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No. 414448
>>414436Based and I'd also like to add some more advice from the NoFap cows thread
1. If you discover your man is watching porn and wish to confront him over it, don't get angry or upset and start crying, or start talking about how it makes you feel insecure. Knowing they have hurt your self image is LIFEFUEL for men, as it places himself/the porn girls above you in his mind. Men use porn as a weapon to neg women's self esteem and psychologically keep us competing for their attention and rotten dicks. Do NOT fall for this dirty trick or feed his ego by giving the satisfaction of knowing it hurts you. Instead, approach it from a rational, moral standpoint regarding the more pressing issue of the ethics of the porn industry.
2. Don't try and compete with his porn by altering your appearance or doing sex acts you are uncomfortable with. If he is watching porn while with you, it proves he craves DIFFERENT WOMEN. Nothing you do will be enough to please him, so don't fucking humiliate yourself by trying, please. Remember that there's a whole subculture of men who have a fetish for making women into 'porn widows' aka hurting a woman self esteem and coercing her into sexual acts/plastic surgery to keep up with his porn addiction, they want you to hurt yourself to keep up with their sexual demands. This only makes your life and other women lives so much harder.
3. If you have wisely chosen to break up with your porn addict, do NOT state porn as the reason. All this does is remind him to lie + be sneakier and more dishonest with you/the next girl. The thrill of watching porn behind their gfs back also makes the dopamine hit stronger for many men, and only entices them further.
4. Don't believe his promises to stop watching porn for you: if he wanted to stop, you wouldn't need to ask him to stop in the first place. If he's actually watching porn while he's dating you, its a sign he doesn't respect you or your feelings and he has already made the decision to virtually cuck you.
You asking him not to watch porn anymore is just asking him to lie to your face more often. It's a worthless promise that he will eventually go back on anyway.
No. 414451
>>414444Lol. No man is worth serving time in jail for. Just ghost him without explanation, it hurts them so much worse.
t. used to fantasise about minecrafting my scrote, realised serving jail term over a man was the most cucked thing ever, just left his ass instead and am much happier
No. 414510
>>414448>if he wanted to stop, you wouldn't need to ask him to stop in the first place. If he's actually watching porn while he's dating you, its a sign he doesn't respect you or your feelings and he has already made the decision to virtually cuck you. Honestly, this. If your bf loved and respected you he would not be whacking off to other women getting raped on tape to begin with while dating you. Not only is it innately disrespectful to you, but it also says a lot about his attitude to women.
He’s either a straight up misogynist who enjoys seeing women being abused and raped, or a creepy reddit tier ‘male ally’ who thinks financially struggling women whoreing themselves for money is empowerment and hot. Both these types of men you should be avoiding like the plague, and they also both lack self control/cannot be trusted around children and teens.
In all honestly, men who watch porn don’t deserve gfs, wives or children. Until women collectively tell coomers to (literally) go fuck themselves, the bar will never raise and their defective cumbrain genes are going to keep pervading humanity. Far too many women put up with this shit and it only makes things much more difficult for women to find a good man.
No. 414514
>>414481>>414505After I broke up with my sex/porn addicted ex, we still lived together for a few months. But during that time I decided to up the psychological warfare because I just didn’t give a fuck anymore.
There were a couple times my girlfriends and I got a hotel room in a city we wanted to enjoy, so we could get toasty and then go to the hotel to be drunkards and sleep. I ended up keeping one of the keycards for each hotel and then leaving it out in plain view. I also changed one of my friends names to a guy’s name, so any time she texted me (which was allll the time) a dude’s name would show up. I also downloaded a couple dating apps just so I would get the notifications on my phone.
He totally destroyed my sex drive at that time so getting with another man wasn’t an option for me.
Igaf if this sound petty kek I loved every minute of it and thrived when he started to get all distant and sad.
No. 414517
>>414514queen shit
also I relate to the sex drive thing, nothing is less sexy than a scrote with a porn addiction
No. 414557
>>414550Are you slow? No it’s not. I said if you are with a porn addicted scrote with kids you are a part of the problem. First of all, the awareness of the addiction is implied, since I’m addressing farmers here. Second of all, I said if you have kids. I don’t
care if you “don’t know how bad it is” - if you have kids, you are endangering them. Child sexual abuse is almost always in the family and you’re excusing an extreme red flag and risk factor. And I can’t imagine how bad the statistics are now with how porn has gotten so much worse…
It’s really weird to try and excuse this. Obviously no one is ever worse than the moids in these situations but they don’t have to be - I don’t get why anons are so averse to holding women accountable when it comes to some things. If you decide to birth a child you do have some sort of responsibility, you know?
No. 414585
>>414567Completely normal to feel this way, theres literally tiktoks made by normalfag Stacies complaining about their mans following, or how they looked at their crush's following list and wanted to vomit. I wish people would stop trying to say jealousy or insecurity over this issue is unhealthy or
toxic when literally any woman would feel this way.
No. 414586
>>414570If he's watching porn while in a relationship with you then he's already made it clear he doesnt care about your feelings and is having fun feeling like he's virtually cheating on you as its easier than irl cheating and also givs him access to a caliber of women thats far beyond his reach irl.
Maybe if he was watching porn before meeting you and he was single and genuinely stops while dating you, it's forgivable, but even then porn poisons mens perceptions and relationships with women, makes them see as subhumans etc. It's just red flag in general. I dont care how 'common' or 'normal' it is for men, its still a drug and hes a user.
No. 414591
>>414552My porn addicted ex wasnt a woman hater: he was more of one of those liberal feminist 'ally' types who 'loved' slutty women and grew up in a very feminist nordic country/culture. These ones are much more difficult to deal with, because they try to circumvent the issue and delfect/DARVO like
>>414559His problem was he was simply addicted to looking at attractive women's bodies naked, and one woman wasnt enough, he needed to keep looking at loads of them, every single day. He didnt watch violent or
abusive content ever, and was very vanilla sexually, and like this nona he mostly watched hauls, softcore or vanilla boy-girl porn. But it was still hurtful and inconsiderate and I left him over it because I viewed it as disloyal. It's your right to dictate whatever you want as acceptable or unacceptable in a relationship since its you who is getting it, and your boundaries. It doesnt have to be 'logical' and it can be based on feelings too. But you have to establish these ground rules early on in a relationship, so that if it does come up that you disagree on something the other is doing, you can leave early before getting in too deep. Basically just state to him 'I'm not gonna tolerate this, you can choose between our relationship or x thing' and if he chooses x thing then you can move on.
No. 414594
>>414593Having sex with*
To this day 4chan moids are still spreading the 'you just know' and 'white women fuck dogs' meme, all because they chose to go and search for bestiality porn.
No. 414596
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Men are such fucking hypocrites lol.
No. 414598
In general I would say if you want to avoid coomers just date higher IQ men. Most of the commenters on these youtube coombait videos, onlyfans pages, porn pages etc seem to be very low IQ, unemployed or working class moids. I'm not saying smarter men cant be degenerates too, but in general, if you're dating an intelligent, employed man with responsibility and self control, he's simply not going to have time or desire to sit on the PC all day wanking. Part of me wonder if the reason so many nonas struggle with porn addicted moids is because they're dating terminally online neet 4chan/gaymer bros, or guys who work from home and are on the PC constantly. Also, men who are virgins past the age of 25 are usually extreme porn addicts. You might think you have found a 'pure' guy because hes an older virgin, but trust me, these guys are usually low quality, no other woman wanted them/they got into some meme LDR nudeswapping e-relationships, and they generally just spend too much time online looking at digitally altered images and videos of women to the point they can no longer get hard for normal women irl. Just go for normie, hardworking, intelligent men who have had a gf or two irl before.
No. 414680
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>>414598I don’t think emphasizing intelligence is worth anything. When you come across an intelligent, well educated, or simply just an argumentative sex freak, they’ll pull out tons of mental gymnastics and debate tactics to deflect and shut down whatever you say. It’s not that hard to warp their justifications to align with conservative or progressive talking points either. Someone who is genuinely a good person for the sake of prioritizing others over themselves doesn’t need to thoroughly rationalize staying away from something that clearly hurts you and others.
No. 414719
>>414682maybe it’s just me but that’s a pretty nice profile
embrace the 18th century french aristocratic pervert aesthetic, nona
No. 414767
>>414726No one is refuting that? But high IQ men aren’t immune to porn addiction.
Japan has the highest average IQs and they’re in the top countries for porn consumption.
No. 414795
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>>414767I dont think Japanese men consume any more porn than American or British men do, do you have stats to back it up? It's shown which countries have the most traffic per capita in visiting pornhub and onlyfans, and America and the UK always come out top.
No. 414804
>>414796If I had a magical insta-castration potion I would make sure to sneak it into every moids food. You'd think the obesity and SSRI induced ED epidemic, microplastics and estrogen in the water supply would dampen the male sex drive but if anything it seems to be getting worse.
I worry for the next generation of girls, porn companies already cant wait to sink their claws into them, get them on the porn conveyor belt and profit from them flashing their buttholes as soon as they turn 18, and sadly far too many young girls fall for it.
The really think they're going to become rich famous sexy starlets with endless hot men fawning over them. When in reality for 99% of OF women it's just them, making 25 bucks a month selling their soul sticking a dildo in their butt, in a dingy dorm room with a pink neon striplight, and a bunch of horny bald redditors and Indian middle aged men telling her how much they want to rape her. Not to mention the impact it has on real employment prospects, future romantic and familial relationships, etc. Those pictures cannot be wiped from the internet when the girls have decided theyre done with the porn life. These companies encouraging girls to ruin their lives before their life has even started. It's pure evil.
No. 414806
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>>414795>2014You could at least try and find something that isn’t 10 years old.
No. 414941
>>414917I was also like this. You don’t realize how bad your self esteem is until you finally leave. You might be able to pretend to tolerate it for now, but you’ll walk away from that relationship completely broken.
Wait until he starts making you do the shit he watches on porn. Hopefully you’ll question it further then.
No. 414980
>>41491795% of men watch porn but most aren't degenerate enough about it for you to catch them
But if your moid watches porn so often and carelessly that you end up knowing about it, it means he's part of the 10% most degenerate moids
No. 415101
>>415043I'd say if it has zero consequence on his behaviour, your sex life and your self esteem it's not worth worrying about
You won't ever know for sure so no point worrying about it
No. 415108
>>415092>>415091Dying alone genuinely sounds preferable to this. Why the fuck did you date such a subhuman monster? Also
>adhd Remember to avoid these men like the plague
No. 415849
I’d wager porn is behind a huge percentage of divorces, family breakdowns, domestic homicide cases, the current 4B movement in Asia, the general reason why women don’t want to get married anymore etc.
Porn use creates distrust and disgust in women. It breaks down the trust and loyalty dynamic in relationships. A woman who is living with a man and her daughters, while he’s jerking off to ‘daddy/daughter or stepdaughter’ porn is obviously going to be filled with disgust and worry for her children being around such a man. A woman whose husband is constantly jerking off to plastic bimbos or teens is not going to want to get intimate with him while knowing he’s doing this. Women don’t want to start families with porn addicts and the number of men who aren’t porn addicts is now smaller than the number of men who are. A woman who finds her browsing or saving illegal porn or CP and chooses to confront him over it is literally putting her life in danger if he thinks her revealing it may be a threat to his reputation, career or family. I wouldn’t be surprised if many cases with men murdering their wives is to do with something she found on his PC and confronted him over. It’s already been proven porn is an additional factor cited in many divorce filings for ‘irreconcilable differences’.
I think porn is also behind the dead bedroom phenomenon, both the psychological toll it has on women and the physiological toll it has on mens dicks.
Men will laugh at and neg their wife if she tries to look or act sexy for him (I’ve literally seen women on Reddit say their bf/husband made fun of them when they tried to wear lingerie or heels and stuff for him), barely tries to conceal his porn habits, displays a clear preference for teens and barely legals etc, generally just shits on his wife’s confidence, then wonders why she acts coldly towards him or refuses his requests for sex. But men still put all the blame on their wives.
No. 415927
It's not even JUST a cheating thing (although it'd be bad enough)
It trains them to see women (including their gf) as a sex objects, lowers their empathy, gives them unrealistic expectations, breaks their sex drive, gives them erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction
Porn is so bad on so many levels, that's why it's banned in many countries (including atheist countries such as China)
No. 415930
>>415923Well yes, but it’s the fact that a much larger amount of men jerk off to CP and rape than most women seem to know. I think I’d go as far as to say knowingly, it’s the majority, and unknowingly, it is 100%. I think most women who never really got into porn underestimate it, especially in places where it’s shared as a community you realise it’s truly every man that is fucked up and these guys are walking among us like they’re normal people. You realise they’re just larping as moral people in their day to day life. I witnessed it get worse, and I completely cold-turkeyed porn after seeing the shit that came up on even the most vanilla searches on twitter and the mass amount of men interacting with it. It’s disturbing. It’s not just some men, it’s definitely most, it’s not just depraved men, it’s normal men. Cheating is terrible but I actually would argue that this is even worse. There are enough depraved men as is, if you find out your moid watches porn that dramatically increases the possibility he is a pedophile or some other deviant, it’s comorbid. So I think highlighting the majority of porn addicts should be in prison is necessary, especially if there are women
even in this thread excusing it. Who will probably birth their children. Gross.
No. 415945
>>415930Ngl ever since I found out my bf uses TOR I’ve been a bit concerned and looking at him kinda differently. He claims he just uses it to find weed, but he’s already a former porn addict, so I’m not sure. I’ve seen moids on Reddit talking about how they managed to find extreme CP on there with a single search. There’s no way that countless men, even normie men, aren’t accessing this stuff daily.
Also pretty much every single male with internet access has jerked off to tiktok girls dancing and those girls are often 13-14 at best. So yes pedo shit is much more widespread than people wanna believe. There’s also men who seek out CP simply because they’re bored by regular porn and the taboo and committing something illegal simply excites them.
No. 415952
>>415946To me, it's still less creepy than the average woman's sexuality, ie. romanticizing violent,
abusive, and selfish men and masochistic behavior in themselves.
No. 415953
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No. 416008
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Ah you’re the faggot who face posted. I’m making you famous right now, prolapsed asshole and all. Do you think mommy would recognise you? Should I do Facebook first or Instagram? I have a decent following…
No. 416023
>>416019I believe I read that low T in men also causes them to prefer more childlike looking women with smaller breasts and less fertility signals, could explain why pedophilia is so rampant among low t incels.
>>416022Yes most porn addicted men are simply self indulgent dopamine fiends, men with self control who actually go to the gym, aren't fat, take care of themselves, play sports, socialise and have friends etc are more likely to practice self control in their lives than some self indulgent, fat, food and porn addicted incel who doesn't know how to behave when in company
No. 416076
>>416027>>416040This. I’m celibate now and will likely be for a very long time, but I was going out with younger men for a bit in my early 30s. Not that they’re immune to porn addiction, but their bodies/mind aren’t totally destroyed by it yet.
Younger men are more eager to please you because you’re (assumed to be) more experienced, but they are so awkward sometimes.
Younger men have no issue with older women and a lot of them lose their virginity to older women. If you think about it, they started jerking off to women who were older.
No. 416126
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Good morning
No. 416161
>>416150I almost wish my ex had hidden it from me. Even though I expressed my opinion on porn and my dislike for it, ultimately I never did anything that would make him hide it.
The amount of times I walked into a room and he was jerking off is countless. It was so common that I STILL have issues walking into a room thinking someone is in there masturbating (I live alone). Kek my brain is so fucked up from it.
No. 416169
>>416164> There's no way a moid can hide his porn addiction for years.This is what I think too but then I see a lot of women (here on lolcow and elsewhere) saying 'he perfectly hid it from me for a decade/years' and I wonder if that's possible if you're aware of the signs, or is it just something moids get away with because their gfs are too innocent to notice the signs? I know some moids are able to be very sneaky with their real personalities but I feel like certain things about coomers just unintentionally express in their behavior and sexual habits no matter how good they are at hiding the porn use itself.
>They'll say "but he was so nice" but at the same time list dozens of red flags that she overlookedI've noticed this frequently too especially with trans widow stories. They often say there were no tells but when they describe the moid in more detail there were a ton of obvious tells they just didn't recognize because they weren't aware of what troons are like at the time.
No. 416186
>>416169There’s that show “evil lives here”, all the stories start with “she had no idea he was a murder…but there were signs”. There’s always signs. You’ll brush them off and then get desensitized to them. And once it blows up in your face you realize every red flag/sign that you missed.
Also almost every moid on that show was a porn/sex addict.
No. 416222
>>414552The parasocial type coomers are the worst to have a relationship with imo. I can almost understand men feeling randomly lustful, clicking on any random video on the front page of pornhub and having a two minute wank then getting on with their day, but the coomers who actually hyperfixate on certain girls and get invested in their online personas, obsess over and save all their content, pay attention even to their asmr or softcore stuff, pay for their pics etc will drive any woman mad.
It genuinely feels like cheating (and it is imo). I was particularly disgusted that a guy I was dating a while back admitted he had a dozen or so 'favorites' and had hundreds of their files saved to his computer, could probably name everything about them and identify them from just their vaginas too. Very creepy.
I would say if your man can actually identify and name pornstars (especially more obscure ones) then it's a sure sign hes already too far gone and irredeemable in terms of ever having a normal relationship and you should get out of there asap because hes a terminally online porn addict who develops emotional attachments to random e-whores.
No. 416223
>>416219this is awful nona. he sounds insanely childish and selfish. he doesn’t even seem to care that he’s actively hurting you and harming the relationship? AND he’s lying too? this is a terrible indicator for narcissism, future
abusive behavior and pathological lying btw.
a man who ignores your pain is only going to get worse and more sadistic over time. honestly? it almost sounds like he’s enjoying hurting you here. although it’s hard to tell because he also sounds like an immature retard and might not even be able to be that conniving. either way what a miserable situation, do not agree to meet this man irl or give your body to such a thoughtless immature jerk. he sounds sociopathic.
No. 416227
>>415923It amazes me how so many porn addicted moids are Christian men in relationships, even though Jesus himself said that if you look at a woman besides your own wife lustfully then you have already committed adultery in your heart, and that you should gouge your own eyes out, and that if your hand causes you to sin or fall into temptation then you should cut it off.
I wonder why Christian moids think they can pick and choose which parts of the bible to obey even though Jesus openly hated men who were disloyal to their wives.
No. 416231
>>416164>you can tell from his sexual performance, how he talks about women, what kinks he had, how he views sex and intimacy, how present and engaged he is during sex, his libido or lack of itI ended up being blindsided by a guy with an extreme porn addiction and I can tell you in all these areas he was completely normal.
Normal sexual performance, nothing weird, never made misogynistic comments like calling women whores or whatever, had basically very vanilla kinks like creampies and stockings, would always say how he disliked porn/prostitution and thought it was a gross seedy business and how sex and intimacy is best between two loving people, was very engaged in during sex, had totally normal libido, never showed any signs of erectile dysfunction etc whatsoever.
He STILL managed to hide terabytes and terabytes of porn from me, hid the fact he was masturbating compulsively at work and whenever I left the house, hid the fact he was subbed to almost 40 different women on onlyfans and was talking to them one on one etc. You underestimate how well men can lie, nona.
No. 416236
>>415953this is why i always warn nonas never date a moid who uses 4chan
at best he’s passively seen CP since it gets posted on that board daily during raids
at worst he’s an active pedophile who jerks off to CP and has likely tried grooming underage girls from there already
No. 416302
>>416231>had kinksParaphilias are one of the main signs of porn addiction nonna, so you listed one glaring red flag in your post. How long did you not notice for and how did you not see that he had terabytes of porn saved/was subbed to OF? Like did he have alternate devices hidden in the walls or did you just never use his devices or glance at them?
>>416285Yes there are non porn addict moids but moids who don't use porn are a minority. You really shouldn't be willing to date a moid who uses porn or who was ever, at any point, porn addicted, since they will relapse and it permanently fries their brain anyway. A moid who uses porn is never, ever going to be an okay parent for children either.
No. 416305
>>416150>>416150i'm op who you asked. the responses below your question that say "there's no way a moid can hide his porn addiction for years," LOL. honey you'd think so until it happens to you.
In mine's case…. he literally lied to my face and told me he was the complete opposite of what he was. His actions, from what I could see, aligned with what he was saying. We had a great sex life with no apparent red flags there. He was present and attentive and never had issues with his dick. He told me "I'm not into porno, that stuff isn't good for you."
I thought he was vanilla and that I was the one with the more adventurous, higher libido that often initiated things or wanted to try new things. He was so respectful toward me when it came to anything sexual or relational.
He seemed respectful toward me and other women and our relationship.
"Moids don't have the emotional intelligence to trick women" This was true in mine's case, he has no emotional intelligence BUT his shame was so strong over what he was doing in secret that he managed to trick me due to wanting it to be kept hidden so badly.
I used to be one of those "not MY nigel" and I truly believed I had one of the good ones. Jokes on me! There are no good ones.
No. 416309
>>416231this sounds like my ex. He presented this version of himself that appeared so healthy, well adjusted and safe. He would also talk shit about porn and how strip clubs and sex work related stuff was really bad and say that he doesn't agree with it. Meanwhile he was addicted to porn and fucking hookers.
Tricking women doesn't have anything to do with emotional intelligence. I'm starting to think men have no souls with how easy it is for them to lie and live double lives like this. They are simply selfish, dumb creatures whose lives revolve around their dick. Pathetic.
No. 416311
>>416308are you with your partner every minute of the day?
if not, they can hide it
No. 416314
>>416308all it takes is a few minutes with a smartphone here and there. It's really not that hard to hide stuff especially given our smartphone addicted culture.
Also, I trusted him, like I said I thought we had a healthy relationship so I had no reason to believe I needed to look through his phone or anything. And that's how it goes on for years.
No. 416315
>>416309Coomerism makes moids visibly soulless and retarded though, I think that's where the emotional intelligence came in (nta who mentioned it but I get what she's saying I think).
>>416311Most people have similar work schedules to their spouses/live in partners and many people have jobs that wouldn't allow them to watch porn routinely on the job, so even if they get a spare few minutes in private once in a while it would be pretty difficult to hide a full blown addiction. Most women I've known whose partners had porn addictions knew about it, the moids were incapable of hiding it and didn't bother at all since most women in the modern day just accept porn use and think it's feminist of them to do so. Anyway I'm specifically asking an anon this happened to because it seems very difficult just from a practical standpoint to hide a full blown regular addiction (unlike occasional porn use).
No. 416316
>>416315I am an anon this happened to and I was the one who answered the question.
I also think maybe you don't understand what "addiction" means. It doesn't necessarily mean they are consuming huge amounts all the time that would be impossible to hide. It can be little hits that they try to quit and then keep going back to, which might look like "occasional porn use" which is also not okay, especially if they're lying about it.
No. 416320
>>416314Yeah people who are addicted to smartphones/who have data plans on their phone are the most likely to be severe coomers, that's why I would never trust someone who uses devices a lot and is online not to be one and I think onlineness is one of the heaviest predictors of porn addiction (the 'date high IQ men' nonna was onto something but it's not because of intelligence, it's because of being too driven by other things imo). It's kind of rare-ish in my friend group though, lots of friends with no smartphone at all or no data plan even if they have one, etc. so maybe this is influencing my view of how easy it would be to hide a full blown porn addiction.
I'm sorry that he broke your trust like that anon, I've never trusted a moid fully and probably never will so I usually assume other women are like me and always have a measure of suspicion toward them.
>>416316I'm not saying occasional porn use is OK but the stories I was hearing about men hiding their porn use for years often featured moids being 'heavily addicted' aka spending 100s or 1000s per month on OF subscriptions, cooming to porn multiple times per day, etc. I just wonder how it is possible for a moid to do that and not
trigger any suspicion in the woman he's with, but I guess you or the other anon above (not sure if it's the same person) kind of answered my question somewhat with 'trusting the moid you date' and 'people who use smartphones a lot.' Moids just should never be completely trusted imo.
No. 416327
>>416321So then it's either "There's ALWAYS signs. Women want to humanize them so they ignore it" or "Most porn-addicted coomers are mastermind 200 IQ psychopaths who can deceive women for years on end and there are absolutely no signs, live in distrust of men and stop dating forever."
Nobody is blaming women, but it's annoying when they don't admit there are signs when like
>>416323 mentioned, it helps other women. Telling women "oh no there are absolutely no signs, this can be YOU one day" is fear-mongering of the worst sort.
No. 416328
>>416327Yeah I also think that the 'every moid is a porn addicted coomer, there are zero signs and it absolutely 100% will happen to you one day' rhetoric only helps moids by further normalizing porn addiction and convincing women there's no point in even attempting to filter moids by porn use/have porn use as a dealbreaker in a relationship. Repeatedly on anonymous surveys where men have no real incentive to lie there is a significant minority that says they do not use porn at all, combined with other factors this leads me to believe these men exist and it is possible to meet non-coomers but the attitude of 'they all do it, and you can never tell' is basically either a complete blackpill and women should never date or sleep with scrotes and we should just end humanity at this generation, or the other option is to try to filter out pornsick moids and stop normalizing porn use and insisting it's necessary for every male's survival.
It would be retarded to
victim blame women for having dated pornsick coomers since like 80-95% of men (depending on your generation/demographic) use pornography, so that would mean the vast majority of het or bi women would be to blame for their situation since probably all of us have interacted romantically with a pornsick moid at least once. It doesn't make any sense to not discuss the signs or how to avoid these scrotes though imo, unless you literally just have decided to be celibate forever and think all other women should be as well.
No. 416334
>>416331What are the differences you have noticed between the pornsick moids and the one you think isn't, anon?
For me one of the most obvious behavior issues with my porn addicted ex other than sexual performance issues was actually kink (any kink at all, his was very 'mild' and 'vanilla' but paraphilia is abnormal no matter what) and also putting me on a pedestal compared to other women (I think a lot of pornsick moids do this thing where they compartmentalize by idealizing the woman they date compared to other women in a specific way to assuage their guilt and try to make their relationship feel wholesome), it actually made me really uncomfortable. I also think moids bringing up porn in any context (even if it's in a 'omg I hate it so much it's so bad' way) is a sign they watch it unless they weren't the one to bring up the topic. Men project a lot so any talk about infidelity/cheating that comes out of nowhere is also a sign they're looking at other women.
No. 416359
>>416334Very true. Even vanilla kinks are sign of pornsickness. For example, everyone jokes about creampies, breeding, and impregnation being normal and vanilla but men who enjoy these things are sick in the head and have warped views of sex, equating PIV sex to dominating a woman. And I'd go so far as to say expecting a woman to wear things like lingerie is a red flag as well. Even the most vanilla kinks involve the woman putting on a performance for the moid and him using her a fleshlight, nothing to do with actual intimacy, connection, or mutual pleasure. Putting you on a pedestal and comparing you to other women is so disgusting, I'm sure you immediately felt the ick from that. That is something that always makes me feel repulsed.
As for my boyfriend, I've only dated him for a few months, so I didn't want anyone to think I'm jumping to conclusions. But the main thing I've seen so far is in his emotional and sexual reactivity. The pornsick guys I've dated (which I should mention that they were all functional, had a lot of friends, good paying jobs, etc. they also hid the pornsickness quite well, but I could tell anyway) seemed rather… dead inside or dazed? When I was happy and excited about something, they'd be neutral and wouldn't mirror my energy. It's like they were emotionally dead inside. When we'd be intimate, they'd have weak reactions, and occasionally have trouble getting or staying hard. I'd feel rather ridiculous because at first I'd be horny for them out of my mind and passionate, and they'd barely seem to be feeling anything…
My boyfriend now is extremely reactive and always present and engaged with me, he's so full of life and energy and love for me. I could tell him the smallest thing that made me happy that day and his eyes will light up. He loves making me pleased and will memorize all of the little things I like. He's attentive in every way. I can kiss him for a minute and he will be completely hard, throbbing and dripping precum. He will be satisfied with that though, and he never expects me to make him cum or do anything for him. While on the flip side, he's always trying to pleasure me and learn more about my preferences to seduce me (in a sweet loving way, not a skeevy way) while he has no engrained ones of his own.
This sounds like really general stuff I know, but a lot of women will say that men have that "dead eye" look but it goes beyond that. The lack of attentiveness and engagement is a really big one.
No. 416407
>>416390Paraphilias are a red flag about sexual degeneracy and pornsickness specifically. Obviously every human being has traits that could be considered 'red flags' but we were talking about red flags for coomerism specifically, not 'any bad quality at all.'
Of course people without kinks exist lmao.
No. 416420
>>416376The Stockholm syndrome women have nowadays regarding porn is insane and sad. I've actually seen a lot of gfs and wives of porn addicts saying that when they brought up their husbands porn addiction in couples therapy, their therapist got mad at them for being offended by porn and told the woman she should start embracing it and learning to do kinky stuff for him from his pornos or watch it together with him, and worse part was these therapists were usually women too. A lot of couples therapists and sex therapists are pickme libfems.
Truth is there's no set opinion on this issue. It literally is just down to how you feel and what personal boundaries you wish to set.
I have one friend who is a German girl. If you don't know, in Germany, porn is pretty much everywhere and there's a general very relaxed attitude to it. Even in teen magazines you can find porn pictures, and its been this way since the 1980s at least. She has always said 'All men watch porn, even your grandpa, there's nothing you can do so just get over it.' Her bf watches porn and she doesn't seem to care at all. Personally, I could never tolerate it. But she doesn't care. Everyone is different, its up to you to set your boundaries in a relationship and walk away if he doesn't agree.
No. 416503
>>416433Yeah I agree with this. I know nothing is ever a guarantee but most of the men I know who don't act obviously coomerish or pornsick are men with very busy active jobs (not necessarily like construction work/mining level active) who also spend most of their free time on hobbies, errands, cooking etc. and who don't use social media or spend much time on the internet. It's always possible for any man to fit cooming into his day somehow but I don't think the correlation between non-pornsick actions/behavior and lifestyle is just incidental. A lot of men who are highly motivated by passions, careers, hobbies etc. simply will always prefer to go out and do something social whenever they have a free moment than stay in on their computer or phone and that is suggestive of them still having a normal dopamine system. I would avoid men who actively use any kind of social media account or who 'like staying in' or 'are homebodies' like the plague tbh, unless they're a homebody with their wife doing activities together after work until they go to bed.
I know a bunch of men who literally don't have smartphones (by choice) and spend like 16 hours a day outside of their homes interacting with other people most of the time, I don't know many of them well enough to guarantee they're not coomers but they certainly are more functional, treat women better, and seem to have healthier dating lives than the homebody/heavy internet user type of man and whenever I am close with/talk to these guys' exes they have nothing really bad to say about them at least not about coomerish types of behaviors. Our society romanticizing 'introverted' and 'nerdy' men was a mistake.
No. 416552
>>416548Again not necessarily true. In my city there's a ton of Chads and to be honest most of them are married and have children.
>reeee all Chads are commitment phobes who will pump and dump youIs incel scaremongering and sour grapes. There are plenty of attractive men who are also good guys. Just be smart and judge them on their actions and character, don't get blinded by their looks and overlook red flags, and you can definitely find one.
No. 416614
>>416609I don’t know how many things need to be repeated but stop funnelling your hatred towards girls and women because of moids. Looking at moids should
trigger you, not asian women and teenage girls. God I don’t know how anyone could internalise a moid’s preferences this much that this genuinely bothers them.
No. 416620
>>416614>>416609>God I don’t know how anyone could internalise a moid’s preferences this much that this genuinely bothers them.Most women, nay people, do this however, whether they admit it or not. There are many things that women like which
trigger men into a rage, and many things that men like which also
trigger women. It's a form of mateguarding, and extremely common. There's a reason even Stacies are making videos on tiktok where they're crying screaming after 'looking through his following list', its normal for people to feel insecure and compare themselves when confronted with their partners preferences. And who knows, her ex may have severely traumatized her and weaponized these things against her in a cruel way. She didnt say she hates other women she said she gets emotionally
triggered by certain things he has tainted.
No. 416622
>>416619I disagree, its very common for women to get
triggered by teens/younger women as sexual competition. Men get
triggered by younger men too. Turn on the TV with a prettyboy twinkish type of moid actor or singer on the screen and watch the boomer males seethe and slander him.
No. 416626
>>416620I just don’t understand getting upset over your moids “preferences” when he is a pedophile…
>She didnt say she hates other women she>>416609>Anyone else's porn addict ex ruin things for them and make them hate certain things?>>416622That’s… kind of gross to me, sorry.
No. 416635
>>416626I’ve always said this; boys get to be boys, but girls are renounced of their right to be seen as a child the minute men become attracted to them, and women
handmaidens accommodate them. Of course I shouldn’t be surprised by this, I remember how adult women treated me around their moids when I was still a child. God.
No. 416652
>>416635Duh because most women arent pedophiles, whereas all men are. You cant change male biology, theyre wired that way and always will be pedophiles. Some retarded libfem women deny this, let their tween daughters go out in skimpy clothing and makeup, let them get perved on all day and night, and claim its mens responsibility to stop looking at their daughters in a sexual light and that their daughters dressing like streetwalkers will stop this. Well it wont. Because thats not the way the world or reality words. it's as stupid and useless as telling rapists 'not to rape'. Moids are gonna do it anyway whether libfems tell them not to or not. Fact is men are going to be perving on your young daughters, masturbating to them, taking creepshots etc. You can either acknowledge this fact and protect them and refuse to enable it, or allow them to dress in almost underwear and give every moid (pedo) in the vicinity a free show. It's the same reason I wouldnt let my son walk around scantily clad at a gay pride parade full of gay adult moid pedos ogling him, but of course gay moids are a much smaller population than straight moids, so it would have to be at an actual pride parade or something (and unfortunately you can see young boys getting groped perved on having creepshots taken etc when stupid careless parents take their young kids to such events)
No. 416655
>>416652Reality works**
Again, some women are dumb and bluepilled as fuck on men, and think nobody is looking at their daughters that way. Well all men are, because male sexuality is innately pedophilic, whether women want to admit it or not. Most men are attracted to 12 year old girls, theres a reason the age of consent in America used to be like 10 years old. More women need to wake up and realize their daughters are basically living in a constant shark tank of predators. Telling men to stop sexualizing young girls isnt going to stop it.
No. 416660
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Many such cases.
No. 416663
>>416652Lmao. Reading comprehension? Who in this thread is saying men aren’t pedophiles, KEK, we’ve all been saying that most moids watch CP. What,
I was saying is that women like
>>416609 and
>>416620 who justify feeling like
teenage girls are competition and thus are accommodating paedophilic scrotes’ sexualisation of them, which is disgusting and the reason why some young girls grow up hating older women. I remember adult women treating me at shit around their moid at like 13 for fuck’s sake, not like I did anything? I didn’t even realise I could be viewed sexually at that point. There are women who blame their young daughters for seducing their step-fathers. It’s girls like these who grow up to be young adult coquette bippies because they probably got raped. It’s thinking like the kind I’m seeing in this thread that instil the behaviours of handmaidens.
No. 416725
I can't even date anymore because being around men in general just makes me annoyed, depressed, disgusted and every time I listen to them talk amongst themselves it makes me lose a bit more faith in humanity. It's crazy how women project our empathy and humanity onto men and really believe they are capable of the same emotional depth, introspection, perceptiveness and spirituality, when in reality most of them are complete narcissists and sex obsessed horny dogs, literal NPCs with no thoughts other than 'EAT, COOM, PUNCH WALL'. Even 'deep' or 'creative' type moids are always creeps when you scratch at the surface. It's both liberating and nauseating when you come to the realization of the true nature of moids. One hand you realize pursuing any kind of meaningful relationship with one is pointless, but it also means you can stop taking men seriously anymore and start focusing on your own life instead. Im glad more women are realizing the truth about men at a younger age, because many women dont realize until theyve already been baby trapped by one of these monsters
No. 416732
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You know what? At this point, any government that refuses to ban porn deserves to have the country go extinct. Why do 48% of japanese women now say they have no interest in finding a partner? Why are they refusing to have kids? Because japanese society is completely pornsick, thats why. It's the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.
It's quite literally impossible to have a healthy normal loving relationship with a man who is wanking to other women. Men are no longer entitled to our wombs or female companionship and can frankly go fuck themselves if theyre still going to watch porn while dating us.
Same goes for Korea, porn addiction is also rife there (goes along with internet addiction surprise surprise) and no wonder their population is going extinct. The west is heading the same way and its justified with how trash men have become and similarly internet and porn addicted. Meanwhile Asian countries where porn is banned or restricted (like Mongolia) are experiencing good birthrates because their men aren't completely pornsick terminally online coomers.
The west will be heading the same way as Japan and Korea soon. Any boomer politicians who refuse to ban this shit because they were greedy for porn company tax money don't deserve young people wiping their asses in old age. Ban porn or perish, you enabler old fucks.
No. 416738
>>416735Both the west and first world asia are completely pornsick. However trends that happen in japanese society usually are 10 or years so
ahead of trends in the west, like the phenomenon of men dropping out of the workplace to become full time coomer neets which started in Japan years ago.
I remember a British woman who went traveling in Japan in the 1980s wrote a book about her experiences of seeing Japanese businessmen reading loli porn and guro hentai mangas with kids being raped and women being chopped up and mutilated sexually while sitting next to her. Japanese pornsickness has a more woman hating and vengeful feel to it, while western pornsickness is more to do with fake female empowerment, exploitatiom framed as harmless fun, and generally just encouraging women to act like silly retarded degenerates for attention (like the Hawk Tuah thing). Both are deeply undesirable, but I think Japanese and Korean women have noticed and now want nothing to do with any of it.
No. 416746
>>416735japan has their own porn industry and their version of onlyfans content is basically just japanese amateur porn twitter (twitter is extremely popular in japan and a lot of the content is coom related).
korea is basically little japan and they absorb and consume all their porn culture and porn content too.
japan and korea also both have their own societal sexual issues. like in japan, gravure, cp, loli, underage prostitution etc being very common. korea is also rife with prostitution and there are many korean otakus and incels who absorb the creepy japanese porn and loli lover culture, as well as their spycam epidemic and general misogyny and woman hatred as a retort to korean feminism.
No. 416748
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No woman wants a baby daddy who is a porn addict. Imagine having daughters with a man who has been wanking to teen porn and incest shit for years and years, and knowing you'll never be able to safely say 'Well at least he's not masturbating to them/filming them in the shower/molesting them.'
And trust me it happens far more than normie women like to admit. 15% of families in the US report having at least one incestual sexual abuse event. Half of all child rape victims are raped by someone they know. 1 in 5 women who grow up with a stepfather reported sexual abuse by him. 10-19 year old girls are most at risk for being raped. Society has a serious problem. Men are a danger to their own families.
No. 416788
>>416738Apparently the rise in popularity of misogynistic porn in Japan was really a hateful male reaction to Japanese women's increasing workforce participation and liberation movement.
From the 1960s to 1980s Japanese women started going from subservient housewives (their traditional role in Japan) to actually enjoying economic independence and careers.
During the 1980s, Japan was having an economic bubble but women were starting to get promoted ahead of men, and men started resenting them for it. For centuries women had been second class citizens and now they were getting better positions than men. The 80s coincidentally is when guro, loli, rape and other types of porn started becoming immensely popular among Japanese males. Many believe it was a scrotey reaction against female empowerment and a desire to feel control again by 'putting women in their place', at least in fantasy.
Then efforts to control the market ended up causing a massive recession in the 90s, more men started losing their jobs, and males started to really double down on misogyny. JAV and erotic film companies noticed there were a lot of angry, unemployed, woman hating men around and started mass producing violent, psychologically humiliating and
abusive porn to appeal to them, a trend which has continued ever since and remains best-selling.
No. 416791
>>416609This sounds like misery and I'm sorry you endured that.
>>416614>>416626The anon probably misphrased. She never said it was right to hate teenage girls or asian women, I think it makes sense that things illicit a reaction after what she had been through.
No. 416824
>>414436reading this really helped me,
nonnie. that and also coming to terms that i don't wanna marry a porn addict and THEN have children with a degen scrote who's probably more at risk of molesting them. I cannot let that fucking happen, EVER.
No. 416826
>>414436With how normalized porn is, we tend to forget it's an addiction. You can't help an addict. Even when an addict wants to help themselves, it's very hard and often not worth trying. But when they don't even want it for themselves, it's plain impossible.
If your partner had a smoking, alcohol, heroin or gambling problem, you wouldn't dive into the relationship thinking you will rid them of the addiction. Most people would tell you not to try to date such people. Sometimes entire professionnal healthcare teams can't help such addicts.
Porn is the same way. Except it's even harder to avoid since softcore porn is everywhere (social media, television, TV shows) and hardcore porn is a click away ; whereas drugs, binge drinking or gambling are more difficult to access, require money, yadda yadda.
It's incredibly naive to think you can help an addict.
So either you need to accept the consequences of pornography (you can read up on it : ) ; either you need to leave
There is no changing them
No. 416833
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my moid cheated on me two months (maybe earlier?) after my dad died because he's a porn addict, and i genuinely think porn addictions breed this subhuman level of cruelty that most adjusted people can't comprehend.
i was literally still grieving my father while this retarded faggot was browsing for gooning servers and DMing men and sending videos of himself jerking off.
in that same month he literally tried to kill me by almost driving head-on into a parked car, ON PURPOSE, out of rage because he got a discord friend request on his phone of some retard coomer sending him porn while we were going out somewhere.
this shit has honestly ruined my fucking life, i lost two years of productivity and employment that could've afforded me the fucking ability to escape because i was so sick with anxiety and completely destroyed. I realised after all of that that this relationship isn't worth saving anymore.
I'm working really, really fucking hard to get back on my feet so i can leave. If he can't even give me peace and safety while i was completely fucked from the loss of the only parent who actually cared for me and fought tooth and nail to give me a good childhood, there's nothing i can do.
I should've fucking known that having literal gigabytes of gross ass futa hyper ass horse cock porn, on top of a fucking categorized folder of all of his ex's or people he's gotten nudes from (which i deleted.) wasn't fucking normal.
on top of that, my best friend is getting absolutely fucked by a porn addict who's done some heinous shit to her and she's in a way more vulnerable position than i am, this shit is harrowing and miserable all around.
when i'm finally single i'm going to become a loveless hermit and stay that way. good riddance.
No. 416936
>>416833I mean it's already been proven that men who watch porn before a rape trial lose empathy for the
victim and recommend lower sentencing. Porn makes men hate women even more than they already do. Whenever you encounter a moid who hates women he's almost guaranteed to be a porn addict.
No. 417001
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>>416725I wish more women knew how men really see us. Maybe they do know, but are in denial.
We're nothing but potential fleshlights and rent-a-wombs in their eyes. Their idea of romance is really just emotional manipulation to get us to have sex with them.
I think this is why so many women are surprised and devastated when they find out their man is watching porn or cheating or talks about her in completely disrespectful ways to his friends or strangers online, because most women are simply so much more moral and honourable than men are and would simply never wish to hurt their partner like that. Whereas men do it to women all the time.
Only women are actually capable of love, romance, depth of feeling, morality, empathy, loyalty, monogamy etc.
Men are more akin to animals, I don't believe they actually have souls. They're more like apex predators, like a shark or a crocodile or something, human males only instinct is to fuck and kill and make more mini-me moidlets. We need to stop pretending they're human like women are.
No. 417077
>>417074He’s 39 now. We broke up 4 years ago and he looks about the same except not as muscular. He’s mixed…Nat American, Portuguese, Greek. Idk if that has anything to do with his good hair genes.
He is in a miserable relationship now with a druggy so I consider that his karma for everything he put me through. He can keep his hair kek
No. 417108
>>416983it would be easier if her and I lived in the same country, that would be ideal.
Unfortunately I feel that she's too dependant on moid attention/validation (I don't mean it in a derogatory, attention seeker way.) and being loved so she's not going to leave anytime soon.
Her moid literally lives overseas, spent over a thousand dollars to fly out to europe to see her and just watched OF porn on his phone in her loungeroom while she was crying in her own bed.
I truely hate men. honest to god.
No. 417336
>>417001This is really it. Some (few) are trainable animals, maybe they don’t have souls but they might be capable of being something more like a golden retriever when trained correctly. Majority though typically need to be rehomed or put down.
Remember that saying something like, women will fake an orgasm for a relationship, men will fake a relationship for an orgasm. It’s so true.
No. 417342
>>417332I found the organisation they're called 'Stop It Now' and they have a bunch of ads, their goal is basically to try and help 'rehabilitate' pedos and child porn addicts.
They have a bunch of weird ads, showing men living in fear of the 'knock at the door' because they can't stop wanking to CP. Bleak, kek.
Are men really this lacking in self control? They shouldn't even be allowed to vote if they genuinely can't pull themselves away from fapping to kids being raped on camera. No. 417344
Another ad where pedos (voiced by actors) are whining about losing access to their wives and kids and how their meanie friends stopped talking to them. Jesus Christ even when moids are wanking to kids being raped while their OWN children are in the room next to them, they have to make themselves
victims lol. No. 417349
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>>417342>>417344It's pretty vile that they're making it seem so commonplace, like an anti smoking PSA, AND the fact it's also helping these moids 'before they get caught'. They DESERVE to be fucking caught, that's the point.
And let's be honest, most men watching this filth have no interest in stopping anyway. Even one of the moids in the comments said this.
Pedo shit has become so normalized now it's depressing.
No. 417351
>>417068Just checked on my
abusive, porn addict ex from 2 years back since this thread reminded me of him.
He's balding so hard now and looks absolutely terrible, got super fat too.
He was on anti hair loss meds while I knew him but it doesn't seem to have done anything to help, kek. He always had a fixation on teens but now he looks like a fat balding pedophile, no teenager would go near him kek.
No. 417357
>>417349To be honest, since lurking manosphere type spaces for years, I've remained under the impression that the vast majority of moids like underage girls and have pedo tendencies. I've made statements like 'all men are pedophiles' to most guys I was talking to, just to gauge their reaction and kinda shit test them.
Sometimes they get super defensive and claim I'm a batshit crazy feminist tarring all men with the same brush, but then when I press them further they always end up admitting they like 13-14 year old girls, and talk about 'some 12 year olds are more developed than adult women' blah blah blah. Other men are surprisingly boldfaced about it and are just like 'Yeah' lol or 'It's part of our nature.'
Either way all its really done is help confirm my bias that the vast majority of men are pedos.
No. 417359
>>416735I would wager that the popularity of loli porn in Japan and Korea is a big part of the reason why so many women over there are refusing to marry or have kids. Who the fuck would ever want to even speak to such a subhuman let alone enter a relationship and start a family with one.
The only reason Japanese women's birthrates aren't quite as low as Korea's yet is because feminism hasn't taken off as strongly in Japan and Japanese women are steeped in this shit from the minute they're born and might not even know any better. Whereas Korean women have a much lower moid bullshit tolerance.
>>416826>If your partner had a smoking, alcohol, heroin or gambling problem, you wouldn't dive into the relationship thinking you will rid them of the addiction. Most people would tell you not to try to date such people. Sometimes entire professionnal healthcare teams can't help such addicts.Exactly. Imagine entrusting your PA moid to 'get better by himself'. Top kek my sides. Porn addiction is even harder to quell than other addictions because unlike drugs its instantly available anytime anywhere, and unlike gambling, porn is completely free.
No. 417364
>>417362It's kinda pointless to think about tbh because we all know the answer deep down. It's like asking 'Do you think all men would rape if they could get away with it and there were zero consequences' well the answer, obviously, is yes.
I think if the child has a 'pretty face'/is wearing makeup and an outfit that is registered by the moid brain as 'provocative' or 'sexy' then probably most men would have sex with her yes.
This isn't a modern or internet induced phenomenon either. It's documented that in the old days cinemas showing Shirley Temple movies used to be full of adult men pleasuring themselves to her onscreen. And don't look up the age of consent before 1900.
No. 417400
>>417392Even worse, plenty of them encourage it. I remember hearing some of them say to single moids stuff like “it’s ok if she’s way too young for you, you’ll raise her”, or me being told by other sick women from grandma’s generation I’m a woman because I got my period. You sicko, was 11.
Even though in my country the age of consent is 15, many of them see something normal in 20 something moids dating middle schoolers and freshmen in highschool, fucking bleak.
No. 417653
>>417638I've never dated a moid who liked violent porn (thats an immediate dealbreaker) but I did eventually come out to find my ex was watching softcore or vanilla behind my back and let me tell you, it doesnt really hurt any less.
It also doesnt help that you will usually find out they are hyperfixated on certain models/OF girls/youtubers or whatever to the point of near obsession, which is strange because its more of an emotional or parasocial connection he has formed with them and feels more like cheating.
And in a way its kind of creepy when men are jacking off to softcore things like clothing hauls or women in heels or women with ponytails or braids or glasses, because it means he fetishizes women in day to day life, just wearing regular clothing and doing normal mundane things, because his coomer brain has associated them with sex. He has developed paraphilias, which is a red flag. It's like the weird shit about Japan banning ponytails because they were thought to be 'too sexual' (how the fuck is a hairstyle sexual? only in moid brains I guess).
My ex was only into hauls and very softcore/often clothed stuff, but it was still very weird that he was fetishizing women just wearing normal clothing and not even acting sexually. It's a bad sign because it means he's the type who will sexualize random women he sees outside wearing normal clothing and just minding their own business too, because like I said, his paraphilia addled brain is now conditioned to sexualize these things. Means he is a creep, basically.
No. 417664
>>414461The whole point of a moid's worthless existence is to coom in a vagina - any vagina - and reproduce. Historically most men never succeeded on this mission, and if they do manage to find a gf, they now live in perpetual fear of having their sperm cucked by another man's sperm.
It causes moids to have a constant existential crisis, complete with regular lurid visions of their gf or wife having sex with another, better looking man. All men are cucks. It's why they'll watch a woman having sex with another man onscreen and get aroused by it. It's why they look at the penis most while watching porn. It's why they love double penetration and gangbangs, why they get off to seeing two dicks rubbing against each other inside a woman, or cover their dicks in another mens sperm during group sex and dont think its gay at all. And then of course there's the evopsych theories about why men's dickheads are shaped like that (sperm scoops), or why women make more noise during sex (to attract attention from other men to join in). All men are innately cucks and porn watcher moids doubly so. Theyre literally getting off to men fucking the women they can never touch.
No. 417672
>>417068i found out not too long ago that my nigel was watching porn behind my back. like many PAs, he's balding in the worst way, but of course i overlooked that because i wuved him and believed you are meant to accept people how they are if you really care about them and not focus on looks so much!
well, now that i know he doesn't have any respect for me and is obsessed with model tier women while being a balding wreck himself, his bald ass just disgusts me.
i definitely wanna dump him, but i also kind of want to play the long game, waste his time by pretending everything is fine, while talking to other guys on the side and just watch him go balder and balder, and dump him when he's officially hideous and has no options left. kek.
No. 417673
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>>417109Many such cases. Men who goon or masturbate multiple times a day have off the chart prolactin levels. Prolactin is responsible for balding in men.
It's always funny seeing men doping themselves up with all kinds of drugs or spending thousands on transplants when all they ever really needed to do was cut down on the daily gooning sesh with the bros.
No. 417675
>>417638Yes nonna I'm sorry but you should break up with him, is he open with you about his porn use? If so he is basically rubbing it in your face that he gets off to imagining sex with other women instead of being attentive to you. I get why you feel like it's better that the porn he watches seems 'vanilla' (it probably is a little better) but that still isn't something you should put up with in a relationship, it's still essentially driven by the same mentality as a moid cheating and even 'vanilla' porn is often exploitative, rapey, involves underage girls or trafficking
victims, etc. and is therefore still wildly immoral.
No. 417678
>>417572>>417581>>417651I'm otherwise attractive but I am quite fat (after losing a ton of weight already) and even when I was at my fattest and worst looking a bunch of genuinely decent men were into/interested in me (I know they're probably decent because I'm still friends/acquaintances with many of them years later and know their gfs/exes well too). The way you meet decent-ish men who are interested in you is in real life, through friends or social circles or work/school, by being friendly and outgoing. People you actually meet through friends, can vet and can get to know organically are much more likely to 'seriously' like you and try to approach you for real relationships so basically the way to do this in most cases is to be or act kind of extroverted.
This won't guarantee you don't meet pornsick coomer moids but it will definitely lower the chances of every moid you meet being a degen coomer and it will raise your chances at meeting attractive or interesting people period, since most of the more attractive/interesting moids don't need apps and don't use them unless they're just looking for hookups/short term things. Especially since the worst coomers are exceedingly online your best chances at finding non-coomer men is offline.
No. 417683
>>417656this was the worst part for me. we had planned on going to japan together for months, but i found a folder of jav he had been saving for years on his laptop and the idea of walking around while he ogles cute japanese girls while at my side became uncomfortable to me. he seemed to really like east asian women which was a bit strange because im indian and he had told me he preferred desi women. he also really liked beach and bikini themed porn, so i realized i was never going to be able to travel anywhere with this man or relax if we went anywhere with scantily clad women like the beach, i knew what would be on his mind the entire time. we had even talked about going to india to visit my family, but he had also been masturbating to ‘indian girl and BWC’ porn and hours of saree/desi girl porn. he had a fetish for all types of asian women and it made me realize i really wasn’t anything to him except a fetish. not even fulfilling enough to be a fetish since he continued seeking out other asian women too.
this is part of why travelling with female friends is unironically so much better, and you also know they’ll have your back too. it gave me trust issues and im still disinterested in travelling anywhere with a man now.
No. 417693
>>417683I honestly hadn't considered this aspect of men being into more vanilla/softcore porn but now that you and other anons mention it, it is extremely disturbing. My main concern with porn has always been the trafficking/rape/abuse/deplorable treatment of the porn 'actors' but it is a very good point that even if a moid is just into haul videos or lingerie pics of a girl with X random feature like pigtails he's probably getting off to random women in his environment who never agreed to be part of his fetish. I always thought it was incredibly disturbing that some moids jack off to fully clothed pics of their female friends/acquaintances they find on facebook or whatever, and I think this is an extension of the same thing, where the fetish/kink is actually for violating boundaries of and sexualizing unsuspecting women who aren't trying to do anything sexual. Everyone is a porn 'actor'/'sex worker' in these moids' minds.
>>417685Honestly I didn't even realize how common being an extreme degen coomer was when I was younger because I was always pretty offline when it came to social media and socialized mostly with other similar people, I even had multiple male roommates in the past I met through school/activities who cannot possibly have been serious porn addicts because we had near-identical schedules of being at home and they always kept their doors open, I would pop in on them all the time, they didn't take phones into the bathroom or anything, they just seemed like pretty normal people to me and treated women respectfully (the one time my one moid roommate ever closed his bedroom door was because he was dramatically crying about his crush of 8 months rejecting him lmao). It took meeting more online men and seeing how men act online (at some point in adulthood when I tried reading reddit/youtube comments) to even realize how many moids are completely addicted and brain addled and sexually scary. I was honestly shocked the first time a moid talked to me and said 'all men use porn all the time' because it seemed so audacious to say that to a woman and expect her not to be disgusted, now I've seen hundreds/thousands of moids saying that. I know not all women are naturally extroverted but even for those who are introverted, it makes more sense to try to meet socially adjusted extrovert men both for dating and friendship. The shit I've seen some of my friends put up with because they wanted an introvert gamer artiste weeb whatever man just like them was unreal.
No. 417701
>>417693I think some women prefer dating terminally online men because they have a fear of being cheated on and feel like men who are at home all day seem easier to monitor and control than extroverted moids who socialize a lot.
But at the end of the day, most of those introvert moids are still watching porn all the time, and can easily find and add girls to talk to from any online game, imageboard, penpals site or whatever. It actually gives them a wider range of women to choose from and add too, since these forums are international with a wide array of different types of girls, many who are very young etc.
In general it’s actually safer when your man is out hanging with friends irl, because truthfully most men are pretty boring in their friendship group and will just go to a bar and drink a bit, smoke, play some pool or whatever. There’s also only going to be a smaller pool of local women that he can potentially cheat on you with too.
Generally, only the most lowlife degenerate kinds of moids will watch porn with their friends or go to a strip club together or watch their friend who is in a relationship try to cheat and pick up women without saying something to him or whatever. Most men dont do that shit, and are actually more trustable when in a group than alone.
No. 417892
>>417890It's a sentiment being shared by a lot of women all over the internet-connected world tbh, no wonder so few women are interested in starting a family anymore.
Men have become so shit, such a high risk low reward liability in women's lives, that they can't even compete with silicone vibrators, cats/dogs and wine anymore. Says it all really.
No. 417901
>>414461my ex was constantly accusing me of cheating too. he'd watched so much cuck themed porn that he genuinely thought this is what all women do in their spare time, even though i've never cheated in my life and never would and hate cheaters. I couldn't convince him otherwise. when i went to go have a bath, he would accuse me of taking nude selfies and sending them to other men, even though i'd never even thought of taking bath nudes before and had zero other men that I was interacting with. he was so sure I was doing it that I just gave up arguing with him and started to believe maybe I am a bad person like his schizo thoughts say.
the worst part however was definitely how he robbed me of my identity and turn me into his personal pornstar. he wanted to try out so many things he had seen in porn that caused nothing but distress and pain for me. made me wear and do things I hated and didn't find sexy or arousing at all. he insisted on taking pictures of me, which he still has and I'm sure he has spread them around already, I don't even wanna know. at the time I was a retarded 18 year old with a shit ton of childhood trauma, no father figure or positive male influence in my life, no money, living in a mans apartment to survive and no idea that I could say no to my own boyfriend without fearing the worst. I feel so angry that he took what little innocence I had left in me as a teenager and shat all over it. I wish for his death every single day.
No. 417904
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I said this in the other thread but nonas, if a moid tells you he has ADHD please for the love of god, RUN. ADHD moids really are the worst type of coomers and porn addicts. I learned it the hard way, don't make the same mistake I did.
No. 417914
>>417901>he wanted to try out so many things he had seen in porn that caused nothing but distress and pain for meUgh this happened to me too. My ex convinced me to try anal, saying it was totally normal. It was horrible. After that it was the only way he’d ever want to have sex with me. If I protested he would make me feel like shit, saying I was ruining the mood and didn’t understand why i was making a big deal about it. He was big too so I was just uncomfortable and in pain for well over a day afterwards even.
He also has a bunch of nudes of me and I found out later on he even secretly video taped the threesome we had with another girl.
It took me a while but I finally left that relationship. I could go on and on but honestly, looking back, it’s just embarrassing that I let him use me that way. I’m in a much better place and my self esteem is no longer in the garbage. I realize now that he totally took advantage of my youth/naivety and emotional issues at the time. Even tho our age gap isn’t huge, I still feel like I was groomed.
No. 417987
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>>417392European nonas weren't lying when they said Euro moids have a pedophilia problem. That's certainly the impression I've gotten since talking to European men online too. They seem to have a VERY relaxed attitude to pedo shit.
No. 418004
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We're coming for you, filthy Euromoids. We're gonna ban porn and make you ban it too.
No. 418009
>>417968>trying to justify why he should be allowed to consume it while in a relationship with meGenuinely tragic. I personally wouldn't even be against porn if it was exclusively vanilla stuff consumed outside of relationships (you don't have to agree with me) but you give men an inch and they take a mile and more. It's never enough for them.
At least he isn't going behind your back about it, plenty of women are being lied to their face. But if you think about it, it's beyond insane we've come to a place where it's socially acceptable to defend yourself actively disrespecting your gf/wife and openly admitting to cheating on her.
No. 418024
>>417968i'm in the exact same situation as you, i'm so sorry. it MIGHT be npd but i've noticed that weak moids will just straight up develop this covert dependency on it.
i got DARVO'd repeatedly for it, with the whole "ALL of OUR male friends watch porn, and THEIR girlfriends are okay with it!"
like first off, you don't know that. secondly, there's a fucking difference between watching it and being addicted, and then doing heinous shit.
like in my personal opinion, the use of porn disgusts me, but the thing that actually hits me is how fucking mental they act to defend it.
i'm not even joking, one time i asked my moid to show me his reddit account and he was screaming, carrying on and logged out and desperately showing me how there was "nothing there" and when i said "there's no account there, you logged out on purpose you fucking retard." he started acting like a frantic, distressed child. (he was cheating, big surprise.)
frankly i've never felt more unattracted to someone and that really impacted how i saw him. like it genuinely grossed me the fuck out so much i physically felt myself recoil. I've literally NEVER seen anyone act more pathetic.
porn addictions make men worthless.
i'm not even kidding when i say that i just completely lose any interest in a man knowing he won't be able to protect me or love me if he watches porn, because in my mind it just means he's useless, weak and untrustworthy, and then i have no interest in him at all. really helps me not be absolutely fucking miserable about the state of everything, they're subhumans and not worth my time.
No. 418418
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I hate that the comment section was treating this as any other funny story and sharing stories of discovering their male relative’s browser histories with incest porn. They treat this like it’s a “silly peepaw!” moment when they should be extremely weirded out and avoid them completely.
No. 418422
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>>418418I understand that Pinterest’s userbase are pretty young in the 11-20 age group but this is really depressing that they brush it off as a joke. Thankfully there were a few people at least voicing discomfort with this situation.
No. 418427
>>416732Once you've been blackpilled on men there really is no going back. You cannot see them as human anymore, the thought of one touching me now makes my skin crawl. Suggesting nonas cuck their bfs is all good and well as a tactic against your scrote but at the end of the day you're still giving another man sex. Men don't deserve sex. They don't deserve to share the same planet as women, honestly.
I'm not surprised so many intelligent women (which most Korean and Japanese women are) don't want children or husbands anymore. Pornsick culture and the general shittiness of men likely does play a big part of it. But the more simple truth to it, is that it just doesn't give a woman anything anymore. Even in the old days, women were simply having children in order to create more hands to help work in the household ad relieve her own moid-imposed burden in life, and most duties would be given to the eldest daughter who would become stand-in mother for the family. It wasn't because they loved repeatedly tearing their crotches open over and over again.
Also, just look at the world we are living in, how shitty people are becoming. I don't really know what the purpose of human existence is anymore. Men are pure evil. Too many women are masochistic and tolerant of male evilness. Honestly at this point I think we should just let humanity die out because humans keep proving themselves to be a plague, not only to one another but also to the planet and animals and everything else. Sorry for being doomer, but it looks like its headed that way regardless of what I think anyway.
No. 418433
>>418431I want to believe. But look at what all the most popular current AI boyfriend models are. It's all
>abusive bf >cheating bf>toxic bf>yandere bf >jealous possessive and mean bfetc etc. The brainwashing and conditioning is too far gone. Women can't just unlearn millennia of male violence and Stockholm syndrome. Well whatever, its still better than giving bio moids sex or validation. We need to let men die out.
No. 418444
>>416732Did you know that a lot of men, and some brainwashed women, in japan don't consider using prostitutes/hosts/soaplands as cheating?
No. 418858
>>418741>taking the 2d pillOne of us. One of us.
Once you take the 2D pill you’ll never be able to go back. Being a nun seems cool but it still very subservient to moids and there are a lot of rules. Find a good husbando and flood your brain with dopamine.
No. 419316
>>418427In addition to porn, prostitution is also rife in Korea and Japan. Porn and prostitution breaks down the trust dynamic between men and women, and kills dating/romance. Men will always choose the path of least resistance when it comes to cooming, and take whatever gets them off easiest and fastest. It's why Japanese women would rather go hang around fake butlers and hosts who treat them like a princess than enter a sham relationship with a moid who is constantly jerking off to or havign sex with other women. There's no way a woman can tolerate such things unless she's a literal cuck.
It's funny because Korean feminist groups think foreign men are better but they have no idea how porn rotted and degen western moids are as well as their own men.
>>415923I agree porn is just an extremely lazy way of cheating. In fact its even more insulting than plain old cheating because at least cheating irl requires effort on the mans part. Moids know instead of taking a shower, going on dates and spending money they can just simulate cheating on their partner instead now with an array of potentially millions of different women. I wonder how our ancestors would feel knowing this is what the sexual dynamic in the 21st century would look like. There was no other time in history when this was normal, no wonder things are such a mess in terms of interpersonal relationships nowadays. Humanity was not ready for this, its so unnatural. The average Grug moid 10,000 years ago probably saw about 10 women in his entire life.
No. 419631
>>419466>Interesting because there's also the phenomenon of moids pursuing women who are hard to get just for the sake of it being difficult. When you ask moids who dated a girl for several months and then dumped her immediately after they had sex for the first time he'll say (if he's being honest) that it was just "the thrill of the hunt". I dont think this is that common tbh. The only men who do stuff like this are Chads or extremely high status men who are used to women throwing themselves at them. They like the hard to get woman because its a rare challenge for them and makes a change. But after he has sex he loses interest because his bonding abilities and dopamine receptors are already shot from being a degenerate manwhore for so long.
>>419181This. Most 'incels' are actually just Stacysexual volcels. Theyve watched porn featuring hot young girls fucking old disgusting fat ugly men for so long, that they believe this is how the world works and become extremely entitled. 3/10 incels refuse to have sex with their 3/10 female looksmatch, they think theyre entitled to a 7/10 bubble butt big booby college girl at MINIMUM. So deluded, many such cases. Always arises from porn addiction.
I've literally seen ugly moids talking about how they wouldnt even be able to get their dick up for their looksmatch.
No. 419648
>>417653Just wanna point out that the real reason Japanese schools actually banned ponytails is because they make helmets more difficult to wear while riding bikes and the schools didnt want to get sued for children falling off their bikes while riding to school and having accidents. For some reason the western media reported it as a sexual thing.
Same with how they tried to claim Kim Jong Un was crying at a political conference because he was 'begging North Koreans to have more sex and babies', when actually he was crying while being informed how Korean women were used as sex slaves by Japanese troops. Western media loves to lie about Asian news for some reason.
No. 419700
>>418418This is why I hate when women fawn over old men and talk about how cute and innocent they are.
No, old men are NOT innocent heckin wholesome smol beans. They're perverts, pedos, porn watchers, and more than likely rapists who made their wives have more children than she wanted too.
No. 420439
>>414524>>416614>>416619Respectfully, why are you even coming here if you're going to police anons' thoughts and feelings on what they've been through? That shit is traumatizing especially if you've discovered that the guy you dated was in fact a borderline or full-on pedophile/a creep/a cheater on top of being porn addicted. You associate certain things with him because he was constantly seeking and sexualizing them so they
trigger a negative feeling, it's not that hard to understand. And seeing young girls wear revealing clothing or children half naked is horrible, not because of "sexual competition" jfc, but because you KNOW so many men around are ogling and sexualizing them. The realization that most men are porn addicts and pedos is a very difficult and depressing one (which is why most women are in total denial). As long as you keep these negative feelings to yourself and don't take it out on women, it's perfectly understandable.
No. 420442
>>420439>not because of "sexual competition">As long as you […] don't take it out on womenOne of the ayrt. Anons said:
>I think the worst part of my nigel's porn addiction was how it made me start to hate other women and see them as a threat>a threat>hate other womenand the other post said
>anything to do with teenage girls (I would have to switch the channel or tab if anything came up with teenage girls)>anythingThese are not the same circumstances you’re talking about. First of all, it’s not just getting “”depressed””, they explicitly said it makes them “hate” them, why are you changing their words? Second of all, no one mentioned teens in skimpy clothes, anon literally said anything to do with them, switching channels when she sees them. That’s not normal jfc. Anons defending this reminds me that you all migrated from 4chan and look at 14-year-old girls with sexual jealousy. That is not a normal response. Why aren’t you getting
triggered seeing men instead? Why is it that women
always seem to target the majority of their negative feelings caused by men at women, and in this instance, CHILDREN. Fucking whatever, women who choose to date moids are always fucking retarded obviously
No. 420453
>>420442>anon literally said anything to do with them, switching channels when she sees them.Why aren't you quoting the full sentence? She said she switched channels or tabs
because her moid was ogling them. Also, it doesn't make sense to expect a "normal response" - anons who brought up pedophilia/teenagers probably saw child abuse materials themselves, or porn aiming to look like it, so who are you to say that they shouldn't be
triggered by anything related to teenagers? It's not a rational response because it's trauma.
>it made me start to hate other women and see them as a threatOf course women can feel threatened by other women (when I said "it's not sexual competition" I was still taking about teenagers/children). Negative feelings can include hatred, as long as you know that it's not rational and that it's your own issue to deal with (and the anons you quoted are aware that their feelings are due to their ex porn addicted scrote's influence on them) instead of acting on it (e.g. criticizing other women, causing issues for other women etc.).
>women who choose to date moids are always fucking retarded obviouslyKekk unsurprisingly it's always anons with takes like yours who end up insulting most women. Most women unfortunately discover the truth after having dated at least one moid. I'm blackpilled about men and volcel for life (which I'm sure is the case for many anons itt) but I'm not hating other women who've been traumatized by moids because "oh no, how dare women have a crushed self esteem and be full of hate while navigating the whole thing, not so feminist of them".
No. 420455
>>420453All this to sugarcoat that this behaviour is frankly pathetic. I’m not going to baby a grown women for her “”
No. 420463
>>420439I agree. There's always some preachy know it all anon(s) lecturing other women for having bad experiences with men (as if that isnt inevitable by default just from being born a het woman) and responding to trauma in the 'wrong way' or blaming women for choosing the wrong men (as if all men arent terrible in their own ways by default being born male). It's probably the same anon who was blaming nonas for men being good at lying. I guess they just get a kick out of feeling superior to others by never dating moids and therefore never dating men who are pathological liars, pedos, coomers (which lets face it all men are deep down regardless).
Yes how dare women make mistakes and object to being lectured by someone on their high horse who probably only knows the theoreticals of dating and not the realities.
No. 420466
>>420459Congratulations anon, as much as I'm happy that you've never laid your eyes on disturbing content and dealt with a porn-addicted creep, I just want to point out again that the thread is supposed to be a support thread for women who have.
>>420463Yeah, I was wondering why they're attracted like flies to threads discussing what they haven't been through, but it's probably to feel superior. "I was never hurt by moids and I'm blackpilled since birth!!" (kinda competing with other women after all kekk)
No. 420468
>>420459I wouldnt say all teenage girls are blameless tbh. Some of them are downright nasty and you can even see them on tiktok bragging about 'taking your husband' or breaking up families or getting off on the fact men are looking at them in front of their wives. Obviously the root of the problem is scrotes, but lets not pretend many girls don't enjoy the power trip of fucking over other women and weaponizing their sexuality to powertrip over other women, because they do. OF and pornstars are
other examples, often using phrases like 'Did your gf send you nudes today or should I?' and also bragging about ruining women's marriages. The root again is scrotes, but lets not pretend a shit ton of women arent enablers who co-sign scrotey shit. This is why SWERFs are actually far more based and honest than pro sex worker radfems, who are frankly retarded and out of touch with reality.
It's a very infantilizing view of women in general, I'll never understand radfems who pretend the entire female gender are angels and perfect
victims just for internet arguments sake.
No. 420469
>>420463Not that anon, my whole argument is
against blaming other women and children for men’s problems, aren’t you reading? Why would I blame women for not being able to catch
men’s lies, the man is the one lying, just like the man is the one viewing teens sexually, it’s not their fault or something to hate. I’d more likely blame them for dating the scrote in the first place.
>>420464? I’m sorry but what? What is there to be insecure about? Are you genuinely comparing yourself to porn women? That’s… fine but don’t expect others to be the same. I can feel sympathy towards but I would never desire to be the ideals set by porn. Again feels like 4chan girl internalisation. And to be frank I don’t understand why you all are so obsessed with desirability to these scrotes in the first place. I guess the manhating charade is a larp and everyone here still wants to be a woman who is “desirable to men”. I’m not shaming or hating, unlike literally hating teenage girls I don’t think this is anything immoral, just sad I guess.
>>420465>but it's probably to feel superior.This is so schizo. No, I just can’t stand shit like this and I’ve been a teenage girl who has been treated horribly by women like this who have pedo boyfriends and would prefer to blame some random child who has nothing to do with it.
>>420467I’m sorry? You think getting
triggered at teenage girls is ok because… they’re not blameless. You really need to fucking step outside. Do you remember being a teenage girl? Do you really think the average teenage girl is anything more than a
victim of pedophilic scrotes attention? You think we should revoke the innocence and blamelessness of teenage girls because 5% are bippies who capitalise on current porn trends? Is this your “trauma” from r9k girls? I don’t know, if this is the sort of idea I’m arguing with I think it’s not worth putting effort into. This isn’t even remotely on the same page as I am. All I’m going to say is; poor girls. Boys will be defended by women and men alike, with “boys will be boys” and boymoms. But girls truly have nothing. The men in their lives want to take advantage of them, even family members. And older women dislike them. Wonderful.
No. 420479
>>420475As I said, “there is nothing wrong with it, it’s not the same as explicitly hating teenage girls” but I really don’t think it’s normal to aspire to porn standards for scrotes, and I did think lolcow was different, but maybe anons on /g/ and anons on /ot/ aren’t the same.
>>420474I just told you I am not questioning your morality. Goodness, it’s like you can only think in extremes, no one called you evil.
>>420472Sorry I honestly can’t really understand what you’re getting at so I won’t respond
>>420478Why are people making things up now? Who mentioned shorts? Or being uncomfortable? KEK is this argument based on reading comprehension? I started arguing in the first place because that anon said she now hates teenage girls because her ex had a porn addiction. What is this fanfic that she doesn’t wanna see girls in shorts. Is this gaslighting
No. 420527
>>420479>Anon: It's nothing to do with porn either specifically, its extremely natural and common for humans of both sexes to compare themselves to others.>You: I really don’t think it’s normal to aspire to porn standards for scrotes, and I did think lolcow was differentMaybe your reading comprehension is not all that good either
>Sorry I honestly can’t really understand what you’re getting at so I won’t respondLet me break it down for you: you being treated badly by a woman as a teen is completely off topic, absolutely no one is talking about mistreating teenagers and it's obvious now you're camping in this thread purely to argue and project your own experience on other anons. Imagine making fun of women for using words like "trauma" and "
trigger" even when we're discussing literal pedophilia and then expecting sympathy because "waah but you don't understand, a woman was mean to me as a teen".
No. 421523
>>421521not her but ive also had 3 relationships end due to porn (among other things like actual pedo shit)
>moid a: was a weeb i dated when i was a retarded teenager, told me he found 3D porn gross and exploitative. i knew he watched hentai and while i wasnt thrilled i certainly thought it was better than him cooming to real life women being raped on tape. found his MAL profile and he had a bunch of loli and rape hentai on there. he even wrote reviews on them (fucking cringe) and in some of them he admitted he fapped to 3D porn too. i was a csa and rape victim so i was disgusted he was getting off to rape and loli shit, as well as being a liar, so i ghosted him. never looked back.
>moid b: first told me he didnt watch porn. a couple months into the relationship he admitted that he did, but he only got off to clothed women and very vanilla solo content like lingerie and rarely nudes. i was upset but already in love with him by that time, so believed when he told me he would stop for me. left his phone out, found him sexting minors and he had a bunch of nudes he'd received from underage girls from various imageboards, snapchat, discord servers and online games. dumped him immediately and told his family what he had been doing, his sister and mom defended him kek.
>moid c: was a serial coomer larping as a normie. didnt know he was so far gone he actually was a member of porn forums. had probably seen every porn ever uploaded on the internet since 2004. lied about working from home, was actually fapping all day and had been fired from his previous workplace for masturbating in the bathrooms. im not sure what to tell you about the signs because all of them were very different people, but all of them had pretty badly receding hairlines and bad posture from being hunched over the pc all the time kek. i would avoid moids like that now.
No. 421609
>>421518It's even worse when you realize so many cumbrains have children. Pickmes who bring the smeglets of coomers into the world just make life that much harder for themselves, their children, and other women in general. I said it before but literally nothing will change unless women tell coomers to go fuck themselves as a collective, like they have in Korea and to a lesser degree Japan. Men who are porn watchers dont deserve to breed, they dont deserve access to women or our wombs. Let their genes die out.
>>420889Telling him you cucked him but not actually doing it irl is probably the best decision here. Giving another man free sex is only cucking yourself, but you might as well make your ex think you did.
No. 421658
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no man will ever quit porn for you.. so you shouldnt quit fucking other men for him. ive seriously never regretted cheating on my moid with hotter men/women. they'll oogle at other women in their spare time regardless so you might aswell go the extra mile and even it out. sticking around to "heal" him because muhhh scrote if you dont have any kids is pants on head reddit dwellerina retarded. stacies cheat
No. 421770
>>421766You're correct but you cant expect women to just change their personalities to win a mindgame with men, unless they're already inclined that way.
It's an unwinnable game anyway: any time you try to compete with men, it just ends up being a race to the bottom, because men are the dregs of humanity and their behavior is reprehensible. Mirroring their behavior just drags you down to their level too.
No. 421779
>>421658Stacies realize the best thing to do is focus on her and leave men in the trenches with their porn and dicks and OF subscriptions where they belong.
No man has sexually satisfied me better than I can anyway.
No. 421787
>>421781there are objective material and social benefits to being (or appearing to be) in a relationship with a scrote. regardless of how good he may seem a moid will never be satisfied with you alone, im simply saying to reap such benefits while not giving a fuck about loyalty - theyd never do that for you. they'll think theyre just soo slick sharing OF links and oogling your girl friends , so you should preemptively just go the extra mile and sleep tight at night knowing its not you getting played.
>>421785doesnt have to be scrotes lol
No. 421799
>>421798god you're an idiot, i've never met women who were treated more shittily and have worse luck with men than conventionally beautiful women. the world doesnt work like your
femcel movie fantasies.
No. 421806
>>421790You'd have to be in a real unfortunate, vulnerable position already for "I'll pay your bill while I cheat on you" and a very vague "I can provide security" to be compelling if you're "woke" enough to realize the nature of men. Most women can provide those things for themselves.
I wonder how many of you have actually lived with a male partner before because most of them are a chore, honestly. There's more drawbacks to living with a man that aren't related to sex/porn/loyalty.
"Get a man with a big fat wallet and use him for his money while you let him cheat on you" reads like a fantasy that sounds cool but isn't actually that desirable or realistic in practice, sorry.
No. 422086
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>>421965>Japanese soldiers in Nanking As if porn existed and was the way it is now in WW2 era (sure, it existed to some extent but it wasn’t the easily accessible rape tape that it is right now). These fuckers were degenerate enough to do the stuff they did and in war, there is no law for moids anymore.
>It's all intentional subversion of families.Picrel is for you, kek. Bet you’re gonna say that feminists and (((they))) made men such degenerates and married minors back in grandmama’s day and raped en masse during wars.
No. 422108
>>421965soldiers force family members to rape each other because moids are sadists and want to inflict as much terror and trauma onto their
victims as they possibly can for no other reason except that they want to and know they will get away with it. they aren't thinking about destroying the idea of family when they force children to rape their parents at gunpoint, they're getting off on watching and participating in the degradation of human beings. you mention nanking but it happens all over this shitty world. pinochet's regime in chile was notorious for forcing families to commit incest among other sexual atrocities as part of their organized torture.
No. 422289
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>>422216>men are fucking evilThis.
No. 422423
>>422185>>422108i can definitely see porn being used as a softer version of incest rape psychology…we are seeing porn come between families now, breaking up marriages, making mothers jealous of their daughters, making brothers see their sisters in a sexual way, causing little smeglets to copy what they see on little girls, etc.
i mean porn practically normalizes sexual assault and incest and encourages low IQ males to act on it. no wonder sexual assault cases are rising in the usa each year and child on child SA has skyrocketed. yes moids are intrinsically evil but porn only normalizes and enables all their disgusting urges. men and moid lawyers literally use 'rough sex' and 'sex game gone wrong' as a defense in rape and murder cases all the time now.
No. 422577
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seeing moids bitch and moan about women making them into porn addicts is so funny
its like a fatass blaming mcdonalds for making them fat rather than their own self control
zero sympathy for these cumbrains, male loneliness epidemic cant accelerate fast enough
No. 422618
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right wing moids in the comments were cheering this on
i hope a comet hits this pedo rotted earth
No. 422619
>>422588>>422608i love when some retards with an extremely sheltered worldview chime in with
>ive never personally seen or experienced this therefore it doesnt existjust lazy trolling at this point
No. 422625
>>422618why are Islamic countries so obsessed with lowering the marriage age? All the Muslim couples I see irl are age matched
>just because you haven't seen or experienced it yourself, doesn't mean it's nonexistant. just how sheltered are you?I've lived my whole life in middle class America. It is completely unheard of for mothers to be jealous of their daughters here. I'm not talking about trailer parks
No. 422713
>>422627You're sheltered as fuck and likely dont have many friends then
>>422625>I've lived my whole life in middle class America. It is completely unheard of for mothers to be jealous of their daughters here. I'm not talking about trailer parksNow youre just baiting, its more prevalent in upper class families because they're so status conscious and getting old = loss of status in western society.
No. 422805
>>422646>All of this for scrotes.It's not for scrotes, it's because of bad parenting from the previous generation
>>422625>I've lived my whole life in middle class America. It is completely unheard of for mothers to be jealous of their daughters here. There are PLENTY of
abusive situations that you are adjacent to that you will never see any symptoms or signs of unless you are a part of the family where it's happening. Just because it doesn't enter your awareness doesn't mean it doesn't happen behind closed doors.
No. 422814
>>422805I think that anon is baiting or being willfully ignorant to try and make some point.
Narcissist, histrionic and borderline mothers are notoriously jealous and competitive with their own daughters for male attention.
And unfortunately there a fuckton of clusterbee moms out there because men find mentally unstable women highly attractive and choose to procreate with such women all the time. So we have a shit ton of children with
abusive mom's in the world because some idiotic moid couldn't resist sticking his dick in crazy and a woman he knew would be a bad mom.
No. 422929
Any others nonas heard of the cardboard butterfly? It's when researchers took fake, heavily decorated paper butterflies and put them in an enclosure, the male butterflies ignored the real female butterflies and chose to try and mate with the cardboard ones instead, because they had more bright and vivid colors and stimulating patterns than the living female butterflies.
Psychologists use it to describe men who are no longer attracted to real women because they have spent so long jacking off to AI, filtered onlyfans thots and women with fake or surgically enhanced bodies and faces.
It's called 'supernormal stimuli'. No. 422932
>>422814>Narcissist, histrionic and borderline mothers are notoriously jealous and competitive with their own daughters for male attentionYes, moms with legit personality disorders are jealous of their daughters. Those ones obviously don't count.
My mom definitely isn't jealous of me or my sisters. My aunts aren't jealous of my female cousins
Science has already shown that the mother daughter bond is the strongest bond there is
No. 422940
>>422934>Why do they not count?Because we were obviously talking about well adjusted, normal families. If a BPD mom is jealous of her daughters, it isn't because of porn or male attention, it's because she has frickin' BPD and has nothing to do with this conversation.
Almost all mothers love their daughters and have not an iota of jealousy towards them
>They make up a big percentage of mothers?10% at absolute most
(derailing) No. 423023
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Feels like men are lying in this study to seem less pathetic. 100% of men use porn and probably at least 60-70% of them watch it daily.
No. 423151
>>422874"You just don't get it like I do" is not a source or an argument anon. Your claim that it's common because you've experienced or witnessed it does not hold more truth or value than the claims of anons that it's rare and that they've never witnessed it.
>>423020Kek it's one thing to take an online test and be like "omg it's totally me/her", it's another to actually be diagnosed. The rate in the general population is 1.5% according to the DSM.
No. 423217
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>>422070This. Half of men are legit pedophiles, why is anyone surprised that the world is so fucked up.
No. 423225
>>423219Correct. I dont think 'vaginal wetness' is even used as a gauge of attraction for this very reason, perhaps vaginal blood flow is. Women's vaginas become lubricated as a trauma response in anticipation of being raped, to reduce bodily damage and flush infection out if the vaginal wall skin is torn and bleeding is caused.
I would like to see them repeat this experiment with the modern moid population, I bet the figures would be even higher now since CP has become semi-normalized and a huge chunk of men have watched it either voluntarily or inadvertently.
No. 423228
>>423227These men are becoming husbands, fathers, uncles, etc.
We know men are opportunistic by nature.
If they came across a helpless child, would they rape her? Probably.
No. 423230
>>415804More women should purposely get caught watching (female pleasure centered) porn or looking at hot naked men to
trigger moids. They wouldn't be able to handle it. I think of your scrote gets caught, even the playing field. Men are such hypocrites, they can't stand getting half what they put out.
No. 423233
>>423228>We know men are opportunistic by nature.If they came across a helpless child, would they rape her? Probably.I agree
nonnie. The whole study is flawed and stupid. It's just a matter of time. If there were no legal repercussions, I'm sure men would happily rape women and children constantly.
No. 423241
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Begone low effort baiting scrote. You all love showing off how subhuman you are. Hope you kill yourself soon.
No. 423245
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not buying it, kill yourself
No. 423722
>>423431Healthy/non-deviant just means men who dont identify as pedophiles and havent committed sex crimes, for instance Kinsey used to survey and conduct experiments on mostly prison populations so his data was heavily biased and skewed.
And the 1970s was the last time that taboo but bleakly truthful experiments like this were allowed to be conducted. Imagine trying to do such a study nowadays. It would be unheard of.
No. 423727
>>423722>Imagine trying to do such a study nowadaysI was literally just thinking “where the fuck are they getting nudes of these children and why are they showing them to men to see if their peepees wiggle”
Literally what the fuck.
No. 423738
>>423725at this point the end of humanity is looking pretty good to me
i dont think porn itself is to blame. porn is simply a mirror of all the disgusting things wrong with the male mind. as someone said, a physical manifestation of every sick thought that males have.
all porn did is show us the truth about how men actually see and wish to treat women. and in a way im grateful for that veil being lifted, because i and most other women would probably be living in a state of complete ignorance without it. we have a habit of projecting our own morality and empathy onto men because we wish to see them as human like us. but the truth is there is no humanity in men. no empathy, no morals. ruled by their dicks.
the truth will set you free, but it will suckerpunch you in the gut and cause you to puke first.
No. 424008
>>417068thin but glossy hair, i wouldn't say he was starting to bald but he did always wear his hair in a very tight ponytail
feels like longer haired men are more likely to be coomers though for some reason, like 50/50 chance hes either a metalhead or a agp coomer addicted to porn and only one second away from trying to replicate the tranny porn he watches all day long
No. 424844
>>423291Porn has actually been banned in Korea and China afaik but it hasn’t really done anything to stop the supply and demand. Porn addicted moids are usually also terminally online computer geeks so they can easily bypass bans with vpns, save stuff to drives, pirate and fileshare stuff etc. You don’t even need to access porn sites to see extreme content, because Twitter and Reddit are absolutely full of porn
This is also why I’ll never date an ‘introverted’ moid, acomputer nerd moid, unemployed moid or moid who spends more than a couple hours online max either, because literally all these men do is watch porn all day. As soon as you stop making men work like slaves as they were supposed to, or fight other moids for survival, all they do is lay around like fat parasitic maggots and rub one out for hours and hours.
No. 425386
>>425374Realize that male attention is not something desirable. Everytime I go on an OF whores account, all her comments and mentions are from hideous troglodyte looking married boomer men, balding numale soibois, and Indians/Mexicans. Women who are actually born beautiful and attractive usually take male attention as an annoyance or hindrance. Most pornstar women are ex fatties, women who were ugly ducklings as teens then looksmaxxed with makeup and surgery and are now trying to make up for lost time by trying to appeal to the most bottom of the barrel scrotes, women who were raped as kids and have serious mental and self esteem issues etc. I can understand financial jealousy because money is what makes the world go round, but most porn whores are living in ugly ass McMansion houses and driving hideous cars while continuing to dress in aliexpress shit.
Not only that, but no attractive, self respecting, mentally sane man wants to go near them irl let alone wife them, and most of them have awful or strained relationships with their parents (MsFire admitted that her parents are
abusive narcs who steal her money and call her a whore, that polish angel chick admitted her dad abandoned her family when she was a kid and her mother is disgusted by her porn career and threw her out, Maria Ozawa completely estranged both of her parents by doing porn etc) These people are not normal at all nor do they have happy lives. They're all desperately low self esteem, highly compensating narc pickmes, with terrible home/parental issues, trauma, drug habits, dating ugly ass cuck boyfriends or struggling to date at all, nothing but ugly Indian moids in their mentions etc. You dont wanna be them.
No. 425388
>>425386Not just that but they allow themselves to get raped and abused on camera or do acts to themselves that damage their asses and give them lifelong incontinence and needing to wear piss/shit absorbing diapers, and are memorialized like that on the internet forever, it can never be scrubbed.
Even when they eventually die of drug ODs or suicide, their simps have already moved on to someone younger and newer to the industry and nobody cares about or remembers them anymore. As the other nona said they always get surgery and end up looking borderline disfigured while their fans laugh at them and gloat about how much hotter they were at 20 compared to 30. It's probably one of the worst life paths a woman can possibly choose and the only reason it's shilled as glamorous and fun is because there's some fat ugly CEO moid sitting on a chair in a Los Angeles office, and he's desperate to convince more teen girls to sign up to his company so he can milk them for profit then throw them away after 25. Gotta make it seem appealing somehow right? Thats what social media is for, free PR for his company, pretending to be happy and having fun while getting raped on tape.
No. 425403
>>425374As you already mentioned, those women are purposefully focused on filtering and bogging their looks since they're, unfortunately, presenting a
product. Male attention is useless and worthless, so you need to focus on your self-worth/self-esteem first and foremost. I say this in the nicest way possible because there is no good to come from comparing yourself to those women. You bring up male attention on their beauty, but you have to realize how weak and pathetic moids are. There are moids who are unable to resist various women who they deem as beautiful: anorexics, fat women(bbw), X race of women, etc. The list goes on. You don't need those worthless moids attention because you're worth more than an object to be leered at. I hope my message helps in some manner, nona.
No. 425409
>>425374Echoing what others have said. Women being more attractive than you only holds value as a threat when you make men and being picked by men the center of your universe. Once you actually expose yourself to the reality of men, you can take them down from your pedestal and realize how absolutely worthless they are, and thereby so is their attention.
A lot of women are still very naive when it comes to males and think that they can feel as deeply as us, are as perceptive as us, are more intelligent, deep, soulful, important, etc than us.
Thats utter horseshit and the more time you spend talking to and hanging out with men the more you'll realize this. Men are basically chimps that learned to put on clothes and speak. They're unsophisticated, extremely easy to manipulate, and almost comically horny and shallow. Women shouldnt take them or their 'love' or attention seriously. They're overgrown horny toddlers and easily distracted by any new toy.
There are always going to be women who are prettier than you, just like there are people who can draw better than you, run faster than you, are more charismatic than you etc etc. Nothing you can do about it. Does it really matter? No. Not unless you make male attention the be all and end all of your existence in which case you need therapy. And is why so many pornstars are so mentally ill and weird.
No. 425459
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Anynonna trying to make peace with the idea of being celibate for life after dealing with a porn addicted scrote? I'm trying to follow women making content about living alone as much as possible on social media (e.g. showing their daily life, their space, talking about their career etc - btw if you have any recommendations, please share!) and most of the time it looks peaceful and liberating. But I can't help having doubts sometimes. A lot of these women are not volcel so I know the living alone content is temporary and getting a moid is seen as the normal next step. Myself I feel so unlucky that literally the ONE moid I decided to date turned out to be so vile. Sometimes I wonder how different my life would have been if I had stumbled upon a more average moid like most women and lived relatively happily with him until the end. Now I'm too traumatized to ever trust a moid again, the vast majority watches porn and cheats to various extents. But it's not easy to mourn the idea of traveling with someone, sharing your life with someone, romantic affection etc.
No. 425478
>>425409>A lot of women are still very naive when it comes to males and think that they can feel as deeply as us, are as perceptive as us, are more intelligent, deep, soulful, important, etc than us. >Thats utter horseshit and the more time you spend talking to and hanging out with men the more you'll realize this. Men are basically chimps that learned to put on clothes and speak. They're unsophisticated, extremely easy to manipulate, and almost comically horny and shallow. Women shouldnt take them or their 'love' or attention seriously. They're overgrown horny toddlers and easily distracted by any new toy. Derailing but tbh you put into words the disappointment I felt when I started dating
As a young girl, you're all naive and you think love is this sort of pure contract between two beings to dedicate your existence to each other, and that you just need to attract your soulmate with a pretty appearance for you two to form a deeper bond
But actually there's nothing more behind that former physical attraction. It really stops there. You fuck and that's that. And maybe he'll let you serve as his housemaid or substitute mommy if he feels comfortable enough to give up his bachelor days.
And even then, if he finds you attractive, and you're the perfect little housemaid, he'll always be craving something else.
You're a fit girl? Oh but he wonders what chubbies feel like. You got a bit chubbier? Oh but what would it be like throwing around a petite girl? You're blonde? Man… He's always been a sucker for redheads..
It never ends. Just like he keeps hopping from porn video to porn video, he'll keep wishing you looked different.
A man finding you pretty just means you're the flavour of the month.
No. 425480
>>425459I’ve been celibate for almost 4 years and it was challenging at first but now I’m pretty content with it. I don’t have any desire to be with a moid. My only obstacle is my family and friends. They don’t understand why I’m not dating (they don’t know the full extent of the shit I went through) and pester me about finding someone. When I ask my family why they think I need to date they always bring up “security”. Like I need a man to take care of me. Which is stupid for many reasons but I am very successful and secure in my life financially and did it without a man. And I’m sure as hell not going to bring some scrote around my young children.
I don’t even find men attractive anymore at this point.
No. 425494
>>425468Thankfully having a bf was never really an actual goal of mine. I never pursued it but ended up having one relationship still. Now that I've experienced the good parts of it, I'm just worried about missing them at some point. Hope I can go back to my mindset prior to dating. Thanks!
>>425480It's not even that I catch myself being attracted to moids either. I mostly struggle when I think about the future, the things I'll never experience again, what others will think, how it will feel when everyone else around me will start having a family etc. I'm glad you got used to it and hope your family can accept it nonna
>>425489I hope so! It would be great to have friends in the same boat
No. 425744
>>425491Let's be real, the reason men love porn is it because it gives them everything without ever asking anything in return.
Porn doesn't ask men to flush the toilet or clean the skidmarks off their undies. Porn doesn't ask men to take a shower before whipping out their cheesey chode. Porn doesn't ask them to get a haircut or get a job or just look presentable.
Porn gives men supermodel tier women spreading their asses for him and willing to do the most insane gravity defying perverse stuff ever, without asking anything back of him except his sperm.
That's why men love porn, because it fulfils the ultimate male fantasy: women doing absolutely everything for a man while expecting nothing back.
And that's why we're seeing the male loneliness ebidemic: scrotes coddled all their lives by their boymoms, coddled by porn pickmes who are willing to anything for him virtually, then when they actually find that real life relationships don't work like that, they throw their toys out of the pram and sulk and cry about how eebil women are for not mothering him unconditionally like mommy and not deepthroating him unconditionally like porn Stacy.
And in turn it sets moids expectations in relationships to be exactly that: a woman who gives him everything without asking for anything in return. That's why porn is so damaging and insidious. It colours every part of moids lives and relationships, and in turn it hurts innocent women who happen to get into relationships with these scumbags, unknowing of their porn addiction.
No. 425788
>>425745This. Men are already born wankers. Now imagine incentivizing that x1000 through porn and the dopamine reward system
>here's your award for being a wankerNo wonder they think they're gods gift for doing nothing.
No. 426116
>>425827If you break up with him over this you're essentially saying you can't ever be in a relationship with a man again. Which I'm in support of but I'm also not stupid enough to think that's easy.
Regardless I'd be super skeptical of any man who claims he no longer watches porn.
No. 426221
>>426208This. I think the only reason all men dont watch CP is because its simply too much effort to find.
But whats the real difference between watching a just-turned 18 year old, who has a baby face and looks more like 15-16, trying to look 10 by dressing in kids outfits and talking in a baby voice? It may not be literal CP but its as close as a man can get without using tor or whatever to find real CP.
Also a lot of teen porn comes from Russia and Eastern Europe and many of those girls in those videos definitely genuinely are under 18, even if they claim to be legal. The age verification process doesnt exist outside of pornhub and reddit, and even then, it's not hard to photoshop an ID card to show to porn site mods, I'm sure their handlers are well capable of it. A lot of 'barely legal' porn actually is CP, and men watch it knowingly or unknowingly, but they're still getting off to the idea they look underage.
No. 426238
>>426222I've said this before but most men are non-exclusive, meaning they can find both older women and children attractive.
A man strongly preferring milfs is certainly better than a man who strongly prefers teens, but it's still no guarantee he doesn't have pedophilic tendencies as well. I've known plenty men who were into both genres. The term 'milf' makes me cringe too since its a porn derived term.
No. 426268
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repost but how are men so retarded that they are just realizing this now kek
do they really think women enjoy choking on penises? do they really think women cum from anal or jackhammer sex with a nasty circumcised shitring dick? do they really think those moans in porn are real and that since porn is the main form of sex ed used by young people, that pornsick culture would never bleed over into real life?
why are they so stupid kek. obviously porn is performative and when thats all men can get off to, their partners end up being forced to re-enact it for these stupid apes
No. 426281
>>426273I just get loud honestly, I'm not doing it on purpose
Even when fapping I sometimes get loud
No. 426341
>>426285Yeah, Japanese porn is a whole other can of worms. It’s interesting but disturbing - I’ve heard anecdotes (from Japanese men themselves, and from foreign men and women who have slept with people in Japan) that it’s seen as “masculine” for a woman to act like she
wants sex, and that they’re expected to act disgusted and resist. Apparently the men like it when women act like that because it’s more arousing to them to corrupt them and have them start to enjoy it without wanting to, or something.
No. 426405
>>425827This 10000%
>>426136 !! it's crazy he said this to you. Doesn't matter that deep down you know all men are rotten, that's a tacitly agreed upon fact among women but this is different. if a man says stuff about being attracted to teens you need to run. Only true freaks say this shit out loud. Shame and dump, he's pushing the boundaries and planning on doing something if he hasn't already.
No. 426478
>>426381I refuse to believe asexual men exist unless they've literally been chemically castrated or some shit. I want to believe, but I simply cant.
I know that antidepressants can cause asexuality and loss of libido but that said my ex was on extremely high dose SSRIs and it did absolutely nothing to quell his sex drive or porn habit, if anything I think it actually became worse. Some moids also become impotent due to extreme porn addiction and can no longer get erections because they've abused their winky so much. I think many of them still fap but refuse to let women know or touch them because they're so embarrassed about their porn induced ED. I've seen a lot of PA moids talk about how they couldnt get hard or cum with a real life woman when they tried and wanted to kill themselves afterwards (wish they would) I would love an asexual bf but for many women the idea of a man rejecting her advances is also a blow to her ego and thats why most women dont want an ace bf imo.
No. 426613
>>426509my dads home office had like 6 monitors and 1 huge tv and he'd just have the cheesiest lookinng playboy wallpapers
did gig work and one of the things he did was body painting/airbrushing, so of course he'd come home and show me what who he got to paint for some event (aka butt ass naked save for paint covering nipples)
he'd also get very mad if i did the same as him i.e saving boys love to my laptop got me grounded but then he'd still be shoving images of other womens bodies in my face all the meanwhile
not sure what the point of any of that was
No. 427090
>>426485When I was 7 I was watching TV in my cousin's room while he was out. I dropped my hairtie down the side of his bed and reached down and found a few hardcore porn magazines with fully spread legs nude women and people getting fucked. This was in like 2002 so internet porn hadn't fully taken off yet in most family households I guess and men still used magazines mostly.
At the time my cousin had a gf who was a really sweet girl and did everything for him. She's still with him all these years later, married and is still doing everything for him. I don't speak to him anymore but I have no doubt he's been an internet porn addict for years too. Men are trash.
No. 427381
>>426485I found hardcore porn magazines in our house when I was 6.. I remember it did something awful to my brain
We also had a weird thing in our summer house… There was an outhouse left over from when the main house didn't have a bathroom built and for some reason my grandmother thought it was a good idea to paste the entire walls of the inside of this outhouse with spreads of naked women from magazines like playboy or something. None of the adults there thought it was a bad thing that kids as young as 4 years old were going there while playing and no one removed them until the outhouse was removed entirely over a decade later. So disgusting.
No. 427445
>>426485Yes, my brother. I found his twitter which was full of porn for retards, like Fortnite shit kek. I think he was exposed to porn much earlier than that though, he did molest me when we were younger. He's just a little younger than me though, so I don't think I can fault him for it. My mom walked in when that was happening and just pretended it never happened, probably because he's autistic. I think his autism and his porn addiction mixed together explains a lot of what he did growing up, he would walk into my room when I was changing frequently, when I was in the bathroom, whilst I was sleeping, etc. He took my underwear too but I don't think he was using it like you mentioned. I also have an older brother and my father, both of them are less retarded so I never saw what porn they consumed/if at all (I can hope).
No. 427757
>>427737Because that's how they try to cover it up. I don't trust it when my friends start talking about how their boyfriends supposedly "really hate" the new girl. They're just trying to cover up the fact that they're attracted to them.
ex-bf would sperg about OF models and girls such as belle delphine, but when push comes to shove, he's in the comments and liking all the posts. Disgusting.
No. 427845
>>414598>dating terminally online neet 4chan/gaymer bros, or guys who work from home and are on the PC constantlyWhile even normalfag moids watch porn regularly, I have to agree that the devil makes work for idle hands. Men with too much time on their hands never use it for good, most of that time is dedicated to wanking.
And I say this as someone who has dated 4 neet moids in a row (dont judge, I had a fetish for saving losers at the time and somehow thought they'd be different to normie moids) and whose friends were also mostly neets. They would casually talk about their 'fap folders' and all other kinds of nonsense. Being on porn filled boards filled with other coomers spamming porn at each other all day is so normalized to them that they don't even realize how fucked up it is.
A man who has a steady job and who is constantly busy is far less likely to be having 10 hour goon sessions on discord call with his friends than a man who is unemployed and on welfare.
No. 427940
>>427558It’s not like a pedo would be open with his pedophilia and openly say “I am sexually attracted to minors yay!”. Don’t believe any scrote. There are plenty who proclaim that they hate them while being pedos.
Never trust a man with children blindly.
No. 428507
>>427845>Being on porn filled boards filled with other coomers spamming porn at each other all day is so normalized to them that they don't even realize how fucked up it is. This
Normies are bad enough
Take a normie's porn website, put it on steroids, you get the lewd 4chan threads
No. 428575
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Did you see Breckie Hill (OF thot) broke up with her bf for watching other girls porn?
No. 428600
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Here's the video where he tears up and admits watching porn is unhealthy and ruined his relationship. Advises coomers to never put porn in front of a real life relationship, coomers and gooners were trying to clown him for it.
He seems borderline retarded like most porn addicts, and says since it's his first relationship he didn't seem to know it's hurtful to women.
No. 428605
>>428575the fact even OF girls are mad at their bfs for watching OF is telling
They know what's going on in his head while he's looking at other girls because she knows what her clients are like
No. 428611
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>>428601Dont worry, it is.
No. 428679
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>>428611Do you enjoy watching videos of males shooting themselves?
No. 428754
>>428741Online sex workers, especially only fans ones are the ones who propagate the idea that sex work is harmless and doesn’t have any consequences, other than the stigma.
The majority of women who work in the porn industry are abused and raped constantly, film makers even make them do extreme scenes as a first time to see what they can get away with it. Women have to take drugs in order to be numb enough to shoot scenes. And don’t get me started on the women that are on the streets, prostituted women make up at least 80% if not more of the “sex workers”, some of them are minors , others have to take at least 10 clients on a daily basis just to have food on their tables while their pimps keep them in debt for the rest of their lives.
Sex work will never be work as long as these women exists.
No. 428755
>>428601These men are never satisfied , their brains are literally fried, they always seek something new, a new dopamine rush, hence why they can’t help but watch porn, despite the fact that they have a gf. It’s the very reason on why they also tend to seek more extreme porn and develop disgusting kinks as time goes on. This is the very same reason why we’re seeing a rise on BDSM, choking, rape fantasies etc..
Having a beautiful woman, who looks like a goddess hardly changes anything. I suggest any woman who finds that the scrote they’re seeing is paying OF and who watches too much porn to the point that they can’t even fuck properly to leave them. You’ll gain nothing, a man who can’t pass a day without watching people fucking is a loser.
No. 428845
>>428507i feel so bad for younger girls in relationships now. When i was getting into relationships nobody had the internet on their phones yet (2010s) and men had to go to a store, look a stranger in the eyes and purchase some disgusting magazine or dvd in public. At least there was shame in that. Also, it was a lot easier to know if your bf was a degenerate coomer because men suck at cleaning up after themselves and would usually leave it lying out somewhere.
Now they just scroll 3400 tabs of the most depraved crimes against women on their phone and think its normal. In my late 20s I didn't find out about my moids disgusting porn habits and depraved fetishes until we moved in together and it ruined my life. I could barely exist in a space with without vomiting with these losers after I found out how pornsick they were. Women should be required to monitor their moids web history for at least 6 months before moving in with them.
No. 428952
>>428741In a way I feel bad for these women because they clearly fell for the 'As long as you're hot and do everything sexually a moid asks of you, he'll never get bored or look at other women' bluepill. It's a bluepill moids feed to women to encourage them to debase themselves beyond salvation for them, and also encourage women to dedicate endless time and money to their appearance so they have less time and money for financial independence or talking to other men. These women don't understand that even if you're 11/10 men will always get bored of you, it's the variety and novelty of new women they crave, and that's a rigged game you can never win because you can never be more than one person.
Unlike women, men aren't capable of genuine monogamy where they only desire one person. It's simply not in male genetic makeup, and if more women realized this they would stop wasting their time trying to please men.
No. 428972
>>428970A few years ago I remember watching a documentary about the rise of child on child sex crimes in the UK and how it's linked with porn, I think it was on ITV but I can't remember the name of it.
There was a female teacher talking about how porn was basically a non-issue in the classroom besides a boy occasionally bringing in a porno mag from his dad's stash or something and showing it to other boys, which was still very rare. She said after one summer (I think it was summer of 2006) when the majority of normies started getting internet in their homes and people started using phones to access the internet, was when porn started becoming a classroom problem.
She said it was actually frightening how quickly everything changed and suddenly her male students were becoming much more openly perverse, sharing porn with each other during lessons, talking about disgusting stuff they'd seen without shame and started sexually harassing her and the female students at the school far more. Sex crimes committed in schools by students also started skyrocketing.
I'm not surprised the rape rates are rising too. Girls aged 10-19 are also most likely to be
victims of sex crimes.
>>416748 No. 429156
>>429126> 'men prefer virgins' nonsense even came from honestly because it's not grounded in reality at all. I think it's rooted in evolutionary psychology, it goes something like this
> not a virgin, no kids = broken ovaries/reproductive systems + more likely to have STD's = broken/bad woman> virgin, no kids = you are the first one to find out + very likely to NOT have STD's> not a virgin, has kids = had kids, but not his = too risky investment (the cuck meme)Even with all the technology and education, It's too rooted in moids brain to get it out of them. They will never admit this, but they will always ACT ON IT. Sex is a "baby making ritual", and if you are not pregnant after it they see it as a failure and thinks it's "sloppy seconds" to take up a woman who has done it a few times already.
Also, it's probably and "exclusive thing"/luxury since it's so rare to find a woman like this.
Same thing why they go after younger women
> 18 years old = most likely can have +5 healthy kids before turning 30 - 35 = good investment > 28 years old = maybe have ~2 healthy kids before turning 30 - 35 = risky investment No. 429164
>>428970It genuinely used to be a gross thing to walk into a porn shop, and there was always a few disgusting beer gut moids who were seen there "a little too often" and everyone knew to avoid him like the plague/ thought he was a disgusting pervert.
I really hate how normalized it has become so quickly, there is zero shame with the current crop of men who were raised on the internet. I constantly see women talking about how much it affects them and their self esteem in relationships but the reality is if women knew about a mans porn consumption beforehand they would likely avoid him like the plague too.
Moids need to be aware of how deeply disgusted most women are by men who can't keep their hands off of their broken ED dick and drool over OF models like braindead apes. Its so embarrassing and one of the biggest icks imaginable.
One thing I don't see discussed often enough is how violating it is to be sleeping with one of these losers under the assumption that they were normal and the finding out he's been cooming to leagues of barely legal bimbos on OF. It's such a huge violation and feels like being cucked, and most women in their right mind would have never let him near her if she knew, much less slept with him.
My opinion on a lot of this changed when I found out that in some cases, lying or omitting information/ misrepresenting yourself to get a woman to have sex with you is NOT informed consent and in some cases can actually be considered sexual assault or "rape by deception" and women have gone to court and won with this claim.
No. 429182
>>429126I think that men want a personal slut. It’s a whole paradox. They want you to be a virgin who is somehow a sex god, yet lust over sluts.
I hate those words but I’m using them to make my point in this context.
No. 429188
>>429162> Men preferring virgins is socioeconomical, not evolutionary.Well back in the extreme patriarchy days you could say that, but it seems like a recurring phenomena worldwide in different cultures and economic systems, I don't know a single one that is the opposite. With feminism I have seen incels use the excuse "If I'm a virgin, why can't she also be one", trying to twist the equality theme. Seems like no matter what kind of a guy you meet, they all prefer virgins (IF they are completely honest with you, and not just saying shit to get into your pants).
> their brains are solely wired to cum and make offsprings> their bodies are solely wired to be raped and make offspringsI swear I have seen this rhetorics before…
No. 429213
>>429188DA They only "prefer virgins" because they put so much pressure on themselves to be the more powerful/experienced partner in all aspects of life (sex/career/money/social life/etc) that they can't cope with a woman who actually has more experience than them which flips the fictional "masculine hierarchy" they made up on its head. Basically moids so retarded they throw a shit fit at any successful woman and demand girls and women restrict themselves in all aspects of life (sex/career/money/social life/etc) so the moids themselves don't get left behind. Look at history around the WORLD.
>"All girls must be virgins and get married young – and can't get divorced!">"Married women shouldn't have jobs – but if any woman does have a job she must get paid less, and if she's sexually harassed at work it won't be taken seriously!">"Girls and women must rely on fathers or husbands for money!" Like remember how there is a whole generation of women still alive who weren't allowed their own bank account?>"Women who have friends are gossips, and women who go out shopping with friends are frivolous with money!!"Like it's all just moid psyops back to back. Plus, a scrote who is shit at sex will "prefer" a virgin who doesn't know she's meant to cum and can't compare him to any exes who did. Virgins are a social status, not a biological requirement. I know this because when I was a virgin
that was the treatment I received, and I live in a white country. My first ex had 6 girlfriends before me and he still didn't know his way around a woman's body. He was just a useless manwhore.
No. 429218
>>429213> Virgins are a social status, not a biological requirement. True, but are we not social creatures?
From the philosophical perspective (that stems from biology too in the end…), that made me rethink a little is this was a moid who said
> "Date the woman you would want your daughter to become like" There is a ~50% of giving birth to a moid, so I would like to live by the same philosophy. And that one is a man who is not a manwhore, doesn't watch porn and does't play video games all day. Again, that's not a biological requirement, but a social one (that I would REALLY prefer).
> "Date the man you would want your son to become like" I think that a man like that wouldn't want his daughter to lose her virginity in high school and be on pills.
It's a shitty world. Moids can stop watching porn (and not be fat), but you can't undo the virginity, so you end up with only manwhores and coomers because of the "not a biological requirement" meme from their end too.
No. 429231
>>429188Men will literally rate late 20, early 30 year olds as the most attractive when ages are hidden and only rate 18 year olds as the most attractive when the ages are revealed. Men care about what other men think and what they are psyopped to believe, not what their dick naturally would get hard to.
Also men=/=women
No. 429245
>>429231This one is 100% bullshit, do an separated island comparison.
> first island every guys only fucks late 20's women and let them have kids> second island every guys only fucks late teens/early 20's women and let them have kidsWhich island is going to have the most healthy kids? Apply that competitiveness (when these island are merged) and imagine what type of a moid will take over the population statically. The "late 20's women" enjoyer "gene" is long gone, especially when you got brown moids joining in who enter puberty 2 years earlier than white moids.
I think the (white) moids natural prefered age is around 21-24, young enough to have 3-4 kids before 30, brain is pretty much fully developed and can take care of her self. But thanks to PFAS products and contraceptives fucking up hormones, porn and brown moids being a bigger demographic, that age has been lowered drastically.
No. 429267
>>429245>second island every guys only fucks late teens/early 20's women and let them have kidsThis is a horrible idea. Older moids will refuse younger moids women their age and "fuck" them retarded children (the research about younger females+older males couplings being a horrible idea with horrific consequences was posted in the ugly man psyop thread, but i didn't save, so if someone has it - please link). Then you have an island dying out, kek. 29 year old females + younger males should not create problems at all, considering women are biologically younger than males at the same chronological age apparently, plus, women in their late 20s-early 30s are at the peak of their fertility years. I do not believe males evolved with the logic of best children in mind, they're r-selecting. They're having a preference for whatever comes their way. Undesirable males prefer younger females for grooming them, otherwise they aren't picked. They'd also have preference for a woman that is 29, but has a mind of a child for similar reasons. Also how does it disprove them "suddenly" finding 30 yo women "unattractive" when they know their age, but when they don't know, they love them? Kek.
No. 429278
>>429218I dislike manwhores and would prefer a virgin male, but unfortunately virgin males are the biggest porn consumers usually and it affects their standards. Manwhores are actually used to a wide array of womens bodies, boobs, vaginas, butts etc so they dont get grossed out over little things like pubic hair or large labia, whereas porn addicted virgin men do. So its a pick your poison type thing. The best is probably just a normie moid who works a lot (real work, not 'working from home' at the PC), goes to the gym, keeps a social life and sees his family frequently, has been in a LTR before and has slept with a few women and has some experience, and doesnt live terminally online. Terminally online men are always the worst sorts of moids, they always gravitate to imageboards full of filth like gore, hardcore porn, CP etc and it becomes their whole psyche eventually.
No. 429288
>>429162Beauty standards are becoming more pedophilic due to industrialization and peacetime. You can see it in Korea where men and women are shaving off their jawbones to look like weird neotenous aliens, and in Japan where people are getting plastic surgery and starving themselves to look like weird weak malnourished 12 year old European children.
The fetishization of weakness and frailty is a result of modernity and its very dysgenic, no wonder Asia's birthrates are down the tubes, everyone is morphing into a skinny asexual twink alien with silicone artifices.
It's also happening in the west, with men fetishizing skinny flat chested Belle Delphine types who dress and look like children, because testosterone levels are falling, it's well documented. Men become more pedophilic as they get older because their T levels drop, but we're seeing that hormone disruption on a mass scale now. We are living through the Universe 25 experiment.
No. 429290
>>429254> This is a horrible idea.Well, I never stated that nature is "smart", it only does what get the job done and that's it. But that's the world we live in, most women lose their virginity in that age so it's hard to convince me that early 30s would be the "preferred" age for men if this wasn't the case. Anecdotally and historically, this is how humans work. I think that contraceptives and modern abortions have made it so we are a little delusional what the real age of having a kid is for humans, that's the real psyop here. I like to think it's around ~21 due to full hip bone formation, but that's MY GUESS.
Also to compare to other animals, no other animal hits puberty and then all the sudden doesn't have kids for over 50% of their fertility time span. I seriously doubt that moids would ever wait for any reason, they will fuck and that's how mammals work.
> 29 year old females + younger males should not create problems at all, considering women are biologically younger than males at the same chronological age apparentlyCorrect, it's not a "problem", the problem with you idea is that those moids will get outcompeted by those who prefer younger women, those are unicorn moids you are dreaming about.
A 40 year old man can have a kid with a 25 year old woman, but a 25 year old man with woman in her 40's is considered a health hazard. Most moids will pick that early 20s girl (if they are in a position to pick, otherwise it's the "settle for" meme for them). Again, older man, younger woman will always produce more kids statistically, again making those moids that are the opposite even MORE RARER.
> late 20s-early 30s are at the peak of their fertility years.Again, not about peak fertility. It's about quantity. A woman that has her first child in her early 30s can NOT have more kids than a early woman in hear early 20s. A moid who picks the youngest woman (and sticks with her) will have more kids before hitting the menopause. So in a population, the biggest demographic will be moids who chase younger females. It's not a psyop, it's a statistical fact, again if not for contraceptives and modern abortions, most women would have been having kids with moids who prefer younger women before the "early 30's enjoyer" moid ever got the chance. I'm starting to wonder if that "research" you are refering to is a depopulation meme or a dating app meme.
>>429278> normie moid > goes to the gym> sees his family frequently> doesnt live terminally onlineAnon I…
>>429284> PFAS and metals in make up (in your face all the time)> pseudo infertility pills (I refuse to call it "birth control")> hair dye and polyester clothes with even more PFAS shit> botox + silicon injections> laser removal of hair, even "down there" (literally imitating a child at this point)We are already there.
No. 429294
>>429288Globally falling T levels are also why men are becoming more unhinged and aggressive (healthy testosterone levels actually stabilize and prevent mood swings in males).
Porn feeds into this because masturbating (especially gooning) raises prolactin levels in men, which in turn decreases their testosterone levels and increases irritability and mood swings. Porn also decreases fertility through the same function, so men are literally cucking themselves out of reproducing now, both physiologically and psychologically, through porn, which is kind of hilarious, and blaming women for it.
Add the number of men who are roidfags now (excess T also gets converted into estradiol through aromatase inhibitors) and the number of moids on HRT and its no wonder women dont feel safe walking the streets anymore. Porn use and hormonal imbalances are literally making men more unhinged and insane yet less masculine than ever.
No. 429309
>>429297> Wasnt there a study that found older man younger women couples have far less children than average?Still more than zero. If you don't have the similar age couples, the next "working" thing is just a moid who is older (with money) knocking up some 20s woman.
> astronomically higher odds of getting divorced not relevant since most people aren't getting married anymore, those who do decide to get married often divorce when they learn marriage is a meme later on or it's a green card transaction.
> It's not a natural pairing by any means.What is the "natural" pairing? Two teenagers? Harem of rape
victims? As soon the "natural" argument comes up, you end up with pedos, rape and other bullshit. Because that's what is natural with other mammals.
No. 429319
>>429290You were arguing the first island would get most healthy kids and THAT is why men prefer barely adult women, which is false. Now you suddenly change 29 year old women (who're young) to 40 year old women?
>A 40 year old man can have a kid with a 25 year old woman, but a 25 year old man with woman in her 40's is considered a health hazard.What???? Horrible idea! I just said to you it creates retarded kids! You mean it creates a health hazard for a woman? Okay. But if a 40 year old woman wants a child, her best case scenario would be choosing a younger male, kek. And for younger women it's a better idea to couple with younger men too. 40 year old males should not be reproducing at all (or even surviving to this age).
>I seriously doubt that moids would ever wait for any reason, they will fuck and that's how mammals work.Sure? It's degenerate though and doesn't create an island "full of healthy kids". They do naturally find early 30s women as hot as the younger ones if they didn't care until they heard their ages, them hoping for more children is just logical calculation. But i don't even argue that they prefer older women over younger, my problem is that you're trying really hard to give it some kind of pleasant justification. There isn't
>A moid who picks the youngest woman (and sticks with her) will have more kids before hitting the menopause. It's now about the quantity, not the quality? Your island will die out of degeneracy.
> I'm starting to wonder if that "research" you are refering to is a depopulation meme or a dating app meme.It was not a meme, it was a page with research. Why are you mad?
>>429309>Still more than zero. If you don't have the similar age couples, the next "working" thing is just a moid who is older (with money) knocking up some 20s woman. Degenerate and will create problems. (Why did you mention money?) Just reuse younger males, you don't need a million of roosters. Especially since you said yourself:
>not relevant since most people aren't getting married anymoreThe best thing scenario in this case is just to use a pool of younger moids for everyone. And why wouldn't you have enough of similar age couples?
>>429313You're absolutely right.
No. 429353
>>429342it's disgusting to me that he chose to tell you, a lesbian, that he gets off to the thought of lesbians having sex. it's like exhibitionist flasher behavior to inflict that knowledge upon you. I would passive aggressively make it clear that he's a nasty creepy faggot while keeping your language polite enough that you don't
trigger him so you can hopefully thread the needle to inflict pain and shame on him for this behavior without turning him on by suggesting that you're violated by it. maybe something like "with respect, I have no interest in talking about this to you or hearing about this from you so please leave me out of it. good luck."
No. 429367
>>429353>>429354Thanks for the advice, also for added context there is more to this drama, since he also has some kind of weird cuckish voyeuristic fantasy of me fucking his gf while he watches, and has expressed that fantasy once while me, him, his gf and a couple of other friends (all moids) were playing drunk truth or dare.
Thats why I’m really stuck on what to do, the situation back then was already made unnecessarily tense between me and his gf, since she got kinda jealous of him sexually fantasizing me. And it fucking sucks because she’s the only female friend I have in this friend group, which is also the only “true” friend group I have IRL.
She’s also weary of me ever since I came out, since back in uni when we were roommates, and I was still in the closet, she was super duper touchy with me (she’s one of those touchy straight girls) and after I came out she recontextualized all our past interactions and distanced herself from me which fucking hurt (btw Ive never once saw her or acted with her unplatonically).
The drunk incident back then was sort of “solved”, but me and her were never the same.. and now with this fucking BS that her BF has unloaded on me has made it worse.
I really appreciate your advice nona, but is there any way I can come out of this whole shitshow with me and her friendship still intact? I really really dont want to lose her as a friend. The advice you gave feels kinda scorched earth.
No. 429377
>>429370I know I should’ve probably dropped him ages ago, but out of everyone in my friend group he’s honestly the only weirdo douchebag there, and I didn’t want to make things awkward between everyone by distancing myself from him, especially since he’s the primary link to the only person (his gf) worth a damn to me out of our whole clique, since me and her are no longer as close as we used to be after I came out.
I’ve thought of many times on how to get her to ditch him, but all of them just make me feel like im coming off as desperate/crossing platonic boundaries with her, and she also has her guard up whenever she’s with me. We’ve really bonded during uni and I’ve even thought of us as besties back then (still do sometimes) so I really really dont want to lose her. This whole thing just really fucking sucks why did she have to fall in love with a POS like him.
No. 429391
>>429388You dont have to tell me… I know this very clearly… if you read my previous posts it’s his whole situation with his gf that I’m worried about, she’s still blindly in love with him and idk how to make her see what we’re all seeing.
How would you advise me in getting this point across to her? I’m not that great with words and I honestly dont know what to say to her.
No. 429395
>>429393>gets the message across that you are very, very platonicGaaahhh I really dk… he’s your very stereotypical idiot blockhead moid… because thing is: IVE ALREADY TRIED, MANY TIMES, TELLING HIM IM NOT INTERESTED IN ANYTHING SEXUAL WITH HIM OR HIS GF. But he won’t fucking listen. I’ve tried being polite, he won’t listen. I’ve tried being stern, he won’t listen. I’ve also straight up told him to “fuck off” once (that was during the whole drunk truth or dare debacle), again he won’t listen.
And I really really just dont want to text him. His gf recently told me recently to stop texting him, and I’ve respected that… until now where he laid out all his lesbian porn addict problems on me. I want to text him to leave me the fuck alone, but I also dont want to disrespect her wishes. Part of me wants to screenshot his texts and send it to her… but I’m afraid this will only make her more jealous… very small part of me thinks I should just ghost the entire friend group, but then again I dont want to lose my old roomie as a friend….
im really at a loss…….
No. 429421
>>429342Why do y’all put up with scrotes like this? I’d call him out and break off the friendship. They add absolutely nothing to your life, other than being degenerates creepy sex pests. Don’t ever let a man disrespect you like this.
The girlfriend too.
No. 429425
>>429395Then , sorry to say this, she’s a shithole friend. You’re being harassed , I’d say sexually harassed, by this scrote and she’s not defending you at all, but acting jealous.
Your friend does not care about you, she only cares about her boyfriend. I bet that he’ll be able to worn her out and get her to have a threesome with another woman too, given that you’re telling us how madly in love she is.
Yours is a losing game nonna, you’d rather put your safety first than set yourself on fire to save someone who is happily dancing among the flames.
No. 429432
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>>429413>>429421>>429423>>429425Thanks for all the replies nonas. Against everyone’s (and my own) better judgement, I’m going to speak to her one last time. If she sees what a shithead her bf is and dumps him, then great. (10% chance) But if she gets hostile with me, (90% chance) then I’m just going to have to leave her to her fate and ghost the clique.
Fuck I really hope she doesn’t do the latter. I’ll probably be depressed as fuck for the next couple months. 6 years of great memories together and I treasure her dearly, even known her before she got with her bf…. I dont think I can find another platonic girl friend like her ever again (given my sexuality).
Here’s hoping for the better…
No. 429441
>>429339> The “healthiest” human population wouldn’t even come from teenagers reproducing, it would come from cycling out teenage boys to reproduce with women aged 27-33 kek. Or do you think a 40-year-old man grabbing a 12-year-old girl once she gets her period and reproducing with her as much as possible until she reaches menopause is what’s “natural”? Which moid one would outbreed the other here?
It's just an fact that there is a lot of those 40-year-old moids existing, and not so many moids that go after 30's women. It's not because of some "psyop" if you you have sex, you become pregnant with you first partner, and most girls have that way before 25. So from a competitive point of view, moids who go after the youngest will have more kids, and therefor that's why there are so many of them now.
Modern healthcare has allowed us to go through dating mistakes without getting knocked up by moids early in life. This was not the case +50 years ago, one mistake and you where locked with a retard moid because he was the first, and that's way it just works without modern healthcare.
>>429367Reverse the roles here, if you were her, would you want to her to tell you what your bf (gf…) just said? I wouldn't want by friend to keep stuff like this away from me.
If you do decide to "keeping the lid closed" in this one, at least tell him to get his shit together.
No. 429442
>>429425>>429432>>429441Nonna if she was a real friend she would have backed you, at least that’s what I would have done. I’d never stay with a man who has the audacity to treat other women like this, especially my friends. Your friend lacks self respect first of all and integrity in second place.
Also having straight friends as a lesbian is possible, sure there are retarded straight women who think that just because you’re les you’re automatically attracted to them, but most women are normal about it. Don’t be afraid of leaving her and maybe the friend group too just because you’re scared of being lonely. Friends make you feel safe, understood and respected, not this, you shouldn’t be scared of being harassed by a pathetic scrote when you’re out with your friends or chatting in the group chat.
No. 429534
>>429441>>429442>>429443>>429470Thanks for all the supportive replies nonnies. Unfortunately she didn’t take my concerns too well and I think we’re unofficially not friends anymore. I’m just going to leave it at this because I don’t want to be blogposter, if anything I’ll probably be hanging out at the bestie trauma thread. Thanks anyways..
>>429529Dont forget there’s also a whole bunch of sex workers (whose livelihoods depend on porn) and feminists who hypocritically champion sex work that will stand against this…
No. 429559
>>429534I’m sorry nonna, it’s sad that she threw her friendship for a sleazy scrote like that. The loyalty she’s showing him won’t be reciprocated, she’s on a sinking ship.
But at least you won’t be walking on eggshells anymore.
It will hurt , but there’s nothing that time can’t heal. Be strong nonna.
No. 429565
>>429478> if you want to debate whether virginity-preference and male pedophilia is natural or notThe thread is about "relationship advice thread are concerning their bf's porn habits", so this is about moids porn habits, they are very related to said topic.
> watching people fuckThey become ok with "used up" women because they have seen tons of videos of other moids fucking a girl (they think is attractive). porn becomes a double-edge sword, it might remove the virginity-preference, but also giving them a worse view on women and treats them like in those videos.
> questionable looking women in pornagain, normalizes at borderline pedophilia, bestiality and other fucked up shit you probably don't want your bf to think is ok.
read the thread, or leave the thread.
No. 429712
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I genuinely dont understand why women even bother hurting themselves agonizing over their moids porn habits and wasting endless energy trying to sheepdog them away from looking at other women. Sounds pointless and like a headache I dont need. All men are trash who watch porn whether they admit to it or not and its their nature to be manwhore garbage which will never change, either accept it or stay single, problem solved.
No. 429727
>>429712>All men are trash yes
>who watch pornno
No. 429810
>>429802>>429806This. It's actually kind of insane how many women are completely ignorant of men's true nature and in a way I feel sorry for those very innocent women who don't realize how depraved men are.
Those nice wholesome type women always seem to end up with the most deviant scrotes (maybe because those men have an insane mommy/whore complex and always want the most innocent seeming wife they can find, while cucking her either physically or virtually with 'worthless sluts', god male sexuality really is a disease kek)
When you read LAP posts its super sad because you find these women really did love and idolize their husbands as great guys, then when they find that open tab or search history their entire world just crumbles because they've built their life around this moid, often had his children too, and then realize he's just like the rest of them with a fetish for barely legal porn or even worse some tranny shit.
A lot of these women are literally on the verge of mental breakdowns because they couldn't ever imagine their husbands being like that. Normie women usually have cognitive dissonance and really do think every other woman with terrible experiences with men just must be stupid/unlucky and that they have beat the odds and bagged a winner, but it's never true, and they always find out either sooner or later. Those same women will tell you not to be so cynical of men until it happens to them.
I mean look at zoomers literally talking about finding incest and teen porn on their grandpa's ipad. Nobody thinks of their grandpa like that, but it's the truth. Men never stop being disgusting horny pigs no matter how old they get and truth is your dad, grandpa and bf are almost certainly the same, to think otherwise is some delusional 'not all men' crap.
No. 429814
>>429716> all men do it, so it isn't weird if I do itLMFAO, you actually believe in this moid? Seems like a cope excuse like
>>429755 to brush himself off as "ok".
No. 429861
>>429716I was going to reply to this and say
>men don't understand women's natural homicidal urges toward scumbag men. women risk life imprisonment to murder abusers and child molestersbut you literally beat me to the joke by using men who rape and murder women as an example of "how horny guys are." what?
No. 429893
>>429861men will risk 50 years in jail for a 10 second orgasm
men literally value their sexual gratification over womens lives and even their own liberty
No. 429997
>>429853> …except mein kampf> …women who want divorce should be beheadedYou just made it up, you are mixing up shitskin moids and natsoc moids because you probably only lurked 4chan one time and never dig through the slide threads. One of the first things Hitler did was to implement divorce laws to protect women from
abusive men, and to give single mothers social benefits IF they could prove that the kid was German, it was included in the "Lebensraum" thing. He pretty much got a majority votes from women that way.
The kitchen thing is true tho… they all want a personal chef they can babies with.
> its almost impossible to meet a man without brainrot in this day and age,Kek, sounds like the moid version of "impossible to meet a virgin in this day and age".
(global rule #7) No. 429998
>>429997No1curr Nazi-chan, Hitler still believed women were baby factories who belonged in the kitchen he wasnt remotely a feminist and was likely a pedophile himself kek.
>shitskinGo back.
No. 430097
>>430082I don't know about that tbh, a lot of porn addicted moids love their moms but they see her as the pure/Madonna figure that no woman can compete with. Meanwhile other women are just 'dirty whores' used for sexual gratification.
A mom (especially a boymom) usually loves her son without asking anything back from him, and porn gives him sexual gratification without asking anything back from him either.
That's why so many moids are content nowadays to live at home with mommy until 45 and goon all day while she's at work, since they're getting both their emotional and sexual needs met unconditionally without any effort required on his part. You have to remember moids almost always take the path of least resistance.
Romantic relationships require reciprocity, emotional investment and compromise, which is too scary, demanding and messy for the modern numale who is content to live in his pod, wanking himself into a coma.
No. 430105
>>430097The pool of non PA scrotes is so small because of the vast amount of conditions a man must meet to not end up a PA, like their relationship with mom. Can’t have been raised by a boymom who lets them walk all over her, but she also can’t be too controlling. They have to be within the happy medium of introverted but not NEET level (at least, the most manwhores I’ve met were extroverts). Self aware of his place in society, but can’t be too depressive of a person because porn use increases with depression. Anti social media is a huge plus (yes they exist). Lots of things to consider if you want to continue dating in this world as a heterosexual female, but I promise you nonnas that not all hope is lost as some people want to make you think it is. But like I said the pool is
extremely small.
>You have to remember moids almost always take the path of least resistanceThat goes against the whole mentality they have towards women they deem are ‘easy’ though. Personally I have always been a little mean to men (not enough to get me murdered kek) and it has worked well for me.
No. 430110
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>>430011>You know asexual men exist, right?How are you this naive
No. 430120
>>430105>That goes against the whole mentality they have towards women they deem are ‘easy’ though.Most men dont even have the luxury of calling women 'easy' kek. Men will take whatever they can get, it's why third world SEA women are so popular now among average and below average young western men, when before such a phenomenon was reserved almost solely for divorced boomers.
These men have given up entirely on ever hoping a woman will like them back enough to sleep with them, and so would rather import a woman for a live-in sex-for-cash exchange because they know it's all they are ever going to get. It's 'easy' and so they take that path.
No. 430126
>>429866i have an issue with porn because i see it as a form of infidelity. i dont care if anyone calls me mental for that, its a boundary i have and many women are the same. so fantasizing about other people would still be crossing that boundary, though of course its impossible to police someone's thoughts like that, and the point is i don't want to have to anyway, i would want it to come
from them, not me telling them.
personally i'm extremely monogamous and dont fantasize about anyone else when im in love, so ideally i'd want to meet a man who feels the same.
not sure that's even humanly possible though, since men are wired to be such whores. i have seen men talking about having 'oneitis' where they can only think about and obsess over one woman 24/7, but its not clear whether they still masturbate to other women or not (im guessing they do even when they're so 'in lurve')
i have a feeling only degenerates are really breeding nowadays and that monogamy and loyalty is swiftly being kicked out of the gene pool. ill likely be contributing to that because i doubt i'll ever meet anyone who matches my loyalty level, unless by some miracle.
No. 430246
>>430114>>430122It’s as if half of the anons on here met 1 bad male and are projecting their bad experience on the entire population of men. Yes it is like finding a needle in the haystack, yes they are bound to have mental illnesses, but I have a slew of mental illnesses on my belt so I can’t be hypocritical.
>>430229Tbh I think men who were alive in the times before social media actually tend to be the worst offenders, especially if they are like in their 40s and still single. They are the least likely demographic of men to see anything wrong with their new access to infinite porn, it’s “exciting” to them, whereas if you were born and raised during the social media boom I feel like it’d be easier to get tired of it or whatever
No. 430290
>>430286Because it astounds me to watch anons spew out rhetoric that literally mirrors 4chan misogynists. They will weaponize their past
abusive experiences with women, namely bpdchans, against all women to fuel their hatred and what we have going on here is basically in the same vein
No. 430293
>>430290oh it's this kind of it's not the same because men actually do cause more harm even if someone hasn't personally delt with an
abusive boyfriend, whereas bpdchans, while annoying do not cause the same amount of harm to the same degree (especially not towards men). a lot of "abuse" men talk about regarding their exes is shit like "she wouldn't fuck me". farmers dislike of men are much more serious and things men have done towards women in general since history, things that can be easily proven time and time again, not just personal petty things.
No. 430956
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Speaking of rape, only 1.6% of REPORTED rapes in the UK lead to a charge or summons.
That means 98.4% of reported rape cases go unresolved. Not including unreported rapes. We're literally living in a pro-rape society.
The stats for the US are similar.
No. 431017
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i dont know what to do. my relationship would be almost perfect if it wasnt for porn. my nigel is sweet, loving, supportive, great at sex and can stay hard, is vanilla and not even into mainstream stuff like anal or deepthroat, but he has a serious masturbation habit.
he's considerate enough to try and hide it from me, but i love to snoop so i know he's watching it. he tends to get obsessed with certain actresses and instahoes for a few weeks or months, which feels like he's cheating and having a parasocial relationship with them. he's always had issues with getting obsessed with random people/things and unfortunately one of those aspects is porn stars/onlyfans/instahoes. he isnt really into violent or even 'fucking' porn so much but he loves nudes, lingerie hauls, solo stuff etc. he agrees the porn industry is messed up and doesnt watch boy girl content as he feels its cucky. he admits he just loves 'female aesthetics, faces and bodies' so i really dont know what to do. he inists i'm the only woman he loves and tells me i'm beautiful and sexy all the time and says he would never ever cheat irl, but he doesnt realize how much he's hurting me and my resentment towards him ruins the trust and mood everyday, no matter how much i try to stuff those feelings down they resurface and i snap at him, he sulks and goes back to porn, i forgive him, everything is great, we are loving again, i find out hes been liking/commenting again on famous thots pages, i get angry at him, he feels ashamed and withdraws again, and repeat. its genuinely so confusing to be in such a relationship because he is a great boyfriend in almost every other way and we get along so well besides this one issue. most of the time other porn addicts are abusing their gfs mentally or physically, have ED or some other sexual problems, are being cold mean and distant, demanding all kinds of gross sex acts etc, actively cheating etc, but mine doesnt and thats what makes it so confusing and hard to decide if i should leave or not.
we never argued about anything ever except his porn use. im at a loss because i know nearly every other guy ive ever met also was a big porn watcher too, so i feel like i may not even be able to meet someone better. idk. im so tired.
No. 431094
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Honestly reading the parasocial ones here were so well worded. I've been talking to a guy who has two year's worth of clips of that STPeach streamer and he finds it weird I have a problem with that and it's "just for her ass and how good it is". He's a PT and we met at the gym and he'll argue how I'm better but last night he went and watched her again and this is why I could never be in a relationship with somebody like that. He uses porn too but the parasocial tendencies and OnlyFans stuff gives me the ick and I feel like any girl would just feel miserable dating a guy knowing that. It's funny how they never get it and then get so defensive about it. He'll say my face is prettier and she just has a nice ass and "man gonna man" but the level of Redditor degeneracy makes me feel violently sick, but yeah, I'm weird for finding that weird and he doesn't see the issue and matches all the things posted here.
No. 431120
>>431094>>431119reminds me when some gross porn industry moid on one of those cringe redpill podcasts was talking about the 'pussy curse' or something, in other words how once famous e-girls show their vaginas, their career starts to tank.
belle took ages to do full nudes (people speculate it was because she was self conscious about her labia being 'beefy' which wouldn't fit her pedobaiting image, and so she went to have a labiaplasty first) but it does seem like her popularity fell off hard once she started doing full on porn.
the e-girls who have the longest lasting popularity tend to be ones who dont do actual full nudes or porn.
however i also suspect a more simpler explanation is because these women naturally lose popularity as they start ageing, and their pedo moid audience starts going for younger and younger upcoming girls.
No. 431126
>>431094Its more pathetic to form a parasocial relationship while you have a flesh and blood irl girlfriend to love and form a connection with than it is to jerk off to the first vid on pornhub front page.
>"mans gotta man"maybe I could agree if it was collecting some playboy mags or stealing glances from random hot women on a walk, though that too shows a lack of discipline and class. But collecting 2TB of 1 onlyfans thots content, liking every pic of her and buying her used socks level of obsession? Thats deranged.
No. 431184
>>431181To be fair to him I stopped having sex with him because we were both turning into slobs. However, he did this before I stopped having sex so Idek.
I am currently in the process of fixing this and losing weight so I shall see if the Nigel pool gets better and if it doesn’t I’ll never date another.
No. 431228
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>>416936Porn sick scrotes aren't people
No. 431246
>>431241It was his first relationship so I definitely ended up on a pedestal in his eyes. It was just, disgusting, it was a folder of women slightly less fat than me in disgusting e girl thot clothes I couldn’t believe he found that shit attractive it made me genuinely think so much less of him.
II hate it so much it makes me want to cry thinking about it.
I wish I knew he was coping fine but I’m painfully aware he isn’t. I’m genuinely afraid this moid is jerking off to the thought of me still.
No. 431269
>>431241>>431181Something I've realized is a lot of the time men prefer porn girls to their own gfs, even if their gf is objectively prettier with a better body, simply because of the lack of genuine intimacy with porn girls makes men feel less threatened and more comfortable. Porn girls dont argue with coomers, they dont ever say no, they dont live with these men, or judge them, or know their weaknesses, or their life story, or all their baggage. With porn they can pretend to be anyone they want with anyone they want, so its more appealing to insecure moids.
I remember with my ex, the initial stages of our relationship were amazing, we connected so deeply, had amazing sex. Then after a few months we ended up having a dead bedroom because he felt that I 'knew him too well' and it made him feel uncomfortable and unsexy knowing that a woman (me) knew all his deepest and darkest secrets and traumas. He had compartmentalized me as his emotional gf/mother figure and felt more comfortable with porn than having sex with me, but still swore on everything he loved me more than anything (and did show it…just not sexually lol).
Men usually view sex as something degrading to be 'done to' women, it's men who are obsessed with 'hatefucking' and whatnot. So the more they start to actually love you and respect you as a person, the more the sexual side of things often dries up. It's why men can claim to adore their wives while also cheating on her 24/7 for casual sex, the madonna whore complex is too real in moids tbh.
No. 431338
>>431272It's all so predictable. Why are moid tastes so generic? I'd honestly rather meet a guy who wants to fuck spider girls or floor tiles or something, at least it'd be a bit different.
>Uhm akshually femanon, I'm not like other guys who are into teen girls, I'm into alt teen girls with piercings and blue hair because I'm so different and unique and a free thinker Yawn.
No. 431365
>>431361Not anymore, thank god
I just had a feeling in my gut that it was a huge redflag and the relationship went downhill the more I discovered his coomer traits
No. 431379
I've had 2 serious relationships with men who were open about their porn use as if it was "normal" or "quirky".
My 1st serious relationship had an iPad dedicated to watching it and was also a fan of Belle Delphine and any 2019 e-girl era type girl a like. He had erectile disfunction and could only get off by hand jobs and rarely put importance on my pleasure when it came down to sex. One time I deleted the collection of porn I found on his iPad and that felt pretty awesome. There was also a situation where he was dead set on painting a car model he was obsessed with and giving it to her as a present and I asked him not to because I was dealing with the passing of my mother during that time. He didn't have the self control or respect for me and did it anyway, luckily I'm crazy and destroyed it before he was able to give it to her lol
My 2nd serious relationship made it crystal clear about his porn addiction before I got into the relationship and I was dumb enough to think he'd lay off it once him and I became official. Nope. Looking back I remember while being fwb with him before our relationship that he bragged about dropping $500 on a cam girl and I didn't think too much about it at the time. Once we were officially in a relationship, there was a time he flat out said he was watching a cam girl stream WHILE DRIVING on the way to pick me up for a date. I wish I bit his ear off or something while I had the chance, I'm so angry at myself for dealing with that shit.
The relationship I'm in now is slowly unveiling to signs of addiction. He's open about jerking off in the bathroom while at work (must be nice to have any time to do such things at a place of employment). He'll tell me he's going to shower but it'll be about 30 mins before I hear the shower going off. He just started taking adderall again that's not prescribed to him so I'm only imagining the depraved fap sessions he's having. He hardly makes eye contact during sex. He recently asked me to fart on his dick if we do anal, I can only imagine where that one came from.
And lastly and probably the biggest red flag is that during a conversation that led into the topic of porn, I was being vulnerable and mentioned that I've been a victim of porn in many ways when I really reduce my experiences down to it (childhood trauma involving it, dealt with pedo sugar daddies, fell victim and partook in the OF craze in 2020, got SA'd by a depraved pornsick man as well as the bullshit I dealt with in my previous relationships i mentioned above) and he got so irrationally angry and started yelling "I didn't even ask you about this bullshit" and stormed off and stayed in the other room for the rest of the night and the whole next day.
I really have no idea what to do atp, it's just relationship after relationship with this shit and I don't believe I'm just being insecure or anything, men are just fucking disgusting and I don't feel like I'll ever escape it if I continue to settle on hetero relationships
No. 431400
>>431399Samefag, any time a man gets ANGRY at you for bringing up sexual trauma, it’s an immense red flag. My ex who would eventually
tie me to the bed and anally rape me and leave me there for hours did that too. There are very few men out there who aren’t poisoned by porn, but I have met them and you really can tell. It’s like breathing clean mountain air compared to downtown factory and sewage district. Take care of yourself and only yourself ♥
No. 431415
>>431380>>431379You sound very naive, please stop tolerating this shit and breakup. Also
>sprinkle sprinkleGet off normie social media, it’s probably rotted your brain to make you tolerate these fags
No. 431451
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well now that we know all pcs, laptops, cameras and phones are compromised, i hope lots more moids are shitting themselves at the thought of being extorted for jacking off to fucked up porn and CP
No. 431455
>>431364No you're just realistic, it sucks but AMALT. Men's beauty ideals revolve around pedophilia, look at how almost every single rock/emo band was fucking underage groupies. The first thing men do when they get status and power is try to fuck teens at the oldest, and minors ideally. Anthony Kiedis is an open child rapist and still going around with barely legal looking girls.
>>431361This is true, my ex was really into e-girls then I found posts of his talking about how women peak at 12-14. E-girl shit is a red flag for pedo crap.
No. 431852
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based paypal making whores seethe(wrong thread)
No. 431884
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good to see even former reddit pickmes are waking up to this bS
No. 431914
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>>421781that's why you get a rich betabux husband and then cuck him with hot guys (or just dont have sex with betabux moid after marriage and he'll be too scared to divorce you since you get half of his shit)
stacies know this
No. 431981
>>414436>And there’s no reason to try to help them get past it because it’s not your issue and it has nothing to do with you. Exactly. A man's porn addiction has nothing to do with his partner, and no amount of her begging, pleading, bargaining, trying to understand or placate him is going to meaningfully stop his habit. Like a true addict they just start hiding things more, becoming more underhanded and sneaky.
It's his problem to solve and a woman isnt obligated to stand by him and help him or even tolerate him as long as he's indulging in destructive habits.
The first thing any therapist will tell you to do when cohabiting with a junkie who makes you miserable and keeps repeatedly traumatizing you is to either firmly kick them out or leave. Why wouldn't you do the same with a porn addict? It's their issue, not yours. You don't have to involve yourself in a porn addicts neurosis or gross seedy world at all especially not if it harms your psyche and self esteem, just like how you wouldnt involve yourself in crack dens or drug running circles for your own safety. Your job is not to cure an addict. That's something they can only do when they decide to do it themselves, and porn addiction also has a far higher relapse rate than drugs or whatever because of how instantly available and free it is, which makes the genuine recovery rate of porn addiction slim to none.
>I wish more women understood that porn addicts have had the soul leave their bodies and are incapable of being loving partners; they are not worth our time and they deserve to rot with their addictions away from women that they traumatize with betrayal and body image issues.This.
No. 431984
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I don't understand why these women are always shocked when their scrotes turn into full blown degenerates after already showing red flags of being degens in the beginning. They even admit to enabling it. Are women really just conditioned to expect the absolute minimum from moids? It's sad as fuck.
No. 431988
>>431987nona what did we warn you about balding men -_-
they're bald because they wank too much
(-_-) No. 431996
>>431984>Are women really just conditioned to expect the absolute minimum from moids?Yup. I grew up in an
abusive house where my dad's been a lazy slob that is physically
abusive towards my mom ; so my expectations for relationships were very low.
At some point I was like "at least he doesn't hit me and goes to work everyday" lol. Then he started threatening to hit me if I didn't put out and that's when I woke up.
No. 432112
>>432045i feel you nona. when my bf and i started dating we both had super high sex drives and were doing it all day everyday tbh. then after a couple months he started tapering off more, stopped initiating, was always tired, rejected my advances. i started wondering if i was unattractive but he always insisted i was hot and beautiful. he would bring up sex randomly in conversations, flirt with me for a couple seconds i guess, talk about how horny he was and how i looked good, but then would immediately change the subject and start wanting to do something more mundane like watching tv or going to take a shower. on the rare occasions we would have sex, he was hardly producing any cum despite the fact we werent having sex. i was super confused because i knew he had an extremely high libido and large loads that he had to be expending somewhere else, i started wondering if he was cheating. but he still had a lot of time for me emotionally and romantically so it didnt really fit. i didnt realize until later he was jerking off non-stop pretty much every moment that we were apart. if i went to the store, when he went to the bathroom etc, getting up in the middle of the night to 'read the news' he was actually just jerking off to porn nonstop.
No. 432497
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In case anyone was wondering how scrotes react when they get a taste of their own medicine.
No. 432509
>>431064NTA but I believe I have known men who don't use porn either at all or only very rarely/aren't addicts, not just men I've dated but other men as well, although I'm sure if I describe the reasons I think this anons on here will argue with me that I'm just naive and not a good enough sleuth or whatever. You can't prove a negative so it's always going to be impossible to definitively prove any moid never, ever looks at porn, and anons invested in believing all moids watch porn will use this fact and argue that all moids who by all accounts seem not to do it must be getting away with it somehow, somewhere, sometimes. It's basically up to you if you want to just assume that an undisprovable fact is always true despite evidence against it, or if you want to give the benefit of the doubt to certain moids and moidkind and assume that some moids are capable of functioning without porn use.
On the other hand think about it this way - porn didn't exist for most of human history and moids were generally rapey demons on the whole that whole time, but survived without pornography, so it is possible. I am of the opinion that the 100% of men use porn thing is a pornbrained moid psyop to lower women's standards and normalize porn and 'sex work,' it benefits no one but pornbrained coomers for women to believe that they have to settle for porn users because 'all men are like that' if they want any relationship at all.
As other anons said the way you can ensure you're meeting men who at least aren't severe coomers/addicts is to meet moids who don't have/use social media much or at all, who don't spend a lot of time indoors/at home/on the internet, and who have active social lives with mixed sex groups, their families, etc. The thing the men I don't think were porn users all had in common were these factors - they spent most of their life outside of the house actively doing things that were either physical or social, they didn't use or barely used social media, and they were capable of having normal platonic relationships with men and women in their social circles and didn't say
sus, creepy things (or protest too much about how they 'hate' sluts or pedos or whatever). Anonymous studies consistently have some significant minority of men surveyed saying they aren't porn users and they have no good reason to lie about this imo, but these surveys usually put non-porn-users at about 5-20% of the population, no more. I would never believe a moid who says he's never seen or watched porn though, they all have seen it or watched it at some point, but I think some of them never 'got into it' or did at young ages and stopped because they realized it was harmful, that or they're old and never got into it in the first place because they grew up in pre-internet times. I've lived with het male roommates who never took their phone into the bathroom, never closed their bedroom door etc., who had similar schedules to me (no frequent periods of time at home or out of the house alone), and who never said pornbrained things/had healthy seeming relationships with gfs who had no reason to go to such length to hide their porn use from me because they weren't into me and we never dated, so I'd say moids who don't regularly use porn do exist. I've also noticed that when a moid is really porn addled it's usually quite easy to tell, but there are always the psychopathic types who are good at hiding it from girlfriends but are actually addicted.
No. 432514
>>431943I think it seems like this because it is true nonna. Men with higher self esteem will be attracted to women who have high self esteem as well ('stacies') and often women whose love is a challenge to win, meaning women who tend to naturally have a less 'nurturing' and monogamous mindset. Most of the women I have known who dated decent-ish moids were more concerned with themselves and obviously had other options/could leave at any moment so the only men they stayed with were aware of that and tried hard to 'keep' them. Unfortunately women who are extremely loyal, monogamous, innocent etc. are just easy targets for the worst kind of moid since they tend to be less suspicious of the moids they date, fall in love easily, initially dismiss signs that the moid is doing something creepy, and so on. I unironically think it is true that you sort of have to mentally break down moids and cuck them in the early stages a bit for them to really learn to behave, if you give them any sign that they are your 'prince charming' they will take advantage of that unless they're some rare form of male saint. Most of my female relatives who had good relationships were women with 3298439438 suitors who always acted a bit partygirl and their husbands felt incredibly lucky to have them because they knew they were on thin ice, whereas the extremely loyal loving women in my family who treated their husbands the best ended up with fuckboy husbands who mistreated them. Moids need to feel like they have competition for a woman even within a monogamous relationship to actually keep up the effort of treating the woman right, 95% of the time. It's not that there's anything inherently bad about being a loyal, loving, and monogamous woman but those women only catch a break if they're lesbian basically.
No. 432539
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anyone have more stuff like this so I can look at it whenever I start feeling lonely
No. 432609
>>432539I swear to god anytime I've gone onto an instathot or onlyfans girls profile, 80% of the thirst comments are from married men/men with kids and wives in their profile pics. It's blackpilling beyond belief, these men do not care at all.
>>432559True. Being married to a man is a humiliation ritual, honestly.
No. 432611
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Is there any creature on this earth dumber and more submissive than a female Redditor? Man walks up to her, puts her in a rape-hold and strangles her. She's now confused and is wondering if she's allowed to be upset about this.
No. 432616
>>430229Please dont think older men are any better. Most of them grew up during the sexual revolution period, when pedo acceptance and other degenerate shit was at its height, and movie studios were actually making professional CP and bestiality porn completely legally (also a myth that boomers didnt watch porn, buying porno VHS and going to porno theaters was extremely common).
My old job was full of middle aged boomer men, all of them married, but they were all porn addicts, used to quite regularly go to brothels together as a 'male bonding experience' and also had hookups with young twinks and trannies they met on sugar babying sites despite claiming to be straight and in relationships with women. Old men are fucking disgusting and should be purged, they're no better than the young cumbrain moids. Many boomer women tolerate insane things during their marriages that they never talk about tbh, most people dont know the half of it, I only learned after being around horny boomer moids at work all day.
No. 432661
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>>432539I'll give you some OC. Pic rel was something my ex posted on 4chan. He and his friends claimed I was the perfect gf, and we would have sex multiple times a day. Nothing you do will ever be enough for a moid. This experience blackpilled me.
No. 432694
>>432616Yeah it was a norm at my younger boomer dad's company for coworkers to go to strip clubs together after work, which we only found about significantly after the fact because one of his coworkers told my mom… assuming older men are all better or less creepy is definitely a mistake, although I do think the chances that an old moid didn't become a porn addict are somewhat higher since they didn't grow up with easy access to it from childhood like our generation did. But I think like you said in past decades some truly insane and
abusive behavior was normalized in marriages and relationships for these men so even if they didn't get addicted to porn they were probably doing other seedy shit like going to brothels/strip clubs, sugar daddying, cheating on their wives, etc. since it was harder to catch moids doing this before all the technology became available.
No. 432699
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>>432661I'm sorry nona. My bf used to write all kinds of sexual stuff on 4chan even when we were dating. He was and still is obsessed with Belle Delphine and claimed he would always love her. He also wrote this a couple hours after I told him I was suicidal and he had left me on read, continued watching porn the entirety of our relationship. Once when he was streaming a movie to me and having a nice time he accidentally showed his porn folder. I wouldn't ever recommend dating men from 4chan, all of them are extreme porn addicts.
No. 432703
>>432698I also used to browse 4chan and just stumbled upon a post he made and recognized him. He was a fucking tripfag and even posted pics of himself on /fit/.
>>432699Moids were a mistake. Mine didn't even watch porn but was still sexbrained. They're all defective.
No. 432715
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>>432709>Being married to a man is a humiliation ritual, honestly.Correct.
Everytime I wonder if I made the right decision I just look at the stories from reddit pickmes and I thank god I didn't waste decades of my life on a scrote or
shudder have his kids while he was jerking off to teen porn behind my back a few feet away.
No. 432719
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i would kms out of embarrassment if i became a cucked female redditor like these women. a fate worse than death, honestly.
No. 432720
>>432715>>432719You know, they could recover from this 'trauma' immediately if they quit prioritizing men in their lives and just stopped caring what men think. But of course normalfags are retarded npc cattle whose entire lives revolve around sex and romantic relationships so that will never happen.
Now they choose to get plastic surgery and become even bigger pickmes instead of realizing they're playing a rigged game that women can never win.
No. 432723
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imagine giving a moid the gift of genetic immortality and he still chooses pixels of buttholes over you. i always felt like bearing a mans child is cucked as hell and seeing shit like this just confirms it for me tbh. i want to think its just ragebait but i know its almost certainly real, because i've known women irl who went through the same problem. i hope they all get drafted and have their dick blown off by drones.
No. 432841
>>432509I did meet one male who never watched porn tbh but thats because it was literally illegal in his country lol.
However, I think if a male isnt conditioned to have watched porn from a young age, then there's still plenty of hope for him. The amount of brainrot in men who start watching porn later on in adolescence is definitely less severe than in men who started watching it as children.
All my most severely porn-addicted exes had always started jacking off to porn at around 10-12 years old (one even started when he was 6…god) and imo those types of moids are simply too far gone and can never really stop being addicts. Basically because its such a normalized, long term habit that they have become used to, their brains have been totally fried since childhood, and they also cope themselves into thinking its based and normal despite the fact theyve basically been groomed by pornographers since they were children, which is really fucked up.
Kids neurons/synapses are going through a rapid development phase at that age and anything that makes a huge impression on them and is hormone and dopamine driven is probably going to stay with them for life, because kids are so impressionable and malleable at that age. If he turned to porn every time he needed an orgasm, he's going to start being unable to orgasm without it. It's the whole Pavlovian training thing. I think they even said people's music taste develops most strongly at age 14 and usually stays similar for life. That's also the age most moids have been watching porn at. So no wonder porn they've watched at that age imprints on their brains for life too.
My exes definitely had fetishes that developed FROM porn exposure, in childhood. They even started developing paraphilias and orgasm-associated conditioning I guess, to the point they started finding random inanimate objects or scenarios arousing because they associated them with cooming and seeing them in porn.
You often notice that men who became promiscuous at a very young age (like younger than 14) also develop a similar coping attitude that there was nothing wrong with it, even if they were literally groomed by older adults, and other men around also tell them its based and normal too. Scrotes are the worst enablers of each others porn addictions and act as a bucket of crabs.
No. 433301
>>433299japanese porn is so fucked up. i remember there was a scandal about a jav company who were bringing japanese actresses to fuck random tribesmen in the amazon, africa, india etc, showing tribal kids and the japanese actresses doing 'humanitarian work' with them before getting gangbanged by random ethnic tribesmen who might have had aids or whatever, and the actresses were clearly scared and uncomfortable.
there was also a controversial 'gyaru porn' where the theme was that the actresses are all single moms and it shows them all pushing around their prams and holding babies before engaging in an orgy. and most jav in general is rape themed and shows actresses screaming, yelling, saying no and pretending to resist. weeb moids are always totally brain rotted porn addicts too and usually pedos also, the last thing we need is japanese porn culture adding to an already sick western society.
No. 433680
>>433521>>433667It's not inviting and is intimating to moids knowing a woman is that high maintenance, but not in a way that makes her sexually available to him. The reason why men (and pedos by extension) are attracted to youthful/childish features in their mind it equals naivety/someone who is easily taken advantage of. When they see a woman decked out in lolita it means she has the money to afford expensive clothing as well as the backbone and confidence to wear something that is highly individualized, took a lot of effort to coordinate, and is not sexualized or for the male gaze at all. That scares most moids away.
Can you imagine a dusty old scrote in a baggy t-shirt and cargo pants walking up to a woman wearing lolita? She'd laugh in his face at best or completely ignore him, leaving him completely emasculated. Men want a woman who makes him feel desirable, lolita fashion signals to men "you're out of my league" but not in a sexy way that makes them want to challenge that.
No. 434238
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I know that there's a breakup thread but I wanted to ask in here as you gals Get It. I've known that I've needed to break up with my live-in long term boyfriend for… years now, honestly, but I'm so scared of being alone. Which is weird because I like my alone time. I'm in my mid 20s and I don't want to have to date, I feel like I'm too old already. I don't want to date men because they're all porn addicts, and I don't want to date women because my family is lowkey homophobic and I also have zero experience dating women.
Just… everything would be so much harder if I break up with him. Do any of you nonas have advice for overcoming loneliness after a break up? Or anything to share about your own porn related break ups?
Everything would be fucking fine and dandy and wonderful if he wasn't a retarded moid controlled by his penis.
No. 434305
>>434238This probably isn't extremely helpful but if you're already dreading the idea of 'having to' date, then it sounds like you're not getting that much out of romance at the current moment with your boyfriend. It sounds like (correct me if I'm wrong) what you are getting out of this is companionship and cheaper rent, both of which you could likely get in a lower-pressure, more fun way from a female friend or acquaintance without tying yourself to a moid.
You say you're scared of being 'alone' but I think that fear is often just a fear of loneliness in a general sense, but because of social pressures many women interpret it as a fear of 'not being in a couple.' Especially if you're still in your twenties you have plenty of time to recover from this relationship it doesn't sound like you even enjoy being in and deciding if you eventually want to be in a couple again (either later if you can convince your family to be less homophobic, with a woman, or with a man you like more). You are definitely not 'too old already' to be dating or breaking off relationships. I'm early thirties with many friends going up to late thirties or even early forties and the vast majority of women I know who seem to be in happy/stable relationships met their partners in their late twenties or thirties, not in their early twenties. You are way too young to be worrying about this. Your early to mid twenties (and hell in many cases even your late twenties and early thirties) are a time to explore friendships, hobbies, and career opportunities and you don't need to be tied down to a moid for any of that unless you met one you really like and who really makes your life better. It sounds like your moid doesn't so why not strike out on your own? Sure you will feel 'lonely' for a while if you kick him out of your house or move out but then you will probably learn how to have more fun on your own or with other friends. You can try to get a roommate or friend to hang out with and do the activities you wanted to do with your boyfriend. You may eventually meet another moid that you like and don't feel disrespected by but you don't have to be in a hurry to do that - life without a moid you don't absolutely adore is almost always 100% better than life tied to a moid you don't adore.
Think about it like this - you're already worrying that you're 'too old' to 'have to' date - but the more time you spend with this moid the older you will get without giving yourself the chance to live a better life either as a girl living up her fun single and independent years OR meeting moids you like better. You definitely aren't getting younger so all you're doing staying with a pornsick scrote is wasting your own time and wasting opportunities to have more fun and live up your twenties in a way that's actually satisfying. You like your alone time? Good, if you lose the scrote you can enjoy it whenever you want. You want to socialize? Good, you can do it unburdened by the scrote with whoever you want to socialize with. The only reason any woman should ever, ever be tying herself down with a male in her twenties is if you truly absolutely love him and are convinced that he makes your life better in every possible way, but the fact you're posting this means you already know this isn't the case, so prioritize yourself and your own life. Every second you spend broken up with him is another second devoting your time to the things you actually want to be doing from now and into the future.
No. 434333
>>434331Also, the countries that historically only let men sexually select tend to be more dysgenic for this reason: shorter height, shorter dicks, generally less healthy, poorer, uglier etc, because men select for weakness shortness frailty submissiveness etc.
Meanwhile countries that allowed females to practice sexual selection all grew in height, dick size, looks, wealth, are better at warfare because more Chad genes etc.
No. 434351
>>434331>>434333Can we not do this? The vast majority of women are much shorter than men, so let's not call a trait most women have "dysgenic." The taller you are, the less efficient your metabolism is, you need to consume more resources, and your joints start to break down sooner. Men should be tall and strong because they're built for slave labor, while women are built for longevity and that's why we are shorter.
I do agree that men selected for meeker and more submissive women, but it has very little to do with height. A few inches of height is not going to keep a moid from raping you, but a cautious temperament and quick wits will.
No. 434544
>>434238I broke up with my good for nothing pornsick boyfriend when i was 29 and I am so happy I did. You are not too old to date. Now I'm 30 and I've had lots of decent dates since I broke up with my ex. Dating sucks for everyone, mostly because men suck and apps suck and it's kind of a numbers game and kind of a personal development journey, but your age is absolutely not going to hamstring you. Living alone can be lonely but it's also awesome. I can masturbate whenever I want, light a ton of candles and burn incense, talk to myself, decorate how I want, dance around like a retard, have lots of speakerphone phone calls with friends, and just re-learn how to enjoy being alone. I already felt very alone in my relationship. Even though it was initially very scary and stressful, I'm SO happy and proud that I chose to leave.
>>434509>>434512I am so happy for you anon!! Lots of good insights here.
No. 435274
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Noticed that porn subs have a strong overlap with r/depression.
Male 'depression' is a meme.
No. 435275
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I also like seeing coomers who have made absolutely no progress with their lives whining about being single.
No. 435276
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>>4352755 years later and still a porn addicted loser getting dumped and rejected. Hope he never breeds lul.
No. 435283
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>>435277It's comedy material for me. Streetrat heroin addicts have more dignity and hobbies than these gooners.
No. 435297
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>>435286I love moid demoralization content
No. 435478
>>428613>>428605I always found that hilariously ironic. A lot of moids fantasize about getting with a camgirl, tiktok thot or OF chick because they think she'll be a 'cool girl' who is down for anything and lets him have threesomes with her hot friends and such.
In reality many pornstars and e-thots are psychotically jealous and reeee everytime their bf looks at another woman. But men are retarded and believe whatever persona the woman puts out on social media: they dont know what its actually like to date her. Not surpising since sex work usually attracts mentally ill people and clusterbees to begin with.
BPD subreddits are full of men talking about their psychotic ex gf who was also a sex worker/OF girl and how she would accuse them of looking at every woman child and old lady in the vicinity. Men are so low IQ it's unreal.
No. 435566
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what if you are snooping on his computer and while there isn't any porn, per se, he has a folder that is just pictures of fully dressed women of all ages/attractiveness smoking cigarettes. No men, only women.
This hypothetical guy did quit smoking a little over a year ago and does frequently mention how much he misses it
No. 435575
>>435573well I did confront him and he wasn't that apologetic. He actually seemed confused that I was upset. He said he just looks at them to deal with the cigarette cravings. I said, "then how come there is no men?" and he just shrugged and said it only works with women. He then "proved" that it wasn't sexual by saying that if I check the timestamps on the pics, the earliest one is from the 2nd week after he quit smoking, but does that really mean it isn't sexual or does it just mean that he didn't develop the kink until after he quit?
But yeah, I can't go forward with this. It's just too weird. Honestly, I think I would have preferred real porn or foot pics
No. 435577
>>435575That sounds really strange, I've only witnessed that kind of cigarette autism from 4chan moids before.
Tbh I don't recommend snooping and looking at moids weird folders, you're always going to be either confused, disgusted or disappointed or all 3, I say this as someone who used to snoop all the time. Some things are just better left unknown.
No. 435776
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>>435767Men are attracted to animals and objects, don't question it
nonnie. He's just another weirdo.
No. 436138
>>427737The more men complain about certain women, the more it usually means they're attracted to them.
>complained about women in the army>secretly simped for Lujan
>complained about childless cat ladies>was obsessed with Tayor Swift
>complained about women with tattoos>favorite pornstar was covered in them
>complained about fake tits>watched endless porn with women who had fake tits
>complained about women who are too skinny and pedos >was addicted to skinny teen porn featuring barely legals
>complained about ethnics>had Indian and Asian porn saved on his driveHow do you know a man is lying? His lips are moving.
No. 436156
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I had no idea what porn widows was. This is deranged, I cant even take it seriously because it's so comical knowing some AGP incel gooner made it. Men will really do anything except contribute goodness to the world.
No. 436216
I'm sure this has been asked a million times in here but is there levels to porn consumption being an issue or is any porn consumption too much?
I watch/read porn (only amateur if its real people) so I don't mind it in a relationship to an extent but I've never experienced anything like this. The stories about gooning, people knowing their moid's favorite pornstar and shit are just insane to me.
Stories like this
>>416833 are just crazy to me. Really sorry to anyone going through that I had no idea it could be that bad, I knew about gooning but always thought it was some tiny group of losers I didn't know it was this common or that these guys could ever end up in relationships IRL.
No. 436219
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Y chromosome was a mistake.
Draft 'em, then drone 'em. Simple ass.
No. 436276
>>436219Is it wrong that I feel elatedly happy when I think about all the moids getting their penises blown off by drones and bombs right now all over the world? I only ever feel bad when women are
victims, never men. I wish we could put bomb cockrings on every moid in the world and detonate them for sport.
No. 436430
>>436346Porn is like junk food. There's a good chunk of very sick people who consume it constantly until it kills them, there's a larger group who consume it now and then, and then theres a small amount of people who never consume it whatsoever.
I've found that men who live stricter lifestyles that require more self discipline tend to be able to resist porn more. For example gymbros who lift, many of them are anti porn/nofap. Likewise I've found vegan moids who refuse meat without cheating tend to be less inclined to porn use, sometimes because of its ethical issues too.
No. 436642
>>436509I would love it if coomers stuck to porn and stayed far far away from real life women, with their sexbot and artifical womb copes that they've been sperging about and saying 'two more weeks' over for the last 15 years. However, coomers always want the right to make a woman miserable irl too and spread their worthless shit genes.
Men are innately biologically expendable and worthless, they know women can immediately cuck them literally anytime we want, it hurts their ego to no end, so 'getting back' at their gf/wife by using porn and using it to neg her self esteem is the only semblance of power they are able to feel. The only winning move there is not to play. That's why sexbots will never have the same appeal as abusing and negging real life women, because robots dont have emotions or self esteem to begin with, therefore it isnt as fun for men to hurt them.
No. 436651
>>416833Your ex sounds so similar to mine that it's honestly uncanny. Mine actually confessed that he beat his own mother once and hit me in our relationship. He was also constantly cheating on me with other men in those retarded gooner servers.
The guy had multiple external hard drives full of porn, porn on his phone and all his cloud storage sites and had hundreds of dollars worth of anime titty figures. He even sometimes had duplicates of said figures because he claimed they would be worth a lot. He also hoarded photos of all his exes and even photos of their relatives. And, of course, I found out later he was asking around for fucking CP in Discord servers. I don't even want to know how much CP he might have had. Absolute fucking brainrot.
He also admitted to hating women which absolutely aligns with this post
I absolutely had no self-esteem and didn't think I could any better. I debased myself for him so much and was driven into insanity because of the constant cheating and abuse. Fuck these evil faggots.
No. 436654
>>436651That sounds absolutely awful, I'm sorry you went through that. Low self esteem in women literally leads to women being abused, cheated on, or even killed. It's why it's so important to raise daughters to love themselves and always put themselves before a man, and to always have strong boundaries too. I've seen what happens to women who dont love themselves and it's absolutely tragic. Sometimes they think men will feel sorry for them and try to save them, but that 'whiteknight' or 'savior' instinct that some claim men have, is extremely overexaggerated at best and a myth at worst. If you're a vulnerable, self hating women, 99.9% of men will see that as an excuse to absolutely eviscerate you mentally, physically and emotionally. It's blood in the water to them, men are literally apex predators by nature, and I wish more women would remember that.
No. 436679
>>436663>Anything you do to cope whether it's being the cool girl who "likes" porn too and is one of the guys or the "crazy bitch" who tries to make them repent just give them more power.Nta but you could always just either stay single, or increase your self esteem to the point porn doesnt bother you on a self-image level.
I'm not saying you should tolerate open porn use in a scrote at all, but if you suspect he is still using it in secret, it's unwise to display an emotional reaction to that tbh.
The smarter women just treat it like its nothing and make it clear that it doesnt bother their self esteem but that they wont join in on his consumption either, therefore men cant weaponize it against their partners as much.
No. 436685
>>436677I feel you anon. So many things are ruined for me and I get flashbacks/intrusive thoughts all the time.
>>436663>Sadly it works because women choose to participate in that.Most women are in denial. I see a lot of women claiming that they trust their moids and therefore never check their phones or web history. It's obviously because they're scared of what they're going to find, some even admit it. Some prefer to hide behind reasonings like "why be with your moid if you can't trust him??", "you couldn't tell your moid was cheating/porn-addicted but me I would be able to tell" etc. At the end of the day, most women want a partner and a family so even if porn bothers them, many choose denial, suffering or to be the "cool girl" as you said.
No. 436902
>>436793Hell, we were in the same class and passively on and off friends for awhile.
>>436802It becomes annoying after awhile, I really loathed the babytalk shit he did.
No. 436993
>>436890>i know the answer is 'love yourself' or 'work on your self esteem'That is the answer people will give you but it's bullshit, it doesn't work
The easiest option is just to wait it out. Over a long enough time period, you'll just stop caring. But if you don't want to wait, take a full weekend where you don't do anything or interact with anyone. Don't use your phone or your computer. Don't exercise. Don't even do any chores around the house. Literally spend the entire time just staring at the wall or ceiling (you can meditate if you want). Fasting during this period would be ideal if it is safe for you to do so.
By the end of the weekend, your feelings of inferiority will be mostly gone.
Don't ask me how it works but it does. I discovered it by accident
No. 437262
>>436966Men always keep nudes of their exes. They may lie and tell you they deleted them or dont think about her anymore but they absolutely never discard personal nudes theyve received, thats a fact. They always haul them and keep them as trophies like serial killers keep womens shoes and panties after murdering their
No. 437336
>>437259I feel you on this, I've wasted all of my 20s dating pornsick men and have yet to find one that is different. It just a lost cause at this point. Its more important to focus on ourselves and finding joy from hobbies, self improvement, friends and family. Imagine giving up the freedom to do such things to lock yourself in a marriage and bare the children of a pornsick man. Imagine potentially ruining your body from pregnancy and getting postpartum depression and your moid is unphased and needs to get off to porn or make you feel bad for not being able to have sex yet. Men are only good for shared income and being roommates at best. I've decided the same thing for myself once I leave, the
femcel life seems so much more peaceful.
No. 437357
>>436966Update on this, i didnt find anything other than just more porn. No OF, nothings suspiciously saved in his gallery or anything. Not to give him credit but it's actually a lot better than what I've found on my exe's phones. The bar is in hell for moids so in some weird way I feel some relief. The bigger issue at hand in my case with my moid is that I do believe he has concerning habits and hasn't attempted to do anything to help me work on betrayal trauma or sexual trauma and that is still shitty. Part of me wants to go back and delete his saved porn collection, not because I think it would change anything, I just wanna put him in a weird position to have to come and ask me about it and that would also be a fun way to make fun of him.
>>437266Thank you for the advice on how to check for it!
No. 437380
>>437259The problem is that women expect empathy, care and love from men. They see men as human.
Men are biologically designed to rape, hunt, kill, die in wars and not much else. You're expecting emotion and empathy from an apex predator killing machine thats responsible for the worst atrocities on the planet.
No. 437607
>>436993i do what you described almost daily and i still feel like shit lol. im glad it worked for you but its been months and im still butthurt after all this time of thinking about it, trying to process it, bedrotting, distracting myself, not using internet etc.
i guess ill just never get over it, it will always hurt and make me feel shit about myself. i just need to try not to act out or hurt myself or others despite how bad im hurting inside over it. its a pain i will silently carry with me.
No. 437651
>>437364He is a retard and probably doesn't see the harm in it since he's probably going to tell me its memories or from trips or something but there is no excuse, once i've moved on from an ex, I'd feel weird to have any photos of us especially if I'm in a new relationship.
This conversation is just a reminder of the lack of consideration men have. There's so many changes I'd make in order to ensure my partner doesnt feel insecure, men are incapable of reaching the same level empathy.
No. 437996
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>>437814Tangential to your point but this is a lie that sexual predators tell to gain sympathy. I've seen sources cited for this behavior in child porn users, child abusers, and rapists. I don't want to google these keywords that much, but here's one study that shows, repeatedly with different sets of criminals, that most criminal sex offenders will lie and say they were abused when they're not given a lie detector test but they'll tell the truth and say they weren't abused when they are given a lie detector test. Not just comparing different cohorts either, in one study, the exact same criminals lied and then took it back after being administered a test. They lie and say they abused fewer people than they did. They lie and say that they never abused people when they were younger and then admit that they actually did. The Jerry Peet/'lily orchard' thread has me thinking about this a lot. Sex criminals are a unique kind of monster. No. 438184
>>438018Nice job replying to yourself
>>438007This is literally retarded. I have no sympathy for pedos and think they should be culled regardless of what caused it, but the point is many of them are not doing it on a whim. This compulsion comes from somewhere. Most porn addicts or general porn watchers aren’t looking at children. Even a lot of the “teen” stuff is still adult women. I’ve been snooping my whole life and been with a few guys. I saw what they were looking at. None of them were looking at kids. Sorry if your ex was into kids on top of PA but dont act like its a universal experience
No. 440828
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ITT abusing people with addictions gets lauded as a "queen move".
What makes addiction what it is, is not just a bad habit, but an emotional, mental or even spiritual dependence on a sensation. When threatened and distressed with demands to "go cold turkey", the addict will most likely only cling harder onto the "safety blanket" and the disease only worsens.
The only reliable recovery is the tapering gradual way.(bait)
No. 443103
Nonnas, I need advice, or maybe just other people's perspectives. It's been about 6 months since I found out that he watched porn behind my back, knowing my stance on it, for almost an entire year out of our 2 year old relationship. Since it's been so long and it still affects me deeply, should I just break things off? I can't seem to get over it. It's tremendously affected the way I see myself, so much that it made me relapse in my ED. I can get sad, angry or upset out of nowhere, I get paranoid all the time. It's also affected the way I see him, too. It's disgusting to think how many times he came to the abuse and rape of girls and women. Also how he never once thought during all that time about how it could affect me, how I'd react, he did it for so long and so much, was there absolutely no shame or guilt (regarding both things), what moids call 'post-nut clarity'?
Here's why I'm hesitant to break up I guess: he stopped completely, he seems remorseful, he has always been very kind and sweet, also patient. But if I can't get over it, am I not wasting both our times? We do talk about the future, today we were talking about painting the living room, and wanted to plan a trip. But I just cannot with a guilt-free conscience say that a part of me doesn't want to break things off. The toll it has taken on my physical and mental health. It's affecting him, too, he seems to be in a low mood whenever I am, he seems way snappier and his patience is wearing thin. He says he does things even though he doesn't want to (everyday small gestures for example, like waiting for me to wake up before he gets up, since he used to go to the other room to watch porn while I was asleep, so he knows it bothers me to wake up alone) and that he wants to be more 'selfish' regarding those type of things.
Another reason I'm hesitant is that I haven't gone to therapy to discuss these trust issues, along with self-esteem and the eating. If I were to improve on those areas, I'm sure our relationship would too because whenever I have a 'good' day, he does too, and we actually have a good time. I don't know.
No. 443114
>>443103Girlie, for your own wellbeing, yes you should leave him. Don't gaslight yourself into abandoning your morals. Any therapist worth their salt will say the same.
The fact that he hid it for so long and didn't come clean himself, but had to be caught, before expressing any "remorse," (guarantee he only feels bad that he got caught and that someone is upset at him, not sorry that he hurt you,) shows he doesn't care, doesn't have good morals, and will continue doing it, and will just be more secretive about it. Your bad moods affecting him are not his empathy, but his callous annoyance and self-centeredness.
I've been through the same thing, my ex hiding porn usage, which escalated into cheating, and abusing me for being upset about it. My fiance now doesn't watch porn - and not because I had to ask him not to. Find someone who matches your values and has good morals. You don't deserve to be made sick for his degenerate hedonism and abuse of other women. Never let anyone tell you porn is normal, and every man watches it.
No. 443855
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New person I'm seeing and he's already called other girls pretty in front of me. All it did was give me flashbacks of my PA ex. Nonnies, don't tell me they're all like this…
No. 443901
>>443882I'm going to kill myself.
>>443884I will. I'm tired honestly.
No. 446929
>>443103There's no point trying to maintain a relationship where you have resentment and mistrust for your partner. It's simply not going to work. You can try and stay with him, but you're just delaying the inevitable breakup and wasting your own time.
Time you could spend being with someone who you don't have to constantly watch your back around or causes you to cry and spiral and relapse.
BTW, it's important to realize that even if your relationship seems otherwise perfect, if you're dealing with a porn addicted man, it's almost always a sign there's going to be worse issues to come.
Every woman I've seen who stayed in a relationship with a porn addicted man ended up getting abused, cheated on, or his addiction got worse and worse, he ended up doing something illegal or borderline illegal etc.
If your Nigel is still doing something that he knows hurts you deeply and you find unacceptable and immoral, that's a massive red flag and only going to be the beginning of his shittiness towards you.
It might not happen overnight, but its best to leave, you don't wanna wake up at 35 with 2 kids in tow and frantically looking for a women's shelter at 1am because you found out he was doing something far worse than just watching porn. And I'm telling you there are so many women in this position right now. Just look at the LAP sub reddit, it's full of women with kids who found out their husband has been doing unspeakable things behind their backs ranging from watching illegal shit or CP to molesting their own kids to cheating with men or hookers and giving them stds, and are completely stuck and helpless. You cannot trust a man who has no sense of self control, cannot contain his lust or fetishes, or displays lack of empathy towards his own gf, you're just asking for trouble staying with a moid like that. Don't take the risk.
No. 447045
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Not trying to ragebait in any kind of way, just wanting to point out how it seems the OF girls are getting upset seeing the current uprise of women being done with porn addicted men lol
No. 447116
>>446929(nta) You are completely right about this
>There's no point trying to maintain a relationship where you have resentment and mistrust for your partner. It's simply not going to work. You can try and stay with him, but you're just delaying the inevitable breakup and wasting your own time.However, there's no guarantee that this
>Time you could spend being with someone who you don't have to constantly watch your back around or causes you to cry and spiral and relapse.will ever come true.. Men who don't watch porn have to be a tiny tiny minority at this point. And even if you miraculously managed to find one, how would you ever be able to know it for sure? I'm not trying to be negative but it just sounds very difficult and stressful either way. A lot of women seem to allow the porn because they know/think it's inevitable. The two other options seem to be 1) stay celibate forever or 2) date a different man, don't try to look for signs and hope for the best, knowing he might just be good at hiding it because he's less addicted than your ex (but he may start watching it more one day). You can't even know how well he's hiding it until after you live together or at least spend a lot of time at each other's place. Hopefully some anons can share a more positive perspective but idk..
No. 448960
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Love living in a world where pedobaiters on onlyfans make more money than doctors and aid workers. Love living in a world where rape and incest and abusing women are mainstream fetishes. Love living in a world where everyone knows what facialabuse is and where old men cant wait to devour teenage girls bodies as soon as they turn 18. Love living in a world where every moid has been orgasming to women being raped on camera since he was at least 12. Love living in a world where every man I see on the street watches porn and fantasizes about raping women. Love living in a world where pickmes fetishize other women's trauma and libfems cheer it on.
No. 448961
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>>447045Voluntary sex workers are innately anti woman. I'll never support or have sympathy for e-whores or prostitutes unless they were forced/trafficked into the industry. SWs are traitors to women everywhere.
No. 448975
>>448961I'm with you. It's disgusting behavior but in a way I feel sorry for them because living that life seems like a version of hell that they are coping themselves into believing is great.
Also people who use "I'm younger than you" as a flex are literally retarded. Do they not understand how time works
No. 449119
>>448975I feel no remorse when they age and lose their attractiveness and get mistreated just like the "old wives" they mock. It's cruel of me, but imo they deserve
Of course I don't wish that for the poor women who were forced to do it
No. 449136
>>448975I've done sex work and contributed to the industry up until a certain point in my mid 20s. It's why I feel the way I do about PA, because I've been on the other side of it (not trying to garner sympathy but I do feel like its important to mention for some insight)
So truthfully while I was in it, I did have that false sense "girl power" that I see a lot of these girls still clinging on to. It's not great, sure the money might be but it's degrading and you put yourself around and in contact with the most disgusting men imaginable. They'll never admit it because they're trying to play off the boss girl shit but I guarantee you in a few years more than half these women will need therapy (unless they're just as fried as the men they pander to). Im upset with myself for falling into it and I really hope to see more women putting this shit down and pursuing something more fulfilling. But i do not have sympathy for the shit heads straight up encouraging virtual cheating just to fill their pockets.
No. 449977
>>447459Idk but personally I'm cynical beyond belief when it comes to XYs, just based on personal experience. Every single relationship I've been in, porn has been a problem. Not even just in itself but the way it changed how my Nigels acted towards me, what they expected in bed, how shallow it made them, how it affected their perception of me and other women, their lack of empathy towards my pain, wanting to hurt and degrade me instead of caring about my pleasure, them virtually cheating by having obsessive, parasocial relationships with e-girls etc.
I remember asking reddit for advice on my bf being a porn addict and got the usual 'All guys use it, It's what men need to function, It's harmless fun, Women who don't let their bfs watch porn are crazy bpd bitches, It's better than him cheating on you so be grateful' etc etc gaslighting coomer responses. It's amazing how deeply in denial normalfags are about how harmful porn is.
I am hoping Trumps administration bans it but I've heard even Trump was trying to watch porn while in the white house his last term so I'm not optimistic. Republican hatred of women will always take precedence over their fake concern for young girls welfare. I've dated right wing men and they're the biggest hypocrites when it comes to porn.
Just yesterday on /pol/ there was a thread on the Russian girl whose CP video was circulated on the internet and the moids in the thread were reminiscing about how good the video was and talking about how old they feel now etc. These are your tradscrotes btw. Fucking disgusting.
No. 451069
>>451056To look at instagram or youtube or whatever, idk. I'm getting in my head about it really bad because my porn addicted ex would jerk off in the bathroom all the time under the guise of "I'm just taking a shit."
Is it unreasonable for me to ask him to not take his phone into the bathroom? I don't go through his phone or anything and he's told me the password and stuff, I'm just really paranoid because of the bullshit my exhusband did, but I also want to give him the benefit of the doubt because he hasn't shown any red flags thus far that he has coom brain. Ugh, I just really hate that this is always on the back of my mind.
No. 451072
>>451069Idk nonna b/c neither I nor any of the 2 serious bfs I had nor any people I lived with in the past (family etc) routinely took phones into the bathroom, seems extra unhygienic and inconvenient and pooping should only take a few minutes so I would be a little suspicious of that, but it could just be a zoomer level of glued to phone I don't understand.
I don't think it's unreasonable per se to ask someone not to bring their phone to the bathroom personally, since I find taking your phone to the bathroom weird in general, but it will probably come off as strange and start a fight if you just ask that out of the blue. If you actually want to find out if he's watching porn in the bathroom maybe you can try doing something like sneaking up and listening at the door or even knocking and being like 'sorry can I come in and grab something for a sec/can you open the door a crack and pass me my (idk whatever you left there, asthma inhaler or chapstick or something)' while he's in there and see if he panics or if you hear/see anything
sus. You could also just try offhandedly asking him why he takes so long (if he's in there a long time) or (if he's not) you could ask why he needs to take his phone to the bathroom. If he's watching youtube you would probably hear it if you approached right outside the door but that might not work if you have creaky floors or something.
Also if he told you the password to your phone you could just try checking it or going through it, especially if he already gave you the password that's fair game and I don't see any reason to avoid it especially if you're starting to feel paranoid. However you may not really find out the answer just from that if he's good at hiding his tracks online (most men aren't though).
Or if you are less concerned about 'catching' him/finding the truth and more concerned about getting some kind of assurance from him that he's not like your ex you could just be honest with him and tell him that your ex used to do that and ask him if he could leave his phone behind when he uses the toilet because you have paranoia related to your past relationship, but personally I wouldn't do this as it gives him potential ammunition against you (to call you crazy etc) and gives him a heads-up that you're suspecting him so if he is hiding something he will just get more diligent about hiding it.
No. 451087
>>451072Thanks for the thought out response,
I know he would stop taking his phone in the bathroom if I asked him to and wouldn't fight me about it - he pretty much does anything I ask without questioning me about it. We've been together 2 years and never had a fight. Which is why I don't want to accuse him of something and make him feel like the relationship is insecure. I'm going to think about it for a bit before I decide how to go about it.
I don't want it to come down to going through his phone because it'll make me lose any kind of respect for him if I feel like I have to monitor him like a child. Plus my ex was so damn sneaky and would literally hide porn on thumbdrives and secret calculator vault apps, my brain tells me that no moid would just leave porn history on their phone if they knew their gf was against it (just use an incognito tab) so it really wouldn't make me feel better if I went through his stuff and it was squeaky clean. He knows about what I went through with my ex and how it affected me so he should (theoretically) be understanding about my concerns. Maybe if I say something like "I know you probably aren't doing anything bad, but it would make me feel a lot more at ease if we keep phones out of the bathroom." Gah he's just so nice to me that it makes it so hard for me to have this conversation, if he was an asshole I would have no problem grilling him.
No. 451097
>>451087I don't think going through someone's phone once (who gave you permission in advance) due to a flare-up of bad vibes/spidey senses/paranoia/whatever it is at all the same thing as monitoring someone like a child. It would be monitoring him like a child if you knew he was a porn addict and he needed to be supervised in order not to 'relapse,' but in this case it would just be getting information to see if the bad feeling tormenting you seems to have a basis or not. If you did find porn on his phone would it be a dealbreaker? You're right he could be sneaky about it though so it may not assuage your fears even if you find nothing, but for e.g. if you know when he went to the bathroom recently and his browser history actually showed that he went on youtube at that time it might.
> He knows about what I went through with my ex and how it affected me so he should (theoretically) be understanding about my concerns.This is the part that sounds concerning about your story, I have no idea if your bf is a good person or not but theoretically knowing details about your history with your ex could just lead your bf to be more careful about hiding things from you if he is similar to your ex, which is why alerting him to the fact that you're suspicious of him could be a bad idea. If he's a good guy who cares about you he isn't doing anything like that, but since you're having these worries and suspicions/anxieties they're not likely to go away until you get an answer somehow, are they? Regardless of whether it's a real bad vibe you're picking up on or just paranoia due to your ex. Anyway good luck whatever you choose to do, but personally I'd choose 'directly asking not to take the phone into the bathroom' as the very last option after I'd investigated my suspicions first. And asking not to bring the phone in the bathroom feels just as much like 'monitoring' him to me as checking his phone history does, it's kind of like making your kid use their PC in the family room so you know what they're doing on there.
No. 461411
>>461329Anonita you need to love yourself more than you love him! So many of the things you wrote make me rage and I want to alog him so badly. I won't do it though because you'll most likely want to stand up for him and defend his good qualities. I don't mean that disrespectfully; I would do and have done the same bc of "you don't know him like I do!!" etc.
Even if he had shown remorse for treating you like dehumanized garbage (which doesn't sound like he has), I feel like he's crossed the line to unforgivable territory. Do you believe he'll actually make permanent changes or just get less retarded about hiding his degeneracy from you?
So many women in this thread, on Reddit etc. talk about how soul crushing it is being with a coomer and how it destroyed their self esteem, killed their libido and made it impossible to trust men in relationships again. You've been with him for less than a year and he's already made you feel badly about yourself. He'll most likely mess you up even more and take no responsibility when standing in the ruins of your self esteem (muh men are visual, muh porn is normal).
You're still so young, please get rid of him and his coomer baggage. You deserve to feel loved and adored for your body and beauty without the appreciation being some fetish or porn category or alongside the guy's other jackoff material.
I can guarantee that in situations like these the regret rate is
much higher with the women that stay with these losers than with the ones who have the sense to get out. You'll fall in love again. You are the one bringing the magic into the relationship. You will find it with someone else as well. Please don't break yourself or drag yourself down any longer. Best of luck nona
No. 461433
>>461329>18 years old woman with her whole life ahead of her>with a scrote who cheated on her>said scrote is also into femboys and negs heri'll be a harsher than
>>461411. young men are more likely to be complete goners into coomerdom now, but it doesn't mean you have to put up with it. you sound like you're insecure over being overweight and it lets this scrote manipulate you and dehumanize you into his fetish material. you deserve so much better than this. look up stories from older women about being with porn addicts like r/deadbedrooms. if this relationship makes you feel worse, his love seems pretty worthless. women trying to encourage a man to change for the better usually makes them feel like you're "nagging" them and resent you.
i get being young and coming from a society with accepting, liberal feminist views on porn, i really didn't understand how bad porn was that young until i was exposed to radfem views and seeing coomers in action. but looking into the truth about porn, the porn industry (you never really know if a woman in porn meaningfully consented), and its effects on men and boys would be helpful. paraphilias are usually fixation that detracts from real bonding in relationships, and male entitlement means they often abuse women and girls to fulfill them. they also can escalate and they need more extreme material to get off.
No. 461479
>>461329>but I just don't know if this is worth the way it's made me feel.Why put yourself through this? You already know what you need to do. You’re 18, been with him for less than a year and you’re unhappy. It will only get worst and you will damage yourself in the long run. People DONT change. They might improve parts of their lives/behavior, but they’ll always be who they are.
If you want to spend your youth being unhappy and treated like crap, then I guess that’s your choice.
No. 461582
>>461579Good for you, nona! It's not easy to put yourself first when you have strong feelings for someone, especially if you struggle with self esteem issues. I can relate to that a lot.
It's great that you're able to make the tough call. Also understandable that you wanted to rant about him here and express how the situation is difficult to deal with. Some women take decades longer to come to the same conclusion, and some can't choose themselves at all.
Really happy to hear that you're getting rid of him. It's going to only get better from here on out! He can stay gooning by himself
No. 461586
>>461582>Some women take decades longer to come to the same conclusion, and some can't choose themselves at all.So true I was 18 when this happened with my first relationship and I finally woke up this year. You can't fix them no matter what. I'm in my 20's now and I wish I had just dumped him the moment he hurt me the first time.
>>461579I'm proud of you, anon. He's going to beg and possibly cry to guilt you, but you mustn't fall for it. You'll only waste years of your life if you end up going back. I fell into the trap and it kept happening in a cycle. Therapy and "communicating" bs is all lies. For them, it'll all go in one ear and out the other.
No. 461637
>>461608girl stop.. she just needs to leave and never give him energy again
>>461329in the future, never stay with anybody who cheats on you. ever. and never date somebody who actively uses brainrot retardation websites like twitter or reddit. never date a porn addict either, theyre energy vampires who will destroy your self confidence while giving nothing back
No. 463906
>>463903I think like any addiction, it is possible to recover. But it would take the addict himself wanting to make that change. It's not something you can do to him or train him out of, and the majority of men probably won't wake up to the fact that what they're doing is extremely
problematic and decide they actively want to do the work to change themselves. They find ways to justify the behavior especially because it's so pervasive and normalized in our society.
No. 463914
>>414796I have a friend about 30 years old who does boudoir and BDSM photoshoots and doesn't care what other people think. She was in a relationship with a narcissist who introduced her to BDSM fetish and some swinger/BDSM clubs.
Now they appear to be broken up but she's still a fetish and BDSM model.
Is this what libfem is doing to some people?
No. 482711
>>482656Worst advice ever
>>482710This, always this
No. 482861
>>482726If you think “well you do it too” isn’t going to be in his arsenal of argumentative evidence as to why it should be ok, you’re being ignorant.
No. 483069
>>483005This. Wounded pride and ego injury is the only language moids understand. Getting mogged and cucked by other dudes is the only thing that activates their chimpanzee brains.
Good luck trying to get a moid to treat you better based on 'empathy' or 'consideration' towards you kek. They don't care about that stuff at all which is why they never stop watching porn for their gf/wife (or at best pretend to)
No. 483116
>>483115ntayrt but I also think just leaving him might be the best option and might to the most psychic damage if done correctly. Just suddenly ghosting him, no explanation and blocking him everywhere. Him not getting any closure or explanation and op just disappearing from his life and going on to bigger and better things would hopefully be devastating.
This also has the added benefit where he won't learn to hide his degeneracy from his next
victim bc that's not given as a reason for the breakup
No. 484419
>>482645the real way to get under your nigels skin is by fawning over a guy who is uglier than him. most men are homoerotic simps to a degree and obsessed with social hierarchies, so when a moid sees a woman thirsting over a much more handsome guy he usually thinks 'yeah ok whatever he mogs me anyway, nothing I can do',
but when you thirst over a guy who's objectively uglier and dumber than him it breaks his tiny brain and causes immense butthurt because he can't compute it and starts questioning himself kek.
No. 484434
>>483138>>483145If only there was a way to switch to being a lesbian and liking pussy and tits
Some anon admitted she doesn't mind kissing but she can't like puss
No. 485724
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