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No. 348964

What is a Seasonal Color Analysis?
>"Color analysis (American English; colour analysis in Commonwealth English), also known as personal color analysis (PCA), seasonal color analysis, or skin-tone matching, is a term often used within the cosmetics and fashion industry to describe a method of determining the colors of clothing, makeup, hair style that harmonizes with a person's skin complexion, eye color, and hair color for use in wardrobe planning and style consulting. It is generally agreed that the wrong colors will draw attention to such flaws as wrinkles or uneven skin tone while harmonious colors will enhance the natural beauty of the individual making them appear healthy, brighter, and possible more attractive or put-together."

Kinda similar to the Kibbe thread, this one is specifically dedicated to personal palettes and colors.

>Share good palettes

>Ask for advice on the best clothes or other products for your season
>Find out about your own season
>Vent about your color frustrations

No. 348965

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East Asian version

No. 348966

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Black version

No. 348967

A bit of Kibbefagging, but makeup advice for a Soft Natural Dark Winter? Color theory makeup (strong lip, vague slight blush) looks great on my face with my colors, but too stuffy on my body, and Kibbe-ish makeup (muted colours, lip gloss) makes me look dead. It's also very difficult to find clothes the right color for my image ID.

Now for the real sperging. I know seasonal palettes might be restrictive in terms of skin, hair, eyes, but if I see another warm-skinned poc be typed as a "summer!1!!" (especially on reddit) I'm going to commit a war crime. Why the fuck don't you bother reading up a bit before you make someone overhaul their entire closet? Muted = Summer believers should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

No. 349020

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I think I'm a deep/dark winter but I'm still confused about it.

I've noticed that some colors made me look sick/weird/grey even before I knew about that seasonal color analysis thing, so I tried my best to avoid them. But for the longest time I thought I was an autumn until I got some warm earthy colored shirt that looked kinda weird on me.

So, the things I've noticed:
>I look awful in bright, barbie pink
>Same for that very bright royal blue
>Look okay in black or white, but better in ivory or a grayish black
>Look really good in jewel tones
>Look really good in wine/Bordeaux, okay in bright red
>Very high contrast, almost black hair and eyes and my skin is pale. I am pretty sure my face is cool toned but my body seems to be warm toned

Sometimes I just don't know

No. 349032

>I am pretty sure my face is cool toned but my body seems to be warm toned
You're probably warm toned. It's still possible to have some redness in the face if you are pale, even if your skin tone is warm. but because the undertones makes it look a bit different, it can look like your face is a cooler tone than your body rather than what you'd imagine typical redness to look like.

…Can't you just make a mix of these two make-up styles ? or just do the color theory make-up but with a slightly less strong lip ?

Keep in mind both Kibbe and color palettes rely on archetypes ultimately. If you are "mismatched" (have facial features that are not often associated with your body type) you have to think harder to find a common thread to tie your make-up to your clothing style to create a consistent aesthetic.

No. 349109

so glad you shared this one. But I'm also wondering, with a sample that excludes hair dyeing, would everyone end up on the left side?
I think I am a dark winter but the language used to classify the types (hair color, eye color, undertone) is really misleading to me because most East Asians have dark hair, dark eyes, and a yellowish tone. So it's not saying anything helpful that differentiates me from other Asians, even though I can tell that not all of us have the same palette.
Although I have a yellowish tone like most do, it's not warm yellow like some Asians but olive-ish. Almost gray or green. So like a cool yellow? I think the dark winter and dark autumn women in this pic show what I'm trying to say; I look like the winter one. But people always insist I have to be a warm season because I'm not pale pink like some white people and "yellow = warm" and that confuses me. Is cool-toned yellow not something that makes sense?

No. 349136

Does anyone have a quiz that seems accurate? There are so many that I don't want to waste too much time.

No. 349138

Being a dark autumn is suffering fr. Shoes and bags I can deal with, but the specific deeper shades that look good on me are so hard to find. Thrifting has been the best so far, and trends last year were relatively favourable so I finally got a coat. But it took me ten years to find a coat in the colour I like that is thick and warm enough and looks good on me without looking like I dug it out of my grandmother's attic where it'd been sitting since 1976.

No. 349139

Asians cam be cool toned despite having a yellow tint. Undertone and overtone is different. You can have a cool undertone and a yellow overtone.

No. 349146

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I'm a bright winter. I can wear crazily bright stuff and look nice, hell I can wear some spring colors if they're saturated enough, yet this palette is admittedly not very appropriate for some occasions as these colors sure look hella tacky at times, it's very awkward when you don't really want to stand out, though grey and black are options.

I look jaundiced in yellow, orange and green, gold doesn't do shit for me neither. I'm forever pissed I cannot wear pastel "princess" colors, if it's not colorful I look undead which is a shame. Autumn neutrals are all the rage rn, so it's hard to find fashionable colorful stuff nowadays unless you're into Y2K styles.

My mom is bright spring, when I was younger I wore her makeup (which is mostly gold and warm) and of course I looked washed, when I bought my own makeup I decided to go for cool tones like guava, silver and blue.

No. 349147

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He slayed this blue shade, I'd say he's soft summer

No. 349150

I'm a warm spring. I think it looks fine. I used to wear more black, but I've been changing my wardrobe since I shouldn't wear it kek.

No. 349160

thank you, I think I'm definitely dark winter then. My favorite color combo is navy with bubblegum pink accents which seems to fit.

No. 349161

that doesn't make sense to me, where would the undertone come from then

No. 349164

nta, i think a good explanation is that if a person has a yellow tint but a cool undertone, dressing them on warm colors is going to make them look extra yellow or jaundiced, believe me is not a good look, there's a difference between a warm person and someone looking like a traffic light cause they wearing orange

No. 349168

is dark winter the most common season type or why are there so many of us on lolcow?
i tried taking multiple photos of myself and putting them through an analysis app and it always gives me dark winter, which i think could be true because dark winter colors do look the best on me, especially deep reds and dark greens. that's the greatest type if you want to gothmaxx kek

No. 349177

Honestly, I find it so hard to determine what colours would suit me as I only wear black, kek. I know that I look dead when I wear bright white, but that's it.
Any good apps or websites out there that helped you determine what colours suit you and maybe also, what undertone your skin has, I just want to mix up my wardrobe a little bit, black is amazing, but sometimes a little bit of colour would be nice.

No. 349335

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Anyone knows what her color palette would be? My hair, skin and eyes are all similar to her. Her name is Chiara Scelsi if you need more pictures

No. 349423

i always just assumed i am some autumn type, the warm autumn specifically but i think i actually might be warm spring

No. 349463

i tried this fake and gay color analysis shit and it came out different every time. i got either cool winter or summer (i hate these ugly ass pink and blue palettes for real too) when my skin is pale but it has yellowish undertone irl, my eyes are warm brown and hair is brown which are actually closer to some autumn type, right? since i never looked washed out in olives or earth colors and these are colors i actually like

No. 349472

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Her contrast is very high as you can see in this picture, her dark eyebrows and eyes pop up immediately on her skin, her hair color variates from black to brown with golden highlights which implies hair dye and that skews my analysis, either way: I'd say deep autumn/ winter, these two sub-types are somewhat correlated

No. 349475

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I don't think it's fake at all nonna, we humans got color, and those colors do have a system and balance behind them, color seasons are sadly used by the same schizos who like kibbe stuff so a lot of things online are complete bullshit
>i tried this fake and gay color analysis shit and it came out different every time
Online quizzes never get shit right, it's best to follow your intuition and ask people irl, but either way i want to help you, could you post a close-up pic of your eye like picrel? good lighting pls

No. 349476

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Going by "I look like.." is a bad way to go about finding your season, every season has a close neighbouring season that looks close.

No. 349477

Ok nonnas pls help me settle this once and for all. My wife’s mom has said I am a summer since like, we met. I always for some reason thought I was a winter? For reference I have red/ginger hair (think Sadie Sink color, true red) and a lot of freckles particularly on my face, and I’m quite pale BUT I do get a tan in the summer to a peachy gold color since I’m always outside. My eyes are like gray-green with a little blue. I look good in a lot of pastels and bright colors, as well as most pinks, oranges and browns and green (NOT lighter olive green or khaki or like beige nude tho) and only look good in black (IMO) when I have a tan. I can’t wear most shades of purple, besides lavender/or plum. Cannot stress how bad I look in true purple. I have cool/pink undertones but when I’m tan it changes things a little. Pls oh wise nonnas tell me what I am kek

No. 349480

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Both winter and summer can be very pale, the difference lays on the contrast of the facial features
>I have red/ginger hair
Natural gingers are very rarely winters, winter needs cool contrast/darkness to the point the warmest and lightest it can get naturally is dark brown at most, so for cool options we are left with summer which is already unlikely too as summer is muted and your coloration seems very intense with such a strong color like a true red, i'd say spring

No. 349481

AYRT thank you for the answer! I think you’re right, spring it is. I appreciate you replying ♥

No. 349501

what season is anya taylor joy?

No. 349503

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Her season has been an actual debate for years now. Spring, summer, winter…tbh i think she's a light summer, but some see spring which is valid too

No. 349504

Is this the same when she has different color hair anon? My palette is on par with hers, especially when she had the copper wig in queens gambit. Literally can't figure it out for the life of me, I had been suggested pastel blues and such but they look awful imo

No. 349506

>Is this the same when she has different color hair anon?
Hair dye cannot change your color season
>I had been suggested pastel blues and such but they look awful imo
Hm, could you elaborate? why do these colors looks so "off" on you? do you notice any unfavorable changes?

No. 349507

Idk how to describe it? It was only one girl who I'm pretty sure was trying to sabotage me. It just looked so weird and out of place when clashing with my hair (similar to the copper color described)

No. 349508

which is your natural hair/ eye color anon?

No. 349510

I actually didn't like how it suited her. She looks wonderful as a platinum blonde imo, or whatever she's had lately.

No. 349519

Auburn hair and brown eyes

No. 349521

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What color seasons are best for fair, cool olives? I would say my coloring is very close to picrel except I have blue eyes. My best colors are baby blue, lavender, and olive green. My worst colors are turquoise, fuchsia, and coral. Black, mustard yellow, and terracotta look alright. I can pull off warm and cool browns but not warm and cool blues. Even true red lipsticks pull super blue on me and the rest super orange. Only dark brick reds look good on me. Brown and beige lip colors pull pinky nude on me as well.

No. 349526

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My color palette is similar to Kylie Jenner do any anons know what she is? I feel like I am a autumn or summer

No. 349527

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nta but to me platinum blonde is her worst one yet. i think golden like picrel suits her more

No. 349528

She's literally one of the only people who actually look good and not harsh with blonde hair and brown eyes. So many brown eyed blondes look like insecure girls who fell for the ~blonde~ meme in high school and experimented with box dye

No. 349534

I disagree with this a lot. I think blonde hair and brown eyes is the best combo

No. 349544

I think it's just that a lot of women pick the wrong shade of blonde

No. 349548

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I agree w the other anon who says it’s about choosing the right color, but also there really are some people who look bad blonde kek. Christina Ricci in Sleepy Hollow looked gorgeous imo and I think the fact they bleached her brows really made the look.

No. 349940

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Honestly, Amon? I think you're right. I analysed the shirt that looks the best on me colorwise and it's a deep, slightly muted burgundy, and I think it's also somewhat warm. The best lipstick is a muted brickish color.
Damn, I think I'm going to a basic clothing store and pick a bunch of shirts that are deep winter/autumn colored and settle it once and for all.

No. 349945

Who's the woman on the right?

No. 350003

I think it's an actress named Li Bingbing

No. 352147

it's been my fave forever too, anon. if you get the right color it can look totally natural

No. 352162

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sorry for posting a moid's vid but i literally dress exactly like this 24/7 down to the stupid empty tote bags and he's cracking me up. luv being an autumn.

No. 356368

Does anyone know the app she uses in this video?

No. 356377

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just gonna post this here, can I get some makeup recs? (I got these off selfies with a color picker)

No. 358990

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Apparently I'm a deep winter destined to dress in corporate clothes. I should always wear black and never my beloved mustard yellow. Why live!
It's good advice though, I do look great in these colours, particularly navy, hot pink, and forest green. I'll stick with white and deep brown as my neutrals and get some more bright blues and greens into my closet. Maybe I can get yellow/gold tones in with accents and accessories. Combining this with my Kibbe type (soft classic) and style essence (ingenue), I feel like it's never been easier to build a flattering wardrobe. Dressing up is so fun and exciting!

For anynonny who wants to see her own palette, here's the website I used: https://colorwise.me/

No. 359012

colorwise isn't the best place to type yourself. I am the warmest toned person to ever exist, warm undertones, warm overtones, black hair that's brown in sunlight, brown eyes that are reddish-brown in certain lighting, look terrible in silver. basically, nobody with working eyes would think I'm cool-toned in any way. but colorwise typed me as a deep winter because I'm a high contrast brunette and apparently it thinks only deep winters can have dark hair and eyes and paler skin. it's also known to classify most poc as deep winters because it thinks dark skin = high contrast.

vivaldicolor, dressika and styledna are better for digital draping although you should take them with a grain of salt because things like the lighting in a certain pic can affect the result. I'd recommend just reading this article tbh and seeing how each point mentioned applies to you. the explanations of each color analysis element are explained in a way that's easy to understand.

and of course doing irl drapes and seeing which colors look best on you in different lighting is the best way to figure out your season

No. 359031

Nonnies Im not about to say that online colour quizes aren't one of the most important inventions of the modern age, but please do manually check your tones by seeing what colour reflects off tinfoil in different lighting, as this will be the primary colour of light reflected back by your body,
- which is what ultimately dictates how your unique tone looks beside other colours in the same lighting.

Putting a layer of differently coloured make up, if opaque enough, will change your tone as this now becomes the primary light reflected back to the eye, obscuring your natural tone. Obvious, but do factor that in and do makeup after clothes if you're a Stacy. I'm not so brave.
ideally aim for the lighting of the setting you will be in, choose complimentary colours to the exact colour shown on the tinfoil test. Check veins, eyes without blinding yourself, even get creative like what are your bones and nails most complementary colours?

No. 359055

I don't think tinfoil has anything to do with color analysis. This is confusing.

No. 359098

Just drape different colours of yourself. I've always thought I was warm bc I'm half asian, yet orange is easily my worst colour, I look ass in warm reds and yellows too, and gold is looks horrible on me. So that excludes autumn and spring. I also look way better in clear colours. Black is amazing on me, but a charcoal grey is not the best. Same with white, stark white is much beter than an off white. So that excludes summer and leaves me with winter. The to narrow it down further, I look way better in darker colours than lighter, so deep winter it is.

No test will be as accurate as looking at yourself in differnt colours. Just hold differnt coloured clothes up to your face when you go shopping.

No. 359951

Im sorry but this post makes me crack up every time I scroll by it

No. 365454

Have any of you just become more confused about what colors suit you since looking into color analysis? I have posted drapes of myself on some different forums and the comments are always so torn on what looks best. Half the comments will tell me that deep jewel tones look best on me and pastels wash me out and the other half will say pastels look best on me and deep jewel tones are overpowering. At first I was leaning towards either bright spring or deep autumn (I am high contrast, have dark chroma, am clear rather than muted, unsure of undertones as olive skin makes it hard to tell but my overtone is warm, and those two seasons seemed to suit my traits the most). But now I think I could be basically any season except for summer. I just want to change my wardrobe to a more grown up color palette than pink, lavender and pastels now that I'm in my mid twenties and I'm just not sure of what colors actually look good on me (I really don't want to end up like a certain cow who is mentioned too much on here that keeps wearing a shade that clashes with her badly and makes her look porcine). But now I'm just confused. Is this even a real thing, why does everyone have such wildly different opinions on what suits me best?

No. 365457

I think the seasonal color system is true/useful. For undertones, the vein color trick works. If you have high contrast I think deep colors are more likely than pastels. If you can't decide you can try one of those apps that help find your season.

No. 365460

I've tried the vein trick but my veins are sort of teal rather than clearly green or blue so it didn't really narrow things down. I think subtle gold jewelry looks better on me than silver or very yellow gold, so maybe neutral-warm? But idk

No. 365468

nta but i feel like the vein thing only works really well for some people and is just more confusing for others. Mine are multiple colors so it doesn't fit clearly into either side, and I'm not Caucasian which makes some advice unhelpful because the "are you x or y" options aren't applicable possibilities for me to begin with.
You could very well be neutral, if either warm or cold seem to work ok for you then I wouldn't force one side or another, it might help more to focus on traits you ARE sure about (like contrast) when choosing what to wear

No. 365471

i can pick out a few things from your post, firstly, doesn't chroma mean saturation? it doesn't have much to do with darkness. are you sure you're not muted? secondly, your only problem may literally be the posting draping photos online thing. it works significantly better in real life in natural lighting. you gotta trust your eyes!

No. 365474

I meant dark value, sorry. And I'm definitely not muted, my skin has a lot of clarity to it

No. 365522

The vein test isn't really reliable for olives because our veins are always going to be teal. Some areas of my skin look teal, some green, and some blue. The jewelry test isn't great either because neither silver nor gold really pop like they do on other skin tones, a lot of the recommendations I've seen are to go for rose gold instead. It's really hard to type our colors and I tend to be halfway between soft autumn and soft summer kek. A lot of olives don't fit neatly into one category and that's probably why you're getting so many conflicting opinions. I think a lot of us just have to frakenstein our palettes on our own. I just took my absolute best colors that I already knew suited me and worked my way from there. Find some youtubers who have your coloring/skintone and market themselves as olive and see what works for them.

No. 365541

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Posting a red palette for all seasons

No. 365573

The Korean approach to color analysis is so delusional. They literally choose the season that makes you look paler (aka washed out) totally disregarding natural features, and promote frying your hair routinely, wearing pink base to hide your undertone and even wearing lenses to achieve the looks of lighter seasons. Even though 90% of them got pitch black hair and eyes they get pissed if you even imply they're mostly winter/autumn, like most people with those features. I noticed latinos don't really mind and even embrace winter as a season, maybe because our fashion trends are more colorful to begin with

No. 365574

Kek no, I've watched a ton of korean colour analysis videos and they all say to avoid colours that wash you out and make you paler, to use makeup that brings life to your face. Plus dark hair can be both summer and spring.

No. 365583

Maybe we were watching different content creators
>Plus dark hair can be both summer and spring
Bright spring yeah, there are several Korean celebrities that are bright spring and have black hair, but anything darker than brunette or brown kicks you out of light seasons, if your hair is black your color value is far more intense than the colors in light summer and light spring that much should be obvious.

No. 365829

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Soft summer and soft autumn are very close, right?

I'm pale with brown hair and brown eyes, look good in muted colors, and silver looks best on my hand but gold close to my face. My veins are both blue and green but mostly green.

I'd say I'm a soft summer but soft autumn colors also look good.

Pic shows my hair and skin color in different lighting. I also love how i look in bright colors and thought I was a winter for most my life but it's clear I'm muted and the bright colors are just a preference. When I put bright vs muted colors to my face, the bright ones make me seem older and more tired.

No. 366214

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Do my eye and lip colors look warm or cool? Vein and jewellery tests failed due to olive overtone making it difficult to determine undertone so I'm trying to use colors other than skin to find out

No. 366246

Yassified Mike Wazowski

No. 366251

No. 366259

I think you look soft autumn but you may want to check with colorwise.me

No. 366266

We're two different people

No. 366293

You can't accurately tell from pictures. If you're able to recognize cool and warm, muted and bright pretty well on your own you should also be able to see how it makes you look too. Just drape yourself with clothes you already have on a makeup free face.

No. 366311

Then I am a retard.
Soft autumn?
Warm eyes, medium toned lips

No. 366399

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is anyone else olive-skinned and routinely mistyped by colorwise.me and other bots (i'm a light-medium warm olive) as different season (for me it's always dark winter)? people irl tell me i'm more of an autumn. when i go get color-matched for foundation and concealer, they always give me cool-toned products (nars radiant concealer in cannelle is my closest match ["light with warm peachy undertones"] but in june i got color-matched with fenty concealer in 170 ["light with cool undertones" but it seems more neutral to me]). yellow gold looks best on me, rose gold blends in with my skin tone, and silver is too contrasting for my liking. i know that dark autumns can borrow from the dark winter color palette, but i'd prefer to overhaul my wardrobe in the new year and have a capsule wardrobe.

should i just go with dark autumn when that's what people who've known me for years say i am? i've been told i'm neutral-cool in traditional makeup terms, but having olive skin makes it tricky. my eyes are a warm dark brown, my hair is a warm black-brown that shines a bit red in the sun, so that's why i lean toward dark autumn.

No. 366422

yes, I'm also an olive and finding our type is so hard. people see our warm overtone and (usually) dark hair and automatically type us as autumns without taking anything else into consideration. the vein and jewellery tests don't work for us as nothing pops. the good thing is that we can pull off most colours and both gold and silver even if they're not our season. on non-olives wearing the wrong colours or jewellery can make them look greyed out or sickly but on olives in most cases wearing the wrong colours will just be okay or boring on us.
I wish there were an olive specific system like how east asians have their own colour analysis systems (and on that note, korean or japanese colour analysis is better than western colour analysis for olives as it emphasises why colours work rather than just giving you a palette of colours to wear. for example, winters are able to wear bold and black clothing because their colouring invites contrast and cool colours seem brighter and more stark. I've read tonal colour analysis is also better for olives).

No. 366447

It’s exhausting to see people misunderstand seasonal colors. Stop trying to type yourself based on what your skin color is or your hair. You just need to drape. Look at 12blueprints or chrysalis color instead of Pinterest.

No. 367226

Figuring this out feels impossible, every website just asks "do you look better in gold or silver jewellery? are you drawn to warm or cool colors" girl if I was already able to tell what looks good on me I wouldn't be looking this shit up in the first place, and being "drawn to" different colors is just a preference and doesn't mean they'll look good on you. All the shitty quizzes I've taken give me winter, but I think that's just because I have a preference/am "drawn to" dark, cool colors, looking at all the charts I'm probably some type of spring/summer. I have very pale skin with warm undertone (but just barely, it's really hard to tell, maybe I'm a neutral?), my natural hair color is ashy dark blond (though it's dyed dark rn) and I have quite bright blue eyes.

No. 367236

I think most people find it difficult to tell if a color is cool/warm muted/soft/bright and find it even more difficult to tell the difference it has on the face.

No. 367654

>or your hair
You're tripping, hair color is very important because it matches the pigments in your skin. Hair color itself may not reveal what specific season you are but it helps discarding

No. 367670

speaking of hair, would hair that looks cool in normal lighting but warm in sunlight be cool, warm or neutral? my hair is a cooler shade of black but looks brown in light which I read indicates warmth as if it were cool it would look blue-ish in light.
and I have the same question for eyes, my eyes are a cool chocolate brown with a dark gray ring but they look russet/reddish-brown in sunlight
I think I might be some kind of neutral as my veins are teal rather than green or blue and neither gold or silver pop against my skin or make it look sickly, they're both just … there. but as to whether I lean cool, warm, or am truly neutral I have no clue. my overtone is warm (almost yellow-ish) if that makes a difference

No. 367678

>because it matches the pigments in your skin.
It doesn't. You can have cool toned skin and eyes and have warm toned hair. I (unfortunately) have that myself and I got a real analysis done so I know I'm correct about my season.

No. 367695

I mainly mean things like brightness, contrast or saturation, not necessarily warm/cold tones. For example, my hair is just plain black, it's pretty hard for me and others with the same hair color to pull off lighter, softer colors or hair dyes, besides some exceptions

No. 367698

ntayrt but why? you can have different kinds of colouring in your skin, hair, eyes and even lips. I’m dark haired and eyed but the colours in my skin are very bright and saturated, so I can pull off colours that fit this (like red and blonde) well, sometimes even more so than my natural colour depending on the shade.

No. 367718

I said "lighter, soft" colors, like baby pink or similar, muted tones. Red is a saturated color so of course it looks good for people with saturated features, I didn't say otherwise.

No. 367759

You're probably a deep autumn

No. 367772

All hair looks warm in sunlight

No. 367776

I've been leaning towards deep autumn but my skin is notably clear/bright and not muted at all so unsure if it's exactly right or if I'm somewhere between deep autumn and deep winter

No. 369591

Anyone know what season I must be?
>dark chocolate brown hair, dark large eyes
>very pale skin like NC10-15
>suit rich colours like fuschia, blood red, emerald/velvet green, white, cream etc, look very washed out in pale, neutral and dusky colors like peach or millennial pink
>dramatic romantic in kibbe
>closest celebrity lookalike is probably Lily Collins but my jaw is narrower than hers

No. 369614

I’m a true summer. Whenever I buy new cloth I pull my color palette out of my ass to see if the color will suit me. Love it so much ngl

No. 369626

idk but you sound like a slightly paler or less olivey me. I also cannot wear those pastel/light colors you mentioned. Pink looks especially hideous on me.

I am pretty certain I'm an autumn but treating this stuff as hard and fast rules isn't necessary. I like looking slightly unsettling or melancholic/mysterious in black, so I'm not going to switch that out even though I'm not a winter. I rock the jewel tones you mentioned and deep rich browns make me glow. Let's get chocolate brown suits and conquer the world.

No. 369629

I mean you did say you and others with black hair can’t suit lighter colours, so I was referring to that. There is more to it than hair colour.

No. 369631

File: 1703811216428.jpg (102.21 KB, 595x842, e3c1e07a19d38097a3877f2c8b7829…)

you definitely sound like a deep/dark winter to me. deep winters are characterised by their high contrast (dark hair and eyes with light skin in comparison are a common deep winter trait) and have cool undertones. they also look best in deep jewel tones and wine red or plum lipstick.

No. 380159

File: 1708209491693.jpeg (133.61 KB, 1170x1651, IMG_6470.jpeg)

This is the main color in my eyes, which season would it fit into? I know it’s not necessarily going to show me which type I am, I’m just curious

No. 380160

It looks like a green from the dark winter palette. Dark autumn is possible too

No. 380163

That's a winter colour, probably deep winter. Seasonal analysis is about how colours interact with your skin though, so you can't find out your season from your eyes.

No. 380164

File: 1708211033152.jpeg (101.11 KB, 1191x2382, DF9A8128-82F5-4A7B-821A-1B2D1F…)

From various photos in different lighting. I always get some kind of autumn, but I'm unsure what autumn (get soft autumn the most). This is my natural hair color (which has reddish and blonde streaks but is predominantly brown)

I find a lot of the autumn colors very boring, especially the idea that black is a bad neutral for autumns (and "soft autumn" rules say avoid black). I often end up dyeing my hair and wearing bright makeup because I hate the lack of contrast between my hair, skin and eyes

No. 380166

File: 1708211363255.jpeg (703.78 KB, 2340x2340, 365FB27E-42DA-4521-A4FE-81EA48…)

Picrel that I also showed up as a winter a few times and once as a summer, and I much prefer their color schemes. When it comes to neutrals I also much prefer black to brown or tan. The only "autumn" colors I like on the chart are the greens, blues, one shade of the yellow, and maroon, but most of them otherwise don't suit my style, and I also like neutral type pastels that are shoved into the "avoid" category.

Will it make me look that bad if I decide to fudge the color rules when I don't want to wear makeup and clothes whose colors I find hideous?

No. 380167

Just me or is the summer palette really difficult to shop clothes for? Like it's pretty easy to find clothes that are both light (enough) in color and also cool-toned, but light, cool AND muted/soft is basically non existent in women's fashion right now. I did notice it seems to be more common for men's fashion for some reason.

No. 380169

I prefer thrifting since some stores organize by shade and don't fall in line with trends so it's easier to find what I want if it's there. I don't know if that's an option where you are.

I've always hated shopping online unless it's a definitively online only item, I sperg too much over the way things fit

No. 380191

Try asian clothing instead I see so much cool light muted soft coloured clothing in Korean and Japanese brands. I noticed a lot of Pakistani and Middle Eastern brands do very muted and cool toned clothing too.

No. 383959

File: 1709974136371.jpg (112.88 KB, 1080x1350, 242145250_556093915635404_5943…)

What is Dakota Rose's season? I don't understand these things but she is the only person on my mind that has colors that look almost the same as mine, i guess she's not any winter type for sure

No. 383963

I’m so bad at this bc all blonde blue eyed people look like summer to me all, all white gingers look like spring to me, all brown skinned poc look like autumn to me and all light skinned people w darker features look like winter to me lol..

No. 383964


No. 383968

File: 1709980054911.gif (2.05 MB, 498x336, c09.gif)

Thank you for the direction, i'll look into it! I feel so stupid because her and RE4 Leon are the only examples that i have kekkk

No. 383979

OP, TYSM for this thread photo! I discovered im a bright spring

No. 388043

File: 1711675321033.mp4 (2.49 MB, 1080x1920, Video-81.mp4)

Saw this and I think it's the easiest for me to understand

No. 388048

God yes it’s horrible to shop for summer season clothes. I have no idea how summer seasons can cumulate a wardrobe of flattering clothes that fits their color season unless you live in Asia where they produce muted colored clothes. Those Asian clothes can be horrible quality and if there’s a fit issue then good luck trying to get a refund kek.

No. 388050

File: 1711677926588.png (737.28 KB, 1076x1075, 22190.png)

I'm not sure how I feel about this method yet, but I wanna see more of what she says. I don't see her handle, though. Do you know who she is, nonnie? I'm wondering whether she has a follow-up on colors, since it's not only the brightness, but the actual color saturation and hue that make or break a color for each person's complexion. It's not the case that summers can only wear pastels, for example. Picrel of what I mean, sorry for the bad quality.

No. 388053

>Do you know who she is, nonnie?
I got her randomly suggested to me and didn't save the video in my likes, I just downloaded it, I'm sorry

No. 388056

Lol it's all good! I was just wondering whether she had some sort of alternative effective color analysis method.

No. 388059

Gave it a shot and got high contrast, except I look good in all colors. I'm wearing a light pink hoodie right now and it looks nice on me, at least imo. But I admit I don't look good in yellow kek. Not sure about orange because I never worn anything orange.

No. 388101

is it normal to have two seasonal palettes?
I feel like I'm both a cool winter and a soft summer depending on how tanned I get and my hair color

No. 388103

Some people don't fit neatly in one season. Especially those of us with olive skin, it's common for us to have to Frankenstein a palette because most colour analysis systems aren't made with us in mind. Borrowing from sister palettes that suit you is generally fine. I usually wear colours from the bright spring, deep autumn, and some of the less dark/intense deep winter shades.

No. 393640

File: 1714088905817.png (169.24 KB, 746x549, dress.PNG)

I have no idea what season I am. I can't rely on a camera to capture my skintone properly but I have light olive skin with some yellowish undertones. For example, I've used the Bareminerals Complexion Rescue tinted moisturizer in both Buttercream and Bamboo in picrel, with some success, though my face runs paler than my body which is a bit browner. My hair is dark brown but looks black, I have the Shayna dark brown eyes too.

Anyway, I really like this dress and don't wear enough light colored things. But I don't know if the cream tone would be unflattering. I've seen mixed things on women with olive skin tones and wearing offwhite or white in general. What do you think?

No. 393781

I know I’m a winter but I’m not sure which type of winter.

I have dark brown hair and am pale, but I look horrible with black hair. So I’m probably not a bright or cool winter. So I’m guessing I’m a dark winter? But I thought you had to be tan and brown eyed for that and I have blue eyes…idk anymore

No. 393804

Personally I don't think the distinction down to the sub seasons matters much. But dark hair, blue eyes and (presumably) cool toned skin makes me think you're true or bright winter.

No. 393815

You might be a spring

No. 393885

Probably not dark winter, they can pull off black hair.

No. 393935

Since so many color analysis hobbyists say that natural eye color and hair color don't matter, would it be too much of a long shot to say that the best color analysis is what nail color match your skin the most? I feel like I can often tell if a color looks bad on my nails, but not necessarily if the same color is held up to my face next to my hair…

No. 394012

Hair colour matter, but only your natural one. Like a summer that dyes their hair black will still be a summer and not a winter, bc blondes cannot be winter bc blondes lack the contrast. Which is why celebrity blonde women with black dyed hair wear a lot of eye makeup, to up the contrast and get some harmony back .

No. 399541

File: 1716246386579.jpg (197.94 KB, 524x641, Screenshot_20240521-000540.jpg)

Are there any olives who look good in yellow or green? I always hear that we should avoid those colours because they make us look sickly, but I think I look really good in mustard yellow. Maybe I'm just delusional and it's making me look mildly jaundiced rather than golden though.

No. 399643

I think olives mostly fall either in winter or autumn depending on if they're more warm or cool leaning. If you're picrel, you look quite tan and warm so I'll definetely pin you as a true/dark autumn. Warm colors do make us look more yellow in general, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. This mustard color would suit an autumn but a bright yellow would look bad, so focus more on brightness and saturation than one color itself. Everyone can pull off any color imo as long as the particular shade suits them. If you're still wondering, try on deep winter colors and see if they look better or worse.

No. 400916

it might be weird but I was thinking about nips color would probably be a good way to tell if you're high or low contrast…

No. 400967

The colour palette for cool winter in the op picture is literally summer? Those muted shades are not winter at all.

No. 401043

File: 1716740351113.jpg (360.25 KB, 2190x2720, GridArt_20240526_170519056.jpg)

Are any of you familiar with the Zyla system? I find it interesting, but I have black and gray on mine, and one of the few things I know for sure about my colouring is that is that black and gray (and bright white) make me look like the dead, they're so draining on me. My hair is also just flat black throughout so the second and third base tests didn't really work

No. 410679

Are you sure it's black and not dark brown? If your hair is black you would look in black, it's not possible to look bad in a color that you naturally have.

No. 413644

What would y'all recommend for someone with a neutral warm undertone but the brightness, depth and contrast of a winter? I have a yellow olive overtone and olive skin makes it hard to fit into any premade colour season. I like deep autumn colours the most but I'm not muted enough to be an autumn. I think I have too much depth for bright spring (pitch black hair and brown eyes) but I might also just be afraid of wearing the really bright colours recommended for it. Black makes me look like a corpse so I don't think I can pull off dark winter even though I look like one on the surface.
I've posted drapes a bunch of times but I get wildly different answers each time, I've been told I'm everything from soft summer to deep winter.

No. 413653

from my understanding color seasons are just an approximation, so go with looks right to you. if you're neutral-ish warm (low saturation) and deep then try wearing those desaturated warm but high contrast colors.

No. 413655

File: 1720722773175.webp (257.85 KB, 935x1400, B3308AA8-1339-4395-947F-598F81…)

This is embarrassing but the celerity closest to my coloring is LD.

What season is she?

No. 413656

I could be wrong but I think she’s a light summer. She suits slightly warmer pastels, creams, and soft browns.

No. 413659

Summers are cool toned. She looks like a light spring, is that what you meant?

No. 413797

>What would y'all recommend for someone with a neutral warm undertone but the brightness, depth and contrast of a winter?
Bright Spring

No. 413802

Also wanted to add that bright spring can have very dark hair and eyes, you probably don't have "too much depth" for it

No. 419900

File: 1722288938716.png (12.5 KB, 2104x744, 153930.png)

I think I'm some sort of autumn, but I can't figure out if it's warm or deep, or is it something else entirely different? because I look awful in mustard yellow, gold yellow and rust type of colors even though those are commonly recommended colors for those seasons. I only look best in deep green and shades of red but that's too limiting.

Kind of want to wear more pastel-like colors but it seems impossible for this type. I tried to get an approximation for the hair + eyes (both are dark brown but looks black), skin, and lips but idk if it's entirely accurate

No. 419924

Pastels don't tend to look good on autumns. Perhaps you're a deep autumn, so your palette skews a bit darker and more muted. Do dark neutral and even some dark cool tones look good on you?

No. 419932

Yes dark neutrals look fine except for grey, dark cool tones not so much. I can pull off dark purple if it has some warmth to it or a bit red leaning, dark blue just looks meh.

No. 419938

mustard and rust might just be too warm, all greens and reds are much cooler. you might be warm but simply not warm enough for some colors which is why leaning neutral works better.

it seems like slightly too cool colors are just easier to pull off than slightly too warm ones for us muted types.

No. 420016

File: 1722304552467.jpg (72.61 KB, 1000x773, deep-autumn-dark-autumn-palett…)

Sounds like you're a deep/dark autumn. There's a bit of pastel in here, but it's mostly the green and red you described as looking good on you. It's possible you also just don't like a certain color.

No. 420028

Is there a way I could receive the advice/typing of nonnas without doxing myself? I am always somewhat jealous of the farmers who give a cow fashion advice based off their season/body type. It’s the type of advice that I need but is so difficult to analyse for oneself! Could I give my hair colour, skin tone etc, or would that not suffice?

No. 420030

Color pick your skin tone, natural hair, and eyes in sunlight, and post it, alongside colors you think look good or bad on you. Try to ignore what your personal preferences are. You can also post in warm and cool lighting, your skin hair and eyes in those lighting, but natural sunlight with no filter is best.

No. 420054

File: 1722313052430.jpeg (44.86 KB, 1170x963, 71BF5A70-1AEE-4F92-81F4-6C7693…)


Thank you for your help!!

Picrel is a collage of the hex codes for my hair, skin and eyes from an image in which the sun was directly on me (and I had to squint). Honestly, I’m a little surprised, as my eyes look bright blue in the picture, but are apparently a shade of grey. It must have something to do with colour theory!?

As for colours that look good on me:
>Baby blue, navy, baby pink and peach lips/blush

Bad on me:
>Fuschia, muted/dusty pink, purplish lips/blush

I’m not sure about white, grey and black. For example, when I wear a white cardigan it washes me out. However, a white tank top can look refreshing. The same applies to grey and black in different clothes.

No. 420063

File: 1722315787502.jpg (134.22 KB, 600x600, nonanalysis.jpg)

You're low contrast for sure, so spring or summer. The colors you said look bad are all cool toned. Stark white is also cool toned. You're most likely a spring. Specifically a true/warm spring, but it's harder to tell with just a palette.

No. 420072

My eyebrows and eyelashes are very dark compared to my hair, would this affect my typing? Also, how would I determine which type of spring I am? Is there any additional info I could give to find out? Thank you so much, though.

No. 420079

File: 1722318595106.jpg (171.3 KB, 1080x770, 8zig7sypcwv81.jpg)

Do you dye your hair? If you think your natural hair is very dark, maybe you're an autumn. You can put your face on picrel, see if one stands out to you. Try wearing colors from each subsection of spring and seeing what works and what doesn't.

No. 420566

do you think she's right? i can absolutely see her point so i think she's correct. on top of that her way of explaining has overall been more straightforward to me and it was what originally helped me understand how to do color analysis.

No. 420569

I see where she's coming from, and I respect her experience, but I guess I just don't see why color seasons wouldn't work for everyone. At its core, all it says is that warm colors look good on warm undertones, strong colors look good on skin that has more saturated hues, muted colors look better on muted skin tones, so on. It's just color theory. It takes the color palette of your skin, eyes, and hair, and skews the rainbow of color to match. If you take a rainbow color gradient, and then apply a warm or cool filter, and then brighten or mute it, you'll get a season. You know? It's the same way with art. Color theory is difficult for sure. I think that the seasons genuinely can be applied to everyone, it just was originally written for a white target audience.
Also, she believes in Kibbe, which makes it hard to take her seriously.

No. 420572

This is her explanation of color groups for skin. It's good, I personally think it's on par with color seasons.

No. 420579

File: 1722487794671.jpeg (317.33 KB, 1104x1431, 57408D44-BD64-44D3-81D6-67CD54…)

i have heard autumn and summer (usually soft) but I'm not sure which fits better

No. 420619

Does anyone have advise for lip products for true summer? Like I’ve looked at the pallets and have tried to match it but all the lipsticks/tints seem either too bright or too muted for me

No. 420621

I don't know much about the Kibbe system but why do you think it is bs?

No. 420628

I’m pale with very red (like dark, flaming red) hair and very light blue-green eyes. Does anyone know what my season could be? I’m completely clueless about this stuff sorry.

No. 420630

Is your skin warm/neutral/cool?

No. 420646

I would say it’s in the middle between neutral and cool if I imagined it’s on a spectrum

No. 420654

If you scroll up you might see my post kek, we have similar coloring and I found out I’m a Spring! It actually did help bc even tho I’m good at picking colors that suit me, it showed me a few others to try that I was maybe unsure about

No. 420663

File: 1722535187398.gif (473.58 KB, 500x746, 1626113695376.gif)

I am 99,9% that my olive skinned ass is a dark autumn and I'm so devastated over it. My skin in white light has this yellow hue and my eyes are pitch black, my hair being almost black but looking brown in the sun. The colours that you look good in this season seem incredibly boring. My aesthetic is basically stark white, black and pastel colors in typical goth bitch fashion, my favourite colour being lilac/ periwinkle, and according to this I basically look terrible in all of these. I have started warming up to gold jewelry but I always prefered silver. I just know that the glorification of the uwu pale princesses in 2014 tumblr did numbers on my self esteem even though it feels wrong to admit it.

No. 420707

Same here, except I wish I were a spring.

No. 420736

I think most women would like to be spring. It's the most conventionally attractive type.

No. 420741

Everything seems like it'd be better than being an autumn which sort of feels like being bland and unseasoned

No. 420757

Nta but to me spring colors look too gaudy and almost like mspaint colors, I wish I had one of the summer types

No. 420773

What's your season?

No. 420774

I don't think autumn is unseasoned, to the contrary, it's the most classy type imo.

No. 420874

but despite me being an autumn I am not a classy person and I don't particularly like classy fashion either so it really works against me kek

No. 420901


Basically that, it's the classiness that is not my thing. I wanna be burried in pastel and being a dark autumn I look so ridiculous and tacky.

No. 420905

File: 1722603327021.png (10.87 KB, 183x275, images(2).png)

Do you think the distinction between 4 vs 12 seasons really matters? I know I'm a summer and I feel like the differences between soft/cool/light summer are marginal. Plus it's hard enough already to find clothes in this palette to begin with so I don't really feel like narrowing down my options even further.

No. 420913

There are, but sometimes you can get away with it and other times you can't. I'm a deep autumn and while true autumn colors work great for the most part, soft autumn colors don't do many favors to my complexion. They're not as awful as pastels or neons per se, but just meh enough that for all that effort you might as well look for something that matches you perfectly. Eyeshadow is the best example of this, I can wear very warm browns on my lids but it looks too orange in natural lighting, while cool tones just look like dirt, so I have to find a good warm toned palette that isn't too warm but not too cool either.
I'll say that the palette and contrast you wear can make this problem better or worse, though. A soft autumn wearing colors in her palette with as high of contrast as possible probably won't look as good as a low-contrast outfit.

No. 420920

All the subtypes do is sort you by contrast levels. Your contrast can change if you dye your hair. This video explains it well.
Getting a season with your favorite colors in it is ideal. I refuse to debate the relative unattractiveness of the seasons, I think they're all lovely.
Is that a photo of you? Be careful about putting pics of yourself here. You look like an autumn, just covering up the warm hair vs covering up the gray sweater, the sweater brings out the redness in your face.
Too bright and too muted? What do you want, dark colors? Try finding women of your season reviewing lipsticks.
Your season is like 80% skin tone. Try to find out if it's cool or warm.
If you like stark blacks and whites, try going for dark brown and off-white/cream. There are "pastels" that look good on autumns, I think pink and seafoam, lilac is one of the worst colors. However, you could still use lilac accents or accessories.

No. 420923

File: 1722609513048.jpg (3.04 MB, 3300x2460, pastels.jpg)

Aside from far right, these women are out of their season, but they still look stylish because they're wearing attractive clothes that flatter their bodies. Seasons matter, but the quality of the items and ease that you wear them will make a difference.

No. 421119

I'm a Bright Spring but I wish I was Deep Autumn, I borrow colours from it all the time. Love deep, rich colours like burgundy, burnt orange and mustard yellow but not so keen on the super saturated colours in the Bright Spring palette. Everyone wants what they don't have I guess. Plus Deep Autumn colours reminds me of the colours in my mother's country, where people scent their homes by burning scented, sweet, resinous woods and the markets are full of spices in different colours like sienna and earthy gold and terracotta red. It's not my palette but it feels like home.

No. 421526

File: 1722755088440.jpeg (749.09 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_0135.jpeg)

As an autumn I feel like I much prefer any other season but my owns colors and wear a lot of black. I don't even care if it brings out the redness in my skin like >>420920 said but it's annoying because I always felt like brown on brown eyes and hair made me look dull and lifeless and my features would pop if I had higher contrast or lighter coloring. Like the older I got the more bland and boring I began to find my face. I do like a few colors from the autumn pallete, but not enough to justify shutting black out of my wardrobe not entirely switching to what I feel like is dull neutrals. I'm just really not a "classy" dresser and I lean more towards colors that aren't in my season. Like picrel is more appealing to me than a lot of autumn colors

I've tried to offset things by dyeing my hair and I liked myself with black because I looked more wintery. I don't ever want to go blonde though because it'll roach my hair and I doubt it'll make me look spring or summery enough anyway.

Ig we always want what we don't have

No. 421528

What you notice with all these women is that the clothes are wearing them, not the other way around.

No. 421531

Personally I enjoy being a dark autumn. Sometimes I do wish I was cool toned instead, but I love deep warm purple, burgundy red, and forest green so I'm glad that they flatter me.

No. 421533

if you guys want some autumn positivity, i'm in love with my soft autumn palette. it feels friendly yet reserved. i get to wear cool camouflage colors every day of the year. if i ever get sick of society and want to run away to live in the woods i won't even need a wardrobe change. best of all, i can do what i've always yearned for which is stop trying and stick to like 3 different colors because nothing else works anyway. it's the tactical season.

No. 421536

I only get that from the two on the far left tbh

No. 421537

File: 1722758224495.jpeg (112.59 KB, 750x1624, IMG_1242.jpeg)

I found this to be a bit more of a vibrant alternative for soft autumns I saved if anyone is interested

No. 421544

Right, I said they're dressing out of season. They don't look bad, though. Far left is wearing clothes with flattering cuts and good materials. Would they look perfect in season, yes, but wearing what you like is ultimately important.
Autumns get a lot of good pastels. The only one missing is lilac and lavender, but you can get the illusion of lavender with a color like periwinkle with your skin tone.
The one on the far right looks like a spring, so she's in season.

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