File: 1658073051016.jpg (27.13 KB, 640x420, stemfag.jpg)

No. 275916
File: 1658076371885.png (314.1 KB, 344x611, jumpscare.png)

No. 275923
>>27589723 (pre-pandemic)
hotter and fitter version though
No. 275960
File: 1658085060276.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.49 KB, 638x478, origin.jpg)

I want to stay looking like this
No. 275962
File: 1658085691230.png (608.56 KB, 666x1000, 43 outfits that cemented The D…)

Unironically 55
No. 275967
>>275965Same here
I’m 28 but I’d be happy enough anywhere between 26-29
No. 276021
nonnie, same !
No. 276059
I'm 21 but still get mistaken as a teen by clueless tards which leads me to believe this is too young of an age to be stuck at, I'd want to be 27-35 because I feel like that's the age women look most beautiful. They fully grow into their facial features and the very subtle signs of "aging" are just things that make your face more unique and beautiful. Nothing prettier than the warmth smile lines brings to a face.
>>276052How old are you, anon?