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No. 216481
>>216476I do all of these things you mentioned whenever I can. I prefer to cultivate female connections and focus my energy on women instead of seething about men, outside of when acknowledging political oppression is relevant. A big part of improving my life has been cutting off male friends and focusing on making female friends who are not male partnered. It's really easy to do and makes the world a better place for me.
I'll be visiting some lands in late 2022 if all goes according to plan, if not then it'll be 2023. Either way I'm seriously considering giving life at one of them a real try so the first step is visiting. Unfortunately they appear to be dying out, like all lesbian/female spaces are.
What I struggle with is people demanding explanations. Other lesbians never ask for one beyond curiosity about how I implement separatism into my life but everyone else seems to be super offended by the notion of "excluding men who are people too". Ha ha, no they're not.
I don't think it's really possible for us to achieve true separatism that doesn't involve fucking off to the woods. Civilized areas are too male-dominated for that to ever work out. I don't know, if something catastrophic happened to male chromosomes or our society as we know it, there could be an opportunity to seize a chunk of urban land for ourselves or w.e. but that's hoping for a crisis with many other outcomes all more likely than us achieving liberation. It's not something to actually hope for.
I'm working on a fiction project involving a separatist planet. It's slow going since there's a lot of work to be done in the medium I chose but I'm enjoying the process. It puts intent behind my entire life, in a way. I want this for us, even if it's through little things like requesting a female family doctor or escaping to a fictional society, or visiting a land every now and then. Something.
No. 216494
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>>216476Reminder that separatism is a journey and everyone can be in any stage whenever. Full separatism is neat but even doing any action that involves women, women-only activities and women communities is a good step. Just saying in case anyone wants to try this out and is scared to go full in. Minimal actions lead to greater actions.
No. 216505
Wow this is the most radfem-adjacent thread I've seen allowed here. Nice topic.
>>216481>focus my energy on women instead of seething about menThis was a big one for me when I was first confronting internalized misogyny. I was spending a lot of time in women's spaces but almost all of them were focused on man bashing so my life was still centered on men even though I was surrounded by women. To be fair this was an important step because it reinforced the answer to "Are men really that bad?" was "Yes, yes they are" but at some point you've pinkpilled yourself enough and need to move on with life. Anger can absolutely be useful but it's also crippling if you hang onto it for too long. Just drop men from consideration entirely. I've been so much calmer and more at peace since I've done this. It's on ongoing effort as I do still have some casual male "friends" I stay in touch with since they've shown they can be useful in the past. I just keep them at arm's length, never touch on romance/immediately drop them if they bring it up, and otherwise focus all my energies on deepening female relationships.
>Is there something you struggle with when it comes to separatism?I think the most difficult thing about separatism is the fact that many women are unconsciously self loathing and misogynist themselves. I used to be. It's tough sometimes to cultivate female friendships when you know they may drop you immediately after getting a boyfriend, be brainwashed into acting as an apologist for scrotes and troons, or not value your time/input. But I just remind myself that dealing with those potential issues is still infinitely better than dealing with the problems that come with males who may stalk/harass/rape/kill you or otherwise be utterly useless in improving your life and outlook in the long term.
No. 216515
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1. Not consuming any media by men/handmaidens. Not consuming any mainstream media, too, which have outright or subliminal misogynistic messages. Catchy songs are usually misognyistic so I just listen to the insturmental version of those. Read books by women, doesn't have to be about feminism. Watch based female youtubers. Only consume women's art.
2. If you MUST interact with men (like close male family, males at work), they usually try to get a rise out of you for entertainment/to sabotage you. You have to resist it, let it slide off you and bring the discussion back to work (confronting directly just wastes more of your time, in my experience). Meditation, deep breathing, and not bothering to engage with men/handmaidens online helps train you for these situations. Once men/handmaidens realize they won't be getting energy from you, they will stop. If they keep doing it though be professional and document it all and show it to a trusted higher up woman. Ask for the man to be reprimined by another man if it's possible, because scrotes only listen to eachother. It's also important to not show any mental illness, instability, traumas, troubles, or vulnerability. As far as they're concerned, your life, mind, and body is perfect and at total peace. They are predators, and if don't act like prey they will usually stop. Treat them like screeching monkeys, not even worthy of entertaining their ideas or opinions.
No. 216517
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>>216511>I hate it when they say things like "bitch" and "cunt" and try to prove how they're KwEeR/fRuItY.Honestly when people say shit like that around me I gently but firmly express that I'm uncomfortable with slurs being "reclaimed" around me and I specifically don't want to be referred to as queer unless we're talking about a group and it's mixed identities for ease of expression. Queer instead of LGB(T) is the norm so fighting them on it is fruitless when it comes to the usage of the word for those aside from yourself but at least you can stop them from categorizing you that way. I introduce myself as a lesbian and express I don't want to be referred to as queer, as my identity is specific. Nobody has challenged me on it thus far, if you center that these are slurs and not everyone is comfortable with reclaiming, it seems that's enough for most people as a reason. You can also say that it took a long time to accept your sexual orientation and that head-on declaration of it is "validating" for you. It's something they'll have to bow to, as per their ideology. YMMV of course but it may work for you too, especially if these people are friends or lefties. Tbh if someone that identifies as a feminist has no words except gendered insults to levy at women I'll straight up get into "unpacking her internalized misogyny" and out-discourse them anyway. Not letting that shit fly.
>>216515Something related to office conduct for me is to stop adding exclamation marks and "if that makes sense" etc. to my statements. I keep my prose concise, rational, direct. No need to let them in emotionally or make yourself small. Just exist as you are and let them hit the walls around you.
No. 216594
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Which separatist actions would you like to do but haven't gone around them yet? I have a few, can share later
No. 216599
>>216588iirc there's a conlang that was made to be female-centred or something.
laadan i think? i mean feasibly noones gonna learn a conlang just to talk to their friends in peace but it's a wonderful idea
No. 216675
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>>216588apparently, gay people used 'polari' to speak with one another in the 19th century since it was illegal to be gay, so there have been subcultures that have made up a pseudo-language in order to communicate. Though I'm unsure if it would be possible to get away with it in the modern day, especially with the internet, and considering that women make 50% of the population
No. 216676
>>216476I thought i'd be better in female only spaces
and that women would know better but so many of them have internalized mysoginy or are bitches due to the competition mindset and being brainwashed into hating other women that at this point i'm considering getting back with spaces shared with men.
I went to a girl only school which was a dream of mine at first then it quickly turned sour, same for my workplace.
No. 216729
>>216599Laádan was an interesting internet rabbit hole, and as language shapes how we think, a female oriented one would be perfect !
>>216597Off topic but how did you become a polyglot? You sound pretty cool hehe
No. 216866
>>216594Things I have done:
>Not wear makeup. I can't lie, I do like the look of some makeup, and I would still paint my face sometimes in the future, maybe. Never for a moid though, it has to be a very special occasion. >Not wear restrictive or skimpy clothes.>Not wear a bra, even when I go out.>Not use social media.>Not making new friends with males or pickmes/handmaidens.Things I would like to do
>Donate to the local girls-only orphanage. I just don't have enough money yet. My mom would donate a lot of groceries to them though.>Donate menstrual pads and toilet paper to the local women shelters.>Buy only from local women businesses. This is very hard, idk where to even start>Unfriending my male friend. No. 216915
>>216516ah sorry for not responding anon!
A lot of the female positive media in general are romance stories so here's my curated collection of shitty taste
>Disney Movies Moana, Encanto, Frozen, Maleficent, Brave
>lesbian movies/tv showsgentleman jack, portrait of a lady on fire, thelma
>cartoon saloonwolf walkers and the breadwinner
>straight romance movieslittle women, hidden figures (sorta), a hidden life, a league of their own
>????Precious, silence of the lambs
the movie night thread(s) in ot have some good movies so you can dig through them to find some you're interested in.
No. 216940
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i haven't had male friends in years. every single one was either:
>wanting to date me and only interacted to me in hopes someday we would date/fuck
>stunted af: manchild, casually sexist, moody and immature
the only man whose friendship i ever enjoyed was gay, though he could also be a bit annoyingly egotistical, but overall he was a lovely and cool person. but now he's twitter-famous so we don't really talk.
overall i find men to be a waste of time to befriend. i'm bisexual also and considering never dating a man again. modern men are highly disappointing in every aspect. pornsick, entitled, unwilling to take initiative in anything. the only males i spend any time with are fictional. all my female friends are wonderful and fulfilling in every way.
No. 216941
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>>216505anon i'm happy for you but i really want to highlight this:
>I was spending a lot of time in women's spaces but almost all of them were focused on man bashing so my life was still centered on men even though I was surrounded by aware of this, anons. do not devote too much energy to hating men. not because men aren't worthy of hate, but because you do not need to cloud your mind with thoughts of moid depravity and how disgusting they are. it's not healthy to obsess over how revolting men are. i've been there… it did nothing for me.
apathy toward men is the healthiest approach ime. do not give them your time even in thoughts.
No. 216949
>>216945thank you
nonny, you are very kind. I'll focus on my happiness while at the same doing my best to support women in any way I can.
No. 216950
>>216933In your case, just remember he's still a moid and moids are unpredictable. Even if he isn't a bad person, he could be immature, or do something you won't approve of. I have been there.
Dating men means you have to compromise because they're fragile and unless you accomodate their random bullshit you won't be happy together. It's like a cup that is slowly filled with small droplets of water. You decide when the glass is full and you've had enough. Plus some of the most annoying ones are passive aggresive as fuck.
I say, if you are happy the way you are, and think he won't be awful to you- well, first, reality check, all men are awful as a class. But if you still love him blindly and you both are happy together… then good luck I guess. I really wish you good luck. Because it seems like more often than not these stories end up wrong. Some don't though. But I hope the happiness lasts, and you don't burn out.
If you ever are unhappy with him or burn out, get rid of him. Start dating women or befriend more women and go full separatism. You don't have to wisthand years and years with him being unhappy. It's okay to be young and in love, it's okay to believe you have a future with him. But just remember he's still a moid.
No. 216951
>>216950Thank you for your concern
nonny, I'll take it into consideration. We aren't married or anything so I don't think it would be a big deal to leave him if necessary.
No. 217093
>>217076Almost any money you ever spend in this world is lining the pockets of a moid, at least movies and video games can be pirated.
Either way nobody can be, or is obligated to be, ideologically pure. We can only do our best in a world that makes it hard enough to begin with without other radfems nitpicking our efforts. Anon is already doing tonnes, way more than most. Let her enjoy her gangster movies
No. 217138
>>217111Can you rec any female centered stuff?
>>217117Same larper as the "I put abortives in female familys meal"?
No. 217153
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Men have done nothing but cause problems in my life and the lives of the women around me. THey're either pornsick, controlling, abusive, manipulative, or short. I don't talk to any men outside of my immediate family. My only voncern is missing out on cuddles in the future.
I'm 19 years old and I've never had a boyfriend or anything so I don't know if I'm really missing out on anything spectacular, yet it still seems nice to come home to cuddles. Older (straight) nonas, do you snuggle with your friends or something? It just doesn't seem worth it to get a relationship with a broken moid over that…
No. 217310
Thank you, wise nonas. I'll heed your advice and spend my 20s advancing my career, learning how to cook delicious new foods, and cuddling with biological women.
>>217166Where do men learn how to manipulate women? Even ugly losers are adept at making women pity them and it's very odd. Is it innate?
No. 217544
For those who are curious there was a commune based on female separatism in Australia called the Amazon Acres
There is a good podcast on in it here great examples of the kinds of success and failures you can expect with things like this.
No. 217592
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>>217571Didn't read the article yet but I don't blame them for not wanting to exploit animals. The way animals are abused and reduced to their bodies mirrors the exploitation of women. I'm not saying that animals are more important then women, but patriarchal, capitalist world has been built on suffering of weaker beings. A lot of feminists made that point, so I'm not the one who came up with this.
>>217544Umoja is still going strong AFAIK. Wish the Wikipedia article was longer,_Kenya No. 217679
>>217592That’s a pretty interesting community, and provides some good insight into how difficult these kinds of projects are - even with their standards being literal mud hut tier, they still ultimately had to work with and rely on a hostile and external systems.
>In 2005, there were 30 women and 50 children living in Umoja.[6] As of 2015, there were 47 women and 200 children living in the village.[10]That’s the other ugly reality at play here, given the state of these kinds of communities far from being a able to perform the role as a kind of Israel for women they tend to become women’s shelters but with worse funding.
That said I do think there are new possibilities available which weren’t there before. With things like remote work I do see how you could create female only satellite communities, in semi rural areas.
>>217571It’s funny but George Orwell made similar complaints back in the thirties about left wing groups having issues with divisive sandal wearing vegetarians
No. 217694
>>217592>weaker beingsMost animals are physically stronger than humans. And if you don't mean it as "physically weak" than this sort of weakness is not intristic in women jsyk.
>mirrors the exploitation of womenIt's more like the opposite way around if anything. Any form of slavery mirrors animal exploitation, because it is the first form of exploitation (institutalized slavery is only found in agricultured societies, in others the maximum is deference of one group of ppl to the other one).
>a lot of feminists made this pointThere are plenty of imbiciles in feminism, no wonder some vegantard tried to make this point. It's just not true, there is no correlation between respectful treatment of animals and respectful treatment of women in the slightest (India being the prime example of it).
No. 217713
>>217694So what if animals are stronger physically, they are weaker mentally. Women are weaker physically, not mentally then men. If you think that I meant anything else, you were instantly arguing in bad faith.
I will not argue with you because I see no point. I do think that there is something absolutely male (and therefore patriarchal) to brutally exploiting others (humans and animals) with zero respect and all the entitlement. Men built death machines, men care more about capitalism than ethics and EMPATHY (ignoring the option of veganism, farm animals suffering horrible death and torture before they end up on a plate – because fuck them, profit is all that matters
and if gasing horrified pigs to the point they shit themselves from fear and pain; if tearing mothers from children to send them to slaughter packed like sardine fish is what makes the most profit, so be it).
No. 218963
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I've found myself increasingly annoyed by the male body, the spiky hair on the face, the smell and thicker skin, their bodies are unfomfy and disgusting in some way. Women smell good and they are soft, gentle and comfy. too bad I'm too straight to date a woman and cannot feel attraction, but would totally cuddle with one. Sigh, can anyone become asexual all of a sudden? Cause I think that's what's happening to me
No. 227131
>>227129> Hello My Twenties Based
nonny. I watched it as a teen and loved it, shame there aren’t many shows like it. I still listen to the soundtrack everyday.
No. 227285
>>227131Equally based
nonny, it's such a feel good show and I feel the same! I might just rewatch it sometime soon, I'd watch it before my long Starbucks shifts back in the day and it got me through. I'm so happy you listen to the soundtrack every day!
No. 227286
>>227145Nonny I want to hug you, I grew up feeling this way too because I was bullied and I'm autistic but a late-diagnosed. The feeling like a small child feeling is really difficult but I'm assuming this is when you're around women who you feel nothing in common with…I still feel remnants of this feeling when I'm around women who are say, the same ones who bullied me as a child but I have a really good friendship circle with other women who have the same interests and none of us are really that "girly" or whatever honestly. I feel for you but you have your good qualities and it sounds like you don't know it yet if you feel better and envious. I hope you can celebrate you,
No. 227673
>>227661what are your sensible opinions
nonny uwu. please shower us in wisdom