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File: 1717967017792.jpg (45.07 KB, 736x414, c41ca698bf1297ad0fe24ac96605fa…)

No. 404862

Post what you would and your dream partner ideally would be like. Feel free to share movie couples, art, and real couples as well, don't judge other people's contributions unless its something inappropriate or sexist, in which case report.

No. 404881

File: 1717970814564.jpeg (764.69 KB, 828x1035, IMG_5263.jpeg)

Et tu, lolcor?

No. 404927

What's the matter?

No. 404933

I need to feel loved and cared for 24/7

No. 404936

Eek same

No. 404955

What an annoying normalfag zoomie OP pic

No. 404961

I would be happy with any man who doesn’t have a personality disorder at this point. I seem to attract schizos and clusterbees like flies to shit.

No. 404971

I will take any man who doesn’t watch porn: too bad that doesn’t exist.

I literally just want a bf who isn’t a coomer. Difficulty mode: impossible.

No. 404983

God, I feel this deeply within me.

No. 404984

we have threads like this already

No. 404989

is the op pic brook and her nigel? (sorry for the off-topic post)

No. 404996

I want a happy relationship with myself

No. 405013

Its Brooke Monk and Sam Dezz

No. 405015

No. 405017

Oh god we’re being raided by 14 year olds

No. 405031

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No. 405033

Tiktok whore and her zesty bf

No. 405035


No. 405044

It’s cheating and proven to rot your brain.

No. 405049

is it the same with hentai? i sometimes watch hentai together with my bf..

No. 405051

Are you new to this website

No. 405057

Please god let this be bait

No. 405061

Kek anon. Brooke and Sam are in their twenties and as far as I know their followers are mostly college students.

No. 405062

Please, enough about the OP pic, I'm the OP and literally just wanted a picture to use, its not like i purposefully looked for brooke and Sam, I just looked for relationship goals on pinterest. For the love of god, take a Xanax or gtfo.

No. 405074

It looks like summer already. The kids are out.(infighting)

No. 405136

Sad and true. I’d genuinely rather stay alone than date a coomer.

No. 405140

They look like shit and like they're just performing in front of a camera (it's what they're doing).

No. 405146

No one cares anon. If you have a problem, take it to /meta/. The op pic is not the point of the thread.

No. 405199

studies have already shown that only 92% of heterosexual men look at either porn or quasi porn (Instagram, etc)

No. 411910

File: 1720224668041.jpg (4.17 MB, 3072x4096, selenaandchris.jpg)

I want a boyfriend/husband like Chris Perez. Reading To Selena With Love you can really feel how much he loved that woman. All the pictures you can see it in his eyes how he adored her and how happy he was to have her. Even to this day he's on social media missing her.

No. 411998

File: 1720255919648.webp (47.12 KB, 820x542, ukrainian husband korean wife.…)

Ukrainian-Korean husband and wife

No. 413267

I'm pretty sure my husband doesn't watch porn. He's around me too much for me to not notice it. He'd have to be sneaking jerk sessions on his phone in the office bathroom.

No. 413268

and kek

No. 413270


No. 413278

No. 418572

No. 418588

File: 1721940695447.jpeg (85.12 KB, 500x348, 1700708698949.jpeg)

loving and attentive and appreciates me
not a coomer
doesnt have any personality disorders, political neurosis, addictions
taller than 5'5
normal weight
not a neet (if even i can go to school and work theres no excuse)
wont pressure me into having kids
thats all i think

No. 418605

dont forget
>must be also 6 feet tall minimum
>must be muscular
>must have a 8/10 face atleast

No. 418612

I hope when I’m a woman in my 40s, I’m very wealthy and powerful and use that to my advantage by buying my own sex slave. Preferably a man who’s around 20 years old, hairless, with a cute face who is always submissive for me. Our relationship starts out as purely sexual, but flourishes with a clear power dynamic in place with me on top.

No. 418615

absolutely based

No. 418621

so part of the appeal is not just his age but also that you would be older than him? You wouldn't be interested in this dynamic at your current age?

No. 418664

>so part of the appeal is not just his age but also that you would be older than him?
Yes, as well as more experienced and more vulnerable to me. If this were to happen at my current age (18) the power dynamic simply wouldn’t be enough and I don’t have enough life experience

No. 418709

File: 1721965675325.jpeg (68.31 KB, 600x597, 466AF5D9-5B17-4362-801D-A41B04…)

>3 inches tall
>can be stuffed into a girls underwear and used to pleasure herself
>cute handsome and blonde

>legendary yokai
>black eyed demoness
>pure nightmare fuel
>soul is trapped in a 3000 year old amulet decorated in precious stones
>can only be contacted through a specific obscure japanese webpage that requires a keycoding language that is no longer in use

No. 418717

File: 1721969056109.jpg (42.86 KB, 564x575, 51a34497160d767b5e527a15634347…)

No. 418721

I need a bf the size of an ox please please pleaseee

No. 418751

>low sex drive and not interested in cheating
>no porn or very little porn (less than twice a month)
>not a misogynist
already no men are left
>wants a lifelong relationship
>from a first world country
>willing to settle in an appartment withing 4-5 years
>with a stable job
>will participate in housework equally
>wants kids and not sterile
>no addictions
>no life threatening or disabling health issue
>not abusive
>no anger issues
>does not waste mnoey on useless shit

I know I'd have to remove at least half of these criteria to have a chance at finding a husband but I'd rather die alone and childless than settle for someone who doesn't meet them

basically I want a woman lmao

No. 418759

I want a living apart together long term relationship but it’s hard to find a partner close to my age (early 30s) who wants that. It seems like a thing for the 60+ crowd.

No. 418770

depressing that this simple checklist is hard to tick off

No. 418774

"not a coomer" is impossible to tick off, so that list is completely pointless to begin with

No. 418786

>average looking
>no mental issues
>needs to be nice to me and my family/friends and other strangers
>taller than me would be ideal
>would be nice if he has a job
>not a complete porn/hentai addict
>not a otaku/hardcore weeb

thats all i can think about honestly.

No. 418788

>loving and attentive and appreciates me
not a coomer
>doesnt have any personality disorders, political neurosis, addictions
>normal weight
>wont pressure me into having kids
>thats all i think
sad to know that my vibrator is the best bf I have had

No. 419136

My unrealistic dream is to have a fake, mutually beneficial marriage lol. Like I have a really good friend that needs to get married for whatever reason so we get together. Basically I want a glorified roommate that's stuck with me but has no expectations of me other than being a good person/friend

No. 419444

File: 1722149564401.jpeg (51.45 KB, 612x571, 66C44415-C325-4CF8-A2B0-FACC22…)

tfw loyal edgy little shit bf to wrangle till death do us part

No. 419560

wasn't there some video going around a few years ago of some 20-something year old girls driving him around somewhere?

No. 419739

This thread makes me depressed it seems like majority of the posts are

>I would like him to not be completely psychotic

>teeth would be nice too

No. 419752

And even that’s unachievable irl kek

No. 419888

What? No way… if this is true this is seriously saddening to me. Ntayrt but I was thinking about their relationship the other day and how it gave me hope.

No. 419925

BJA fucks teen groupies.

No. 419935


No. 419947

File: 1722293039951.jpeg (156.09 KB, 1224x1080, 1656187610175.jpeg)

found the video. it was originally on tiktok but got deleted so you have to view it on this link instead (stole it from a celebricows thread) i don't know if he actually did anything with these women, but who knows

No. 419950

>ageing musician is a manwhore with a thing for adolescent girls
has there ever not been such a case? all moids are like this as soon as they get a taste of money and fame.

No. 419951

File: 1722293340180.png (85.05 KB, 1144x379, Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 23.47…)

The comments defending him are absolutely hilarious
>omg poor Billie I hope he's okay he looks so uncomfortable and scared while being molested by those evil 20 year old girls :((((

No. 419952

It makes me cringe knowing how easily this type of idiot gets preyed on.

No. 419953

File: 1722293513058.png (93.48 KB, 1145x536, Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 23.49…)

Fangirl pickmes are the worst. They're so delusional kek. Your manz is in a car with girls because he wants some young groupie pussy. He's not a victim. ALL male singers and male celebrities in general have open relationships where they cuck their wives. All of them.

No. 423052

I don't wanna be like that poor femcuck Adrienne.

I wanna be like BJ's ex girlfriend Amanda who was a radfem and broke his mind as well as breaking his heart. She still gets pined over and has songs written about her by BJ LOL.

No. 423935

No. 431419

I don't think many women would meet those criteria either tbh

No. 434371

doesn't sound too hard to do

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