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No. 380577

A thread for all nonas of Middle Eastern, Arab or North African ethnicity to discuss topics pertaining to being a MENA woman. A place to chat, vent, share, ask and give advice or discuss problems pertaining to being a MENA woman. All religions and nationalities welcome to post, as long as you are of MENA ethnicity.

No. 380580

Does anyone have any experience with travelling to Korea and Japan as a hijabi? Did you have any racist/Islamophobic experiences there? I’ve been told it’s pretty safe because they’re so used to tourists from SEA wearing hijab, but I’m a little anxious. I’ve been watching some Muslimah influencers go to East Asian countries and they said they didn’t really have any problems. Am I just being stupid? I’m watching this Muslimah travel to Korea.


No. 380593

I'm dying at the thread pic

No. 380609

Moroccans are basically french muslims at this point

No. 380631

Why? It’s cute af.

No. 380633

I think it’s nice she’s doing a video on her heritage and trying to get back in touch with her roots, rather than pretending she’s white and denouncing all connections to her background like so many ethnic celebrities and streamers sadly do to appease their American audience.

No. 380638

Because hijabi sailor scouts are funny to me, that's why

No. 380641

how do you guys convince your parents to let you study abroad? I qualify for a scholarship to study at my dream university abroad but my parents wouldn't allow me and i tried to reason with them but its impossible, they wouldnt even let me step outside the house without me being leeshed to them like a dog and im now an adult just because im a woman yet my brother basically moved out of our house at like 15 he does whatever he wants and gets whatever he wants and my parents spoil him rotten. is there a way to reason with someone who cant be reasoned with?
my mom is mainly the one opposing it because she thinks its taboo for a girl to travel or go outside by her self and it would cause the familys reputation to be ruined

No. 380644

Just go and dont tell them

No. 380645

just leave. please. you don’t have to convince anyone

No. 380652

I wonder how long it will take until this thread goes to shit.
What country are you from? You can give her a list of women from your country that studied abroad. Talk with other family members and see if they could help. How old are you? You sound like you’re talking about going to undergrad, tell your teachers and maybe set up a meeting with them.

Might sound a bit mean but if it’s just your mum opposing you then just ignore her, if your dad has no issues then go study.

No. 380736

My best friend has been to Korea in a hijab and said she had the time of her life. I’m not sure about Japan because I’ve heard nationalistic and xenophobic sentiment is increasing a lot there towards all foreigners, but in general I think you’re way less likely to be attacked for your religion in Japan than if you lived in America or something. Some people might say rude stuff about you but the chances of confronting or physically attacking you for wearing a headscarf are very low there.

No. 380752

It's not possible because my father has to sign a form for the scholarship and hes refusing because my mom told him no even tho he himself is ok with it.
i was able to reason with my father because he can be reasoned with but not my mother
UAE, i'm 18 years old. and i dont have any family members to speak to because they live far away and if i try to message them they would ignore me.

Have you done this before? because I mainly want to hear from women with strict middle eastern parents on how they dealt with this.
I don't really have friends(from a similar background at) or relatives I could speak to

No. 380759

Maybe they’re just worried for your safety. There’s a lot of risks with a religious sheltered naive girl travelling abroad, living in a different country and being surrounded by horny adolescent moids. I knew a few foreign student girls who ended up getting raped in the dorms because they were naive and didn’t realize the type of situations that moids lure women into like that. You’ll probably have to come to some kind of compromise with them, like agreeing to videocall them everyday to letting them know you’re safe or sending them regular pictures of your location and such. Or finding a Muslima girlfriend to go with and agreeing with both your parents that you’ll look out for each other.

No. 380766

Tbh I also kinda do this at this point, I feel no connection with my background, even though I don't live in Europe, so I would just tell people I'm white because that's how I pass as. My parents are from different Middle eastern countries/cultures and I hate getting asked where I'm from because I feel like I don't know. I feel estranged from my background and culture even though the cultural differences aren't as drastic and one world a way as moroccan culture vs french culture. I don't understand being born in like a completely different continent and still feeling somewhat connected to your background while I'm still living in the same region I was born in and feel no connection whatsoever.

No. 380775

You sound self hating

No. 380784

Does anyone know where I can meet more hijabi girls and make friends? I used to have a big friendship circle of Muslim girls but I moved to another city and I miss them so much I want to cry. I have no idea where I can meet more Muslim women in my age range, as most of my friends were from school/uni.

No. 380847

Japan is safe. Watch this from 4:15


No. 380850

have you been to japan yourself?

No. 380862

I don’t blame her

No. 380877

As for my safety, I have not chosen to study in the USA or France because I have heard that these are unsafe places for MENA women, the city I will be in has a very low crime rate.
However, Isolating myself from the world will not protect me and will only make me more vulnerable and unsafe when my parents are not around to shelter me because you know, my parents are not immortal.

My mom is concerned that I will somehow become "unmarriagable" because if a girl goes outside or travels by herself, then she will somehow become tainted and less "pure" because it means that flies or packs of wolves (men) have gotten to her. She has very flawd logic and is stuck in a puritanical mindset which means that my logical arguments wont have an effect on her.
also wth that is also terrifying. Were they under the influence of drugs or alcohol? I am terrified of that happening, so I am going to make sure not to trust any men. I am also going to try to make sure that I have all-female dorms to minimize the risk of that happening.
I genuinely do not know how to deal with men or interact with them because I have been to all-girls schools my whole life and have not even interacted with male relatives. The only guys I can talk to comfortably are effeminate gay men online. I am also a bit comfortable talking to a guy when he thinks I am a guy too. For some reason, when I am talking to a man online, he is chill until he finds out that I am not male, then his behavior or attitude changes, even when I am talking about normal stuff like a video game or what type of music I like. I do not know why their attitude changes so drastically, but I hate it; it is like they do not see me the same anymore. Why is it such a big deal that I do not have a penis?
Thank you so much for these good suggestions. The problem is that my parents are technologically illiterate lmao… It would be a really difficult task to teach them these things. One still uses a Nokia dumbphone. The last suggestion is also good, but the issue is that I am scared of befriending religious Muslim girls because I am not really religious myself. When a past Muslim friend found that out, they ended up turning against me, which is why I struggle with making friends with people from the same background as me because people of such background take religion more seriously and I have this fear that they will be upset or offended and turn against me when they find out. I have a difficult time interacting with people or making friends, but I hope that when I am at university away from home, I will not only get a better education but also learn how to interact with people and develop my social skills because I was not allowed to hang out with anyone outside of school, and we had very short lunch breaks so a couple of minutes of eating lunch with someone did not feel like socialization to me. When I moved schools, I could not befriend anyone at my new school. I am extremely socially stunted…

No. 381190

Where are you studying nona?

No. 381476

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are there any same sex attracted MENA nonnies here ? i've spoken to some anons about it before but since this is a dedicated thread i thought i'd reopen the discussion.

>where are you from and what's your experience like ?

i'm from morocco and although i'm not open about it and not even that GNC (except in middle school) i still got bullied relentlessly in school for being gay from primary school to the time i finished highschool. i was an internet addicted "otaku" outcast, but it was probably my malehating i never grew out of kek, but otherwise i never expressed attraction to other girls and was careful not to by the time i knew what being gay was and the consequences i could face if anybody caught me admitting to it in any way. copying things (never interpersonal) i would see in the media to create elaborate lies and continue the larp on my facebook just to save face and it didn't work kek. i guess there are just some things people can smell off of you before you know to express it yourself. maybe i was a terrible liar and the insincerity was blinding kek.
>are you out to anyone ?
right now i'm out to three girls i trust and i don't think i could have any more people knowing that about me. sometimes i wish i could just scream it from the rooftops and just be out and free, but unfortunately that will never be possible. it's a really lonely and isolating experience, but i've come to accept that this is just the way that it is. i really feel like i'm always lying to my parents and family, especially in moments where they're nice to and affectionate towards me, and i live in intense fear of them finding out. feelsbad even trying to know people because the default is just homophobia and yet despite accepting that it still hurts to know that you're subhuman to them if they knew the truth. sometimes i fantasize about having the money to live abroad where i can be free and away from people that know me, then being disowned wouldn't matter.
>how did you find out that you were SSA/lesbian ?
i think my homosexuality is something i always felt, despite being born to a religious family i still never felt any type of way about my preference for girls growing up, i was just indifferent, i didn't think about it, i just knew in the back of my head that i did. i did typical things like making my girl toys kiss and eventually fuck, rewatch music videos of female popstars or clips of celebrities i really liked until i felt like i had to pee, pretend to be a guy in online games to get gfs etc by the time i was a tween i just told myself that maybe when i'll reach puberty i will finally start seeing what's so attractive about moids and when i reached that stage i never did kek. i tried to lie to myself and repress my homosexuality by denying myself any sexuality at all, but i just couldn't and started being honest with myself because it's not something that can just go away if you ignore it, and i haven't looked back since. i never felt actual "comphet" or any real pressure to be heterosexual, i just didn't want people to know that i wasn't.
>how do you deal with religion ?
i guess i still have faith in god's existence but idk about the other things anymore. it's weird. i only practice cultural customs like ramadan, or only ramadan kek and the other dietary restrictions.
>have you been in any relationships before and how was that like ?
i'm a permavirgin autist and i'm too nervous to download a dating app of any kind in fear of being outed. there have been anons from the same region as me who have told me that they've had success on tinder and facebook but i can't bring myself to put anything about me out there…
>is there some sort of community where you live ?
not that i know of but honestly i'm so sheltered and basically live as a troglodyte so there might be one i am not aware of. each of my friends in different universities tell me that they have SSA friends that are borderline out, i've met bisexuals girls before too but we were teenagers at the time so i don't know if it was just an act of adolescent edgelord rebellion or legitimate same sex attraction, but i can't know for sure.

No. 381583

I sometimes wonder If I don't count as straight because I somehow only get attracted to close friends or some one I feel I have a connection with, so like even if there was a male supermodel in the room, I wouldnt be attracted to them, i would just admire how pretty or handsome they are for a moment but i wouldnt feel anything towards them. and also im turned off by masculinity in some way?? like the only guys id find physically attractive are femboys or skinny guys with long hair and high pitched voices and no facial hair and a generaly soft appearance. the moment a guy grows a beard, cuts his hair or gets muscular im immediately turned off by him and repulsed.
i might have caught feelings for close female friends but i didnt think of them in a sexual way, but im also generally repulsed by sex though. like i genuinely find it disgusting but i wonder if im this way because i went to all female schools my whole life and had no contact with guys and not even any male relatives. the only ones i interacted with i spoke to them online.

No. 381587

Ntayrt but this is so straight and if you ever actually wondered about it then you would go to the questioning thread to see all the responses to anons who made posts exactly like yours and see that you are a bog-standard heterosexual whose perception of sexuality got skewed by media depictions of hookup culture. Needing an emotional connection before catching feelings is normal and doesn't indicate anything about sexual orientation.

No. 381592

thanks although I've caught romantic feelings towards like close female friends does that mean anything? but I wonder if I'm asexual as well because while I might get feelings towards certain ppl or crushes i would not actually rly wanna date them or do anything sexual? but id fantasize about things though

No. 381593

forgot to mention that while i wouldnt wanna date anyone who im not close friends with, like i see romantic relationships basically as close friendships but with extra steps because while i would not date anyone who i wouldnt enjoy a friendship with im also scared that if i confess my feelings for someone it would also destroy the relationship because relationships are more likely to fail than friendships and it would be sad if a connection i valued so much failed just coz of a crush and i would never get to speak to them ever again

No. 381602

I'm originally from a north african country too, but I have managed to leave not long ago. I lived through the exact same thing (and still kinda am) back when I lived there. I once gathered the courage to download tinder and got a warning that said my location was dangerous to homosexuals so I noped out kek.
Ironically, what complicates it in my case is that I have genuinely good parents but they are religious. They would probably never try to hurt me but it would be a shock big enough to physically hurt them. (One of them has heart issues related to shock). I decided leaving was the only option, I only have to keep up the facade when I call or visit, for now. It'll get harder if I'm dating a woman and they visit me, but I'd rather not think about that for now, since I'm single.
The hardest part by far is the isolation, which was bad enough in my home country, but in my rush to leave I didn't think about how lonely being an immigrant is, let alone a lesbian one. I'm different from people who grew up here, I'm different because I'm gay, and even if I try reaching out to the "community", it's full of gender crap which is the same fanatical ideological BS I lived through with islam just with a rainbow coat. Sometimes it feels likes there's no place for us in the world.
Sorry for the depressing blog post, I am hopeful that things will get better one day. I also hope you manage to find a way to leave! The student route is the easiest, everyone I know left this way so you should look into it. You can even "cheat" by borrowing money to get the visa, then get a student job here. No need to have the full sum they ask

No. 381609

Sometimes I feel lucky that I feel no connection towards my parents because they're terrible people. Coming out to parents that you actually love and care about is way harder than coming out to parents that are abusive and you feel no connection with because you're concerned with upsetting them. I thought about getting married to a girl while abroad and sending my mom pics of me kissing my wife at my wedding because she always told me "no man will ever want you".

No. 382067

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Being Arab and lesbian is a special kind of hell. Queer MENA people are braver than any US marine.

No. 382070

I think the closest thing to a hijab is a leash. Just replace the word hijab with leash in your mind and everything will make sense.

No. 382288

I like wearing a hijab. Men aren’t entitled to see my flesh.

No. 382289

There are so many ultra rich Arab girls at my college in London and it’s making me feel bad, as a poor Muslim girl. All their parents are paying their 100K tuition up front meanwhile I’m dreading paying back student loans. They all drive to school in Bugattis and Lambos and I literally cycle to uni everyday. They come into class with perfectly styled shiny hair and makeup, expensive beautiful designer outfits made of silk and high heels and shit with extremely expensive Birkin and Prada bags and meanwhile I can barely afford to eat. They’ve all had a ton of plastic surgery too and somehow pull it off and look pretty with it. It’s hard not to feel bitter and jealous. I wish I could call up my dad whenever I have a problem and instantly get 50 grand deposited in my account for whatever I need too.

No. 382292

laughs in Lebanese

No. 382326

I’m not even religious and I still wear my hijab. You aren’t entitled to see womens bodies in public, I know it makes you seethe.

No. 382327

I noticed on some Muslim dating sites there’s an option where you can just look for female friends. Obviously you should videocall with them and stuff before meeting up to make sure they aren’t catfish. Those sites aren’t actually that bad for meeting new people tbh and it’s a relief not having to wade through a sea of mentally ill trannies like I did when I was trying to find friends through bumble and stuff. Also, I want to find a Muslim husband but I’m not attracted to the men in my own country really, so I was looking at some of them from countries where I find the men attractive and there were some pretty cute guys on there, but I’m hesitant to message them or meet any men from online. I’d probably bring a friend with me to chaperone or something.

No. 382331

Why do women who willingly wear hijabs are always such nlogs, lmao(infighting)

No. 382332

i knew someone would come along and try to infight + derail the thread. reminder not to respond to bait posts.

No. 382361

Idk if there are any Lebanese nonnies here but the social pressure to conform is insane. I met a really nice Lebanese girl and she told me her mum more or less bullied her into getting a nose job, which according to her is normal.
I want to find normie Arab gay people. Every gay person I know is basically westernised, I might as well be talking to a tumblr blogger.

Closest thing was one girl who ever since she started dating an enbie has become a TIF herself.

That's one thing I like about dating apps in MENA, women mostly use it with the intention of looking for friends which obviously drives men insane when they match with women. Also some of them are so innocent they set it to just women, I'll never forget when my lesbian friend handed me her phone and had me swiping literally most are just straight women looking for friends you just can't hate it.

No. 382439

Liberal or less religious Muslim countries are worse for pressuring women into beauty standards imo. Turkey and Lebanon are very shallow places where women are expected to look like white bimbo pornstars, same in Iran. Compare that to Pakistan or UAE, where far less Muslim women feel pressure to get plastic surgery.

No. 382440

Also reminds me of the news story where a British pornstar called Candy Charms travelled to Iran for more plastic surgery. None of the border guards or police questioned her despite her having ridiculously huge breast implants and lips, because they’re so used to Iranian women with that bimbo look and she actually just passed as a local Tehran woman. There were Iranian commenters saying stuff like ‘We have so many women here who look like pornstars that we missed a real pornstar coming to Iran’. That’s how normalized plastic surgery and bimbofication is in these Shia countries.

No. 382485

Pakistan is probably because of poverty.
In the UAE women do get plastic surgery, idk if it's on the same level as Lebanon.
Probably has to do with how European obsessed people are.

No. 382514

>Where am I?
Not in the Middle East or North Africa.

No. 382518

Honestly sounds like India. Iran?

No. 382521

Being a MENA girl cockblocked by your family while in a western country is so fucking frustrating. You can't really relate to people your age because they're busy partying and having fun while you can't.

No. 382527

Living the same life. I'm 24, never dated, still a virgin, don't have many friends because my family are convinced my friends will lead me down the wrong path even though they're normal people and not party animals or anything. I'm going to either die alone or married to someone my mother wants me to.

No. 382544

same nona, same

No. 382563


No. 382594

Imaginaryland because you just made that whole thing up.

No. 382597

This doesn't apply to any country this just applies to whatever bubble you're in. You're definitely upper class and generalising over your whole country, assuming this isn't just a creative writing exercise.

No. 382623


No. 382651

Gonna throw out a wild card, Azerbaijan?

No. 382652

American LARPing as an oppressed Muslim woman

No. 382656

muslim women have such good lifes too, wokie

No. 382676

Nailed it kek

No. 382713

Lol calm your tits. Oppressed Muslim women exist but that post is clearly a larp for internet pity points.

No. 383193

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Not a single place MENA women can exist online without getting ridiculous amounts of hate and racebaiting, huh? Honestly wish there was some sort of discord server or lc alternative with race verification to prevent this kind of shit.

As an arab woman I have nowhere that isn't infested with westernized she/theys who will tone police you if you talk about your experiences. I was foolish to think lolcow was any better.

No. 383288

This thread seems very tame compared to the constant sperging in the black girl thread

No. 383345

Honestly yeah I'm actually surprised.
Not a lot of self-hating nonnies or people losing it because you dared to have the opinion of an average MENA woman or LC anon.

Tbh it's a lot of wishful thinking coming to LC hoping to find a somewhat mentally stable and sane community for MENA women.
What kind of thread or community were you hoping for?
That first part now makes a lot of sense

No. 383804

in the UAE it depends if its in dubai (prostitute concentration camp) or other Emirates. in Other emirates its less rampant but I still had 2 girls in my 12th grade class with lip fillers and nose jobs and its kinda sad, also I'm pale and a blond arab and was seen as a 10/10 before my hair darkened even tho I'm not that pretty in other countries and there were girls with dark
hair and darker features who looked prettier than me but people paid less attention to them just because they didnt look white. its pretty dumb. I hate how eurocentric beauty standards are poisoning our minds.

No. 383806

id rather be dead than be married to some goblin my mom chose at this point.
Im 19 and im living like this and i cant imagine living like this till 24 im contemplating just ending it. how do u manage?

No. 383823

Ayrt; I just hope I'll be able to get my life to a point one day where I'll be able to move away, and cope by reading the stories on r/ForeverAloneWomen or some of the threads here of people who managed to get into healthy relationships with loving partners after being single their whole lives. And I try to remember that for everyone like me who is sad about being lonely, there are just as many women sad because they're in a toxic relationship. And there's the usual things about mindfulness and being grateful for the little things. As corny as it is, romanticising things like a vibrant sunset or how pretty my earrings look after I put them on does make me feel better, even if only for five minutes. Plus I have more time to myself to learn new hobbies and skills that I might not have if I were putting time and energy into a relationship

No. 383889

France is safe for MENA women if you are MENA but not muslim (my case for example) or at least not a hijaboo. They're tired of this and it's understandable. The unsafe part is mainly from islamists men or MENA men in general, not your average weak french dude.

No. 383890

holy shit nonnie we are living the same life rn. i just moved to france, while i feel more attached to european culture than my north african culture (bc my parents are more open minded and wanted to teach me my neighbors cultures), i still feel alone as an immigrant lesbian. and i had the same experience in my homeland country with tinder, i still tried to match some girls there but most of them were also scared or were gendie(which was ???? so upsetting??) but now in France i see gendies everywhere, or bihets. i still cant know how lesbian joy feels.

No. 383892

why do this post feels like it has been made by a gendie?

No. 383954

"queer" gives it away kek

No. 383973

especially w the muzzie girls kissing with their hijab which gives off fetishization (especially men and gendies who fetishize them)

No. 383977

I reported that post for newfaggotry awhile ago, but it seems like she didn't get a ban kek

No. 384171

AYRT Damn there are gendies in NA now? It's so over man. I was lucky enough not to meet any when I was living there. But yeah France is already infested, I keep seeing literal Hons whenever I try going to "lesbian" events btw if you're in or near Paris maybe we could meet up! I put an address in the email field if you're interested

No. 384244

Lebanona here, yeah being “bullied” by family to get a nose job is the norm. it was a part of my graduation gift kek.

No. 384939

Me and my friend group have more or less parted ways over this issue I guess. I'm not sure why they stopped talking to me but they're all gendies now and keep finding other gendies in the country it's kind of amazing lol.

No. 402716

How do you guys deal with the misogyny from your dad/mom? Being expected to do more housework, and being overall blamed and shamed for existing?

The other time, my mom was saying, about an annoying boss "if she'sa woman, it's because she's on her periods, if it's a guy, it's because his wife pissed him off"
It was a light conversation, I jokingly replied "that's misogynistic, why is it always the woman's fault?"
And she replied "well it is Eve who ate the forbidden fruit"

And it echoed in me. My whole childhood and to this day, I feel like I've been blamed and shamed for things I did much more than my brother. If my brother broke something or misbehaved at school, it was quickly forgotten, whereas I keep hearing about mistakes I did when I was 12 to this day.
It's like, as a woman, my mistakes define me ; but him as a man, his mistakes are just accidents.

I feel like this misogyny is exacerbated in MENA families.

No. 402718

I’m white and the men in my family would say similar things when I was growing up. I guess it’s worse in mena families because most men follow the Quran or Torah and misogyny is totally allowable and justified in those books, but other cultures have similar misogyny, wherever men are there will be misogyny in general I think.

No. 402845

How did you deal with getting bullied into cosmetic surgery? My parents did the same by ganging up on me over summer break and asking me 24/7 why I didn't want the surgery for months on end until I gave in. I know giving in after a few months was retarded but I was kind of broken down from when they bullied me into getting moles lasered off a bunch of times before and all the verbal and emotional abuse.
I thought my family was reasonably progressive deep down despite all the misogyny they threw at me and my mom, but that event where my mom joined in and even took it as an opportunity to get the same procedure kind of broke me for a few years. I don't know if I still want them in my life anymore and I ghost them a lot (I'm fortunate enough to be living away from them with my brother).

No. 423296

NTA but I've lived in France as MENA for many years and people were really not treating me any differently from anyone else. I'm not there anymore because I'm doing my PhD but it's not so bad. I'm not a hijabi though so YMMV. Most MENA immigrants I know did fine provided that they're not obviously religious (hijabs, abayas or henna beards &c), if anything I felt more at home in France than other European countries. I'm still mad at how I was treated as a tourist in Austria.
As for men I usually ignore them since I'm not interested in dating and it is going ok. So far they have not been a problem. I have a few male friends also from my home country and we talk about video games and anime sometimes but we're not that close. It will be okay I think, it doesn't hurt to try. If you try to find a community of young secular people from your country it's a good way of making friends too but don't start introducing yourself before you leave because word might get around to your town and family.
My parents are crazy strict and religious so I don't talk to them, if I told them where I was I'm scared they'd send someone to bring me home. So if yours aren't likely to change their opinion I'd advise you the same. Do what you want to do cause it's your life, but there's no point telling them. Just do it.

No. 423478

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No. 423483

Reminds me of when a "well respected" religious advisor in my country said pregnant women can't go outside and should only get fresh air with their husbands driving them around. They can't step out though.

No. 423497

I fucking hate this thread pic. We should fill this one up so we can change it.

No. 423512

Why, are you Jewish?(bait)

No. 423643

Muslim men need to get the fuck off the internet. If they're so pious and pure, why the fuck are they on a place full of temptation and sin? Annoying fucking faggots

No. 423665

KEK the guy badly outlining the shape of her body as if it's a shocking secret that he's discovered. I hope these moids kill themselves.

No. 423677

Waiting for their Grindr guy to message them back

No. 424118

Why are they on the female side of the internet then

No. 424783

Tell us about things that you love about your culture/country of origin (since most of you seem to live abroad)

No. 424794

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Probably hammams. There's a really nice one that looks like picrel in the neighbourhood my family is from and it's just the most relaxing place. It feels so good to use the sauna and special soap and body mask, and get a really deep exfoliation then maybe get an argan and ghassoul massage afterwards before relaxing with peppermint tea on the chaise loungues they have. I can make traditional food and bring clothes back with me but hammams are the one thing I really miss in Europe.

No. 424807

Oh, that looks so pretty, anon and your memory sounds relaxing.

No. 424821

Where in europe do you find these places? I’ve never seen one

No. 424824

This is in Morocco. Never seen one in Europe but I live in a country that has a very low Moroccan population. Maybe in France or Spain or another country with a lot of Maghrebi migrants you might find a hammam? Although I would guess if they exist they're probably overpriced and likely a mix between Western spas and traditional hammams (so inauthentic).

No. 424846

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i like that most people are genuinely helpful here even though you'd never be able to tell with some because of how "aggressive" they come off (and really are sometimes i won't lie). idk if it's a city difference though i've felt the same anywhere i've gone (aside from ofc touristic spots kek). i just love the warm attitude of my country and am so used to it idk if i could handle coldness. also, i'm mixed race but look fully from my other raised, i was born and raised here, and although people have been and continue to be racist to me i've honestly never been made to really feel like an outsider contrary to my other half. like so much so that it took me until i was 14 to realize that i really was different to the average person here, because people quickly move on and treat me just the same as anybody else. i literally forget i'm not "fully" from here. can't say the same whatsoever for my other country kek. i'm honestly grateful that i grew up here and not there and especially because both are muslim countries but at least the one i was raised in is less psycho conservative. i also think the climate/weather in my country is so perfect. idk how you european nonnies do it but i feel like dying when there's no sun for more than a week. like if i'm seeing more overcast skies than sun i would get so insanely depressed, which i have actually experienced when i lived somewhere else for a couple months. tbf i'm lucky to live in a coastal city though so it never gets inhumanely hot. i also love cheap as fuck farmer's markets/souks everywhere and i love to thrift here. and let's not forget about the food, picrel is my favorite of all time. if i could, i would eat this everyday, and i kinda did when i went to uni kek ( honorary mentions: tajine dl7em wlbr9o9 / hrira / and ofc kskso, but only when my mom makes it kek )
i really love my country but i wish islam had never been taught here, that's why i want to leave in spite of loving it so much. as much as there are things to enjoy, i can't have a fulfilling life in this country given that i am a homosexual. i wish so badly for this retarded curse of a religion to be fade away but sadly i don't think i will live to see that day. spoilered for party pooping. i will say tho as a zoomer i have been seeing more and more people outwardly denouncing religion. could be biased though

No. 424869

I know this is ages old but being Muslim isn't a race? She'd be Moroccan or amazigh race/ethnicity wise. I don't know her origins though so I can't tell, but just know there's no such thing as "mixed Muslims" or something for there to be "french Muslims". That would be just any person from any race who has a French nationality and is a Muslim.

No. 424873

I still live in my shithole country. There's nothing I like about it honestly. The only good things aren't original or unique to it, but imported from other cultures around it or from the west. The original culture was erased by Islam and intentionally unarchived. There's no historical evidence of anything ever or any records, all we have is folklore passed down by the elders who may be exaggerating or lying about it to sound cool. Everything is so vague and unverified, there are no artifacts or ancient buildings and stuff like that as evidence of previous civilizations, it was all destroyed during the age of islam. There's no proper art or music either because it all has to be super nationalistic or religious to be allowed, or cheap boring overdone entertainment. I think my country/culture, especially the tribe I come from, is the lamest and worst on earth. I hope they all die out

No. 424892

Going to ask a wookish question (I swear I'm not one of those mentally ill women who think collecting crystals makes them witches), but is anyone interested in pre-Islamic deities or religious practices?
For Morocco, a lot of it hasn't been archived due to Islam and is quite taboo, but there are some remnants of pagan folk practices, like wearing amulets with symbols that are believed to increase luck or offer protection (the khamsa and nazar eye are the most famous but there are several, mostly motifs taken from nature). And there's also beliefs that materials used in jewelry have certain powers, like coral is meant to increase fertility and silver is meant to cure rheumatism.
There are also some djinns who sound similar to pagan goddesses in other cultures, like Aisha Qandisha (https://occult-world.com/aisha-qandisha/), Lalla Malika (https://occult-world.com/lalla-malika/), and Lalla Mira (https://occult-world.com/lalla-mira/). I like to think that Lalla Mira is the reason Moroccans are so fond of the hammam.
On Ashura there are also some folksy rituals practiced. Lighting bonfires is a common celebration on Ashura and some people use the fire for sorcery, like burning talismans. Some women also get their fortunes divined as it's believed to be a good time for practicing witchcraft. I've also heard of people making shrines to their ancestors on Ashura because of a belief that the veil between this world and the next world is at its thinnest on this date.
It can be hard to find information on it, but it's really interesting to discover what Moroccan spiritual beliefs before Islam was like. Especially learning about goddess figures who were worshipped in their own rights.

No. 425161

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>khamsa and nazar eye
weren't these things brought over by jews from the middle east? they aren't exactly local.
>Lalla Mira
>Lalla Malika
never heard of these two. interesting.
>Lighting bonfires is a common celebration on Ashura
never knew about this either. all I know is that kids buy toys that day.
the only tradition I know that seems pre-islamic is Boujloud. I love that it causes so much butthurt each year.

No. 425243

It's guessing it's either Mauritania or Libya

No. 425267

How do you even watch sailor moon if you have to look at their hair? I'm just seriously curious how its possible.

No. 425275

why would chibiusa be a hijabi? her biological age wouldn’t be menstruating yet. ngl I find making pre-existing characters hijabis when they weren’t one pretty sexist, but I understand the sentiment of wanting to see someone look like you

No. 425282

according to the islam i grew up with women are permitted to be "uncovered" with eachother as well as children. so its nbd i guess. plus it's fictional kek but i know there are crazy "orthodox" nutcases who would be against even drawn faces/eyes so…

No. 425292

This reminds me of seeing album covers that had the Western popstars on the covers with modest clothes shopped onto them

No. 425333

I’m fucking enraged about the amount of illegal immigrants in Turkey. They bring their wahhabi arab version of Islam over here and have 5 kids each. No war could harm our culture this violently. We have zero border control and all the deranged islamists of the Middle East are invading in hordes. I fucking hate the Arab world and the cancerous religion they imported to us. But most of all I hate Europeans for bribing our government with trillions of dollars to become a buffer zone filled to the brim with worthless illegals. There’s no group of human lower than the porkskins. They call Turks racist despite us feeding and housing all the people they didn’t want in their union. We’re the only reason Europe isn’t a Muslim majority shothole, they should be sucking our pussies 24/7. The bribe money ended in the hands of (you know who) and now we’re stuck with 10 million people we absolutely fucking hate. There’s a great sense of betrayal among the public and I sense racial conflicts in our future. Our libtards insist on tolerating the intolerant foreign men, the government keeps provoking the majority by granting privileges to Arabs that are not granted to Turks like special spots in medical colleges Turks have to bust their asses for. We keep having Crystalnacht-like incidents where Syrian ghettos are sieged after one of the men rape a little girl, the government intervened and the people become even more enraged. I’m legally arming myself as much as possible because these foreign men want sharia so bad and I would rather go out like a legend than become a hijab-whore. We keep telling them they’re unwanted, that they should go back to the shithole they came from but they don’t listen. Things will get nasty. Turks are prideful, we have a strong national identity. We will not put up with this for much longer.(racebaiting)

No. 425335

And I’m fucking SICK of being scrodingers “PoC.”Things that would be considered racist to say are suddenly ok when it comes to us. We’re never white enough to enjoy any of the privileges but we don’t get the affirmative action/protection other “colored” people get either. We’re stuck in limbo where people can be openly racist against us but we’re still yucky thirdies.
On an unrelated note, it pisses me off when porkskins call themselves Caucasian. Real Caucasians are mostly muslim and don’t look like that. So cringe when they appropriate that term

No. 425383

Jewish nona here. Anyone else given up on dating outside their ethnicity because of how annoying stereotypes are?

Reasons non-Jewish men have stated they want to date me:
>my background must be wealthy, my dad must be rich
>I must have a ton of connections in the entertainment industry
>I must hate Muslims and so does he!
>I must be pro Israel, and so is he!
>I must have large breasts/'Khazar milkers'
>I must be a Mossad spy which is sooo hot
>I must be crazy and even crazier in bed!
>I must be able to do some Jewish girl magic and manifest whatever if I want if I ask the right demon/angel
>I must be incredibly domineering and mommy domme, which he loves!
Literally none of these are true either, so it's extra insufferable.

No. 425385

Other shit
>I've always wanted to try matzo ball soup
>I heard Jewish girls are really zany and funny and crude
>I heard all Jewish girls have genius tier IQ
>I heard all Jewish girls have a ton of body hair and dont shave
>I heard all Jewish girls will inherit a gorgeous apartment in Brooklyn that I can live in rent free
>If I convert to Judaism I'll get into the spooky Jewish illuminati club
>I heard Jewish girls prefer cut men

No. 425497

A huge amount of men are antisemitic so I get it. I've heard all of those things online and I'm now even jewish kek. Your existence is way too politicised! But if you're in the West and have a decent amount of ashkenazi in you I doubt you belong in the mena thread.

No. 425862

kek this reminds me of when this youtuber got a new vtuber avatar and a lot of her viewers hated it and kept complaining about it since then because it was too revealing.

No. 426439

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Bamye: like it or hate it? (there's a correct answer btw)

No. 426440

replace "turks" with "germans" and "syrians" with "turks" and then you have exactly what the rest of europe thinks of "your kind" kek

No. 426444

Love it. While I hate everything about the shithole I live in, I really like the food. Except, it's not even truly the local and native food, it's all taken from neighboring countries kek. The only maybe national dish isn't even good, and allegedly taken from Indian immigrants. My family make some truly local dishes that are a result of living as isolated tribes for a while, and all their food is bland and disgusting, they're all dying from diabetes and heart strokes now since the food was 90% carbs 10% animal fat.

No. 426447

Diabetes seems to be really prevalent in MENA families which is sad, I think it's because so many of our dishes like you said are heavily based around grain and carbs and fatty red meat, I mostly just eat lean white meat and low carb veggies now.

No. 426712

my turkish dad seethed soooo hard when i ended up coming out with his feature, instead of looking like a surgically altered russian bimbo kek. he offered to buy me a nose job when i turned 18 (it's your nose, faggot) and this hairy turk moid with a full beard told me when i was like 10/11 that i had too much hair on my arms/legs and even face (i really didn't?) and had to remove it. i dyed my hair reddish brown at 16 and he told me i'd look better if that was my natural color, god wtf is wrong with these people

No. 426728

same, my mom is a stacy and my dad is an ugly swarthy hairy hook nosed turkish bastard lol, he seethed when i came out looking like him, like hello dumbass you're the one who made me ugly, i wish my mom had married a handsome chad instead

No. 426742

I match most of the stereotypes so I'm not even offended by them tbh.

No. 426803

No normal man irl will make any of these assumptions about you except for maybe the one about you being rich kek. Stop thinking men on 4chan and online trolls are representative of the actual human population and go outside nona. Most people don’t even know enough about Judaism to make these assumption. The average person doesn’t even know what words like “khazar” “matzo” etc. mean, because I for sure don’t kek.

No. 426807

Wow, this is shocking to me since my eastern Anatolian turkish dad is the complete opposite. My mom is a very white passing turk, she looks full on european and not Turkish at all. My dad is esmer. Of course I turned out looking esmer like him kek. Despite that I was also a veeery ugly and hairy kid growing up and I remember one girl even asked my dad why his daughter was so ugly. And he told her 'my daughter is the most beautiful girl on this planet'. And he would always call me beautiful. I ended up getting laser hair removal as a teenager though because we don’t live in turkey and I got bullied by my European classmates for being hairy. I also ended up getting a nose job which my father didn’t approve of at all. In fact, he was very upset about it. I look conventionally attractive now but my dad has always viewed me as his beautiful princess even when I was ugly as fuck.

No. 426815

that's so sweet

No. 426826

Not a fan, i feel like i have to add a lot of salt to it

No. 426827

Maybe the Germans were justified in their racism against the Turks
Sick man of Europe, did nothing but stagnate a whole ass region for 600 years

No. 426829

He’s a Bri’ish Muslim I can feel it

No. 426950

I don’t care what g*rmans think
I fucking hate it when our men turn the gene pool into a swamp by breeding with poor slavs. The children are always so mentally disturbed too, especially after the marriage ends when Natasha doesn’t get her pocket money. Its basically the white male/filipina prostitute couple dynamic with the colors switched. So much for “love doesn’t know borders!” Anyway, don’t bother identifying as a Turk even if you think you look like one because you will always be seen as a foreigner and perhaps a hooker.

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