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No. 214584
>>214575If the tranny agenda started sooner… Im betting there's going to be lots of ftms in non first world places, since the misogyny is in your face and they have access to ideology internet.
>>214576I wish I knew, or else I wouldn't have dreams about being a family annihilator. I wish my spirit wasn't broken before I realized what they were doing to me. The mind games are so subtle I didn't even realize it, before I went to other ppls houses and saw how normal parents behave. It feels especially sour because we could have been normal people in progressive first world country, except retarded fucking parents decided to keep their retarded fucking tradition of breaking in daughters like cattle. And yes I'm including the moms and grandma's, who have the mentality of "if I had to suffer then so should you" and treat you like their maid staff and therapist.
>>214578I like cooking when it's for myself, but if I have to cook for others I unironically get
triggered. Nothing I make is good enough for them and while we're eating they criticize the food, if I say something back then I'm a bitch drama queen who needs to calm down. Anon the best thing you can do is make easy quick meals and let their complaints go in one ear and out the other. If you don't learn meditation and peace of mind you'll go crazy. Then you're totally broken in.
No. 214626
my mother despite having no sons somehow managed to ruin both her daughters mental states with her narcissism, sexism, and pickmeism. thanks to witnessing her date abusive name and she and my dads mutually toxic turned loveless sexless relationship I also have no semblance of what a good relationship is irl
my father is the better parent and not outwardly sexist but the boomer leaps out of him sometimes. my mothers conservative ways and her obsessions with vanity, beauty, and her desires to please whatever specimen she was dating or my dad who she was married to for 10+ years were imparted onto us from a very young age. for the most part I've managed to outgrow and surpass, like I don't necessarily need a man to feel whole and I've not been in a relationship or had sex since after Covid started, but I sometimes feel my internalized misogyny creep back in. esp when I was living with her she would often give me shit for gender non conforming baggy clothing, not wearing makeup, not embracing my femininity etc knowing I was insecure with my body and looks. and a lot of that is her fault. I chose not to become a total pickme like her because everything she did to me is so entwined with her narcissism and abuse that I became repelled by her mannerisms, but I'm afraid one day I might be just as bad because I tend to fall into relationships way too fast when I'm in them and because of this environment I am a terrible judge of character in male partners and nice men don't gravitate towards me as a loud, aggressive, outspoken female. I don't want to end up abused and shit on like she does but idk. having been raised with this internalized sexism and desperately attempting to shirk it is so hard
as for my dad it's very awkward because for awhile and now I'm stuck living with him and it feels like he very much emotionally relies on me when he's not traveling or being distant, it's started to gross me out as I get older and is one of the reasons why I'm desperate to move out in the next two years. he won't get a gf post divorce and idk whether him and my moms toxic relationship just rendered him asexual or what but it's so creepy living with him and I just want to leave. his absence on and off throughout my life caused me to internalize the sexism that led me to gravitate towards older men and that's not boding well for me either. I feel like for as much as I've tried to rid myself of everything my parents taught me I'm fearful I'll repeat their mistakes