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No. 282309
Idk if this is the right thread for this, but I'm so fucking repulsed by male behavior, psychology, and sexuality. I find their bodies attractive, but I am completely disgusted by who they are as human beings. Even when they're trying to be sympathetic to women's issues or attempt to be aware of their own gender's evils, they try to paint themselves as victims or as exceptions. They spent most of human history subjugating us, but they have the audacity to be offended when we point that out. Not all men are rapists, but the ones who aren't willfully turn a blind eye to it and enable misogynistic attitudes towards sex and consent. Truly good men are rare nearly to the point of non-existence. A Nigel is just someone presenting a facade, a scrote who knows all the right things to say and lies to tell. He'll act like he gives a fuck about female suffering, then turn around and watch violent porn while you're not home.
At this point, I can't see myself in a healthy relationship with a man. After everything they've done, I just don't trust them. I want a relationship, but if my only option is to subject myself to male behavior, then I'd rather go without. What a horrible choice to have to make, to choose between a life of abuse or a life without romantic intimacy. I can't change my sexuality, though I often wish I could. I feel so much safer, so much more understood around other women.
No. 282315
>>282309>A Nigel is just someone presenting a facade, a scrote who knows all the right things to say and lies to tell.Redpilled
I feel your pain nona, I wish I could be a nun
No. 282340
>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
Consciously for about 2 years but haven't had sex a bit longer than that.
- What made you decide to go celibate?
Honestly, I feel like there is a huge risk when entering a new relationship for my mental and sometimes even physical wellbeing.
They are based on trust and from my own experiences, I have simply lost energy to uphold that trust and hope. And not only my own experiences, I have been hearing about horrible experience from all my female friends and acquaintances and have also heard shocking stories about men who I thought were decent but turned to abusive behavior once they entered a relationship. Butterflies, crushes, first dates and so on might feel great at first (but even that is becoming rare lol) but what comes afterwards tends to destroy my mental wellbeing so I just decided to cut it.
(I also do not enjoy casual sex or one night stands so that is out of the window too)
- Are you experiencing difficulties?
A bit, in a form of a random crush on a coworker I haven't even talked to and don't really know. I think it is just a bit of lovesickness? I do not really have an energy or even want to initiate something (and thought of that makes me sick and anxious tbh) so I just accept it for what it is - chemicals in my brain. Also I usually work from home/remotely and my company is going to stay that way so I think it is not that big of a deal.
- Has your quality of life improved?
Definitely. My previous relationships would always start off really nice but then would gradually turn into my partner doing the "hot and cold" approach, which would then turn into gaslighting, forcing me to walk on eggshells and then cheating. It would take huge toll on my mental health because everything would seem really good at first only for them to slowly make me question my own worth and sanity. After stopping, going to therapy and simply accepting that I am better off by myself and chosen group of friends, everything started to improve - change of career, new education, better pay, better job, enjoying time with friends, hobbies, travelling and so on without feeling like you are worth nothing.
No. 282345
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>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
Around 9 years, I think I've been sex-repulsed all of my life, or maybe I just have never trusted moids and I noticed that 9 years ago.
>What made you decide to go celibate?
Male behavior, it's disgusting, they can't be trusted in any way, specially during such a vulnerable moment like sex where they will make sure to do whatever they want just so they can talk shit about you for not fighting or for fighting like, there's no winning.
Something that has made me hate the sole idea of sex with moids even more is watching the news, I saw something horrifying some days ago and you know what? That really made me give up on men, they're disgusting vile creatures that should be purged.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
None at all, I don't go out often nor socialize with moids outside anymore where they can pretend they're decent people. If anything, talking to moids online helped me a lot with knowing that they're all dead inside and that their brains are too fried by porn.
>Has your quality of life improved?
A lot, I can focus on myself, I don't want to be picked anymore, if anything, I can proudly say to my friends that I don't care about being intimate with moids because at the end of the day they're a waste of time.
No. 282385
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I've never been interested in dating men to the point that I thought I was a lesbian in high school because of how fucking unattractive they all were. Turns out I'm het, but mens behavior is such a turn off that I'm in no rush to start participating. The bright side of it all is because I was never interested in dating, I had more time to focus on myself and my own life instead of trying to appease the moid of the week. Also never understood why I would go through the trouble of makeup, plastic, acting docile, etc. just to attract a scrote that can't wash his own ass and spends his day yelling at video games. You go through all that and the reward is a steaming pile of dog shit, hooray. Makes no sense.
No. 282426
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>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
3 years.
>What made you decide to go celibate?
Idk, at first I wanted to have a bf badly, but after using dating apps and seeing men aren't worth it I just got bored of them. I'm overly critical of men and they really should be trying their best to be even considered in a relationship with me. The longer I'm without sex and a relationship, the pickier I get and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm finally free from the constant need and want of getting a man. It feels nice.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
No, not really.
>Has your quality of life improved?
Yes. More time for my husbando!
No. 282433
>>282321Is there any faithful man? I knew a guy who would preach about how "cheating is the worse thing someone could do" but would flirt with me while having a gf. Another guy worked in fast food on the side and flirted with all the teenage girls that worked there while he had a wife.
It's even more uncomfortable when men make their poor attempts of cheating totally obvious in front of their gf. Some guy I use to work with would obsess over another girl that worked there while his gf worked there and she was pregnant and it was the most uncomfortable thing to watch, he later wondered why he was shunned by everyone and lost all his friends
No. 282434
>>282262My last sexual experience was on my birthday a good few years ago. Through being black out drunk I slept with the male partner of who i thought of as just friends. The woman in the couple had sex with another female friend. They were an open/swinger types of sort so it wasn't a big deal in that way. In the morning I had no recollection of how this started. Did I initiate? Did he? I only remember being flirty earlier in the evening (kissing, bum slapping - all above board imo aka everyone was having a bit of fun). Bc i couldn't remember how i ended up in bed, waking up stark bollock naked next to said moid I felt uncomfortable and sick. I vowed to never put myself in that situation again and have been celibate ever since. I want a connection first before anything sexual, and i haven't found that yet (not that im actively looking). I fell into the libfem ideology that fucking randos was empowering but i need more of an established level of trust for that to happen and me feel ok. I don't speak to that couple anymore bc I didn't feel comfortable. To me they were friends and i fucked that up by being sloppy drunk and engaging with sex.
celibate for a good few years.
No. 282445
>>282433nta, but I don't think there is. They might try to calm their impulses while the relationship is still fresh, but usually they are always testing the water with women they consider "upgrades".
Then they will, if not outright cheat, try to at least monkey branch so they can defend that they
technically did not do anything wrong.
Realizing that they always see us same as their see their smartphones - objects that they need but can also be upgraded to a better model (and old one discarded) is what made me opt out from moid romance. Too much stress, anxiety, insecurity.
No. 282446
>>282445It's funny though seeing men in LTR have incel tier ideologies because other women won't fuck them while they're in a relationship. I also noticed cheating men will blame the woman while going above and beyond to avoid conversation to make the relationship work. Got cheated on by most men I've been in a relationship with and it's the same shit
>I can't connect with you!Would laugh and treat me like a child if I wanted to have a deep conversation, while happily having the deep conversations with other women no problem
>Well I just thought you were cheating so I decided to cheat backDude thought I was cheating because I took a 30 minute nap after school, got a car for cheap, would "just have a feeling" if I went above and beyond to backfoot myself into trying to convince I wasn't cheating into self isolation and my day consisted of nothing but talking to him. Literally.
>Well I just need varietySorry I can't shapeshift into whatever porn sick whim you want this week dumbass. Maybe stop watching porn and you wouldn't need whatever porn category interests you at the time and you would form a healthy relationship
The only form of honesty I got was from one guy who admitted he got the idea from harem animes while he gathered random online women convincing them to be online relationships with dumb teens, he even admitted to other male friends he was unattracted to but did it just for the sake of it.
No. 282456
>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
A bit over 2 1/2 years.
>What made you decide to go celibate?
Too many shitty experiences with men (romantic, platonic and with strangers), no matter how long I've known them for and no matter how "nice" they were. They have no emotional IQ, are as thick as oatmeal and don't give a fuck if their choices hurt others. No matter how much they babble about "bro-code", they would'nt even hesitate to fuck their best friend's gf if it never came out. Men are all the same, the absolute last straw for me was when my best friend's boyfriend tried to get in my pants a few days after he proposed to her. Now it's not just that, but there's seriously no future with moids. They suck the life and passion out of women, destroy their self esteem, put them in dangerous positions (physically, mentally and financially), expect women to be responsible for their ego's etc. They are parasites.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
No, I'm happy that I'm able to live my life not worried about attracting men. I don't have to plan my life around a (potential) partner and worry if/when he's gonna leave me and how I will be able to get by then. Sometimes I do crave romance, but I know it's just not worth it with moids. I'd have no issue using them for sex and then kicking them to the curb like they do with us, but all the possible dangers that come with that (assault, pregnancy, STD's) are not worth it. I'd rather tend to my hobbies, spend time with family and friends, learn new skills and make good memories.
>Has your quality of life improved?
Definitely!It's eliminated like 90% of my previous insecurities. I used to be so preoccupied with being attractive and fit enough for a potential partner and what I'd bring to the table in terms of achievements and other things or "hitting the wall". I put too much value on their approval and now I don't care at all. It's nice not having to worry about when to start a family or keeping and attracting men. I just go about my day and I feel very comfortable in my skin and with myself.
Imo men are just not worth it. Moids are all the same, no matter how they present themselves in front of you. I've seen it happen with so many different "types" of men. "Good" men, shitty men, married men, male friends, liberal men, fathers, men with "no red flags", shy men, good samaritans etc etc. They will never empathise with us, they don't care about our rights, are porn-sick and they all have this "the grass is greener on the other side" mentality and will respond to any attention that is thrown their way, no matter how happy a relationship is. They never put as much work into relationships as women do and STILL the woman will always be at fault if the relationship fails. Men are no good.
No. 282471
>>282446>It's funny though seeing men in LTR have incel tier ideologies because other women won't fuck them while they're in a relationship.Lol what you just said I realized it happened to me few years back when I was in a relationship. He would randomly start complaining about women wanting chads and shit and then would tell me "It is not about you" which would still make me angry because "who is it about then?". What a retard.
Once you get in a relationship with moid, in their mind you are demoted to an appliance in their eyes. Not worth it.
No. 282507
Domestic violence, femicide, pregnany, STD, being cheated on, unpaid work. Men watch pornography about pedophilia, incest, rape and female degradation - our pain is nothing but jerk off material for them. Men take advantage of women struggling with poverty to rape them. Men are our oppressors, therefore heterosexuality is stockholm syndrome. It's an irrational lack of sense of self-preservation. When you decide to enter a relationship or have sex with a man, you're taking a gamble, where the stake is your own safety.
No. 282676
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saged because long as fuck
>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
It's been about a year and a couple months.
>What made you decide to go celibate?
My last relationship was my first 'serious' relationship and I lost my virginity to him too. Dated him for almost 4 years and broke up because he started sperging about how he wanted to open the relationship and wanted to be cucked (he said he wanted to bring random men and let them have sex with me so he can watch etc), among other coomerish and disgusting "sexual fantasies" he wanted to try that I'd rather not write about. He seemed totally fine until one day he just fucking broke down and had a melty. I was super close to his family and thought he'd marry me, and I've always wanted to only have sex with just one person in my life, and this wasn't because I was religious or anything - the risk of pregnancy, STDs etc, I just don't get it. He never proposed and I'm glad I didn't accidentally marry him, I definitely dodged a bullet.
TLDR: Last relationship made me lose all trust in men so I'm not planning to have sex until marriage, if I do start dating again. I'd like to find a nigel that's anti porn because I'm fucking done with coomers.
Also men my age are hitting the wall hard (poor diet, hygiene, awful personalities, balding etc). I am simply not turned on by them at all
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
Yes, I have a very high sex drive and I definitely feel frustrated esp right before my period etc. I just take care of it myself or take a cold shower / do other things to distract myself.
>Has your quality of life improved?
Eh, idk. A lot of men are definitely really fucking rude when I tell them I'm waiting until marriage, saying 'but how are you going to know you're gonna be compatible?' and being a sperg. I just ignore it and move on. If they wanted a fuckbuddy they can find other people. But I'm done wasting my time and sharing my most vulnerable self with a man. If they want to sleep with me they can get to know me better and propose & get married. But I feel fine without wasting so much time and money on dating, I'd rather hang with friends / work on my hobbies using that time and money.
No. 282951
>>282811ayrt and I def think porn and oversexualization of everything made this society a shithole, especially for men. I have met men across the political spheres / religious and non religious ones, and even though the religious ones tend to at least act a little anti porn, but eventually moids all get defensive saying it's "in the nature" or some other bullshit. I don't think there's anything wrong with masturbation, but the fact that they need to see women being degraded and abused to coom already proves that their brain is rotten beyond the point of no return.
I've met other women who are liberal / is atheist/agnostic and is abandoning the 'sexual freedom' & selecting celibacy too. Women are realizing that pornsick moids don't deserve pleasure from women and I'm here for it.
No. 283321
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Yup that's me
No. 299581
>>299571I'm sorry
nonny, I've been avoiding everything about US elections, so I have no idea what this single woman hate is even about. I imagine it comes from conservatives, right? What the fuck is wrong with those people?
No. 300258
>>282333of course biology
moid rape and abuse happens in most mammals
No. 300761
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>>283321me tending to my crop of unlovanble alpha women
No. 300943
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>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
I'm an adult virgin, if you mean counsciously celibate as in when I decided to never sleep with a man, then I was 16 at the moment.
> What made you decide to go celibate?
I was raised deeply religious and started lurking on radfem spaces at 15. Nevertheless to say that I (am) was a hopeless romantic as a tween fangirl, having sex with a male mistaking him for the love of my life just to get dumped after that was never an option.
I guess I dont have traumatic life path changing experiences like the other nonnies, I was always hyperaware of male depravity (attending islamic lessons as a littel girl regarding male behaviour and how sinful is my existence for being born with bobs and vagene was extremely blackpilling, muslim women are huge cuckettes) + noticing fictional white knights written by women were NOTHING like 3d men + radfem self grooming. I kinda feel like I missed out a lot of teenage experiences because of my critical thinking skills.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
>Has your quality of life improved?
It is the same, now that I am in my 20s I see a huge difference between my behaviour and my male-partnered friends'. Im definetely much happier and least insecure than them.
Thank god I never began to do fleeting relationships, if i was in the-average-woman-with-a-bf shoes, I would have probably killed him and then myself.
No. 301093
>>282262>How long have you been consciously celibate for?I have always been celibate, as a conscious choice it can be counted since I was around 11, 12 (when I decided I will never date anyone in the future, I want to remain alone). So now it’s more than 10 years, counting the “conscious” stage.
>What made you decide to go celibate?As a child and young teen I had some vague idea of finding man of my dreams some day, maybe even have children but I was still disillusioned in the world in some ways. I disliked most people, didn’t feel like I belong. I realized the idea of sex is disgusting to me too, I made a personal vow to always remain a virgin. I was considering for a while having a family in the future and adopting children but then I felt I might be better off alone because this is what truly makes me happy and I don’t trust men enough. We can be friends, sure, but turns out my ideas about relationships were rather influenced by the “default” society’s ideas and not my real goals. I learned that celibacy is my real nature, how I feel happier and at peace with myself. My parents have a
toxic relationship and worsened my life with their quarrels too, I want a life free from psychological abuse. There are still ways to make this word better even when I’m staying alone. I also believe it matches my way of living since I struggled with making friends, then finding out my “best friends” changed so much they preferred to leave me; celibacy is something that helps me to further distance from influence of society and ordinary human thinking. Call me weirdo or not, I just like the idea of being respectful to each other but attachment to people only brings misery. I’m more drawn to my inner world.
Especially the idea of sexuality is something that reinforces these useless connections to me, since I view sex as something against my values of staying independent and not obeying people who would expect me to do something against my true nature.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?No.
>Has your quality of life improved?I don’t know how to answer that, I could both say that nothing changed or that it is better. Well, I have no comparison to non-celibate life personally - I can only think that my situation is better in some areas than lives of others, since I’m not bothered by relationships dramas, sex issues etc.
Since my celibacy is lifelong nothing really changed but it’s one of the things in my existence that improves my mood when it gets really bad, at least I have something to remind me of my “way” and what I should focus on. It’s like a reminder that if I can do it (practice celibacy) then I can also succeed with some other, big or small goals in life, various dreams.
No. 301628
>>300997nona, as someone who's been diagnosed with autism i have to say i wholeheartedly agree. (also, if you truly think you have autism, go and get tested or see a doctor. 90% of early research on autism was based on moid behaviour, so it's often missed in young women and girls. i got my diagnosis at 15, most men get theirs at the earlier stages of infancy.)
>No, not dating is like the easiest thing ever, I can't relate to people who are touch in a nutshell basically. there were certain points in my life where i thought wanted romantic/sexual relations with men, but as i grew older and more experienced i just found myself becoming more and more disgusted with the way they behave towards women. now it's very easy for me to simply not care. i have female friends who i see and that's enough, i have no desire to share my space with or give my time/body/money to a scrote who will turn around and betray me later down the line. autism has unironically been a blessing in this sense, i'm just hardwired to enjoy spending more time by myself or with other women, which in turn makes it easier to reject male attention.
No. 301726
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>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
5 years, and before that 10 years. I had a boyfriend when I was a teenager and then another 10 years later in my twenties. I felt like I was asexual before I knew there was a word for it, but then it turns out I just didn't develop sexual feelings until my mid-twenties, but even then I didn't desire intimacy. I was worried I was "just scared" to date or emotionally repressed so I took a huge risk and entered a relationship with a man who turned out to be emotionally and physically abusive. I ignored all my gut instincts telling me to flee (because that was just me being scared to leave my comfort zone or me just not being used to being in a relationship right??!)
- What made you decide to go celibate?
I saw a therapist after that + self-reflection. I am a natural loner and I really really need my own space but never felt I was allowed to assert that, because I thought I was being abnormal/closed off/prudish/immature/selfish etc etc. I think I just snapped and said fuck it I'm living life on my terms from now on because I felt so pushed to my limit. I found radfeminism through writings on abusive relationships and that has really helped me let get over some handmaiden-y behaviour that was really contributing towards my misery plus show me that modern hypersexualised "feminism" wasn't the only answer and that I'm more normal than I realised.
I also thought about the other women in my family. I have 3 aunts who have never married or dated. I don't know why exactly that is (is there a spinster gene?) but I always admired their attitudes so took inspiration from that.
- Are you experiencing difficulties?
No. I happen to live in a really quiet area so even if I wanted to, there isn't opportunities to meet men so it just never crops up. I don't have longings and never have, really.
- Has your quality of life improved?
My anxiety reduced by about 80%. It's very noticeable, physically. I think it's more to do with letting go of some self-judgement and not constantly feeling like I have to protect my boundaries. I just previously never looked at life and thought about what I wanted from it, everything was sort of framed around me "learning to be a normal woman" first and constantly failing with worsening self esteem. But now, the lack of drama, abuse, attention-seeking, sexism, aggression is very sweet and I feel lucky to be free. My self esteem has never been higher and I have more energy to devote to more rewarding things.
No. 301802
>>301628Ayrt and I've been thinking of getting diagnosed for a while, I don't think it would be useful at my age but at least it would put some closure. When I told my mother that I thought I might be autistic she said it's impossible because for her autism is non verbal moids throwing tantrums kek.
>there were certain points in my life where i thought wanted romantic/sexual relations with menSame, it was mostly during middle/high school because I wanted to be like everybody, and since I was riddled with teenage anxiety I thought dating would fix my problems. Thank god I was the weird invisible girl nobody approached otherwise it would have probably ended in a disaster. I ended up maturing, embracing my weirdness and developing interests that helped me realize I didn't need to share my life with anybody.
I have to say though that the hardest part of being alone is the cost of living, for now I live with my brother (who is the same kind of weirdo as me) so it's currently fine but I'm kinda apprehensive of the future.
No. 301821
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> How long have you been consciously celibate for?
Coming up on 5 years
> What made you decide to go celibate?
I was sexually active for most of my twenties. I've always known that I absolutely don't want kids. Pregnancy is a huge fear of mine and I'm in a country with no abortion to fall back on if BC methods fail. I was always playing it safe. Terrified in the back of my mind of my efforts falling short. Because of that I had this love/hate relationship with sex. The fear got worse over time. My romantic relationships were tinged with this resentment that by having sex I was taking on this risk of one of my biggest fears coming true. It occured to me that if you're sexually active for enough years that even with measures the risk of failure one day is looming. When will the day come where I'm stuck in a bad situation because of this? Even if you give the baby up theres so much that body/health and emotion wise you're going to be forced to go through.
I started avoiding sex. I wasn't willing to take on that risk. I got into a relationship with a guy who was understanding. We did other stuff but kept it short of PIV. I thought I'd found my solution. 5 years in we split and I'm back to square one. Do I opt out of dating altogether or try and find another rare man who is okay with that set up? I get into another relationship. But sex is important to him so idk how to feel. During the honeymoon period I say fuck it, I'm on bc, we use condoms. He starts to complain about why we're using condoms when I'm on bc. Sex between us starts to slow down while I'm not willing to risk it and we don't feel like a team tackling the issue together. I'm already doing my part, I'm going to the doc, I'm taking the thing I need to take.. can you just meet me halfway and do your part? He absolutely didn't want kids either. After a while of near dead bedroom he offers to get a vasectomy. Cool, gets it. We're having more sex than ever. For the first time in my life I feel like I can relax and enjoy sex.. Wait he starts to get very selfish in bed. I'm having more sex than I've ever had. I'm up for it all the time but now I'm not getting my share of foreplay. I haven't finsihed in the longest time. I have to 'nag' him for reciprocation when it comes to doing anything other than straight piv. Just acknowledge my clit please. He gets lots of oral himself. How many times can you ask for your pleasure to be considered before you feel humiliated by it. Then sex slows down, on his end. In spite of that issue I'm still initiating and hes turning me down. I'm exactly the same as when we first met. I haven't gained weight or changed and tbh it was a relationship where I was both younger and a lil above his league. I've no idea whats up. We're stuck in a lease. I moved away from my family for him to live closer to his workplace. Its not easy to get out or else I'd leave at that point. He shuts down and offers no explanation as this drags on.
Hes been having an affair! That safe sex I'd finally been able to enjoy… I now need to get tested for every std under the sun to be sure I'm ok. The woman hes cheating on me with is also into poly shit and men who dress up as women or 'live as women'. High risk people. She has 4 kids and none of them share a father. Holy fuck the risk I was put at and I had no idea. I try to pry for information from him with my own health in mind but he thinks I'm some jealous woman who wants to slut shame his mistress??.. dude I need to think of the potential for infection. Idgaf about weighing myself up next to her. If I were that petty I'd have plenty of things to point out about your downgrade. I just care about my own health as I leave this shitty situation. Whether I'm going to be left with a parting gift of an std or not.
I didn't have one. I had to test for HIV twice because it has an incubation period so thats a few months of waiting before I knew I was in the clear. Fucked over and I'm back at square one I opted out of even having to navigate that shit. Too many years of worry already under my belt.
> Are you experiencing difficulties?
My sex drive is the highest its ever been. The first 3 years was easy. Then my drive spiked like crazy. I'm crushing on men like a teenager again. Not acting on it though. I had a close call where I hit it off with a guy and was tempted. We could've been a thing but I don't feel like its best for me right now. I bought a toy lol. Every now and then a guy will pop up in my life and flirt but I'm not looking to take it anywhere. That one guy was the one time I thought about ending my celebate phase. Glad I stuck to it. We stayed friendly and lately hes reposting andrew tate clips on his socials. And shit about women being sluts with mad body counts. Definitely not the impression he tried to give off in the beginning.
> Has your quality of life improved?
My stress levels are down. I'm not worried about my health or pregnancy looming. I've had a single uti in 5 years which is nice compared to how I'd get more while active.
I've bought a home of my own, settled into a pretty chill life thats on my own terms. I'm not having to compromise or always take a partner into consideration in my decision making. It made me see how often partners would push for me to follow their plans at the cost of my own. The element of having to sacrifice when you're with someone.. it wasn't evenly distributed. I love living alone. If I'm horny I sort myself out. I finish every time. No risks involved. I feel alot of freedom in my life. I had an overbearing upbringing, I had partners who at times made me feel like I'm a kid again living under someone elses house rules. Its been interesting to sit back and process how things were never all that rosy in relationships. I'd overlook shit and only see it later on. I don't want to settle for anything less than a functional give and take relationship that genuinely feels like I'm not expected to take on more risks, take on more responsibility, make more sacrifices than them. It feel likes thats the default mode men expect. It'd take a unicorn of a man to get me to chose him over this lifestyle. Looking back if I could've just dodged and ignored every man who ever showed interest in me.. life would've always been this chill.
No. 301941
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I wanted to "put myself out there" and try casual sex after being celibate for a while but I realized that I straight up did not feel comfortable having sex with someone I barely knew and who didn't give a shit about me (it doesn't matter how respectful they present themselves, men truly do not give a shit about you in fwb situations). Also dating is not fun and most men you meet are low quality and not worth your time and energy.
No. 302322
>>301802we had pretty similar teenage years by the sound of it. being the weird unapproachable girl in school made me very self conscious for a long time, but i have to say, watching the girls i grew up with in school go on to be single mums, emotional, physical, sexual abuse
victims etc. at the hands of the local populous of men has made me very grateful for my experience as 'the weird girl'.
>I have to say though that the hardest part of being alone is the cost of livingi live alone too, and i'm not sure where you are in the world, but in the UK just having a diagnosis of autism auto-entitles you to certain government help with heating costs etc if you play your cards right. it's worth looking into for sure. also construction jobs pay very well (and often in cash, if taxable income is of concern to you), so if you can tolerate being around horrifically misogynist moids for the majority of the working day then it's an excellent choice. i quite like the routine and monotony of it, plus once the scrotes on site figure out you are, in fact, completely uninterested, they tend to ease off. best of luck!
No. 320814
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>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
My entire life
>What made you decide to go celibate?
Males. I hate the fact I’m primarily attracted to males bc I’m only attracted to my celebrity husbands and ones I’ve created in my head. I’ve spent too many years in my room thirsting, masturbating and writing wattpads of beautiful 70s and 80s men who had long, beautiful hair, beautiful bodies and wore slutty clothes and makeup. And unfortunately moids like that, the only acceptable form, don’t exist anymore. I’m also unhealthy obsessed with a certain moid from an 80s band and I always jokingly said I’m saving myself for him until we get married. Which I am fully serious about now. I tried the dating app thing with gritted teeth and found that all males are boring, cringey disgusting whores who view you as an object and nothing more. I have zero sexual attraction towards regular scrotes. Picrel is the standard to which all moids should look like. I can’t believe women are capable of fucking men who DON’T look like this
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
Yes bc I’m an extremely horny person and to have never experienced sex before it always makes me wonder, I’m glad I never caved in tho. Sometimes I cry over my celebrity husband bc he is the only moid I wanna bang but realistically I never will. So it’s a sad life
>Has your quality of life improved?
Yes I feel superior bc moids will never obtain me I feel like a prize. And I feel pure and innocent too. And happy I don’t have to deal with scrote bs
No. 343443
>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
Consciously, for 8 years. Unconsciously, since I remember myself.
>What made you decide to go celibate?
All the answers here so far sound normal or even noble. I, however, am fucked in the head. Men over 25 don't turn me on. I can't stomach sharing a house with someone physically stronger than me. I don't like penetration. When I imagine cooking for a guy, damaging my health to accommodate his dick, or him earning more than I do, I see red. That takes care of long-term relationships, marriage, and sex.
Finally, I'm a very controlling and, for the lack of a better word, power-hungry person. Men initiating stuff is a turn-off and so is them "protecting" me in any way.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
No. I think I'm unfit for a romantic relationship. Seeing as we are short on perfectly submissive, eternally young, stupidly loyal sex slaves, my standards are unrealistic. Just flip the genders and I would be a walking red flag for women.
>Has your quality of life improved?
Double Income No Kids is easier than Single Income No Kids, I won't deny it. Other than that, I'm doing fine. My life improved when I realized I don't have to follow in my mother's footsteps. Now I'm focused on making money and building friendships.
No. 343869
>>343864This is the voluntary
celibacy thread though, you won't find much support here for this problem.
No. 345451
>>345442>intimacyMen fuck horribly
>companionshipMen don't see women as human beings
No. 346045
- How long have you been consciously celibate for?
If we don't count the few experiences - less than ten times - with a friend with benefits back in the beginning of 2020 (Corona was a blessing in disguise to help me get away from that pointless situation), and not counting a few long distance crushes, I've been celibate since 2014.
- What made you decide to go celibate?
It kinda came naturally back then due to depression and a family situation that was traumatic. And even after that was done and I moved away, I've done enough introspection to realize I am not emotionally nor sexually available for anyone, my childhood trauma history has turned me into a misanthrope.
- Are you experiencing difficulties?
The only problem I have is that I can't relate to most people of my generation, whether they're already married with kids, engaged but frustrated by their vanilla partner or single and enjoying the hedonism of that or absolutely starving for human contact. I have one best friend who lives five hours away from where I am, meaning I don't get to hang out with someone to whom I can vent to whenever,that's the one thing that's a problem.
Sure, there is some peaks of libido in any normally constituted body, so I'm not excluded. But that happens twice a trimester that I have to deal with that if at all.
- Has your quality of life improved?
Prior to celibacy, I wasn't exactly a single that was engaging in a lot of sexual activity anyhow. Nothing has really changed from me being a celibate or not.
It hasn't hindered my ability to get myself a good situation now at 30+.
No. 346046
>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
A couple of years? On the bigger scale I've only had sex a few times in a decade, mostly with one guy that visited me from abroad for a week, it was meh.
>What made you decide to go celibate?
It's not so much a decision, but the fact that not even the idea of sex gets me excited, and I honestly find most people off-putting the older I get, but especialy males. The decision part is mostly that I refuse to risk pregnancy, because I do not want to deal with the aftermath, be it either delivery or abortion. I just don't ever want to be pregnant for even a week. The only guy I had sex with this decade was sterile, but we still used protection.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
Fortunately no one really asks about my dating life. I get horny from time to time, but it's mostly directed towards fantasies with fictional men or scenarios where the faceless man isn't the focus.
Parents seem a bit worried about my lack of dating, but it's not like they can force me to do anything, I'm 30+ and getting most of my ducks in a row for a decent life.
>Has your quality of life improved?
I'd say it stayed at least around the same. Being in a great relationship with a great man would probably be the best, but this is second best. I didn't like my vagina pH being off, sometimes having pain because of partners treating my pussy like a punching bag and most of the time I've spent with any ex, serious or casual, I was just fucking bored really, and sex felt like a chore really fast.
No. 435936
>>435935>>435924Also there's a fake polite manner of speaking to people in Japan that westerners lack. Unless they were extremely good actors, the good looking western host moids likely couldnt uphold the politeness/niceness after talking to
femcels or unattractive women and would fail to hide their annoyance or disgust, and physical touch or other rules would be harder to impose.
No. 436148
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> How long have you been consciously celibate for?
I'm a virgin so there wasn't a moment I decided 'okay no more sex for me' but I'd always wanted to have sex one day, but now I don't think I'll mind if I ever do.
> What made you decide to go celibate?
That switch in mindset happened about three years ago after another failed relationship which ended after four months due to my extreme fear of intimacy. By the end I was very mentally unwell, wasn't eating or sleeping and he was making passive aggressive jokes about how long he'd already waited for pussy from me. I've only had very brief relationships with men and they've always ended because the moment things turn sexual I freak out or am repulsed. My fear of intimacy, poor body image and super low self esteem makes even kissing terrifying for me. I'm not hideously ugly or anything, I just have lots of hang ups as well as hirsutism which makes me feel disgusting. I'm also very insecure thinking he'll ditch me as soon as someone better comes along (because why wouldn't he in a sexless relationship?) and freak out if I'm not constantly assured that everything is fine (hint: it never is). I'd go to therapy for it but I don't think it would help much. I'm attracted to men, they turn me on and I fantasise about certain ones (my husbando mainly lol) a lot, so it's not like I'm deep down likely a lesbian or something (though perhaps a hint bi?) as much as the last guy I was with joked I might be. Idk I want to fuck men in theory but in practice there's just a barrier I can't get over. Also, in my last relationship he really wanted me to become more feminine and I'm just not prepared to change myself for a man. I'm clearly female, why do I need to wear uncomfortable and revealing clothing, makeup and remove every single hair on my body just to please someone else? Fuck that. Besides, after spending time reading rad fem theory, listening to women's stories of their lives partnered with men as well as being reminded of male depravity constantly in the news, the idea of trying again to make myself girlfriend material, finding someone new (online dating is hell) and going through the process again to see if this time things will work out is so unnappealing. I'm in my thirties now too and have come a long way in terms of what I'm willing to put up with from a man, my standards are too high (in reality they're not but in the scrote mind they are) and I'm not willing to search through the haystack for that one illusive nigel who might love me the way I need/deserved to be loved.
> Are you experiencing difficulties?
Nah. I guess you can't miss what you've never had. Being partnered up is so stressful for me and has always been. The bad always outweighs the good. Being single feels so freeing. I'm my own person. Sometimes I'll see cute couples and feel a little bit wistful but Idk what's going on behind closed doors, the moid is probably watching violent porn behind her back. I don't mind the idea of being single forever as long as I can make quality friendships with women. I plan to be social and active in my community to keep links with women so I don't get lonely though I am a very introverted hermit like person so I'll need to find balance.
> Has your quality of life improved?
In some ways. When I finally decided to 'take myself out of the running' for a new relationship, it was like a relief just flooded over me. I got to be a person again instead of potential mate no. 6313934 to the random man on the street. I used to look at younger or prettier women as my competition and now I don't. I have way more compassion for other women now in general. Less and less I see my body as something that is losing value year by year, or as something for men to consume. My body, my mind, my sexuality even is for me (cause I can always masturbate and fantasise). No pressure, no negging, no guilt and grief, none of it. It's a kind of freedom.
No. 436575
>>436186Seriously, it's not even worth it. Males are terrible at sex, I always have a better orgasm from masturbating. And they are dirty, because they think hygiene is 'gay' so often they don't wadh their dicks. Getting a uti from them is so common.
I've been abstinent for 5 years now and healthiest I've been.
No. 437200
>>437049That’s the problem, my mind knows that, (hence why I decided on celibacy) but my body doesn’t seem to pay attention to logic at all and just wants (pardon the crude term but it feels accurate to the situation) to mate. It’s just crazy to me since we usually think of ourselves as removed from the category of animal, but it’s totally obvious we have just the same reproductive mating urges as any other animal.
The weird thing is I’m not even attracted to any man in particular these days so I’m not fantasizing about any specific type of dude, it’s just this abstract basal urge to the point that i theoretically would not even care who I had sex with as long as they were clean and not deformed (again, moids aren’t clean though lol so no need to tell me).
Idk where I’m going with this, but it just sucks. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t aware of everything wrong with men so I could just be normal and have sex and hookups like everyone else and think it’s great. I want to release my inner animal.
No. 437222
>>436148>That switch in mindset happened about three years ago after another failed relationship which ended after four months due to my extreme fear of intimacy. By the end I was very mentally unwell, wasn't eating or sleeping and he was making passive aggressive jokes about how long he'd already waited for pussy from me. I've only had very brief relationships with men and they've always ended because the moment things turn sexual I freak out or am repulsed. My fear of intimacy, poor body image and super low self esteem makes even kissing terrifying for me. I'm not hideously ugly or anything, I just have lots of hang ups as well as hirsutism which makes me feel disgusting. I'm also very insecure thinking he'll ditch me as soon as someone better comes along (because why wouldn't he in a sexless relationship?) and freak out if I'm not constantly assured that everything is fine (hint: it never is). I'd go to therapy for it but I don't think it would help much. I'm attracted to men, they turn me on and I fantasise about certain ones (my husbando mainly lol) a lot, so it's not like I'm deep down likely a lesbian or something (though perhaps a hint bi?) as much as the last guy I was with joked I might be. Idk I want to fuck men in theory but in practice there's just a barrier I can't get over. Also, in my last relationship he really wanted me to become more feminine and I'm just not prepared to change myself for a man. I'm clearly female, why do I need to wear uncomfortable and revealing clothing, makeup and remove every single hair on my body just to please someone else? Fuck that. Besides, after spending time reading rad fem theory, listening to women's stories of their lives partnered with men as well as being reminded of male depravity constantly in the news, the idea of trying again to make myself girlfriend material, finding someone new (online dating is hell) and going through the process again to see if this time things will work out is so unnappealing. I'm in my thirties now too and have come a long way in terms of what I'm willing to put up with from a man, my standards are too high (in reality they're not but in the scrote mind they are) and I'm not willing to search through the haystack for that one illusive nigel who might love me the way I need/deserved to be loved.Never read something so relatable (except I dont have hirsutism, but I have a skin condition that makes me afraid of getting naked).
No. 442066
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This quote pretty much describes all of us here.
No. 442072
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I want to shoot the brains out of any man who refers to sex (a.k.a. sticking his punis inside a pussy) as """intimacy""".
No. 442079
>How long have you been consciously celibate for?
Two years now? I've lost track. Possibly 3.
>What made you decide to go celibate?
The hottest partner I've ever had. But he was a nut job. Clearly was a mentally unstable daddy type. When he gave me oral, he mashed his whole face into my labia. It wasn't hot, it was clear he was trying to rush my orgasm so he could fuck. And he wanted to fuck all the time. It was so annoying. He was childish, even if he was hot. I broke up with him before we became serious and I don't miss any part of the pressure of having to perform for some horny man with ideas of women in his head manifested entirely from porn.
>Are you experiencing difficulties?
No good looking men on any dating apps or within a reasonable distance IRL, and I take an SSRI that makes watching paint dry more enjoyable than pretending to be sexy.
>Has your quality of life improved?
Yeah, I'm focusing on figuring out exactly what I'd even want in a man, and what kind of relationship I'm looking for. As of now, I don't want anything beyond a FWB to begin with, and even then, I would want to make it abundantly clear that we aren't going to be staying at each others' place long term, we aren't buying things for each other, and we aren't getting involved in each others' personal lives. I just want to have good sex and then maybe call you in a week. I also don't want to pick a man who doesn't wear condoms, because I hate taking birth control. So maybe I'll just never find a man that fits the mold I want him to. And if so, so be it. I'll never have sex with someone to settle again.
No. 442118
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I know the nun pictures are jokes but thoughts on actually becoming a nun/some other kind of celibate devotee? Sometimes it doesn't sound half bad.
No. 442133
>>442118I always think that if I was born in ye olden days I would become a nun. Jesus was the original husbando after all. I like to imagine you just spend time with the girls and get lots of peace and quiet.
It's probably way harder to be a nun that I'm imagining but still, it seemed like the best way to avoid being a broodmare or prostitute back then. These days you can enjoy being a spinster with no serious negative consequences, no need to join a convent unless you're legit religious.
No. 442250
>>442118I'm not religious at all and I don't think I could pretend to be but I love the idea of being in a women only community, living in an old building and making a living by selling jam, cheese and beer. Like
>>442161 said it would be great to have celibate communes for secular women.
No. 446165
>>345947I know this post is a year old but I'm currently in the same boat. My interest in men and desire to have a boyfriend completely washed away when I realized my ex changed years into the relationship. He put a lot less effort into talking to me, going days without speaking to me despite my efforts in doing all the work to maintain a connection, and frankly bored the shit out of me. Actions speak louder than words. Everytime I tried to speak about it with him he would claim everything's fine. Rinse and repeat. No idea what was happening with him but I didn't want to find out and I wasn't gonna play around. That combined with some other issues regarding abuse made me leave. Not knowing if they will drastically change years into the relationship has ruined my trust of men even further. After I left, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. (Seems to be a common theme in this thread amongst nonnas kek)
I simply have zero desire for men and I was always a boy-crazy girl. When I was younger I also tried the whole FWB meme via dating apps and I ended up getting manipulated and raped.
Besides that, none of the sex I've gotten was truly satisfying. I get off better thinking about fantasies in my own head.
Really what's the point of dating in the modern era? Too much of a hazard and headache for women and the dating scene for women is vastly different than it was just 20 years ago, coming with A LOT more issues as a result of the internet becoming mainstream.