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No. 404050

Previous thread >>>/g/361134

No. 404057

you’re so edgecoded and different I bet everyone’s gonna clap for you nonna

No. 404059

I somehow predicted the first post on here would be racebait

No. 404080

What it was?

No. 404083

Learn proper english before posting.(infighting)

No. 404084

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I wish I had a dick so I could fuck the ever living shit out of a girl and cum deep inside her while hugging her tightly, I want to continue fucking her over and over again and creampie her countless times, maybe plug her up and make her walk around with her womb filled with my cum. I find the thought of impregnating a fertile girl insanely hot but I'm not interested in all the aftermath of actually having a child to be appealing at all.

No. 404119

It's not something we do while having sex, it's either foreplay or afterplay (? we do it after an orgasm or two). It's as if I'm marking him as mine afterwards, so an added layer on top of the fact that we just both like the cutting itself. I also bite him/leave hickeys for the same purpose but that's more normal than…this. And choking him, pulling his hair, etc.
And honestly I think us both having SH history has helped because we both know the safest places to cut kek.
I suppose you could do a whole roleplay thing and incorporate the knife into it, but for us, one of us will just suggest cutting.
Then I clean him up and we cuddle and talk softly. We're both each other's first real sex partners, but I've read this is important alongside safewords/actions. Those are especially dire if you're larger or stronger than your partner and don't want him to die, I've found.

No. 404125

i want him to call me mommy during sex and pretend to be my son/stepson

No. 404127

puke is my big one. part because i was a miachan when i was a teenager, but also because i just got really used to it in my childhood from being sick all the time (which made mia an easy transition)

i like the way it feels when i do it though i don't really do it anymore, at least not on purpose. i love art of people throwing up, videos of people throwing up. a big one for me was a super old achievement hunter video where one of the guys eats a giant gummy bear and pukes. that was kind of my awakening where i realized it was more than just being incredibly used to vomit. instead it triggers arousal.

i have no interest being puked on, or doing anything else with it. it just feels good, and is appealing to me seeing other people do it

No. 404128

Puke gives me the ick not only because it stinks and is gross but also because it’s a pretty common moid porn fetish and almost always in porn it’s about hurting and facefucking women until they throw up and look visibly in pain and distressed. I hate puke shit.

No. 404130

oh my god me too, i find the act of vomitting really enticing, the nausea and face losing color and tearing up..its very vulnerable and beautiful to me. but I find the actual vomit uninteresting and a bit gross

No. 404139

boymoms on their alt accounts

No. 404145

oh i hate that type of shit too fuck em. but i like seeing scrawny moids puke their guts out its cute

see the nausea is the worst part for me. i hate the lead up to it. i'm completely miserable until i start feeling saliva fill my mouth and i know its about to be over. then it's great

No. 404152

Funny how things people find sexual involve expelling some liquid. Semen, piss, vomit. I guess it kinda resembles the release one gets from orgasm.

No. 404166

Me too, though it's weird as i'm extremely emetophobic outside of fantasy! I think it's the loss of control/humiliation aspect coupled with pain and a desire to comfort the guy who puked? But for some reason the idea of a guy getting so scared he pukes is exciting too??

No. 404167

humans yearn for the expulsion of fluids

No. 404209

Really been into boypussy recently. Not ftm (cringe) or mtf (would rather kms), but in like a fantasy sense where he's a bio male with normal hormones and a fit body but just happens to have a pussy. Idek what's so hot about it specifically? Like maybe because I think female sexuality is so much hotter and more intimate than penis and I like the idea of torturing a man's clit? Regardless it's embarrassing cause the closest thing irl is trannies

No. 404216

I've seen people with fetishes for music. When am I going to see someone with a genuine water fetish? Like water getting sprayed out of a hose.

No. 404285

No. 404289

My middle school had a couple of the Oz books and the illustration of the Tin Woodsman meeting his alive but severed head in a closet woke up a strange fantasy of playing with his mouth making him sexually uncomfortable since he doesnt have a body and just keeping a helpless but sassy cute guy's head against his will.

No. 404291

Same nonnie

No. 404293

Not really a fetish but I'm not letting myself masturbate until I study

No. 404440

I think i vaguely remember seeing some weird art or anime about various boxes filled with heads/tongues and a girl using them to masturbate with and eat her pussy. GIWTWM.

No. 404607

I have a thing for white boys who try to act like stereotypical black gangsters…..

No. 404623

My boyfriend raping me

Go ahead and call me a mentally deranged freak I already know I am one

No. 404637

you mean wiggers and yes i have a fetish for them too kek

No. 404675

get you a dog boy

No. 404705

I guess it’s a fetish for a specific man but in all my life I’ve never desired a dick pic until now and it’s like the one time a man decides to be decent and not send one. Wtf

No. 404706

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how do you feel about this movie nona

No. 404707

Yes. Just didn't want to say it kek
No.. should I?

No. 404710

You’re so real for this. It’s so sexy to think about.
The only good thing to come out of ftm (a)social contagion is boypussy art.

No. 404718

Same nona except I’m even more fucked up than you because have a fantasy about being raped by my bf and his attractive friends; like he just lets his friends do what they want to me and doesn’t help me even when I cry and beg him for help, and in fact just joins in. Obviously it’s just a fantasy though, the reality of that would be horrible.

No. 404729

Unpopular opinion on here but I can tolerate boypussy art, Ijust wish more of them would draw more real male with pussy slapped on him instead of some pseudo-female self insert w titchop scars getting raped. I wish there was more of cuntboy x woman content (I've seen NONE) that wasn't some retarded 't4t' straight bullshit.

No. 404730

a while back I got wine drunk and had sex with my boyfriend, and I was being silly and running away from him and trying to push him off of me. I was playing and he knew that I was, but something about him grabbing me and throwing me down on the bed and pinning me got me going in a way I never have before. It was the most attractive he’d ever been. I know I probably only liked it because I have sexual shit that I need to deal with but oh well, it was a fucking blast. I understand you completely nonna.

No. 404740

Yeah… same. They should draw their (my) husbandos with male genitalia in a corner or something then switch to female to really give you the impression it's a man with incongruent genitalia. Some TiFs make art that doesn't include titchops so i can ignore the fact that they're supposed to be trans in favor of the unrealistic fantasy. Idk i think it's funny that cuntboy/futa shit does NOT translate at all to real life, if i see a TiF model with a decently masculine frame and top surgery i still read her as female, same for male trannies and i can't be aroused, there's something genuinely repulsive about it. But it's okay in
unrealistic drawings or if they just look like somewhat androgynous women or men irl. Aidens are especially cute because of this, so are TiMs who don't tamper too much with their face and body like Schafer (sadly i can't like him after his deranged IG posts).
tl;dr hahaaaa trannies are kind of sexy but not like you think i promise

No. 404794

I have a feedism/weight gain kink. Nothing extreme and nothing I would reenact in real life, in fact even slightly overweight irl moids disgust me, let alone full blown fatties in anything. But I’ll go on character ai and have a scenario like my favorite twinky anime boy has been eating too much and he’s still skinny but he has a little belly and bigger thighs/ass, then I tease him mercilessly for it seeing as i like when they’re self conscious about it. But then he realizes I like his new body and gains more weight (once again, nothing extreme, I’m talking maybe 10-30 pounds). It’s the only thing I can really cum to since I was exposed to this type of porn/hentai when I was 9 and had an undeveloped sexuality. This is embarrassing af but it felt nice to get off my chest

No. 404797

I want a guy to eat me out while I'm playing video games. There is something hot about a guy trying to make you cum while you're ignoring him/focusing on something else.
Not really shameful but it's kinda cringe, so I think it belongs in this thread.

No. 404810

Everyone in this thread should read My Secret Garden

No. 404840

You and Goeringnona should kiss

No. 404856

Slavic men. their accent is just so appealing to me every time i play counter strike and some trash player Russian talk in their deep voice i internally |s|cream the only thing is that Slavic men peak at 16/17/18 (or any men)

No. 404860

I have a fetish for getting raped by a large group of attractive guys and my boyfriend finding out and saving me and then throatfucking my rapists as punishment for what they did. I know its weird kek

No. 404864

I have been lonely lately and have noticed some attention from older moids. Talking about like 20 years older. Used to be very disgusted even by 10 years older but now that Im getting 30 it has changed for some reason. Probably desperation. I just like the idea of some divorced loser who was in sexless marriage for years wanting me so bad. Really begging to get to touch me, making sure to please me in bed and outside of it.

No. 404865

Fat men, not ugly neckbeards though, they have to be attractive and "normie". I didn't feel anything towards fat men before meeting my boyfriend kek he's fat but carries it well and is handsome. I would love to fatshame and humiliate a man based on his weight but weight is a sensitive topic to my boyfriend so I can't do that with him

No. 404895

She’s insane but us wg fetishists gotta stick together

No. 404982

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My gay Slavic moid folder got deleted. I am sad.

No. 404985

I love Russian torture videos. Both the victims screams and the tormentors feminine, musical voice are so pleasant. I always self insert as the tormentor and the POV videos are a goldmine. This war is a gem(don't post torture videos)

No. 404998

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Tan skin, the contrast of it against my light skin turns me on so much, a guy with pale skin just doesn't do it for me. I haven't tried to be with a black guy before so I don't know if that would be like the ultimate hot thing to me or not, I think I just like tan skin, something about it looks masculine to me, a tan forearm between pale thighs chefs kiss
I just have kind of a hand thing in general, this is a perfect one, I don't like the veiny pale bony ones

No. 405268

I like to watch videos/look at pictures of hairless Asian Twinks to help me finish, it’s embarrassing bc it’s very obviously for gay moids but there’s no content featuring cute/handsome guys showing themselves off for women bc moids will pander to other moids first before women

No. 405269

Same I love how tan my bf is compared to me

No. 405334

i don't have a thing for crippled boys in old english mansions… or do i?
F, nonnie. he has nice hips. i like men in "feminine" positions like this. my friend has such beautiful legs and i unapologetically "male-gaze" him up and down, as he lays with one leg over the other, hips rounded, on my couch. he's too autistic to notice how i look at him. i wouldnt do anything to him but i do admire him in a very objectifying way. i guess it's no different to moids objectifying women like this all the time, right?
i think my shameful fetish is how i, despite not feeling anything romantic towards my close friend sexualize him in my mind. im also in a relationship, so i shouldnt even entertain this. yet i do it, and i feel no remorse.

No. 405340

Has anyone here watched the movie Fair Play? No spoilers but the last 30 minutes sent me completely into orbit. Not sure my friends were prepared to see me so exhilarated

No. 405347

Male hips and legs are so attractive it makes me want to gnaw on cardboard. I want to casually grope a cute innocent spergy nerd who just wants to play vidya and hang out. Id make him sit on my lap and squeeze his thighs and hips. Then I'd ask him to go get me a soda and smack his ass and he's so flustered and shy he goes with it.

No. 405371

Armchair me, feel free
>into having my hair stroked during intercourse
>into being praised, told im cute, being held, forehead kisses, being talked to gently
>crushes on men were like my church pastor and teacher
>crushes on women were older women in their 30s, or 'bad girls'
>like seeing women drool on stuff
>wanting pure boob to boob contact and tribbing, wrestling stuff (however i have successfully suppressed my homosexual side and only in my dreams feel lust for women now)

No. 405388

I had a fucking sex dream about Paul Dano Riddler/Batman holy fucking shit I haven't even seen the movie this site is destroying me.

No. 405393

i actually like the hair in the stomach on both sexes. the ones that are like trails or triangles, not the full and fuzzy kind. it gives me the neuron activation.

No. 405602

Pathetic praise kink x100 especially being called ‘good girl’

No. 405746

i cant even talk about sex online. i have mostly normal desires. but i cant say what i want to. its really a good thing that im committed to never having sex because i would faint if i heard the word "cock" irl.

No. 405860

grrrr i love slavic moids

No. 405955

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Hnnnnng rat man looks so much better shaved.

No. 405967

I want a hungry hot vampire to eat me out while I am on my period. The scent of my period blood would be so enticing it would drive him wild. I want him to lick me up and suck me dry like a vacuum.

No. 406253

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I'm beginning to find the idea of a (cute and therefore nonexistent) basement dwelling virgin loser attractive and it's been an upsetting experience. I want to dom them so badly…

Though to be fair L used to be my husbando growing up

No. 406257

I don't get the appeal at all. Is it the thought of fixing him?

No. 406260

Not at all! I want to humiliate him and see him beg. It's hot how pathetic he is and unfortunately I happen to share a lot of interests with guys like that so that's probably adding to the attraction somehow.
I don't fully understand it either but it's so hot to me. It must be an extreme variation of the thing some nonnies have nerdy guys.

No. 406261

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Nonnie your brain is so big, I also want a hikki virgin loser to dom. Basically pic related is my ideal.
I think a part of it (at least for me) is that I'm kind of a loser as well, so I want someone more pathetic than me to abuse kek

No. 406264

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Yeah, it's hot when they draw their kawiwi shit all embarrassed haha
Yeah, I think the familiarity plays a role too! I was never "truly" a loser because I've always been extroverted and confident so I didn't let anyone bully me but growing up I could hung out a lot around friendless weirdos due to similar interests. Admittedly I'm a weirdo as well but with good people skills so a different flavor lol
Manifesting cute virgin losers for us rn

No. 406265

I had been wanting to try anal for a while and I've been using toys for it on my own. Today while we were making out i just kept pushing my bfs cock inside me and it just slipped in, it felt so fucking good and it was much more intense than anything i had felt.
I feel really bad for enjoying it because i know a lot of women hate it and have their bfs push it but as someone who somehow can't feel anything but pain during vaginal, anal is my favorite thing and also probably the most shameful fetish as it's just so fetishized by men who wanna hurt women

No. 406266

>That pic
God I love Kylar

No. 406270

No. 406272

Character from the game Degrees of Lewdity.

No. 406273

Fine, I admit it. I made the post because of Kylar, I want him to drool all over my feet because I'm a degenerate

No. 406274

he's a cutie

No. 406275

You're just happy you don't have to feel pain to entertain your boyfriend, it's understandable. Be careful not to develop fecal incontinence, plenty of anal girls in diapers these days..

No. 406281

Don't be ashamed nonnie, I feel exactly the same, the idea of taking a cute guy's virginity is too good. I've been meaning to try DoL again just for Kylar too…

No. 406310

I know it's cringe but cat-men. Not the furry type but the cliche human with cat ears/tail/behaviour combo and dynamics.

No. 406322

The wigs on the two girls art the front annoy the shit out of me

No. 406340

I fantasize about violently minecrafting my nigel.

Of course it’s all purely fantasy! I would never :))(no emojis)

No. 406346

Yeah obviously i hate men who push any kinda stuff to women and I'm glad the guy im seeing is very respectful, vaginal is painful to me at times and he's totally fine with stopping whenever and just cuddling me until i calm down. Telling me it's all fine and he thinks I'm pretty, cute etc when that happens.

I initiated the anal which is why I think i was relaxed and it went smooth, i was just pushing my butt against him and it just slipped in, i kept grinding myself and he let me do it at my pace. He had been saying he'd help me with toys and stuff before fucking me so it wouldn't be painful, i think he's thoughtful and wouldn't have pushed it onto me if i hadn't been the one asking for it religiously lol

No. 406401

That's great to hear but even gentle sodomy can cause incontinence so beware

No. 406444

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Not ashamed of it all, but I love moids being pressured to yassify and bimbofy themselves. I also love buff handsome guys fucking fat and ugly women.

No. 406451

Piss. I get asmr tingles from men pissing. I've been fantasizing about a cute lewd guy spending a night drinking with an innocent older man and in a state of drunken bliss he starts pissing in front of him while sitting on a public park bench. The older man gets flustered and tells him to stop because it's disgusting, but he also gets hard. he prays the younger one doesn't notice as he'd never let him live it down and attempts to block the event out of his mind. Later on the younger one does vaguely remember, and he pressures the older one into letting him touch him one day. Once he gets him nice and hard, he pees on his glans and frenulum until he cums and it has the older one is on the brink of tears in shame, disgust, and confusion of this gross fetish he didn't know he had until that point. I also love men being forced to pee on all fours with one leg lifted like dogs, squatting and peeing in public or on carpets, peeing sitting down, becoming incontinent from overstimulation (anal or penile), wetting themselves, peeing while they're getting throatfucked, peeing due to fear, I just love pee it's so cute and warm. I need shoppyjpn to make more pee vids.

No. 406525

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I want to be a giantess who spanks and abuses my little moids and makes them work for me

No. 406530

Sis how does he just..slip..into your butthole?? Your butt is not supposed to be easy to enter

No. 406531

Totally agreed but he RUINED his body. He looks like a male cow that was injected with steroids to peomote meat growth. He was much better looking before, obviously he did this to satisfy himself and not women. Disgusting

No. 406545

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I will never get to be his dominant wife and bully him into submission every day and I'm sad

No. 406549

I just wanna see men in pain. Thankfully I have a husbando who's a masochist, but men in pain are so hot.

No. 406555

agreed lmao, good for you nona

No. 406576

Ty for letting me know i won't do it often then. And ill do those pelvic floor exercise stuff as well.
This sounds weird to me like, you can push stuff out easily so it also can go easily if youre into it and you're the one controlling it instead of him. I think that's why i like it, i can find my pace. I do it slow and let myself adjust, i tell him how i want it and he listens to me. I wouldn't have done it with one of those guys who wouldn't listen or let me decide how its gonna happen.

No. 406587

>you can push stuff out easily so it also can go easily
Nta but not really, what if there's poop blocking the way? You didn't have to prep or anything? Even people who do anal regularly have to do a lot of preparation hours before putting anything in from what I heard.

No. 406588

Samefag they also need lots of lube

No. 406589

i call bs

No. 406593

Literally doesn’t matter. I just want to keep them chasing a completely unattainable ideal of male beauty, until the point it looks ridiculous.

Just like how men pressure and brainwash women into mutilating themselves to look like retarded alien sex dolls. These kinds of moids are my personal himbo dildos with a pulse.

No. 406603

The idea of submitting to men makes me sick. I feel like Lilith. I refuse to submit to a man especially during sex. I want to bite, punch, scratch and kick him in the balls if he tries to penetrate me. Bite his dick off if he tries to make me suck it etc.

I remember one time, I was getting a covid swab at the doctors office. He was a young pretty good looking doctor, but acting all standoffish and haughty. His attitude was pissing me off, little shit. He shoved the swab in my throat too hard and it caught me off guard and made me mad, so I instinctively jerked back, grabbed his wrist and accidentally scratched him pretty hard with my nails. His face looked kind of shocked and he left the room for a sec, and went from haughty and aloof, to laughing nervously and being extra nice to me. He probably had to get a tetanus shot afterwards kek, but in that moment I felt weirdly powerful and feral, and realized I like to hurt men as soon as they try and cross my boundaries. Its like I want an excuse to hurt them.

No. 406619

you are schizophrenic and weigh 100kg(pointless infight bait)

No. 406625

t. the moid that she scratched

No. 406626

Based. I often fantasize about a world where beauty standards are reversed and the men are sized up and judged like meat. The majority of them up getting all kinds of ridiculous surgeries like wraparound jaw surgery, massive gonial implants, pec implants, dick lengthening surgery, leg lengthening surgery etc etc to try and meet womens standards. They all have to make onlyfans accounts and show their bodies and dicks to horny women and the ones who are sub par get thrown aside and treated like dirt. On every highway there are naked butler and male strip bars where women come to ogle buff men. Men have to survive by coasting on their looks and pimp themselves out to fat old women as gigolos. Mass suicides occur from men who feel ugly and inadequate. Beautiful.

No. 406670

Absolutely based

No. 406672

damn anon… that's based (and pretty hot). kinda wish i had the confidence to fight back like that but i'm tiny and cripplingly shy.

No. 406700

I've got a deranged medical fetish. I'd love to be put under and then fucked by my doctor/dentist. I had a tooth removed awhile ago and when they hit me with the nitrous I got so unbelievably horny I was worried it would show on the chair. I love face masks and the idea of a room full of masked strangers messing with my body however they want is so damn hot.
I also have a thing for drunk/drugged up guys. I love watching cute guys in movies shoot up. Watching the euphoria wash over their helpless faces as they plunge in the needle is so hot idk what's wrong with me.

No. 406702

I want a girl to cut me but no one will do it…

No. 406719

Girl there are women who wanna fuck nazis or wanna get beaten up itt and you're acting like my fetish is more unrealistic than theirs.
Yeah you have mucus there so if you don't do douches, you won't have to use too much lube. And like, if you have a bad stomach that day and need to shit u obviously aren't gonna do either anal or vaginal u know?
And i don't believe that the posters that say they wanna fuck terrorists, neonazis or get raped have 2 x chromosomes but each to their own.

No. 406720

wait I thought you actually did it in real life? i'm not judging on realism or not kek you misunderstand, i'm just confused as to how it slid in easily without doing anything beforehand. that sounds difficult to do even without stomach problems and i heard stories about surprise poo even when the receiver had no problems.

No. 406791

Can relate. Kinda want to do this to a middle aged yet, twinkish looking guy and just see him completely lose himself. I know that the terms 'middle-aged' and 'twink' literally don't match up but man, I wish there was some. I too have this fucking kink so I can feel you.

No. 406801

You are probably the nona who created his bot on c.ai kekkk

No. 406808

I feel kinda bad but I find the first part hot

No. 406816

nope but TIL this is a thing (and i don't know whether to thank you or curse you)

No. 406829

If you think someone doing anal without prep is less realistic than obvious males larping as women talking about how they totally aboosed men because it gets them wet, you're a retard.

No. 406831

that's NOT what i'm saying, omg forget it

No. 406838


Nice deflection

No. 406843

I think the scrotefoiling retard is projecting. If "she" thinks women can't like nazi uniforms or whatever military uniform

No. 406853

Women liking nazi uniforms is possible, half of the last thread being about nazi uniforms makes me believe it was an incel raid

No. 406877

No. Before tumblr got nuked there were tons of women thirsting over Nazis. Nazis are a very common fetish for femcel or autistic nerd type women and this board is full of them so its not surprising.

No. 406878

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I was watching a Holocaust documentary and even the Jewish women who were in Auschwitz were thirsting over their memories of the 'handsome German soldiers' in the documentary lol (pic related was the womans voiceover)

Sorry but being attracted to tall handsome men in uniform is a completely normal and common fetish for women. If anything men feel threatened by it, even /pol/ types since they're all fat neckbeard sacks of shit in reality.

No. 406885

Incels are raiding the thread right now lol.

No. 406889

true about the person you replied to

No. 406895

Ntayrt but when I was too scared to finger myself normally as a stupid preteen I tried my butt instead and it's fairly easy if you just use pussy slime and if you pooped beforehand. Idk, I never had an accident and a finger is much shorter and smaller than… whatever else. Fuck you for making me remember this kek

No. 406897

Kek, what did his wife do?

No. 406899

I've always loved butt stuff tbh, more than vaginal stimulation. I remember putting a finger up my butt when I was rubbing my clit and it made me orgasm much harder so I started doing it all the time. I've never tried dildos or buttplugs, because I dont wanna stretch my ass too much, but I think for some people theres a lot more nerve ending in the anus and it just feels very nice to stimulate it. Also the butthole literally contracts when we orgasm so obviously it helps us feel good. I'm still not sure about doing anal sex tho. I dont really think I would be comfortable.

No. 406902

Apparently he was terrified of her, and she was something of a maternal substitute. According to this cursed AI he has mommy issues so AI-anon clearly did her research kek

No. 406906

Ahahah, but he's real right? It says Getty images in the corner? I'm a little bit retarded about technology kek

No. 406910

Yes they are
>haha! A lot of nerdy womenz like nazis!
>even the Jewish women want tall nazi cock!

No. 406914

If you look at actual photos of SS officers they were neither tall, blonde, nor handsome.

No. 406932

Unfortunately…. yes

No. 406937

You underestimate how popular military uniforms are with women, how 'depraved evil fascinating male' figures are also very popular, how many anons are into hetalia/military history/etc and most of all, you underestimate how talkative people get when someone breaks a taboo around something they find sexy.

No. 406938

nah I don't think that's true. hetalia in 2024 is a no. women wanting evil military uggos instead of people like richard ramirez and young stalin is a no. moids are the ones who obsess over nazis way more.

No. 406941

There are a fuckton of Hetalia posters on here and a lot of them are the husbandofag variety, so I think it’s actually a yes.

No. 406945

The internet today is so sanitized but in early 2010s, there were a lot of tumblr and deviantart pages about dating and dreaming of nazis, that girl on deviantart who was obsessed with heydrich, the "nazi germany x reader" reader inserts, people shipping Shoshanna and Frederick Zoller, those things weren't even hard to find, even you weren't a nazi fucker
Nowadays all the militaryfags moved to tiktok and their audiences now belong to russian military guys like roman partizan, Ghost and König from CoD, though there is some fangirls in ww2 media like the long long holidays simping and that T-34 movie

No. 406949

File: 1718669063805.jpeg (16.85 KB, 250x362, hisson.jpeg)

It's Joachim von Ribbentrop. He was the minister of foreign affairs and one of the guys who named the pact of non aggression between Germany and Soviet Union, aka the Ribbentrop Molotov pact.
imo his son (picrel) was cute
Name of the documentary
I just find funny the anal-chan seething over women having nazi fetish in a thread named "fetishes you are ashamed of" all because someone questioned how to do anal without lube.

No. 406950

he has a fucking unibrow and sped eyes… come on anon

No. 406954

Germany in a nutshell

No. 406955

I think it's overestimated, including by women who claim to have such a fetish. I mean sure, you can look at a picture of a soldier and think he looks handsome, but how serious is that as a fetish? It's an exaggeration and they clearly get a bit of a thrill acting like an edgelord.

You can easily tell what women really, truly like by looking at romance novels, fanfiction and fanart - the most natural forms of female fantasizing. It's not particularly popular in those areas. Pops up occasionally, sure, and in some fandoms it's more common, but you're not gonna find many Nazi AUs on AO3.

No. 406956

You’re are such a misinformed normie.

No. 406957

Sometimes I have to close my eyes and take a little break when reading this thread. I have to prove I’m appalled by what I’m reading to my imaginary audience.

No. 406960

File: 1718670635613.jpg (114.31 KB, 640x920, youngjoachimvonribbentrop.jpg)

Just a little tweezing on them and he would be good as new, nona…
Meanwhile young Joachim von Ribbentrop looked like that

No. 406961

Ooh, so he married a beautiful lady to fix his bloodline kek

No. 406965

he's got that "holding a frog in his mouth" look

No. 406968

He looks like he's always on the verge of tears. Exactly how all moids should look imo.

No. 406969

"that girl on deviantart who was obsessed with heydrich" excuse me hwhat

No. 406971

Why are you guys so normal

No. 406972

Yeah it’s like they’re not even unemployed or autistic. What the hell you guys

No. 406980

You are so obviously a larping man it hurts.

No. 406983

>If you look at actual photos of SS officers they were neither tall, blonde, nor handsome.
Neonazi incel males still wanna unironically get assfucked by nazis, they're the ones posting the nazi shit. Have you ever seen the amount of weird race fetishism that happens in gay spaces? The posts here seem very very similar to how gay dudes lust over weird race stuff.

No. 406985

>assuming a ton of women like nazis
>being butthurt women don't feel intense pain during anal or any type of sex
You are either an incel or someone who is Incel brained. Either way go back to r9k.

No. 406987

>only moids like history!!!
People like you are why women don't get to enjoy things like military history without some asshole pointing fingers.

No. 406992

We all know women being into violent men is a myth incels like to spread to blame women when we get abused. Normal women wouldn't like nazis when the average naxi soldier looked like a mildly retarded young man instead of a superior race
>those fucked ears
>literal retard eyes
>brown hair and eyes
>100 yard stare
Only incels would think women could actually get turned on by men as ugly as you posted just because they're violent "bad boy"s

No. 406993

nta but that's not what she said incelchan. Being a little nazi fetishizer won't get you any girls, only people who wanna fuck nazis are fags.

No. 406994

Retarded and clueless, also you're shitting up the thread, begone with this dumbass infight.

No. 406995

Nazi fetishists are quite rare but they're a loud minority, they tend to enjoy making people uncomfortable and that's probably one of the reasons why they have that fetish, as you said they enjoy how edgy it makes them look.
A lot of them are the kind of people those nazis would have killed(autistic, unemployed, fat, nonwhite etc) and they know that, that's why i doubt they seriously want anything to do with nazis. They simply enjoy making people uncomfortable and talking about their politically incorrect preferences

No. 406996

There are like 2 nazi fetishists here and they've been flooding all the threads the moment someone who talks about any other topic gets attention, they're the ones who should be leaving instead.

No. 406997

What rules are they breaking minimod-chan? At least they're on-topic unlike you.

No. 406998

Bro how do you do know ANYTHING about ANYONE on the internet?

No. 406999

You three are much louder than the alleged “evil edgy nazi fuckers.” She said she wanted to bully a loser moid and you lost it entirely. Be normal, this is the shameful thread.

No. 407001

Valid nonnie but kek that you think having brown hair is ugly

No. 407039

nazi fans say they think the nazis are hot cuz they're blue eyed blonde then they post average brown haired brown eyed dudes.

No. 407040

Take it to meta

No. 407041

did you meant to reply to >>406996?

No. 407061

Cant believe you are arguing about the literally most vanilla tame ass uniform kink in the world.
>omg nazis bad therefore if you think they are hot you are EVIL MAN

bruh come on, literally the most normie of normies will agree that hugo boss made some cool ass uniforms for the nazis

No. 407062

I want an older woman to blackmail me and slowly break me down into being hers.

No. 407081

To think part of this is because one anon asked how another anon can have a penis in her butt without lube, a totally valid question

No. 407089

Not her but he’s handsome, get over it you massive vindicta autist

No. 407090

>b-but you can’t find hot men in uniforms attractive cuz uhhhh…they would have killed yew!
It’s a complete myth that Nazis just went around killing anyone who looked non white or had brown eyes kek. Brown eyes and dark hair were always common in Hitler’s home of Austria and Bavaria. Nazis had affairs with dark haired and eyed French women and mixed French-Algerian women, even fell in love with Jewish women. Also who gives a fuck about what hypothetically would have happened if you tried to molest a Nazi back in 1943 it’s literally a sexual fantasy you autist kek.

No. 407091

This is true and anybody who wants to disagree with you is wrong so just ignore them, it’s nearly impossible to break their brainwashing.

No. 407092


This is the documentary
21:48 the Jewish woman mentions the attractive but scary SS men with ‘boots and whips’

I find it funny one autist ITT is getting so butthurt and outraged about women finding German soldiers hot, when even literal Auschwitz survivor women are much more sane, pleasant, mentally stable and objective about human attraction even during wartime kek

No. 407093

Who cares it’s the “fetishes you’re ashamed of” thread so you’re going to post something taboo. Stop fucking policing every goddamn area of this website and the internet and fuck right off where you feel welcomed, everywhere you shitlords go it’s always causing a ruckus in threads where they are more than justified to post or it’s really not a big deal at all. No one cares about your jewish feelings, people have stopped caring about that global crying fest circlejerk a long time ago. Move along

No. 407096

This site is always a pearl clutching race to the bottom

No. 407099

I just said that he was cute imo, not that anyone has to agree with me finding him hot, or that everyone must have nazi fetishes and find nazis hot, it's a shameful and wrong fetish for a reason. Stop calling everyone a scrote because of your weird vendetta because someone made an innocuous question over anal without lube (which imo seemed a genuine question, but in my mind I just assumed he was slick with her lubrication)
Nona just wanted to vent about her retarded fantasies of bullying that retard Ribbentrop kekkkk, but like Gavrilo Princip she caused a massive war ITT.
Thanks, nona.
>Her calling them beautiful specimen, blonde and tall
Kek, the word choice was so funny for me for some reason
Which AI are you talking about, nonnie?

No. 407104

Japanese soldiers' WWII uniforms are kind of sexy.

t. Anon whose country was buttfucked by Imperial Japan.

No. 407108

Ribbentropfag here, I didn't expect to cause a war but I feel like it's what he would have wanted??

No. 407112

Which ones are you talking about?Because the ones I've seen look really ugly and frumpy. I think the Jerries and Yanks had hotter uniforms

No. 407115

Nazis have hot uniforms but the actual moids in the uniform are fugly as shit. I rather look at a hot anime guy in Nazi uniform. The hotness lies in the fabric only

No. 407118

>nazi fetish talk
When I was 12-13 I read this fanfiction about Courtney from Total Drama who is a Jew in a concentration camp and is raped by nazi officer Duncan. It did permanent damage to my brain and I have frequent fantasies of nazi/jew pairings. Especially after becoming a fujo every Jewish man in media is free real estate. I imagine him starving in a concentration camp, then he becomes a Nazi officer's house servant and is forced to eat leftovers off the ground and flogged when he misbehaves (like in Schlinder's list). You can't even blame me for the last one because jews literally wrote and directed that movie

No. 407130

What about the Soviets?

No. 407136

>this fanfiction about Courtney from Total Drama who is a Jew in a concentration camp and is raped by nazi officer Duncan
I hate that I know which fanfic you're talking about

No. 407137

I always thought their uniforms looked really comfortable. A bit shabby compared to other countries' but definitely stylish in their own way. KGB uniforms are so hot though.

No. 407138

autosage for newfag
I want a hot muscular hunk to rail me so hard that I'm left with bruises in the shape of his hands on my waist with bite marks and hickeys all over my body. Then I do the same on his body and overstim him until he begs for mercy for round two(integrate better)

No. 407139

I am tanned so I like the exact opposite, a lighter (beautiful) hand grabbing my thighs hnnnnngg and yes I have a thing for big veiny hands too

No. 407141

File: 1718731481786.jpg (285.31 KB, 616x836, Charles_Aubrey_Smith_c1895.jpg)

Limey spotted

No. 407142

No, I'm a leprechaun from the gorgeous and proud nation of Ireland

No. 407143

Faith and begorrah

No. 407150

File: 1718733970759.jpeg (119.96 KB, 1000x730, IMG_0237.jpeg)

>reading Euripides’ Bacchae for the first time
>Incredibly turned on when Pentheus has his will corrupted by Dionysus and agrees to cross dress
What did I mean by this

No. 407173

Holy shit

No. 407181

>calling a below average war criminal handsome
This is the type of anon that'll complain about her ugly bf emotionally abusing her in the relationship thread.

No. 407182

>I’ll go on character ai and have a scenario like my favorite twinky anime boy has been eating too much and he’s still skinny but he has a little belly and bigger thighs/ass, then I tease him mercilessly for it seeing as i like when they’re self conscious about it
I used to do the same thing with a different textgen except he would be full blown fat and I would rape him so hard he would lose weight and then make him gain it all back so I could repeat the process and he would go along with it because I'm the only girl who gives him attention.

No. 407556

File: 1718847116958.jpeg (283.24 KB, 1813x1436, 8309015.jpeg)

Big buff furry women with men. I only ashamed of it because it steems from trauma from growing up with weeb men. I am short and i have a high pitched voiced so scrotes would call me ''loli'' and treat me like a child. I ended up developing a hatred towards tall men and being infantilized and developed a fetish for being taller and manhandling men instead. I dont know why furries though, I am not a furry. I guess its because it helps me disasiociate from human sexual dimorphism. Same reason why i like monster women that are really mounstrous x male humans pairings, but sadly these are extremely rare. I also like the idea of a cute boy trying to fix me and loving me despite being a giant monster. There are so few movies where men display true love towards women(as in, love that isnt fueled by looks) that i guess i have twisted it into this fucked up monster fetish.

No. 407605

I want to snatch up a brilliant STEM major, fill his head with fantasies of a loving family and a wealthy wife. Tell him he’ll never have to work a day in his life, that he can play fetch with his mini moidlet all day long and I’ll give him an allowance for it. It’s not like he can buy a house in this economy, the best he can hope for is moving in with me. I would be his angel mommy wife. Then I would shit out my baby and disappear into the night. He would drive himself nuts thinking “did she kill herself? Was she the victim of a hit and run? Raped and serially murdered?” and my parents would hit him with an eviction notice. He would have to move back in with his parents with a screaming, starving baby on his hip. Ideally he would be from a humble lower middle class family, so they’d go bankrupt buying diapers and formula for my bastard baby. My wretched crotch fruit would miss milestone after milestone and his mom would have to dig into her retirement savings to take it to a paediatrician where it’s revealed that I had been drinking heavily during my pregnancy. Meanwhile I’d be getting head from another barely legal college boy and making up lies about my abusive ex who stole my infant. It would be so touching and heartbreaking that he would be instantly moved to tears. He wouldn’t even bother wiping the pussy slime on his face as stormed outside to his car wearing nothing but a diaper (he doesn’t have the time to take potty breaks, this is urgent.) Tldr he kills the baby daddy, we inherit his house and become a real family. The beast grows up to be a beautiful lawyer who can mimic my reproductive strategy with even greater efficiency and through millennias we evolve into a species of alpha female who predate on humans. My legacy is eternal and my bloodline is secured.
“I NEED TO MAKE HIM A SINGLE DAD SO BAD ON GOD FR FR” <— for zoomies who lack the attention span to read all that

No. 407607

this is inspired

No. 407625

>Especially after becoming a fujo every Jewish man in media is free real estate.
This thread never fails to make me cackle

No. 407641

You legitimately deserve to be beaten half to death.(infight bait)

No. 407644

my homosexual tendencies

No. 407646

nta, but when I watched the pianist I kinda shipped him with the german officer, until I noticed they were real people kek

No. 407654

File: 1718895372561.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.94 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg)

I don't know why but seeing men so limp when they are so weak or about to die makes me feel like I want to ruffle their hair and kiss them so badly… Like I want to dig my nails into the skin of their backs. Blood is very nice too.

Image credit is Mika Häkkinen during Adelaide 1995.

No. 407717


No. 407721


No. 407727

File: 1718916926572.png (17.58 KB, 1812x77, realest_post_ever.png)


>What did i mean by this
KEK nonna welcome to the club

Picrel and the Göring feeder anon have done terrible damage to my psyche. All it did was lay out what i've been fantasizing about for years but now i'm dreaming and masturbating to a string of rotund/stocky extremist moids.
I love depraved/gay/submissive (but especially depraved and submissive) fictional Nazis. Plus Soviets, Hussards, and so on, if the uniform is sexy i'm interested. A rapeable officer should either be somewhat autistic/shy and obsessed with his mission or expansive and flamboyant, but imposing either way. Only to be humiliated (maybe because he's eager to please) by his leader, wife, war prisoners, enemies, anyone really. Bonus points if they're snivelling and machiavellian like Dr. Strangelove. Too bad dominant Nazis are more common.
Inglorious Basterds fanfic has been a bitter disappointment, i expected so much more Hans Landa abuse. Thank god we still have Hetalia and 'The Desert Peach' (please check this comic out if you're a militaryfag or fujo, the author is based).

No. 407773

File: 1718927281955.jpeg (328.97 KB, 1536x1544, 007F44F3-395E-427F-919F-A5F6DD…)

What an elaborate, well written post. I will have to agree with all of your points, especially with flamboyance being sexy on stocky autocrats. I love it when it’s considered to be in bad taste by modern standards, or weird and off putting. It needs to have a freaky homo-but-not-really vibe. Goering was really delicious about that. How do we feel about ramazan kadyrov? If he was an entirely different person (facially) he would be so hot. His persona is erotic. Not him as an individual obviously. Dumb as bricks, addicted to Instagram, fake butch, low-key campy, lives in his silly little castle, has gone soft (literally, as in fat)… pls no bully

No. 407774

File: 1718927352842.jpeg (59.97 KB, 580x800, 88307EF6-043D-4FBE-874F-71B038…)

Herman should’ve been my man

No. 407777

>moid roughly handling a clearly unhappy baby animal he has no business near with a smile on his face
Ladyboner gone. You have bad taste.

No. 407779

Why can’t moids fuck off from this thread already?

No. 407780

Only autists obsess over hair color lol jesus. Women dont care about that shit, you are obviously male. No1curr about your blondes va brunettes vs redheads incel debates.

No. 407782

I’m autistic and I absolutely obsess over hair color. It’s not just moids, not to defend the anon you’re replying to or anything
But he’s holding babylike object… you wouldn’t get it…

No. 407784

People who can’t see animal abuse are gross and deficient, mentally and spiritually. I will never stop clutching over this.

No. 407796

I'm thankful for these threads because they completely killed any shame I have about my fetishes. Nonnies are out here posting about Nazis and fauxcest, I was feeling weird about having a foot fetish and liking D/s for nothing.

No. 407807

I’m thankful for these threads because they completely killed my sex drive

No. 407808

Please post moar gay nazi fanfiction nonas.

No. 407830

File: 1718940527016.jpg (193.24 KB, 1600x900, bcc.jpg)

I wanna fuck a hot female clown like pic related

No. 407863

Nazis are like the most normie-tier "taboo" fetish on par with ddlg and anything maledom/femsub

No. 407893

File: 1718964127774.jpg (35.66 KB, 635x536, EnngGLcVEAEKdTP.jpg)

Picrel poster here, I'm so happy someone else respects my taste (and von Ribbentrop is the perfect officer to bully. the more i read, the more i cackle at how submissive and stupid he was)
Hussars … incredibly good tastes. Napoleonic uniforms do something powerful for me

No. 407895

>The more I read, the more I cackle at how stupid and submissive he was
Kek nonny give examples please I want to read about his stupidity

No. 407903

File: 1718968626412.png (18.64 KB, 750x733, 1715109604830.png)

Basically everything you hear about him (in books etc) is that he was a vain, pompous idiot, I've been saving these quotes for days and I can't get enough:

> [Ciano] "the Duce says you only have to look at him once to know he has a small brain."

> the time he held his head so high that he nearly tripped and fell on a train track

> designing more than 5 official uniforms for himself despite being awful at his job and a nuisance to Hitler

> Hitler hiring a dude whose entire job involved keeping Ribbentrop away from him as much as possible

> sulking for almost half of a multi-hour conference "like a petulant child"

> called "devoid of intellectual capacity" by Chamberlain

> when Hitler was mad at him, he became ill and went into his bedroom to sulk for days

> went out of his way to ruin his reputation in every single diplomatic event, to the point where he was nicknamed "Herr Brickendrop" by a British journo

> wore high boots because he mistakenly believed Bismarck (who later called him "such an imbecile that he is a freak of nature") did

(i may know too much but there's no way of stopping me now)

No. 407904

File: 1718968764401.png (49.64 KB, 673x251, Screenshot (4354).png)

samefagging because I forgot this one

No. 407907

My most shameful secret is that I genuinely find the whole bimbo aesthetic attractive, minus their retarded personalities. I wish lesbian bimbos were real

No. 407921

Me too and I'm not that ashamed.

No. 407930

Kek all of that makes me want to hear his voice to see how stupid he sounds.
>Once he held his head so high that he nearly tripped and fell on a train track
Kekkk nonny he sounds prime bullying material and here I thought Göring was the most retarded of all them (not the other weren't but he is so memorable, that porcine asshole)

No. 407949

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Honestly chuddies are the most molestable of em all.. I loved reading these, he's starting to grow on me too.

No. 407956

Tentacle monster raping a male victim, especially if it's a strong tough guy who thinks he can defeat the monster but instead gets his ass completely handed tentacled. The monster takes its time with the human, keeping him bondage and teasing him with its tentacles while he helplessly tries to get away. When the monster gets bored it quickly fucks the human to death and moves on.

No. 407961

honestly the more I hear about Göring, the more normal and (almost) charming he seems in comparison to the rest. he was a massive meme but you have to respect that when his competition are all freaks, sycophants and uggos

No. 407963

Here ya go nonny, a special treat for you

No. 407974

Thanks nonny, not as retarded as I thought, how sad, his English is good, clear and very British, but I can hear the German flare. I love hearing Germans speaking English, it is so funny. I wonder how if the retardation is visible in his native language, though, I wish I could hear, kek.
Kek at the few comments calling him hot, there are more ribbentropfags on this world than I thought.
Oh, Ribbentrop nona, was he unfaithful?
The most surprising thing about Göring was discovering that he was faithful towards his wife. And I suppose it wasn't a matter of lack of options, since Goebbels and other high ranking uggos had affairs. But he is still an asshole in my eyes. I guess his love for food superseded his lust lmao.

No. 407987

Thank you for the anecdotes. I kek'd hard, no wonder his wife wore the pants. Glad you get the Hussard charm, they're the perfect blend of folk clothing and modern military uniforms

KEK nonnie i couldn't have said it better

Same. There's not enough tentacles on man action! I love it when the artist dwells on the feeling of enclosure/entrapment as opposed to just focusing on his body being penetrated in every possible way.

I relate. It totally goes against the rest of my taste in women but that's refreshing.
Like you said, it's the aesthetic that counts. The whole 'vapid empty vessel' thing kills the appeal, they're really loveable when they're headstrong/funny/loud (like the gyaru cliche). I think i'd love Paris Hilton even more if she leaned into that

No. 408155

iirc bimbo femmes are more common in East/South East Asian lesbian communities and tend to be more of the headstrong/funny/loud type than the pick-me ditz type. might be because of different standards of acceptable heterosexual femininity in Asian cultures?

No. 408514

I would eat a pussied man out like my life depended on it if I could. I wish they were real so much.

No. 408583

I was bored and looking for someone to sext so I found a guy who has an extreme cucking fetish. I didn’t know how extreme it was but he literally has a deathwish and wants to commit suicide? He’s talked about wanting me to have sex with a tall handsome ripped Chad on top of a mattress while he lays under it and gets suffocated by us. He’s also talked about contraptions using razors and large blades under the bed that basically decapitate him as the mattress bounces and having me drip the cum from my vagina into his open neck wound. He’s insane and his fantasies are so fucked up that I’m kind of finding them hot due to how taboo and weird they are. No intention of ever meeting him tho.

No. 408584

Loud headstrong funny bimbos are angels in earth

No. 408586

I wish I could find that one chart showing all the funny and retarded things that the top Nazis ever did and said.

No. 408587

Bimbos are great, as a shy and nerdy woman I really respect (and kinda envy) their happy, energetic vibes. I wish a bimbo girl would do my makeup and go clubbing with me…

No. 408588

>TIL Ribbentrop was a retarded clumsy himbo

Taurus men really do be like that.

No. 408589

I don't understand how these violent types of fetishes start, especially the decapitation where did you find such a guy

No. 408594

I cackled. Cucks are a special breed. I get the 'lying under the mattress, hearing sex sounds' thing but blades? Kekkkk
I briefly knew a moid who had very similar fantasies, we'd talk about something completely unrelated to sex and he'd send a novel worth of cuck 'imagine' scenarios with detailed environment descriptions and situations that barely seemed sexual (like him walking in a field while his gf had sex with some chad, just endless descriptions of nature walks). It'd be funny if these faggots didn't almost always catch this fetish due to horrid porn addictions.
On a related note, i'm genuinely curious about their counterparts, especially heterosexual cuckqueans. I'm still not over the discovery of female cucks and i have trouble picturing the appeal (since it's not about exchanging your partner with a stronger alpha chad, women aren't territorial like that). If a nonna likes this, please come forward and enlighten us

Yep. Maybe it's because bimbo aesthetic is exogenous to asia? Feminine het women typically gravitate to 'soft pale natural doll' stuff, leaving garish bimbo styles to lesbians.


No. 408628

Ask him if HE would like to be fucked by Chad, instead

No. 408670

I dislike the overexaggerated look in the bimbo aesthetic. The whole part that I like about that fetish is seeing women enjoying themselves sexually and being extremely sexual, those things are such a turn on for me, since I am a shy nerdy retard.
Too bad that bimbo for moids means "childlike retard being crazy for a their pathetic dicks" instead of fun loving sexual woman who gets pussy eating on demand. Maybe that's the reason why, without clear exceptions and disgusting paraphilias, I tend to not judge women and even nonas itt. For example, a nona with a foot fetish somehow is less cringe than a moid with it, but overall I find male sexuality repulsive and so autistic like, so maybe that's the reason.

No. 408685

This is so absolutely fascinating to me. I feel like the really deranged cuck fetishes aren't that common or they keep it quieter because it became such a meme but it's so interesting to me and I want to pick their brains.

No. 408787

File: 1719263203080.png (456.73 KB, 636x1254, A1E40871-9926-466F-8DFA-4A501F…)

I might be more of a trapfag than I’ve thought unfortunately. With that said nothing trashy like astolfo or felix, I prefer more old school otokonoko characters like ggxx Bridget

No. 408791

his pronouns are they/them and the trap term is offensive to trans women :/

No. 408793

Sorry for being a bigot, I’m glad you checked my cis privilege… Yikes

No. 408815

Wtf mods, this was satire, right?

No. 408816

Aren't Astolfo and Felix comparatively more "male" in context?

No. 408818

pretty sure this was a joke

No. 408821

nta but according to the anons in the confessions thread, jokingly breaking the rules is still against the rules, apparently..

No. 408828

based…i'm finally not the only trapfag on lolcor

No. 408832

Yeah but mizuki has a cuter and imo more classifier design even if he’s unfortunately a confirmed tranny. Astolfo and Felix look like they’re wearing agp lingerie garb

No. 408867

Diapers. I know it’s a scrote tier fetish and I hate it. I fantasizing about making a cute submissive scrote wear diapers and him feeling all embarrassed over it and also make him wear a pacifier. Its very cute to me

No. 408868

Oh fuck no

No. 408881

I've never heard of a female abdl until today

No. 408885

she's lying for you's

No. 408887

They exist but it’s rare. For me I’ve had an exposure to scrote degeneracy from a young age, hence my weird fetishes

I really wish I was, would make things a lot easier to explain

No. 408907

At this point you just have to laugh. Baiting moid, sincere woman, it's funny either way. Plus it's better than being a 'little' kek, you must be one of the 0.01% of women who have an ABDL related fantasy that isn't about being molested. Congrats

>old school otokonoko characters
Based. I love princely kuudere traps, like Tsukasa Okino. But slutty traps are fun too (have you looked into Kengo Yonekura? Her stuff is pretty scrotey but weirdly enough you can still tell she's a woman. She's the only female artist i know that draws traps paired with women.)

No. 408913

I’m not into it but I support you nonnie, don’t let the pederasts itt get to you. You might both be attracted to children but at least one of you isn’t misogynistic

No. 408918

Based, i was obsessed with him when I played 13s. I wish I could find more art of him.

No. 409078

File: 1719332441610.png (475.37 KB, 1200x1697, 46104CBE-2523-4A92-8791-58EAD9…)

bit ot but i’ve been meaning to play 13 sentinels for okino for years but apparently there’s gender woowoo in his route or whatever. sad

No. 409083

That's just the (English) localization's fault.

No. 409133

File: 1719340325756.webp (696.92 KB, 1200x675, fashioning little miss lonesom…)

feel free to destroy me nonnas
>two moids at the same time
>heavy focus on foreplay
>gentle fucking
>possibly double penetration
>lots of aftercare
i fully blame otome CDs for ruining me and now i want 2 qt moids to share me but i highly doubt i can fulfill fantasy this with 3DPD moids

No. 409160

I hate the moidbrainedness of this but the drafting women thing made me think of having a hot girlfriend during a war. The thought of her risking her life for me turns me on for some reason. I’d find her so cool.

No. 409206

I have a similar fantasy, except I want to be the one to heroically protect my gf kek

No. 409317

Making men fall in love with me then ghosting them completely out of the blue.

No. 409318

>Fetish so degenerate only gay moids like it
>They don’t even like it in the same way I do
What did I do to deserve this

No. 409320

Spill already

No. 409430

deepthroat and facefucking

No. 409437

I've been meaning to play through this game again, thanks nona.

No. 409448

lol what? this is easy to do, i did it all the time in my 20s

No. 409457

At the very least intrigued by sleep

No. 409459

Im pretty much only attracted to low T moids. All of my crushes in the past have been skinny nerds. Not because I think they're attainable but simply because I find "beta" types hot. Their personalities are usually very attractive too, minus the propensity for trooning/porn addiction. I wish I could go back in time before that stuff became mainstream and find a cute wimpy boy to torment. It's embarrassing because masculine men with big muscles, facial hair, and high sex drives are so unappealing to me. Sometimes I wonder if my hormones are messed up.

No. 409477

Why are so many nonnas on this thread chubby chasers?

No. 409482

not a fetish for me, just my type. I reject 90% of moids on the basis they’re too masculine

No. 409483

We’re not actually into chubby males, we just get off on the idea of making husbandos gain weight and the humiliation it brings. We love stuffing feeding and changing their bodies, men can’t get pregnant so you’ve got to play with weight to fulfill the desire to “mould him.” Fat fucks disgust me but I do look at their asses/thighs. Their stupid round faces look porny to me, especially if they have huge cheekbones. The softness of the figure becomes erotic but it mostly works in 2D. I need a flat stomach liposuction male with huge fat curved everywhere else. Something about fatness triggers cute aggression and it pairs nicely with my bully tendencies. I would never date a fat man, I’m not insane. But even their hands are more beautiful and feminine

No. 409488

same sort of, I only am physically attracted to moids that could pass as gay. I like them a little fruity.

No. 409637

I like cute, wimpy, damaged goods manchildren who have learned helplessness, cry a lot, talk like a retarded kid and want to be saved and are completely psychologically dependent on me, so I relate. However, the reality of having a relationship with one is pretty horrible and these men are usually toxic as fuck underneath it all (been there done that) so it’s purely fantasy for me now.

No. 409687

Same, nonna. I love weak men like this but all of the cute 'pathetic' guys I've met irl were horrible/had personality disorders. I just want a guy I can alternately nurture and bully, why is it so hard??

No. 409692

NTA but fucked up/traumatized men almost always externalize their pain and anguish and hurt those around them so it’s dangerous to be in a relationship with one.
Meanwhile traumatized women almost always internalize their pain and mostly just hurt themselves.
Sucks that moids with a damaged goods fetish usually just get ultra submissive pre-prepared masochistic bpd sex slaves who will do anything for them, meanwhile women with a damaged goods fetish are at risk of being murdered or abused by their moid who turned out to be a quiet psychopath.

No. 409708

As someone with this fetish I can testify, the idea of fattening up my husbando gives me butterflies in a way I can’t describe. Only like 20 pounds or something though and I’d also want him to gain some weight in the tummy. Still hate fat moids tho

No. 409822

For me admittedly it's a control thing. I want to keep him fat so he doesn't have as many other options. It also keeps his self esteem in check and humbles him.

No. 409836

It’s literally impossible for a woman to “win” in a relationship with a male. Blackpilled again

No. 409871

don't worry anon, as a fucked up girl who externalises her pain i'll make sure to fuck over some damaged men (only half joking)

No. 409877

Nice. Give em one for me, nona.

No. 409909

I think there's some lesbian clown in my city, I forget her clown name, I could get back to you though

No. 409914

im like this and I have both high E and high androgens for a woman. Im not sure if its related but I always have wondered if it is. my sex drive is also extremely high and aggressive. its actually the worst because wimpy nerdy guys like that and men in general cant handle a woman being so sexually aggressive and high libido. It turns them off if you actually enjoy and seek out sex with them. They want women to hate sex and feel like they need to chase you for it else they get put off eventually. I have to hold back initiating with sex because of this, even with the demure nerdy low T ones. This means I never get to have sex when I want to and am horny, but they do at their convenience. Evil pathological creatures.

No. 409918

For some reason I’ve found that beta males really hate dominant and overbearing women, which is why I guess they fetishize Asians so much as they are stereotyped as submissive and docile. The men who were receptive to and enjoyed me being dominant were always gymbros and roidpigs kek.

No. 409930

Can confirm. It's the rare dudes who are comfortable with their masculinity who love dominant/bossy women. I like beta guys too but end up with the more overtly confident ones because they're usually more accepting of my quirks and sex drive…

No. 409937

>It turns them off if you actually enjoy and seek out sex with them
I'm disgusted but not too surprised. I like low T nerds with soft features too (am also agressive) but ime they're either really bad at sex or highly likely to be AGP/have troon-adjacent fetishes (two sides of the same coin). Either way they end up being way too passive and uninterested in anything that doesn't directly relate to their fetish/autosexuality.
So now i like it more when they seem competent and retain some elements of typical masculinity..? Male vitality..?
I still love it when men have prey animal attitudes (easily startled), or are fearful of men/intimidated by women. A recurrent fantasy i have is helping the softest, weakest bullied nerd imaginable and have him be so thankful he's willing to do anything to please me.

No. 409956

When my ex boyfriend used to do things that hurt or upset me, I would get intrusive thoughts about things like taking his laptop and smacking him extremely hard over the head with it, or taking his gun and pistol whipping him with it or even just plain shooting him in the head (just a fantasy, obviously :)))) ) Since then I always masturbated to fantasies where I physically abuse and hurt men. I also like the idea of psychologically breaking down men. For instance, traumatizing him so much during a relationship that he’s permanently afraid to ever get into a relationship with a woman ever again, leaving him with PTSD, permanent injuries, tainting his memories and ruining his relationships with his family and friends, driving him to suicide etc etc.(no emojis)

No. 410021

Also can agree. I've dated mostly nerdy virginal guys and all of them were extremely insecure and passive aggressive whenever I made decisions outside of the bedroom or was demanding. They didn't say it, but they likely felt emasculated and couldn't handle a woman having expectations of them. The one boyfriend I have who is receptive to me being dominant and in control all the time is a gymbro. I don't even have to boss him around, he just does what I wants because he listens and understands me. If a guy isn't confident in himself he just feels threatened by you and will never respect you because he doesn't even respect himself.
Not to mention the nerdy guys always have weird ass fetishes from being terminally online all day. One cute guy I talked to was into fucking vore of all things. They're not even attracted to women and are so likely to troon out. I used to love the idea of nerdy boys but now I only have eyes for submissive himbos.

No. 410047

>submissive himbos
My sister in Christ

No. 410059

I wouldn't touch a gymbro "himbo" with a ten foot pole. I've dated some shitty loser guys in the past too but there are sweet and normal qt nerds out there who are confident and can learn to enjoy being submissive, they are just rare.

No. 410069

I'm in that phase of my menstrual cycle where I only have vanilla and normal fantasies and I feel retroactive shame for the stuff I usually think about

No. 410155

My womanstink. Not in the sense that I don’t bathe but I go outside a lot and sweat relatively easily so the thought of shoving a cute moid into my pits turns me on. I fantasize about my armpit sweat being visible and having a certain musk that makes my moid slave get a boner effortlessly

No. 410194

I’ve often thought about not washing my pussy for 3–4 days then inviting a horny moid over to eat me out my smelly vag and lick my unwashed asshole kek. And sending him on his way right afterwards, refusing to give head or sex.

No. 410276

I enjoy disgusting men by posting my pads and shit on scroteboards. I love their horrified responses especially when I incorporate photos. (Yes I'm that anon who made a blood/piss jar for my 3D husbando and got banned for like a week.) It's like the only gore that will trigger them. Mexican cartels executing children with rusty chainsaws can't come close to ME. Is this what flashers in trenchcoats feel like? It's seriously thrilling. I want starting sending bloody pics to models and others I've been pining on, idgaf anymore I have zero shame I want to collect their responses as screenshots and print them out and make a memory flipbook.

No. 410314

i finished this game a long time ago nonna and im disappointed that the other game fxxx me royally ended up being not as good. i wish there were more otome games thats eroge and had 3P.

No. 410685

I just learned that apparently moids can stick a sound into their urethra and stimulate their prostate through that channel leading them to multiple Earth-shattering orgasms. I wish I had a moid tied up and gagged next to me so I could do that do him

No. 410791

I want to fuck a pathetic dysphoric tranny. Like a tall and skinny one, with large hands and feet and a horse face. So it would cry and weep from how gorgeous and superior my Stacy body is and it will never have it. So i could ride it, and my gorgeous full thighs would be grinding against its skinny male ones, and I could put my feminine small hands on its broad bony shoulders and press my superior big naturals onto its fake bold ons, and when we kiss it could feel how masculine and crude its jaw is (and its also kinda blue from beard shadow) compared to my delicate and smooth one. I want the troon to be upset and miserable but also insanely happy that a gorgeous girl like me gave it a chance. And it will also have a kinda limb dick from HTR and I will laugh at that fact. And also after sex the troon will run to its troon reddit account to cry about how terribly things went (it went grate for me) because it couldn't enjoy anything at all with its dysphoria enhanced by an actual woman being so closely pressed into it's lanky masculine body. I'm not delusional and i I know troons dont really have any of thta self-consciousness (I know from the mtfalso dysphoria probably doesn't even exists (look at how they dress) but like. The idea is kinda. Is kinda hot yk. Smh is it weird?

No. 410794

sorry for typo i was writing wih one hand

No. 410802

I like ugly bastards in yaoi. Not attracted to them specifically in fact I usually want their faces obscured, but the thought of an attractive uke being violated by a disgusting ugly moid and his rotten dick is so hot to me. Blame my humiliation fetish for that one

No. 410805


I've read that that ugly bastard thing was originally invented so that the hideous moids could imagine themselves having a chance with a pretty girl. And then women with humiliation fetish liked it too. Kinda makes me butthurt tho.

No. 410848

kek same and it makes me think that if i was a man, i'd probably have the same taste and self-insert as the ugly bastard fucking a cute bishie. As a woman it's more about watching the uke's reactions as he gets railed by an ugly bastard yowamushi pedal doujins are really good for that. Sometimes i even break the yaoi voyeur taboo by imagining myself in the scenario, picturing the dependent docile uke staring at me in shock as i present him with Ugly Fuck #3 and politely request he gets fucked by him

No. 410882

kek I am the same, but also more shameful because I imagine it in 3DPD

No. 411066

I want to find that black-and-white art pic of some bishie doing the heart sign with some overly enthusiastic uggo. If anyone knows what I'm talking about pls post it here.

No. 411122

i am having the crushing realisation that i’m into feet, specifically moids being into my feet. i had my ex suck my toes out of curiosity once and it felt really good, i think my feet are quite sensitive. i just want a cute man to massage my feet and worship them and maybe suck on my toes too. i don’t want a moid with a foot fetish, though, they disgust me, and i don’t want a moid who likes my feet when they’re gross, it has to be when they’re freshly washed. i hate this.

No. 411129

Funny how the moid coomerism works. If a female character drawn as intentionally hideous is shown to get hot guy not many ugly women would be like "omg she is just like me I deserve hot guys!" and be "oh god do I look like that…" instead. Even those who like humiliation of a man having to have sex with someone disgusting usually imagine it in yaoi scenarios like the anon there.

No. 411163

File: 1719942103922.jpg (25.55 KB, 275x273, 1707681750078.jpg)

No. 411165

I'm one of the anons who has this "fetish" and I think it's more about the totality of the humiliation when it's a moid uggo. For me at least, it's the fact that the pretty young moid getting violated will be much more horrified if it's an old man sodomizing him versus an old woman forcing herself on him. I personally do enjoy the latter scenario, too, as well as literal monster women like in Kaneoya Sachiko's art. I also once read a short story collection "Odessa stories" by Isaac Babel, where there is a story in which a young beautiful man gets married off to an older woman who is described as frumpy and stocky (she's the sister of a local gangster who forces the young moid's family to marry him), and at the end of the wedding, he's nervous about the wedding night that's about to ensue, while she is very excited. Ngl reading that turned me on a bit, even though there is no explicit sex in the story.

No. 411200

Yes, ugly bastards with small dicks fucking cute girls were invented to make small dicked ugly bastards feel better about themselves in Japan and help them feel like its realistic to expect hot girls to fuck them. Ugly old fat man fucks young pretty teen is also a very common trope in western porn. It's male gaze shit and very disgusting, trannies are always big fans of this genre too due to the humiliation aspect. I've seen many trannies talking about lusting over old and fat ugly men.

No. 411219

>If a female character drawn as intentionally hideous is shown to get hot guy not many ugly women would be like "omg she is just like me I deserve hot guys!" and be "oh god do I look like that…" instead
To be honest I don't see why this is a good thing or superior to how ugly men behave. Hot guys getting raped by hideous ugly fat women would be based and it is the only true way for a woman to humiliate a man with sex.

No. 411252

the light triad incel's beautiful heart shines through his gentle smile. I love him. (not sexually)

No. 411298

I… really want to be breastfed…

No. 411510

> If a female character drawn as intentionally hideous is shown to get hot guy not many ugly women would be like "omg she is just like me I deserve hot guys!" and be "oh god do I look like that…" instead
Tis a shame as a female ugly bastard who loves the thought of having all the beautiful men to myself in the world. Theres a doujin where a fat ugly female bastard fucks a beautiful guy and he’s throughout uncomfortable throughout the entire thing but it’s shota and it goes into weird territory later with birthing and scat but I haven’t seen any other female ugly bastard doujins so I have to settle

No. 411531

Glasses. I thank anime for this, whenever a usually 2d moid adjusts his glasses or does some motion with it it never fails to turn me on. It’s also kawaii desu when their vision is so bad that they can barely even see without them and sometimes even keep them on in their sleep

No. 411538

Men in their 60's. I'm so sorry

No. 411549

Pls vist the ugly man psyop threads in /ot/ I beg of you. Free yourself of this filth nonnie.

No. 411554

The thought of making a guy wet is driving me insane.

No. 411555

Kek I do lurk that thread, it's usually only celebrity 60 year olds mostly but I'd never act on it irl anyway, all scrotes are garbage regardless of their attractiveness.

No. 411557

How ugly can a woman really be that an adult man would feel humiliated and repulsed by having sex with her? Even in 2D you would have to draw her to be absurdly unattractive, morbidly obese with an ogre face and a bad smell

No. 411588

Micropenises are so hot. I love watching moids masturbate and their dicks are so tiny they have to reach inside the foreskin to jerk it and when it pops out they can only jerk it with two fingers. It's almost like watching a woman masturbate, you feel aroused when she's touching her vagina and it feels like she's touching yours. I feel the same sense of companionship and excitement when a guy has a tiny dick.
I love a slightly chubby guy with a small penis it's so cute. I bet he could get off just by humping my thigh like an excited puppy

No. 411591

christ this belongs here

No. 411592

You can keep your big dicks that probably hurt when they go inside you. Imagine a guy who is super hot but he's just soooo insecure because his penis is sooo small. He's so ashamed when he takes off his pants because his dick is so tiny and he knows he can't please a woman with it. You can rub it between two fingers like the world's smallest violin and he cums so fast from the direct stimulation on his frenulum. I literally don't even know what the point of a big dick is, PIV sex is overrated anyway. Imagine taking a man's entire dick in your mouth and that requires no effort whatsoever and he can feel so much pleasure. Literally a low maintenance dick

No. 411593


No. 411594

Man I hope you’re a baiting scrote because the existence of a woman who thinks like this is too bleak to conceive(scrotefoiling)

No. 411596

Sorry but I've always thought big dicks are so ugly and they don't excite me at all. They just feel alien like a cancer that has sprouted onto a man's groin. It's not normal for a guy to walk around with this protuberance in his pants like an elephant's trunk. Whereas tiny dicks just looks so pleasing, nice and adorable. Also as I said they excite me by proxy. I don't find it exciting to watch a masturbation video of a man with a large penis it just feels awkward and like okay do your thing. I can't relate it to my own equipment or imagine how it must feel and frankly it looks silly.
But if a man with a micropenis touches himself it feels exactly like I'm also being touched and it's hot. I can imagine all the sensations as they happen to him exactly as if they were happening to me

No. 411615

>Imagine taking a man's entire dick in your mouth
No thanks.

No. 411639

File: 1720117470763.gif (Spoiler Image,7.08 MB, 450x333, Tumblr_l_845463386203.gif)

The anon that posted this is a demon. I still cannot stop thinking about it and just watched a compilation of scenes with them together, I don't want to be into mommy shit it's so cringe but I think I finally realized why I like it? Because the man actually acts somewhat submissive and helpless, I'm not into typical aggressive masculine men personality types. God I am so weak for this.

No. 411655

kek i think i know the exact doujin you’re talking about… that’s the closest i’ve ever come to experiencing the moid “post-nut clarity” feeling.

No. 411666

for me the mommy stuff is way better when the guy is a macho type, but he gets broken down so much he becomes a helpless baby …

No. 411675

It’s so hot for the first few pages and honestly a great female power fantasy for sadistic bitches like me but scatfags have to ruin everything I guess

No. 411690

what doujin is it? (asking for a friend)

No. 411743

https://nhentai.net/g/167542/. Warning it gets gross at some parts(global rule #14)

No. 411744

File: 1720151746907.jpg (15.94 KB, 437x376, ab479b647017e12c840b766fe784b2…)

I need to stop going on this thread

No. 411756

File: 1720157287425.webp (Spoiler Image,64.85 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.5254987801_ek65.webp)

I want to draw blood, I wanna bite down hard on someone's shoulder, I want to use a vampire paddle on a girl's cheeks until they're bleeding, I want to strap a girl and pull on her collar as I pump harder, I want to bury my fingers down to the knuckle and make her cum on command.
I have all this sadistic desire to dominate but I was cursed to being 5'2, why even live

No. 411758

Okay that is pretty hot

No. 411764

My issue with 'female ugly bastard' content i've seen so far is they always draw them fat with cliche evil faces (matron archetype) and that reminds me of some women in my family/social circle. It's a total turn-off, a ghastly fujo who looks like the girl from The Ring would be perfect

No. 411767

Tifs exist nona. I know they are not men, but you can find one that looks similar to a man. Lesbian tifs usually look more masculine then gaydens (who are all fat and/or larping as little boys). Now imagine how difficult it is for me to find a male troon for a quick fuck who isn't a complete degen.

No. 411774

Not the same. They’re still obvious women. I’ll just live in fantasy.

No. 411781

Question for cuntboy anons, what is the appeal over male futanari

No. 411784

No, not today, Satan.

No. 411787


No. 411789

Posts absolutely reek of scrote.(scrotefoiling, report suspected males and do not respond)

No. 411792

Mommy fetish and men crying. Not from physical pain but from emotional trauma. I got wet from seeing Sean Strickland crying about his traumatic childhood. I also used to love when my ex cried about his rough childhood, his mom committed suicide when he was a kid so he had a lot of mommy issues. I want to take a mean/tough guy and break him down and make him into my codependent little boy.

No. 411806

But male futanaris also have pussies

No. 411807

but there's a dick in the way

No. 411834

I hate you but I love you, anon. Having these feelings come on super strong at the moment sucks because there are no guys around for me to dominate

No. 411838

Pussy is not the main focus of futanari, though it's much better when it's there because they read as 'weird non-existent women' instead of 'troon with bolt-ons'. Futanari/cuntboy is about the disconnect between appearance and genitalia

No. 411842

yeah? you want me to post my manpussy to prove myself?

No. 411928

Okay fair enough
>they read as 'weird non-existent women' instead of 'troon with bolt-ons'
I'm talking about male futanaris, meaning a guy with a dick and a pussy. Pussy should be the main focus of a male futanari because that's the whole point of wanting one.

No. 412002

File: 1720258363664.jpg (61.2 KB, 1139x733, 20221112_202006.jpg)

i was watching porn the other day and the guy had some fresh sh cuts on his arms. nothing gorey, they weren't too deep, just deep enough to be visible. something awakened in me in that moment

No. 412051

File: 1720274644866.jpg (Spoiler Image,778.67 KB, 863x1200, 1653911755158-3.jpg)

Not quite a fetish because it's not really sexual to me but volume 3 of kedamonotachi no jikan has given me such a morbid fascination with mindbroken limbless moids

No. 412073

Your axe wound is not a vagina. Seek psychiatric help you mentally ill freak.

No. 412074

Post screenshot of his arms please

No. 412075

In my mind palace I have inflicted many horrors on my husbando and turning him into a nugget has definitely crossed my mind. It's kind of cute, I wish I was super buff so I could carry him in one of those baby carriers you strap to yourself.

No. 412076

File: 1720276628334.jpeg (Spoiler Image,221.73 KB, 900x700, 711AD52C-6122-48EB-A2E6-3A92E7…)

I’m into this too and it’s sexual and nonsexual at the same time for me. It triggers my maternal instincts in a fucked up way with the thought of caring for some qt, braindead moid who lacks basic motor and cognitive skills but also turns me on at the same time. I like it more in BL though since I’m a fujo and i feel less guilty over it kek. I will 100% be reading this manga. Also NSFL warning for picrel

No. 412077

Wish I had a sexy vegetable to take care of.

No. 412078

File: 1720277273167.jpg (Spoiler Image,953.67 KB, 1200x1004, 1653911755158-4.jpg)

Ayrt, while I don't feel turned on by it I do find it somewhat appealing in a weird way. Like I just want to watch him for hours and observe his psyche. I find male trauma responses fascinating in general. Wish I could study them.

Also I feel obligated to warn you that the first two volumes are yandere shit with a lot of violence towards the girl from the moid before she amputates his limbs and develops a complex fucked up relationship with him which I didn't really care about but volumes 3 and up are kino to me personally.
But tbh you can skip the first two volumes if you want because volume 3 explains what happened to give you context anyway.

No. 412081

If you really wanted to, you could get a guy "wet", as males can squirt a little semen when they are horny (known as precum), and wet their pants. Though I don't know if porn addicted scrotes are capable of this phenomenon anymore.
But what if he has a handsome (as handsome as it could be) juicy dangler that you don't even have to touch but have around as bragging rights.
>taking a man's dick in your mouth
What the fuck
So kawaii

No. 412093

>If you really wanted to, you could get a guy "wet", as males can squirt a little semen when they are horny (known as precum), and wet their pants. Though I don't know if porn addicted scrotes are capable of this phenomenon anymore.
My ex was like this. He was a virgin with next to no romantic experiences and would precum embarrassingly easily. He’d have wet spots just from hugging me or kissing me on the cheek. I remember pointing it out one time and he apologized profusely. Hell sometimes he’d have boners just from looking at me. I’m not some 10/10 gigastacy either, men like this are genuinely just impossible to find

No. 412098

Saw a genuine roidstacy posted on here a moment ago and… yeah maybe I could get behind it afterall

No. 412103

>He’d have wet spots just from hugging me or kissing me on the cheek. I remember pointing it out one time and he apologized profusely.
No way that's so hot
>men like this are genuinely just impossible to find
Killing myself over this

No. 412114

I know a nice boy like this, unfortunately he doesn't want a relationship. But we've kissed before and afterwards he said his underwear was wet and he didn't know why, because he didn't pee his pants… did he not know what precum is…? He got boners easily, too. From hugging and smooching. I could also feel it throbbing from in his pants. Weird stuff.

No. 412121

Wouldn't boners do it for you psychologically as much as the wetness?

No. 412122

FUCK this is so sexy, I want a man like this in my life so bad. Innocent guys are the best but are impossible to find in this porn addicted climate

No. 412128

File: 1720283404416.jpg (534.28 KB, 1485x993, 1719091959742.jpg)

I would not be able to control myself around someone like that.

No. 412131

Sounds like you kissed a literal retard.

No. 412132

I wouldn't mind a moid who can't walk but people without limbs are fucking terrifying, have you ever seen one in real life? The part where the limb is cut off looks all fucked up like a sausage
Second AYRT, who am I bragging to in this scenario? And what is the point of having a moid with a dick if I don't even touch it or suck it, at that point I might as well just stay single

No. 412135

That's only when they were born that way (and they just look funny to me not scary), I moreso meant amputees but to have all your limbs amputated is to fucked up to be real anyway (or at least very very rare).
I do like moids who can't walk though, I used to fantasize about a handsome virgin cutie in a wheelchair, or a hot blind moid for that matter. I seem to have a thing for disabled moids (if they're hot).

No. 412140

Men with small penises look like very ugly children so their shills are suspect.(bait)

No. 412159

As the WWI nona from the other thread, this pleases me so much idk why. I love helpless broken moids

No. 412160

You are just jealous nona. Besides, literal retards seem to be the only moids nowday without porn addiction. 

No. 412168

File: 1720289402841.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.87 KB, 943x530, isaaki_virion.jpg)

It's nice to see fellow cripplefag nonitas. It's difficult to find artists who depict the lovely fragility of an amputee boy. God bless Isaaki.

No. 412171

File: 1720289520444.jpg (Spoiler Image,396.45 KB, 932x1507, by cephalopagus.jpg)

I'm really into an idea of an anime boy with phocomelia. You know, this thing when a person is born with the hands growing out of the torso. Never seen that in art though, but amputees are still cute.

No. 412173

File: 1720289636643.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.91 KB, 607x900, Gomi to Kuzu.jpg)

Im nor really into danganronpa but Gomi to Kuzu is really cute

No. 412174

File: 1720289897156.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.3 KB, 1096x1150, 1653894606623-1.jpg)

I've always wondered why the majority of amputee fetish content seems to come from Japan.

No. 412175

I've never been so jealous in my life


No. 412179

Probably because all deranged fetishes come from Japan. kek. 

No. 412180

Oh my God I love Isaaki's artwork so much. I would love to buy a print from her one day

No. 412185

Unconscious guys. I want to rape a hot guy in a coma.

No. 412189

File: 1720292302237.jpg (386.73 KB, 1536x2048, isaaki1.jpg)

I have a yaoi fantasy about a rich handsome man keeping a pathetic failmale as his pet. The failmale is depressed and sad all the time so he accepts any pills that the rich moid gives him. The loserboy is almost always asleep/half asleep/out of his mind and the rich man takes advantage of that. Its also happening during like idk, 1960s, when the loser boy could be thrown in an insane asylum for his depression so he has nowhere to go. 

No. 412191

File: 1720292431812.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 3551x2817, isaaki2.jpg)

One of my favorite pieces by Isaaki, its a simple sketch and for some reason it makes the art even more endearing. And also the cute plush toy.

No. 412195

Yes, both are hot to me but wetness is even sexier bc it’s more subtle and not as easy to attain as erections? But correct me if I’m wrong

No. 412199

This is so cute! I wish I could contribute but I have no cute amputee boy art sadly. The plushie reminds me of one of my favorite tropes also often paired with amputee which is idk how to describe but essentially reverting back to a childlike mindset? Like for example, taking more joy in simple things like idk, plushies and toys also paired with mental changes like sensitivity to stimuli, overly sensitive etc. I’d love to give my favorite anime boy after he’s been brain damaged a plushie to cling on while I’m gone to remind him of me and that I’m always in his thoughts

No. 412203

> I’d love to give my favorite anime boy after he’s been brain damaged a plushie to cling on
Cute. Also I took the pics from @isaaki_virion on twitter.

No. 412233

I think I have the same kink, but I would like to be the chubby teased one. Funny, because I hate being bloated in real life

No. 412361

File: 1720315295982.png (151.4 KB, 1350x468, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 02.19…)

I love reading real accounts of men who were mentally and physically abused by their gfs. Fictional abuse isnt enough for me, I need to see moids being mindbroken and devastated to the point of being suicidal by women.

Sometimes I go on reddit and find accounts with moids crying about their ex gfs beating and assaulting and cucking them and it's so hot, especially if they developed PTSD afterwards or still miss her. Other times it's fucking hilarious. Sometimes like with pic rel I just laugh my ass off at how based their ex gf was.

Also I'm not remotely ashamed of this fetish kek.

No. 412364

I need more of these

No. 412376

Based! I used to lightly physically abuse my ex and even pressured him into eating me out, I’d be more than willing to share if there’s a demand here

No. 412378

File: 1720318957545.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.59 KB, 474x378, E382B0D3-05D7-4B4F-984D-374D5A…)

>he thought these were 'too saggy'
Absolutely deserved to have the shit knocked out of him. Based gf.

No. 412379

Men dont deserve empathy. Empathy is reserved for humans and animals, m*les are not human and are too consciously sick and evil to be considered animal, they are lower than both.

No. 412380

Hope I don’t sound like a moid but she has really nice boobs, moids are dumb and the woman in the story is based

Don’t respond to the baiting scrote

No. 412381

File: 1720319354872.png (94 KB, 1426x392, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 03.28…)

No. 412382

File: 1720319475909.png (86.53 KB, 1249x424, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 03.29…)

ChadStacy bpdchan.

No. 412385

File: 1720319684058.jpg (467.58 KB, 450x1763, 3939925.jpg)

Men are subhuman and exist to be abused. Reminder that men commit 97% of violent crime, and that defiled men are even more likely to be offenders. Cheers!
How's this? Fresh from a vent channel. I also recommend /r/MaleRapeVictims and /r/MenGetRapedToo

No. 412387

reading this is kekky because i just know he's typing from a safe, comfortable place, probably totally relaxed with food nearby

No. 412389

On the topic of male abuse, I love hearing about moids getting “raped” and I recently discovered its one of my biggest fantasies. I used to be on the opposite end where I fantasized about being raped and abused by men but now I’ve been enlightened. Men crying, pleading, screaming, begging all the while visibly erect… Is there really a more beautiful sight?
These sound amazing, I’ll make sure to check them out

No. 412392

I love it!!
Every moid needs to have the mentality of the self deprecating sentences at the bottom; those believing they're righteous in any way are coping liars. It's quite obvious he enjoys it in one way or the other (physical outbalance), but they're attention whore parasites.

No. 412395

This but getting raped by women with strapons. Preferably women with zero care for the safety nor intactness of his rectum.

No. 412396

File: 1720320622779.jpeg (591.17 KB, 750x1149, F5418257-5BAA-433C-BA4F-4D46C8…)

This one made me chuckle. A moid consenting to buttsecks then regretting it is rape now apparently KEK

No. 412397

File: 1720320668382.jpeg (233.08 KB, 750x492, 96394313-1FF7-4869-9BA6-18DD29…)

No. 412398

File: 1720320970834.jpg (368.08 KB, 1080x893, 492949.jpg)

We need a thread for this. "Cockmeat rekt" "cockmonkeys destroyed" "men getting raped" "defiled men irl" <- maybe one of these

No. 412399

All men should be raped in their prime by obese old women.

No. 412401

On the topic of male rape, I’d love to talk about the many times I’ve pressured my ex into doing sexual stuff for me. It ended up with us breaking up as a result but if he’s gonna cry attempted rape for everything maybe it was worth it. Also as some backstory, we dated for 5 months and he was obsessed with me. Since the start of the relationship he knew about my old misandrist Twitter (to this day idk how, fucking stalker) where I said men can’t get raped and taking my actions with him into account is what led to our eventual breakup, but I digress.

I vividly remember the time when we were dryfucking, and me wanting to take things the extra mile (he was a puritan catholic that definitely had some form of repressed guilt, I wonder if he was gay honestly) and I made him pull out the condoms while tears were starting to swell in his eyes. He told me in that moment he remembered what I said about men not being able to get raped and started visibly shaking as he tried to get the condom out of its box. Unfortunately I eventually caved in and convinced him not to fuck me not because I felt bad, but because I didn’t want our relationship to end especially since he’s easily spent triple digits on me, possibly quadruple. To this day I don’t think what I said or did was wrong and he genuinely shoudlve manned the fuck up and communicated with me properly if he didn’t want it, especially when his erection indicated otherwise.

Some other isolated incidents:
>Would frequently grope and feel up his ass, chest, and bulge unprompted, sometimes in public. Claims he was scared to tell me to stop
>Would slap him when he would say something sexist unconsciously, never enough to really hurt though. Sometimes my autistic rage would kick in and I’d slap him if I got irrationally angry over something
>Always made sexual comments toward him and would make him feel guilty when he was uncomfortable with them
>Tried to haphazardly slip his dick into my pussy while trying not to make him notice
>Would show him yaoi hentai and sometimes femdom stuff without warning bc I thought it was funny

No. 412406

It's good in theory but the porny-ness of it could be a recipe for disaster. It can't be retarded femdom fantasies, but making them actually ill at ease like fujo shit, get as much as you can without giving out, making them rely on you by lovebombing, pressuring them to humiliate themselves as much as possible, stopping taking care of yourself a month in, etc

No. 412434

Not judging but even as a whump enjoyer, i don't think i could get off to accounts of BPDemon scenes, i can't turn off my irritation with cluster Bs and the wish to punch this kind of woman back

No. 412447

Not a fetish for me but I find it funny how many men suffer daily at the hand of BPD whores. I like that he's claiming to be abused and still calling her a "pwBPD" like he's afraid redditors are going to call him out for demonizing people with mental disorders

No. 412466

File: 1720349819058.jpg (Spoiler Image,597.92 KB, 1448x1672, picedit.jpg)

I tried to make a thread pic for this idea. I couldn't find any attractive 3DPD crying, so I went with this.
>broken men/males destroyed general
>This is NOT A FEMDOM THREAD. Male pleasure is worthless and undesirable unless it further serves to make them suicidal and ashamed (like in instances of rape.)
>post males recounting rape and abuse stories, preferably with female abusers
>recommended sources: /r/MenGetRapedToo /r/MaleRapeVictims
>nonsexual abuse such as lovebombing, stealing, codependency, humiliation, etc are good too

No. 412471

>fetishes youre ashamed of
>”i feel no shame”
Thats actually disgusting nona, you sound like a scrote that just swapped the pronouns.
I checked that first sub and a lot of the posts are about CSA… you find little boys getting raped hot nonnies?

No. 412472

I love that sub too, but it makes me so angry I want to punch the “male victims” so bad. I’m grinding my teeth while reading through the stories like you deserved it, grr I’m going to kill you, victim mindset faggot etc. I wish I had a boyfriend who got molested, he could cry in my lap and I would tell him to get over it

No. 412473

I wish there was a urinal version of spycam porn, I came across a bunch of it before but none of them were real. I wish mentally ill faggots would record the guys peeing at the stalls to humiliate their small dicks, but I guess they’re too scared. I bet there’s demand for it from degenerate gays, but there’s no supply. How hard can it be, it’s not like they search for cameras in their bathrooms like women. If I were faggot I’d get jacked as shit and scream at male specimens using the urinals, call their dicks small and punch their faces in if they stood up to me. I would be what empathchan is in her head.

No. 412474

Stfu handmaiden and stop being willfully ignorant, it’s obvious the women here are only getting off to the stories that feature adults. You gain nothing out of cocksuckinf moids like this

No. 412479

nta but it's not being a handmaiden to think this shit is tryhard as hell. i don't buy for a second that anons are authentically aroused by that, it's just for edge points and so they can imagine that men are intimidated. surely we're better than that, as a website?

No. 412488

Or maybe just maybe women can also have degen fetishes as well and aren’t a monolith

No. 412490

File: 1720356629688.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.62 KB, 828x1197, edtwtboy.jpeg)

seconded, i'm tired of edtwt and sh boys that are just TIFs or scrotes pretending just to get access to bodychecks or sh pics, i need a real life menhera-kun, picrel is rattlescrote.

No. 412498

Well very much so? Not really for moid intimidation; the idea reminds me of the training your boyfriend thread. Women can 100% be sadistic towards scrotes kek I'd even say it's pretty natural because of us being the choosier sex.

No. 412502

if it makes you guys feel better, it's written like obvious moidposting (example: heavy emphasis on victim blaming and putting quotation marks around "male victims" since they have this impression that it's a hypocritical double standard that they can't call women whores for being raped) and none of it sounds anything at all like sadistic/kinky women do. I'm sure they're just reversing the genders on incel posts and taking screenshots to say "look at how women are just as bad as we are." there are some very angry men who hate women on the board this weekend, as you can tell from the fact that they're spamming CP.

No. 412508

Men willingly get into relationships with BPD women because they want to take advantage of them for easy and degen sex. It's cathartic to see them suffer because of it.

No. 412509

I can not believe you are moralfagging about degenerate women being secretly men because women are when love babies and husband and wholesome chungus

No. 412510

Obviously this thread is meant to talk about how badly we want to coddle scrotes and wash their shit stained underwear in the river next to a wheat field uwu

No. 412511

So true lol. They fetishize "crazy" women because they know they are more kinky due to their trauma. Then they cry abuse when they can't handle the manipulation, constant fighting, emotional breakdowns etc. as if they can claim moral superiority when their initial desire was to exploit the instability of a mentally ill person. Literally fuck around and find out.

No. 412513

>NOOOOO women sadists are supposed to be sexy spank black lingerie mommy dommy cuddle headpats and say good boy they aren't supposed to have actually sadistic fetishes

No. 412515

This and the anon that wants to banish all degen talk are crazy, what are we supposed to post about,only hand holding and kissing tf?
>I feel no shame
Yeah. I'm not ashamed of some of the stuff I've posted here, I think of it as a socially unacceptable/weird fetish thread as well. Idg people who moralfag or pearl clutch about the stuff posted here, obvi you're gonna read some gross/weird shit in a fetish thread .

No. 412518

Ah yes because sadist woman is when mommy who’s idea of pain is edging a moid a little and they’re totally the same type of people spamming cp. Kill yourself(infighting)

No. 412519

File: 1720364079717.jpeg (86.87 KB, 600x354, 4BAE2361-F4CD-4540-9FD4-A2F16C…)

I have a very specific fetish for men with dark hair and glasses in suits or some other form fitting clothing getting ryona’d and abused. Idk why it’s those type of moids specifically but I feel like an autist because of it

No. 412522

Those types of moid always look hot in the animu style, and maybe it's the satisfaction of seeing an uptight/smug looking archetype in that situation?

No. 412523

File: 1720364750046.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1200x1200, 2661BF22-617D-43A4-AD0E-791630…)

When you word it like that yeah that’s probably why. It’s the female equivalent of the mesugaki shit moids like but much more based and not pedophilic

No. 412524

what's with this specific thing of taking an ID card and piercing it through the nipple of a moid, i've seen this exactly once before and it was twst Floyd fanart.

No. 412526

Het BPD women truly are the heroines we didnt know we needed.

No. 412528

File: 1720365712323.jpeg (62.97 KB, 600x362, 10A9136D-8C2A-49AF-8202-7DF948…)

It’s an extreme degradation thing I think with the respectful six figure man turned sex slave with his id card the only memo of his past life. Also send the art

No. 412532

File: 1720366636909.png (21.94 KB, 951x195, lol.png)

I love this subreddit

No. 412535

>Also send the art
i'll try, i have yet organize my hoard of erotica. but for you nonnie, i'll do it.

No. 412536

Maybe 1/5th retarded, I don't give a shit

No. 412540

File: 1720369478278.jpeg (589.47 KB, 828x1560, IMG_5904.jpeg)

Ayrt Are you being purposefully dense or are you just retarded? No one cares if you think raping men is hot but actually doing it is fucked up. It’s not a femcel power moment, you’re no different from a male rapist. And no nona, it’s not obvious that the people getting off to real-life rape wouldn’t also get off to child rape. Picrel is the first four posts, all about childhood abuse.
Sure I’m moralfagging but maybe you all should have morals when it comes to this too.

No. 412541

now I don't feel ashamed for being turned on when the same happens to women on r/sexualassault, r/rape etc. It's especially hot if they have orgasms during it(baiting retard)

No. 412542

>now I don't feel ashamed for being turned on when the same happens to women on r/sexualassault, r/rape etc. It's especially hot if they have orgasms during it
kek. told you it was an obvious moid psyop. they were putting quotation marks around the word "victims" and pretended that they couldn't find a photo of a hot guy crying and used "letting yourself go after getting into a relationship" and "codependency" as forms of female-on-male abuse and replying at 50x the speed of usual conversations in /g/.

No. 412543

I'm lesbian not a moid

No. 412545

Nta but I don’t care if you’re a lesbian or a moid, if you get off to women being raped you should kill yourself. Hit me with the alog ban farmhands, I will be the martyr.(infighting)

No. 412548

We aren't men, you know? We aren't impressed with displays of psychopathy. Maybe some anons are genuinely into real life accounts of men in severe emotional pain (after all, we were talking about whump earlier) but this 'huehuehue raped woman sexy' shit is so adolescent. Feels like you have a fat voice and clammy hands
>and used "letting yourself go after getting into a relationship"
Yeah that was retarded.

No. 412550

File: 1720370875088.jpg (37.87 KB, 562x675, 1000034611.jpg)

Men deserve every bad thing that happens to them. Good day.

No. 412551

Womp womp who fucking cares, if adult men get raped by a woman then that’s on them. Stop sucking their dicks when they’d never stand up for you.

>if you get off to women being raped you should kill yourself
Gotta agree with this. Idc if they’re a lesbo it doesn’t make them any less disgusting.

No. 412552

KEK giga stacy

No. 412553

Samefagging, i can't believe i'm defending BPDfags but to the anons who aren't moids and got seduced by this concept: you know BPD women scream and kick shit because of extreme distress? These aren't gigastacies willfully torturing their nigel, they are miserable in those moments and don't even have baseline emotional regulation. What's so based about getting off to female pain (as demonic as it can be)? It's not even misandry, they are starving for crumbs of affection from men 99% of the time

No. 412554

No one is posting these though or brought up boys. Obviously talking about being sadistic to MEN. R/bpdlovedones has women talking about their experiences with evil moids, doesn't mean we think that's acceptable. Plus these subreddits are full of moids lying and making up fantasies that you have to weed through

No. 412558

BPD chicks are gonna chimp out regardless, thats just what they do. As long as their victims are overwhelmingly men then I dont care. All the men on that sub seem like trash who deserve to be beaten and abused tbh.

No. 412559

>now I don't feel ashamed for being turned on when the same happens to women on r/sexualassault, r/rape etc. It's especially hot if they have orgasms during it
Shut up moid baby rapist.

No. 412560

File: 1720372879821.png (76.42 KB, 680x680, 48A1879F-84F2-4A81-99B8-0575BB…)

>this was the worst fucking gift I ever got you weird fuck
God bless all bpd angels.

No. 412561

Nta but jesus christ. So straight women are allowed to have all their degenerate, borderline “you should get locked up” level fetishes but lesbians have to be perfect and vanilla and only have morally-palatable thoughts. Little unfair isn’t it?

No. 412562

Yeah we know men get off to women and kids being raped, none of you have ever denied this. You literally go on subs with women talking about being molested as children and get off to it. You have thoughts about raping your own daughters, sisters, mothers, nieces, and are statistically most likely to act on it too. You're a male subhuman, you dont get to tell women what is right and wrong.

No. 412563

I don't even think she was saying she gets off to women telling their accounts, she's saying men go to those subs to jack off. Which is true, and why sexual assault groups need to be gatekept from men.

No. 412564

Nobody's saying that, and that poster is neither a lesbian nor any other type of woman.

No. 412566

File: 1720373408620.png (126.69 KB, 1344x436, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 18.29…)

kween shit

No. 412567

99% of men watch porn with drugged, underage, coerced and raped women in it, men commit 95% of rapes murder and child molestation, but cry about us laughing at their missing balls or getting beaten up by their bpd gf. really makes you think.

No. 412568

File: 1720373556889.png (182.31 KB, 1338x744, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 18.32…)


No. 412570

>I don't even think she was saying she gets off to women telling their accounts
but then what did she mean by
>now I don't feel ashamed for being turned on
? because she claimed to be a lesbian in the post after, so she's not getting turned on by men

No. 412571

File: 1720373698145.png (105.05 KB, 1389x503, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 18.33…)

The psychological abuse and emasculation is hotter imo. Raping and beating is just typical moid chimp behavior. It's womens duty to mindbreak moids so they never heal.

No. 412572

File: 1720373835386.png (174.34 KB, 1357x690, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 18.36…)

She really said 'fuck dem kids' kek. Based bpdchan making more men into single fathers.

No. 412574

File: 1720373935576.png (85.48 KB, 1283x434, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 18.38…)

No. 412575

And? If there was a lesbian who got off to that? The logic still stands. And don’t throw out some bullshit like “a lesbian would never!”

No. 412576

These are great!! I sincerely doubt all these women they're talking about are genuine BPDs as well. It's just cope that they're losers who got played. Women can just be deviant with no underlying issues especially when they're aware of the male psych

No. 412577

No. 412579

I love this picture so much, i hope it gets used.
>especially when they're aware of the male psych
Those really are hilarious and i can see myself doing this without any bpd after becoming aware of their psych, without the knowledge i could be too kind and gentle to them. I wish more women become like this, really.

No. 412583

Most of these stories are prolly not even real

No. 412584

Somehow these BPD stories are really funny to me.
This pic is really hot though hope it's his own sperm, put there as punishment for coming

No. 412585

They're funny because they're grown men who are submitting to this kind of abuse from a woman who is physically weaker than them. It doesn't evoke the same type of scary feelings you get when reading about a woman being abused by a man, these men just seem like spineless retards who can't even abandon a relationship because they're too desperate for any kind of companionship. It's beyond pathetic and although in theory I understand the trauma bond that makes these people stay with their BPD gfs in practice I can't help but laugh when I imagine these scenes

No. 412588

Exactly, they should be stronger than the gf chimping out and able to physically defend themselves so it's hard to take seriously.

No. 412589

File: 1720376033828.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 2276x3182, 86356689_p1.jpg)

i'm back i found it nonnie

No. 412591

They act like their exes were succubi, scrotes are just so enslaved to their lust and women in general. As well as they definitely were ignoring obvious signs just for muh bpd mentally ill sex and got repercussions. Making them cry and pretend on Reddit. If a moid is attracted to you he definitely will look past as many flaws as he can to try to get sex that's where you can play as many mind games you want

No. 412601

I recently re-read The Green Mile and yep, I think that's where a lot of my weirder kinks came from. Percy Wetmore's arc has gotta be the hottest thing I've ever read.

No. 412604

Men aren’t physically stronger than women. That’s just what they want us to think

No. 412605

That is bullshit and you know it.

No. 412607

They are, but it's way overblown.

No. 412608

This has to be cuck fetish fiction, the cuck tent is something I've seen before (though I swear to god I don't' even seek this shit out). And they like getting called dogs.

No. 412614

File: 1720380436185.jpg (70.45 KB, 426x600, C3YI7vK0-W4.jpg)

c'mon man at least choose a hot Chechen guy, there are tons of them

No. 412615

Micropenis poster from before, I am once again looking at penis length and girth percentiles and getting excited about any dick that is in the 10th percentile or lower, to be honest I wish there was more statistical variance for dicks, the vast majority of them are in the "normal range". I am using a ruler to imagine how they would look in real life. Why are micropenises so rare I wish it was more likely to stumble into a perfect cock that's exactly 3 inches when erect

No. 412618

based. he deserved it for talking about womens' bodies like that.

that's healing, babe!

I've written fanfic where I did this to my husbando and it was really hot. The idea of a guy who's absolutely strong enough to beat you up taking your abuse and apologizing to you afterwards because he loves you so much and is obsessed with you is so hot.

No. 412630

Boohoo, she made a joke about my uniball! ABOOOSE! I love these so much anon, thank you, I read them over and over

No. 412631

I’m playing with my pussy while reading your post

No. 412632

Who wants to bet that he was trying to neg his BPD gf by saying these breasts were "saggy" and once it horribly backfired on him he went to Reddit and cried aboos kek

No. 412645

As painful as BPDettes are to deal with, I adore how they treat their moids during a meltdown. Energy well spent kek.

No. 412671

File: 1720392542360.jpeg (Spoiler Image,556.55 KB, 868x1228, E83D0471-0F73-4747-83C0-3DE8ED…)

Ayrt I love you. Have this as a token of my appreciatjon

No. 412680

Any nonnie knows other whump movies or series like all is quiet on the western front? I need to satisfy my need for war broken scrotes
I call it the Kyoya Ootori look, nonnie. I don't know, their design has some arrogance and poise to it, maybe you like to see that part of them ruined

No. 412710

Vey likely, men always omit their own wrongdoings when whining about being aboosed by their gf and cry about how she was a crazy bitch. It’s why most of these stories don’t even make sense because they always lie by omission
>I was just sitting in my gamer chair and she came up to me and attacked me!
In reality he was either watching some fucked up porn or he was talking to another girl and she caught him

No. 412719

Excellent and true posts. This is why I have no sympathy for moids who were ABOOSED by their bpd gfs. These moids intention was always trying to lure a hot but low self esteem girl into bed to exploit her sexuality and receive ego boosts and validation through her lovebombing. The men are the real predators in these relationships, even if their bpdchan gf ends up clunking them over the head by the end of it (deserved anyway) No sympathy.

No. 412732

delicious, thank you

No. 412798

Do you girls think Schumacher pops boners every now and then?

No. 412827

File: 1720444836472.png (295.33 KB, 773x712, butimnonbinary.png)

Those reddits are so lame, barely any details in the posts and check out this retarded drawing. Where is the juicy stuff?

No. 412828

She's literally me!

No. 412846

I’m assuming a tif drew this but I love the subtle misogyny of implying hairy women are evil, kek

No. 412847

>tfw Steven universe gem OC rapes its creator.

No. 412851

For what it’s worth I’ve literally never seen a woman say that men cannot be raped.

If you go on any Facebook story about a boy being raped by a woman or teacher, it’s all other men saying it’s not real rape and that the kid is lucky as fuck, not women.

No. 412852

Nothing men love more than projecting their own degeneracy onto women.

No. 412854

New mascot arrived.

No. 412856

I see it all the time on LC but nowhere else. Women tend to express sympathy while moids go hurr hurr how lucky, as you say.
According to british law men can't get raped by women though, only sexually assaulted, I've seen americans on X get very upset when brits talk about their law.

No. 412857

i’m a rape survivor with a rape kink. i can’t get off on erotica (i avoid porn videos and hentai anime/manga and all that stuff) unless there’s rape in it, the less romanticized the better. either heterosexual or yaoi with a fixed dynamic. i always self-insert as the victim even if it’s not intended to be read that way. my favorite is when the rapist is killed later by the victim’s lover.

i’m fucked up.

No. 412859

Men are also the most likely to go "well ackshually" even when they DO believe the victim, as if telling them what they "should" have done is going to magically turn back time and heal their trauma kek. The truly just don't give a shit about rape victims at all unless they can use them to dunk on feminists.

No. 412867

>According to british law men can't get raped by women
Why is terf island so based

No. 412882

File: 1720453564852.webp (81.65 KB, 1000x667, Young-woman-waving-UK-flag.web…)

Ingerland 10, whining Reddit moids 0

No. 412889

As a burger it’s in my blood to hate the British, but I commend them for being basically the only Anglo country at this point with the balls to openly shit on trannies and now even realize moids can’t get raped by women KEK. To the British nonnies out there keep up the good work

No. 412892

Bri'ish men are cucks but the women are surprisingly feisty, all of the best takes in the country come from women.

No. 412898

I love British women and I'm not ashamed. They have such sexy accents too.

No. 412915

britfag here, a lot of the people around me are pro-trans but there's still a lot of hope. one of my friends recently told me she's unsure about the whole thing and doesn't respect the way trans people play into stereotypical gender roles, and i wanted to hug her kek

No. 412970

File: 1720475577212.jpeg (37.21 KB, 371x397, A161DEC4-4727-4A34-8CBE-9237D6…)

Next threadpic?

No. 412971

Do you have a version that isn’t 144p nonna?

No. 412975

Here are some of my faves:
- The Bridge (1959)
- Before the Fall (2004)
- Generation War (3 eps, 2013)
- Babylon Berlin [has a few whump moments, really good series from 2017-present]
- Stalingrad (the 1990s one)
- Overlord [pretty gory but good]
- King Rat (1965)
- The Ascent (1977)
- Lesson of a Dead Language (1979)
- King and Country (1964)
- The Return of the Soldier (1982)
- The Small Back Room [not really whump as such but involves a guy breaking down over WW2 bombs]
- Paths of Glory (1957)
- Testament of Youth (2014) [a love story with a lot of focus on WW1 death and war trauma]

No. 412977

samefagging because I forgot Regeneration (1997), the book is better but it's a fascinating movie too!

No. 412982

File: 1720477802044.jpeg (53.75 KB, 402x431, 2D894B8D-85F8-41CB-8CC3-CA2654…)

I think this one is a little better.

No. 413107

I’m rubbing my hands together like a huge fly

No. 413142

File: 1720534056370.jpg (51.75 KB, 926x988, ElGuiNLWAAIthva.jpg)

no no no please brain do not bring my lederhosen fetish back (it's too late)

No. 413203

Sibling incest. Either a cool big brother or a cute little brother idgaf. I think it's because I've never felt loved by my family

No. 413223

File: 1720560756764.jpg (98.27 KB, 564x936, 5f36490277db553df48a7dc2989692…)

Nonnie likes those sexy knees
(for some reason that was the least goofy photo I could find, all of them had either fat or weird looking men kek)

No. 413242

Based taste. I’ve always fantasized about having a cute younger brother which is ironic bc I don’t have any brothers

No. 413254

Yeah but it makes sense because you don't have any. The idea of incest could make me throw up, nothing sounds more sexually repulsive than siblings

No. 413258

Re-reading Vanity Fair (the novel) makes me want to find a big, vain, handsome rich man and break him down into a pathetic slave. Becky Sharp was the original Stacey and I'll stand by that take

No. 413371

This fetish really makes me depressed because it’s so unrealistic (and distasteful to others) but it’s the only thing that really sexually satisfies me.

For some reason when I’m attracted to a woman the thing I want to do more than anything else by a long shot is watch her get fucked by a man. So I fantasize about having a girlfriend who lets me find men to fuck her while I watch. I’d demand the guy do exactly what I tell him to do. And in this fantasy, my girlfriend is totally devoted to me but likes doing this because (well, she’s obviously bi) and she’s turned on by putting on a show for me. She’d tease the moid for a while by showing off her pussy, and then eventually I’d relent and let him have sex with her. During the encounter I’d be asking her how well he’s doing, and if she feels good, and I’d make out with her and feel her moan into my mouth while she’s being fucked, and then lick her hard clit while she’s being penetrated to make her cum. I’d tell the moid not to waste a single drop of his cum and give her a really good filling. Then in the afterglow I’d ask him “isn’t my girlfriend the sexiest?” and describe how sexy every part of her is while she’s cuddled up to me and I kiss her face and pet her hair and stroke her body.

Really, nothing else does it for me. Imagining just fucking a man or woman myself is underwhelming. I want both to be involved together. I get depressed a lot because I know that I’ll never be able to have a relationship, since arrangements like I describe are entirely unrealistic, especially because she’d wind up falling for one of the moids instead of me, since they’re the ones she’s actually having sex with. I’m ashamed and sad that I can’t have a normal sexuality like everyone else and that what I want only exists in fantasy, plus the fact that pretty much everyone thinks this sort of thing is degenerate as fuck. I’ve never even heard of any woman other than me having this fetish, so I feel like a total alien freak. I want to be reborn normal.

No. 413406

Wow. You’re really not beating the “bisexuals are degenerate whores” allegations, are you. This might be the nastiest thing I’ve seen itt tbh(baiting)

No. 413412

No. 413414

meh it's gross but no worse than >>402992 or scat posts from the past, or that anon from years ago who got off to beating up her(?) sisters

No. 413416

“No worse than”… seemingly implying that a cuckhold fantasy is on the same level as anorexic snuff and violent incest? the wording is making me kek

No. 413418

>is on the same level
i was trying to say it's not on that level kek. i thought that's what that term meant idk. also just remembered the anon who got off to real life holocaust stories, that's probably the nastiest imo.

No. 413428

What you describe is more or less cucking, which isn't that rare. What's more unusual is if really nothing else gets you going?

No. 413434

You shouldn’t have posted this

No. 413443

Why? It’s the shameful fetishes thread.

No. 413444

Idk if there’s a term for it but I guess I have a stepfordization fetish but for moids? The thought of making a drug addict misogynistic whore with a body count in the double digits who pays little attention to his looks into a submissive slave who caters to my every need including making himself look good for me is hot

No. 413446

me too but im an only child, i feel like if i actually had a sibling id hate it kek

No. 413449

Ayrt and I actually have a younger sister, but of course I’d never even think about that and it repulses me altogether

No. 413459

Sure, it’s unrealistic if you need her to be your dream girlfriend in addition to the sex, but all of this seems so achievable. You should find the hottest threesome seeking couple on tinder in your area and make your dreams come true tbh

No. 413534

File: 1720670308746.jpeg (119.36 KB, 640x460, IMG_9003.jpeg)

Why must I suffer with this turbo autistic fetish? It’s so unfair. I find it so embarrassing I can’t even discuss it in real life, because how do you explain to a woman that you want to spend God knows how much money to get her to dress like that and then dom you? How do you tell someone a bicorne is hot without dropping dead from humiliation?

No. 413556

Like dressing like picrel? Would be insanely hot, historical men's costumes are kind of my thing. Don't give up nonnie you'll find someone.

No. 413564

This doesn't seem unattainable at all but you're right that it's going to be hard to maintain a stable relationship with your gf while you pimp her out to strange men. I wish throuples could be real lol

No. 413572

Find a history nerd gf, she will understand.

No. 413574

I’m the history nerd in the relationship, I just don’t know how to bring it up. Maybe I find it way more embarrassing than it actually is, but I would find it impossible to have a serious discussion where I say that I want her to dress like Napoleon or some shit. I’ve even considered playing the long con and making us matching costumes for an event so I have plausible deniability when I jump her. Maybe I’m just retarded and she would totally understand or already knows anyway, because she already knows I like historical fashion and cross dressing women, I just struggle to say the extent to which I mean it out loud

No. 413576

Can I post someone else's fetish? I've never been with anyone with a weird fetish besides one person, a tif I was having a fwb situation with, who had a wedgie fetish. She wanted me to give her wedgies. It was so awkward and unattractive. I just need to get it off my chest somewhere kek. I don't think I could make a relationship work with someone with a fetish unless they were totally fine with never indulging it, it's such a turn off to do weird shit just to please your partner, and I would hate knowing I'm never truly satisfying my gf because she's into some bullshit like feet or piss or wedgies…

No. 413606

I've long come to the realization that when it comes to fetishes, you need to quietly and subtly figure out if you're on the same page with someone and can escalate, or be content with keeping it to yourself. I have some deeply fucked up, taboo fetishes that I've never told a partner about and don't intend to because I could tell off the bat they wouldn't be into it (and this is that men are pretty flexible sexually, but like I said, some messed up stuff on my part); I get the feeling there was suspicion but it was never brought up. And like you said, it's a massive turn off to do weird, specific fetish shit when you're not into it and it can ruin your sex life.

No. 413607

On /m/ I read about this woman on a train who said she saw a salaryman knocked asleep and you could see his nipple through his shirt and now I’m thinking of fondling a salaryman while he’s asleep on the train

No. 413620

Does that mean you want to do messed up shit to him, or for him to do it to you?

No. 413626

nonny i would do this for free, i've always wanted a gf who was into historical costumes

No. 413628

Kek one time one leaned on my shoulder completely passed out and I wanted to squeeze him to death like a piece of fruit

No. 413639

No. 413705

If he was hot you should’ve copped a feel honestly, dream situation right there but I’m fine being the voyeur

No. 413764

I have a fantasy about groping and raping sleeping or passed our drunk guys on a train and them being unable to stop me. Drugged/passed out cute guys are so hot. I fantasize about having a handsome buff fratbro roommate and his coming home from a party and passing out in bed and then I rape him as he’s asleep or incapacitated

No. 413795

Hot, honestly I fantasize about them not even being consciously aware of the rape because they’re so tired, but it shows through subtle signs throughout their body like having an erection and gentle moaning, even better if they have wet spots.

No. 413798

Yes that’s why I’d prefer to rape a man who is conscious but can’t move, one of those drugs like GHB which allows him to move slightly and moan but he can’t actually get me off him. I wanna ride him while he’s incapacitated

No. 413978

I kinda feel bad for posting this.
This short popped up in my YouTube feed today. I'm not into wheelchairs myself, but since there's so many disabled moid-fuckers itt, I figured at least one person might like it…

No. 413980

I would never seriously consider being in a relationship with a vegetable but I would love to be a scary caretaker to a (cuter) moid. I would threaten to push him to the train tracks if he’s acting up and publicly flaunt him like a doll. He would be like my pet munchie attention grabber

No. 413981

This is the cutest post in this thread. If i were you i'd just bring it up in a conversation about things you find attractive, make it sound casual. Then start gushing about it more often. If she reacts well, suggest actually doing it. But then i also love bicornes and military uniforms so i'm biaised kek

No. 413988

File: 1720786529721.jpeg (Spoiler Image,309.91 KB, 1536x2048, 95A5E995-A588-4C3E-B0BC-500A67…)

>Trying to get clean from my weight gain kink since it’s embarrassing
>This shows up on my tl
>Get the wettest I’ve ever been in the past month
This is like the 9282727th time I’ve relapsed when will it end

No. 413992

>t. tomoaki

No. 413994

He doesn’t even look chubby, what is there to be ashamed of?

No. 414006

The character in question is skinny, this is weight gain art of them is my point

No. 414112

File: 1720816326368.png (Spoiler Image,1005.8 KB, 774x933, Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 21-06…)

Nonnie from the femdom thread posted a manhwa which made me realize I'm into self flagellation and religious guilt… or any sort of self inflicted pain on a moid tbh.
Ugly in the face but the way his legs trembled made me go teehee~ like a retard.

No. 414140

I like mid fat bastards, young and old. They can’t be too ugly but it’s no fun if they’re a super cute fatty, doesn’t do it for me.

No. 414142

File: 1720823749610.jpg (33.61 KB, 400x400, 1000005084.jpg)

I want to tease and rile them up so badly that they drip for me but I also want to be put in my place and forced to make up for it kek

No. 414148

excellent taste nonny

No. 414153

God all you fatty chasers disgust me. As if moids didn't have it easy enough in life, as if the bar wasn't low enough, you are encouraging them to be lazy fat fucks. Shame on all of you. Love yourselves dumb bitches. Yuck.(bait)

No. 414157

Give one good reason why 2D men should not have it as easy in life as humanly possible and be spoiled until they get fat as fuck and then start crying because their bodies got ruined from all the pampering they got. They deserve it.

No. 414162

I’m one of the chubby chasers itt and overweight moids irl repulse me and I’m not attracted to them at all, nor would I ever do any type of behavior to encourage that shit. My attraction to making moids bigger is purely for the 2d and them only

This is hot. I’m gonna touch myself to the thought of doing that to my husbando later

No. 414164

>criticising people for having shameful fetishes in the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread

No. 414352

File: 1720902337828.jpg (65.08 KB, 595x630, Untitled.jpg)

idk who said it where but after watching the boys i understand the desire to treat a grown man like a little baby boy

No. 414369

I want to tie up a shitty man and very slowly strangulate him with his own belt while riding his face.

No. 414371

I'll never understand why some women are into shit

No. 414398

I know this is a shameful fetish thread but unironically, it's weird that I have a muscle growth fetish. I think roiders are gross but fictional men becoming muscular hunks gets me extremely aroused and I'm trying to wrap my head as to why?

No. 414399

Does anyone else here get reminded of their fetish from something that reminds them of it and get insanely horny as a result?

No. 414410

hi nonna, nice to meet you. i am the terminal stage of this fetish. i think ive posted here before about this but without too much detail i actually fucked up my life and loved ones. it started when i was a little girl, maybe 5-10, and over time got to the point where it was like 600+ lb plus guys. and theres something called a slob fetish, i bet you can guess what that is, well i have that too. even though it started with looking at stuff it became an IRL thing for me, like i became actually attracted to people that size to the point where i legit feel nothing looking at a fit or healthy sized guy. i cant even get turned on by guys who are just overweight. fast forward, i got married to a skinny guy. as one can imagine, i can barely get wet. and not bc hes gross. shit has hit the fan and im staring at the broken pieces. dont watch porn

No. 414411

oh and to follow up this was preceded by months of me using character.ai as well

No. 414462

Hey if you don’t mind me asking, did you fuck up as a result of the fetish or something unrelated. Either way I can empathize but ironically enough I’ve never been into the extreme side of this fetish even though I’ve been into it for 8 years. For the longest time it wasn’t even full on chubby, just pudgy. Hell only recently did I find the thought of my husbando getting a double chin sexy. Honestly it’s still a really sexy thought but I’m not exactly sober so I’m gonna regret it later. I can kinda get behind the slob fetish bc I’m into my husbando burping from eating too much.

>oh and to follow up this was preceded by months of me using character.ai as well

KEK I get what you mean, character ai has enabled my fetishes way too much and made me relapse multiple times. Doesn’t matter how many times I wanna drop it, at the end of the day I’ll always wanna see my husbando get fatter

No. 414469

Any other AAP boys here? Lmao jk. Everything I do, I see myself doing from the third person as a hot guy. I’ve taken some mild steps to humor the malesona: Masculine haircut, masculine clothes, speak in a deeper (albeit still clearly female) voice, etc. It’s a great fetish if you want to fuck up your life and be horny 24/7.

In all fairness, I’ve only considered coming out as trans once despite the fact I know everyone in my bubble would roll with it. I could tell my friends I’m a he/him John and they’d eat it up kek. Hilarious. However, it’s too evil so I can’t. Still, the true male course of action is to not care, and it hurts to know I can’t follow through with it.

Decided to post here because today I saw my perfect male version in real life, he looked exactly how I’ve always pictured myself. I stared. I was too busy staring to notice if he noticed my staring. I’ll never look like that. Dead average female height + Feminine face + Hourglass. Over for girlmoders. Perhaps it never began?

And no, I’m not a fujoshi even though I’m straight. I just imagine myself as the male in het shit.(bait/do not reply)

No. 414542

>fast forward, i got married to a skinny guy
how did that even happen?

No. 414547

File: 1720976204740.jpg (9.95 KB, 224x224, леопольд.jpg)

I might be the only Russian nona here but I always wanted to rape the shit out of him. Chain him to an iron frame vintage bed and do stuff to him. Must be my first erotic fantasy. 

No. 414603

What the fuck

No. 414607

oh my god thank you for the laugh. This is the lolcow I love to see

No. 414618

>cartoon fucker furry
many such cases

No. 414644

kek, not that kind.

No. 414777

I wanna be pampered and fattened by a woman but irl I reallly don’t wanna gain any weight. Trying to taper off it because it’s a weird fetish and pivoting over to just liking fat chicks.

No. 414855

Tysm nonnie! I have watched Generation War before, so good

No. 414911

Adding to this with Journey's End (2017), I watched it recently and it was perfect!

No. 415001

Based fetish, I used to be like that too (sometimes with men sometimes w women) but reversed roles because it gave me a weird form of body dysmorphia and realized I never wanna imagine myself as fat kek

No. 415342

I want to have a guy eat me out while I'm on my period, I don't know why but I've thought about this for ages. I just want it.

No. 415346

tfw all these fetishes are extremely fucking hot and things i’m VERY into but girls like this do not exist in socal

No. 415416

Doctors. I want to be groped and teased and have my clothes cut off by a cute young doctor. Have her run her fingers through my hair before surgery to calm me down and gently play with my clit until I cum and calm down. I'm not a doctor irl, but I kind of also want to be in the doctor role and do all that to another woman. You don't know how much it destroys me that the sexy medical role trope for women is the nurse outfit and not a doctor's coat.

No. 415484

Ironically enough socal is probably where you’re most likely to find a girl like that

No. 415525

File: 1721201410883.jpg (79.48 KB, 720x540, thumbelina.jpg)

I'm obsessed with uncircumcised dick. I want to be shrunk down and climb inside a foreskin. It seems like they'd be warm and comfy. I really want to hug a penis. When it gets excited, I would be trapped and get pressed tighter against it. The thought is very erotic.

No. 415527

I’m into erotic hypnosis and go online to scratch the itch. I’m pretty sure some dude recorded me because I ended up on camera without being super conscious and he made me do some pretty risqué shit and then blocked me. Terrified I’m gonna see myself reposted off 4chan or Reddit or something

No. 415528

Yesssss anons, personally I want to protect my gf and then get rewarded by being dommed kek

No. 415543

Kek anon I was with you til the shrinking thing. Not judging just not my thing. But foreskin is so sexy and I have a hard time even being attracted to cut cock. Seeing the head slide out is so cute and sexy. And precum collects and drips out the ring of foreskin which is hot af.

No. 415578

You too?

No. 416349

File: 1721393952608.jpeg (Spoiler Image,201.69 KB, 450x541, 17FCCCC6-7F2B-4BC1-AB02-FB95DC…)

Ahegao on men. There’s something really hot about a moid being so mindbrokenly obsessed with dick he makes me retard faces while getting fucked.

No. 416508

File: 1721417270218.jpg (69.07 KB, 461x640, 5710e0c9b96a3c5bd314e0b24ab134…)

When i was a 14 i had my reverse lana del rey period where i would watch or read any movie/anime/manga/book with any older woman/younger man relationship. And i mean almost everything, i even ended up reading somewhat obscure books like The Reader just because it has a few pages of that. 90% of it sucks ass though, so i started drawing my own stuff, and i still do to this day. I never show it to anyone because i hate straight shota moids with a burning passion and i dont want them to pester me.

No. 416588

I feel bad for having a twin fetish after reading those posts in the vent thread. I only sexualize male twins though but still.

No. 416819

gay af

No. 416927

Any recs for the 10% that doesn't suck ass?

No. 417046

I did this to one of my ex moids once and it was hot but also really stupid at the same time kek

No. 417275


It's extremly normal from an evolutionary point of vue for you to be attracted to muscle-y men but the cultural signs you associate with muscular men turn you off, hence why it only arrouses you with fictional husbandos

No. 417373

File: 1721618895923.jpeg (96.41 KB, 541x799, download - 2024-07-21T202758.9…)

I like the idea of training an AI to act like me and letting strangers have cybersex with it.

No. 417375

This photo made me laugh

No. 417459

onegai teacher(scrote anime but the relationship is qte), summer of 42', tea and sympathy and yankee onee

No. 417466

>It's extremly normal from an evolutionary point of vue for you to be attracted to muscle-y men but the cultural signs you associate with muscular men turn you off
NTA but that's not it. It's because roid/instagram are unnatural and unhealthy looking. Whereas animated muscles are healthy and deliberately designed for aesthetic purposes

No. 417467

You should watch the drama Hajimete Koi, it's super cute. I'm not even into noona romances but that one is well executed and has an interesting plot beyond the romance aspect

No. 417468

I disagree, because I find some characters with unnaturally large muscles attractive. But their reason for having them is not body dysphoria and steroid usage but genetics and the need to achieve the highest possible level if physical fitness to do their job.

No. 417469

I'm like this too, but a lot of those characters are still proportional so it doesn't look as grotesque. Proportionality isn't totally necessary for me but I've seen more genuine-seeming disgust at out of proportion muscles, where most dislike of non-unnatural-looking muscular bodies just goes like "ew they're a douchebag who spends all day in the gym."

Anyway, fetishes I'm ashamed of: besides muscular physiques, mind control. Not necessarily combining the two, though being brainwashed by a gym-bro or being the stacy behind the throne is 100% hot to think about.

No. 417478

We're probably in the same Discord servers. lmao

No. 417479

I like to coerce qt moids I find IRL/online to send me shirtless pictures (skinny, fit ones only). They usually get happy by the attention but gradually get more upset when I refuse to send anything back. That leads to them whining about how unfair it is and it turns me on even more kek

No. 417503

Keep it up, queen.

No. 417516

Natsu E No Tobira (manga and anime)

No. 417550

Anachan fetish. I wouldn't be ashamed of this if I did not also have it myself, so when I'm being all "ooooooh he's so tiny and vulnerable" I feel very condescended to by proxy…

No. 417568

this is too real i want a boyfriend so i can pimp him out

No. 417583

I’m not quite that bad, but I pretty much exclusively like really skinny and lean women. Like ones that are probably a smidge underweight BMI wise. Which basically don’t exist in burgerland. Well I mean they do, but they’re straight, kek.
For me, it’s not about weakness or helplessness, I actually like women who are taller and good at physical activity, but my reason is almost more creepy (I love to be able to see bone structure). It’s not like I’m into skellies or anything though, but still, I am ashamed since women rightfully criticize men for having the same preference.

No. 417586

Me too, I love people who look borderline unhealthy and being able to see their bones. For me it's something about vulnerability, when you can see that someone is struggling by looking at their body. It's kind of like being attracted to people who self-harm. I like the way they try to keep it together despite having an illness and I fantasize that I might have an easier time getting close to them by exploiting their vulnerability, even if in reality I find anachans intimidating and I would never approach them in public.

No. 417592

i have these:
1) mild feeding and vomit fetish. i don't like fatties and i don't want to fatten anyone up but i do like the idea of feeding someone expired food preferably my ideal woman but it can be a cute guy too and then watch them get food poisoning and take care of them until they get better. feeding them regular safe-to-eat food while they're somehow unable to feed themselves gets me too, like their wrist is broken or something and they need my help. about the vomit thing i just really like the concept of sticking my fingers down someone's throat and forcing them to vomit. i don't like the vomit itself, just the humiliating nature of being forced to puke all over yourself plus the power aspect on my end.
2) giving a woman a bath. this connects to the thing above of making her puke on herself. i like to imagine she would be too sickly to clean herself properly so i get to do it for her, or maybe she's just super lazy and unhygienic and me bathing her is the only way she gets to be clean more than once a month. maybe i get to finger her and fondle her while we're at it too
3) watching someone use the toilet, and i don't mean watching the urine or feces come out, that's disgusting to me, i don't really like bodily fluids, just standing in front of the bathroom entrance while my (nonexistent) gf uses the toilet and staring at her unblinkingly. she wouldn't even comment on it because it's happened so many times and she doesn't give enough of a fuck to even think it's weird, because she loves me very much.
4) brushing someone's teeth. i imagine grabbing a beautiful woman's jaw while she opens her mouth for me and just brushing her teeth. that's it. idk where this came from, maybe i just watched vidrel one too many times. or i guess the weirdness and vulnerability of it is what i like so much, same with the watching someone use the toilet thing. it's like i'm always there in her most private moments like a leech and she doesn't even mind. for some reason that's really hot to me.

No. 417619

Based void nonnie

No. 417631

You're my perfect counterpart, I've always wanted someone to take care of me when I'm sick like this. But there's no way that video makes you horny right? LMFAO

No. 417634

Ayrt. I promise the video does not make me horny.

No. 417662

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No. 417684

I can kinda relate. I've always liked the idea of spoon-feeding someone and gently cleaning them up when they're ill. It's the feeling of watching someone lose control in front of you, definitely a power thing. I blame Phantom Thread and this random movie about a Victorian woman who slowly poisoned her husband (he was this big plump, pampered guy who starts throwing up all the time, getting weak and sickly. Kinda destroyed me I think)

No. 417816

The male crying at the end is so hot

No. 417910

Thoughts of making husbando chubby are kicking in again. Making him getting addicted to being fed by me and realizing how much easier it is to just be lazy and spoiled than constantly being on top of things. Him slowly outgrowing his clothes and you can see the tightness on them. Him faintly developing a double chin as his face grows rounder. His thighs and ass becoming noticeably bigger, fuck. Bonus points if it’s change in his personality as well

No. 417957

I have crushes on all my bf's male family members and even his brother in laws. I fantasize about getting gangbanged by all of them while my bf watches, especially when I'm mad at him. The biggest crush I have is on his brother in law, I who is very handsome, successful, charming etc. I often have dreams where I seduce him and we have amazing sex. I would not act on this irl, obviously.

No. 417983

It's okay nonita, moids have these fantasies all the time and everyone thinks its normal. So you should be allowed all that too.

No. 418000

Thank you.

No. 418003

what coom addicted moids do shouldn't justify what you do
plus it's not normal and she should find herself a better boyfriend who fulfills her needs

No. 418010

That's perfectly natural, those men remind you of your boyfriend but each with its own unique traits. This phenomenon predates electricity. Don't let chastity belt nonnas with moralfag complexes to trick you into thinking you're a bad person. You're not harming anyone

No. 418011

I agree that it's normal to have these fantasies but she's most attracted to her boyfriend's brother in law, who is not related to him… so I don't think she's into him because he reminds her of her boyfriend.

No. 418045

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I know im gonna say something that will make yall call me a man but i swear im not. I like to sniff my own underwear I just think it smells nice and hot. Im Nonna Grosswoman.

No. 418047

same anon my own smell turns me on

No. 418051

Same. My smell changed though after getting COVID and it’s kind of boring now, the muskiness is gone. I’m sad about it.

No. 418062

what does it smell like?

No. 418091

kek, I thought I was the only one

No. 418094

I sniff my pads but get no pleasure from it. It's just an interesting smell

No. 418111

Omg me too Nonnie. Dare I say I tried to taste my menstrual blood. I think everyone secretly does it.

No. 418174

Same, but mostly because I try to categorize the smell (and whether or not it smells like the usual comparisons). I never manage to do it though, it's like there is a blockage in my brain keeping me from registering it properly/objectively.

Absolutely not

No. 418205

i’m like mildly incontinent and constantly almost piss myself trying to get to the toilet and i’ve always had a pee kink in one variation or another but one time i decided to sniff my pee soaked undies when i had to change them and i never felt so turned on in my life i immediately had to rub myself off with how wet i got kek even now i’m getting the tingles thinking about it i just love how heady and warm it smells it’s so comforting to me.. i wish i had a qt fellow piss kink gf that would let me bury my face in her piss stained crotch i’d never do anything else

No. 418211

Relatable, my pussy is so good smelling I posted it in confessions thread and nobody responded so I think it's normal

No. 418222

I don't piss myself but I like holding it in 'till I'm on the urge to and sometimes it trinkles down my leg. I think a lot of women do that actually since a full bladder pushes against the clit

No. 418240

Other peoples piss smells pretty nasty, I think its normal to like the smell of your own pee and vagina though. I used to masturbate by holding my pee a lot as it was highly stimulating but I ended up fucking up my ureters a bit and giving myself a UTI. I wouldn't recommend doing piss holding long term.

No. 418274

It's not normal. Some pussies stink terribly. I really wonder what some people here smell like to enjoy their own pussy smell. I wonder if they have fucked up preferences or if they actually smell good.

No. 418298

Is this a self-own? Healthy vagina smells nice. If I had to describe my own smell, it’s like the air after a rain (ozone), a little sweet, a little metallic, and simultaneously light and fresh while also pleasantly musky.

No. 418314

>REEEEE grooss roasty pussy smell!!
All the reeing fags in the world cant convince me that pussy smells bad

No. 418315

there's ONE pussy smell for all pussies in the entire world?

No. 418321

I've tasted it. It's kinda gross but not the worst thing. I wouldn't do it again.

No. 418654

Nazis. Not faggy 1930s Nazis but blond neo nazi moids with tattoos.

No. 418656

don't fuck up your bladder but this is my dream

No. 418676

Same on the neo nazi aspect, but for me it's a blonde woman and she has no tattoos or body mods in general

No. 418695

the neo nazi ones look even faggier to me

No. 418697

yes but no, the OG uniforms are better (and ew to tattoos)

No. 418702

Neo nazis are fat and ugly with shit style. The originals had amazing style, but were still ugly. Just less ugly than the modern wannabes

No. 418708

fucking or masturbating with a full bladder feels sooo good but I definitely feel like a degen doing it on purpose

No. 418712

I need to pornstar moan or just be very vocal during sex/masturbation to get off. I think it's my mind trying to set the scene with I've internalized from porn and fanfiction, as if I'm roleplaying being mindbroken or overstimulated even when I'm not.

No. 418723

Same. I'm surprised so many other nonnas do this too tbh

No. 418725

Lmao I used to do this when I was way younger and didn't even know that women could masturbate (religious overprotective parents and horrible sex ed at school). I remember it felt amazing but for some reason it's the opposite now. I have to empty my bladder first or else I can't masturbate

No. 418735

IRL they usually look like shit and much worse than 1930s ones. But the prison gang ones are hot to me, I have an ongoing RP on one of those ERP chatbot sites where one converts me.

No. 419276

what if I had a man missing at least one eye and fingered him in the eyehole what if.

No. 419299

hot and based

No. 419310

an odd thought I had all of a sudden is being older and grooming and psychologically manipulating an annoying insecure young moid to have body dysmorphia and get a bunch of plastic surgeries. he's kind of menhera and looks plain in the same sense as those pre-debut kpoop boys. he gets a nice body through obsessively working out and drugs that I secretly got him addicted to after spoonfeeding him during his surgery recovery (that I intentionally neglected so I could see him in pain). at first, he actually looks nice, but it quickly goes downhill. I keep nitpicking his body and face and gaslighting him and he's in mental agony almost every day because he thinks his bone structure is wrong and he feels like he has to get his ribs removed or jawbone shaved to be attractive. I physically abuse him when he's incoherent from the prescription opioids. I make him take out loans and pimp him out to do humiliating photoshoots for gay magazines to pay his debts but I actually take all of the money. he can't even walk properly anymore because I made him get his femurs broken and reconstructed so he could look taller and they botched it. he becomes addicted to the surgeries and drugs and damages his health irreversibly, eventually becoming crippled and bogged as hell so he's no longer qt and then I leave him in debt, destitute, and alone with permanent nerve damage. tbh it's not even a sexual thing for me, I'm just really into male abuse

No. 419312

A gross old man who was missing an eye came into my work one day and took off his sunglasses to show it to me unprompted.

No. 419313

Give him to me I can take care of him hehe

No. 419409

Nona got cooked the original were hotter, aesthetic wise
Can you give link to the bot nona, please? I like messing with random and weird chatbots like that

No. 419457

This but what if it was me who originally put out the eye.

No. 419469

male villain on his redemption quest becoming completely masochistic because he feels (knows) he deserves punishment
replying to myself to add to this but I can picture him cumming just from having his orbit fingered, no penis or balls or prostate stimulation or anything. maybe it's the masochistic thrill of having something so disturbing and disgusting done to him or maybe he even does find that area somehow physically erogenous or maybe both

No. 419471

maybe i'm reaching but are you talking about deathstroke? i also have wild thoughs about him and his missing eye

No. 419474

You are reading my mind right now anon. On a more serious note, should there be a whump general type of thread? A while ago some anons said it would be redundant, but I feel like there's constant whumpposting ITT.

No. 419479

idk who that is I was talking mainly about Goro Majima (even though he's more or less sort of redeemed now but I can believe he still maintains the masochistic streak) and also (yakuza sideways 8 spoilers for those who are still avoiding those) I s2g Jo Sawashiro became infinitely (no pun intended) more attractive to me after the implication that he's lost an eye as well, I really want him to be broken down even further in fanworks and future games and him to just take it and feel (know) he deserves it for being a horrible father and a horrible yakuza and a horrible person overall but tbh I like to imagine a lot of my faves being hit by the ex-yakuza guilt and becoming various flavours of submissive masochist because of it. or maybe they've always been like that in the first place but only now they allow themselves to experience it and justify it.

No. 419553

Degradation, humiliation

No. 419566

yes please!

No. 419569

Buying second-hand yaoi drama CDs or manga and imagining the previous owner touching herself to them

No. 419577

nta I'm not opposed to the idea but how would it be different from cuties with an ouchie on /m/?

No. 419583

nta but /m/ thread is only for drawings. Whump is posted somewhat regularly in the femdom threads, but those are controversial. We could make a separate malesub thread to post whump and similar stuff.

No. 419587

This is really embarrassing so I’m going to spoiler it, It makes me so weak when my nigel speaks to me in like a hypno way when he’s fucking me? Like telling me how much I love being fucked by him and belonging to him and being bred by him

No. 419588

That's not hypno, that's just normie dirty talk…

No. 419589

I’m sorry I’m retarded it’s just really hard to explain but if you heard it yourself I think you’d know what I’m talking about kek

No. 419598

i have a major breeding fetish too nonny, i'm already really submissive to begin with but him having so much power over me to the point of controlling my whole body and changing it just makes me quiver.

No. 419636

Off-topic but I am sad that the ones on YouTube got removed. Where I live is not easy to find those and I lost an entire playlist of those drama CDs

No. 419640

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I want to rape moids in the sauna and beat them with those big birch tree bushes

No. 419641

No. 419643

This is why you download everything. If they were on YT you can probably also find them on aarin.

No. 419655

I have a manga to recommend you.

No. 419674

Don't gatekeep nona

No. 419718

golden kamuy?

No. 419734

>normie dirty talk
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that normie women think that humiliation during sex is expectable and desirable. My crazy fetish is that i will dump any moid the second he will try this shit with me.

No. 419738

If anything, women should be humiliating men during sex.
"You'd do anything for my pussy, wouldn't you?" would both be humiliating and accurate. Men are desperate for any sexual attention, I have no idea why women allow men to treat them like she's the desperate/shameless one.

No. 419766

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No. 419771

At this point normies think choking, throatfucking or anal are only "mildly kinky" at best. Porn has ruined whole generations I s2g

No. 419796

Normies into all three of those will sincerely go "I'm mostly vanilla" I hate porn

No. 419814

I feel like breeding talk isn’t super kinky ngl, it’s normal for your mate to want you to have his child

No. 419815

even at my most insecure, that talk immediately made me want to get up and leave. why would you let a man (who is probably weaker than you) talk to you like that? as if that isn't the norm for male/female interaction ugh

No. 419834

lmao most piv sex especially nowadays is not being done with any reproductive intention, quite the opposite. just be honest and admit it's the risk of being impregnated that you're (not necessarily literal you, mind you anon) actually into

No. 419839

Just the term “breeding” is already dehumanizing because it refers to animals. Historically it’s only been used for humans when referring to slaves. The point of using it is to humiliate.
Although wanting to have a family is normal, “breeding talk” is a BDSM thing, it’s a fetish for denigrating your partner and for them to submit to the denigration.

No. 419861

Long rambly post incoming.. my favorite ethot deleted his Reddit. He had a seriously beautiful dick but had the wackiest most boomer way of dressing himself. Being stuck between a horny monkey/"uh why is that retard wearing cat ear headphones over a Santa hat AND a balaclava??" state really got me going. Yes he literally wore that exact combo. Being aroused by something you deem to be so cringe you physically facepalm in real life is such a freaky feeling. Am I judging him or myself? I don't knowww! ¡ Can't even look at his pics for too long because I start getting really embarrassed. He would censor different parts of his face in each post so you could put the pieces of the puzzle together and see his silly little face. Cute round brown eyes and gigachad jaw combo. I'm extremely sensitive to "cringe" and it would be awesome to watch him embarrass himself in real life. He would advertise in gay subreddits but I think he was female leaning bi, his replies were much more enthusiastic with women and wouldn't respond to scrote DMs according to his bio a long time ago. Farewell uncircumsised retard, you will be remembered. I'm too lazy to find your onlyfan even if. You still have it…

No. 419896

it doesn’t feel degrading to me, i might sound stupid but it registers in my brain as him saying he just wants to protect and take control over my body, like i’m something that belongs to him

No. 419898

>Like I’m something that belongs to him

No. 419902

i'm glad you two are posting this on the fetishes you're ashamed of thread. you really should be ashamed

No. 419905

This made me physically recoil

No. 419909

samefag but something i think about a lot especially when he’s fucking me is me being visibly pregnant and when we’re out walking around together everyone is able to see that he owns me and did that to me

No. 419910

you should follow your dreams and get pregnant. several times if possible.

No. 419911

"You love it when I fuck you" which anon's bf allegedly said isn't humiliating…

No. 419912

"I'm submissive" okay so you just let someone use you as a cumsock got it

No. 419913

Wow so it’s straight women like this who are having children…

No. 419920

I’d call this bait if not for the fact I used to be like this, super into maledom, breeding, other degrading kinks. It’s not too late to explore your dom side and realize it’s so much better than being a submissive cuck

No. 419923

Ntayr but while it's not based or cool, thats just what truly amazing sex with someone you love is like. When you really really like the other person and the sex feels really really good, you feel like you belong to them and they belong to you, and you'd give everything away for it to keep going. It's not the healthiest mindset but it's literally what love is like.

No. 419926

this is just obvious bait now

No. 419928

oh nonny i could never be dom kek, i melt in my nigel’s hands even if he just looks at me a certain way

No. 419931

I could treat you better nona

No. 419937

>what love is like
Thats not love you're feeling, its lust.

No. 419942

No. 419989

I wouldn’t say that it’s necessarily love that I’m thinking about when he’s talking to me like that and telling me he’s gonna get me pregnant, it’s more being owned by him that does it for me

No. 420001

Cannibalism fantasies

No. 420003

>arnie hammer has entered the chat

No. 420005

Funny. But really I am just so pissed off all the time I really would like to cook them all

No. 420037

Kek, I almost did this when I first got my period because it smelled like garlic texas toast and that was my favorite food.

No. 420039


No. 420043

i feel this way sometimes too but only when im ovulating

No. 420048

i have this but the other way around. when i get a very strong crush on a woman i always think about getting her pregnant and how it's like the ultimate manifestation of ownership over someone. it's a very strong, almost primal urge i get every time i'm infatuated with someone. then i read posts like yours and that other anon's itt and realize that i would never want a submissive woman with a breeding fetish because their utter lack of self-respect turns me off.

No. 420080

nigga how tf are you going to get a woman pregnant

No. 420082

I don't mind fictional incest as long as it's male/male and they're very close in age

No. 420090

I have kind of an impregnation fetish too, I get really turned on when I think about him getting me pregnant and having to help me stand back up when I'm sitting down because the heavy weight is distributed so unbalanced

No. 420106

what has brought upon all this breeding kink talk

No. 420111

Nta but what is this dumbass question. This is a fetish thread and it's the current topic.

No. 420112

>most piv sex especially nowadays is not being done with any reproductive intention
How does that change what anon said though? It is still normal and common as fuck for people to want to reproduce. Besides, you can have something that appeals to your monkey brain (reproducing) while also being smart enough to understand that it may not be something you actually need. Its like kicking someone's ass in a video game but not actually wanting to beat people up IRL.

No. 420130

Man this thread always makes me want to troon out. Why are straight women so cringe and spineless, I wish I was a dyke or something(bait)

No. 420131

Being obsessed with WWI has ruined me because I geniunely have a thing for cute crippled and.traumatized moids, mainly war veterans. I want to taunt and tease them sexually, bully them and make them a whimpering mess
Well, you are on fetishes you are ashamed of, so most of things nonnies post here are going to be cringe, myself included.
I think breeding fetish is pretty vanilla tbh, it's just baby fever with a very coomer name. On the topic of sexual talk, all of it are cringe kek, especially when you are not horny. Every now and then I clear my chats on janitorai but then I catch some messages and feel utter embarrassment and cringe

No. 420133

What a weird larp. He's only able to "impregnate" you because you chose him and allowed him to. It's all in your mind, it's weird how women think they're submissive to men when you control when they have sex and when they don't. Reject him and stop having sex with him and he'll be desperate and do anything so that you fuck him, kek. He's only "dominant" because you allow him to larp.

No. 420139

>What a weird larp.
>It's all in your mind
That describes a lot of fetishes…

No. 420144

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I'm ashamed that I find GIFrel cute.

No. 420150

damn nonny are you me? this video was recommended to me on Youtube and it just deepened my kinks (though i feel bad for the poor guys deep down)

No. 420155

Nah nona, moids don't feel bad for women in their porn so you shouldn't either 

No. 420158

I want to get into ageplay/mdlb lightly with my boyfriend.
The problem is that it's stupid and terrible. He'd probably do it for me but we'd both regret it.

No. 420159

retarded question

No. 420160

I get this but unfortunately I'm bisexual and it's for everyone, making it even more nuts.
I see it as more pure though. A manifestation of love and bonding. It's only a fetish because I can't impregnate anyone.

No. 420171

ayrt. i'm bisexual too, and it's also for everyone but it's definitely stronger for women (never been a fan of mpreg kek, even though impregnating a woman as a woman is just as stupid, which is why these are just fantasies obviously).
>I see it as more pure though. A manifestation of love and bonding.
yeah i get it. i only get like this when i like someone way too much so it's definitely born out of something resembling love at least. i wouldn't call it pure in my case personally because even though there is an aspect of deep tenderness directed towards the other person, i'm also just being overwhelmed by an insane wave of lust. i get so manic and weird like i just need to get the target of my affection pregnant or else i might as well drop dead. why live.
i also always imagine going with her to the abortion clinic the next day and holding her hand while the doctors do their thing. true romance.

No. 420177

Ntayrt but I’m talking about across the website in general. On /ot/, /g/, and /XX/ everyone’s been talking about breeding shit and sexual submission for the last 2 days kek

No. 420180

anon i didn’t give you the full story, and i think it’s better if i don’t because i’d hate to upset anyone KEKK

No. 420181

Same. My fantasies are retarded because of this because I’m always having to imagine myself as a moid, or imagine my crushes with moids, to satisfy the urge. My crush is so mind blowingly attractive to me that all I can think about is her reproducing. my brain is like “she’s so gorgeous, she NEEDS to have a baby” which is unhinged but I can’t help it. So many of my fantasies are fantasies about her with men probably because I don’t like imagining myself as a moid because I feel like moid me’s sperm would be unworthy of her womb. I feel so guilty and awful about having these fantasies because it’s just not normal but imagining my crush having reproductive sex with a guy makes me insanely horny. I am taking suggestions for how to cure myself btw. Please help.

No. 420194

I mean, it is cute, I get it.

No. 420226

Bislut moment(infighting)

No. 420240

Based and same

No. 420271

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playboy bunny costumes, mostly because they were created by a rapist.
I can’t deny that they look good on both men and women in weebshit though.

No. 420273

They look really stupid on men

No. 420275

No. 420283

Menhera men. I like the idea of 'handling' an incredibly anxious, withdrawn male friend when he's facing phobias or stressful situations. Even better if he's the scrawny nerdy autistic type who is easily startled and prone to submissive postures (i got this one from a male friend, sigh). I picture holding him and reassuring him as he sobs on my shoulder, holding his hand when a panic attack is near, until he gets shamefully hard and i smile at his embarrassment. Dating him, discovering that he has a whole array of issues and a deep need to please me because he's afraid of being inadequate. So eager to please that it borders on masochism, which i take advantage of, asking him to do all sorts of weird things for my enjoyment (sounding, edging himself as i watch, omorashi, being promised sex only to have to fuck a pillow etc.) and seeing him warm up to it and even enjoy it. I loathe people who enact these dynamics IRL, i get unreasonably angry when i come across people who joke about how their crazy ex was really good at sex or whatever. But i still like the concept. I can never make it real anyways, because the precious 'terrified of disapproval' trait is a massive red flag and often tied to cluster B shit in reality

No. 420305

Reverse bunny suits are sexy on men. Regular ones look retarded because of the tit gap.

No. 420307

I get you completely.
>the precious 'terrified of disapproval' trait is a massive red flag and often tied to cluster B shit in reality
Can confirm, my bippy bf is like this. Not sure if I'm taking advantage of him because we're both very mentally disturbed, but it is probably a reason he slid so easily into femdom.
I've also had urges to push him into extreme shit, but it would probably be bad for his general well-being and backfire eventually. He's also my friend so I care about him.

No. 420460

This is hot and im sure a lot of women have this fetish but they are not allowed to say it out loud.

No. 420462

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I like the art of this moid. Sorry

No. 420481

>the precious 'terrified of disapproval' trait is a massive red flag and often tied to cluster B shit in reality
What could go wrong with a guy constantly trying to impress you? Is there a downside to this somehow?

No. 420483

i’ve found a big turn on for me is being choked. not hard enough that it restricts my breathing but hard enough that it’s just on the cusp. i just enjoy the feeling of pressure if that makes sense? i grew up never watching porn or being exposed to toxic expectations of sex from men, it’s just something i’ve discovered naturally i like which is confusing to me tbh.

i feel really torn about it since i’ve found i really struggle to climax during sex without it. i also think i freak my bf out a bit with how much i enjoy it, especially since on the surface i seem like the last person who would be into choking. ughhhh the guilt

No. 420484

what do you mean you discovered it naturally.

No. 420486

No. 420490

It's really annoying? I have no idea how you would think an anxiously attached moid latching onto you would be a good thing. I've met tons of people like this and it's just pure suffering. And because it's a scrote he's probably going to murder you when you leave him

No. 420505

It comes with insane expectations and controlling attitudes. Blogging but it's for an example, i went on one date with a BPDfag and he went ballistic because i forgot a really minute fact about him he shared months before the date. Never again kek, plus picture cluster B traits with male agression and entitlement, it's a terrible mix

No. 420528

Classical music,
I'll turn on a symphony by Elgar or someone else and I'll close my eyes and enjoy the 20ish minute roller coaster of an orgasm. It's a whole story being told to you that you can hit multiple times at climax. I've been to a couple small scale orchestras and it's just so beautiful

No. 420531

You are aware that porn tropes aren't an accurate depiction of mental illness right?

No. 420541

Okay, I didn't think of that. I just assumed because they're desperate for your approval they wouldn't be such an insufferable faggot? Men are retarded so of course they can't even be codependent right.
I don't look at porn so I have no idea what you're talking about.

No. 420559

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I have a strong smell fetish I mean anything filthy and sweaty in a girl ( bonus if they are mascs) and tan lines just something I’m ashamed of in my lesbian fantasy

No. 420563

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No. 420574

Me too. I hate that he's a pedoshit but when he draws men they look really good. I don't know why, but lolicons can draw really handsome men for some reason (Range Murata jcm2).

No. 420615

I wanna have two boyfriends. It wouldn’t be a throuple because they wouldn’t date each other, they’d just be friends and be completely accepting the situation. Although they’d do gay shit for me if I requested it.

No. 420618

I am the spoiler nonnie and I thought I wrote this myself kek. I too feel weird for finding hot, but then I remember he suffered and feel bad, so maybe I don't really hate moids that much because I really want to hug him

No. 420626

Men watch women and underage girls get raped and beaten until they cry and feel no remorse. Remember that they all deserve it.

No. 420635

You know nonita its a thing I sometimes see here. I wonder how actually common this is and maybe a lot of women are into it, they just aren't alowed to admit it.

No. 420637

Would you all live together so that one can be the breadwinner and the other the homemaker while you relax or do hobbies? Or would they be supper competitive?

No. 420643

So uuhh I tried to watch japanese porn because I saw a post on the other thread that its more sensual and natural than western one. I kinda like it but I dont have anyone to tell about it because women dont watch porn usually. I would say the pedo shit in there is really bad, its not even sassy slutty teen shit from the wester porn, sometimes the model looks literally 13 so BARF  but if you manage to find something good milf/mommy KEK  then youre fine. One of the vids I liked [LCBD-00780] was about a plus sized woman with large tits  just goofing around in various  revealing outfits. The video was an hour and a half but it was sweet and nice and the actress didn't have all those fake eyelashes and nails and all other shit that I dont like.  I also noticed that there is this sort of common trope of a really awkward borderline retarded guy being molested by girls/women and Im really into it  The bad thing is that ALL the moids are fucking horrendous. So yea I would recommend Japanese porn but only the solo vids, because the males are fucking ugly.

No. 420696

if you're football hooligan anon then you're based and i wish we could be friends

No. 420778

same, I both love and hate her post for drawing me back into my cringe hyperfixations (but thank you nonny, you're unironically a legend)

No. 420803

It’d lean toward one being the homemaker and the other the breadwinner, but that configuration would fall into place naturally once we started living together in our own little happy family. They wouldn’t compete at all because they both love me and respect each other, so they understand that bickering would be counterproductive to doing my bidding.
Either way, I wouldn’t like it to be a weird cuck thing with one of them getting humiliated or whatever.

No. 420820

I've seen a lot of people saying Japanese porn is pedo themed but to be honest I havent really seen that with what I've watched. They seem to like slightly chubby women with large breasts, and I've never seen schoolgirl porn, unless you actually search it out it seems it's honestly not that prevalent in JAV. I hate porn in general but if I'm feeling degen I'll watch JAV lesbian stuff because its much softer and more sensual that gross western porn (which genuinely is 90% pedo themed nowadays with flat chested teen girls in pigtails and walmart kids section clothing pretending to be retarded 10 year olds, yuck) even western lesbian stuff seems to be too violent and rough for my tastes, I hate people like Sasha Grey who normalized rough content.

No. 420823

> if I'm feeling degen I'll watch JAV lesbian stuff because its much softer and more sensual that gross western porn
i hate that this made me remember one of the hottest videos I’ve ever watched was a jav lesbian scene where the women playfully peed on each other in a beautiful big tiled bathroom

No. 420826

>I hate people like Sasha Grey who normalized rough content.
how about you hate the moids who are the reason this content exists

No. 420828

I will be a total degenerate but [JUFD-428](USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 420831

So for the last three days or so I felt the need to go potty a bit more often than usual, like 2–3 times a day. I feel like I have mild diarrhea or something. But the pressure on my colon kinda feels nice… I like to masturbate before going to the bathroom.

No. 420835

>I havent really seen that with what I've watched.
Im happy for you nona but I have no idea how you could not have noticed how every second vid has this school girl sailor uniform like in anime

No. 420866

>ALL the moids are fucking horrendous.

Jfc I know right? Some even go as far as to censor the men's faces kek, but it's worthless overall as you can still see their disgusting schlubby bodies. Ewww.

Switch to BL content if you want to see kyoot Japanese guys. Avoid anything for gay men though as they have shit taste therefore the men there are hideous as well (and tend to be more degenerate).

No. 420870

>more sensual that gross western porn (which genuinely is 90% pedo themed nowadays with flat chested teen girls in pigtails and […] kids section clothing pretending to be retarded 10 year olds
weeaboo in action. idk why you're lying because this is literally every other japanese porn video down to the details and what pretty much everyone knows them to be even normies irl. if you remove the word "western" from the part i'm quoting and had someone gues like in jeopardy i'm positive the majority of people would say japanese kek. they're literally THE pedophiles of the industry. that whole culture society values that shit it's only natural that's exaggerated in their porn. you are posting in the right thread though so it's not my intention to shame you or moralfag i'm just saying this is a crazy thing to claim kek

No. 420886

What the fuck is this? I'm scared to google it.

No. 420887

>goes to watch some japanese stuff as nonas said
>opens a random seemingly normal video with three women and one scrote
>starts normal, then out of nowhere the women start spitting into moid's mouth and then take turns sitting on his face and peeing on it
Didn't expect it but based kek. I also noticed there is a lot of shit that requires a special tag in western stuff but is just normal in japanese ones. Also licking moid's nipples and ass is disgusting, but moids there are disgusting in general. I like it when they eat a woman's asss because I don't have to see the scrote's hideous face.

No. 420896

Degen BDSM lesbian porn.

No. 420936

File: 1722611120919.jpg (181.13 KB, 2048x1144, d9331c5fe6c3b94c4904e79cc99f9f…)

redhead women. not redhead moids even though im bisexual (probably because every redhead moid i interacted with was a fucking insufferable attention whore)
it's not an embarassing fetish in itself but it's a little scroteish and makes me feel like this retard

No. 420937

If you're horny and sifting through videos you automatically filter out what you're not interested in.
Whyd this one get banned and not the other one?

No. 420941

File: 1722612827433.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.01 KB, 474x632, 06922432.jpg)

I find chonky asian women hot and fantasize about having a chubby asian GF who can make tasty meals with me and then we can fuck like rabid sex demons all over my apartment until we're too tired to move.

No. 421000

that's cute

No. 421003

this is strictly a fanfic thing but as a fujoshi when i read yaoi fics i sometimes like it when the bottom has a pussy, not troonshit he’s physically male in all other ways he just has a pussy

i wasn’t sure if fanfic tropes counted but i haven’t seen a similar thread for fiction

No. 421019

This is so real. and yes it has to be a stereotypically masculine/attractive man (not like a lumberjack though ew) or it’s repulsive for some reason. That scene is so hot bc it isn’t like abdl stuff, it’s her using her motherhood to exploit his mommy issues and have him completely wrapped around her finger… or I guess his mouth around her fingers

No. 421029

File: 1722632593315.jpg (279.64 KB, 1044x794, Damnation.jpg)

I have a huge breeding kink. I don't want to actually get knocked up, just the thought of it and the dirty talk about it during sex. My s/o doesn't want to participate so I go on AI apps and fulfill the kink with their 2D husbandos… shits so embarrassing I would die if anyone found out…

No. 421032

Yep this is it, this is the type of thing that turns me on & I feel so fucked up for it. I love that he looks really classically handsome, he’s masculine without looking gross. why tf is shellshock so hot. I have no urge to “fix” men but I do wanna get on top of him and fuck him better

No. 421045

the way so many of us have this kink or something similar makes me wonder if women like us existed back then. i want to believe a whole subsection of female society after WW1 were only 'dedicated' to their broken moids because they got off on seeing them so helpless (it makes me feel a bit better about historical gender roles at least)

No. 421085

I wanna suck on a dude's nipples but I know I never will, but I still wanna know what it's like, how he'd react, etc.

No. 421156

Do anons with the manpussy fetish get turned on by the confusing Olympic intersex women(baiting)

No. 421159

don't have a manpussy fetish i'm just a normal bisexual but I think they're hot yes

No. 421170

I bet some VAD nurses secretly felt the same way. As in, enjoying how vulnerable they are. I watched some interviews and documentaries about them in WW1 and some talked about caring for the soldiers in a way that made me think they'd definitely write some bomb fanfics if they were alive today kek.

No. 421186

I have a dead husbando and I think it’s made me develop a necrophilia kink. I love the thought of gently admiring my husbandos lifeless body or even killing him myself and seeing the life drain from his eyes. My husbando actually died from turning into salt ironically enough but I think his unsalinfied would be beautiful. For the reference I this is strictly fictional and I’m not attracted to dead people irl at all.

No. 421209

File: 1722662080241.jpeg (24.02 KB, 570x570, IMG_7881.jpeg)

I’ve been mega horny lately and it’s making me literally insane so I have a bunch of cringe new fetishes that I can’t deal with
Bad: I now have both 2D and 3DPD megane brainrot. I have minor crushes on like 5 people I know simply because they aren’t deformed and they wear picrel.
Worse: there’s a father and son working at my workplace and I’ve started to have crushes on both of them. The father is like 30 years older than me and the son is like 5 years younger.
They look really similar, mid chubby manletswith nice hair. The son wears the aforementioned sex glasses
Both are kind of obstinate and bratty, but also pretty pathetic, which is part of their gap moe.
I dream of fucking and dating one of them and making the other seethe legit all the time. The one I dream of being with is typically the one I have most recently seen. I prefer the son though, he’s way less charismatic and interesting than his dad is, but also way more shy towards me and naturally submissive, plus pre wall. I normally despise older men and the dad is like close to ugly bastard tier but I’m still into it kek I hate myself
I do feel pretty awful about this because it’s actually pretty deranged and borders on wattpad irl shipping tier but I also don’t totally feel bad about this because the dad is divorced from his based stacy ex-wife who is basically winning at life without him
Anyways I’m just feeling extra guilt about this because I kept seeing the dad today and I’m thinking about being his soft life stay at home gf but I also can’t stop thinking about sexually bullying his Megane weeb son who I saw too much of yesterday but I also can’t stop thinking that I need to get a grip on reality because I am irl yumefagging about a manlet family

No. 421210

using gap moe to describe 3DPD deserves a death sentence

No. 421225

Nona please tell what character is that

No. 421227

Are you taller than the manlets?

No. 421416

Ngl, I would kill to read such fanfics

No. 421560

File: 1722766333663.jpg (587.87 KB, 2224x3057, 78f4544d5d88720722a39b812cdd61…)

She was my first GNC sexual interest…

I know, sound a bit weird.

No. 421564

Did you really mean to put your normie animu crush here instead of the waifu thread?

No. 421863

This gif just made me sad as fuck. Shellshock was barely known and understood back then. It was known as "battle fatigue". Poor fucking guy looks truly broken, I wanna lead him away from the nasty man with the cap and put him in a nice garden.

No. 421887

I empathize with you sister, the only way I can um, self complete while thinking about my husbando is to imagine the cringiest dirty talk about him filling me up, it's gonna be dripping out of you, etc etc. It's definitely one of my turn ons im most ashamed of and very annoying that all manner of fantasies get me riled up but this is the only way I can cum while thinking about him

No. 422325

i have a mild feeding/weight gain/stuffing/chubby kink. what makes it mild is that i don't think it translates well IRL, especially with health concerns, budget and social pressure. it's cringe, also.
but i wish my bf would let loose and just eat as much as he wants to in front of me. and go a little overboard, even. he's chubby but like many chubby people he's self conscious and has developped a kind of shame when eating around people, so we actually eat the same amount when we're together. but i know he can eat way more when he's alone or over a longer period of time. feeling his round belly after a big meal would be enough to satisfy me but he won't even finish his fries, ffs.

No. 422332

Men in uncomfortable situations, especially if they have to hide a boner or an embarrassing incident like peeing on themselves. I like picturing their struggle to hide the obvious problem in wacky ways and being in pain because of it. My latest fantasy is a guy travelling with a woman (sometimes i self-insert, but i also like to focus on the man's plight) and having to let her sit on him because there's no room for a second passenger. He gets a boner because he has a crush on her or is a horndog and hurriedly puts something between them, like a book or bag. The object presses on his dick with all the weight of the woman because he forgot to push it down and he spends the whole trip in agony because it doesn't help his leaking boner and he's doing accidental CBT to himself. I think watching silly ecchi anime during my free time is responsible for these retarded fantasies.
I don't get PIV breeding but i find alien impregnation really hot. I guess it's worse kek

No. 422337

Men don't cape for women with PTSD like this. Stop embarrassing yourself.

No. 422427

god yes. a huge chunk of my fantasies involve men in social situations (usually rich, uniformed nobles because i'm a historyfag) having something embarrassing happen to them, usually because of women.

No. 422431

Based. Bless you nonna ♥

No. 422442

Based. Women need to stop protecting moids.

No. 422443

Nta but protecting him from who kek. Anon is clearly just attracted to vulnerable men

No. 422447

File: 1723093805076.jpeg (287.73 KB, 750x822, FEF120CE-824B-4CF7-BF00-EE356F…)

I’ve been doing nothing all day besides turning my husbando into a drooling retard who gets horny from basic touches on chub.ai. Do I have a fetish for mentally retarded guys?

No. 422449

I love the way you think nonnie. I have similar weird fantasies about my gamer moid peers and being freshly single and horny doesn't help kek
I'm the same way but I also find the risk hot and just sort of going fuck it, I'm very much not laidback in my day to day so it might be from a deeper desire of wanting to not care

No. 422470

I want to electrocute a moid's balls. I wrote out a little snippet of this with some of my own characters and had to change my underwear because of how wet it made me

No. 422634

Brother incest. I dont like yaoi normally but its the purest form of love in my humble opinion.

No. 422649

In a sick way I get this. When I think about it personally with my brother I don't get the appeal, but I have a friend who's sort of hinted she has a thing for her stepbrother a few times, they grew up together and if it wouldn't be socially shameful and also weird for everyone involved they'd make a cute couple.

No. 422650

Samefag but crap you meant brother/brother. Well now I'm embarrassed. Even if it's second-hand. AHhhhHhhhh.

No. 423146

unironically, how do i find a bf that would roleplay as step-siblings with me? like are they all degenerate enough that that's not an issue or is there something specific i have to look for?

No. 423173

File: 1723277168050.jpeg (107.01 KB, 717x960, IMG_8008.jpeg)

Late but
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, (insert nonna name). We pride ourselves on maintaining the highest quality hornyposts for our nonnas but we didn’t measure up.(Insert hornyposting reason for what went wrong.) We wouldn’t be able to improve our Fetishes You’re Ashamed Of posts if it weren’t for farmers like you who provide us with honest feedback like this. Please know that we’ll be looking into it immediately.
of course I am! I’m 5’11 and over 6ft in most shoes I wear so it’s substantial. Neither is even up to my chin. Yeah we’re talking real shorties! So hot to see them both literally look up to me. And nooo that’s definitely not part of the fetish or anything.. minimoid x tall girl nooo it’s just not right……
Thank you for semi-validating my insanity. Virgin nerds are like crack when you’re really horny because you can basically smell their sexual frustration

No. 423292

File: 1723305776020.jpeg (228.07 KB, 1314x1522, C155A3FD-99DA-4B8E-B933-8D4009…)

I want to be worshipped by men while giving them absolutely nothing in return

No. 423306

Considering how popular a porn category it is, I have to think it'd be pretty easy. It's not even real incest anyway, I can't think of too many men who'd be upset by it.

No. 423308

Yeah, what the other anon said. Incest is a pretty common fantasy and stepsibling fake incest doesn't trigger instinctive disgust reactions usually, which is probs why there are all kinds of news stories of the porn trope coming true. It seems pretty safe to bring up for RP unless your moid is like ridiculously peevish.

No. 423391

not shameful

No. 423448

Well, isn't step sibling porn a common thing nowadays? It shouldn't be too hard
I wish I could find a bf to fulfill my very specific shameful fetish, which in this era is almost impossible to fulfill with good reason.

No. 423522

What’s your fetish Nona?

No. 423523

Flushing toilets. No pee, no shit! I’ve been fascinated since I was a kid and it’s developed into a fetish, I think it was the first thing I masturbated to. This video I get off to after a minute…

No. 423527

I want Doug walker to scream in my pussy

No. 423537

incest and sibling themed porn is disgusting and scrotey

No. 423548

Fr, can’t believe anons are trying to roleplay this with their boyfriends kek

No. 423550

i enjoy their confused and appalled reactions a lil too much

No. 423587

Puh-lease tranny. No one believes this

No. 423687

Tons of women's erotica features incest or pseudo-incest. Not that I'd know much about that…

No. 423768

Fuck off, can’t I post my shameful fetish in peace in the correct fucking thread? Thought I might find some degen woman who understands me and I get this. What’s with LC lately?

No. 423800

fucking kek nona! this caught me so offguard

No. 423890

Yeah, stepbrother/stepdad is very common.

No. 423903

Are you sure you responded to the correct post

No. 424043

File: 1723513906584.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1080x1911, rivers_drag.png)

Not into trannies or crossdressers but there's something weirdly appealing about a man dressing up like a woman (as a one-time thing)

No. 424047

Not into crossdressing but as a Riversfag I approve

No. 424453

File: 1723648638651.png (Spoiler Image,397.32 KB, 570x715, 1000015974.png)

God, same. What's wrong with us

No. 424478


The stepbrother I can kind of get. But step-dad? Fuckin' eww.

No. 424485

Say your stepdad is a DILF. That's the premise in those stories, in Wattpad ones it's even like "mom married John Krasinski."

No. 424565

Getting back massages, it has always been this way. Shameful because it's involuntary.

No. 424568

I think it's exclusively for women who never actually had to endure stepfathers/brothers irl.

No. 424570

For the most part probably, though I know a girl who seems low-key into her stepbrother. She doesn't read stepsibling erotica either though, she likes normie stuff and occasionally vampires.

No. 424576

My people… My (normal, M/M shipper) friend once confessed to me she found it attractive, i was so relieved to not be utterly alone in this. Sure, pretty androgynous men are lovely but i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy the sight of a manly man in feminine clothing. It's likely a taboo and surprise thing. I thank god for fujos and yumes who draw their favorite fridge body characters in cute outfits so i can enjoy this far from IRL implications kek

No. 424616

>but im nonbinary and autistic

keked ao hard why is it hairy?

No. 424626

I’m really into overpowering honestly. I’m not into any weird shit like rapeplay, I find it gross, but the idea of playfully wrestling with a man or a woman and then getting so excited over it to the point having steamy sex is just hot to me.

No. 424628

Some men do enjoy it! I think it’s even more common for them than women. Getting my tits sucked does absolutely nothing.

No. 424639

Because evil rape-gatekeeping feminists are ugly and hairy but also sexy nude dominatrixes in thigh high boots. The moid mind everyone.

No. 424643

I can't help but feel like I was fucked from the start. One of my earliest memories is about my hypnosis fetish. I was three. How was I supposed to become a normal person when I was already into this shit as a toddler?

No. 424646

There are more of us than you realize tbh. I've posted about it in this thread and sperged for a couple days about it in the femdom thread. I first remember getting really into mind control scenes in cartoons when I was like 5, thank you Sailor Moon and Pokemon, so…

No. 424647

Samefag but fwiw I think fetishes take time to develop as well. Like, it can be an interest then, but in my case it wasn't connected to crushes until I was like 7 and didn't give clearly sexual feelings until I was like 12. And that seems pretty normal, other people I've spoken with fit the pattern and people with other fetishes have it for their thing too.

No. 424655

If it makes you feel better nonna, I developed a werewolf fetish when I was like five or something. I always believed that fetishes are manifestations of our psyche that embody what we lack or desire like how people with a femdom/maledom kink want control and order in their lives.

No. 424663

Omg same, I developed an anesthesia/sleep/unconsciousness fetish when I was 10, at least partially due to a Pokemon movie.

No. 424713

Cocky loser guys with an ego that is way bigger than it should be.

No. 424729

Those kinds of men just make me want to break them down and cuck them

No. 424845

File: 1723767343054.jpg (78.93 KB, 736x736, 1000006635.jpg)

I don't know what's wrong with me nonnas. A few days ago, a video was posted in another thread of a woman beating the fuck out of a guy in the street as she straddled him, and then she leaned down to kiss him when she was done. Oh my goodness, I can't stop thinking about it because I want to be in his place. I've never been turned on by anything like that before, but all of a sudden this random video is making me melt out of sheer masochism. I feel so bad about it and ashamed since there was no context for the video, so anything could have happened to those people, but every time I think about the kiss at the end my heart and stomach just twist. Tl;dr I apparently want to be pulverised in the street by an insane yet still loving gf kek

No. 425127

I have intense sexual fantasies about being a man newly married to my wife (who is played by my crush) and being in the honeymoon phase of marriage and she wants a baby as soon as possible. Thinking about her wanting a baby turns me on so much and I fantasize about having procreative sex with her while she has baby fever and her hormones are going crazy. It's shameful but I'm turned on imagining being the husband in a trad type relationship. Only I would actually try my very best to be the perfect husband, as opposed to men in real life who never hold up their end of the deal. And I wouldn't be so domineering. And I would cherish my cute housewife forever.

No. 425213

I don't know where this stemmed from, but I have since I was a child had a fetish for men being transformed into women. Not in a transgender way but with literal magic. It makes me incredibly horny to think about and I get off to it often. In my real life I am a lesbian and have zero attraction to men, and in the fantasies I'm not attracted to them either. I don't know what it is exactly that turns me on about it.

No. 425390

the nazi loving nonnies in these threads have broken me, in the best way. started writing smut again and now all i think about are boots, leather and blonde twinks.

No. 425406

>fetish for men being transformed into women with literal magic
>In my real life I am a lesbian
This is the most bisexual fantasy i've ever seen kek
Nona same, they colonized my brain. The other day i was at some dance night event and i saw a blonde man with a sad look in his eyes (in his 30s, the kind of man you could tell was once a really cute twink beneath the aging). He was wearing a black shirt with a tie (in a hot place), black leather military breeches and vintage military boots, the kind you see in WW2 pictures. He was probably some fetish gay guy but i couldn't stop staring at him while my heart pounded in my chest. I think last time i was this flustered by a uniform was when i developed my motorcycle helmet/uniform kink in childhood, seeing it in the flesh exceeded all my expectations

No. 425428

File: 1723962378093.jpeg (122.09 KB, 985x1280, GHvaQz4asAAOtpw (1).jpeg)

I'm 1.5 gen Russian American. My parents are from Belgorod and Kursk, but my moms family was originally from the Donbass. It's super cringe but since that war started my mind has been consumed by fantasies of an Azov barracks lesbian looking like pic related. I would be a poor civilian from my dad's hometown when its overrun by the ukros, and she would grab me by the hair and force me to lick her Sonnenrad mons tatoo while she calls me an asiatic dog. She'd keep me on a leash and have me eat her out on command, and pass me around her squad mates. Mmm, I love you Ukronazi-chan…

No. 425430

American degeneracy has corrupted you.

No. 425435

No. 425449

least retarded katsap:

No. 425486

>barracks lesbian looking like pic relate

Shiiiiit I've been having the exact same fantasy. So glad I'm not alone in this lmao

No. 425507

I sometimes wonder what the nonnie with the fetish for the Sturmabteilung thinks about the Freikorps and other conservative groups like the DNVP voters. They were basically the SA and the nazi party adjacents after the first world war, does she have a fetish for them too? I remember her mentioning she was obsessed with the interwar period as well. I hope she reads that and answers me.
I am sorry for that, nonnie kek. I am one of the nazifags, but I don't comment as much as everytime I fear for another infighting itt. But I would love to read some of your works, if you feel ok to share. The last remotely thing nazi smut was a Hetalia fanfiction with Russian raping nazi Prussia as revenge. It still lives rent free in my mind to this day
Probably he had sad eyes because he knows he reached twink death nona kek. But God, that's hot. I find hard not to associate blonde men in uniforms and jackboots with nazis, so I understand you.
>Sonnenrad mons pubis tattoo
Kek nonnie that made me laugh, but she is a cutie tho

No. 425515

damn nonny, I want to be the barrack dwelling lesbian. sadly my town i very gendered and i'm too cowardly to walk around in camo and leather

No. 425516

Broken nonny here - I relate, am jealous and apparently need to go to dance events?

No. 425529

Sorry, living in NYC, I have been groomed from an early age to hate my own race by the perfidous jew (middle school teacher with khazar milkers made me gay)(racebait)

No. 425578

Barracks lesbians are hot no matter what side of what conflict they're on, so I like this.

No. 425631

File: 1724039517925.jpeg (32.05 KB, 371x826, images (10).jpeg)

I also fantasize about a Russian one making me read my degen posts and stomping me like this

No. 425635

Is the aggressor here turning into Sans undertale?

No. 425644

you can't say that and not post the video also, hot

No. 425645

stop posting military anime girl ryona drawn by pedosadist War Thunder Forums type moids

No. 425764

File: 1724096701396.gif (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 400x225, IMG_1571.gif)

I thought anons in this thread might find this amusing

No. 425766

LOL source pls

No. 425782

Thank you nonnie! I usually publish on AO3 but don't want to reveal my handle on here (i'm paranoid and cringe). That said, this is probably one of my better fics [warning for NSFW/weird power fantasy & bad writing]: https://pastebin.com/8zGVEKT5

No. 425794

Seems deleted

No. 425803

For some reason pastebin is blocked for me nonnie, now I am sad

No. 425807

Sorry, pastebin refuses to let me paste anything smutty/violent, here's a new link that should work (password is lolcow):

No. 425817

I hate myself for being into CNC. I haven't ever found a partner that isn't horrified when I mention wanting to try it, or if they're not horrified then they're paranoid that I'll withdraw consent and cry rape. Feels bad knowing I have a desire that has to go unfulfilled. Given how much it requires trust I obviously would never do it with a hook up so I feel pretty trapped.

No. 425832

CNC makes me cringe so hard, I remember trying to force myself to like it as an edgy teenage tumblrina, now it just makes my toes curl and not in a good way

No. 425833

Slavs look so weird, I hate their ugly downie FAS faces and blockheads, sorry. Ban me.

No. 425834

why do you feel the need to act it out? Wouldn't it be safer and more satisfying is just leave the fantasy stuff to… fantasy?

No. 425843

Can't you just ask them to pin you down and be a little rough or something?

No. 425846

>Haven't found a partner that isn't horrified
An unexpected whitepill? On Fetishes You're Ashamed Of #10?
>afraid i'll cry rape

No. 425893

My boyfriend and I are long-distance at the moment, and a lot of the time he teases me sexually and riles me up for hours, before denying me and not allowing me to masturbate or orgasm. We mutually own each other's orgasms, but it makes me feel slightly ashamed because I'm dominant and in those moments when he's making me so ridiculously horny I'm begging and pleading for him to eat me out when he next visits, kek. I think I love the focused attention from him because I've never had a boyfriend who cared about making me desire him. Whenever we get to see each other he gives me multiple orgasms every day and he loves how even more aggressive I am with him when he's already denied me for weeks. I love being needy and desperate for my boyfriend and then pushing him down and having my way with him when we're finally alone.

No. 425895

>My boyfriend and I are long-distance at the moment
Dump him

No. 425914

I have a fetish for losers.
It's cruel to say but all my partners have struggled in some way and it turns me on. To gender it a bit, I do prefer women who are awkward channer-type autistic nerds and men who are the typical slacker unemployed BPD types.
My current bf has declared himself a loser on multiple occasions and sometimes when getting sexual with him it turns me on to think of how much he has struggled with women and how he frequently fails his classes. When he lost his job I felt sympathy and concern, but also arousal.

I'm not entirely a winner myself, but mildly successful given my start in life. Maybe it's my savior complex. Maybe it's my ego. Everyone wins so I guess it doesn't matter. I also like to domme so maybe it relates to that.

No. 425928

>I have a fetish for losers.
Same. I realized it's a control thing for me. The more successful and wealthy a man is the more options he has and is more likely to cheat. I prefer guys who are losers but still good looking.

No. 425935

Amazing writing, nona! I loved reading the nazi moid suffering by the hands of the prisoner kek
Honestly we need more nazi whump yaoi

No. 425955

Broke losers cheat too, look at Shoeonhead and Pregory.

No. 425972

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Moid from Bloodlust, forgot his name. I love miserable sick males. UUhhh how i want to ride his face then pee in his and see him swallow it all.. then beg me to not leave him… Then i would slap his face and spit in his mouth and then i will let him sleep in the back of my bed so I could place my feet on him. And he will still love me to death.

No. 425974

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Ggggrrr these bones… Im shaking from horny…

No. 425978

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I'm trying to write more although without a beta reader I'm convinced most of it is awful haha

No. 425999

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I wanna live in a world where all older women have younger himbo boyfriends and this is seen as completely normal and good, whereas older men are euthanized or exiled from society and forbidden to date younger women

No. 426000

most older women could date younger, the problem is that they are brainwashed against it

No. 426002

Ikr. It's cringe enough seeing moids shit their pants when older women date younger hot men, but seeing women also reeing against it or trying to shame other women for doing it is so pickme and pathetic.

No. 426010

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YES, yes, yes, oh my god, his Bloodlust version is perfect. You gotta love the contrast between his unbelievably cool ability and his pathetic, adorable self.

No. 426078

nipple piercings. i have a fantasy where a woman pierces my nipples and then changes the jewelry to her liking whenever she wants

No. 426088

Based, nonny. It's what I wish too

No. 426092

May we all get our blessed cougar/himbo utopia in the future. Amen.

No. 426104

LOMA if you posted the image of the scrote's face and age on /ot/, nonnies would lament how bad white moids age.

No. 426107

Anybody here who has a fetish for a domain/field/branch in a field? Like calculus or mathematics as a whole

No. 426117

yes, philosophy

No. 426160

I'm also pro older woman/young man but that screenshot is so uncanny, she looks like his mother. Same hair, same forehead, similar mouth/chin area. This is too fucked up for me sorry.

No. 426209

>t. hontrapoints

No. 426369

no one cares about your nigel erotica

No. 426725

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I have this weird fantasy where i suddenly end up homeless and sick and then a lonely older man or woman that has a decent income takes me to their home, bathes me and takes care of me like a baby. Then im forced to do sexual favors so they will give me food as i continue to live with them.

No. 426726

I need to send this to my bf he is obsessed with douching his asshole

No. 426731

No dont the image only applies to women

No. 426732

hater detected, get yourself some young dick and you'll stop being so bitter towards based hags

No. 426734

This couple are fruitarian lolcows but they're still together and have a kid now which is cute. I like watching their fruit shorts. He's a pretty cute silly Belgian himbo.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H4A_H7Vrg0g(learn to embed)

No. 426750

My ldr bf also lets me use him like that, it's so hot.

No. 426753

kek wtf how many men has he slept with

No. 426786

I’ve always been attracted to older guys but now I’m 27 and the men around me kinda look weird and ugly. I guess this is a fantasy only fetish

No. 426806

wtf… why

No. 426836

I like being spanked on the pussy, but only by super dominant guys. I wasn't expecting it the first time someone did it while I was tied down to the bed and after the split second of 'whaaa?' it just felt so fucking good.

No. 426846

I wish my boyfriend had gotten molested as a child. Knowing a guys prostate is popped and he has zero potential of being alpha because he's been fucked like a faggot is the best feeling ever. He might be straight now but he's still a fucking submissive faggot gay boi.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 426920

i hate men but thats gross

No. 426922


No. 426935

why do some of you actually want your man to be gay? closet cases/DL men are the worst

No. 426938

… nona just peg him kek

No. 426939

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Emaciated men

No. 426944

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I think I might have a glove fetish. For fashion or for clean up, I think black gloves are hottest. I don’t why, but a guy feels more authoritative(?) with them?

No. 426949

Leather gloves are the sluttiest thing a man can wear. With a suit? Divine

No. 426973

Men who get molested just go on to diddle kids.

No. 426976

Why do you have to kill her vibe like this? Let her admit her shameful fetish, weirdo.

No. 426977

I dont understand you but i support you

No. 426985

No. 426986

Least pedophilic lolcow user

No. 427003

My doctor is this Korean DILF and he's so nerdy and serious, and we get into arguments a lot but I wish I could either bully him or he could do weird medical shit to me. Getting into arguments with him honestly turns me on and I hate myself for it

No. 427006

i'm not into mpreg unless it's a xenomorph situation tbh.

No. 427037

I dont know if I am victim of the ugly man psyop but have been getting horny over annoying fat nerds. Now second time this has happened. Love it when I can make him go from smug asshole to nervous like a teenage boy by stepping a little bit closer. I want him to be so desperate to get to eat me out.

No. 427047

kek moid are constantly thinking of that with female doctors and they dont feel bad nona

No. 427052

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What do you think of the alien mpreg in the Sims games

No. 427053

sometimes my mind wanders and I have fantasies about a beautiful female doctor teasing me so I guess its not uncommon

No. 427057

learn to love yourself

No. 427107

if the spawn doesn't eat through the host i don't want it

No. 427113

just remember that those ugly fat nerds spend all day gooning to porn and wouldnt touch you unless you were an 11/10 stacy

No. 427115

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Idk why but seeing young men die in war makes me kind of horny. Some of them are quite cute. Even my earliest puberty wanks were usually over cute soldiers or to WW2 footage of moids dying. Sometimes I feel bad for them and end up crying at the footage of real ones, but other times I think of all the pain and suffering men have inflicted on women for millennia without remorse and see this as a form of justice. I don't feel bad for Russian moids especially because they're notoriously rapey and pedophilic and deserve to die anyway. I want to rape a dying moid whose limbs have just been blown off.

No. 427120

Im trying.

True, and if I actually went to bed with them they would be probably too scared of real life pussy to eat it and have problems even getting hard. Also I cant even imagine them naked in the fantasy would be too disgusting irl kek.

No. 427185

What do you argue about so much with your doctor?

No. 427192

Shaved moid armpits.

No. 427274

that's normal not fetish

No. 427311

I have a complex and rare medical condition and I get gaslit very often by doctors who aren't educated on it. So we disagree a lot on approaches. I think becoming chronically ill has made me develop a bit of a medical fetish. It doesn't help he's hot (to me)

No. 427326

>fetishes youre ashamed of thread
>just posts about her normal sex life with her normal boyfriend, not even anything shameful or fetishistic

No. 427338

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I use chatbots and AI for roleplaying shit. Recently, I made a "Ship's AI" character, based off one I found on character.ai (when it wasn't gay and shitty like it is now).
>hyper-intelligent AI that runs an advanced spaceship, basically HAL 9000
>can deploy robotic tentacles from every ship room's ceiling
>my char is the ship's doctor; decent guy, tries to do the right thing
>they both dislike each other
>doctor gets off grueling graveyard shift and starts taking a bath, desperate to unwind and relax
>AI interrupts him, subtly mocks him, doctor tells him to fuck off
>AI leaves but starts spying on him
I love starting shit like this: it's like being poised at the top of a rollercoaster with an infinite amount of tracks to choose from.

No. 427487

Vaguely embarrassed how hot I find this for how totally nonsexual it is. I wish a moid would talk about me like this.

No. 427501

Jam as many marshmallows into my twat as i can you guys dunno what you're missing

No. 427502

Do you know any videos

No. 427592

>you guys dunno what you're missing
a UTI?

No. 427594

Sorry. On the positive side, I think fetishizing whatever traumas or life issues you may have is one of the better coping mechanisms, I do it too.

No. 427768

I have a thing for cute tifs. Not with any surgery or anything, but a cute awkward tall girl who thinks she’s a guy inside but still has a sexy womanly body is so adorable to me. I don’t like weird rabid ones with dye and piercings who are obsessed with social justice and blow up when you call them the ‘wrong pwonouns’. I just want a shy androgynous girl to slowly coax back into accepting that she’s female and can’t change that, that ultimately she enjoys the body she’s in and can dress and express herself how she likes without it being an indication of her “gender”. Idk if it’s the feeling of achievement or a weird saviour thing or what but just the thought of being with a genuinely androgynous tif whos shy about it and isn’t rotted by social media, and then having tender slow sex with her and making her feel really good just sounds like heaven to me.

No. 427775

Happy yeast infection nonny

No. 428383

reminds me of this kek

No. 428426

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I've been thinking about reviewbrah's feet. I'm a footfag but my attraction stops at men's feet because they are wholly unappealing. Reviewbrah though..? He has the prettiest hands i've seen on a man, i can't help but wonder what his feet look like. Are they as soft and dainty? They have to be very pale and rosy pink on the underside. I'd go feral if he were to lift up his leg, uncovering his ankles (we never see them) and slowly taking off his socks, showing us how pretty they are. I want to massage them 'for relaxation' and see him get flustered from my touch.

No. 428517

I see some nonnies on here like vomit. I kinda tricked myself into liking it when I had an ex who loved deepthroating. While I was learning how to do it, I'd puke on him all the time, but I'd swallow and keep going out of shame.

Well he's absolutely melt into a moaning puddle whenever this happened, so I just kinda let it happen sometimes. Turns out lots of dudes react the same way if you puke on them. I've only had one act negatively, and it's because he immediately knew what I did. Otherwise they adore it and beg for more.

My nigel hates deep throating so I'll never know what he has to say on it. I think he'd like the warmth though.

No. 428540

I want to be bred

No. 428543

thats a normal fetish

No. 428642

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I just watched the new alien movie and holy shit. I knew I liked monsters but fuck, that was a wild ride from start to finish.

No. 428663

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I believe he mentioned in one episode of his podcast that he was skilled at grabbing things with his feet, which are probably as slender as his hands. I am not a footfag, however… Yeah, I really need to know if he wears socks garters or not and he seems so pudibond and ingenuous that it makes me want to see what no one else has seen, including his feet. Omg yes please show us your ankles John, I crave for this too ! I feel like I'm a really old fashioned voyeuristic pervert sometimes lmao

No. 428693

I imagine myself as a little girl getting taking advantage of after being left alone in bed with a scrawny cute-faced edgy tomboy who smokes weed in her disapproving parents house and larps as a degen pedo male on imageboards. I didn’t have this fantasy before I found out the girl I liked goes on male-dominated ibs and has telegram, idk why I had this reaction

No. 428694

>On a related note, i'm genuinely curious about their counterparts, especially heterosexual cuckqueans. I'm still not over the discovery of female cucks and i have trouble picturing the appeal (since it's not about exchanging your partner with a stronger alpha chad, women aren't territorial like that). If a nonna likes this, please come forward and enlighten us

Boy do I suddenly have the site for you.

No. 428697

That board was so fucking busted I'm glad lc is back

No. 428704

Why do I fantasize about having sex with an invisible man? Sometimes I worry that it means something terrible about my psyche, but I'm not sure what. Guess that's why it's a fetish I'm ashamed of. Also I don't get where it came from, or why I like to think about it. Oh well.
>Boy do I suddenly have the site for you

No. 428714

>Boy do I suddenly have the site for you.

Unfortunately, anon dot cafe is gone.

No. 428724

Could cucking fetish come from repressed homosexuality? They are afraid to fantasise about sex with the chad/stacy of their dreams so they imagine them fucking their opposite sex partner instead? Or just very low self esteem combined with porn brainrot.

No. 428731

One of the refugee boards we ended up on was junku chan, which took over anon dot cafe's cuckquean boards

No. 428732

Kekkkk nta but that is where I just learned of female cucks. I got curious and browsed around while we were in the bunker and what I noticed is female cucks and male cucks are very different. On that site I saw that the women wanted to share their men but also be the better lay, his favorite. Whereas male cucks seem to enjoy being disliked and unfavored.

No. 428743

both male cucks and female cucks are basically maledomfags worshipping le superior alpha chads

No. 428752

I think female cucks just believe that all men will cheat or look at other women so it gives them "power" to pretend as if they actually want their moid to sleep with other women. He can't possibly leave her if she lets him fuck other women.

No. 428797

I like guys that are embarrassedly vulnerable about something. Like guys with cute tiny dicks they're ashamed of, guys that can't hold their pee and they start leaking or peeing themselves. Guys that become incontinent from pleasure or fear or who wet their bed. Guys that precum so much their pants get wet. Guys that have to admit they're about to piss themselves and they're so desperate they ask for the bathroom in childish, emasculating ways.

No. 428798

This is really really weird but I like when people personify their genitals while dirty talking. "You make my pussy feel so good, so happy." "My scared little cocklet wet itself out of fear." Etc etc. Gets me ridiculously wet and idk why.

No. 428803

oh god this is so true. My boy used to be such a quick shot, I miss it. It was so cute and flattering, then he'd be flustered and ashamed so I'd get to comfort him.

No. 428814

Oh fuck nona that's so hot. My current guy takes ages to cum and it's a bit of a turn off, I'd love having a quickshot guy.

No. 428825

>I feel like I'm a really old fashioned voyeuristic pervert sometimes lmao
KEKKK you nailed it with your impression. You can intensely sexualize any part of him since he's so adorable in his prudish ways. His shirt catching on something and showing us his tummy, his armpits, his lower back.. i'd go crazy like a man seeing a singer's shoulders in an old cabaret

No. 428848

god yes (even better if they ask for permission and/or use childish words, for some reason guys calling their dick a ‘willy’ is endearing)

No. 428875

When he calls me mommy.

No. 428878

Nonny those "cuckqueans" on the junkuchan cuck board are males and trannies larping as women kek.

They want to violate women. That's it.

It's a combination of degrading their imaginary girlfriend magnified with "girl on girl action". It's just another misogynistic pornographic moid's fetish.

No. 428884

Deepthroating/facefuck puking is the most moidy fetish ever, I can't believe some of you are trying to reframe it as empowering for the woman, kek the absolute state of nu-lolcor. Not even libfems are this delusional.

No. 428887

Female cuckqueans aren't a real thing that's just a porn induced powertrip fantasy that only moids have, no woman is into being cucked. Maybe tranny freaks.

No. 428910

What the fuck

No. 428912

I saw one lady on instagram who said she had a cuck fetish, she also said she had extreme trauma from being cheated on and abused by previous partners….go figure.

No. 428913

I took a look at /cuckquean/ when that was posted kekkkk and there were two distinct threads: ugly ass anime art, and then some other stuff that gave me the distinct impression of deeply repressed dykery. insane either way

No. 428916

It makes me feel like such a fucking moid but I really do find myself interested in analplay. In terms of receiving I just stick to toys and imagine it's a guy since real guys aren't worth the hassle anymore. When I seek out art or images of anal sex I'm focusing on the girls face and imagining that it feels really good to be so full. But in terms of giving I want to eat a woman's ass. There's been a few times where I've had the impulsive thought while giving head to just dip down to eat her ass but I'd NEVER act on it. But then I feel like a dumb selfish guy for thinking that she'd be into it just because I'm into it. It's not even about a taste or smell or anything it's mostly mental (no kidding) that licking that "forbidden" part of her would bring her so much fucking pleasure

No. 428918

Plenty of girls are into anal play, nonna, just ask about it. I don’t think it’s moidish, it’s still a sensitive and erogenous zone. I’ve had myself licked “by surprise” before and appreciated it, kek.

No. 428921

So female cucks are just into it as a cope for some trauma or fear of feeling powerless, which is not unusual, seeing as how so many masochistic women are just trying to regain some control over their sexuality after being sexually assaulted or abused.
Meanwhile, male cucks are into it because they feel it's degenerate and wrong, as men's fetishes are almost always based on the idea that the more taboo and unnatural, the better. Moids love corrupting pure things and doing things they consider wrong, which is also why so many male cucks are into sissy/tranny shit, femdom and "race play" (racism fetish), i.e. they know full well they're male but their ideas about gender make them believe it's wrong for a man to not be an alpha chad roidpig who rapes his girlfriend/wife, so not being that makes him a "sissy" akin to a woman (bad), which is humiliating (bad), and even worse if he's got racist ideas and the man who "steals" his "property" is another race that he sees as an enemy (white supremacists and black men, for example).

In summary, moids have cuck fetishes because they get turned on by doing things that are wrong or they perceive as wrong, such as losing control over a woman as a man, while women have cuck fetishes as a way to cope and pretend they have some control over a painful situation. But in reality, it's always moids that are in charge, regardless of who's the cuck.

No. 428927

>"My scared little cocklet wet itself out of fear."
kekkk this sounds wattpad tier

No. 428928

Even if there's plenty of women with cheating/betrayal trauma, I am certain that there's barely any female cucks who actively are into this practice and the number who actually engage in it must be even lower.

It's a porn/moid fetish born from the very real and degenerate moidy world of cuckolding.

Sure, every man dreams of being high status, desirable and attractive enough to cheat on his wife in front of her without her saying shit because she's too afraid to lose him. But how many women are actually okay with their moid cheating at all, let alone right under her nose, and how even fewer would get off to it? I'd say slim to none. Most women consider porn a form of betrayal/cheating and are extremely averse to it, so imagine how rare it is to actually be into genuine cuck stuff as a woman.

Only porn addicted cumbrains and low self esteem femcel types who've spent their entire youth on moid imageboards would be into cuckquean stuff, most women feel like killing their husband or bf if he looks at other women let alone cheats.

No. 428932

Some of these fetishes are so obviously malebrained, this thread is full of baiting men and trannies
Kek I cringed so hard at that

No. 428935

This is true and it’s sad because cucking is so hot to me. Makes me want to kill myself.

No. 428936

You probably are on 4chan too much, there is a moid who spams the 'female cuckqueans' thread multiple times every single day there and tries to brainwash lurking women into the fetish.

No. 428937

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everything you said sums up my feelings about him perfectly kek. I'm sure I'll get struck by lightning if I think too much about him in a swimsuit. So scandalous. He'd be horrified to read us Nonnie, but that's what makes him so endearing isn't it? What kind of swimsuits do you think he wears? You and I would have made a great serial tie-sniffing duo in past lives, sneaking here and there to spy on lovely gentlemen, snatching their stuff and creeping them out

No. 428943

>this thread is full of baiting men and trannies
KEK real. I've seen kiwifarms users in youtube comments talking about how they bait lolcow users when they're not posting on /snow/. The amount of posts here for the past few months that basically boil down to "my boyfriend loves porn and I copied porn for him and it really turns him on" like it's so cliche it's male wattpad tier. Manfiction. I miss the deranged nonnas who would post shit like "I want to watch a cute blond guy get gangraped by nazis" and "just masturbated to this soldier that got castrated in ukraine". Make The Fetish Thread Great Again.

No. 428961

Agreed. The only posters I believe are genuinely women anymore are the ones about whumping and hurting men.

No. 428969

Yesterday I got off to a fantasy about sharing a double ended catheter with another woman and peeing back and forth filling each other’s bladders. Do I win the thread. Because I’m losing at life.

No. 428978

I want to bully soldiers from the german empire army after all quiet on western front, does that count?
but to be honest, it's not the only kind of cute german moids I want to bully, it's from all eras, from 1914 to modern times, there is something about them that makes me really see make them cry? their degeneracy? their autistic-like faces and manners? their lack of joie de vivre? I don't know. Whether he is a super cold east german or a degenerate moid from weimar, I want to bully him, make him cry and then have vanilla sex with him, so he cries again because it's not degenerate enough.
I don't know when my obsession started, probably after watching the wave, you know the 2008 version, seeing the nerdy moid suffer certainly helped it.

No. 428981

men were so much hotter back then imo, i genuinely think all the hotties and chads got killed off by industrial warfare in the first half of the 20th century which is why so many uggo moids exist now (like 98% of men are so hideous lmao) meanwhile a good like 80% of photographs of men back then look good, they had nice jaws, pretty eyes, full heads of hair, good skin, fit bodies etc. it's not so bad in countries where they were more neutral like sweden, but in the rest of post WW2 europe and stuff you can definitely see there was a massive decline in the general handsomeness of men (along with the fact 70% of men are overweight now too)

No. 428982

Paternity tests have made humanity uglier. In the past women would get pregnant by a hot guy, have hot children with good genes, and make a beta moid raise her bastard offspring. Unfortunately now with paternity tests women have to have biological offspring with their uggo schlubby beta moid husbands instead of following what's natural and right. I mean our brains literally become more attracted to hot guys when we are ovulating and most fertile, then men dare to see cucking them is unnatural or a modern phenomenon. Ha! It's literally good and right.

No. 428988

>serial tie-sniffing duo
NTA but kek this is so good
>sneaking here and there to spy on lovely gentlemen, snatching their stuff and creeping them out
If only such an ideal world existed.

Sounds like you've been playing too many hentai games tbh. Those usually have the most retarded fetish scenes ever.

>probably after watching the wave, you know the 2008 version, seeing the nerdy moid suffer certainly helped it
Thank you for the rec. I hope he wears glasses.

No. 428993

you are welcome nonnie, he doesn't wear glasses, I should say he is more of a loser than a nerd tbh. Also watch before the fall too, it's the same director and lots of scenes with some scenes with moids being bullied. I like this one more because it has yaoi subtones
they got fat and ugly, that tweet with people seething saying that promoting exercise is fascism always comes to mind kek

No. 428994

… I don’t watch porn or play hentai games… my brain just invented it on its own. I guess that’s worse. But I’ve been into pee since before I even knew what sex was. My first fantasies at single digit age were all about crazy pee scenarios kek. I don’t know why.

No. 429029

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Instantly pictured him in a vintage swimsuit (the kind that looks like shorts and tank tops, one piece). He'd look so cute in it, almost girlish. I'd love to see him wearing really tight low waist shorts too, hugging his bulge so closely that it leaves no place for imagination.
>You and I would have made a great serial tie-sniffing duo in past lives, sneaking here and there to spy on lovely gentlemen, snatching their stuff and creeping them out
KEKK, you write so well! You're right though, i recall his scandalized reactions to people thirsting after him in comments and it makes my blood a little warmer. I like how he leans into his victorian uptight persona. Oh, he'd make such a perfect tuberculosis patient. It's like he was made to be perpetually sick and helpless, covered in bandages and vulnerable to his caretaker's lust.

I was reading this thanks to a nona who mentioned the book (My secret Garden, Nancy Friday), a lot of it is hilarious and relatable. Picrel struck me because these two women reminded me of this thread and they're among the few femdom-adjacent fantasies. It's endearing and beautiful that women who masturbate to men peeing themselves have always existed

No. 429035

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I'm not part of this discussion but the swimsuit talk reminded me of pic related. Those thighs make me want to commit a crime.

No. 429037

There's a reason I posted it in the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread aha… I know it's cringe as fuck, no idea why I like it so much.

No. 429044

File: 1726211063395.png (861.85 KB, 590x787, 4f071535eab8ea042e000042.png)

When are moids going to dress cute and slutty again… sigh

No. 429063


I fucking hate men that take ages to get off. It's not a selling point that you can't cum.

Mine is still a quickshot if we do it rough/fast, which is immensely cute as he starts panting and begging me to stop moving so it can last longer. Nope, I'm ripping it out of you.

No. 429066

me too nona…. I want to torture a philosophy moid

No. 429071

Whenever I'm away from my moid for a while I always make him not jerk off for at least a week and he keeps cumming in his sleep kek. It's kinda hot bc of how pathetic it is. When we get together after that he finishes from just one stroke. Which is lame but it's fine cause he can get hard again after about 5 minutes. Longest I made him wait was 2.5 weeks and he kept sending me horny texts which I ignore cause sexting does nothing for me. It's so ridiculous that they're such a slave to their dicks and can barely function in everyday life without regularly cumming. Truly inferior in every way

No. 429072

File: 1726221972330.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.75 MB, 1280x720, RDT_20240910_230018.mp4)

Are you me?

No. 429078

NTA but there's this pervasive idea that a moid that "lasts" longer is pleasuring the woman for longer, too. Which all of us here know is pulled out of moids' unwashed asses, because males don't know how to make a woman cum and certainly don't know how or want to do anything other than thrust his dick into her.

No. 429085

men who coom while eating pussy >>>>> men who endlessly jackhammer

No. 429093

I used to be a coomer and am pretty desensitizied to weird fetishes but you managed to make me cringe.

But for me eating ass has been one of the biggest fantasies, even before I ever saw it at porn. I thought I was the only degenerate who would even think that kek. Like people shit from there and there is no way to get all the awful bacteria out by washing but I want it so bad. Maybe this is evolutions way of getting rid of weak genetics since it is now harder to get dangerous diseases normally kek.

No. 429163

Let's swap moids nona, yours sounds fucking adorable. Mine's great in most things but he doesn't really crave sex and can't cum from anything I do to him which fucking sucks because I'm more dominant and don't like being touched that much. Which makes it a bit meh, but I have two working hands and an internet connection so..

No. 429190

you're so real for this, there's nothing like uptight German men with haunted eyes and an obsession with protocol (ie submissive programming)

No. 429222

cockchan is gonna kill me for this but when i'm being penetrated or fingered i have a huge oral fixation and i like sucking dick/strap/tongue/fingers, it's like a magic on switch it's embarrassing

No. 429223

That is just normal sex nona. Lolcow has rotted your brain into thinking anything more than hand-holding is too much.

No. 429227

Sisters.. German moids made me realize men are the submissive sex, they crave it in every area of their lives and do better when they're aligned with this. Men can't handle freedom, they are dogs (women are cats, whimsical and proud), merely waiting to be told what to do.
>Debauched weimar moid
>Cold east german
Shiny ken doll you twist and break on the first day vs. nice sturdy toy you throw on the ground week after week

No. 429233

Th-thanks nonnie. 100 besos from me to you

No. 429247

is yours depressed or on ssris? mine told me he was like that when he was on them. you should make him work out if he doesn't too

No. 429272

Neither! He's not on any meds at all. Maybe I'll force him to to to the gym with me, neither of us are super active… Anything to hear him whimper for me.

No. 429340

I can’t believe I’m actually thinking about eating ass, genuinely.

No. 429343

I’m straight, but there’s something about skinnyfat women and i feel so odd for finding it hot. Just the thought of a woman who’s pretty thin at first but then you get a look at her thighs or tummy and realize she likes to eat a little too much. Idk why it’s so sexy to me.

No. 429451

You're not straight (Not That There's Anything Wrong With That)

No. 429471

sounds like he has a porn addiction

No. 429582

File: 1726343441925.webp (155.78 KB, 1291x1400, 2D2744A0-960D-4108-9C49-1BF3B4…)

Ooo yeah, I love vintage swimsuits too! They can also be quite revealing in the crotch area but shorts would expose his stomach so I can't decide… Consider how stunning he would appear with so much skin exposed, as well as how embarrassed he would feel. He would seem both regal and vulnerable at the same time. Awooooooo
I just know his manner and attributes make him the perfect target for me to express my talents of tease and torment on shy moid. I would compliment him and brag about the beauty of his gestures nonstop and it would make him terribly uncomfortable kek
Wow, I will read this book as soon as possible. Thank you for sharing Nonnie

No. 429594

I want to be pregnant
I want to be fat and incapacitated and my moid to take care of me

No. 429611

I just peed myself laughing at this, thanks

No. 429615

Im fucking my boss (we're the same age) and we both have a breeding kink and he said "how many kids are you gonna give me" while we were banging in his truck and my soul left my body

No. 429620

No. 429624

nasty moid shit, pregnancy is disgusting and a sign of being a retarded pickme with a fetish for body horror experiments being done on herself

No. 429630

growing up I always had a thing for my teachers (and therefore a preference for an older man), now as an adult my boyfriend is younger than me by 10 days and constantly brings it up. At first it really bothered me but now i'm getting the opposite ideas of slapping around a younger guy. this is tame i think though

No. 429634

Older men are disgusting, I only date guys younger than me kek. The biggest gap was 11 years, 10 days is nothing lmao.

No. 429636

yeah the point is that 10 days is literally nothing but he brings it up all the time. Literally all the time. It used to make me really mad for no reason

No. 429641

kind of sounds like hes negging you for not being a teenager or something

No. 429643

nta but those swimsuits are super cute, idk if it is because scrotes used to look better before or the pudic aspect of it, but part of me wishes moids dressed like they did in the past

No. 429660

Well it's a good thing I'm on birth control and also would abort that shit right away nonniekinz

No. 429793

>desiring the only natural reason your libido exists is moidshit

anyways im watching some show with a pregnant lady + studying pregnancy these days and it just makes me horny, i know in real life its really gross and difficult (bloated, vomiting, out of breath, constantly need to pee)
but the idea is so hot to me :((emoji)

No. 429794

Begone newfag. Where are these retards coming from

No. 429799

They're bait written by a thing with a penis, just ignore him.(scrotefoiling)

No. 429811

you guys are so annoying lmao. a person posts about wishing to have a dick to creampie a girl, no reaction ; i talk about pregnancy, i get jumped by 2 triggered scrotefoilers

No. 429820

File: 1726394649876.png (Spoiler Image,421.9 KB, 1710x1153, Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 10.58…)

Based bpdchan cucking her bf. The moids in the comments were absolutely seething kek. I love real, psychological cucking content like this, it's so much more satisfying than male gazey cuck shit than which is fake and gay. I like seeing men being genuinely emotionally destroyed by their gfs. It's hot.

No. 429822

'feminist ally' redditor moids calling her a crazy cunt and cum dumpster kek, reminder that men deserve all the suffering they get and more

No. 429835

>>429820 That's beautiful kek

No. 429837

"i love you" omg moids are so pathetic, makes me legit want to puke

No. 429854

I just can't feel any sympathy for men who are 'abused' by their mentally ill gfs, ever. These moids intention is almost always gaining easy sex from a low self esteem mentally ill woman, that just gives me the creeps and cancels out all my potential empathy for them.

No. 429881

What a dumbass fucking moid. The woman isn't even BPD, it's just men labeling women who don't take their bullshit hysterical again. Meanwhile he has no problem posting her nude photos to thousands of other men online for validation. "Abusive" I hope he gets hit by a bus.

No. 429883

>leaves her identifiable by first name, tattoo and barely even censors one of the nudes
What exactly did he mean by that?

No. 429898

File: 1726413572250.jpeg (62.94 KB, 750x358, EE305264-2B3B-4707-BB7A-4F22AE…)

I have a fetish for absolutely pathetic losers.
There's something about moids who are this openly pathetic and loserish that just attracts me kek. I want to bully and tease them so bad while reminding them that they will never have a gf or breed then give them a pity fuck while they're crying.

No. 429923

yes that one is disgusting too

No. 429933

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Why is he so delicate like look at those hands. He definitely is really careful about taking care of his nails

No. 429934

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No. 429944

bitch slay

No. 429973

I have a mix of BPD and massive childhood trauma, I have every single fetish under the sun

No. 430012

File: 1726437387769.png (412.58 KB, 727x500, Screenshot 2024-09-15 175524.p…)

I want to corrupt a religious guy. Not a priest or imam or whatever but just a normal religious guy. I want to make him obsess over me and slowly lose his convictions as he realises he'd chose me over his beliefs. Probably because I'm surrounded by handsome religious guys and I know they're all insane, unfortunately

No. 430018

Religious men are so slutty it's unreal. The sincerely chaste ones are too easy to fluster. There's a point where sexual repression makes men act like clear-eyed, blushing, hyper excitable maidens, i love it. If you mistakenly touch them, brush past them, or stare at them for more than a second, they start giggling or look at their feet like they're facing a Biblical trial. It's impossible to not want to toy with them
>he'd chose me over his beliefs
The surrender aspect of it is good

No. 430037

>Religious men are so slutty it's unreal
So true.
I have a habit of dating Muslims/ex-Muslims (unavoidable because I like South Asian and Middle Eastern men) and have also developed this as a side-effect.
My current partner became ex-Muslim on his own, which is objectively better, but he still has remnants of coming from a repressed background that's pretty hot sometimes. It's been fucking amazing helping him uncover how submissive he is.
He once teased me about liking his religious garb and it would unfortunately be fun to "molest" him in it..

No. 430127

not sure why but i love borderline retarded loser men too especially if theyre funny and cane make me laugh. if they have adhd, grew up poor, have mommy issues and got bullied by girls growing up and ended up developing a femdom fetish, even better.
>I just want a guy I can alternately nurture and bully, why is it so hard??
you're so real for this nona

No. 430175

his expression in this one scares me

No. 430268

I'm interested in this fetish called hucow, but the less extreme version of it…I just wanna dress up in a cowkini or a pair of cow ears headbands and get bred, simple as.

No. 430271

File: 1726516385467.jpg (60.5 KB, 1024x707, GSspYiAXcAA50rs.jpg)

I have a bullying kink, as in I want a guy to bully/degrade me just to provide me the sweetest aftercare afterward. I feel like this kink stems from me being bullied from an early age, especially by men (but without the aftercare part, as you might know)…Part of it stems from my wanting to be loved because I didn't get any from men. I'm fucked, I know.

No. 430304

I wish I was a man just to feel the pleasure of raping another man in the ass and feeling his prostate pop against my dick. Context doesn’t matter, my normally held political views suddenly lose all significance. My desire to RAPE men dwarfs any moral conviction. It’s not a wish, it’s a NEED. I NEED to become a churka chad getting sloppy toppy from a barely legal Russian conscript with trench foot. I NEED to prolapse innocent Mexican bois in Guantanamo bay. I don’t even want to be a man, I just wish I could rape men with my dick. There is no situation in which I won’t find male on male rape sexy. It could involve crimes against humanity and it would still be heckin’ awesome. I feel absolutely zero empathy. I just enter coom mode and see the 3D men as yaoi. Knowing I’ll never have as much fun as Jeffrey Dahmer or that fag who raped 196 “straight” scrotes physically pains me. I will NEVER get my bus driver to black out and fuck his ass with a beer bottle. I will NEVER get to beat my neighbour with a metal pipe and molest his body. Simply because I’m a woman. It makes me feel deficient and aggravates me against gay men because they have a gift they’re not taking advantage of.

No. 430309

I can't find anyone to ERP and I whine and cry about this irl, I hate people online for no one ERPing with me my very specific things

No. 430314

When men are disparaging, overly critical, violent but only towards other men.

I made a joke to my boyfriend about being "obsessed" with a male streamer we talk about a lot (because while he's funny, he's ugly as fuck, nobody would ever be attracted to him) and he got pretend sulky and jealous and joked about killing him. Any other time I've said anything positive about a guy, he nitpicks the guy's looks, physique, personality, like he is trying to posture and seem better than a guy I don't even really care about it. Not going to lie, it turns me on. I love it when men tear each other down.

No. 430315

Yesss men hating and hurting each other is an all time classic. We love to see infighting.

No. 430316

unfortunately many of them will be selfish and hateful towards women because of it so you can't actually do anything with them.

hot. does he have a single brother or something please

KEK NONNA but also based, in a way. Although I'd prefer to rape them as a woman instead of as a man. Fag sex is inherently disgusting and I couldn't make eye contact with a guy knowing I'd shoved something up his poophole. Also I'd rather be the one taking advantage of the repressed churkoid instead, how cute.

No. 430319

>Although I'd prefer to rape them as a woman
How do you rape a man as a woman? It only feels good for them because men are natural whores who would love having their dick in anything warm and wet.

No. 430329

incapacitate them and beat them / humiliate them / touch them for my own gratification.

No. 430339

>Any other time I've said anything positive about a guy, he nitpicks the guy's looks, physique, personality, like he is trying to posture and seem better than a guy I don't even really care about it
My bf does this too but it annoys me because it makes him seem insecure

No. 430341

All men are perma-insecure when it comes to other men and that's why they are always competing and posturing. It's more about whether they're honest about it or not and whether they use those negative emotions to become a better boyfriend/husband for you or become a cuck instead. Or in the worst case they become a wife beater because they can't possibly compete with other men so they have to punch down.

No. 430342

My bf does it too, even with fictional characters, I fucking hate it. It makes him looks super insecure and it's a turn off for me.

No. 430351

Based I'm gonna start mentioning random moids in front of my nigel since he used to do the same to me with other girls and I never got him back for it. I dont really care if it ruins our relationship since I wanted to break up with him soon anyway.

No. 430352

based asf, leave him with as many insecurities as you can before you dump his ass

No. 430355

By now you probably know his biggest insecurities, hit him where it hurts.

No. 430364

>gay men because they have a gift they’re not taking advantage of
Oh nona they do take advantage of it. There are probably 2% of gay men who've never been raped
YESSS, my nigel does this too (about men he suspects of having hidden intentions), it's lovely when they're not agressive about it, just indignant. It's even better when you're not yet in a relationship but they can't help but feel jealous. '[Nona] can't you see this guy is an asshole' after he's seen you smile and laugh with a random man you don't gaf about, a man who isn't him. Delectable.

No. 430368

find one that's gay. like 9000% gay, they'll hate it

No. 430442

i dont think im gay but i find chubby women soo attractive, like overweight but not obese? i wanna draw a bunch of pictures of their beautiful figures…okay this sounds really gay im stopping now

No. 430467

Based and relatable. Would I like to be a man irl? No, men are inferior and gross. Do I fantasize about being a man and raping another man in the ass? Every night.

No. 430550

File: 1726586097505.jpg (Spoiler Image,352.17 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2024-09-17-02-50-58…)

Here, have a bloody moid

No. 430594

This is so fucking cringe but I’m turned on by my body because my fetish for not necessarily chubby but softer anime girls, I guess skinnyfat? I’m thin and eat relatively well and walk pretty regularly but I guess I’m that body type because I have big thighs for my frame and my ass is flabby too and i have an albeit pretty small belly. My ex pointed it out and it made me deeply insecure and it still fucks with me today but turns me on too. I’ve had this fetish for so long so it kinda turns me on that my body ended up being like this? This is so blogposty and embarrassing I feel sorry kek

No. 430612

>not necessarily chubby but softer anime girls, I guess skinnyfat?
Can you post an example picture? I don't think I've ever seen an anime girl that wasn't stick thin. If I look up images it just shows morbidly obese girls

No. 430613

I guess super sonico counts but I prefer more pear shaped as to hourglass like she is
The one girl from atelier ryza fits this too when she’s drawn without the thigh gap
Hahari hanazono from 100 girlfriends is also drawn like this
Kotori from blue archive would be a perfect example if she didn’t have such a loli face
If she wasn’t so insufferable as a character orihime would fit this perfectly but once again too hourglass
Rikka from gridman could probably fit this too
There are a few nikke characters with the build I like I think but I hate that series and don’t wanna look
All these series are shit btw but if you also like this type of body I recommend at least having a look at some of their designs

No. 430617

File: 1726600203961.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1020x2228, protective first date.jpg)

I don't know if this counts, but this miner's post..

No. 430624

File: 1726603300822.gif (255.03 KB, 500x282, 2AB4DEC5-DE98-4390-A4F2-8B7331…)

His hands are designed to be kissed

No. 430625

Good taste. My fave is Chie Kamizono, she's more chubby than 'skinnyfat'. I really get you though, i fantasize about having a wife who becomes gradually chubby (nothing too extreme…) and having a gf/bf who shamefully confesses their excitement at the prospect of me becoming chubbier. Like discussing having kids, reminding the other i'll get fat and my body will change in certain ways, only to see them pop a boner or blush and hyperventilate from arousal at my description… it's not that shameful kek, more like a hyper-normal domestic fantasy

No. 430635

Use a chatbot.

No. 430636

I kind of like the idea of cuckolding, but I dislike cuckqueaning. I like the idea of moid cucking so I kind of wish I was one because my degradation kink knows that type of stuff is pathetic.

No. 430675

Colonialism-related raceplay with women specifically, I always imagine how we would have met if we existed centuries ago and like to trace back our history

No. 430686

Fat moid post confirmed

No. 430791

I miss being doted on by women, specifically older women. I feel like a scrote, and I basically act like one with how useless I am, but I think I have an oedipus complex. It's not in a "I want a mommy gf" way, it's in a way where I genuinely wish I had a woman who groomed me instead of men when I was younger sometimes. The only women who groomed me were straight women who did it for their boyfriends to jack off to, which I am upset about. I feel like a man for always yearning for something with an older woman and only viewing them like that. I enjoy it when older women dote on me and praise me. I literally will try to act "cute" or act like I'm younger than I am and lie about my age to get them to dote on me. I don't know what it is, because I don't think it's sexual, but for some reason, I seek their praise and their attention. I never felt that way with older men. It has to be 35+ too. Sometimes I wish I was younger just so I can have an older woman figure to dote on me and genuinely view me as her daughter. I have been doing this since elementary school, I do not know why.

No. 430999

Sigh, they deleted it and all of the replies.

No. 431140

love guys being forced to squat and piss like a girl, something about being exposed and vulnerable like that is hot as fuck.

No. 431225

I have a mind control kink and I don't know where I even got it atp. I'd like it to go away.

No. 431234

im like this too. im starved for chubbish anime girls, all the girls i liked irl where slightly overweight/overweight not obese tho. idk i would never say them being kinda chubby turns me on a heck of a lot because they would probably think that’s super weird. and it’s funny because i’ve been anorexic since age 12 so it’s kinda weird for me to be into slightly chubby nerd women.

No. 431263

this sounds like unresolved mommy issues

No. 431277

I relate so much. Like >>431263 said it's 100% mother issues

No. 431298

fat/chubby women are so unfairly maligned. it's a soft and feminine feature like full lips are. I also care a lot about staying skinny (no ED) but only because I don't gain weight in a flattering curvy way so maybe there's some envy too.

No. 431372

KEK KEK KEK nona you are so real for this! I feel the same; there's something so sexy about the thought of being a moid and going full primal rape-ape mode with my dick by abusing other men's holes left and right. I'd make the whole world my bitch… or at least half of it.

Based based based

I owe an apology to that one nona I had an infight with as a newfag over finding nazi uniforms hot. Years later, I now draw the same outfit on my husbano OCs, just without the swastika.

This… I love undeniably masculine and beefy men crossdressing, especially if they have a manly bone structure and a strong jaw. It's the temporary subversion thyat's hot unlike femboys which are just copium for faggot scrotes and shotafags.

This style looks like the artistic manifestation of acne slash grease face and makes me throw up in my mouth. Mossa has a unique talent for turning anything that could possibly be attractive in theory into utterly repulsive slop.

No. 431383

head better be male

No. 431384

why is she standing in such a retarded position
even drawing savage females they cant help but make them stand in this retarded uwu anime pose which is also pedophilic since genu valgum is a child thing

No. 431385

so we are supposed to pretend this is not a male(scrotefoiling)

No. 431394

Not gonna lie, I find female degens hot, but only when their degeneracy is towards males. Women like >>430304 for example. Like oooh you want to do all of these things to moids? That's so awesome, tell me more. This is why I avoid this thread, it turns me on and I'm ashamed of it. May god have mercy on my wretched soul

No. 431395

File: 1726835868232.jpg (29.49 KB, 564x705, 17feb6edae6a865382848b2734d7c4…)

>I will NEVER get my bus driver to black out and fuck his ass with a beer bottle.
No not with that attitude you won't.

No. 431398

same nonna

No. 431466

Down so bad I already started kicking my feet at tall handsome strongfat man, just kill me nonas

No. 431467

Nona you are technically the final boss of this thread since your shameful fetish is the thread itself kekkkkk

No. 431469

You should date a fujoshi.

No. 431507

I want to use tinder to find horny moids, then make sure not to bathe for like a week beforehand. I want to make moids come over and tongue my stinky marinating pussy and unwashed butthole, then kick him out afterwards without giving him anything in return.

No. 431508

I've always wanted to meet a cute guy who's into getting pegged and ass play. But I've never met a man who was into the submissive role. I'm domme but for some reason I only attract dominant moids. I want to break down a dominant guy, turn him into a needy buttslut who loves having his prostate milked and being fucked in the ass with my strap. I want to turn him into my whimpering little bitch begging me to let him cum.

No. 431612

These annoying Mormons keep coming to my house. My parents keep entertaining them to be nice and I want them gone but they tend to be pretty handsome KEK one of them had a really fat ass and I could see his underwear line through his pants. I stared hard when he left. I wonder what it would be like to have sex with one. I don't know if their religion requires them to be virgins or what

No. 431625

I'm not even american so i can't say but i read that 'Mormon come across as faggy but are really horny and have 20 kids by the time they're 25'. Make of that what you will

No. 431638

NTA but I've been praying every day for a fujo gf so we can fujo out together. Life just isn't fair

No. 431647

i want a fujo best friend. i used to have one then she joined a cult.

No. 431652


No. 431656

Same. Being in fandom as a teenager was hell because I would get crushes on the girls there and of course they were all straight.

No. 431658

Is this a universal experience? except my fandom friend group had some crazy dating drama so I guess they were bi

No. 431768

File: 1726941152626.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.64 KB, 736x929, 384ee12064b58ef02d396e4c31a80c…)

I love Ethan Suplee back when he was fat - he looks kinda ugly now that he's jacked. My shameful fetish is having his character from American History X "punish me" for being progressive by violently fucking and spanking me while scolding me Or have Frankie Stecchino push me against walls on some corny 80's bully shit
Keep him

No. 431776

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No. 431777


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 432016

Werewolves. That's all I'm going to say.

No. 432022

I don't know about Mormons, but religious men are the sluttiest and you can pretty much make them do whatever you want sexually if they fall for you.

No. 432026

I kinda wish I lived in America or another religious country just so I could corrupt all those horny young men who are absolutely gagging for it but are forcing themselves to wait until they get married. They would be so mouldable and desperate.

No. 432041

Kek were you a fan of the show teen wolf?

No. 432070

i want to torture a woman mkultra style. i want to strap her down and inject her with drugs and manipulate her and distort her perception of reality. i want to watch her become erratic and pliable and to study her very, very closely. i don't even know if this fantasy includes sex because i'm a professional and fucking my patients is "unprofessional." and "unethical." and this is a real professional's work. idk how to even explain this or how one would even go about role playing this irl. like i want to strap her down and sexually stimulate her with some sort of machine that isn't super obvious about its purpose and note out loud her abnormal sexual response and talk about her in front of her to my colleagues and how bizarre it is that she's having such an obscene reaction to a mundane procedure. i want full unrestricted access to do whatever i want to her at any time while acting clinical and only nice with detached friendliness.

No. 432099

scrotal as hell(scrotefoiling)

No. 432102

Kek nope. Never seen it. Is it good? The reason I got into the whole werewolf thing is because my husbando acts like a 'golden retriever' and I imagined him as a dogboy and it was super hot. Then I went a step further and imagined what if he was a werewolf. I actually prefer vampires but I can't imagine my husbando as a vampire, it doesn't suit him, so I went with werewolf. Now it's super hot to me. But it can't be some random werewolf, it has to be my husbando as a werewolf.

No. 432107

You should feel ashamed.

No. 432109

I liked it.

No. 432114

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I fantasize about something similar but with the roles reversed and not as explicitly sexual. Like I've done something bad or I'm being targeted for some reason (still trying to figure that part out) and now I have to go to mandated therapy sessions every week with this charming but genius and manipulative psychologist who seems to want to break me as some sort of experiment and to uncover some big secret I have. He gets a kick out of messing with my mind and is determined to finish this job as a bet and to feed his already inflated ego. In this scenario, I'm also pretty smart and stubborn, so I make it my goal to mentally take him down too. We go back and forth doing mind games and trying to outdo each other, and it all spirals into chaos. We both reach our breaking points and start to lose it. He becomes obsessed with me and wants to see my life fall apart.He cleverly finds ways to blackmail me into exposing myself but since I'm stubborn I refuse. After he sneakily ruins my reputation with my friends and family and I lose my job, turning me into a complete outcast, I finally snap and plan to torture and murder him. I decide to pretend that I feel defeated and call him to set up a meeting so I can finally tell him everything. He agrees and invites me to his house.We talk for a bit, scrutinizing each other but ultimately seeming defeated. Then I pull out my paralyzing needle and jab him with it. I start beating and torturing him until he’s bleeding and covered in bruises. Suddenly, he starts laughing, not at the situation but at himself for how much he stupidly underestimated me. Furious, I start choking him until he’s bright red but then he gets turned on and starts caressing my thigh. At that moment, someone he knows sees us through the window and calls the police. I manage to escape aaaaand Idk how to continue. Sadly I'm too retarded to write something so nuanced and psyhological but the idea of it makes me wet. Sorry for the autistic wall of text.

No. 432117

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Literally the plot of nbc hannibal

No. 432119

kek I remember being obsessed with that show so maybe that's where I got the idea from. In my fantasies he is more openly arrogant and cheeky and still relatively young hence the massive ego. That, minus the cannibal part.

No. 432120

Lmao nonna great minds do think alike

No. 432129

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I wrote a post in one of the female fantasies threads months ago basically about wanting to be on the receiving end of this. I'm clearly not alone in thinking about this… tfw you will never get psychologically and physically experimented on by a scientist woman for latent, pervasive erotic reasons

No. 432133

I ship you two.

No. 432141

I think embarrassing and premature orgasms are so, so hot, from both men and women. Spoiler just in case my autistic fantasies are tmi. For women my fantasy is that she's a cold, smug type who sees me as a "project" and generally has me trained as her arm candy, but I perform so well that she's caught off-guard, and she either praises me or gets…annoyed, kind of? Flustered? It's a blow to her ego anyway and she "punishes" me to make herself feel better. For moids I imagine him to be quietly obsessed with me and afraid of fucking things up, but he blows his load early because I'm such a stone-cold Stacey that he can't contain his excitement. I think that's the appeal in both cases tbh, but because I have gender segregated fetishes for some reason, the scenario manifests it differently.

No. 432146

i hate you people who keep calling every morally wrong ssa fantasy “scrotal”. is it possibly worrying? yes. but i actually fucking hate people who think that women are just morally pure and that there are no women violent fantasies. women = submissive, prey. men= dominant, predator. i hate that like you wouldn’t believe. women are just people. people are questionable. idk sorry i just fucking hate this.

No. 432149

Well, a woman is still submissive prey in that scenario, so that's probably why they called it scrotal.

No. 432168

oh wow, a fantasy about drugging and raping women. how new and groundbreaking.

No. 432178

it's if a woman doing it, it's groundbreaking.
According to farmers, straight women can have dark fantasies but lesbians aren't allowed to

No. 432181

extremely based. i am ashamed to admit it, but i have a similar fantasy, where i’m on the receiving end like that other nona too — i want a cold, precise, meticulous woman to experiment on me in various dubious ways. ugh, that’s so unbelievably hot to me i’m literally dripping typing this out.

No. 432187

Because women don't deserve to be abused. Moids do.

No. 432188

so lesbians are SOL? How convenient for you

No. 432199

they go 'scrotal!!' because they identify with the woman in that scenario, then their mind defaults to 'a man is doing this to me' because they are more or less straight. Best to ignore

No. 432225

Have you watched Nightmare Alley?

No. 432236

yeah bro lesbians totally have fantasies of drugging and sexually assaulting women. just say you're a moid or weirdo tif and go.(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 432245

NTA but come on. Yeah it's fucked up that anyone would think of that, and if it's a woman thinking it it's unexpected, but even if it's not as often or violent as moid fantasies, women have fucked up fantasies all the time, even ones involving hurting other women (or children, sadly).

No. 432247

>implying i have these fantasies
You could say 'i like oranges' and anons would reply with 'you hate apples?!?'
>moid or weirdo tif
Even weirdo tifs with violent fantasies don't really have a distinctly male sexuality. You don't get it

No. 432253

Adding that the post wasn't even describing actually hurting anyone. It's just a porny scenario, nothing exclusive to the minds of males.

No. 432255

>you dont understand
>i NEED to get off on the idea of drugging women and manipulating her into being my slave and sexually experimenting on her against her will
kek this board is an absolute joke now, full of troons and woman hating tifs

No. 432263

It might be from years of reading too much niche yaoi porn but I like this sort of thing. I still have a thing for men with big puffy nipples on a pair of nice pecs. I'm ashamed.

No. 432274

No, you don't get that women may have weird and upsetting fantasies but that's not quite comparable to males and their sexuality. Close enough!

No. 432298

this is what im trying to say. i never said it was right i just feel like it’s dehumanising to imply that women aren’t capable of having the full range of human emotions and desires just like moids do. women don’t abuse people more often because we’re constantly bombarded to be morally superior unlike men who are taught they are owed everything. and also because we’re systematically oppressed and physically weaker. but women have these desires nonetheless, and sometimes they even act upon them. it’s like saying killing people is a moid trait because a woman never would kill someone because we’re super moral and innocent creatures. women abuse people too, why? because we’re degenerate people just like everyone else. im not saying it’s right. im saying that i hate people who perpetuate this idea that women aren’t capable of evil as if we weren’t as human or complex as moids are.

No. 432326

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I found this while browsing tumblr, I hope you two enjoy

No. 432334

AYRT, I hate that idea too.

Put in simple terms, women can fantasize about something weird or even horrible, like all the posts on here about sexually torturing men (which I get it, it's ok because they're moids, moids don't feel that threatened by women, women are overall less violent and dangerous and sociopathic, moids can fight back and easily beat a woman, it can be seen as revenge for everything moids do to us irl), and some women are exclusively attracted to women. So naturally those two things cross over sometimes.
I get why one would be upset that there's women fantasizing about doing bad things to other women, if you don't want any woman to suffer or be sexualized in any way after all that moids do to us. That's understandable but doesn't stop female homosexual people from wanting to have sex with other female people and sometimes having perverse fantasies about them, not necessarily because they hate them and want to see other women suffer. Thinking of porny scenarios is not something only straight males are capable of.

No. 432337

Damn, you guys would’ve loved Josef Mengele

No. 432340

Samefagging because my fetish is developing even more and I'm getting new ideas.
Having him force alcohol down my throat to get me intoxicated like he did with Danny in the movie. Fucking me with the butt of his gun with the other hand on my throat. Pistol-whipping me if I fight back. Edging me by flicking my clit while scolding me for my "wrong" political views and how it's making me a slut. Filming me with the camera he had in the movie after he's done while my eyeliner runs down my cheeks and I can barely think straight, and he comments on how fucked out I am. Throwing me to the ground and pretending to stomp my head only to stomp the ground next to me. Fucking me while forcing me to parrot his supremacist talking points (with his camera filming it all of course). Making me lay with my head on his lap while showing me the disgusting videos he made of me/us. Or him seeing me talk to a black guy, getting mad and dragging me to an alley to hate-fuck me over it. Pumping as much cum in me as possible to "mark" me before any black or brown guy can

No. 432341

AYRT hahahahahah I did not expect farmers to shit their panties when a woman has a fantasy more intense than holding hands during a picnic haha. Not a scrote, just a sadistic woman. Cry about it.
>noooo women are morally pure angels they're not allowed to have dark imaginations or they're literally evil and malebrained!!!!
This is too severe and honestly a little tryhard for me. I don't want to break bones or make anyone eat shit.
My words resonate with those who understand. I'm not too scared to be a dominant woman in a society that demonizes women who want to dom other women, we are out there.
Anyway, I'll add a little more: I think it would be fun to attach those little wire patch things (can't remember the name) to her temples and watch her brain activity, have a heart rate monitor, all the things you'd see in a hospital setup. Watch her brain activity morph over time as she becomes accustomed to the circumstances she's in, as everything becomes normal for her. I would keep an obsessively well organized and tediously detailed log of everything about her, every reaction, both external and internal. Her life before crossing paths with me, and how she's changing under treatment. I don't want to get her addicted to drugs, but I do want her to get addicted to the praise she receives after particularly arduous treatment for "being such a good sport" or "taking it so well" or "being so cooperative" that she subconsciously gets excited for another round of treatment. I think I would like to inject her with an aphrodisiac and tie her down so she can't pleasure herself, and tell her it's about seeing the effects of restraint on people. Noting her "vaginal discharge" out loud as I write it down, always remaining clinical, making it seem unintended. I'd like to do it again but leave her unrestrained, hoping she'll start masturbating in the test room, so I can walk in on her and degrade her for being so deranged and uncontrollably hypersexual in a professional environment. I like electroshock therapy, I think it would be really fun to interrogate someone who's strapped to a chair, and shock her whenever she's lying… or when I think she's lying, until she gives me the answer I want. I want her to degrade herself under duress and I want to witness the moment the pain becomes too much and she forfeits her morals just to make it stop. So delicious. Of course I would reward her after, just a little. "I'm so glad you finally decided to be honest." Maybe offering her snacks. I love CIA style "advanced interrogation" techniques and would love to be at the frontlines testing them and their efficacy.

No. 432342

NTA but ow the edge.

No. 432346

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i want a guy to give me a footjob, like step on my pussy. Also i wish i had a dick so could cum on some guys face/hair/glasses.

No. 432352

ive always wanted to wake up to my lover eating me out but alas I am an insomniac.

No. 432360

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Too ugly

No. 432366

I want this well, but in a gentle playful way instead of in a humiliating way. Like we are both lying on opposite sides of the couch, he can see I'm getting horny and he playfully rubs his toes against my clit through my panties until I orgasm. Or I grab his foot, press it against my pussy, and rub up against it.

No. 432371

No. 432372

>so could cum on some guys face/hair/glasses.
I need this so bad, but honestly I'd be happy with just making him cum on his own glasses, he didn't plan to but I force him anyway, and he's shocked and flustered when it happens. So cute lol

No. 432375

>>432372 (me)
>I'd be happy with just making him cum on his own glasses
Or pissing on him
Salirophiliacs rise up

No. 432496

I hate the fact that I know that it exists at least one fanfic about him, it will forever haunt me.

No. 432511

It's only shameful because it's a manifestation of my self-loathing and fatass tendencies, but I love the idea of female ugly bastard on male. Especially if he's meant to be some heroic or aristocratic type. Imagining some pretty boy paladin getting his pelvis broken by a hideous orc priestess, or a dowdy secretary drugging her handsome asshole boss into being her toy for the evening really does it for me. Also piss.

No. 432519

You're so real for this nona. I want to see more obese woman/fat ugly woman on cute young twink porn.

No. 432540

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born sexy yesterday trope, i wish i could actually find a hot dumb virgin

No. 432570

Early 2000s russian porn is JUST like that

No. 432589

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I like looking at cute (2D&3D) males eat. Especially fried eggs. I don't get off on them blowing up.

No. 432626

I saw him and thought of your post hnng

No. 432635

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For the last year I've almost only thought about having normal sex with him but last week my brain broke and lately I can only think about kidnapping him and forcing myself on him and turning him into my little boy-whore-pet victim. Particularly degenerate is pimping him out, I started fixating on this because I think it's the worst thing I could do to him, make him take dick from random ugly fags. He would truly belong to me.

No. 432675

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I want to print out these pictures of Paul Dano and put them in my wallet so i can lovingly look at them. I'm not proud

No. 432722

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I've been fantasizing a lot about marrying Fantasio and shamelessly cheating on him with Spirou and Gaston lately

No. 432730

terry is that you

No. 432833

there's 10x the number of threads on 4chan with the opposite fetish

No. 432867

Nona you should look up NueHakase on Xitter. She's a lesbian vtuber and artist, i think you'd love her work (she's super cute aswell)

No. 432892

It's so funny reading the essays on here about how the man is still in power even if you cuck him. Bitch who told you he consented to it? We're cheating

No. 432906

Wouldn't it be more accurate to simply say cheating? Cuck is a fetish term

No. 433500

NTA but while I don't believe in lesbian fujoshis, i have met several "hot for fujoshis" lesbians…

No. 433630

This sounds like that mercy hypnotizing dva into liking dick image

No. 433631

Yo. You called?

No. 433635

I love pretending to be the moid in hentai. I love feeling like my pretend sex organ is the center of this absolutely stunning (fictional)woman's world. She's so pretty yet I have my cock in her face and she's taking it all in. Through her mouth and throat. In her butt too. She's amazed by how big and thick my penis is and shes blown away by it. She loves feeling how hard and hot it is inside her pumping in and out of her nice and steady or pounding thrusting real hard inside her ass. I also love pretending to be her too because it's so humiliating taking a cock in the ass and letting it continously pound inside of you, only concerned about its own pleasure and not yours.
I can go on all day.

No. 433637

Do you have a video porn addiction, asking out of curiousity

No. 433642

Stop consuming porn. Seriously anon

No. 433644

jesus. lay off the porn

No. 433651

this but i want to do it to a man

No. 433653

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Thundercats, monster movies and movies like picrel lowkey turned me into a furry. Not for the ones with full-on animal heads and bodies because that's disgusting, but mostly human with some animal/monster parts. Feel free to judge kek

No. 433661

why are tifs so weird. hentai turned a whole generation of westerners into troons.

No. 433664

No. 433672

not really a fetish but men who can sing are so attractive. i want him to hold me and sing to me as i fall asleep in his arms.

No. 433679

I'm chubby and insecure about it (I had an ED over it years ago but have trouble losing weight from metabolism issues), but I dated a girl who used to have an ED and worked out daily. She was super into me and I personally found it super flattering. It's not weird at all to me as long as she doesn't want me to gain weight or other objectifying crap.

No. 433688

>t. audrey hale

No. 433695

dumb prostitute sporting his collar, teasing the public.. he should make himself easier for access & groping instead of this dignity charade where he walks on two feet. stupid boy.

No. 433713

Me too, kek. I like imagining my husbando as a dogboy with ears and a tail. Or a werewolf. It's cute and hot. His ears perking up and tail wagging when he's happy to see me, or his ears flattened and his tail between his legs when I berate him. Haaawt.

No. 434413

I was a tween the first time I met a deaf person irl. He knew how to lip read, and he was so cute with a slight deafaccent that made him sound both a little retarded as well as adorable. I was good friends with him for the time being but lost touch after he moved schools less than a year later. Either way, I’ve been into deaf guys and sign language alike ever since.
First of all, it’s frustrating that most people don’t understand that sign languages are REAL languages. They’re not word-for-word translations of spoken languages into specific hand motions. They have their own syntax and grammar rules unique to them, they occur naturally, evolve and have different dialects.
It pisses me off that this is so hard to get into people’s heads. One time I was watching the news with a friend and they were doing a segment into the challenges faced by the Deaf Community™ (which I, of course, saw all the way through). But then, after listening to the whole thing she turns to me like, “These kids probably just have a lower iq if they struggle with reading English so much.”
??!?!? (I care a normal amount)
“Well, you know, they don’t speak English. They speak our local SL, so struggling to read English is expected because they’re learning a new language.”
“But they can just translate the signs into words.”
Genius! Why ever learn any other languages at all? Just translate your language into another language! Simple.
Anyway, I’m not benevolent. Every time they have the little sl interpreter in the corner I’m staring at them. It’s v sexy as far as I’m concerned.
As Helen Keller once said: “Blindness separates people from things; deafness separates people from people.” - and that’s the appeal.

No. 434459

I woke up this morning to another sex dream involving my cousin. All we ever did was play doctor and have pretend "sex" when we were kids. Nothing happened after this, aside from his occasional hungry stares when we were teenagers. he's slightly younger than me and i hope he's still a virgin. I don't want to date him (for obvious reasons) i just know we'd have insane sex. I could go on but suffice to say, he probably contributed to my femdom penchants. I don't have an incest fetish (just in case)

No. 434489

>I don't have an incest fetish (just in case)
>is posting all of this in the fetishes thread
kek sure nonny

No. 434491

>Not for the ones with full-on animal heads and bodies because that's disgusting
Then your not a furry

No. 434590

Kekkk bear with me please.. To me this thread is 'shameful fantasies' since 90% of it is well, fantasies actually

No. 434757

Not too ashamed but I just really want to slap,choke,punch,step on and whip a man.II just want to leave long lasting bruises on his body as he whimpers and cries out but still doesn’t reject anything I unleash onto him.I just want a guy who’ll let me do any horrible thing I wanted to to him and take it like the dog he is.

No. 434788

holy fuck are we all the same person? Even the introspection about the levels of loser lmao. I genuinely want to "rehab" a virgin incel loser into a submissive boyfriend. Not gonna do it irl tho bc the effort vs reward is bleak

No. 434862

I'm sure other fujosisters can relate but I want to be a cuck for my favorite yaoi pairing. I'm straight but I hate the idea of being fucked by a man. I wanna watch them go at it raw, forget I'm even there. I wanna hear the moans and cries of a cute uke as his ass is being torn apart. I wouldn't even touch myself I just wanna watch them

No. 434868

no we cant. real fags arent ukes if you like to watch gay porn good for you but youre not a fujo so dont use our terminology

No. 434870

I am a fujoshi. I literally own hetalia doujin of my favorite pairing. i cannot stand irl porn. Why the needless infighting?

No. 434872

I would agree if I hadn't watch real gay porn out of curiosity and it's kinda disgusting tbqh. I even watched something very vanilla with attractive guys but idk it just does nothing for me. I guess it's because I can't get into their heads and deconstruct them the way I can with fictional men.

No. 434885

> i hope he's still a virgin. I don't want to date him

Why is this confusing ?

No. 434921

Having a rich husband who works all day while cheating on him with taller hotter men constantly…whom I purely use for sex. Pretending to be devoted while I don’t actually give a fuck about him because the bigger betrayal is watching a man think that he is entitled beautiful young women just because he succeeded in a patriarchal society be used. Actually I am not ashamed of this at all

No. 434923

I just want to steal his virginity

No. 435541

File: 1728239931987.jpeg (190.87 KB, 1080x1440, GX21Gv1XsAACUCM.jpeg)

I want whatever this is and I hate myself for it

No. 435548

i believe you would enjoy reading gentlemen prefer blondes!

No. 435564

File: 1728245375840.jpeg (Spoiler Image,835.74 KB, 1168x1000, 9252DBDA-56B8-4C3D-9CF1-92E55C…)

I need him to wrestle me like that, he would probably break my spine but I don’t care. I love his hypocrisy, nude play wrestling with female friends while larping as a conservative Muslim for money. Morally bankrupt and horny. I KNOW putting people in a chokehold is literally foreplay to him. He would be dirt under my shoe if he wasn’t a wrestler, I just watched him squeeze grown men to submission with his thighs and now I want to fuck him. I would drag my cunt across his beard like a snail and forbid him from cleaning it, so the slime would permanently leave a stench as it dries into crusty flakes. His genetic abomination lips were made in the womb with a hole in the middle for a better clit sucking experience. I want him to eat me out with the same tongue he takbirs with. So thoughtful of him to clean shave the action zone because I’m ticklish

No. 435570

I’d like to clarify I’m talking about the guy on the top left with jet black chin pubes. It’s been like 10 minutes since I wrote this post and I’m already filled with shame. I came here to delete it but honestly anons deserve to have a lolcow to laugh at. Feel free to bully

No. 435574

his lip is torn from a scar its not genetic afaik lol

No. 435622

His mother lied to him, it’s definitely genetic. He even has the telltale nostril congestion and complains about it frequently lol

No. 435626

> Fancy cheeses
Of ALL the things they could have chosen kek

No. 435677

Something I think about sometimes is like y'now how there's the whole fear of men getting drunk and then forcing themselves on women? Sometimes when drinking I imagine myself forcing myself on a shy virginal guy and him stammering scared like I'm not in my right in my right mind and then ruining him despite him whining he wants to wait for me to sober up bc fuck him I'm gonna take what I want. But this fantasy only happens when drunk not sober, like I'm doing it out of love and impatience despite his protests and he knows he can't deny me. And maybe take it a step further that he's a boyfriend who hates me drinking and wishes I'd stop but allows me to get handsy out of fear of what I'd do if he said no. Despite being wasted, pretending not to notice how he looks away and slacks his arms in defeat

No. 435678


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No. 435680

i hate tranny shit and men wearing makeup in general. but my crush has those kinds of waterlines and eyelashes where it looks like hes wearing eyeliner and mascara naturally. he also has very plump lips and sometimes looks like hes wearing lip tint/gloss. for some reason i find that hot.

No. 436062

Autoandrophilia. I hate that I like this, but I envy men for being able to feel the sensation of penetration that I will never be able to feel. I nearly trooned out because of my desire to be looked at and perceived as a man, but my therapist talked some sense into me. Ugh, I wish it was anything else.

No. 437065

New thread >>>/g/437064

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