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/g/ - girl talk

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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 396128

Share your favourite lewd mp4s, voice actors, websites, etc.

No. 396133

Saito Soma. I'll clip something when I have the time.

No. 396134

r/gonewildaudio has a huge library of people sharing audios they made, mostly roleplaying a scenario. there are spesific categories for women which are m4f and f4f or m4m/m4a if your're a fujo, unfortunately most m4f audios are "maledom" so I prefer listening to guys stright up mausterbating without a script - the tag for it is ramblefap. https://gwasi.com/ is a search engine for this subreddit since reddit search is shit.

No. 396135

I really like this guy https://notwhorosethinks.github.io/publicnsfw.html

(though I wouldn't recommend it if you can't separate the man from the artist, since he had some grooming drama going on last year)

No. 396136

A few years ago I'd request a lot in these threads : https://boards.4chan.org/soc/thread/32898935
You can get free custom audios of pretty good quality, worth a try

No. 396158

I will take my redtext for k-pop fagging but does anyone please know who the actor in this audio is? I'm not usually interested in k-pop moids but I really like the speaking voice of this one and the actor used in this moan audio sounds exactly like him. I would love to listen to his cute moans straight from the source instead of through a tumblr k-pop blog but op is inactive now so I can't just ask them. I have been wondering who this guy is for the last year and a half.

No. 396199

This thread isn't a horrible idea, but I've always thought it would make sense to have a femerotica/femporn general for this sort of thing

No. 396205

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[M4F] Your HouseHusband BF Takes Care Of You [Cunnilingus] [Msub] [BFE] [Riding] [Stress relief] [Roles-Reverse] [FDom] [Listener Orgasms]

We don’t want actual porn

No. 396256

Good thread. I'd contribute, but the audios I listen to don't seem to be posted on any of the types of sites like the ones that have already been posted here. I'm also a fujo, so not too much is M4W (some is, but not most), but if you like men whimping/moaning, then I usually just lurk twitters male audio tag. There are some decent ones, like ndecipheredlog and uriridescentbf/allmylustnsfw although that guy is fucking annoying, but even so, audios are decent (M4A). Some of the lewd vtubers arent bad either, but you have to sub to their shit to hear it. bishounenpalace on tumblr also used to have a lot, but you have to log in to see whats left. Most of it got nuked.

No. 396257

>I'd contribute, but the audios I listen to don't seem to be posted on any of the types of sites like the ones that have already been posted here.
That's the point of the thread honestly. I'm trying to find new websites and profiles. Please do share with us your favourite stuff nonna, sounds pretty good.
I'll check the usernames you gave tonight.

No. 396591

Hot audio

No. 396630

Horrible accent

No. 396805

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No. 396822

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Unfortunate the subreddit is littered with moids and F/NB, she’s the the only one that I trust

No. 397423

i like these audios but when the speaker mentions the listener having dates or casual sex i get really taken out of it (im a virgin loser)

No. 397583

Do any anons have any suggestions to content/voice similar to this? i really love the fluffy slow stuff!!


No. 398284

No. 401122

it's so hot that he's actually fapping as he's recording this

No. 401155

kek it's like vidrel but 10x worse

No. 401265

Me to my fictional husbando

No. 401305

No offense but his voice is weird, he sounds mentally retarded

No. 401306

fuck off let people enjoy things this isn't a milk thread

No. 401320

No. 401378

>let people enjoy things
go back

No. 401386

you go back to ot dumb dumb

No. 401412

But posting milk is funny too

No. 401419

Am I the only one who can't take erotic audio seriously? I always feel full body cringe whenever I try to listen to one of these, I just can't get over the cringe.

No. 401421

That's why I only listen to ones in Japanese or Korean. I enjoy hearing the silky low voices and little pants and gasps, but most moids suck at dirty talk and just say cringe stuff. So I like ones I don't actually understand.

No. 401470

How do you people feel about 4th wall breaks?

No. 401471

I think the ones with only grunts and fapping sounds are best
When they start talking it becomes stupid

No. 401473

Am I the only one whose favorite part of those audios is before it gets to the dirty part? I always get overly invested in these dumb little scenarios…

No. 401476

not exactly nsfw but god his voice

No. 401484

personally I skip the first part and get to the good stuff asap
everyone's different..

No. 401658

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i feel like men are lying when they talk about how many women have rape fetishes because i tried getting off to some noncon/dubcon audio rn and it was awful and i couldnt even finish. never again

No. 401660

Those "women love rape more than men" studies are based on trends from porn sites, where any account labeled as female gets counted (because a pornsick man would never label their account as female of course). There's definitely girls with darker fantasies but it's nowhere near as widespread as men are trying to manifest, don't worry

No. 401663

I want to get into this but I can’t separate the voice from what the person probably looks like in real life. But anonymity is kind of a major point of audio porn isn’t it. I doubt any of the males are models that’s for sure.

No. 401667

they're fucking ugly for most
you really need to dissociate the voice from the person and imagine whoever you want

No. 401669

might be but it's ruining my cummies.

No. 401676

Theyre obsessed with it because they want women to want to be raped. It cannot be repeated enough that ~noncon~ fantasies from women are not actually noncon. She controls when it starts, stops, who it is etc. and that isn't rape at all. It will never be comparable to rape, but they really really want it to be

No. 401698

yeah thats what i figured, delusional moids gonna be delusional

No. 402042

Just imagine whoever you want. I imagine my husbandos

No. 402047

No. 402141

No. 402177

He is so good and has such an attractive voice. Too bad a lot of his audios have degradation or some weird rough dom shit, to the point where I don't want to listen to any of his audios anymore.
I wish I could find someone with a pretty voice who only posts nice vanilla stuff. Someone who worships and adores women in the audios.

No. 402182

I agree with you so much. I'll even be listening to an audio tagged as soft mdom husband etc etc and they bring out degrading nicknames and dirty talk about ownership or something. Why can't dirty talk ever be loving? It's so weird that we're expected to think degrading is a part of normal sex instead of a specific kink. Sometimes I just listen to men with nice voices and cut out the weird stuff in my mind and replace it with normal dirty talk… which kind of ruins the point of listening to these audios.

No. 402238

he has a weird accent (probably hit or miss) but all his audios are soft and loving and he doesn't have any degrading one as far as i know https://soundgasm.net/u/Lustful_Crunch

No. 402304

I found a couple good audio porn accounts from r/gonewildaudio but I started recently listening to some male japanese asmr videos and damn their voices sound good af. I like Azeru and Whispurr on yt as well. You can find their nsfw audios on kemono.party.

No. 402439

If I feel like I'm legitimately falling in love with an asmrtist, am I done for?

No. 402447

youre like a scrote falling for an of girl nonna
get it together
but still tell me who it is so i can enjoy his voice too.

No. 402477

Remember that most of them are very fat or ugly as fuck, and that's why they do voice content, not real porn.

No. 402482

Most men who do porn are ugly af so I'm sure they'd fit right in even if ugly

No. 402486

That too tbh, moids are allowed to be ugly in porn, that usually also means that the moids doing voice porn have micropenises on top of being fat, ugly and disgusting looking.

No. 402489

Do you have any favorite Japanese asmrtists, nonita? I've developed an addiction to Ichijou Hirame's work lately kek

No. 402490

Website is blocked in my country because it says it has CP (most likely loli) on it

No. 402532

Men love ugly fat small dicked bastards in their porn because they can easily self insert without feeling threatened. Also there’s a feeling of power for ugly men being portrayed as being able to bang hot thing young women: it’s an ego boost for them, they get off on the degradation aspect towards the girl and it makes regular ugly fat bastards think they stand a shot with such women irl, it’s all male fantasies and it’s disgusting.

No. 402800

Yeah idgi either, I don't understand how disrespect and degradation is so mainstream and also really popular, as some of these guys get so many comments and clicks on their stuff. It's crazy (and somewhat upsetting) to me that women enjoy it. I was reading a Reddit thread once where women were talking about their favorite petnames in audios and SO many of them said they like to be called a slut, whore or a 'cocksleeve'.
I've also tried your trick of just overlooking some of these elements – fast forwarding etc. – if the guy's voice and voice acting is good and if there's some elements of the clip I find appealing but I can't do it anymore. And bc my mind tends to wander when I'm listening, even if the guy's current audio is nice and vanilla, in the back of my mind I'll be thinking that I just scrolled through his profile and right under this sweet one there'll be one with kidnap and rape, beating the listener up or strangling them, or some weird shit about using the woman like a toy. It's so repulsive.
Yeah I couldn't get past the accent and timbre of the voice. I'm sorry nona, I still really appreciate you recommending his account! The audio descriptions were right up my alley so it's good to know it might be possible for me to find a needle in a haystack. Thank you nonita!

No. 405991

I miss when msa was active and had lots of requests filled, nowadays it is so dead and the first thing I see is a fanart of an ugly old moid, it definitely makes me want to not hear any of it. It doesn't help that one of my favorite guys retired as well.
So much unfilled requests too, and I hate that attention whore troon on there too. RIP.
I recommend Noah's Haven on YouTube, but the content he posts is more of a tease for his NSFW audios on Patreon. (I wish I had access to those kek, but it feels weird paying for audio porn, idk why)

No. 406010

maybe they’re available on kemono.party anon

No. 406704

NTA but I ran into his channel while listening to random JP ASMRs and I really like his voice. Nothing cringe or overdone / no malegazey scenarios. There's been a lot of Vtuber / "Character" based JP ASMR's I've been seeing and they seem to be very high quality.

No. 406706

samefag as >>406704
Another channel I ran into while playing the youtube roulette, his voice is on the lower side and his stuff is more casual / chatting style. This video in particular has a soft music playing in the background just fyi, ik some people find that distracting, but this was a good sleep aid for me

No. 418198

No. 418508

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Stumbled upon this.
Thought you guys might like it


No. 418512

Finally my fetish is pandered to

No. 418533

No. 418560

Same vibe

No. 418579

painfully unfunny and tryhard

No. 418604

Maybe I'm getting too old, but this sort of ironic meme comedy is banal to me. It's everywhere.

No. 418643

a couple months ago someone on a different website mentioned continually getting recommended the clumsy boyfriend cruise sinks cruiseship. I eventually gave in and watched/listened and had a good kek, but I hate actual ASMR. I had couple recommendations ono my youtube for a few days of other funny ones

No. 419042

ok so im the only one itt whos gonna share good audios or what

No. 419060

Post em

No. 423189

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No. 423190

The best type of guy. What is your pic from?

No. 423194

"Until the Trashiest Boy Toy Exorcist Ren-kun Crushes Me in His Embrace". Big booba femsub male yandere stuff, not do-M. I just like this panel, wish there was a do-m ryona josei porn kek

No. 423203

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OK that's too bad. I can recommend this drama CD though for male ryona.

No. 423377

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holy fucking shit I didn't know this existed
Thank you nonita

No. 423434

The tonari no seki CD seems to be disappointing. Asahi has an unattractive obese retard voice.

No. 423498

Kek at your pic! You're welcome nona. Hope we get even more stuff like that in the future.

No. 424263

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I have phases where I get really into drama CDs/DLsite audios and hoard them, then forget about them for months.
Mostly I pick them up from pirate sites but I've bought a few over the years.
Because I can understand Japanese I'm quite picky with them, I have no choice but to pay attention to the quality of the writing and particularly the characterisation (and whether the character says amything that pisses me off).
But I'm a degenerate and like monster boy/supernatural/kemonomimi/etc. themes and unfortunately these often come with atrocious fetishes and scenarios so I've come across some nasty shit. I also have a habit of picking stuff up that looks unusual out of curiosity because I know there's no way anyone will upload it to pirate sites.

No. 425359

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No. 425360

No. 425363

list of my recommendations:

https://soundgasm.net/u/badfantasy - australian accent, vanilla and more fucked up stuff (incest, rape, ageplay/ddlg). his patreon is on kemono. i pay for his ss and its worth it.
https://soundgasm.net/u/slovenly_southern - mostly gay shit but has really good taboo audios. has an almost japanese style of voice acting? can't really explain it but it's good
https://soundgasm.net/u/maximumwill - british accent, mostly vanilla and a bit of kinkier stuff (daddy kink, cnc, a couple of mm4f audios) very natural voice that really gives that bfe. his patreon is also on kemono
https://soundgasm.net/u/nicevoicehaver - mostly fucked up shit (incest, cnc, somno) but i love it. really hot voice. also bfe

No. 425551

I loved ProfessorCal and DrOsterhagen, but they were cancelled for being problematic and don't post anymore, I can't even find their audios. Any suggestion like them?

It's so annoying when these dudes have to be weird, can't they just post their shit and shut up?

No. 425554


I find it disgusting and a turn-off, same with ddlg.
I stumbled on an audio once, by maximumwill, he sounded like a pig gasping for air with all the groaning, it was really gross, I quitted immediately.

No. 425561

I feel like they get DMs from underage listeners and since theyre horny dumbass moids they reply
I never really liked professorcal like.. you could tell by his audios he was a shitty person? idk I'm not surprised by what you're saying ; he had a nice voice though..

I'll bump the thread if I find someone who reminds me of him, but it's basically standard american accent middle-low voice

No. 425563

Maximumwill sounds 40 and fat

No. 425582

Is there such a thing as a dude who makes horny audio content that doesn't have some weird fetish content, a weird accent, or has a voice that you can just tell belongs to a fatty or soyboy?

No. 425586

I've been going through an intense dlsite addiction and it's kind of been eating away at my wallet, what piracy site are you using?

No. 425656

anime-sharing forum has a decent amount in the otome section. If something was popular and isn’t brand new there’s a chance of finding it there. It used to be the case that you could find almost everything but link rot and the massive explosion in audios being produced means that’s not really true any more though.
There’s also pirate streaming sites like asmr one. And I think private telegram groups that share them though I’ve never used those myself.

No. 425660

I'm suspecting getting in touch with underage girls is the goal. If a man makes DDLG audios he is a pedo.

No. 426015

last guys really hot
im a sucker for petplay
thanks for sharing

No. 426396

No. 426411

>Listen to a yandere toxic boyfriend gaslighting ASMR
>Realize that I'd absolutely fall for that kind of manipulation
Now what?

No. 426415

I wish I could convert these audios to my husbando's voice instead…

No. 426418

No. 426419

post it

No. 426961

Why does every scrote on soundgasm have the fat burger hairy ugly voice? I want cute feminine moid voices

No. 428652

No. 428654

Late reply but I found multiple great JP asmrs but sadly I dont understand anything they're saying. I like listening to this with spa music in the background.

No. 428659

No. 428662


Mostly like it for the voice and nipple play/cuningulgus.

No. 428667

No. 428671

ever heard of rvc? if you have a gaming pc/nvidia card, its not that hard to set up. probably the most tedious part is finding audio to train on. you can give it audio to voice over though it sounds robotic at times
hentaiasmr dot moe has some otome audios and you can search by dlsite item number

No. 428723

i don't pay for porn

No. 428726

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Bumping this suggestion in case people skipped over it since GWASI really is WAY better than Reddit's search function. Aside from clicking the suggested tags on top you can type what specifically you're looking for the same way you would on google (Quotes for key terms, minus signs for what you don't want, etc.)
Any performers you guys miss? I'm glad EverdistantUtopia came back but there was this smaller acc called KongStyles I wish I would've saved his stuff

No. 428728

lmao i had no idea a site like kemono would work with female oriented audio porn. i'm so happy lolol free access to everything

No. 428739

Are there any good female F4F or at least F4A creators that actually create content for women instead of troons or men pretending to be women? Whenever I try to listen to NSFW audio that advertises itself as F4F it still ends up being obviously filtered through male gaze, I absolutely hate fake, obnoxiously loud porny moaning screaming "fuck" over and over again. I want something more sensual that's actually made for female tastes by another woman. Can be in Japanese or English.

No. 428746

I feel terrible for liking YSF but that voice… yum..

No. 428756

Dr.Osterhagen just did it for me. I loved his audios and I can unashamedly say that I would get wet AF while listening, too bad that after his scandal (he was cheating I think or he was flirting with fans I don’t remember) he vanished and deleted everything.

No. 428767

I am in love with august. I'm anxiously awaiting for his kemono to get updated.
Every single one of his audios is just incredible. At this point I just trust him, I just trust that I'll enjoy whatever he puts out.
Any other august nonas who can rec other guys they enjoy? I worry about my mental health if I keep obsessing over august.

No. 428778

My following list:

No. 430013

No. 434924

the id is just for reference dumbass. its not a pay to view site

No. 435078

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i hope this thread isn't dead because some of you guys need some taste in audio.
otomekoe dot moe (fork of japaneseasmr dot net - don't use! it's full of gross shit for moids, otomekoe is strictly for women, please use this site always)
If you know Japanese I recommend がく's audios, it's 20 -30 mins tops vs. other 40min-2 hour scenario audios, all-rounder voice, cute giggle

がくーRJ01161680 - you're learning how to cook from your boyfriend's friend then you fuck him #though he drugs you through a drink#
がく - RJ01145467 - puppy boyfriend makes a meal, calls for you, smells your bed, gets horny off of it, gets caught, you both fuck
RJ01036154 - konbini service boy, 40mins of clit licking + describing the details of the vagina
RJ01225018- genuine jackoff, holding back moans, cutest I've heard - might be too much for some (ahe-voice)
RJ369055 - you NTR your long-distance boyfriend with your boss and then he watches at the end, deep velvety voice

i'm too tired to add to the list but if this thread isn't dead then wake me up

No. 435086

>I absolutely hate fake, obnoxiously loud porny moaning screaming "fuck" over and over again. I want something more sensual that's actually made for female tastes by another woman.
seconding this request. please help your homonons…

No. 435087

Thank you for your service nonnie.

No. 435178

then i don't understand how that website works

No. 435183

https://www.dlsite.com/girls-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01036154.html/?locale=en_US for example here, I can listen 3 minutes but the website says it's 8 minures, and asks me to sign in to buy
So is this free content or do I have to pay? If it's free, how do I access the full version?

No. 435188

are there TLs for these, I'm not that proficient in japanese yet

No. 435197

on the site there's sometimes an English description, sometimes a Japanese description and you can translate the JP for your needs to understand the general concept and the voice acting might be enough as an indicator for you to know what's happening and where you are, for direct 1:1 ENG scripts I don't think there's any of that but I'm sure you'll get better at Japanese there's a billion more resources to learn JP than any other language (other than English).

also ot rant but some audios will inevitably talk about "pink pussy" which is stupid moid talk because as Mieko Kawakami states in Breasts and Eggs Japanese women don't have pink labias as they aren't European and for all the Ittetsu "for women/女性向け" Japanese porn I've seen, all the labias have never been pink, I mostly think it has to do with women not talking about their bodies more and it being taboo to even utter that your body might be different to another women's body over there, but I digress.

No. 435202

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I'm an adult woman, why do 2d boys moaning,whispering in my ear and panting fluster me and make me feel so hot?
I knew I shouldn't open this Pandora's box again but I'm glad I did
I figured as much, thanks nonna, for some of them it's possible to find fan translations, for others,not so much it seems.

No. 435224

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Can listening to too many audios be a problem like how watching too much porn is? I feel like msub audios are messing up my view of men and turning me into a coomer.

No. 435233

coomers are into really deranged and illegal shit they can't even admit to themselves on a subconscious level, msub isn't going to do it you unless you're into strictly kidnapping and raping storylines and can only get off on that. If you're that worried about it, take one scroll into what's popular on japaneseasmr dot net or hentaihaven and you'll probably realize you're fine unless you need to listen to 3+ audios every single time you need to release or it can't function anymore, then yeah, stop that?

No. 435253

>I feel like msub audios are messing up my view of men
No, they are either correcting (if you were ever into maledom) or enhancing your view of men.

No. 435259

nayrt but I agree with what you say

No. 435648

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DAE not feel it/ skip it when guys focus so much on the boob area? Or is this just the culmination of my life's virginhood?
I've been completely kissless my whole life but I still feel it from audios so idk.
I also never listen/ skip audios that have a blowjob portion and only listen when there's cunnilingus and complete desperation from the guy's side to service me (something like RJ01181609 smell and sweat fetish makes him when to devour all of the listener's liquids) and when it's time to penetration I tap out completely.

No. 435658

I haven't listened to one of these in a while because I don't have the patience for the boring setup and all that foreplay anymore.
The penetration was actually my favorite parts when the guy could actually act the moans though. It was a good time trying to match the pace and really immerse.

No. 435712

I skip the boob part too , I don't like the cunnilingus part so I skip that as well, and I'm with >>435658 that the penetration and especially moaning part is my favorite, therefore nonna if you have any favorites with the moaning, I'm all eyes, that stuff gets me off like nothing else

No. 435728

There's (sometimes) timestamps in the JP/ENG desc. so you can scrub through to penetration.
The setup definitely drags, I don't think it just you, there's no way any woman could just sit there for 1-2 hours being ok with a man yapping your ear off. I do think it's a better experience if you know some Japanese though cough cough NTR scenarios are the best if you know
Honestly, I'd recommend an amateur porn guy (he's strictly male solo) if you didn't want foreplay because for women stuff in Japan is HEAVY on foreplay/yapping.
ota6101 on Pornhub, I'd recommend his most popular vid and see how you like it
idk if this breaks rules since there's a porn star thread already but it felt more relevant

Wild, I'm pro-penetration if I see it, but if I can't it just sounds so disembodied and it just sounds like repetitive handclaps. Blowjobs aren't worth the squeeze, I'll be damned to find those moans that are worth it. Cunnilingus is only great when the dude describes the vagina's anatomy and how/where he's using his tongue but that happens frequently enough for me to love it.

No. 435754

I can only listen to one man's voice. Anyone else just doesn't do it for me. And if I listen to someone else's NSFW audios i feel guilty, like I cheated or something. Give it to me straight nonnas, have I gone cuckoo?

No. 435755

Well I do know Japanese and I hate NTR.

Sorry been so long nothing really stands out in my memory, besides Kuroda was sorta terrible. Which is a shame cause I love the deep voices.
Most of the time it's just guys with a neutral tone or worse, high pitched.

No. 435770

>for women stuff in Japan is HEAVY on foreplay/yapping.
oh believe me, I know kek, I want less yaping and more moaning, kissing
>and it just sounds like repetitive handclaps
KEK I just can't take it seriously when it sounds like this, it has the complete opposite effect and instead of making me horny it turns into a comedy
>Sorry been so long nothing really stands out
I'm sad to hear, I love how japanese sounds and how different their voices sound, it does this weird thing to my brain that western voices can't do

No. 435815

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Ok, I didn’t specify but I just hope you don't think I'm the cuck, but that I'm doing the cucking

No. 435820

Depends, don't be a coward, spill the beans on who it is and we'll see if he's just that good for aural monogamy or if you've gone cuckoo but judging by the fact you didn't even share in the first place makes it seem like you'd be scared to "give him up" to us so I'm leaning on yes more than no kek

No. 435823

How did you think of my rec or are you strictly aural and no visual?

No. 435880

is there a site for free professional msub audios like on those jap sites? did I already make this post or was it a dream

No. 436024

Not that I'd know of, the best method for finding msub ENG audios is you'd have to vet for audios yourself on GWASI but that’s signing up for ugly voice jumpscare.
Here's a list someone fixed up for msub

No. 436382


Praise be, August FINALLY posted another audio without degradation nonsense. Idk if these get lower plays with his audience or what gives but man I wish he went in this direction more.
His voice is incredibly hot and his acting and production value is such good quality. I'm selfish and want more audios from him I can stand to listen to.

No. 436535

I just wanna listen to moaning and groaning. I don’t want to hear men talk kek.

No. 436537

Nm this works >>435078, thanks nona

No. 436556

No. 438250

how does one use dlsite? is it paying?

No. 438396

i fucking love theycalledhimquiet

No. 438420

does anybody have a link for female moaning and orgasming without any talking? please nonas help a horny gal out

No. 438532

thanks for the rec nonna
new favourite

No. 438533

>tfw tempted to just record myself to help a nona out

No. 438539

ayrt, and that's genuinely really cute and sweet kek. I appreciate the thought nona

No. 438636

or https://japaneseasmr.com/tag/otome/
They're essentially the same site but sometimes one will have something the other doesn't. Also like other people mentioned, yes alot of it is coomer moid shit BUT they do occasionally have something cute.

No. 438806

they have some stupid third party dl-pay for foreigners thing, so you have to pay for points so you use those points to buy stuff (it's cus credit card companies are very against the pedo shit on dlsite that panders to moids so this is their work around)

No. 438807

File: 1729395504562.jpg (16.35 KB, 320x400, gomennnn.jpg)

um um um i have an audio from some brit guy that I like but it's incest, I'm not even white i just like it for some retarded reason help, feel free to judge me
when he throats my fingers and i get to force them down there … i want to do that some day to some cute guy help

No. 438893

Brit accent is instantly arousing but the content and goofy nature of this audio sent me into a laughing fit. Thank you i guess. What's his alias?

No. 438982

I'm actually mad knowing he's not a virgin. I've officially gone insane.

No. 438987

Familiar voice, whats his name?

No. 438993

Ehehehehe you're welcome
same as this guy
He does high fantasy stuff usually which isn't my thing, I usually don't listen to eng audios unless there's a cute accent in there.
Here's another Brit boy (the scenario is actually hot lol)
I hate when they say dubcon is rape for brownie points, dubcon is dubcon, rape is rape
this one guy sort of sounds like an Americanized pre 2014 Dylan Moran (pretentious and scottish) which is hot but his scenarios are so male/trashy it ruins the illusion sometimes

No. 439006

File: 1729460895550.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.93 KB, 640x480, 1000000549.jpg)

Are these from the same nonna?
If so you should lurk and stop your intermittent manifesto, in the nicest way possible ypu sound like a ticking timebomb meant to set off when this man breathes next to you

No. 439025

so you guys are paying for porn?

No. 439031

I thought you asking how to pay, ESL-chan. No most of us aren't paying, there's links everywhere

No. 439032

No. 439033

but I don't understand how to get to the full content? I only see previews in the links you guys send

No. 439047

NTA but piracy. Unfortunately, ever since Soundcloud purged all the pirated R18 otome and BL audio, the place to get them is secret clubs on Discord, and I fucking hate Discord, so I stopped searching. But this was a couple of years ago and there might be other options now.

No. 439170

>Are these from the same nonna?

No. 439401

Guy tries an anal toy for the first time, this one is for the ahe-voice enjoyers (he is a squealer)

No. 439432

how do i listen..

No. 439465

File: 1729596756616.png (95.81 KB, 1793x976, esl_chan_please.png)

No. 439607

is there anything where the man isn’t fucking speaking or making weird sputtering sounds. i just want a man breathing heavily and it doesn’t exist. they all have to yap about shit i don’t care about

No. 439729

None of my favorite DLsite audios are on this site wtf

No. 439753

File: 1729692747457.jpg (248.39 KB, 888x1308, 1000000644.jpg)

There's the monochrome series; you can click on the "Monochrome" tag on the audio and see the other related videos in the series, I believe the series is free on the dlsite if you sign up, you also can find for free audios on there and search around for what you like but free stuff is few and far inbetween (you can also use tags to find free stuff and for women content w/ no yapping if you so desire the site can be translated to ENG for easy navigation)

No. 439754

File: 1729693091775.jpg (43.08 KB, 602x784, 1000000645.jpg)

You can request works on japaneseasmr with the audio number(s), some girlies get their audio wishes fulfilled as they say in the comments but idk don't get your hopes up- its randomised and moids are rampant there so the percentage split is brutal for audio content for men vs. women

No. 439927

This was also popular and surfed the web some time ago

No. 440010

been a while since I listened to one of these but I remember the red butler being good.
And this one https://otomekoe.moe/1392/

btw on DLSite the RJ codes are the doujin/indie stuff and the BJ codes are the pro VAs.

No. 441785

File: 1730273418145.jpeg (29.06 KB, 640x480, images (54).jpeg)

Is it ok to ask for recommendations? I really like solo male audios where it's just the guy masturbating and moaning but it's so hard to find.

No. 442258

No. 442259

No. 444907

File: 1731746237855.jpg (733.16 KB, 1042x2039, 1000001158.jpg)

I though I lost him but I found him, the best "amateur" voice on Fantia + confirmed hot bod pic.
Alt bilibili link if you don't have an account on fantia (though making an acc is free and all his audio is free to listen)
He stopped posting but I'm just glad I remembered his name to post and come back to.
always download your audios, I hate that SoundCloud nuked away all the "for women" audios, tragically I lost the best ever pussy eater to ever grace the audio world still pissed

No. 444910

File: 1731746826079.jpeg (42.03 KB, 327x350, IMG_2161.jpeg)

I want incest audios. Preferably brother x sister.
(I'm wearing armor so your insults don't hurt me)

No. 444916

scroll up before posting

No. 444917

I did but turned it off as soon as he said sissy lol

No. 444933

ctrl f next time, I'm not into spoonfeederism

No. 445021

post anything i'll listen to it tonight

No. 445045

Thank you! Sheesh nicevoicehaver is great.

No. 445143

File: 1731848413138.jpg (69.5 KB, 500x500, 1000001171.jpg)

No. 446025

I need this guy to do more msub stuff that isn’t pegging or “mommy”. I hate how so many of these guys mostly do violent dom content. Also it seems like the audios have gotten more extreme with terms like “fuck doll”, “cum dump”, “toy” being in regular audios now. It used to be a lot easier to find audios that were like “your shy friend confesses to you” and not “your succubus boyfriend wants to try pegging and lactation”.

No. 446026

Samefag but this is his Reddit, his voice is absolutely delectable if not for the retarded mdom shit

No. 446028

No. 447767

File: 1733050234473.jpg (26.35 KB, 878x116, thisguy.JPG)

he's watched child porn 100%

No. 448289

File: 1733277080605.png (48.78 KB, 293x310, 1595312515270.png)

I was casually browsing dlsite to see if anything would catch my eye, I clicked this and checked out the sample… imagine my shock suddenly hearing shinnosuke tachibana’s voice in my ears kek
The r18 sample with him moaning onee-chan is really tempting me, I might buy it if buying points aren’t blocked anymore

No. 448295

File: 1733281497247.png (299.58 KB, 577x433, canvas.png)

>MFW I learned you can buy these ASMR

Bless you, nonna. My wallet might hate you, but you have a place in my heart.

No. 448299

Hehe no problem nona, just be careful not to accidentally buy one that isnt translated into English. Have fun browsing!

No. 451693

i feel like you guys are self posters because i dont see why anyone would pay for crappy audios that arent even in english

No. 451765

Was literally just listening to this today and it's a script fill but I also have no idea what the previous nona was talking about. His voice sounds really bad and monotone to me and it's really obvious it's not improv cause he's reading off the paper like a robot. I don't even like incest audios that much but I'll be sticking with the F4F ones.

No. 451801

Yeah, Japanese indie guys are totally advertising on this website.
Being able to understand ero situation CD's was one of my motivations for learning Japanese.
But then I realized how samey most of them are so I stopped following new releases.

No. 457224

MSA is making a comeback on 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/soc/thread/33538613
if it wasn't for the 900 second cooldown I'd probably request something

No. 457283

>tachibana shinnosuke posting on lolcow
Based retard

No. 457290

NTA but I'm willing to accept this tinfoil kek

No. 457682

File: 1734966191850.png (252.27 KB, 1876x956, olawd.png)

You're on lolcow, it's because some of us are weebs that learnt JP from VNs, those guys are much more aware of the Korean/Chinese audience more than anything.
holy shit, it's a tranny cesspool in there. Don't ask for shit, what are you thinking?

No. 467961

No. 467963

we could claim the thread back from trannies

No. 474315

File: 1737480406099.png (1019.48 KB, 996x655, kitty.PNG)

>MFW I listen to him talk about how parasocial relationships is one thing he dislikes about his work knowing full well I'm delusional about him

No. 474425

No. 474958

anyone have any recommendations for no talking asmr? Like only sex sounds (pounding etc), breathing and maybeee moans?
i dont like asmrswhere the guy talks a lot. English isnt my first language so some guy talking English really doesnt help me daydream a realistic scenario

No. 475027

No. 475040

Did anyone watch nosferatu? Bill Skarsgard whispering croaking literally gasping dead voice was kinda hot maybe because I knew it was him but idk

No. 475195

This is a late reply but thank you for posting this, I love whiny crybaby male voices with lots of rambling. This one by him is good too

No. 475227

Yesterday I found a couple of audios I liked on DLsite and couldn't help rubbing one off to the samples, kek. I know I'm poisoned by anime, but I genuinely find the animesque voice acting hot (especially if the VA is decent), plus the sound effects enhance the experience by 100.

No. 475302

post it

No. 475304

I have this project in mind but I don't know how to do it or if a lot of people would participate.
Basically my idea is to create a sort of organized audio bank, where we would save and categorize the best audios we find.
I think it would be a good idea because :
- Sometimes voice actors will quit and wipe their accounts. That way the content would not be lost.
- It would make quality content easily available for newbies (searching reddit and pornhub is a hassle).
I know it sounds like a major coomer idea but to me making good erotic content easily available for women feels sort of feminist. I'm sick of having to go through male-aimed websites and get triggered by nasty thumbnails and titles when I'm trying to fine something nice.
First step would be deciding what platform to set the bank on. It would ideally be anonymous, have a folders feature, and good research/filtering features.

No. 475324

some of sevira darling's audios are nice

No. 475425

The guy whose audios I listen to

No. 475497

ok but who is it

No. 475551

No. 475552

File: 1737666345712.png (37.14 KB, 765x215, qdsqsdq.png)

Ngl he's pretty hot… I'll use this tonight. Sorry for stealing your parasocial boyfriend nonna. https://n1.kemono.su/data/49/b4/49b4d819ebe694ce3b64df00ec78c671da4b2d75f0c54537a1bab4948ed80401.mp3?f=audio65breeding.mp3

No. 475652

File: 1737678956631.png (427.28 KB, 500x500, hbg0005669-11.png)

very cute audio imo, no degradation or weird fetish shit, just two friends becoming lovers and then they both fuck for the first time. i'll admit i'm a weakling and can mostly only handle fluffy happy stuff, so i really liked this audio. only downside was that he cums pretty quick but he's a virgin and he's cute so it's whatever

No. 475787

Other people were already shlicking to his voice so go ahead…

No. 475845

Ntayrt but isn’t that dude gay?

No. 475859

>but isn’t that dude gay?
Where did you get that idea? 99% of his content is directed towards women.

No. 475861

Where is the audio? I can only see the translation

No. 475862

it sucks because the translation isn't timed the same as the audio? i can't skip the boring beginning

No. 475863

Thank you nonna!

No. 475866

Page not found sigh.

No. 475886

My bad nonna, I mistook him for this one degenerate va who also had some latin name.

No. 475892

who? posthim

No. 475943

nta, does this link work for you? https://www.hentaiasmr.moe/bj256119.html
I just started listening, thank you nonny >>475652 ! Fluffy and happy is right up my alley

No. 475955

>who also had some latin name.
But the guy that was posted doesn't have a latin name…

No. 476651

File: 1737866490002.gif (321.28 KB, 220x293, tf2-scout.gif)

>find nice audio with more uncommon themes on lesbian gwa
>has f4tf/f4a tag with no body part specification

No. 476658

Share with the class, this is the horny audio thread after all

No. 476662

File: 1737868685313.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.31 KB, 560x420, RJ01256307_img_main.jpg)

It's about your young butler who has just arrived after a long absence. And he doesn't wanna have an inappropriate relationship with his master but he's in love with you.

No. 476663

NONA I LOVE THIS ONE I want it translated so badly! I never expected you to post this when I asked kek, fucking love the scenario and VA. His design is hot too.

No. 476774

No. 481401

just listening to it right now and I already know it's going to be good https://soundgasm.net/u/AugustInTheWinter/M4F-You-Were-Too-Busy-Masturbating-to-Plan-Anything-for-My-Visit

No. 481683

ok well the beginning was really nice but then he ruined it with the insults and stuff. bummer

No. 481726

Nona that's literally what I feel with most of his audios! It's a huge bummer his tags are filled with shit like [condesending] and [degradation] bc the couple of nice ones he has I've basically worn out. He's the only one I can listen to since his voice doesn't sound like a redditor's and he's good at acting.
There might be other ones out there worth listening to without all the degrading mdom nonsense (although looking at gonewildaudio is bleak with every other post being about rape or incest) but I just can't stomach listening to the guys' voices to look for them kek. So many faggy voices, weird lisps and m'lady-esque cadences out there

No. 481744

> So many faggy voices, weird lisps and m'lady-esque cadences out there
I know right. Also a lot of them are just bad actors, they don't convey subtly the emotion they're supposed to. They think all they have to do is read the text in a raspy voice.
>the couple of nice ones he has I've basically worn out.
Can you share your favs from him?

No. 481745

Where can I find these discord clubs

No. 481784

sure thing nonushka!

>Extended voicemail from a guy friend you have history with, he gets quite horny and needy at the end
This is one I've listened to the most, especially the last ten minutes or so kek
I love men begging and losing their shit bc of horniness so the end really does it for me. Also for some reason it feels more 'realistic' because it's in a voice message format
>femdom-ish audio where you make a guy friend snap out of his patheticness by shower fucking
This might feel cringe because it has muh male mental health elements and the end has an annoying "switch" from the speaker character bc August seems to have some complex over msub or something, it's so annoying. Buut if you can get past those, it has top tier moaning.
>Friends to lovers at a drive-in
I think this is quite sweet and probably most vanilla he's ever going to get. Might be my current favorite
I hope at least one of them fits your tastes!

No. 481909

I like his little laughs during it

No. 482014

Listened to the last one and it was really sexy thanks nonna

No. 482157

yw, I'm glad you enjoyed it
Based on his output it seems like we get only one or two audios per year where he doesn't call the listener a slut or a whore, it's fucking tragic but I'll take what I can get kek

No. 482629

I love this Chinese VA so much. His voice is really deep and captivating. I don’t even play this game or speak Chinese but I don’t even care. At 4:00 is when this one starts to get good.

No. 482745

>Last audio
>"Yeah that's big to you?"
I don't know why that's so cute. 10/10 audio thanks for the recs nona

No. 483789

No. 484121

ty nona! This was really good up until the "free use" (didn't even know this was a thing)/using listener as a toy stuff, that's not my cup of tea at all. But the first 20 mins were really hot with him taking care of the listener. I didn't know mere kissing sounds could turn me on so much kek
Also thank you for introducing me to that site btw! ♥ Didn't know you could stream Patreon paywall stuff like that

No. 484699

post anything i'll listen to it tonight

No. 484726

No. 485423

valentine's day is a special day and on special days we listen to msub https://soundgasm.net/u/VAMP667/M4F-Your-Dominant-BF-Turns-Into-A-Needy-Whimpering-Slut-For-You-MSub

No. 486999

File: 1739856156610.webp (87.32 KB, 800x600, RJ01285971_img_smp1.webp)

there's a 90% off sale on this audio rn and i listened to it last night. really good stuff imo, he's very sweet and very caring. my only complaint is that some of the sound effects were a little weird but it was a very minor issue tbh and there's a version without the sfx that can be listened to instead
also for some reason one of the tags on this audio is verbal humiliation? i would just ignore that because there's really nothing like that in there. it's a pretty wholesome audio through and through

No. 487002

>i would just ignore that because there's really nothing like that in there
Thank you for mentioning this because I would have ignored this audio because of that tag kek,

No. 487017

File: 1739866186133.jpg (38.17 KB, 736x726, 511633ad94ef39862837eb5a175780…)

does anyone have any rec for non-cringe audios? I love august but I'd like to find more good creators and it's been so hard finding audios that don't have a comedically bad voice as mentioned above… I don't really care about the language used and more the quality of the voice, anyone have any ideas?

No. 487075

>there's a 90% off sale on this audio rn and i listened to it last night.
question : why don't you upload it and post it instead of asking us to buy shit?

No. 487098

it is quite literally 7 cents you broke ass kek
if you want to pirate it then knock yourself out but i don't care to help spoonfeed you with that

No. 487107

>it is quite literally 7 cents you broke ass kek
i dont like registering my card on new random website and i dont like paying for porn
>but i don't care to help spoonfeed you with that
then fuck off the thread, the literal point of it is to find content more easily

No. 487605

File: 1739934111536.jpg (31.52 KB, 736x535, 6dac99339df76f098f637eb57c5830…)

One of my favorite msub audio creator's has been promoting his twitter account and he posts himself on there and looks nothing like I imagine in my head when listening to him or his mascot. Same with Mythos. Is this just going to be common among them or should I try to listen to those that don't try to insert their personal lives into it?

No. 487618

This retarded newfag has never heard of dlsite, kek

No. 487749

Unfortunately I have nothing to offer apart from my sympathies, nona. I haven't found anyone apart from august whose tone of voice, cadence, acting etc. I can listen to without cringing. It's a curse being this picky lol

No. 487834

honestly voice actors shouldn't do face reveals it always ruined it
one day a va i liked revealed and he was FAT and i can't listen to him ever since

No. 487836

you guys keep spamming previews so yeah i've heard of it, i simply will not register my credit card and start paying for porn just because you're too lazy and call uploading audios "spoonfeeding". this kind of laziness is the reason this site is dead tbh
i mean i don't even like audios that i can't understand either way, so i couldn't care less that you actually do upload it, i'm just notifying you that you're extremely lazy

No. 487931

I know this is a very late reply (sorry for that, nona!) but I kinda like this idea, would be a fun resource to have. Although I don't know how we'd be able to choose which categories to include and which to filter out, which content creators' voices are hot enough/which are too cringe etc. All of those things are quite subjective and deciding on the standards might be difficult.
I know r/gonewildaudio has had a couple of those filtering tools to search for audios, such as https://mrbrumbly.github.io/gwasearch/ but this doesn't store the audios anywhere, only directs to the reddit post. Were you thinking of hosting content on a site?

No. 501855

I hope i find F4F audios that aren't terrible, voiced by troons, written by troons or requested by troons. And that don't feature stone tops, pillow princesses or any similar gendie lite bullshit. Like why is my horny audio content tagged with "anorgasmia" and "no touch"? I'll post them if i do find them (i haven't searched a lot to be honest)

No. 502987

No. 513009

you can try requesting on the FSA threads on 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/soc/thread/33739689

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