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No. 192790
>>192771>>192782Yes, it sounds silly when we talk about it but it is real. We can't help feeling down because of it. We just want it to be out of our body.
Happy that it worked for you! Mine are from growing up so i will have to look for more information about it
No. 192793
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>>192785>>192791Mine look similar to this pic
Now, I have these all over my bums, thighs, behind my knees and backside
They are extremely visible and I don't think I am being crazy for just wanting to make them less visible and feel a little bit comfortable about putting on a swimsuit.
No. 192799
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>>192785you would be shocked how some peoples turn out. not everyones stretch marks are just these little whispy white marks. mine took up a lot of space, were about half an inch thick (and these were not fine lines, big and purple). included in the pic. these are two kinds of stretch marks. not all are little fine lines… its always chicks with no or minimal stretch marks who say its not that bad!!!!1
well some of us never got the chance to be an adult and feel good about our bodies. i go out during the summer and sure i see a lot of gross bodies but why dont i get the chance to be one of the skinny cute girls in shorts (im 22)? i got these when i turned 16 from binge eating a lot after years of restricting. im not sorry i spent my hard earned money on something that improved my quality of life. maybe if you saved your cash you could afford it too…
No. 192800
>>192799btw im anon that got the thigh lift
>these are two kinds of stretch marks.there*
oops. and ive never ever been even close to overweight so i can obviously attest to it that yes, skinny people get them too, sometimes worse than fatties.
No. 192834
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anons think everyones stretch marks look like pic related
No. 192842
>>192839Well, it was meant to illustrate the thread and not to be the focus of it. I assumed people were going to actually answer the question, actually I am discovering right now that even women don't know how bad stretch marks can get.
I just did not want to be rude with the people saying 'it is nothing and it is natural' but I really came here looking for help.
No. 192847
Op here again
I really just wanted to know about personal and reliable experiences on the matter since a lot of people are paid to make yt videos promoting treatments that don't work. As i did lasers with a doctor (that promised me my stretch marks would be less visible) and i just wasted my money
Like anon:
>>192782Thanks for everyone trying to be nice but it doesn't work like that
When we care, we simply care. And if there is a surgery or treatment to remove it, i would be willing to do it.
No. 192944
>>192928I feel the same anon
everyone saying here everyone has it but when I go to the beach with my friends they have 3 stripes max on their bums or nothing at all
Being 22 with breats stretch marks is not 'normal'
No. 193467
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Honestly I'm so completely indifferent about my stretchmarks or stretchmarks in general. I didn't even know people or myself had stretchmarks until I read about stretch marks for the first time on some girls' forum when I was in my mid teens. Checked my body and for the first time noticed I had stretch marks on my butt and boobs that I had never seen before lmao. Mine are basically like pic related. I guess I get being insecure about them when they're highly visisble or in places that aren't usually covered up like the hips/butt/boobs areas are but I hope none of you are having sleepless nights over a few silvery lines like pic related.
No. 199240
>>192793I have similar stretch marks anon, without a bra they aren't just 'cute little tiger stripes' like most women get but deep fucking grooves of thin crinkly white skin that look like wrinkles when I take off my bra and bend over. I have them on my hips and inner thighs too, but I care way less about those since they look way more 'normal' and they aren't deep.
After some investigation, I'd say there is basically nothing to be done besides skin grafts (theoretically since nobody has ever suggested this), thigh lifts, breast reduction/removal and other procedures that essentially just remove the skin altogether since the torn skin underneath can't be 'repaired' with any derma treatment that exists currently.
the anons saying 'get over it it's natural and there is no treatment anyway' are right in a sense though. I have never had a sexual partner insult me over them. It just makes me feel ugly privately and I can't wear certain cuts of tops.
No. 209182
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I grew up with heavy puberty hitting on my titties very early on. I'm in my late twenties now with really big breasts (above a G cup) and as a result I've got quite deep stretch marks near the armpit and around that area on the fronts of my breasts, below the collar line. The more I gym and lose weight, the more aware I become that I can accidentally stretch this more with muscle. Has anyone else dealt with this?