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No. 365644
I grew up in a really progressive household in a really progressive city. I always thought that my upbringing was typical of my generation but in hindsight I was raised with a level of gender neutrality that isn't really found outside of large, liberal cities.
Anyway as you can imagine I had sort of a 'lulwut' reaction when the traditionalist trend arrived on TikTok a few years ago and people started telling women to dress modestly. I was not offended like a lot of my friends are when they hear such things, just perplexed. I did not know that this discourse used to be such a big thing, I had to do a lot of reading to figure out where the Gen Z tradcons were coming from.
Anyway after hearing about the modesty police on TikTok I did sort of a review of my own wardrobe. After reviewing my clothing choices I determined my attire is modest by my understanding of the word, however it would not pass some traditionalists' tests. I have a very tomboy style, which is to say baggy sweaters, T shirts and jeans. These clothes are modest if the word 'modest' has any meaning, because they are not form fitting for a woman of my size. However, in my reading project I learned that the most extreme traditionalists think that pants on women are categorically immodest regardless of fit. I have no idea where this is coming from. The common use of the word 'modest' equates it with 'form fitting,' while the dictionary definition of the word includes all attention grabbing styles (bright colors, form fitting clothes, extremely large jewels, etc).
Despite my extremely liberal upbringing, I don't see the traditionalist pro-modesty perspective as crazy or offensive or anything. I don't think there should be laws forcing women to be modest, though I do find it odd/'not relatable' how so many women wear things that let random moids see their butts in public. Such a thing is not desirable to me. What I protest heavily is this idea that my own attire isn't modest. How are loose fitting pants immodest? They are not immodest in the way that word is commonly used, and they are not currently immodest in the West going by the definition of that word. If women wearing pants became rare then doing so would arguably be 'attention grabbing,' but it isn't rare for women to wear pants today.
So to answer the question in the thread title: yes, I practice modesty. I vehemently disagree with anybody who says that I do not.
No. 365843
>>365840Nta I'm agreeing this is true but dressing in something provocative does attract way more attention, not increasing the chance of rape or anything but moids feel more comfortable making inappropriate comments and flirting. I definitely notice moids feel more okay with touching me and being weird if I dress slutty than if I dress modest. Although if you dress modest you attract moids with weird ruining fantasies who are always
abusive too
No. 365881
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I practice it because my tits are so big compared to my waist that everything I wear looks immodest anyways.
No. 365917
Forgive my sperging, I love this thread, I have a lot of thoughts.
I like dressing modestly, even if it alienates me from people, or gives off the wrong idea. People have actually gotten mad at me for dressing modestly, since they think I'm either not looking like I should be looking or that I'm better than them. I have actually been encouraged to dress less 'modestly', because then I become 'more pleasing to look at' (ew).
The truth is I don't do it for any religious, insecurity or medical reasons, I just love clothes that cover me. However, fashion will always have a political dimension which is unavoidable, and people will always judge us by that which they think we covertly communicate. I could go on and on regarding how each demographic (political leaning, sex) treats me due to the way I dress.
I receive judgment from both sides of the conservative-liberal spectrum: for the former, while I do dress modestly, I do not dress femininely or in a way which is friendly or appealing (I only wear black in Winter, no waist emphasis on clothes, I don't wear jewelry, I don't do my makeup), and for the latter, it seems to them that I directly reject sexual liberation by disallowing my body from being sexualised. What thet fail to see is that I cannot possibly conform to 'traditional' modesty, because I refuse to act upon the original social virtue it represents.
One more thing. I actually suit showing skin. I look really good, perhaps at my best, when I wear short skirts, shirts that show my clavicles and shoulders, tops with thin straps etc., things that are 'in' right now. I could easily conform, very succesfully, to everyone's expectations, with immense reward… but it wouldn't make me happy, so I don't do it. My choice of dressing 'modestly' brings me no approval from anyone but myself, and this is what matters to me. It makes me happy. I don't do this for anyone but me. If I were motivated by fear or approval, I would be miserable. While this answer was very centered on 'others' (mainly my observations), the person I think of when I dress is nobody but me.
No. 365925
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I dress depending on how much I want to tan or synthetize vitamin D
No. 366108
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I was trans + NLOG ages 11-17, and I still don't feel comfortable dressing in stereotypically feminine cuts AND colors (one or the other is fine, I guess? lol)
I go out braless but 9 out of 10 times it doesn't matter cause my clothes are baggy. I wish I could show more of my body in a casual way, cause I love crop tops. I'm just too insecure.
I bought picrel from LAA, but I've only worn it once with cargo pants to a party.
No. 366254
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I dress modestly because I like how it looks for me.
My husband likes it too because it kind of shows I'm a bit spergy, personally I think it is just very flattering and makes me feel comfortable.
I have small boobs so its not like I'd have clevage anyway, but I like wearing stuff that covers up to my neck and just above my ankle. Cardigans for my arms.
When I find skirts/blouses I like, I buy multiple in different colours.
I know Shein shopping is hit or miss on this website but I really love these skirts, theyve added green and navy.
I'm starting a new job this/next week and I'm going to wear a shirt with this skirt in black. I like them because I can wear it in winter or summer because the fabric is kind of meh but dressy enough irl compared to what other people I see wear.
I may end up buying business pants but I hope I can avoid that.
Look at the warping on that pic tho damn, I didnt notice that when I first bought these skirts
No. 366255
Sometimes I do end up in an outfit that could be considered modest but other times it’s in an outfit that could be considered slutty. I just like to look cute and fashionable in a slightly punk way. Some things I love and can’t get enough of: tartan and plaid (especially pleated skirts) lace, crotchet, fishnet, velvet, silk, ribbons, dirndl style white blouses, waistcoats and dark florals. In the winter I wear a lot of short pleated skirts so I can layer with leggings and tights and be really warm, but in the summer I wear a lot of long dresses and sandals. The other day I wore a knee length pleated red tartan skirt with a tight longsleeve and then layered it with a loose fishnet top, black tights, boots and then a long green trench coat and lots of silver jewellery and a male friend who I secretly dislike told me I looked frumpy and suggested I wear skinny jeans.
Before that I wore a long black skirt, a low cut white blouse/crop top, a black corset on top, a belt, fishnet tights and black ballet pumps with a silver buckle and lots of jewellery and I got a tonne of dirty looks cos my stomach and boobs where showing a lot. I don’t really care to dress modestly and I also don’t care if people think I look frumpy but people definitely do treat you differently.
No. 366263
I don't really give a shit about modesty. When it's 40 degrees outside you bet I'll be walking around in a minimal top and I don't give a shit. Other times I'll be wearing a maxi dress. Modesty is never on my mind, except when there's a certain formal occasion in question. I never wear bras, so my nipples are basically always visible since my wardrobe consists of tight shirts. Never caught a man staring uncomfortably long, probably because I'm flat.
However, I have a pretty big ass and hips and I do feel uncomfortable in extremely tight and short skirts. I'll forever be jealous of tiny women that look adorable and sweet in short skirts while I look like a slutty hulk since I'm also tall. It's basically like this anon
>>365881 said.
When I think back on all the instances I got sexually assaulted or inappropriately touched I was never once dressed immodestly, in fact quite the opposite. This is why I feel like modesty as a method of protection from men is kind of bullshit. This is of course based purely on my anecdotal experience and many factors could go into this besides the clothing, like my height that might make men more scared of me, or my face that isn't all that cute.
No. 366288
>>366286Exactly as this anon says.
For Christ sake just dress according to your climate in non restricting clothes you enjoy wearing, everything else is pure retardation and fetish fuel outside dressing up for an event or anything like that.
I fear for zoomers if this is the shit they are drilling into young women's heads now.
No. 366326
How the fuck is this tradshit thread allowed to stay up?
>>365898This. Being insecure about your body to the point you want to cover as much as possible isn't "modesty", it's insecurity.
No. 366329
>>366312>seriously why the fuck is anyone actually in this thread responding seriously about whether they dress "modestly" or not./g/
and /ot/ has been newfag central for the last few months. This thread shouldn't have even lasted this long.
No. 366847
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No. 371773
>>369133I have acne on my back and shoulders and I hate how it looks, did you ever find out why it happens and what can be done?
In fairness, I have facial acne as well, and it keet going past the age at which my friends stopped getting it, so maybe I'm just shit out of luck lol
No. 371777
>>371775whats a cruciferous vegetable?
also I should probably change my sheets and house clothes more frequently .__.
(.__.) No. 371779
>>371775>>371777This is all great advice and you need to practice it religiously. Change pillow case daily and do not use a towel twice. Wash on 90 degrees.
Shower with a shower gel after youre done putting stuff on your hair and make sure you got all hair product off your skin. Sleep with your hair out of your face and skin
If your facial acne is along your jawline and cystic, it's most likely hormonal and you need to see your obgyn to check you for pcos or hormonal imbalance. After that you need to see a dermatologist and tell them what hormonal issue you have
If you don't have a skincare routine, start a simple one now.
1. Wash face in AM and PM
2. MILD exfoliant like cosrx bha (no paulas choice) once a week
2. moisturizer AM and PM
3. spf in the AM
Product don't need to be expensive, make sure they are from this list to be on the safe side: there's something more serious going on, you should see improvement in less than a month
No. 371784
>>371782That's not what modesty is. That's just covering up because you don't like how you look.
Modesty is specifically covering up to avoid sexualisation (or perhaps in a more old fashioned take- to avoid causing lust in others)
No. 372460
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I don't think modesty matters a whole lot for this reason. High value men don't care.
No. 372461
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>>371817Baggy clothes can give you anonymity in the West like a burqa would in Afghanistan.
No. 372481
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I'm usually either wearing lolita/jfashion or dressed like a librarian I felt called out by the anon who called this style "autistic" but she's right so I guess I'd consider myself "modest". I'd be lying if I said it was 100% for myself though, I used to wear shorter skirts but men would stare, try to take upskirt pictures or touch me and all that behavior decreased significantly once I started wearing longer skirts. I hate that it's like that, women SHOULD be able to wear whatever they want without worrying about their safety but unfortunately that's too idealistic since we live in a society of rape apes
No. 372491
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>>372481I wish wearing clothes like your picrel or "modest" clothing in general wasn't seen as that odd when it's mostly arbitrary. If you live in warmer climates, surrounded by people who don't put any effort into what they wear, or around people that are too concerned about following trends (which generally encourage women to look provocative or appealing to men in some way) then you will be weird in comparison. Ot but calling clothes "autistic" should really only be reserved for stuff like picrel
No. 378226
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I dress modestly mostly for ideological reasons. So much women's clothing is literally made to humiliate us, degrade us, and sexualize us for men. If you look in the women's section of any big store at the mall, So many clothes will be purposely impractical and painful, cheaply constructed and revealing to the point of being almost pornographic. I feel like it's a purposeful humiliation of women by society, and we are psyopped into thinking it's "attractive" and "empowering girlboss" when you don't see men doing this shit at all.
I don't feel like I have to hide my body because it's shameful, but also I feel like it's humiliating to dress like I'm in a moidbrained porno every day for randos on the street.
being insecure about my body is just a side reason lmao
No. 378370
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I am sorta practicing modesty? I want to literally be the only one ever to see my body everyone else can fuck off.
No. 378732
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I dress like pic related shoulders down.
I grew up in a poor household so it was easier to just get "unisex" (male) clothing for everybody.
It stuck and now stuff like skirts, make up, or high heels feel unnatural to wear. Rather than modest, it's more just lazy and unfashionable though.
No. 378793
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Like I have dresses that are 3 from the left length but the top is more similar to 3 from the right. And I'd wear the two most "immodest" if I was on a sunny vacation. It's really not a picture set idea especially for 99% of nonnies where the main point of modesty is to fulfill your spirtual needs. It's important to have some courtesy based on where you're going especially regarding safety but that's it.
No. 378876
>>365917I’ve also had people get mad at me for covering up. I got shamed by other women when I didn’t want to wear a bikini at a beach. I got shamed for wearing long skirts and pants during the summer, people would stare at me, come up to me and passive aggressively ask stuff like ‘aren’t you hot’ and ‘why aren’t you wearing something lighter/shorter?’ even friends would tell me I should take my cardigan off. A lot of people in the west feel entitled to see womens bodies and it’s kinda disgusting. There was a feminist group a few years ago in my country who would walk around topless and go around snatching womens headscarves off or trying to lift up ladies skirts to prove there’s ‘nothing wrong with nudity or immodesty’ and it was so embarrassing and counterproductive.
I think women should be allowed to wear whatever they want and not get bothered or harassed for it, but unfortunately that’s impossible because womens bodies and personal choices are treated as public domain and constantly questioned and criticized. Personally I always feel better when covered up. Anytime I left the house in revealing clothing I would usually end up wishing I had covered up more because there would be some man or situation that made me feel uncomfortable. I’ve even read that American and European women are starting to carry shawls and shirts around with them nowadays so they can cover up in public when needed to. I don’t think the west is particularly safe for women anymore and rape and sexual assault cases keep on rising. I wouldn’t comfortable boarding public transport while wearing something revealing, men are just too rapey and brazen nowadays and think any woman who looks sexually available to them is fair game.