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No. 209934

This thread is to do with all gardening related matters!
Feel free to ask for advice or post progress of your garden, indoor plants etc.
Or just have a chat about gardening in general.

No. 209935

I have a really odd parsley situation. I bought a pot of continental parsley from my local nursery and it was blooming very well aside from a few days of wilting when I didn't water in time. Otherwise it tasted great and I used a lot of it.
However the new parsley that is growing, tastes like absolute ass! It has this awful aftertaste of wet socks and I simply don't know what to do. The colour has not changed and it seems to be slowly growing, but I don't know what to do about the awful taste. Any ideas?

No. 209936

Since you noted you didn't water it in time, that's likely the issue. Parlsey can get stressed if the soil is allowed to dry out which will turn it bitter. I would just let the current stalks grow a bit then trim them back and see if the new growth is improved with regular watering!

No. 209941

Sounds good to me, cheers

No. 245714

Anyone else getting ready for starting seeds/sowing? I just got my ordered seeds in.

No. 245759

I want to plant so bad, but I am moving soon so it's not worth it this year. What are you planting, Anon?

No. 245767

i've got a whole stack of flower seeds ready to plant when it finally cools down a little in about two weeks and i'm so excited!

No. 245839

Some herbs and spinach, beets and pumpkins. Also someone gave me an old packet of soybeans so I'll sow those as well if they still germinate. It's my first time doing vegetables properly so I hope it'll work out. What would you have liked to plant if you could have?

Nice, what kind of flowers are you sowing?

No. 246132

I've been wanting to start a carnivorous garden for the past couple weeks now. I think I'm gonna start with some venus fly traps and sundews. The only thing putting me off is they require distilled, RO, or rain water. Tap or normal water with minerals will the plant so it's gonna be a little annoying having to but gallons of distilled water every month

No. 246153

How about collecting rain water? Or does it rain little where you are?

No. 246155

There's a drought where I am (California), kek. I guess it won't be too much trouble getting distilled water with only a few plants but if I eventually grow my garden with more carnivore plants it'll get annoying.

No. 246197

I always sow some natives like strawflowers and I'm going to try some kangaroo paw this year, and then a bunch of edibles, like calendula, gypsophila, nasturtiums. pansys failed last year but i'll try again. I've got a whole stack of seeds so i'll just sow whatever I have the pots for

No. 246525

Strawflowers! Those are so beautiful. I love them dried.
How do you eat those? Like in a salad?

No. 246723

Same here, anon. I wish I could plant but know that I won't be here long enough to really enjoy anything I do. I just hope I can find a place with even more room for gardening when I do move

No. 250294

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will my plant die if I give it an almost daily dose of chamomile tea?
I use chamomile tea to ease the inflammation on my new piercings, naturally I don't wanna drink it after that so I just pour it down the sink. So I thought about giving it to the plant my mom gave me but I'm afraid of killing it.

No. 250318

Yes, overwatering the plant will cause the soil to become waterlogged and you will drown the plant by suffocating its roots. That, and there's always the possibility of mold.

No. 250319

Bro there's ALWAYS a drought in California. Should see if there's a way to make distilled water quickly.

No. 250324

>waterlogged, suffocating its roots, possibility of mold
ewewewew omg, thank you for informing me nonny holy fuck, gardening is no joke. Thanks again!

No. 250325

Just throw it outside on the grass or something. That way the water can infiltrate locally and be used there instead of going into the sewer system.

No. 250326

oh I can totally do that, there's a big tree outside of my apartment complex.

No. 250393

Anybody make their own compost? I'm using two five gallon buckets as my half-assed composting operation but I really want to upgrade to a bigger bin once I move out of this apartment. I still get compost if I turn the piles frequently, but the yield is very low and the stuff at the top tends to dry out while the bottom just rots anaerobically.

No. 250601

they look super cute pressed into baked goods or cookies! and i love things like nasturtiums for salad or calendula for tea, but realistically i don't use them very often, I just like the idea of growing things I can eat, they're also usually favs of bees and other pollinators too so that's nice to have around

No. 257653

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this is YOUR sign from gardening nonnie (or god) to go to the home improvement store, get a plant and research it all night

also there are many nice things to forage right now! I found a fuckton of bear garlic (bärlauch in german) the other day and put it in my salad. i love you nonnies

No. 257656

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look how much of it I found! its in the garlic family, and grows in all non evergreen forests across europe and asia.
it tastes like a mix of chives and garlic!

No. 257666

What.. what is it? This grows in some random forgotten buckets at my parents' and I've been wondering what it is lol

No. 257669

Korean people eat it a lot and it's super expensive in grocery stores, so my parents grow their own. Dunno the English name, but the Korean name roughly translates to "Mountain garlic".

No. 257670

Sf but it's called Allium victorialis or victory onion.

No. 257764

you're cute, nona. i dream of foraging, but tbh i'm too nervous! i live in a city and though i've identified some stuff near me, i feel like i just can't trust the soil. please eat lots of bear garlic for me.

No. 258002

I'm this anon.

I got some venus fly traps like a month ago. They're kinda small, I'm hoping they start growing more vigorous soon. They've been getting bugs caught in their traps (sometimes with my help), so it's been looking healty so far. I want to transplant them into a bigger pot but I don't think I need to. Maybe next year or something. Lowkey wanna get another one but I should see if I can keep these two alive first kek.

No. 258034

does anyone have tips for growing coriander from seed in pots? we have rabbits and I've tried like, 3 times. Currently on 4th attempt. Previous 3 were under grow lights and they got leggy and died.

they're surprisingly awkward plants. Lots of weird needs.
they don't really need help with getting bugs honestly. correct water. correct substrate. correct temp. they can be left in dishes of water.
for something that's just thrown around in nurseries they don't tell you much about keeping it alive

No. 258050

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I strongly recommend you to try, if there are dogs or other animals around wash it very well before consuming and you can freeze it in bags or tupperware before using. I like to cut it in stripes so its easily available.
you can eat all sorts of things, stinging nettle, dandelions etc. key is washing it well, if the dandellions and nettle is big, healthy and strong you dont need to worry about the soil quality, they are a sign of it being good to begin with. you always should wash anything you forage very, very well. cooking it briefly, like blanching or even simmering removes all other bad bacteria or fungi that might be living on the plants.
youve only had them for a month, if it comes in a weird plastic container with huge plastic walls id say to remove them and follow instructions, youtube is a godsent when it comes to plants since due to covid so many hobby gardeners took up making videos for extra money.
hey nonnie! never give up, any gardener kills a bunch of plants unwillingly before having them flourish.
my recommendation is to watch a few videos, get a good size pot (you can recycle milk/yoghurt/butter containers too!) good quality potting soil, i recently got a bunch of bags of different soil and one of them is herb/starter soil. the different kinds have different bacteria and fungi living in it, as certain soil will have bacteria that inhibits seedlings. light is vital, but every herb has different things they ask for. for instance ive not managed to grow good parsley yet, but ive managed to grow beautiful basil along my tomatos 2 years ago. picrel

No. 258052

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also for all my NA nonnies, I just found out on /out/ that in north america they dont have the bear garlic but they have ramps. they are basically the same thing, but native to your forests.
I strongly recommend for you to go outside, breathe in the fresh forest air and enjoy foraging for them

No. 258086

Been working hard to get into growing more. Managed to grow two of things I ate in chili last night instead of one, so progress! Getting some garlic ready to go in the ground and soaking some dried beans for the soil. Wish me luck nonnis.

No. 258124

They definitely have weird needs. But it's totally worth it kek. I keep mine in a tray of distilled water at all times, sometimes I let it dry out just a little bit so it doesn't get root rot. I keep it outside during the day and bring it back in at night. When it gets to summer I think i'll be able to keep it outside at night. I know they don't necessarily need help with bugs, but I have two venus flytraps and while they're both in pots that is almost the size of a red solo cup, one of them has smaller sized traps and haven't caught anything without my help. The other one with bigger traps on the otherhand doesn't need my help at all. It caught three flies in one day like a week and ago.

Don't worry nona I got them from an actual carnivorous plant store. They also have a youtube channel so it's been helpful

No. 258128

It may help you to know while Parsley is growing if the soil dries out it goes bitter. Droughts stress out parsley like nothing else. Try giving it water more often in smaller amounts to keep the soil damp, but not over saturated. Cut down what’s already grown so it can try again.

No. 258283

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yeah, thats been my issue. ive been gardening for 3 years but i still dont have the water to soil ratio down well with plants that always like it a little moist. i didnt even manage to grow enough for it to become bitter, but now i am motivated to

No. 258322

Have you thought about getting him his own water ball feeder? Then you just have to keep it full and it keeps it moist. Or planting dandelion by it. There roots are deeper and break up the soil for the surrounding plants letting them pull more water out of the surrounding soil. Sidenote the water orbs are good for parsley, chive, and marjoram.

No. 258348

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I need some advice. I sowed a bunch of Althaea officinalis (marshmallow) in my greenhouse. I can't quite find anywhere when to plant them out in my garden though. The last day of frost is in 3ish weeks where I am, would planting them outside in full soil be fine after that?

No. 258357

Yes. Once you’re sure the last frost is over you should be good to put them in the soil.

No. 258379

Good to know, thanks!

No. 259404

Ants have gotten into my tomato starts and now the windowsill I keep them on is crawling with ants. It’s gross and I really want to put them outside but technically I’m not supposed to do that until the 20th of May. Is it okay to put them outside earlier if I transfer them to big pots and temporarily move them back inside (or maybe into the shed?) if there’s a chance of frost? I guess we’ll find out because I need to get these ants out of my house ASAP.

No. 259406

If it frosts the tomatoes could die. Sweet orange oil is your best bet. Line your window seals and doors with it. Anywhere you’re having issues around the bottom of the pots. It fucks up ants pheromones to talk to each other. Then maybe put a little borax and sugar out where there’s a bunch. Borax is soap. When it’s mixed with sugar they take it back eat it and they die. The orange oil should stop them though otherwise keep your tomatoes in pots and move them in at night. Or take a flat top sheet and cover them to keep the frost out if they need to go out.

No. 259415

Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll definitely look into the sweet orange oil. Killing the ants with borax also sounds like a good idea since I’m pretty sure the colony is right outside the back door and they’ll probably keep coming back, but my cat wil eat and drink literally anything I put out so I’ll have to think of a cat-safe way to do that.
There’s no frost expected tonight but I’ll move my pots inside just in case.

No. 259417

If you know where the hill is take a pot of boiling water after it’s dark and you can dump in the hole and flood them out. You’ll need a big pot. Wait till it’s dark though so they’ve all returned home. Check back in a couple days and see if they’ve rebuilt if not you got them.

No. 259463

anon there are those little tins with poison that ants go into (too small of a hole for animals to eat) and feed the food to their queen. kills the nest entirely like this. look at your daily weather report to check if it's gonna be below freezing that night if you want it out now

No. 259797

Planted too many black beans. That is all

No. 259824

woah girl you're really living on the wild side! slow down there! let's keep this black bean scandal to ourselves!

No. 259828

That sounds like a great problem tp have

No. 259839

I put a potato in some water and it grew a skinny lil root. How long should I wait before putting it in dirt?

No. 259845

Wait for him to have two to three inches of roots.
I know I don’t know why I assumed all 60 plus beans wouldn’t sprout but every body is getting a baby bean plant and cantaloupe for Mother’s Day because I went too hard. Mock me and my bean army. Kek

No. 259881

my potato pronouns are she/her
please don't misgender her

No. 259888

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I'm growing some garlic I felt too bad to throw out because it had started to sprout. Also I have like a million guajillo seeds. Dunno what they are called in english though.

No. 259899

I’m doing the same with the garlic. My chilis were attacked by pests.

No. 262947

Ausfag here. Some of my plants are now dying as winter is upon us, so I am thinking of getting rid of about 2-3 of them as I can tell they're just not salvageable. What are your suggestions for cold weather plants that resist the frosty winds well?

No. 263049

I prefer winter greens. Like certain kinds of kale. Keep in mind pollinators might be wintering in the debris of plants when you clear them. You can also use top sheets or cut the bottom of plastic jugs and set them over the plants as a cheap frost protection at night.

No. 263059

I peed too much in my plants. I think it's too strong. Should I pour even more water (to dilute the piss) and risk drowning them, or wait for the piss to dry out?

No. 263070

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Are you the same nonnie putting period blood and nail clippings in her plants? I am taking care of my plants wrong by just giving them water?

No. 263087

Yes. I just checked and there's a new little baby sprout! I tried piss for the first time like 3 days ago after a lot of hesitation. But they're all doing so fucking good. Just got a bug terrarium as well where I'm keeping some insects. Hoping they'll breed so I get many more corpses for the plants.

At least try giving them hair, that's not THAT gross. I don't use the hair on my head because it's dyed.

No. 263097

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Who told you to start feeding your plants bodily fluids?? I feel like I'm being gaslit into doing this because I just use water and compost for my plants ffs

On a slightly different note, I just got some more Venus fly traps after my other one that was doing well previously dried out (rip). I did give two of the heads micro meal worms as a snack but it may have been too much to digest at once or something because they turned black after a couple of days. I'm thinking the exoskeletons of the mealworms was too hard for them and it overworked the plant or it wasn't getting sufficient sunlight on the windowsill I provided. And yes I was using distilled water.

No. 263099

nta but urine has lots of nitrogen and other stuff that plants like, it's basically free fertilizer. It's also really good for compost, some people pee on their compost heap instead of adding water for moisture.

No. 263103

Wouldn't that make your stuff smell like pee? No thnks I'll just use my used aquarium water

No. 263216

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I feed my venus flytrap agonizing mosquitoes that just have bitten me just cuz I'm a spiteful bitch.

Aside note, rule of thumb for them, they need way less insects than other carnivorous species. Probably they are overeating/ the insects u give them are bigger than they can handle. Chances are their bodies get rotten before their digestion.

One insect in one of their traps is enough for weeks.

Also, their traps tend to get black soon when their dormancy period starts.

Carnivorous Plants are so lovely, I'm so addicted to them.

No. 263252

On the topic of venus flytraps, I noticed the teeth on one my plants are like squiggly or curly looking. Whats causing that? I have three new traps with that squiggly teeth while the others that are a bit older are normal and straight.

No. 263256

I was just scrolling by and thought that was a giant, weirdly shaped, flesh colored dildo next to the wine bottle kek

No. 263320

Their heads are equivalent to their leaves, so its like a leaf is wilting. Perhaps too much sun on those maybe? I have one trap plant that all the leaves seem to be curling like this except the new baby growths, while the other is straight and red heads. I don't know if this plant is just defective but she's hanging in there.

Aha I love pitcher plants too, do you have one? I want to get one but might have to specialty order one since I don't think the nurseries here carry them.

No. 263395

best way to grow beets? Also bump, be careful with scrolling!

No. 263449

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Sometimes weird traps happen. It's just life. Start monitoring it, and try to feed it an extra insect, so they can boost some energy. But mostly it is just plants being derpy.


Sis, go look for sarracenia. This type looks like a super gross dildo.


I have more than 10 different species in my garden. It's kinda funny when people visit me at home, some people legit get a bit scared of them.

They require a lot of love and care. Some species are perennial and die quite quickly some droseras like pic related, but with some knowledge you can clone them, harvest seeds, or even mix types and produce a weird frankenplant.

I rec you the book The Savage Garden: Cultivating Carnivorous Plants (it's easy to find its pdf) so you can search the best one for you.

No. 263450

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and I was stupid and overlooked the fact you wanted pitcher. If you live in a hot weather, they will be happy. It's really easy to take care of them.

If you don't wanna get scammed, go for a seedling.

They are lovely and run for pretty cheap. Adult ones tend to be super expensive where I live, and they grow super quick. Just don't let them be on direct sun when they are petite.

No. 263454

I thought that pic was of a big ass bug for a second.

No. 263463

Whats your favorite sundew? Do you have any experience with mexican butterworts? I'm just starting out so I got some venus fly traps.

No. 263478

Speaking of weird frankenplants, something about breeding hybrids has always seemed so fun to me but I’ve only ever heard of people doing this with orchids and roses. I’m a beginner gardener and don’t have a ton of space (plus kids in my backyard who might mess up more delicate plants) so I always figured this was beyond me. Are there easier plants that can be hybridised or spliced with visible results? They don’t have to be pretty flowers or anything. I just want to play mad plant scientist on my windowsill.

No. 263654

Squash and Zucchini are two vegetables that cross pollinate for hybrids pretty easy. Sometimes you can get squash that grow stupid fast.

No. 263655

graft random bonsai together

No. 263797

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So I've sowed squash (Jumbo pink banana) and the instructions say to "regularly remove the growth tips" That's probably an awkward translations, but I hope you know what I mean, the new growth. Anyway that's too vague for an inexperienced gardener like me. How often is regularly and from when on should I start trimming them? When the first fruit appears or earlier than that? I've just taken them from the greenhouse outside in full soil. I need some guidance please, I can provide a pic of one of the plants if it's needed.

Pic not mine

No. 263813

Not sure I fully understand the question, but the more flowers you remove from the plant the bigger the ones you leave will grow cause the plant has to divide it's energy between fruit so if you have a lot of fruit on your plant they will all be very small, if you only leave a couple flowers behind the fruit they grow into will be bigger.

No. 263905

What herbs are good to grow in winter?

No. 263918

Wtf is wrong with you
It’s gardening not human sacrifice

It depends of where do you live in (the amount of sunlight) and what kind of setup do you have

No. 263984

Honestly I am too lazy to water my garden every day. What flower seeds can I just plant and let the natural elements handle? I used to do that with zinnia seeds but are there any others?

No. 263992

That's climate specific.

No. 264043

I cut off the stem of my petunia because they were wilting. I probably shouldnt have doen that. Will it regrow? And if so how long will it take?

No. 264085

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snapdragons. they're pretty, colorful, very hardy, and you can make new colors of flowers by cross-pollinating and planting the seeds. also the seed pods look like picrel.

No. 264194


Unfortunately, I still didn’t had the opportunity to get a Mexican Pinguicula. They produce cute super cute flowers. I heard they are easy to care, but let them to have a good drainage system. Also don’t water their leaves.

Flytraps are a good start, just make sure to cut their floral steam, because it drains the plant for almost an entire season if you maintain it.

My favorite must have is a Nephentes Ventricosa, cutely named Porcelain. Someday I’ll get my hands on one of them.

My current favorites at my garden atm is a Nephentes Graciliflora, the very first one I got. Even though she is from a simple species, she is currently measuring around 2 meters and with no signs of stopping growing. Some of their traps could easily digest a tiny rodent. (No rodents are harmed, she eats shrimps and fish food tho)

Also, pic relate is my favorite carnivorous flower. Their flower look like bunnies, and they grow like weed here.


Mint! Also any tea herbs.


If I could, I would happily feed chopped moid dicks for my babies, sis.

No. 264195

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I meant this by pic related. Name is Utricularia Sandersonii, or which I call Mr. President since I'm a jojosis

No. 264243

Nta but this is adorable and lovely, cutest carnivorous plant I've seen

No. 265895

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If anyone is looking for an interesting bulletproof plant I'd recommend the purple heart. I have a thing for purple plants, it stays a real pretty purple color all year outdoors, though I have some inside that grow a light green.
Its also one of the easiest plants I've ever propagated, mine came from a single cut stem of my neighbors. It spreads pretty quickly too so keep it contained in a pot if you don't want it taking over your beds.

No. 265946

late but I just wanted to add that this stuff is extremely tasty and I recommend it very much. It’s soo good in salads and almost everything. The flowers are kind of smelly and too sharp in taste so i recommend to just use the leaves. If you see them in the wild and they don’t have any flowers yet it can be confused with Convallaria majalis, which is very poisonous tho. Their leaves look almost the same and they both grow in early spring but if you take a piece of leaf and see if it smells like garlic your safe. Great plant, if you put it into a pot or your patch it just grows on its own every year without any maintenance.
wow this doesn’t look carnivorous at all!

No. 266118

Nonnies, how do you deal with slugs? I've seen a few different methods to try but I'd like to hear what works for you. Ideally it should be non-toxic because my neighbour's cat likes my garden and I don't want to hurt him.

No. 266137

Salt them motherfuckers

No. 266171

Tips on growing zucchinis? Mine grow pretty well but they're tasteless and watery when I eat them and I can't figure out why. The soil is rich (fertilized with poultry waste and leaves) and they take a good amount of sun.

Also my strawberries aren't growing a lot and they get eaten by snails or other bugs. Is there any way to get rid of them naturally? I don't want to put poisons and pesticides on them.

No. 266179

I used to put down a bowl with cheap or expired beer as a trap. Tho i don't think that would be good for your neighbours cat if it accidentally drinked it

No. 266193

I haven't had much trouble with snails since a hedgehodge moved into my garden.

Maybe it's just a watery cultivar?

No. 266194

wool pellets

No. 266195

Don’t put it on the plant. You’ll kill bees but to stop beetles and slugs you can take an empty plastic gallon. Cut the bottom off and place it over the plant and then cover it in D.E. So it makes a white circle around the plant. DE is too big and will stop them.

No. 266460

One of my pumpkin plants isn't doing well. It's leaves are turning very yellow/yellowgreenish and it doesn't seem to be growing like the others. I just took it from my greenhouse outside a week or so ago. Up until that point it was seemingly doing fine. What could be wrong with it? Is it just rootsystem damage?

No. 267315

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I kind of regret planting milkweed because it’s spreading over my garden and I’m scared it’s about to cross into my neighbors garden. I’m going to remove some plants and also cut off the seed pods later in the season to see what happens.

No. 267472

Birds have been eating my radishes. Everyone I’ve talked to about this keeps insisting birds don’t eat fully grown plants, only seeds, and that my radishes are being eaten by snails. So I took a whole bunch of anti-snail measures only to find my radishes are still being eaten. Just now I caught a little bird in the act of pecking at one and I regret not being able to get it on camera because people are still insisting that it can’t possibly have been a bird. What is it about gardening that seemingly brings out the “well, ackchually” in everyone I know?

No. 272174

i'm starting a little garden on my balcony (mainly succulents/cacti and herbs for cooking) and my sister saw a video of a lemon bonsai tree which really interested me, i'll do more research but fruit bonsai looks really sick does anybody here have any experience with it?

No. 272183

Experience in what sense? Growing one yourself or buying one and then taking care of it?

No. 272280

growing from seed/cutting sorry if the second one is the wrong word idk how to translate it

No. 272291

not really but my friend used to have a bonsai apple tree and once a miniature apple grew on it and it melted my heart

No. 272338

that sounds adorable ill try my luck with citrus

No. 273236

My packet spinach seeds came with the instructions to mulch.. which I've never done before. Are you supposed to mulch before or after the seeds sprout?

No. 278801

Anons who garden outdoors: in-ground beds or raised beds? Why?

No. 278811

Raised beds up cycled. You can use old drums and barrels to create raided boxes you fill with dirt. Separate Little Rock paths between them or mulch and the raised walls help keep the more invasive stuff to itself (mint, penny royal, mugwort, that gosh darn cross pollinating zucchini that’s making your squash toxic, etc). It also lets you lift and remove the wall if you set it up to in advance so it removes from the bottom of your bed and then for stuff like carrots and potatoes you just lift the bed wall and dig through the soil instead of having to pull. That’s my two cents. Raised beds also feel like less work to move if I need to move a whole yard.

No. 278812

Sprout your spinach. Then when it’s a seedling about two inches. Put it in the ground and mulch around it. It will help prevent weeds around the spinach.

No. 278821

Thanks anon! The spinach didn't end up sprouting unfortunately. But it's good to know how to use mulch next time I sow something that needs it!

No. 278831

In my local area it's recomended to use raised beds because of potential soil contamination from a smelter that used to be here. So It's a good idea to check about things like that and test your soil.

No. 278840

raised beds are better for most situations, basically any time you aren't growing over such a huge area that it would be silly
>raised beds are more water efficient because the water has to flow all the way to the bottom before it can leave the plot
>they also warm up faster in the spring than a plot in the ground
>you can slap one down on any type of surface; if your soil sucks it's easier to build a raised bed and fill it than to dig a hole and fill that

No. 280081

If I want to use my garden as my main source of food, how should I plan it so that I never run out of food?

No. 280105

You will never run out only if you have a lot of things to pickle. Also plant like 10 plants of zucchinis and you will eat whole summer. For storing potatoes and beetroot you need a good dry cellar and they can last many months there. Wish i had one.

No. 280110

Look into homesteading/homestead garden, that's the kind of info you're looking for.

>>280105 is also right, you'll also need to teach yourself food preservation techniques like canning.

No. 280163

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Never plant this unless you're 100% certain of what you're doing. It's very hard to keep under control and spreads fast. Considering using a bit of RoundUp to get rid of it.

No. 280605

Weeds are your friend. Sounds backwards. But weeds break up the soil because their roots go deeper. No plant is scientifically a weed. Because their root system goes deeper it can help break up your water table to help the plants surrounding bring water and nutrition from lower down.
Feed your soil and turn it over. Fertilize with rice water, banana water, bone meal from eggs, cinnamon powder. Have you thought about a three tier system with beans and corns and turning the soil over? Are you thinking dark greens like Kale

No. 280633

Sift the soil for radishes to free sticks and rocks. It will screw up the growth of any root veggies. Kale will probably grow the best out of the list. Are you going to sow in the ground or start inside and move it out for the plants?

No. 280635

Samefag but look into herbal spirals too. It’s a smaller structure that could give you a lot of herbs to work with and shouldn’t be overly affected by ground quality. It takes some setting up but it may work too.

No. 280913

What vegetables can withstand heat and direct sun on par with pumpkins?

No. 280930

>>Corn but it has a long growing season. If you’re doing corn. You should pair it with beans on steaks. Some beans are more heat tolerant than others.
>>Peppers, but if it gets to hot the plant will drop its flowers and you’ll get a smaller yield. Water well after the highest part of sun. So the soil isn’t soggy at night and there’s no visible water on the roots or stalk at the hottest part of the day as that can amplify the sun and scorch the roots.
>>Summer Squash
>>Other types of pumpkins (that are really hybrid squash kek)
>>Some types of sweet potatoes
>>Tomatoes same note as the peppers. I recommend bucket planting so if it gets extremely hot like heat warning level you can bring them in for the afternoon.

No. 282343

So I sowed spinach this spring, let a few plants go to seed and saved the seeds with the intention to sow them this autumn. Just in case I decided to do a seed germination test. All of the seeds I saved turned black and didn't germinate, the seeds that were originally purchased did all germinate. So obviously I did something wrong while collecting, but I'm not sure what? I let them dry properly before storing, like they were completely dry and already dropping when I clipped the plants and then let them dry for 3 more weeks in a paperbag indoors. What could I've done wrong?

No. 283956

Possibly the culprit was low pollination? I had the toughest time getting fruit/seed set this year. High heat or lack of bees etc will do this.

No. 283962

Do you all have any suggestions for if there is potentially powdery mildew on succulents? I have a few and got rid of a few due to suspected disease. But I have a very big and beautiful aloe that I would like not to get rid of.
Are there hints or a test that make it easy to determine if a plant is developing epicuticular wax or if it is actually mildew?

No. 284022

I have succesfully minimized mildew by spraying a 60/40 water/milk solution on the plant on a sunny day. Maybe try that before you throw out plants again?

No. 284076

Cinnamon it’s antibacterial and cheap. Remove visible mold. Throw in some fresh dry soil to help the moisture problem, sprinkle cinnamon on top.

No. 284077

Were the seeds a hybrid designed not to reproduce viable seeds?

No. 284106

nta but mildew and mold are fungi, not a bacteria, are you sure that works?

No. 284130

Yes it’s also anti fungal. Sorry was early and I hadn’t woken up.

No. 284280

Does anyone have tips for composting in a smallish garden? I’m mostly worried about smell and vermin. Even though I keep reading that it shouldn’t smell if you’re doing it properly, I’m not sure I’ll be doing it properly at first lol
I also have a toddler who gets into everything. Would it be a bad idea to keep a compost bin inside a locked shed?

No. 284306

Even if you don't get it right and it ends up smelling, you can most likely fix it. A composting pile only needs four ingredients: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water. Any smelling issues always stems from too much or too little of one of those things: that's fixable by adding what it lacks.

Inside the shed is probably fine but it won't get any rainwater there so you'll have to remember to water it.

No. 284477

Good point about the rain. Gotta remember to water my garbage.
I’ve read that you mostly need to balance wet ‘green matter’ with dry ‘brown matter’ like dry leaves to counteract smell, but unlike kitchen waste I don’t have a constant supply of those. Should I keep a separate dry container for the upcoming deluge of fall leaves, so that over the winter I can periodically layer them onto the rest of the compost like a dirt lasagne? Or am I overthinking this?

I’ve also been looking into worm bins, but to be honest even though I’m not squeamish about the odd worm in the soil I don’t know if I could handle a whole bin full of them.

No. 284492

Does anyone have any suggestions for crops to grow during the winter? It would obviously be an indoor thing but the plan would be to move it outside once it gets warmer.

No. 284500

I think that depends on your climate? Where I am things that can still be sown in September and/or October and will result in a late fall/winter harvest are kale, rocket, spinach, lamb's lettuce, winter purslane, winter carrots, winter onion, winter lettuce, romaine lettuce and garlic. But you'll need to check if the same can be said in your climate.

No. 284607

consider a cold frame too if needed. Someone I follow from Shetlands grows what other said of kale, rocket + bok choy

No. 284608

does anyone have any luck with cover crops?
I'm growing some red clover in a planter outside for next year so that I don't need to replace soil. it's growing well right now using grey water (UK in almost completely in drought).
I wonder if it will be safe to add veggies to next year though? grey water does turn into biological toxic soup after 24 hours but yh

No. 290982

Does anyone have suggestions for crops or herbs that do well in a north-facing windowsill? It looks decently sunny but every plant I’ve tried to grow there (including Moroccan mint, lettuce, spinach) grows tall and spindly with small leaves which indicates that they’re not getting enough direct sunlight. It’s quite a large windowsill and in the kitchen so I’d really like to grow something edible there.

No. 290990

Winter purslane grows well in shade and half sun.

No. 291053

Should check and see if your windows are tinted with anything that blocks out UV rays. That, or get a little grow lamp.

No. 291709

Thanks for the suggestion! This was on my to-grow-this-winter list anyway because it’s apparently frost resistant, but I hadn’t considered growing it inside as well.

That hadn’t even occurred to me, but I don’t think so because everything grows very well in the (currently unavailable) south-facing windowsills. I’d imagine that if the previous owners installed tinted windows they’d do it on the sunnier side first. A growth lamp sounds like a good idea, anyway.

No. 292593

I went to a farmers market two weeks ago and bought some plants that I wanted for my office. One of them was a garden croton and since I moved it to my office, the leaves have all started to droop and become green (instead of red) and thin. I also noticed some flies were starting to gather around the plant too. I heard garden crotons can tend to droop and wilt when moved from one environment to another, so I don't know if this is natural and I just need to give it some time before it looks healthy again. The bugs crawling around it made me concerned. I was also wondering if maybe I had overwatered it, but the soil seems pretty dry so I don't know.

Another thing is that when I bought the three plants at the market, the guy repotted them from their little containers and put them all in the same pot. Is that a good idea to have all three of them in the same pot when they're all different types of plants? I was planning to repot the garden croton anyway because it looks like it's dying, but maybe I'll repot the other plants too so they each have their own pot to grow in. Although I'm also worried that if I repot the garden croton so soon it might do more harm than good if it was just repotted two weeks ago? But the current pot already looks so crowded ugh, I'm not sure what to do. I know this was basically a lot of questions in one, but I've never owned a houseplant before… I probably should have started with a cactus or something.

No. 292676

Had to remove a root from a tree that was cut down a year ago underneath some bricks this week. The root had become so big it dislodged the bricks up from the ground. Took me a good 20 minutes to saw off the root. Then another 30 minutes to realign the bricks with along the pathway. At least the stump is decaying and I can cover it with mulch later in the year.

No. 292725

I kept having a bunch of tiny gnats and couldnt figure out why. I dumped the hydrogen peroxide water mix in all my plants last week then found my plants with even worse numbers. Checked all the decorative pots holding the holed plastic pots and found two of them with tons of little white balls, little bugs crawling. Immiedietly threw out both them then scrubbed the decorative pots with baking soda. It was either bug eggs or fungus which would later make mushrooms. Also had to eradicate spider mites on one of my favorite plants because a newer plant I believe caused it. Hopefully my favorite is fine now, I check it every other day. I believe I'm down to 10 plants or less which I'm fine with. It isnt worth it to handle new plants that bring issues. The gnats were mostly killed by another hydro-water dump, fly traps, and on contact spray since they were easily by the window.

No. 292860

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I wouldn't repot the croton unless you're sure the roots are rotting or the infestation is coming from the potting soil because repotting stresses plants and they've already had one repot in the last two weeks. The croton probably just needs more light. When you take plants home, try to leave them in a spot that's as close to the conditions they were in when you bought them for a week or two, then gradually introduce them to where you want them to go. Some plants, like snake plants, don't give a shit and can go straight from garden center to office, but plants that like a lot of light such as crotons might not do so well with abrupt changes in conditions. If you can, move them to a window; otherwise, try to put them as close to a light source as you can.

I got one of those oyster mushroom kits for shits and giggles and I'm excited to see what happens. Has anyone had any success growing mushrooms from kits like these?

No. 292865

Thanks nona. I took it home and put it on a stool near the window and it’s starting to get some color back so I think it’ll be okay. I’m thinking it’s possible that the air in my office is too dry or maybe putting it directly on the windowsill (which is where it was in my office) was too cold or something and that’s why it reacted that way. The plant is getting less sun in my apartment but it’s starting to look better. How do I know when I need to repot the plant? Since there’s three in one pot is there a possibility that their roots could get tangled if I leave them in for too long?

No. 293009

Some cat slept on my rectangular pot full of Aloe vera and how the leaves are all flattened lol

No. 300369

Any recommendations for houseplants that can withstand cold pretty well? My apartment isn't very well-insulated and it gets really cold and dry. I bought some houseplants over the summer, but I think they may be dying because the air is too cold and dry in my apartment. I'm doing what I can to salvage them, but I'm wondering if there are any houseplants that aren't so sensitive to cold or low humidity? I was also thinking of maybe getting a terrarium or those mossballs, but I'm not sure how much work they'd require for upkeep.

No. 302247

May I ask how your mushrooms doing?
I love oyster mushrooms, but they are expensive and hard to get here.

No. 306236

Hello Alocasia korn nonnie please share your wisdom to me. I have a STUNNING Alocasia and it’s not doing too well but she’s putting out korns. Please also tell me your personal Alocasia tips everyone been so unhelpful. They need full sun, no sun, leg dry between watering, don’t let dry out entirely etc etc it’s fucking confusing. Im working with spagnum moss and a plastic plant house with vents
also have some tupperware laying around if that’s better.

No. 306404

currently trying to grow spring onion from one onion bulb. if the roots starts to grow in a week, i'll have to transfer it to a pot with soil. at least that's what i learned from the youtube videos.

this is my first time trying to trying to grow vegetables. i usually plant flowers, like zinnia and sunflowers but that hobby didn't last very long, although both have managed to grow just fine and we're taller than a toddler or elementary-sized kid especially with my sunflowers.

i'm also planning to buy onion and garlic seeds, even scallions and ginger. just the necessary veggies for daily use. can i have a bit of an advice on how to take care of them and etc.?

No. 306408

spider plants can withstand pretty much anything, including cold

No. 311624

Hey anon. I would like to start composting. Can you tell me roughly your process? Like how much of each material do you need to start a pile? I have a yard and I’m thinking about just starting one on the ground instead of in a bin.

No. 311639

nta but i have a compost on the ground in the corner of my property and the smell isn't anything bad really if it's just plant matter compost, i can't smell it in the summer. I don't really take any care for it, i just throw it in there, it rains on it sometimes and works just fine. The dirt from the bottom is dark which is all i need in my sand and clay garden. I only had smelly compost when we had chickens and used to put their bedding in it. Cool advantage of having free compost pile on the ground is that if you are in an area with lot of snails and slugs they will eat mostly on the compost and very rarely on your plants.

No. 311668

>snails and slugs they will eat mostly on the compost and very rarely on your plants
Oh that’s nice! We do have slugs and snails and it gets hot. How did you get started anon? About what ratio of green and brown materials do you use if you pay attention to that at all? I’m worried about it turning smelly and sludgy, seems to be one of the chief mistakes people make.

No. 312649

Are there reasons for price disparity in seed packets other than profit margins? I'm looking to buy some vegetable seeds, for example cherry tomatoes. One supplier sells variant "Sweetie" for €3,69 for 10 seeds per packet. Another supplier sells the same variant for €2,90 for 100 seeds per packet. Both claim to be organic. Is there reason to believe the former is somehow better?

The more expensive ones are being sold by an influencer with his own app and the cheaper ones by a massive generic website so that explains some of the disparity, but the difference is so extreme that I'm wondering if there's something else I'm missing.

No. 312675

There's a lot of different guidelines and ideas on how to compost and what ratios to go by but a rule of thumb that works just fine for me is roughly alternating 2 parts brown to 1 part green.

As far as I know most seeds come from the same hand full of seed producers no matter what brand is on the package.. The only reason I can think of that'd justify the price difference is if the influencer's a small scale/backyard seed producer and doesn't merely resell seeds, but take that with a grain of salt.

No. 312790

Amazon is really bad about this, I think they rely on people not doing their research or wanting the convenience of buying from one place? Or paying more for free shipping, etc. E.g. me buying a pack of 50 high scent sweet pea seeds for $18.99 on Amazon when they’re ~$8 on Swallowtail and Burpee. I don’t believe there’s actually any difference in the seed itself, but you do want seeds that are stored and shipped with care.

No. 313876

Do plants grow an immunity towards pests? Because I had a bad trip infestation and all my plants were looking kinda sad, but now they're all thriving and I see no damaged spots at all.

No. 313897

Didn't the pest just die and the plants recovered afterwards? Not all pests kill their hosts.

No. 313960

Round 2 of trying to plant spinach on my balcony. Last time I waited too late (April-may) and it's hot as fuck where I live so everything just stopped growing. Priming some seeds as we speak so I can get them into containers and hopefully have some for the spring! Wish me luck everyone.

Also hey nona, have your mushrooms come in yet?

No. 313968

They reproduce really fast and I still see them around, they just dont do as much damage anymore

No. 314678

Good luck, anon! I love growing spinach. Mine kept right on truckin’ all through the winter even if they didn’t grow very fast. I wish I’d sewn more.

No. 315501

might be predator bugs came and helped clean up the place

No. 316585

My radish seedlings grew too tall and thin and keep falling over. The obvious explanation would be lack of light, except they’ve been under a growth light the whole time and their leaves are a healthy green colour. Some of the leaves do look a little disfigured, though.
I could simply sew new seeds in the places of the ones that seem beyond saving but I don’t know what caused this and don’t want it to happen again. Any thoughts?

No. 316591

Too warm causing too rapid growth?

No. 316592

I don't know what's wrong with my hatch pepper plant. I kept it in a pot with poor Drainage for a while and it got some root rot. But I took it out. Aired out the roots. Sprayed it with natural insecticide and mold killer solution. It's now just weak. Easily wilts in the sun, so I have to keep it indoors. Looks unhealthy and wilty but it NEVER dies… but I've doted on it for a long time and it just stays the same. When will it get better? Is there NOTHING I can do?

No. 316692

I'm not sure but instead of waiting it might be worth it just buying a new one at this point honestly

No. 316700

put a fan on them to strengthen them. unless you want to restart.
probably too warm or inconsistent substrate moisture caused it

No. 316730

I just love seeing this thread get bumped lol

No. 316754

I want to start growing vegetables and fruits this year, at my balcony.
What would be the easiest vegetable and fruit to grow as a beginner? Any other tips? I want them to grow in big flowerpot.

No. 316757

It depends a bit on what grows well in your climate so I can only speak from the perspective of mine.. Personally I find leafy greens like cabbage, spinach and rocket the easiest. They always say that beets are easy but idk I personally find them a bit finnicky. Carrots and radishes are also easy and do well in a pot but carrots do take a long ass time to grow. Also, perhaps surprisingly but if you have the space for it.. pumpkin is easy it just has a long turnaround time, you pre-sow it indoors like mid march (around now) but don't harvest until late august/september at earliest (at least in my climate) but other than watering it regularly and snipping it occasionally it's pretty easy. You do need a variety that can be sown in a pot though, there's climbing varieties too to make use of the vertical space in your home. Not sure about fruits, sorry.

No. 316785

Yes you're right, but I'd like to learn the secret of healing root rot plants. I did everything rot tutorials said. Lmao you'd think at some point this plant would get its root growth back to normal. Unless the problems actually still spreading. In which case how hasn't it died yet??? Its been SO long. Root rot is such a pain.

No. 316789

Does your balcony get plenty of sun? If so, you can grow tomatoes. Last year I put a bunch of extra seedlings of a determinate/bush cherry tomato variety in big flower pots I had left over and I was surprised at how well they did. They didn’t grow very big and didn’t need any support, but were quite productive.

No. 316812

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my baby loofa plants are starting to get their tendrils

No. 316845

I'm in an apartment that gets partial sun, so I re-grow grocery store green onions by using their roots. CVS sold windowsill herb garden kits a few months back, so maybe you can find similar herb-starter kits. Basil is easy for sure. Seeds from grocery store bell peppers grow p fast and I just put them in soil from the start. They need a lot of water.

No. 317036

I'm from Eastern Europe. Spinach and radish sounds interesting, I may start with it. Pumpkin is too big for my small balcony unfortunately.
Yes, my balcony gets a lot of sun but I will pass tomatoes, they trigger my IBS, but thanks for recommendation. Maybe if my IBS will calm down I will try to grow it.
>I re-grow grocery store green onions by using their roots
oh fuck you're genius! I will try that too, it sounds easy to take care of.
>herb-starter kits
Oh, that's good idea too, I will check it out.

I think I will go to the gardening store and just ask for any ideas and instructions. Also it seems like growing herbs and vegetables is easier than growing fruits. The best choice for my small balcony is growing from berry family fruits. Strawberry, blackberry or berry. I will give it a thought, but I want to grow at least one fruit.

No. 317103

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You should definitely be able to grow strawberries if your balcony gets a lot of sun. Other berries too, if you have the space and big enough containers. Strawberries can be grown in relatively small containers compared to other berries. I once saw someone who had their whole balcony railing covered in hanging containers with strawberries. I’m not sure how they didn’t all get eaten by birds, though, since they weren’t covered with anything.

No. 318454

good luck on your garden!!! quick tip, if you want to try growing them in just water, you gotta change the water every other day-ish, and it's better to put it somewhere that gets indirect light!

No. 318455

My snake plants are growing small new baby leaves, I'm so excited about them. Winter had them kinda stay stuck for a good 4 months so I was worried I wasn't taking good care of them.

I think I'll reward them w some homemade fertilizer i.e used coffee grounds and fruit peels!

No. 318474

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I'm growing alpine strawberries this year! I tried last year and it was a complete failure. I started them outside from seeds and they took a month and a week to germinate (pretty normal) but died when there was a bout of torrential rain, and then the survivors got dug up by a squirrel.
This year I'm growing them early inside in a self-watering seed starter with grow lights and I can't believe the difference. They sprouted in 12 days. I think it's because the soil is consistently moist and also special seed starter soil. They're delicate when they're still seedlings, but apparently become more hardy as fully grown plants. The brand of seed starter I used was burpee but I'm sure any seed starter would work. I did have to sprinkle some baking soda on top to get rid of some powdery mildew, other than that no problems so far. For sure keep the soil wet but not soggy.
Also I grew more garlic from a garlic head I got from the grocery store, and they came out kinda small but really tasty. Be careful because sometimes grocery store fruit/veg is cross bred between two types to get a big product with the most flavour or something. So when you propagate the seeds/cloves it's a surprise what grows, or it'll grow a plant that doesn't bear fruit into the next generation. Good luck, I'm sure you'll have fun!

No. 318535

I'm excited for you my neighbors did loofa last year they exploded they seem like a very prolific plant and I love how they go up the trellis. I want to try growing them next year. Spring snuck up on me I hope I didn't wait too long to start germinating my pepper seeds

No. 318538

I bought a couple of small strawberry plants last fall but the dog dug them out of their container smh now I'm mad I won't have picrel this summer. Was gonna hang them on the fence to my garden.

No. 319032

what vegetables/fruits/herbs/anything edible if I sow this year won't be ready for harvest until next year? Or won't until next year if I sow later in the season. Is there a list maybe? I don't want to make the same mistake of running into things I should've sowed last year, next year again.

No. 319167

The only thing I can think of are things like fruit trees and bushes that can take years to grow before they fruit, but people rarely sow those from seed anyway. I used to have a neighbour who kept buying little raspberry plants from the garden center in spring and then uprooted them and threw them in the bin in winter because they hadn’t produced fruit and therefore “didn’t work”.
Maybe garlic? You have to plant those in fall if you want to harvest them the following year in spring/summer. I don’t know if you can/should plant them in spring. Depends on the variety, maybe. I did just stick a few cloves from the supermarket in with my strawberries because I read they were good companion plants and the cloves were sprouting anyway, but I’m not really expecting much from those harvest-wise.

No. 320701

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foraging not gardening
but it is wild onion time


No. 320947

I wished I lived somehere that didn't have literal sand for soil. Constantly adding fertilizer and compost so it actually holds some nutrients and water sucks.

No. 321659

Hey nonna I have the same sort of issues… best way to combat this is through no-till, raised bed, or container/grow bag! Constant remediation shouldn't be necessary after a certain amount of time and growth seasons if you can take some time to plan crop rotations that work to rejuvenate and regenerate health in the soil. This year I am excited to grow giant sunflowers, basil with tomatoes, boysenberries, strawberries, jostaberries and peppers.

No. 321757

I just want to grow a small little potted herb/veggie garden but I have no idea where to start. I want to grow mint, peas, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, spinach, some kind of hot pepper (serranos or jalapenos), and the like.

I can't plant it in the backyard because my dog will destroy them, so the only option is to plant them in pots and keep them on my porch. I also can't really build anything because this is a rental instead of an owned home and I don't want them to die when I move out in a few months.

Anyone have any good guide recommendations? Obviously I can just follow the first google search results I find but since I know nothing about gardening, I'm just wondering if you guys know any better guides.

No. 321855

Yeah I'm already doing no-till (saving the rainworms woo). I'm considering trying a (modified) version of "hugelkultur" on one or two beds to see how it goes. Idk if you sorta keep up with the online gardening trends but that's been a thing that's been making rounds online for a couple of years now where you bury logs and/or other organic matter and let it decompose while you plant stuff on top of it. Supposedly it's an ancient permaculture system that fertilizes the soil, helps retain moisture and if you build it up really high (which I'm not gonna do) increases planting surface area. I have access to plenty of logs and considering my soil is basically straight sand not a lot to lose.

No. 323767

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Hey guys, so I have some huge, ceiling-tall umbrella plants, and I need to repot one of them to deal with root rot.
I usually repot them early spring before they start sprouting new leaves, but I was unable to do so and I'm wondering is it ok to repot it now? I'm afraid of leaving it like this until next spring so the rot doesn't spread, but what would be the consequences of repotting it this late? It's already growing a bunch of new leaves.

No. 323808

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I haven't had a garden in a decade but I moved into a house with a yard this month so I immediately dug up the backyard (which looked like shit anyway so no loss there). Off to a bumpy start but almost everything seems like it's gonna make it. I'm trying a couple things from seedlings that I've never been able to grow before like japanese eggplant (they're surprisingly pretty plants when they get going, I want to look into the ornamental types).

No. 323810

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also bought a bunch of onion starts and their little greens are rocketing up out of the ground, it makes me happy to look at. Then I bought some garlic at the store because it's all sprouted and shitty this time of year - selected the most sprouted bulbs and planted the cloves lol I hope it works because I love fresh garlic

No. 323828

reminder for anyone unaware, that garlic won't be able to be harvest until next year. well you can harvest if you want the greens or if you don't mind very mild garlic that is just one large bulb. it won't split and become strong in flavor until after it overwinters, so next spring/summer it should be ready

No. 323848

My elephant ear plant isn't growinh anymore ever since i removed it from the indoor growlight thing to placing it by the window. Do they grow slower or should I change the pot or something? The sprouts are small and dark green, now the bright green color.

No. 323870

oh thank you. not gonna lie I completely forgot about that, I haven't grown it since I was a little kid. I will probably be eating some green garlic later this year and I'll try to leave the rest of them in the ground over winter.

No. 323871

actually I'll probably just be eating garlic scapes because the soil isn't going to get below 50f here for like six months. Oh well, that's fun too. Will see what they do out there, maybe I'll get lucky and they'll have gotten cold in the grocery store.

No. 324258

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Any recommendations for strawberry varieties that are tasty? Type (everbearing/junebearing/dayneutral) doesn't really matter. Not Ostara, I already have that one.

No. 325308

I planted more seedlings today, tomatoes mostly but also a melon which I've never grown before… got them from a coworker, they look like they've never seen sunlight. I hope they make it.

No. 325456

I'm going to plant some sunflowers (probably like 12 square feet) in. place that gets morning and afternoon/evening sun but is briefly shaded before noon due to shadows. I hope it doesn't mess up the way they move their heads

No. 325457

*in a place
video vaguely related, I think I just liked her jersey accent and it was a pretty straightforward video

No. 325480

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I'm gonna try Mongolian sunflowers this year

No. 325509

these are cool! Are you gonna harvest the seeds and eat them?

You two (I assume you're two different anons) have inspired me, I might pick up a pack of sunflower seeds.

No. 325518

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Yeah different anons. I’m gonna plant little short multicolored varieties of sunflower and also Mexican sunflowers which aren’t really sunflowers but they look cool

No. 325539

Has anyone here had success germinating stevia seeds? I’ve been trying since early march but not a single seed has germinated. I’m thinking about just buying a plant and trying to propagate from that, but none of the local nurseries or garden centres have stevia.

No. 325547

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Has anyone used dandelions?

I didn’t realise how good they are

Flower petals - tea leaves , jams/ ‘honey’ and fritters , wine/ mead , cake decorations , salad , infused oil , cough syrups
Stem and leaves - smoothies, pestos, salad, soups , sauteed greens , stir fry
Root - coffee ( cook until burnt looking gives the best flavour more cooked stronger the taste) , coco powder
Small buds not opened up - pickle capers

If you don’t want to eat it - soaps, salves, lip balms
Collecting the seeds- grab puff ball and sprinkle all over garden/grass

Good for the liver and gallbladder, sickness, kidneys , can reduce belly fat and good for ANXIETY full of vitamins a/c/k and magnesium and great for dry skin

I legit made the best ‘coffee’ from the roots and this amazing jam

No. 325549

Do you have them light enough? They're light germinators so if you've covered them with a lot of soil they won't germinate. Do you have them warm enough? They don't germinate below 20 degrees celcius. If you're keeping them indoors and have lowered room temperature because of gas prices it might just be that? Just some thoughts.

I have tried to forage the roots but never managed to dig up thick/long enough roots lol. How do you make jam from them? From the flower of other parts too?

No. 325555

Best way to get long roots is to dig them up once they are about to flower or have unopened buds the older they are the shorter the root

And the jam was really easy I got loads of the flowers washed them and pulled out all the petals boiled them for 10 mins and let them sit in the boiled water for few hours and then drained the liquid into another pan and took out the petals and then boiled the water with some sugar and lemon juice until it became thick I added some petals back in cause they tasted good and any left over petals I drying for tea it was really easy and it tastes so nice

No. 325556

They’re under growth lights on a windowsill, in a covered (but not heated) tray. I don’t know the temperature exactly but have germinated plenty of other types of seeds that require similar temperatures without problems. I read on one site that they need very fine, filtered soil/sand but other sites say to use regular seed starting medium or coconut coir. It’s confusing.

No. 326179

Has anyone got any advice how to banish slugs and snails from garden and green houses I put down pellets, traps, citrus peels, salt and closed all the holes in my green house and every few hours there a gross snail eating my whole plant it pisses me off and makes me give up I legit tried everything

No. 327286

maybe try diatomaceous earth?
last resort id try a spray meant to kill and prevent snails.

No. 327316

Plant leeks and lavender, get ducks?

No. 327445

I've not tried it personally but I've heard crushed egg shells because they supposedly can't/don't want to cross that? Or maybe try to foster their natural predators?

No. 327448

I think you're supposed to fill a bowl with beer and salt, and then put it near the plants they eat. They're attracted to the smell so they fall in a die.

No. 327511

I'm trying to grow carrots from carrot tops that were leftover after meal prep (just regular grocery store carrots). right now I have them sitting in a shallow container of water left in the sun. one is starting to sprout little green leaves from the top but has no roots growing yet. how long should I give it before roots grow, and once roots do grow, when/how do I plant it and care for it so that it grows into a full carrot?

No. 327533

You can't, I'm sorry anon. The only thing you can do is to let it go to flower, harvest the seeds and sow those. But at that point you might aswell buy a cheap pack of carrot seeds and save yourself a year. The carrot top won't regrow a root.

No. 327578

aw that's disappointing, oh well. thanks for letting me know

No. 327614

My area is absolutely flush with dandelions and purple dead nettles, which are apparently great to forage too, but now that I’m finally able to go out and collect a bunch it seems all the dandelions have gone to seed and the nettles have gone yellow-brown. Dang. I could still pick the dandelion leaves but generally, after a plant has gone to seed is the worst time to pick its leaves because they tend to turn bitter.

No. 327616

Are you sure you can't find fresh purple dead nettle? Where I am they flower from early spring into early fall.

No. 327639

Your greenhouse is probably protecting them from their natural predators. Put some toads in there or whatever other thing that eats them (ground beetles, snakes, etc) that you wouldn’t mind living in your greenhouse

No. 327646

Ducks. Ducks fucking love snails, they slurp those bastards up like candy.

No. 327717

Ah, ramps. Usually you can forage for them, but they don't grow where I live sadly. We have wild garlic chives though

No. 327732

Not 100% on-topic but I figure this is the only somewhat active thread frequented by anons who might have thoughts about this: how do you feel about using the microwave to dehydrate herbs if you don't have a dehydrator? OK alternative or is it worsen the quality too much?

No. 327747

that's not a good idea, it'd cause the herbs to lose their flavor. I know it's reddit but the first comment explains it well: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskCulinary/comments/2qogue/drying_herbs_in_a_microwave/
maybe you can use an oven or toaster instead, or possibly air dry them? or even use a hair dryer?

No. 328889

I’m out of town and I just heard a branch from my neighbors yard fell on my squash plants. They are ok probably but I’m still mad reeee

No. 328984

Is your squash okay nonnie?

No. 329018

Most are ok. one of the plants looks pretty sad but it might still recover, hard to say.

No. 330636

I have a strawberry plant and one of the strawberries dried up before I could pick it so I planted it in the soil and sprouts started growing. anyways I ripped the sprouts out mistaking them for weeds before realizing they were actually strawberry sprouts. the sprouts (including roots) were still intact so I put them back in the soil - will they still keep growing or did me uprooting them kill them?

No. 330656

they should be good! as long as the roots are intact and you replanted right away.

No. 330687

that's such a relief, I feel so bad about pulling them out! I'll keep an eye on them and hopefully they keep growing since I did replant right away

No. 330822

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I want to weed my garden but the mosquitos eat me alive every time I step outside. got so sick of it I went to look for a mosquito hat on amazon and for some reason all the images make me laugh i don't know if I can buy this lol

No. 330823


Wear it. Shit's awesome

No. 330825

can you recommend any in particular or are they pretty much all the same?

No. 330829


Ushake is pretty good according to my aunt. Just be careful with any of these hats. If you get a bad one, they stink like plastic fumes and can cause allergic reactions.

No. 330957

Does anyone itt have experience with growing different types of mint for drinks and desserts? I'm growing some Moroccan mint (Mentha spicata) that I've propagated from a twig from the grocery store but I've been seeing other types of mint online that look interesting. Things like strawberry mint, apple mint, orange mint, lime mint, banana mint, blackcurrant mint, etc. There are a lot of variations, but also wildly varied reports on how much these actually smell or taste like the thing they're named for. I'd like to make my own sweet tea and lemonade this summer with plants from my garden and I'm not sure if these would serve as replacements for actual limes or actual strawberries, for example. Local nurseries and garden centers only carry standard peppermint so I have nowhere to go to try it out in person before I buy.

No. 330961

I've had chocolate mint and it tastes nothing like chocolate (or cacao) whatsoever.

You can always go to the plant nursery and just steal a twig to propogate if you don't want to waste money.

No. 330962

Nevermind, I read over you saying you don't have a nursery near that carries those varieties.

No. 330964

I don’t think they’d serve as replacements for actual fruit. I haven’t tried all those but usually it mostly tastes like mint and has just a hint of flavor or fragrance like its namesake.

No. 330990

I’ve read that chocolade mint is named that because it’s more brown than other varieties and apparently tastes good WITH chocolate, not because it tastes like chocolate by itself. Banana mint, on the other hand, supposedly tastes like actual bananas. I vaguely remember from high school chemistry that the scent/flavour of bananas is caused by a simple ester so I suppose it’s possible for other plants to produce the same scent, whereas the flavour of chocolate is probably more complex and difficult to replicate.

That figures. I’ve heard that lemon verbena tastes more lemon-y than actual lemons and can be used as a lemon substitute in drinks, so I was wondering if that could be true for other plants and flavours as well.

No. 331038

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My first baby eggplant!!! Fuck I’m so excited I’ve never been able to grow these

No. 331139

Aaw that's so nice, hopefully the harvest will be plenty!

No. 331141

Yay! Are eggplants hard to grow? I’ve never tried.
This year I’m trying to grow pepino (which is related to eggplants) but the seeds came in really late so the plants are still only tiny seedlings right now. I hope they manage to fruit this year, but if not I guess I’ll try to let them overwinter indoors.

No. 331154

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If I get a bunch that would be amazing but even if I get only one eggplant per plant I’ll be happy
I don’t think they’re hard to grow I’ve just never lived anywhere warm enough to grow them outside. When I tried in colder climates they were so sad looking, I’m finally somewhere hot enough for the plants to be happy.
Never heard of pepinos but they look tasty in pictures. They’re sweet? The flower looks a lot like my eggplant flowers but otherwise I wouldn’t have guessed they’re related

No. 331204

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NTA I've always had really good luck with growing eggplants in US zone 7 climate. They also make really beautiful leaves and flowers, so I put them at the front of my vegetable garden just for aesthetics lol. They do tend to get droopy as the eggplants get larger, so usually they need a bit of staking. Did not have much luck with white eggplants, but the Black Beauty variety and Japanese eggplants do great here. Pic is potato quality from a few years ago.
They'll keep fruiting for a couple of months, anon! I usually get at least 7-8 each season from each plant. Your eggplant looks really healthy, great work!

No. 331346

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Just wanted to brag that I brought this flower back from the brink of death (at one point it was just 3 yellow leaves drooping out of the ground) because my neighbor planted a big ass fugly bush directly against the fence on the other side so it was stealing its nutrients. I just kept piling soil on the corner and more plant food for years and now my favorite flower is BACK baby

No. 331375

Is it safe to move venus flytraps around, or do they not like that? I want to move them do different windowstils during the day to get more sun light but I'm worried that that's gonna do them more harm then good.

No. 331376

I'm not a plant expert or have a green thumb but I used to move mine all the time. Not sure if it was bad for it but I had no problems. Hope that helps nonnie. I think moving it here or there a little bit is okay!

No. 331383

Has anyone here grown plants from seed paper? Got one at a party and I’m curious if they’re a gimmick, I already soaked and buried the cut up pieces in a flowerpot

No. 331390

I had never heard of it but I don't see why it wouldn't work? Seed bombs work too which is more or less the same concept.

No. 331402

yes they work. if buried too deep the seedlings can struggle to make it up through the paper and the soil (depends on the plant though). when I tried the mI feel like they were slow to start but the ones that made it ended up being pretty strong plants.

No. 331637

that's great nona, I'm glad the flower made it through

No. 331920

Just noticed Botanical Interests is having a Memorial Day sale. thank god i noticed at the end of the day I really can’t be buying 50 types of flowers I don’t have room to grow… or can I?

No. 332298

I saw a wildflower I liked growing in a difficult place so I pulled it out by the roots and put in a bare spot on the edge of my yard/garden with similar qualities to where I found it (clay soil against a brick edge). Hope it works, I sort of have an erosion problem there because I got rid of the lawn grass (I hate grass lawns)

No. 332512

kick ass, you did an awesome job! are those irises? i've never seen that color before.

No. 334210

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I sowed Nasturtium this year and the plants are still tiny but they've already started flowering.. that's not supposed to happen when they're an annual right? Each plant has under 10 leaves and hasn't even started to sucker yet, kinda like picrel except mine aren't potted. Any idea what I did wrong? I wanted big beautiful masses of leaves.

No. 334712

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Update on this: lost a lot of garlic to something that dug up the plot (a squirrel that liked garlic? No idea I don’t have many yard pests). What remained was happily growing a few leaves that slowly faded, dried up and completely fell away as of yesterday. So I dug up the garlic and it looked like this, as predicted.
Feel a bit silly forgetting I can’t grow garlic in the summer but I will enjoy these mini garlics nonetheless

No. 336359

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My eggplants are doing good. I ate a couple already, so tender. I tasted a little piece raw and they’re actually mildly sweet when they’re fresh off the plant! Crazy

No. 336364

Ichiban is mu absolute favorite eggplant. The skin is so tender.

No. 336366

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First time growing any type of thai chili. I thought they would get a bit longer but does the fact that they’re turning red mean they’re not getting any bigger? Maybe I should harvest them soon but I’m not sure. Any advice?

No. 336379

I got one from an event a month ago and it hasn't grown at all. Womp womp

No. 338450

I just got a lemon verbena plant and while it got a bit mangled in the post it smells SO GOOD. Where has this plant been all my life? Why don’t any garden centres sell it here? I really hope it survives.

No. 338613

Bad news: squash border caterpillars got to my plants. Just spend half an hour killing them but it might be too late. I hope their secondary roots help them through because the bases of some of them are in rough shape

No. 338624

ah that sucks!

No. 338824

All my tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in pots are either dead or haven't grown at all in over a month. The inground plants are fine. I'm stumped

No. 338826

you probably need fertilizer for the potted plants.

No. 338828

I'll give it a try. Surprised they'd die this quickly though

No. 338877

Birds have discovered my cherry tomatoes. I guess I’ll have to put a net over them but I was hoping I wouldn’t have to, because those bird-safe nets are so ugly.

No. 338890

Has anyone here tried hydro-gardening? Or have any apartment garden tips? I'd like to start growing some little plants on my own because the grocery stores suck. I've had luck with plants in the past so I think I could manage, but what would be a good starter fruit/vegetable (if any?) I also believe there is a community garden near me, but idk if it's usually something you have to sign up for so I'm not sure where to start there.

No. 338894

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What's your indoor setup like?
I'm currently growing herbs like basil, thyme, parsley, and rosemary indoors. I have a coffee tree from IKEA that has quadrupled in size since re-potting it. I successfully grew two strawberry plants from seeds indoors that are still alive and blooming right now. My new experiments this year are two cacti (already germinated) and two watermelon plants (one indoors and another growing on my balcony. Indoor plant is growing faster atm)

My indoor setup is very basic. I'm only using high-output LED grow lights like these in a corner of my living room. You can grow just about anything indoors with the right setup.

No. 338926

Spinach and radishes are some of the easiest vegetables ime. You can harvest spinach relatively quickly too. Might not be the "prettiest" vegetables to sow indoors though.

No. 339864

Nonnas, what do you guys do for earwigs? I have a potted plants, for tomatoes and other veggies and the earwigs are out here. I saw this oil technique, except they are potted plants.. should I still do it?
I normally wouldn't mind but after noticing one on my fucking neck I am fed up.

No. 339937

One of my zucchinis is a bit runty and is only producing male flowers. According to various sources this means the plant isn’t getting adequate nutrition or sunlight, or it’s too hot, but its neighbour zucchinis are producing just fine under the same conditions. Should I give it a bit of extra fertiliser or just leave it alone and wait? Last year I had a pumpkin plant that only made one or two female flowers and didn’t produce a single pumpkin. If it’s going to be like that again, I’d rather clear it away and make space for something else.

No. 339940

I'd just pull it out, zucchini plants produce so much do you really need more than 1-2?

No. 340172

How good is your soil? I have a really bad soil and fertilise often, though some of my plants of this type don't produce enough female flowers anyways. I have 7 zuccini plants and it's not enough this year. Last year they had more food on them so i think extremly cold spring we had is a factor this year + the shitty soil.

No. 340204

I wrote in the vent thread, but guess I'd post her for advice.
There was a tornado that came through and devoured my tomato plants. They major branches broke off, and some of them are bent beyond repair (maybe)..
What would you recommend I do? I saw to dip the branches in water for roots to come out so I can replant them in different planters..
Will post photos later today after work.

No. 340245

Are raspberries difficult? I kinda want to get a few bushes but I seem to remember my grandmother's raspberries were always full of pests. But she's gona so I can't ask her now.

No. 340458

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Am I a genius or what? I have to water my garden with tapwater because it's not raining this month, it pains me to pay so much for water BUT every day i fill up a rainwater barrel with tapwater, use it as a jacuzzi during the day and then i water the plants with it. It's not a waste anymore because i have a swimmingpool without having a swimmingpool and i don't even need chlorine because i get new water every day.

I guess that depends if your area is full of these pests. I never had any pests on my raspberries, no worms or nothing, only couple of stinkbungs which is alright. Other than that raspberries are pretty easy, sometimes you have to cut them a bit before winter so they grow new twigs with better berries but even the ones nobody ever cut, in my new place i got, were just fine.

No. 340459

That's really gross.

No. 340460

what why? how is that different to a bathtub?

No. 340461

nta but how is that gross.. tap water is clean and so is presumably that barrel

No. 340489

Why are you paying to fill up a rain barrel from the tap? It's meant to collect water from rain for free. If collecting rain water isn't legal where you live, you're going to get fined because no one will believe you fill it from the tap.

No. 340490

Nonnita i told you it hasn't been raining here FOR A MONTH.

No. 340501

Nayrt but it's uncharacteristically hot where I live rn and it's infuriating. Don't water the plants? Fried. Water the plants? Cooked. My dill fucking died, all of it.

No. 340506

I feel you. a week of violent rain followed by weeks of scorching heat destroyed my young basil plants

No. 340534

Then why waste tap water by letting it sit out to evaporate for a week

No. 340540

Go back and re-read anon's post.

No. 340590

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Nonna are you drunk?

No. 340878

I'm new to gardening. My tomato flowers keep wilting and falling off, and I'm sure it's because the temperature here is too hot and humid (I live in the south). I received the plants a month ago from a neighbor who didn't want to take care of them anymore, kek. If it was up to me I would have gotten a heat-resistant hybrid instead. I know that when it gets too hot/humid the plants become infertile because of the pollen getting too sticky and clumping together. Is there anything I can do about this? Maybe bring them in the AC at night or something? I've tried to manually pollinate with no success. I give them about 3-4 hours of direct sun and then bring them into the shade, because the sun here is brutal.

No. 341199

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I want to fill my front yard with flowering plants but it seems like all my favourites are toxic to humans and domestic animals. We have small children who are technically old enough to follow instructions like “don’t eat that” and wouldn’t be in the front yard without supervision anyway, but I still worry that they might stick something in their mouth when I’m not looking. We grow vegetables and fruits in the backyard and have foraged for berries together so they know some plants can be eaten, including edible flowers. We also have a cat who eats grass but (afaik) no other types of plants, and our neighbours have a puppy who regularly escapes into our yard to roll around. I don’t want anyone to get sick.
On the other hand, my MIL has apparently had a garden full of foxgloves and other toxic plants for over 40 years with tons of kids passing through without a single incident. She thinks I’m being unnecessarily cautious. Am I?

No. 341201

you are being overly cautious. toxic plants usually taste bad so animals and children have no reason to want to eat them, they would spit them out even if they nibbled. some of the vegetables you grow are probably technically toxic to pets but they're probably not eating those. it's usually houseplants that cause problems because… I don't know, it's like they're more tempting when they're the only plant lol.
you could go out of your way to plant harmless stuff if you're really worried. plant a bunch of mint and catnip. violets, sunflowers, certain ferns, sweet potato vine, nasturtium (not good for some pets but not deadly), hibiscus etc –find a list online and double-check it.

No. 341228

There's toxic plants everywhere. Indoors as houseplants, at local parks, plant borders around the neigbourhood, alongside roads, hell there's probably even toxic weeds growing in between the pavement in front of your home or at the school the kids go to, you know? Full disclosure I have 0 experience with kids but I feel like if kids can survive having toxic plants all around them while being somewhat unsupervised they can survive your garden too. And like >>341201 said, even if they were to put anything in their mouths they'll probably spit it out before swallowing enough because toxic plants generally don't taste good.

Regarding dogs, my pets (dogs and cats) have never eaten toxic plants from my garden or anywhere outside. Most animals instinctually know what plants they can and can't eat.

No. 341315

Since you didn't get any help here, maybe try asking the neighbour who gave them to you for advice? I wish I could help you but we live in different climates.

No. 341935

my raven zz cuttings have rooted :)(:))

No. 343908

I had a dream I picked a beautiful onion. In reality all my onions matured and the greens withered in the heat weeks ago (I did eat them they were just tiny like pearl onions).
Onions are getting really expensive in stores lately (like they used to be 70 cents per pound now they are close to $2/lb sometimes). I tried.

No. 344270

Nonnies I just bought a magic bean in a can where you can grow your own name. It has my name on it and will grow in 4-5 weeks. I don’t know how it works. Will I get a golden egg too?

No. 344763

Some of my pumpkins have dried in corky stems, does that mean they're ready for harvesting even though it's only mid august? Or should I wait until the leaves start wilting?

No. 344860

I think it should be fine to harvest them. I harvested one of mine already (little baby bears) because it was clearly ripe, so why not? I haven’t tried to eat it yet though.

No. 345529

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I’ve been avoiding my yard/garden because there a horrible flea infestation from the neighbor (vented about hexing him elsewhere on here) but today I finally went out and harvested some stuff!

No. 345530

That looks amazing!

No. 345626

That's an awesome harvest!

No. 345767

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Has anyone here had success with this kind of vertical gardening in cloth bags and if so, what plants work well in these? I got some as a gift and tried growing various smaller salad greens in them but it was really difficult to keep them watered since the bags are porous and all the water just seeps out immediately. I’m thinking about lining them with plastic and/or mixing vermiculite into the soil to help regulate moisture but I’m not sure what to plant in them. They’re in the half-shade and each individual bag is <20x20cm, which feels really small. Most of the ones I’ve seen being sold are even smaller. What do people - real gardeners, not the people staging product photos - actually grow in these?

No. 345768

Herbs like basil, parsley, mint, maybe even cilantro would do well in this set up

No. 345771

Putting herbs in that would be cruel to the plants. Those pockets are too small to hold anything but a seedling (basil gets over two feet tall normally, it would be severely stunted in that). I don't think anything except some varieties of bromeliad would be happy to live in that. It could be a nice seedling starter wall, like you could put little pots with seedlings in the pockets and save some space.

No. 345791

>plant a patio tomato (seed) in a small pot (12 cm tall)
>no drainage
>soil pH at 6.0
>water every evening
>pot stays in the sun all day, it's +32°C btw
>fast forward two months
>it's a pathetic little sprig
>four leaves total
hmmmmmmm i wonder what has gone wrong

No. 346296

I apologize if this isn’t the place to ask but my oldest baby is looking sick and its driving me nuts… I have a lucky bamboo plant and the tip of its base is starting to turn yellow. I’m not sure what could have changed. I took it out of direct sunlight (windowsill) for a few days & have been trying not to over fertilize or over-water it and make things worse but the yellow is still progressing. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to help her?

No. 346657

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Nonnas I'm overjoyed. All my life I did nothing but kill plants, I almost cried when my 3 year old Bolivian Torch cutting that had seen impressive rooting and growth died from overwatering. I decided to try something small and easy like propagating basil. I thought it'd die since I don't have an easy sunlight situation but it's thriving and rooting beautifully in the water, almost doubling by the day since I started a week ago. I really love how it makes me feel so I'm planning to try other apartment-friendly herbs advised ITT.
What would you recommend when it comes to interior flowers and houseplants in this setup? I grew up around a lot of flowers outside and miss it a lot, but I'd like them to be healthy. I'm ready to put in the effort after seeing results with my basil (and previously the cactus).
I'm on the fence about getting another Bolivian Torch since I wouldn't have a garden to transfer it to when it got big enough. Have any of you successfully kept columnar cacti indoors?

No. 348106

I feel like such a dumbass for planting my ashwagandha in the same rich, water-retaining soil I use for my vegetables because the plant barely had to develop any roots to thrive, and the roots were the whole point of growing it. It was such a large plant with tons of berries but it only had enough roots for like three cups of tea lmao

No. 349910

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I'm already brainstorming what I'm gonna sow next year.. what are your favourite pumpkin varieties?

No. 350755

wish potatoes didn't take so long to grow

No. 351757

kabocha squash, i gifted 3 to my grandmother that i painted

No. 351758

also no sage but this thread should be moved to ot because its not appropriate for g imo (anon who said this in the meta, let's manifest)

No. 351759

it's /g/ for gardening not otardening, dummy

No. 360499

My pumpkins have started molding again, this is the second year I've overestimated how long they'll store whole. It's pumpkin massacre time.

No. 367947

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I want to try to grow some loofahs this year because they seem like a lot of fun. Anyone here in a mild climate who has succesfully grown them? I'm in zone 8.

No. 367948

I say this year but I meant 2024's growing season

No. 367984

I'm not sure about the zone clasification but i grew them in czech republic last year for the first time and it didn't go to well. I'm in the warmest part of the country and i watered them a lot every day, but only one out of 4 managed to age enough to be a semi good sponge. We even had a quite long summer so they had a lot of time to finnish their thing, but they didn't. Maybe it was just a bad year because everything started growing slower this year. We'll see next year.

No. 367997

I'm getting into tiny space gardening now that I have a patio and I want to have a garden of my own when I move into my dream home, so I better start now. I'm thinking of starting off with chives. I live in the southern US so they should last through the winter. I got this "economical" type of soil from the dollar store, I hope it yields well. Unless it's suggested I use actual potting soil. I don't know what other plants I could grow during winter. I did get some dill, but it's recommended I start planting that in Spring.

No. 382760

More of a foraging question, but are you supposed to wash the stuff you forage? I tried it with dandelion flowers last year and they became so mushy that they were unusable afterwards. Any dandelion that’s accessible for me to pick is accessible for a dog to pee on (and there are no green areas here where people don’t take their dogs) so I’m hesitant to use anything without washing it first. Well, maybe stinging nettles are relatively safe, I suppose.

No. 382764

I don't know about dandelions, but I usually forage mushrooms and wild garlic and I wash those because I don't know if prior to me picking them, someone let their dog pee on em. If you rince them on a kitchen towel after you soak them in water, they shouldn't turn mushy.

No. 382769

I'm not a super experienced forager but I always rinse my stuff if it's close to the ground. Even if it's not dogs, there's also wildlife peeing or brushing up against greenery, you never know what they transmit.

No. 382795

I forage flowers for tea only so they get boiled anyway. But if it turns too mushy after washing try taking them after the rain before dogs can get to them. Thats's what i do with flowers i want to dry for later. Usually the morning after the rainy day.

No. 382803

I'm so excited to start my garden. My sprouts are doing very well indoors, and my mushroom growing project is going better than I expected! I learned that you can reuse mushroom spawn blocks a few times, so I'm going to try putting it outdoors after this run.

No. 383206

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Speaking of foraging I got two 1l zip lock bags full of wild garlic yesterday. Gave them all a wash, and I'm going to make half into a pesto that I'm going to give my best friend, and half into an aromatic oil. I might do another foraging round on Sunday and do some pesto for myself as well.

No. 383601

Yes, but not harshly. Only letting them bob in a bowl of water and gently stirring them and then putting them through a strainer. You usually dry them afterwards which will help too.

No. 383643

All of my indoor plants died except my pothos.

What could I have done to cause this? I bought grow lights and plant food and humidifiers (I live in super dry Colorado) but they all turned brown and crispy … was I overwatering?

No. 383646

How much plantfood did you use? Did you use the liquid stuff that needs to be diluted maybe? Too much plantfood can fry the roots.

No. 383922

I've also noticed some people burning their plants with grow lights too close to their foliage. theres a lot available online about using grow lights, to the point where people will break down distance from plant/duration of timed light based on bulb type and even brand. you do have to be really close to the bulb though.

i know you said you have a humidifier, but are any of these plants right next to a vent?

and most importantly: are they browning from the tips and edges of the leaves? thats over fertilizing. or, are the leaves yellowing and shriveling up, and the whole plant looks limp and sad? thats overwatering.

dont give up! you must kill a plant three times before you truly know it. i have a replacement pothos for every fallen plant, but once you get the hang of it you can grow any damn thing indoors.

No. 384068

They look gorgeous nonna, I feel like I can smell them through the screen. I wish foraging was more of a thing where I live, I'd love to hunt for some wild tasty greens. Despite being blessed with a decent garden I haven't grown anything in years however I like the idea of growing chives or rocket for an organic pesto, whichever one is easier to grow. Store bought pesto is absolutely rank here.

No. 384417

I've never tried chives but rocket is so easy. Well I guess that depends on your soil type probably but for me it's super easy, it grows quick, gives little troube, it's good.

No. 396801

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Longshot but does anyone have experience with lithops? I figured they would be just like my other succulents but the internet has got me freaked out over how finicky they are, are they really that sensitive?

No. 396866

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I need help. I bought a neem oil spray to get rid of a spider mite infestation that popped up a few days ago on my potted Mandevilla plant. The potted plant resides outside on my terrace where it's sunny.
I sprayed the whole plant thursday night and will again saturday morning or night. Will the spider mites kill my beloved flowering plant? How do I get rid of them? How long will it take for them to disappear? What else can I do?

The color of the flowers seemed to be sucked out and muted…not as vibrant. I'm worried my plant won't survive.

No. 398173

I have a major slug problem which means that practically everything I plant in my raised bed gets eaten instantly. It’s time to bring my tender plants outside but I’m worried that the slugs will ravage those, too. I’ve seen them eat a whole medium-sized plant completely bare in one night. Nothing I’ve tried so far (coffee grounds, egg shells, copper tape, nematodes) has made any difference. I’m going to give the nematodes one more try because I suspect it was slightly too cold out the first time I used them, but is there anything else I can do?
I’ve read that certain plants like rosemary and lavender repel slugs, but it’s not clear to me to what extent. Do slugs simply not eat them, or do they actually repel slugs from the area they grow in? I’ve kept the area around the bed clear so far because the slugs use nearby plants as shelter and little ramps into the raised bed. Would planting lavender around my raised bed help to keep the slugs out?

No. 398784

I have seen slugs glide over blades and spikes to get to food. You need a duck.

No. 398888

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I'll be honest, I live in texas and just kinda keep it outside. It's wet af here so I have it in soil that is like mostly rock and perlite. It's not doing fantastic because of this, but it's still alive and growing. I bring it in when it gets close to freezing, but that fucker stays outside when it's 110F out. It gets a full fuckin day's worth of sun though. For an indoor plant, I think giving it the full sun it needs will be difficult.

Succulents are kinda known for being extremely hardy and retard resistant. You know how like when aloe gets the right amount of sun they are actually an ugly taupe kinda color? But when they are light starved and soggy they are actually a pretty bright green and they will still grow new shoots despite severe neglect? If you did THAT to a lithop, it will probably die. I think the biggest problem I have had was over watering, and rotting them. They really hate wet feet.

Maybe someone else who actually likes their lithops will come add their thoughts.


I have heard beer traps were the way to go + handpicking to help out, but keep in mind i have never ever done this. This is just what boomers have told me.

If the neem oil was used a lot or was high concentration, it could stress the plant out and make it a bit less vibrant. It's not the only explanation, but I do know neem oil can cause issues when used in excess. I don't think there's much you can do for that besides wait a longer time before applying more, and maybe apply less next time.
I know it sounds fucking retarded, but cleaning the leaves and shit regularly will help. You could be destroying their homes and eggs that they lay in the leaves. When it comes to pests, I generally recommend people to take as many different approaches as possible.

No. 412887

i have already killed all but two of my lithops I am a fool I definitely over watered them, I am not touching the survivors. My donkey's tail is still wrinkly even though I watered it twice so I'm trying bottom watering.

No. 412899

Nta but do you have them In succulent/cactus soil? I tend to overwater as well, so I switched all my succulents to succulent specific soil. The soil absorbs a lot of the stagnant moisture. Regular potting soil stays too moist too long. You could also just pot the bottom with the succulent soil so the bottom roots don’t stay soggy.

I’ve never had good luck with donkey tails. I can’t seem to find the right amount of sun that makes them happy enough to not stretch out and look like crap.

No. 412902

Samefagging to say I also keep them in clay pots. Helps with moisture absorption as well. Avoid plastic pots or pots that are glazed inside. I have some that are in wooden boxes/wine barrels too.

No. 412920

Yeah I have them all in a mix of succulent soil and rocks, it took the lithops a while to get here so I figured I would give them a drink and they did not like that. I only had hen and chicks at first but I managed to keep them alive for two year so I wanted to branch out and I'm still trying to figure out what all the other plants like.

No. 417535

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I'm half satisfied with my garden this year. I have bags upon bags of different variants of cucumber like garden, boston pickling, parisian,early fortune, and even a type of armenian that grew so long, it's almost the length of my arm! There are around 12 large jars of pickles sitting on my counter because of them. I even am forcing some of my friends and neighbors to have some because it's way too much. My bell/banana peppers, eggplant, cabbage grew pretty well except that I got way too lazy with the neem oil/ other organic oils to spray for whiteflies so it destroyed some cabbage and broccoli. Now tomatoes.. I have black russian, orange russian, plum/teardrop, yellow, and some classic red. In some ground beds where I planted them 80% of them have blossom end rot. It's SO ANNOYING especially on the smaller variants and at that point they're unusable and I just throw them to my chickens. I did the calcium treatment way too late and I just have to endure it. Even with that problem I still have a plethora where I canned some tomato juice, forced people to have them, and just used in salads.

No. 417589

What's the best way to preserve a large harvest? I'm too much of a pussy to can anything due to botulism risks

No. 417607

What kind? Depending on your harvest high acidic foods like tomatoes or pickles can not build botulism. Second best is freezing since you just need freeze safe baggies, but if you want to preserve them for a longer time than you have to blanch beforehand. Other ways like dehydrating or drying can work too

No. 417657

>What kind?
Tomatoes and cukes, they aren't ready just yet but there's a metric fuckton of tomateos coming in so I want to be prepared.
>Depending on your harvest high acidic foods like tomatoes or pickles can not build botulism.
That's good to know, I'll make sauces out of them. I guess pickles are my only option with the cucumbers since I can't imagine them freezing well kek.

No. 426847

I guess i'm not destined to ever have a pumpkin. It's been 3 years we tried and something always went wrong. Meanwhile there are gardens around that have all sorts of pumpkins even giant ones. This year we focused on one giant pumpkin, gave her all the water all the love and care and good soil and still nothing. I made the flowers have sex manually and the pumpkin fetus died. Today i'm trying another one but it's the last chance. I went to get some male fowers into the pumpkin garden and all of their pumpkins are huge are ready. I fucked the flower with that male pumpkin flowers, then with her own male flower and in the morning bees were i the flowers too so i'm hoping but deep down i know it'll die again.

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