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No. 391276

What would you say is the best thing you learned as as a woman that you would tell another woman? What do you wish someone told you earlier?

Can be a word of wisdom from a woman in your life, a piece of media, a band, anything that moved you or you learned to be true

Just nothing detailed about killing men I think we all know about that.

For instance:
Be fully conscious about the feelings someone gives you and make sure you really want them in your life.

No. 391278

Crushes that feel overwhelming and cause anxiety is your brain’s way of saying “don’t do it”.

No. 391287

Don't hang out with crazies because they'll make you crazy too. Wish I knew it sooner

No. 391288

Don't move in permanently with a guy before marrying him. Marriage is the only thing that makes moids try.

No. 391292

whatever you think you deserve, you deserve 3 times better.

No. 391293

Never prioritize a moid's wants, needs, or feelings before your own. NEVER. Your empathypilled brain is going to tell you to do it but don't. He would never do the same for you.

No. 391297

Decenter men from your life as much as possible and focus on your education and career first and foremost. Keep men at an armslength. If you do not have your own financial safety while in a relationship with a man, expect that if things go south then you're going to be in trouble without a good support system. Prioritize other women in your life. Whatever career you seek, always gun for the highest paid position. Discipline yourself. Buy a vibrator. Don't watch porn. Not every woman is going to be your friend, avoid women that prioritize their boyfriends and male friends over you. This all sounds harsh. Be picky with whoever you fuck, be suspicious of every man's intentions.

No. 391298

Love on your features even if they're not popular now. Your significance isn't determined by how you look.

No. 391299

After watching my ultra religious grandma suffer through a marriage with a cold inconsiderate moid who left her to do literally everything for the household for 60 years, even she tells me it’s not worth it in the end and to not make the same mistake she did. Seeing the regret in her eyes and hearing it in her words is so sad.

No. 391335

Agreed, learned this the hard way.

No. 391386

It's normal not to feel instant attraction for anyone.

No. 391389

Please trust your gut intuition about men. Don't try to rationalize or downplay your feelings. If a guy is doing or saying something weird, it's not 'cause he's quirky or naive. He is putting out the vibes he wants to put out and knows what is inappropriate and what isn't. I have gained almost nothing from dissuading myself about my gut feelings. I am saying this for myself as much as for others: it doesn't matter if a man thinks you're frigid, paranoid, or "lying" to him when you reduce contact after uncomfortable behavior. Society teaches women to sacrifice their comfort and safety for a man's ego. Don't do it. If you are safe enough not to comply, don't! I ache for all the times I was scared to be perceived badly and sacrificed my well-being for malicious men. Stay safe and unbothered!

No. 391393

Learn to harness your anger in ways to reach your goals. Angry that all the art around you sucks? Make some great art out of spite. Hate your job? Find a better job and promise yourself that you will leave your boss a bad Glassdoor review. Angry at how others treat you? Get angry and assert your boundaries.
Your anger is your protection too, don't let it destroy your softness but harness it to make the world around you amazing, even though a negative emotion.

No. 391478

Get a hobby and try your best to master that craft as much as possible. Network with others within your hobby. If you're ever upset by moid nonsense remember they need you more than you need them and their chimpery is nothing short of a cope. Make sure you're hydrated, use an spf moisturizer to prevent skin cancer, reject beauty standards. Makeup is retarded, don't waste your money on it. Most brands have toxic chemicals in them that are directly applied to sensitive areas near mucus membranes.

No. 391482

> spf moisturizer
shit advice, use an actual spf product.

No. 391483

If he wanted to he would

No. 391488

Be very skeptical of anyone using shame, guilt or trying to appeal to your emotions and kindness to get you to do anything. Especially the first two. Always, always look at what's in it for you first. Even if it's family. Oh you're a bad girlfriend/daughter/bringing shame on the family for not sacrificing yourself for everyone else's benefit? Okay, be selfish then. So what? This goes doubly if it's something they would never expect a son to do. Think real hard why it's never sons caring for parents in their old age.

Second but no less important is that you deserve better than someone else's sloppy seconds. This means taken men, single dads, older men who have slept around and try to entice younger girls by promising them the moon. You will get hurt and used and have to pay for therapy for years while they just walk away and get to do it to someone else. Being someone's dirty secret leaves you in a perfect position to be abused. You deserve someone who treats you like you're precious and genuinely cares for you, or better yet you can be that for yourself by making your own money, making good friends and creating your dream life.
Basically what >>391293 said.

No. 391498

Learn to stop giving so many fucks, especially when it comes to moids. Don't waste any time on people who don't like you. Not everyone is gonna like you and that's okay, they don't have to like you anymore than you need to like them even if they're women. You don't need anyone else's validation. No matter what your parents say you're worth alot more than you think.

No. 391501

You're beautiful the way you are. Stop wasting money and time on skincare and make-up. Make healthy choices. Diet and exercise will do more for your appearance than any lab created cream or lotion ever will.
Let yourself feel emotions, no matter what they are. You're in control of how you feel, but emotions are natural. It's okay to be sad, angry, upset, jealous, etc. Everyone has felt like that multiple times and you're not alone. Know that if you are feeling bad, this feeling won't last forever.
Moids are stupid. Sex is fun, but have it on your own terms. Make sure the man is treating you exactly how you want before you give him what he wants sexually - no excuses.

No. 391502

Be as forgiving to other women as possible and be as critical of men as possible. Have strong female friendships, stand up for women you don't even know if men criticize them, display sympathy, empathy, and compassion for the women around you. All women are traumatized and hurt in one way or another, give them chances the way no other woman or man would. Be loud, confrontative, open, honest. Stop playing into the socialization game and feminine rituals. Stop shaving every inch of your body, stop wearing makeup, stop wasting time and money and effort on shit men would never even think once about. Prioritize health and muscle. Take a self defense class. Respect yourself. Love yourself. Stay vigilant.

No. 391511

Fucking THIS. I learned it the hard way too.

No. 391518

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Body neutrality, develop mental hobbies, READ, nurture female friendships, male validation has literal no worth and be aware of the profic incentive there is to keep you insecure.

No. 391543

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cool pic
..um.. why is everything bout looks? buy guns ladies–I should have done that a decade ago tbh.
not implying u should kill anyone k?

No. 391544

i think you should be implying that actually.

No. 391545

imma luver not a fighter

No. 391601

Time really does fix most hurt. Even some of the most insane things, you won't remember why they hurt so much years down the line. Just keep moving,

No. 391689

Financial independence was a gift given to us by our grandmothers. Never rely on someone else's money, especially not a moid's. Open a lifetime ISA or a SIPP. Invest wisely.

No. 391706

There's absolutely nothing wrong with celibacy or singleness and you shouldn't force yourself to be in a relationship just for the sake of it.

No. 391749

Be like the thread pic. Put the phone down, go out and touch grass, let the sun warm your skin, and enjoy the sounds of nature (or the city) around you, maybe read a book or journal while you're at it. Taking some alone time when you can to recharge and enjoy the small things life has to offer is crucial for your wellbeing. No moids, no retarded social media shit, no pressure to consume the next hot thing, it's just you existing.

No. 391917

Why did she pick the mood to begin with?
Was it arranged?

No. 392128

stroke your own hair and kiss your own hand. thank yourself for cooking and cleaning. be grateful to yourself for even the smallest of tasks

No. 392228

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I would like to let thread nonnies know how much I love checking on new posts here. Your advice is precious and I love your perspective. I've been putting many of these posts in my advice collection journal to remember and repeat on good and not-so-good days.

No. 392246

Same–keep em' coming.

No. 392327

I do think you can choose to be happy and to love life. I used to struggle a lot with being controlled by my emotions and waiting around for my life to get good. but it didn’t start being like that until I started working to make it that way. it’s hard at first, but it gets easier all the time. the sky is blue and beautiful and here I am. that makes me happy, and suddenly so do the sidewalks and the roads and the streetlights, even when they’re not turned on. they’ve got little stories in them. once you start seeing the little bits of people in every little thing, it gets a lot easier. life is about people and their stories and the way their stories poke their heads into yours. the ride never ends man. but we get to be in it with each other. the grass is beautiful and so is the person in front of me in line and so is everyone all the time. life is how you look at it. I don’t know. I’m sentimental and I’m really happy. there’s a couple with their dog outside my window and I love them with everything because that’s all life is and it’s all life will continue to be. the story never ends.

No. 392335

this sounds kinda crazy but everyone should try it because it's actually really nice and reminded me what it feels like to be appreciated.

No. 392883

Beautiful perspective, thank you.

No. 392885

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The dream life you have in your head, are you doing things to get there?
Even if it doesn’t seem realistic to try sometimes, it is.
Even if you’ve failed before, you’re smarter now.
You imagining that yourself could be happy living a life that you really want… it’s not a thought, thats a vision into what you deserve.
And you fucking deserve it

No. 392983

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Practicing positive self talk has made such a difference in my life. If any of you are like me, having a very negative and critical self voice in your head, where putting yourself down has become an automatic reflex….Please try it. Encourage and cheer yourself on to do things, be proud of yourself when you do them. Soothe yourself when you're upset like a caretaker would. Interrupt a negative thought and refute it with a positive one. It might feel strange at first, but you could try creating a persona in your head to be that positive voice. Or imagine your favorite character saying it to you.

It sounds silly but when I'm overstimulated and panicking, or so depressed I'm unable to move…I close my eyes and imagine myself taking care of a cute little kitty-type creature. The kitty represents my emotional state, maybe she's crying out or shaking in fear. I imagine myself petting her or coaxing her to drink some water/eat, and then I mirror those actions in real life.

No. 392988

>It might feel strange at first, but you could try creating a persona in your head to be that positive voice. Or imagine your favorite character saying it to you.

Thank you for your advice nonna. I want to try this but I would feel like pixielocks if I did…

No. 393001

Stop caring about others’ opinions of you.

No. 393010

The longer you stay single the less you want to accommodate a partner.

No. 393017

>Practicing positive self talk has made such a difference in my life.
Me too! Fake it until you make it, one day you end up meaning the words for real.
>I want to try this but I would feel like pixielocks if I did…
kek just don't pretend it's a real other person living in your head. Imagine there's a person/character next to you encouraging you instead.

And in the same spirit: if you keep saying, thinking, writing "I'm crazy", "I'm a lost cause", "I suck", you are actively harming yourself and causing yourself to act worse. You really do become what you tell yourself you are. Being positive literally makes cancer treatment more effective, and being negative makes it less effective and more likely the patient dies.

No. 393034

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I second this! Resetting my default way of thinking from extremely negative self talk to kindness and appreciation for myself has changed everything for me. No matter what happens in my life now I don't ever question my character or my self worth anymore.

It's so uncomfortable to make the change in the way you speak to yourself, I found it embarrassing to like myself, like it was just vanity and that was wrong. but after a little while it became natural and I can't believe I was ever so cruel to myself. we get to be in this body once and no matter what we do we cannot change that so we may as well love and cherish ourselves. why would we not?

No. 393087


No. 393230

You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. You can spend all the time and energy in the world trying to "save" them, but unless they want you to or ask you to, it will be in vain.

No. 393232

Is there any way to force myself into positive self talk? My default inner voice is so incredibly negative it’s exhausting and it’s become the only way I can really think.

No. 393235

ntayrt but you just have to force it. Just focus on the words first and not what they mean, write out some short sentences that you want to believe about yourself and just speak them out loud, get used to how it feels in your mouth. Then look in the mirror and say them. Then try to feel what the words mean. It will take some time, and it won't feel like anything is happening for a while but it's so worth investing some energy into

No. 393236

Stay away from the self-conscious types, it spreads. If your friend is publicly ashamed about her nose, you will be about yours too in no time.

No. 393240

This applies to insecure men too. Don’t date men who constantly nitpick themselves and self hate all the time.

No. 393254


No. 393331

lmfao vavav-vased.

No. 393375

Nonnies tonight I bring you a beautiful song that I found made by a stunning woman.

Opportunity knockin'
A nigga was out for coffee
Inadequate like my window
The Grammy's is way too lofty
And I could stay here forever
I could die here
I don't have to try here
Can I get my two sugars please?
Jesus made an album
I'm still waiting in the line for cream
She dream in techni-color
Live black and white
Opportunity knockin'
A nigga just got her nails done
Skeletons in my closet gone open the door when Yale come
They ain't gonna wanna see my silhouette rap
He's fucking cognac
My smile in all black
Mississippi vagabond
Granny gone turn up in her grave
And say, my granny really was a slave for this
All your uncompleted similes and pages ripped
You know they whipped us niggas
How you afraid to rap it
You went to heaven after so we could free them now
Ain't no ocean floor when you can be a yeezus now
Don't fear the light
That dwells deep within
You are powerful
Beyond what you imagine
Just let your light glow
Seventeen moments and cloudy days on my snap
Mysterious aberration, illuminated the trap
My telefone-calications synonymous with the sunrise
Mountains against the foreground forever me coming back
I ain't gonna cry
The last time Ali marched Chicago
Twenty four and a late mojo teaching me how to drive
Whole world inside my rear view
This feel in me so alive
This feel in me so alive
Enjoy the joyride
Opportunity knockin'
It's finally time to answer
The doorbell was only broken 'cause auntie was fighting cancer
Cigarettes on my mantle keep callin' me by my first name
Loving me when I'm lonely
Pretending they really Noname
Don't fear the light
That dwells deep within
You are powerful
Beyond what you imagine
Just let your light glow
And when that call comes
(You better say hello)
You better say hello, no hesitation
(You better, yeah)
No hiding deep down below
No beg your pardon
(You better stay and grow)
You better stay and grow your liberation
(You better, yeah)
For your lonely soul
Or you'll be on your own

No. 431745

Learn to walk away. You can't change the world, you can't fix anybody. Just leave people to their own devices and watch them ruin their lives.

No. 431765

i tried this years ago and for some time my inner monologue wouldn't stop sounding like English dub deku. it is useful though

No. 431767

Being nice is a virtue because it makes everything in life harder.
If you want to be happy, being a mean bitch is smarter. You can always switch to being nice later.

No. 431871

As a woman in adulthood, it’s impossible to have normal male friendships unless he’s a gay male. Even then gay men can be awful to be around; just talk to that pretty girl in your college class or at your job and say you like her jewelry/makeup/nails and start a conversation. Having male friendships was a lot different when we were just kids and it does hurt, but it’ll keep you safer when you keep men within a ten ft pole.

No. 431878

Don't date men with ADHD, BPD, NPD or any other kind of personality disorder. Also bear in mind men are much less likely to seek diagnosis, so if the signs are there trust your gut and dont wait for a professional to tell you they have it.

No. 431965

Dont minimize or hide your accomplishments & who you are….you have earned pride. Dont minimize your beauty either just make the best of it.

No. 431968

You know how in airline safety videos, they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping those around you? All of life is like that. You can’t get someone else to 100% if you’re only at 25%. If you have people in your life that rely on you, you can’t be there for them if you’re not there for yourself. More directly, you can’t always be “rescuing” your partner/friend/sibling/parents if you aren’t putting that same energy into yourself. Especially in a crisis situation, if you’re putting all of your focus and energy on others without checking on yourself, you’ll be at risk of cracking under the pressure and then you won’t be any help to anyone.
You’ll also find, the more love and energy you put into yourself, the higher your capacity to help others becomes. Always put your own mask on before helping those around you.

No. 431969

Thank you I felt like you were talking to me even though you weren’t made me tear up a lil

No. 431972

I often think this but in terms of money. If you give 1/10th of all your money to the first 10 starving kids you see, how are you going to help the 11th one if you have no money left yourself? You need money to give money, you need love to give love, you need energy to give energy etc.

No. 431973

I'm naturally a bitch but I feel it's made my life harder and caused me problems. Truth is you really have to kiss ass and schmooze people on the way up to get anywhere. Everyone will rush to cancel any woman who is exposed as being a bitch like Eva Green, Blake Lively etc. Men can get away with being unreasonable assholes far more, but even then, there's a line, and people always like people more who are seen or heard of doing nice stuff for others. Being nice definitely opened a lot more doors for me, even though I had to constantly bite my tongue.

No. 431974

Buy a gun.

No. 431975

There's nothing I'm proud of though.
I unfortunately can't.

No. 431985

Advice for you, stop being a self flaggelating miserable sack of shit. What does that bring you? You think your life will be filled with happiness and accomplishments if you already have decided to fail and be miserable? You think people enjoy having out with self hating people? Its annoying as hell. Even if your life is shit, constanly going "wa wa my life sucks and i suck and im not good for anything" will only make it worse and you'll be insufferable for everyone to be around. Its not being humble, it bragging but about how your life sucks.

No. 431986

I never said my life sucked lmao, I just said I don't really have anything to be proud of, I'm not ashamed of anything either, just a neutral stance.

No. 431999

>Love on your features even if they're not popular now. Your significance isn't determined by how you look.
Realizing features are just a matter of trend made me so much more confident

No. 432233

Awww im glad my words touched your heart.

No. 432429

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prepare yourself for any world/country crisis, learn skills that are useful beyond borders and time. love is not enough, if you are going to inconvinience yourself with a man, then he should be helping you, STOP being a simp, stop lusting so much for men, touch yourself is necessary. STDs EXIST and there is still a lot of stigma so people don't open up about it
>he looks healthy i dont think he has anything..
-a dumb friend of mine. it doesn't work like this NOBODY is safe from an STD without proper protection they exist and some of them will be worse than having a child
stop people pleasing and say NO, stop helping every stranger out there it is a dangerous world.

No. 432500

Dont date poor men. The absolute minimum a man is supposed to bring to a relationship is resources and being able to provide for you and a potential family. Broke men are literally dead weight and if he cant even fulfil his basic innate role as a man he sure as hell isn't going to fulfil any other ones.

No. 432512

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Not usually a fan of her videos but sometimes she spits blackpill gems.

Being a 'good woman' literally gets you nowhere in life except being cucked, used and trampled on.
Men do not love or respect good, pure, virtuous women. They worship whores and respect status seekers, bitches and golddiggers far more than nice well behaved pickmes. There's literally no use trying to be a 'good woman' for a moid because he will never respect you or love you for it.

If he's not providing for you, worshipping you and terrified of losing you then he doesn't actually love you. Being a confident, high maintenance bitch with high expectations is what gets you the most in life as a woman, honestly.

No. 432594

How do you become like that? I'm not saying I'm a people pleaser good woman uwu but I'm too autistic to be a dark triad Stacy.

No. 432597

Just start having firm boundaries, heighten your expectations for how men treat you and cut off people who mistreat or disrespect you.

No. 432603

so true
everyday loving men becomes harder and harder

No. 432605

I guess I'm already like that but since I don't attract anybody I can't practice what I preach kek.

No. 432607

The matter of fact is that only men with terrible self-esteem seek out pickme doormats, and we all know how men chimp out and take it out on others when they feel emasculated and worthless. Knowing your worth makes it so that you immediately appear unattractive to these failmales and cut them out of your life. It is men's natural state to worship women and provide for us, not just financially, but also emotionally. Men are supposed to enrich women's lives in all aspects. If he can't do that then he deserves to be alone forever. It's important to remember this, because a lot of women will stay with an otherwise terrible moid because he's rich and "provides."
You not being able to attract or find anyone doesn't matter, because most men are broken.

No. 432608

How about just be yourself? When dating you should of course have expetations to be threated well and moids who wont show respect deserve to get dumped. But trying to became this high value stacy that plays with the minds of men is obsession with moids similarly as being a doormat pick me. Unless you are aiming to became some trophy wife of a millionaire it is compeletely useless effort.

No. 432610

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I'm past the point of loving men or caring what they think anymore, honestly. Just seems like an endless minefield to navigate, with little to no reward in the end (besides a fat alimony payout at best, which let's be real 95% of women will never receive anyway).

The juice just isnt worth the squeeze. I'd rather have peace than spend my life sheepdogging a moid.

No. 432612

Don’t stress over bad skin, thin hair, cellulite whatever. There will ALWAYS be a man willing to fuck you no matter what you look like. There will ALWAYS be a man willing to devote himself to you no matter how old you are, what the scale says, or how ugly you feel. Women ALWAYS have the upper hand in sex and relationships.

No. 432619

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This is very true, and I hope the lurking men will seethe over this fact. Men are incredibly easy, they can blame themselves. That said, do have some standards and stay safe.

No. 432645

never laugh at a man when he isn't funny. there are too many moids on this planet who think they're comedic geniuses because other people (mainly women) have been laughing at their unfunny jokes their entire lives. also, familiarise yoursef with the concept of 'grey rocking'.

No. 432660

this, in general it's easier to work through things if theres enough distance / it's not impulsive reaction
thanks I'll try this
cute, I like the way you imagine your emotional state

No. 432669

The worst thing is when you try to spread this idea and pickmes acreech "hAvE fUn gEtTiNg cHeAtEd oN" If your moid is going to cheat it doesn't matter what you look like. Mostly friends irl but I've even seen people on lc do this.

No. 432670

Seriously, why do pickme's always think it's a win when they tell on themselves and reveal how bad/superficial their scrotes are kek.

No. 432672

They realize that they're pointlessly obsessing over their appearances for nothing and that their perceived superiority over other women is built on pillars of sand. So instead of attacking the men who benefit from this they lash out at the "ugly" woman

No. 432908

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Do not become involved with a mama’s boy. He will always put her first and she will encourage it. He’ll make you compete with her for his attention, and you will always lose. He’ll shower her with gifts on every possible occasion and you’ll be lucky if you get one thing that’s heartfelt. Because she sees you as a threat, she might go so far as to invent “slight emergencies” when she’s aware you and him are doing something important just to get his attention, especially if the emergency calls for him to leave.
You can’t even tell him you’re noticing these things or he’ll gaslight you with some excuse about her getting older and needing help. If you ask for more quality time together, he’ll say you’re being controlling. It goes without saying that they’ll talk shit about you together.
This is all made worse if you’re NC with your own mother. He will tell you you’re being delusional and just don’t know what a “healthy parent-child relationship looks like” that he can’t help that he’s the favorite (while never examining why his siblings are far less involved in her life) and that she’s his “best friend”

No. 432924

The more men talk about how much they 'hate' a certain type of women, the more likely they are actually obsessed with those kind of girls.

No. 432933


No. 432937

Ks and fat women.

No. 432938

Men and amber heard

No. 432942

e-girls, alt girls with 'danger hair' and whatever

No. 433060

always dump men before they dump you, they never recover from it and will miss you forever

No. 433267

>you deserve better than someone else's sloppy seconds. This means taken men, single dads, older men
Once you hit your 40s most non incel people in the dating pool have been married or already had kids.

No. 433272

I still would not date a divorced person or a parent though, I'll forever keep my standards.

No. 433273

I dont think thats true, theres more male virgins and guys with no dating experience than ever.

No. 433283

It's better to just mind your own business and blessings. Most people aren't worth it. Stop engaging them if you don't care about them, it's not worth your energy or attention.

No. 433292

I know this sounds strange, but strengthen your emotional intelligence as much as you can. Especially if you grew up in a challenging household. Like read books on manipulation tactics, watch informative videos about general psychology, etc. Not to say you should be manipulative yourself, but watch out for manipulative people!! I definitely wasted my time playing mental gymnastics with ex romantic partners and friends. Way too much time and energy wasted. I guess when I look back I was used to maltreatment.

No. 433348

Don't overshare and reveal vulnerabilities about yourself to people you don't trust. Especially in places like work or dating in the newer stages. Even friends. People can and will use it against you. Be careful who you trust and sometimes its best to keep your business to yourself.

No. 433359

Your anxiety around moral perfectionism isn't valid. There is no perfect woman so stop ripping apart your soul for mistakes you made when you didn't know as much as you do now.
You are under no obligation to be perfect and never make mistakes, and you never have been. Please, please forgive yourself. And realise that you are capable of change and growth and strength. Any past mistakes don't erase how far you've come.
You can stop trying to balance out the karma. Just be as you are now and breathe easy knowing that even if you have a bad day, you'll do better tomorrow.

No. 433361

sorry to interject with a blunt comment but, I think that not being so emotional about your moral compass actually allows you to act in a more moral way in society, because people overwhelmed by moral responsibility are often paralyzed and do not act

it is sometimes better to be cold and calculated for everyone involved

No. 433363

don't waste your breath preaching a reasonable middle ground on the internet, that's for people you are close with in real life

No. 434151

You will drive yourself crazy if you give a singular shit about what Moids think. Don't bother.

No. 436406

don't befriend third worlders, the only reason they're talking to you is you scam/use you

No. 436409

Never date moids with depression. Even if it's a mild down in the dumps thing. He will suck the life out of you, men purposely make their depression worse and get off to that once he deems you a suitable therapist mother in his mind. He will suicide bait just to see your tears and get off to that.

No. 436416

Yes but all those 'inexperienced' men are really just picky porn addicts who are still 'holding out' for that 10/10 virgin e-girl to fall in their lap.

No. 436477

Not all other women are trustworthy. Female solidarity is something that's talked about a lot, but you still need to be careful. Not all women are on your side just because you're the same sex.

No. 436615

Nta, I also want to add that their depression is in most cases the result of their shit habits and decisions (especially financial) or just simply not having a woman to fuck both physically and psychologically.
Too bad I usually attract mentally ill moids since I also was suicidal for quite a lot in my life, ugh

No. 436619

Male 'depression' is usually due to porn addiction and them raping their dopamine receptors until they're unable to feel a normal baseline level of happiness. I've never met a 'depressed' moid who wasnt a massive coomer.

No. 436644

I have found this to be the case so many times in my life. Women are still just human and are still prone to falling for so many of society's awful norms or just being bad people.

No. 436648

But they're statistically 99% less likely to murder or rape you than men are.

No. 436653

True but I used to long for female solidarity and friendship but never really felt included by other women. I'm still going to trust women over men but I've also just been hurt a lot and decided not to idealize and long for that sort of friendship anymore.

No. 436656

Be wary of the women who constantly insist on how they're a girls girl, especially using tiktok speak and trendy terms because usually they are the total opposite and will throw you under the bus the second they have the opportunity. Unfortunately like other nonnies said, not every woman is on your side and though not nearly as bad as men, women can be deranged too. theyre just better at hiding it and a lot of them learn exactly what to do to get as close as possible before they bring you down. Be careful

No. 436678

waxing your butthole and crotch feels really fresh and it thins your hair significantly the more you do, 100% recommend if you have high pain tolerance like me

No. 436683

Nothing better than having a gorgeous full bush

No. 436753

these are the two wolves inside of me

No. 436848

File: 1728743403285.jpg (28.44 KB, 512x384, 0015.JPG)

If you're in a relationship with a moid and feel uncomfortable about something but you keep making excuses, replace yourself for any woman you love, respect and care about. Would you like her to be in your position? If the answer is no, then what the hell are you doing? Be confident and face reality, it's probably time to learn to trust yourself and start having boundaries.

No. 436849

Waxing there increases your chances to get UTIs because bacteria from your ass has an easier time traveling to your vagina when the hair is gone. So it's kinda shitty advice.

No. 436852

I don't know if you can read but this is a thread for good advice.

No. 436869

I know the other anons are booing you but I also love getting a full Brazilian. It's expensive though and my hair grows fast so now I just trim my bush.

No. 436907

use a bidet

i've been trimming my bush as well, after waxing it full a few times, the hair thinned out and it became easier to manage, so now i just trim it. although i do still get my bikini line waxed when i go swimming, but that's because people will stare with disgust at my pubes if i don't…

No. 437072

Categorize people and don't try to treat everyone with absolute fairness in accordance to their individuality. Everyone is a stereotype in some way. I feel like a dumbass for ever giving so much care and thought to every turd I met, especially when they could hardly figure out the most surface-level things about me in return.

No. 437090

If trimming your bush is your best advice you're doing something wrong in your life.

No. 437091

didn't you already talk about this in the TMI thread

No. 437207

i thought it'd be helpful to give non relationship advice, sorry i won't do it again

probably not me, i never posted there

No. 437987

my favorite advice: try reverse-worrying. instead of filling your head with "what if__ DOESN'T happen, what if ___ fails…" flip it on it's head! "what if i DO succeed? what if i get what i've worked so hard for?"
to me, failure only exists if you give up. all we have is time and opportunities

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