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No. 200153


where do you buy bras with no padding that are NOT sport bras? pic related. my taste in bras is really limited and specific. i like bandeau bras too.
I am 21 and have the same bras since 15, I need new ones (yeah, i i know i know)

No. 200154>>200158

it's called a bralette, anon

No. 200157>>200158

This didn't warrant a whole thread.

No. 200158>>200161

yeah nvm just realized balconette bralettes is what i'm thinking of

No. 200161>>200162

It must hurt being so retarded that you create a whole ass thread to ask a dumbass question.

No. 200162>>200164

not her but who cares? no need to be a bitch about it. why act like making new threads isn't allowed, it might be lolcow but is still has imageboard etiquette like pretty much every other imageboard

No. 200164>>200168

>still has imageboard etiquette like pretty much every other imageboard
you say that yet you don't realize that making new threads for something that's supposed to go in other threads has always been frowned upon.

No. 200168>>200173

that rule only came about for the cow boards… it doesn't have to necessarily leak over everywhere else. but sure yeah she could have asked in fashion advice

No. 200172>>200183

I think this thread is bait because we've been having bait about boobs recently… what's up with using the word "chestlet" that's stupid.

No. 200173

That isn't true, retard.

No. 200183

probably a troon kek

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