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No. 255747
>1. Why are you single?
I'm almost a full hikki since COVID started, and around the same time I was thinking that, despite being very attracted to men and kind of a sexually frustrated pervert who also needs to really know someone before having sex with them, I had been going in and out of relationships/attraction too fast, although it had only been like 5 guys in total since my first bf in high school. And each relationship was shorter than the last, with me being the one to break up every time, so I saw that as a bad sign that maybe I was just getting tired of relationships and that LTRs are not for me. And after every breakup the guy will almost always try to contact me after a while, or we'll remain friendly but he'll still have feelings or whatever and that's exhausting. I don't like hurting people's feelings, and I don't like burning bridges, so I simply don't have boyfriends anymore.
At this point, I've already accepted that I'm never going to get married, hopefully I won't have kids either (for that and many other reasons). But casual sex is not my thing either (too scared of STDs, unrequited feelings from either side, and so on), so I'm still frustrated lol.
Also I'm asocial and don't like going out much so no bars, parties, etc. The type of guy I'm willing to be in a relationship with the most is either a) rarely seen outside and b) usually trash in practice, the perfect guy that fits this type is ultra rare, and usually taken. Maybe I just have shit taste in real men but other types of men are equally as bad if not worse (rapists, abusers, NPD, cheaters, etc.).
You could also say that I'm disillusioned with romantic love irl in general since my parents set a bad example too.
Being a husbandofag, it's pretty easy to forget about real-life relationships.
Overall, I just don't find relationships to be that important, and since I started to use CC and then lolcow, I don't think I could tolerate the same shit from scrotes that I used to tolerate before.
I'm still open to the idea, though. But not right now, I'm not ready. First I need to be financially stable, move out of my parents' house, and overcome depression.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
More time to dedicate to my hobbies/projects/studies/job. More money. More time to appreciate family and friends.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
Lack of money, time and eventually interest. Having to deal with one part not being as much in love as the other, and other kinds of drama. Discovering your partner's toxic traits (happens in most cases). The knowledge that eventually one of the two will hurt the other. Finding a balance between your romantic relationship and your other relationships and aspects of your life (it depends a lot on your partner as well).
No. 255755
>>255747Samefag but I forgot. I'm really not romantic, most of the time at least. Basically I'm just always looking for a male best friend that I can fuck, kiss and hug when I feel like it. And except for my first boyfriend I've never seriously thought of marrying any of my boyfriends or men I've almost had a relationship with, so I always get ready to accept that the relationship won't last more than 1-2 years at most because we'll eventually grow tired of each other, and I just want to enjoy the time we'll actually be together, and calmly move on when the relationship inevitably fails. But of course they always think we're going to be together forever.
I think there's something wrong with me, actually. My whole life is like this, I have short attention spans, poor discipline, I can't stick to a single task or project at a time, and I rarely finish anything. I want to kill myself whenever I think about it.
No. 255792
>>255791Oh wait I read the last question as what are the worst parts of
not bring in a relation ship. Anyway that's my answer
No. 255822
1. I already don't like most men, I have a low libido so idc about sex, every man I've dated was shit or was incompatible with me (eg he wants kids but I don't want any), and I don't mommy men so they don't like me (it'll be a cold day in hell when I wash a scrote's laundry or cook for him because of some arbitrary standard for women). And now that I've "hit the wall" some guys will avoid me once they find out how old I am because they know I'm too old to put up with their bs.
2. So far I've been doing great being single. I don't have to share a bed, I don't need to put in any emotional or physical effort that I would otherwise waste on a relationship, having peace and quiet when I get home is priceless, I don't have to try to look nice for anyone but me, I can focus on my little farm, my cats don't have to share me, and I never have to worry about the negatives a scrote adds to ur life (stds, unwanted pregnancy, increased mental load from having to do shit for them, potential violence). And now that I'm a full time husbandofag I really don't miss real men.
3. Women have the most to lose in a relationship, as I've mentioned above. In the time I've been with men I've had to deal with pornsick coomers, "traditional" men who want you to uphold old values while not doing the same, "good Christian boys" who are worse than normies, mommy's boys who can't even wipe their asses and "feminist" men who are just as misogynistic as regular men. I don't think I'm missing anything by staying single.
No. 255827
1. Why are you single?
I'm really insecure. I haven't gotten the typical teenage experience of fucking around, going to parties, getting drunk with friends etc.. because I spent my years just going to class then coming home immediately after and shutting myself in my room. Even if the most handsome guy in the world asked me out right in this moment I would probably reject him because I'm not comfortable being in a relationship. I'm not attractive enough for men to approach me despite me not putting effort in my appearance and looking angry all the time (resting bitch face ftw). On top of that my standards for men are really high and I don't see men that I find attractive in real life on the daily. Things like smoking are an automatic turn off for me, that paired with all the physical appearance traits I really like.. It's nearly impossible to find kek. And if I did find a guy like that I'm sure he wouldn't want me but would want someone that's more in his league, like a skinny model.
2. What are the advantages of being single?
I only have myself to worry about. With relationships, there's the responsibility of talking to another person all the time, sharing your secrets, thoughts with them etc… I don't want to share my problems with people and I don't want people to expect for me to be their therapist. I'm really bad at giving emotional advice and talking about my problems so it just seems awful having to do that by default. I also really like being alone and living with someone seems like my worst nightmare. I'm a huge introvert and I really need my privacy otherwise I go insane. I don't even keep my friendships well because I have periods where I want to isolate myself completely, and I know that would definitely not slide in a romantic relationship
3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
The things I mentioned above. Having to be in contact with a person constantly, lack of personal space, emotional reliance?
No. 256475
All my aunts' relationships and my parent's marriage blackpilled me on relationships.
One of my aunts got pregnant from her boyfriend at high school age and ran away from home to live with the scrote and his parents. He and the family were drug addicts. Ironically, her current relationship might be the happiest of all my aunts', although the new guy is still a bit of a manchild and not very good-looking. They had another child together.
Another got pregnant for the first time at 14, the baby died at birth. Then she had 3 more children, all are still alive. She got married at 14 to a hard-working but deeply religious and older scrote. My aunt and her kids weren't allowed to sing or listen to anything other than religious songs, wear earrings or bracelets or any such accessories, or watch cartoons on TV. The husband is already dead, but I don't think my aunt will ever fall in love with anyone else.
Another aunt recently married and had a child with a fat ignorant cop who wants to control her life, and all her sisters hate him, but my grandma loves him and said aunt is her favorite because she's smart and had a child in adulthood which causes issues between the sisters and grandma.
Another aunt has had many boyfriends before, and had a kid with an asshole who won't even spend time with his son, which has affected his self-esteem a lot. She currently has a relationship with a lawyer who lives comfortably and has enough money to buy the kid gifts, they had been together before. But he's divorced and in the past treated my aunt like shit (he hit her once), he's a vulgar and loud piece of shit who loves to get drunk and make extremely homophobic comments, one of those males who value being a macho more than being a decent person, and he makes my aunt cry sometimes with insensitive comments.
As for my parents, they just stopped loving each other and I noticed. This hurt me a lot.
Yes, all the examples around me haven't been very good. And combined with the few relationships I've had, I've just come to the conclusion that I'll be happier without a boyfriend and that love doesn't last forever so why bother searching.
No. 256793
>>256727Very inspiring and relatable.
>>256475Also relatable. Also had horrible examples of marriage and love from family, posted about it before but one of my great grandmothers was even burned alive by her lifelong husband who she spent all her life birthing kids for. My mother was similar, very hardworking and now my dad resents her. Why do I want to give myself to someone forever who is guaranteed to lose attraction and respect for me? It sounds more appealing to live my life on my terms and die at 45 than go through wife and motherly hell and grow old with a scrote.
I've also spent too long in manosphere spaces to act ignorant of how they really think. I wasn't even supposed to be born (accident +in utero medical issues) so I don't give a shit about continuing my genetics, especially imagining having daughters who have miserable lives or sons who grow up to become perverts and psychopaths. It's too likely to happen, and would be soul crushing.
In any case, it's also nice to have my weekends to myself and the vibes all my own. If you're with a man, and he's having a bad day he will ensure you have a bad day too. then you have to do emotional labor to fix both of your slumps. Good example was when his sports team lost and spend the afternoon quietly raging. His feeling had to be addressed always, mine? Never.
No. 256810
>>256748 >your mood being affected by the other person. I've noticed that when I'm single I wake up in the morning and if I want to have a good day it will be. There's no looming disagreement with a partner lurking to resurface.God this, I really don't miss this shit. Admittedly my last relationship wasn't the healthiest so I experienced this on an intense level. Dude had the power to emotionally punish me all weekend long and he often did.. the amount of weekends I wasted because he felt I needed to be dragged down with him. Wouldn't even tell me what I did half the time. Living on egg shells.
Then he happened to be in an amazing mood on the anniversary of my moms death and insisted that I match him and have fun all day… let me have seperate moods ffs. I'm a whole person too. It was too much.
No. 256841
>>256810>Then he happened to be in an amazing mood on the anniversary of my moms death They do this on purpose. Dragging someone else down and stewing in misery is a lot more satisfying and soothes their ego than processing emotions in a mature way. When you were mourning he didn't want to be the one "dominated" by
your feelings. So he reversed it, to make YOU match HIM yet again.
No. 256889
>>256793Thank you nonna! I really feel like lots of women are waking up and focusing on themselves. I absolutely love seeing scrotes seething about how women are too picky now. It’s kind of insane how we are sold this idea that true happiness comes from men and most of us will never realize it’s patently false. I am truly happier and more at peace than I have been in over a decade and I liken weaning off an addiction to men to alcohol and hard drug use. It’s so uncomfortable and terrifying at first, you learn to use those things as a shield. But once you can find even a modicum of self-love (or even just neutrality) and decide to nurture it things change insanely quickly. I really know who I am now, for the first time ever! I’m not defined by the man I’m with/want to be with, I’m just me. And Jesus, I actually kind of like her. I hope all of the nonnas itt have true happiness and satisfaction in their lives, love u all
Sorry for blogpost everyone in my life thinks I’m some extremist man-hating freak (completely true) so I only have nonnies
No. 257711
>>256793>one of my great grandmothers was even burned alive by her lifelong husbandI'm sorry
what? I know this happens but it's just so utterly shocking to hear, I'm so sorry anon.
>>256800>then I had my daughter and I thought “what if my daughter was in my shoes right now”. You're fantastic anon, so happy to hear you broke away from that piece of shit and you've really done your daughter proud. She's lucky to have a mom who is truly behind her (known too many women who sacrifice their kid's well being for the sake of a man). I hope you get to focus on yourself more and more over time.
No. 257795
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>1. Why are you single?
I'm an autistic butch lesbian, so the dating scene and the entire community is a bit of a minefield atm. I'm also ill (nothing infectious) and I don't think it's the right time for me to be dating. I lost a lot of muscle and I look like a ghost, so I don't feel attractive exactly either.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I have more time and energy to focus on my own shit, not having to deal with (community) drama, not making someone worry about my health, etc.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
How easily miscommunication can happen, fights about nothing, them constantly worrying about you, being dragged into drama, them wanting to U-haul, them eventually deciding that they want to do IVF, dead bedroom (not like I'm having sex now, but it's more depressing in a relationship), the wlw cheating epidemic, etc.
No. 257840
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i'm in a committed relationship with a man who doesn't exist and i have no reason to seek out other form of romantic partnership. i love my husbando nonnas
No. 257901
> Why are you single?
I have no plans to reproduce but I still consider relationships more like a partnership for survival and self-improvement, and most men seem very unreliable in this regard. This isn't a manhate thread but they have shitty worldviews and shit takes on every concept out there, never touch grass, are plagued by weird "unorganic" desires and fantasies, it all seems so pathetic. I know it sounds kinda edgy lmao. Whatever, they're always looking for reasons to not actually improve themselves. Every man I meet disappoints and bores me. I'm starting to think it might not be a "they" problem…
I also have my own issues, aka my problem with "social" relationships. The idea of being used to maintain an image. Going to some gathering with him, and him saying "this is my girlfriend", when I think of this sort of situation I feel weird and a bit disgusted. Things like a movie date, going to the restaurant for Valentine's day, an engagement party. It feels fake, like some stupid show. Even just the words like girlfriend and wife feel kinda…unsubstantial, they're like names for roles in a comedy.
> What are the advantages of being single?
Not feeling like a caged beast. Complete freedom of thought and movement.
> What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
My last "official" relationship was at 19 (now 24). I hated that he was so clingy. We had to meet every. single. day. and he would require me to say "i love you" so often. He had other flaws, but they were independent from his relationship status, so kinda offtopic. Overall, I just hated having to drag this burden around everywhere, as mean as it sounds.
No. 370987
>>370706Yes. 8 out of 10 times whenever I meet new people they ask me if I have a boyfriend within 5 minutes of meeting. Shut up! Can a woman just peacefully exist on her own please?
If I could settle down with a woman in a platonic relationship but outwardly pretend lesbian relationhip to get people to shut up, I'd consider it honestly.
No. 371023
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>Why are you single?
I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I talk to moids online or whatever but I get bored of them, I think I just can't feel any particular emphatic connection or something? Maybe it's my autism, or maybe I just have high standards because tbh, I refuse to even consider someone who can't speak at least two languages fluidly or who doesn't have a career like I do, and that's just the most basic points I consider whenever I look for a partner.
I'm also extremely straight, so I don't see myself dating a woman, I can connect emotionally with a woman but the physical part is important to me as well, I really don't think I can be sexual with any woman.
And like, idk, my family has shown me that being in a relationship isn't that nice, there's hardships and problems that tbh, I don't want to deal with. I would need to date a 100% organic, naturally fed extra virgin Nigel in order to feel like I want to be in a relationship with someone.
And it's funny because I've been a romantic my whole life, ever since I was a child I would fantasize about being in love and having a family with lots of children and whatnot, but it's depressing how males just destroy everything without even touching me, any illusions I may had as a child are dead now and only a miracle would make me want to date anyone.
>What are the advantages of being single?
Having time to do whatever I want whenever I want, being able to do chores or anything else at my pace, not having to spend money on food or anything else for another person, not having to deal with the emotional issues that may have the other person, one less person to take care of that isn't even of my family, not having to change who I am to please anyone else.
>What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
I think one of the worst part of a relationship is dealing with a family that isn't even remotely similar to your family, it's like, I'm sure that there's barely any mildly functional families out there, mine is mildly functional, so like, dating someone with a loveless family where everyone hates each other sounds like a pain in the ass, my brother is living that right now and like, you can do anything to get over your emotional issues, but they will follow you to the grave.
Something else I don't like is basically the whole process of keeping the relationship alive, it looks tiresome, from texting daily to trying to look sexy/cute for a date, it's annoying, if I were to be in a relationship, I want someone who will love me at my lowest as much as he will love me at my best moments.
No. 377292
>>376197Kek to me that's neither nor. Sure it used to only be a small margin of women who were single and childfree back 40-50 years ago cuz society was about traditional work, family and motherland, right. But I feel no societal and no human pressure to find some guy to not be single.
However it sucks that that happened to you, nonna, but there are plenty of people who will accept being friends with you even if you're single. It's more their loss for them not wanting to get to know you and do things with you than yours.
No. 391615
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>why are you single?
Zero interest in sex; never met an asexual man.
Way less dramas in life, less likely to suffer violence from men
>worst parts of being in a relationship
I've never been in one, so idk, but having to dedicate free time from your life to someone else sounds exausting.
No. 391642
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>why are you single
i post shit like picrel thinking it will make the men i like want me (it does not), everyone around me is boring after the first ten minutes or tells me “it’s weird how much u talk about 5 nights at freddy’s for an adult” (i’m doing a bit!!!!!!)
>advantages of being single
being the most version of myself again without dampening my personality for a partner, getting back into hobbies i cut back on in relationships, funny stories about dates, casual sex
>disadvantages of relationships
having to emotionally regulate a moid, being forced to interact with their horrible friends but having to keep your mouth shut and be polite, once men stop feeling like they have to impress you they stop trying altogether, sex usually gets progressively worse over time in a formal relationship, men often get kinda fat and ugly after dating for a while
No. 391675
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never had any interest in romantic relationships tbh
i can do what i want. i don't have to tone down my personality, take time away from my hobbies or get dragged onto something i'm not interested in. i do try to challenege myself and do things out of my comfort zone. i don't need or want someone else to do it for me.
also i was an extremely spoilt only child so i like having things go my way and not having to compromise.
besides im not good at relating to people emotionally so i really don't want to have to help regulate someone else's emotions or anything like that.
>worst parts of being in a relationship
ive seen so many people tone down or even lose parts of their personality when they get into a relationship, it's sad
No. 392337
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>1. Why are you single?
I’m fat now. My weight fluctuates on an annual basis from overweight to underweight and back, and I’ve noticed that I only get hit on when I’m a size 2 or less. I guess I’m one of those people where extra weight hits my face like a bag of bricks. Experiencing this has seriously made me lose all respect for scrote’s interest. You want me? LOL check back in next year buddy.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I can be a fat lazy sloppy pig in peace. When I was in my teens I’d get insecure about this but now in my mid-20’s I really enjoy my own company, even if I’m just lazy around all day reading webtoons or watching YT.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
For me, it’s the anxiety. I guess this sorta stems from point 1. I can’t genuinely believe someone would like me for me so my relationships are never serious or committed. Oh well. I’m fine this way.
No. 392357
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>1. Why are you single?
My last potential relationship absolutely went nowhere and I got very sad about it, doing better now. Even if I've had men interested in me since then, I don't feel attracted to them, maybe it's because I can't get over what happened but overall I rarely feel attraction towards real people. I only have felt attracted to fictional characters, so my standards are impossible to meet. I wish I wasn't this way, but maybe it'll be easier once I finish my studies and get a stable job. I just now wanna be happy only by myself and not feel like I need to be tied to someone to be happy.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I can be as independent as I want, I can dedicate myself to what I want without changing for others. I don't have to feel self conscious about how I'm perceived either.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
Being always together with someone absolutely is what deters me from getting a relationship. I'm already not super social (even if I have friends I hang out with at least once a week), so having to be with a man all the time just sounds exhausting and annoying.
No. 392362
>1. Why are you single?
Never cared about dating, relationships or guys.
Never been attracted to guys in that way , save for 3 exceptions and one of those was the only guy I ever slept with. I've had plenty of dudes chase me in my 20s. I was way out of their league, they all wanted to brag they bagged a fit stacy, all were fucking bitter I was polite to them kek. I'm not obligated to have sex with you.
Call me pickme or nlog, but I refuse to be in a relationship with someone I don't like , just for the sex, and that would be a fucking chore. Plus it's hard to find people to resonate with, most guys are boring AF. The day is short as is, can't imagine how quick it would pass with a guy.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I do whatever I want, whenever I want. I don't have to share my bigass bed with anyone. Egoistical? Maybe, but at this age I can't fucking imagine how it is to have a man chew your time. Nobody tells me what to fucking do. And I did get used to living on my own in an apartment.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
Never been into one so I wouldn't be able to tell lol. But from what I've seen with my friends, the woman always compromises more than the man. And most men have low to nonexistent emotional intelligence, so you have to dumb down to their level otherwise you will stress out for shit they don't even think about. Also I need my me time.