No. 265867
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Yo cool thread!
I would probably go to two places
Paris 1889
>The world fair is happening
>The Eiffel Tower serves as the entrance, lit up and casting a warm glow over paris, all beautiful
>There are escalators, cars, lightbulbs all newly invented and exciting, it's the centre of Europe, it is the heart of creativity and art
>innovation everywhere, you can see how early models of things worked and they could often be built by hand
>Claude Debussy (the best composer ever) is about to be inspired by some FIRE gamelan music at the world fair. Obviously I want to smoke weed with Debussy. I would also introduce him to Psychedelic Indie, the good stuff.
>I would bring centimes to climb the Eiffel Tower, probably enough to live on so I can wait ten more years until 1899 when Natalie Clifford Barney (lesbian simp, icon, writer) would start a relationship with Liane de Pougy. It would be super fun to get to know Natalie and observe her love life and read her letters and poems.
>Whilst waiting for the queen Natalie to arrive, I would probably visit my family's countries of origin to meet family from a long time back. And the town I grew up in, to see how it looked back then.
>Would probably wear men's clothes for comfort and safety, and bring a tazer or gun. Would have to brush up on French for a couple of weeks to get back to the level I was at.
>i would bring my nintendo to the world fair because it's portable and i feel like it would frighten a lot of the people there as it glows and makes noise and stuff. then they could all see animal crossing
>would try to take videos of stuff to bring back to the future
>would try to live under a chef's hat and help him become a famous chef
>would definitely want to see how cars were built back then, the earliest cars, and have an experience working with my hands and living as a nobody in a very exciting place, taking the train around france. i would hope to be male for this experience, that seems to be one of the only ways you can get a 'main character' experience. or if i could shift between male and female that would be cool
>would go to church and drinking places just to see people together and how they were. would definitely want to get on a merchant ship to work and explore the world
I would definitely go back to when my mum was younger, living in my hometown.
>my hometown is actually not in decay and notorious back then, it's interesting and clean
>i would hope to go to school with my mum and get to know her better, on the same level
>i would completely go on day trips with her and all her sisters/my aunties she had to look after, and would help out so she could study or rest
>would share music tastes, i would bring her the coolest goth clothes and accessories from the future
>i feel like it would be so much fun as she is such a naturally funny and warm person, i don't think she sees it
>i would keep her company at her boring ass factory job, we'd put our savings together for really cool things
>we would definitely shop for novel earrings and records
>probably talk about books and we'd take bus journeys to the city
>i would definitely get to know her dad/my granddad so i could hear his stories and play cards or chess with him, i would give him all the hugs he deserved and make him fresh desserts with rhubarb in them. i feel like he would kind of recognise me from the fair, curly hair we share, and from our attitude to things. i wish i could have given him money so he didn't have to work so hard, i wish i could thank him for giving everything to his daughters and standing up for justice, for living without fear. whenever i remember his life and sacrifice i want to live fearlessly, earnestly, with adventure and hard work.
i miss my family so much