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/g/ - girl talk

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File: 1713677719853.jpeg (81.46 KB, 525x704, IMG_0967.jpeg)

No. 392562

Post conventionally attractive women you'd want to fuck and have no shame admitting

No. 392563

File: 1713677841593.png (535.29 KB, 450x750, IMG_0364.png)

Princess Anne. She such a handsome woman

No. 392570

File: 1713682128028.jpg (127.14 KB, 690x1024, be3e62a62d7bf67b8f361a5cd4c3e5…)

I thought I was the only one who had a megacrush on Anne, I love you anon

No. 392587

Why would you choose her as a threadpic? Not that she's unattractive, but definitely not that hot.

No. 392638

File: 1713710126456.jpg (116.45 KB, 828x786, shutterstock_editorial_1218757…)

No. 392639

File: 1713710285397.png (394.09 KB, 445x623, 08c58d276f69daf67a7b74db1a2f6b…)

Tia Carrere as Sydney Fox in Relic Hunter

No. 392660

Weird threadpic choice, agree with >>392587. Maybe it’s the eyebrows

No. 392784

Previous thread dammit

No. 392799

Karolina is just so beautiful and adorable in the firs part of the video. I love that she tries to be sassy but you can notice she's a serious almost introvert person. I think she's quirky in the right way, at least she used to. I can't help but imagine myself teasing her while she cuts her hair and eventually distracting her to the point we start making out with her hair still being halfway cut.

No. 392801

File: 1713779146750.jpg (376.4 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_2024-04-22-11-43-44…)

A screenshot from the video

No. 392934

I’ve always found her beautiful too. I love her personality and accent. I want her to lace me up in a corset uncomfortably tightly while ranting to me about correct costume history.

No. 393300

File: 1713976508015.jpg (297.54 KB, 700x760, leanbeefpatty.jpg)

Leanbeefpatty could do vile things to me and I woulnd't even care

No. 393308

File: 1713978865746.jpg (48.08 KB, 564x697, madonna.jpg)

pretty basic choice. she's the same age as my dad who was also into her kek, makes me feel weird…

No. 393311

I love Madge

No. 393312

Based Madonna. Making moids seethe for the past 40 years straight.

No. 393338

She was so beautiful. Probably still would be if she didn't bog herself.

No. 394198

File: 1714279294712.jpg (62.35 KB, 736x492, 836d08aeb9dded3b3a71118b44ea9a…)

How can a woman like that only date ugly
She was perfect.

No. 394220

File: 1714289438024.jpeg (38 KB, 512x512, 8b50d9b7186f214901ad35d57079bb…)

Why is she so…

No. 394221

File: 1714289518759.jpeg (16.44 KB, 569x427, legacy_elm_44715623.jpeg)


No. 394222

File: 1714289567729.jpeg (114.33 KB, 900x1200, Csk8lZ8WgAE3Nvf.jpeg)

No. 394228

Terf queen ♥

No. 394231

She's actually gorgeous in an elegant way. Proof that women don't 'hit the wall' like men claim they do.

No. 394404

I'm sure she was the lesbian/bi awakening of many women, many HP fans have talked about crushing on her and I've seen a lot of Harry Potter anon confessions that were just JKR thirst posts kek. Being openly TERFy while also not bending the knee to right wing losers like Matt Walsh makes her even hotter tbh.

No. 395179

File: 1714689011371.jpg (10.07 KB, 233x288, 1000025501.jpg)

I don't know if she is conventionally attractive, but I'm obsessed with Petra Kelly (died unfortunately in the 90s). I love her face and lanky body and her ideals, especially fighting for the criminalization of marital rape. Not sure of her views on abortion, that's still unclear to me, but we could have talked it out.

My fantasies are kind of tame, I want to just lean on her and talk about all kinds of stuff and kiss her. I don't go too far because I don't think she was bi/lesbian so idk if it's disrespectful at all. I just think she's lovely and her natural look is perfect.

No. 395244

File: 1714747476676.png (209.44 KB, 500x281, 30d8653ebe48f4918fd1be5ea28ad6…)

no wonder she was always getting it on the show (six feet under) i'd let her do vile things

No. 395276

she’s so beautiful, my type in women.

No. 395312

File: 1714773810170.jpeg (38.49 KB, 1200x630, jtRwmeT.jpeg)

Is it just me or is this kind of like kristen stewart's eyes, mouth, eyebrows, and facial proportions with princess diana hair?

No. 395970

File: 1715067256622.jpg (1.13 MB, 1654x2363, 1000025792.jpg)

I see it! I love this pic of her. I'm not sure if the colors have been altered a bit, though - I've never seen greying hair look so perfectly matched to periwinkle (so probably it's edited). Haven't checked around. But I've seen a few other shots in this outfit so that part is at least real.

website with more stuff: https://www.petrakellystiftung.de/de/petra-kelly

No. 396229

File: 1715140244622.webp (149.77 KB, 1155x1600, IMG_1502.webp)

Mata Hari (maybe this should go in the shame thread)

No. 396753

File: 1715358328021.jpg (118.49 KB, 1440x1080, dalida-accords.jpg)

I hate what they did to her status in Montmarte

No. 397511


I know this is 20 days late but I didn’t think deeply about it.

No. 397914

File: 1715699711815.jpg (41.17 KB, 570x712, 1f4c0997c8ca3b036cf35039dfee9f…)

I guess you just had to be there for the Outdoor Voices craze but man idk there's something about her. It's always blonde women for me.

No. 397915

Samefag just to say I realize she doesn't look that blonde here kek.

No. 397929

File: 1715702129068.jpg (36.19 KB, 620x620, katieherzog.jpg)

Katie Herzog. Love her long neck, eyes, edgy persona

No. 399934

File: 1716395569140.jpg (233.37 KB, 1080x1080, csaba-dalla-zorza.jpg)

I want to be Csaba's wife, respectfully. She's so elegant and refined, we already have some common interests but i'm going to improve my cooking for her.
Being a poorfag sucks because if i had the possibility i would have participated in her shows and snatched her off from her husband in one day for sure.

No. 399935

omg she's gorgeous

No. 400229

File: 1716492240289.jpg (497.92 KB, 1693x2048, licensed-image.jpg)

I don't care for her otherwise but something about this photo of her with the dog bite across her face…

No. 400300

File: 1716510825027.jpg (93.2 KB, 1080x1080, Snapinsta.app_445827002_468579…)

I think she's stunning.

No. 400446

File: 1716573907843.jpg (116.27 KB, 1080x1350, ella1.jpg)

loved her as jinx in arcane but should've listened to the yellowjackets/sweetbitter spergs so i could see her in action earlier

No. 400463


No. 401424

File: 1716857438850.jpg (76.86 KB, 471x785, kate.jpg)

kate bush has an extremely mystical essence and it makes me want her even more, her voice and music adds to that alot too

No. 401609

She’s beautiful and this makeup look is absolutely stunning on her especially with her eye shape and large eyelids but something about her nose is too plastic

No. 401610

She has huge clit energy

No. 403363

File: 1717501575596.jpg (1.22 MB, 6000x4000, MV5BNTQ0MDk1MzktYTI5MC00ZGU1LT…)

Ayo Edebir, but its more accurate to say I want to respectfully love her and have a wonderful wedding and treat her right. She's just so beautiful and cute, a really endearing girl all around.

No. 403368

This is the exact image on my poster that's hanging on my door

No. 403774

File: 1717623601997.webp (632.04 KB, 1280x1920, Anne_120822_GettyImages-639752…)

Mandatory Anne post

No. 404099

File: 1717712243327.jpg (140.63 KB, 736x736, 888c51401d8d177cc49407f8f17429…)

She gets more and more beautiful everyday.

No. 404100

File: 1717712271074.jpg (60.31 KB, 736x920, ff446253a3b3a40b13c99a43971959…)

No. 404101

her skin is so smooth and pretty

No. 404114

I had a crush on her without even knowing who she was. So beautiful.

No. 404471

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No. 404472

File: 1717813716410.jpeg (170.86 KB, 1581x1054, IMG_1333.jpeg)

No. 404473

File: 1717813757973.jpeg (100.35 KB, 800x544, IMG_1334.jpeg)

Ignore creepy joe. She’s so sexy

No. 404474

She looks sooo good with lighter makeup

No. 404490

File: 1717818718726.jpeg (63.01 KB, 554x554, 1E3F4079-F04E-412B-A129-C097DC…)

I kept posting in the wrong threads 3x I'm sorry. Anyway, Suzuka is a rockstar she def has groupies

No. 404511

File: 1717822164202.jpeg (161.78 KB, 1000x600, IMG_2764.jpeg)

pj harvey, she’s so beautiful and effortlessly cool. (sad that she dated that disgusting moid vincent gallo, allegedly.)

No. 404520

File: 1717827203154.jpeg (102.2 KB, 736x1104, IMG_6039.jpeg)

I like both

No. 404539

File: 1717840881084.jpg (48.3 KB, 750x460, pjh.jpg)

My mind automatically completed your post with 'Nick Cave' before reaching the end of it, even more disappointing kek

No. 404702

Ugh she’s so cool and she’s one of my musical idols, I’m so envious of her and in love with her at the same time

No. 404739

File: 1717914713603.jpg (107.92 KB, 1080x1279, suaki.jpg)


No. 404741

File: 1717914849331.jpg (327.07 KB, 1080x1266, suaki2.jpg)

nom nom nom snifff mmmnonnonmnonm

No. 404742

anon these pics are so obviously shooped, you're like one of those jewel beetles that "mate" with beer bottles instead of other beetles

No. 404744

File: 1717915859408.mp4 (453.85 KB, 720x960, rini.mp4)

No. 404745

well ok have fun jerking your weenie to women that shoop themselves to look like gray aliens

No. 404746

I'm not jerking my weenie
The only weenie getting jerked is suaki's(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 404747

File: 1717916473670.png (225.68 KB, 992x558, 240119_ntl_uap1_1242_hpMain_16…)

how does this image make you feel?

No. 404748

I'm too busy imagining getting squeezed between suaki chan's thick thighs to worry about your negging sniff

No. 404749

File: 1717916779283.jpg (75.91 KB, 690x407, 526150.jpg)

"fvck vros… theyre all so hot.. AAAGHH IM GONNA COOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!"(scrotefoiling)

No. 404754

File: 1717918589226.png (360.52 KB, 1133x627, female alien.png)

Literally this, kek

No. 404790

File: 1717944246045.jpeg (152.67 KB, 736x981, IMG_6083.jpeg)

Terrible makeup, she looks like a clown

No. 404793

Anon you find this attractive? She barely looks like a woman under all those filters and shoop. Have you ever been outside?

No. 406063

File: 1718400076328.gif (8.9 MB, 500x500, IMG_8440.gif)

need her so bad

No. 406064

It’s a moid

No. 406098

who is this omg

No. 406099

She looks like a half Iraqi lesbian sporty girl I used to go to high school with and had a huge crush on

No. 406100

Oh man

No. 406107

File: 1718411063647.gif (8.96 MB, 470x470, IMG_8439.gif)

caitlin clark. i have a debilitating crush on her right now. here, have this gif that shows off her beautiful arms

No. 406109

File: 1718411382965.jpg (34.61 KB, 495x619, kk.jpg)

yesss i knew it! sporty girls make my heart skip. in a similar vein, i have such a huge crush on caroline harvey. she's so cute on the ice man

No. 406117

File: 1718412401599.png (1.49 MB, 828x1312, IMG_1213.png)

oh she’s gorgeous. it helps that so many of them are so tall, i have such a weakness for tall women. not to be too much of a slut but i also have my eye on cameron brink, she looks like blonde amazonian lara croft here. caitlin truly has my heart at present tho

No. 406125

She's so hot…

No. 406126

Suzuka and Megan are so gorgeous I can't

No. 406127

This video made me feel things for her, love the song too

No. 406183

yess she's absolutely gorgeous nonny, I've been obsessed with her since her single 'alone'. willow also seems to be a prog fan, which is hot as fuck

No. 406361

She’s a pretentious nepo baby.

Also I would love for a tall woman to put all her weight on me as we trib

No. 406527

the first solo dear lord

No. 407544

File: 1718845515607.jpeg (86.69 KB, 533x800, Introducing Julia Saner.jpeg)

Swiss random model

No. 407545

File: 1718845554131.jpeg (41.2 KB, 604x434, ⋆。˚_ _ ♡ ࿐.jpeg)

She was an angel

No. 407548

File: 1718845654795.png (1.11 MB, 768x1024, post-11622-0-1446018663-05146.…)

Swedish random model

No. 407549

File: 1718845914189.jpg (132.08 KB, 946x1408, is-adriana-lima-the-best-looki…)

Queen Adriana

No. 407550

File: 1718846146988.jpg (54.65 KB, 720x810, 8fbb7089cff767e5ee584d2c137d58…)

Meisa Kuroki

No. 407552

File: 1718846736919.jpeg (45.81 KB, 402x604, VAMP.jpeg)

No. 407553

File: 1718846763196.jpeg (37.67 KB, 735x490, barbara palvin.jpeg)

No. 407555

File: 1718847005479.jpg (44.33 KB, 500x703, 1644574-500w.jpg)

No. 407841

File: 1718942788506.jpg (65.44 KB, 680x940, emrata.jpg)

I know I will get shat on for this but emily ratajkowski does it for me. I never got it until a few months ago. Read her book and hated it. But she has now replaced corinna kopf for me.
(I don't know why I have a moidlike taste in women)

No. 408122

File: 1719025763205.jpg (135.16 KB, 1080x1080, sylviaplath.jpg)

She was so cute.

No. 408132

File: 1719029894141.webp (80.1 KB, 1280x800, 00490792-259027146.webp)

She is so so so beautiful. I saw her dance and it's the first time in my life that the phrase "she is alllll woman" just popped into my head

No. 408158

Isnt it normal as a lesbian to be attracted to femme looking women with large breasts and long hair etc? I never understood the psyop that if you’re a lesbian you have to only be attracted to masc muscular short haired tomboy and butch bulldyke types. If I’m a lesbian why would I be attracted to women doing an imitation of a man?

No. 408159

>why would I be attracted to women doing an imitation of a man?
Bait used to be believable

No. 408160

Bulldykes are nasty sorry hun(bait)

No. 408166

File: 1719048951612.jpg (163.25 KB, 645x320, ED1.jpg)

Emmanuelle Devos, she has the most magnetic face and the nicest tits

No. 408237

Nonna !!!!!! I've been obsessed with her for a decade. She's extremely magnetic, yes. I love her voice too.

No. 408249

She’s so strong and flexible, she moves so elegantly from pose to pose, and makes even the most complex and difficult poses look effortless. Oh and she looks literally perfect too.

No. 408304

File: 1719100230754.jpeg (79.59 KB, 736x916, IMG_8678.jpeg)

i love armpit hair so much

No. 408346

File: 1719119814595.jpeg (76.15 KB, 550x688, IMG_0422.jpeg)

So I’m bisexual I guess (I’d consider myself like maybe a 1, or 1.5 on the Kinsey scale?) but I never really think about it or tell anyone about it. I had sex with a few girls when I was in my 20s but never really had a “girl crush” on women I haven’t met, if that makes sense? But I guess short-haired “tomboy” types are my type, and for some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about this TikTok barista girl I kept seeing on social media and I was shocked to see that she’s married to a man

No. 408347

>has sex with multiple women
>thinks she's a 1 on the kinsey scale

No. 408349

Hahahaha ayrt, so right after I posted that I looked it up again and I think I was mistaken and thought it started at 0. It said 1 was “incidentally homosexual”, what would I be then? Maybe a 2 or almost 3?

No. 408355

Probably between 2 and 3 tbg

No. 408373

She's also a gendie, I was pretty dissapointed but not surprised when I discovered it

No. 408778

I don’t know where you got this from. The majority of “sapphic” women are bi women with a preference for masculinity in both genders, so you’ll hear women thirsting for masc women more. But femme4femmes make up the majority of lesbians by far… Bulldykes have never been considered the lesbian standard, ever.

No. 409203

File: 1719357057575.webp (93.41 KB, 1440x2027, IMG_4042.webp)

I don’t care about the tradwife/mormon discourse around her but she’s so sexy to me.

No. 409205

kill yourself

No. 409221

Wtf is this shit

No. 409223

>source: just trust me bro. Take that evil masc women and masc women likers

No. 409235

What? Did you even read the post I replied to? I like masc women, I’m saying femme4femmes make up the majority of lesbians, which is objectively true.

No. 409261

File: 1719369388553.jpg (147.98 KB, 669x1024, 1000009072.jpg)

She's really cute, but tall. Idgaf, she is shoujo protagonist vibes.

No. 409267

File: 1719370710703.jpeg (206.07 KB, 726x1080, IMG_8738.jpeg)

i’ve had the hots for taytay since like 2014 but she’s become so much hotter in her 30s & since she’s taken up strength training. tall blonde women with slightly sinister vibes are my kryptonite.

No. 409316

God her thighs look delectable
Totally agree anon she looks so much hotter now that she filled out a bit

No. 409319

File: 1719376284677.png (2.57 MB, 2048x1294, 1000008713.png)

Sinister, awkward, theatrical, I kind of like how she doesn't exude the perfect diva type of energy. I thought she looked so good in this shot. Yell at me Ms. Swift.

No. 409329

anons making exceptions for rando people for some reason. if any other cow posted a photo like this they'd get called gross and pandering to preg fetishes

No. 409350

File: 1719392599864.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.99 KB, 564x788, mylene.jpg)

Spoilered for mild nudity

No. 409352

File: 1719393399581.jpg (183.34 KB, 1920x1080, TAYLOR-SWIFT-ON-THE-GOLDEN-GLO…)

No. 409471

Not all of us care lol

No. 409474

File: 1719431516838.jpg (79.13 KB, 640x788, 1000009092.jpg)

Gena Rowlands could get it

No. 409511

File: 1719438851383.jpeg (154.39 KB, 736x1102, IMG_8746.jpeg)

incredibly based. tfw you will never be her controversially younger protégé

No. 409638

File: 1719477019047.jpeg (36.13 KB, 515x515, AA09B759-DD40-412B-B488-7DE5C6…)

My type is edgy e-girls who look quirky and do a lot of drugs. Sorry if my taste is scrotey. And unfortunately very few of these women are ever lesbian but pickmes/lipstick lesbians/‘pansexual’ hetties at best.

No. 409919

File: 1719536998513.jpeg (195.54 KB, 952x867, DEFA0FDB-0FD1-444D-AF84-A3050F…)

>the perfect girl does not exis-

No. 409920

fuck, same. i have been in so many one sided relationship with edgy art women

No. 409923

This can’t be real…

No. 409925

File: 1719539989110.jpg (295.75 KB, 1365x2048, gettyimages-2056676507-2048x20…)

Bebe Rexha's music is boring but she's gotten so hot after gaining weight

No. 409926

File: 1719540093649.jpg (78.82 KB, 640x960, ohashi.jpg)

my god she is so perfect
i would smack a baby for a chance to put my face between those thighs…

No. 409927

Based. I have a fetish for women with small petite dollish faces and big curvaceous bodies.

No. 409931

Kek she claims she was bullied in school but I’m certain she was the bully. She’s been caught being a racist a bunch of times taking videos on instagram lives and her old snapchats where she was making fun of Indians and Muslims and asking if they smell like curry, imitating their accents etc. It’s funny because I actually thought she was half Indian or something because she’s quite swarthy.

No. 410538

File: 1719746181638.jpg (34.03 KB, 339x500, the-school-of-rock-lg.jpg)

I need her as this character

No. 410544

Nonna I thought I was the only one here who had it so bad for her…her body and her adorable face absolutely bewitch me like let’s wrestle pls

No. 410545

Absolutely based giga stacy

No. 411007

File: 1719881803296.jpeg (62.39 KB, 500x267, C2E4B124-1A45-449A-A6C0-6A2599…)

Obsessed with her since I was 13. She will always be my waifu.

No. 411388

File: 1720035998853.png (1.7 MB, 1581x1054, 10216254j.png)

No. 411389

man this was her hottest role. i wanted to date her so bad in ghost world.

No. 411401

File: 1720038622758.jpg (118.02 KB, 634x792, 31726560-8608305-image-a-27_15…)


No. 411778

File: 1720176498326.gif (847.54 KB, 565x502, beyonce.gif)

This is Beyonce. I can't even put into words everything I felt seeing this gif. I'm literally going insane, I'm on a normal cycle day but she makes me feel like I'm ovulating. Jesus. My heart is racing.

No. 411780

Is this not Freddy from iCarly

No. 411859

nonna i had this exact thought at the exact same time.

No. 411886

Ot but I love this purple top

No. 411960

File: 1720238653029.jpeg (221.21 KB, 1440x1440, 6fffcoaki02d1.jpeg)

She's so dreamy to me, I find how fit she is too be super attractive too, can't explain it. Just the only con is that she's too boring as in personality

No. 411980

I actually like that as her personality. She has no obligation to be Le Quirky or entertain people. I prefer it to other artists who do nothing but word vomit all the time and sound stupid.

No. 411982

File: 1720244643260.jpg (563.52 KB, 1357x2048, duametaldress.jpg)

Stunning, my thoughts are nothing but unholy sorry not sorry
You know, you're right. Her relaxed personality fits her

No. 411983

I dont think boring is even the right word. She owes no one her personal life or views, especially not a bunch of fags trying to use her like a barbie or puppet. I prefer it to the shit Charli XCX does by far, woman never shuts the fuck up and says a whole lot of nothing lol

No. 412262

File: 1720300124901.jpeg (192.45 KB, 1440x1442, IMG_8923.jpeg)

just here to say i still desperately need to fuck her

No. 412347

she thinks she's better than other women because she's so tall. Believe it or not, but some of us have things going for us other than our height. I have two friends that are even taller than she is, 5'10" really isn't that impressive

No. 412390

File: 1720320199105.jpeg (47.14 KB, 550x367, 45D52F2A-1830-4CE7-8CE3-FE39BB…)

Taylor is definitely a lesbian and I know Barb is bi but she's just internalizing that typical Slavic homophobia. Come home sapphic women, to the Isle of Lesbos.

No. 412418

Does she? She's not even 5'10

No. 412438

File: 1720330818993.webp (108.19 KB, 1170x1544, 1000009191.png)

Something about this photo really does it for me. I love to think of her snorting coke with me.

No. 412452

I don't buy that you are really attracted to her. You are attracted to her due to her skill, fame, status, personality, perfect hair and flawless skin. But her body and her actual facial features are both average as the day is long

No. 412456

Nta but not everyone is into super hot bombshell models and being attracted to someone is not just about looks.

No. 412469

If that's average to you I wanna live where you live

No. 412501

File: 1720359451466.jpeg (221.82 KB, 1080x1346, IMG_8730.jpeg)

you’re right, i lied. i totally don’t wanna lick the sweat off her abs after a game. and i don’t care that she’s 6 feet tall and has killer arms and thighs. or that she has a cute face with beautiful big brown eyes and a winning smirk. all very irrelevant to me.

No. 412643

I really do feel things about this picture

No. 412988

File: 1720479571355.jpeg (164.08 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_8963.jpeg)

amy adams as camille preaker. gawd she is such a hot mess, i want to have sloppy drunk car sex with her

No. 413016

File: 1720485367767.jpg (738.79 KB, 2999x3999, BJORKILOVEYOU.jpg)

I love Björk. I am absolutely crazy over Björk. To start her face is just so beautiful and unique, she looks like an ancient porcelain doll that was owned by a young japanese princess. She has a very kissable face. She just looks so elegant and soft at all times, so full of energy yet so gentle. She's probably one of the most creative women of all time too, even in the 90's when music production was a bit more limited everything she'd make would sound so infinite. She's not just good at her craft, it's like every piece of musical equipment she touches is touched by an angel. Her voice adds to everything too, so gentle but so powerful. I love the way she talks about things that interest her, I'd love to meet her and ask about one of her songs just for her to talk about the experience that inspired her to make it. It's very cute when she talks of her country Iceland and discusses the culture and nature of it. She has a very cute and recognizable speaking voice too, so full of excitement. Because of how much she talks about the forest I wonder if she's a fairy because she has a face of one. Always looking sweet. She could possibly be one of the most beautiful women of our time too, I just find her face cute in every instance. I love Björk.

No. 413027

I want someone to talk about me like this one day

No. 413031

this is a beautiful love letter.

No. 413038

File: 1720494837984.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1806, 1000006500.png)

Amelia from Chicken Shop Date. She is so adorable and charming as hell. She seems very genuine and interested in the people she interviews. The awkward persona makes her even cuter imo.

No. 413063

She got a big ass head

No. 413065

so does Sabrina Carpenter, but nobody criticizes her for it. Double standards much?

No. 413083

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No. 413084

File: 1720509184499.png (1.48 MB, 1200x800, IMG_4753.png)

Tapping into my mommy issues

No. 413147

File: 1720535172853.jpg (135.05 KB, 564x1128, f3aef77a6bb03fab6d449c4ac5d6e9…)

She's so funny, I like her
Hot and a great personality
Forever yes

I can't be the only one in love with HBC. I love how sure of herself and confident she is. Queen energy. Her fashion is such goals, wish I could figure out the name for it.

No. 413239

File: 1720566046305.jpg (581.87 KB, 1263x1891, SarahAndersenInReality.jpg)

No. 413273

Absolutely hate this obnoxious tryhard bitch

No. 413287

you hate her just because she has a large head? I'm sure you don't have any physical imperfections yourself…

No. 413908

File: 1720762620285.jpg (144.88 KB, 515x726, Untitled.jpg)

could barely concentrate on the movie bc i want her so bad

No. 414191

File: 1720837671657.jpg (255.26 KB, 1080x1255, GSTJdwIWQAAh_Q6.jpg)

She looks stunning with makeup, but her bare face makes her look so cute

No. 414208

File: 1720842753062.jpg (96.46 KB, 736x1103, 1963a6652901de60c4be10384d03f5…)

I love this style on her and her side profile is adorable and doll like.

No. 414209

I was actually gonna post this, I think she has the prettiest smile.

No. 414232

File: 1720857393469.jpeg (101.64 KB, 420x849, IMG_4720.jpeg)

My wife

No. 414245

File: 1720862317824.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1433, image_2024-07-13_211743875.png)

bobbie from wtfock Belgian tv show

No. 414736

File: 1721008508227.jpeg (337.83 KB, 1080x1390, IMG_4163.jpeg)

I need her badly

No. 414742

She’s so lesbian coded here, love that for her(go back )

No. 414745

No. 414746

What in the tiktokfag

No. 414757

Go back.

No. 415457

File: 1721182583401.jpeg (112.43 KB, 1200x630, IMG_5254.jpeg)

No. 415459

No. 415460

File: 1721184313453.jpeg (147.27 KB, 736x907, IMG_5626.jpeg)

No. 415627

I want her

No. 415746

File: 1721253803622.jpg (98.14 KB, 736x736, 1407ecf2c4a7175d8814cbdf368c2a…)

I miss the twee look to be honest. She's so cute in this photo, something about this style is just really attractive to me. I love girls who look like they could be fairies.

No. 415747

Fellow fairy-like girl lover

No. 415783

File: 1721260982765.jpg (68.94 KB, 450x800, taylor-swifts-mostly-1989-era-…)

I wish you didn't mention this because it made me google this era all over again. Her candids were so cute during this era as was her transition into the 1989 era. She's so hot.

No. 415815

File: 1721270861600.jpg (58.84 KB, 525x720, 451432791_122158054130217972_5…)

I'm going to miss these shots when her tour is over. I wish I could make this a poster or something.

No. 415836

Dolly is such an angel, I love her

No. 415845

>as if shy diminutive acting twee hyperfeminine women with neotenous features aren’t already the universal scrotey standard

No. 415852


No. 415863

>tiny face, tiny nose, big eyes, pouty lips and angel skull isn’t neotenous

No. 415866

taylor's eyes have always been known for looking tiny and squinty kek. her face reminds me more of those drawings from the 50's if anything

No. 415868

Her eyes are tiny compared to whose?

No. 415870

>angel skull
For when kibbe autism isn't retarded enough

No. 415893

File: 1721285211627.jpeg (223.55 KB, 1500x1042, IMG_4173.jpeg)

>big eyes
lmao where?


No. 415904

i don't understand attraction to taylor swift at all. she's not ugly but something about her is completely lacking sex appeal or intrigue? didn't know people actually wanted to fuck her. she seems like she'd be weird and bad in bed idk

No. 415905

File: 1721286842913.jpg (229.42 KB, 1080x1350, f275585dce6fe2827359384ee4e898…)

I have posted her a long time ago, but this is my ideal woman.

No. 415932

Taylor is proof you can be cute without neotenous features. Her facial structure is actually very non-neotenous besides the smallness of her face. Also her eyes are narrow, although they’re still feminine since the length of the eyes divided by the width of the face is correlated with hormonal indicators of femininity. Not a Taylorfag just autistic

No. 415933

File: 1721296278105.jpeg (97.93 KB, 596x515, IMG_7307.jpeg)

That is not necessarily fairy-like, I don’t come across many moids IRL with my type in women, since they prefer the curvy dolled up look.

No. 415958

File: 1721300737822.jpeg (108.91 KB, 681x951, IMG_9046.jpeg)

>not wanting to spend the rest of your life servicing pillow princess!tay

No. 415962

I don't like her music but she's objectively beautiful. She has normal features that aren't the drag queen baby faced disasters TikTok loves to worship. I just know your boyfriend is hideous(bait)

No. 415963

File: 1721302394442.jpeg (76.2 KB, 982x726, annie-lennox-suit.jpeg)

People always give me weird looks when I say she's one of the most attractive celebrities please validate me here

No. 415991

I think she would laugh and actually behave like a person in bed. I find her very attractive in the way she's never marketed herself as a diva, sex siren, or many other typically male markered ways of sexuality. Not every woman has to be an Adriana lima to be sexy. Most women I know irl have some side to them that isn't stone cold in the way sexuality is often advertised. I find TS's height very attractive and she does have a fit, lithe body with womanly facial features.

No. 415995

There is a difference between beauty and sex appeal. Taylor is maybe the most beautiful woman ever, she just isn't very sexy. Similar to someone like Gal Gadot.
Sydney Sweeney is the polar opposite, very sexy but not what you'd call beautiful
Occasionally you get someone like Monica Bellucci, who is both

No. 415997

File: 1721311926343.jpeg (138.62 KB, 1600x900, IMG_9103.jpeg)

that’s how i felt watching longlegs. need cute autistic detective gf.

No. 416035

she’s boring as fuck and mediocre looking

No. 416041

She really is. I guess people think attractive = long hair. But long hair doesn't suit her at all and that style is amazing on her, not many woman are able to pull it off. What I wouldn't give to have a girlfriend that looks like her…

No. 416046

your opinion is wrong. Taylor is the most beautiful woman to ever live
I hate her too, btw. She is the most annoying celebrity ever. Can you imagine how insufferable her kids with Travis are going to be?
But beauty is beauty(learn2integrate)

No. 416144

File: 1721342629855.jpg (59.03 KB, 564x998, fffe04d93541f6678900728947b82d…)

This isn't the conventionally attractive people you find ugly thread, anon.
I love this photo, it's so interesting to me how her breasts sometimes look quite small, but in other photos looks large.

No. 416148


No. 416279

and you don’t have to spam this thread with your shit taste

No. 416464

It's not the same person who is posting all the photos of Taylor.

No. 416467

File: 1721408842861.jpg (178.7 KB, 1080x1350, riley pinkerton.jpg)

the lead singer of castle rat is so charming

No. 416474

File: 1721409445081.jpg (344.24 KB, 1127x1503, riley pinkerton with sword.jpg)

No. 416487

File: 1721412656976.jpeg (218.03 KB, 800x1200, IMG_9132.jpeg)

oh holy shit thank you for making me aware of her existence nona, gonna listen to her band now. love me some trad doom.
she looks cute in this style too.

No. 416488

neat, new find. time to obsess and then forget kek.

No. 416498

her voice is so attractive. i love women with talents.

No. 416568

I don’t know how to explain it but I love this kind of face

No. 416572

File: 1721428769375.gif (1020.55 KB, 400x225, IMG_7823.gif)

Hope this kind of gif is allowed

No. 416573

File: 1721428825389.jpeg (240.29 KB, 730x1043, IMG_7825.jpeg)

No. 416739

File: 1721447030864.webp (49.46 KB, 1200x900, IMG_9151.webp)

i can’t stop lusting over basketball players. new life goal is to become a wnba wag

No. 416803

File: 1721456921951.jpeg (644.83 KB, 1452x2048, A51EE964-59F7-4AAD-8564-7C8669…)

I love Jackie Collins so much. She was a talented writer and got more gorgeous with age. She also sued a magazine for wrongfully publishing a fake nude photo of her, even while the magazine owner threatened her, and was awarded $40 million in damages by a judge. Queen.

No. 417050

File: 1721531143397.jpg (82.58 KB, 720x720, 450197736_1186704709419634_621…)

that movie was so fucking bad but maika was amazing in it

No. 417075

File: 1721537072530.jpeg (27.81 KB, 306x482, D6925CA7-A115-4A56-85B3-89B956…)

I always loved her. Such an awkward Aquarius queen trying to pass as normie. I remember her saying she wore baggy clothing in Torn because she didn't want men looking at her silhouette, and how she hated red carpet events because her face would always start twitching like crazy from fake smiling.

No. 417595

File: 1721683506430.jpeg (144.45 KB, 1143x600, 42235E789A94-024.jpeg)

Sophia Loren

No. 417613

File: 1721685999308.jpg (68.43 KB, 570x967, de0e41dcd491ee92b107d38e5c53c4…)

i can just imagine her doing nasty shit to me while sniggering and making fun of my expressions while i try to hold it all together on the inside despite the torture

No. 417777

File: 1721722240249.jpeg (300.86 KB, 861x1390, IMG_5649.jpeg)

No. 417828

she isn't attractive at all

No. 418065

File: 1721831563809.jpg (57.23 KB, 640x794, IMG.JPG)

She’s making me feel things like never before

No. 418319

File: 1721876541871.jpg (49.93 KB, 500x750, 1000001263.jpg)

God help me.

No. 418335

I can't even watch her videos it's too much. legitimately don't know if I want to be her or be with her. is it aspiration or desire???

No. 418350

Really? I think she's cute. She seems like she's got a weird personality but she's been through some shit

No. 418352

File: 1721880331670.jpg (69.63 KB, 735x803, 1ac0657b69fda3ee07a712a9c77374…)

I just think she has one of the prettiest faces I've ever seen. The haters love to say she looks dopey and plain and is nothing without her boobs but they have no taste. I love her cute big droopy eyes and her sweet smile, and I'd love her even if she had A-cups. She's good at playing mean girl characters but she kills me when she's given more naive roles, it triggers my protective instinct so hard I think I could kill for her. I'd love to make her happy forever and I'd die to make sweet love to her

No. 418447

she looks cuter with darker toned hair

No. 418511

What did you think of her performance in Anyone but You?

No. 418602

File: 1721942564183.jpeg (348.21 KB, 1080x1895, IMG_9253.jpeg)

>pit hair
i’m losing my mind

No. 418603

File: 1721942636456.jpeg (373.59 KB, 1463x2048, IMG_9247.jpeg)

also contributing this image for all my fellow taylusters because i think she looks very hot and sensual here…

No. 418749

File: 1721980553048.png (191.15 KB, 806x1008, 1000009431.png)

I love her in casual outfits on stage. Her rehearsal pictures tend to look really hot.

No. 419076

File: 1722038619455.jpeg (144.81 KB, 600x837, 08BE59B5-F34F-4528-B740-09341C…)

Both of them are gorgeous in their own way

No. 419077

File: 1722038776626.jpeg (29.14 KB, 640x640, 33D69EF0-CEBA-4234-9029-B6903F…)

Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucis daughter is gorgeous. Her dad is so ugly but she turned out nicely thanks to her mom.

No. 419079

File: 1722039220147.jpg (210.2 KB, 800x1421, 1000005709.jpg)

One of my few celebrity crushes. This is so niche but I love women who could straddle the line between dainty and eerie.
Wow, she looks amazing here. This colour is so much better on her.

No. 419095

mama mogs her daughter to oblivion

No. 419155

Fuck you

No. 419179

I fell in love with her playing Elizabeth Holmes, I'd love a cute eccentric blonde autistic gf

No. 419267

File: 1722103802807.jpeg (118.84 KB, 750x929, BC075A09-A67B-4CB8-B4E7-AD4F5C…)

her jaw is so sexy I need to gnaw on it

No. 419307

File: 1722113160301.jpeg (227.24 KB, 1125x1393, IMG_9262.jpeg)

just started watching yellowjackets and oh my god i have the hots for melanie lynskey, i love her big brown eyes and the cute mischievous expressions she makes…and her body looks so soft and inviting…

No. 419342

Me too girl so mommy

No. 419343

Me too

No. 419669

File: 1722219965798.jpeg (234.4 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_8886.jpeg)

The girl from that lesbian tiktok couple. URRGHHH I want her to cheat on her girlfriend with me. That one edit they used as an ad turned me on so badly

No. 419685

File: 1722222693562.jpeg (65.07 KB, 640x640, IMG_8919.jpeg)

No. 419762

File: 1722263098030.jpeg (845.49 KB, 1006x1282, IMG_8756.jpeg)

I feel weird saying I want to fuck her because she’s so cute and sweet and innocent I just want to love and hold her

No. 419765

File: 1722264253473.jpg (55.91 KB, 828x815, s-l1600.jpg)

Brittany Murphy was such a beautiful angel to me

No. 420127

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No. 420129


No. 420156

File: 1722352363145.jpg (57.19 KB, 293x500, uptown-girls-lg.jpg)

Yes nona, I love you for this.

No. 420264


No. 420268

File: 1722375144345.jpeg (1017.78 KB, 1170x1365, IMG_6142.jpeg)

the only real shameful thing is the age but she still looks good

No. 420398

File: 1722411536155.jpeg (27.54 KB, 240x360, 5F6E22F3-CE98-4A9E-8B01-0767E5…)

I wish she was real…

No. 420407

this belongs in /m/'s waifu thread

No. 420408

No. 420426

File: 1722423946652.jpg (53.49 KB, 770x760, 796d60db40.jpg)

I still can't believe it, nonnas. She was such an inspiration to me that even knowing she was on her deathbed for years, it still hit me. RIP

No. 420525

File: 1722466538673.webm (2.44 MB, 1280x720, 1722401617114.webm)

I get you nona, I love women with this type of cold/tough aura

No. 420712

File: 1722553386406.png (873.64 KB, 606x961, blep.png)

So… she’s 18 now (19 this year). Greentext time:

>be me, 8 year old.

>this Russian girl, Kristina Pimenova, starts being touted as "the world's most beautiful little girl"
>she gives many young girls their first experiences with body dysmorphia
>i am one of them
>stare at my face in the mirror, trying to look like her
>wonder what was missing in me
>many girls my age describe the same experience
>i avoid EDs and similar crap by becoming a loser weeb in middle school days
>mfw saved by anime

No. 420715

File: 1722553663474.png (815.21 KB, 605x1079, blep2.png)

>her family manages to immigrate to America with a temporary visa based on her child modeling career
>she grows up as basically a generic American leftard
>gets into anime too
>wtf she ends up in the same anime forum I wasted my teen years in
>some people connect her username to her public TikTok handle
>she apparently had a medium-sized following there
we knew it was really her because she dueted with a few people from the forum on request
>a lot of dumb bitches fangirling

No. 420716

That's a child, tf are you on about?

No. 420718

File: 1722553859200.png (218.71 KB, 580x766, blep3.png)

>all her thoughts on anime are shallow
>her taste was dull AF (Jujutsu Kaisen and AoT mostly)
>claims she "doesn't have a label" for her sexuality, but preferers girls
>I was still in denial about being a lesbian myself
made me feel so jealous that she was comfortable with that
>I start becoming obsessed again, and stalk her TikTok
>her friends are gorgeous, life as a model unimaginable to an uggo like me, loving family
>she just seems so… free
>her TikTok fizzled out when she started posting about supporting BLM and other lib shit
>half her following were that kind of weirdo pedonazi that doesn't shut up about towelboys nowadays
>one day, her forum account and TikTok vanish
>her Insta presence becomes extremely curated
>never a photo without full face of makeup, >everything optimized for a runway model career
>lost weight too, no more titties for her (I’m just a year older, don’t call the cops)
>turns out her mom (borderline fascist) found all her stuff
>read through her forum posts and TikToks, and banned her from public-facing social media
>in 2022, her visa expires
>no way of renewing it with her career faltering and the war in Ukraine
>dad apparently had oligarch ties?

No. 420719

File: 1722554112618.png (510.14 KB, 607x995, blep4.png)

>i don't think about her for a while
>in the meantime, finally come out to myself, then to my parents
>they largely don't care, as they don’t care about me in general
>earlier this year, I come across an update about her
apparently she studies drama in Moscow
>it sends me into stalker mode again, I comb through everything I can find about her
>man, I don't envy her life at all anymore
>barely shows her unfiltered, non-caked in makeup face
>almost everything is about her nearly-dead modeling gig (she's 5'5'')
>clearly trying to sell her as a product of sorts

No. 420720

File: 1722554400379.jpg (294.34 KB, 1440x1440, 79bc42db2a2291b030b9f2435dbfe5…)

I always saw myself as unlucky because I'm unremarkable, and didn't have the confidence to be myself, let alone ask a girl out, but now I see that in so many ways I'm much freer
she's being turned into a doll, and is now a (possibly) lesbian stuck in Russia while shit is getting much worse over there
made me reflect on how valuable it is living in a free country and shit
No more excuses for my neetdom. I’ve got a job now and I’m gonna save for college.
So… yeah, I'd like to fuck Kristina Pimenova

No. 420721

File: 1722554487986.jpg (226.05 KB, 1242x2208, ca0d0bccc77ccf46c3363c3adb2774…)

Her girlfriend gigamogs me though

No. 420722

Real creep behaviour posting kiddie pics in this thread anon.

No. 420723

File: 1722554536241.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1080, a1a086cba88e97881261bb2f39ccfd…)

No. 420724

Cmon read the greentext, its relevant. Deleted anyway

No. 420729

Based lesbo Stacy, she’s too good for men, they dont deserve her

No. 420742

File: 1722559834859.png (524.13 KB, 609x931, blep5.png)

They could take turns stomping my jaw against the pavement and I'd pay them for it

No. 420765

>They could take turns stomping my jaw against the pavement and I'd pay them for it
nayrt but i experienced literal visceral disgust when i read this. i was enjoying your other posts but from one lesnonna to another don't say that masochistic cringe shit. like i don't even know who you are but get some fucking self respect. wish i could hide posts.

No. 421855

File: 1722879429652.jpg (229.71 KB, 1365x2048, gettyimages-2160008967-2048x20…)

Maybe I do need to start watching the Olympics…

No. 421857

File: 1722879451735.jpeg (156.62 KB, 1305x1632, Cockrell_A_Bio_1138722.jpeg)

No. 421858

hubba bubba

No. 421879

File: 1722888081068.jpg (399.84 KB, 1500x2180, shacarri-richardson-zz-240731-…)

Track stars are the hottest athletes.
Also shacarri looks so cute with the lil butterfly in her hair

No. 421974

File: 1722908551148.png (200.47 KB, 364x396, scorpio.png)

scorpio-rising women always have that "out of this world" look. They're just so unique and artistic, i love them. I love artsy girls. Picrel is kate bush.

No. 421978

File: 1722909323588.png (257.72 KB, 694x560, kate.png)

kate bush is so cute when she does her crazy eyes. i used to watch this music video obsessively

No. 422169

File: 1722975260070.jpeg (1.4 MB, 2706x4096, FfziI1-VQAAbpvB.jpeg)

I'm down horrendous for her

No. 422405

File: 1723069883479.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.89 KB, 591x350, jezus.jpg)

Same. I was disappointed to learn she's dumber than a bag of rocks.

No. 422506

File: 1723123756303.jpeg (495.43 KB, 1179x2096, 61D36F7A-200A-4199-8273-42BAA5…)

She's so fucking hot and funny

No. 422624

Nonnie, I am curious now. What was the anime forum she frequented?

No. 422638

File: 1723147932850.jpg (95.39 KB, 1400x788, giingersnaps.jpg)

she looks so much like my childhood friend.. i miss her

No. 422645

no way your childhood friend was as beautiful as Katherine

No. 422660

File: 1723154977326.webp (11.08 KB, 660x371, 74456648007-gty-2160784274.web…)

Felt like Tayposting in light of the recent events in Vienna. She looks so hot in her reputation bodysuit.

No. 422670

File: 1723158651991.webp (65.06 KB, 760x507, 240730-lin-yu-ting-vl-1245p-ab…)

i want her to rip off my clothes and use me(bait)

No. 422687

i was talking about scarlett johansson nonny

No. 422712

File: 1723172445503.mp4 (1.83 MB, 576x1024, Download.mp4)

I have a love and hate for Stacies

No. 422725

File: 1723177031089.jpeg (396.48 KB, 1125x1962, tove lo dua charli.jpeg)

Who would fuck other women the best, and why?

No. 422727

maybe tovelo? she seems like the drunk sloppy lesbian sex type

No. 422748

>how would these women in straight relationships showing no sign of lesbianism, one even specifically saying she isn't attracted to women multiple times, have sex with women?

No. 422754

File: 1723182946844.webp (485.57 KB, 1000x667, IMG_4274.webp)

Tove Lo I think, but God I wish it would he Charli, I find her so fucking hot recently, I would it to her all day. The Guess remix fucked me up and tbh she has one song about making out with her female bff.

NTA but oh piss off, this is a silly question on a laid back board.

No. 422755

Definitely tove

No. 422757

She’s really beautiful, sucks that she’s a retarded gendie. With her personal style she could be a cool GNC woman. I recently learned that she’s dating a moid and was shocked tbh, she’s literally the straight girl enby stereotype.

No. 422758

File: 1723183355491.jpg (25.91 KB, 564x564, 896519cf1de0302dc8d0a09164a1c0…)

>how would these women in straight relationships showing no sign of lesbianism, one even specifically saying she isn't attracted to women multiple times, have sex with women?
NTA but i'm super sexy. I make fake bi girls loyal. It's hard being really sexy
Charli is so hot, her eyes are so hot to me. She looks so fierce. I feel like she'd have alot of energy in bed

No. 422784

Don't listen to the haters, you're right
But definitely Tove

No. 422984

I’m confused, the song about wanting to kiss her best friend made me assume she was bi. Damn.

No. 422986

The only women who can make the bi girls loyal are the chadbians like Cara Delavigne and 070 Shake apparently.

No. 422987

putting their shoes on white cushions.. nasty

No. 423454

File: 1723348894759.jpg (46.38 KB, 630x400, tovllll.jpg)

>being 32 entire years old and saying this in an interview without a hint of irony

I'll stick to my kinsey 1 cisbi princess, thanks

No. 423551

File: 1723399575848.jpg (89.2 KB, 900x900, 32726417_1637335789719638_8940…)

My two wives, Lidka and Marusia, they are perfect.

No. 423554

Is this from a movie?

No. 423556

File: 1723401571504.jpg (194.36 KB, 900x892, 1369086131630490.jpg)

They are from an old Polish tv show called Four Tank-Men and a Dog. I watched reruns of it as a kid and it made me like women in military uniforms kek.
The actresses names are Małgorzata Niemirska and Pola Raksa.

No. 423561

Sounds interesting. I love military stuff, and it's even better if the main characters aren't ugly moids. Wish I could understand polish though, only word I know is kurwa, kek.

No. 423567

File: 1723402909345.jpg (246.58 KB, 840x915, STLk9kpTURBXy9kMWMzN2QxODM.jpg)

They aren't the main characters, unfortunately. The main MC's are scrotes but I love the girls in the show.

No. 423571

Damn, too bad. The girls are incredibly cute though

No. 423674

File: 1723419276680.jpg (306.38 KB, 1364x2048, h5cz5s6nuhb61.jpg)

God I love Yuju and I'm sad her solo career isn't going well. She was the most talented in her group by far and seems nicer than most k-pop divas.

Also seconding all the people posting Taylor Swift. It's funny, when I think of girls I'm attracted to I (bi) think of masc women, but then the girls I crush on all end up being like tall skinny people.

No. 423678

Samefag but that should say masc/muscular and tall skinny mega-femmes. I realize that sounded like it didn't connect at all. lol

No. 424258

File: 1723587106956.jpg (242.74 KB, 1111x1440, 1000009733.jpg)

She has an iPhone face card, but was born in 1930.

No. 424363

File: 1723608664346.webp (251.95 KB, 2278x2278, 00-tout-karlie-kloss.webp)

Hate to push Yuju up but I promised Karlie in another thread so here's Karlie.

No. 424396

File: 1723616950046.jpeg (53.45 KB, 634x528, IMG_4284.jpeg)

I was never into her but her new mv awakened something in me. Also, she seems funny

No. 424398

Thanks! I appreciate it.

No. 424407

File: 1723621100142.jpg (184.46 KB, 1581x1054, abbey-romeo-portrait.jpg)

Looks like Abby from love on the spectrum

No. 424475

File: 1723655936420.jpg (73.04 KB, 500x500, RDT_20240814_12143066242256176…)

I love Marina and her redunculous tits. Best voice in pop music by far.

No. 424484

big fat greek boobas

No. 424598

File: 1723696198341.jpeg (3.7 MB, 1600x2400, IMG_2852.jpeg)

I unfortunately don’t vibe with her music, but she is so fine.

No. 424603

File: 1723696592226.jpeg (132.55 KB, 717x937, IMG_2853.jpeg)

she’s so darling

No. 424612

File: 1723700081966.jpg (61.48 KB, 401x604, lMYU_ilogv0.jpg)

Irina Sharipova. i've been obsessed with her since i was 14

No. 424613

File: 1723700239261.jpg (229.03 KB, 1124x1406, 378143070_18384961303036004_84…)

i can't believe she has a girlfriend and it's not me. not fair

No. 424641

Its wild how if you didn't give me a name, I'd assume she was either a Latina or some mixed Asian.

No. 424649

File: 1723713442434.gif (13.55 MB, 480x852, 480full-irina-sharipova (1).gi…)

yeah, when i first saw her i thought the same. i guess it makes sense since she's tatar/uzbek

No. 424753

File: 1723750188732.jpeg (37.25 KB, 665x461, IMG_7281.jpeg)

would save her from death, give her the love she deserves, and convince her to expose him instead

No. 425098

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No. 425214

File: 1723900393981.webp (93.93 KB, 882x979, Sally_Hawkins.webp)

Had a crush on her foreverrrrr.

No. 425252


No. 425416

File: 1723952015447.jpeg (399.91 KB, 1290x1594, IMG_9531.jpeg)

well, the olympic break has concluded and i still have an overwhelming need to fuck her. she’s so cocky and playful and smug UGH. i wish she were gay so badly, i wanna eat her out and give her the best orgasm of her life and turn her to my side.

No. 425555

I find Natasha from Natashas Kitchen really pretty and wholesome

No. 425556

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empress wanrong

No. 425872

File: 1724134224111.webp (52.91 KB, 640x424, IMG_4296.webp)

lord help me

No. 425880

File: 1724138042599.jpg (381.12 KB, 1536x2048, 20240820_014245.jpg)

Butches teasing with their tits while still dressing and posing in a masc way drives me insaneee

No. 425882

she looks like she's about to fall out of that chair.

No. 426069

File: 1724219389707.jpeg (469.1 KB, 676x1025, IMG_4955.jpeg)

gong li tbh

No. 426229

File: 1724291897532.jpg (58.15 KB, 1200x650, GTrEfjuboAA5LGF.jpg)

I gonna sound like a moid but she was so damn hot in that movie

No. 426230

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No. 426231

File: 1724294046056.gif (1.56 MB, 300x220, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

Well I guess I love blonde bombshells

No. 426235

File: 1724295343697.jpeg (45.57 KB, 570x430, D2A82413-2F60-4004-9D6D-B9359A…)

she's so cute i love her and i like how she makes men reee simply by existing and enjoying herself

No. 426357

File: 1724346834187.jpg (20.42 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

Young Angela mogs the fuck out of everybody in this thread

No. 426359

Post a better pic pls, I can hardly tell what she looks like from this angle.

No. 426361

File: 1724347849470.gif (1.69 MB, 245x169, whats+love+2.gif)


No. 426362

Yes. Love her hair and vibe. Her face is very handsome her body is beautiful if you're into muscular women, which I am.

No. 426364

File: 1724348729675.webp (Spoiler Image,38.69 KB, 470x574, Anna-gallery.webp)

No. 426441

File: 1724374681534.png (402.63 KB, 511x356, carol.PNG)

Been watching through ER and Carol really took my breath away. Her voice is so beautiful to listen to, and she just has that 90s beauty about her. Sad she exited the show. Kerry is also great but I don't think she's just stunning in the way Carol is.

No. 426449

File: 1724377857968.jpeg (284.9 KB, 1200x1803, 8C8D3F39-6EED-46D0-B06E-726B37…)

I hate jewish moids but I love jewish women

99% of my crushes are jewish ladies

No. 426456

nonnie…… I need to know what movie this is….

No. 426458

File: 1724379561866.jpg (122.27 KB, 1920x1040, 626264.jpg)

the girl of next door

No. 426461

who is this? She looks like a Jewish version of Sydney Sweeney

No. 426473

File: 1724381620412.jpeg (203.72 KB, 1280x1793, 91BAD5FB-BE8E-4026-A962-8060B5…)

mikey madison, she's so gorgeous

No. 426497

>those boobas and that little bit of upper arm fat

No. 426517

I thought she was a kpop idol for a moment

No. 426590

good to see people with eyelids like that being visible. I used to have eyes like that growing up and ended up getting blepharoplasty because there was no women with similar features promoted unless they were Asian and I was constantly called names

No. 426654

both hooded eyes and heavy lidded/sleepy eyes are gorgeous to me, i have no preference, all women are goddesses imo

No. 426780

File: 1724469283201.png (479.88 KB, 574x604, Screen Shot 2024-08-23 at 10.0…)

her friend also committed suicide (the blonde on the right) a few years later, i dont think she ever got over it.

it angers me a lot when i think about the fact that 2/3 of these beautiful women are dead now because of moids and a cult. i hate humanity.

No. 427178

I would die for her

No. 427256

File: 1724614871017.png (274.78 KB, 400x400, IMG_2008.png)

She’s so cute it makes me want to cry. I want to take care of her. Girls like this turn me into one of those male trads I need to come back home from a hard day and see her in a flowing yellow sundress twirling in the light of the golden hour with a homemade apple pie baked for me

No. 427257

File: 1724614938339.webp (20.9 KB, 439x504, IMG_2012.webp)

also the pic has this vibes idk

No. 427258

that “X” trilogy is some of the worst excuse for a movie that i’ve ever wasted my time seeing in my life but that’s not her fault

No. 427261

I know this is hella ot but I’m really curious on farmers’ opinions of the movies tbh. I’ve only heard the opinion of redditors and the female rage girlies

No. 427266


No. 427268

Kek no need to be overdramatic, it’s semi-ironic because that’s how they refer to each other.

No. 427286

every opinion on it has already been discussed in several of the movie threads on /m/

No. 427391

The search function is so shit that I was avoiding that kek. But when I found a thread that mentioned it literally only one anon responded, so, yeah question still stands

No. 427396

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No. 427971

File: 1724802238654.jpeg (99.73 KB, 763x1000, 82B95C1A-87D3-4FD8-919A-7BA6D2…)

I always loved her catlike features, playful expressions and adorable pointy nose. Excellent actress too.

No. 428007

File: 1724814210082.png (369.72 KB, 738x553, kate.png)

she is so beautiful omg i cant stop listening to her music

No. 428588

File: 1726077751306.jpg (238.55 KB, 1355x2048, SofiaCoppola.jpg)

All those scrote film critics who said she was too ugly or "homely" to play Mary Corleone were out of their fucking minds are you kidding me. Been doing a deep dive on her art school/90s photos and she's absolutely stunning

No. 429718

I dont think anybody said she was ugly, the criticism she got was over her poor acting skills.

No. 429731

File: 1726368586416.png (615.39 KB, 855x806, coppola ugly.png)

AYRT, yes her acting was definitely the main criticism but there were definitely some weirdos commenting on her looks in relation to the role (which shouldn't be relevant). I got these caps from Be Kind Rewind's retrospective. I didn't care for her performance but she's beautiful to me

No. 429735

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No. 429758

File: 1726374165836.jpeg (178.35 KB, 736x736, IMG_1232.jpeg)

This woman is so beautiful I love her I want to marry and adore her. I love this girl!

No. 429762

File: 1726375918089.jpg (229.56 KB, 1274x1390, 1000010083.jpg)

Monica Vitti. She looks so youthful, but mature at the same time. I love her cool girl vibe.

No. 429781

If there was one thing realistic about The Godfather, its that Mary Corleone would absolutely be a Sofia Coppola type of person.

No. 429788

File: 1726385460435.webp (72.39 KB, 791x800, Sofia1993.jpg)

Would you recommend checking out her movies? Never watched them but I always hear people say she's far better as a director

No. 429796

these writers have a strange idea of "homely", especially over something universally attractive like full lips

No. 429800

the beauty standard back then was still very much the all-american preppy blonde college girl, she was simply too exotic, womanly and glamorous for those pedophilic scrotes

No. 429912

People always say Lost in Translation is her best work. Its has a great aesthetic and melancholic mood but for the most part its a bit overrated. Virgin Suicides is better.

No. 429929

Lost in Translation is excellent if you are bored with life, otherwise it is just good. My favourite watch of hers is Virgin Suicides and Marie Antoinette back to back.

No. 430161

Thanks I'll check them out (honestly Bill Murray's ugly ass was putting me off from watching Lost in Translation anyways)

No. 430431

File: 1726544350067.jpg (83.09 KB, 1280x720, Caitlin-Clark(2)-Feet-7917734.…)

Holy shit she posted feet. I wanna throat them so bad and slither my tongue around her toes

No. 430432

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No. 430482

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No. 430484

no real woman is into feet. you're a creep(scrotefoiling)

No. 430489

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No. 430490

I thought "damn, Mädchen Amick has really aged well" before I read your comment

No. 430561

File: 1726588002867.jpeg (140.92 KB, 1200x900, IMG_4360.jpeg)

One of the most beautiful Italian actresses for sure. I think dark hair suited her better personally.

No. 430593

File: 1726595300886.jpeg (194.4 KB, 1170x1463, IMG_0150.jpeg)

please delete, her ugly boyfriend is visible in these images. personally i am mostly obsessed with her arms and pits, she’s so fucking sexy i can’t get enough and i fall more in love every time she jaws at the refs or gets super cocky to hype up the crowd.

No. 430660

File: 1726610681866.webp (361.9 KB, 1600x2400, GettyImages-1664665551.webp)

She looks so hot with short hair.

No. 430720

she looks like jennifer lawrence

No. 430905

File: 1726688416189.jpg (24.42 KB, 500x750, rnZDY9UOjZcuuIVh9BpxjoGr55F.jp…)

Nao Honda is perfect and I need her.

No. 431097

4chan /clg/ would disagree. tons of foot faguettes over there

No. 431099

File: 1726761680047.jpg (93.03 KB, 960x690, Stranger-Than-Fiction-Emma-Tho…)

Would let her narrate and control my life as well tbh

No. 431148

File: 1726774174164.webp (598.48 KB, 1920x2880, 00-holding-charlotte-gainsbour…)

god she's beautiful

No. 431151

File: 1726774231594.jpg (33.78 KB, 394x600, fe99d7c119d61a6d245cd04a0e1020…)

I'm in love

No. 431169

File: 1726776952402.jpg (64.66 KB, 541x828, 1000023351.jpg)

She reminds me of Zemfira

No. 431172

She is the most beautiful woman ever. Saw her smoking a cig in Paris and she was even hotter in person.

No. 431173

Zemfira is soooo hot

No. 431174

File: 1726777826490.jpeg (184.32 KB, 1000x1263, IMG_5272.jpeg)

i don't know who this woman is or what her name is but she's so intriguing i'm obsessed with her

No. 431205

File: 1726783200588.jpeg (87.99 KB, 456x640, IMG_8517.jpeg)

Jenny Shimizu, my favorite butch lesbian icon. She’s a mechanic too, she’s so cool.

No. 431209

She is so hot, I was crazy about her when I was a teen

No. 431259

File: 1726797235334.jpg (83.57 KB, 770x973, 9d12ed9376.jpg)

She looks so unusual but still attractive, that she can theoretically fit in both here and the unconventional thread.

No. 431390

huh, looks normal

No. 431437

File: 1726848097466.jpg (82.38 KB, 770x820, 3cecf1c0cf.jpg)

Maybe this'll change your mind

No. 431502

File: 1726860786348.jpg (62.84 KB, 900x506, debbie.jpg)

No. 431512

alt taylor swift

No. 431545

Just looked her up. Her role is so eccentric and intellectual, she's genuinely so hot. Now I'm upset I'll never be her plaything in an erotic novel.

No. 431629

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No. 431630

File: 1726897875245.jpg (95.25 KB, 563x697, 7nHbyev.jpg)

Lucy Dacus has a rennaissance beauty

No. 431632

I saw Lucy on the home page and had to come. I think she’s so beautiful and talented. She reminds me a bit of Maggie Gyllenhaal facially and I find them both absolutely stunning.

No. 431663

File: 1726906613376.png (1.58 MB, 1366x910, libuse_safrankova.png)

I want to hug her and never let go

No. 431665

she has really pretty eyes

No. 431668

fellow czech nonnita?

No. 431822

three wishes for cinderella?

No. 431844

yes and yes

No. 431846

File: 1726955253360.png (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 791x1200, IMG_4366.png)

I’d give her my all

No. 431932

File: 1726978927103.gif (2.81 MB, 325x325, Imgbds.gif)

Young Winona Ryder ughhhh

No. 432169

File: 1727045854658.jpeg (99.94 KB, 890x818, 69D42A91-8140-4A09-817E-612C35…)

I could have saved them nonas…

No. 432265

File: 1727068848753.jpg (64.87 KB, 745x497, teresa_taylor_nervosa_butthole…)

Teresa Taylor was so hot I wish she would have beaten me to death with her drumsticks.

No. 432268

This is the conventional attractive thread

No. 432283

File: 1727077304424.jpeg (122.8 KB, 640x800, IMG_9068.jpeg)

i need her badly

No. 432300

File: 1727083728378.jpg (15.13 KB, 566x705, media.jpg)

Forever and always

No. 432308

I'm so sorry, I read that as I need her baldy.

No. 432430

File: 1727114325473.jpg (77.36 KB, 663x733, L6MtdI-4o60 (2).jpg)

I'd prevent Ruslana from getting to Epstein's island.

No. 433252

File: 1727380185945.jpg (661.16 KB, 1102x1554, IMG_7183.jpg)

This photoshoot of her is so modest and cute. she looks like a winter fairy here. Her eyes make her look so gentle. I need to protect her

No. 433277

File: 1727388640506.jpg (54.88 KB, 461x631, FNRt9DGWYAY_Tf8.jpg)

Has she ever been posted here?

No. 433278

ive only seen scrotes on 4chan fawning over her, they love 4/10s with bpd

No. 433287

Britney Spears, right?

No. 433288

No. 433296

To be fair this was from a Japanese promo shoot where they shooped her eyes bigger, jawline smaller and skin paler to make her look more cute and girlish. Still pretty tho.

No. 433302

it's britney, bitch

No. 433498

File: 1727469398251.jpg (268.21 KB, 1080x1080, GXyACQVWIAAyZUm.jpg)

No. 433503

File: 1727470424408.jpg (64.32 KB, 736x736, 1000002292.jpg)

i need her

No. 433599

File: 1727495041750.jpg (121.34 KB, 500x333, joanna.jpg)

she's a real life fairy.. so talented

No. 433604

she is beautiful. Who is?

No. 433765

File: 1727561237308.mp4 (11.62 MB, 720x1280, 2F431E52548570D844298C33ACC629…)

Lilou Ruel, the parkour athlete behind the hooded torch bearer of the Olympics, she's so beautiful and amazing

No. 433886

GoddDd I really want to take up playing the harp

No. 434179

File: 1727638555811.jpeg (646.66 KB, 2000x3000, 093D6881-367E-43F7-8590-0C5E25…)

Sofia Coppola is one of the only women who I cannot find a single bad photo of, she’s so so beautiful.

No. 434312

File: 1727680306640.jpeg (83.86 KB, 697x894, IMG_1449.jpeg)

The rat queen from Castle Rat is so so hot, I can’t stop thinking about her and how her bush is probably so fluffy and red. I’d want to bury my face in it and eat her hour for hours.

No. 434313

File: 1727680526690.jpg (269.33 KB, 1129x1500, tumblr_74b2dce1caa30cc214347ec…)

God ikr? I posted about her a couple weeks ago but she's so pretty and aged beautifully

No. 434324

She's also such a talented director. Love her movies.

No. 434637

File: 1727790712677.jpg (505.4 KB, 1080x1792, Screenshot_20241001_064911_Ins…)

The things i would do to this woman while she is dress as joan of arc are ungodly. And im not even bi…. ugh

No. 434640

File: 1727791261357.jpg (268.87 KB, 1175x1763, MV5BMTJjZWE3MjktMmVhOC00YzI4LT…)

No. 435003

bless you nona, I wasn't expecting this

No. 435016

File: 1728007724752.jpg (3.32 MB, 1080x6808, Collage_20241004_040505.jpg)

Riki/Niff Nawor is so sexy and I love "Marigold" and "Florence and Selena" by her

No. 435724

File: 1728310110898.jpeg (157.37 KB, 1200x1392, IMG_4983.jpeg)

Kristen Kreuk

No. 435726

File: 1728310486013.jpeg (60.04 KB, 366x500, IMG_4984.jpeg)

Double posting but her smile is also very pretty, most celebrities have veneers now but her teeth add so much character to her face

No. 436033

File: 1728432706557.jpg (547.24 KB, 581x979, IMG_5602.jpg)

karissaeats. she's not my usual type at all, but i just find her so cute and hot at the same time… i'd treat her right

No. 436046

She is so gorgeous, I was so obsessed with her in smallville. I noticed the veneer thing is such a recent trend, actors back in the 2000s all seemed to have their natural teeth.

No. 436079

She is so sweet

No. 436096

File: 1728457997190.webp (132.73 KB, 828x1222, shenae-grimes-led-ball-10.webp)

so cute and pretty

No. 436518

File: 1728597882376.jpg (2.38 MB, 2334x3500, marinamarinamarina.jpg)

today is Marina's 39th birthday, it's crazy how she becomes more beautiful with each passing year. i'd be her slave

No. 436526

marina doesn't want you to be a slave she wants you to get it together

No. 436568

File: 1728610014966.jpg (103.67 KB, 760x1200, GW4amUmXMAEERUT.jpg)

not realistic

No. 436587

File: 1728617460564.gif (8.9 MB, 540x420, IMG_6165.gif)

Incoming sperg. I’ve mentioned her here before sorry. I don’t know why she has such a strong effect on me. This gif drives me absolutely feral insane I haven’t even watched this movie. It’s not even me and I’m blushing. Also gives me this NTR esque horny rage I get when I see beautiful women with ugly old men. And she smiles like my crush kill me I LOVE SMILES LIKE THAT heart shaped full cheeks, kind of pointy lips, and especially with a slight blush they’re just so pretty and cute. A girl with a smile like that could make me do anything I would obey her every command. I also just love her features, her face shape, eyes, eye colour, nose (I heard someone call her pig-nosed and that must be my type because I find noses like this so cute)

No. 436591

File: 1728618212900.png (264.58 KB, 720x380, IMG_6161.png)

Also there’s this one anon who talks about her fetish for “skinnyfat” women and I never got it but when I see women with this body type it makes me feel like I relate… I’m sorry Mia I feel like I’m disrespecting you it’s just so soft and cute and urgh I love soft bodied women is that weird that’s my type? Like even with breasts which is why I like breasts that kind of hang/sag from the weight since they’re soft and not firm also stupid incelish moment I get into a rage when I see women with this body type wear slightly skimpy clothing like this in public not because it gets me horny it does but because MEN SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO LOOK AT THEM. They look so soft I want to protect them HOW DARE THEY even perceive their cute sexiness. Fuck. And then I remember they probably wear the skimpy clothes to get attention from them. Double fuck. I love her whole phenotype from her face to her body. Probably are more useful examples than picrel but I just think her thighs look cute here. Sorry for being a perv
Idk why Americans insist on their unnaturally straight blunt teeth standards when pointy teeth look so cute. Like they’re so obviously much more pretty to me, just don’t get it.
I’ve never seen this woman but she’s very beautiful.

No. 436593

File: 1728619448577.jpeg (612.6 KB, 1600x2071, kQvn4TM.jpeg)

If Mia Goth is skinnyfat, then I don't even know what skinny skinny looks like, but I agree that she is extremely cute and feminine.

No. 436596

File: 1728620345185.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2611x3264, IMG_6168.jpeg)

Skinnyfat just means she’s skinny but has (or had?) a high body fat %. Skinny skinny would just be skinny with more muscle mass
>I agree that she is extremely cute and feminine
Haha thank god someone agrees. I didn’t know how to describe my type but I guess cute and feminine is accurate enough but for some reason when people describe this I picture women like Elle Fanning who I feel zero attraction for kek

No. 436599

seeing a tall girl with a similar build to me be called feminine and cute makes me feel happy thanks guys

No. 436695

she's not skinny fat. she's just a normal thin woman. Her body type has been the beauty standard for decades. "Skinnyfat" is used by ugly males to neg attractive women into lowering their standards. Stop falling for misogynistic bullshit.

No. 436696

She's body goals.

No. 436748

Sorry, it was the only way I knew to describe her body type because the softness specifically is what I like + the specific anon I brought up. Also I don’t think most thin women I see have the same body type idk

No. 436831

She is so fascinating and mesmerising

No. 436860

she is like the dictionary definition of skinny fat. She has no muscle tone whatsoever

No. 436938

File: 1728768228142.jpeg (136.58 KB, 634x828, BeIpLND.jpeg)

In my opinion, this would just be called… slim but soft, curvy, shapely, something like that. When I first heard the term skinnyfat, it was actually men describing other men and it was the thing where you're not very large but you've got a gut or love handles, so I picture skinnyfat as someone who is overall small but carrying the weight they have poorly. anyway, I hope she kills her rapist moid someday

No. 436963

File: 1728774495797.jpg (168.85 KB, 724x850, 1000010506.jpg)

Dawn Wells was gorgeous. She was cute in her golden, sunset years, too!

No. 436974

she lacks the fat to be "skinnyfat", sorry. she has no gut and she doesn't have flabby arms or a saggy ass or anything. she's just skinny.

No. 437265

File: 1728869928808.jpg (79.58 KB, 846x1173, GGG2iGVXcAEGvrZ.jpg)

i dont know about you guys but i'd let her drink all of my adrenochrome. she can even have a whole feast on it if she wants

No. 437269

Some anons hated this but I love gamer girlified Beyonce so much kek

No. 437274

oh wow…other anons like the same body type as i do. trippy.

No. 437299

Godddddd I had the biggest crush on her her face was just unreal…

No. 437583

I love creepy. I remember watching this video of The Game obviously crushing on her and laughing so hard. But honestly, same.

No. 437595

File: 1728991187934.jpeg (605.5 KB, 1102x1600, IMG_4067.jpeg)

my wife

No. 437599

moids will say they hate makeup then worship kate lol

No. 437602

who gives a fuck about moids

No. 437695

I want her to cast a love spell on me. she’s so beautiful and so is her voice

No. 437771

I want her

No. 437775

File: 1729027274241.webp (51.98 KB, 640x960, winona-ryder-and-sigourney-wea…)

I need them both equally.

No. 437792

i love her speaking voice she is so cute and her british accent is so funny omg

No. 437855

File: 1729056536746.png (408.55 KB, 508x556, sanna.PNG)

Sanna Marin… She looks so elegant, beautiful and cute at the same time to me

No. 437894

File: 1729085503559.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x937, IMG_3341.jpeg)

She’s so hot to me, I’m not even sorry. She’s my height too, we would make the cutest midget girl couple

No. 437930

File: 1729099673510.png (613.37 KB, 640x960, a7d574517721a369dfbde4092cd4f8…)

The VS fashion show this year made me think of Ruslana. I wish she could be one of those 40 something year olds on the runway, but she passed away too young. She had a whole life ahead of her.

No. 437995

File: 1729115775070.gif (1.45 MB, 245x245, 687474~1.GIF)

No. 438000

who is this?!

No. 438002

Kek nonnie this post is so cute

No. 438014

Svetlana from the TV show shameless. Show itself is pretty ass but she's extremely hot and fucks women in it so.

No. 438083

File: 1729141732810.jpeg (434.78 KB, 2163x1191, IMG_5347.jpeg)

Aly Michalka, this was just posted in celebricows

No. 438087

File: 1729144964730.jpeg (591.54 KB, 1075x2193, IMG_5338.jpeg)

No. 438117

Whoever brought her up reminded me how down bad I was for her as a budding young febfem. I watched Phil of the Future for her man…

No. 438118

File: 1729164738261.jpeg (127.3 KB, 558x800, IMG_2163.jpeg)

I looked her up from present day and holy fuck she’s so beautiful still…literal goddess

No. 438119

File: 1729164810411.jpeg (30.82 KB, 201x251, IMG_2164.jpeg)

Samefag bc I’m just like wowwowow ig she’s my type kek

No. 438129

Omg yes! She’s always been an underrated beauty

No. 438260

File: 1729206193645.jpg (551.88 KB, 2000x1500, ahhhhhh.jpg)

My wife forever and always

No. 438261

File: 1729206248862.jpg (106.43 KB, 715x894, wifeeeee.jpg)

I need her to try a butch look for a magazine photoshoot

No. 439184

File: 1729505144919.jpeg (238.21 KB, 1170x1450, IMG_5499.jpeg)

Adriana Lima. I wish Victoria’s Secret had let her keep her natural hair, it’s so cute

No. 439205

No way, I have never been attracted to Adriana Lima before kek

No. 439227

File: 1729517405277.jpg (108.03 KB, 1400x700, brittany-murphy-as-molly-gunn-…)

Brittany Murphy, I love you forever.

No. 439337

The lady on the right is so fuckin hot, I wish there were more women like her out there

No. 439454

File: 1729591310052.jpeg (101.86 KB, 622x712, IMG_5623.jpeg)

It fits her so much better than the VS bombshell hairstyle (even though that’s pretty too)
I love her

No. 439577

File: 1729632148301.jpg (131.83 KB, 857x1200, cjfj34.jpg)


No. 439580

File: 1729632351858.webp (256.25 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_4500.webp)

she’s so freaking cute and her tits are perfect

No. 439611

tell me her name anona! I wanna see her titddies too

No. 439655

File: 1729654307534.jpg (422.15 KB, 1152x2048, 1000014750.jpg)

I've been obsessed with this Brazilian model lately. Works with japanese brands apparently.

pitayaq on Twitter and Insta

No. 439657

File: 1729654418869.jpg (256.33 KB, 1172x2048, 1000014752.jpg)

No. 439658

This is how addy sees herself

No. 439660

I hate this dumb fucking contrived "I don't give a shit" Billy Eyelash look, obviously you care enough to make that dumbass face every time you take a picture, lmao!

No. 439677

File: 1729656761362.jpg (1013.12 KB, 1536x2048, 1000014749.jpg)

No. 439678

File: 1729656855435.jpg (270.43 KB, 1080x1920, 1000014722.jpg)

See, I love that she's actually a softie streamer girl with a bird IRL

No. 439679

File: 1729656951578.jpg (94.19 KB, 1440x1800, 1000014764.jpg)

Also, blame japanese companies for asking for that I guess

No. 439681

File: 1729657056156.jpg (212.46 KB, 947x2048, 1000014746.jpg)

Ok spam ends here. I just wanted everyone to know I'd love it if she would commit domestic violence against me.

No. 439682

Yes, that's enough self-promotion.

No. 439708

Stop posting yourself, you’re painfully plain

No. 439720

Why are you negging? She’s cute. Plus I’d love if more women attention-whored for other women instead of going on the chans

No. 439721

she's a generic internet personality who posts tits and thirst traps online for money
streamers should be eliminated from the internet

No. 439723

I’m not negging, I’m being honest. She’s plain.

No. 439725

Eh I guess it’s just my type then, I don’t find the majority of the women in this thread attractive. Still women are really held up to higher standards if she’s plain.

No. 439726

Stop posting yourself REEEEEEE

No. 439727

I watched the movies only for her. She's so cute.
Not to be a bitch, but I'll never understand the whole Mavis from Hotel Transylvania + Billie Eilish thing I've been seeing lately.

No. 439741

she’s so sexy it’s something about her. i think i just have a thing for melancholy female musicians in general

No. 439742

File: 1729687467659.gif (7.9 MB, 540x540, PUs2RUT.gif)

only in this role

No. 439768

File: 1729698334118.jpg (113.29 KB, 1080x1080, monika_shin-3711951905.jpg)

Monika the leader of dance group Prowdmon, she's so fine
Damn she's so cute. Crazy how much she looks like a drawing here

No. 439789

Aimee Lou Wood from Sex Education

No. 439790

File: 1729701257481.jpeg (35.38 KB, 416x393, IMG_3310.jpeg)

oh my god… another female markyfag? i always felt so ashamed that i was probably the only woman scrolling her orbiter threads on the chans. i get embarrassed whenever anyone asks me what my type is because i can’t just show them a picture… I also feel bad because of her whole situation but she’s so pretty, like a princess. i unfortunately share a type with this specific type of incel moid because i like cute faces and no makeup.

No. 439820

markyphobic farmhands deleted the post, but i saw it in time kek. brains lasagna will always be top markypost

i cant say im a fan, because i hate drunk drivers, but i have this weird thing where i cant hate other women non-sexually for very long

dont feel alone nonny, there was even a ciarafag further upthread kek(minor)

No. 439835

Is this Paz? Normally I find her disgusting but she's gorgeous in this gif

No. 439843

nayrt, but it's eiza gonzález in i care a lot (2020)

No. 439893

File: 1729707451611.png (901.7 KB, 912x864, agatha.png)

that pic is from sam hyde era and she was 15 in this pic u fucking pedo
Anyways I personally think the best r9k e-girl was Agatha because she was wholesome and cute (she was also a lesbian so points for her female orbitors). The other e-girls seem too edgy and not suitable for a relationship if you think about it , they also lack the sweetness Agatha had. Ciara was very edgy for example. Not saying those girls are ugly but their personalities were so bad I don't think any of us could even be friends with marky or ciara without drama happening.

No. 439895

Did Agatha ever post on 4chan or did they just pick her as their new child bride waifu to harass

No. 439899

No one e-girling for r9k trash has a good personality

No. 439906

File: 1729708181171.jpg (96.47 KB, 750x720, pepe agatha.jpg)

She had a youtube ASMR channel and then the anons became crazy over her, a friend agatha had died and then she became depressed. She was depressed and anons were stalking her so she deleted the channel. I think she posted on 4chan once to tell anons to fuck off like once but that's it, she mostly stick to youtube.
The thing is both Agatha and Kennedi didn't want the attention but r9k orbitors would keep making threads about them, unlike Ciara and the rest of the girls who made threads about themselves many times and would create discord drama. Agatha was just a girl who liked making youtube videos and accidentally made anons fall in love with her by the purity and wholesome vibes she transmitted with her " threemilk" channel.

No. 439912

I was going to post about how I also find Agatha cute kek, she’s adorable I want to take care of her… never followed what happened with her though so I don’t know much about her other than a couple vids I watched.
I like Marky because she seems to have some suppressed homosexuality and I’m delusional that one day we will meet and I will wrestle it out of her. Yes she is too edgy but that’s the fun of it.

No. 439922

File: 1729709295724.jpg (733.47 KB, 1980x2640, marky.jpg)

>I like Marky because she seems to have some suppressed homosexuality
I forgot about the whole Alice streams thing, yes marky was probably bisexual she also seems to like eroges with anime girls on it so you might have a shot if you are cute and have common interests with her.
>I’m delusional that one day we will meet and I will wrestle it out of her
Marky is leaning towards a tomboy aesthic nowadays this is one of the recent pics I don't think she wants to pander to 4chan moids anymore
>Yes she is too edgy but that’s the fun of it.
If I wanted and could chose between dating one of the older 4chan e-girls I would still pick Agatha because I prefer a wholesome lovely gf over an edgy troll gf with bpd even if marky is very pretty. Wish you luck nonna.

No. 439930

File: 1729711485370.jpg (118.18 KB, 720x1280, 1661708272129.jpg)

was she the one who was into loli porn? or was there another brown-haired BPD hottie im mixing her up with? maybe she could get with yuripedo kek

i dont think theres a way to separate the BPD from the BPD qt sadly, if they werent like that we would never had known them, and so many would call them boring and mid if we did.

No. 439931

Stop posting retarded pick me e-whores(minimod)

No. 439936

pretty sure she was yeah, but she called herself “heterosexual”. regardless i have bpd too just not the bisexual kind so i can’t judge

No. 439939

Sorry but some of us are actually into conventionally attractive women. Or would your fakebian ass rather have this thread filled with fat unmoisturized TIFs?

No. 439940

i only dislike pick mes for being straight. what i wouldnt give for a mentally ill baby dyke to start e-whoring herself for our attention. watch as her first fuckboi girlfriend gets her into hard drugs, and then as she destroys her life while being groomed by a much older woman, and we just cheer for more lewds.

eventually shed dissapear on us and show up married to a normie woman, maybe with a baby, and never post again. and we rope en masse… the end

No. 439941

File: 1729712559583.png (888.39 KB, 720x941, 1691800433035.png)

complimentary marky feet pic

No. 439942

I hate that the first part actually sounds like a fantasy I have with this frat-tier fuckboi hottie woman I know. I wish I could e-whore for women
Not a footfag but her legs are cute

No. 439943

Wtf are you talking about retard, I have a boyfriend and am hetero

No. 439944

This thread is filled with creepy pedo scrotoids

No. 439945

wtf are you doing in this thread then? policing women's attraction to other women as a hetero is some top tier retardism

No. 439946

Isn't marky underage in this picture

No. 439948

The anon you’re replying to is a schizo personalityfag but
>Ermmm I have a nigel actually
Why are you even here? Go back to schlicking over Paul Dano in the hetero threads

No. 439949

anons literally thirst over young Donald Trump and misogynistic scrotes but ooo no the dykes are thirsting over pick-me’s kek wtf

No. 439950

File: 1729713087665.jpeg (9.61 KB, 225x225, images (3).jpeg)

wont let me delete it because 30 minutes kek

imagine its this picture instead. farmhands feel free to delete it, i didnt know

No. 439952

Actually I'm a regular poster in the ugly man psyop thread. You're as unhinged as that other bitch jumping to conclusions(infighting)

No. 439953

i love this pic of her

No. 439955

So it's either underage egirls or disgusting fat TIFs? I find it hard to believe you're not a moid(scrotefoiling)

No. 439958

File: 1729713484880.jpg (37.87 KB, 638x445, GaiTStgWYAAtOdS.jpg)

I'm weirdly attracted to this tweet. It has a cute and pathetic aura to it. I just want to pet her and comfort her… it's okay megan… you will get your miami trip… I promise…

No. 439959

File: 1729713500018.jpg (504.53 KB, 1080x1080, crispyy.jpg)

What do the /r9k/ femorbitors itt think of alterhacker/crispy? She was so cute, has a nice goth aesthic and also married her long term girlfriend, but it's a shame she trooned out.

No. 439960

I’m not an extensive marky expert but other than the one anon apologised for she’s in her 20s in these pics. And I don’t know why you all insist on engaging with the TIFsperg who is secretly sexually fascinated with roidclit and can’t stop thinking about it

No. 439962

Very cute but she kind of reminds me of my girlfriend with the way she dresses kek. Cutie

No. 439965

File: 1729713871110.jpg (198.63 KB, 1080x1080, crsipys gf.jpg)

Yeah I always like her outfits in her old pics I also think it's based that she married her girlfriend even if she had many orbitors from 4chan wanting to steal her away kek moids btfo

No. 439968

look you might not be familiar with the local fauna here in the gynephilic threads, but everyone knows there is a poster who will always bring up TIFs unprompted and its best to not respond to her bait
in general we just dont appreciate straights policing the women we find attractive in the Attractive Women You'd Want to Fuck thread. like, of course some lesbians are into e-girls, and we should get called pedos because of it

No. 439969

She looks like how I imagine the anons with cute fantasies in the female fantasies thread look. For some reason

No. 439972

File: 1729714273533.jpg (391.5 KB, 1800x1440, 1728494627556.jpg)

i was more of a Rozfag

No. 439978

File: 1729714471477.mp4 (4.19 MB, 960x540, marky draws.mp4)

Liking e-girls does not make nonnas pedos but she posted a pic of marky when she was 15 and not adult so it's bad.
>was she the one who was into loli porn
yes she is a loli artist and has drawn loli erotica before, but she is traumatized because of the sam hyde pedo so it's probably a coping mechanism. I don't fucking know how sam hyde still has fans, he is hosting a lame big brother for autists now.

No. 439985

File: 1729715002076.jpg (51.83 KB, 455x610, FB1wHKCWQAUMV9h.jpg)

Agreed, I love her smile and the spark in her eyes. She looks so beautiful and endearing.

No. 439990

what are her current socials?

No. 439991

File: 1729715280922.jpg (105.79 KB, 1184x846, randytaylor.jpg)

This screenshot is from last year's video and she looks beautiful, isn't she like 36 now? Rose looks almost the same as she looked in her 20s, her skin looks soft, she seems happy and is creative in her xmas videos.

No. 439995

she's been missing since her last crying video in 2023. she just doesnt have the conscientiousness to keep up with anything. i hope she at least stays offline tbh
i keep hearing she had plastic surgery, but im no expert. wouldnt be surprised, though, she looks very young for her age

No. 439996

File: 1729715969629.jpg (131.86 KB, 1228x844, marky and alice.jpg)

She gave away her youtube channel to an orbitor for 9000 dollars (?) and the dude turned her channel into a "kitty channel" and then he made all her videos private. We haven't heard from her since 2023.
Btw I found the thing I was talking about she might have had a crush on this girl named Alice

No. 439999

I always thought she was beautiful but thought it was kind of weird she kept up the super bleach blonde look for like over a decade.

No. 440005

File: 1729716803891.jpg (Spoiler Image,193.12 KB, 1536x2048, 9997.jpg)

i wish girls im actually into would post this kind of pictures kek

No. 440008

File: 1729717206935.jpg (205.86 KB, 900x1200, boobies.jpg)

I don't like her onlyfans content very much because she photoshops herself to look like a femboy, but the pics where Crispy grabs her wife's boobs are funny and make the audience angry because they are both very cute but taken to each other lol

No. 440014

File: 1729718546101.jpg (22.82 KB, 678x452, 1598010428675.jpg)

sadly, Ciara will always remain the best e-girl in temrs of variety and quality of pictures.

No. 440016

File: 1729718784880.jpg (263.62 KB, 1080x720, 1449567516760.jpg)

RIP queen

No. 440017

File: 1729718991242.jpg (1.33 MB, 2159x3840, ciara.jpg)

Ciara did take a lot of pictures I think she looks kinda average after seeing many pics of her. I don't think she is ugly her eyes and freckles are cute but she has a "boyish" and unwashed look to her while Marky always looked like a type of model to me. Not hating on Ciara but some nonnas inflate her looks because she died, rip tho.

No. 440019

what's that thing censored?

No. 440025

File: 1729719611549.jpeg (175.31 KB, 2144x1408, aiX3JWW.jpeg)

Oh she was objectively upper-mid but there was something unique about her in her demeanor

and there was a Ciara pic for every orbiter…(sperging about e-girls)

No. 440035

File: 1729721080802.jpg (712.29 KB, 2099x2804, 1570702878767.jpg)

She had her charm and made funny youtube videos but the over-sexualization and deviancy in most of her pics/lore makes me feel disgusted. I know she wasn't a good person but all her boyfriends or men she hooked up with were ugly inside and out, jay (pic rel) was already in his 40's when he started to date her and should have known better, he was a groomer. Do you know lore about JT? the dude who meet her up in a hotel when she was 19 which lead to her death, he was also shitty. The more I learn about Ciara the sadder I get, she was a young woman with BPD who wanted attention from disgusting 4chan groomers from a young age and got drug addicted, rest in peace.

No. 440036

her old tweets are all cute like this. she was just a regular girl

No. 440103

Idk who this is but she looks greasy and annoying. put this in the women you're ashamed to fuck thread

No. 440122

Now time to insert myself into a polycule with them..
She kind of looks like autistic taylor swift, cute

No. 440134

I think its time women of the Attractive Women thread start to gatekeep as hard as the Attractive Men thread

No. 440135

What do you mean? I don’t read the scrote threads.

No. 440136

Agreed. I’ve been cringing out of my skin all day watching this convo unfold

No. 440143

"I want an image board without the channers" yeah good luck

No. 440148

File: 1729743567872.gif (1.23 MB, 165x221, coco-who-is-coco.gif)

I am so confused i doubt majority of the women in this thread read the scrote love thread because they're gay so what is being referenced? what gatekeeping?

No. 440151

that's disgusting. stop posting. and stop posting plain women.

No. 440158

It would appear that there is something of a cleavage between the lesbians who are here to talk about our lesbian "woulds" and the straights who just want to say "omg girl I'd totally fuck anodine celebrity number 4536 for realsies" with particular emphasis.

Like I'm sorry if yyou are grossed out by pits you're not spending enough time in lesbian spaces kek

No. 440164

File: 1729749640765.jpg (32.71 KB, 465x612, 1000003396.jpg)

Jennifer Connelly my beloved…

No. 440166

File: 1729750209166.jpg (175.82 KB, 1150x1438, s-l1600.jpg)

Love her

No. 440170

From the thread title:
>Post conventionally attractive women
Theres the reason why we need to gatekeep this thread. Some random mid e-girl isn't conventional to the majority of women.

No. 440171

she's such a goddess

No. 440173

Lmao before the e-girl posting it took me scrolling up all the way to Ruslana to find someone I find attractive. You can try but it will just be a circular firing squad.

No. 440175

File: 1729752220759.jpg (2.24 MB, 2133x3200, Jennifer-Connelly-Feet-3023927…)

I'm obsessed with these heels. She has a white pair too.

No. 440176

It is much more fun to talk about girls with chan lesbians than anyone else in this thread I'm not going to lie. With normie taste it's just like "oh my god this celebrity is sooo hot" and then some retarded baiter replying "um no she's fat and ugly and needs botox". With the lesbian shut-ins there's a respect for the other's fuck. I'd see no issue with more of us moving the of discussion who we like in the lesbian thread as there's no reason to debate what's conventional or not. Either way, it's kind of funny how the people complaining about lesbians posting egirls here use the man threads

No. 440183

she was so gorgeous…i feel bad for the stuff she was put through though(minor)

No. 440184

File: 1729754233497.jpg (52.25 KB, 496x465, aggie.jpg)

The thing is most e-girls are cuter than the celebs these farmers are posting and there is also that "wow this e-girl is just like me she uses imageboards and likes anime" feeling , how can someone even fantasize about hollywood normie celebs? Also most e-girls are beautiful specially Rose, Marky, Agatha, Crispy. Also the celebs aren't even bisexual or lesbian while the e-girls would probably give us a chance if we were their type.

No. 440188

Be quiet

No. 440191

File: 1729759718318.png (746.61 KB, 692x691, 1487122540952.png)

it's not so much about objective atractiveness i guess. i know ciara is "objectively" a 6.5, but i would had loved to fuck her so much because i love insane bpd basketcases who could ruin my life.

you agathafags have better taste, she's actually beautiful inside out

No. 440193

>Also the celebs aren't even bisexual or lesbian while the e-girls would probably give us a chance if we were their type
most e-girls, with a few exceptions, only want male attention

No. 440195

>thin lips
>clown hair
>empty eyes
>cuter than the other celebrities in this thread
This is a little embarrassing for you. Shoo.

No. 440197

File: 1729760806757.jpg (54.4 KB, 640x640, 5b96f7f6142dc229ab467ad0524294…)

I love Joss Fong. She give me yellow fever.

No. 440199

File: 1729760896020.jpg (748.84 KB, 1080x1080, jossfong_72591010_692190421188…)

I'd ching her chong so hard(racebait)

No. 440201

>wow this e-girl is just like me she uses imageboards and likes anime
That’s how they getcha hooked… but id rather that than it be some big record label trying to get my attention kek. Atleast its the girl who really wants the attention

No. 440208

Thank god I’m not the only one who didn’t find the previously posted women attractive, I went in the questioning thread and everything kek. I don’t think anons can gatekeep as they are attractive they just aren’t normie women.
This too. I don’t have serious celebrity crushes for this reason (+ not my type)

No. 440216

>Thank god I’m not the only one who didn’t find the previously posted women attractive, I went in the questioning thread and everything kek. I don’t think anons can gatekeep as they are attractive they just aren’t normie women.
It's an ugly woman psyop. Uggos are posting women that look like themselves to fool people into thinking they're attractive.

No. 440221

stop posting autism faces you autistic faggot and don't breed(infighting)

No. 440226

>Either way, it's kind of funny how the people complaining about lesbians posting egirls here use the man threads
The fakebians and bisluts really should just stfu and stay in their own lane. They already have their own seperate thread if they want to act catty and nitpick a woman's looks as much as they want so I don't know why they feel entitled to come in here and police what actual SSA women find attractive.

No. 440229

like what you like but as a lesbian i’d like to be excluded from the e girl lover narrative. those are not my type at all.

No. 440230

To be honest I'm reaching a stage in my life where I'm starting to strongly prefer normie women, and especially well adjusted women over quirky bpdette weeb types

No. 440237

the women posted are visibly malformed though. they use 4chan (fucking insufferable with unlikeable personalities) this thread is for unambiguously beautiful women

No. 440240

Tbh looking at 4chan egirls makes me feel wrong and greasy kek, didn't half of them start posting when they were underage

No. 440241

Anyone else think the egirl shit reeks of self posting

No. 440242

File: 1729773571279.jpeg (64.26 KB, 720x720, IMG_7042.jpeg)

“unambiguously beautiful” women
How come they aren’t beautiful to me then

No. 440247

Using 4chan is not really a visible trait though? lmao you just seem salty and jealous. Some of the channer girls posted above may not be equal to drop dead gorgeous celebs but they're definitely attractive. Otherwise, they wouldn't gather that many orbiters around them. Esp agatha, she looks ethereal. Rose also belongs in this thread, imo. Not sure about the other girls, but I also find them to be pretty cute. Ciara would fit in more to the other thread though

No. 440248

Or ball sweat. It needs to stop ASAP it’s gross as fuck.

No. 440249

i don't give a fuck who this egata is, stop shilling yourself, you don't belong in this thread

No. 440253

why are you so angry?

No. 440258

stop posting unattractive autistic ethots and shitting in this thread, only autistic men could possibly find them attractive

No. 440261

Stop policing what lesbians can find attractive. Are you even a lesbian? Or even bi?

No. 440264

you think Marky and Agatha are selfposting themselves in your obscure imageboard? what are you 15?
Look I started the Markyposting yesterday but I think we need to give it a rest for a few days before we get egirls banned kek

No. 440266

Oh my god, I wish. I want them to come here for our validation and not ugly scrotoids…

No. 440268

chill, im sorry no one finds your ass attractive so you resort to tearing down other beautiful women under the pretence of muh "only autistic moids can find them attractive!1!!" cause calling lesbians moidy is sooooo revolutionary, never has been done before

No. 440269

File: 1729775766339.jpeg (116.64 KB, 1080x1080, GaAt4KBXoAIEJ00.jpeg)

Is this what normies are into?

No. 440270

Put your greasy teenage 4chan girls in the ashamed thread and stop shitting this one up, I held my tongue yesterday but this has gone on too long

No. 440271


No. 440272

Just go ahead and post whatever normie women you find attractive.

No. 440273

She looks like she takes showers, so yeah.

No. 440274

>what lesbians can find attractive
lol, go back to 4chan you dumb faggot(scrotefoiling)

No. 440275

>takes showers
Unattractive trait

No. 440276

>you think Marky and Agatha are selfposting themselves in your obscure imageboard? what are you 15?
No one even cares about these random egirls other than you. STFU

No. 440278

you're not a mod, get off your high horse. Are you the same straight bitch from yesterday? Go back to sucking off your nigel and leave women alone(infighting)

No. 440279

You're talking to multiple people dumbass. No one likes your shitty egirl posting.

No. 440280

What? How does this make you a 4chan faggot. I accept the normie lesbians only wanting normie women in this thread but some of you sound like salty ex-r9k girls or something.
Nta but to be fair there’s no way trad Marky would post for female attention and Agatha didn’t even use ibs, no? She hated the whole attention from 4chan

No. 440281

you are so obvious. just stop shitting up this thread with garbage. you can do that freely on 4chan.

No. 440282

You’re not fooling anyone, and you are embarrassing. Go back

No. 440283

Stop being a schizo. Do you really think only one anon was posting egirls?

No. 440285

File: 1729776490861.jpg (149.18 KB, 876x579, Uggo_collage.jpg)

be fucking for real these are the exemplars of "conventionally attractive" women you were posting before the egirls started(infighting, spamming egirls)

No. 440287

Adriana Lima was getting called mid in the celebricows thread, some anons here have really retarded standards

No. 440288

How did this get banned but not the rest of the infighting? I think even I posted more egirls than her.

No. 440289

Go cry in meta or go back, no one cares

No. 440291

File: 1729777020789.png (442.36 KB, 722x618, 1587795701238.png)

>thin lips
it makes women look doll like i'm not really into bimbos
>clown hair
you are racist agatha is jewish it makes her have a cutesy messy sleepyhead look, are you one of those normies who thinks only straight hair is attractive?
>empty eyes
she had depression because her friend died fuck off
why can't we post cute e-girls ? Ciara might be too ugly for these threads but Agatha is beautiful and you all sound a bit jealous. She has never self post even on 4chan unlike most e-girls, so why would Agatha post herself on lolcow?

No. 440293

Go back

No. 440294

Idk who these women are but they all look good to me, especially the middle bottom and the two on the right. What is this supposed to prove kek

No. 440299

delet this. it's on the front page and giving me jumpscares.

No. 440302

It's kind of lame how some anons keep attributing the 4chan waifu stuff to "REAL lesbianism", just fucking relax. Some of you guys have gone so against the stifling, straight-approved ideals of only liking conventionally attractive pop singers or whatever that you've started trying to champion the values of straight (or prison gay/bi) quasi-hebephilic neckbeards from 4chan as what's "authentic". Like, why must the thread be spammed with photos of 15 year old heroin addicts?

No. 440303

Yes she wasn't the only nonna who posted e-girls me, you and at least other 3 nonnas talked about e-girls. They are being so cruel towards the e-girls for no reason they are worse than moids on 4chan holy crap this is so agressive…(continuing to infight about e-girls)

No. 440304

Literally who is doing that? All I’m seeing is people calling us scrotes for liking autist face kek
That’s my point, they are objectively not unattractive, so…? I kind of don’t get it, there are some slightly ugly women on this thread anyway
>doesn’t know Adriana Lima

No. 440305

Posters like >>440226 and >>440158

No. 440308

If you're gonna samefag, at least change your typing style and stop referencing the same shitty egirls nobody cares about kek.

No. 440309

>you all sound a bit jealous.
yeah its cuz their discord 4chin scrotes jerk off to them and it makes these nonas self conscious
as if anyone who doesn't post some normie celeb itt doesn't get scrotefoiled to hell and back, its literally just you all trying to make up your own perfect definition of a lesbian

No. 440310

Stop lying and self-victimizing, see >>440305.

No. 440312

wtf are you saying, there's nothing to lie about

No. 440313

Are you underage? Grown women do not find awkward teens attractive and are certainly not jealous of them getting exploited and creeped on by basement dwelling males. Go back.

No. 440315

Once upon a time you got banned for using unintegrated typing styles. You’re not meant to be identifiable kek
>its cuz their discord 4chin scrotes jerk off to them
That’s my thought, it’s probably bi and straight anons hopping in from the front page.
The anons who posted pics from their teens were banned, it happened twice? I think it’s pretty obvious most of them here grew up near in age to them, I’m personally younger and didn’t even witness that era but I still went down the rabbit hole because they’re my type kek

No. 440328

Stop flooding the thread with pictures of your favorite e-girls and then infighting about them.

No. 440523

File: 1729817239995.jpg (80.6 KB, 736x920, 26c766ae5ad6a71a9e259453e842ee…)

Something about her voice and aesthetic is super cute to me, I want to caress her hair. She looks so kind. She's the type you'd like to marry.

No. 440524

yes she’s so cute

No. 440821

Her skin is so luminous and pretty

No. 440929

File: 1729986692838.jpeg (469.73 KB, 1179x1755, OO56iMn.jpeg)

model mica arganaraz

No. 440992

File: 1730017306569.jpeg (32.96 KB, 569x1024, Ga3rJ5FX0AAquPD.jpeg)

I'm warming up to Angel Reese, even though her attitude annoys me. That's kinda part of her charm I guess. Or maybe it's just her fat ass' siren song…

No. 440993

File: 1730017439574.jpeg (138.4 KB, 697x1024, Ga3rJ4vWMAA3uAn.jpeg)

I just wanna see her and Caitlin make out in a pool of jell-o

No. 440994

File: 1730018330224.jpeg (76.28 KB, 590x619, IMG_0123.jpeg)

No. 440996

im not even attracted to women but god this picture is so fucking hot

No. 441003

Always thought she was cute. Her character in yellowjackets reminded me of the girls I was friends with and felt a basically homoerotic jealousy for kek.

No. 441013

File: 1730029259989.jpeg (165.05 KB, 1080x1051, IMG_9904.jpeg)

Taylor Russel is so gorgeous, she looks so lovely. I love her smile and her voice especially (her lisp is cute too).
She’s like if a deer became human kek. I hope she never grows her hair out because pixie cuts and short hair suit her so much.

No. 441044

her and caitlin would be so hot together but unfortunately they are both hetties

No. 441095

File: 1730055853632.png (394.57 KB, 932x513, JFF_554.png)

Addison Rae never did it for me but she's looking particularly gorgeous in her last MV

I have a massive crush on her

No. 441249

anyone have anyone idea who this is purtty please..

No. 441257

File: 1730122803451.png (564.61 KB, 762x508, dua lipa.png)

She's so incredibly beautiful

No. 441259

File: 1730123035811.webp (35.8 KB, 640x640, IMG_4514.webp)

She’s so hot in this movie.

No. 441419

No. 441510

File: 1730196867085.webp (20.68 KB, 708x881, IMG_2701.webp)

No. 441535

thank u nonnita. lov you

No. 441847

Love my fellow short chin big eyes girlies.

No. 441997

File: 1730342710593.jpg (173.19 KB, 1170x1468, GbFbxwPXIAAo35I.jpg)


No. 442290

so you think women with prominent jaws are ugly?

No. 442310

kek is this a parody of that pancakes and waffles tweet?

No. 442829

File: 1730754554750.png (636.98 KB, 634x950, d480df2cb12e85d6deaca9fd2632da…)

I just adore her, everything about her appearance does it for me.

No. 442830

File: 1730755408036.png (742.11 KB, 771x554, 111.PNG)

I love Diane Morgan, especially as Philomena Cunk. Her accent, her hair, her big beautiful eyes, her ability to keep a straight face when saying something absurd. She just seems so fun to be around. She looks kind of like a frog but in a really cute way.

No. 442831

File: 1730755485414.png (936.7 KB, 542x723, cunk.PNG)

Samefag. I want to go on a cool evening walk with her and she gives me her big tartan coat when I'm shivering. We would kiss in front of castle ruins and then she would talk about how stupid they were.

No. 442919

Her appearance alone is adorable, that stupid character accentuates even more and the accent is the cherry on top.

No. 442983

File: 1730849013839.jpeg (50.58 KB, 405x720, IMG_4550.jpeg)

Never knew this look is from Death Becomes Her until today. She’s so unique and hot.

No. 443131

File: 1730926872480.jpg (27.52 KB, 500x271, tumblr_otvbksR7td1sec0ywo4_500…)

Butch Cher

No. 443132

File: 1730926909599.jpg (41.51 KB, 386x483, Cher+as+Dolly+Pelliker+in+Silk…)

No. 443134

File: 1730927203377.jpg (44.11 KB, 640x340, Meryl+Streep+as+Karen+Silkwood…)

And Meryl Streep from the same movie (Silkwood, 1983).

No. 443138

I'm convinced; I'll be watching this movie this afternoon. Great taste, anon.

No. 443252

File: 1730973541895.jpg (954.67 KB, 1526x2048, MV5BMTM1NjM1MDM0NV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

Yesss hope you enjoyed it, very tough real story but they look great

No. 443335

File: 1731019039296.jpg (48.54 KB, 735x921, ca0444233091b33798960db0ccb71d…)

No. 443336

File: 1731019069386.jpg (83.27 KB, 704x923, 1cb297ad5d417ffd9b56dca869c797…)

No. 443402

Ough. So handsome

No. 443482

File: 1731095078703.jpg (156.02 KB, 602x1200, 8bea47db377adec6bf2cb91384dc85…)

Butch queen

No. 443483

File: 1731095108495.jpg (123.71 KB, 736x1103, 8e9d5429b650f16ea3f38a2f29632a…)

No. 443504

File: 1731100745176.png (182.92 KB, 640x360, 1728784928435.png)

I'm 29 and have never even kissed anyone (male or female). I've never wanted to have any sexual or romantic experiences IRL. I do have fantasies, though - and I fantasize about other women way more than I fantasize about men. Nasty Zhidkova - the albino Russian weeaboo model who calls herself Kiker-chan - is who I fantasize about the most.

No. 443548

I wish she would divorce Trump.

No. 443639

File: 1731171235795.jpg (548.38 KB, 512x512, 1000056538.jpg)

I need her so bad. I wish butch women were more common.

No. 443645

Anon I ended up watching it today and I was in tears, thanks for the rec. Cher was so cute and Meryl was radiant.

No. 443711

File: 1731198332265.jpg (66.54 KB, 1024x576, 1000007169.jpg)

No. 443764

This belongs to the other thread.

No. 443806

Is Elissa Steamer a 100% woman?(off-topic)

No. 443816

File: 1731258055414.jpg (256 KB, 768x1023, BB1lsuvM.jpg)

But I'm not ashamed. Butch women are hot, older women are hot.

No. 443826

She isn't attractive though

No. 443828

File: 1731263499256.png (857.53 KB, 592x866, Screenshot 2024-11-09 at 16.40…)

she can get it any day of the week

No. 443889

File: 1731286084275.png (325.54 KB, 418x642, kristen.png)

her mullet era …

No. 443900

Not a lot of women can pull off the mullet

No. 443955

Hell yeah

No. 444004

File: 1731342089320.jpeg (388.71 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_0608.jpeg)

don’t say that. she isn’t straight she just hasn’t met me yet

No. 444107

File: 1731412729049.jpg (302.07 KB, 2048x2048, soadorableandsweet.jpg)

I'd kill myself 20 times just to kiss her on the forehead

No. 444239

File: 1731469924389.jpg (230.28 KB, 1000x1456, MV5BMGNhZDVjM2MtMGQ2Mi00ZjRmLW…)

she's flawless

No. 444302

File: 1731504757839.webp (47.56 KB, 1020x680, my beloved....webp)

shes so perfect

No. 444305

File: 1731509724527.gif (4.11 MB, 540x350, mary .GIF)


No. 444340

She is to die for but I also highly recommend this movie

No. 444393

File: 1731545457951.jpg (24.72 KB, 480x320, tib-fongj-24145-480.jpg)

I love her face. She would be the only journalist to survive my fascist purge of the media apparatus.


It's underappreciated how she figured out how to make hair that short work for her

No. 444565

I could easily fall in love with her

No. 444879

File: 1731731985477.jpg (2.37 MB, 2460x3300, 20241116_073845.jpg)

I really find some of the female singers who worked on AoT songs cute. Especially Eliana.

No. 444880

File: 1731732254908.jpg (1.04 MB, 1438x1744, Screenshot_20241116_072552_Sam…)

Samefag, forgot her.

No. 444882

File: 1731732924312.jpeg (44.58 KB, 660x371, snRfYmz.jpeg)

if I'm being honest, I find her and her big brown eyes so stunning

No. 444896

File: 1731739815039.jpg (42.97 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

She made a fucking video about Asian flush and I almost died when she got all red.

No. 445019

File: 1731788386920.jpg (186.42 KB, 736x1219, ca850ed21855d80bb5b155e2cf5e09…)

She's so pretty
I don't know if I'd fuck her but I'm definitely obsessed with her

No. 445020

File: 1731788470029.jpg (89.08 KB, 736x955, 9a40af17a26a3a5e66cdff42f78c4a…)

(no kpop)

No. 445040

Her face annoys the hell out of me and she’s so incredibly average. She definitely isn’t ugly but I guess she gets the global Asian girl tax where if you’re deemed exotic enough by retarded ass ignorant Westerners who think East Asia is a wonderland you’re automatically seen as attractive.

No. 445041

File: 1731796063567.jpg (55.62 KB, 736x736, 0c00fb96ce4462cfed25da7e3cff7f…)

>she's so incredibly average
you have shit in your eyes i think

No. 445042

Average by pickme kpoop fan standards maybe kek

No. 445048

File: 1731798477444.jpg (200.67 KB, 957x1276, FBwgA5FXsAAhZTk.jpg)

Sarah Bonito is cute

No. 445050

Average and covered in fakeup and blurring filters, proving my point once again.
I don’t like kpoop if it wasn’t obvious by my sperg rant kek

No. 445051

You sound jealous and bitter

No. 445053

i was just about to say that

its ok nonna dont be like that, you're pretty too!

No. 445054

Bitter of what? For pointing out the truth? >>445053

No. 445255

File: 1731898662674.webm (1.29 MB, 720x1280, 1731892424634724.webm)

She's so pretty

No. 445559

File: 1732042524105.jpeg (288.76 KB, 968x1403, IumiLGd.jpeg)

i feel like she’d be surprisingly wild in bed

No. 445565

Literal who

No. 445566

>>445565 i thought this too, it kinda looks like a self post not gonna lie

No. 445576

looks like a TiM

No. 445608

tims wish they looked like her

No. 446024

TOTAL KPOP VICTORY(no kpop on lolcow)

No. 446163

Mariana Saldana

No. 446536

File: 1732552965004.jpg (51.03 KB, 1024x576, ms boan.jpg)

literally twins

No. 447040

File: 1732755494504.jpeg (43.69 KB, 487x630, GRZUjv8.jpeg)

she’s a depp supporter but she’s hot

No. 447072

File: 1732767504544.jpeg (44.94 KB, 426x640, IMG_2928.jpeg)

I still remember when I first found out about her in high school when I picked Just Kids from my English class’s bookshelf

No. 447099

File: 1732781472151.jpeg (83.14 KB, 982x726, IMG_5308.jpeg)

great taste anon

No. 447100

I like her but she fits the unconventional thread better. She's too horsefaced to belong here.

No. 447102

any nonnies with yellow fever kek(racebait)

No. 447123

For fucks sake can you people not be creeps? I expect more from women at least, there are asian women on this website also…

No. 447150

>I expect more from women at least
sigh. do you shut up when men are being creeps just to moralfag over lesbians later? I didn't even disagree with your overall message but the way women set up high standards for other women just to let moids loose is what brings us down, not some cringe yellow fever lesnonny.

No. 447156

What, you think I can only criticise one and not the other? You’re a creep.(infighting)

No. 447160

waaah wah wah cry more

No. 447164

go back to dickriding white men. its like yall cant stop complaining about literally fucking everything and inserting men everywhere possible just shup up holy shit(infighting)

No. 447166

No. 447167

>erm i criticize both equally

No. 447169

I’m so confused at these replies, literally what is the issue here? Am I not allowed to be disgusted? As an Asian woman myself? Is it so much to expect to be able to escape from heterosexual white male behaviour like this at least in a SSA space?

No. 447170

You're acting like I'm out to hurt them or something, I just like them and found the term is better used in this situation but it just sounds fetishistic, it's not my fault that moids made it

No. 447173

don't surround yourself with white men then? it's that easy. But nooo, you have to come to lesbians crying about it. I get why you'd find yellow fever gross but the double standards are simply infuriating

No. 447175

File: 1732810280540.png (622.14 KB, 540x810, tumblr_c9a0cba2ae9a6334aeb29da…)

God she's so fine. Megan thee Stallion, cleanse this thread.
>wahhh why would you call me a creep when I use the exact phrase that signals such
Ntayrt but you guys are being retarded. Like straight up cancerous.

No. 447176

a woman that wants to date some asian lady is not the end of the world. you don't have to blow up your ass about it

No. 447178

Yellow fever is a phrase with a specific indication that it's fetishistic with associated baggage like "do asian chicks have slanted pussies too" "me so horny love you long time" etc. Don't get assmad if some asian women, including me, don't like the people who say it. You are stupid.

No. 447180

lmao I'm korean and idgaf if some lesbian chick likes my slanted eyes. It's not that deep

No. 447185

File: 1732813173158.jpg (56.37 KB, 720x583, tumblr_2ecd351c2c7c8915f5e153a…)

Yellow fever 경험해봤으면서 얘기하는거에요, 아니면 그냥 계념없는거에요?

No. 447189

You're projecting male degeneracy on lesbians. Yellow fever nonny is not out there to get you.

No. 447193

File: 1732816896218.jpg (534.89 KB, 1242x1547, tumblr_be033b984101ce19548d2a4…)

Oh my god, I'm a Korean lesbian and you guys are missing the point (on purpose?) There's a difference between 'yeah I like Asians' and 'I have yellow fever,' both in the actual connotations and the crowd who say it regardless of sex. Inb4 "uh what about people who say both of those" ykwim
Perhaps if you want to avoid misunderstandings and being lumped in with male degeneracy, you should rethink using a male degenerate term to describe something harmless. Literally that is the only point I'm making. Language is used to communicate and the wrong thing is being communicated with 'yellow fever'. You unsaged newfag.

No. 447194

Not reading allat seething. And you don't have to sage on non-cow boards, you're the only one outing yourself as a newfag kek

No. 447198

>tiktok slang
>complaining about saging in noncow boards when ayrt didn't even sage
>calling others newfag
anon please.

No. 447199

Don't get mad if someone takes your word for it on what kind of person you are, ok?

No. 447203

You're not wrong but this is a friendly reminder to ignore and report racebait posts because of >>>/ot/2275563 types

No. 447204

Goddamn who is she

No. 447206

>"complaining about saging in noncow boards when ayrt didn't even sage"
I wasn't the one who brought up saging first kek. Cow threads are the only ones where you have to sage if you're not posting any milk fyi.

No. 447222

Ew isn't she a lesbian? Why is a lesbian being a pickme for a male predator?

No. 447241

My gf knows I have yellow fever. Not a big deal tbhonfam. Female yellow fever is inherently different from male yellow fever anyway.

No. 447285

File: 1732850463065.jpeg (65.93 KB, 640x965, IMG_2947.jpeg)

She was a part of my awakening

No. 448932

File: 1733555301476.png (523.49 KB, 606x876, cd.png)

I've fallen madly in love with this French girl from TikTok who struggle to learn English. Coming across her videos (tatatopsecret on TikTok) right when I was ovulating last month has afflicted me with whatever thequivalent of yellow fever for the French may be.

No. 448933

File: 1733555439120.png (560.68 KB, 608x1002, z.png)

I've been bitten by the stink bug
I'm a hopeless frog chaser

No. 448934

File: 1733555519893.png (546.42 KB, 609x748, b.png)

Can you imagine looking like this when you get mad? If she were my gf I'd be blowing spitballs at her all day just to get her to give me that look

No. 449690

I came here to post her and this mv. So gorgeous. Hope she gets a better producer tho

No. 449692

File: 1733791041943.jpeg (144.75 KB, 735x728, IMG_4436.jpeg)

No. 449710

File: 1733795942198.jpeg (135.35 KB, 970x546, 49246C63-02E9-4269-93D1-3ABD37…)

She mogs Blake Lively in every scene.

No. 449859

File: 1733862286787.jpg (33.35 KB, 600x681, fem-luigi-for-the-lads-v0-xxja…)

No. 449860

File: 1733862337295.jpg (53.8 KB, 600x704, fem-luigi-for-the-lads-v0-4na5…)

Luija Mangione(ai feminised scrotes are not women)

No. 449863


No. 449871


No. 449879

I need her to exist

No. 449915

Kinda looks like Sofia Coppola here

No. 449953

God I wish this was real so badly. If god loved us and truly existed the UHC shooter wouldve been a woman. I cant stop fantasizing about her. Shes so perfect. WHY did we get a retard moid instead? Oh Luija…

No. 449954

Wouldve sheltered her in my bed. She wouldnt have gotten arrested. Le sigh. Thats enough now

No. 449981

These pics have a real chadbian vibe, I'm impressed

No. 450121

File: 1733934331351.jpeg (175.47 KB, 1080x1350, 1L1oQsJ.jpeg)

victoria pedretti

No. 450127

her as Love really did something to me. I want a hot crazy gf

No. 450129

she’s lowkey kinda crazy irl too

No. 453421

File: 1734388446412.jpg (72.23 KB, 1200x1200, 0x1900-000000-80-0-0.jpg)

This singer actress I just discovered. She's so adorable, I love her style, and her voice and music is nice.

No. 454717

File: 1734563498928.jpeg (46.89 KB, 738x415, images (6).jpeg)

No. 454719

File: 1734563590743.webp (44.65 KB, 1548x1024, Young-Miko-cr-Joshua-Rivera-pr…)

Young Miko. First lesbian reggaeton artist that's ever gotten this big.

No. 454720

File: 1734563676913.webp (15.73 KB, 500x375, LEAD_TG_ROLLINGSTONE_YOUNGMIKO…)

Fun fact: my cousin asked me if she was a troon and I ripped the flesh off her face with my teeth. My aunt was mad and shit

No. 455047

File: 1734616276075.gif (483.29 KB, 220x220, naomi-watts-mulholland-drive.g…)

Naomi Watts as Betty. She looks so dreamy and pathetic when she falls for Rita and it makes her cuter imo

No. 455136

Amerie fan did you know that she has a YouTube channel where she reviews books? She’s been doing it for years now

No. 455522

File: 1734643797380.mp4 (1.22 MB, 720x1280, Masc gone femme [744292091571…)

@another.rando2.0 on tiktok

No. 455527

File: 1734644025143.mp4 (968.18 KB, 1080x1920, 👀#wlw [7443071286919597355].m…)

No. 455889

I'm not a fan perse, I just know one song so far but I'm interested in her because of my little crush on her right now. I'm not into books or reading but thank you for telling me this!

No. 456092

I hate to post this because it impliedly gasses her up but I thought for a while that this was a younger Anna Khachiyan

No. 456526


she’s essentially a mostly feminine woman who wears boys clothes. no problem with that but it’s a turn off for me. i like mascs actually masculine.

No. 458267

File: 1735003405263.webm (577.36 KB, 608x1080, Giulia Imperio.webm)

I love how expressive and emotional she is.

No. 458706

File: 1735059552985.jpeg (64.34 KB, 479x640, 75F7579A-0A8F-43DE-96B5-93188F…)

I want to kiss her and be held by her. Thinking about how she's a bit older than my own mother revs me up a little bit I'm not gonna lie

No. 459362

File: 1735151610351.jpeg (424.48 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_4805.jpeg)

No. 459570

I have vivid fantasies of accidentally shoulder checking Giulia at the gym one day and she just beats me to death on the spot

No. 459735

She’s sooo hot holy

No. 459756

who is this? not jennifer love hewitt?

No. 459768

No, it’s Tate McRae.

No. 459910

File: 1735256824721.jpg (95.56 KB, 1194x668, dune-prophecy-emily-watson-oli…)

I'm not a lesbian, I think. Sure there are women I find very beautiful. But more in a 'I wish I could be more like her' way than romantically or sexually. But these two ladies, with their black dresses, the way they wield power over moids, and the whole "Sisterhood above all"… I think I might be developing a crush

No. 460236

File: 1735326515975.jpg (24.25 KB, 300x454, 1000065823.jpg)

I know she's like a mega diva, I don't care, shes allowed.

No. 460237

File: 1735326640456.jpeg (338.12 KB, 1284x1639, IMG_9331.jpeg)

She’s still got it

No. 460298

Based. I understand.

No. 460849

File: 1735388614245.jpg (918.02 KB, 2048x1381, renee.jpg)

I love curly blonde hair so much…

No. 460853

File: 1735390442210.jpg (311.62 KB, 1500x1000, img-nina-hoss_105105332507.jpg)

Nina Hoss is so tall, so hot and has curly blonde hair. What more could one ask for.

No. 461033

File: 1735415846217.webp (87.24 KB, 1125x1386, IMG_4831.webp)

god it should’ve been me

No. 461035


No. 461062

File: 1735419321835.jpg (343.98 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1719481425.jpg)

NTA but I think she's rather cute without makeup.

No. 461121

File: 1735423605710.jpeg (75.21 KB, 487x545, IMG_0325.jpeg)

Wow 90s her is almost exactly my type, I never realised. Super mega fucking cute

No. 461125

File: 1735424360714.webp (79.14 KB, 1125x789, IMG_4833.webp)

I’ve been posting her in 'women you’re ashamed to fuck' thread most of the time, but there’s actually nothing wrong about her when she’s not wearing drag makeup.

No. 461154

i hate her but wow. why does she make herself look so ugly with all that makeup?

No. 461161

she's a faghag

No. 461181

It's drag and it pisses of moids which is based if you ask me.

No. 461226

it also pisses me off, as a woman who likes women.

No. 461279

She appeals to moids now that she's famous

No. 461351

Pandering to fags is never gonna be based. I do think she's cute sometimes though.

No. 461529

File: 1735506508186.jpg (192.11 KB, 1080x1350, 1000065824.jpg)

My god yes, the big curly hair and 90s fashion suited her so well, Mariah let me worship you pls.

No. 461535

She was so skinny back then it's crazy

No. 461703

The worst thing about her is her mediocre music that appeals mostly to normie spicy straights. But I'd still eat her ginger pussy and asshole to be totally honest.

No. 461758

File: 1735536524439.jpg (160.65 KB, 1500x1000, f36acd3bc9458348626e5845e464a2…)

Eden Epstein, I would give up moids in a heartbeat for this woman. She looks sexiest in natural/complementary lighting but she is always beautiful and I loved her character on Sweetbitter (a horny lesbian who wants to give me party drugs)

I think she is what they were trying to achieve with Chappell Roan but it didn't work out

No. 462165

File: 1735607591809.jpeg (1.94 MB, 3464x3464, 58991892-D3F0-4099-8EE5-401644…)

2000’s Madonna

No. 462166

I adore women with faces like this.

No. 462187

File: 1735613923377.jpeg (205.13 KB, 882x1280, 67B9F6FD-6AE9-4C9C-B7F2-A597C2…)

I love her massive smile but we could never make out because my mouth is too small

No. 462206

make out with her other pair of lips instead

No. 462232

File: 1735626872073.png (151.26 KB, 316x316, IMG_4837.png)

beautiful dom mommy

No. 462358

File: 1735663235749.webp (29.84 KB, 600x900, IMG_0432.webp)

I’ve had a crush on her since I was a kid and I still do

No. 462419


she’s so fine my lord. i don’t want to see anora because i know i’d develop a maladaptive crush and i want to start the year off right

No. 462564

Long ass kangaroo feet she has lol

No. 462771

fuck you

No. 462846

For curbstomping and kicking scrotes in the balls. They're not even weirdly big your mind is just warped.

No. 464324

File: 1736002340221.jpeg (556.67 KB, 1179x1861, xuZmAUO.jpeg)

@gabxxrielle on tiktok

she’s a pretty popular mua and claims to be a lesbian (i think she’s bi with bpd but that’s another story). i know she has an artificial look but i find it hot.

No. 464389

"pointy elbows" tier nitpicking

No. 464592

File: 1736079145472.webp (77.6 KB, 750x937, a-young-martha-stewart-v0-k9qv…)

young martha stewart

No. 464693

I didn’t know Martha was brunette I’ve been had once again by a white woman kek

No. 464913

File: 1736143044632.jpg (171.59 KB, 1125x1101, Dua Lipa.jpg)

Dua Lipa is so fucking sexy. I want her to park her ass on my face ASAP. I bet it smells so good and tastes even better. I would stick my tongue so far up her butthole that it would come out of her mouth.

No. 465447

File: 1736205537078.jpg (1.11 MB, 3000x2000, 1657033201515.jpg)

I'm not a big gooner. I don't like hardcore porn at all. But I do like lesbian porn, and Malena Morgan is easily my favorite. I love the way she eats pussy and I love how she bosses around the other girls. Plus, she's gorgeous too.

No. 465458


>tfw you will never kiss Martha in a moment of passion in a European cathedral and cuck her cultured husband who was left alone at the hotel

No. 465499

Wow, she is really pretty. I'm always going to feel terrible for loving the pornsick look of 2000s porn starlets.

No. 465794

She kind of looks like a young Melania Trump. what does she do in your favorite video of her?

No. 465910

File: 1736280182552.jpg (334.21 KB, 1080x1080, Mia Malkova.jpg)


>what does she do in your favorite video of her?

It's hard to pick one favorite because they're all so hot. "Just Juicy" with her and Teal Conrad has the best pussy eating, with Malena sucking out Teal's labia over and over again. "Sex Appeal" with her and Riley Reid is probably the hottest one-on-one sex scene, where they swirl their tongues together for several minutes before Malena peels Riley's panties down, passionately licks her pussy and asshole, and then fingers her while making out with her and sucking on her nipples. "Pussy Feast" - a threesome with Malena Morgan, Mia Malkova, and Jessie Andrews - is probably the hottest overall, especially considering how stunning Mia Malkova is. In that one, Malena bosses them around and gives commands ("I want you to lick your pussy juice out of her mouth") and there is tons of passionate making out, nipple sucking, and really intense pussy and ass eating (and fingering) between the three of them.

As stated before, I am not a porn addict by any means, and I can't stand hardcore shit. But I flick my bean to lesbian porn from time to time, and nothing turns me on more than Malena's scenes. Mia Malkova is another favorite, although she does hardcore scenes too (but I only like her lesbian scenes).

No. 465913

File: 1736280410690.png (295.62 KB, 400x717, Zrzut ekranu 2025-01-07 210417…)

her tits drive me insane

No. 465932

File: 1736282692645.png (39.95 KB, 500x500, 19029f0bde3aa4530cbdfc13206dcc…)


>Mia Malkova

omfg she is the hottest porn star ever

i want to 69 with her so bad(learn2integrate)

No. 465950

File: 1736284113362.jpg (165.95 KB, 931x1400, 1707247540746309.jpg)

If we're talking about porn stars, I <3 Remy LaCroix. She's such a qt.(<3)

No. 465962

No. 465972

go back to reddit

No. 466005


All of these women are very pretty, but I just feel sorry for them. I'm not a radfem who thinks that porn is rape, but porn is still a very ugly and degrading business that sucks the life out of anyone who enters it. Adults can do what they want with their own bodies, but it's still a shame to see these women put themselves through the hellish porn industry.

No. 466044

Why do you type like a low-iq ape?

No. 466066

looked her up and i'm sold, gonna have to check out >>465910 too.
i gotta say i agree with >>466005 though that
>a shame to see these women put themselves through the hellish porn industry

No. 466116

Watching porn will do that to you

No. 466149

File: 1736303526143.jpg (132.72 KB, 516x773, Celeste Star.jpg)


Celeste Star is another really hot porn star who exclusively does lesbian scenes. She also exerts dominance over the other girls in a really sexy way. "Seducing a Straight Girl" is my favorite scene of hers.

No. 466159

File: 1736304026359.jpg (183.22 KB, 1280x720, Keisha Grey in School Discipli…)


Keisha Grey (center) too, although she also does hardcore stuff. But her lesbian scene "School Discipline: Part One" is one of the hottest lesbian scenes I've ever seen. I love her doll-like face, hourglass figure, and soft, jiggly body (especially her round bubble butt).

No. 466184

Please go talk about your addiction to moid-targeted lesbian fetish porn somewhere else please. Like maybe Reddit. They have about a million subreddits for this gross shit, you'd be right at home.

No. 466189

File: 1736306579085.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1179x2430, nXScG4E.jpeg)

the best ass in the business

No. 466194

>refers to self in third person
>"they'll never clock me"

No. 466196

No one tell this samefagging retard what it is they’re doing wrong kek

No. 466201

Women like her never do it for me. it's like being aroused by underwear models. she's very pretty, but in a plain way. This is what a 12 year old boy thinks is the most attractive woman on earth.
This reads like the scene in American Psycho when he's talking about It's Hip To Be Square. KEK
Porn stars always have hideous aesthetics and thousand-yard stares that make it hard to be attracted to them. Everything about the way they act is so bizarre and gross. I don't have yellow fever, but vanilla JAVs are the only thing I can stand watching. They're the only ones that have normal-looking women doing sensual scenes in normal-looking sets.

No. 466202

I'm kekking so hard.

No. 466203


No. 466210

File: 1736308439214.jpg (171.79 KB, 1059x1063, Jam_Press_JMP228489-e166133491…)

I have a thing for albinos. Beautiful albino women look like literal angels. I have a massive crush on Kayla Ludlow at the moment, even though I hate TikTok and influencers in general.

Someone else ITT mentioned Kiker-chan, who I also love: >>443504

No. 466215

Why do you think anybody who’s against porn is from ovarit

No. 466217

File: 1736309397032.jpeg (267.63 KB, 1536x2048, sandwich with anon filling.jpe…)

This party looks like it's full of insufferable mean rich people but I agree about the tits. Still think I prefer Tove Lo but it's close, Charli must be a Kinsey negative number if she didn't fuck her.

No. 466236

File: 1736313262466.jpg (97.59 KB, 720x1280, Emily Browning.jpg)

I've seen every movie that she's in just because she's in them, even though most of the movies that she's in are absolutely terrible.

No. 466237

File: 1736313544137.jpg (156.95 KB, 1290x1606, 465783872_540857648807598_4738…)


Same with Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who is easily the hottest actress alive, IMO.

No. 466246

File: 1736318368945.jpg (289.37 KB, 1280x1919, mary-elizabeth-winstead-at-a-g…)

Why would you post a pornified picrel of her nearly 25 years ago if you think she's the hottest actress alive? She looks nothing like that now

No. 466252



Holy fucking shit go back to ovarit dumb bitch(unintegrated posting style, infighting)

No. 466253

So true, she looks the best in the Birds of Prey movie. She's so beautiful in the movie Kate too.

No. 466254

File: 1736320916567.jpg (87.62 KB, 430x642, 71f05eb6ad43146c6a4a733b628a03…)

You can't post old photos of women anymore? It's not in the rules kek

No. 466258

kys scrote(report and ignore suspected scrotes)

No. 466265

>I know what ovarit is!! you aren't better than me, don't act like your balls don't stink.
hey anon I think you're really hot so I'm going to post a picrel of you from when you were 17 and your skin will be shooped into melted tan plastic.

nice shot of an actual woman btw, she looks good and not like an 00-moids desktop image

No. 466271

>non-stop autistic sperging about an exclusionary rad-fem site
did you get banned from ovarit for posting coombait in the SA threads?

No. 466298

someone got their balls in a twist on ovarit keek

No. 466307

You shit up every thread that you’re in.

No. 466318

File: 1736341429169.gif (2.69 MB, 500x234, 1000069044.gif)

Do you truly believe any of these women are actually lesbian lmao, also
>I-I'm not a porn addict!!
>knows several pornstars and videos by name and wrote out an autistic little synopsis for each one
You're so embarrassing, there was maybe one other anon that genuinely replied to you but it's clear as day that you're samefagging and your retarded ass can't figure it out. Watching porn really does make you stupider.
Anyways pls no laugh I know it's a shitty show but Megan Follows in Reign really awoke something awful in me and I need to be bullied by an older woman.

No. 466492


>everyone hornyposting in a hornyposting thread is a scrote

Are pearl-clutching radfem femcels really this delusional? I guess all of the posts about wanting to drink Luigi Mangione's piss were posted by scrotes too then.(baiting/learn2integrate)

No. 466592


>Are pearl-clutching radfem femcels really this delusional?

Like you even have to ask.(ban evading)

No. 466613


male pattern sexuality is easy to spot ywnbaw(scrotefoiling)

No. 466618

Kek the retard still hasn’t figured it out. Tfw you’re trying so hard to bait but are unfortunately dumb as a rock

No. 466619


>hurr durr anyone who posts anything I don't like is a tranny

Radfems really need to get some new material.(baiting/infighting/learn2integrate)

No. 466624

>were posted by scrotes too then

No. 466632


If you are actually delusional enough to think that the nonas thirsting over Luigi are scrotes then I really don't know what to tell you.

No. 466673

You cock gargling pick mes are ridiculous posting porn”stars” is unequivocally male behavior

No. 466691

It seeps "here is what a real woman looks like", since they can't post filtered troons we get their original inspo or something. Especially with all the rad-fem sperging right after. No one here would ever want to be a yucky rad-fem, no sir! Good thing we have anons to show us how to be ~good girls~ (unironically what the posters are thinking)

No. 466696


Go away, BJ-chan.

No. 466711

Oh wow, a real LC personality! You fit in so well here, anon. Do you know where I could find rough anal destruction videos with real blood? As a woman, I'm hoping to expand my autistically catalogued collection

No. 466724

File: 1736377659246.jpg (532.4 KB, 1339x2035, Most attractive radfem.jpg)


Radfems know that you are far more repulsive than even the most disgusting AGP troon. You know that you would never get posted in a thread like this. That's why you sperg out in threads like this and try desperately hard to convince yourselves that anyone who makes fun of you is a tranny. Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

You are the same radfem lolcows who cry about "pornsick moids" one minute and then post yaoi and shotacon the next minute. You aren't fooling anyone.(baiting/infighting)

No. 466734

File: 1736378632829.jpg (20.23 KB, 300x100, 62.jpg)

Why do you fucking spergs have to turn every single thread into this?

No. 466753

calm your tits yuripedo

No. 466772

Anyone can get dumb moid fans like you. You can't stand the idea that there are places that still exist where people don't cater to your black hole of coomer degeneracy. There are people who have impulse control, standards and don't support the porn industry (or pornified Hollywood trash). So you come here and try to snuff it out, by propagandizing generic coomer garbage to women who know better. Then you seethe when you predictably fail, just like any other day

No. 466796


>people on here don't cater to a black hole of coomer degeneracy

Kek, sure. It's totally not coomer degeneracy to post about how you want to drink Luigi's piss or to post anime porn of little boys.

And I'm not a moid, retard.

No. 466798

File: 1736381458804.jpg (203.02 KB, 1191x1500, 91EPm6VHEIL._SL1500_-411301755…)

>dumb moid fans
Oh looks like you misinterpreted my sentence. I can see how you read it that way though
>to post about how you want to drink Luigi's piss or to post anime porn of little boys.
and I'm not accusing you of being a man, as you can see picrel is wearing the colour pink and a bow so we know for a fact that she is female

No. 466801



LOL, I love how you don't even deny it. Posting attractive Hollywood actresses is coomer degeneracy, but posting yaoi shotacon and fantasies about drinking Luigi's piss aren't.

This is why nobody takes radfems seriously. You are an absolute fucking joke.(unintegrated infighting retard)

No. 466802

Damn one person mentioned drinking Luigi's piss in the first two Luigi threads and some people have not let it go since.

No. 466803

Can we ban these moids

No. 466804

File: 1736382157920.png (102.77 KB, 1061x549, 1000069393.png)

You know different anons use different threads right? The Luigifags have nothing to do with this thread, and shotashit is banned here. You're seriously just pulling stuff out of your ass and making yourself look stupider with every post you make. And you weren't posting "Hollywood actresses", we can all scroll up and see the posts.

No. 466807

>comparing Luigi to shota
What is going on

No. 466809

literally who the fuck brought up shota or luigi. So this is the sperg that has been shitting ot by malding about luigifags, a ''lesbian'' who gets off to the abuse of women(porn)?

No. 466810

A psychotic episode

No. 466815

I don’t know why farmhands aren’t deleting these posts, the sperg ban evades so it’s warranted. Stop replying to it and report with a request for deletion

No. 466838

That and comparing Luigi to random porn stars kek. Someone forgot to take their meds and is lashing out in here, you can instantly see which posts are theirs because they still can't figure out how to integrate.

No. 466904

File: 1736391716584.jpg (1.08 MB, 1536x2048, 1733668918533340.jpg)

Definitely cute and valid or something

No. 466908

She has bug eyed doe

No. 466910

Why is only pornsick moids who can't detect pixar-levels of shooping? Post this in the anime waifus thread, it will be more believable in a place like that

No. 466912

I think you mean doe-eyed

No. 466919

Luna Slater eyes

No. 466922

Is this AI slop? Google returned zero results so I'll assume you stole this from her OF if not

No. 466941

Is this Cody Ko with a gender swap filter

No. 466942

No, I think it's from a magazine photoshoot

No. 466951

It's a man. Someone is baiting and shitting up the thread.

No. 466956

File: 1736394893658.jpg (861.68 KB, 2880x2352, 20250108_225353.jpg)


No. 466974

Tranny humor is so annoying.

No. 466975

The fact someone in their ranks betrayed them immediately kekkk

No. 466983

I like how this post got to stay up

No. 466992

why wasn't the moid banned permanently several posts ago

No. 466994

He was but just switch locations on his vpn

No. 466995

farmhands can't permanently ban anyone unless we get the VPN ban in

No. 467005


that was soyshit, not trannies

No. 467006

LOL at getting banned for scrotefoiling the most obvious faggots of all time

No. 467007

Even then, they can't. Poltards are shut ins with multiple burner devices and dynamic ips so it wouldn't change the stakes for them.

No. 467009

not always true, I got rangebanned at my old house and I legit couldn't post from any device and I had a dynamic IP

No. 467096

wait what happened
Is this the moid that's been shitting up the thread yesterday? How did you find out?? Did someone out him??

No. 467103

soyjak faggots attempting to raid, posting trannies in the thread to be funny I guess? One of their own outted the raid attempt immediately. Literally just unfunny scrotes lashing out randomly for their own amusement

No. 467126

looks like norafawn. really popular on tiktok and shoops/edits a lot but fans deny it. she's appeared on other people's streams and is genuinely pretty but does not look like that retarded pic (if that is her)

No. 467252

File: 1736448608933.png (334.94 KB, 373x481, original.png)

I'd kill myself to reincarnate as one of the men she has courted. Heaven on Earth would be if I were a male and she bossed me around and demanded things of me. She has such a pristine appearance. I want to see her paired up with an equally beautiful prince.

No. 467254

File: 1736449039392.png (40.64 KB, 499x446, rexdeus.png)

nona pls, you do not need to reincarnate as a moid. just join her weird anorexia alien princess cult on IG and she'll delusionally boss you around all day long. i cannot guarantee it will be free, tho.

No. 467255

>Your subtle bodies
Kek did she mean to say "supple"?

No. 467256

face kind of reminds me of dasha

No. 467284


>They have about a million subreddits for this gross shit

So do we, like this one:


No. 467298

File: 1736455950839.jpg (184.62 KB, 1200x1200, Zara Larsson.jpg)

Zara Larsson is an absolute goddess. I cannot think of any singer who is prettier than her.

No. 467346

This is just one thread that barely has any replies kys moid

No. 467805

File: 1736543022468.jpg (147.99 KB, 1080x1080, 1000069046.jpg)

Suzi Q

No. 467811

File: 1736543219128.jpg (30.63 KB, 400x686, 1000070021.jpg)

And Joan of course. Admittedly I don't really listen to her music or know much about her but I watched her Nardwuar interview and she's so cute, her voice is really hot to me I could listen to her talk all day.

No. 468049

if i was a mod i'd use this thread as honeypot to ban all scrote-pattern thirtsposts and rid lolcow of the male plague
but sadly there will never be a mod as based as me(unfortunately not)

No. 468620

kek same, looks like male dasha 100%

No. 468664

File: 1736630367645.jpg (116.39 KB, 1500x1000, lily-rose-depp-nosferatu-11206…)

I don't feel really attracted to her most of the time, but somehow she's so hot in Nosferatu with black hair (even though it's objectively a terrible color for her and it's so flat). I don't want to sound weird but something about her tired face does it for me. I also love her relationship with 070 Shake and that she's an actual bisexual woman, not another bihet.

No. 468684

That's because they're moids anon(scrotefoiling)

No. 468906

Torn between my dislike of nepo babies on principle and wanting to make her squirt

No. 468994

File: 1736676981061.jpg (3.42 MB, 2631x3264, 2179723870473.jpg)

You and I are in the same boat nonna. I was reminded of Eliot Sumner from another nonna in the "help me find…" thread on /ot/. I remember seeing photos of her in 2013-2016 (when the top 2 photos in picrel were taken) and falling in love

Her gnc look and sharp eyes are so attractive to me. She's also only ever dated women which makes me like her even more. She has cool music and an adorable smile, I wish she'd show it more often… unfortunately she seems to be doing the whole 'lesbian boyfriend' thing a la 070 Shake but otherwise I still find her so stunning, nepo baby stuff aside.

No. 469049

File: 1736691773394.jpg (35.16 KB, 400x587, 001838ead12af71a47ca1b705fed0d…)

She's so cute

No. 469053

File: 1736692666940.gif (1.51 MB, 350x190, michele-mouton-002.gif)

keeek is that vanina ickx? her dad was kind of ugly.
speaking of women in motorsports, i love michele

No. 469480

File: 1736757897961.jpg (989.23 KB, 2048x3031, tumblr_64f3ffd63fea3a8354d2ae5…)

mel b was always my favourite of the spice girls. she's hot, funny, and an activist against DV. obviously she's still somewhat troubled but nonetheless effortlessly badass

No. 469609

that wink, dear god

No. 469947


she’s exactly the kind of woman i’m drawn to irl. very nurturing but also very no nonsense and tough.

No. 472081

File: 1737154535467.jpg (310.49 KB, 999x1800, 1737136494670.jpg)

need me a yurifag coomer chadbian

No. 472086

>anime breasts that look like testes
She’s a repressed heterosexual.(bait)

No. 472100

and fujoshis are the true "lesbians". we heard it all, you can stop seething now.

No. 472307

>go home with a qt masc girl
>walk in the front door
>whole apartment covered in huge bahoogadonk child faced coomer hentai tapestries. Lingering stale smell of cheap dollarstore ramen
>"what's wrong, anon?"
>excuse yourself to the bathroom
>after a few minutes she comes knocking at the door
>"hey? are you okay? Anon. Open the door. Open it. OPEN THE DOOR. OPEN T"
>you tremble in fear as the door handle starts shaking violently
>Bathroom has a window
>But the apartment is 5 stories up
>you take the chance, crawling through the window and clinging to a drain spout
>your nice club-going pants are all fucked up now, god damn it
>carefully slide down to the sidewalk and book it while calling an uber
>wind up having to attend psychotherapy to treat symptoms of ptsd

No. 472379

Who is this please? She is exactly my type

No. 472383

so gross. wtf is wrong with her? like i feel like you need actual brain damage to hang that in your house

No. 472401

this looks like a trashy tattoo parlor, it doesnt look like her room

No. 472591

File: 1737225963806.jpg (69.84 KB, 736x894, 1000003988.jpg)

Not posting this just to say I'd fuck but I admire her greatly and have to tell someone

No. 473298

File: 1737326116127.jpeg (137.4 KB, 1098x1372, IMG_5013.jpeg)

dream threesome

No. 473358

kekkkk not quoting any more beyond this but this thread is so fucking curated for hettie and bihet larpers given the "spiciest" thing one can say here is something akin to "omg she's just sooo beeetiful u girlies!!!" you all fucking act like how trannies think women act like. Then after larping and scrotefoiling actual SSA women in here you switch tabs to the wee gee thread and post how you want to floss your teeth with hairs from his ballsack, that's how I know you all would gag at the sight of pussy.(bait)

No. 473468

as long as you're going to make the thread extra un-chill, please don't bully the funny greentext posters, we need to cherish the women around here who actually like telling jokes

No. 473481

Yes, she is extremely beautiful.

No. 473482

File: 1737342004831.jpeg (61.64 KB, 686x386, oSs7aOI.jpeg)

Stolen from the grimes and leon thread but holy shit amber heard is out of this fucking world levels of sexy.

No. 473499

Charlie is hideous jfc

No. 473516

File: 1737346783357.jpg (430.16 KB, 2136x2123, PS_2025_01_19.jpg)

kekkkk I sincerely thought that was a random/no name dancer moonlighting as her dealer
>plastic surgery
yeah okay

No. 473526

i think there is a type of SSA woman who tends to self-police a lot (or just has shit taste) and loves accusing others of being moid-y for expressing sexual desire like a normal person. any talk of tits and ass will get you moidfoiled.

No. 473541

File: 1737350579731.jpeg (81.73 KB, 736x1104, BLACKPINK Lisa.jpeg)

No. 473546

Get your eyes checked

No. 473551

File: 1737351266332.jpg (67.04 KB, 640x480, 535411.jpg)

This isn't normal
>but on meth, it is
Not even once anon

No. 473553

She's fugly as hell. Genuinely one of the ugliest women in the world.

No. 473556

No she's definitely attractive. Even today just less.

No. 473559

No. 473666

No more or less ugly than someone like Chappell. Genuinely get your eyes or brain checked, its not normal

No. 473729

I legitimately can't tell if the squinty eyed stare is a plastic surgery thing, a new makeup style thing, or a posing for the camera thing. either way, she's insanely hot to me both before and after but like with Billie Eilish, I am always distracted by how posed her facial expression looks all the time.

No. 473760

Yeah they'll call SSA woman with fantasies that goes beyond hand-holding and kissing as porny, moidbrained, degenerate etc but then in the next instance vent in the lesbian thread at how they can't make their gfs cum kek.

No. 474038

File: 1737426708403.jpg (218.2 KB, 1179x1562, kaede.jpg)

Some Japanese girl group came up on my youtube recommendations. Honestly the music is kinda bad but some of the members are so gorgeous to me.

No. 474039

File: 1737426750337.jpg (21.91 KB, 686x386, hq720 (1).jpg)

No. 474057

File: 1737428828950.webp (26.18 KB, 640x790, or7jsebypqe51.webp)

The best kpop visual that has ever existed.(kpop)

No. 474058

File: 1737429146577.jpg (87.42 KB, 736x1029, 0a8e4c8210794420a3956715c52e8a…)

Emmanuelle Béart

No. 474146

File: 1737448182058.jpg (436.81 KB, 1500x1000, f5ve-underground.jpg)

f5ve!!! I admit their music isn't quite my taste either but I'm hoping that'll change sometime. Maybe they'll get more experimental and lean into more edm/noise (kek, I can hope)

No. 474147

Lolcow hates kpop but you are right Nana supremacy.

No. 474195

nta but I wish she never touched her jaw….

No. 474219

>heels with socks
Where's the fashion police when you need it

No. 474257

>Attractive Women You’d Want to Fuck
She's ai-level beautiful but you don't look at her think "wow I want to fuck that woman", it looks like a beautiful portrait of someone's grandma. I can imagine a bowl of werthers candies placed in front of it while awkwardly trying not to compliment her too much because the grandchild I'm with is much less attractive

No. 474354

File: 1737484908405.webp (35.01 KB, 596x380, girl-lena-anderson-hat-t-shirt…)

In my opinion the most beautiful porn star is Lena Ardenson.

No. 474718

File: 1737536992410.jpg (68.26 KB, 736x897, 0220639e02bd58ad041e8e1fc0c746…)

King Princess

No. 474977

File: 1737580308057.jpg (64.84 KB, 736x736, nora.jpg)

That is definitely nora, she is super cute but idk why that nona would use the most shooped, shein gooner pic available.

No. 474978

Kek this gives me SimplyKenna vibes

No. 475822

File: 1737709032671.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.12 KB, 195x364, First_lady.jpg)

I know they're posing for scrotes in this but Melania looks so hot with other women

No. 475887

File: 1737729431657.webp (36.36 KB, 640x500, _117688694_croppedpressimage3.…)

She is so gorgeous i'm obsessed with her eyes

No. 475907

File: 1737733639852.png (6.25 MB, 3391x2133, 25-01-23_22-21-30-964.png)

No. 475911

I’m so embarrassed that I have the taste of a loser scrote. I genuinely have to stop myself from buying egirls’ OFs, especially since I get a wake up call whenever they refer to their fanbase as men kekk

No. 475915

Nonnie… there are probably leaks of it somewhere online, why would you pay for it??

No. 475918

Same anon, she’s so pretty, a good dancer and has a great body. I also love that she’s not a total cookie cutter Instagram face.

No. 475919

File: 1737736088990.webp (25.93 KB, 1115x1282, IMG_5045.webp)

No. 475951

File: 1737743727240.jpeg (146.85 KB, 900x1200, IMG_5691.jpeg)

No. 475962

How do nonas find their taste matches with other anons? I’d say I was surprised to not find most of the women itt remotely attractive (questioned if I was a faker kek) but I like the cute girls thread on /m/ and the women posted for style inspo

No. 475979

I very rarely share taste with most nonas here, but I love that we all have different tastes, it's refreshing to see what others find attractive (even if they are hideous/plain/boring to me).

No. 475987

File: 1737752035217.jpg (55.68 KB, 779x585, India-Eisley-image-india-eisle…)

No. 475988

File: 1737752112672.jpg (38.5 KB, 640x825, 1MTE4XkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_.jpg)

No. 475989

File: 1737752156449.jpg (394.86 KB, 2625x2329, Cd_0bRDWIAEFcwa.jpg)

No. 476235

Is anyone else really turned on by these campy lesbians covered in trashy makeup like Chappell Roan and Zolita? I love how they are not afraid to be aggressively sexual in a way that pisses off pearl-clutching losers (like the ones policing SSA women iTT).

No. 476240

CR is not a lesbian, she's a bihet.

No. 476244



She has repeatedly said that she is only attracted to women.(integrate)

No. 476248

File: 1737798787806.jpg (221.12 KB, 1536x2048, 1000001421.jpg)

No. 476250

Is that Megan? She looks like a cartoon character here.

No. 476251

She's straight but fakes being lesbian to get back at her ex for breaking up with her.

No. 476255

File: 1737804350296.jpg (36.55 KB, 330x440, actress-mikey-madison-arrives-…)

I really love her eyes and I hope she doesn't get work done on them.

No. 476256

No. 476260

File: 1737807569879.jpg (409.62 KB, 2048x2048, 1000001424.jpg)

Yes, it's Megan.

No. 476267

What happened to only goldstars being lesbians kek. And no I don’t find her attractive.

No. 476336

Do you have any other female crushes you could post ITT? I'm not trying to infight but this woman isn't attractive to a lot of anons and I (otherwise) enjoy browsing this thread

No. 476351

>this woman isn't attractive to a lot of anons
??? speak for yourself, I typically find really feminine women boring but she's hot.

No. 476352

Browse Celebricows to learn a very sad truth.

No. 476362

File: 1737829917678.jpg (Spoiler Image,890.68 KB, 1284x1982, 333 (1).jpg)

this, openly being horny towards men, and never ever shutting up about her male ex. she can't go 5 minutes without mentioning the ex kek

No. 476427

File: 1737838323527.jpg (62.83 KB, 828x831, mikey-madison-v0-aq04w7o1yygb1…)

>not trying to infight
kek keep telling yourself that, not stopping you from posting whoever you like anon
ty nona

No. 476445

How many times have you posted this low-energy, opiated night crawler anon? She has stringy hair and her smile is legitimately off-putting and gives me the fucking creeps. It's really about the autistic repetition that you're forcing us all to be a part of or the fact that every time you post this woman, someone gets banned so you enjoy baiting. Either way, there are way hotter women than this and she needs vitamins

No. 476455

Ignore the sperg having a schizo moment, she's beautiful.

No. 476465

What you find beautiful is irrelevant wk. It's about the fact that some of us don't appreciate the uncanny/nauseated sensation of seeing her "beautiful face" every other day and there are billions of other women on the planet anon could post but chooses this one (over and over) for histrionic/baiting reasons

No. 476469

NTA but how is it any different from anons posting charli xcx or chappel roan dozens of times?

No. 476471

I would be sperging at those anons too, if that were currently happening in front of me. It's not personal. I see uggos in itt thread all the time, just not the exact same ones every other day

No. 476479

kek go give yourself a screen break

No. 476485

Post your face

No. 476486

>checking the the thread sporadically, same weird alligator face each time
Yes anon, the problem isn't the same anon posting slenderwoman repeatedly, it's me noticing and addressing it

No. 476488

kek it's the first time I've posted her in this thread, wow damn can't believe 2 whole lolcow users find the same famous woman attractive

No. 476491

Lurk moar? Reddit? Not sure what you want me to suggest(stop infighting)

No. 476499

File: 1737843945757.jpg (63.7 KB, 736x806, taylor russell (2).jpg)

Who gives a fuck about what you guys are arguing about, post beautiful women

No. 476513

File: 1737844755413.jpg (84.94 KB, 266x400, Taylor_Russell_jury_2_Venice_f…)

exactly nona, loved her in Bones and All, she suits short hair really well too.

No. 476514

This was a perfect thread refresher, ty anon

No. 476518

She's really cute I hope she'll keep her hair short for a while, it suits her soooooo well.

No. 476540

File: 1737846934884.jpg (362.01 KB, 1548x1024, Fletcher.jpg)

I'm only attracted to very feminine women. I wish there were more lesbians who looked like Fletcher.

No. 476596

is it just me or does she resemble lucinda

No. 476630

Kek Lucinda in a better life.

No. 476714

File: 1737889808605.jpeg (65.53 KB, 500x750, DAE0E166-3E69-41C5-9755-E9D9BB…)

I will forgive her everything if she becomes a healthy, tan, dgaf baddie again. So tired of her pale sad anachan nonsense.

No. 476731

I fucking hate her god. This is why men think they can try with us. Retarded heterosexual bitch

No. 476748

File: 1737902173525.jpg (56.67 KB, 586x900, 0fa991c4b277e3ebcf681fe4022a90…)

No. 476757

who is that?

No. 476759

File: 1737905671665.jpg (88.18 KB, 736x547, 8b5020c75ed0c1c50dc7fd9418b522…)

Yuki Amami

No. 476760

She's stunning

No. 476770

File: 1737908646362.jpg (99.28 KB, 1200x1200, klum15.jpg)

No. 476771

File: 1737908679384.jpg (688 KB, 3000x1588, klum16.jpg)

No. 476777

File: 1737910450998.jpg (184.18 KB, 1380x1785, 2e4fd3ad27f18c1d8ff6c0a8a52016…)

samefag, I felt bad for the 00's over-shooping on her face/eyes and tried to find a smiling candid and they're like that a bit. Kind of wish Tyra taught Heidi how to smize but still beautiful regardless

No. 476858

File: 1737922277944.jpg (84.13 KB, 788x1002, 1000018309.jpg)

Love her body so much fuck her tits in this pic drive me insane

No. 476900

File: 1737930396880.jpg (24.41 KB, 340x400, Lika Star.jpg)


>Lena Anderson

I hadn't heard of her before, but I looked her up and, yeah, she is gorgeous.

Lika Star is another one who should be doing modeling instead of porn.(integrate)

No. 476992

File: 1737952818612.jpeg (127.57 KB, 599x749, Kehlani.jpeg)

I learned tonight that Kehlani came out as a lesbian… which is odd, since she dated men in the past. I suppose she could have just been trying to hide her lesbianism before, or she could be bisexual and merely pretending to be a lesbian now.

Regardless, she's sexy as fuck.

No. 477066

File: 1737997622898.jpeg (459.3 KB, 1234x1093, 2MsX8Hc.jpeg)

roberta colindrez

No. 477068

File: 1737998285430.jpeg (274.28 KB, 1179x1450, HbxE9FN.jpeg)

madeline ford, influencer/podcaster. she likes women and actually dates them.

love a redhead with freckles and amazing boobs

No. 477071

File: 1737999883632.webp (81.16 KB, 735x980, 0496460.webp)

I was rewatching The Handmaiden the other day and Kim Min-hee is so beautiful that it's distracting

No. 477074

>red hair with freckles
It's kind of weird how often they have amazing boobs. Why is that?

No. 477078

what are you talking about

No. 477086

It's weird how often women with red hair and freckles have amazing boobs

No. 477195

what are you talking about

No. 477215

File: 1738023719526.jpg (46.17 KB, 558x800, 1000014101.jpg)

My beautiful big toothed goddess

No. 477221

File: 1738024420027.jpg (31.69 KB, 700x390, l_1138445_061122_updates.jpg)

smile at me, my Queen. I want to kiss your gorgeous lips forever

No. 477295

File: 1738038436148.jpeg (72.02 KB, 736x736, IMG_6729.jpeg)

No. 477757


now that you mention it, there is a pattern there

No. 478019

File: 1738166535757.jpg (311.55 KB, 1290x1601, hoyeon.jpg)

No. 478093

she looks like camilla cabello.

No. 478160


No. 478526

File: 1738269814336.jpeg (176.98 KB, 1200x1500, IMG_1045.jpeg)

She looks like a lioness, I love it.

No. 478529

File: 1738270344196.png (1.24 MB, 1600x1068, Jodie-Foster.png)

also Meryl Streep (really just the character she played in Devil wears Prada though)

No. 478556

She's actually gorgeous

No. 478573

Woah who is this! She looks so much like this girl I had a crush on.

No. 478694

File: 1738296673283.jpg (53.25 KB, 736x736, 74409992bdfe5fb97bfc7c981ee279…)

didn't learn a single thing from the substance

No. 478761

It’s Tems, she’s a singer. Her voice is gorgeous too!

No. 478770

File: 1738313457577.webp (102.72 KB, 1280x1519, image-w856.webp)

Zeena LaVey, daughter of Church of Satan leader, who happens to look like Taylor Swift to an uncanny degree.

No. 478776

File: 1738315536055.gif (477.14 KB, 480x360, anna karina vivre sa vie with …)

Anna Karina will always have my heart

No. 478777

File: 1738315582349.jpg (225.53 KB, 1044x784, 50.jpg)

No. 478788

Best taste ITT

No. 478791

What a beautiful nose

No. 478798

Nona, i never understand 'aura' talk when it comes to actors but she has a devastating aura. It's not just that she's beautiful, there's something about her eyes that makes you want to tear up. She had this bright angelic air as an old woman aswell, so it's not just about conventional beauty.

No. 478945

File: 1738353038884.jpg (45.98 KB, 553x691, Anna.jpg)

my contribution to this thread

No. 478957

File: 1738354621456.jpeg (31.43 KB, 400x400, IMG_4690.jpeg)

Marisa Tomei

No. 478962

File: 1738355283518.jpg (62.33 KB, 1000x667, 1000002579.jpg)

I want her so bad

No. 478970

File: 1738356244463.jpg (240.37 KB, 1124x1298, qvj8ccbtuikb1.jpg)

Nonnas will stone me for this but I can't help it, she's way too pretty. I've even listened to her terrible takes just cause I have a parasocial crush on her.

No. 478974

File: 1738356370343.jpg (75.56 KB, 736x1104, beyoncé.jpg)

No. 478977

File: 1738356558619.jpg (25.06 KB, 736x414, download (32).jpg)

Her body is amazing. Samefag.

No. 478979

File: 1738357080703.mp4 (2.03 MB, 576x1024, brazil.mp4)

I need both of them

No. 479068

File: 1738374712473.mp4 (2.21 MB, 576x1024, v09044g40000c7t9majc77u5kusneq…)

she so cute, i love this style. side note, i love how you can tell she's british by the way she moves her mouth

No. 479070

I got her most popular video recommended to me since I’m into shoujo and had to pause like a minute in out of shame because of how attracted I was to her. I then tried to watch some other videos of hers like this one, ended up distracted with how much I want to ** * ** **. Oops. God I feel like such a shameless perv I’m apologising to her in my head

No. 479094

Cute smile. I love women who show gums when they smile.

No. 479113

Imagine her doing the blackiana accent during sex

No. 479134

File: 1738404194477.jpg (39.32 KB, 736x473, 1000026467.jpg)

Longer hair fits her way more imo.

No. 479135

File: 1738404281959.jpg (72.46 KB, 735x735, 1000026468.jpg)

No. 479140

NEED the blonde. She's perfect. I want to get under her

No. 479142

No. 479156

this video is super cute lol

No. 479189

Thank you nonna, this made me feel happy about my gummy smile.

No. 479287

File: 1738448940993.jpg (1.86 MB, 1440x1800, RDT_20250129_21560321064496426…)

This cosplayer. She looks hotter in candid, i love hyper fem women.

No. 479289

File: 1738449395090.jpeg (158.39 KB, 735x1105, 1b3b0d58-95b1-496b-9c46-057f09…)

I have noticed that redheads usually have good bodies.

No. 479659

File: 1738530796618.jpeg (56.11 KB, 432x381, IMG_5245.jpeg)

Alexa Grasso ♥

No. 479706

File: 1738542777036.jpg (152.5 KB, 767x753, Untitled (30).jpg)

hello fellow MMA enjoyer

No. 479713

kek is this from 309. I asked if there were any ufc nonnies in ot yesterday but there was only one boxing fan. I’ve never gone on 4chan during an event that sounds miserable

No. 479718

File: 1738543888786.webm (1.61 MB, 400x400, 1659186050045131.webm)

>not shitposting daily on /heem/

No. 479766

I might check it out if I can get over the scrotefest

No. 479821

File: 1738593311101.gif (883.87 KB, 245x204, lea.gif)

So glad someone else posted her, she's gorgeous.

No. 479974

File: 1738623213852.webp (112.35 KB, 1080x1350, pic 2.webp)


No. 479976

File: 1738623281982.webp (Spoiler Image,127.8 KB, 1080x1350, pic 1.webp)

No. 479999

File: 1738626564019.jpg (50.54 KB, 736x736, 77c4730ba69d77e5df2b5282eb2587…)

No. 480056

I love how she looks with dark hair. Also see >>411778

No. 480106

File: 1738645078666.png (814.79 KB, 1009x1041, alexshipp.png)

i watched barbie for the plot
the plot:

No. 480591

She looks like a japanese gyaru in this pic

No. 480671

File: 1738773036064.jpg (37.8 KB, 736x736, 222.jpg)

based nonnie

No. 482266

File: 1739042573699.jpeg (65.23 KB, 480x640, IMG_7469.jpeg)

No. 482320

File: 1739048175021.jpeg (526.04 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5220.jpeg)

No. 482322

File: 1739048238555.jpg (63.82 KB, 736x920, charli xcx.jpg)

No. 483111

File: 1739180195770.jpeg (125.29 KB, 601x800, IMG_2345.jpeg)

No. 483163

File: 1739196815948.gif (8.95 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_1903.gif)

the abs… the smirk… i need her to a degree previously thought physiologically impossible

No. 483267

File: 1739212590583.gif (383.09 KB, 400x300, peekabooo.gif)

No. 483268


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 483291

File: 1739214784918.jpeg (119.52 KB, 564x833, IMG_7645.jpeg)

No. 483293

File: 1739215542844.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1416x2048, 87966543.jpeg)

No. 483297

>ywn be held down and have your pussy ate in a dominant way by an athletic woman

No. 483362

File: 1739226290785.jpeg (159.77 KB, 634x1205, IMG_7658.jpeg)

No. 483513

File: 1739248634065.jpg (119.62 KB, 1024x839, 625347832ba7c8001f287f59.jpg)

Christina was a good example of how developing a mean bad bitch attitude makes you 10x hotter. She was so sweet and nicey nicey when she first debuted. Britney was always too sickly sweet for me.

No. 483515

It seems like you hate her for posting this pic

No. 483521

File: 1739249229343.webp (32.49 KB, 1100x1016, 1739248330118.webp)

Here anon I found this in OT, yw

No. 483534

File: 1739251410103.png (989.99 KB, 977x973, Screenshot 2025-02-11 at 05.21…)

I like them all but this made me laugh

No. 483633

This picture and chappell's stupid fucking smug face enrage me so badly holy shit I'm gonna a-log

No. 483637

Why do I hate Billie’s face so much?

No. 483638

she always look like shes about to fall asleep

No. 483668

Who's that?

No. 483671

are you a moid? imagine getting angry over a picture of smiling women

No. 483931

The hatred some nonnies have for her is insane. She's annoying for sure and makes mediocre music but she also has a fat fuckable ass. I thought Sabrina was straight, though?

No. 483937

File: 1739339969432.jpg (55.47 KB, 675x950, 0b0bc9610578cb9addac0b775d403f…)

Persian women are so fucking hot to me. If I could get a Persian waifu, I would denounce any ounce of male attraction I had left in me and devote my life to her for as long as I live

No. 483943

ayrt and i have no idea actually, i've had the gif saved for 5+ years. if anynona knows please help us out!

No. 483949

I love cheek bones so much

No. 483957

the pic is cute. chappell is an annoying fake lesbian theater kid tho i want her to go away

No. 485941

File: 1739670067374.jpg (134.41 KB, 640x800, 1000002282.jpg)

i need her to spit in my mouth and call me a dumb bitch

No. 486142

File: 1739718642073.jpg (67.12 KB, 402x600, 5ac83464d7598.jpg)

Shanola Hampton, the face model for Rochelle from L4D2, she's really pretty and has a lovely smile.

No. 486613

File: 1739796377878.jpg (15.09 KB, 287x300, 1000027249.jpg)

horrible things would be happening in that bedroom

No. 486625


No. 486718

allison williams

No. 486812

File: 1739830194812.jpg (198.83 KB, 1049x1129, Gj2iBPsWEAAs0hO.jpg)

need her

No. 486896

her sex scenes in Girls are something else

No. 487065

the ep in which her and jessa were making out in front of some moid gaaaaaaaawdd

No. 487175

it was so hot. Marnie is asexual to me, but Allison looks hot here >>486613

No. 488108

No. 488140

File: 1740059659696.jpg (159 KB, 1080x1350, GhCVCR8WQAA3Exn.jpg)

No. 488197

you sure this isn’t a man nonny?(failed transvestigation)

No. 488326

I think you're just really ugly ngl.

No. 488365

the mustache, unibrow and bone structure isn't helping kek

No. 488452

File: 1740118808989.webp (166.39 KB, 1305x1305, img_0019-2_4_205e77bc-e3a0-416…)

This lady looks so beautiful to me. I love casual gothic style on women.

No. 488578

She looks like she's either in a porn or the Peep Show

No. 489500

File: 1740216568937.jpeg (836.97 KB, 745x1505, IMG_9398.jpeg)

saw her on front page

No. 489779

Just some russian model, I like her face quite a lot

No. 489797

God I need to know who she is, she looks so sexy

No. 489800

She's got a cute smile. Seems very approachable.

No. 489807

File: 1740269656043.jpeg (160.41 KB, 1108x1600, IMG_1453.jpeg)

I’d say that using “fuck” is way too vulgar. I want to give her flowers and take her on a date and then make love.

No. 489840

gorgeous. looks like a woodland fairy

No. 489842

I would ruin so many men's lives if I was this beautiful…

No. 490029

For some reason she's the most fuckable to me as Fiona. She's always hot but Fiona just has a little je ne sais quoi

No. 490053

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the injustice of an actual lesbian artist being ignored while drag queen heterosexual chappell roan gets world famous, god king princess is stunning

No. 490796

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I get it anon

No. 490808

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God yes

No. 492610

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Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) was my gay awakening and I am still obsessed with her years later. I would kill 1000 moids for her.

No. 492684

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No. 492689

She kinda looks like Michele Mouton (French rally driver and absolute badass. Nearly won the WRC back when Group B rally was a thing)

No. 493134

I’m convinced it’s because all stars have to fuck men to reach the top that we never get organic actual lesbians with recognition

No. 493403

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No. 493998

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I want her so bad it's crazy. She is so elegant and smart and she did not deserve all the shit that happened to her when she was younger. I love how she doesn't care about makeup, it makes her more beautiful to me. I think she just radiates joy and peace and tbh I'm probably biased because I think older women are very sexy anyway but she is very very beautiful.

No. 494114

i unironically love her eyebrows, i wonder if they are this thin naturally after so many years of plucking.

No. 494133

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Idc what people say, she IS attractive. Never seen the show(s?) she's in, got her fed to me thru my fb shorts lol, but she's so charming and cute and I probably will watch whatever she's in!

No. 494221

Anyone who says this woman isn't attractive is stupid. It's probably because of her teeth but even then they're very cute and endearing to me. I feel like people spend so much time on IG or Tiktok that they forget that there's plenty of beautiful women with natural teeth that are a little large.

No. 494608

Idk about that anon… I've seen rumors KP gave head to dudes. Years-old gossip but I believe it wholeheartedly

No. 494613

CP and Zolita both had ex-boyfriends and hooked up with dudes. I remember a tiktok Zolita posted about how she would hook up with her ex bf if she was blackout drunk and it made me hate her irrevocably forever.

No. 495139

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'fuck' may not be an appropriate word but god she is so cuuuuuute

No. 495697

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No. 495702

shes so hot

No. 495741

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She’s way more beautiful than Swift IMO

No. 495744

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No. 495745

scrolled right past the other Ripley post, based nona

No. 497667

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No. 497688

File: 1741397606252.jpeg (79.06 KB, 469x700, IMG_3679.jpeg)

happy to see some ripley love here. it drives me insane how little of her i see

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