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No. 241923
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Already posted this in the bunker thread but seems more suitable here. It was my grandpa’s birthday last week and I forgot to call him and say happy birthday, and now my moms called and told me he’s had a massive stroke and is in the hospital. I feel like such a fucking piece of shit right now. Why did I let it slip my mind like that? The last time I was in town and went to visit them he was at lawn bowling and I didn’t stop by and see him. I feel like the worst grandchild ever rn.
No. 242117
>>241931jesus christ nona i was in the same boat as you. keep on ignoring her
nonny and if possible block her IP address. You don't have to deal with someone like that
No. 242142
My mother and I don't live in the same areas anymore so this happens less frequently but im cleaning out my closet so I have to vent. Even though Im in my late 20s, my mom buys clothes for me in the interim between when i see her, even underwear (utilitarian stuff to clarify, not lingerie, but still weird). She doesn't ask me what I might need, or even lets me know she's shopping for me. Just has a pile of things she's collected and no matter how many times I tell her to stop doing this, she doesn't listen. Even saying no to everything, she pouts, nags or gets angry until I agree to take at least some of the things. On top of everything else they are never even remotely my style so I never wear them and they just end up taking up space in my wardrobe until I finally donate them. I don't invite my mom to visit me in the city I live in, but the few times before I decided Id rather visit her than have her here, she would look through my closet to make sure I still had clothes she gave me. Even though she can't see my wardrobe anymore, she'll drill me about articles of clothing to ask if I still have them or ask why I am wearing a similar article of clothing but not one she bought, for example a jacket I bought and like, rather than one she had forced on me. It's just so exhausting and frankly weird, like some strange control thing. I wish she'd just spend all that money on things for herself or her grandchildren (from another sibling).
No. 242152
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I need someone to slap me and tell me to finally stop being an idiot and open up public art commissions instead of thinking that announcing commissions is ebegging. My healths been doing terrible for half of a year now and general doctor does not give a shit (his rating is one star and I can't change him because of the area). The only private doctors are in a different city and both cost a lot of money. This jerk always shrugs and tells me he doesn't know what's wrong with me while prescribing meds that make me faint. I really need help but Ive always been a stubborn "I'll suffer alone" type, always too embarrassed to talk about my problems.
No. 242168
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No. 242218
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My whole life right now is going back and forth between
>use lolcow to pass the time
>see something that pisses me off
>have bad compulsive thoughts
>decide to quit using lolcow
>literally anything on the internet or irl pisses me off
>immediately get urge to use lolcow
I really really really need to get rid of my computer, I have a legit internet addiction. A few years ago I laughed at the idea of "digital self harm" but I think that's what lolcow is for me. But I have classes online so I can't get rid of my devices. And my living condition right now sucks so bad I can't unplug from my devices for even a moment because they're my only coping mechanism. This sucks I want to be functional so bad. I love you nonnies but I stopped having fun a long, long time ago
No. 242305
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I'm on day 3 of a 4-day weekend and it's fucking with my head. This is the longest period of consecutive days off I've had since the pandemic started, I've been working every second day with the occasional 2 days off in a row. I haven't done anything except sleep for 12 hours a night, shitpost here, and play Switch games. I feel guilty for wasting my time off just sitting around being lazy but I'm so tired and thinking about doing anything productive literally makes me break down crying. I'm dreading going back to work because it's been so nice. I also hate myself for not idk spending these 4 days doing uber eats or learning a skill. I'm so tired and it feels so good to have unlimited free time. Working every second day is hell because all your days off feel like Sunday so you can't even enjoy them. This time off has felt like heaven but I feel so guilty and sad for 'wasting' it because it might be the only time off like this I get for the rest of the year. It feels like I don't deserve the time off because I'm not appreciating it, I'm just resting.
No. 242310
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>>242305You deserve a nice break where you can sit around and do nothing. Don't get down on yourself for much needed rest! It's hard to switch from being so crazy productive to being relaxed. You aren't wasting anything!
No. 242409
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I'm starting to feel like what I was good at and always praised for as a kid/young adult [art] I'm suddenly realizing I'm not really that talented in. I was always praised and told I was amazing for my age group but i must've peaked then because my stuff is so stagnated compared to others now. There's nothing else I'm known for being good so I've got nothing
No. 242434
>>242426Don’t worry, I’ve started to get fed up just by around the remodeling at home was almost done, I often want to die, so it’s okay, you will be able to handle it,
No. 242440
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>>242429Ty anon, I will try not to give up.
The drawing boards of all things made me really feel this, there were anons doing amazing drawings in half the time I could, and actually finishing them ffs I stopped doing art for a while because work, and been holding that as an excuse not to be doing more drawing. I get so caught up in the definition of 'artist', but really I have more ideas than finished work
No. 242446
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>google play services keeps stopping
>google play services keeps stopping
>google play services keeps stopping
>google play services keeps stopping
>google play services keeps stopping
>google play services keeps stopping
>google play services keeps stopping
>google play services keeps stopping
No. 242448
>>242218This is me as well. If the site goes down I guess I'd have no choice about it then but I use this place as my vent/advice/stupid spam place because I don't have any irl close friends to bitch to. I just realized today when I couldn't connect to one of my favorite apps that I've been using it as a cope for loneliness and I would have so much free time & be more productive if I wasn't constantly using it but I
still have the urge to get on. You could block the site but knowing its still there is tempting. Sometimes it's better when the power is out of your hands
No. 242475
>>242450Everyone fails at some point,
nonnie, what matters is that you get up and keep fighting to accomplish what you want and need.
No. 242948
>>242937I just saw an article about mistakes women make when trying to defend themselves. The comments were full of gymbros circlejerking about how women have no chance against men when assaulted, how much stronger they are and how women shouldn't even try to defend themselves. The article wasn't even about comparing men to women.
Yeah sure, you won't overpower me if I shoot you first, you asshole.
No. 243204
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why did you delete my testing posts? I was checking out if the website worked because it clearly doesnt. I hate moderation in this website so fucking much, also she's not even korean she's from a japanese advertisement. If the dumb dog boy can stay so can this unhinged society woman
No. 243407
>>243152Its not just people trying to look good for employers it's the fact that slightly disagreeing with the general public will get you cancelled, stalked, harassed, etc.
I'm also getting very sick of how sexual everything needs to be now. All Snapchat ads have to have some photoshopped thot in a bikini, all Pinterest "fashion" posts of women using body filters and just body checking, Twitter and Instagram is overrun but insanely proportional women wearing almost nothing and all of their fans swearing up and down "she actually looks like that guys!". Even YouTube shorts are just porn clickbait now. Can't we do anything without everything having to either be softcore porn or some boring cliche thing to appeal to public?
No. 243531
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I'm a bitter loser and I push everyone away, when I spend time with people I genuinely feel disgust and anger towards them, every little sound they make annoys me and I have to go somewhere lonely and small. I don't know what's wrong with me, I guess I don't want to be alone forever but the mere thought of enjoying something with someone else makes me want to vomit.
No. 243766
i just deleted everything i wrote, basically: i'm not okay, i pretend i'm fine but i'm fucking not, and nobody gives a fuck, i hate everyone and i hate this life, i'm sick of hearing bad news, i'm sick of my bad luck, i'm sick of conforming to the the shitshow that is my life, i want to genuinely kill myself. If no one was here i would scream until i passed out, i want to hit something, hit someone, i'm so fucking angry at the world and my family and the only thing distracting me of all this suffering is seeing the schizos and retards infight at the /ot bunker, that's how pathetic my life is
No. 243812
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I know I'm young and that I might be wording this overdramatically, but I'm scared that I'll never experienc love, or if I'm incapable of loving. I can't really imagine myself 'being in love' with a person, even if I was dating them for a year or something. I like the idea of a person's presence in my life greatly benefiting me and us both needing eachother a little bit (not in an unhealthy way), and have somebody to share my life with, but I'm unsure if I'm capable of loving someone else. Even in the case of puppy love or whatever, I've never felt a signfigantly strong attachment to anyone. That isn't to say I'm incapable of caring- I do care
No. 244868
>>244864You're a good person
nonnie ♥
No. 245114
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mad @ long distance bf cuz after 5 minutes of talking on the phone he asked what time i have to be up for work & it was super early so he hurriedly got off the phone with me.
fUCK i'm an adult i know when my bedtime is i was enjoying talking to you but i have to just play it cool and say goodnight and then stay up for an additional 2 hours fuming :)))
No. 245172
>>245164I used to feel that way, I'd say it's depression or like
>>245169 said
No. 245176
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My rant is mundane compared to some other nons but I'm getting so pissed off and frustrated with the director for our group project. I'm scriptwriting and he keeps suggesting changes we already talked about and agreed on in previous drafts. Pretty much every change, even mundane shit like having weather in the script even if it might change when filming- which was his suggestion to begin with. He and the rest of the team liked the idea of a whistling kettle instead of an electric, but now wants it electric without even explaining why. He also wants me to add time to the scene headings, which I told him is a formatting no-no but despite the fact he can google it for himself he keeps suggesting it.
I noticed a plot hole in his pitch outline and fixed it in the first draft, now he wants it back for literally no reason plus another plot hole. He also keeps telling me to follow his structure which I did from day 1. I only made a big change to the structure in the most recent draft which he agreed to try in a meeting. He also said he doesn't want it to be too much of a horror, but does want it to have a horror trope. ??? Bitch be consistent.
At first I blamed myself for being emotionally attached to my script, but you know what nonnies I think it's him who's attached to a shitty idea, because when I fight back or suggest a change he doesn't have any reason for it. He said he's had this idea for years, but clearly never actually put thought into it because it took me 2 seconds to notice a plot hole, and a few minutes to fix it without it even affecting the story. I set up a meeting with our tutor today because "we need help deciding on beats" which is the polite way of saying I want to bite this dudes head off. Wish me luck.
No. 245198
>>245172>>245169Yes, I do like women. I've been liking women since I was a kid, my first crush was a woman, and the first time I masturbated it was to a woman.
I just don't want to be a lesbian… I don't think the type of girl I like exists or would date me.
No. 245236
>>245233Well, it's not that I think being a lesbian is bad because it's morally wrong. I think it's bad because it fucking sucks to be gay if you live in a conservative place and you're retarded and mean spirited, like I am.
Also I don't even know if I'm a lesbian. I might be bi. Or I might not be attracted to anyone. I don't want sex I just want to make out with a girl, maybe hold hands. I still like my boyfriend, as a friend.
No. 245265
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I miss my college city and all its fun bars and venues so fucking much why does it have to be so expensive and be overrun with drug addicts and Twitter commies
No. 245337
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I wish weight loss was faster
No. 245339
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Honestly, some nonnies on this site are harsher than men. Some girl posted her picture to the kibbes body type thread and everyone started saying she looked like a tranny, hand linebacker shoulders, had a broad frame and all this other horrible shit. If you sent that picture to any man you know they would just say “hot”, including the bfs of the cunts in that thread. Honestly it annoyed the hell out of me because I have genuinely massive shoulders for a woman.
No. 245351
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>>245343>they only assumed it was a tranny because of the dirty room Why the fuck you lying, why you always lying
No. 245352
>>245339yeah those anons are jealous and retarded
>>245343the room looked like a nursery, yeah it was messy but how the fuck does that translate to troon. also multiple anons explicitly said her body looked masculine and "horsey" (what the fuck does that even mean???)
No. 245355
>>245339I didnt post on the thread myself but it was a combination of what
>>245343 said, weird dirty room full of kids stuff, egirl clothes, heels which you arent supposed to year for figuring out your kibbe type.
That with her skinny and angular body totally can set off troon flags.
No. 245358
>>245351A woman can still have masculine body qualities
nonny. I have extremely broad shoulders too but I was one of the tranny tinfoilers, and it was because of the background.
No. 245372
>>245365Anon did you quote the wrong post? I'm defending the skinny girl at the kibbe thread
>>245370This, everyone in my family and neighborhood has visible collarbones, we are not anas just normal weight
No. 245400
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That's it nonas, I have to ghost my main guy. He's flaky as fuck and doesn't even contact me to set plans the day we're supposed to meet up in the evening. I told him two times I hate making last minute plans. He's defo just stringing me along and testing how much he can get away with. He always comes back (the next day) with saccharine messages that make me feel better about him and he definitely knows what he's doing. I gave him so many chances.
I'm digging an imaginary grave to this guy. I'm quite upset.
I liked how he looked and he seemed non-psycho and educated. I lost my best one and now I have no one suitable. Fuck him for wasting my time and making me think he was stable.
RIP blonde over-texting suddenly disappearing asshole. May you never find a good secure gf. Hope you get stuck with some BPD-chan that'll make you miserable for the rest of your life. Hope you get bald and fat. You're a ghost to me now. Even if you multitext me now, wasting my time and not letting me know meet up day/time over and over again is way too disrespectful. You're not getting another reply from me.
No. 245436
>>245420Same. It was part of the reason why I still gave him a chance. This Friday I tried to say goodbye cause his flakiness pissed me off and he totally freaked so I gave him one last chance. We were supposed to meet up today evening, it's afternoon already and he didn't even reply to me asking if today was still on, nor did he tell me where or when do we meet.
He didn't look like he wanted to have sex soon, I think he probably wanted me to feed his ego or he's dating someone with bigger priority but really wanted me as a second option if it doesn't work out. Honestly I'm paranoid now and think he might have a gf because his texting patterns are so weird.
I never know if I'm way too trusting or too schizo, it's hard to know when dating guys.
Part of me wants to set a meetup if eventually contacts me (if he won't just ghost) and just not come, let him wait for me in the cold somewhere and block him. Though I guess that's too nerve-wracking and petty. But it pisses me off that he thinks I'm gonna immediately come to him like a dog any minute he whistles.
No. 245479
>>245474Right, that's how I feel too. And if we always let scrotes have all our things once they develop fetishes for them then they will do it with whatever else women move on to. I just don't want whether scrotes like or dislike the way I look to have any bearing on my life, they will take anything from us if we let them
>carry on liking cute things anon. and be strong with itAnd thank you for this anon!
No. 245489
>>245459The anons who accuse you of being a scrote for liking cute things are annoying as hell
>>245474This is exactly what I think and what I've been saying but retarded anons won't listen