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No. 408745
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>>408724Rhinoplasty is insane because it affects every bit of your facial harmony. A woman will get her nose shortened because she thinks it’s too long. But due to the shortening procedure the space between her nose tip and upper lip will be too big. So she’ll get a lip lift to make up for it. But then her smile will look weird due to the lip lift so she needs to get veneers blah blah. Once you start messing with your face it can easily end in a never ending cycle.
That’s literally what happened with this plastic surgery YouTuber called Lorry Hill. Her nose tip even started rotting at some point. And yet she doesn’t see anything wrong with her addiction and keeps promoting plastic surgery "as long as you pick a good surgeon blah blah“
No. 408773
>>408720Breast implants always scared me since I saw when I was way younger a recording, I think from 90s or maybe very early 00s, of a TV program where a woman whose silicone implants leaked and she was left with an autoimmune disease and silicone started to move around her body. Saline implants aren't better but silicone ones are just vile and they still didn't got removed from use. I doubt that newer implants don't have leak issues. Another horror story I remember it was a young girl, just out of the high school, who died during breast enlargement surgery. It was even posted in one threads here on lc.
Plastic surgery makes sense in few aspects, like correcting a crooked nose if it will make you breathe easier or breast reductions if breasts are so big that they significantly strain the spine. Anything else is just a scam and perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards and pornification of female body.
No. 408823
My parents bullied me into getting plastic surgery when I was barely an adult and I truly think it was the tipping point of me going from a regular abused kid still not knowing shit was fucked up to speedrunning the process of realizing how fucked up all that they did to me was. The procedure itself didn't have any complications but even then, the immediate day after, I regretted giving into my retarded parents' demands and regretted my retarded self going along with it to try to gain their approval back. I wanted to smash my face in with a hammer as self-punishment and to show them what the fuck they did to me. I asked them if they'd do it to me again if the beauty standards ever changed and they only replied that my other feature already aligned with the standard.
I'm still okay with shit like reconstructive surgery for burn victims and breast cancer patients, but all other plastic surgeons can die in a fucking fire. They're all butchers carving women up and classifying them as a collection of different cuts of meat to whittle and shave off. The sheer unfeeling hatred you have to have to see people as walking meat puzzles day in and day out is insane. Convince these girls to hate themselves and if you get them while they're young it'll take years or decades or even entire lifetimes before they learn any better. To a plastic surgeon, all customers are fucking cash cows that are so pathetically grateful to be cut up. Who the fuck does that? What does it say about a person who does that? Take a knife and wound them so severely they need weeks if not months to recover and get paid for it. It's okay because cutting into them will probably maybe make them prettier. Licensed psychopaths are all they are.
For a while I just shut down and tried to go no contact because my parents truly didn't understand why emotionally terrorizing me for months was wrong. They called the cops on me half a dozen times for wellness checks and it made me terrified of the sound of knocking for almost a year, even if it was just a stock sound used in videos. I wanted to run away to die somewhere nameless and unknown so that no one could ever find my body and they'd have to bury an empty coffin. I didn't know how to let go of what they did to me and all it revealed about how they really saw and felt about me. I still haven't let it go but half a decade later I'm somewhat better and am able to feel and acknowledge that while they will forever refuse to hold that weight with me, I can now put it down temporarily because now I'm not scared that I'll forget what happened, think I'm crazy for being upset at them, or believe their lies about what "actually" happened. I can put it down now but it still hurts and it still impacts our relationship and I'm not sure what the future will look like for us. I haven't called my mom in two months now and it's really really nice not getting screamed at by my call-hijacking dad while she just sits passively by. They really overplayed their hand 5 years ago and they're paying for it, it's almost funny. I just wish they didn't choose over and over to nuke my young adulthood with it. They probably could've milked another decade or so of confusion, fear, and suffering from me if they hadn't. But then again, I might've been older and wiser enough to not surrender my common sense.
No. 408922
it feels gross to me that cosmetic plastic surgeries even exist, it just grosses me out full stop. i think it makes people ugly and the surgeons just keep trying to make their patients uglier and more unsatisfied so they will keep coming back and spending money needlessly
>>408745i like lorry hill's videos because she seems knowledgeable about plastic surgery and it's interesting to watch, but her face looks uncanny and like she can hardly move it.
No. 409939
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my nose is kinda botched(uneven and ugly but not skinny so it could be worse) and the surgeon moid literally told me "nobody will notice unless they are fucking you"
No. 410036
>>408823Wtf anon that's disgusting. I can't imagine the body dysmorphia that would give a little girl. If it's any consolation I'm NC with my parents and you get used to not getting screeched at and picked apart pretty quickly kek, I recommend it.
I'm not a burn
victim but I had a really deformed nose from a car wreck as a child that my parents refused to fix because they didn't want to 'give their daughter a nose job' and 'I seem perfectly fine'. They were the exact opposite of this anon's parents
>>408823 and used the exact same talking points I see from some people in /ot/ who seethe at the mention of plastic surgery and while I agree it's an exploitative industry I also still think it was a form of child abuse because I had been bullied so much on top of having breathing issues and they just thought I was just pretending to snore like an obese geriatric at 12 and was making everything up? It was horrible and ultimately so pointless.
I went through all that just so they'd prove a point, of course their lives were unaffected and they could pat themselves on the back for being so progressive and 'loving' their deformed goblin child while I couldn't breathe lying down.
I still hate that plastic surgeons and medspa clinics prey on insecure people with self-perception issues and churn out trout pouts/Barbie noses on patients that don't suit them, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy with my surgery results. I finally got to look normal.
I didn't go to Turkey or Korea though, it was a local private hospital and I'd saved every penny from my teenage McJobs to get my nose fixed because it was expensive as fuck since it was essentially reconstructive surgery and took 9 hours. I still get mad when people refer to it as a 'nose job'.
No. 410997
>>410916>This insane pain i went through is why i can never understand why abybody would have any surgery willingly. I had a similar experience. I got a very minor surgery correcting asymmetry in my eyelid. It was so minor that I didn't imagine the pain and swelling afterward to be as bad as it ended up being. I used to want a nosejob but the experience from that much more minor surgery scared me damn straight to never want any cosmetic surgery ever again.
The human body really isn't something to play with. A surgery is putting your life on the line at worst and putting your body through a lot of stress at best.
No. 414794
Just came across this video. Im actually not anti plastic surgery, but jesuuuuus. A face like melted clay.
No. 414822
>>414821a lot of men are retarded and say they hate fake boobs while jacking off to women who have breast implants
my ex used to talk about how much he hated fake tits but he didnt realize his favorite titty streamer chick had silicone ones, he thought they were natty
No. 414839
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I don’t like when plastic surgery changes your ethnicity. Here’s turkish film icon Filiz Akın. She used to look like a normal Turkish girl but they made her get plastic surgery to like a Swedish troon kek. My parents always watched old Turkish movies with me as a child and I remember baby me feeling so confused at the sight of her. Even then I could tell something was very off with her face.
No. 414845
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>>414839i will forever and ever mourn the loss of kim k's absolutely gorgeous armenian features. she had it all
No. 414878
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nonny I have so many more examples of Turkish actresses removing all of their Turkish features, you wouldn’t believe it.
No. 414895
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>>414878>>414839Let me post some more terrifying Turkish actress Frankenstein transformations real quick because I’m in the mood kek
No. 415515
>>414821A lot of fake boobs nowadays look very convincing, you don't really see those hard bolt on tits as often anymore. The only
valid reason i've heard for getting them are breast cancer patients who get mastectomies get them to replace their natural breasts. Idk if i could even see breast implants as worth it even in that situation because you are placing a foreign object in your body. Knowing scandals about breast implants being recalled, a scandal from years back where a french company were using INDUSTRIAL SILICONE instead of medical grade silicone to make cheap implants. Plus, if you don't change them out every 10 years, they will calcify. I fail to see the benefits other than you can wear outfits that require you to have ample bosom, but why not just wear clothes that were designed for your original body shape? I find body plastic surgery that isn't skin removal from major weight loss to be largely pointless and honestly quite horrifying. Especially bbls due to a lot of surgeons refusing to do them specifically because of the risks, yet women are still risking their lives to use it as a way to bypass going to the gym. Seeing bbls irl make me so sad, especially since so many men don't even like them and more than enough men like skinny women, so what was the point? Now they can only shop at fashionova for the rest of their lives and wear clothes with 4 way stretch and can never look classy.
No. 416289
>>408697Can someone explain plastic surgery hate to me? Preferably someone who isn't convinced that all plastic surgery is bad and that 'you can always tell'.
Assuming it goes well, is done safely, the person isn't an addict, and they have the free money to spend… why do some people hate it so much?
To me, it seems like it's rooted in people thinking it's 'unfair'. But am I wrong to think that's the reasoning?
No. 416293
>>416289I can only speak for myself and the philosophy i live by. A person should tresure their body, it's an amazing gift. Not everybody is healthy and some people have to go through surgery, which is a horrible thing to go through but for saving lives or making their live better in a physical way.. it's worth it. People who have plastic surgeries like boobjobs, nosejobs… are usually physically helathy people (not talking about necessary fixing of somebody's nose so they can breathe ect.). They don't need it physically, they just need it because it makes them feel better - psychological or social reasons. Those reasons aren't
valid for me to have a surgery because there's way more people who need a doctor to work on them right now all over the world who have to wait years to even get an appointment. These surgeons could use their skill elsewhere where it physically helps, that's one thing. Another thing is people absolutely can make peace with their bodyparts, the vast majority of humanity already did that silently and there are plenty of resources for people to work on their mental health with a therapist or on their own to get into a space where they realize they shouldn't hurt their healthy bodies just because something looks a bit off.
I've been through a plastic surgery when i was a kid, i wrote that some time ago, and i absolutely understand the reasoning of my parents behind it, but as an adult i made peace with my body and would have if i haven't had the surgery just the same. I also have some other visible problems that you just can't fix and so i had to make peace - therefore i know it's possible even for lost causes who hated their bodies all their life. The psychological fix is much more powerful and gives you way more than a surgery ever can. That's why i don't think it's a smart solution.
No. 416337
>>416293Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.
>>416329This is my experience fwiw. But I've still had people be very hostile (I was open about getting it).
No. 416600
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I haven't seen any case where fillers looked good irl.
No. 416809
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>>416689russia and the post-soviet space in general has a very recognizable and specific "face" that all their plastic surgery looks like. This is probably psychotic of me but I collect instagram pics of botched/ugly russian plastic surgery, IDK why. I feel like it's more common on non-slavic girls / ethnic minorities within russia too, it's really sad and self-hating. Especially when they talk about being proud of their nation and history but are culturally obsessed with russia and cut their entire faces up to look slavic. picrel
No. 416811
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>>416809This girl literally just turned 18 and has had these procedures for awhile. These surgeons are legit predators.
No. 417085
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most nightmare lip fillers I've seen in awhile (she's supposedly 21 years old)
No. 417142
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Non-surgical rhinoplasty is so ugly, people really get filler in their nose to hide a little bump or downturned nasal tip but in the end it only makes their nose look bigger, also it makes the eyebrow area look masculine
No. 417176
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>>417142These are making me sad.
No. 417177
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>>417142>>417176I swear these photos made me appreciate my nose shape even more.
No. 417190
>>416689So true, nona. I used to follow this Ukrainian adventure/urbex vlogger who was so cute and alt, but now she has monstrous lip fillers and looks like a standard issue post-Soviet blowup doll T-T
Pic is before, vid is after
(emoji) No. 417194
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>>417190I’m dumb, tried to post both in one. Here is pic.
No. 427682
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oh god this is one of the worst nose jobs ive seen
the silicone implant rejected and started growing through her nose
No. 427683
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It was super awful before and she got it 'fixed' but still asymmetrical after spending 10,000 dollars on a revision. Yikes.
No. 427687
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SZA's plastic surgery is so weird to me. She was already naturally pretty and her surgeries offset her face
No. 427688
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>>427687Her freckles and moles were so cute
No. 427980
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>>427692Medical care for women has always been sub-par, now add black+woman to that mix and it means BW are probably always going to get the worst standard of care of any patients.
Anyway. It's scary looking at CT scans of people's skulls after plastic surgery. Right does look undeniably more feminine but it's still so strange and uncanny to just file off huge sections of the jawbone like that.
Wouldnt shaving and thinning the jawbone also make it much more susceptible to breaking in the future too? And what about when you're older and develop osteoporosis as many older women do, will your already weakened, thinned out jawbone just break any time light pressure is applied? Freaky.
No. 427990
>>427989>Will not being the prettiest princess to ever live kill you?I'm not asking for that, I don't appreciate the tone. I just want to look normal. I want to be unremarkable. I don't want to be a grown woman dressed in nice work clothes but still getting mocked by people when I'm out running errands after work.
I agree with all your other points, but my desire to look unremarkable is so strong at this point that it's threatening to overturn my morals.
No. 428070
>>427990>>427994Controversial but I think when it gets to the point you have more than 2 (at max) features that are ugly or need 'fixed', you should just accept that you're probably going to be ugly forever. Some people just have bad genes or are naturally unattractive and just have generally unharmonious faces, and no amount of plastic surgery can really cure it. Stuff like an ugly or crooked nose or an underbite is pretty easy fo fix, but if you have more than 2 features then it's more likely that any surgery you get isn't going to cure that but just end up making you look weirder and bogged. When you meddle with one feature you usually end up having to fix the other features to harmonize with it, which is why people who have had more than 1-2 plastic surgeries almost never look good.
I've only ever seen a tiny handful of cases where plastic surgery drastically improved someone's looks and its usually a celebrity who got a very minor nose job or something, or a famous before and after picture from google. Those instagram girls you see who have had multiple procedures look absolutely monstrous and bogged irl when they arent using filters.
No. 433112
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Botox makes young women look older. On older women it looks "ok", but it is obvious and doesn't make them look young.
No. 444575
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Not plastic surgery, but in the same wheelhouse. If you ever need to be deinfluenced from getting permanent makeup just scroll through r/MicrobladingRemoval
No. 444621
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I don't care if plastic surgery looks good in the end, the whole entire principle of wanting to look good for others and caring so much about what others think is a mindset that will kill you deep deep inside your soul whilst simultaneously boosting your ego tenfold.
It's the biggest red flag to ever walk the Earth.
No. 444729
>>444691honestly, you'd be a much more vulnerable and exponentially better loop for surgeon quacks to exploit, novelty wears quick and that's how people become forever patients.
vidrel actually talented korean singer top-charter being told an estimate from her forever patient friend about how surgery piles up
(girl is adamantly against surgery and was given a nod to surgery by her agency but she's actually talented so they dropped it completely)
No. 445327
>>444575this is horrifying, I've always thought the permanent makeup trend was just as
sus as cosmetic surgery. I don't understand why people do this shit. When I was younger, like some anons I was susceptible to the idea that I might want something done. All it takes for me is a couple botched after stories. Why risk it, knowing you have a chance of coming out looking worse??
No. 458186
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>>445138Don't get why people are so obsessed with getting a tan, to the point of spending loads of money on it. It make even less sense when you know that the sun (uva) causes some ~80% of aging, with the area around eyes (also neck) hit the hardest. so, always wearing sunscreen + and sunglasses, also moisturizer,is a better bet than botox. The worst results of plastic surgery seem to be from people who want to "improve" rather than preserve, getting botox at 22 is ridiculous.
No. 458346
>>458186This is a picrel of a truck driver and the damaged side of his face is the window-facing side. Everyone needs
some UV exposure for vitamin d and mental well-being. Sun hysteria is causing unnecessary anxiety when most people need more sun, especially during the winter for normies with depression but especially people with diagnosed mental health issues. If you want to see a schizoid lose their shit completely, move them to Alaska
No. 480009
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"This valentine's day, DON'T give roses, gentlemen, what they really want is surgery".
I hate most plastic surgeons on TikTok.
No. 483636
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She was pretty but now she looks unhinged
No. 484408
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>>483636It's a shame, she was gorgeous. Girls need to calm down with the surgery.
No. 485383
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>>485378Samefag, the stubby straight eyebrows she currently has might be a deliberate (although awful) choice because she's been gunning really hard for the Audrey Hepburn biopic for the last year or so. She's had a bunch of Audrey inspired outfits and hairstyles throughout the Wicked promotions, has been talking in an attempt at a Transatlantic accent in interviews, and has been trying to portray herself as a classy regal lady despite her persona being insta baddie for years. She even did something to her jaw in the last year that made it broader and more square like Audrey's was (her original jaw was slim and pointy). So I wouldn't be surprised if she fucked up her brows on purpose to try and emulate Audrey's straight brows, but it just doesn't suit her.
No. 490051
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Nonnas, I was just watching the Babygirl movie and I still haven't finished it because Nicole's face distracts me so much. She is still more attractive than both her husband and her walled intern domdaddy lover but I can't help but think how much more beautiful she would be if her face was natural. She can barely act anymore because her face is so stiff. Sigh.
No. 490061
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>>490051picreal her face is so scary
No. 490448
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>>483636Did she get a buccal fat removal? She looks super gaunt in the cheeks. Something about her face looks kinda spooky and sad, like a tim Burton character. I don't know wtf is going on but literally nothing she's doing is suiting her
No. 491733
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I saw this pic years ago and always wondered what those yellow things are kek
Is that her original yellow teeth with white veneers layered on top of them?
No. 491736
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I think you can see the caps over them here too