mom clothes, kind of similar to how chevron is seen (picrel). Maybe it's a regional thing then
No. 189991
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I never heard of this term before but reading this thread immediately made me think of this exact sweater
No. 190010
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>>189985I was actually thinking the other day that ombre was cool especially on dark hair. Nowadays it's all about babylights and beach waves and ashy tones for the most ~natural~ effect, bitch I'm bored give me something interesting
No. 190044
>>189588I thought I was over using the fucking ":v" icon that was stupid enough on its time, until I saw one of my friends at uni still uses it and now I use it again too, it's embarrassing.
Funnily enough, she's a self-proclaimed disney girl that writes HarryxDraco fanfiction.
No. 190058
>>189928I've been trying to find a new salon and on most of their instas EVERY FUCKING PHOTO is some basic blonde ombre with loose curls. I'm sure they can do different styles but I get turned off going there if that's what they want to show off.
I never really liked it and I'm glad people are starting to see it as dated. I actually kinda miss the opposite style, with dark colour on the underneath of blonde hair… though ofc that's even more dated.
No. 190083
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No. 190086
>>190083I love you
nonny kek
No. 190090
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ok this might be an artsy college thing specific to my country (india) but this shirt (probably gotten from their first trip to a ~hippie~ destination.. gokarna goa himachal somewhere) signifies that the wearer has just started smoking weed and/or has been smoking weed for too long
it's acceptable for an year and after that it's just a little cringe
No. 190094
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poofy looks goofy
No. 190103
>>190094I know it's just stirring the shit with the other thread but most of this thread is just 'trends I don't like' instead of actual off trend shit. Puffy sleeves are horrible but they are recent.
There's already a 'fashion and outfits we hate' thread for that.
No. 190111
>>190104samefag but the cheugy term and this whole thread reminds me of a quote from a book that I sadly cannot for the life of me remember the title of. Basically ever-changing aesthetics is a capitalist tool to make you consoom new fashion and other objects in fear of falling out of the style. So congrats for playing right into their hand! I guess this wikipedia tidbit explains this concept pretty well:
>Obsolescence of desirability or stylistic obsolescence occurs when designers change the styling of products so customers will purchase products more frequently due to the decrease in the perceived desirability of unfashionable items.>Many products are primarily desirable for aesthetic rather than functional reasons. An example of such a product is clothing. Such products experience a cycle of desirability referred to as a "fashion cycle". By continually introducing new aesthetics, and retargeting or discontinuing older designs, a manufacturer can "ride the fashion cycle", allowing for constant sales despite the original products remaining fully functional. Sneakers are a popular fashion industry where this is prevalent - Nike's Air Max line of running shoes is a prime example where a single model of shoe is often produced for years, but the color and material combination ("colorway") is changed every few months, or different colorways are offered in different markets. This has the upshot of ensuring constant demand for the product, even though it remains fundamentally the same.IDK who came up with 'cheugy' but marketers must be so grateful (if it wasn't their stunt in the first place).
No. 190123
>>190111Zoomers are champions of consooming so it's not so farfetched to assume that they came up with it themselves, though if it's a tiktok trend it surely got a boost from companies pushing it.
Just look at zoomer attitudes towards piracy and torrenting lol. My little sister got mad at me for
breaking the law and leaving creators to starve when she saw me torrent a shitty EA game.
No. 190132
>>190125>But things that were designed to be cool some years ago aka past trends (like UGGs) come as tryhard if you still wear them.I personally never owned uggs but maybe not everyone likes throwing out still wearable shit? How is it try hard to just wear stuff from few years ago and not care if it's "in"…
On the contrary, isn't a tryhard someone who tries hard to keep up with trends?
No. 190135
>>190123We need to stop letting zoomers create threads. First the “channel your inner Stacy” and now this.
Zoomers are fucking cheugy.
No. 190149
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>>190144I don't get why people are this butthurt over this thread. It's like reliving the millenial sperg outrage over some zoomers saying that high waist skinny jeans are out and uggo. Are people unironically sad that what they wore as a teen or young adult is now considered ugly by younger people? It's not a big deal, it will come back kek
No. 190153
>>190125IDK about tryhard, sounds like shitting on people because they dare still be into a thing they were into long before fashion
victims picked it up and disposed of it in favor of the next cool thing. Being into true crime is unfashionable? Good, it means that people can enjoy it without retards who think it's cheugy.
No. 190157
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>>190156Embrace the stacy larping meme
No. 190160
>>190149I’m a millennial. Idk why other millennials freak out about what’s cool to high school and college aged people. The only thing more embarrassing is trying to look and act like high school and college aged people.
To me it’s interesting to see what younger people are into- but unless it’s political or value-based I don’t really see what youth culture has to do with me. I might try out some of the new trends if I like them, but generally I already have my own sense of style and invested in pieces that will last.
It’s like the millennials who care didn’t really develop a sense of identity of their own that really care about this stuff.
No. 190167
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This interior style (photo from Mrs hinch lol) and the all gray color palette
No. 190169
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my favorite cheug accessory has got to be the gucci belt, hard to believe that two years ago influencers were shilling it as ~timeless~
No. 190195
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Everything cochella-boho circa 2014 and especially kimonos. Old sis still wear those, esp ones with ethnic elephant prints kek
No. 190196
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>>190195Samefag for tassel earrings
No. 190198
>>190090It's really interesting to see what's considered tacky in other countries.
After typing that I just realised, is "cheugy" not just a gibberish word for tacky? I don't see a difference in concepts.
No. 190229
>>190156They’re not trolling. They genuinely want to be “Stacy” in their tacky Y2K getups listening to Ariana grande, asking questions like “what hobbies can I take up that will make me more of a Stacy? At the moment I like anime and videogames”
It’s all so.., cheugy.
No. 190244
>>190239I'm zoomer and I torrent all of my shit kek. Same for my friends.
When I torrent a vg from an indie studio I do actually buy it afterwards though
No. 190249
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>>190244samefagging to post infinity tattoos. +100 points if they involve a flock of birds
No. 190252
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>>190249you just reminded me of another cheugy tattoo, that heartbeat cross thing. tbh most faith based/pinterest tattoos are very cheugy
and another cheugy youtuber.
she has a thread on guru gossiper, it used to be super active ect. but since they did the discord thing it hasnt been updated that much. shes kinda a cow TBH. i am a fellow torrent zoomer. you are not alone anon No. 190260
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>>189940those outfits are okay but i don't think most are particularly flattering for her. the dress in first pic looks nice on her but the light jean jacket clashes with it. this shirt from the vid looks good on her, surprised it wasn't in the thumbnail.
No. 190261
>190257kek what a weird thing to do
>>190260oh it's a cute shirt wtf
No. 190275
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>>190249>>190252so meaningful and personal uwu
No. 190279
>>190229That’s hilarious what a bunch of loserds.
Stacy roleplay lmfao. The part that’s sad about this is Stacy isn’t even real. It is just a meme born out of the need to create a counterpart to Chad.
Being a woman you’re just in a binary system: fuckable or not fuckable. Stacy and Becky are fake concepts because 80% are cumbrain freaks.
No. 190285
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>>190279That thread is a joke thread, it literally says "don't take this thread seriously". Can we go back on topic please? you sound autistic, can't take a joke jesus christ.
No. 190307
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>>189844I still want sweaters like this kek. I might be considered cheugy because I really like the late 00s-early 10s fashion. I'm attached to it because that's when I was growing up and that's what teens/adults were wearing, so I want it now too.
No. 190308
>>190195Idk there's something I still really like about this style. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I think it's an interesting mix of two different styles. It's boho but it has a few elements of the "nu-goth" style that was emerging too.
Cheugy is such a ugly word btw lol. Literally any other made up word could've been better
No. 190314
>>190307It's funny because I was in middle and high school at this time and it's the opposite for me, it's my least favourite period in fashion. From a purely aesthetic standpoint it just doesn't appeal to me, but I also associate it with my cringey teenage experience and I think that factors into my perspective. I have more nostalgic feelings about y2k fashion even though it can be extremely ugly too.
This is a bit ot, but does anyone else remember seeing y2k revivalism as early as 2013? Obviously it was really fringe then. It's been interesting to see it evolve into a mainstream trend.
No. 190319
>>190167>>190318I've never seen that style before even though I look at interior decorating/room porn subs etc pretty often, who tf is it popular with? Is it an American thing?
It's absolutely hideous, the minimalistic grey/white mixed with OTT velvety fluffy gilded textures clashes so bad and I hate it.
No. 190333
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>>190257Kek that's hilarious I wanna fight some pillows now
Anyway I don't know if ~rose gold ~ decorations are still trendy but they're cringe
No. 190334
>>190149>high waist skinny jeans are out and uggobased zoomers
Skinny jeans are the worst fashion trend to ever exist.
No. 190341
>>190339NTA but it's a pretty specific colour in a specific context with specific designs/accents, it's not like hating anything that's blue or green or whatever.
The stuff that anon posted looks like a whole ass collection from kmart that I could have bought once upon a time, it's not like the colours are inherently ugly but overexposure and cheapness has made it seem tacky to me too.
No. 190346
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>>190333>rose gold>marble printsYeah, spot on, kek
No. 190348
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>>190275uwu the flock of birds represents me desire for freedom anon, w-what do you mean it's Divergent tattoo?
No. 190360
>>190334>>190334If you have short, fat legs… sure.
Hilarious since I remember bell bottoms being considered the worst fashion ever and now people act like they are the second coming of Christ lmfao
>>190275the point of those hideous tattoos was to everyone know that you have either attempted or considered suicide at some point in your life. Peak cringe. If you want to celebrate being alive despite that, pick an original design with symbolism that pertains to you only
No. 190362
>>190360I'm skinny + no hips and skinny jeans make me look sick, especially in black
>The point of those hideous tattoos was to everyone know that you have either attempted or considered suicide at some pointPeak attention whore, jesus christ
No. 190366
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>>190365Palewave. I remember it peaking whenever the Adidas Superstar were a big thing, so I don't really remember when exactly but 2015?
No. 190368
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>>190366Also spring break frat boy. Imo it's the male equivalent of the starbucks, uggs and messy bun girl
No. 190370
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Apparently dress and jean are off-trend but I still like this combinaison
No. 190388
>>190360Every 3 years bell bottoms are “a thing” again. Just with different groups.
When I was in elementary school/middle school everyone was wearing bell bottoms.
Sorority girls loved them when I was in college in the early 10’s.
Then the goths + rave crowd were wearing them again in the mid 10’s.
They never make a full on comeback though because they are ugly and they don’t go with a lot.
No. 190401
>>189828>>189838>The trick to beating trends is to be so dramatically out of date that it doesn't matter.Just you wait, this won't work forever. I was happy wearing outdated clothes too but against all sane logic some elements of my style came into fashion with teenagers these past years and that means that now even though I dress the same as I always have done I look like I'm just trying (and failing) to emulate then.
And when then it goes out of fashion I will look extra outdated.
No. 190405
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>>190366I remember palewave, adding normcore to the list but it was a unisex style, kind of 90s inspired.
I was big into normcore in 2014 or so when it was big on /fa/.
I still kind of dress like a mix of that and hippy arthoe and I couldn't be happier.
No. 190446
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No. 190447
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>>190446cheugy means tacky and overdone
No. 190483
>>190333I hate rose gold so much, it reminds me of oxidized costume jewelry. That dusty pink colour drives me crazy, it looks like it's covered in a layer of grime and soot as the name literally suggests. My SIL had a baby and the entire wardrobe is dusty pink, I hate it lol.
>>190167Those damn pillows, wow. It all just looks so soulless. This is interior design for people who don't actually have a sense of style and just wanna create the look of opulence
No. 190609
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Statement necklaces paired with graphic tshirts or sweatshirts.
No. 190648
File: 1623040800011.jpg (139.89 KB, 980x1470, Denim-Shorts-With-Tights-4.jpg)

jean shorts with tights, the more opaque the tights the more cheugy it is
No. 190694
>>190691There's already 'fashion and outfits we hate' thread. Most of this thread is just that, only like 2 things posted here aren't fashion.
Only this time anons frame shit they don't like as 'out' which is absolutely retarded vain consoomer mindset. Yeah, just throw all your old wearable clothes and buy whole new closet every 6 months, that's totally not wasteful. Don't forget to shame people who don't have money/means to do that for being 'cheugy'.
No. 190696
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Low-rise jeans are pretty cheugy imho, and they seem to be making a "comeback", at least if fashion websites are to be trusted.
This thread is pretty funny to scroll through, a lot of things I agree with and a lot of things I like a lot and would never give up. Goes to show it's pointless to care and tastes are super diverse (shocking i know)
No. 190703
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>>189897This overdone trend
No. 190707
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>>190706Exactly, half of these things aren't cheugy, alot of things mentioned are super trendy right now like the egirl hair and kawaii waifu fashion.
Cheugy is the OPPOSITE of trendy, not something you find tacky or overdone.
No. 190715
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>>190405>normcoreBlast from the past. It wasn't the worst tacky /fa/ shit imo, unlike the absolute obsession with Rick Owens kek
No. 190727
>>190703My sister got this cut at age 27 after being a prototypical Pinterest girl, and I was baffled.
Seems like something I would have done as a teenager not someone closing in on 30.
No. 190737
>>190730I feel like this whole thread is full of tryhards with tacky 'omg it's sooo last season' shit.
So I'd say using unironically word like 'cheugy' is actually really 'cheugy' and tacky.
No. 190747
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>>190737To me 80% of this thread is people sperging and complaining, also it's like 4 people who can be spotted by their cringy wording and typing who keep bumping the thread
>>190728Despite seeing it everywhere online, I saw this hairstyle only once irl. I don't like it, reminds me of picrel but think it's a good style for teens or people who aren't really able with bleach. It gives you alt looking hair without really having to commit or fry all of it
No. 190757
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cheugy af ugh
No. 190766
>>190757>Non powdered wig>Pre eating disorder phaseActually disgusting
>>190737Anon, wait, I think you cracked the fucking code. It's as if a cheugy thread would attract actual arrogant /fa/ggots? People who are actually into trends? Holy shit.
No. 190776
>>190737Dude it's not "so last season"
it's about shit that people wore 5-10 years ago and are tryhard pretending it's still popular
Like the "laugh love live" shit, or shit you see on pinterest and is shilled as "omg so cool and trendy" when it looks like shit
My god from all the places on the internet I couldn't believe LOLCLOWN is the place where nobody gets it
No. 190779
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>>190773Oh wow anonny thanks for enlightening me I truly was so lost
No. 190783
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>>190773Oh fuck me anon and here I was omw to post my cheugy king
No. 190792
>>190788I think the reasonyou think is "fun" is the same one a lot of farmers just think it's stupid: it's too subjective and most people don't even care about it.
Although the contents of the thread itself are not necessarily awful or anything (there are a lot of shit I personally agree is ugly and outdated), the mentality just screams "teenager" for me. Even the word itself is fetch-tier
No. 190796
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Are pic rel cheugy?
No. 190842
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>>190365/r/malefashionadvice style
No. 191857
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The red velvet shade of hair color that was popular 5-10 years ago strikes me as particularly cheugy.
No. 191901
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No. 191923
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lol wear whatever tf you want fashion is mostly an absurd nightmare anyways
No. 191970
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>>191901I've always wondered what it is about these pants that people like apart from the comfort aspect. They remind me of these shoes which I've always thought were ugly looking
No. 191975
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Did your country have the owl phase?
No. 191981
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>>191975Burger here… was obsessed with owls as a preteen in 2011 and knew a couple others who were as well. I owned picrel and wore it far too often. Seemed to be a hit with autistic girls for some reason?
No. 191982
>>191975This picture smells like 2008
Pretty sure I had that same owl necklace.
No. 191991
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>>190783Fake fucking king, miss me with that gay pantaloons shit
No. 191996
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>>191975I have a friend who still adores owls and has at least something with an owl around. I’ve only had one blouse because it was a gift but I never really wanted anything to do with owls.
I was more of a stars’ girl. I always wanted to have stars around because of my husbando of the time, god I’m so fucking autistic. Now to me anything with big stars looks cheugy and I wouldn’t touch them even if my only way of survival was burning up some star patterned piece of clothing.
No. 192000
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Is The North Face considered cheugy?
No. 192014
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>>192000oh my god this gave me flashbacks to 2006
>>191970I also never understood birkenstocks like picrel until I tried a pair on, they're like a warm hug for your foot they're so comfy. still cheugy tho
No. 192629
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Cheugster numero uno
No. 192648
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snakebites and central labrets are cheugy
No. 192653
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I just remembered when every gymrat wore those
No. 192655
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>>192653and that is including male ones
No. 192664
>>192648I so so wish the trend of eyebrow piercings would come back, I found them incredibly sexy. Everyone who was hot had them back then.
Nowadays even people who have pierced their entire face with dozens of holes avoid getting them.
No. 192670
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>>192648That thick eyeliner is chewgy.
No. 192675
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American Apparel in general, but especially these briefs that every hipster seemed to own back in ye olden days. I hate to admit that I owned a couple pairs myself.
No. 192706
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i used to work somewhere where 75% of the women wore these horrible leggings on a daily basis. i dont see them as much since covid, but i also dont work with yogis anymore
No. 192712
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all-over photo print clothes are cheugy, so is galaxy pattern and funneh cats
No. 192786
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all of it kek
No. 192794
>>192733I know but the galaxy print cat sweater is one step away from being
>>190757 unironically lol. Trends from ten years ago aren't trendy anymore, shocking
No. 192838
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>>192786i think its cute, reminds me of pic related. not MY style at all though. i like the y2k trends though (mostly)
No. 192850
File: 1623982190734.png (1.43 MB, 1378x1206, cheugmeister-mark.png)

facebook is cheugy. I'm not talking about using it for messenger or groups. I'm talking about the memes, the misinformation, the oversharing. it's your 50 something year old professor posting quasi-inspirational, pseudo-FDS type of images that are thinly-veiled jabs at her ex who obviously cheated on her, judging by the way she regularly broadcasts the state of her love life. it's the people who tag each other in things like "the first three words you see in this crossword puzzle will reveal your future" or "your first @ owes you dinner". it's the cheesy filtered photos, the temporary frames, the hashtags, the never-ending feed of trite garbage. facebook is undeniably the cheugiest platform of our era, and really, could you expect anything else from a nerd who looks like this guy?
No. 192907
Things that I think are cheugy:
>getting married (to men) giving birth>paying taxes>the housing crisis >the pay gap>failing rape prosecutions>COVID 19 >>192874>some people have to use it for workBut it’s CHEUGY anon….
No. 192914
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Hummels are cheugy. In fact, all the decor in my grandmas house are cheugy af.
No. 192915
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Burkas are cheugy
No. 192918
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Fashion Novaesque fits with 2016 instagram makeup is the new chav. +100 points if you're overweight
>>192850Alright, no need to attack my mom this way
No. 192920
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Anyone else had a phase when they wore badly coordinated printed scarf evryday kek ?
No. 192953
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>>192907>getting married (to men) giving birthgeez anon not all of us can be based lesbian/bisexual wlw
Anyway here's one for my Brazilian babes, you either either to school with this kind of chick or have a cousin/niece that is one.
No. 192958
>>189639This is the only type of haircut that looks so good on me although mine is shoulder length. And as far as I know, the soft shag is in fashion now but I've been sporting it ever since a hairdresser had it done on me 10 years ago.
For the record, I'm slav and my face shape is the same as in that pic.
It can be cheugy, it can be called whatever, I won't allow myself getting so harshly dictated by trends.
No. 192963
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>>189588I don't know why people seem to have such a hard time grasping the definition of "cheugy." It's simple: trends that are both (1) relatively recently out-of-date (within the last ten years or so) and (2) tacky (either because the trend was overdone or genuinely ugly).
Just because something is off-trend doesn't mean that it's cheugy. It has to be ugly and/or overdone too. Anything more than 15+ years out of date just starts to fall under the umbrella of vintage, and it doesn't make sense to call it cheugy. Styles that are still on-trend and tacky are just that– tacky trends.
>>190016>>190111The concept of "chuegy" is not new, and anyone getting their panties in a twist over it is a probably underage or a simpleton. It's just a zoomer term for tacky and off-trend. Fashion magazines have been declaring trends as "over!" for forever and noone collectively lost their shit like they have with "cheugy."
My biggest gripe with "chuegy" is how it overemphasizes critiquing women's trends and benign lifestyles. I want to see more men roasted for their cheugy Funko Pop collections, Marvel home decor, Rick and Morty merch and stale le reddit gold!! attitudes.
No. 193012
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This e-girl gamer aesthetic is about to become cheugy for me personally. I think it peaked around 2018.
No. 193013
>>192963People know what cheugy means, they just think it's retarded.
>My biggest gripe with "chuegy" is how it overemphasizes critiquing women's trends and benign lifestyles. And this is exactly
why it's retarded and harmful.
No. 193077
>>193071>Either you do black/white plus lame rgbI hate dark rooms filled with RBG (especially with those hexagons on the wall) and I hate the men that use them. Makes them seem like literal basement dwellers but with too much money.
I don't know if it's cheugy but it should be as it's getting very, very overdone.
No. 193096
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lace wedding gowns
No. 193165
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This entire look. So outdated.
No. 193178
>>193165The ariana grande headband, the melanie martinez two tone wig, the meme tumblr heart choker and the unwashed programming socks alongside the inevitable receiding chin
I refuse to believe this isn't some ddlg tumblrfag from 2014
No. 193238
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This shit. I've known numerous dumbasses over the past 6 or more years who've had this shirt and thing it's soooo funny and unique.
That goes for shit with aliens on it too
No. 193240
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>>193238Samefag, also millennials who are perpetually stuck in 2010 that still wear these type of designs on shirts or hats
No. 193250
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No. 193266
>>193262God those two.
They did a tour in Sweden where they complained about women wearing big coats and not looking sexy enough in the middle of winter, then complained about freezing their own asses off. They would sexually harass women and grab their boobs, and then in every episode they would makeover a guy while completely kissing his ass and dressing him all in boring beige. Cheugy handmaiden losers.
No. 193269
>>192850I abandoned my facebook and it's the best feeling in the world. I felt every time I looked at my feed, I was getting dumber. I also felt like the potpourri of "friends" I had were not cohesive enough to get equal access to whatever I decided to post. And then I decided that it just felt weird posting any details of my life or views on that platform. I didn't want to engage or be engaged with. I wanted out.
The privacy and data harvesting were just additional reasons to get off that platform. Anyone on the fence about it - just do it. I feel in my bones that FB will die in the next 5-10 years, and I look forward to that happening.
I haven't missed a damn thing from FB.
No. 193276
>>193269Or you can just have self control and not waste time by pointlessly going through your feed.
Facebook is excellent when it comes to connecting with people from work, school, organising events, going through your city's events and seeing if any of your friends are also up for them. Groups are also great for file sharing and general superficial communication. There isn't any social media that's better at this afaik. I hope it
doesn't die soon because it's so easy to find good interesting broadcasts of online classes, podcasts, meet ups, concerts and other events through it.
No. 193285
>>193276>connecting with people from work, schoolgroce
there's also still the privacy issue
No. 193361
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I absolutely cannot stand the late 2000s/early 2010s style that consisted of people who missed out when scene was huge. Like, this specific photo is a great example; taken in 2013, clothes are from H&M and Primark. It's trying so hard, but missing it completely.
>>191996I was a stars girl too. I have a very similar pair of tights I got from Walmart I still wear when I lounge around. Mix this with a thick plain tank and a sheer-ish oversized graphic tee crop top. Peak 2012.
>>192014I had a pair of Birkenstocks back in the late 90s when I was a wee child. Those shoes absolutely sucked, I always fell in them.
No. 193399
>>193250I’m 33 years old and i think this is fugly. Just wear stockings or tights or pantyhose if you don’t want to show your legs like it’s not that hard.
Wearing jeans under a dress or a skirt just makes you look like you’re retarded or 12. Or a 12 year old retard.
>>193253That’s funny cause lots of retro clothing is expensive af
No. 193432
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>>193404It’s literally just for posting shit that’s out of trend, not specifically trends farmers hate. For example, Nicole Kidman wearing thin fabric in pastel green with matching suede shoes and sheer pink top with symmetrical mandala print. Off-trend elements from 2001, but I like it.
No. 193779
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i like these
No. 194089
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Shocked that these hadn't been posted yet.
Also "cheugy" is fucking retarded, the word "tacky" already exists.
No. 194122
>>194089There's a class difference between tacky and cheugy though. Tacky things have always been tacky since they were released. They are aimed at the aspiring classes. A t-shirt with a brand name is tacky and always has been.
Cheugy is things that were upper class but have filtered down to the aspiring classes too much and now are too abundant. White iphone headphones used to be aspirational because having a phone that expensive was rare. Now they are cheugy because everyone has an iphone and these are only the free headphones. You need to pay for the airpods now. Chanel was upper class but there are so many used bags and fakes and knockoffs, plus it is always paired with a non-Chanel outfit, meaning that the classic flap is cheugy now. Cheugy things don't always have to be expensive but have to have been inaccessible at one point.
Some things are neither and are just dated.
No. 194129
>>194125From this thread, I would say ombre hair, boho fashion, and gold home decor are cheugy. They all had a time when they could be accessed via high end shops. Ombre hair isn't more expensive than regular hair colouring yet required up to date training only available in higher end salons. Boho became a huge trend copying Sienna Miller, who clearly had a stylist to source unique vintage pieces. Then the generic boho look (see
>>192786 ) became popular in chain shops. Gold home decor was only in high end independent designer shops and then filtered down. Rose gold was always tacky though.
No. 196411
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septum piercings
No. 196579
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>>196411This jewelry is definitely cheugy. I think a captive bead ring might actually be dated enough to be trendy now, like a yellow smiley face ball. Channel your inner Joe Boxer.
Witchy fashion is cheugy. Not the Killstar pentagram harness stuff which is outright tacky, but the way people dressed when they were like “I’m an ACTUAL witch” with their crystals, trying to pretend they weren’t influenced by AHS Coven like literally everyone else at the time.
No. 200149
>>196463Monroes, snakebites, angel bites and what have you definitely look incredibly dated, they died with the scene kids and never came back in the current quasi revival.
Also, you do not seem to see any bellybutton barbell piercings around, right?
>>189588Light wash skinny jeans with 100% elastane, Adidas Superstars, faux fur jackets, dusty pink as a colour. There is probably more but I am drawing a blank.
No. 200170
Makes me smile when people argue over jean style and rise. So a style and rise looks bad on you, pick a different one. I can understand if there are reasons why one can't do that (e.g. financial or importing). I don't get the "well I look bad in x and y therefore no one should wear it" mentality. I have nostalgia for low rise jeans since I wore them as a preteen and early teen but that jean rise absolutely looks like hell on me now.
>>189844I had that hoodie. I bought it from the Cobra Starship website because it was cheaper than American Apparel despite being the same hoodie essentially. It had Gabe Saporta's "signiture" on the inside. Kek.
No. 200188
>>200160Slash fandoms that are way too big and turn anime male characters into cringe American zoomer stereotypes (like BNHA) and Western male characters into uwu yaoi manga women in men’s bodies (like Marvel)
Jelsa (elsa and Jack Frost from that mediocre dreamworks movie) Not even against the two characters, it was just cringe stuff thought up by women who simply couldn’t tolerate a female Disney lead without a male love interest.
No. 200278
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I never liked the semicolon tattoo trend
No. 200357
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>>200291i know a disturbing amount of adults who got deathly hallows tattoos after the HP movies ended cause they were so eager to cling on to their youth
>>200305>geometric deer and trianglesholy fuck you gave me some gnarly 2010 hipster tumblr flashbacks
oh and we can’t mention those tattoos without including the most infamous one of all
No. 200693
File: 1628031732899.jpg (26.25 KB, 640x603, green_ombre.jpg)

>>189588This fucking ombre + hair color a la Kylie Jenner 2015. It looks like shit when the green gets washed out and the hair looks like puke.
No. 200698
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>>200693I hate this color. People who don't have vivid hair always think it's so pretty and "mermaid"-y, but anyone who has ever had blue hair knows that this is just the color you get when you don't maintain an actually good shade of blue hair. I can't imagine why anyone would want to get this color willingly.
No. 200722
>>200693Plus when you see it in the wild the coloured hair is usually fried to hell and back.
Saw a girl with that hair recently, she looked like she had a jellyfish on top of her head.
No. 201854
>>200712did chris chan have this hairdo? i dunt remember
don't get me wrong, its cringe. going from dark to pastel with a single color is gross
No. 201930
File: 1628964711041.png (871 KB, 1280x720, 1611392934081.png)

>>201854he had a badly done diy version