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No. 219544
>>219530stop watching anime
then youll be alright
No. 219942
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it might seem like masculine guys are the ones that the majority of women are throwing themselves at but don't be fooled. Feminine guys always have a million chicks on their dick, huge swaths of female competition chasing and validating them and they also tend to be raging fuckboys that have the instincts of a bisexual alley cat
No. 219951
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I also hate having a thing for feminine looking men. Especially being attracted to some 'femboy' types or even trannies when I despise what they stand for and how depraved and coomery they are. If Hunter Schafer would just be a twink instead of a troon and look exactly the same otherwise, he would be a 10/10 to me. I just want an introverted sensitive guy who has feminine looks but isn't into degenerate troon shit and doesn't wear makeup or female clothes.
>>219942This is true. It's like emo boys back in the 00s, they may not look attractive to outsiders but they had hordes of emo chicks thirsting after them and treated girls like crap because they knew this and felt like hot shit.
No. 220037
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No. 220101
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>>219951I think the broad public opinion doesn't reflect this because in a group of people, the average men will usually ridicule the feminine guy, the macho's will straight up bully him, the closet gays will harass him as well. women will see this and the pick-mes will openly scoff at the fem boy for approval, others will act disinterested. But behind closed doors most of them have a thing for him and don't share that fact with each other because he's a taboo and because it increases competition.
I have been in that position, all the guys were making fun of my effeminate pretty guy calling him gay. The girls were either joining in or acting like he's sexually invisible and gross. So I thought to myself heh this is a done deal nobody wants him but me. Little do you know it eventually turned out that nearly every bitch including the alleged lezzies had a thing for him and were pulling schemes to get him and not only that but the closet homos were also burning for him. So it's always a fucking massive harem with these femboys and everyone is being low-key about it
No. 220152
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>>220101I've seen this get to so many pretty guys who would then become gym obsessed steroid giants with beards and it's so devastating to witness don't get me wrong I like a muscular man (when he's lean) but the amount of good looking guys who turn into roid beefcakes makes me want to cry
No. 312475
>>219530Honestly fantasy is better than being chained to the thankless hell that is life with a moid.
I agree I find most men ghastly and repulsive, so there isn't much to regret. Fantasy is Supreme. I get really mad when people get critical of it. Because what else am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to date these ugly ass apes?? I know I sound like a bitch but they're complete hypocrites in that respect. I'm really tired of scrolling the internet and seeing nothing but ugly moids and nothing but beautiful women. It completely turns me off and disgusts me.
Where am I supposed to get motivation? To add to that I never want to be chained to a moid, raising a child while this planet burns the way it does.
I will look at cute young men until I'm 80. They do it to us. I give zero fucks.
No. 314424
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>>313295yeah I've written them off at this point. The only group of attractive men among which you can find some loyal non-degenerate men have this type of look (less pretty, more hunky handsome). And even then they're few and far between
No. 314428
>>312475I relate to everything you said except that I only like feminine 2D men while 3D men and masculine 2D men are just so ugly to me.
>I'm supposed to date these ugly ass apes?? I'm really tired of scrolling the internet and seeing nothing but ugly moids and nothing but beautiful womenIt's so unfair. All a woman has to do is shower regularly and she is beautiful while a man can have styling team in the size of and army and he is still ugly. I don't know what it is about men but they are all so ugly I'm tired that we are expected to date them. It's also so stupid that the beauty standard for women is so insanely high when women already are beautiful to begin with. I'm convinced that men invented the beauty industry as a cope because they know that they will never be not-ugly so why not destroy women's self esteem but I digress.
Men refuse to date a woman that doesn't look like a porn actress and yet I'm expected to give any man a chance regardless of how he looks?
No. 314433
>>314425yeah he was so hot and he got married at 21
you'll never see a feminine pretty man get into a committed relationship in his 20s, let alone get married so early. Pretty feminine men start to think about committed relationships when they're in their 30s and they start considering marriage when they're in their 40s
No. 314437
>>314433Recognised him instantly because of his mole kek.
>Pretty feminine men start to think about committed relationships when they're in their 30s and they start considering marriage when they're in their 40sSo right, they are either too busy to date or are serial daters which is such turn off.
No. 316293
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i feel your pain. my nigel oneitis is trying to be more 'masculine', i guess. cut his hair short, and i wish he didn't. he has the most beautiful big eyes, a gentle face, and looks like a confused kitten. sigh. he's still pretty, even with short hair.
anyway if you like 2D, i recommend vinland saga. picrel was an instant cartoon crush.
No. 382207
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I really wish more guys who looked like this were not gay or trannies.
No. 382215
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>>382212Kek accurate. Perhaps the most hideous moid I’ve ever seen
No. 382239
>>382207I’m sorry you’re getting dogpiled nona but I get what you mean. He looks tall and slim with a nice face, I’m into it. The lingerie is embarrassingly awful, but I
do miss when guys could wear makeup in a hot/alternative way, like glam rock stars or something. All the tranny bullshit ruined the idea of “pretty, weird boys in makeup” for me
No. 383374
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>>382293I think I just like tall skinny lanklets and Sanrio, so a tall skinny lanklet in a form fitting Sanrio outfit is just hot to me. The guy in this webm is also my type and I hate that he's definitely gay.
No. 383408
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>>383204true! i think he is just half italian ethnically, but the singer Mahmood is kinda a perfect ~pretty boy for me. picrel
No. 383415
>>383408Mahmood is soooo pretty. His gorgeous voice and cool style also make him pretty.
shame he’s gay kek his song Inuyasha still fucks so hard a couple years later
No. 383796
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He was so pretty but in his latest movie he's all hairy and old, and looks like a druggie. Too bad.
No. 383797
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Eye candy
No. 383808
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I've always loved how many GNC looks Ryosuke Miura can pull off. He's got one of those distinctive faces that I wouldn't necessarily say I find attractive but feel really work well in modelling.
No. 387145
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Brian Molko was my celebrity crush as a teenager and I still think he used to be so hot. Now I have a thing for manlets even if they are more masc.
No. 446471
>>219951>>If Hunter Schafer would just be a twink instead of a troon and look exactly the same otherwise, he would be a 10/10 to me. I just want an introverted sensitive guy who has feminine looks but isn't into degenerate troon shit and doesn't wear makeup or female clothes.He wouldn't look like that without the early intervention at all, no men his age does, in fact. He's just kinda sorta frozen at ~15.
>>220101This is peak performance. Also note how hunter schafer becomes more and more goblin-esque, esp. in his profile.
No doubt the result of all that hormone fuckery. There's no way he would have looked like this, naturally.
Going by the way he looks in child-hood pictures, he should've been some kind of soft boy chad.
No. 446516
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>>219951hunter always reminds of andrej pejic, who also trooned out at some point. I used to be so obsessed with with andrej, but the moment he cut his dick off and got tits, all the magic was gone. This actually made me check on him and now he has no jobs, sits in his apartment all day long, rants on Insta and gets visibly fat.