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No. 205780
Fashion has been more and more focused on how you can stand out from others than look nice occasion appropriate.
Most fashion-oriented people Have the-main-character syndrome ( MCS ), I was into fashion to learn how to look decent for my body type/complexion/hair and to make it feel a little personal without standing out too much because only celebrities and teenagers used fashion to stand out but maybe that's growing up in a collectivist culture's doing.
Fast fashion is now bigger than ever (armchair estimate), there was a boom in online retail shops and trends are moving faster than ever in history which pushes more and more people with MCS to consume, most if not all subcultures got watered down into consumerism despite what the initial goal and values were.
The most accepted concept of anti-fashion implies is to stand out for being weird and unconventional but the better way to do it is to dress as comfortably and normie as you can, just be a nobody, save money, save face, go unnoticed.
The people get to know me organically without making many assumptions about my outer appearance, in fact, they're usually surprised when they do get to know me, it's nice to have your personality and interests private.
It's easier in the professional field as well as it's easier to not rub someone the wrong way when you don't rub them at all.
I've been doing it for a while, been repeating the same outfits for 3 years now with an addition of a few new pieces, I have about 4 main outfits and I mix and match between and they're all focused on comfort and practicality, best decision ever and the catch is that no one ever questioned it, no one ever asked anything and I live with a clear conscious knowing that I didn't embarrass myself wearing something that was trending last year and is no longer in style.
What do you think? do you practice anti-fashion or think about giving it a go?
No. 205784
>>205780Anon, when I dress comfortably it's not considered 'normie', but butch. 2 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of cargo shorts, a decently fitting suit, the same shirt in several colors, boots with steel toes, dress shoes and sneakers. All practicality and comfort, yet I still stand out like a sore thumb.
Yes, I shower daily, moisturize and use sunscreen daily etc. I still take care of myself.
No. 206712
>>206690The fashion industry wouldn't make money if you only ever bought what you truly need to have your naked body comfortably covered and to go through your day to day life with, say jeans and white t-shirts (or w/e) and only buy a another jean and another white t-shirt when yours are worn out.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not neccersarily against ""personal style"" but it's naive to think personal style isn't just another ploy used by the fashion industry to get you to buy into their brand and marketing image and spend more on clothes than you truly need. They push it for a reason.
No. 207418
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>>20671490% of the clothes I wear are hand-me-downs from my mum and sisters. I've got bigger feet than theirs though, so my shoes are bought used off eBay.
My older sister says she's ultra sustainable spending £££ on cottagecore/ethical clothing, literally every week - and I mean literally, she's got an addiction. Sometimes she gives me really nice stuff tho kek
No. 207591
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>>207418P-please ask your sister where to buy cottagecore stuff, PLEASE, I just want decently-made shirts
No. 207914
I have way too many clothes, most that I don’t wear, but I can’t bring myself to get rid of them. I’m too emotionally attached to them, I’ve never really worn them and I don’t like most of them but also I feel like I’ll hurt someone’s feelings or (irrationally) hurt the clothes’ feelings if I get rid of them?? I prefer having a small wardrobe of dependable clothing but I have too much that I just don’t wear, should I bite the bullet and get rid of them or start wearing them to dodge the weird hyperempathy thing?
>>207762My hair used to be long (covered my boobs) and it’s very very thick. I always got an undercut and asked the stylist to thin it for me. I’m not sure about long hair threads but there’s a general hair advice thread on /g?