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No. 224555
This high-key looks like a list Cady's friends would have written in their quest to expose Regina George. Irl you just shut off people like that, simple as that.
No. 224636
>>224633I like your thread OP, don't let the cool-girls shit all over you because they are offended. I assume a large portion of users identifies as "I'm not like other girls, I'm one of the boys!"
>>224635No. No female friends, like I said, males are incapable of being friends to women. Even lesbians, yes they want to fuck you too.
No. 224641
>>224539Google the "gray rock" method. Literally ignore her completely, those kinds of bitches live off of the attention.
My crush at the time (now bf) had this pick me friend that was blatantly in love with him.
His other friends told me that she had sneaked into his friend group by dating the loser neet friend of the group, but it was an "open relationship", so she would still try to flirt with my crush everyday.
Even though we weren't even dating yet, I got my crush to first set strong boundaries with his pick me friend, then to stop hanging out with that friend group once we started dating (I didn't specifically forbid him but I made lots of plans all the time inviting some of his friends, and then we moved in together, and then covid happened), then eventually to stop ever talking to her altogether.
I never entertained her shit and grayrocked her all the way.
I should say, it helped a lot that the more we ignored her the more desperate she became, she started doing crazier and crazier shit.
She ended up dumping the neet friend, we went back to hanging out with his friends, and him and the bitch are basically strangers now.
No. 224646
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Hello i am cool girl
No. 224652
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>>224646hello get away from my bf
No. 224678
>>224641I agree, except sometimes the guy isn't interested and even so these bitches will try to make your life miserable. This bitch had been trying to flirt with my bf for over a year before we had even met, to no avail. But instead of getting the hint, the moment I came into the picture she became more aggressive.
She would make up lies behind my back to try to pin ppl against me. The more I ignored her the crazier she went, she started discreetly pushing me or hitting me when no one was looking, she would steal items from us, etc. And then she would act super sweet to everyone else.
At the time we started dating I knew other 4 girls that were into my bf too (no wonder since he's super tall and attractive and sweet). But these women were normal and sane so they backed off and moved on, and I became friends with some of them after that (and I like them a lot).
But you're kidding yourself if you think each and every woman in the world is nice and normal, every once in a while you'll run into a full-blown cow.
No. 224774
>>224664Putting other women down based on physical appearance on a thread about pick mes…
See the irony?
No. 225175
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I didn’t know there was a name for this but my ex was definitely stolen by a “cool girl.” He’s majoring in computer science and runs a very male-centric discord server that she’s a massive user on. I got along fine with his classmates, but they acted absolutely pathetic towards her. They seemed in awe that she was a skilled programmer that was also just “one of the guys” who liked anime and internet humour. They’d all simp for her and would jokingly “ship” themselves with her, and of course she’d play along with it.
At one point I met her in person when my ex invited me to hang out with his classmates. I remember she seemed oddly annoyed that I was there and would only ask about my relationship with my ex when interacting with me.
In the weeks after I met her I found out that she was flirting with him behind my back. They were even spending days out together without me knowing. She also had a boyfriend during all this but they devised to dump their partners on the same night so that they could date instead. The real kicker is that all of my ex’s classmates witnessed this cheating happening and played along with it. Some even gave their approval that he should dump me for her.
Anyways, I wish I knew this was a thing before it happened to me, but he probably wasn’t much of a loss anyways. He’s been reaching out to me again and telling me how much he misses me and regrets what he did.. so lame
No. 225255
>>225175I hope your're leaving him on read
No. 225258
>>225175Never date comp sci or any male oriented career men. Also men's male friends support their cheating, hurting their wives/gfs, etc so it's not that much of a shock they supported him.
You should either ghost him or mock him for example tell him you aren't interested in manchildren whose personality is watching Japanese cartoons.
These cool girls fr steal away the shittiest men. Imagine what would've happened if you married this weeb and his friends supported him cheating or emotionally abusing you behind your back. He's the one who lost, these cool girls never settle down, their hobby is stealing men away to feed for their ego and men only realize that once they're dumped.
No. 225262
>>224658>a man not being able to be friendly with women at all seems like a red flagAll men are like that, you just can't see through it because you're retarded
>I have male friends that have never tried to fuck me because there was an appropriate distance but they were good and respectful friends to meTry offering sex to them and watch absolutely every single one of them accept the offer. Its up to the woman to set the boundaries, men have none. They all would fuck you.
The reason they don't actively try is because you or them are im relationships, otherwise they would. Or maybe you are just too naive to see it.
Men are never "friends" to women they find unattractive because if sex is not a possibility there is no point to the relationship for them
No. 225319
>>225264I'm the anon you replied to and I have a similar story. Engineering student flirted with me all the time, this other girl who I assume was his gf got mad and literally attacked me, threw my shit all over the floor. I started ignoring the dude afterwards but he'd come over and literally hit or smack any men I talked to.
Do not ever date engineers. They're either gonna cheat or full on tranny out on you.
No. 225475
>>225470Tbh those anons sound really psychotic to me.
I wanted to fuck badly some of my male friends but once they got into relationships or rejected me (no, I’m not ugly at all, they weren’t just into me because, surprise, men can have tastes and if you stop going out with apes you’ll notice), I stopped pursuing anything more than a friendship.
Just stop being paranoid over some other girl or men.
No. 225478
>>225475You're either very overweight, underweight or again very unattractive. I've known tons of men, had a lot of close male friends and never saw them turn a girl down unless she was very unattractive. I'm sorry but you kind of have to realize men aren't picky at all but women are. That's why men can ask out 10 women to get a date and women reject most men that ask them out. It's only natural for the women to do the choosing when it comes to partners as most men will be willing to be with her.
>>225470Considering how most gay men fetishize straight men, it would be quite hard. Even online you can see gay men writing about hopeless crushes on their straight buddies. It's kind of sad honestly.
No. 225489
>>225483I'm not the one who said male female friendships are impossible. I just find it hard to believe anon actually asked out her male friends and got rejected because I've never seen that scenerio play our irl. Hell someone made a fake account for am average girl and asked out every guy in my college, none of them rejected her. Men don't really have as high standards or any specific types as they pretend they do.
>>225481Eh. Most scrotes pretend to have high standards and act like they're picky as hell when in reality they're desperate to be with someone, that's why I found it hard to believe anon get turned down.
No. 225493
>>225492No problem
Nonnie, I was also a bit too quick to action, it might be the board kek.
Yeah, I can see why your experience is different from mine, I live in a very young and filled with social activism city. We talk a lot about sexuality and feminism, and one of their gfs are the most angey feminist I know of, lol.
That’s why I say that men are capable of friendship with attractive women, but it takes a lot of effort from society and them, and that’s the reason I cut out men incapable of being friends with women. If they don’t know how to be close to a cute/beautiful girl without trying to get into her pants, I don’t want them near me ever. I don’t need male friends, as much as I need female friends. I need friends that stay close because we have similar views on life, hobbies and how to respectfully treat other human beings.
Pickmes and fuckboys can go sniff chlorine gas elsewhere, tbh.
No. 225498
>>225496Oh my god the paranoia. I get your worries, but I know them and I trust my gut. Predators are most probably not hanging out with women their age (28) and have a completely different social circles.
I know predators just like you describe and they are incapable of having female friends past 23.
No. 225501
>very young and filled with social activism citytypically translate to "prostitution is good actually and trannies are mentally sound" tho
No. 225601
>>225560"I'd rather ignore the warning signs and let men take advantage of me than be a freaking meanie like you"
Lol groomed by moids
No. 246316
>>246294I absolutely have to agree here. I think there's a huge difference in say, looking at another peson and thinking "oh they're attractive" that's pretty normal and happens even in great relationships.
But wanting to have sex with other people even more so with your partner included is just weird. I'm sorry, I just don't get it and it makes no sense to me. Every relationship I've seen or heard of where they've introduced threesomes or a 'poly' element has either been utter trash in the first place or they've just found ways to fuck other people because neither person has the spine to break up with the other.
>>246298This is also a very common thing with men. Any man who considers it 'lesser' or 'not real' for a woman to cheat with a woman has spent way too much time watching porn. They don't even view lesbian relationships or sex as real connections, just some sort of hot fantasy to fetishize or trivialize. Not trying to justify cheating in any sense of the word of course, but it irks me when men treat it as just some sexy little pillowfight or something kek.