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No. 391488
Be very skeptical of anyone using shame, guilt or trying to appeal to your emotions and kindness to get you to do anything. Especially the first two. Always, always look at what's in it for
you first. Even if it's family. Oh you're a bad girlfriend/daughter/bringing shame on the family for not sacrificing yourself for everyone else's benefit? Okay, be selfish then. So what? This goes doubly if it's something they would never expect a son to do. Think real hard why it's never sons caring for parents in their old age.
Second but no less important is that you deserve better than someone else's sloppy seconds. This means taken men, single dads, older men who have slept around and try to entice younger girls by promising them the moon. You
will get hurt and used and have to pay for therapy for years while they just walk away and get to do it to someone else. Being someone's dirty secret leaves you in a perfect position to be abused. You deserve someone who treats you like you're precious and genuinely cares for you, or better yet you can be that for yourself by making your own money, making good friends and creating your dream life.
Basically what
>>391293 said.
No. 391502
Be as forgiving to other women as possible and be as critical of men as possible. Have strong female friendships, stand up for women you don't even know if men criticize them, display sympathy, empathy, and compassion for the women around you. All women are traumatized and hurt in one way or another, give them chances the way no other woman or man would. Be loud, confrontative, open, honest. Stop playing into the socialization game and feminine rituals. Stop shaving every inch of your body, stop wearing makeup, stop wasting time and money and effort on shit men would never even think once about. Prioritize health and muscle. Take a self defense class. Respect yourself. Love yourself. Stay vigilant.
No. 391518
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Body neutrality, develop mental hobbies, READ, nurture female friendships, male validation has literal no worth and be aware of the profic incentive there is to keep you insecure.
No. 391543
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>>391518cool pic why is everything bout looks? buy guns ladies–I should have done that a decade ago tbh.
not implying u should kill anyone k? No. 391917
>>391299Why did she pick the mood to begin with?
Was it arranged?
No. 392228
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I would like to let thread nonnies know how much I love checking on new posts here. Your advice is precious and I love your perspective. I've been putting many of these posts in my advice collection journal to remember and repeat on good and not-so-good days.
No. 392885
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The dream life you have in your head, are you doing things to get there?
Even if it doesn’t seem realistic to try sometimes, it is.
Even if you’ve failed before, you’re smarter now.
You imagining that yourself could be happy living a life that you really want… it’s not a thought, thats a vision into what you deserve.
And you fucking deserve it
No. 392983
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Practicing positive self talk has made such a difference in my life. If any of you are like me, having a very negative and critical self voice in your head, where putting yourself down has become an automatic reflex….Please try it. Encourage and cheer yourself on to do things, be proud of yourself when you do them. Soothe yourself when you're upset like a caretaker would. Interrupt a negative thought and refute it with a positive one. It might feel strange at first, but you could try creating a persona in your head to be that positive voice. Or imagine your favorite character saying it to you.
It sounds silly but when I'm overstimulated and panicking, or so depressed I'm unable to move…I close my eyes and imagine myself taking care of a cute little kitty-type creature. The kitty represents my emotional state, maybe she's crying out or shaking in fear. I imagine myself petting her or coaxing her to drink some water/eat, and then I mirror those actions in real life.
No. 393017
>>392983>Practicing positive self talk has made such a difference in my life.Me too! Fake it until you make it, one day you end up meaning the words for real.
>>392988>I want to try this but I would feel like pixielocks if I did…kek just don't pretend it's a real other person living in your head. Imagine there's a person/character next to you encouraging you instead.
And in the same spirit: if you keep saying, thinking, writing "I'm crazy", "I'm a lost cause", "I suck", you are actively harming yourself and causing yourself to act worse. You really do become what you tell yourself you are. Being positive literally makes cancer treatment more effective, and being negative makes it less effective and more likely the patient dies.
No. 393034
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>>392983I second this! Resetting my default way of thinking from extremely negative self talk to kindness and appreciation for myself has changed everything for me. No matter what happens in my life now I don't ever question my character or my self worth anymore.
It's so uncomfortable to make the change in the way you speak to yourself, I found it embarrassing to like myself, like it was just vanity and that was wrong. but after a little while it became natural and I can't believe I was ever so cruel to myself. we get to be in this body once and no matter what we do we cannot change that so we may as well love and cherish ourselves. why would we not?
No. 431975
>>431965There's nothing I'm proud of though.
>>431974I unfortunately can't.
No. 431999
>>391298>Love on your features even if they're not popular now. Your significance isn't determined by how you look.This
Realizing features are just a matter of trend made me so much more confident
No. 432429
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prepare yourself for any world/country crisis, learn skills that are useful beyond borders and time. love is not enough, if you are going to inconvinience yourself with a man, then he should be helping you, STOP being a simp, stop lusting so much for men, touch yourself is necessary. STDs EXIST and there is still a lot of stigma so people don't open up about it
>he looks healthy i dont think he has anything..
-a dumb friend of mine. it doesn't work like this NOBODY is safe from an STD without proper protection they exist and some of them will be worse than having a child
stop people pleasing and say NO, stop helping every stranger out there it is a dangerous world.
No. 432512
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Not usually a fan of her videos but sometimes she spits blackpill gems.
Being a 'good woman' literally gets you nowhere in life except being cucked, used and trampled on.
Men do not love or respect good, pure, virtuous women. They worship whores and respect status seekers, bitches and golddiggers far more than nice well behaved pickmes. There's literally no use trying to be a 'good woman' for a moid because he will never respect you or love you for it.
If he's not providing for you, worshipping you and terrified of losing you then he doesn't actually love you. Being a confident, high maintenance bitch with high expectations is what gets you the most in life as a woman, honestly.
No. 432603
>>432512so true
everyday loving men becomes harder and harder
No. 432607
>>432512The matter of fact is that only men with terrible self-esteem seek out pickme doormats, and we all know how men chimp out and take it out on others when they feel emasculated and worthless. Knowing your worth makes it so that you immediately appear unattractive to these failmales and cut them out of your life. It is men's natural state to worship women and provide for us, not just financially, but also emotionally. Men are supposed to enrich women's lives in all aspects. If he can't do that then he deserves to be alone forever. It's important to remember this, because a lot of women will stay with an otherwise terrible moid because he's rich and "provides."
>>432605You not being able to attract or find anyone doesn't matter, because most men are broken.
No. 432610
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>>432603I'm past the point of loving men or caring what they think anymore, honestly. Just seems like an endless minefield to navigate, with little to no reward in the end (besides a fat alimony payout at best, which let's be real 95% of women will never receive anyway).
The juice just isnt worth the squeeze. I'd rather have peace than spend my life sheepdogging a moid.
No. 432619
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>>432612This is very true, and I hope the lurking men will seethe over this fact. Men are incredibly easy, they can blame themselves. That said, do have some standards and stay safe.
No. 432660
>>391601this, in general it's easier to work through things if theres enough distance / it's not impulsive reaction
>>392128thanks I'll try this
>>392983cute, I like the way you imagine your emotional state
No. 432908
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Do not become involved with a mama’s boy. He will always put her first and she will encourage it. He’ll make you compete with her for his attention, and you will always lose. He’ll shower her with gifts on every possible occasion and you’ll be lucky if you get one thing that’s heartfelt. Because she sees you as a threat, she might go so far as to invent “slight emergencies” when she’s aware you and him are doing something important just to get his attention, especially if the emergency calls for him to leave.
You can’t even tell him you’re noticing these things or he’ll gaslight you with some excuse about her getting older and needing help. If you ask for more quality time together, he’ll say you’re being controlling. It goes without saying that they’ll talk shit about you together.
This is all made worse if you’re NC with your own mother. He will tell you you’re being delusional and just don’t know what a “healthy parent-child relationship looks like” that he can’t help that he’s the favorite (while never examining why his siblings are far less involved in her life) and that she’s his “best friend”
No. 433361
>>433359sorry to interject with a blunt comment but, I think that not being so emotional about your moral compass actually allows you to act in a more moral way in society, because people overwhelmed by moral responsibility are often paralyzed and do not act
it is sometimes better to be cold and calculated for everyone involved
No. 436848
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If you're in a relationship with a moid and feel uncomfortable about something but you keep making excuses, replace yourself for any woman you love, respect and care about. Would you like her to be in your position? If the answer is no, then what the hell are you doing? Be confident and face reality, it's probably time to learn to trust yourself and start having boundaries.
No. 436907
>>436849use a bidet
>>436869i've been trimming my bush as well, after waxing it full a few times, the hair thinned out and it became easier to manage, so now i just trim it. although i do still get my bikini line waxed when i go swimming, but that's because people will stare with disgust at my pubes if i don't…
No. 437207
>>437090i thought it'd be helpful to give non relationship advice, sorry i won't do it again
>>437091probably not me, i never posted there
No. 451935
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Picrel is my best woman advice, honestly. Low self esteem women constantly analyze themselves for even the smallest flaw, but you really aren't the disgusting beast you think you are.
No. 452691
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Get fat