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No. 284040
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>>284035I'm so happy to see this thread, I just spent all of yesterday crying because I feel so lonely and worthless. I'm in the same boat, 26 with a 9-5 and horrible mental health issues, and I haven't managed to make a single friend since moving to my city 3+ years ago. I'm embarrassed to reach out to my existing 1-2 friends because I'm so fucking bad at being around other people.
Everyone says things like "join hobby groups! download meetup apps! just talk to people at bars!" and I don't want to be picky but those places are full of cringe SJWs or sorority girl types. And when I try to meet other people who grew up overly online, they're always kpop fans or tiktok zoomers.
Sorry I don't really have an answer for you OP, I wish we were in the same city. I think it's a bad idea to browse lolcow in public but you can definitely chat with people irl and slowly bring up the idea of forums/topics discussed here to see how they align ideologically.
No. 284045
>>284040I'm sorry
nonnie, I'm on the same boat as you. I just want friends alike, but don't know where to fucking find them. Also yeah I guess browsing lolcow in public isn't the best idea ever(I'm the one who proposed that), but bringing the idea of forums/topics that are discussed here is smart. I guess also multiplayer video games work as well? Or at least older multiplayer video games, because I've made some friends there that have the same(or not necessarily the same, but close) mindset as me. God I hate it so much whenever I meet someone and that person is, you guessed it, a tiktok brainwashed retard, scrolling tiktok and other shit nonstop, only talking in their idiotic "language"
No. 284055
No offense to you
nonnie or anyone else but I wouldn't want to make friends with the average farmer. Sure there are farmers who are kind and genuine people, but those folk are outnumbered by NEETs and radicals who cherrypick words and phrases from the things that you post and hold only a black-and-white view of the world.
If you want to make good friends IRL, try looking into some hobby groups. Try participating in a community garden, or doing yoga or dance classes. If your mental health is so impairing to your ability to make friends, I'd also looking into getting counseling. It might be a long and laborious journey, but only you can help yourself. Semper fi, nonna!
>>284037The thing is that raids happen unexpectedly and at random. Yeah, you could just close the tab quickly if you see it happening at once, but lolcow really isn't the sort of website that I would view in public.
No. 284084
nonnie, you pretty described my situation. I did actually try downloading apps like MeetUp and similar and it was full of creeps. I got a ton of messages from creepy ass scrotes and there was a huge male to female ratio so it basically made those apps worthless. I think what makes my situation even worse is that I wfh so I almost have no reason to even leave my home aside from groceries. I have my Nigel but it's not the same as female friendship. Most of my irl friends are semi-sjw so I often feel I must walk on tiptoes around certain subjects as to not offend anyone.
>>284055Community garden actually does sound very nice. Although I live in a woke area and so I feel like a bunch of woke ~folx~ would be there. But very good point about the average farmer.
No. 284101
>>284055hobby groups are a great idea
nonnie :D
(:D) No. 328952
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>>287806>Weirdly I found an ex-farmer and she's my hairstylist now and whenever I get my hair done we talk about the usual topics I'd browse lc forwtf I'm kind of jealous. If you're still here, anon, what boards did she frequent?
In one of the FB groups I'm in, a woman posted about how she recently moved around where I live and hadn't been able to make friends since. That invited a lot of other women to comment and I wanted to chime in so bad. Most were around my age, but they all stated they wanted to connect with other women who have children in their introductions, which I can understand. The few who said they didn't have kids look like I wouldn't connect with at all, judging from their profiles. I never leave the house so I thought this was a nudge from the gods, but I guess not for me.
No. 377709
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Nonnas, I've been thinking about this and came up with a code that is not "narwhal bacons at midnight" level cringe.
Ask someone if they like cows, if they reply with something something "purple cows", they are a nonnie. Likewise, if someone asks you about cows, you reply with something something "purple cows".
Bonus: if a normie asks you wtf you mean by purple cows, you can just say you're making a reference to Milka's purple cow. So even if they google "purple cows", the search results will not be LC but just Milka stuff.
I know this won't take off ever, because only the small amount of people in this thread will know about this, but imagine a world where this would work and you could find RL nonnies…
No. 377731
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I honestly just drop some board lingo in casual conversation and get hints from there. Never had It go anywhere but should It happen I would procede with dropping increasingly lolcow specific stuff to aid my research. Idk something like mentioning Kikomi?
At least is less retarded than this Milka/narwhal at Midnight reddit tier cringe anon proposed before
No. 377749
>>377740>And yet you spend time on this boardYou're here with me anon
>Isn't that kind of sad?I'm not a shaytard posting my nudes to prove I eat scrote ass, so I'm okay enjoying my little sperg sessions on here when I am bored