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No. 43399
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No. 43406
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I have a friend who looks a lot like Kota's most notorious shoops, but the funny thing is they're very private and anti-Internet, to the point that they don't even have Facebook. They hate the attention their face gives them, it's such a waste. I keep telling them to learn Nipponese and make bank but I can't even get them to pose with me for an Instagram photo lol.
No. 43408
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reminds me of nina dobrev
No. 43426
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I've had several people to tell me i have a kinda doll like face and that i am very cute, i am super self conscious and dislike myself a lot but when i hear someone telling me that it always warms up my heart and makes me feel a bit cuter.
I did a photoshoot with a photograph friend recently and got lots of compliments about my face being "happier" (i was dealing with depression and stuff before so i was looking tired and sad all the time) and lighter and how having blonde hair was making me look adorable,…
Overall i still fail to see what they think is "dolly" and "adorably cute" in me, but i'm trying to have more confidence and dress cute because it makes me feel cute.
Pic unrelated but i found it back and it's silly and some of you here sounds insecure too so please cheer up, you're never as terrible as you may think anons <3
No. 43429
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>all that salt
not even posted before but you need to calm down
No. 43434
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I think women like Lindsey Wixson appear very doll like in a European sense, but obviously supermodels aren't exactly average people.
No. 43442
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Tbh it's not really cute to have an ego over having certain features.
Honestly, I don't think you need to have "doll"/child like features in order to be cute. Anyone can be cute as long as they do what works for their features.
I'm gonna have to kind of agree with this. Look at bowbeauty24, she's really haggard looking but most people think she's young because she acts/dresses like an awkward preteen. Although, I will say I think her round features do help in people thinking she looks young because if she looked like pt, most people would assume she's a retarded old woman.
No. 43445
File: 1441334720618.jpg (80.17 KB, 720x1280, IMG-20150405-WA0005.jpg)

My friends ex was pretty dolly. he deleted everything online a few weeks ago, so I only have this covered face pic.
No. 43458
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IMO Himezawa has a nice round dolly face!
No. 43460
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All I can see…
No. 43513
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it would be hilarious if you were Lauryn
No. 43515
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>inb4 Mila Mortice
No. 43517
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No. 43526
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Throw around those buzzwords gurl keep convincing yourself that people are fat and ugly for laughing at you for claiming you look like Kota's shoops
No. 43527
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Pics anon pics pics pics
No. 43529
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Go on
No. 43537
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She has a mature face but I think she looks like a doll
No. 43543
File: 1441761979480.jpg (5.21 KB, 225x225, weeb.jpg)

Pree sure this is a self post. Reverse image search says that your name is Liisa R. Ketola and that you post these "kawaii" weeaboo pics on instagram like most gulls.
No. 43549
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Hai guys this is my friend i think she looks super dolly and kawaii and yea she said I can post her on here XD
No. 43565
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And yet here you are, still doing it.
>inb4 you're this dumb bitch
No. 43566
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No. 43570
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will this chick pls stop arguing with herself
No. 43571
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I dunno if I should feel amused or second hand embarrassment from reading all this bickering
No. 43572
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No. 43573
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From her IG
>Fridays are spent getting drunk while browsing 4chan. #Perjantai #Thuglaif
Totally not a selfpost guissse
No. 54465
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Well I don't know if dolly has anything to do with these things, but just talking about what people consider 'beautiful'. My face fits the golden ratio the same way Angelina Jolie does here (so not identical but nearly identical), EXCEPT for my facial shape, which is super round (so horizontally falls out of the borders of that facial shape). So you'd think I should get surgery for it to look 'perfect', but the big irony about it, is that my round face does make me look young and youthful (cause hamster cheeks), so I got that going for me.
No. 54466
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>>54464>pale skinHonestly, I don't think you have to have a pale skin to look dolly. Because I think Ariana Grande looks super dolly despite her obvious tan. I really wonder if they wanted her to look cute/dolly in her stylish on purpose or not. If not, it would be really hilarious, as she looks so much more dolly than most that try to look so.
No. 54484
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>>54472i already know i look way older than my age in the worst way. i'm just hoping that by the time i'm 30 i actually look my age. what's the point of obsessing over skincare and anti-wrinkle stuff when your bone structure naturally makes you look old?
No. 54508
>>43406I'm kinda like this, except I'd say im not looking like photoshop lol. When I was young, I always felt so ugly and alone. Got older, wiser, and learned how to take care of myself. I was pretty shocked by how some people acted in my teens and onward after I "blossomed". Strangers that try to demand attention from you, particularly men, bothered me a lot. They can get offended when you don't want to entertain them. I'm 24 now, I can handle myself with people much more easily now that I've worked on being more chatty and firm with my boundaries.
People always tell me I look like Keira Knightly, Winona Ryder, and Christina Ricci. Seriously, those 3 over and over by strangers. It's odd but hey I am not complaining. Feels good man.
No. 54517
>>54465Pics pls. Blur your facial features if you must if not i'm going to assume b8.
>>54466I clicked for AG I love her, so gorgeous her image I mean she's apparently a diva cunt irl, I hope straight brows become more of a ubiquitous trend in the west they look really feminine and youthful if done right.
No. 54535
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>>54517I traced my face shape+eyes+nose+lips+brows from the picture I used, but that's all I can post for now. I guess maybe I can send something better through mail, but I have my reasons to stay anon here. Talking about straight brows, mine are also too straight to match this one, so I guess that's also off for me, along with my facial shape. But the eyes+nose+lips seem to be pretty balanced at least. Anyway, maybe a lot of people fit it the same way, but on google I can only find pictures of celebs like Angelina and the like. I'd like to see other anons doing this thing, maybe it's so common we can all consider ourselves as "sorta beautiful by science".
No. 54539
File: 1486057559708.png (73.63 KB, 412x351, 1453644472374.png)

>tfw you look like an evil disney character instead of a cute girlI fucking wish I had a cute dolly face. My face features are very sharp and straight (which is a good thing for men imo, but not for women)
No. 54541
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>>54539Embrace it, it's what's in right now. At least you don't look like a goofy Bilbo Baggins like I do.
No. 54546
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>>54465Never found Angelina attractive, butt chins and long faces aren't really my idea of attractive but I do see the appeal in mature faces like Olivia Wilde for example.
Jennifer Connolly during the 80s was my first grill crush. She had a major baby face complete with gorgeous crystal eyes, full locks and proportioned features everything about her looked so soft and girly, times have changed her so much though. Also Jessica Alba, Brooke Shields and Miranda Kerr uunff.
Steering clear of the retarded on fleek makeup trends tends to make all women appear younger imo. Or at least their own age. That shit tends to age teenagers the worst.
No. 54550
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She's had at least two nose jobs and gets lip fillers but Selena has been looking extra cute and has proven you don't have to look like a boiled egg with blue eyes to look doll like.
No. 54553
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>>54535This was interesting to do. My face shape aligns almost perfectly with it but my features are off. it might be because I'm Asian? Also I traced it with my mouse so it's not perfect. It would be really cool if a lot of people did this!
No. 54566
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>>54550Dear god what is this monstrosity she some how went from white to Hispanic? Kek those lip fillers make her look like a goldfish, this is attractive to you? Your part of the problem.
Looking like a bratz doll is not more attractive. Natural full lips are more attractive because the placement is right imo, though Kylie badly needed some fillers in her shoestrings she's definitely an outlier. The funny thing is her work somehow additionally changed her overall racial impression as well, she appears black mixed now from her original white appearance. Mixed race seems to be somehow a fashion trend which is interesting but also sort of weird seeing people change their aesthetics to those of other races it's no different from weabs doing cat weab eyeliner and chinks wearing double eyelid tape not to derail too much though just an interesting observation on face trends.
>you don't have to look like a boiled egg with blue eyes to look doll like.Why u hav be salty anon, I like mature faces too but swollen butthole lips don't take the cake for me i'm afraid. The insta drag-queen makeup trends tend to make women look like they drown in low confidence. In small doses they're complementary enough though.
No. 54591
>>54566…….she is Hispanic, anon.
I think you may be part of the problem. But keep talking I guess.
No. 54592
>>54566You do realize her name is Selena Gomez, right? Gomez?
She was never white.
That one mistake kind of throws your entire post into the trash.
No. 54597
>>54541Kinda OT but Katie McGrath is the apex of feminine beauty for me. Her face has balanced, nice features that also look interesting, the kind that you remember her face.
I'd put her over any "dolly" looking girl.
Sage for Katie worship
No. 54599
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>>54553Oh thanks for sharing! Actually I was wondering how this would look if you would focus more on the placement of your eyes-nose-lips. So I tried to place the mask over the left. It seems that way it aligns a lot more, but in that case your face would be smaller than fitting, rather than bigger like mine. As for being Asian, that's a good point. It might be of influence, but I also haven't researched it. I also traced mine with the trace pad of my laptop btw, so mine wasn't perfect either. But it's easy and enough detail to get something out of it, so yeah I also hope more anons try it!
No. 54610
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>>54607Mortality is depressing.
No. 54619
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>>54602>>54592>>54591Well shit you learn something stupid but new everyday they certainly did a good job white washing her in every work she's ever been in ever lul. I honestly though she was just a weird looking white chick.
>>54610>>54607This fuels my depression.
No. 54635
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>>54619Are you one of those "Oh shit, I find this nonwhite person attractive. How do I explain this? Uh…Th-They obviously have white features! That's it!!" people?
No. 54636
>>54610Wait… this is the same person as
>>54566 ? What the hell happened? I… don't understand
No. 54649
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>>54566She was never white…nor looked white
This is her circa 2002
No. 54655
>>54610Is this Caitlyn Jenner
>>54648It couldn't have been just time, drugs must have also been involved
No. 54660
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>>54658 here
Looks like I was right, her mom looks totally fucking white. The two divorced apparently.
No. 54681
>>54664>>54672>>54679Her mom is Italian.
Do you guys think blonde hair/blue eyed people are the only white people? lmao
No. 54688
>>54684Oh my, she has a tan!
What are italians if not white lol
No. 54702
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>>54683>>54684West-European here. Her face looks quite Italian, and other wise typically South European. Closer to Turkish than let's say German or Swedish if you'd ask me. But Turkish people are considered POC in West-Europe. So yeah people do kinda see this look as different from standard White (which I guess is Aryan White lol).
Ariana Grande is also Italian, and especially with her natural hair, she looks pretty POC-ish.
No. 59732
>>59723I agree with
>>59729I'm in my mid twenties but everyone thinks I'm in high school or 19 at most. I like MEN, so I never attract the men I'm attracted to because they want women, not my playground looking ass. Shit sucks.
No. 59802
>>59801Oh god, here we go.
Weebs can't go ten fucking minutes without getting
triggered and defensive, I swear. Have fun with all that delusion babe.
No. 59817
>>59810>>ppl usually tell me i look like one after gasping>>gaspingHow often does this happen to you anon?
I'm short and never had an issue being mistaken for a child/teenager, unlike many (most?) anons here. I literally cannot imagine people gasping at me, and never experienced such a thing. I have also never had anyone relate me to a doll or considerably younger than my age (since I was 14). I've grown to accept that I never got the advantages of looking underaged (even when I was lol), but I've always wondered how it must be for anons that are mistaken for much younger.
>>59774>>all i notice with men is that it's easier to attract asians.I look my age (mid-twenties). I prefer asian men, but don't look "cute"/kawaii at all lol. I naturally have the stereotypical instagram hoe face (narrow-ish shape, square chin, tall thin nose, full lips etc). With that said, I literally lived in Asia for 2+ years and
still hardly got hit on despite trying to dress more "kawaii". I've generally always had to approach men first, and have been hit on more by other white people/blacks living in asian countries than the locals. Luckily, within the first few seconds of speaking to someone it's generally pretty easy to tell if they are attracted, but I've definitely noticed "cute" looking girls get approached a lot more…;_;
No. 59824
>>59817in high school it happened pretty frequently and i had a weird mascot-like popularity for three years straight, but since senior yr and graduating I've been pretty recluse
I've run into a couple ppl who lost their shit over me and it got weird (grabbing/hugging/gushing strangers)
i rlly dont know how to respond to that kind of affection so I've ended up dodging hugs (i lean towards asexuality and find touching weird)
my white mom looks young 4 her age so the ten yr gap between her and my asian dad dosent show, so i guess that lends itself to my baby face
how tall r u? I'm just a hair below 5 ft but I'm 18 so myb i could grow more
No. 59825
>>59817samefag but as for this
>but I've always wondered how it must be for anons that are mistaken for much youngerI honestly don't mind, and i think anyone who complains is weird >some ppl rapidly age, which is far worse
Its only gotten me some funny stories, in hs my future substitute found me on my way to class and asked me if i was from the school next door (an elementary school)
and riding my bike home from college some kids yelled at me how old i was, wanting to play – but this kind of stuff happens every time i step out
No. 59853
>>59824>>59825Thanks for your answers anons!
>>59824I'm in my mid-twenties, and sometimes get mistaken for younger (i.e. 20 to 24), but no one really asks me my age. I'm 4'11", and people react completely different toward me than you it seems lol
>>I've run into a couple ppl who lost their shit over me and it got weird (grabbing/hugging/gushing strangers)That's interesting anon. I've heard this a lot from other short females, but people tend to be very serious and formal with me (as I am with them). People sometimes jump out of my way and apologize…so completely opposite. I really don't think I'm scary or intimidating looking though.
>>59825>>in hs my future substitute found me on my way to class and asked me if i was from the school next door (an elementary school)When I was in hs, people in their 20's and 30's would mistake me for a college or graduate student. Luckily, I still look like in my 20's and not 30's or something lol
>>59838Sometimes I feel like the only person on the internet who didn't look 16, even when I was 16…
No. 59858
>>59838don't ask me I'm not even 19 yet
i just responded to the prompt w/ how ppl generally react to me
> women in their 20s and 30s who claim to look 16if they even complain about it i definitely place it as a humble brag\ take akidearbreast as an example (in the snow threads) shes got the body of an abuelita and still wants ppl to know she gets mistaken for 16 when shes 20 something
No. 60918
>>60673Same, anon. It's not a kawaii doll face but more of a perpetual chubby-cheeked child face. Like an awkward preteen whose face still has to grow in proportion. I'm 20 now so I hope it will change over the next few years.
I would love to wear more make-up to match my elaborate style of clothing, but it just looks really off. Especially stuff like eyeliner or lipstick always looks like a kid smeared paint on its face.
No. 61371
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I have been told by 3 strangers I am the spitting image of Emily Kinney (Beth from The Walking Dead) always when my hair is in a ponytail like hers in the show. I have the same small lips, round cheeks, pale skin, but a somewhat different and more crooked nose and much worse skin, so that takes away from the dollishness factor. I think it's more of a general "cute" face than a dolly face. When I don't know wtf to do with my hair, I look at photos of Emily actually…
My mom happened upon a VenusAngelic video once and brought me into the room to show me this "weird doll girl that looks like you!"