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No. 194785
Good thread! Looking back, I'm not sure where it came from, I never had any sort of trauma and didn't even have a religious upbringing. All it was my mother projecting her own sexual insecurities and neurosis (also, I suspect, her unconscious fear of men) onto me I think.
Every time we'd be watching a movie for instance and there was a sex scene my mom made remarks like 'Ew' or 'Gross' and she would switch channels. She was also visibly uncomfortable about the topic of dating and relationship, even when it was just about how my dad and her met. She never had a relationship after she had me. Also, whenever she heard a shocking story about a rape on the news she would tell me in the most detailed way possible and I never understood why (still don't). She would also compare me favorably to my cousin who started dating early and therefore fell behind in her studies because 'all she could think about is boys'. So I had this 'SEX IS BAD' mindset planted early on and I knew that if I wanted to be a good, moral person, and wanted to be loved by my mother, I had to avoid it at all costs. It also didn't help that teenage boys are obviously fucking vile and they made me super uncomfortable with their sexual remarks. I actually felt sorry for all those girls who were dating because in my head, a relationship was synonymous with the guy using and humiliating the girl for sex and I did not understand why anyone would want that. But at the same time I had sexual and romantic fantasies about guys (I had a huge crush on Spike from Buffy lmao). Even when I had the chance to have a relationship with a decent guy who was actually kind, I shied away from it because of my old thought patterns and also because I guess I was used to being alone