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/g/ - girl talk

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File: 1659334706085.png (1.53 MB, 1301x808, 1659072884666.png)

No. 279049

movies and shows with hot guys to pass the time

No. 279050

File: 1659335016755.gif (700.46 KB, 355x200, 7.gif)

friday night lights for tim riggins but the shows so fucking boring

No. 279052

Hell ya I will def have this bookmarked

No. 279053

File: 1659336707956.gif (2.09 MB, 498x278, dogdayafternoon.gif)

al pacino in dog day afternoon. he was so hot in the 70s, and it's just a good movie in general

No. 279055

how is this different from the conventional men thread and female gaze thread

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