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No. 406216
Chartposters, this is your new home. Post your charts and let's see if anyone cares.
Best resources for creating and interpreting your birth chart:
General/Various Systems: No. 406220
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Here's mine
apparently 5 planets in one sign is unusual but I have no idea what any of it means kek
No. 406325
>>406220-1st decan Gemini rising but your Mercury is combust as 0 degrees Scorpio, making you a functional 1st decan Scorpio rising
-squircle shaped face; prominent mole; large, rounded eyes that are narrow at the inner corner; medium eyebrows and lips; top heavy body with long torso and wide set ribs
-your Mercury is trining Saturn so you should actually be a somewhat stretched out version of the above with really good bone structure; should be at least 5'7"
-Libra sun, Aries moon: seem like a peaceful artist on the surface but are a fireball on the inside; difficulty sitting still and constantly searching for novelty; mischievous, like to say outrageous things; Jekyl and Hyde type personality; romantic but self centered
-your birth was difficult for your mother
-volatile early part of your life; things start to settle down at around age 25
-despite fiery internal nature, you remain outwardly diplomatic and prefer to avoid direct conflict when possible
-sun combust mercury: stutter when stressed; bad listener
-good immune system
-destined to make or come into a lot of money
-high sex drive
-have a pet that you dote over
-Saturn in 11th: hard worker; good at manipulating people when you are inclined to do so
-live in a fantasy world; drastically prefer fantasy to reality
-moon in the 12th: introverted; family oriented (very close with siblings); into the occult; will make money and settle far away from home; love your mother but she is a very private person and there is some distance there
This is a strong chart, although I generally don't approve of Scorpio risings
No. 406350
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No. 406358
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I can't wait to be told I'm cursed from birth
No. 406359
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last time my friend read my chart it was scarily accurate so
No. 406365
>>406350Sun gemini, moon sagittarius: Words, communication, and knowledge seeking are important valuable themes for you. You might rub others the wrong way in that ‘’A tendency to tell all you know and to invent what you don’t know is likely to get you into trouble..‘’ you might appear like a smug ‘’know it all’’ , but ultimately you mean well in that you truly just value collecting new information, Experimentation, mixing unrelated things to create something new, alien, etc. Need's mental training.
Sun in 7th house: it's possible that you dedicate lots of time studying other people or find some sort of value / confidence through interpersonal relations
Moon in 1st house: your emotions, needs , and sensitivities, are obvious to others or it benefits you by making such things obvious to others..
Prominent Taurus: conservative tendencies, you may choose things purely based on how aesthetically pleasing they’re, self-indulgent, values history, nature, love, flowers, plants, relaxation, simplicity, Shockingly patient.
Saturn pisces: spirituality, magic, spooky unknown things,non-commitment, moralism, or weakness, might be some things you struggle with. It could be hard for you to follow dreams that seem non-practical or crazy… you could struggle to get out of your comfort zone, but throwing yourself into the unknown at the expense of seeming crazy is a necessary sacrifice you must take, leave your home safety-net, leave the past, otherwise you’re likely to stay stuck in a rut forever. you could have a penchant for just ignoring your problems rather than approaching them directly. Saturn pisces can also make someone extremely open and weird, you get away with consequences and avoid responsibility by allowing anything to happen. Either has too many restrictions or none at all…
Mars 5th house: willing to fight to express yourself, asserting yourself may come easily for you, potent sex drive..
Diets, Routines, Art, beauty, creativity, progeny, problem solving : might be some themes that bring you joy, things that you are willing to do on your own accord, not just for profit or external reasons.
No. 406370
>>406358Venus Virgo: struggles with smoothness, tiny imperfect details that only you notice can ruin an entire piece. Perhaps you have a High disgust rate, easy to repulse. Ultimately Self contained, finds beauty in the subtle and mundane. Very picky and highly specific in what you find beautiful.
Moon Capricorn: the nurturing instinct,sentimentality, and emotional sensitivity can feel alien to you. Heightened self preservation/survival instinct. Willing to make brutal sacrifices to achieve freedom/authority.
Sun libra, Moon Capricorn: ‘’You're an opportunist and can build a single stone of opportunity into a whole skyscraper of success single-handed. Life is real and earnest to you but it is also highly personal and a little selfish and self-centered. there’s a brooding sense of the seriousness of life underlying your flippancy. You are conscious of sorrow and tragedy and even have a way of making them up for yourself and your friends where little or no basis for them exists. You are a dramatist at heart and like nothing better than to weave patterns of blighted love, misplaced affection, lost affinities, and the like. Your flights of fancy may lead you to make somewhat tangled realities out of the fabric of your dreams. You are an artist at heart, and if strong intellectual indications occur you will do a lot with your romantic imagination in creative literature or in some branch of art.’’
Saturn Aquarius aspecting scorpio: Struggles with implementing your ideas and systems into society, perhaps for appearing too shocking / creepy / taboo . Amazing problem solver tho…
Libra placements give you an advantage.. Sun in libra can make someone confident in dealing with other people + mars libra can make someone androgynous or put great effort into being charming.
No. 406386
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I never got a response in the other thread. Trying again
No. 406409
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Here's mine, does having a triple water sign as your big three matter in any way?
No. 406424
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i only realized now that my chart is dominated with water and air
No. 406430
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Could I please get a chart reading? I seem to be really unlucky in love. All my partners have cheated on me. I think I have Moon Square Venus and Venus Square Neptune which I heard can lead to a lot of deception and disillusionment in relationships.
No. 406440
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Could someone do a chart reading for this one?
No. 406615
>>406303The strangest chart I've ever seen in these threads. Your sun is right on your ascendent and Rahu is right on your MC
-natural leader; born to rule
-bright and commanding personality
-arrogant braggart when young but grow out of it
-very choosy regarding your romantic partners
-skilled with languages
-marry someone of a different religious/cultural background
-mother is/was a housewife and you are distant from her; more of a daddy's girl
-short, sturdy and fit; good athlete
-difficult birth for your mother; lot's of struggles before age of 25 after which things begin to settle down
-highly philosophical and/or religious
-professional success and high social recognition and status (ultimately)
-lot's of international travel
-very intense sexual fantasies that nobody irl is able to live up to; nympho
-highly organized and prudent; always triple check everything
-settle abroad (it seems like most charts in these threads have that, it normally isn't like that when I do readings for people outside of lolcow)
No. 406639
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i want to know what you think nonnies, thank you in advance!
No. 406654
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Reader, we need to talk, can you allow me some questions, I know I was very whiny last thread but I have to say stuff
Failed again at more stuff, more art stuff, I don't even know or have the basics in my blood. Could transits tell the future?
I don't have sexual appeal, the fact my chart says I do strikes me as worrying.
No. 406656
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>3 planets in detriment
How fucked am I?
No. 406657
>>406654I'd love to help but I'm not an advice person. I can't even fix my own shit life: I'm overweight, broke, can only work part time and spend my free time on lolcow, Twitter and YouTube.
All I can tell you is what I told you last time: you have a really strong chart. Any astrologer who knows what they are doing will tell you the same. Your MC (which indicates career/life path) is conjunct which indicates greatness and fame in an artistic related field. Some famous people with this conjunction are John Maynard Keynes, Muhammad Ali, Marilyn Manson and Henri Matisse.
Your problem is that you have Saturn opposite a highly afflicted Scorpio moon. With aspects like that there is simply no avoiding inner turmoil in the earlier part of your life.
No. 406666
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Here's my chart if anyone wants to analyze it, danke!
No. 406703
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is my friend ok..?
No. 406765
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i think it’s funny that i have no earth sign placements. i know very little about astrology so i’m not exactly sure what that means
No. 406837
>>406765sensitive and maternal; rolling gait; big but not fat; tall; major depression; meddle in the affairs of others although your heart is in the right place; better talker than listener; good public speaker; good at arts and crafts; father worked for the government, was a foodie and was the boss at home; wealthy family; have political contacts; authoritative speaking voice; many clashes with mother who was/is verbally
abusive; lot's of different diets and exercise programs; digestive problems; have had appendicitis; hypertension; impatient; short tempered; tremendous courage; selfless in relationships; will be involved in international politics; lost virginity young
No. 406922
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I have a super basic, surface level understanding of astronomy, but shouldn't someone with a Libra sun, Libra ascendant be a super outgoing, charming, social butterfly? What is it in this chart that would make someone a withdrawn hermit with no friends or social life whatsoever?
No. 406928
>>406922not necessarily because Sun sign doesn't determine personality. Sun/Moon combo does. You are a Libra sun, Gemini moon: detached intellectual type; difficulty relating to normies; eloquent and good at convincing people of stuff; witty but in a fashion that rubs a lot of people the wrong way; can't conform or fit in; natural diplomatic; always finding new interests/projects; lot's of romantic affairs and lot's of heartbreak
-Libra is ruled by Venus, which is combust in your chart, so that likely increases the severity of the social difficulties your sun/moon combo brings about
-your Libra rising gives you hourglass shape; beautiful hair and skin
No. 407018
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Am I destined for greatness??? Jk lol
No. 407029
>>407018>Am I destined for greatness??? Jk lolAre you really kidding, though? You were born under fixed star Alkaid and your descendant conjuncts fixed star Markab, which means you are in fact destined for greatness and you've likely always known it. Please send me money when you become rich and famous.
Aries Sun, Virgo Moon: sharp witted; grounded and practical; methodically go about achieving your dreams; willing to take risks but more of a look before you leap type; highly analytical; want to be a bold warrior type but are too internally inhibited to be that; career driven; don't tolerate any disagreement as you think you are always right (and usually are) and this leads to conflicts
-big frame; chunky
-extremely, out of this world, indecisive; probably the least decisive person you know or have ever met
-will make your fortune while you are still young
-take part in secretive, occult rituals
-really high sex drive, even by the standards of all the nymphos in these threads
-first you will make a lot of money, then you will inherit a shit ton more
-you won't start to make big money until age 28
-an empath; private person; like to self isolate; family oriented; distant from your mother (either physically or emotionally, although you really do love her); mother is a reclusive weirdo
No. 407120
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No. 407131
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hello nonnies, i'm a beginner in astrology and i'm interested in your opinions/readings of my chart bc maybe my own are biased/influenced by my mental state. i've been having the worst times recently ( got dumped by longtime bf, unemployed, 90% of my near-future life plans fell through) and it really feels like i'm born for failure. i don't really know what to ask specifically, i guess i'm just wondering how i look to you/what you'd see for me in general. maybe that cancer-moon combo is why i feel like an unlovable failure kek
No. 407144
>>407131this is a pretty good chart. I'm surprised to hear you are struggling
What is probably causing your problems is that your moon is conjunct Markab and Markab can be nasty. You also have a combust 6th house lord and that can present difficulties as well. But you should be fine ultimately.
-sensitive, maternal, dreamy and artistic
-will come into a lot of money but it won't be until age 32 at the earliest; probably some kind of massive inheritance
-accident prone but always survive
-energetic and courageous; iron will
-great communication skills and excellent researcher as well; will utilize these skills to achieve career success
No. 407152
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>>407144thank you
nonnie, i actually feel a bit more at ease, i guess it's easy to feel doomed when in the thick of problems. one interesting thing is
>-accident prone but always survivei never thought much about it, especially not in the context of astrology, but i've actually had 2 near death experiences and i'm only in my mid 20s. it's super interesting to me that you could figure out something related to that just from my chart
thank you for your time!!
No. 407168
>>406430-strong and fit; good build
-ruling planet (sun) is opposite Pluto so that is gonna cause some major problems, particularly in relationships
-cat like facial features; petit, oval face
-proud with a strong presence
-good communicator; passionate, lifelong learner
-workaholic; good, valued employee; help others without expecting anything in return
-afflicted Saturn in the 8th house means that you get cheated on. You'll eventually find someone who doesn't but that is what is causing your current issues on that front
-get along with everyone; career in entertainment and arts
-bad listener; talk too much and tend to speak without thinking; mind is all over the place; good public speaker; good at arts and crafts
-natural leader
-major anger management issues
-iron will
-professional support from your father; father has/had a high governmental position
No. 407185
>>406639-tall and boney; big forehead; beautiful, thick, shiny hair; good athlete; fit; otherworldly appearance
-mama's girl
-bad relationship with other women; betrayals from your family and community
-sun combust Mercury: bad listener; wandering mind; good at arts and crafts; good public speaker; lot's of nervous energy
-will be a successful businesswoman; going to be wealthy if you aren't already
-generous and compassionate
-up and down career
-strained relationship with siblings
-will work abroad
-MC conjuncts Canopus and IC conjuncts Vega: destined for wealth, greatness and renown
No. 407188
Could I get one for this?
>>406409Every time I look up those online chart explanations it seems to say over and over again that I'm supposedly very emotional, but if anything I have the emotional width of a potato. 95% of the time I'm either slightly bored or vaguely pleased, and other emotions pass within about 5 minutes
Also, is there any way of telling if going into trades is gonna work out well for me? Thanks in advance readingnonnas, you're doing gods work for us navelgazers.
No. 407201
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Am I a shitshow?
No. 407202
>>406409the retards in the other thread who were saying my readings were no better than what the online calculators give are just that, retards. The whole reason I started doing chart readings was because of how frustrated I was with how much the app readings sucked
-the readings having you as emotional are probably based off reading you as a Cancer sun, Scorpio moon. But your moon is conjunct with Chiron, making you a functional Virgo moon… which does indicate high emotional sensitivity so yeah, it must be something else
-That moon is pretty weak, and it is squaring Uranus which indicates that you get bored easily, will raise your children in an unconventional fashion and have a tendency to upset people with bizarre behavior and outlandish statements. Also that you have no respect for authority. And your mom is an emotionally distant weirdo
-Oh yeah, Neptune is opposite Mercury, which makes you a social retard who struggles to communicate with or connect to others; I think that is having more of an impact than the moon squaring Uranus
-great relationship with siblings; will inherit a lot of money
-schedule oriented; hard worker; educational delays and clashes with parents
-low back problems and mental health issues
-think a lot about death and taboo subjects; into the occult; use immoral/illegal means to make money (probably sex work, maybe selling drugs); get in lot's of fights
-settle far away from home
-born under Zuben Eschamali, so greatness will be waiting for you once you are done with all the whoring and drug dealing; also your moon is conjunct with Zuben Elganubi which may account for your lack of emotional width
No. 407280
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Plz thanks!
No. 407282
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I have a really weird chart. makes sense though because i'm a weird person.
No. 407348
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Can I make my dreams come true or am I cooked??
No. 407429
>>407348>Can I make my dreams come trueYou were born under two fixed stars: Asellus Borealis and Praesepe. So yes.
-natural leader; feline face; delayed success in life (Saturn in 8th); lot's of physical injuries and/or surgeries; kidney/bladder issues; great intuition and can't be fooled; heavily influenced by your father who you will eventually inherit a lot of money from; mother is/was highly respected woman
No. 407437
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I guess i'll just post again lol but i'm pretty sure i'm cursed since my life has been awful from the beginning, is there any hope?
No. 407441
>>407437>is there any hopeAlkaid on MC and Rigel on descendent, so yeah, you should be fine
-your moon is strong but insanely afflicted so we would expect you to have had a hard life
-chronic health issues; problems with siblings; scapegoat of your family
-mother never loved you; move around a lot
-driven and entrepreneurial; late bloomer but will find success
No. 407501
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I've never had a birth chart reading before. If anyone were up to analyze mine, it would be much appreciated.
No. 407819
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if anyone is willing, i would like an astrological roast with no positivity. i need someone to be brutally honest, giving me the unvarnished truth. thank you.
No. 407831
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me and my good old triangle
No. 407852
>>407819-your ruling planet is Ceres and that isn't on this chart so there is only so much I can do
-you missed being born under Mirach by just a hair
-your IC, however, is conjunct with Castor. You share this aspect with Conor McGregor and Immanuel Kant. This aspect connotes greatness and success.
-very strong moon in 3rd house: tight with your siblings; jack of all trades; excellent writer; many mentors; courageous; get along really well with other women; great communicator
-matured early; disciplined and rule abiding; trustworthy and regimented person; dutiful daughter; marriage and success are delayed
-sensitive and maternal
-low back pain
-investigator/researcher; very analytical
-not necessarily religious (more of a spiritual but not religious type), but at least have a very strong moral framework that you operate under
-big spender; not very budget conscious
-big dreams and big plans
No. 408268
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>>407852thank you for your service astrologeranon. ceres in 6h libra squaring my sun and moon. it sounds grim. does my chart indicate any good career paths for me?
No. 408270
>>408268that's a well placed Ceres although your first house is actually ruled by Mercury so I don't know if you are getting much out of it.
I never take the career suggestions seriously, but the aspects of the chart suggest that you would be best suited in an upper management/CEO type role or as a politician
No. 408273
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Does anyone have any idea about mine? I've never got it checked before. I'm having a pretty shitty last few years so any insight would be helpful.
No. 408282
>>408273similar to the above chart, this chart is also ruled by Ceres so I'd need to see where Ceres is placed to do a proper reading
-moon (most important planet) conjuncts Aldebaran (greatest star in the sky): indicates greatness, wealth and success. You share this aspect with Johannes Kepler, Jeff Bridges, Rutherford B. Hayes and Gwyneth Paltrow
-very strong moon, well placed on the MC: strongly guided in life by your mother; travel to foreign countries
-the problem is that your moon is afflicted by Saturn: forced to grow up fast; major delays in success; estrangement from family; major financial hardship; celibacy; depression; you'll get past all this though
-grounded and practical
-highly artistic (can also apply to theatre or dance)
-attracted to emo types
-very high energy, very high sex drive, very kinky;
toxic romantic relationships; menstrual problems; explosive and violent temper
-natural leader; destined for both wealth and professional success once that Saturn gets out of your way; will mercilessly crush all who stand in your way and then bathe in their tears
No. 408288
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Can someone read this, please?
No. 408295
>>408250things you got right
>tall and lean (ish, above average height and kinda bony)>always say what you think although you are also quiet and introverted>occultist (well I find occult stuff interesting i guess)>heavy responsibility placed on you from an early age>workaholic with delayed career success>dry sex life>poor relationship with father (both parents actually)>cheap bastard w/ high financial anxiety>engage in self harm and have noticeable body marks>despite your feeling that you are better than everyone else, you also struggle with major self hate and self doubtsadly I'm not wealthy yet and I don't travel much, I wish I did, and I wish I had a better job, but my great inferiority caused me to have a mental episode that really put me behind for the better part of the last 6 months, but I still hold out for a very successful life and I'd love to have adorable kids hoping they do better in life than me one day
No. 408298
>>408288-health problems
-very good life overall despite your problems; maybe not at first, though
-related to the above, your ascendant is conjunct with fixed star Polaris, this means a difficult early part of life. Lebron James has this aspect and he was born to a single mother and grew up in the projects. FDR had this and he nearly died when he was being delivered. Timothy McVeigh had this and… well, you know. The point is, we'd expect this aspect to have caused some problems, but as long as the rest of your chart is strong, there is no need to stress about it
-very intelligent
-great storyteller
-SJW views
-lot's of conflict/drama in your life
-maternal and highly sensitive
-father has health problems or has suffered extreme loss
-extensive travel to foreign countries
-highly spiritual/religious
-big spender; bad financial management
-major conflicts with siblings/cousins before reconciling
-will ultimately achieve wealth, success, a good life and a good marriage, but these good things will likely be delayed until around age 30
No. 408312
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I'm more of a tarotfag but i'd be eternally thankful if someone read my chart, i was always curious about what it means
No. 408329
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I’m super new to astrology so I have no clue how to interpret my chart
No. 408354
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>>407029whoops forgot to respond
> you are in fact destined for greatnessOh please tell me I’ll gain acclaim through my rick and morty fanfiction. Please let that be how it happens
> send me money when you become rich and famous.No promises nona
> want to be a bold warrior type but are too internally inhibited to be thatyes. Though I think I’m getting closer to being able to master that expression
> don't tolerate any disagreement as you think you are always right (and usually are) and this leads to conflictsyes
-extremely, out of this world, indecisive; probably the least decisive person you know or have ever met
> take part in secretive, occult ritualsthat would be so rad… I’d love it more than sex
> really high sex drive, even by the standards of all the nymphos in these threadsI’m still a virgin but I do feel like my sexuality is pretty dark. I’d consider myself a more dominant person so maybe that’s why
>you won't start to make big money until age 28Interesting. Why that age if you don’t mind me asking?
> an empath; private person; like to self isolate; family oriented;Spot on.
> distant from your mother (either physically or emotionally, although you really do love her); mother is a reclusive weirdoShe’s got substance abuse issues. She is also a white trash whore. Have no clue how we’re related. I hope I never see her again
Overall it was accurate. You really nailed it, you got skill. Keep up the good work nona
No. 408364
>>408323Oh wow, you got a lot of things right. Some of these are uncannily accurate
>patient>lot's of emotional turmoil before the age of 25>strong personality, not easily influenced>domineering>sensitive>life features lot's of drama and lot's of expenses>have difficulty controlling emotions, the opposite of stoic>great relationship with your father>good health>traumatic birth for your mother>highly spiritual>workaholic>lot's of brief romantic relationships in your youth>spiritualI ranked them from extremely correct to somewhat true. I have an atrocious relationship with my mother but you were right about getting along better with my father. I really hope i'll have a great relationship with my kids, you gave me hope kek
No. 408369
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Reader anon, please tell me why I have literally been in a depressive 'freeze' state for over a decade now. I have no idea what to do with my life, will things improve? I just want to start a family one day.
No. 408386
>>408379Thank you for your extensive read, you really are good at this. I've definitely heard in the past that I have some difficult placements and I guess my life is currently reflecting those.
As for everything else:
>a warrior, albeit one with a soft, nurturing side underneathI'm always called the 'grandma' or 'little girl' around a group of people I see for a while as I tend to take care of people or empathize a lot. However I've definitely been through some hellish experiences that I got through stoically, albeit it I do bottle up a lot of my issues but its how I get through an active situation.
>artistically gifted and inclinedyes, and I haven't been tapping into that side for absolute years now. But I've always worked in the arts industry although I am unemployed now, I do volunteer social media for my church.
>low back pain and mental health issueswow didn't expect that but yes, my psychologist from a while ago said I have anxious depression. And in terms of my lower back, my muscles have torn there 3 times in my life where I couldn't walk properly for months. Interesting.
>job hopperYep. I wish I could stay in one job but I hold grudges so personally when someone does something wrong to me or to others. I get easily disappointed with the company I'm in if it doesn't to what it promises which is probably a bad trait of mine.
>close with siblings/cousinsI'm an only child but I was close with my cousins growing up until we immigrated. I am insanely close with my parents.
>tenacious no matter how bad things get, you never give upI have periods of depression and difficulty but I still do something everyday whether its some cleaning or helping my parents or shopping or a bit of volunteering/looking for work. I had 2 major relationships and both were emotionally
abusive and I still remained and helped us to try and grow.
>will ultimately have a great marriage and children (strong, positive Mercury in 6th house)hoping for this massively.
>retrograde Jupiter in 11th house means that while you will achieve professional success, it will be delayed and that your image will be tarnished with negative rumorsoh gosh, that's unfortunate to know. But rumors are things that are made up, so hopefully I can look past these 'rumors'.
>You should start seeing improvements in your life over the next few yearsI really hope so. It's been so hard lately.
Thank you reader, you've done a really good job. Keep at it, hopefully you can make some money from this gig one day.
No. 408419
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>>408298That was an interesting read, thank you. Looks like I really have to start taking care of my health…
No. 408428
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Hey witchyfriends.
If you see anything interesting I would be interested to hear.. recently discovered I am likely asexual and just going through a strange time in my life with isolation. I put the chart in whole signs
No. 408440
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Can anyone interpret mine? Don't know much about astrology and did this on a whim. I have no idea what I'm looking at other than that it looks boring compared to other charts upthread
No. 408444
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can someone plssssssssssssss reinterpret my chart! and if you can interpret the lilith in aries in 12th house like what the fuck does that even mean?
No. 408464
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weird pitch but can you analyze the chart of an abusive ex
No. 408479
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anons! What can you get about me from my chart?
No. 408539
>>408464-gifted artist
-good athlete; ultra aggressive; domineering
-highly decisive, makes decisions instantly
-handsome; sexy in a Christian Grey type way; gym rat; diet conscious
-charming metrosexual; really able to put on a good front; very popular
-although fit and a healthy eater, also prone to laziness in other areas of life and to overindulging in food/alcohol/drugs
-a show off
-daddy's boy; father has political connections that he uses to benefit his son; father also has major health issues
-despite all the privilege, lot's of emotional unrest and turmoil underneath the surface, although this doesn't get shown to the rest of the world
-religious/philosophical; strong and strict worldview
-phenomenal willpower
-strained familial relationships
-ultimately destined to work abroad
No. 408569
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>>408299yeah I'm just at a weird crossroads in life where I'm feeling very lost and have no idea how to process moving on from something. But your read is reassuring!
I've got this weird spiritual sensation something is gonna go awry right now and while my intuition isn't always correct, I feel a drain on me physically. I've had these before.
No. 408571
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Trying my luck
No. 408703
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please and ty wise and kind nonna
No. 408736
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My relative said my chart was interesting but didn't get a chance to go into it with me and lives far away. If anyone cares, thank you.
No. 424229
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Please tell me there's hope for me? I feel like I took a wrong turn and I'm going nowhere in life.
No. 424410
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Can my chart explain why I never feel 'tethered', spend too much time alone in my head, can't make or keep friends and struggle to feel fulfilled?
No. 424415
>>408736saging for the veery late reply but I think what your relative was referring to was how you have a lot of placements in Aquarius and a brief google mentions how people with stelliums (at least three placements) in their fifth house tend to be pretty talented, usually in performing arts and such
>>424229There's always hope for you nona! A birth chart doesn't make us unable to make decisions for ourselves and be hopeful. The placements that jump out to me are Saturn and the Moon in Pisces, do you find that you have a lot of emotions that you struggle to express? Usually Saturn indicates where we could learn the most from and the Pisces placement could refer to processing and feeling the emotions without trying to inhibit yourself. I have faith in you! Why do you say you took a wrong turn in life?
>>406424>>424233Having a birth chart with one or two elements way more than the others is not a death sentence! Glancing at this it seems that you have a lot of placements in Gemini and Pisces which can make life feel chaotic. I think that embracing the chaos and unpredictability might help you feel less anxious about your life, and especially focusing on how you feel about things as opposed to what other people might say is a 'forever loser'
>>424410I concur with what
>>424411 said to a certain extent, I would recommend doing things on impulse (please don't break any laws nona) or trying hobbies that don't require a lot of thought (I have some sports coming to mind, or even going out in a new place and having a 'smooth brain' if it makes sense)
It looks like you have a lot of air placements which is always gonna tend to make it very easy to get stuck in your head, but please remember that you always have the power to make your life better for yourself.
I don't necessarily agree with the fact that you are unable to give to others, I get the sense that you're maybe trying to always make the correct choice and that makes you miss the window? with all the Aquarius placements it could also be that the way that you are tends to be misunderstood by a lot of people, so it might just be how the cookie crumbles.
I can assure you that there is always someone who can see what you mean and understand you, maybe focusing on action rather than planning might yield good results. Good luck nona!
I'm still very much a novice in astrology but hopefully this makes sense and helps someone out!
No. 424427
>>424416>>424424Ok, so bad news - it's very likely that having this many Air placements will lead to having a chaotic life overall. You can always try to refocus yourself and have a more stable situation, but it would require a lot of work since it looks like your nature is to be always changing and chaotic.
I'm seeing that you have some negative aspects in your chart that lend to paint a pretty insecure and stressed out person, which checks out with you worrying about being a forever loser, but I'm noticing that you also have some aspects showing that you are a hardworking person with a good work ethic, as well as the capacity to have a fulfilling life. I genuinely think that you will not be a forever loser, you're just in your head a bit too much and have a lot of feelings you're not sure how to handle properly.
Your second house (associated with the material, which I assume is a guideline for the 'successful' metric) is in Cancer, so what I would recommend would be to either work somewhere where you can feel at home (maybe a more boring job that has a lot of benefits/stability) or focus on having nice things in your house and surroundings. Maybe even open a savings account if you don't have one open yet and build security from there.
I would also suggest journaling or finding a way to get your feelings out and later re-examine them; I would even recommend painting if you have an interest in it or doodling in a notebook you can later look on. If you have one or more close friends I also recommend trying to open up to them more, or see a therapist if you can afford, even if for a short while.
Best of luck on your endeavors! I hope this is somewhat relatable and I'm not waay off the mark lol
No. 424472
>>424427>chaotic life overallit's chaotic but it always felt more because of my insecurities, it's pretty mundane but i end up fucking up things for myself instead
>your nature is to be always changing and chaoticvery on point
>some negative aspects in your chart that lend to paint a pretty insecure and stressed out personvery true
>that you also have some aspects showing that you are a hardworking person with a good work ethic, as well as the capacity to have a fulfilling lifedefinitely this, but it's dependent on being away from
toxic environment (that i'm stuck in)
>would recommend would be to either work somewhere where you can feel at home (maybe a more boring job that has a lot of benefits/stability)i wish i could, unfortunately i don't have much options in my current situation
>focus on having nice things in your house and surroundingsi'm very into home decoration and i love having nice things in my surroundings, i will definitely focus on it
really spot on, thank you for advice
nonny. I also wonder what about love and if some big, i mean really big things are destined for me or not can be read from my chart?
No. 424474
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Can someone interpret mine? I'm a loser, but maybe that has nothing to do with the chart. I feel overwhelmed and unfit to lead a productive life.
No. 424488
>>424472When it comes to love and big things I'm afraid I'm out of my depth.
A Venus in Aries would usually indicate that you might gravitate towards people who are steadfast, decisive and fiery. Oddly enough between this and the Lilith in Pisces it seems like someone who makes you feel feminine might be a fit.
As for 'great' things, usually you can look into Jupiter (the planet of expansion) as well as Saturn (you can think of this as what will be difficult in your life) to have a guideline, but your destiny is definitely mostly in your hands.
Your Saturn is in Gemini so I feel that maybe your great challenge would be to 'tame' yourself through personal effort and making a safe space within yourself.
Best of luck in getting out of your
toxic environment, it will definitely be the biggest help.
>>424474Why do you call yourself a loser? Loser is subjective. What someone might see that would make me a loser may be something that makes me happy.
I'm not seeing anything in the chart that would be a convenient reason except for the Moon in Pisces, which can indicate someone with a looot of feelings that they may or may not struggle to express, as well as a Scorpio ascendant which can make things feel intense.
You also had a decent amount of squares in your charts, which will tend to rock your shit - fwiw it's normal to feel overwhelmed in our current socioeconomic climate regardless of any personal placement. I would recommend trying to reach out to your friends or foster friendships, as well as just going with the flow sometimes instead of focusing on always doing things properly. Best of luck moving forward!
No. 424494
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Hi chartnonnas. I’ve never done one of these before and I’m curious what this double triangle thing says about me.
No. 424509
>>424488I don't really have any friendships I could focus on sadly and I don't know how to connect to other women my age. Although it's not like I have bad relationships with them either.
Other than that I'm just really stressed at the slightest inconveniences. I feel like a leech to the people close to me and I hate it. I have bad grades at uni even though I'm older than most other students and I'm struggling at my job too. I always make the wrong decisions even if they seem reasonable at the time. Going to therapy for example turned out to be horrible, because the meds fucked with my brain/body and the mental hospital made everything worse instead of helping me, which lead to me excessively self harming and an attempted suicide after I got released, something I would have never done before.
No. 424512
>>424509I understand, I'm so sorry to hear… I'm sure you're down what you can in the moment and take things day by day.
If I may offer my two cents, at least regarding school we often tend to have an image of ourselves that's way different than what we are perceived as - I'm pretty sure most students are too busy trying to pass to have such a bad opinion of you.
I've also had people I know take up school later in life, so know that in a sense you won't be the first nor the last student that started off a bit later, so even if you fuck up or have worse grades than you'd like as long as you pass you're like everyone else. It's not like the diploma itself is different.
Relating to feeling like a leech, sometimes we need more help than usual, and sometimes we don't need as much. You seem to have a lot on your plate, so it makes sense that you'd need some extra tlc.
You got this, just take it one day at a time.
Hopefully one day in the future you'll look back on today and see how far you got.
No. 424515
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>>424512Thank you for the encouraging words nona!
No. 424547
>>424474you are ruled by Mars but your Mars is in detriment and is in opposition to Jupiter, indicating that you suffer from a lot of bad luck. Or rather, that the good things that do happen to you tend to come from something bad (for example, you inherit a lot of money because one of your parents died; I'm not saying that happened and I don't think it did, but just an example of what I mean)
I'm surprised you describe yourself as a loser because Saturn in the 6th usually means a workaholic
Mercury in the 8th would indicate that you are a major drama queen. Excellent researcher with an iron will and you are able to manipulate others. Good communicator and able to influence others.
homebody; family oriented; overbearing, housewife mother; you yourself are basically a carbon copy of your mother, both in looks and behavior
-fall in love too easily and make decisions before having all relevant info; well traveled
if you really are a loser, it's not because of the chart. You're chart is pretty strong
No. 424671
>>424411Thank you. But why would I give to others when I have been an outsider all my life for not fitting in, and I believe the majority of humans are selfish and greedy? If you give your energy to others they will just take and take and gossip about you while they do it. I agree with you that idealistically, giving to others and spending more time in a community would be good for me. But when I've tried in the past, it's never been enjoyable or worthwhile. Even all my friendships have failed. Idk if my birth chart says that I have no desire to fit into social norms, and I truly don't, but I recognize that it's an impairment to having a happy social life.
>>424415Thank you. What you said rings true. I'm trying to chill outside in nature more, walking or drawing, without listening to a podcast or anything - aim of being more mindful.
Could you tell me more about the aquarius in my chart? I struggle socially. Even when I make a friend, after the honeymoon period they tend to find that my authenticity which at first was refreshing, is now uncomfortable and only reflects their inability to be self aware and work on their flaws. I thought I had the autism for a while but realistically I just have a distaste for the shallow one-upping + small talk + trend chasing + unquestioning the status quo life that most people lead. Luckily my nigel is just the same way, but I do worry we make an echo chamber for each other.
Additionally, as my chart is so skewed to one side - am I deficient in some areas?
No. 424689
>>424671Hi again!>>424415 I'm the anon from here. I'm glad that you've been making efforts to reconnect to nature and doing things to just let yourself be!
If you look up the archetype of Aquarius you will definitely find people that explain it way better than me, but usually it's associated with eccentricity and "marching to the beat of your own drum" (I personally really dislike the phrase but it is effective at getting the gist across) - this could indicate that an Aquarius Sun for example will generally be the odd one out and have a harder time being understood by others. It's not bad in itself, but it is something you could keep in mind whenever you have a hard time connecting to people.
The fact that you have Mercury in Aquarius can also indicate that the way you naturally communicate tends to not always be appreciated. As you mentioned as well, people generally dislike having their flaws mirrored to them, and even though you are not doing anything wrong they might want to draw back in order to preserve their ego.
I'd say it's important to keep in mind that regardless of your placements very few people are genuinely committed to working on themselves - it's a bitch of a work to go through in the best of cases, and it's very tempting to avoid dealing with it if one already has a stressful life on its own.
I think that leaning into being unapologetically yourself, even if it's not very palatable to people around you might be a good idea since you not only have Jupiter (planet usually associated with success,luck and expansion) in Aquarius but also you have all these placements in your second house which is usually associated with the material world.
Having a chart skewed to one side (like you have it skewed towards having a lot of air signs for example) is not necessarily indicative of a deficiency elsewhere but rather what your 'default settings' are, if it makes sense.
Usually a heavy Air presence can make things come easiest to you with a continuous movement and moving freely between multiple interests and topics. It doesn't mean that it's impossible for you to achieve success through keeping your head down doing the work, it just might be less comfortable for you to do.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask away, since I've started checking the thread about once a day or so for new replies (I look at the charts for fun and I don't really have anyone in my close circle who's interested in astrology lol).
No. 424690
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>>424689You sound so sweet and I'm happy you enjoy the thread! Thank you again for talking about my chart.
I've definitely been thinking hard lately about how I come across to others - even though I'm considerate and loyal, I'm also very blunt e.g. in the past I've offended people by stating what I think are objective truths like 'deciding to start smoking is a dumb decision' and 'playing the lotto is a useless endeavour'. I do have regressed social + emotional skills due to being abused, but I've concluded recently that I can't just go around spouting these things because I'll come across as arrogant. And there's nuance even if I don't see it. But particularly with people not working on themselves I find it hard to have anything more than a shallow sympathy for how hard it is because bitch, I know how hard it is. I had to rebuild myself after prolonged abuse. Why can't you work on your need to show off on social media to gain a sense of self worth? Surely you can see it's giving you nothing? It's not that I think people are dumb, it's that the solution is so obvious I'm frustrated they don't see it/won't implement it.
I guess what all that blogposting is trying to say is: I've always felt I don't fit the piscean sun model because of this judgmental part of me. It's interesting to have your analysis of the aquarius parts, so thanks!
I do flit between hobbies and interests! Interesting that you picked up on that.
If you want to, I'd love it if you could explore the libra/scorpio/leo part?
Picrel is the chart of my partner. Would appreciate anything at all about it, I'm curious.
No. 424769
>>424690Your wish is my command, mademoiselle.
Leo Placements: You have the Lilith (which to my knowledge is a mathematical point, not a visibile planet) and the Vx which is supposedly a Vertex? I'll be frank, no idea what the Vertex thing does kek
I tend to see the Lilith as a 'dark feminine', if nothing else because I love how metal it sounds. Having the placement in Leo honestly gives me wounded pride vibes, maybe focusing almost exclusively on yourself after being hurt by someone else. Lilith can also influence or show what you're like in the bedroom, so perhaps you feel like you want to have the nigel focusing on you way more than you on him?
Leo is in your 8th house too, which makes me wonder if you are kinkier than usual funnily enough kek
Libra Placements: Moon and Mars are what jump out to me - I get the feeling that when you're in a fight/debate you are even-handed and you could admit when you're wrong as long as the other person would give you a good enough arguments. The tenth house can relate to how we add value to other people's lives so I wonder if you thought of working in a field like law, mediation or some position where you get to weigh which option is the best.
Scorpio placement: I'm seeing Chiron, which usually indicates where you have the biggest wound or sensitive spots. This usually can indicate some traumatic events that mark you deeply and what you would use to help others. Maybe you can find a lot of fulfillment by helping others that are struggling drawing from your own past experiences, especially since it's in the 10th house too.
I understand why your Pisces Sun is overshadowed by all of the Aquarius in it kek - I would recommend trying out checking horoscopes or readings for Sagittarius - often our Ascendant is very visible, sometimes more than our Sun Signs and I wonder if you're find it more accurate.
Re:your partner's chart, I find it really amusing how he has a lot of Capricorn placements while you have a lot of Aquarius placements - it's pretty rare to have so many in the same sign. I get the vibe that he's a somewhat serious guy, maybe someone with a strong work ethic or someone who's very patient, albeit a bit of a hardass. I think that you both find common ground in a more mature outlook on life. Both Aquarius and capricorn are signs that go through hardships usually so I wouldn't be surprised if you both had a difficult life growing up.
Not sure how accurate this is but it's good entertainment I hope.
A bit unrelated, but I've found the readings on this thread to be more spot-on than one I paid way too much for that I just got from supposedly someone who's dayjob is to be an astrologer, so I may sound saltier than usual here kek
No. 425166
>>424229 and you nailed it! I do struggle with speaking up. It feels like there's a frog in my throat when I try to express myself. What went wrong in my life is that I've made really bad decisions in work and school and hit a standstill. Now I'm pretty much a neet. Thank you so much for taking time for me and my chart! Is there anything else that stands out?
No. 425173
>>425166I can relate to having school and work hitting a standstill, since I'm on my third (pretty miserable) attempt at finishing a college myself.
With the Aquarius Sun and Mercury like one of the anons above I get the sense that the way you naturally communicate is not on the same wavelength as the people around you, which can make you come across as a bit eccentric, but you might have a more unique outlook on live that you can use to your advantage. I get the sense that maybe you struggled with certain hyerarchies at work or unspoken rules that you are expected to follow, or school maybe felt restrictive? the Sun and Mercury are in your ninth house which can relate to higher education and long term plans relating how we learn in life. Not everyone needs to follow the same path, and I would recommend taking this time to see what you truly want to do regarding school, without taking into account societal pressure. If you're not hard set in getting into like med or law school there might be certain certifications that you could get in place of a college diploma (I'm assuming that you finished high school, but even if you didn't finish hs I'm thinking that there might be a way to finish it later. I'm sure you're neither the first person nor the last to be in your current position, so even if you don't excel or even flounder it's not going to be catastrophic). Relating to work in the long term you can look at your tenth house (which can rule ambition, careers, setting goals over the entirety of your life) and we'll see your Moon and Saturn placements in Pisces. I have a feeling that work would not be an issue as long as you have a good work collective. Not necessarily friends but people who have common sense kek, so if you struggle with work it could be less you being a failure and more just not in the best place for you if it makes sense. If Trump was president I think you'll fine wherever (not trying to get too political, but we can all agree that his background is almost entirely unrelated to being a politician).
What jumps out to me is also the fat that you have Jupiter in Sagittarius, which leads me to think that once you find something you enjoy learning about you're bound to feel better and better about yourself - I think I mentioned it upthread too but Jupiter can indicate where it's easiest for us to 'expand' and find success.
I'm trying to not get too gloom and doom and focus on the things you can focus on instead of what you struggle with, because I'm pretty sure you are self-aware neough to know where you could have done things differently.
I don't know how old you are but no matter your age you can always pick your life up and change it for the better - it's only over when we stop trying and all that, even if it sounds corny. You can see being a neet for the moment as a time where you can make a game plan and be meticulous so that you won't be in a standstill again.
You got this!
No. 425175
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i've had my chart looked at before and my astrologer told me that i had already made the decision that i asked her about. i wonder if that has anything to do with my chart.
anyway, i feel like this image is sort of all over the place, which makes sense to me because i am all over the place. can anon roast me or something?
No. 425177
>>425173 You're so accurate, I've quit every job I've had within the first year because of shitty bosses. I'm 29 and entirely over being a bum. I'll try to get my shit together! Thanks
No. 425190
>>425175Out of curiosity, how much does your astrologer charge? I very recently bought a birth chart reading from one and basically got scammed out of my money, pretty miffed since it was pretty expensive to begin with.
Your chart makes me think like someone took an everyrhing bagel and turned it into a person lmao, no wonder you have so many oppositions in the chart with everything everywhere
No. 425191
>>425190I am happy to be a Bagel!
It was years ago but I think it was $50 for thirty minutes.
No. 425291
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Please can I get a personality/traits read?
No. 425346
File: 1723931136138.png (149.9 KB, 700x700, osafuhgaosghadiguadhgf.png)

pretty please read this for me, i'm super interested but i have no idea what any of it means! i wonder if my personality lines up with it, thank you in advance
No. 425444
>>425291Hi, not sure if you're lookig for something in particular since you would know your personality best lol
Just at a quick glance it looks like you have your Sun and Venus in Aries which could make you more of an impulsive person or someone who moves fast but you have you Ascendant as well as your Moon and Marc in Cancer which could maybe lead you to having a hard time keeping your emotions in check. Are you told by people that you're too sensitive by any chance? You have a decent amount of planets in opposition to each other which sounds like a challenging life to go through (not necessarily because of external factors as much as you being very frustrated with how you are)
>>425346Alright, so since you made this on AstroSeek they should have a section where they can describe each planet in part and how it could influence your personality, but personally I mostly ignore the lines inside since they are confusing to read imo - underneath the chart you should see a table like the
nonnie above has with some symbols - those are a bit clearer to read and you can look up to your heart's content.
I get the sense that you have a lot of ambitions in life, a lot of things you want to do - maybe struggling with being consistent long term and with finding the time to do the work. A Moon in Aries could indicate a bit of an explosive inner life - responding quickly to situations, maybe being attracted to a more emotionally charged situation, but it could also indicate a need for a lot of reassurance from someone else.
I get the sense that you also cherish a lot the friends you have, and get a lot of enjoyment out of taking care of them. Maybe in a debate or discussion you might take the role of peacemaker or make compromises yourself for you friends' sake.
I definitely recommend getting your hands on the Astrology by Julia and Derek Parker, it's what I reference and I've found it interesting, especially for details on the aspects (you should see in that table symbols for Trines, oppositions, sextiles and so on)
Not sure how accurate these are since I believe that a chart does not overpower our own will, but it's definitely fascinating to see what story is woven with these. Makes me feel like a Hogwarts student in Divination lol
No. 425684
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Can someone please read this for me? The reading I got didn't explain anything really.
No. 425703
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I think this chart is interesting I would like to see an interpretation of it, just anything you think
No. 425704
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Can I pls get a reading whenever someone has time? I'm not really sure what most of this means.
No. 425705
>>425684What would you like to know specifically? If you got the reading off of a site like astroseek they tend to be pretty generic
>>425703between the Aquarius and Sagittarius stelliums you come across as a whimsical goofy person lol
Do you struggle with being consistent or saving money by any chance?
>>425704If you have a specific question or topic you'd want to know more about I can give it a try, but for a generic reading you can read through the little paragraphs on the astroseek website you got this chart off of.
No. 425722
File: 1724087051031.png (230.63 KB, 700x1125, 1713330462482.png)

I'm unsure if my sun is on Aries since I'm Taurus.
No. 425743
>>425704 and honestly just want a more specific look on relationships, the one I got was through a friend of a friend and it mostly detailed sex life - saying that I'm unfaithful, that scorpio rising and moon somehow indicates a dark side etc.
No. 425754
>>425706Hey, no worries! I'm not a huge fan of the UI from astroseek myself so I completely get it. The lines that you see inside the round chart are a visual representation of the symbols in the table underneath - from what I can tell the line is meant to represent that the two planets have a contra-parallel aspect (from my understanding it's something like here:
Personally I am not very familiar with parallels and contraparallels as I do this at an amateur level, but you can see it as the two planets involved (in this case Moon and Mercury) strengthening each other. Since both Moon and Mercury are in Leo I would not be surprised if you appreciate praise a lot and being recognized for your efforts whenever you have a discussion with someone.
>>425722Your sun seems to be on the last couple of degrees of Aries from what I can tell. Do you relate more to the Taurus archetype than the Aries?
>>425684Assuming this is the Scorpio Asc nona, Scorpio Moon and Rising can definitely lend to an edgier person but you know yourself best. I'd like to remind you that our birth chart does not supercede our personal free will, and you need to always use your discernment.
I'm seeing that your Venus is in Cancer, which can indicate that you yearn for tenderness moreso than physical intimacy honestly. I'd take the fact that you have Saturn in Cancer makes it difficult for you to express your emotions or feel safe and 'at home' with someone. The Moon in Scorpio I personally interpret as 'edginess' - so not necessarily a dark side so much as a lot of emotions compared to other signs, bad and good.
Were you told in the past that you are 'too much' by any chance?
The square between your Venus and Jupiter makes me think that maybe you've let relationships get in the way of your day-to-day life and ambitions - you should be able to see the square symbol in the table in the lower part of your image.
Taking any information - but especially things related to who you are (pop psychology, spells, tarot, personality tests, astrology) should be done with a lot of discernment. You are not defined by your birth chart no more than you are by what type of coffee you drink in the morning. I'm sorry that your friend of a friend was so out there but you know yourself best, trust yourself and your intuition to tell you if you are one way or another.
No. 425773
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Anyone feel like doing mine?
I only have very superficial knowledge of astrology but every horoscopy always mentions sagittarius being super positive and outgoing and I feel like I'm the literal opposite of that
No. 425786
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i cant sleep at night despite wearing myself out with exercise and work. im moving to a new country and im curious about who i'll meet. i want to take control and be happy. be honest with me
No. 425884
>>425773Your a Sag sun AND rising but I don't think that means we'd necessarily expect you to be bubbly and outgoing. In fact, Sag sun/Cap moons are known for their depressive tendencies, although they usually put on a happy facade to hide the pain
Sag sun and Cap moon generally means: extremely insecure and to cope you constantly try to prove yourself; pessimistic and detached on the inside, happy and outgoing on the outside, detached and aloof on the inside; career oriented; deep thinker and think too much about yourself
-natural leader, CEO type
-on a mission; new from the time you were very young exactly what you wanted to do with your life
-slow walker
-patient and methodical; very serious
-place a high value on money and material wealth and are a very big spender
-good relationship with family; good childhood
-destined to inherit a shit ton of money someday
No. 425963
>>425884Thank you so much, very interesting!
The first half of your post is definitely me. Second half less so. I do seem to get put forward as a leader by other people a lot, but I hate it because of my crippling self doubt. Same for knowing want you want out of life, always riddled with doubt and anxiety. Not ambitious or wealth focused at all. Tend to walk around in worn out clothes, because I don't care to buy new ones. Can at the same time also be a big spender, especially when impulse buying things I do have an interest in (milennial shit like adult Lego). Good relationship with family yes, good childhood no but that's only due to undiagnosed autism fucking things up. Fingers crossed about the large inheritance
No. 425966
>>425786Nona I think that you need to get in touch with your emotions and not let them control you as much. Maybe working on your internal health is going to be the best way to feel more in control of your life and be happy.
You seem to have a lot of positive aspects in the chart, so the only thing I would focus on would be maybe finding a way to express yourself without bottling things.
No. 425992
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Could someone read mine? I've just started to get into astrology after years of calling it BS and reading the descriptions under the chart didn't really help me understand besides that I'm a leo and don't act like it…I just want to know if I'll be successful in my choice. I spent the past 5 years putting off pursuing my dream and now I'm making that jump. I just don't want to epically fail again. Also noticed that the lines form a star, very cute!
No. 426003
>>425992You are a Leo sun but you are a Scorpio rising, like Taylor Swift, Hillary Clinton and Sydney Sweeney. This means you have very distinct eyes that are thinner on the inside (if you look at Sweeney and Hillary's eyes closely, you'll see what I mean)
-warm and joyful; attention whore; optimistic; get along with everyone
-natural leader with a drive for power (it sounds like this isn't you but that's what your chart says)
-excellent communicator, very charismatic and persuasive; good public speaker; determined and ambitious; will be super successful in any career that involves heavy use of either writing or public speaking
-daddy's girl, although he was/is a real hardass
-not such a great relationship with the rest of the family, however: strained relationship with your family and siblings, lot's of fights
>I just want to know if I'll be successful in my choice.You will. Especially if it involves a lot of writing or public speaking
Your self doubt probably comes from that 8th house Saturn. That's also probably why you don't show a lot of Leo traits and used to be dismissive of the occult, Saturn has delayed your success and the development of your true personality
No. 426020
>>426003Holy hell, I didn't expect it to be so on the nose. Picrel was my reaction, everything was on point down to my eyes (get told I have big round eyes when I have my glasses off) and strained relationship with my family…
>Especially if it involves a lot of writing or public speakingWhich is funny because I'm pursuing theater! I only felt like the "true me" was coming out when I did drama and dance in school. I'm taking this as a good sign. I tour a drama school tomorrow, hopefully this is a sign to keep going. Thank you so much anon!
No. 426021
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>>426020Dropped my image but it's whatever
No. 426031
>>426021makes sense.
You should also have a prominent mole on your face/neck, although Sydney doesn't have one so it isn't 100%
No. 426082
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would love to hear about my chart! i'm particularly interested in understanding the overarching themes in my life, and aspects that indicate attitudes that i should work on. or anything you find interesting!
i've been feeling vaguely disconnected from and uncomfortable with my personality and the people around me, and this is a lighthearted way for me to introspect a little! thanks in advance, nonnies… kisses
No. 426085
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i would love any insight into myself thank u ladies xoxo
i am constantly waiting for someone to tell me what to do because i don't have any clear direction of my own
i'm also shit at keeping up relationships (both platonic and romantic) kek
No. 426156
>>426082what jumps out to me is that you have both Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus - I get the sense that one of the biggest things you might struggle with would be consistency and patience? Like, letting things be instead of trying to always fix things as soon as possible.
With a Virgo Sun and Ascendant I wouldn't be surprised if you've always priritized doing things as close to perfect, sometimes to your detriment or to the detriment of others.
Of course, it could be that you're going from one stage of your life in another and that your feeling of disconnectedness between you and your friends/who you identify as and it might be unrelated to your birth chart.
Personally I avoid looking into very specific things (like another anon mentioned someone having a mole/birth mark according to a specific placement) mostly because I know I don't have nearly enough knowledge about astrology to even attempt to throw an opinion
>>426085The lack of clear direction of your own kinda checks out between your Sagittarius Sun (who tends to have a meandering approach to life) and your Libra ascendant (which can be quite indecisive in the hopes of being fair). You also have your Saturn in Aries which strengthens the idea - in the long term taking more initiative is something I'd recommend working on.
This is just a hunch, but I get the sense that keeping up relationships is something that will benefit from you taking more initiative, even if it's not something you're used to.
>>426152Hi there, not the Reader you initially wrote to - from what I understood you were told by another reader that you have a strong chart, it seems to be more of a self-identity issue.
If you had a complete mastery over astrology you could predict where things are likely to go according to transits, but I personally advise against it since in order to make a prediction (which may not be completely accurate) you'd need to have a complete understanding on way more things than I find worth it.
Sexual appeal is closely linked to self esteem, and your chart does not guarantee success or doom no matter how you slice it.
Not sure what else you wanted to know, but hope that you're doing better now.
No. 426204
>>426156>like another anon mentioned someone having a mole/birth mark according to a specific placement)Pretty much all Scorpio risings have that. Claudia Schiffer and Enrique Inglesias are actually known for theirs. Justin Bieber has one. Taylor has two although they aren't that prominent. The only exception I can think of is Sydney Sweeney, who also doesn't display the insufferable arrogance that Scorpios tend to have
Scorpio risings may have the most obvious physiognomy of the zodiac: mole, eyes with narrow inside corners, long torso, prominent traps, stubby legs (Taylor has long legs due to Saturn being on her ascendent)
Scorpio risings tend to be trash: Taylor is a fake bitch, Hillary is a power hungry megalomaniac, Enrique is a vain douche and Justin is an
abusive, arrogant, insecure manlet.
I do know some cool Scorpio risings but overall they are my least favorite zodiac sign
No. 426271
>>426204I'm not disagreeing, I just personally avoid getting into physical traits since I'm not knowledgeable enough to give a reasoning for stuff like that.
I've had a lot of experience with Cancers that left me very bitter about them (and pretty much kickstarted me starting to take astrology more seriously in the first place).
where did you learn about the physiognomy relating to the zodiac? I'd be interested to know more about it.
No. 426317
>>426156Third one here.
Could you read my chart, anything you see worth something?
Wait, so when you mean it doesnt seem like doom or success, what do you mean? I just dont even know
Does my chart look like someone who will only find love when theyre older? Or what is it about relationships?
No. 426321
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Could anyone read mine pls? I'm so curious
No. 426329
>Wait, so when you mean it doesnt seem like doom or success, what do you mean? I just dont even knowI meant that you can theoretically be successful regardless of your chart placements. That's just my two cents on it, since I've found myself relying way too much on transits and didn't do the work needed on myself, even now.
Transits can only influence us once we figure out our own shit imo, and chances are you need to focus on the basics first too.
>Does my chart look like someone who will only find love when theyre older? Or what is it about relationships?Is it something you want?
Take this with a grain of salt, I don't think it's as much that you can only find love when you're older as much as you might want a disney-tale type of love, your prince/princess charming if you will, which is just a tricky thing to find in the first place. Maybe you have a very specific preference in or out of the bedroom that filters a lot of people out. (you can look up more info about your Pisces Venus or Venus in the 8th house).
Something else that might be important is that your Ascendant is in Leo. Do you feel like you can have a big ego/need a lot of reassurance?
>>426321Is there something in specific you want to know about? As I suggested above I wholeheartedly recommend the blurb that Astroseek provides for a general outlook and see if you relate.
I wouldn't be surprised if you'd enjoy learning things on your own, outside of the academic paradigm (like learning a new hobby/trade/fun facts), and can be talkative once you get going or when you feel at home.
No. 426348
>>426152nta who you’re asking but i can try for you
>mars in scorpio in 4th house (ic) squaring off uranus in aquarius in the 7th house the house of relationships and partnerships (your descendant)your relationships probably start as fast they go, trauma dumping and pooling emotions so quickly on to others at the first jump it makes them run away from the intensity and need to constantly transform and abrupt stability. strange sexual interests as well, i’ve seen tumblrfags call mars-uranus aspects the aspects of homosexuality/bisexuality/gender non-conforming identities which probably pulls a lot of people away. it’s not bad, just intense for some with more grounded aspects in their chart. a lot of chaotic energy that can cause relationships to go downhill fast if you don’t have someone to “transmit” this energy into something productive. your mars in 4th ic in scorpio reminds me so much of always questioning, interrogating, investigating, second guessing people before they approach into your energy/space, 4th house is connected to your ancestry and household dynamics so this could be an emotionally separate and draining family dynamic influencing your preferences and relationships, something with invasion of privacy as well and always needing to move and rectify this, afraid of people penetrating into your privacy but wanting to be engaged in other people’s lives beyond what their boundaries state. not really knowing how sure you are, thinking you’re sure, but needing to make sure again. you probably had a lot of interesting connections with people online with it connecting to the 7th house, probably had an interaction with someone where you were exposed to something early. please stay with me here anon
do you have bpd or some form of emotional dysregulation that affects your relationships? >moon in scorpio 4th trine venus Pisces 8th house very similar to the effects of the previous chart but more focused on your emotions and romantic preferences. more heavy secretive and transformative energy, thinking the other person’s emotions, wants and needs are yours, almost knowing exactly what the other person needs at the time which shocks them and almost makes them feel like you’re the perfect partner to them, very good at mirroring other people’s personalities because of this. you start to align your needs and goals with the other person which is something to look out for even with trines, it’s easier to become a doormat because you associate pleasing others as the ultimate emotional fulfillment. compared to the other aspect I almost feel like people say, “woah i didn’t expect you to be like this?” manic pixie dream girl, with that mars square uranus as well challenging masculinity which draws in those types of scrotes addicted to possessing “the cool girl/one of the bois” even though she’s just being herself because this unification of goals, adding emotional purpose to . i don’t know what your sexual orientation is but yeah. with your moon in 4th going into your 8th it could be a lot of enmeshment and lack of boundaries. with this though i always feels like there’s a push and pull lever game, you let them in a little and then make the bar higher, just enough but not enough. it’s almost like sucking somebody in but not allowing too much which can draw many assumptions about your character and you’ll even start absorbing these into your personality. that’s all i got
No. 426373
>>426321-athletic, fit and competitive; sturdy build and on the shorter side
-challenging childhood with strict parents
-don't start to accumulate wealth until your mid 30s at which point you will make a shit ton of money and accumulate lot's of possessions/property
-brutally honest and not always tactful; tell people what they need to hear, not what they necessarily want to hear
-hard working, ambitious and prudent
-going to live a long, long time
-will have really good kids, or at least one really good kid
-ah, 6th house moon, that's rough. Depression; major differences of opinion with your mother; lot's of different diets and exercise programs; tormented endlessly by your own mind
-pleasant personality, get along with everyone
No. 426383
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Can I have a read as well?
No. 426402
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Would any kind nonnie mind giving me a reading on my birth chart?
No. 426407
>>426402-hidden artistic/musical talents
-organized and methodical
-highly ambitious; strong and effective leader when called upon, although you shy away from taking on leadership roles
-introverted workaholic
-REALLY good writer/speaker
-extremely good luck; will make a ton of money
-scattered mental state; lot's of mental/emotional distress, 0 chill; don't get along with your siblings; job hopper
No. 426410
>>426383-feline facial features
-strong and fit; short and sturdy
-highly assertive but in a diplomatic way, think Frances McDormand in Fargo
-natural leader, expect others to defer to you
-caring and maternal; psychic abilities
-in your childhood home, your mother took on the role of the father while your father had the more maternal role; mother was/is a career woman
-home/family focused; don't like to go out; really like to decorate and you prefer a regal aesthetic
No. 426436
>>426348You pretty much got it. I do have BPD from a bad childhood and I don't feel emotionally complex myself. My bad childhood left me with some warped views on sexuality and relationships. I want numbers to prove I can get numbers. I am a copy of a copy of others. I've done things for the sake of others, to please the expectation of others. I am not proud but I'm not ashamed either. Yeah, that was online, you're pretty accurate you know. So you think my chart makes me a repellent of people because of who I am? I mean, that has been my life. Everyone else can get along with anybody else but me. I come across as odd and strange. I just want to prove I can do it. I have never been in love in my entire life but I want to know I can do it. I'll never believe it though.
>>426329I do have some insane amount of Ego but tell me, please, when you say
>Take this with a grain of salt, I don't think it's as much that you can only find love when you're older as much as you might want a disney-tale type of love, your prince/princess charming if you will, which is just a tricky thing to find in the first place. Maybe you have a very specific preference in or out of the bedroom that filters a lot of people out. (you can look up more info about your Pisces Venus or Venus in the 8th house).I worry that it's me, look I'm pretty much deranged there, I will admit it. But I want and need others to like me, not just one, many, I need to be liked, I need numbers to show I can be liked.
No. 426443
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Would greatly appreciate any insight into why the hell I can't finish any of my personal projects + anything else that I should be aware of.
No. 426481
>>426436First anon. It's not necessarily a bad thing for you, it's just something to work on if you want to be more approachable because BPD can make having relationships pretty hard. You have a charming Moon trine Venus you can pretty much attract anything if you wanted to, usually people who want to take care of you and pamper you. Moon conjunct Mars very sexual and passionate in nature, the binding of masculine/feminine energies so you could come off androgynous to some, unlike Sun-Mars it can make a woman lean more into her masculinity {I have Sun conjunct Mars in Leo). Venus pisces in 8th square Pluto sag in 5th this energy reminds me of women who go through trauma and want to have a pregnancy to heal their inner child which is funny because it's not Sun in 5th but pluto and venus just screams this to me, especially with the piscean influence of self-sacrifice, at some point you might not even care who's the baby you might just be self-sufficient enough on caring for them by yourself if you ever have one, you never know. Likelihood of being one of those people with surprise twin, tuplets, quadruplets. Post-partum depression. Again the energy of like raising children in a completely different manner than others typically raise them, sagittarius uplifts restrictions on knowledge, ethics, exploring different cultures and lifestyles so like those parents who think their children are "transgender", letting their girls be tomboys and all of that. Besides that if you repost your chart with the Juno and Ceres asteroid I could try pinpointing what kind of partner you would attract. Your jupiter is in 10th in gemini with 1st degree (Aries), 10th is your MC so your career, reputation and job status this could honestly be an enemies to lovers situation in the workplace, business partner or coworker who you kind of clash with but they're lowkey protective of you, become preferential of you and teach you the ropes and also make you come of your shell. venus is trine your north node, apparently trines aren't all that important when it comes to the north node but it is but since it's in the 12th house the house of karma and past lives and it's trining your venus you may find someone who will help aid in healing your past childhood traumas.
No. 426487
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I'm curious and would like a read. Thank you in advance ♥
No. 426524
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I'm not knowledgeable at all in this so I'd like to know what this means
No. 426557
>>426410Thanks! Some things fit but I am rather tall.
Is there anything about love life that can be read from the chart?
No. 426593
>>426557Rahu in the 7th house
usually means a good marriage to someone from a different country and/or dramatically different cultural background.
The height thing is a bit odd. Your Mars is so strong and it's so tightly aspected with your ascendant and your Saturn is buried in the 6th house, so you'd think you would be on the shorter side. However, your Saturn does have a lot of essential dignity and it has a tight aspect with an exalted Jupiter so I guess that made you tall. I dunno. I'm assuming you are a really good athlete, right?
No. 426812
>>425754Oh I just saw this, I'm
>>425684, you're really spot on with what you said.
No. 426844
>>426593I haven't been allowed to do any sports when I was younger but have been practicing yoga for over 18 years and I also work out at least 1 hour every day. I also have a pretty good build and I'm slightly over 5′8″ but I have a rather childlike appearance and people tend to think I'm more than 10 years younger than my age while some people think I'm underage sometimes, even though I have tattoos on my face lol
>Rahu in the 7th house usually means a good marriage to someone from a different country and/or dramatically different cultural background.Oh God please let it be true. Thanks again nona
No. 426943
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>>426487I'm bored/free so I wrote as much as I could for you
>Appearance>sun in aries >ascendant in taurus>moon square asc >moon conjunct Saturn >Uranus trine asc>Neptune trine asc>Lilith square ascslightly baby-faced with those round but very present chubby ice cream scoop cheeks people love to poke and squish because they're adorable something about them makes you want to grab them kek, smaller eyes with an overall prominent eye area and intense gaze, very strong eyebrow ridge with thinned but sharp eyebrows. masculine-ish frame boxy/squarish wide build but your weight fluctuates a lot due to possible diet restrictions, might have been overweight when younger but decided to push out of that with the drive of your aries sun.
>uranus conjunct mc in 9th house (shhh this is probably not correct on how you combine the aspects in the house), small boobies and a late bloomer so your body what i'm getting was "rounding" some of the bits and parts a little late, blondish-reddish brown hair, probably mid-length or short. your asc is in 14th degree which is taurus, same sign of your asc so extra taurian energy in your personality and appearance. intense ass glare, a little sleepy looking with the glare or gazes which Neptune can do to the asc but since it's trine it's just a teeny bit. may have wanted to completely separate yourself from how you used to look when you were young, people may have admired the different ways you would dress>Childhood>Chiron in Leo 4th house>Jupiter in Virgo 5th house >Moon conjunct Saturn/Moon in 10th>Moon square Pluto>Sun conjunct mercury>Sun square Uranus>Sun square Neptune/Sun in 12thcombination of these i immediately knew growing up in one of those households where you had to take on extracurriculars and hobbies your parent wanted you to do for eventual success in your adulthood and hiding your own personal interests behind their backs, mother made all of the decisions even the big emotional ones which is why your emotional individuation is something you're still working on because Saturn is the planet of long, harsh lessons that gets rewarded in the long run, it reminds me of that book with jennette mccurdy and her mother where it's push, push, push from the mother to achieve for her, do for mother, merge goals for mother, with the mars opposing your jupiter it's always go, go, go, philosophy is lift yourself up, gain independence and also provide service, pisces being sacrifice, faith and jupiter in virgo (6th house) you could have grown up in that traditional household setting where you're driven to accomplish things by this faith adopted by the family or your parents, it almost feels like protestant/christianity or some kind of religion where you work hard to give back to "community", doesn't have to be protestant, Christianity or anything but you know what i mean? . with the dad i feel like he was there but pretty removed, like those dads who just sit there and it almost feels like they are just checked out a bit (i almost feel like an absent/didnt really know much about them thing) but with the sun-mercury there seems to be some admiration here, almost like certain things he has told you and taught you stick with you through your life and with the uranus influence too. i feel like your mother felt like something was peculiar and wrong with your father as well. both worked a lot but one was a little more involved with you, definitely your mother and it almost felt like she was playing duel roles of both parents because something about the dad feels a little too easy-going with their child and the mother interrupting this with the tests and sternness of saturn, no time for play. moon square pluto could indicate some kind of
trauma and abuse but that's where i will leave off. during your childhood you probably were known for something in your schooling or community, chiron in 5th house even though there's pain associated with it it was an outlet with healing and , public-speaking/debate/writing and even theatre and even going to certain competitions related to this? being recognized for it because it emotionally resonated with a lot of people.
>PersonalityPersonally driven to seek the truth and prove your predictions. "I told you so". staying indoors reading a bunch of random stuff that would make you banned for tinfoiling, emotional/physical masking and thinking you're superhuman so for ex. working so hard on a task you start to neglect yourself but the way you handle this others wonder how you look so well put together.
>Career zamn anon, you probably move or will move a lot for work or move around a lot to gain new skills and
education. probably will have new inventive breakthroughs or writings that will be accessible across many oceans and platforms or vice versa influencing you, slightly controversial in its scope. uranus like pluto seeks to challenge and reform our social structures and in the 9th house with education it reminds me so much of the 60s flower power stuff and the academic work done before protests, lots of exploration and experimentation done (could even had trouble in the education system, difficulty finishing schooling, gap years, careers never really interesting you so the fascination is very quick and intense and then you move to next very fast), although the type to take a gap year to create something without other distractions. revisiting academia, it reminds me a lot of those 1960s-1970s revolutionaries interested in foreign ideologies and art that’s drastically different from what others have in their native countries so again, integrating foreign teachings and learnings that can gain you a lot of momentum in the industry you pursue. your uranus is in the 17th degree which is known as one of the fame degrees so yeah, being misunderstood in your home nation but your ideas being felt, heard, your leadership and knowledge understood by many others, i just get this feeling having somebody else from another country or area giving you a “chance” so to speak. uranus and midheaven both in capricorn with is a rigid, hard-working sign, but since uranus loves to change and switch things up in your midheaven (career) this could be like a side thing breaking you off from the capricornic rigidity of work and career (for some reason i’m instantly reminded of jk rowling? your charts are probably extremely different just that similar energy), her uranus is in virgo so that’s probably why. 24 degrees in midheaven is piscean so that’s where you get the spiritual themes, for some reason maybe psychology, medicine, psychiatry or technology i’m getting for career or something related to that.
>neptune in 18 degree conjunct mckind of the same as the first aspect but dealing with Neptune some sort of affliction or illness affecting your ability to work at some point.
>vertex in libra with 19 degree square midheaven job opportunities being derailed because of a relationship or partnership (what's strange is that i started singing the song 'rolling in the deep' by adele out of no where? "we could've had it all')
>venus conjunct part of fortune in 11th houseyour luck and destiny is connected to other people but with this venus it's like wanting the betterment of the female race, 11th house rules over humanitarianism and venus wanting to bring beauty, meaning and connectivity to these large groups of society - female rights, women's rights and equality, in this particular meaning wanting women to feel beauty, loved, fulfilled, it reminds me of the idea around the more recent victoria secret business rebrand of "inclusive" beauty. in terms of relationships since every anon is obsessed with soulmates and marriages it will bring good fortune to you in that area, it also reminds me of those long-time female friends who just decide to live with each other for the rest of their life, that one friend that feels like a genuine soulmate. gaining money from a project that unifies and binds people to a common cause or idea, big donations/developing charities and gaining meaningful female friendships and relationships who will bring more abundance and gain in your life. on the personal side you could make more money on the internet based on the stuff you create (Venusian skills like fashion, makeup, weaving, art) because of the 11th house and creating a business off of this new social model of online relatability, the type of figurehead where other women will find as a niche because it doesn't fit into a typical male gazey category, very eccentric and weird but still with a feminine edge. i feel like this will probably be a bit later in your life
>Saturn in 10th house This one I feel is for people who take a very long time to get their doctorates and higher degrees to get into really good professions but into certain positions where their voices and innovations are contributed to the industry, again with the 1970s theme plenty of revolutionaries existed within the confines of their academic jobs
That's all I can write for now. Sorry if I fucked up, let me know if you want to know more or not
No. 426945
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>>426481How is this and thanks for your help. I definitely identify with a lot of things here, surprisingly.
No. 426952
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Could I get a reading? Thanks nonas.
No. 426955
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i would like a reading, but no readings on physical appearance please. i'd like a personality and/or divination read only
i'd really like to know how my 2025 will go, if possible
No. 426971

>>426945Oh yay, thanks for the feedback! I can't see your aspects with Juno which is also important but it's in 8th house, pisces so you like very open, communicative, soft-hearted and devoted partners, definitely not a fan of secrets from them though. pisces is a very lovely sign for relationships but it's squaring/opposing off your pluto in the 5th so it gives "staying with the children for the marriage and money", they might come from a dysfunctional family with wealth with this friction between juno in 8th and pluto in 5th but that's all I can say. persephone and hades vibes. that type of couple where the man marries the woman to transform her life. family feels like the type connected to their resources so it might motivate a lot of their decisions, ex. their family wants you to have a baby but there's conflicts or troubles with that, will only help or be involved if you do xyz, if children are born the family will likely be so involved with the children's lives (you probably never seen this show the gilmore girls, think lorelai and rory and lorelai's invasive mother). I feel like this partner could look plutonic, the piscean/dreamy/emo-edgy vibes reminds me of Ketu-dominant people. Ik Claire Nakti is sort of a meme here I think (I personally enjoy her vids).
>>426955Nobody is going to know what will happen to you because there's no transits there anon kek. Your solar return is another type of chart you can use to see personal yearly transformations and lessons.
No. 426998
>>426971Huh…that doesn't sound good at all. Staying for marriage or money, I'm too much of an idealist, guess I wasn't meant for this love thing. I am too crazy anyways. I am bisexual so maybe I don't know, well, I guess it would be the same there too. Thanks, I don't know what to think, I'll go feel sad that love is out of the question.
I like her vids, I've seen my fair share of them by now.
No. 427012
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chart nonnies what does it mean?
No. 427198
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>>426443This could be why you're having trouble with your personal projects.
>Mars in 14th degree Aquarius in 1st house in Aquarius 13th degree (conjuncting your asc)Wants your projects to match strictly your personality, aesthetics and identity but with this it's almost like wanting to express this prowess of ability to large groups of people so there's an element of rushing it to get some sort of approval and when you're rushing and making mistakes it doesn't come out as what you wanted, also with this and the mercury aspects I mentioned there's a disconnect with the mind manifesting on to the physical, invisioning but it's not coming out the way you wanted on paper.
>Mercury square Saturn with it being in 9th house, 2nd degree>Mercury square PlutoTaking in a lot of ideas all at once and not knowing what to do with them afterwards, this definitely has something to do with art because it's in the taurus degree, trouble planning and organizing because your saturn with your scorpio is constantly questioning the energy of your capricorn mercury which is always picking up tasks, the type to wonder and go deep and start feeling inadequate, comparing skills to ones who've done it better and want to mold yourself after them and when it doesn't fit, you don't want to deal with it anymore or just abandon it. I think there may be issues with your value system, wanting to create something but feeling like it wouldn't fit others definitions of value (is it worth x amount of money, is it beautiful, pretty). Second-guessing with mercury-pluto, always changing your mind the last minute as well and a little bit indecisive
>Moon opposite UranusGetting uncomfortable when you feel too into something so you immediately just run away from it, this is important because people tend to get emotionally involved in the projects they create especially if this involves other people.
On the flip side you have Sun sextile Saturn so having security in your worth is attached to your ability to stick to something and complete it. I hope this helps you and makes sense.
No. 427213
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>>427199My bad, here it is.
No. 427525
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What would be the easiest way for me to make money and get my shit together? I'm curious if there's an approach that might be easier to implement to get that bag and level up
No. 427660
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Why I'm so mediocre in everything I do?
No. 427663
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>>425754>Your sun seems to be on the last couple of degrees of Aries from what I can tell. Do you relate more to the Taurus archetype than the Aries?I'm totally a Taurus, even when I get angrier. But that's probably my Aries Rising speaking when I'm pissed off.
No. 427667
>>427660Because you have an 8th house Saturn: career frustrations, romantic failures, accident prone with lots of setbacks, bad relationship with family/siblings.
It takes awhile for 8th house Saturn people to come into their own.
No. 427674
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>>406216Can any chart nonnies kindly interpret? Wanting to learn what I can be aware of and improve on, thank you!
No. 427728
>>427663Going by the chart you have a Pisces Rising (albeit in the last few degrees of it), I am not very familiar with whether or not having a sign on the cusp/very close to a different one might influence things but I know that my mother is on the cusp between Pisces and Aries and she's definitely a mix of the two.
If you ask me a Taurus is an easier sign to live with since Aries' tend to come across as abrasive to people, but Tauruses are appreciated pretty often from what I've gathered.
No. 428232
or maybe its just wrong, the date and time are right but this makes me doubt everything
No. 428368
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If anyone could read mine i'd be really grateful! I can't make sense of it.
No. 430421
>>427914What placements mention sex appeal in your chart? There's a lot of misinformation online from modern "astrologers" (no offense nona).
>>430360I think we should still use it.
No. 430523
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Does my chart have any indications of the following?
- insomnia (and any current transits worsening it?)
- s**cidal ideation (is also a transit atm for this one?)
- abusive, prison-like upbringing
Apologies for the atypical questions but I am really going through it mentally right now and trying to find any hope I can that I’m going to get out of this. Everything right now seems to be mimicking 2012-2014 for me for some reason (which was a Sade Sati period for me, but I don’t have another Sade Sati until 2038).
No. 430565
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>>430523Here’s the transit chart btw my apologies
No. 430591
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>>430523we can't see your transits without a transit chart but here's what I found
>insomnia and suicidal ideationmercury in aries conjunct saturn in aries in 6th house
slowness with brain activity or thoughts, this doesn't mean you're dumb or unintelligent but your methods of thinking and coming with ideas are very gradual and build up over time, in 6th house it's repetitive obsessive ritualistic thinking and behaviors so a battling of the mind, events replaying inside of your head. feels like lots of violent nightmares as well. i also feel at some point you also started becoming more mute/more silent, selective mutism.
- moon square neptune
can cause depression, insomnia, trouble sleeping, maladaptive daydreaming with the influence of your mercury-saturn it explores topics of violence, violation of the body and abuse, revenge.
- t-square of your moon, neptune, and saturn
i feel like at one point you were hospitalized or your mother was hospitalized do you have bodily scars or something? just a feeling. i'm also gonna just guess (not factual) you probably already tried to commit suicide, probably in an attempt to get someone to really notice your struggle or suffering or to get attention, if it wasn't suicide than it was something violent that probably left some scars whether that be physical or mental.
- moon opposite saturn
cold and distant relationship with mother, probably felt more transactional than a warm loving environment. emotional and physical neglect as well which is weird because i sense there was some sort of boundaries broken involving your body. because it's squaring your saturn in the 6th house with is duty and service, she probably looked through your stuff constantly and ran things like a drill sergeant (helicopter parenting), you had to create a double-life for yourself basically and sneak around. i also feel like you have trouble adjusting to life, making routines and organizing things which is a consequence of parents or caregivers making their kids dependent on them, i almost feel like you might be autistic or something because i'm just sensing. have you ever had violent outbursts or meltdowns before, especially when young? you've probably had some sort of counseling or something
-neptune and uranus in 4th place
sensing some disruption in the home, custody battles or problems with your parents marriage
- sun conjunct mars in 7th house
abusive, violent father led by his penis, could he or your parents used you as a weapon in their own battles? could it be for ex. it was imprisoning because of some martial dispute? you know what i mean, like some parents hold their children hostage and leave them confused and manipulated having them play multiple sides and dragging them into their adult matters, that could be your neptune/uranus in 4th
-chiron in scorpio 1st house
troubles with your body, probably punished for being "too grown" (it's an urban thing meaning a girl who seems to adultified for young age),
- moon square uranus
odd, bizarre behavior from your mom, something strange and eclectic with your mother and she likely is very mentally ill
- moon in scorpio in 1st house
seeking independence from your mother but mostly failing, "my mother was my first bully", jealousy from the mom as well
>>430565- saturn in 5th house
losing hobbies and pasttimes that were near and dear to you, blunted emotions almost feels impossible to feel joy
- pluto almost in 4th house
childhood trauma being revisited, shit blowing up in your family's face
- sun and mercury in 11th house in pisces degree
i knewwwwww it before i saw this and wrote it but with the saturn in 5th there was something
triggering you into having suicidal ideation and it was on the internet and other people close to you, feeling like it would better if you weren't here because other people's dreams and wishes are being fulfilled while you're basically swallowing in a lot of problems and issues. it's reminiscent, nostalgic but extremely bitter-sweet, there's something hazy and romanticized about your suicidal thoughts like freeing yourself could be a liberating and sacrificial experience. loneliness and isolation while your friends and people from afar seem to be fulfilling their goals while you
- venus in 12th house
isolation and detachment, depression, something is being consumed through your throat that's probably harmful for you. i also feel like if you're thinking of suicide it probably involves fantasies of overdosing o pills/medication/substance-involved
- chiron in 6th house
harmful coping mechanisms might be coming back to the light
thats all i got kek, hope this helps and wasnt too insensitive
i'm 50/50 in believing astrology so take my newbie interpretations not too seriously i like doing these for fun
No. 430637
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I’ve never had a read before but if someone would like to give me a general one I’d love that
No. 430652
>>430637-wet blanket; killjoy
-insatiable need for attention and accolades; feel the world doesn't recognize the greatness that you see in yourself
-kind and generous but ultimately self focused and always put your own needs first
-manipulate/rule over others
-inflexible, don't tolerate any disagreement
-repeat the same mistakes over and over, never learning anything
-happy and positive overall; good morals
-financially stable
-very good home/family life
-religious spiritual
-mama's girl
-natural at business and good at making money
-like to stick your nose in other people's business
-artistic abilities that you keep on the dl
-high iq and fast learner
-excellent communicator and extremely charismatic
-rule breaker; complete disregard for societal/religious expectations, although you actually are religious/spiritual and are inflexible in your own beliefs; you could be a successful cult leader if you wanted to
-bad at planning and scheduling; always busy with something new that you have picked up
-distance with your father, either you guys just aren't close or he wasn't around much when you were a kid
-able to tap into the psychic realm and it isn't always pleasant
-late bloomer; won't start to fully mature until around age 30 at which point you will settle abroad
No. 430752
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Not all that into birth charts and horoscopes, just saw this threat and got a bit curious…
No. 430753
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Inviting astro nonnas to read it for me, thank you
No. 430754
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i hate that i have so much cancer in my chart. someone told me once that it is sort of in conflict with all the aquarius in there. is that true?
No. 430820
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My big 3 are all Libra, please astrononas
No. 430840
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I really really really need my transits read please
No. 430857
>>430591Holy shit you actually nailed a lot of it, I know you said you believe in astrology like 50/50 but you got nearly everything right? My chart feels absolutely fucking cursed.
> mercury in aries conjunct saturn in aries in 6th house Yeah I’m book smart but I always take longer to do things compared to others. I struggle to articulate off the top of my head properly and always get in trouble for saying the wrong thing, especially with my parents. I’ve been told that Mercury conj Saturn can be a good placement for writing or math. I also have anxious thought patterns that were diagnosed in a full psych eval when I was at my peak of mental health kek.
> moon square neptune Everything you said, I’ve had insomnia since childhood but I also struggle with always being somewhere else mentally. Like I’m constantly dreaming of living other lives that are basically impossible. I also have revenge fantasies towards certain people and parental figures.
- t-square of your moon, neptune, and saturn
I have hideous self harm scars that are massive all over my arms so I have to wear long sleeves constantly. I guess it was kind of a cry for help but also a bad habit I had for 8 years. My parents only got angry at me when they found out. Every time they would threaten to send me to the hospital I would pretend to get better and I would ultimately get better about hiding my issues from them because they found it all to be a burden. My dad also physically hurt me on multiple occasions but I don’t have any scars from it, just bruises and scabs that would heal.
- moon opposite saturn
My mom is a narcissist who has a transactional relationship with everyone so you’re right on the nail. I only got affection as a baby and then became hated when I gained the ability to talk and think independently. My dad is the drill sergeant parent but also a narcissist who never let me do things for myself and always had to be in control or he’d lash out. As a result I am very stunted socially, mentally, and emotionally. I am completely dependent on him and he has objected to a lot of solutions for my independence after pretending to endorse them like begging me not to move out each time I’ve tried. There was no such thing as boundaries for children in my home, we weren’t allowed to have locks on our doors and my dad would say he could come in & talk at us (and scream) whenever he wanted. I never felt safe in my own room. My dad was also financially
abusive growing up and would threaten to cut everyone off if we even thought of voting for certain political candidates, etc. It really feels like I was only loved as a baby and resented as I grew older.
Also, yes to meltdowns. I have always been a massive crybaby and unable to control my emotions. Me and my dad would fight like crazy because he’s got anger issues and I can’t control my emotions well either. I am extremely emotionally expressive by default no matter how I try to cover it up (I guess it’s a 1H water moon). I also have been in counseling and therapy my entire life because of my parents saying “we’re your parents, not your therapist” whenever I was struggling mentally.
> neptune and uranus in 4th placeMajor custody battle and disruption as you said. My parents fought in court for nearly 10 years over child support with us constantly in the middle of it. We would switch between houses and have to hear each parent villainizing the other so every week alternated between which parent was evil (both of them are pretty awful but I didn’t understand that then).
> sun conjunct mars in 7th houseYeah I was physically abused by my father on multiple occasions as a young girl and I was used as a “weapon” in between my parents for court purposes. The thing you said about parents brainwashing their kids is accurate, it would be one side every week.
> chiron in scorpio 1st house Yeah I have a curvier body naturally and have always been preoccupied with my weight to reduce the curves.
> moon square Uranus, moon in scorpio in 1st houseMy mom is an out of control narcissist who cannot hold a job, has addiction issues, and has been married and divorced a handful of times. She lives in absolute squalor and is a total wreck. My mom was a somatic narcissist bully who was obsessed with her own looks and then mine afterwards. But honestly I feel like my dad is really the biggest bully I’ve had in my entire life.
I’m not gonna dissect the transits but a lot of it makes sense. Right now I have insomnia and a misperception of sleep which makes me feel like I’m getting no sleep and going crazy. I keep waking up the same times and it feels like death is the only escape from this hell. My entire body also just feels so sore and inflamed from whatever the hell im going through. I figured it had to be something in the 6th house of health because this is the worst I’ve felt in years.
I know that there’s a lot of people in queue but with everything you said about these transits and then my Saturn Return coming soon, it feels like the world is trying to make everything so hard for me that I give up on life entirely.
Can you also do me a favor and tell me if there’s any hope to this hell ending any time soon? Or is my Saturn Return just going to be even worse suffering on top of this? I feel too weak for this world and this life that I was given. No. 430935
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>>430919Here’s my solar returns for 2024/2025, 2025/2026, and then my Saturn return. Some astrologer scared the hell out of me about my Saturn return coming quick but I think actually my official return will be 2027 (so thankfully 3 years from now) since my Saturn is in the later degrees in Aries; I actually thought it was right around the corner but I guess Saturn is technically entering Aries soon. Any input that you have is appreciated and any signs of good luck/fortune (although unlikely) would give me some hope. Thank you for offering to look closer at this, I really appreciate it.
No. 431850
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Here’s my general chart; cancer sun and rising, Gemini moon.
No. 431874
>>431869-powerful and commanding presence, expect to be catered to; natural leader; cat like element to your facial features; rounded facial features w/ chubby cheeks; rolling gait; highly maternal
-optimistic and generous; excellent health; kind, honest and moral; very fortunate in life
-good athlete; strong build but slightly below average height
-sexy in a way that goes beyond your mere appearance; nympho sex maniac; well liked by all; very charismatic
-highly educated
-psychic powers
-rich AF
-worthless siblings who you have to take care of
-frequently travel abroad for work (and/or sex)
-highly misunderstood by others, way beyond the cliche way that this gets said about everyone else
-daddy's girl, very much your father's daughter; some distance with your mother; mother was the dominant partner in your parents' marriage
-quiet; not an effective communicator, you have charisma but it is a charisma based on vibes, not words
-seeking life's deeper mystic truths
-private person and highly introverted, you work best in isolation and need a lot of alone time
No. 431879
>>431874Kinda odd here’s information about me:
My father committed suicide when I was 8, my parents were only together for like 11 months and broke up when I was 3 months old. I have half siblings, 6 younger brothers. Not rich but I have a military scholarship from my father, I’m 5’5, and 155 pounds and frequent the gym a lot. I used to travel a lot but as of being a college student I’ve been stuck in a state. I’m not close with my mother really, she was an
abusive alcoholic but she’s in recovery now and much more of a normal person. I’ve been told I’m sexy, I don’t believe it (36 in DD cup, 26 in waist, 42 in hip.).
No. 432189
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go crazy go stupid
No. 432197
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i feel a little lost in love rn (hahaha) i recently attended a conference for my profession and i made a connection/saw cute guys and i cant stop thinking about a couple of them.
i also made a transit chart etc. and i cant for the life of me determine how i feel romance wise, Ive NEVER been lucky in love, and i think im just going thru limerance again.
is there anything in my chart that might indicate anything on how i am feeling? if needed i can make a transit chart for the dates of the conference.
tysm in advance!
No. 433303
File: 1727398084628.png (464.42 KB, 2113x1275, solar_saturn_returns.png)

>>432230Yeah here you go, thanks anon. From L-R: my solar returns for 2024/2025, 2025/2026, and then my Saturn return. Any words of advice or anything that stands out is helpful.
No. 433475
>>430753-weirdo; space cadet personality (vid is typical Aquarius sun persona)
-really love kids; no children of your own until after age 30
-think you're all that; see yourself as the "it" girl
-people person; well liked; highly charismatic
-carry grudges forever; overly sensitive; prone to feelings of resentment
-great communicator; natural saleswoman and marketer
-job hopper; scatterbrained
-good teacher
-big spender; like to make big purchases and horrible at saving money
-demanding romantic partner, really expect to be treated as an equal (at least); lot's of relationship turmoil
-great athlete; short, sturdy and fit
-fiery; a warrior at heart; explosive temper that verges on psychotic; extremely high energy levels
-late bloomer
-career and financial success after a slow start
No. 433671
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No. 433699
File: 1727540638066.png (194.28 KB, 700x1125, chart.png)

I never have had a reading so if anyone is up to it here is my chart. I'd like to know how my chart determines my personality I kinda feel like I am not typical Leo and I present more as my moon sign - personality-wise - if that makes any sense.
also if anyone has input on my lovelife and success in career, i would be interested.. thank u in advance!!
No. 433707
File: 1727542992349.png (192.64 KB, 700x1125, horoscope_natal_15-7-2004_07-5…)

never had a birth chart reading, but interested either way. cancer sun, cancer moon, leo rising
No. 433742
>>433699-long torso with relatively stubby legs; below average height; big, round eyes that are very thin on the inside corners (see Sydney Sweeney and Hillary Clinton); chunky; well endowed and/or big ass
-outspoken and highly confident
-attention whore
-inconsistent with effort, not lazy, per se, but have a very hot and cold motor
-need constant stimulation and novelty; the opposite of grinder
-great communicator; natural saleswoman
-good home life; generally have good luck; great relationship with both parents although you more take after your father
-detached and aloof, although you don't come off that way to others
-back pain for sure; maybe menstrual problems (often happens with Saturn in the 6th but not always); no kids until after age 30
-very blunt, excessively so
-career success only after a long period of frustration and underappreciation
-kind hearted but also emotional, moody and hot tempered
-highly religious/spiritual; really obsessed with following rules and doing things in what you view as the correct way
-hatred for authority
-befriend lots of weirdos
-will ultimately have tremendous career success in a role that involves heavy interaction with the public
-lots of accidents/injuries/hospitalizations
-lots of travel abroad for work
-eye problems; either bad eyesight or eye ailments
No. 433776
>>433737-weirdo; space cadet personality (vid is typical Aquarius sun persona)
-really love kids; no children of your own until after age 30
>(Im younger than 30 so i have no idea yet)-think you're all that; see yourself as the "it" girl
>True-people person; well liked; highly charismatic
>Usually antipathic, you either love me or hate me-carry grudges forever; overly sensitive; prone to feelings of resentment
>forget everything 2 hours later-great communicator; natural saleswoman and marketer
-job hopper; scatterbrained
-good teacher
-big spender; like to make big purchases and horrible at saving money
>I'm a biger saver-demanding romantic partner, really expect to be treated as an equal (at least); lot's of relationship turmoil
-great athlete; short, sturdy and fit
>decent, tall, not particularly sturdy or fit atm-fiery; a warrior at heart; explosive temper that verges on psychotic; extremely high energy levels
>Low energy levels, usually very chill-religious/philosophical
-late bloomer
>very true-career and financial success after a slow start
>too young to know thatThank you very much for spending your time doing that reading though
No. 433778
>>433777are you this nonna
>>433742because if so i despise you but if not, can i show my chart somewhere else
No. 433797
>>433791it’s okay
nonny it’s all in your head go put those socks and gown on I told you to and take the meds they prescribed you
No. 433819
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cool thread, if someone gets around to reading mine that would be sweet.
No. 433831
>>433823pretty sure I'm the anon you are talking about and I can assure you it was nothing personal. There are tons of charts that get posted here and there are several posters who do readings. Sometimes I'll see one and do a reading. I do them at random. Do you seriously expect me to read every chart on this thread?
Since you want a reading so bad, post your chart again and I'll do a read
No. 433905
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LEAVE A COMMENT(shitposting)
No. 433921
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Sorry I had a mental episode, I am under so much stress and anger
I did mean what I said though(take your meds)
No. 433928
>>433919I'm just learning from my experiences, pisces are BPD chans.
>>433920Wrong sign.
>>433922True, at least Leos are more like a car crash.
No. 433938
>>433937 said she'll donate shit
No. 433956
>>433949> you're greedy as fuck You're kind of not wrong
>Constantly changing jobs and which degree you want to pursue because of imposter syndromeThat part doesnt apply to me I'm far too lazy for either of those things KEK
>Invest in stocks Thats actually what my nigel does
No. 433968
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No. 433970
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you have
- bpd conjunct bipolar
so what that means in my interpretation is that it means that you have bpd and when it becomes conjunct it creates such nuclear levels of bpd it causes stress on the bipolar aspect. you’re doing great sweetie you’re going to be known so well and accumulate lots of fame!!!!! ♥
No. 433974
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This is what you look like
No. 434012
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sooo…anyone wanna take a crack at this?
No. 434021
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I'm curious about the charts for me and my sister. Just posting one of us for now. Both of us are in highly stressful education and career trajectories and are struggling emotionally esp for the past couple years.
No. 434025
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>>434022i gotchu non picrel is just the rest afterwards
No. 434052
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>>434033thanks for this reading nona, that explains some of the difficulties, although I would say that this one of us seems to internalize all of the conflict. I wonder if that's part of why there are almost masochistic/martyrdom elements despite all the intelligence & talent.
I also want to say that my sister and I get along so well that I wish we could kind of just live together platonically for the rest of our lives, but I know that's not in the cards.
Here's the second chart. Yes, we have nearly the same birthday!
No. 434102
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>>434025Tinfoil theory but this person seems familiar. It might be a regular from /x/ who is nicknamed "leo rising anon", same behavior. I've seen his chart on LC like twice.
No. 434126
>>433742woow thank you so much!! there were very much things that are true or might be in the future except for:
-long torso with relatively stubby legs; below average height; big, round eyes that are very thin on the inside corners (see Sydney Sweeney and Hillary Clinton); chunky; well endowed and/or big ass
-also you should have a prominent mole on your face or neck
>unfortunately I'm tall-ish and lanky with no boobs nor ass lmao. but I do have prominent face and neck moles!!also the ailments part was very true, I have lower back problems and endometriosis as well as bad eye sight lol
No. 434139
>>434052-This chart also indicates problems with the mother, although not as severe as the last
-both charts indicate someone tall, strong and athletic, the person with the 2nd chart should have a bit of extra chub, though
-very sensitive and maternal
-long torso, prominent mole
-both charts indicate a good relationship with father
-2nd person a bit prettier and more exotic looking than the first
-2nd chart person is maybe even more unpleasant and combative than the first. I would not be friends with either one of you
-both charts indicate major career success; with the first chart, the success will definitely be delayed, 2nd chart it will probably be delayed
No. 434203
>>434139thanks, nona! given that our brother is the golden child, the "mother issues" definitely rings true
>I would not be friends with either one of youaw, actually I am puzzled by the "combative" result for both of us. I don't think anyone would describe us like that, though idk my sister's colleagues very well. I'd say that any combativeness in my own life is directed at problems in my field of research or maybe even at myself. I'm really generous with my friends; I don't have many but I never lose them. Maybe whatever tendency there is toward combat was sublimated into something else.
Some of the other stuff tracks - we're both thin, above-average height and athletic, but my sister is taller and stronger. I hope you are right about the career success. thanks again!
No. 434673
I need information…please
No. 434686
>>433671-short, sturdy and athletic
-hot tempered and aggressive, always ready to throw down
-difficult birth from your mother, who you have a very strained relationship with; very close with dad, though
-lot's of turmoil up until the age of 25, including a suicide attempt
-despite anger issues and combative nature, you are also a peacemaker who seeks to win over adversaries
-highly articulate, able to effectively express yourself; excellent communicator in general; natural businesswoman; VERY secretive, there is a lot that people don't know about you
-passionate romantic; financial support from your family; will also make a ton of money on your own; highly creative
-delayed career success but it will come
No. 434690
>>434686>>434686Accurate. I have specific questions and elements.
Chiron in the 5th? Childhood Trauma?
Venus in 8th Pisces? Emotionally isolated from people, not fitting in. Is that so? Whatever is in the 8th is somwthing that you'll be unable to grasp I've been told. Been told the anger thing and other Mercury things make me appear like a crazy person. Why would this chart explain someone being unattractive? Saturnian?
No. 434691
>>434690Chiron by itself can't do anything. The childhood trauma should be from Mars in the 4th conjuncting your moon.
The is nothing wrong with your Saturn, if you are unattractive it again is probably because of that nasty Mars moon conjunction in Scorpio (moon's fall). That moon is also squaring your ascendant so that could maybe effect your looks
Venus is exalted in Pisces. Means a great marriage, creativity and wealth
If things are bad for you now it's probably because Jupiter is in detriment and Saturn being in 10th delays your success
No. 434708
>>434691Yes, Mars 4th has been hard to me. You're right again. But how would the moons square ASC do that?
Great marriage? Impossible, that's not me. I am too strange and not up to date.
Saturn Return? That's too long. So I just wait until then for things to finally happen? I am sorry but I need to know more
No. 434714
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i showed it to a friend a while back and she told me it was the birth chart of the devil
No. 434739
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Please anons, how can I improve myself and stop being a crybaby? I also would really appreciate any feedback you can give on my chart since I don't understand anything
No. 434744
>>434742Can't say that's unexpected kek
Anything good here?
No. 434880
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Someone once told me my Saturn being in the 12th house is fucking me over. What else is fucking me over? And most importantly what isn't?
No. 434891
>>434880Saturn's antiscia is in its fall right on your ascendant. You are really tall and thin with a big forehead, aren't you? This same aspect should also make you shy and straight laced, that you matured early and took on heavy responsibilities from a young age. Very serious.
You're entire life you feel like you have been swimming upstream, like the universe is deliberately holding you back. Not proactive at all, overly cautious and find it difficult to make new friends. When young you were painfully shy but that gradually lessens with age.
The biggest problem in your chart has nothing to do with Saturn, it's that you have a dark moon, and a debilitated one at that. Although even that is in a strong house.
Your sun, Venus and Mars are all exalted. I've never seen someone with 3 exalted planets in their chart.
tl;dr: you should be fine. Just give things time to develop
No. 435131
>>434714mildly weak moon and a Sun/Rahu conjunction, but the biggest problem is the Mars/Saturn opposition: major anger issues; constant disappointment in the early part of life; on the receiving end of lot's of bullying and/or sexual harassment; depression; a bit short; major clashes with father and other authority figures, although you actually more take after your dad than your mom
-beautiful, long, silky hair; soft features; hourglass figure
-natural leader; CEO type
-good athlete
-flushed, reddish appearance; tendency towards bad acne breakouts
-into older guys
-mother was very strict and dominated the home
No. 435148
File: 1728068449372.png (340.05 KB, 1033x1262, 2024_10_04___14_41_718.png)

is there anything in my chart that accounts for me relating to my north/south node placements more than anything else? have been told that my chart is "a huge watery mess" at least twice, but that's never resonated with me. am wondering if there's something in the aspects(?) that speaks to either of these things
I'm also curious about the appearance readings in this thread; I'd love to see if the most distinct detail about my appearance can be read from my chart. ty ♥
No. 435186
>>435148-tall and lanky; excellent athlete; pretty and maybe even beautiful; dark, flowing, thick hair; big teeth, pointy chin; prominent forehead
-very secretive; suppress your emotions; lot's of travel to foreign countries; total nympho; extremely vivid (often erotic) dreams
-daddy's girl; some problems with mother; mom is a business woman
-short tempered; win at all costs
-introverted and appear very aloof on the outside but are actually extremely sensitive as to what others think of you
-going to have a great marriage
-very smart and highly educated, but suffer from a serious lack of focus, may even have ADHD; lot's of ups and downs
-extremely articulate; good businesswoman/negotiator and a jack of all trades
No. 435266
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>>435186Could you do mine? Please tell me any predictions you see, and I'm curious about physical characteristics as well. Thank you.
No. 435448
File: 1728203335874.png (181.31 KB, 700x1125, 1000018554.png)

Can someone fuck me up. I read aome of the paragraphs below explaining a few things, but if anything it didn't seem to align with me much.
No. 438441
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it seems i really got that scorpion in me
No. 438509
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When I do these things either I get v good compliments or I get instantly cooked which is it, magic nonnas….
No. 438670
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I'm stacked on Aries and Cancer it looks like?
No. 438794
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id like to get my chart read
No. 438819
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Ok me next me next!! What jumps out astrononas
No. 438950
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can anyone make sense of this? especially how it impacts friendships, romantic relationships, and career? (this year I've been struggling with all of the above)
No. 440245
File: 1729774173869.png (1.17 MB, 1659x1125, 1668186577906.png)

Asaik according to my chart my biggest challenges will lay in relationships with others.
Could any more experienced anon help me figure out ways to deal with loneliness and what would help with establishing new relationships, meeting new people?
I've struggled with being the odd one out since kidergarten, I was always part of the group and well liked on the surface but never actually accepted. And now as an adult I'm even lonelier, meeting someone every two weeks.
I's unbearable because I'm an extrovert and need that contact. But I never seem to come across anyone willing to stay in touch.
Any places I should avoid or on the contrary, attend more often?
I'm not very good at chart reading. Picrel edited to grab more attention.
No. 440833
File: 1729956198857.png (127.63 KB, 698x698, chart.png)

I'm a newfag (and admittedly a skeptic - but willing to learn more) when it comes to astrology and I have a couple of questions about my chart if anyone with more knowledge than me would be willing to answer. I feel like my chart doesn't represent me in any way apart from my sun being in Aquarius. I definitely don't identify with a moon in Leo at all - I've always been quiet (was even selective mute as a child) and introverted. I don't desire attention and I'm not open with my emotions. I feel very uncomfortable in any social situation to the point I've ended up as a shut-in. It also appears that I have an 11th house stellium which makes zero sense from my understanding because friendships / social exclusion has been a significant point of struggle for me and a lot of my issues stem from this despite having experienced things that are "objectively worse"… yet apparently friendships and group harmony is supposed to be my strength?
No. 440885
>>440833-pisces rising: big, watery eyes with a delicate nature to your overall appearance
-leo moon/aquarius sun: perpetually undergoing an identity crisis; strong desire for authority; respectful and friendly on the outside, authoritarian control freak on the inside; generally indecisive but then at times do retarded stuff on a whim; frequently torn between your head and your heart; forgetful and absent minded
-5th house Saturn retrograde in fall: gloomy and boring personality; antisocial, "too punk rock" for parties and other social events; educational delays; major issues with your parents
-6th house moon (whole sign): major issues with either mental or physical health. Probably both but I've seen some who it's just the former and I've also seen one who had neither; lot's of different diets and exercise programs; really like to help others in a healing capacity; emotionally dependent on routine and get really stressed out when your routine is disrupted; very different political/religious views from your mother; hypochondriac
-sun opposition moon: confrontational; skeptical hardass in youth and come to embrace the mystical side of life with age
-8th H Jupiter: lot's of secrets; going to inherit a lot of money
Mars in 10th house: tremendous athlete; natural leader; great professional success
-Venus trine ascendent: pretty with good hair and teeth; can be charming
-afflicted sun in 12th house: inferiority complex; relationship troubles; difficulty dealing with people in general; some serious weirdness going on with your dad
tl;dr: an eccentric, late bloomer
No. 440886
> yet apparently friendships and group harmony is supposed to be my strength?not with that 5H Saturn retrograde, they aren't
No. 440927
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I'm curious what this says about me. Detail is very much appreciated. Thank you!
No. 441064
>>440927Aqua sun/Pisces moon: kind and helpful; innocent/sensitive soul; not a ton of common sense, overly trusting; dreamy expression; very spiritual; no self discipline and need external structure to get anything done; bad with technology; come off as detached
5H Venus: bullshit liberal politics; good at academics; stylish dresser with lot's of glam; will have great kids; involvement in theatre; back problems; big social circle; fall in love very fast and this has been the case for you since you were little; not promiscuous, but you really do like sex a lot as long as their are genuine emotions involved
6H sun: good at winning over enemies; natural conflict mediator, want everyone to get along; cautious regarding your health
7H moon: stable mind; will find a romantic partner who will be your rock; mom is a business woman; professional success
7H mars (whole sign): this plus your 6H sun means that you would be one hell of a lawyer; controlling in your romantic relationships
9H Jupiter: highly religious/spiritual; natural guru type, really good teacher; travel far and wide
10H Saturn: hard worker; slow and steady accumulation of resources and status; up and down career; workaholic to the point that it damages your romantic life; lot's of brief romantic relationships when young
7H Mercury in Pisces: look young for your age; tumultuous romantic life
No. 441745
>>441602I'm more into whole sign sidereal now, but I'll try this anyway since you asked (I'm gonna read this as whole sign, though)
excellent athlete and in good shape
Ah, Mercury is conjunct Pluto, and Mercury is your ruling planet. Sadness over your inability to find true love; commitment issues; excellent communicator, though
good health; highly sexual; not much artistic talent; unsupportive parents; lot's of expenses; like older men
7H sun means that you are simultaneously a natural and effective leader while also being disrespected and unappreciated by others. Sort of a real life Charlie Brown
Sag sun, Aries moon: can't sit still; emotionally immature; extremely blunt with no tact whatsoever; no respect for the opinions of others; get off on shocking others with your eccentricity; dramatic; big ego
I'm wondering if maybe you are on the younger side because the moon Jupiter conjunction in the 11th indicates happiness and a good life. Maybe you just need to give things a bit of time to develop
12H Saturn: this one does cause a lot of problems before the age of 30. No inner peace and this drives you to seek spiritual answers. Strong desire to help the needy. Will travel extensively abroad before ultimately settling down far away from home. Gonna have a good marriage, make money and inherit money, but with Saturn all the good stuff comes on a delay
Also, your Saturn is squaring your MC which means that the good things that are coming to you come only with difficulty. This aspect also indicates that you lacked financial security when young and that your parents marriage was shit. You seek out the emotionally security that you never got from your parents. Isolated outcast when young. Insomnia and an eating disorder. Ultimately you will be saved from the void of loneliness and meaningless that you were born into via great career success
At first I was confused how someone with such a strong chart could be struggling so much, but this is one of those charts that when you examine more closely you can see there is a lot of hardship beneath the surface
No. 442808
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Not very knowledgeable about astrology, but is it normal for a chart to be mostly in one house and under one sign?
No. 444848
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A reading please, I require to know about certain things…please. More transits really
No. 444946
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Any readings and interpretations would be appreciated.
No. 445216
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I would really appreciate a kind nonna reading my chart
No. 445727
File: 1732116852698.png (282.42 KB, 923x1127, birf chart.png)

if any nonnies could read my chart in detail i'd appreciate it. i'll do a little drawing of your request in return (no lewd im a weenie). whenever i tell someone im a scorpio they go "yeah that makes sense." or "i knew it" so i must be giving big fucking scorpio vibes irl. idk if what i have is considered a "stellium"? i tried looking it up and got confused. do i have 5 or 6?
every time i do a summary thing on this site or others its basically "you are very emotional" LMFAO
No. 446002
>>445727you're not a Scorpio, you're a cancer. Babe Ruth was also a cancer rising so it is likely that you a successful power hitter in Major League baseball.
Chart indicates some one with soft, round and youthful features. Carry some (maybe a lot of) extra chub. Big but not particularly tall, at least by the standards of your own family. Good but not great athlete.
Extremely assertive communicator. This is probably what the retards you know who think they are seeing Scorpio energy are picking up on. Also have a very strong and commanding presence, not necessarily one of the cool kids but definitely not one who was bullied. Idealistic and altruistic. Very strong morals and ethics. Despise type A personalities. Exceptionally good luck
Highly academically successful. No kids until after age 30. Very status conscious and achieve success from an early age.
Maybe a career in the arts but definitely a career that involves working with the broader public.
Very analytical. Detail oriented and a perfectionist.
Great relationship with your father. Strong religious inclinations. Good relationship with mom too although closer with dad. Parents have a very strong marriage and your mother is highly religious. Lot's of travel abroad for work/school, maybe some religious pilgrimages or retreats or something.
Bone dry sex life. While close with father you have also had some major blowups with him. Arrogant and overly domineering in your professional life and this annoys the hell out of your colleagues and subordinates
No. 446029
>>446002thank you for your time but im sorry
nonnie like atleast 80% of that was completely wrong lol. will still give you a drawing if you're interested
>not a scorpiopor que?
I'm pretty skinny and I've been struggling to gain weight. I'm significantly shorter than my family, was supposed to be 5"9 or taller, but I ended up as 5"3 due to malnutrition stunting my growth I guess. Not an assertive communicator (trying to work on this). I was bullied a lot, especially in high-school. My closest friends are type A personalities. Hope you're right about the career success tho. I'm pursuing a career in software engineering although I still like the arts. No relationship with parents. my dad was sexually
abusive and kicked me out at 18, mom was a drug addict and kicked me out at 15. both are divorced and have been married 4 different times each. I'm also not religious and consider myself agnostic, both my parents are the same way though; also I don't talk to either of them, it's been 8 years. My co-workers like me because I keep to myself mostly and I'm generally polite and let them do their thing. Also my partner and I are good and we're not sure if we want kids
No. 446061
>>446029ayrt: that horrible Saturn in the 10th must be having more of an impact than I anticipated, because everything else in your chart good. Are you young, maybe things just need a chance to develop?
You are a HOF calibre baseball player, right? Also, cancer risings usually have a rolling gait. It may be subtle, but it should be there.
Ahhhhhhh… combust 4th house lord. Indicates horrible home life/childhood. Sorry, I usually don't pay attention to house lords other than the first. I will be more careful about that in the future.
The skinnyness I can't explain, the chart says that you should be a fat pig. Maybe Jupiter being retrograde is having an effect? I usually ignore retrogration but maybe I'm gonna have to change that.
No. 446074
>>446061hope this doesn't come off as dismissive of your efforts but this has been so fucking funny nonna. not super young i'm around mid 20s.
>rolling gaitOk now im feeling called out. I got that autism walk due to autism, or scoliosis. I dunno about the jupiter thing i've always been skinny. Maybe it's a sign i'll be fat in the future when my metabolism gives out. how long have you been doing readings or are you learning & practicing here?
>>446062i'm sure the alcohol and benzos + SSRIs wombo combo are gonna give her plenty of those
No. 446083
>>446074I've been doing it about 6 months. I really think that your reading was off because I ignored the combust 4th house lord and the retrograde Jupiter. I always treat retrograde planets the same as non retrograde, especially when they are in their own sign, but maybe retrogration really does make a difference. If a strong Jupiter trining the ascendant means you will be a fat pig, maybe it reverses it when retrograde. Also, it is the 9th house Jupiter that I interpreted as meaning a good relationship with your father, but maybe i'ts just the opposite when retrograde. I dunno. Will need to research this further
That nasty Saturn in the 10th definitely means "domineering bitch" so I guess the chart is just flat out wrong on that one. Or your softer aspects are overruling it. Maybe you will grow into being a domineering bitch after your Saturn return
No. 446413
File: 1732481795805.jpg (253.33 KB, 1920x1080, birth charts.jpg)

One of these charts is mine, and the other one belongs to my personal lolcow. If anyone's interested, which chart do you think belongs to the lolcow and why? Is there anything significant in the charts regarding the nature of our relationship? I’m curious about the significance of this person to me (they’re a small account I’ve been following for over 5 years). They are a trainwreck that I can't look away from.
No. 446477
File: 1732514750688.png (157.65 KB, 700x700, 1JEQte5.png)

uhhh… wtf is wrong with me
No. 446492
>>446477your Venus is getting raped by the sun in the 2nd, so you probably have no artistic talent whatsoever. Jupiter is conjunct Mars in the 3rd so lot's of fighting with siblings. Combust 6th house lord so difficulty holding a job and general shit work ethic. Combust 11th house lord so struggles making friends or connecting to people. Ear problems and major financial losses.
You also have Saturn in it's fall in the 5th. This indicates someone who is an antisocial weirdo.
No. 446511
>>445727Hi anon I’m
>>446035 I’m going to try and do a quicker reading for you.
Starting with childhood:
>father had a hard time committing to the family and possibly your mom, dedicated to this work and career and had to travel around for it or was scheduled a lot that abrupted family duties >this could’ve put a strain on the connection between your mom and dad >something scandalous could’ve happened between their marriage (cheating, having hidden children, mistresses) >father and mother might have had you later in their lives >lived in a family that prioritizes intelligence and education, study until you drop kind of energy >closest to your mother because your dad was nearly absent>if your parents divorced or separated your mother’s finances were fucked after it, used to rely on other partner’s finances>because of this still probably maintained the same lifestyle but at this was the cost of living quality >lilith in 4th house seeks freedom from the motherly role that’s enforced on women, so maybe you were possibly parentified, the main speaker for the family or forcing maturity on yourself to deceive or fight against predatory forces>siblings might’ve went against you in favor of the parents (if you have any) >whichever parent this is which I’m going to guess the mom they probably spoiled the other siblings and not you, getting the last of whatever’s left or sometimes forgotten >possible heart/blood pressure problems inherited by the father as well but could be both parents >history of sexual/physical trauma in the family I KNEW IT I DIDNT WRITE IT BUT THE SUN-URANUS >possible traumatic birth on both ends >parents probably had one of those big generational weddings that felt like reunions I’ll reply to this for a part 2 because that’s all I can do right now.
No. 446520
File: 1732544666358.png (193.78 KB, 700x1125, horoscope_natal_18-11-1992_06-…)

Hi can anyone read mine? I kinda understand I have scorpio as rising and sun but thats it… lately Im felling kinda lost, wondering a lot about if what Im doing its ok or not
Thanks in advance!
No. 446523
File: 1732547910407.png (201.23 KB, 700x1125, horoscope-chart4def-700__radix…)

never had one of these done before, did i tick enough boxes?
i mostly want to know about work/career stuff but i'll take anything you can give me.
No. 446529
File: 1732550002782.webp (25.2 KB, 828x450, huh.png)

>>446511Holy fuck that has all been spot on. like exactly spot on. I'm actually so shook right now.
Lowkey scared for part 2 because I feel like you're gonna rip my soul out of my body. Absolutely nothing is wrong.
>literally true dad was almost never home and traveled/prioritized work which partially upset my mom>yes a lot of cheating on his behalf, him trying to protect his rapist son from previous marriage was final straw>both parents were 40+ when having me>mom finances were fucked and she relied on child support, tried to cope with same lifestyleThe Lilith shit is so true and I've been discussing it with my husband. I'm not sure I'm interested in having kids and people have been pushing it more lately since we've gotten married. I hate the loss of identity that is becoming mom. You're not you, you become 'Mama'. I think if anyone told me "how are you doing mamaaas" I'd just punch them I hate that shit so much. All of that is true esp the parentification, I was my mom's therapist.
>sister hated me + threw me under bus for mom's approval, yes was often forgotten and mom spoiled our sister because she was the victim of said half brother>a lot of sexual trauma in the family. a lot>some physical too i had to call the cops a lot as a kid b/c mom and sister would fight eachother>yes traumatic birth i was born way too early and should've died>not sure about weddinghow did you start learning to read charts and what resources have you used? You legitimately got NOTHING wrong Nonna this is insane
No. 446531
>>446492>>446493not really accurate at all, i'm sorry to say. i think the only good thing about me is my work ethic and my artistic abilities – actually my job is in the arts lmao. i'll give you sibling fighting but we grew out of it already.
>dad government douchehe works in music and i'm his favorite so no.
>antisocialbut i'm always the person who organizes social activities/reaches out to my friends
No. 446757
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Throughout my life I often struggled to connect with others and I’d like to have some insight on that. Thanks nonnas
No. 446782
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Is there anything positive in my chart? I have a lot of bad shit in here and I feel like I’m destined to be a mess. Every time I’ve posted my chart anywhere the answers are always talking about childhood trauma, mental issues, and other struggles.
Is there any gifts here or anything about my life purpose that is positive? Any career paths that would be successful?
Also I’ve never had anyone mention it but I am a lifelong dancer and singer (not my actual career tho) and I’m wondering if there’s any indication of being successful at that within my chart. I also write a lot of [angsty] songs and have dreams of leaving my dead end job behind to try and be a performer, or at least doing music part-time.
No. 446874
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I am struggling with loneliness and apathy, it's been taking a toll on me. I've also struggled with making strong bonds/connections. Please, any nonnies can help give me some insight?
Maybe list what's positive/negative in my chart? I just need any kind of information.
No. 446911
>>446874You have a natural sense for business and money, so obtaining a degree in accounting, marketing, or finance would work well for you.
Best fits would be stuff like consulting, international business with countries such as Russia, working as a contractor offering financial or creative services, however that is late-career. Most likely, you should start your career in finance/accounting or marketing.
You could make money on social media. If you're artistically inclined, that’s an option too, especially in something that blends art and business, like branding or design. You are a good writer/author. Most likely, these would be "side-hustles" though.
You'd do best being self-employed/a contractor since you are naturally proficient in business and will probably get annoyed with how other people run things once you start your career. You could start a firm for business services. However, you will most likely amass wealth by making good investments, not by starting a massive company.
My advice to you would be that you're better at making career decisions than most, so take advice with a grain of salt, as you know best. Let me know how that fits you.
No. 447042
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Can anyone read my chart?
No. 447110
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Can someone here explain in the filthiest detail possible what is wrong with me and why I failed so hard in this life? Is there something redeeming in my existence? or should I just kms kek
No. 447298
>>446529Yo idk sometimes I have weird spouts of being able to insanely read people, now I’m kind of having a hard time when it comes to personalities, careers and all that jazz but you said your career is in art which makes a lot of sense. Mines is just gonna be very generic for part two but I’ll try some more, these are just going to be super casual:
>not as athletic or active as other kids during childhood so developed artistic skills as a form of self-expression >destined vertex in 29 degree (fame degree) related to 5th house which is connected to creativity, art, so maybe you could really draw a lot of recognition and attention for your artwork, 29 degree is the highest karmic degree in astrology that feels like it’s drawing in and pulling in consciousness from everywhere, that’s why celebs who happen to have these degrees become a very huge larger than life name, but are followed with controversies because of the high karmic consequences of this. i think michael jackson and Beyonce have this degree in this chart and they’re very similar in the fact that their entire personhood is completely fractured and damaged at the cost of stardom, it’s also in a leo degree and leo rules over sun = ego, your persona is dictated by others. since it’s also in a leo-ruled house and in a Leo degree and also scorpio conjunct mercury your ascendant possibly very good at acting and absorbing other people’s personas and putting the on, that’s my greatest guess tbh>probably met your partner online, something about it feels very sensual and intimate so maybe you met through like through an online sexual encounter but i feel like it was probably long distance before you guys met, or he was the type who got out of a past commitment and got into the relationship with you>idk if maybe you got sick and that kind of impacted your ability to complete school or something? i’m sensing themes of childhood truancy or problems with schooling even up to college-age because of health problems. or maybe you were pulled out of schools a lot because of travel and moving? >also your pluto in 5th house is another ick aspect towards kids kek, plus in 6 degree which relates to work your work and projects are your “baby”, also you elaborated on the idea of being in servitude to your kids and virgo degree = servitude >your possible success and recognition will probably conflict with your relationship imo, the more you’re driven to complete your dreams the more it will draw out negative forces and by that your husband will deffo get jealous of you I’m sorry nonna that’s all I can really do, I’m still learning kek
No. 447368
>>447298that's fair, you did really well with pt1 that I was telling all my friends and husband. my husband said you're probably my stalker with how well you did LOL. This is still mainly spot on. even though I really enjoy art I'm pursuing a career in tech tho, I enjoy both but I'd rather not burn out with art.
>spot on except I was somewhat athletic as a kid, fell off in middle school.>interesting>met husband through friends of friends we're eachothers firsts and connected really strongly immediately so maybe that's what you're feeling. he's a taurus as well. I was his very first everything tho, I had some highschool boyfriend that went nowhere lasted about 3 months.
>was homeschooled because mom wanted me to, back into school at HS, the only thing that impacted college was undiagnosed ADHD>yes pulled out of HS a lot due to moving (3 times)>interesting LMFAO am putting myself in work a lot more>ruh rohThat last 1 is actually a fear of mine since he comes from a macho "man provides for the family" and I'm very driven. I told him either figure out his future or be comfortable with me making more than him, and now he's going to school kek.
I thought the "absorbing other people's personas" was just autism LMAOOOOOOOOO
You are seriously great at this
nonnie, maybe 1 or 2 things were off in this one, but still doing great and with more time you'll probably be a professional. seriously if you haven't yet, consider professional readings where you can make big money.
I'm still super curious on what resources you use to learn from, and let me know what you want me to draw!
No. 448015
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My only question is, was I born a high strung perfectionist who can't keep friends long term or did I turn out this way because of external influences? Am I who I was meant to be? Thanks in advance if any nona answers.
No. 448043
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i like to think that i know myself but i dont think my self awareness holds up that well since im posting my birth chart to an internet forum for strangers to interpret. i would appreciate any insight on whether or not i'll be a homosexually lonely crazy person forever but i'll gladly take whatever wisdom is thrown at me. thanks in advance
No. 448103
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I'm curious about all this. What do those bolded lines on that right angle mean?
No. 449172
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why is my love life shit
No. 449280
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Why do I feel so trapped
No. 451123
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Am I EVER going to find love in this lifetime?
PS. I've been told my birth chart says I will make a lot of money and I've done pretty well for myself! lol
No. 463372
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how doomed are we?
No. 464200
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hi nonnas this is my brothers chart and I read the summary to him provided by the site and he got mad lol it was funny as fuck. wanted to post here to see if any nonnas are interested in reading his chart to tell me what a deranged individual he is or anything else that sticks out. I've posted my own chart here as well and some of you were very accurate. if those nonnas who did mine and want a drawing are still around its never too late, I periodically check this thread still.
No. 464213
>>464200Holy fuck so many aries placements, he's probably a living devil
>Moon in piscesAnd also super butthurt
No. 464331
>>464213>>464225lmao this is true I've told him to go to therapy and he doesn't listen and got worse.
also yes gets butthurt easily
No. 464989
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not that i understand any of this but i really do wonder if the reason i am this way can be explained with a chart so please help n.n
No. 466933
>>446511i feel like i post itt too much but you inspired me to actually learn astrology and i'm getting a better grasp on houses, aspects, and meaning of the planets. but i'm truly curious on how you got history of sexual/physical trauma from sun-uranus? this has been living rent free in my head the past few days
looking at uranus in aquarius
>uranus is change, rebellion, progress, individuality in 7th house (partnerships)>saturn is traditional ruler of aquarius, saturn is limitations/restrictions/challengesthen the sun
>sun represents the ego/father in 4th house(home and family) in scorpio >scorpio is ruled by pluto (transformation/death) which is in the 5th house (self-expression, creativity, pleasure)>sun is being squared by neptune & uranus, neptune is planet of idealism in 7th house (partnerships)>conjunct venus (4th house scorpio - obsession/family)like am i looking way too hard into this and does it also have something to do with my lilith and chiron in scorpio, 4th and 5th house respectively too? as a newbie i would interpret it as the father doing something to harm the progress/"the self" of the person. and the sun square neptune/uranus is shattering that idealism and progress so stunting their growth? but im curious on how you got it so specific. when i tried looking online i see there's a lot of avoidance of reading trauma in the chart.
No. 467166
>>466933you’re lucky i even decided to come into this sad thread but yeah the reason why is because most of it is occupied by a bunch of pink-pilly divine feminine weirdos obsessed with celebrities, fame and beauty so of course talks of regular life and life scripts is completely out of the question with those people but i have found some very useful info on the web, i would suggest honestly starting from absolute scratch and reading beginner books and guides and then work your way up to more advanced knowledge. idk how i read your stuff, like i said I’m just a sloppy intuitive and can only do it
sometimes. sun-uranus would be an abruptive force against the father, the masculine, some people think this is an aspect for gay people and trannies (idk why? maybe because of the rebellion or because Uranus in his myth had his penis chopped off by his own son creating venus-Aphrodite kek) but again uranus along with aquarius feels like the planet of taboos imo and not that sexual trauma is consensual or anything i just personally felt like it was some sort of sexual abuse or moral violations happening under the home also your father being incredibly flighty and the lack of commitment to your mother. think of Lilith as the negative aspects of womanhood or the collective junkyard of womankind where we find bpdettes, disordered women, pixyteris, sex workers, jealous women and even men, sexual predation,
victim-prey dynamics, imo hidden enemies and bullies and things that hold you back, abortions, female socialization in her early years again bringing back the darker side of her own mother that reflects into herself because you are her daughter. sometimes with this lilith especially what i’m getting now and what i’ve heard from many women talking about their upbringing is that you may be a painful reminder of your mother’s wishes and what she wanted her life to be, in some aspects it could mean she didn’t really want children in the first place but it feels like cyclical events when Lilith is reflected back to the child, now that Lilith as your mother has traumatized you, you’ve kind of adopted the same feelings and imo you’re using it to transform yourself using your own mother’s wishes which is probably why you abhor the thought of giving birth or being pregnant, also like you said your traumatic birth where you said you could’ve died. sun square neptune would mean you don’t really know your father or your father loves to play multiple roles, dr.jekyll and mr hyde strange duality of his personality, substance abuses, schizophrenia, some could even have their dads in the prison system, completely checked out father whether that is mentally or physically, secrets and illusions of geneology involving the father, etc. 7th house reminders me of the lovers/justice card in tarot which would mean partnerships under contractual law and obligations so adding what i said before like a month ago about your parents, your dad acted almost as if he was a free man and wasn’t married to your mother and had kids lmfao. chiron in scorpio would be carrying the weight of your mother around basically, so kind of absorbing people’s emotions and energies kind of like katamari.
> as a newbie i would interpret it as the father doing something to harm the progress/"the self" of the person. and the sun square neptune/uranus is shattering that idealism and progress so stunting their growthyeah pretty much, the sun is oddly the most underrated and most overrated part of astrology but it’s very important because it represents the ego, basically yourself, trauma can obstruct the self and some disorders fracture it (like DID) so it represents itself in various forms, again with the neptune acting out roles people might change their behavior, their appearance, etc. to fit in, to feel normal, to feel grounded, to get what they want and to control/manipulate others. i hope all of this makes sense
No. 467238
>>467166oh my god thank you so much that helped a lot. it's reassuring knowing I'm atleast on the right path when interpreting. I've tried to ask so many diff astrologers and they always stop responding. honestly it feels like astrology is filled with those types of divine feminine weirdos like you said and super pretentious people too it's a bit annoying. I ordered some books yesterday (hellenistic astrology by Brennan, astrology and the authentic self by demetra, and the wisdom of the stars by carole) been practicing on friends too and so far apparently I've been really good at my interpretations apparently, so im excited.i don't think I'll ever be in the tier of telling people about their finances and professions and shit though but who knows.
until those books come in I've been relying on contradicting descriptors for everything. your interpretation of chiron and lillith was very, very helpful
having to sift through finding the meanings online has been a headache since it's all hidden behind pseudo mysticism spiritual word garbage instead of being straightforward or using consistent examples.
>>464200 so I still pop in to see if you guys mention your art requests unless it's posted on another board and im retarded
No. 468658
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Can I get some rads please?
No. 468796
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i really wish to know what you think nonnies, thank you in advance!
No. 479751
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Alright ladies, for some reason I felt really determined to get my father's birth chart as accurate as possible. It was a massive pain, especially my mom's. It's difficult to get the birth time of a parent you don't speak to anymore and was born in a foreign country.
Does this chart scream manipulative psychopath/porn addict?
I'm torn because I can see him being a pisces sun, Scorpio moon. but libra rising isn't possible during that time according to my calcs. Not sure. This shit is difficult. All I feel confident in is the cancer mars.
No. 479784
>>479751What jumps out to me is that Venus, the ruling planet, is both incredibly strong but with horrendously bad dignity. So I would say that this is a guy who is physically very strong and robust and with a very domineering personality. He should have beautiful, silky straight hair. Mars is also strong and with very bad dignity so this is probably an argumentative person who frequently clashes with authority. Extremely lazy and struggles to hold down jobs. Although a good athlete, not really into sports, more of an arsty type.
Out of control sex drive, definitely unfaithful to his romantic partners, tons of failed relationships. Good at charming women
No. 479856
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>>479784Looks like I did get it pretty close to his personality, everything you said is 100% correct. Not sure about physical strength, I've always known my parents as geezers. We used to joke that we didn't need a DNA test because I had the same thick, gorgeous hair as him. Nonna you made me a bit proud of myself for getting it so close then lol. Thank you.
My mom's is the one I'm most unsure of. Even with rectification methods I found online, it was difficult. I thought I was satisfied with Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio rising for her but now that I'm comparing houses, it seems like Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn/Taurus rising will be more fitting.
Sorry for shitting up this thread, I hope others find this interesting at least. I really love charts of "tragic" people.
I assumed Scorpio rising because she's very intimidating, but that can be said for cap risings too. I'm surprised no matter what time I put, her Lilith never reaches the 7th house. I guess that's why her Venus is in the 12th house. She's been married 4 different times, the first was an accident as she got pregnant at 17, married him at 18 to avoid social shame. I did a background check on him (never met him, no one spoke about him) I'm guessing he was extremely physically
abusive. He has about 4 different charges for assault, battery, including assault to a child causing bodily injury. The next husband was a deadbeat that skipped town. The next beat her as well, she cheated on him with my dad who cheated on her and possibly sexually abused her.
Addicted to drugs and alcohol all her life, difficult relationship with mother, preferred father who died when she was 30. I think she gave up after her 2nd relationship and got pregnant for financial security after that.
As a person she was very awkward in socializing as if her own existence brought her pain. There was always a sense of neediness in her eyes with every interaction as if she was waiting for someone to genuinely love and accept her despite it all. Very giving/sacrificing in hopes it would win loyalty. Watching her felt like someone living in an iron maiden their entire life.
I want to say I'm satisfied with this chart for her though.
No. 479997
>>479856This chart isn't as interesting or as easy to read as the last one. The 4th house moon/ketu combo means someone very maternal who needs the approval of others. Bad relationship with mother who she eventually moves away from. Emotionally disturbed and unable to achieve happiness or material success.
Saturn in the 5th would indicate someone who isn't very social and and kinda the opposite of a party animal. Active in volunteer work. A good worker but not a workaholic.
Mars in the 6th indicates a headstrong person who is always clashing with others, particular in anything having to do with work. Very my way or the highway type personality. High blood pressure and circulation problems, has a flushed appearance. Horrible with money, lot's of debts and public humiliations. This person should be like the queen of pyric victories: always winning every battle but ultimately losing the war.
Debilitated 11th house Venus indicates a hoarder and just an overall very materialistic person. Not necessarily selfish just an extremely stingy, cheap bastard. But the cheapness comes not from greed but rather a deep underlying sense of insecurity that whatever she does have isn't/won't be enough.
Sun in the 12th signifies bad relationship with and/or separation from the father. It also signifies settling abroad. A highly intuitive person, almost psychic. Jupiter is also in the 12th so this should be a very spiritual person
No. 480022
>>479997Oh really? Lol
I'm glad at least one parent could bring entertainment. Still a very good and accurate read. She grew up in poverty which explains the materialistic part. Thank you for your time and reassurance that the charts are accurate. I read that 12H Sun can also mean early death of a father, not necessarily a bad relationship.
How did you get spirituality from Jupiter 12H if you don't mind me asking? I don't know how she felt about all that stuff. She gave church a chance, but ultimately lost interest. I've always interpreted as the 12th house either karmic, self-suffering, or self-isolation depending on other aspects/planets.
Does it ever make you a bit sad reading charts like these? I've been feeling more confident to do chart readings for friends and sometimes it does get sad. Like nothing they could've done would've prevented any of it from happening, or comfort in knowing that there was nothing they could really do.
No. 480037
>>480022the 12th house has to do with hidden stuff so it sorta ends up being unfalsifiable. If she was spiritual on the inside but didn't show that to the outside world, that would be a hit but of course we'll never know
No these charts don't make me sad. First of all, her chart isn't even that bad as it indicates someone with the ability to win confrontations at least. Was she actually a hoarder?
Also, some people just have crappy karma. My own chart is a mess. You just have to believe that over the course of eternity, it will work out for them
No. 480096
>>446523Libra rising and Venus is very strong, so you should be healthy with beautiful hair. Venus is conjunct Jupiter so you are a very lucky person and carry a bit of extra chunk. Slightly above average height.
Really strong Mars but with horrible dignity, such a combo would normally be bad but in your case it is tempered by having a strong moon with good dignity in the same house: A warrior who achieves a great deal of professional success and also an excellent athlete. Nobody messes with you and you never shy a way from a fight. But you are assertive, not aggressive, and you dislike fighting and only fight when you have too and are actually very effective at neutralizing conflicts and winning over enemies/rivals. I guess when it comes to confrontation you are more like a apatosaurus, you are good at it but it goes against your nature. Although highly competitive and a good athlete, you have a real aversion to violence and prefer non contact sports, and even for something like tennis (just an example) you would play more of a finesse based game than a power based one.
Your mother is a highly successful woman who is the boss in your family, you yourself are more of a daddy's girl. It is your dad who is the more nurturing influence in your family whereas your mother is the disciplinarian.
Good networker, lot's of friends from all different walks of life. Really lucky person overall. Going to make a shit ton of money and you are extremely generous about giving to charity.
Virgo Saturn in the 12th house means delayed career success, probably some early job hopping. Spiritual but in an logical/analytical way, woo stuff makes you roll you roll your eyes
No. 480104
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Does anyone have anything to say about my birth chart? I haven't gotten any opinions on it so I would appreciate it so much
No. 480188
>>479856Idk if you want another interpretation of this but ok
>male ancestors must have died in a war or something >mom has missing father or male ancestors >your grandpappy is a mystery because of this >got married to hide the fact she had premarital sex or was going against her culture >heavy karmic energy on both sides of her family >something about her mother prevented her from moving around or having her own independence for awhile >one of those mothers where her real dreams were ruined from being pregnant>likely is the crazy storyteller of your family >children speak english but she doesn’t something refuses to learn different language Shit is mad confusing.
No. 480304
>>480188You have me wondering if I have the right time now. Like all of that is accurate to the best of my knowledge except the last part. She only knows English, but is very stubborn and a bit racist so maybe that's what it is instead? I did our family tree on ancestry while trying to figure this all out and we have a lot of family that immigrated from Prussia, one was in the civil war. Very very interesting read Nonna. Not sure about the males in her family except that she was close to her dad.
Something in my gut tells me she was born during the day. I tried going by physical traits of rising signs, but idk it's really difficult for her. Maybe a confusing ass chart is perfect for her then
>taller than average woman >thought cancer because she has a large chest and eyes >thought scorpio because she's very intimidating and friends have always said she looks scary>thought capricorn because of the scorpio traits but has a beak nose which is apparently common for cap risings>maybe taurus rising due to her broad shoulders and fuller figure>masculine facial structure too I'm going insane
No. 480704
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>>480188After spending about 2 days straight fiddling with transits, major dates in her life via paying a subscription for a background checking website and accessing county files, I think I've finally narrowed down her true birth date of early early morning, between 12am - 1am, making her a Capricorn rising.
No. 494683
>>447110This is a strong chart. Libra rising with Venus in the 10th. Gifted artist with beautiful, shiny hair.
Pisces sun Taurus moon combo indicates someone who is hypersensitive, and that could be what is causing you so many problems. Also, Jupiter is in the 6th which keeps Jupiter from working it's magic, although you should have excellent health.
Taurus sun Pisces moon is a combo where we would expect the native to be sensitive to a debilitating degree. Just really struggle to deal with people. You repress your emotions, hide your true self from others and avoid dealing with reality by escaping into the vivid fantasy worlds of your imagination. Men/romantic partners walk all over you.
7th house Saturn means that marriage is delayed and that you marry someone older than you.
One really interesting thing on your chart is the near exact conjunction between Rahu and fortuna. This aspect indicates great success but that success comes slowly and with a lot of pain.
Retrograde first house Mars is the energy of an aggressive go getter, and that is probably what you
want to be but your sun/moon combo inhibits that aggressive Mars energy, further adding to your psychological stress. Should be a decent athlete, though
Hang in there, things will get better. This is a good chart
No. 494691
>>447110I do these randomly because some peoples charts are super hard to read (yours is included in this rule)
>something about parents possibly having separate assets or homes>more focus on the mother so a really unusual and detached mother, she was the only one taking care of you but not very emotionally involved >if not she’s either a mystery or died early>depression as a child/possibly had to entertain yourself as a child as you were possibly isolated from family quite a bit >a huge dreamer but not really a doer >punished for saying inappropriate thingsidk the overall feeling i’m getting from this chart as well is kind of like “as a child i had different values, different interests but i’m kind of forced to partake and accept in these things that are being provided to me because if i don’t i don’t really get any more support outside of what’s being provided which already isn’t adequate)
>some caretaker’s addiction resulted in inadequate and inconsistent housing resulting in moving around, could’ve been moving around and that family member mooching and shit, not having a solid home and foundation >poorfag aspects with Pluto and lilith in 2nd house >possibly was the main person cleaning shit up in the home, cleaning up your mother’s mistakes possibly? like the energy of the father is barely here >first generation college student vibes i think>having to do that basically on your own with no help resulting in even more financial problems >stop trying to save other people’s debts, stop loaning to them and letting them mooch off you i know you’re doing itThat’s all I can do tbh, these are honestly just guesses kek
No. 494699
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blessings upon any prophetess nona who will take the time to decipher these space runes for me.
the last time i showed this to anyone it was a gross pseudo-occultist moid who just used it to neg me and claim i had bipolar (I don't) so I want someone unbiased to check it out (and also help wash the taste of that interaction out of my mouth).
No. 494716
>>494699since you refuse to post your aspects you leave me now choice
>has one of the classic autismo aspects >was possibly bullied for it/pulled out of learning and put into a different program/school>because of this a parent taught you all you needed to know because outside institutions were not adequate >comes from family of possibly doctors, people in health fields, scientists maybe?? it’s kind of giving “my mom and dad are psychologists so they can easily help me with my eccentricity”, maybe engineers>smart because of parents honestly >something about being prepared earlier for life/early achievements and rewards >possibility of a doctorate that’s why your success will take a very long time, 9th house energy is giving i want to stay in education for a very long time to get me to the next level of my career >a lot of pain and expectations to be amazing at everything, especially with the mother your mom wants you to do extremely well and to perform, high-achievement >nonny are you asian >inb4 banned because i asked a question that’s all I got, post the aspects!!!! hurry!!!
No. 494741
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>>494711tbh sheer newfaggotry. I scrolled back ITT this morning but I was on my phone and I guess I just saw the posts without the aspect chart used as examples and thought that was all that was necessary. fixed it now, thanks for alerting me to the problem.
No. 494748
>>494716>has one of the classic autismo aspectsprobably true although was never tested for it
tbf this is a safe bet for anyone you find on an imageboard though lel
>put into different program/schooli was in and out of several schools throughout my life but only once did I change schools because of bullying (by the adults, because it was a conservative hyperchristian school).
The stuff about 'smart bc parents' makes sense though, my dad was an engineer and mom was a schoolteacher who focused on literacy skills so by the time I was in class with other kids I was consistently ahead of the pack in terms of vocabulary and reading comprehension throughout my childhood.
>possibility of a doctorate that’s why your success will take a very long time, 9th house energy is giving i want to stay in education for a very long time to get me to the next level of my careeri already have a BFA and have been thinking about going back for a second degree, but tbh I have no idea what I'd even specialize in and money's tight so it feels like kind of a pipe dream. i don't really have a career to speak of right now so i'm not sure what this could be referencing.
no asian in the bloodline, though, just white trash that married out. she got her high achiever in the firstborn though so i'm pretty much safe from expectations now, think she's given up on me kek.
No. 494775
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Can someone interpret my mom's birth chart? Unsure of her birth time so the rising may be inaccurate
No. 494942
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Can I please get a chart reading? What will my (non-exist) love life and my future career look like?
No. 495071
>>448015>>494800You said you were a perfectionist lol
>sun conjunct mars in 6th house lol no wonder, this one kind of feels like the “responsible” hall monitor aspect, constantly watching and micromanaging others like a hawk. sun conjunct mars in libra but your sun being just enough to get into scorpio would make you aggressive in your diplomatic, social tactics including at work but it makes it easier for you to balance those energies. also makes it harder to trust you, because of the secretive and ruminating aspect of it.
>emphasis on work in your homeland/home region so it feels like a cultural thing >home felt like there was a necessity and pressure to perform and overcompensate for the family’s lack of inheritance/money/social standing? >some sort of job where diplomacy, negotiation and communication are highly important and necessary>father provided from afar but was not emotionally present >kind of mirrors some of the values of your father or important caregiver which could really turn people off, super serious demeanor ig >something where you’re more reserved and diligent with your money and the amount of time you spend with others outside >sometimes a little too snarky or chirpy, some might find you too intellectually overwhelming or overly formal No. 495638
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Dear soothsayers, why am I such a goober?
No. 497163
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I don't think I believe in astrology or took an interest in it, but I felt compelled to do this for some reason. I don't really understand it fully, but the descriptions under the chart were way too accurate and it creeped me out. What do you think, everyone? I think I want to understand it better now.
No. 497167
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>>497163Here's the full thing kek. It seems weird that all of my things are clustered under Aquarius and most other people's here seem to be all over.