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No. 386979
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Op pic is Leshy from Inscryption
No. 386984
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I really don't get the hate, he's cute to me
No. 386991
>>386984Kek, he does get a lot of hate here, stay strong nona.
The husbando thread is genuinely quite nice, I'm thankful to have a place where I can talk about him without having to deal with moids despising him or nonnas hating on the material so much.
No. 387097
>>387053This is exactly what will happen. Sorry, not using this thread.
>>387062You know that's not possible.
No. 387126
>>387066kek I'm always shocked by how much lc hates on Astarion considering how vocal his fanbase is on shitter and tiktok.
I'm an Astarionfag and he's only unconventional in his mannerisms, if you're one of the people who can't fathom flamboyant men being attracted to women. I suppose he'd also fit the thread because most of his fans are annoying whiteknights and/or tifs, but it's not really connected to him as a character. Idk if this thread will stay up, but I do think a thread of people reflecting on other fans of their husbandos could be interesting. I'm not sure if that would fit in the other husbando thread.
No. 387135
>>387126>>387131there is the fandom thread already. plus I'm sure most rabid Astarion hate on lolcow comes from a couple of very unhinged autists.
>I suppose he'd also fit the thread because most of his fans are annoying whiteknights and/or tifsBasically every fandom is rife with those nowadays, it literally doesn't mean anything other than TIFs just being painfully obviously female with common female interests despite their male LARP.
No. 387158
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I for one am thankful for this thread because I've been too afraid to post in the husbando thread and get attacked for having unconventional tastes. Hope it doesn't get locked.
Here's my guilty pleasure. Sorry you had to see this.
No. 387178
>>387168>no one attacks themI've seen them getting attacked.
Let the anons who want to use this thread use it, if you don't like it just hide it. I find shyness a good reason to post because yes people on lolcow get attacked over husbandos.
>>387158I get why you like him
No. 387185
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>>387126>>387156this, exactly. fanart makes astarion look like a hot anime guy. he doesn't look like that in canon. you guys have to make him look pretty in fanart because you like his personality or whatever. he isn't conventional, he looks like a crusty old aids-ridden fag.
No. 387201
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>>387200a female version of astarion would surely be more attractive because an old lady vampire is a cooler idea, but i mean, look at this fanart. this is what astarionfags try to pretend he looks like.
No. 387204
>>387178>people on lolcow get attacked over husbandosnta but you are not getting the point, doing a separate thread won't change that. Look at the unconventional men thread, posting there didn't stop anyone from getting shit on their posts. The hornyposting thread wasn't about "attractive husbandos", in fact it wasn't even an exclusive husbando thread when it was made either. Besides, it's specified in the recents OPs to
not shit on other's husbandos and that never stopped some anons. If you think making a separate thread will, I'm sorry, I don't think it will. It's a redundant thread imo and I bet it will lead to the same old things
>This husbando is ugly, there is a unconventional husbando thread for fuggos like him>I don't like this husbando, post on the other thread>This one is too ugly and dumb, even for this threadIt's up to you unconventional husbando nonnas, I always defended weird husbando, even when I personally hated the character. I've also seen other nonnas supporting and defending them as much as I do. You are all free to have the thread, but be warned that a thread title won't stop them kek.
No. 387211
>>387178Jimmy T anon here thank you so much
nonnie. I think he fits the TSM bill but I've seen like no art of him.
>>387168And yeah I'm aware of Dedede anon and I know she's appreciated but I must have missed her in the husbando thread? I scroll through and just see anime bishie men. I don't wanna incite any infighting with my tastes
No. 387215
>>387201Some of you astarion haters are even more obsessed than them at this point.
>>387211>but I must have missed her in the husbando thread?She posts there pretty often.
No. 387218
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>>387211Nonna Jimmy T is the most innocent husbando ever. Don't feel guilty about liking him. I hope you can get over the shyness because the unusual guys make the threads way more interesting.
No. 387221
>>387158The only two times I've seen a nonna get bashed for her tastes in the husbando thread were a) Rancefag who kept banevading to sperg about a rapist b) a nonna who didn't know a character she posted was a vtuber famous for being a pedophile. You're fine.
Honestly this thread seems unnecessary.
No. 387222
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>Waifus also welcomed!
No. 387261
>>387254The only reason nobody attacks people in the husbando thread is because they'll get banned.
Silence doesn't mean acceptance.
Blue afro dude, you're fine though. He's ugly but at least he's an adult human.
No. 387263
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>>387257I've got plenty of bizarro husbandos where the astonishment that I consider them attractive is warranted, but Astarion just comes off as bog standard conventionally attractive. I genuinely cannot see the Quasimodo Cryptkeeper that anons keep insisting he is. I'm not even an oldfag tryhard that whines about muh de-aging mods for bg3 or insists everybody should be worshipping old men with one foot in the ground, but it screams moeshit brainrot to think his minor aging makes him decrepit.
No. 387264
>>387263Let me put it into terms you will understand. The average waifubait men get is akin to Link, Cloud, Dante or Leon, meanwhile Astarion is equivalent to Lady Dimitrescu. Moids welcome Lady Dimitrescu with open arms because it's an untapped niche, something new and different from the dime a dozen waifubait they get with every game released, meanwhile women havent had a true husbando in decades, so when the new husabando is a post-wall wrinkly moid with dry skin that's a child sex trafficker women are going to be pissed. How come moids get their dime a dozen pretty waifu bait and we get ugly scraps?. I don't think anyone would care about Astarion if we got variety, but we don't. Also, a lot of women are tired of getting told men ''age like fine wine'' and getting called pedos for liking young fit men, and the average Astarionfag is the type of woman who shits on bishies, so that adds more fuel to the fire.
No. 387267
>>387263he has the hair of a 70 year old auntie anon. also everything
>>387264 said
>>387265he looks like those live action british guys tumblr used to love, which were never considered conventional.
No. 387271
>>387266>>387264Lets stop the cap, Leon is basically twinning with Astarion and Dante is straight up fugly kek
Cloud and Link I can understand, but also there's not a shortage of ff characters that meet that market. There's tons of bishies in the ff7 remake, and other games with that artstyle; I don't disagree with saying scrotes get more options but Astarion isn't bottom of the barrel or exceptionally niche, unless you count him acting like a faggot. Face wise he's on par with more realistic art style hot guys.
No. 387274
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Can we talk about unconventional husbandos now and stop calling the same few meant-to-be-eye-candy bishie characters ugly? Christ if those guys are considered ugly then how can us weirdo enjoyers appreciate our husbandos in peace
No. 387278
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>>387269>it'sYou mean HE, he is a goddamned penguin. I get your angle, I really do but I feel that King Dedede doesn't count as a furry or anthro or animal. Yes, he's a penguin but he's more of an abstraction of the image, traits and ideas of a penguin. Not even a real penguin, he's like the abstraction of the concepts of a cartoon penguin. I'll go as far as to say he's a penguin shaped mascot. Unless you're an artist who goes severely off model and actively adds physical bird-like and avian furry traits he doesn't really fall under that sort of thing which I don't find appealing. The only thing you'll get from me is finding the idea of him having a tiny itty bitty triangular tail cute and him having a
cloaca hot. That's where it ends though, I nope the fuck out when they start making him an actual penguin with bird traits and shit. Also, it was my first husbando, Meta Knight, birthday on the 23rd. He's 31! I couldn't do much to celebrate his big day other than eat something chocolate related in his honor. Others may cry that he's old and he's a daddy and he's a dilf, but I don't really like that sort of implication or depiction. Like Kirby, I adore a Meta Knight who's cool, stoic, and mature but retains an eternally youthful vigor and charm that's breaks through his stoicism occasionally when it comes to things that makes him particularly excited. I was tempted to dye my hair a jet-black with navy blue undertones in celebration but I feel that'd be too much so I settled on jet-black. Happy Birthday Meta Knight!
No. 387282
>>387271Even link has been criticized tbh
Whoever said to make a husbando hate thread: don't. We don't need even more shit
No. 387288
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>>387280>cloacagod, I'm getting flashbacks to Mass Effect…
No. 387293
>>387288Yes. You understand, there is a appeal. A charm if you will, in King Dedede having a cloaca. Obviously, someone would think "why not give him a pussy instead???" and that just clues me in that the someone in question is being a dumbass or acting in bad faith. No I do not wish to do that. King Dedede is a king, he is male. Him being male comes with several connotations and nuances that add so much to his character, therefore giving him a pussy would ruin the entire point. Don't get me wrong, him being genderbent isn't off the table. I don't care for it personally but I won't judge. The point in question is that King Dedede has this excretory organ that is native to his species that even he doesn't know what it's for beyond only and only for taking a piss. Because it is a cloaca if he decided to touch himself out of curiosity there is no chance he'd discover that organ is made for anything else much less self-gratification. This is because said organ is one with no external zones of pleasure, there is no glans, no clitoris, nothing. Pleasure would, theoretically, only come from the internal exploration of King Dedede. This emphasizes an extremely vulnerable, delicate and intimate nuance to doing anything sexual to King Dedede that can't be done with a penis or vagina. Not only that, you're adding a layer of ignorance and inexperience from King Dedede's end, who's only seen that organ as something for whizzing with and absolutely nothing else. To King Dedede he doesn't even have a sexual organ and his knowlege of sexual matters would zero. Compared to giving King Dedede a dick this is unique only to, for, and within King Dedede. King Dedede, the gruff, spoiled, boisterous, boyish, fierce and cool King Dedede contrasted by a cloaca just barely discernable by the downy feathers of his crotch can't even begin to be compared to simply slapping a vagina onto him. It's cheap. It removes the nuance, the appeal, the contrast, everything. It's an acquired charm that requires a lot more thinking, rumination, and care. You can't simply jump into it, it is not a trait to add that allows for the instant gratification that has drenched most thoughts when it comes to eroticism.
No. 387294
>>387264You know that shitting on other women won't solve the problems you mentioned, right? I know you do, because lc had this discussion at least a million times in god knows how many different threads.
>ib4 good, I want them to feel ashamed about their shit tasteEven if they did, which they probably won't, would that solve any of the issues you complained about? Not really. I supported and defended every husbando, yes including your bishies that some anons say shit about, but at this point I'm throwing in the towel.
>>387272We can all tell you stopped reading kek
No. 387301
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Dunno why
No. 387302
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this kinda basic but what dat mouf do
No. 387306
>>387299I'm sure they love hearing that their husbando is a post-wall wrinkly moid with dry skin in a thread that made for unconventional husbandos. Don't you also love when they call bishies husbandos traps, boring, generic or feminine boys? You complain about this in your own post
>the average Astarionfag is the type of woman who shits on bishiesSo, can they shit on your husbando (and you are the one assuming the one who shit on your husbando are astarionfags to begin with) and you won't care or will you use it as an argument to shit on them?
(infighting) No. 387329
>>387257You sound like you don't play anything. RE4 Remake, Zelda TotK and FFXVI came out last year. FFVII Rebirth came out last month and it has the quintessential bishie protag and at least a dozen other bishies besides. Dragon's Dogma 2 just released and it has some cuties too. Those are just off the top of my head and that's not including new otome games.
>>387264I know you wouldn't be seething like this if BG3 released and nobody talked about Astarion at all, but you can't control what people like. And there are plenty of women who like bishies who also like Astarion. You're stressing yourself out making connections where there aren't any.
No. 387380
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>>387347No, anon was warping shit to make it sound worse; tldr
Astarion had to collect thousands of people to get turned into vampires for a ritual his master was planning, and two of those victims turn out to be children.Anyways, for an actual weird/creepy husbando, Gangrel from Fire Emblem Awakening. Getting him as an ally unit is technically only possible through the dubiously canon dlc missions, but I always thought his redemption arc was interesting and I really like the enemies to lovers trope. Also his dialogue with the other characters is just really funny, and making him Morgan's father makes Morgan even more op than usual. Plus the trickster class is just super fun. The contrast of his snarky attitude with the MC's cool demeanor is perfect as well.