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No. 189754
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I’m gonna have to pass on this puff sleeve trend as I am an inverted triangle body shape. I need that a line skirt+v neck combo to survive.
No. 189780
>>189754I am the opposite to you anon, I have bought into the puff sleeve trend bigtime as a shoulderlet kek
>>189778Where did you find the pressed flower accessories, anon?
No. 189782
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>>189778I like it too, and it's stupid but I can't bring myself to wear gingham print. In my country, gingham dresses (in blue, red or green) are Primary school uniform. We all wear it as little girls, and "graduate" out of it. I can't help but feel silly in it lol.
No. 189794
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>>189782I see what you mean, it's like polka dots motif, it all depends of the fit and cut. To me, green/sage gingham looks less childish but at the same time I like red because it makes you look like a thotty farmer
No. 189797
>>189782could milk the kinderwhore appeal outta that
tbh not a fan of wearing cottagcore stuff in a 'cutesy' way like i need a lil bit edge to the look, slutty too but not in a basic way to attract dudes, more like to scare them lol
No. 189799
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>>189797I can see Mori scaring dudes away but I don't find it sexy at all.
I recommend Nour & the Merchant, it's expensive but she makes clothes that catter to that forest princess look
No. 189808
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>>189794>thotty farmeri chuckled liberally, thank you anon
No. 189855
>>189778Is cottagecore still a trend though? I feel like it peaked last year around the whole strawberry dress thing.
I love flowy romantic dresses but see absolutely no one wearing them.
Might be just a local thing though.
On that note, is dark academia still a thing? I guess it's more of an autumn trend but I wonder if it's still gonna be around after this summer.
No. 189919
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>>189915I'm an absolute plank and I still don't get your reasoning
nonny kek. It looks good on chubby girls too imo
No. 189921
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Maybe it’s just me not being a fan of yellow but I feel like Pantone was totally off with the colors of the year. And the combo of these two is just gross to me lol
No. 189924
>>189915Imo I think chubby girls can pull off the longer cottagecore dresses pretty well because they're loose around the stomach and hide the legs.
>>189921These are the pantone colors this year? I absolutely haven't seen either whatsoever.
No. 189986
>>189915Bloomingdales just did a new cottagecore edit this spring, so I think it's safe to say it should stick around for a bit with the warm weather
>>189921These colors look awful together, tbh I think that lilac purple that is everywhere lately is the true popular color of the year
No. 189992
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>>189986I saw it a lot last year, I really like pastel purple, it's my favourite pastel. I really like the combo with sage green too. Kinda pissy because every sage blazer that I liked is out of stock
No. 189994
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how would you style this vest? i was thinking maybe you could wear a black or white t-shirt underneath, but not sure what kind of jeans would pair well with this combo
No. 190008
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>>189994I personally dislike t-shirts with this sort of vest, it's too casual for such a preppy look. Ideally it would pair with a collared blouse or nicer long sleeve top if you want a slightly less academic look.
No. 190015
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>>190008Here's the more relaxed version with jeans
No. 190028
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>>190024Peplums are really cute and underrated. They look good on inverted triangles because the cinching and ruffles add a bit more dimension, but they're more structured than all these flowy and puffy dresses.
No. 190040
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>>190031I can see that but honestly if you style yourself in a soft and youthful way it contrasts well with the structure of the dress. And you can get ones that are more relaxed if the other comes across too high maintenance to you.
No. 190069
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>>190045I bought a cropped one like picrel and I never reach for it. I prefer the new cropped look over the oversized one though
No. 190098
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>Be rural autist me
>Wear cardigan/skirt/crop top monochrome fit to go to uni
>See 4 scrotes at the end of the street coming my way
>One locks eyes with me
>I know one of them is going to say something
>Prepare potential answer in my head
>One of them goes "be careful, that's one short skirt ;))))))"
>It's OK, browsing my favourite radfem imageboard daily has prepared me for this, I'm the enlighten femcel, the based stacy
>"h-haha, t-thanks."
>I run away looking at my feet
>Never wore my sick y2k fit ever again
I sure told him
No. 190101
>>190092not the anon youre replying to but ig what i meant by cutesy is not like how a lot of ~trendy~ chicks wear it if that makes sense (in an uwu/sex appeal way) (ik we're not in high school bear with me), idm wearing cute stuff i love it i just don't want that solely to be my vibe and i can counteract the basic cuteness with like accessories or makeup or just being mahself lol
like i guess kinderwhore cottagecore would be my thing
No. 190105
>>190098Kek you'll be the bad bitch you dream of eventually, but that's such an uncomfortable thing for them to have said to you
Please don't let weird men stop you from wearing what you want to wear
No. 190136
>>190098hmm brainstorming possible reply options
'and who the fuck are you?'
'i know'
'fuck off'
'that makes no sense but ok'
'my sister died in this'
'thanks for your concern but i am fine, have
been wearing skirts for a very long time, you
wow i am quite bad at this what would ya anons have said
No. 190141
>>190105>don't let weird men stop you from wearing what you want to wearI'm not saying you're doing the libfem propaganda thing on purpose but I think that's bad advice for
>>190098 Yes, getting harassed for dressing a certain way is really uncomfortable and it's okay to want to um, avoid that? Especially if you're in a country where men aren't scared to straight up attack you on the street, why make yourself an even bigger target? (being female is already a target)
Anon if you like the outfit, wear it on Instagram, to house parties, to places where you're fairly sure you won't be vulnerable to being harassed and if you are, you have backup around you.
I love bodycon dresses, short skirts etc but I don't wear it to catch the bus to school. I don't need the drama.
No. 190151
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>>190024V Neck, A line skirt, puffy skirts that will match your hips with your shoulders. I’m kind of a mild inverted triangle and when I wear a wide flowy skirt with a fitted waist I look very hourglass and sexy (if I do say so myself)
Milkmaid tops, scoop necks, shoulder less, off shoulder etc make me look like a fucking man though.
No. 190246
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I hate the clay rings trend so much. Same for plastic
No. 190303
>>190141Agree I don’t wear anything to draw attention to myself in contexts where attention is unwelcome.
I get the, “Well men should just leave me alone,” mentality. I agree men should, but you know they don’t. There’s 0 repercussion for their behavior. And nothing will magically change the way they act just because you decided to wear an attention-grabbing outfit.
My guess is anon is pretty young though. This eventually clicks after enough experience and unwanted interactions. Especially when you realize saying, “Fuck off,” or giving the finger doesn’t work out quite the way you dreamed it would.
No. 190376
>>190303>>190141Nta but I genuinely think that mentality of 'well men harass me for this so I should stop even though it's harmless' isn't good.
It feels like some saudi shit. And look at those cultures, women are harrased even if they cover themselves from head to toe.
How do you want to change this when you just give in? Where I'm from (Central euro country) it's quite normal to wear short skirts or bodycons for summer. Men just get used to seeing women dressed in a certain way and it isn't "exciting" them anymore. Catcalling isn't really a problem here, it happens but it's pretty rare compared to what I've experienced abroad.
How do you think this came to be? Women kept on wearing what they wanted and instead heavily shamed men or just ignored them.
No. 190491
>>190376Agreed, catcallers get off on fear because the interaction is a display of "power". I've seen them catcall women who are dressed modestly. They target women just because we're women.
If we ignore them entirely they have no reaction to go off on. But I can't say that I'm not fearful of them myself bc I do wonder if they're going to pull a gun/knife on me and try to assault me if I don't respond.
No. 191520
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>>190098it's okay anonita. for that quirky remark that man shall be reincarnated as a woman who has to shoot ping pong balls from her hu ha for a living and remove bottle caps with it. his enablers who have done nothing to stop this affront will become women who have to play the flute and the least popular of these unfortunate gentlemen will have to play the kazoo
No. 191640
>>191536>You go to your closet and you select out, oh I don’t know, that lumpy blue sweater, for instance, because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back. But what you don’t know is that that sweater is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually cerulean.>You’re also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves St Laurent, wasn’t it, who showed cerulean military jackets? And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. Then it filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic “casual corner” where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and so it’s sort of comical how you think that you’ve made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you’re wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room. From a pile of “stuff.” No. 191676
>>191640Kek ok Miranda Priestly
>>191573Naw, I was just saying like don’t follow trends blindly. Like if you like it whether it’s on trend or not wear it.
No. 191716
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anons, what do you think of the playful colorful decor trend (?) I love it at the moment and am thinking of buying some furniture that’s rather expensive but i’m worried that this decor trend is going to look dated within 2 years or so
No. 191719
>>191716It always reminds me of CutiePieMarzia…
I think this stuff is okay as long as there's not too much of it (eg Jill from /w/ house strikes to me as weird).
I didn't know that it's trending right now. But honestly, all I can say is that you don't have to follow trends when it comes to house decor, just pick whatever you'd like! It's your place after all.
No. 191830
>>191798Oh, woke Twitter has already tried to cancel cottagecore for being a "colonial white supremacist fantasy". Because apparently homesteading on stolen land is
problematic but…living in a house in the city isn't?? Their logic is truly exceptional.
No. 191853
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>>191716I hate the Memphis Milano esque interior, especially the mirrors.
>>191830I can see how it overlaps with the tradwife general look, but it's a weird thing to say about a subfashion that got popularized by lesbians kek
No. 191977
>>191676>don't follow trends blindlyThat's largely the message here though. I don't necessarily think anons itt are fashion
victims or that they're trying to encourage people to disconnect from their personal tastes. It's mostly a discussion about trends as a cultural phenomenon imo.