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No. 196256
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>>196240In mexico it's always something like this
Long black hair, big plastic tits, very very thin, green or amber eyes are a plus, could be slightly tanned but not too much
No. 196265
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It seems the picture is from a Byrdie article on the topic of beauty standards around the world and the US picture is Hallie Gould who is an editorial director at Byrdie kek. She just looks like she smells
No. 196270
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I grew up in the US South.
-Very plain facial features (nothing that stands out too much)
-Bleach blonde hair
-Either loose curls or straight hair- not natural
-Heavy eye makeup
-Pink or nude lips
-Tans (but not ‘ethnic’ looking)
-Feminine somewhat conservative clothing- usually Americana in style with lots of flowy fabrics and maybe floral prints but nothing too “loud” or vibrant
Picrel is a good example. Men love these types of women here.
No. 196271
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>>196270Another example of what is considered beautiful here
I’m so overwhelmed by this look that I find it to be ugly/tacky
No. 196280
>>196270Holy shit anon, thank you for codifying this
My sister and I would be considered pretty where our parents are from, but growing up in the South as anything other than a plain, white girl-next-door type automatically disqualifies you from the conventional beauty standard and can really fuck with your head when you're already being inundated with
toxic shit about beauty from the media and society at large. We've both had guys from here tell us to our faces that we were "pretty, but not hot", "intimidating", and other scrotey negs like that, while these same guys went nuts for the blandest-faced blonde white girls you can imagine. Being tall, overly muscular, or "ethnic" as was already pointed out also seems to be unacceptable for women, as is any form of androgyny/gender-nonconformity in general. I eventually learned to stop giving a shit, but growing up in a place where the ideal woman was a conservative Christian man's wet dream turned me into a raging feminist at a pretty young age.
No. 196282
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country: turgay
-blonde, if you're naturally blonde you're automatically attractive doesnt matter if you have an ugly face cancels out everything
-pale asf, paler the better
-small upturned nose
-blue/green eyes are preferred but blonde+brown eyes>brunette+blue eyes
-no hair at all like nothing not even peach fuzz on your arms or belly
-hourglass figure especially small waist wide hips
-big ass and big tits are plus but not a necessity
-no dramatic makeup, you can go haywire on ""natural makeup"" but the second you put on red lipstick and eyeshadow you're a tryhard
-nice smile
-no fillers/implants cosmetic surgery should be very subtle
basically blonde pale girls, picrel is a very popular actress but a more appropriate example would be barbara palvin who is a megastar here
No. 196287
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Here in Argentina the focus is more on the body than the face. You HAVE to be slim, with a flat stomach and a toned butt. Other than that, being white but having suntanned skin and a perfect smile, maybe a small nose too. And you have to be a natural beauty, or at least look like you are.
The standards haven't changed that much over the decades, but in 2000s being blonde with blue eyes and even skinnier (not toned and fit) was way more glorified.
For men it's the same, they have to be tall and fit. Guys with blonde hair and clear eyes are popular, but most girls prefer them with darker hair, eyes and skin, also known as "morochos".
Presentation is very important as well, you have to dress well (but show some skin with short skirts and heels) and wear minimal, natural makeup. We don't really wear foundation or lipstick (unless you're an older woman) for example.
Picrel is Pampita, a model/influencer/tv show presenter. This photo is from 2001 (spoilered because she's in a bikini)
No. 196288
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Country: England
We're multicultural, and like any country there are subcultures, so there are a few dominant looks/standards. This is only one, but one that has been consistently popular and has research supporting it, so I feel pretty confident about it. White British men were asked about white British women:
-Brown hair, preferably straight/wavy (over-styling is not liked, like the French we like messy and natural looking hair)
-Blue eyes > eye colours
-Natural skin tone
-Minimal make-up, exception being black mascara and heavy eyeliner. Exaggerated eyes > any other look
-Slim, moderate-curvy body type but with big breasts. Long legs are good too.
-Average height to slightly above avg (5'3 - 5'7)
-Style: Feminine but with edge, never "little girly"/overly cute. A bit punky/indie. High-waisted short floral dresses, tights, ankle boots, leather jackets, etc. It's feminine, but with an edge.
There are other looks depending on the region and person's race, so hopefully some more Brits will chime in.
No. 196290
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>>196288I think picrel is UK ideal, I see so many people who look like some version of this, fake tan especially is huge here
No. 196308
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>>196295It used to make me depressed to have brown eyes, as a kid I wanted to get blue contacts when I grew up. Weirdly, seeing anime and manga characters with detailed and "pretty" brown eyes was one thing that made me feel better about it. It seemed to me like no characters ever existed in western cartoons with eyes that were not either a black dot or blue.
No. 196310
>>196280Same anon. I thought I was so ugly until I graduated HS bc of the beauty standard in the South. Then I found out I'm not ugly I'm just too 'exotic' for being a diff type of white (southern & eastern european)
That's when I realized the whole race thing is some socially-constructed bullshit.
No. 196312
>>196308I prefer dark eyes, anon. Lots of people do. Brown eyes are nice.
The benefit to brown eyes is you can get away with way more makeup looks.
No. 196317
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>>196289i was being extremely generous with that pic because she looks even more basic and boring in candid pics, i don't get the hype either especially when there are so many sexy women with dark features(picrel my queen) but im guessing blonde seems exotic
No. 196319
Country: ra ra raasputin mother of the russian queen
Usually things that will catch a guy's attention here are
-being quite thin, not anachan but 90s supermodel thin is probably the most "important" thing here in terms of beauty standards.
-blonde hair, it's considered very feminine and just "better" if it's long, too
-big, preferably light eyes, or "hunter eyes"
-long legs
-big lips
-prominent cheekbones are a big plus if you have them
-skin that's on the lighter side
I think a good example of the pinacle of these standards is either, ofc, Natalia Vodyanova or Irina Shayk (for the more 'southern beauty'/sorta insta baddie type of look that's also popular)
>>196316Same thing here, it's just a misogyny moment. Here thinness is prized a lot (you'll be considered prettier if you have a very thin body and an average face than if you're curvier/have big T&A and a prettier face, imo), BUT if you're TOO THIN? You get called a plank. Very stupid, hypocritical balancing act.
No. 196320
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>tfw auburn/reddish brown hair and big brown eyes
>long pointy man nose like a greek statue
>average/ok body on a short frame, pale olive skin
>not blonde enough for westerners
>not thin enough for asians
>not curvy and pale enough for scandinavians
>too goofy looking for men from my own country
guess I'm ugly everywhere, huh
No. 196325
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>>196317do people even prefer dark hair/dark eyes? it almost seems like what all guys want is a light eyed blonde.. this so unfair anons.
No. 196329
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>>196270Thanks anon I'm from the south and this description is perfect.
As someone who tried to emulate this look for years and failed, I feel like you have to have a certain type of face to pull the blonde SEC girl look off. I'm a pale brunette but even with tanning and hair dye my face is very angular and my features are too strong for it. Plus you have to have a certain type of personality and a matching friend group to be a true blonde SEC Stacy.
Kinda sucks because I feel like men will always whore out for these women or at least jack off to their IGs while claiming that they wanna settle down with a "pretty" or "cute" girl who's "girlfriend" material. Is this really just the south's beauty standards and am I in luck if I move up north? Kek.
>>196281LMAO I grew up in the south too, aren't they? Picrel for an idea of what the counterpart for girls like these are. A lot of these dudes peak physically in high school when high school lax forces them to stay fit and they aren't partying every weekend.
No. 196330
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>>196325i feel you
nonnie guys have the most basic taste in women(and men tbh they just have shit taste overall), they'll prefer the most generic looking blonde over smoking hot brunette. My male friends would show me their crushes and they would always look identical, very forgettable and indistinguishable faces just like
>>196327 said. I dont think scrotes have the mental capacity to truly appreciate beauty. If its any consolation I think dark hair/eyes are very beautiful and elevate your features, I know I wouldnt want to be anything else eventhough I'm sure my life would be easier if I was blonde. Also I've noticed regardless of ethnicity most women prefer dark hair/eyes while men prefer blonde/blue why is that?
No. 196337
>>196327One of my exes had an aversion to blonde women. To the point it was an instant turn-off.
There are men who prefer dark hair (and aren't fetishizing other races/ethnicities.) But it's probably something like 60% of men prefer blondes. 10% prefer redheads. 30% prefer dark hair.
I've noticed that men who prefer women with dark hair value intelligence in a partner more. It's sad people have internalized the dumb blonde meme.
No. 196338
>>196330same anon. everyday i think about how different my life would have been if i was a carefree blonde white girl.. it sucks.
i honestly think its because dark hair/eyes are more associated with "masculine" features whereas blonde/blue eyes are "feminine".
No. 196341
>>196279Throughout all of Brazil being blonde and blue/green eyed will make you stand out and be considered pretty (even if you're not really pretty kek)
Some people in the southern states love bragging about their German/Polish/Ukrainian roots etc
No. 196342
>>196337>I've noticed that men who prefer women with dark hair value intelligence in a partner moreThis is true, studies show that they really do see brunettes as more intelligent.
Guys who prefer brunettes tend to be nerdy/conservative and want modest NLOGs. It's not exactly flattering but I don't know if I'd prefer the alternative of men wanting me because they think I'm a dumb blonde bimbo.
No. 196356
>>196354Thin is the ideal pretty much everywhere, don't listen to skinny retards playing the
victim. It's just a shock to their system when they aren't the number 1 most worshipped body at all times by literally everyone.
No. 196357
>>196356There’s thin like an in-shape mesomorph or underweight endomorph.
Then there are ectomorphs.
Ectomorphs aren’t usually considered the ideal.
No. 196371
>>196312I second this. I feel blue eyes are overrated and not as beautiful as they’ve been made out to be.
They’re pretty don’t get me wrong, but if someone gushed over someone with blue eyes I wouldn’t care. I don’t get the appeal. Not trying to bash blue eyes, I just don’t think any eye color is necessarily superior. It’s just the level of melanin in your iris or the absence. Your eye color doesn’t dictate whether you’re ugly or better looking.
No. 196393
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What kind of clothes are considered normie and popular in your country?
Where I live people love wearing vests when cold months come. But I fucking hate vests.
No. 196395
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>>196325If that's the case, it's just more evidence that scrotes have shit tier taste. Women with dark hair/eyes make my heart flutter.
No. 196399
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>>196261>my country: grease???
No. 196416
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>>196407Because they didn't run to the dentist to have their teeth filed down and have those unnatural, glow-in-the-dark, blindingly white veneers that everyone seems to have in America, anon
No. 196417
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>>196393Brazil: this brand called Farm has an insane cult following that keeps buying floral-macaw-pineapple print dresses season after season. I like some of their stuff but you're basically guaranteed to run into someone wearing the same thing and the quality is mostly shit.
Also just checked out their international site and the prices are such a ripoff kek
No. 196435
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>>196410Nah that doesn't look natural at all, it looks like someone drew over their teeth with a neon yellow sharpie or oversaturated this picture to hell. Their teeth look much more normal on other photos while not being blinding hollywood white either.
No. 196445
>>196443lmao no. I'm not saying I believe this, but that I've seen
other people say this and reacted that way.
No. 196455
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>>196439fAsHiOn MoDeLs ArE mAnLy aNd BoYiSh muhh curves
No. 196459
>>196458It’s high fashion
nonny, an art form. You would NOT understand.
No. 196470
>>196456there's reason why she's doing a swimsuit runway, she's thin but she's waaaay too curvy for high fashion modeling, proving
>>196439 point
No. 196476
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>thin, hourglass figure
>tan skin
>long hair in natural colors, brunette with blonde highlights is very common, usually straight
>light eyes
>maybe slightly taller than average?
>stylish, put together look, even in casual settings
>eye makeup
as another anon said it varies from North to South but these are pretty universal imo
No. 196481
>>196479No one called you a hivemind, it's just funny you lost your shit at the second anon but didn't disagree with the first one.
Go take a nap.
No. 196495
>>196416not everyone in america has veneers, it’s celebs and instathots who get those done. it’s normal to straighten ur teeth with braces but a lot of people ik don’t wear their retainers so their teeth slide back.
the teeth whiteness is also attributed to how we don’t smoke cigs, tobacco makes your teeth fucking disgusting.
No. 196503
I got hated on to hell for saying this on LSA (figures) but it seems like in America that the ideal is to pull from the desirable features of every race to make yourself close to a racially ambiguous prototype. This goes for all races.
For caucasian and light skinned latinas:
- Tanning to be darker, paleness is seen as unhealthy and a tan makes you look healthy
- Lip injections
- Nose job for the anglo ski slope nose, no exception for hooked or aquiline nose
- High waist to hip ratio , hourglass figure
- Tits and ass, boob job and bbl
- High cheekbones with filler
- Seductive eyes, “cateye” surgery or threadlift
- Full brows, microblade if necessary
- Long hair with extensions
For black women:
- Be as light skinned as possible
- The objective is to look mixed and play up any mixed ancestry you have
- Ethic nose job and other surgery for any “overly” ethnic features
- Huge list of hair standards that I personally know nothing of but are fundamentally anti-natural-black-hair
- emphasizing natural curves or creating them with boob job, bbl
Standards for asian women:
(ABG look is unique to the west so I’ll focus on that rather than the Korean makeup look)
- Ultimately ABG end product looks more similar to latinas and filipina women than east asian but more mixed than full asian
- Tanning and emphasizing a natural tan
- either play up your monolids for exotic look or get eyelid surgery done for bigger looking eyes
- Lash extensions, fake lashes
- Lip filler
- other filler similar to white girl standards
- ethnic nose job
- Can play up nice bone structure like a square jawline and high cheekbones unlike in Asia but you can also get that done as long as the result isn’t too extreme
- Long hair with highlights. Blonde is most common.
- Makeup includes a lot of eyeliner
- Hoop earrings and other baddie accessories
- Fashion is a huge part of it, ig baddie fashion and streetwear
- boob job and emphasizing waist/hip ratio to seem curvier
- microbladed brows
Ik there’s successful and beautiful women who defy these beauty standards but this is the general direction that American beauty standards are pushing us towards with models, advertising, trends if that makes sense.
No. 196515
>>196503>in America that the ideal is to pull from the desirable features of every race to make yourself close to a racially ambiguous prototypeKhadija Mbowe has a really good video about this called 'Instagram Face'
It really depends on where in the US you're from imo. We're definitely moving more away from stereotypical caucasian features as a whole.
But in some conservative places, whiteness is only getting exaggerated. I also live in a predominantly black area now. You might get extra male attention if you're mixed, but cuffing a man, you'll have better luck if you look black- not mixed.
No. 196516
>>196240As an American, the U.S example in that pic literally looks like a heroin addict.
Blonde hair is definitely favored here but I think she overall looks too casual.
No. 196526
>>196515YES "instagram face" is the perfect name for it. I see this face more popularized in music and social media than in acting.
Thanks for this video anon.
No. 196530
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>>196515Here's a notable quote that she cited in the video, I think it's really true in regards to what is visually ideal in the west
No. 196535
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>>196393Canada Goose jacket every winter in Toronto, usually in black or red
No. 196583
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>>196484I disagree. Diana was absolutely beautiful and had a large nose, but it fit her face and was a nice shape.
I think nose shape and how it sits with the rest of your facial features can really change a lot.
No. 196596
>>196591I personally feel like it’s not a huge preference by men.
I always felt like the ones who were so talkative about how they preferred blondes were shallow. But blondes are pretty imo not saying they aren’t.
No. 196666
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>>196270I've always found this look appalling, or cheap at best. It really drags down these girls's natural features. Sure, they're not models to begin with, but their natural brunette with volume and a classy well-made dress (rather than forever 21 shit) will accentuate their soft or "cute" features like their round noses and curves. Blonde generally only looks good on those who have in naturally and are already semi-attractive to begin with, with a tiny handful of exceptions. Don't be a narc, most of you will not be the exception. Fake orange tan looks good on no-one. YWNB pic related, which is a natural version of what they want to attain. Dress for your body y'all.
No. 196669
EEfag who moved to the West here.
Russians are extremely petty and competitive even compared to other Eastern Europeans, but it could also be an inferiority complex combined with a kneejerk reaction to Western xenophobia towards Eastern European people.
I've been shit on by Germans a lot for being from a certain Slavic country and you can really tell how their opinion of you changes when you say where you're from, especially if you don't dress like an obvious EE woman.
Many men also don't see us as people, they see us as cryptowhores of some kind or mail order brides they can talk down to. People assume we're stupid, lazy, crooked, can't speak English, even though none of those things are true for young people nowadays. People will be nice to my face and then say some wildly offensive shit about my country and act surprised when I don't like it.
Lots of less educated people from my country come to Germany to work and when faced with this kind of treatment they will often say things like this as a cope depending on who insulted them. Lots of normie girls are also pickmes because that's what they've been taught to be so you hear things like
>German women are manly lesbos, they're just jealous that we're stealing all their men because we're prettier and more feminine
>Germans can't cook or clean so they hire us to do it for them because they're so lazy and stupid
>People hate us because we're so much smarter/prettier/better than them
For the record, I don't think any country is superior and there's smart, pretty and ugly people everywhere. These are just my observations.
No. 196842
>>196839Stay salty, anon-chan
>>196663That's all because Germans are extremely disrespectful towards EE. People usually kek around only about UK.
No. 196853
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>>196850French master race checking in to remind nonnies the French are the most classically beautiful and elegant, and we age well too.
No. 196865
nonnie you're dumb as rocks but my patriotic duty is to agree with what you said. Big focus on elegance and natural beauty and most guys here (except in some subcultures I guess) have very varied taste.
Also older French actresses have way better plastic surgeries than actresses in other countries, usually looks super natural and graceful.
No. 196869
I don't understand how this thread turned into random "I hayt this nationality!!" dumpster fire, when each country got different view of beauty, which is why I don't throw pitchforks at them.
The only thing I want to complain about is how popular
>>196270>>196290 this look is everywhere I go. In my opinion blonde hair are boring as hell, and flat blonde hair scream "tacky" to me. I still wonder why a lot of people are obsessed with blonde hair?
No. 196878
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Filipino beauty standards is super boring in my opinion. Its either youre a mestiza/mestizo or a chinita/chinito (east asian looking). It gets to the point that darker skinned people use harmful whitening products and or get illegal gluta drips to lighten their skins. We have a saying here that "they're only pretty because they have a fair skin tone". And I can say that it's true lol. I've seen a lot of fair skinned people that are average/ugly as shit and morena/os that are very very pretty.
Don't know much about the body but many prefer a thin/average build.
No. 196883
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>>196853Then explain this thing
No. 196885
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Every time I see a model or well known person from my country being hailed as the hottest most beautiful person ever I'm like, ehh.
Every now and then I see people online posting a girl from my country saying she's 10/10 gorgeous and I just don't see it. Sure, I can tell she's pretty, but I see people who look exactly like that every day. I guess it doesn't look as special to me because it's a super common type of face and look here, whereas it's more out of the ordinary and thus beautiful to people living elsewhere.
It's the same with blonde hair and blue eyes, in a lot of countries where it isn't the norm it's viewed as beautiful but here it's just seen as boring and meh.
For me it goes the other way around as well, I think women with more typically mixed race/black features look stunning and I love dark curly hair. In countries where that's more common people might look at the sort of person I'd call gorgeous and think she just looks a little above average.
No. 196894
>>196669This is true. A lot of men see EE women as objects since they have this fetish from porn & prostitution and there is also the mail order bride stereotype. A lot of EE women in porn and prostiution are
victims of human trafficking in germany and there are a lot of pornsick, lazy german men. A lot of the xenophobia towards EE people as a whole also comes from german boomers.
No. 196895
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>>196290Tanorexics should be shoot on sight.
No. 196907
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I don't think I know exactly what the standards are where I live (Ukraine), guess they're pretty generic:
>lighter shades of hair and eyes > darker shades
>thinness with medium/big size boobs and toned butt
>medium height
>mostly feminine and natural look
>long hair
>preferably long legs
In regards to fashion etc. it depends on the generation, region and so on, for example Eastern Ukrainian women are kinda stuck in 00s (as I heard) and tend to bleach and straighten their long hair, wear pale pink lipstick, and choose more tight-fitting clothes. In Kyiv, young women wear casual/smart casual oversized clothes and sneakers or something more feminine when it's getting warmer and light natural makeup most of the time, many highlight their hair, dye it blond (especially if their natural color is mousy, mushroom blond), or some natural color, or leave it as it is and either wear it without styling or make it wavy. Basic bitches with money will definitely get obvious lip fillers.
Men here love to say that Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful, and often mention it in an obnoxious and objectifying way, like it's some kind of landmark or amenity. Many of them want to date those who are much prettier while looking… very plain at best. Picrel is a pretty common sight. The contrast is the most striking in middle class families imo
No. 196926
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why does it seem like some people here are trying to 'compete' with eachother? Valerie would be disappointed in you
No. 196952
>>196938Once again /m/ is superior kek
>>>/m/26971Can we revitalize that thread? It was really interesting
No. 196974
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I notice lots of french women have absolute honkers for noses.
No. 196991
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There's something deeply annoying about all these french insta it girls but also I can't look away. Picrel is Lolita Jacobs
No. 197002
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Is this the french hate thread?
No. 197021
>>196878I feel like the Philippines tries to be a copy and paste of Korean and just western beauty standards. Pale skin with the Asian look, but with American-type makeup and clothes.
It’s sad because most of them are brown or tannish and there’s nothing wrong about it. They’re trying to look East Asian (Japan, Korea, China) but I think they should accept their beautiful complexions as is.
No. 197026
>>197021Agreed, the internalized racism in the Philippines depresses me. All of the celebs and Miss Universe girls are mixed and I don't think the citizens should be so happy to keep pushing women who don't look Filipino unless you're squinting really hard
>>196991>naming a child Lolitawhy do parents do this to their children
No. 197118
>>197116I'm American and I find the French men who I've met visiting here hot as fuck.
Not necessarily because of their looks, but their personalities tend to be much better than the men in the US. Which maybe French men sick relative to the rest of the work, idk, that should tell you how bad the men are here.
No. 197352
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How do people usually dress in your country? I'm not talking about traditional stuff but what normies usually wear in day-to-day situations
I can put many examples of what mexican women love to wear but I would like to see some other country first
No. 197353
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>>197352Some variation of this outfit in Canada. Some people wear leggings or mom jeans instead, and I've seen people wear bikini tops as shirts in downtown far away from the beaches.
No. 197373
>>197371>>197366They are just seething since almost 90% of men will start getting bald and fugly with beer bellies as soon as they turn 30 if not earlier.
Women only worry about turning 25 bc of internalized misogyny.
No. 197377
>>197366I'm hotter in my late 30s than I was ever before in my life anon, and you'll be too.
>>197373This 100%. It's men who hit the wall before their 30s.
No. 197380
>>197118I come from a particularly shitty Eastern Euro country where men are misogynistic AF and I still prefer them over Americans. Mostly because American moids are crusty, dirty, can't dress themselves (not that ours can but at least they trim their beards and use deodorant regularly) and love to use women as emotional support tampons/objects to talk at and impress whereas here you can avoid a misogynistic scrote much easier without having to waste entire conversations on them. They're just easier to spot.
Ironically, as much as our men suck, at least they will bother to let you talk first. Every American man I've spoken to so far has loved to talk over me and mansplain shit to me until I wanted to deck him in the throat.
The stereotype for French men here is that they're pedos and cheaters which honestly rings true whenever I look at their news.
No. 197383
>>197373For real, I dated a guy in highschool that went completely bald by the age of 20.
"The wall" is a myth created by incels to cope with no gf. Don't believe it. Women generally get more attractive at 30+ because your self confidence and self acceptance finally start to materialize.
No. 197432
>>197415The same as it was in my 20s, except I completely lost interest in playing videogames for some reason. Not interested in marriage and kids either.
>why are you on lolcowWhat can I say, I honestly enjoy it here. Women's only spaces are rare, even more so when they're critical towards men and the trans movement. Anonymous format of the chan boards is a huge plus. I couldn't care less about the cows though.
No. 197434
>>197424Yupp it clicked for me around 25 but still took some time to actually figure out what I want.
The thing is that when you’re like, “Damn what was I thinking. I was insane, so glad I’ll never be 19 again,” most dudes spin your pride as masking for jealousy. Now I’m at the point where even that makes me LOL.
No. 197463
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>>196270>>196271I'm late, but holy shit. Idk if it's because I've only ever been in alt scenes (even as a kid, my parents were into punk and goth), but in Colorado these girls wouldn't fit in at all. Here the beauty standard is more like
> natural, long hair> not chubby or fat or too thin> hoodies and t-shirts, very casual clothing> maybe small tattoos or a nose ring> outdoorsy > stonerBlonde hair was a scene kid thing when I was in high school and it still seems that unless you're naturally blonde, only alt girls go blonde.
No. 197899
>>197463This is probably true for a lot of Colorado but when I was in Denver it’s all blondes just like that pic of the blonde hydra. Only difference being instead of the folk fashion it’s lulu lemon and vests and they were all super super fit
I remember getting stoned in the park and watching a bunch of blonde women doing African dance on some random lawn and I was like, “what the actual fuck.”
No. 198331
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I'm Pakistani-American and I noticed that Pakistani beauty standards do not make room for "sexy" all that much. A lot of the actresses there like Maya Ali (picrel) either range from "masoom looking" (the best translation I can think of is innocent. It is not quite like cute, but more like a wide-eyed girl next door if that makes sense ex: Sajal Ali) or elegant looking like Mehwish Hayat. Ofc it goes without saying they gotta be light skinned, dark haired. Brown eyes aren't unfavored, but it sure is a plus to have light eyes. Ngl, I think the instabaddie look in the US does more favors for a lot women of Pakistani descent than the standards back in the motherland.
No. 198865
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the french farmers in this thread probably come from ugly places like roubaix or whatever
thanks in based french riviera we only have chads and stacies
No. 212532
sage for necropost
>>196288>>196293funny how this poster says that her conclusions are based on ""actual"" research, whereas actual research shows that the majority of models in uk have brown color, even though the majority of uk people have light eye color (the same correlation is found in majority brown eye color brazil where most commercial models have light eye color)>>196319>>196907literally everything those two've said about slav beauty standarts is false (apart from the shrek meme of course)
>>196839>>196841>>196846>>196847this euro seething is so hillarious tbh. literally sounds like an incel talking about women aging like milk. seems like we've found a common thought process of the human psyche - enjoying a revenge fantasy of people more attractive than you losing all their attractiveness and social capital one day. just so you know most russian women look better than westerners when they're old (mainly due to the more widespread use of skincare and cultural obsession with beauty and youth). babushkas are the majority only in rural areas, everywhere else most old women are elegant grey foxes.
No. 260200
>>198331She’s still lovely and looks elegant
Any girl is sexy to moids since they can fetishize literally any clothing
No. 260555
>>260544So much false info. Men abuse women before they leave, you can't blame them if a man abuses them because most men never show signs beforehand. They also aren't fighting over men, that's a lie foreign men tell so they can justify harassing Russian women and tricking themselves into thinking a 18 yo russian girl totally wants to be with them whenever in reality the women just want a wealthy man and a pass to live in a better country.
Stop repeating scrote nonsense. Trashing a group of women is quite stupid especially when you use misogynistic remarks about
>how they age >how they get beaten up>how they have to compete over menLike I said, I've heard a lot of men who wanted excuses for harassing Russian women exclusively and the gender disparity was one of them, they thought all Russian women would kill to date any man which is far from the truth and again just another misogynistic racist prejudice.
It's also telling you even watch videos hating about a race of women in your freetime. I don't know why you're obsessed with them but trust me, being an object to men isn't an advantage and you being hateful is prime pickme behavior cause we all know this started when an anon dared to call Slavic women attractive.
No. 260564
>>260557>russian women totally complain about how ugly they are and how badly they're age >source is just one insecure woman's videoOk. Topic is beauty standards and what
triggered your sperging was just one anon acknowledging slavs can be attractive. Why are you so personally offended? Did you have a bad experience with Slavic women?
>>260558>Russians are the biggest pickmesAside from American/Foreign sources which paint Russian women as sex workers or women desperate for men, this is false. I'd say western women are the biggest pickmes, they are willing to marry men who are manchildren and in some cases even make less than they do while not doing any labor at home even though they can easily live independently which is actually much harder for a woman in most countries that are worse off economically, such as Russia. You could say Russian influencers you've seen are pickmes and plastic but all western ones are too so you can't really talk about this just from what you've seen or heard online.
If you've had irl experience perhaps you can share it? Otherwise you shouldn't frame a whole rave of women as some weird stereotype placed by men who objectify the same women.
No. 260703
>>260544I watched the whole video and I don't see where she's shitting on all Russian women? Maybe the subtitles aren't very accurate but all she's saying is you won't get a snatched neck and jawline with fillers, you need mini-lypo on the jawline like the woman in her thumbnail.
I like her a lot by the way, thanks for introducing me to her videos.
t. bimbo deflated porn doll babushka
No. 262085
>>196583>>196589funny that India comes up right after Princess Diana, because she was actually part Indian
She looks exactly like a lot of Rajasthan/Punjab area women I've seen
No. 262086
>>196895That guy always reminded me of a cross between Onision and Vanilla Ice
Uniquely unattractive for whatever reason
No. 262100
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Half French Half Indian
No. 263203
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>>260544cherry picking, most russian women never have any form of cosmetic surgery, and our skulls are predisposed to anything. men all over the world love us.
No. 263264
>>263259We have Russians and Ukrainians here. They both suck tbh but Ukrainians are better. It might be a culture shock because Russians here legit do act entitled and shitty. Maybe it's just what is normal to you. Not
every single one of them but most, and we have a whole city filled with Russian immigrants where part of my family lives so I do know a lot of them. And I work in healthcare and both Russians and Ukrainians treat us like trash (and I do get their nationalities). When it's like 4 in 5 people there acting like that it can't be a coincidence. I actually got told by a Russian friend that it's because Russians see healthcare workers as a service that's beneath them. Or we just get the shitty share of you and I had really bad luck.
No. 263278
>>263203>men all over the world love us.This sounds like something a scrote would write, I've known Russian women and they weren't as obnoxious or weird as you, most also dont like being sexualized or objectified by old perverted men.
Either way, Russian women could get plastic surgery or not, it doesn't give anyone the right to look down on them or be racist. They are beautiful and so are a lot of women from other ethnicities, this Russian debate just sounds like a male samefagging for attention.
No. 290316
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>>196327>>196295>>196325>>196327>>196328>>196330>>196527in my experience men don't have a racial preference.
I think a lot of men have a "reactive" racial preference because most
POC women prefer white men, or at least are equally open to all races–while the converse (white women exclusively preferring
POC men) basically never happens, and in fact there's a large cohort of white women who will also exclusively date white men.
Because of this, a lot of guys will take the hint and just say they're into white girls. To some extent it's sour grapes but it also makes logical sense. If women prefer white, you'd obviously want your sons to be white(or close to it aka mixed). Whereas the race/color of the girl doesn't matter.
As for why women have that preference in the first place, I think it's just a whole lot of
>>196308whitey owns all the wealth, so they only make and publish their own stuff, which the rest of the world then uncritically watches, and learns their preferences from.
No. 291143
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>>290316 white men most definitely have an extreme preference for east asian women. Every time I go outside and see a tall handsome white guy he's with an average looking east asian. All the attractive white men are with asian girls. Legit see those couples every single day
If a white woman were to try to get a guy like this she'd need to look like a Victoria Secret Model
No. 291149
>>291147thank you for acknowledging this
it's quite depressing that to date within your race you have to jump through all these hoops to maintain a desirable appearance, but if it's interracial the only thing you have to do is just be a certain race
as a white woman that wants to date within my race, I don't think I stand a chance against the millions of asian women who are incredibly desirable simply because they're asian
No. 291154
>>290316American men's racial preference is a combination of the environment they were born in and their exposure to internet porn.
A white man who grew up with a shitty mother is less likely to be attracted to white women.
Men exposed to internet porn are going to have a high chance of a "fetish" to less common features. Red hair fetish is not unusual between men who spends more time online. Same with Asian, Hispanic, and Black fetishes. The more online a man is, the higher chance he'll shamefully convince himself he's into troons and/or femboys. Porn addiction is fueled on sexualizing "taboos" even if the individual will have zero genuine attraction to it, getting offline takes away those "fetishes" he once believed he had. It's like Pavlov's dog. Once again, scrotes act on things because they are socialized to compete with each other, and this without a doubt extends to their sexual preferences.
No. 291155
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>>291143you just can't accept that people have different views on what's beautiful can you
there's many attractive men who date "average" women within their race but you decide to hyperfixate on Asian women and white man pairings because ur autistic lol
No. 291157
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>>291155it's hard not to take note of this when it's so widespread
No. 291160
>>291155Agreed, at the end of the day, men are more likely to have stronger and longer lasting relationships with someone who has a similar background, social economic class, and values as them.
>>291157Can you guess how long these relationships are going to last? Looks like 3 of the 4 moids are propping themselves with these women and eventually they will realize they are not fit for each other.
No. 291162
>>260544Hmm no. I’m not Russian but I meet many Russian women due to my business (we do medical translation services). I have to say the older ladies really take care of and value themselves, which is so nice to see (it makes me sad when older women just leave themselves to rack and ruin because they feel invisible and think theyre not worth the effort or something) Russian women place a big emphasis on not getting fat it seems, so that automatically gives them an advantage. They don’t tan anywhere near as much as western women. They tend to have more fat on their faces which pads out their skin and stops them getting so wrinkly. Or they have these very angular, high cheekbones and strong jawlines (could be from the Mongolian influence I guess)
They wear lots of makeup, get their hair done and always wear flashy outfits. Even into older age they still retain that glamour. I think it’s really nice. They’re so stylish. Lots of fur coats and flashy jewellery. I think they look great.
No. 291181
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>>262085Not to nitpick, but I will anyway. Eliza Kewark, who was half Indian, was Diana’s great-great-great-great-grandmother.
Even if we assume Eliza Kewark was 100% Indian, by that point, the amount of DNA Diana inherited from her would have been about 1-1.5%, so small it barely even counts towards physical appearances.
Plenty of Europeans look like depigmented Indians, Indo Europeans all descend from the same family tree so ofc there’s overlaps. But saying Diana looked Indian because she had 1% Indian DNA or implying she would have resembled a woman she was only 1/64th genetically linked to is really a reach lol.
Pic rel is an albino Indian man for reference. He could pass in Europe for a Dane, Dutchman or a Norwegian.
No. 291190
>>196282>country: turgay-blonde, if you're naturally blonde you're automatically attractive doesnt matter if you have an ugly face cancels out everything
-pale asf, paler the better
Lmao your post made me cackle
nonny. For real though, every Turkish girl I’ve met has been super beautiful and funny too.
No. 291191
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>>291187Just follow Pakistani female celebs on ig I guess. I actually love the fashion from there. My best friend is Pakistani and for her wedding I had to wear a salwar kameez. She helped me order it and I felt like a princess wearing it, even if in her opinion it was on the plainer side, the stuff people wear everyday pretty much. She kept telling me to get a more ornate one with lots of rhinestones but it was summer and I didn’t want to be too hot. Very loose, comfy, feminine but modest too.
No. 291200
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>>291195One more because I’m tired.
No. 291207
Personally I really like it but I can also see how it’s problematique~
No. 291337
>>291215asian women take both the average white men and the hot white men. Obviously there's not enough hot white men (they're rare) to go around for the millions of asian women in the west, so a group pic is more likely to feature average couples
here's a good video of the phenomenon recorded in north america
the only above average man in the video is with an average asian woman No. 291342
>>291146I'm inclined to think so. It's not specific to white women though, it's just pale skin in general because i've seen them do that shit to middle eastern women too.
>>291143Boo hoo moid, white women who are unattractive will never have issues finding a man who wants to fuck them, same can be said for all women of all races. I personally condone the trend of average women getting hot men, women deserve it. Men don't deserve hot women.
No. 291356
>>291348everyone has limited options
if I want to date someone within my race my options are fewer
if a growing number of men of my race date asian women exclusively; my options dwindle even further
No. 291360
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how is this obvious racebaiter not banned yet
No. 291407
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No. 291429
>>291195Woah, the clothes here are the epitome of feminine elegance, very comfy looking too.
>>196256Who is she omg ♥
>>260564Honestly i just think Russian women won’t pretend to be happy, or put on a fake smile for politeness. You shouldn’t be a pushover around them, and just treat them normally? A lot of them can be affectionate and kind hearted, even if it’s not their culture to be all smiley smiley. Half my family is east euro, not Russian, and it’s also known that people there just don’t smile much, so they come off as rude.
>>291363Yeah i genuinely think it’s a scrote too, no one actually cares about people’s preferences in 2022 lmao
No. 291652
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>>291143>>291149>>291157>>291337>>291356absolutely seething white scrote
>>291357they don't have yellow fever, it's the women who have honky fever
nobody's stealing any men away from anyone, people are just settling into whomever is actually meant for them.
However, incel white scrotes cannot accept this, so they use actual interracial couples in order to "convince" white women that we're losing out, in a desperate attempt to get us to date incel men that we're not attracted to.
No. 291784
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All this thread has taught me is that I’d have better success of making an attractive child with a random woman using bone marrow because men are fucking ugly. More straight women should do that kek.
Anons you’re all beautiful and men are haggard projectors of their own insecurity. I reeeeee at products that are being sold in Target like these. Where’s a device for men to clean their asses?
No. 291796
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>>291772>so… the asian women have honky fever, yet no one is chasing anyone Standard scrote-tactic of changing what you said in order to make themselves sound right, lol
I never said "nobody's chasing", I said "nobody's stealing men". Illiterate prostate-haver.
Of course many Asian women (and a large subset of
POC women in general) chase white moids for status. Everyone knows that.
What isn't happening is that these women are "stealing men" from white women.
If they were "stealing men", then what you'd see is something similar to the Black community, where (no offense and I don't mean this in a racebaity way) a disproportionate number of successful attractive Black men choose to marry non-Black women.
Except with White men this dynamic doesn't exist, or is even inverted. White men in relationships with Asian women tend to be run-of-the-mill, and there's honestly a HUGE subset of them who go foreign to Philippines/Thailand/etc that are straight up unwanted by White women (or other races of Western women)
No. 291813
>>291810nta but
>One of my biggest mistakes growing up is actually believing what men said about what kind of women they liked.what'd they say?
>90 day fiance for example, basically all Asian women get cheated onis that show real?
No. 291839
>>291826Asian women dating white men has some weird shit to do with colonialism.
You never see Asian women fawning over handsome Russian or Eastern European guys, even if they’re super white and gl.
They only ever seem to want American WASP and other Angloid men. Probably because Angloids were the biggest colonialists and also have the most money.
No. 291856
>>291839ntayrt and not asking you necessarily, but is this the same experience when it comes to other
POC women from colonized countries? I agree with your assesment but by your logic, most black women should also love pasty anglo white men, but that hasn't been my observation.
I'm hispanic (mestiza) and I also don't think swarthy southern european white men are the most attractive (slavs are imo). Kind of interesting to pick these differences apart imo. Maybe anglo men exude the most autism and asian women tolerate and/or even dig it the most?
No. 291898
>>291887>>291888I mean she's right but also wrong. The diversity of monoracial people is cool, but even complete miscegenation wouldn't turn the entire world beige. That's just not how genotypes and phenotypes work. There would still be sizeable populations with different expressed attributes (again). What the offspring of mixing partners ends up looking like is unpredictable, and it would especially be more so in a world with actual high-scale miscegenation taking place.
t. 1 of 3 siblings with completely different coloring and features from each other with same parents.
No. 291904
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This isn’t to offend anyone. I’m just saying that it’s a shame to lose bright and colorful alleles. Brown eyes and dark hair dominate 8/10 times usually when mixing with a blonde blue eyed person.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 291915
>>291903Nta but they don't "loose" uniqueness. They're unique too. I'm not even going to try to unpack eveything else you said but
>a world full of Brittany Ventis and Tyler1s?stop making it sound like miscegenation is such a widespread thing already.
Besides just like mixing takes place, un-mixing can too. Think about that last bit hard but carefully, don't break your head.
No. 291926
>>291887>>291903>beige rainbowFuck, I can't wait.
t. mixed4mixed, repugnant, despicable, and inhuman mutt out to destroy your world
No. 291935
>>291923those are the best
No. 292102
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>>291819>It's especially funny when the "Americans are easily offended" crowd actually goes to the US and is shocked at the amount of things that are considered offensive here meant "actually goes to Asia" right?
>>291826If you're in a relationship with someone, they're meant for you. Unless you break up.
You can make the argument that white males are stealing women from Asian men, but the argument doesn't work in reverse.
>>291839eh, I feel like they do fawn over Russians too. Not that it disproves what you said, because basically everything in the media is white, (because white men control the money), and any "proxy attractiveness" from white men in the US is definitely going to carry over to anybody who looks white regardless.
>>291854>If you are actually a white woman posting thisIt really annoys me that women can even be this naive, of course it's a white moid from 4chan, use your brain
>>291887You're actually extremely stupid, that's not how genes work. Also you are literally mixed race, everyone alive is, and Europeans moreso than most people.
If you mix races, you get people who otherwise wouldn't have the same combination of facial features and colors. There's literally nothing bad about it and it increases physical diversity, it doesn't decrease it.
The girl in this pic for example is 65% West African and 35% European. She actually has green-ish eyes in most of her vids even tho they look brown here, because eye color (or skin or hair) has nothing to do with your actual ancestry.
>>291903>Whole areas of the Middle East used to be blonde and blue eyedLMAO, this is straight up poltard cope. Middle Easterners were never blonde and blue-eyed en masse.
No. 292104
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she probably thinks all white people look the same, since it sounds like she can only see color and nothing else about a person's appearance