File: 1645373577324.jpg (153.7 KB, 1600x1067, nachdenklichundso.jpg)

No. 241196
>>241190Don't you think giving them attention like this will just encourage them to be here more
Negative attention is still attention and what would moids be here for other than female attention, which is what you're giving them
No. 241644
>>241585Males infest any place because they are retards who deliberately refuse to take "no" for an answer. You'll notice that men are obnoxious tards about how everything has to be "inclusive" nowadays but they whine and moan and force themselves into places that are
not for them. Men are hypocrites of the highest order. It's best to pay them no mind and to spam wholesome/cute/interesting images whenever you see scrote bait tbh.
No. 241766
File: 1645397024585.jpg (125.25 KB, 720x679, JUST.jpg)

>>241196I agree. The other day in the /ot/ thread one of the anons was crying about how everybody was ignoring the obvious male bait, as if saying "kill yourself scrote" is supposed to make them leave? They literally come her to get female attention. Some of these so-called man hating anons don't even know how men's chimp brains work, it's not that complicated. Do. Not. Talk. To. Males.
No. 241922
>>241766Thank you for understanding
nonnie, I wish more farmers did