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No. 400643
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This is who i want to be
No. 400654
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No. 400661
This really is a tradthot site now huh…
No. 400664
>>400661"Let's talk femininity"
>"tradthot"internalized mysogyny much? This goes full circle about women having to outdo men in rationale because "feminine stuff" are primitive. Get the fuck out of here bitch.
Women are women, if not, then men could troon and it'd be fine.
No. 400670
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>>400643that collection was inspired by an actual woman if I remember correctly. Marchesa Luisa Casati. She was extremely eccentric and extravagant. No. 400676
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No. 400677
>>400672>do you shame men for their spiritual beliefs?yes
>>400673divine femininity bullshit is too much of a slippery slope towards tradthottery, though maybe it is too late. lolcow really went from gossiping /cgl/ refugees to radfem tranny haters to tradthot, next thing you know hating moids will become a bannable offence, because divine masculinity and divine femininity should complement each other UWU or some crap
No. 400678
>>400677tranny hating is based
go cry somewhere else
No. 400684
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>>400672The vast majority of the time when you hear people talk about this concept it boils down to "the masculine energy is assertive and dominant, the feminine is intuitive and nurturing". Do you not see the issue with that?
>>400678Viewing femininity as some divine energy rather than a concept formed around and forced upon biological women only facilitates troonism imo. Tranny hating and spirituality hating go hand in hand.
No. 400706
>>400685I mean, femininity is a construct- being a woman isn't. Whether your concept of femininity comes from spirituality, religion, tradition, whatever, that isn't what makes someone a woman, and seeing it that way is what enables gender ideology.
>>400687I think there's a difference between acknowledging the differences between men and women due to conditioning and history, and saying women are inherently spiritually submissive, creative, and instinctive whilst men are naturally practical and driven.
>>400697Gender ideology and trad ideology both feed off of gender stereotypes which is why this is relevant to both.
No. 400716
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>>400714Thank you, was just about to say.
>>400707Well, this website is from the third google image result for "feminine energy traits". It's all this sort of thing, this isn't an outlier. If you have a definition that's not misogynistic, your definition would not be what most people using the term would recognise.
No. 400717
>>400706Well, if being a woman is neutral ground, which means has no essential qualities whatsoever, what stops men from trying to cosplay them? In fact why is that a problem that men try to cosplay women if there's nothing inherent about being a woman outside of having a vagina? Or is it just bad because women have been oppressed in the past? So that means once we erase all types of oppressions man can freely troon out?
The post didnt imply these terms
Gender ideology, although flawed because it does reinforce involontarly gender essentialism, is all about deconstructing gender, that everything is a gender construct, to the point that even biology is in itself oppressive. The fact that you believe religions and spiritual beliefs actually conducted to the rise of troon is hilarious.
No. 400718
I think women are not really allowed to be “girly” like fun, whimsical, silly, immature, annoying, loud, excitable, or god forbid “attention seeking”. Women always have to be serious, boring, no fun allowed, feminine and ideally out of the way. Like the feminine ideal is inoffensive, flat hair, minimal makeup, demure. But standing out in any way, even a girly way will get you accused of le gasp being attention seeking (the worst sin for a woman). Like men don’t actually want “high maintenance” women… they want someone they can take home to their mother. To me feminine energy just means being nothing, but acting extroverted and confident like Jessica Rabbjt (best example I could think of right now) is actually a lot more masculine than they appear. Similar to how so many FTMs are shrinking violets despite the T and get dwarfed confidence wise by “slutty” party girls. Not sure if right thread.
No. 400725
>>400722You make me laugh.
Judith Butler and the deconstruction of sex
One such gender theorist was Judith Butler, a professor at UC Berkeley. Butler has written some of the most influential modern texts in gender theory, such as Gender Trouble (1990), Bodies that Matter (1993), and Undoing Gender (2004).
According to Butler, sex is no more real than gender. She writes, “If the immutable character of sex is contested, perhaps this construct called ‘sex’ is as culturally constructed as gender; indeed, perhaps it was always already gender, with the consequence that the distinction between sex and gender turns out to be no distinction at all.”
No. 400735
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>shit OP with shit threadpic
>shilling retarded tradthottery bimbo feminine woo woo
>self-censors like a tiktok zoomie
>doesn't know how to sage
>quotes wikipedia, doesn't know what she's talking about
>"what's wrong with men wearing thongs"
kekk this isn't the all girls femcel image board you think it is, gtfo
No. 400736
>>400731Judith Butler doesn't have a monopoly on gender being a social construct so it doesn't matter if she considers sex to be also.
>>400728Men wearing circus clothes is retarded but not the problem. Men pretending that they can become women this way, is.
No. 400740
>>400733How am i defending gender ideology are you retarded? I'm explaining to you that queer theory is the consequence of gender deconstruction and not gender construction.
>>400736Literaly not what i said, i think you both are intellectually challenged. You kept saying troons have spiritual beliefs and essentialise gender when really troons exist because of gender deconstruct as proven, Judith Butler, who's a prime example, defended gender deconstruction and then went onto writing queer theory. If you can't follow the logic then you have brain rot.
No. 400750
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>>400727>t. raging sperg I think this is a cute and salvageable thread. OP is just retarded and probably a newfag, that is not a crime
No. 400762
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>>400760Assertiveness is masculine energy according to every one of these retarded infographics.
No. 400796
>>400790loving being a woman =/= tying your every personality trait into a stereotype about women
>>400792I'm a different anon
No. 400801
A lot of people are saying women = female =/= feminine, and the phrasing and popular use of femininity is all about gender roles/sex stereotypes. It's not "some women being more into lit or art is bad", but "the framework of this spirituality implies that all women are built more towards lit and art" which is odd and wrong
>What we have to stop is considering everyone is going to fit into strict categoriesI agree, I think the key point that divide people here is that femininity has been a pretty strict category… No assertiveness, no initiative, being dressed up not for comfort/utility but prioritizing appearance first and foremost, you get it.
Spritiualists who believe in divine feminine energy might define it differently, which I get and am cool with, but it's a bit odd to have a thread with no such disclaimer/explanation on how 'divine femininity' differs from the dictionary definition and widespread use of the word femininity, and then accuse everyone who disagrees with the idea of "woman = feminine" as wanting to put people into strict boxes
No. 400809
>>400803and this thread is suffering for having such simple formatting, so it seems to me that it would've benefitted from a longer thread OP
>>400805Can you name a few examples so I can know exactly what you're talking about instead of having to guess your viewpoint?
No. 400814
>>400802You might theorize it's due to social construct but you have many evidence that advances that it's also just more likely if you're a female to like fictional reading
Theories attempting to explain the "fiction gap" abound. Cognitive psychologists have found that women are more empathetic than men, and possess a greater emotional range—traits that make fiction more appealing to them.
Some experts see the genesis of the "fiction gap" in early childhood. At a young age, girls can sit still for much longer periods of time than boys, says Louann Brizendine, author of The Female Brain.
"Girls have an easier time with reading or written work, and it's not a stretch to extrapolate [that] to adult life," Brizendine says. Indeed, adult women talk more in social settings and use more words than men, she says.
No. 400816
>>400815Kek, I’m curious too
Please enlighten us, feminine-chan!
No. 400830
>>400814you're still not explaining why it makes more sense to call it femininity/feminine energy than just creativity? surely you must know that the whole feminine vs masculine energy refers to much more than just "women are more creative than men", and it implies that being creative is incompatible with rational thinking, while necessarily being tied to other traits listed in these posts
>>400762 >>400716
No. 400832
>>400822No, we shouldn’t coddle newfags here.
>>400825If you’re the anon sperging about butch women, I think you’re significantly more pathetic than OP actually
>>400824As if we don’t have an active ex-Muslim thread already. Where do you think you are?