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/g/ - girl talk

File(20 MB max)
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File: 1732017473918.jpg (94.99 KB, 533x498, 1000017196.jpg)

No. 445482

Post attractive male bodies here, without the face. Use the attractive male or unconventional male threads for that instead.


No. 445500

File: 1732021867682.jpg (462.64 KB, 1280x1707, GcpGavyawAAOrEG.jpg)

Thanks for the new bread

No. 445512

File: 1732024887350.jpg (371.01 KB, 1412x2048, GcvfJbZakAAni7m.jpg)

No. 445513

File: 1732025287836.jpg (64.92 KB, 734x848, 9a9549fe58d74047e72fe5a58ca050…)

athletic men >

No. 445514

Stab him, punch him, beat him, pull his pants down, show his fatass to the farmhands and let them smack his cow man meat like the little whore he is. Tramp stamp him, put a cowbell on him and let him walk in the fields with the other cattle.

No. 445516

No. 445592

File: 1732052616369.jpg (64.85 KB, 470x700, tumblr_1f017c399b23f98d78f9fb7…)

No. 445854

File: 1732182555463.jpg (609.55 KB, 1226x2048, GakCkSibwAAele6.jpg)

No. 445923

File: 1732217767524.jpg (47.57 KB, 736x727, 1000017249.jpg)

No. 445936

File: 1732223052341.jpg (66.92 KB, 736x736, 1000017254.jpg)


No. 446013

File: 1732265816807.webm (8.75 MB, 1280x720, cropped.webm)

No. 446014

Is this supposed to be guro?

No. 446038


No. 446042

never skip pec day

No. 446046

File: 1732293486177.jpg (48.81 KB, 500x323, his butt soon.jpg)

>show his fatass to the farmhands
kek. redtexted

No. 446272

File: 1732405750448.gif (7.24 MB, 540x385, 1000017296.gif)

No. 446339

File: 1732433174169.jpeg (36.64 KB, 492x384, IMG_2202.jpeg)

Best pair of thighs I’ve ever seen.

No. 446424

File: 1732489731519.jpg (81.79 KB, 736x962, 1000017348.jpg)

No. 446555

File: 1732561372863.jpg (120.35 KB, 736x920, 9f2589170071a0d50c08814c7d904a…)

No. 446628

File: 1732589063106.jpeg (Spoiler Image,203.84 KB, 1016x978, IMG_7045.jpeg)

No. 446660

Can we get more sexy vids like in the last thread thanks whoever that nona was

No. 446751

I was thinking the same lol. If I had twitter I’d contribute too and spam you all with slutty moids but I don’t. Pls come through vid nonnies.

No. 446781

File: 1732647268226.jpg (98.98 KB, 818x941, GXTisL6bgAE0q7p.jpg)

sorry I can't find anything that doesn't involve a penis.
Nothing stops you from making a throwaway account.

No. 446857

File: 1732669857511.jpg (142.98 KB, 724x1024, 6f39acd44b19c9889d7e4c225439c4…)

No. 446879

I am trying to see penis.

No. 446883

File: 1732679077020.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.79 KB, 893x960, FB_IMG_1627963785191.jpg)

Spoiler to be safe.

No. 446968

ok fine here's a squirming slut(no porn)

No. 446976

No. 446987

File: 1732721257166.jpeg (132.04 KB, 1116x1206, hwTHnL7.jpeg)

No. 446990

File: 1732722015290.jpg (19.97 KB, 296x342, gJUyJCgxax.jpg)

No. 447014

No. 447032

Whoever posted this one is a little bit gay

No. 447061

What do you mean, gay scrote or lesbian?

No. 447068

we already had a huge argument about this last thread pls not again…

No. 447078

God so hot. Keep this coming

No he's clearly jacked. Better than the nasty worm posted underneath.

No. 447079

No. 447081


Fuck you

No. 447083

Ironically actual gay men (or at least the receivers/bottoms, which is most of them) are into >>446987

No. 447087

No I don't like ugly men and skinny jack skellington rapist looking men

No. 447088

WHY IS THERE ALWAYS A FIGHT ABOUT SKELLIES IN EVERY ONE OF THESE THREADS? It happened last thread and the thread before, why?? I'm not into big men but I don't debate about them every time they're posted. It's like the bones summon something idk.

No. 447089

I think the femdom tards like to come in here and complain about "le fatties" but then it's just a normal looking man instead of an incel who you can tell doesn't eat and hunches over a computer all day.

No. 447091

But last time it started because some anon kept calling skelly enjoyers 'ugly lesbians' out of nowhere, I don't think it's related to whatever's happening here

No. 447132

File: 1732803045901.jpg (47.11 KB, 500x409, g4299.jpg)

No. 447133

File: 1732803067953.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.86 KB, 600x900, 87.jpg)

No. 447134

File: 1732803094892.jpeg (91.67 KB, 676x784, 108644670.jpeg)

No. 447135

File: 1732803125501.jpg (55.06 KB, 1000x751, 985_1000.jpg)

No. 447136

File: 1732803271374.jpeg (56.93 KB, 527x267, 3-674.jpeg)

No. 447137

File: 1732803293401.jpg (203.38 KB, 900x1200, FQyjoXfXMAUqH1a.jpg)

No. 447142

Need more pale white boys. The ones who have a semi jacked build with a little bit of body fat or the lean plus skinny with visible abs that are not too cut. God I wanna sniff them so bad

No. 447143

Also the ones with tattos but not tacky wigger shit like a lion or clock tattoo, I like unique ones. But not all tatted up cause it looks like shit

No. 447144

I don't like the too skinny ones. The too skinny ones are usually gay, kek. I love twinks but I want twinks with a slight body fat and atleast some abs

No. 447147

File: 1732805766181.png (911.12 KB, 850x800, 1713884368754.png)

Sometimes I wish anons like you could see what actual homos look like, but then again I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Most of the time they're pic related, these are openly gay men btw I'm not even trying to be mean

No. 447148

Holy shit I just woke up, came on lc, saw this on the homepage and thought it was people bent over, showing their butts kekk. My eyes are bad in the morning

No. 447179

Spanking time.
If you mean the faggot meeting post above, I can kinda see it… horrifying.

No. 447318

File: 1732871424781.jpg (72.56 KB, 564x752, 1000019697.jpg)

No. 447319

File: 1732871499972.jpg (67.13 KB, 735x796, 1000019698.jpg)


No. 447320

File: 1732871562247.jpg (73.91 KB, 736x736, 1000019699.jpg)

No. 447321

File: 1732871659821.jpg (48.54 KB, 474x663, 1000019700.jpg)

No. 447322

File: 1732871702120.jpg (75.23 KB, 735x880, 1000019701.jpg)

No. 447323

File: 1732871769040.jpg (75.32 KB, 736x981, 1000019702.jpg)

last one

No. 447325

That's ok, we love a good slut.

No. 447366

The hips are exquisite

No. 447408

oh my god not the happy trail on pale skin it makes me drool

No. 447429

Is it because of the pecs protruding too much and making manboob? I guess he should lose some muscle.

No. 447470

there's way bigger/more protruding manboobs posted earlier though

No. 447473

it's cause he's jealous fatso

No. 447474

File: 1732937180893.jpg (80.54 KB, 736x599, 0e8e425da42e3c93a2f1e1da024ba2…)

No. 447518

File: 1732955184998.jpg (45.42 KB, 736x736, 1000019831.jpg)

cute slut

No. 447519

File: 1732955210377.jpg (57.46 KB, 735x988, 1000019828.jpg)

No. 447520

File: 1732955246152.jpg (59.08 KB, 736x1161, 1000019830.jpg)

No. 447521

File: 1732955344652.jpg (69.62 KB, 735x551, 1000019826.jpg)

No. 447523

File: 1732955606614.jpg (55.2 KB, 631x666, 1000019832.jpg)

No. 447524

File: 1732955684732.jpg (110.98 KB, 736x1308, 1000019836.jpg)

No. 447525

File: 1732955755733.jpg (97.62 KB, 735x996, 1000019834.jpg)

No. 447547

is this delon

No. 447563

File: 1732980592390.jpg (40.52 KB, 500x531, 6178ba72f0bd97a0ad12ba95291320…)

No. 447577

File: 1732989402627.jpg (64.25 KB, 474x632, m.jpg)

No. 447641

File: 1733009046621.jpg (99.65 KB, 454x800, 1000017437.jpg)

Nonas in the ugly man psyop thread have great taste, I couldn't stop looking at him. Any more guys with this body type?

No. 447670

File: 1733015797428.jpg (69.04 KB, 720x815, 1000017440.jpg)

No. 447791

File: 1733061391637.jpg (45.02 KB, 750x938, aleks_le.jpg)

anyone have sweat pics?(read the rules of the thread, no faces allowed)

No. 447805

File: 1733063522515.png (1.12 MB, 736x981, 1000017444.png)

No. 447835

is it really that hard to crop/cover up their faces?? read the op

No. 447860

File: 1733082427420.jpeg (408.33 KB, 720x788, k8hy7stsaa4e1.jpeg)

No. 447871

we dont see their faces
dont be a nazi

No. 447873

I recognize him and I hate this rat faced instagram attention whore for some reason but to each their own

No. 447931

File: 1733120151415.png (4.91 MB, 1753x2428, 1A10-E597-8312-24246457.png)

Are paintings allowed?

No. 447973

No, and that body is hoglike. Shoo

No. 448249

File: 1733260391810.jpg (36.91 KB, 678x678, 13f0d42190a5f69cb3c1ae1b0a3b59…)

No. 448251

File: 1733260835990.jpg (71.16 KB, 736x940, 1000017490.jpg)

edited out the tattoos

No. 448252

need that

No. 448438

File: 1733348675188.mp4 (1.82 MB, 720x1280, 1000017527.mp4)

…just hear me out

No. 448445

No thanks i'll make myself deaf instead

No. 448506

File: 1733365280504.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.32 KB, 584x807, 16815f4499f56ef17ff2a242bb8d82…)

No. 448519

File: 1733370530259.png (501.44 KB, 451x556, 8998.png)

Nonnas, what are your thoughts on the body in picrel? For reference he's about 50 in the pic, 6'1"

No. 448520

File: 1733370963193.png (673.45 KB, 1440x817, 1000019374.png)

Disgusting, should be spoilered, looks like the middle-aged men at the gas station during summer, looks like pic related

No. 448521

Repulsive and old and probably you or your gross nigel, """"nonna""""(scrotefoiling)

No. 448523

nta but why did you but nonna in quotes?

No. 448525

to answer your question, gross, but why on earth would you post this in 'ideal man bodies' kek

No. 448528

Because "ideal" is incredibly subjective and I like older men

No. 448529

I mean, you posted to ask what people thought and shared a pic of a dumpy saggy old guy so unconventional attractions thread or something like the stupid questions thread would have been more appropriate is all

No. 448554

'i like older men' oh fuck off

No. 448556

Not everyone is attracted to 18 year old 98 pound twinks

No. 448559

If you must post men twice your age can you at least post one that isn't made out of jello?

No. 448560

If he got a better fursuit then maybe I would

No. 448659

File: 1733428716809.jpg (22.39 KB, 568x612, 1000017552.jpg)

>he's about 50

No. 448663

File: 1733429125708.jpg (44.93 KB, 735x587, 1000017553.jpg)

No. 448665

File: 1733429420492.mp4 (2.31 MB, 1100x838, 1000017554.mp4)

No. 448666

holy moley this thread has gone to shit fast

No. 448667

I want to bite him like how a drooling autist bites a chew necklace.

No. 448685

liking older men aka 'i'm insecure and got daddy issues'

No. 448722

File: 1733449716414.jpg (51.75 KB, 736x736, ac828192c1dcb0182d41a25f76015e…)

No. 448723


No. 448724

istg if this is a gojo cosplay

No. 448747

No. 448750

this is what i imagine lobotomized women find attractive

No. 448767

jiggle jiggle

No. 448878

File: 1733519437768.jpg (84.46 KB, 736x726, 1000017579.jpg)

Sucks that I have to censor this emo boy's face

No. 448894

File: 1733523567221.jpeg (77.11 KB, 725x719, IMG_0771.jpeg)

No. 448985

File: 1733589497432.jpg (93.48 KB, 736x1308, 0a15981bddf0a1aac84e483a8603ca…)

No. 449049

File: 1733614672794.mp4 (1.25 MB, 720x540, pcG1fhGppHe08p3g.mp4)


No. 449061

Now those are some nice tiddies

No. 449133

File: 1733659785685.mp4 (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, 3iX6-axBFtz-EGTe.mp4)

No. 449134

goddamn, delecatable

No. 449142

hello /fit/izen, fancy seeing you here, you need somes mires ?

No. 449146

Nigga we don’t tolerate geriatric fetishes here. Go be mentally ill somewhere else.

No. 449206

File: 1733690635174.jpg (51.69 KB, 736x1104, 71cce5b5de7062f0d604f7343c71e2…)

so little backposting…

he is so flushed like a tomato

No. 449226

File: 1733696510898.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.06 KB, 1186x2048, Gc_lLLHbIAAfKUn.jpg)

No. 449289

Ruins it for me when they stuff dildos in their underwear.

No. 449453

File: 1733762408703.jpg (77.94 KB, 675x1200, IMG_755.jpg)

No. 449480

File: 1733768524554.jpeg (392.15 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_6499.jpeg)

No. 449596

File: 1733777365386.jpg (105.5 KB, 736x1051, 1000017783.jpg)

Nona I know attractive men are rare but that is a fucking mannequin kek

No. 449601

File: 1733777880418.gif (2 MB, 245x255, 1000017780.gif)

No. 449602

How are wrestling niggas allowed to walk with their whole cook and balls out

No. 449609

File: 1733779226739.gif (1.82 MB, 300x337, 1000017786.gif)

Wrestlers originally used to fight naked and covered in oil. This is modest in comparison.

No. 449612

They would tie their foreskins so the head would peak out lol

No. 449623

these were already posted last thread (though i'm not complaining heh)

No. 449625

File: 1733781341495.gif (1.94 MB, 350x311, 1000017787.gif)

Here's an original gif then

No. 449627

The size of a wrestlers ass is a legitimately reliable way of measuring his strength. Flat men never win.

No. 449654

god fuck that's hot.

No. 449700

Who even needs porn when wrestling gifs exist? I used to remember some gay man had a blog dedicated to gifs just like these and i hate that it's probably deleted by now.

No. 449704

File: 1733794417982.jpeg (Spoiler Image,19.26 KB, 205x234, IMG_4176.jpeg)

Type shit

No. 449854

File: 1733861473253.png (561.13 KB, 480x692, 1000017833.png)

No. 449897

Male ass power is so underrated. In sex, in everything.

No. 449946

File: 1733887427827.png (2.9 MB, 1649x959, attractive_bods.png)

Made a lil collage from the previous thread along with some new ones

No. 449960

Do you think wearing that in front of all these people turns them on?

No. 450251

File: 1733949533677.jpg (29.07 KB, 564x845, a2f2c0526ae74ce0178b8806dc9ee5…)

great googily moogily that thang is juicy

No. 450256

This is indeed a googily moogily moment.

No. 450259

File: 1733949926948.jpg (132.55 KB, 736x1251, ebff98abcb9d3ff6282d29274d9cf2…)

No. 450264

File: 1733950198307.jpg (55.65 KB, 330x700, d30bb5386a235583ff7c73c5b41100…)

Inclusion of legposting is nice, but needs more skellies. Would make a good threadpic

No. 450271

Go back

No. 450292

no she can stay. i like her energy

No. 450878

File: 1734034155060.jpg (27.07 KB, 391x480, 1000017961.jpg)

No. 450886

File: 1734034979075.jpg (155.27 KB, 736x727, 1000017963.jpg)

No. 450890

File: 1734035696230.jpg (32.93 KB, 623x427, 8641af29d67dc3338b12d51ce645d7…)

No. 450914

Well-developed asses have always been powerfully correlated with the quality of the penetrative sex I receive, even from skellies. And since I despise starfishers, ass is a non-negotiable. (Please post more ass.)

No. 450928

moar please

No. 450952

File: 1734041825030.jpg (51.54 KB, 720x1057, 1000017973.jpg)

No. 450953

we need more dick bulges in this thread

No. 450958

File: 1734042203114.jpg (72.74 KB, 736x984, 1000017974.jpg)

No. 451813

File: 1734138546144.jpg (77.43 KB, 493x620, 1000018039.jpg)

No. 451993

File: 1734178304037.png (104.21 KB, 200x301, IMG_20241214_150907.png)

Hope you guys appreciate crunchy pixels

No. 452097

File: 1734198984556.jpg (35.51 KB, 735x544, 1000018054.jpg)

No. 452124

Ufc moids are so gay and uglie

No. 452268

File: 1734208001754.jpg (60.75 KB, 736x1309, b3c831f06b964ea2ffeebe88a9efc1…)

No. 452329

Still infinitely better than ice skaters

No. 452347

File: 1734215316348.jpg (118.8 KB, 735x955, 8435e4bafa7cf83f2560f978dd231d…)

No. 452356


No. 452375

At least the ice skaters have an ass. Where's the ufc ass

No. 452394

shit taste

No. 452744

File: 1734287378873.jpg (51.61 KB, 667x667, 32b54c9d744218483872d3b248fd27…)

No. 452753

File: 1734288241927.mp4 (10.77 MB, 1280x720, hotguy.mp4)

No. 452877

the way he moves is so funny to me

No. 452886

File: 1734300784290.jpg (171.74 KB, 720x1414, IMG_20241216_011137.jpg)

Only a man could be retarded enough to think this is an improvement. From majestic to midshit in an instant.

No. 452905

His typing style is so gay

No. 452906

>can't even straighten his back for a still photo

No. 452907

Looks better on the right to me. Left is creepy ectomorph shit which is only cute on women.

No. 452909

Ruined. Also straighten the fuck up, ogre.

No. 452916

Both are ugly.
Kek at the wedgie

No. 453167

Turn the light on goddammit!!!

No. 453183

File: 1734349163060.jpg (265.76 KB, 1200x1321, scoob.jpg)

Which Scooby do you prefer?(faces are not allowed in this thread)

No. 453187

They're all hideous beyond comprehension. Middle aged dad on steroids.

No. 453190

Gaaahhhh the cock on that dirty slut…

No. 453196

File: 1734353233552.gif (Spoiler Image,2.64 MB, 540x300, 2efff61c7255714c87822cba1ec3fc…)

No. 453207

I need more of this
he aged into a raisin

No. 453217

Hoot shit. Balls from behind

No. 453299

Best one ITT Which sites are you nonnas getting these from I need more

No. 453367

File: 1734380989580.jpg (29.37 KB, 736x812, 1000018289.jpg)

No. 453382


No. 453383

should've just worked on his posture

No. 453386

File: 1734384509105.webm (10.1 MB, 1280x720, hotguy2.webm)

No. 453397

He should tone up a bit but this is a nice vid

No. 453419

These are so awkward that I can't help but burst out laughing. Not saying I dislike them or anything, but just the thought of someone getting on a pillow pretending to have sex with it and recording themselves is so funny to me.

No. 453429

>men trying to be sexy is so uncommon it makes nonas laugh
it's so sad

No. 453442

I think it's hilarious when a woman does it, too. I just think it's so awkward and goody and weird, why would anyone want to do this kek.

No. 453462

to look sexy

No. 454251

File: 1734481002785.jpg (86.12 KB, 736x1308, 1000018331.jpg)

No. 454252

File: 1734481090215.jpg (52.3 KB, 736x736, 1000018332.jpg)

No. 454253

Why cant more males film this type of stuff

No. 454281

This is kind of cute, I like it.

No. 454603

Jiggly ripped ass, u just know his junk is hitting your insides like a post pounder

No. 454606

i prefer belly button height dicks but it's a nice piece and his hips move so good

No. 454609

very mid ass and thrusting yuck

No. 454649

File: 1734551352475.png (656.54 KB, 568x1000, 1000018376.png)

No. 454702

File: 1734560562369.jpg (24.32 KB, 345x613, 1000018379.jpg)

No. 454752

File: 1734568124696.jpeg (170.73 KB, 1170x1383, IMG_7488.jpeg)

No. 454753

File: 1734568150602.jpeg (185.06 KB, 960x1280, IMG_7499.jpeg)

No. 454979

File: 1734611117391.png (241.47 KB, 1722x1480, shouldersshouldersshoulders.pn…)

No. 454983

File: 1734611777317.gif (483.66 KB, 400x204, hips.gif)

No. 454986

the jiggle…the underwear lines…

No. 454987

File: 1734612193285.gif (Spoiler Image,2.14 MB, 245x245, tumblr_c823d789d2a63737d299377…)


No. 455003

These gifs are really doing it for me

No. 455064

This was supposed to be a much needed midriff fest, but I for one am thankful for finding myself in hot muscular male ass paradise.

No. 455067

File: 1734618364089.jpeg (90.22 KB, 1024x599, IMG_7004.jpeg)

Guy on the right has the perfect body.(faces are not allowed in this thread)

No. 455074

put this in the "you cringe you lose" thread. so awkward and unsexy.

No. 455113

Fuck you that video is great, we need more manwhores like this

No. 455245

File: 1734627656448.jpg (38.04 KB, 736x552, 1000018429.jpg)

No. 455332

Correction, men trying and failing to look sexy makes nonnas laugh. Come on, humping a dirty grey pillow in your underwear is the cringiest shit in the world, not even a fag would get off to this. You're not supposed to try to look sexy either, it's supposed to be effortless.

No. 455453

File: 1734639807669.jpg (44.75 KB, 512x640, 2362023ec4e203b30f56bb37329f6c…)

No. 455980

File: 1734691828477.gif (10.83 MB, 1032x594, 1.gif)

gif size too large, I had to break it up

what are you trying to prove to yourself?

No. 455981

File: 1734691851089.gif (19.18 MB, 1032x594, 2.gif)

No. 455982

File: 1734691878096.gif (5.97 MB, 1032x594, 3.gif)

No. 455983

File: 1734691905486.gif (16.79 MB, 1032x594, 4.gif)

No. 455984

File: 1734691940797.gif (18.18 MB, 1032x594, 5.gif)

No. 455987

File: 1734691977294.gif (16.78 MB, 1032x594, 6.gif)

No. 455988

File: 1734692010985.gif (9.35 MB, 1032x594, 8.gif)

No. 456188

Thank you for your dedication nona

No. 456576

File: 1734802908050.jpg (48.11 KB, 736x1309, 1000018491.jpg)

No. 456688

File: 1734818664873.jpg (75.86 KB, 550x558, 9155b565f9ba939a405b43622d9568…)

No. 457167

Hhhnhhhnngh look how low that dong is hanging

No. 457216

File: 1734896901035.webm (16.88 MB, 960x540, hotgyyy (2).webm)

No. 457250

Whoa this turned me on

No. 457275

I need something like this with a slightly buffer guy. This was great though, thanks for sharing.

No. 457286

Pillow fucker anon how many of these do you have saved? also those are some of the most dispassionate and monotone moans I’ve ever heard

No. 457291

Same. Give me a meatier man!

No. 457292

i dont have them saved, i create them as i go for my nonnies

No. 457293

SO much better than the lazy pillowfuck from days ago. Fuck look how dat ass moves.

No. 457296

His moaning sucks but his hip game is great

No. 457314

I like the moans, there just should be more of them. Incredible hip game tho, agreed.

No. 457360

Oh my god

No. 457491

Pls deliver more

No. 457526

File: 1734929242156.jpg (243.46 KB, 892x1455, tumblr_6e20dcf228ec7eec06538f0…)

No. 457781

that bulge is fake af but guy is delicious still

No. 457789

i had never seriously considered or even thought about all the upside in fucking hot muscle bound guys with huge penises before this thread. which is. insane? how many other good things are being memetically gatekept from me by the patriarchy via cultural autism

No. 457792

I heard from nonnas in this thread that ass size affects male sex ability. Where bigger ass=better sex.

No. 457794

if you see any man decently thrusting you'll see his ass muscles contracting
flat-ass men will grab you by the hips ans use their leg muscles thus having 0 control of their movement
omg i want to have sex with a sex god right now…

No. 457855

oh i read those too consider me a fully converted ass woman by now. i just need to find a good male to plow the * out of my fields.(learn2integrate)

No. 457943

I need a big dick big ass hot bf so bad rn. This thread is straight-up cursed. Been literal ages since I've had sex and now I only want it with a maxed out stats gigachad who can pound my pussy like it's pizza dough.

No. 457977

File: 1734984241295.jpg (125.96 KB, 720x1077, 8d4db062af6fc0e9d8c58c2e50a105…)


No. 458653

uhh what?

No. 458654

all the pillow fucking videos make me cringe. please DON'T post more kek.

No. 458684

you censored yourself with the * anon its very unintegrated, we say the word here

No. 458685

embrace the pillow fucking

No. 458690

I'm just feel secondhand embarrassment for them. Like imagine doing that and filming yourself and thinking "yeah this is sexy, I'm hot." Ew. Literally something a boy would do before he learns how to jerk off properly. They should keep it to their shameful teenage years, not publish it. And the moans are so obviously fake.

Sorry to be a hater.

No. 458695

what do you find sexy/hot?

No. 458787

the wrestler butt gifs do it for me

No. 458792

>Literally something a boy would do before he learns how to jerk off properly.
That’s THE appeal. Acting like an innocent horny puppy is the whole fucking point. A man jerking off “properly” is a filthy professional gooner with 0 innocence. Sitting on a gaming chair and strangling his dick like a dead hamster until it goes numb is the real cringe. It’s giving used up post wall whore. Develop a taste.

No. 458865

nta but the main appeal to me is self inserting as the pillow

No. 458977

File: 1735089189647.jpg (99.54 KB, 736x1308, 1000018576.jpg)

No. 459036

File: 1735095907719.jpeg (207.96 KB, 1820x2048, GfjORKQa8AAjZI9.jpeg)

No. 459037

FUUUUCK so hot. merry fucking christmas nonnie, god bless

No. 459068

File: 1735102213644.mp4 (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, ugjGSterTBvaOan6.mp4)

I have more. He appeared on my Twitter TL and I had to post him here. He's @mett0606. Seems to be some Japanese guy who is a big show off but that's ok because eye candy for us. And majority of his posts are faceless, it's like he wants to be posted here or something, kek.

No. 459069

File: 1735102287562.jpg (2.17 MB, 2880x2880, 20241225_075059.jpg)

Collaging to avoid spamming.

No. 459070

File: 1735102437485.jpeg (386.47 KB, 2048x1570, GdDvUx3bYAAlm_E.jpeg)

Last but not least

No. 459159

File: 1735111194050.jpeg (132.86 KB, 1536x2048, GfjruhDaEAAfXhX.jpeg)

Twitter finally showing me good content

No. 459164

that'ss such a slutty pose

No. 459182

WAIT are you the nonna that posted the white guy in sweats thrusting a pillow at the bad tempo a few months ago?? From Thread #1?? I genuinely loved that video lol

Also, thank you for posting- you have phenomenal taste.

No. 459183


You are so brilliant… you truly get it

No. 459186

File: 1735116406975.png (4.08 MB, 2036x1390, Screen Shot 2024-12-25 at 2.44…)

Also, a picture of the last guy I was seeing. I absolutely loveee guys who have good chests & midriffs like this. I know he might be too big for most nonnies, but its very difficult to find an in-shape moid who doesn't try to become crazy buff ugh

No. 459201

too buff for me and i hate tats… but that is still a top tier body

No. 459230

hog waistline. gross nipples. ugly tattoos. 0/10

No. 459233

Everything about this is perfect to me, thank you anon

No. 459238

I count my blessings, having a skinny ripped ass fb is namba one. Our gym is all piggos and piglets.

No. 459243

File: 1735140164897.jpg (90.76 KB, 736x837, 1000018594.jpg)

No. 459254

God I need more of these I'm obsessed. And surprised they're allowed, this is porn to me kek. Thank you nona ily

No. 459277

I'd really like a bulges and dongs thread…

No. 459281

I found another pillow fucking video but I am hesitant to post it here because the moans are so unbelievably cringy I can't stop pausing it out of secondhand embarrassment.

No. 459282

I wanna have a laff

No. 459284

great video, questionable ceiling light fixture choice

No. 459285

does he really need to do that?

No. 459300

File: 1735147108515.mp4 (10.64 MB, 1274x720, EtxxMYz6tZPVSEMx.mp4)

make sure not to die of cringe

No. 459301

File: 1735147178251.mp4 (10.66 MB, 1262x720, 5M1nHG0hhevZaWVG.mp4)

No. 459308

ew its flat as hell. bug shape. vile. he is doing dog throwing up moves too.

No. 459312

why does this one seem straight while >>459300 and >>459301 are so obviously gay, too gay to be innocent and appealing?

No. 459313

>And surprised they're allowed, this is porn to me kek.
SHHH it's not.

No. 459330

>dog throwing up moves
kek what
the moaning and the focus on his ass makes you imagine that he's getting assfucked.

No. 459333

My pussy is the desert. However, my computer screen is very wet from spit-laughing, thank you. Holy shit the things he says are incomprehensible
>ye like to seah
No, none of that

No. 459334

these are gross… but thank you for searching nonna, keep at it!! good erotic videos for women are so hard to find..

No. 459339

I died from the first second

No. 459343

I have to say that the first few seconds absolutely… work… on mute. Man, the great ass=cum like a firehose PIV posts were such an infohazard

No. 459360

Who knew pillowfucking of all things would have different tiers kek
Like nona >>459312 said some of the previous ones were pretty hot (while a little goofy) but these two made me recoil from the screen.
I still appreciate you a lot, pillowfucker-chan! Thank you for trying to find and post gems for us. Male objectification is appreciated

No. 459455

I wouldn't say that they are for women. An e-whore is always gay and/or targets a gay audience unless proven otherwise. That's the rule, I didn't make it.
oh I only posted those last two cringy ones, different anon.

No. 459459

thank so much for these are great (on mute), didn't knew pillowfucking was a thing in smutty content, i have a soft spot for male trying too hard to be sexy, visual is nice, audio is cringe

no way in hell thoses are targeted at women, sexualised men are for other men only, unless they are husbando from love and deepspace

No. 459483

the direct lighting and focus on the ass seem very directed towards men. the silhouette lighting with a body moving together as a whole, with the camera pov at the same level or looking up almost makes it seem intimate and like female pov. idk, even if the actor is gay, it doesn't seem like gay content.

every single aspect of this piece of content is repulsive. there is no illusion being created, you are occupying the same place as a bored director trying to quickly make a grand. there is no thought towards how the camera is position, how the body is framed and cropped, the lighting, the cheap set and the props. aren't gay men supposed to be artistic and have taste? maybe they like how sleazy and abject it is. if it weren't for the tacky ironic wine aunt ankle tattoo i would think that this was hastily put together by someone who is gay for pay, it is so careless and hetero, there is no fantasy or allure.

No. 459498

that made me kek

No. 459499

>>457216 this pillowfucking video is definitely made for women
there's a bunch of videos on his channel where he is fingering and eating out fleshlights (they are really nice btw)
i'm trying to find another guy like that, that posts more video (this one hasn't posted in months), but it's not easy…

No. 459500

We need to claim male ass from Big gay.

No. 459524

i wish we had a full on porn thread

No. 459527

I'd be ok with one just for size queen content, regardless of media type

No. 459532

Yeah, maybe a dumb assumption, but the angle alone (and the vibe, kek, hard to explain) makes it pretty obvious this is for women. Thanks for sharing and keeping up the search nonita ♥

No. 459576

>eating out fleshlights
Where can I find these?

No. 459580

these are somehow so gay especially the second one where he spreads his asscheeks at the end
KEK also this. the audio is hilarious and mixed so it's super loud, I'd rather hear the couch creaking

No. 460005

File: 1735262715535.jpg (108.75 KB, 736x842, 1000018615.jpg)

No. 460074

Please I need the fleshlight videos. What's his handle?

No. 460129

ilikeitlots on pornhub
watch the tantaly doll video it's gold

No. 460146

File: 1735311552527.mp4 (519.86 KB, 320x426, orar317Mt4stJ2ef.mp4)

Hot take but the contrast between the feminine apparel and unapologetically masculine body is kind of hot

No. 460148

File: 1735311703615.jpg (151.54 KB, 1080x1623, FmNDATgWQAADqdf.jpg)

No. 460166

oh great, like i didn't needed an afternoon watching solo dude jerking off on pronhub

( the doll video is weird, the moment he humps it is cringe but the plastic pussy eating is ….not bad at all)

No. 460197

He has a great bod, he only needs a smaller waist to be sexy.

No. 460198

Is this the so called butt you were talking about kek?

No. 460256

Aw he's cut, what a shame.

No. 460291

File: 1735334744503.png (4.17 MB, 1620x2160, GGexdR3WEAAOFh6.png)

i'm bored so i'm looking for cute guys to look at

No. 460313

wtf is this tranny psyop shit, any man that wears shit like this is an inch away from trooning

No. 460316

3rd one is a full on tranny i think but i like it… sorry

No. 460318

Cut this bullshit out

No. 460329

but he's kind of cute isn't he?

No. 460344

File: 1735339500025.png (1.36 MB, 854x1144, 1735297370484734.png)

No. 460371

Why are you so bitter about anons having different tastes? He’s cute and young. Not my type but he’s still a sweet thing

No. 460400

>unapologetically masculine body
i might have worked it the dude wasn't a skinny little thing with less muscle and way less body hair than me

this one is just a pronom away from transitionning and wanting to be be called '' Luna lilith alice''

No. 460422

>way less body hair than me
who the hell likes bodyhair its so fugly lol

No. 460433

I do because it's soft and sexy and the men of my ethnicity are naturally hairy. But I have to pretend I want men to shave, feel abrasive/stubbly and irritate my skin, look weird as shit (like plucked chickens) or risk a ban itt. I think shaved men look "ugly" so I refuse to encourage men to shave their bodies to look weirder and feel worse, which puts me at odds with most of the smoothoids here (d/rp) because I forgot to mention that it looks good when it's natural, obviously.

No. 460438

Lots of women kek

No. 460439

Nasty. Spoiler please

No. 460446

Yeah that's fucking disgusting. Even if that were my kink, I'd be self-aware enough to realize absolutely no one wants to see that shit here except lurking trannies

No. 460559

It’s a fucking tranny or a faggot femboy, both disgusting

No. 460886

File: 1735397065051.jpg (26.61 KB, 710x694, 1000018649.jpg)

No. 460902

Not into skinnyfat moids but the worst thing about this apart from the coomer pose is that he's wearing an ill fitted female harness. Anything a moid wears should flatter and enhance the male physique. I'm sad that it's so hard to find nice photos of moids wearing harness or shibari.

No. 460916

File: 1735403654401.png (Spoiler Image,352.44 KB, 776x712, yummy.png)

>moids wearing harness or shibari.

how about this one ?

No. 460918

File: 1735404211165.mp4 (1.71 MB, 1272x720, EtxxMYz6tZPVSEMx.mp4)

The vibe

No. 460920

Much better imo

No. 460947

Love it

No. 460955

This I like kek

No. 460956

Judging by his hip movement, he fucks well.

No. 461227

>tiny pecker
>looks underage
>wearing a womens' harness meant to accentuate boobs that aren't there
>i'm hairier than him

No. 461335

what the hell is up with handmaidens convinced they have to be clean shaven for fugly ape men? its objectively a good thing for a man to have less body hair than you. why should you alter your natural state while he gets to stay gross? jfc. is it some strange le feminine smooth waif autosexual thing?(infight bait)

No. 461384

nta but you type the way a man might think we type (idc if i'm scrotefoiling)

No. 461393

ah. what is it specifically? (not a man, just have autistic word…picking? i only pick up patterns like a LLM would kek)

No. 461443

File: 1735491485384.png (662.23 KB, 1170x1295, so you hate waffles.png)

>what the hell is up with handmaidens convinced they have to be clean shaven for fugly ape men?
where did i say that? just because i don't like smooth-shaven micropenis agp trannies doesn't mean i'm into fugly ape men. i don't even shave retard

No. 461504

File: 1735504320662.jpg (22.91 KB, 500x500, 1000018677.jpg)

No. 461514

File: 1735504967816.jpg (76.8 KB, 736x920, 1000018678.jpg)

No. 461543

I'm into this purely for the humiliation aspect. I want to mindbreak and peg moids into becoming catboy trannies then leave them out of disgust when they go through with it.

No. 461722

you said he has less body hair than you, like its a bad thing. women can naturally have more body hair

No. 461723

worst part is they'd probably enjoy it

No. 461795

Man stfu already. A man having less hair than a woman is embarrassing and I'm not even that anon

No. 461812

Why is it embarrassing? A hairy woman is free, and a hairless man is sexy. Stop thinking like a retarded male

No. 461822

>is embarrassing
Says who? Nta but I agree with her, there's nothing wrong with men shaving their body hair, if you don't like it it's fine, but your opinion is not the objective truth or anything

No. 461880

can you guys stop infighting and just post hot guys

No. 461909

File: 1735575580089.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.66 KB, 1116x837, GdLQXbCbkAAEiYo.jpg)

sure thing nonna

No. 461931

Hot, wish we could see his abs tho

No. 461977

File: 1735583174371.jpg (Spoiler Image,143.49 KB, 2400x1800, rendercombined.jpg)

but i have a bit more on the same vibe

No. 461984

Perfection, male chests like this are my weakness. Soft yet muscular.

No. 462038

File: 1735594269384.jpg (134.31 KB, 736x1308, 1000018718.jpg)

No. 462047

File: 1735594928482.jpg (74.85 KB, 736x910, 1000018721.jpg)

No. 462057

this pic is literally perfect

No. 462058

Why is that even a point of contention when he has a tiny little mole of a microdick sticking there. It's downright offensive.

No. 462063

Imagine a perfect society where men and women are allowed to dress how they want and tranny bullshit doesn't exist, men would dress femininely and still be straight and not feel the need to troon out or get buttfucked, sadly that probably isn't the case for this specimen

No. 462066

Go to CC, theres a nsfw board

No. 462067

File: 1735596946806.jpg (Spoiler Image,153.7 KB, 1080x1080, 1000018725.jpg)

Forgot 2 spoiler. Tattoos are edited out

No. 462068

Anything made for fags is for women too

No. 462071

Dear nonas, my kokoro wish is to see some hot guys in chastity cages. Would dearly appreciate help.

No. 462111

Can't post that here. /hm/ on 4chan has threads like that from time to time.

No. 462129

believe it or not i like his little dick

No. 462130

cc is dead as fuck

No. 462140

File: 1735603406293.png (Spoiler Image,425.98 KB, 871x579, ineedthis.png)

wish i could help nonnie, but i don't think i could post pron anywere here and i would hate do get banned

No. 462496

File: 1735678200931.jpg (84.93 KB, 715x866, 1000018743.jpg)

No. 462546

Yes to filename

No. 462840

File: 1735742188366.mp4 (Spoiler Image,818.57 KB, 720x1266, 5M1nHG0hhevZaWVG.mp4)

No. 462850

so sexy

No. 463104

Holy shit, I've never been into femdom, restraints, anything like that, but now I want this so bad. Wtf.

No. 463173

you're thinking too much about something i just threw in there as a joke, it's not that serious. i wouldn't mind a man who is naturally less hairy than me but a tranny with a micropenis who shaves his entire body is obviously pedo-pandering and i'm sorry i'm not into it i guess

No. 463225

File: 1735805392445.jpg (170.65 KB, 998x1581, Hdjebdjdjdjejeicid.jpg)

No. 463246

Sorry but the smart watch took me out of it kek he also sounds like a gyroid

No. 463304

apologies for the cringe millenialism, but "oh my sweet summer child." i too got memed into microdicks via doujinshi, thankfully graduated to Big Whites before i underwent enough bs to have my own bad sex thread.

No. 463341

>Pedopandering for shaving
Another excuse moids use so they don't have to shave, but women doing it is totally okay and not pedopandering guys!!

No. 463343

File: 1735839458926.jpg (290.54 KB, 1006x1281, 128.jpg)

No. 463344

File: 1735839652725.gif (5.66 MB, 270x375, 3f898b9666.gif)

No. 463350


No. 463353

Nta, I think she meant because the moid in the picture is a femboy.

No. 463400

I wanna pinch them nipples

No. 463514

File: 1735858519846.jpg (74.81 KB, 735x797, 798d480afe33485483ccc2b3be64c3…)

No. 463790

Lick lick lick

No. 463941

>u feelen?
>it's sohggoo
>omg it a fook
That poor towel.

No. 464432

Low body fat like this is peak male performance but it’s so rare because of moral failure. It’s so modelesque

No. 464584

it's a nice lean body for a change… we need more cock tho

No. 464731

File: 1736106265082.png (1.61 MB, 959x1382, 662.png)


No. 464790

this is the perfect male body. not too ripped, not too muscular just perfect

No. 464791

refreshing to see one of these femdom couples where the man isnt an obese hairy beast kek

No. 464797

Wish I could go to town and grope a guy with a physique like this damnnn

No. 464811

His body is nice but I can’t get over his tiny hands.

No. 464878


please nonas… more backposting, please….

No. 464948

DAE really hate pecs? Am I on my own? They look Lovecraft-ian.

No. 464951

I can't unsee it now that you've pointed it out

No. 464958

Same, I missed the cavillhands the first time but now they're jumping out at me kek

No. 464960

File: 1736159951205.png (874.61 KB, 960x720, images-w1400.png)

Congratulations for the worst opinion ever.

No. 464966

oh. Well what about Adams apples? They make me gag

No. 464980

Idk nonny, I like them, I want to bury my face in them and make cookie monster sounds.

No. 464993

you sound gay

No. 465004

/hm/ is gayer than /lgbt/, I hate it.

No. 465054

File: 1736180674459.mp4 (705.42 KB, 720x1280, EvZCvyq7rcqJX70i.mp4)

The arms

No. 465113

Fuck I have a thing for hand holding…

No. 465186

Sauce? Wow.

No. 465187

Lean muscular pecs are SO lickable.

No. 465189

nice hands
too bad for the zoomer shoes

No. 465211

nuh uh

No. 465246

Can we please have a Cocks thread?

No. 465254

Found it on some random girl’s account on xitter
I posted multiple pinors in the last thread and got away with it heehee

No. 465281

This would just encourage moids and troons to self post imo.

No. 465315

I know, always have to be hiding threads and quick skimming over trashy blog posts.
But where else can I easily look at free anonymous dick pics when I get in the rare mood.

No. 465368

No. 465837

Pleaaaaaase… Cocks!

No. 465841

Do you really find them that appealing? They're off-putting.

No. 465858

Some women are heterosexual anon

No. 465860

Yeah, it would be a shit flinging contest. Scrotefoiling bans, actual scrotes and endless bait. No thanks.

No. 465869

> Implying I am not
Dicks are simply not aesthetic. Anyway, you should probably try /hm/ if you really want cock pictures.

No. 465879

If you’re not attracted to the genitals of the opposite gender you’re not straight. That’s weird, were you put on antidepressants in middle school? I heard if fucks you up real bad

No. 465908

File: 1736279828803.jpg (77.22 KB, 735x651, 1000018836.jpg)

No. 465923

i get that nona, when i was like 16 i thought cocks looked gross too
its an acquired taste i guess

No. 465928

Nope. No antidepressants or birth control or anything. But I'm not attracted to any genitals, they're fucking gross. Have you SEEN balls? A large wang? So uncanny.

No. 465930

File: 1736282618208.jpg (138.36 KB, 736x981, 86e155f5426dd52e0d79222a9ef660…)

No. 465931

File: 1736282639391.jpg (127.92 KB, 736x981, 9578bb4f0d3f62fbe70b812b9d75f0…)

i like titties simple as

No. 465952

based and same. i wish the sneaky dick one wasn't deleted
farmhands will shut it down faster than they ban emojis

No. 465955

cocks are the worst part of a man, please no

No. 465956

hot hot hot

No. 465958

wdym "please no" you can just hide the thread (if it ever emerges which is unlikely)

No. 465960

what do you mean(do not post porn on /g/)

No. 465963

File: 1736285578871.jpg (146.11 KB, 701x1200, a9237443cec5774f136425eadb9283…)

No. 465984

File: 1736288395306.gif (260.73 KB, 220x173, thats-a-penis-penis.gif)

No. 466002

I wish I saw it

No. 466006

you have to be 18 to post here

No. 466014

Ntayrt but I'm 28 and feel the same way

No. 466036

File: 1736293494444.jpeg (115.37 KB, 600x630, Men Shoes Casual Sneakers Adid…)

No. 466039

pecs too big imo

No. 466054

Some of us like em big nonnie

No. 466060

nta but i think the problem is not the size but more that they're sort of fake looking, like the male equivalent of bolt on implants kek

No. 466069

Could be lighting could be implants

No. 466195

looks too gay for me

No. 466260

File: 1736323824889.jpg (2.02 KB, 125x125, 1733784553513112s.jpg)

But I'm 23

No. 466261

They look like silicon kek

No. 466288

File: 1736335023285.jpg (329.04 KB, 1660x2048, GPBzvt3bMAAoLOG.jpg)

Seriously, it's nonsensical for us to determine that a man's body is "ideal" if can't see something as crucial as his pooner
I saw literal uncensored sex in other threads how is this too much kek

No. 466387

They aren't fake looking because they aren't anatomically fake at all. You may not like the look, but bodily they are correct.

No. 466403

Idk the shape looks different from the other big pecs ITT, like they're more stiff, circle shaped, and stick out weirdly. Maybe it's the lighting or some editing.

No. 466414

Bulging veins like this make me cringe, whenevever I see them I immediately think of a sharp piece of paper slicing across them…

No. 466416

looks like this guy injects synthol into his pecs and shoulders, but if you like em built like a waterbed more power to you

No. 466440


No. 466871

>it's nonsensical for us to determine that a man's body is "ideal" if can't see something as crucial as his pooner

No. 466895

File: 1736390581713.jpg (379.34 KB, 736x721, korean dude.jpg)

>falling for insecure moid propaganda

No. 467091

File: 1736412855138.jpg (43.25 KB, 842x393, GDWI0PrXsAAkg7d.jpg)

Kek wtf is this? The male version of bratz? reminds me of those old dollz pixels.

No. 467303

File: 1736456915846.jpg (59.57 KB, 736x735, fc928ce9d8fcffd5d9d1a8c73dc3c7…)

Why is he exposing them in public?

No. 467321

He's a whore and a slut.

No. 467323

i love shoulders bad

No. 467336

You should crop out his Hasan-like face more

No. 467341

No. 467348

File: 1736461751063.png (1.46 MB, 736x920, 1000018873.png)

No. 467369

Eww, not the hairy nipperonis

No. 467404

File: 1736468217249.jpeg (58.52 KB, 736x969, 23dfea40-4c61-4896-a0ad-754148…)

No. 467449

Nice midriff ruined by all the gross hair and trashy tattoo why are men like this

No. 467451

I gotta squeeze em

No. 467457

Tattoo aside, HOLY SHIT. Remove it immediately and drop his body into a tub of Michael Jackson's whitening agent PLEASE. WOOF.

No. 467465

>drop his body into a tub of Michael Jackson's whitening agent PLEASE.
KEK i didnt even realize he was brown

No. 467466

File: 1736475115166.jpg (72.98 KB, 736x882, 1000018880.jpg)

No. 467609

File: 1736515198433.jpeg (52.19 KB, 484x379, b344f3b7-6149-47b5-8b92-80da8b…)

No. 467627

No. 467731

File: 1736536927486.mp4 (3.26 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@mario_leccese_17365…)

Pale tits(wrong thread)

No. 467741

File: 1736537678190.jpeg (Spoiler Image,82.96 KB, 275x275, 1712521453657.jpeg)

delete this, no one wants to see this dudes yassified face

No. 467750

New nightmare unlocked

No. 467788

woah i didnt know yassified eboys existed, he's cute. He looks like an AI pic. How do i get a bf that looks like this? or is it ogre as a straight woman

No. 467802

I just like his freckles and eyes a lot, idc if he's gay I would fuck him somehow.

No. 467814

Gangly italian boi. He will fuck you into a quivering coma even if gay.

No. 467881

File: 1736548175345.jpg (43.41 KB, 736x652, 31e700e319db45ac051c09a250d8ab…)

No. 467900

File: 1736549127395.jpg (95.19 KB, 680x1252, ac499ef28c40ca2f3ba63e2bad5649…)

No. 467925

Needs his skin and nipples bleached, but awesome body. The dog sticker hiding his face is hilarious, though.

No. 467983

It's not really fair to sneak Chris Crocker picrels itt, since we can't see their faces

No. 467997

i need to munch on a torso like this ASAP

No. 468006

File: 1736554181419.jpeg (Spoiler Image,69.6 KB, 859x888, that-book-said-im-lying-about-…)

Here I thought that was a picrel of a limp-wristed fag but clearly I'm wrong because here comes a second anon to confirm that the viscerally gay moid with child bearing hips looks sexy and attractive

No. 468013

He looks healthy and you're retarded.

No. 468036

it's just impossible not to scrotefoil in this thread. there can't possibly be these many sex-negative landwhales even on lolcow.

No. 468044

dw its scrotes most of them but were not allowed to say it

No. 468168

NTAYRT but some women like them gangly kek

No. 468185

i read this post several times and still don't understand what's being said. and don't really get what makes that pic any gayer looking than the other men posted. idg why anons act like big muscular men can't be gay. and "child bearing hips"? the hips are slim

No. 468200

do walled fat fitizens ever get tired of seething?

No. 468285

god i wish i were that strawberry

No. 468294

>viscerally gay moid
>its just a skinny fit guy
this sped acting like anon posted some roidpig hairy beast or some femboy in tranny socks when its just a skinny fit guy. In a normal society that banned men from rotting away playing videogames and enforced conscription for all men over the age of 18 the average man would have that bodytype.

No. 468343

Anons it's one gay man in your whole spank bank and your increasingly emaciated/sickly femboy photo stream is rarely interrupted. I think it's hilarious that you guys can't tell that's a gay moid. It has to be autism, ban me Idc. The fujo crossover itt must be an exact overlap(infighting)

No. 468344

Anons clearly don't know about bara if they think gays don't like muscles kek

No. 468347

It looks exactly the same as the pic underneath it >>467900 just lighter with smaller nips. Literally what is the difference? And why are you still pretending there aren't bigger gay men? (who do you think tops them then? it's not other thin men)

No. 468348

Is it at all possible for you guys to focus on things other than big vs. small?

No. 468349

The only reason the pic was called gay was because he's skinny

No. 468350

You've quantified that yourself anon, congrats. Why ask me if you're just going to make up your own answer?

No. 468353

why not just answer then

No. 468355

File: 1736598980184.gif (Spoiler Image,715.34 KB, 320x240, tenor-968893881.gif)

Not in a faggy yt way tho

No. 468356

File: 1736599094412.jpeg (152.02 KB, 518x768, two very straight manly men at…)

Don't worry I'll save the thread

No. 468369

One does have to wonder what about that massively hot guy in specific made "her" feel this publicly insecure. Kind of hilarious.

No. 468372

adding this to the list of threads that need a vpn ban

No. 468374

Existing in the world outside of fujoshi and being able to read obvious gay cues from moids(bait)

No. 468379

what do fujos have to do with this thread? what the fuck is going on here

No. 468388

File: 1736607501038.jpg (2.69 KB, 114x125, 1726543593384010s.jpg)

> you cant like this attractive man because….he is le gay

No. 468390

>nooo you cant cum to perceived homosexuals that's rude
I already did.

No. 468391

Go nuts. Why would I care if you guys are attracted to moids who are not only gay but openly signaling that?

No. 468393

You should answer that question yourself because at this point I don't get it either, why should you care?
I will still masturbate to the thought of fucking the cute "gay" moids with "child bearing hips" because you know, men can definitely have those.

No. 468395

Aren't fujos the ones who think everyone is gay, that's why they ship their classmates and random guys standing next to each other

No. 468396

File: 1736608315378.jpg (211.78 KB, 1000x1455, MV5BYjFmODA1NjItY2NmOS00NTczLT…)

Okay. I only ever pointed out this is a very gay moid and younger anons who were raised through the weird era we just had will know what to look for (in case they'd rather not fuck a dl-fag)

No. 468397

Gay is when skinny and standing.

No. 468399

Nope. Gay is having homosexuality radiate from your body, causing you to pose like picrel >>467881 and I think he experimented with cross sex hormones since his hips look so much wider than other males itt. He could have Klinefelters though and that would explain why I'm perceiving him as an obvious gay moid (or pre-troon). I'm not even attracted to roided out guys personally, anon

No. 468400

It's just some schizo that believes in the thought police, as if moids gave a fuck about who are they thinking about while masturbating.

No. 468401

>since his hips look so much wider than other males itt.
I feel blind every time this is bought up, those are regular male hips. They're the same width as the guy below him. Am I retarded?

No. 468402

None of that happened. Are you illiterate or just trying to confuse people who are too lazy to scroll up?

No. 468403

Seriously, get help, cross sex hormones don't give moids wide hips and he doesn't have wide hips at all.

No. 468404

>Am I retarded?
Autism causes issues with scale and depth perception, so a bit

No. 468405

So gay is when skinny, standing, and having small little hips instead of hips that go inwards perpetually, which doesn't happen. You do realize it's his waist that's small and not his hips that are large, right? And cross sex hormones don't change bones, get off Reddit.

No. 468406

File: 1736609100184.png (268.17 KB, 1500x460, 343fedc.png)

No. 468407

File: 1736609278411.jpg (431.41 KB, 1080x1843, 1000110358.jpg)

No. 468408

Hey look, a moid with narrow hips. Visibly more narrow than the pre-troon gay moid. He is much more muscular so it should be the opposite. So weird

No. 468409

File: 1736609329965.jpg (295.11 KB, 1080x1340, 1000110359.jpg)

Let's just post hot moids, this shit isn't for discussion.

No. 468410

nta but since it mentions weight specifically he would have more body fat there rather than wide hip bones. but he doesn't have either since he's thin

No. 468411

Where's the weight gain, those are his bones. His hips are small, cope.
His hips are literally the same size

No. 468412

Except then they would look skinny and narrow since moids don't have wide hip bones

No. 468414

They aren't wide, you just like ugly males with nasty fridge bodies

No. 468416

>defending a gay moid with a delicate feminine body signaling he's a bottom
He's all yours anon, I'm sure he would be flattered that straight women find him attractive

No. 468417

File: 1736609968229.jpg (1.64 MB, 3190x2920, 1000020546.jpg)

>delicate feminine body
you're driving me insane nonny. there's literally nothing feminine there, it feels like you stepped out of the 1950s

No. 468419

Delicate feminine bodies are hawt, too bad he doesn't have one.

No. 468420

Why wouldn't you make the lines straight? Like what's the point of this picrel since you drew them freehand and they're not even straight? And yeah, the fag has an hourglass shape, probably from experimenting with estrogen

No. 468421

No. 468422

Only if you learn to pick up gay cues with the rest of your sheltered friends

No. 468423

>estrogen gives males hourglass figures
Hearty kek

No. 468424

a very loose definition of "hourglass"…don't make me start posting actual hourglass women nonny don't make me

No. 468426

File: 1736610420850.jpg (25.65 KB, 469x469, 1000110363.jpg)

No. 468427

Oh anon, it's practically indetectable I've just seen it firsthand a million times. The giveaway like I said is his gay body language. Nothing more to say, hyperfixate on his body parts more zoomers (Freudian typo)

No. 468428

File: 1736610456314.jpg (69.87 KB, 675x1200, 1000110364.jpg)

No. 468429

Skinny/natural hourglass, no obvious gay cues. Good?

No. 468430

File: 1736610488559.jpg (50.24 KB, 736x925, 1000110361.jpg)

No. 468431

>standing is gay body language
You know you're right, he should have been flexing and stroking his own stomach
Gay body language alert

No. 468432

Or just not posing like a huge fag, either works

No. 468433

Estrogen produces moobs. His body is not my type either but i hate this infight every time some nona is into skinny moids more than anything.

No. 468434

>standing is when faggot

No. 468435

Detransitioned troons gain and lose weight on their hips first and last, even before moobs

No. 468436

Samefag but it's not like they have BBLs after, it's subtle and combined with gay af posing/body language can be indicate a moid is mid-troon. Idk why or how this became so controversial

No. 468437

File: 1736610899711.jpg (454.17 KB, 1080x1459, 1000110365.jpg)

Can you all just fuck off? I'm trying to post hot moids.

No. 468438

What would have been a straighter pose? The man is just standing there.

No. 468439

Gay pose

No. 468440

Any other moid that has been posted before or after that one particular moid, who looks like a flaming faggot

No. 468441

File: 1736611000499.jpg (524.33 KB, 1080x1683, 1000110366.jpg)

No. 468442

So straight is when posing with your hand on your chin, arms in the air, lifting your shirt up, hands on the hip, but gay is when standing. Personally I think they are all made for women.

No. 468444

File: 1736611414602.jpg (104.59 KB, 434x700, 700.jpg)

You guys are just ignoring me and saying the same things over and over like retards. I don't know how else to explain it at this point, so let's move on

No. 468447

Stop shitting up the thread you fucking retard, go cool yourself.

No. 468448

>redundant chimp noises
You're right anon. Maybe your literacy will improve after you jerk off again(infighting)

No. 468453

They make me cringe me too, nonnie. I just imagine the scrote trying to flex and make his veins pop thinking to himself "I look so badass, I must look so cool, it's cold outside but I should wear my short-sleeved compression shirt to show them off" or something, I don't know, it just looks so corny.

No. 468455

File: 1736612564817.jpg (111.56 KB, 1199x1801, 555b2c5d1480d3de8548fa409ec1a0…)

He's so delectable

No. 468457

absolutely incredible ass, what i wouldn't give to have a night with him.

No. 468502

>tfw there's more posts infighting than posts posting hot dudes
please can we ignore and report the jelly scrotes and sex-negative autists, it's ruining the thread and honestly extremely boring

No. 468504

That is one beautiful butt.

No. 468546

Moar please

No. 468624

that picture is edited to hell and back the background is literally bending

No. 468629

File: 1736626754356.png (735.81 KB, 800x864, small tiddy.png)

No. 468632

File: 1736627491332.jpg (107.59 KB, 268x400, brazilian scrote.jpg)

at first i didnt like the rule of this thread of having to censor faces because i like to use the pics here as drawing refs, but after blurring this scrotes face i realized how much an ugly face can ruin a perfect body. Sigh.

No. 468633

I see you're a nona of culture as well.

No. 468654

women need to stop cringing at men making efforts to look good because that's part of the reason why most look so shit

No. 468667

Nta but I think we just have different ideas of what looks good, cause bulging veins scare me personally kek

No. 468777

File: 1736638941821.jpg (62.36 KB, 433x387, 53580afb837d98f86d0c4b7497bcf2…)

No. 468812

Ripped moid + clingy shirt = hnnnggg

No. 468854

File: 1736649595058.gif (181.09 KB, 200x141, IMG_0379.gif)


No. 468874

File: 1736653749207.jpg (49.87 KB, 639x705, 3d6c471d5d52d6454e6b169a632ccb…)

No. 468876

Two for the price of one!

No. 468878

hes cute. are you brazilian by any chance?

No. 468907

File: 1736656870288.jpg (96.1 KB, 736x981, 2662084219190dd80e99ec9cebae34…)

No. 468929

No, i am not. I would love to go to the carnival to see the hunks, tho.

No. 468984

Cool hair. Too skinny and would be hotter more buff and wide though

No. 469017

>and wide
God no, fridges are the worst. Nonnies don't listen to the demons itt and please post more hourglass and inverted triangle men

No. 469152

File: 1736709903838.jpeg (130.4 KB, 736x883, 438263eb-8600-48e2-ac7e-d578e2…)

No. 469153

i hate hypermasculine moids (maybe beccause they intimidate me)

No. 469156

i love hypermasculine moids

No. 469165

They are scary, but I don't have a fetish for size difference. I feel like a lot of women do.

No. 469223

File: 1736715022083.jpg (51.45 KB, 735x1178, nuh uh.jpg)

Fridge bodies are so ugly.(off topic)

No. 469226

File: 1736715474120.mp4 (866.78 KB, 736x414, 458651471c16a90c265eb77d208586…)

No. 469242

File: 1736717282729.jpg (34.38 KB, 447x720, 598229bc9d218c198c06c8154e60c0…)

No. 469246

File: 1736717404440.jpg (230.3 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_105.jpg)

No. 469287

cute bulge

No. 469303

When a dude walk in with a Itty bitty waist and a big bulge in your face you get SPRUNG

No. 469326

Yeah ‘cause trannies and retards raid that place and mods don’t give a crap. And admin disappeared in the unknown realm

No. 469329

File: 1736724605481.jpg (645.36 KB, 2159x2713, 54205608593_5c6cd4934e_o.jpg)

No. 469381

File: 1736734821593.jpg (97.29 KB, 736x920, ca662ce74fae34c8f83a10b2886ed3…)

Might be normietier but I like arms

No. 469410

No, pls. I dont mind wider guys like >>469152 but i utterly despise how rare it is to find pretty skinny guys because they all want to roidmaxx and turn into liver king.

No. 469436

He looks like every scene girl's ideal boyfriend circa 2007, and I love it.

No. 469498

File: 1736763770289.jpg (489.57 KB, 1536x2048, [23-04-10] 1645372232859021312…)

No. 469529

Who cares? Why do you guys keep being negative and repeating this every single time someone comes in here and says they like masculine men? Not everyone has the same type as you and you clearly cannot handle it. Grow up kek. This thread would be boring if all the moids looked like white frail soon to be troons

No. 469532

This is hot. Why are men so lazy nowadays that they can't even be bothered to exercise anymore lel they're always obese or skeletons

No. 469540

I wanted to express my opinion in case anons stop posting small waisted men because they saw someone say the opposite is better. It's okay to express disagreements here imo.

No. 469544

nice cock. i love huge softies

No. 469546

>It's okay to express disagreements here imo.
Nta but imo its better left for another thread, just post images of the kind of moids you like. No one is gonna be impressed by your autistically superior taste in naked moids anyway, it just derails the thread.

No. 469548

But the other anon was allowed to do it when >>468907 was posted. That isn't fair.

No. 469593

>white frail soon to be troons
I'd argue there are way more anons being negative and trashing on nonnas who like slim men. You can be a masculine man and still have a small waist. Sorry for your trash taste but fridge bodies are just unappealing, masculine or not.

No. 469644

i don't even get the fetish there are bodies and bodies but gangly muscular moids tend to fuck way harder and more masculine than fridge-shaped roidpigs just on account of increased mobility and functional strength alone

No. 469713

File: 1736799998087.jpg (40.35 KB, 736x934, 1000018969.jpg)

No. 469715

File: 1736800161914.jpg (88.04 KB, 736x1096, 1000018971.jpg)

No. 469725

File: 1736801431838.png (110.39 KB, 216x405, ribs-on-a-latissimus-barbie.pn…)

when they got ^this^ shit going nothing makes me wetter. give me slightly bigger lats and I'm flooded

No. 469726

File: 1736801726275.jpg (18.84 KB, 346x360, 1000018972.jpg)

No. 469734

File: 1736802492026.jpg (90.06 KB, 693x627, 1000018974.jpg)

No. 469907

>who cares
>proceeds to post her shit opinion everytime someone posts a cute skinny fit guy
maybe stop sperging and post the uggos you want to see instead. You started all this by sharing your opinion when literally no one asked you and you fags are the only ones who keep sperging about ''muh masculine guys'' who all have gay stripper fridge bodies.

No. 470103

File: 1736888407979.jpg (373.47 KB, 1080x1625, IMG_20250114_195814.jpg)

idk if this fits into the ideal bodies conversation or if anyones as fixated on this as i am but i am not a believer in "growers not showers". Even of the erect length is the same i very heavily prefer guys whose flaccid dick is larger. Because you arent hard most of the day and i would prefer seeing a bulge rather fhan no sign of you having male genitals. i dont like it when guys wear underwear or swimwear and NOTHING shows idk if ur 6+ inches hard. (picrel for reference)

No. 470164

>implying the resident /fit/ bugchaser will dare to actually post the chunky pighogs he wants farmers to like

No. 470242

a cock is only truly scrumptious when it's a grower AND a shower

No. 470246

Remembering that this lurks amongst us never fails to make me cackle.

No. 470487

Large flaccid is off putting. Sorry. Like, put that thing away, where are your manners?

No. 470507

File: 1736949628138.png (1.12 MB, 1008x1200, tummy.png)

No. 470730

File: 1736974427823.mp4 (605.64 KB, 704x828, Screen_Recording_20241221_1250…)

Shamelessly taken from an underwear ad I got.

No. 470732

I love bubble butts on guys

No. 470900

they must be taught, and properly enforced…

No. 470926

File: 1736993569743.png (2.59 MB, 1080x1440, 7437274824.png)

repost 4 higher quality

No. 470931

They must feel nice to play with over the boxers though.

No. 471320

File: 1737058729641.jpg (56.68 KB, 736x1061, 1000019033.jpg)

No. 471329

i like to imagine that is noen eubanks

No. 471502

File: 1737081607103.jpg (143.54 KB, 1338x960, 🖼️_3_OYX_来自小红书网页版.jpg)

No. 471505

File: 1737082033056.jpg (37.07 KB, 438x567, 8677556576757_9787.JPG)

No. 471511

Looks like an athletic TIF kek

No. 471516

?? What in the fucking world kind of TIFs are you looking at?

No. 471667

can you /fit/ fags just fuck off already

No. 471704

fucking delicious

No. 471711

THE ideal body type

No. 471728

File: 1737128129167.jpg (97.16 KB, 598x900, 1000019041.jpg)


No. 471825

gangly bois have better leverage on the fucking too. dat trebuchet dick.

No. 472315

thread over we've found it. the ideal man body

No. 472322

File: 1737173975817.jpg (74.97 KB, 736x736, feed1ae7e15f0a675ffbd60e0d72ee…)

No. 472365

I'd love to be entangled in these

No. 472374

Wow men should dress like this all the time

No. 472399

File: 1737188407221.webm (643.71 KB, 1270x708, 1728702164094195.webm)

I am salivating. Whats the fucking source nonny? i am on my knees, saucenao doesnt bring anything

No. 472467

File: 1737206915166.jpg (436.86 KB, 1536x1532, 4342.jpg)

No. 472477

wow …

No. 472484


No. 472485

I want to fuck this moid.

No. 472510

I need to bully and sexually harass him for his elliptical nipples.

No. 472521

God, to lick the sweat off his chest…

No. 472525

why's everyone freaking about this body? it's nice but there were better bodies posted

No. 472534

File: 1737216980287.jpg (167.65 KB, 1080x1440, 曲奇冒充人类_3_OYX_来自小红书网页版.jpg)

I got the photo from my rednote feed. Can't read chinese but I think the username is OYX, probably why saucenao doesn't work.

No. 472535

Damn, you and the nonas over on /ot/ are tempting me to also download rednote kek
I want to have my own feed of slutty, attractive men

No. 472552

The nipple placement. So suckable. So lickable. So kissable. So perfect. OP please reveal to us he also has a huge fat cock.

No. 472566

The great fire wall has been hiding this guy from us for far too long.

No. 472572

it looks like he's holding a tiny black flaccid dick

No. 472578

looks more like a piece of poop

No. 472585

Sorry about this nona, but I just translated a few comments on his profile, I saw a comment saying that he is gay

No. 472586

It isn't fucking fair, you're not even allowed to be gay in China

No. 472593

Post proof or shut up I think?

No. 472609

File: 1737228377956.jpg (25.14 KB, 342x426, im_sorry_.JPG)

No. 472610

can you post more of this guy pretty please? i dont have a smartphone and i absolutely love his body and want to do art studies to get his physique for my bishie drawings

No. 472614

A rando comment with a pinkie pie pfp isn't proof, show me a picture of him sucking or taking dick(preferably shirtless) and then I will believe you

No. 472615

File: 1737229647202.jpg (113.27 KB, 1080x1290, 🎆🎇_1_OYX_来自小红书网页版.jpg)

ok i'll post one more

No. 472620

It’s very proportionate! And it doesn’t easily fall into niches like skellies or roided guys

No. 472623

File: 1737231524356.jpg (132.45 KB, 1080x1440, 水灵灵_3_OYX_来自小红书网页版.jpg)

ok last one sorry about doubleposts, internet is shit

No. 472642

Yeah I think the same.

No. 472672

File: 1737237101453.png (26.34 KB, 1353x176, IDGAF.PNG)

NTA but

No. 472675

File: 1737237469317.jpg (59.59 KB, 736x981, 49d8994e7c8f465748c0b9e09530e2…)

I know it's a cosplay but

No. 472693

This one is abnormally ugly.

No. 472696

No. 472700

Ugly as fuck.

No. 472704

I don't know why but this disgusting me so much, wtf is wrong with gym rats

No. 472726

Fuck I love when the tits match the abs like this. They go so well with this type of midriff. I bet the abs pop like crazy when he's flexing.

No. 472731

Looks like he has tits

No. 472743

Kek that's what I was thinking. That's just a woman at that point.

No. 472764

You guys are just hallucinating at this point.

No. 472786

Probably jealous triggered /fit/fags, report and ignore them.

No. 472787

He looks good, but for some reason he looks feminine to me. Like that could be the body of a very fit tomboy kek. Maybe I'm just blind though.

No. 472807

So not only do you not know what a man looks like, you also don’t know what a woman looks like. Maybe double check to see if you aren’t an alien.

No. 472852

I still hate men.(hide the thread)

No. 472865

Delicious sweaty suckable male tits that will grind and slide over your hard nipples while he fucks you silly

No. 472897

File: 1737255497640.gif (Spoiler Image,1.75 MB, 245x180, tumblr_mhs606SLiP1rmumr1o1_250…)

I'm scrolling through this thread like

No. 472930

This ain't it.

No. 472973

Oh, I like this, where is it from? That scene in Young Frankenstein when the monster drops his pants in front of Madeline and she does the woof and goes feral for his huge cock likely was what first redpilled me on dick size. I wish my boyfriend had the penile stamina to go seven rounds with me like the monster…

No. 472976

next thread pic

No. 473092

It is it

No. 473119

Time to download rednote

No. 473120

No. 473127

Have you ever went outside?

No. 473138

You're very much blind.

No. 473147

His body is a bit too small for my personal tastes, but I can still see why other anons like it so much. The picture itself is very beautiful and feels almost ethereal, the sheen on his chest is especially a nice touch. He also has nice muscle definition and proportions despite being thinner which is rare, most thinner guys posted here look like malnourished faggot skeletons. As >>472620 said, it just seems like the perfect middle ground for lot of women, fit and healthy without being too muscular or too skinny.

No. 473189

File: 1737309412437.jpg (44.45 KB, 347x623, 1000019084.jpg)

No. 473203

File: 1737310881522.jpg (61.36 KB, 640x640, 8fe0ec2468380aadafab42d0f8ccb0…)

No. 473239

i am so tempted to make an account now but i dont want the CCP to have my IP i have posted way too many xi xing ping winnie po pictures on the internet

No. 473252

File: 1737318568322.gif (1.43 MB, 500x500, 2750979784.gif)

>flat, nearly concave abdomen not bloated by alcohol or female hormones
Ah, the absence of a uterus. How separate and beautiful from our own bodies. No excuse moids

No. 473356

No idea kek he's a bit thin but his body is ok. Not special enough to tempt me

No. 473398

He's vacuuming the shit out of it.

No. 473419

Probably because he's wet

No. 473430

KEK nona! The gif I posted is from History of the World Part 1. The whole movie is actually on the Internet Archive if you want to watch it.

No. 473434

Absolutely, I shall. There's nothing I love more than Madeline Kahn making faces at supersized wursts. Our OG size queen.

No. 473641

this post is so weird

No. 473645

He's peak. He has muscles but not hard, disgusting ones you cant squish. He's hairless which makes him ethereal. He doesnt have an extremely porny body either(pecs arent cartoonishly big like >>472467). Its just the perfect balance, all men should look like that. I think what i like the most is that he doesnt have a greasy looking body, most guys posted here look like they punch walls and scream when they lose at videogames. He just looks like a pretty elf guy.

No. 473646

She is completely right, men have no excuse.

No. 473956

>>446660(/g/ rule 4)

No. 473959

Speak up, whore, what are you saying?

No. 473966

I am going to fucking commit suicide, I should have saved the vid

No. 473974

it was an ugly selfpost the scrote was in total darkness jerking off and he mutated nips

No. 473977

But he whimpered

No. 473978

For the others anons, it was another one of the masturbation manwhore with abs. I'm wondering, are his muscles moving like that on their own or is he faking it for the vids?

No. 473979

File: 1737418675952.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.08 KB, 1836x2250, weird_tit.jpg)

he kept doing the wave with his stomach. pretty sure if he had abs he wouldn't be hiding in the dark

No. 473983

The abs are, like, there fs, mb not a 6-pack, but he has muscles on a tight frame… What I meant was if the jerky motion could be coming from the sex act itself. As I've never seen this before?

No. 473985

It's pretty common, usually when they're about to cum. It's involuntary I also do it myself

No. 473989

Seconding your spoiler, it’s involuntary especially with how fast he was stroking his shit

No. 473995

he was doing it through the whole video and watching it made me sick. why are you all so desperately thirsty for this ugly random scrote with some kind of fucked up editing or filter?

No. 473998

You could barely see him, he was whimpering, and I was horny okay

No. 474004

What? I wasn't, I was just explaining your virgin ass what it was. The video was not to my taste

No. 474019

I've literally never seen a guy have spasms as he's about to cum.

No. 474023

He is a trend setter. He is filming a coom vid, after all.

No. 474045

File: 1737427917730.png (81.84 KB, 192x344, moidlet.png)

This is the kind of guy i expected to see at the gym. Instead all i get is ugly roidbeast one steroid shot away from dying of a heart attack.

No. 474049

can you share a catbox.moe of the video if you nabbed it?

No. 474163

No. 475164

File: 1737601960088.png (655.47 KB, 669x878, jUmgZlvzfD.png)

Is it only me who hates when men do high pitched whimpering like in that video?

No. 475170

>high pitched whimpering
wtf i would hate that, not what i what imagining from this post >>473998 probably the same scrote replying to himself.
nice, actual washboard abs thanks nonna ♥

No. 475191

I hate it when they do this turned v shirt lift but won't let you see their male tits

No. 475418

His body is a literal 11/10. Perfect torso, chest, abs, arms, AND jawline and cute lips…..qt3.14

No. 475510

Jis abs are perfect they somehow have smol twink aesthetics and big fit male fucking you rough from missionary proportions

No. 475513

thanks will coom to this later tonight

No. 475554

Yes, nona! I wanna see their titties

No. 475726

I like it; it’s slutty and modest.

No. 475970

File: 1737748345917.jpeg (720.54 KB, 1170x991, IMG_6800.jpeg)

No. 476036

File: 1737761028170.png (898.98 KB, 808x798, CvJWHQIUAAE7NFt.png)

No. 476049

rofl i read it as asiandairy

No. 476050

milk boy s got the titties

No. 476066

I read it like "incendiary" kek

No. 476067

File: 1737765029067.gif (6.96 MB, 540x283, ea4040c6279714abd0f3b4ad994116…)

No. 476068

File: 1737765081274.gif (7.68 MB, 540x297, d7dd783adfd6c4424f9cb919a42630…)

No. 476075

Mmm just the right amount of bounce in those titties

No. 476646

File: 1737865479949.jpg (180.79 KB, 1440x1080, 你是说 练成我这样就可以了吗?_1_子然_来自小红书网页版.…)

No. 476652

God some of you reply to these like men reply under images of ai women on fb

No. 476654

No. 476669

Kek guilty as charged

No. 476741

this but slimmer hot skelly

No. 476750

Looks azn, hottt

No. 476753

The one with belly button is more sexy

No. 476754

No. 476755

Yeah not having a belly button is a deal breaker.

No. 476756

I have no idea what the fuck is he wearing but it's hot as fuck. I like how balls are showing.

No. 476859

this was gross anon

No. 477170

every cell of his body is perfect wtf. they should clone him in a lab

No. 477228

File: 1738026220700.jpg (200.17 KB, 1080x1440, 练练练_2_Doy_来自小红书网页版.jpg)

No. 477230

File: 1738026475251.jpg (184.41 KB, 1080x1440, 老婆 今天还打我吗 不打我就先睡了_1_乐_来自小红书网页版…)

What is it with men on rednote and aprons?

No. 477234

why do chinese thots always have the perfect bodies? western pigs normally have those really homosexual veiny greasy bodies, while the chinese and japanese men always look so exquisite.

No. 477242

maybe they don't do roids and have natural bodies?

No. 477253

Obese pig with corpse bloat. 30+ haggot

No. 477256

they are not roidpigs; they are lean; they know how to proportion their bodies well as they bodybuild it with more definition and muscle, and never blow themselves up into baloon animal territory

No. 477266

It's hard finding gifs and videos of thinner men with jiggly pecs anon

No. 477289

File: 1738037795041.jpg (198.57 KB, 1707x990, GSUS_2FXIAAVrMw.jpg)

his tits are actually nicer than shown here lmao. just the perfect blend of skinny and voluptuously muscular. and the abs, there's real meat there yet they look so delicate.

No. 477290

That's a much nicer image. His weird short fat red hand with ugly tiny nails was disturbing me.

No. 477291

File: 1738037948598.gif (2.95 MB, 540x405, 1733707417646.gif)

>me learning Mandarin rn

No. 477684

i wish i could post my e-bf's thirst traps here

No. 477919

You're gonna get bullied relentlessly for it because it's probably ugly and not as sexy as you think. Nonnies will save it and capture your posts and you'll become another hilarious LC moment. So don't do it. Unless you'd like to entertain us.

No. 477926

he isn't, but im very aware (as implied above) of the bitter landwhale task force lurking on this thread, thank you for the reminder tho

No. 477927

Believe me, no one is gonna be jealous of you for having your Nigel, if he was all that you wouldn't feel the need to bring him up on LC out of all places. Every single time an anon brags about her Nigel, he turns out to be some deformed retard. Save yourself the embarrassment.

No. 477928

this amount of deranged seething at a stranger to drive a nonexistent point home. yes, between the both of us im now super convinced im the insecure loser dating uggos, fatass.

No. 477930

With that typing style I'm starting to think you're underage and your boyfriend is in your head.

No. 477942

This is not a middle school lunch table. Take your bs someplace else kek

No. 477948

do it if you have the ovaries, show us your prince charming, fag

No. 477962

File: 1738154163076.jpeg (116.77 KB, 414x723, IMG_4254.jpeg)


No. 477963

This isn't even the hot kind of skinny

No. 477964

you know a guy doesnt have an ass when he wears those uber conservative swimming trunks like a fag

No. 477965

are you sure he’s over 18?

No. 477988

pretty nice ngl, bit awkward-looking. gg on not dating a fatty thoughie

No. 477992

34 lol

No. 477994

File: 1738162214892.jpg (54.84 KB, 640x741, 1000019640.jpg)

No. 478007

Now that's what I come to this thread for

No. 478048

slim fit men do. age better. and to the other anon, not all slim twink moids have tiny asses. quite on the contrary.

No. 478135

You could have without saying anything , cropping the face and removing the location, but you’re a retard who had to announce it kek. That means he isn’t worth enough to be here kek.

No. 478141

His nose and haircut and body.. Fuckkk, CCP I'm omw

No. 478142

File: 1738178025133.png (729.14 KB, 1080x1246, 1000014050.png)

He's so hot what the fuck

No. 478144

need him

No. 478145

I just know his face is hideous

No. 478149

File: 1738179966691.png (1.14 MB, 736x981, 1000019659.png)

Edited his eyes out a bit

No. 478151

It’s Thomas Brodie Sangster

No. 478153

Oh. He is ugly but I also thought it was anon’s bf KEK.

No. 478157

How come Asian men have more fluff around their belly buttons? I have never touched a man so idk if that's fat or muscle. In >>478149 and >>478142 or >>477289 you can see some…? around the abdomen. It is nowhere to be found in >>477962 and >>477994 for example. Why is this?

No. 478162

Idk I think fat gravitates more to their belly button because at the penis area it's completely flat. So if they're fat they'll have a stomach bump above the penis. It's gross.

No. 478164

Thats might be from the angle that light hits thier midriffs nonnie. The two other examples also have higher body definition

No. 478171

Who is this and why is posted here? I want to look at nice male bodies.

No. 478182

File: 1738186142196.jpg (137.59 KB, 640x800, 1000019669.jpg)

No. 478183

File: 1738186288267.jpg (12.85 KB, 225x225, 6215786357852.JPG)


No. 478184

Yum yum.

No. 478186

ginger males are objectively disgusting. the one you posted is about the least offensive a ginger can be. their skin tone is always either too reddish-orange or too pale and the hair color makes it stand out more. those ones with freckles that look like a disease too, yuck.

No. 478190

File: 1738188348666.jpg (36.23 KB, 735x527, 1000019671.jpg)

more backposting

You're not replying to the original poster, >>478184 isn't me anon

No. 478192

File: 1738188631950.jpg (105.52 KB, 736x981, 1000019672.jpg)


No. 478205

File: 1738190197291.mp4 (1.34 MB, 720x960, 1735669700902.mp4)

No. 478354

i would commit several wars to get a bf that looks like this

No. 478361

Name? Is he a real ginger or is it hair dye?

No. 478374

LMAO nona

No. 478461

oh, how evil! cruel! cunning! le feminine guile! my innermost being revealed by a very self-assured woman mad online! im literally shaking rn. will i escape her mighty spell? 𖦹o𖦹(integrate/emoji)

No. 478499

File: 1738262505216.jpg (23.65 KB, 480x516, Screenshot_20250114-174439.jpg)

Any fellow quad/thigh enjoyers ITT

No. 478523

ME! Thighs are so nice, especially when they’re muscular. I love the male body when it’s in shape, hate scrotes though.

No. 478524

File: 1738269505434.jpeg (105.14 KB, 960x1200, IMG_1043.jpeg)

I’ll even pay the picrel fee nonna. I love toned legs.

No. 478525

File: 1738269557887.jpeg (83.45 KB, 473x590, IMG_1044.jpeg)

I like this

No. 478546

I know you can barely see anything but that makes it better for me tbh

No. 478559

No. 478574

whyd you post this its so irrelevant to the thread

No. 478597

Because the midriff was hot. Would’ve fit better in the ugly man psyop thread earlier. Sorry nonitas

No. 478600

File: 1738285436483.jpg (437.96 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2025-01-31-04-02-57…)

Holy shot panty lined

No. 478601

Rugby is so slutty kek

No. 478608

We're back to ass. Thank you.

No. 478613

My most controversial opinion of all time… Balls from behind plus ass > front bulge pics. It's just more erotic to me.

No. 478660

File: 1738290893681.jpeg (902.53 KB, 1170x1474, IMG_3437.jpeg)

Found this on r/glowups, hngggg

No. 478673

Based nonnie

No. 478682


No. 478686

Nta but >>453196
I have several other examples as well but the faces are too visible

No. 478755

File: 1738309476052.jpeg (93.14 KB, 736x1308, Парень на байке в шлеме_ Мотоц…)

Ngl i like how many bikermoids look but so many of them have ugly ass tattoos
Worst of all i see women i the comments calling them hot and sometimes even telling the ones without them it would make tgem look better…

No. 478756

im not into muscles normally but hollllllly fuck

No. 478837

You know you can edit them right

No. 478848

File: 1738336227897.jpg (60.17 KB, 735x599, 1000019692.jpg)

Edited out the tattoos

Patrician taste. Arms are great

No. 478851

This is the level of skinny that I enjoy , this is yummy

No. 478855

Seriously, it evokes the same reaction in me as the videos of turtles trying to fuck shoes

No. 478859

God, I love how you can see a little bit of the v line.

No. 478867

File: 1738342369545.png (742.54 KB, 716x1115, 1716279865516325.png)

No. 478873

File: 1738343906795.gif (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 350x268, 2025011611.gif)

It's hard to do with gifs, but I tried kek

No. 478877

File: 1738344643564.gif (Spoiler Image,4.59 MB, 448x329, 503.gif)

No. 478882

File: 1738345348403.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.21 KB, 486x632, 1000021349.jpg)

No. 478884

>cock sliding on the guy's mouth
Something about this is hot to me.

No. 478885

What sport is this KEK? is this straight up porn disguised as fighting or do they seriously fight clad in these outfits with their dick rubbing against each other?! I’m kekking way too much.

No. 478887

That pillow is so dirty

No. 478889

File: 1738345718564.gif (1.09 MB, 280x190, bde019.gif)


No. 478892

File: 1738345769880.gif (1.54 MB, 260x238, A865BH5RJt4thh.gif)

No. 478896

File: 1738346063629.gif (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 448x263, 100009754158.gif)

I found another. I'll stop spamming now

No. 478897

File: 1738346143350.gif (1.89 MB, 300x362, 1000019699.gif)

Forgot to post this one from the ugly man thread

No. 478900

Kekk, you have opened me up to something new and ridiculous.

No. 478944

How much power does a huge muscular ass add to the thrusting, I wonder

No. 478948

You on the right >>478873

No. 478963

File: 1738355298820.jpg (99.39 KB, 768x716, bueno.jpg)

No. 478975

It’s all about the thighs and glutes nonna.
A man that fucks good is one that has a nice ass and strong thighs.

No. 478992

kekkk the way the guy just slip n' slides

No. 479037

what midriff

No. 479050

Now I need to find me a truckalicious bf who's athletic to test that theory

No. 479232

File: 1738435383811.jpg (102.87 KB, 599x766, 1000019716.jpg)

No. 479235

File: 1738435630928.jpg (131.69 KB, 730x1042, 1000019719.jpg)

No. 479299

File: 1738450817719.mp4 (2.52 MB, 540x960, VID_22140405_192840_652.mp4)

No. 479301

holy shit, sauce?

No. 479340

these are making me laugh so hard

No. 479342

Okay but what's with the weird picture in the corner

No. 479386

File: 1738462967320.jpg (154.96 KB, 720x1258, IMG_20250202_052206.jpg)


No. 479746

imagine how often they get unintentional boners

No. 479816

I think you'd be surprised at how few involuntary boners men of any and all ages have these days…

No. 479952

I love rugby sluts. It'd be so hot to fuck one when he's still muddy, sweaty and bloody-nosed.

No. 480312

File: 1738690513577.jpg (218.12 KB, 1080x1440, 对不良诱惑说……?_1_椿瑜_来自小红书网页版.jpg)


No. 480434

god i wish that was me

No. 480445

I asked my moid how come he’s hard after washing the dishes and it’s because of the pressure leaning onto the counter.
Involuntary boners are so fugging hot

No. 480469

my ex-bf walked around the house w a tent pole on his shorts all morning it was so hot (not two years later he could barely get it to a semi)

No. 480568

This one looks like he's raping the other guy's bellybutton.
Looks like he's grinding on him lmao

No. 480582

File: 1738746363470.gif (57.51 KB, 220x165, reading-newspaper-drinking-cof…)

i read this thread everyday like it's my morning paper

No. 480607

same nona, i have a rotation of /g/ threads

No. 480621

File: 1738760203052.mp4 (2.07 MB, 480x480, RDT_20250121_020043.mp4)

/g/ is the coziest place ever

No. 480624

Men will swear up and down that they aren't gay then do shit like this

No. 480628

Ok that's it I'm going to start watching college wrestling. Hopefully it inspires my nigel to do a fucking squat for once.

No. 480630

lolcow wrestling watch party when

No. 480656

That's called, doing an Oil check

No. 480665

Heh.. I was there when oil checks were invented…

No. 480673

>What is an 'Oil Check' wrestling move?

>It involves one fighter putting a finger, or several fingers inside their opponent's anus.

>The move has a range of purposes, one is to to shock and make the victim uncomfortable.

>Or it can be used to gain leverage, putting the opponent in a more advantageous position.

>The Oil Check can give wrestlers a positional advantage over their opponents

No. 480868

whoa what's he digging for in there

No. 481204

No. 481207

Looks like he's copping a feel of other guy's butt

No. 481477

the random ass caress gets me everytime

No. 481479

This is fucking insane, wrestling isn't even a sport it's just the natural consequence of two males who have to be in spandex and on the floor together.

No. 481536

File: 1738903059112.jpg (43.35 KB, 500x616, 1000019847.jpg)

It makes sense when you realize the sport came from ancient greece

No. 481537

File: 1738903134951.jpg (39.63 KB, 331x586, 1000019845.jpg)

No. 481558

And they used to do it naked
but fags didn't allow women to watch

No. 481705

Fags gatekeeping and hoarding cute guys all for themselves since ancient times

No. 481776

File: 1738963838947.jpeg (114.87 KB, 960x1107, IMG_8004.jpeg)

No. 481777

File: 1738963867863.jpeg (1023.63 KB, 4032x2667, IMG_8003.jpeg)

No. 481778

File: 1738963923834.jpeg (149.58 KB, 631x986, IMG_7985.jpeg)

No. 481786

loads of fridge frame guys again… i want scrawny muscular and sum cocks bulges and asses back please. this is my comfort thread

No. 481789

Sometimes when I close my eyes, this picture >>465931 appears behind my eyelids like Jesus on a piece of toast

No. 481793

File: 1738967094504.gif (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 245x278, d4cd1745beb12d6817ed3702b.gif)

i'll see what i can find

No. 481794

File: 1738967127125.gif (Spoiler Image,987.07 KB, 246x117, pn54.gif)

No. 481796

File: 1738967326258.gif (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 350x441, 76ezgifcrop.gif)

i gotta dig deep through some blogs to find the decent stuff kek, i'll check more later

No. 481804

spladle time

No. 481805

that little pinch

No. 481807

File: 1738968504580.gif (1.37 MB, 245x360, 1692204035614.gif)

No. 481827

I swear that star tattoo means gay pornstar

No. 481858

I swear i like looking at men from the back than the front.

No. 481904

damn really ugly hand

No. 481952

All these wrestling stuff looks like two men who've never had sex trying to figure it out.

No. 482078

this hits the spot, i fucking love when they've got their legs forced open like that, i'd saved an image of a wrestling match like that once because even tho his face was so hideous, his legs were just wide open and his expression was appealing(i think it's possible for a moid to have an ugly face but a good expression, like imagine instead of Muskrat, Mark Suck, and Jeff Bozo, imagine Alain Delon making that expression)

No. 482080

>like imagine instead of Muskrat, Mark Suck, and Jeff Bozo, imagine Alain Delon making that expression
speaking of, you AI nonas aren't making the best use possible of that technology.

No. 482138

File: 1739032125316.jpeg (47.72 KB, 564x752, There more on my account.jpeg)

It doesn't matter how nicely sculpted a moid's body is, if he doesn't have a good shoulder to waist ration it's ugly to me
It's the men's version of an hourglass
sorry for the clothed pic

No. 482143

this looks like a pixar villain but yes its called the v shape or taper it's broad shoulders developed lats nice waist great male tits help too. makes the male look like an jnverted traffic cone or paintbrush hourglass if he has Ass

No. 482163

File: 1739035502101.jpg (97.59 KB, 640x1138, 477033443_17939097383960512_83…)

No. 482188

much too clothed for a proper appraisal, but nice!

No. 482316

>jnverted traffic cone or paintbrush hourglass if he has Ass

No. 482382

File: 1739054680628.png (309.2 KB, 499x669, 1617392854632.png)

No. 482383

No. 482386

File: 1739055011688.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.2 KB, 1200x495, 1665427341848.jpg)

Laloisok(do not post face itt)

No. 482387

No. 482392

These are very obviously shooped.

No. 482394

File: 1739055524156.webm (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1280x720, 1608770096608.webm)

>>482392(do not post face itt)

No. 482395

are abs squishy or hard? i have never had the fortune of seeing a man with abs in my life

No. 482397

Whats his twitter name? need. I love men that look dorky on the face but have banger bodies.

No. 482402

You know you could shoop videos right?

No. 482403

No. 482405

a mix of both, more hard than squishy. i'd call them "firm"

No. 482411

You know fit bodies don't look 100% chiseled like in pics right? Lighting angles etc. Except if the guy is in a very deep cut. That's laloisok, if there's editing it's minimal because he's fucking delicious and has been forever. Very nice cock size too to go with the huge twink ass. These pics are old as shit tho he's much older now.
What I said above plus the twink video quoted. Harder when deliberately flexed. The more toned the guy, the less squishy tho. Also cutting weight dehydration etc if its an actual bodybuilder or competitive athlete.

No. 482413

It’s very obvious photoshop anon kek. Stop worshipping faggots.

No. 482414

I wish more men would be confident to show off an Ass game like that, and big twinks tits on a stick too, but ig a skelly slim big dick guy with huge strong ass is unicorn enough so why even ask

No. 482416

stfu moid(scrotefoiling)

No. 482417

literally wjo cares if its shooped

No. 482420

Cute, looks exactly like one of my drawings I maladaptively daydream about. Saved.
Oh no it's photoshopped, oh no a male edited himself to look hotter, the horror.

No. 482423

tbh we need to have jannies ban the party pooper on thirst threads. it's getting boring the constant infights bwith sex negative pests who rage at anything enjoyable

No. 482425

wtf so sad where can i find an archive?

No. 482427

Archived.moe search laloisok

No. 482429

it's either males butthurt finding out by way of revealed preference that their body/dick types are way less desirable than previously assumed or nasty loser sexless pos that just can't keep their resentment quiet, either way jannies should intervene

No. 482436

Why are you attracted to males? They are disgusting.(hide the thread)

No. 482562

File: 1739069266952.jpg (534.44 KB, 1080x1350, 470893922_611133224592854_4596…)

Thought that pic was aesthetic af. Lock screen worthy
Here's one that's a lot hotter from a few weeks ago. Same guy

No. 482563

File: 1739069400973.mp4 (2.43 MB, 720x1280, Snapsave.app_-10QqwZYrVZB.mp4)

Here's a few from a different guy now(do not post face itt)

No. 482565

File: 1739069542879.jpg (33.06 KB, 564x752, 29ae1d22dbb3f79db336fbd4a8b43a…)

No. 482933

What the fuck. This is like looking at an anatomical render of muscles without skin or something. I like muscular moids but this is just creepy.

No. 482974

I feel like the only one who likes big chunky guys

No. 482991

How chunky?

No. 483064

The 2024 national college wrestling championship is free to watch on YouTube, nonas… Would other nonnies want to watch it together in the moovie room?

No. 483094

hell yeah, would love a de/g/enerate moovie night kek

No. 483148


No. 483156

He's built like shredded chicken. I just know he has toothpick legs

No. 483195

I made the announcement in the movie thread. It’s scheduled on Valentine’s Day kek.

No. 483429

File: 1739234900292.jpg (81.37 KB, 474x711, ec386647051cc796e876ccad89bb2d…)

No. 483547

File: 1739256501391.png (379.77 KB, 598x678, qtee.png)

Skinny guys with nice shoulders are my kryptonite

No. 483548

Wrong thread, the fetishes you are ashamed of thread is down the hall

No. 483549

Gay body language, cheap/unsightly wings

No. 483550

and? he still qte

No. 483551

It looks like a skinny gay man in ugly wings anon. There's not much else to say or be attracted to

No. 483554

He is a fag, he has an onlyfans. I dont understand how that means i cant find him cute. If i could only be attracted to straight men then i would be confined to only fat, hairy, old roidpigs built like spongebob with huge poop beards.

No. 483560

That doesn't mean what you think it means

No. 483563

Nta but doesn't it mean it's her weakness? It makes sense to me, skinny guys are her weakness

No. 483572

You're making this about weight but it's the fact that he's gay. You're free to like it but I'm not attracted to homosexual men

Anyways this guy is pretty hot imo but the fake blood in mouth makes me feel like he might belong in the other thread(no faces itt)

No. 483706

Oops I thought it meant it's her poison that kills her, so it's like a bad thing. My bad, carry on.

No. 483731

This is one of the most faggy images I've seen in my life

No. 483735

faggy men are sexy, can we move on?

No. 483738

Are you a fujo?

No. 483740

nope, im a straight faggy men enjoyer. sue me.

No. 483752

File: 1739304526008.jpg (107.4 KB, 736x920, 1000020058.jpg)

No. 483756

File: 1739304981828.jpg (61.62 KB, 628x596, 1000020061.jpg)

No. 483757

cant wait to be screeched at(no porn)

No. 483760

Long clavicles. Beautiful
Cute balls are so underrated

No. 483768

I want to kill myself after seeing this. Can't you just post on one of the gay 4chan red boards or something instead? That video is almost certainly a troon.

No. 483778

File: 1739310330258.jpg (51.35 KB, 736x911, 1000020059.jpg)

More legposting

No. 483855

File: 1739320162140.mp4 (3.96 MB, 720x1280, 1000020072.mp4)

More xhs stuff

No. 483859

Love how he’s pulling his little sweatpants further down like a whore but that crown tattoo on his tit is so fucking cringe kekk

No. 483899

You made me search this literally who mid looking guy and he has faggy as hell pictures, so its ironic you are moralfagging about my faggot while posting a guy like that.

No. 483923

Why did you even look into him? He's just a moid I consider "just gay enough" but not overly gay and I like his little music video. Your gay homosexual wouldn't be interested if you showed up at the same time as him to his hemorrhoid surgery appointment (or wherever), that's the difference

No. 483963

The difference between you and me is that you humanize scrotes and i dont. You like that ugly mid faggot because of his fabricated personality and bland music. Meanwhile idgaf if the guy i posted is gay or straight or his life story, i just see him as a piece of meat who exists for my visual pleasure. I dont care what he thinks of me or if he would fuck me because i am not emotionally attached to him, he just exists to make me cum with his whorish body and to be my model for the slutty husbandos i draw. We are not the same.

No. 483972

can we get a screenshot? i missed it

No. 483981

File: 1739361648760.jpg (43.19 KB, 736x847, 1000011435.jpg)

Yeah put it on catbox or something. Getting major FOMO cause of the replies

No. 483993

It was just a video of a long haired femboy wearing a hoodie and moving around with his balls peeking out the bottom. It was gross and probably a tranny.

No. 483995

It was pretty cute. People have different types, get over it.

No. 484002

>People have different types, get over it.
We're on an imageboard renowned for tranny hating, and you're surprised when anons don't like when one is posted in a lustful manner?

No. 484005

NTA and I didn't see the vid but was he trans or did he just have long hair

No. 484008

Nta, I saw it. He was wearing thigh high socks and a long t-shirt where he was teasing his dick underneath.

No. 484009

Can't really be known without knowing his socials, but if he isn't already a tranny then he will be soon

No. 484015

>thigh high socks
Ew, that's sad.

No. 484019

Chill out sis it’s just a man with long hair

No. 484021

hes not a tranny but hes a femboy, i think hes mostly doing it to attract gays on his onlyfans, i still think he looks sexy; sue me

No. 484026

Do nonas really not like long hair on men? I like soft men with long hair and I like Viking looking bodybuilder men with long hair. I just like long hair

No. 484027

It's fine, just that it's an indicator of troon if on a femboy

No. 484029

I love long hair on males
Unfortunately femboys tend to troon out. And why is he trying to attract gays?! The vid sounds sexy, but not with thigh-highs they disgust me on males. Male legs just don't work with them, but they work with calf-high socks imo

No. 484034

I like long hair but DESPISE the “Viking” aesthetic. It’s so reddit, unbearably cringe. Men with tomboy aesthetics should have shorter hair. Long hair plus muscle mass look so unwashed and haggard.

No. 484039

File: 1739369749803.jpg (Spoiler Image,442.36 KB, 1230x2048, FQj8P8XWQAsmjtU.jpg)

i think hes pretty sexy but hes mostly wearing female clothes yeah. i'm not bothered by crossdressing ; i find troons creepy no doubt, but i can fantasize about a crossdressing man. you have to pretend it's not a real person, just a fantasy, like your cute boyfriend that you forced to crossdress or something. i also like the idea of a guy putting in effort to be sexy, it's just a shame that it's always for the gays that they do it. maybe if more straight men made sexy content i wouldn't bat an eye at gay shit like this.

dunno if he'll ever actually troon out, hope not cause it would be a shame, his body is hot as a guy.(spoiler your shit)

No. 484041

i hate most men, still can be lustful about them. if lust was supposed to be about what you like and respect i'd be a lesbian lol

No. 484060

Why is his butt directly touching the floor? it's awful.

No. 484076

File: 1739375036769.png (63.26 KB, 300x247, me fr.png)

me if i ever saw this guy on the street

No. 484086

Was the dick, genuinely, big? Because otherwise, I'd rather have this type of content in a different thread, not Ideal Male Bodies. Cute delicate tiny femboys with tiny penises are very fondable, but it's a lesser type of thirst.

No. 484088

You can tell even the jannies were hypnotized by his big adonis ass because this one wasn't deleted lmao

No. 484095

File: 1739377682508.jpg (Spoiler Image,538.49 KB, 1452x1692, FvUdabhXwAAjGQs.jpg)

his dick is pretty big yeah
I'm actually so sick of faggots hoarding all the cute sexy onlyfan sluts, but I guess that's the downside of being part of the less degenerate gender(spoiler your shit)

No. 484096

It wasn't deleted because it doesn't contain proper nudity, you can only see the side of his ass

No. 484099

Yeah that IS nice more cock please

No. 484101

There should be a seperate thread for unconventional male bodies, most of us don't want to see femboys, nor are they conventional

No. 484103

Trannys? In my man body thread? This site is going down the pan.

No. 484104

Not arguing against either of you; but my private policy: no one with a cock this big is a tranny to me.

No. 484105

Eh I can tell he is hideous

No. 484110

>Trannys? In my man body thread?
are they men or are they not? make it make sense lol

No. 484118

Hard agree, it doesn’t matter what a male identifies as. Still a qt with a pecker.

No. 484123

It's above average, proper penis territory. Otherwise it would be a tranny.

No. 484126

File: 1739383625868.jpg (Spoiler Image,391.3 KB, 1650x2031, mirror.jpg)

his face's pretty cute imo but i can't post that

honestly if nonnas promise to post more big cock teases (in WEBM format, pics are boring…) i promise not to post him ever again.(spoiler your shit)

No. 484127

D E A L.

No. 484129

Okay he might be cute but he needs longer hair and needs to start washing it

No. 484132

Any male with a less than 8 inches long penis is a tranny.

No. 484134

No. 484164

Man, i fucking hate how we cant enjoy certain stuff just because its associated with troons or homos. I am going to personally add thigh highs to my bishies to claim them back from scrotes. We are never allowed to have fun because moids ''claimed'' all the fun clothes. We are left with boring ass suits.

No. 484170

File: 1739389198708.jpg (Spoiler Image,464.63 KB, 2048x1536, FzYs3P-WIAIH8CL.jpg)

preach(spoiler your shit)

No. 484187

Fucking kek at posting this stupid ED body check angle baddybwoy selfie

No. 484189

Getting a bf with an ED would be so nice. I am always afraid of dating a guy and then him becoming fat.

No. 484191

that guy would have no respect for you if you didn't have an ed as well. he would only be dating you so that he can feel good about being skinnier than you. not to mention if he's got an ed he likely has a good helping of additional mental illnesses he would likely burden you with.
get yourself a man who is a health freak or whatever if you don't want to have him get fat. at least then his innards won't be all fucked up and he won't look twice his age by the time he's 30.

No. 484193

No. 484199

But health frekishness in moids is always related to alt right raw milk delusions and they always roid out. How do i get a skelly bf who wont balloon up

No. 484215

LMAO. Sad to inform i'm still waiting to lose my moid virginity then.

No. 484236

Probably one with very good genetics or an untreated adhd boy

No. 484253

The long horned unicorns..

No. 484372

File: 1739417206358.jpg (192.99 KB, 720x988, Michele-Morrone-Feet-6377111.j…)

>Men with tomboy aesthetics

No. 484406

Kek. I like men with "tomboy hair"

No. 484472

>>484126(no porn)

No. 484492

Damn, I didn't expect that. Nice.

No. 484499

Not a tranny, I guess. Whoa.

No. 484501

Do nonas really like large cocks? They're fun to suck but 6 inches and maybe sometimes even 5.5 inches is too big for me. What's the ideal size for you? Personally I prefer a chode

No. 484507

what do you mean 5,5 inches is big? I'd say 6 inches is the ideal size, and big starts at 7 inches (which I like if I'm being greedy but let's be real I can't fit it all)

No. 484515

Idk sometimes I get really sore really quick from just average sized cocks. I've seen a 6.5s and one 7ish in the wild and they just can't go balls deep. I might be the opposite of a size queen. Those one was the most fun to blow though. Conversely, I like thicc dicks, 5.5 inches is goldilocks girthwise

No. 484522

There's a thread for that but it's scrotefoiled dicklets-free

No. 484528

Yeah I found it

No. 484552

How are large dicks fun to suck? That's literally the worst thing about them unless you're masochistic. I can imagine an average/smaller dick would be much better in that sense, but not in any other way.

No. 484633

I wouldn't expect this type post to make much sense… There is always a sudden deluge of anxious mediocre dick praise chain posts whenever BD is mentioned in here.

No. 484665

they aren't they make you choke and your jaw hurt. which sucks because they are so much nicer to look at.

No. 484847

I'd take an average one that looks nice over a long one that's weirdly shaped or something. Some guys have really fugly looking dicks.

No. 484848

long and sticc: fun to suck
short and thicc: fun to fuck
I realise I might be the exception cause I enjoy the choking feeling at the back of my throat

No. 484850

What happened to posting cute boy bodies

No. 484852

if i say it, i'll get banned for scrotefoiling…

No. 484853

>teehee I like to choke
Pickme moment

No. 484856

File: 1739497970087.png (284.1 KB, 500x489, hmmm.png)

Wrestleboys are totally out of my league, but I love looking at them. Their thighs are my favorite.

No. 484857

Wrestling needs to be shown on tv as much as fagball I mean football

No. 484858

God I wish I could fuck one of these, I would just put a paper bag on his head to make sure I don't look at his face at all.

No. 484859

Idk how they show (actual) wrestling on TV at all, none of the guys wear cups. Half the time their dicks are so plainly visible you can tell whether they're circumcised kek. You just know if a woman's vulva were that visible, networks would get complaints.

No. 484866

File: 1739499660440.jpg (Spoiler Image,177.83 KB, 500x720, 478.jpg)

Samefag. I like thighs that are both muscular and soft. Like a nice, firm pillow for me to lay my head on.

No. 484878

this type of wrestling feels like a humiliation ritual and i fucking love it

No. 484883

His ass is very ho hum for such a nicely thighed guy, though. Weird body comp.

No. 484888

File: 1739503433868.mp4 (5.3 MB, 720x1280, 捉住夏天的尾巴.mp4)

No. 484893

I wish there were more wrestling and grappling images/gifs
I have a few gifs saved of my favourite Ufc grappler but sadly don't know how to efficiently blur his face, his body is perfect and so ideal for me despite him being on the short side, I don't mind it though since it's rare to find a short moid without a bobble head and who's body is proportionate and not disgustingly hairy

No. 484897

File: 1739505616072.png (187.16 KB, 451x622, 1739462408320009.png)

No. 484903

No. 484909

There has to be some gay man who is working hard clipping that kind of thing, i remember a lot of them being pretty obsessed with wrestling gifs and posting them on tumblr, but since tumblr isn't as popular anymore, a lot of those gifs are lost to the sands of time.

No. 484919

File: 1739513646281.webm (Spoiler Image,3.29 MB, 1080x1920, ballet.webm)

I don't know how to edit videos to remove it

No. 484920

File: 1739514111225.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.28 KB, 500x675, butt.jpg)

No. 484931

No. 484933

No. 484938

I have more where the little slut's ass is more visible but they have unacceptable levels of face visible

No. 484941

reminder that moovie room is hosting a wrestling viewing party tonight! >>>/ot/2391984
Amazing legs, thank you nona

No. 484943

post them spoiled, we wont tell on you

No. 484949

File: 1739534475657.webm (Spoiler Image,2.87 MB, 576x1024, tiishue.webm)

Here's his tiktok. Enjoy my loves

No. 484951

I messed that up, but that just means you get two!

No. 484964

So hot, sad to think he probably takes dick up his ass and not pussy on his face like a true man.

No. 484967

he's so fucking cute i'm gonna lose my shit

No. 484968

great video, not for erotic material but for artistic reference

No. 484970

>ballet core at the gym is humbling
for the other moids? yeah duh

No. 484972

They're all on tiktok and twitter posting clips/edits now, less erotic and revealing shots on tiktok due to the age censor sadly
even though they wouldn't be banned posting it
sad that there aren't more ufc/wrestling interested girls here besides the ones posting butt ugly hairy dagestani fighters in the unconventional thread

No. 484984

Imagine getting missionary from a big ass hung guy. Your pussy must feel like the ground beneath a under construction box girder bridge as the beams get pounded by a pile driver from god knows how up high one by one.

No. 485027

God I want to cuddle their thin chilly bodies until the heat death of the universe

No. 485090

what what what did i miss it

No. 485093

File: 1739554052721.gif (110.74 KB, 640x360, ifispeak.gif)

No. 485102

the undercover dicklets piss me off…

No. 485103

No. 485104

No. 485276

File: 1739572076730.jpg (42.36 KB, 736x700, 1000020113.jpg)

…you really have a way with words, nonna

No. 485403


No. 485415

I haven't had my uterus harassed and fondled by a gothic cathedral dome-sized glans in years.

No. 485567

File: 1739607641544.jpeg (345.31 KB, 1170x1532, IMG_1262.jpeg)

I wish I had a bf , I would squeeze his ass and thighs 24/7.

No. 485572

Sorry nona, but as someone with a Nigel built like this, muscular thighs aren't squishy at all. The ass and tits are though.

No. 485576

We don’t care

No. 485604

post pics of your bf or quit humblebragging

No. 485629

File: 1739624867217.jpeg (77.13 KB, 614x614, IMG_1278.jpeg)

I like slim waists, so grabby

No. 485632

And are the slim waists in the room with us right now?

No. 485691

File: 1739637967719.jpeg (87.91 KB, 674x829, IMG_1285.jpeg)

Here nonna, sorry

No. 485693

Yeah overdeveloped obliques. why do moids do this

No. 485698

It's genetics. Narrow midriffs like
are naturally very rare. You can fraud it by turning your body at an angle (>>445854)
but nobody's falling for it moid. Your genetics are trash

No. 485704

HOLY FUCKING SHIT HOW DID I MISS THIS. I need to suck on those male tits big time and abs kiss this fucker so bad

No. 485707

Uh why does this body looks weird? Is the torso too long?

No. 485708

File: 1739640652816.jpg (235.36 KB, 1125x1406, 1707894760789.jpg)

The left and right pec separate too high up

No. 485718

I want to bite this whore.

No. 485720

Nice slutty knee whatever-those-are

No. 485722

very decent peen bulge for a change

No. 485731

>that camera
disgusting whore
you stole his organs..

No. 486191

File: 1739727148749.jpeg (61.59 KB, 607x809, c9650e79-cf97-49a4-b86a-8b0bd7…)

No. 486203

I want to turn him into a meatloaf. Livestock breeder pecker whore

No. 486464

Size queens are truly the most oppressed race on lolcow. Orgasmic deep PIV-ing women unite and take over

No. 486472

Seven inches or go home

No. 486495

Like, literally. I just broke up with a 7″-er and I'm very literally only looking for 8″ and above period.

No. 486514

File: 1739760944658.png (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, 235256.png)

No. 486526

File: 1739763756984.png (262.58 KB, 711x888, Screenshot 2023-09-27 124814.p…)

No. 486882

Depressing how many fit guys have them. I have a few pics I could post but I can't be bothered to edit the ugly ass tattoos

No. 487014

File: 1739865597539.jpg (53.75 KB, 564x564, a5928d42a2e328285afa9984d23817…)

Post em as is nona, most of us like em
or at least I do

No. 487015

link please nonita

No. 487016

Chris Heria from THENX youtube channel

No. 487053

File: 1739880267116.mp4 (809.98 KB, 720x1280, AQOEPBN8B6wPiz8aLSa6mnYxd_-y5c…)

No. 487064

Ew what the fuck.

No. 487067

spoiler this and reevaluate your life choices

No. 487074

Please tell me that's water balloons in his underwear or a BBL at least

No. 487112

I swear this website is so fucking garbage I'm not even bothered trying anymore

No. 487140

the becky nonas ITT couldn't handle all that ass

No. 487300

>trans hippo

No. 487356

So much good content deleted because Oh Whoa a Penis?! in the Penis Appreciation Club thread and yet the mods leave that shit up for everyone to see

No. 487362

They can look pretty on moids, but ofc they have no taste, so they all look like shit, hence OP. I like those paint brush mark looking tats that slutty moids have on their tits and ribs

No. 487654

>most of us like em
Absolutely not

No. 487705

File: 1739955635710.jpeg (43.33 KB, 640x640, d9aaf47d-0d41-4607-be18-1aca1a…)

How the fuck am i supposed to lust for your body if there is a cute kitty cat on your tit? Mixed emotions smh

No. 487751

File: 1739968466973.jpg (331.97 KB, 1536x2048, 1707855468981.jpg)

No. 487756

File: 1739970480522.jpeg (42.03 KB, 528x371, jamesgamble.jpeg)

He shouldn't have killed himself, he could have just been with me

No. 487766

All men with tattoos are motherless BPDemons. Hell no!

No. 487774

doing this in the middle of a laundromat, what a stupid slut

No. 488147

wow he's gross

No. 488153

File: 1740061764643.mp4 (1.86 MB, 720x1280, 1000009960.mp4)

No. 488154

File: 1740061810366.mp4 (670.41 KB, 720x1280, 1000009961.mp4)

No. 488164

milk white males tits with muscle lines showing are such a cheat code. it's like casting a +20 spell on dick size

No. 488166

the slut charm around his neck helps

No. 488465

finally a fit man that doesnt fall for the biceps psyop. Nothing grosser than men with sexy tits and abs ruining their elegant look with popeye arms.

No. 488481

>Star of David and cross pendant at the same time
I just know he's asian lol

No. 488503

File: 1740133744665.jpeg (130.11 KB, 736x914, 062891e7-3cad-4259-a07e-e7fbd5…)

If you want to insult someone's taste you have to pay a pic tax

No. 488514

File: 1740135536129.jpg (1.82 MB, 2367x1857, 1707781130729.jpg)

>milk pale skin
>dark nipples
Yeah duh

No. 488515

true that should be a new rule of these threads

No. 488537

This is so good, perfect legs, love skinny jeans on males.
He doesn't look Asian here but he is looking deliciously slutty. I want to see this in a laundromat so bad. I would definitely stuff him in the dryer.

No. 488552

He very obviously works his biceps and they are fairly big. Popeye arms are the result of overworking them whilst lacking any sense of proportion, aka every moid

No. 488647

Now I need to see dat ass fully out

No. 488695

Just wanna cuddle that ass

No. 489107

The waist is blatantly shooped

No. 489251

I think a lot of the asian content like >>488154 uses some type of dope korea filter so they can look like this without doing a dehydration weight cut before shooting and maybe accentuate the hourglass.still hot as balls

No. 489260

File: 1740180905295.jpeg (19.06 KB, 320x315, bubble.jpeg)

No. 489643

File: 1740244796298.jpeg (85.24 KB, 736x736, 2bab53be-83a4-4eb3-8c07-4540ce…)

No. 490959

we need a nsfw board here. seriously.

No. 491384

>help me step-sis, I'm s-stuck.

No. 491452

No. 491501

Im trying desperately not to redditfoil

No. 491809

I agree but on the other hand it would attract moids

No. 491815

File: 1740563029389.jpeg (28.58 KB, 474x842, d758a2ec-00bf-4c17-afe2-e3a365…)

Post pics

No. 492488

Like the gays or the attention seekers? The former have no reason to be on a website for women, and the latter would be posting here in this thread already.

No. 492489


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 492531

>The former have no reason to be on a website for women,
they come here all the time. there was this gay male forum that linked to some /ot/ thread once, and an anon in the vent thread a year ago mentioned her gay coworker namedropping the site during a conversation. one of them accidentally revealed his social media too while posting (forgot which thread it was but he was some middle aged guy)

No. 492630

>(forgot which thread it was but he was some middle aged guy)
the shithole known as celebricows

No. 492810

File: 1740650311627.jpeg (92.64 KB, 734x908, 3a9306c6-448c-4995-9d4d-7dfd48…)

No. 493071

File: 1740660674204.jpg (120 KB, 736x1204, 33f23b888dc238be47d994a4c2fe49…)

No. 493083

>and the latter would be posting here in this thread already
well yeah >>492810

No. 493178

You'll have a 90% userbase of men posting malegazey shit while pretending to be """""lesbians"""""" and getting off to the thought that they infiltrated the women's locker room

No. 493211

No. 493264

File: 1740694553318.jpg (62.16 KB, 602x1070, 78b8bc33894e8c5ca52b06bddc3ddb…)

No. 493289

This thread would be so much better if anons didn't get assmad or gayfoil when someone doesn't post their specific type.
You like them thin? Then post thin bodies. You like muscles? Then post muscular bodies.
Just shut the fuck up

No. 493292

Why is this so blurred? He was that insecure about his skin texture? kek

The only people who keep bringing this back up are the "femdom" anons who take this site too seriously and think we should all be a hivemind that enjoys weak skellies that are too lazy to take care of themselves.

No. 493294

I hope the next thread has a picture tax rule. It's so annoying to see this thread updated and it's just infighting

No. 493309

>posting malegazey shit while pretending to be " lesbians""""""
Then they'll post in a lesbian containment thread. The other threads would not be affected and remain femgaze-y.

No. 493317

>The only people who keep bringing this back up are the "femdom" anons who take this site too seriously and think we should all be a hivemind that enjoys weak skellies that are too lazy to take care of themselves.
Anons were gayfoiling the skellyfags too though earlier in the thread. It's not a skelly vs muscular thing, everyone here gets accused of faggotry regardless of what's posted

No. 493326

Ok but it's blatantly obvious if you go back to the first threads that any moid posted that was even mildly fit or hairy was randomly shunned and those posters are the ones who would start the random infights. I'm not the anons earlier that were gayfoiling but there's some very specific types of autists lurking here who would be upset about anons posting men who aren't malnourished hairless things. That's obvious.

No. 493505

And here you are perpetuating the very thing

No. 493516

Can we find a way to share porn here? I want something visual to masturbate to and the majority of porn has gross fat moids. Where are the hot moids?

No. 493537

we can upload our porn to catbox like in >>474163

No. 493637

whats your taste

No. 493658

>t. has no sense of logic

No. 493670

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No. 493680

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No. 493692

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No. 493698

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No. 493703

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No. 493845

File: 1740822223721.jpg (16.99 KB, 387x490, c6a290cf4b464ef73f0e345e4e9d87…)

>waah anons are so mean for shitting on my taste in moids
>proceeds to shit on the taste in moids of other anons
I swear these type of posts always go like that, its like they are written by chatgpt. Respect others if you want to be respected.

No. 493846

File: 1740822519766.png (744.57 KB, 1280x869, sadsadadsad.png)

No. 494135

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No. 494138

File: 1740889065023.jpg (114.44 KB, 720x900, 1000020425.jpg)

Great body, shit tattoos

No. 494143

I feel like these would look real cool as part of a character design for a manga, but it looks trashy because he has a sexy slim body and ruined it by trying to look gangsta.

No. 494696

Do nonnas get their pics from social media? I never considered that an option until recently and pinterest is just giving me the same rotation so I don't have much to contribute atm.

No. 494904

File: 1741049647208.jpg (154.71 KB, 736x1140, 1000020488.jpg)

I get mine from Pinterest, but I look for men from photoshoots, magazines, or models to get men in more unique sexy poses and outfits

Anyway, here's thread tax. It's a shame I can't post his face here

No. 494906

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No. 494945

No. 494987

File: 1741064173317.jpg (206.43 KB, 1108x1028, Screenshot_20250228_095936_Sna…)

Sorry for low quality screenshot and face covering, but he has nice thighs and ass.

No. 495033

I get mine from intagram.

No. 495843

File: 1741203519551.jpg (137.55 KB, 736x980, 1000020528.jpg)

What is the consensus on belly piercings?

No. 496094

File: 1741238630605.jpg (75.57 KB, 736x1309, 1727596093267199.jpg)

Think what you like of them but I think they're icky
My personal bias is long hair, not piercings

No. 496134

File: 1741248929160.jpeg (606.2 KB, 1170x666, IMG_8796.jpeg)

A cuck moid jumps through the window puts a gun to your head and says left or right
Quick what do you do(no faces itt)

No. 496136

i will take the gun to my head both of those guys look disgusting

No. 496137

I don't like piercings in general, but belly button piercings are the most homosexual piercing a man can get. Instant turnoff.

No. 496138

>top tier
nipple piercings
>good tier
belly piercings, ear piercings
>shit tier
nose, lip, eyebrow, tongue

No. 496203

i'll take left if i can chop off his head kek

i personally don't really like piercing of any kind on guys or almost anyone really. mostly because i just get freaked out over the idea of them getting ripped out kek. that pic is fairly subtle though so i don't mind it

No. 496207

where would you place genital piercings on that list nonnie?

No. 496336

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No. 496353

I honestly think they are really attractive but it would make their penises non functional for sex. If i were a gay moid i would put them in the s tier.

No. 496429

Delicious just straight up fucking delicious body. Need one on top of me right now.

No. 496603

What is the source for that pic?

No. 496947

Piercings make anywhere more sensitive. Why would the penis be less functional for sex? Unless you myan has a problem with premature ejaculation already

No. 496970

File: 1741319891285.jpg (117.94 KB, 806x1200, 1000020563.jpg)

@Shunsukecos on twitter

No. 496997

>reawakens my dormant fantasy of me being a lost princess in the woods and being saved by a sexy shirtless Robin Hood

No. 497476

I would be scared of being penetrated by a piercing wielding penis

No. 497756

do you mean you like the look of it but you wouldn't fuck a dick with piercings? because piercings don't usually make a dick unusable, unless it's some crazy body mod, there's dick piercings that are meant to make sex better but that is known as "pearling" and it is COMPLETELY FUCKING HIDEOUS, idgaf how good it MIGHT feel, i think every scrote that gets pearls needs to have his brain taken apart for studies on retards.

No. 498971

spoiler for blogpost and party pooping but am i the only one who finds flaccid dicks in briefs disgusting looking? it just looks so weird that there's this random thing protruding. like this pic would look sexy as heck to me with no bulge, as is i cant help but imagine his gross soft weird dick rolled up in there and it icks me.

No. 499155

No, they are fucking delicious. But in all honesty most moids stuff their briefs to fake being well-endowed. It's obviously the case here. Just look at the bottom of the bulge. Obviously stuffed with paper or some other shit. I only trust nude peens.

No. 499403

I love love love the idea of mutilation but no cute young man ever does it. That thing where they split it in two by tearing apart the urethra or remove parts of the head is so nice. I hate tattoos on a man (ghetto and ugly) but painful mutilation is so nice.

No. 499462

That thing where what

No. 499470

Nah I'm pretty sure most women find flaccid dicks gross.

No. 499683

why is he being a slut at a construction site
i agree with your rating nona, nipple piercings are so hot to me. i'd like to see a moid get his nipples pierced, wincing and grunting from pain if anynona has good videos please share
i don't like facial piercings on both men and women except bridge for some reason

No. 500809

File: 1741721927645.jpg (77.41 KB, 720x1148, 1000020641.jpg)

Nice pecs but ugh why do men have to ruin their bodies with tattoos

No. 500812

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No. 500815

The dress looks bad but damn

No. 500854

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No. 500857

Best pic ITT, congrats.

No. 500862

no, this one >>453196

No. 501040

I found this really sexy guy on ph, wish there was a porn board

No. 501042

Can't you at least share his name and/or his body?

No. 501048

I'lll see what I can clip when I have time
dont want to share the namee because if I kust post the channel without cherry picking nice moments I'll get shit on

No. 501241

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No. 501363

File: 1741771376073.png (1.08 MB, 927x1316, polizei vs POLIZEI.png)

I know that you can't see any skin here but GODDAMN

No. 501372

oh noooeess you'll get made fun of on an anonymous website???? relax

No. 501383

legs too short. would not bang

No. 501638

File: 1741808034427.jpg (161.33 KB, 736x920, 1000020682.jpg)

No. 501640

Black nipples. It's over for him

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