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File: 1733010098541.jpg (81.56 KB, 736x919, ec05dd7a72993888f149e9661386e1…)

No. 447644

Post conventionally attractive men you would enjoy having sex with.


No. 447646

File: 1733010278505.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x1280, 235742664635635454325425345431…)

Found him on the ugly man psyop thread.

No. 447652

File: 1733011317113.jpg (38.01 KB, 736x736, 1000017439.jpg)

No. 447656

File: 1733012992240.jpg (41.42 KB, 640x855, 1000010307.jpg)

Young Eric Roberts is the absolute peak male beauty to me. Alain Delon may be "objectivelly" the most beautiful, but still measured by human standards, meanwhile Eric looked like a fallen angel, or some greek god, just unreal. I don't even think about fucking him, I just admire him. Also as a Dune autist, I imagine Paul Atreides as him kek, he would've been a perfect Paul, and much better than that ugly rat Timmy

No. 447657

Damn he was gorgeous. He gives me the same vibes as Hayden Christensen.

No. 447660

File: 1733013875440.jpg (41.65 KB, 540x675, 0546afc0698c8ddc5414df8121effe…)

The perfect himbo.

No. 447663

Ah yes Eric Moggers. He also had a pretty deep and smooth voice for a 22 year old. Fuck older moids just don't reach that kind of beauty. Normally I feel nothing for such young guys, but this one makes me feral, I would never let him go. It's sad the car crash kinda ruined his face. I think he would age pretty well, but still wouldn't be close to his peak. Now I have to watch King of the gypsies I guess

No. 447674

Daaaaaamn. I love his body, holy shit

No. 447705

heh…fellow MENA nona mayhaps?

No. 447707

I wanted him SO BAD.

No. 447723

>that moob jiggle
moooorre more more more. more

No. 447757

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought he looked like Hayden Christensen

No. 447766

Damn threadpic is incredible


No. 447768

I only found him attractive when he was under the influence of red kryptonite

No. 447839

I was shocked when I saw him for the first time, he looks AI generated, his beauty was unreal

No. 447850

Woah source?

No. 447880

File: 1733093667342.jpg (106.6 KB, 736x1308, 754564435345.jpg)

I prefer taller moids but I'd make an exception for him.

No. 447964

File: 1733140535615.jpg (49.36 KB, 700x700, Fyne.jpg)

>>Googles Alan Delon.

No. 448021

real as fuck he was my first celebrity crush

No. 448057

File: 1733176707583.jpg (57.95 KB, 736x736, 1232a3f889c36dc5605bdcf415530e…)

I hate him but he used to look good.

No. 448061

File: 1733179753061.jpeg (711.25 KB, 1170x1376, IMG_9281.jpeg)

He has a peggable face

No. 448063

File: 1733181004303.jpg (153.82 KB, 720x950, 1000010342.jpg)

I want those lips on my pussy right now

No. 448072

how do you peg a face

No. 448075

Dont make me fall into my ezrafag era again

No. 448097

File: 1733187824735.jpg (46.75 KB, 736x736, c5e7cd83276d6a6e0b2dd8b4298896…)

Thats Deacon Bluman. Dont intend to watch 13 reasons why but hes quite the pretty boy

No. 448102

File: 1733192675197.gif (1002.44 KB, 245x200, 1730929600460.gif)

would hit

No. 448105

File: 1733195720817.jpg (43.53 KB, 736x736, 1000017482.jpg)

zoo wee mama

No. 448169

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No. 448170

File: 1733229518729.jpeg (563.06 KB, 961x1228, IMG_6503.jpeg)

No. 448171

Never gets old

No. 448179

More proof these threads are full of gay men larping

No. 448183

nona i'm a woman and i posted him…i just think he's a perfect looking man. he looks like a disney prince to me.

No. 448184

Don't you ever disrespect Disney princes ever again

No. 448195

I've seen better looking moids posted in the unconventional thread.

No. 448196

It's unfortunate but threads like these have always been infected by gay moids and trannies

No. 448197

File: 1733244247982.png (532.63 KB, 800x625, qt2.png)

No. 448200

No. 448215

File: 1733248455831.png (1.26 MB, 1079x1492, 1000002744.png)

Daniel Millar!

No. 448244

are you joking? this guy is a million times more conventionally attractive than those ugly actors that always get voted "sexiest man alive." his face is symmetrical with pleasant features, he is tall and fit because he is a professional dancer.
so fucking FRODO BAGGINS is somehow more acceptable than gleb, who is also a professional model, okay. to each their own, i guess kek

No. 448261

ntayrt but i don't see it. his face looks the same as those actors and he has a wide fridge body like the star wars guy

No. 448277

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No. 448288

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No. 448291

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No. 448292

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No. 448293

File: 1733279045846.png (1.12 MB, 1182x1186, tumblr_otdi66SNHw1tqk4tvo1_128…)

No. 448309

i remember i used to have a huge crush on him. what's his name? i forgot

No. 448353

File: 1733321270779.gif (10.59 MB, 540x600, 1000017519.gif)

No. 448355

Tom Wells was the cutest superman

No. 448382

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No. 448383

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No. 448384

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No. 448385


No. 448386

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No. 448387

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No. 448389

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No. 448391

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No. 448392

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No. 448394

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No. 448395

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No. 448413

File: 1733342366266.mp4 (1.88 MB, 720x1280, rapidsave.com_christian_daloii…)

No. 448414

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No. 448417

File: 1733342854598.mp4 (7.25 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1733342733553.mp4)

No. 448418

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No. 448420

File: 1733343553100.mp4 (5.34 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@christiandaloii__17…)

No. 448423

Beautiful hair. The bar for what traditional media considers hot in men is below sea level, meanwhile online we have cute men objectifying themselves like this. Hollywood please start recruiting actually attractive men to your cult, give them tons of cocaine, and pimp them out to rich old women.

No. 448426

File: 1733344441977.jpg (171.12 KB, 1080x1349, Hi @calvinklein.jpg)

No. 448427

File: 1733344471220.jpg (78.59 KB, 1080x1349, Hi @calvinklein (1).jpg)

No. 448428

File: 1733344578620.jpg (90.65 KB, 1170x2080, 269732717_644925739856340_4674…)

No. 448429

File: 1733344774085.webp (112.93 KB, 955x1194, Model- @mattiaabasso_ - @ign…)

No. 448432

ew, he looks like a gay 12 year old

No. 448436

Tbh pretty much every guy ITT has major gayface

No. 448439

what makes a face gay?

No. 448442

He needs a waist trainer then he would be perfect.

No. 448451

File: 1733350862110.jpg (20.13 KB, 279x414, wet1.jpg)

No. 448452

File: 1733350884748.jpg (32.82 KB, 346x500, wet2.jpg)

No. 448455

File: 1733351169014.mp4 (1 MB, 576x730, wet3.mp4)

No. 448457

File: 1733351532071.jpg (151.75 KB, 736x1308, c96ffeac184eaaab5c89ff06d22c3d…)

No. 448459

File: 1733351726460.gif (2.88 MB, 500x250, IMG_4708.gif)

No. 448479

their eyes scream 'please bend me over daddy'

No. 448482

Sooo cute and hot, but if I dated a moid like this people would think we are siblings… I dont give a fuck though
Give examples and then give example of straight face

No. 448492

File: 1733360457194.jpeg (36.6 KB, 736x705, 1678576703573.jpeg)

No. 448496

File: 1733363306098.jpg (4.33 KB, 191x264, images (7).jpg)

straight face

No. 448498

Old and ugly. Great. I am going to kill myself.

No. 448501

File: 1733364011015.jpeg (4.7 KB, 181x279, 3435360_download_7.jpeg)


No. 448502

File: 1733364806967.jpg (104.44 KB, 1619x1080, 238283.jpg)

By the way this is his looksmatch

No. 448503

>he looks like a 12 year old
Some anons are probably into that unfortunately

No. 448504

File: 1733365036462.jpg (154.05 KB, 935x1169, 20241129_082321.jpg)

nicholas chavez

No. 448505

File: 1733365152150.jpg (206.06 KB, 1080x1489, Screenshot_20241205-031809_Sam…)

the average guy looks like this retired german tv moid

No. 448542

No. 448550

File: 1733380863348.jpg (152.01 KB, 736x920, 451a8c69aedba09c7b4b42acf79aa9…)

more nick chavez

No. 448551

File: 1733380905011.jpg (81.22 KB, 736x1308, 72e8d93b0be77306e6a4310f5c137f…)

No. 448553

File: 1733380930987.jpg (94.16 KB, 736x1308, 9982d66eda0326bd678b423f858451…)

No. 448565

are you sure this isnt a ftm

No. 448570

Who is he
Also he's really gorgeous but it's so fucking cringe to film yourself like this

No. 448586

What makes you think this

No. 448587

>tfw all the men in here see ugly and make you want to vomit

No. 448593

Bro needs his iron intake, some extra sleep, and to stop rubbing his eyes so much.

No. 448597

We need more scenes like this in movies/TV. The show itself was pretty lame and I'm not a huge fan of Nick Chavez but this scene awakened something in me. I'm so desperate to see more content of actually attractive, masculine men in submissive roles.

No. 448613

you and me both nona

No. 448622

Where is this from?

No. 448657


No. 448672

looks like a self posting tranny imo

No. 448673

THANK YOU he really does. nothing manly or attractive in sight. its bananas in here

No. 448676

Meh manly guys aren't that attractive either, and also have gayface sometimes. The straight looking ones end up like >>448496

No. 448686

That's not a man that's a bulldog pig

No. 448733

ddlgroids from the wrong end of the fetishes you're ashamed of thread seething because they want all men to look like literal orcs to help them feel small. post men you find attractive or shut the fuck up.

No. 448742

Long hair = woman
you are correct

No. 448744

File: 1733454713804.jpg (63.43 KB, 735x579, 3953c642ef40d79345a4e694cd32ef…)

cleaning the thread with nick chavez spit

No. 448760

File: 1733462239551.jpeg (123.97 KB, 799x900, damn-he-is-cute-v0-1gmwx5k1225…)

Had to

No. 448762

nona pls, he looks like a racist designed him

No. 448764

go back

No. 448774

Nta but how?

No. 448784

What does this even mean

No. 448802

I saw a tumblr post talking about people saying he's attractive and I ran to come to lc. I just knew he would be posted.

No. 448820

Yeah even if you dont find most of the men here personally attractive, a lot of them are objectively attractive. These anons must be seething trolls cause all I see is young inoffensive looking men kek

No. 448822

miiitchh_ on tiktok

No. 448876

It’s fags who want bears

No. 448885

He looks like a psychopath,I bet he hits women.

No. 448900

You can barely see him here. In time, we’ll tell if hes an uggo when he’s caught

No. 448910

not all psychopaths are abusers. Ableism much?(go back)

No. 448912

fuck i love hugh laughton-scott
fabian gray, nonnita

No. 448916

I don't care,go back,retard.

No. 448997

oh god, he aged like milk and has an annoying voice

No. 449020

File: 1733607413222.jpg (61.29 KB, 736x736, f78194fab48049e70667bc0b5ddeb1…)

Was looking up some of the actors of some shows I used to watch as a kid never realized he got so handsome

No. 449022

He’s been handsome and he’s engaged to Halsey.

No. 449027

File: 1733608204986.jpg (65.35 KB, 735x1071, 34b08db0791112aa92fbe259e166f6…)

No. 449028

Some day you will learn professional model means absolutely nothing.

No. 449034

File: 1733610452326.png (326.31 KB, 402x523, 1732840540358.png)

Him as a child. FTMs in general do not have such chiseled faces.

No. 449036

No. 449166

I'm afraid I will never be able to fall in love with a moid, knowing that he existed. And even if I could I would never be satisfied because he wouldn't have his face, voice, way of speaking and the general way of carrying oneself. I just stare at my phone and want to cry because of how perfect he was. He possessed angelic beauty and youth and yet there was some kind of authoritative stillness and masculinity in him, that modern young men, even if they're beautiful, just don't have, they're just effeminate instead.

No. 449194

File: 1733685021824.jpg (75.2 KB, 1200x899, ethancutsocky.jpg)

I need a little fag like this to just ruin me and my life

No. 449203

he just looks like his sis

No. 449261

matthew mcconaughey in his audition for dazed and confused

No. 449285

File: 1733708778262.jpeg (87.08 KB, 768x919, download (14).jpeg)

need some wk to cleanse my mind

No. 449290

that body is fucking insane

No. 449292

File: 1733711624015.jpeg (44.69 KB, 400x400, jpeg.jpeg)

nona i know i dont have any words. here have another wk

No. 449352

His beard ruins it. Put a paper bag on that head and it's perfect.

No. 449367

Would the real Andrew wk please stand up

No. 449406

He is facially ugly.

No. 449408

File: 1733757270717.jpg (73.77 KB, 736x920, IMG_983.jpg)

No. 449416

Goofy's humansona.

No. 449420

File: 1733758327998.jpg (8.74 KB, 236x294, IMG_344.jpg)

No. 449432

File: 1733759394636.jpg (49.27 KB, 735x880, 1000010613.jpg)

Imo only his lower face looks like his sis

No. 449446

these two should make out

these ones as well

No. 449450

File: 1733761577807.jpg (33.87 KB, 720x714, e5256cf0877199514948976d5a69da…)

I don't like that he's going to have that hair next season, kinda washes him out

No. 449475

is this pariah the troon if he never transitioned?

No. 449483

wrong thread

No. 449554

File: 1733773193790.jpeg (34.87 KB, 461x604, download (16).jpeg)

he has a huge mouth and nice teeth. none of this "my jaw hurts" after eating pussy for 10 mins. he could probably bite through a bowling ball with ease. even if he wasn't hung (i have reason to believe he is approximately 7-8 inches. kat dennings would not marry a dicklet i'm sure of it) i'd spend 25 hours a day slutting him out and not get bored. if you don't get it i'm sorry for you

No. 449566

he's ugly and you are delusional.

No. 449622

Almost thought this was jim carrey

No. 449726

File: 1733801619058.jpeg (94.49 KB, 600x600, Image 1.jpeg)

I would do anything to travel back in time and have a threesome with them

No. 449727

your taste is impeccable and your brain is huge.

No. 449729

they're hideous

No. 449740

File: 1733808026102.png (634.96 KB, 621x621, andrew wk.png)

I like him better with blood in his nose and lips.

No. 449759

He ate period pussy

No. 449763

The Ready to Die intro blasts in my brain so fucking loud whenever I see this picture and you're right btw

No. 449933

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No. 449935

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No. 449942

Fuck I need that paint dripping on me

No. 449944

Who is that

No. 449952

is that hayden?

No. 449955

NEED more curlyheads

No. 449961

File: 1733891877594.jpg (584.6 KB, 1079x1511, Nathan Saignes.jpg)

No. 450004

men have it so simple, stop having bloat face and just wear cool goff makeup but NO! I WANNA BE A SLOB, BEING AN "AUTHENTIC" SLOB THAT DOESN'T EVEN TRY MAKES ME BETTER THAN UGLY WOMEN THAT TRY.

No. 452918

File: 1734307447955.jpg (122.64 KB, 1080x1080, 1000018133.jpg)

mxgraculusr on Instagram

No. 452921

File: 1734307896572.jpg (75.12 KB, 1080x1292, 1000018134.jpg)

No. 452928

File: 1734308378983.jpg (53.88 KB, 736x735, ef8458d3f0ca4be487bdad1eaf592d…)

yup thats him

No. 452988

He's really pretty. What's his @ and on what social media?

No. 453124

Don't like the face but hubba hubba that body

No. 453127

Based I want to fuck frodo

No. 456391

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No. 456392

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No. 456393

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No. 456429

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No. 458381

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No. 458384

File: 1735013713049.jpg (65.66 KB, 736x1033, #佐藤健 Takeru Satoh  #takeru #ta…)

No. 458386

File: 1735013861169.jpg (81.23 KB, 626x953, Takeru sato.jpg)

i need someone who looks like this so i can defile them in an utterly obscene and vile manner, i mean he wouldn't be able to walk right after I'm done with him, i need to hear him whimper his voice is hot

No. 458388

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No. 458390

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No. 458391

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No. 458393

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No. 458394

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No. 458395

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No. 459106

File: 1735106746380.jpeg (59.98 KB, 480x676, IMG_2824.jpeg)

need him real bad

No. 459424

File: 1735158999851.jpg (230.59 KB, 2400x1350, Ktu4QznDTaGRPkyJDRFW6MJrEOClcV…)

i would have perverted sex with him

No. 459486

would make him dye his hair blond and wear a police vest

No. 462760

File: 1735716096944.gif (2.1 MB, 360x346, downloadfile.gif)

Happy new years, anons.

No. 462767

MMMMmmmmmmmmm yummy


No. 462989

File: 1735759840597.jpg (67.08 KB, 720x703, 1000018768.jpg)

No. 463009

File: 1735761106235.jpg (24.33 KB, 349x466, 86dbaa41a00f443116fea1eee9ad5e…)

Mmmmm thank you nona, I never thought I'd be watching a turkish drama tonight but here we are. Need more cute and sexy guys with pretty eyes and kissable lips mounted by a nicely trimmed moustache (bonus points if wearing uniform).

No. 463034

In Nosferatu he's got pretty much this look back but with dark hair it's a treat

No. 463039

How walled does he look in that? I've seen some recent candids of him in the celebricows thread and the wrinkles run deep

No. 463074

I don't know if he takes growth hormone or abuses substances but it's like his face grew (kinda like Zac Efron), his nose looks way bigger and long hair doesn't suit him. I checked pics of Nosferatu, his moustache is way too big and he has ugly sideburns, I'm disappointed. He was weird looking in Bullet Train already.

No. 463160

File: 1735786603160.jpg (44.65 KB, 683x734, 1000018773.jpg)

No. 464710

File: 1736105356293.jpeg (10.29 KB, 240x320, 1713913442816.jpeg)

No. 465107

File: 1736184014616.png (2.92 MB, 1181x1582, 1736122478931.png)

No. 465278

I could have sworn I posted this exact image in an earlier thread

No. 465971

File: 1736286582674.jpg (129.29 KB, 736x1103, 8eb4dfd824cb0aa81495d5586bda8c…)

random cute asian guys >>

No. 467327

File: 1736459885616.gif (3.74 MB, 270x480, 14521.gif)

>crooked nose

No. 467581

File: 1736502574286.gif (7.18 MB, 400x600, 1000013865.gif)

Ralph Fiennes never looked as good as when he played Heathcliff. He makes me feral. I want to have sweaty sacrilegious sex on a graveyard with him

No. 467590

him of all people? is it only Heathcliff or are you generally attracted to him?

No. 467596

Same here but he was cute in the English patient too.
I guess it's the mix of his sad eyes and resting bitch face, albeit very good looking one

No. 467598

File: 1736511973250.gif (2.65 MB, 540x340, tumblr_ppicub7X7p1rx1ovoo2_540…)

No. 467603

File: 1736513638851.jpg (181.91 KB, 970x1200, 1000013879.jpg)

Well I was obsessed with Fiennes when I was 15-16 and back then I found him hot in everything, even when he got old, but now in my mid-late 20s I only find him attractive in Wuthering Heights for some reason, I think it's the hair kek. So I would take him with any variant of longer hair and no older than 30 years old, before his male pattern baldness gene kicked in

No. 467637

Sorry but he is ugly. He belongs in the other thread.

No. 467642

File: 1736522900246.png (2.65 MB, 1215x1507, unga-bunga-ass.png)

No. 467647

Some of the best looking guys have a big ass forehead
But I'm conflicted on Ralph too whether he's uglyhot or goodlookin

No. 467651

File: 1736524048015.jpg (913.62 KB, 1213x1433, 1736522900246.jpg)

No. 467657

He needs to shave and style his hair at the very least, like bare minimum

No. 467692

File: 1736532230109.png (1.26 MB, 1086x1228, 1000013881.png)

How is he ugly wtf. He's… specific and striking, but not ugly ugly imo
KEK. You already won btw, the one who starts in the middle always wins
That's the entire appeal. I like him as Heathcliff because only there he's dark, brooding and dirty

No. 467705

I'm sorry I can't hold this in any longer ignore my post, but his brow ridge looks like the front shade of a porch. He reminds me of that british guy who also has a super heavy brow ridge like he stepped out of the B.C. time period

No. 467728

File: 1736536297201.jpg (104.6 KB, 1024x1024, b0c75f4a0df71dce0b7b2e1f74de49…)

No. 467743

File: 1736537746617.jpg (87.06 KB, 728x777, c95ffb55c8aa327949c551e322.jpg)

Wow can't believe he looked that good when younger, no one can sell me aging is beautiful

But this should have been spoilered

No. 467839

Based neanderthal brow ridge

No. 467846

I feel weird because his forehead is not big to me at all? Maybe because my forehead is big kek

No. 467857

>his brow ridge looks like the front shade of a porch.
Kekkk nona you are a wordsmith

No. 467861

File: 1736547182303.jpg (42.17 KB, 736x414, IMG_935.jpg)

Haven't watched the show and don't plan to but he is cute.

No. 467862

File: 1736547296137.jpg (18.19 KB, 236x455, 095604587987947698497095869769…)

No. 467868

File: 1736547471317.jpg (107.39 KB, 736x1113, 0e3826fdbdcf757e649f402eab737b…)


No. 467884

File: 1736548386158.jpg (93.19 KB, 925x1193, pgs.jpg)

No. 468170

File: 1736566807587.jpg (69.01 KB, 550x369, PeterOToole.jpg)

he's so cute

No. 468172

File: 1736566846031.jpg (7.81 KB, 199x253, images (3).jpg)

No. 468179

You're still here?!

No. 468189

Ralph gets a pass this one no

No. 468212

File: 1736576486814.jpeg (14.85 KB, 300x300, ab6775700000ee859a4401cacb8a2b…)

No. 468213

File: 1736577053476.jpg (557.29 KB, 1280x1644, 1000013906.jpg)

Oh based anon, didn't expect anyone to post him here! He was my great love… well still is. Hm I gotta watch LoA again

No. 468326

He has gorgeous eyes thoughbeit

No. 468327

He was so cute in it. Kino for a reason. I remember looking up M/M LoA ships on AO3 after watching it kek

No. 468328

That must be someone else I've never posted him before

No. 468392

File: 1736607973700.png (3.45 MB, 1457x1877, 1000013949.png)

Yeah she probably meant the lawrence anon who used to spam about lawrence some time ago

No. 468497

oh man. sucks i missed her. LoA was incredible

No. 468547

Ok she has convinced me to watch it this evening too

No. 468621

File: 1736626306726.jpeg (72.98 KB, 661x1024, download.jpeg)


No. 468622

File: 1736626364343.jpeg (93.04 KB, 736x981, @ zak3nko on TikTok #aesthetic…)

No. 468712

File: 1736634066804.jpg (71.35 KB, 736x1054, 1000014042.jpg)

I'm a moral fag so it's hard for me when I find a man physically attractive and then I find out he did or said something shitty, like cheating on a partner. And Fiennes did and said some retarded shit, like in 2007 he fucked with a Quantas flight attendant during a flight and the woman got fired from her job because of that. He also had some retarded takes like when he said that society condemns older men who date young women, but praises older women who date younger men (when in fact it's the total opposite???) and in the same interview he basically reduced child marriage in eastern countries to "cultural differences", like what is the point of saying that in Europe you couldn't marry a 13 year old but in the east it's normal, like… Why would you say this shit? Especially in the context of the conversation being about age gaps in relationships? Creepy stuff. I find him creepy irl in general. He dated a woman 17 years older than him for like a decade and of course he cheated on her. He's in his 60s now with no kids and single which makes me think he either does some creepy shit behind closed doors or is a faggot
So if I fantasize about him (only young version, not post wall, post male pattern baldness) I only take his looks and I imagine he has a totally different personality. I need to stop reading about the moids I have crushes on because I swear every single time I find out they did/said something disgusting and it kills my clit boner and makes fantasizing more tedious

No. 468844

Why is this Tom Holland expression so commonplace

No. 468883

He's kind of cute pre-wall, but did you reverse the age gap thing? I think he said older men with younger women should be acceptable but not vice versa

No. 468896

British "dental care"

No. 468983

File: 1736673770570.gif (1.86 MB, 300x345, e1b588afaa0bc47d1667fef57b5057…)

peter scanavino… i love law and order SVU because 1. the sense of healing it offers and 2. DOMINIC CARISI!!!

No. 469005

No you must have skipped the word society, she said exactly that.

And yes I feel the same, an ugly heart makes an ugly moid

No. 469008

You know the quality of the thread is deteriorating when the unconventional thread has better looking males.

No. 469071

ah sorry

No. 469136

File: 1736708144087.jpg (434.21 KB, 2048x2048, 1000014083.jpg)

No. 469146

File: 1736709131414.jpg (3.23 MB, 3840x2160, 20250112_221129.jpg)

No. 469151

Yassified Tom Holland. perfection

No. 469187

iam_rafasantos on instagram

No. 470276

File: 1736905574205.jpg (50.95 KB, 693x658, 4235806_2989098_1.jpg)

No. 470282

File: 1736905899488.jpg (75.8 KB, 736x592, 33b7601f44b5066015888a7074fc09…)

No. 470283

File: 1736905932130.jpg (93.44 KB, 1080x1080, 00ace9ad9b0a8c065b057b607e066a…)

No. 470293

File: 1736906591562.jpg (99.3 KB, 1080x1350, @colmar #winterseason #gift.jp…)

No. 470295

File: 1736906614577.jpg (97.28 KB, 1080x1349, Dapper @peuterey #adv.jpg)

No. 470297

File: 1736906666387.jpg (111.77 KB, 1080x1347, 50’s @tommyhilfiger.jpg)

No. 470319

What is the ethnicity of this one?

No. 470460

File: 1736939405548.gif (1.5 MB, 245x300, b5dedb024c99624234fb65ece47aa3…)

No. 470477

looks like the better looking brother of baron trump

No. 470718

No. 470896

North italian

No. 470902

File: 1736989895583.jpg (84.05 KB, 640x1125, late-japanese-actor-haruma-miu…)

Rip Haruma Miura

No. 470908

File: 1736991007204.jpeg (116.82 KB, 863x972, GhNwfb9W0AAfr9U.jpeg)

Lately I've been into Blond men

No. 471327

who is this?

No. 472059

File: 1737152974151.gif (3.09 MB, 540x413, 1000014536.gif)


No. 472120

File: 1737157190061.png (1.02 MB, 640x854, IMG_0631.png)

Absolutely based nona. Atsushi is the most gorgeous man to ever walk the earth. He has the voice of angel. RIP my sweet demon prince

No. 472123

Japan has yet to produce such a beautiful man since. RIP

No. 472126

I’ve never seen pictures of his son, but I hope he has even one tenth of Atsushi’s beauty and elegance.

No. 472134

File: 1737158446330.jpg (35.92 KB, 500x632, young-james-mcavoy-v0-jaoy2fzf…)

No. 472142

Wrong thread anon

No. 472334

His son's not as hot.

No. 473272

File: 1737321540167.jpg (167.25 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_6ba6f4f57036e34b50cbed2…)

Jared celma

No. 473592

File: 1737359449441.png (260.75 KB, 447x518, 24191987.png)

No. 473627

Why can't all men look like this

No. 473637

He looks like a pig

No. 473678

maybe nononny agrees with me, but i unironically think metalhead or vampiric makeup would make him look less like a faggot.

No. 473724

Why can't men into facial symmetry?

No. 473730

NTA, I think this is very unpopular but I actually like facial asymmetry on both men and women kek. I like it on women more but this example isn't bad imo.

No. 473734

He needs some black eye liner and spiky hair.

No. 473778

see, now this nony gets it

No. 474010

File: 1737423549075.mp4 (1.99 MB, 576x1024, Download.mp4)

No. 474017

You can tell he thinks he’s so beautiful. Which he is but no mood deserves to feel good about themselves ever.

We don’t even need most moids on earth to reproduce. Just moids beautiful like him and their sperm.

No. 474025

File: 1737424534607.jpg (26.44 KB, 306x436, 798e49fd21df9135a9fc798b389a50…)

Extremely beautiful men should have a harem of stacies to produce more beautiful men. A more ethical Lebensborn.

No. 474035

Are there any images of this man that don't give the viewer uncanny valley sickness? Like a group photo or a candid? I'm not saying he's unattractive because I have no idea what he looks like from these images. It looks like he has a lot of filler

No. 474041

He's ugly and deserves nothing

No. 474048

File: 1737428248170.jpg (89.63 KB, 735x910, c50562552aca67c5742d3ed93c6e59…)

I have a weakness for androgynous men.

No. 474070

No. 474080

File: 1737431394669.mp4 (3.08 MB, 720x1280, 浴衣デート.mp4)

No. 474086

Very cute nose. I wish japanese guys were not afraid to put on a bit of muscle, like Koreans.

No. 474087

The right side is always wrong

No. 474089

His face is 90% nose lmao

No. 474095

Does he has an ugly nose filter on

No. 474097

mikan mandarin if she was a guy

No. 475041

File: 1737590923480.jpeg (71.06 KB, 902x688, IMG_6779.jpeg)

No. 475216

File: 1737608843135.jpg (128.21 KB, 502x700, 80358c4e3cad159cc24eaf155c54b1…)

He looks so good in this pic

No. 475268

Bug eyed pig nosed men belong in the other thread. He's Steve Buscemi's doppelganger

No. 475301

Have we run out of attractive men or something??

No. 475321

Wrong thread.

No. 475322

There's another thread for things like these.
Now this is what we want

No. 475333

I deadass thought this was my babushka

No. 475378

File: 1737648273518.jpg (125.85 KB, 500x680, 9759c55d5cbeb3447b4b032cdf70d4…)

He was posted in the last thread, even fucking frodo was posted here before, cmon now, you people be posting a guy that looks like a sim with too much cc at best and a chadification failure at worst

No. 475382

You think you're too good for the unconventional attractions thread? If your guy isnt a rapist child killer then maybe but still he's ugly

No. 475385

He's so cute, reminds me of this Russian guy I met when I saw Children of Bodom years ago. He stood behind me to block the mosh pit from knocking me over and the only words he ever spoke to me were telling me he was going to get a water, and then leaning in to my ear to say "ok, I am back." He had such a cute accent.

No. 475387

Such a cute story!

No. 475389

File: 1737648904499.jpeg (44.11 KB, 600x600, IMG_8973.jpeg)

I've been obsessed with the Climax Together live lately, that outfit really gets me. Something about the silver cuffs on both wrists and the way he holds himself so tense while he performs.

No. 475398

File: 1737649824944.jpeg (105.33 KB, 900x900, IMG_8974.jpeg)

Very glad they replaced the ugly moid vocalist with a cute guy who can actually sing. He's from Cyprus and has a very nice accent, I like his nose/jawline and his sharp canines.

No. 475399

you guys need to stop spamming this guy because i'm not enjoying it

No. 475401

Ok I won't post him anymore, I don't really wanna fight over this shit, but seriously, what are the parameters to decide who can and can't be posted in this thread now? Cus half of the guys I see are ugly as fuck or have the exact same boring ass face, guy upthread is fucking uncanny. I thought we'd just use common sense to know when a guy is comparable to willem dafoe and when he is not. Your cc man as uncanny as he is, is not in the same level of steve buscemi but neither is viggo, lets not lie here.

And no, I am not too good for that thread, I have posts there too lmao, but if he belongs there then so does your tiktok soyboy

No. 475403

I don’t have any tiktok soyboys I just want eye candy not eye assault

No. 475413

>a sim with too much cc at best and a chadification
Just say you hate attractive men.

No. 475416

>seriously, what are the parameters to decide who can and can't be posted in this thread now?
Its obvious, when more than 1 anon tells you that you are on the wrong thread then you are. Your opinion on what is attractive should be discarded if you think this >>475216 and >>475041 is conventionally attractive. You are faceblind. I literally saw better looking examples on the unconventional thread. There is literally no point for this thread if we can post uggos here.

No. 475424

Wrong thread.

No. 475438

Have you seen half of the dudes posted in this thread, I'd rather see Atsushi 20 times than look at the fivehead babushka

No. 475900

I can’t take this thread seriously when these are the only contenders. It is all just femboys >>472059 >>475389 and you are blind if you think >>475041 is unattractive when the majority of these men look like women

No. 475906

>calling atsushi a "femboy"
God I fucking hate zoomers. reminds me of that other retard calling 80s musicians trannies

No. 475924

Not a zoomer just have eyes. He is very fem

No. 475926

File: 1737738169020.png (4.22 MB, 1917x1921, IMG_6798.png)

Fight me?

No. 476239

File: 1737792485157.jpg (62.94 KB, 476x700, 2ed43513f1226d091a4ef919433dbb…)

No. 476249

Is that Gaspard Ulliel?

No. 476291

Go back

No. 476293

RIP, I thought he was hot when I was young, but he really has trollface in some angles that really tempered my enthusiasm for him.

No. 476577

File: 1737851068162.jpg (106.87 KB, 900x1355, rxf3ugx1jwo91.jpg)

Young Sam Witwer

No. 476602

Ngl, i thought he was offensively ugly in smallville.

No. 476706

Thanks guys you were so helpful

No. 476708

use reverse image search or something. you can't make other anons help if we're not interested in him kek

No. 476710

Kekk but it's clearly him though

No. 476711

File: 1737888539633.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.35 KB, 863x1390, hannibal-rising-jahr-2007-fran…)

He really does, but I think it's just a grimace

No. 476715

File: 1737889877927.webp (7.69 KB, 280x280, gaspard-ulliel-l039atout-charm…)

No. 476717

No. 476761

Go away

No. 477038

are there any actual women in this thread or is this all gay men(baiting/scrotefoiling)

No. 477058

Banned for asking the real questions. Rip

No. 477059

I'm not seeing any typical gay scrote tastes ITT, what are you smoking

No. 477210

File: 1738023243879.jpeg (863.35 KB, 770x1125, IMG_6782.jpeg)

I need him so badly. Dale cooper from twin peaks was peak hot FBI man.

No. 477218

File: 1738023880936.jpeg (159.63 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_0981.jpeg)

Doctor Wilson during the first seasons of House. He’s so sweet.

No. 477229

File: 1738026445543.jpg (82.73 KB, 735x649, 1000006113.jpg)

No. 477299

Him crossed with Matt Dillion would be my ideal male phenotype

No. 477436

File: 1738079123587.jpeg (35.77 KB, 495x619, images (1) (5).jpeg)

i wanna have a skinny muscular slim faced emo bf with high libido so bad

No. 477529

File: 1738093675810.jpg (146.46 KB, 736x1633, 1000019619.jpg)

No. 477577

File: 1738100508276.webp (69.14 KB, 1125x1320, IMG_5135.webp)

I would’ve never thought he was actually hot under that clown make-up???

No. 477582

More men should get these curtain bangs…

No. 477642

File: 1738106726827.jpg (34.91 KB, 435x580, 1000000490.jpg)

I still want him

No. 477645

Male Billie Eilish

No. 477652

Except edited to hell and back and he doesn't actually look like that kek

No. 477663

Wrong thread, the uggo thread is the other way.

No. 477667

He looks so dead behind the eyes. Whoever said all actors look gay and raped was right

No. 477682

>Whoever said all actors look gay and raped was right
that was me lol

No. 477715

File: 1738113675849.jpg (80.16 KB, 735x904, 0cdaf55dae98f08da3c0c31c3e56eb…)

No. 477888

God he was so handsome. He looks so good in a suit

No. 477889

You should watch Swing Kids for peak cute young Robert Sean Leonard.

No. 478558

File: 1738276346779.jpeg (85.21 KB, 504x768, IMG_1048.jpeg)

Sean Farris, the mole near the lips is so sexy

No. 478644

the cavill we deserved

No. 478898

File: 1738346176738.jpeg (228.54 KB, 1000x1369, IMG_1067.jpeg)

I have started “Supernatural” and I kind of want to have a threesome with these two kek.

No. 478905

I don't mean this as an insult but… this guy looks like he was on an episode of StarGate.

No. 479278

File: 1738446659366.jpg (61.2 KB, 754x960, DDVo0GKWsAI31Ww.jpg)

Jensen Ackles is genetically flawless. I wish we lived in a world where all women had access to gorgeous cloned men with the predation and violence bred out of them. The STEM girlies are our last hope.
The guy from first post has dark, abyssal eyes, no lips, and a giant nose and a lot of posts before were offensively ugly. This thread has hit a lapse again.

No. 479741

Jared aged like milk

No. 479942

File: 1738617467445.jpg (82.79 KB, 736x735, bef03133f839284b36987d75c963cf…)

No. 479946

There's a good reason they had a chokehold on tumblr/ao3 girls for so long. Why there aren't more copycat series revolving around 2 hot guys is a mystery to me, it's a very obvious winning formula.

No. 479949

No. 479953

Holy shit you're right he'd be an amazing Superman to masturbate to.

No. 479954

File: 1738619273735.jpg (265.93 KB, 1345x1600, AnthonyPerkins1957-4025614748.…)

I would fuck the shit out of Norman Bates-era Anthony Perkins. He wouldn't have to pay for conversion therapy with me around.

No. 479965

Wrong thread to post this malformed chimp. Looks like he’s huffing the nastiest fart.

No. 479969

gosh they look good
i know what im watching next

No. 480116

Onision stare

No. 480117

No. 480182

Who is this??

No. 480402

MMA fighter Kota Miura

No. 480444

File: 1738710576949.jpg (94.55 KB, 659x863, e4f6df07f6cf21e2fdd96289cb23ea…)


No. 480446

File: 1738711547671.jpeg (107.44 KB, 574x900, IMG_1118.jpeg)

I’m still nonna and wow , I need him. Every woman deserves to experience a man like this at least once in her lifetime.

No. 480447

I know his wife reminisces when he was young kek, she got him during his prime. Kudos to her.

No. 480450

File: 1738711898531.jpeg (460.35 KB, 1199x1801, IMG_1119.jpeg)

I really like this prototype on black men, neat and gorgeous. They always have amazing skin.

No. 480458

His body is crazy, he has a few shirtless scenes to look forward to if you haven't got to them yet

No. 480461

He’s so tall it’s hot godness gracious

No. 480462

Saw his first sex scene in season two with The werewolf lady and it was so good.

No. 480467

File: 1738714054527.gif (8.69 MB, 540x460, 2ADEDCCF-28EF-4519-A864-23E5E3…)

He has the most kissable lips

No. 480472

ik i'm nitpicking but this guy's lips are too small for my taste compared to the other one kek

No. 480481

Wait until Castiel shows up. Foursome. The actor who plays Dean still looks good, too. Thank goodness his hair didn't fall out.

No. 480487

Jared’s thinner lips suit him though, I feel like he wouldn’t look good with fuller lips.
Jensen’s lips are top tier, perfect amount of fullness on a man, I feel like he would be very fun to kiss.

No. 480712

File: 1738776440211.mp4 (894.46 KB, 540x960, output_video_67a39f304f96d0.37…)

I find him mid but maybe some nonna would enjoy this

No. 480726

Males have wider mouths than women, so tiny pouty mouths (think Elv*s Presley) is an unmasculine deformity in my eyes. Anyone else?

No. 480755

I think it's down to the overall facial features, but handsome guys definitely look better with bigger wider mouths. Round smaller lips are a sign of being inbred in my eyes, I'm talking like lips that look like a literal asshole.

No. 480959

File: 1738811760095.jpg (180.15 KB, 540x800, 1000019923.jpg)

Jensen Ackles is so fine. Also one of the few hollywood men who havent hit the wall at lighting speed

No. 481774

File: 1738963365244.webm (6.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1683391277331.webm)

No. 481775

File: 1738963784237.jpg (68.49 KB, 600x873, wlern6p7mdy51.jpg)

I appreciate the effort but it's better to post guys you like

No. 481973

I love girly little mouths on men, if 'masculine' is your criteria for attractiveness that's no different to thinking women need to like beards and wrinkles. Elvis' mouth was the least of his physical flaws.

No. 482408

File: 1739056135023.jpeg (138.17 KB, 736x920, discord_gg_dvils.jpeg)

No. 482409

File: 1739056165073.jpeg (84.03 KB, 736x1107, a9672362-244f-4a49-be55-22cc42…)

No. 482442

File: 1739059384175.jpg (22.93 KB, 640x360, lucas-bergvall-v0-sdoz4pv59pge…)

No. 482460

File: 1739061657992.jpg (43.55 KB, 287x552, 17284708148313.jpg)

No. 482557

File: 1739068950311.jpg (96.04 KB, 1080x610, 1000029046.jpg)

Why can't all southeast asian men look like this why

No. 482607

Please tell me who this is so I can go look at him more

No. 482626


No. 482664

The perfect nose size on a man.

No. 482666

He’s pretty in a masculine way

No. 482681

No. 482732

No. 482897

File: 1739135309662.jpg (72.33 KB, 681x1024, gettyimages-1372971711-1024x10…)

No. 482898

File: 1739135336519.jpg (132.05 KB, 1080x1223, Awesome experience🫶 @paramou…)

No. 482900

Male with darker features is cute

No. 482902

File: 1739135501840.jpg (108.7 KB, 1080x1223, Awesome experience🫶 @paramou…)

No. 482906

He's ogre looking

No. 482910

File: 1739136818841.jpg (20.32 KB, 300x450, 4513858642_86bcfc3b93_o.jpg)

No. 482911

File: 1739136848828.jpg (24.8 KB, 300x450, 4513858644_4736f79f6f_o.jpg)

No. 482913

File: 1739137030321.jpeg (22.24 KB, 400x492, 3653165_images_-_2023-09-20T13…)

No. 482927

File: 1739138577646.jpg (38.56 KB, 736x920, 5e3fe09c8ba21569a2d8549f0054d7…)

No. 482930

File: 1739138824227.jpeg (39.57 KB, 667x742, oussama-guessoum-v0-0ht2ducttg…)

No. 482931

File: 1739138850636.jpg (63.6 KB, 720x1080, ac53e6c758de737a6db2b696febfdb…)

No. 482934

File: 1739138990178.jpg (40.75 KB, 321x450, 233af53840ca106e327ab96b23e5b3…)

No. 482998

File: 1739153632994.jpg (101.33 KB, 720x695, Screenshot_20250209-220813_Chr…)

No. 482999

File: 1739153759706.png (1.15 MB, 672x850, 4215967_image.png)

No. 483074

Women aren't the only ones being epsteined in hollywood, men just take it to their grave

No. 483911

File: 1739333637562.jpg (132.39 KB, 900x1200, s-l1200.jpg)

No. 483912

File: 1739333987430.jpeg (6.73 KB, 254x198, images.jpeg)

No. 483913

File: 1739334032729.jpg (79.04 KB, 650x821, q5210tj5n3p91.jpg)

He is so hot in Young Guns

No. 483936

File: 1739339740124.jpeg (40.82 KB, 736x736, download (1).jpeg)

He has such an innocence to his eyes. I wouldn't want to fuck him but gently make love to him, whimper in his ear while I ride him on top and gently caress his hair

No. 483954

nope, other thread please

No. 483967

he looks like AI

No. 483978

he has stretch marks on his armpit, doubt it

No. 484049

there's no way he isn't or at least severely edited. can't find any other photos of this person

No. 484383


No. 484400

File: 1739422266474.jpg (19.81 KB, 300x360, 1000029120.jpg)

Ok more

No. 484401

File: 1739422381020.jpg (35.57 KB, 700x393, 1000029641.jpg)

No. 484426

Anon? Are you lost

No. 484877

File: 1739500871151.jpg (107.71 KB, 1057x1057, the jerm.jpg)

Picrel is the only man I'd ever consider being with. I hope his gf knows she's lucky

No. 484898

Jerma isn’t attractive.

No. 484918

annoying tranny pandering fag

No. 484936

File: 1739530924128.gif (1.21 MB, 500x283, paul-newman-cat-on-a-hot-tin-r…)

He's like just so beautiful, but still kinda cute and hot

No. 484939

File: 1739531427745.jpeg (10.87 KB, 235x188, IMG_8211.jpeg)

No. 485279

File: 1739572401294.jpg (44.96 KB, 427x640, 1000020114.jpg)

No. 485280

No. 485484

nice figure

No. 485703

File: 1739639804487.jpg (67.83 KB, 563x691, 1681971628734163.jpg)

No. 485709

Didn’t shoop out his double chin convincingly

No. 485740

File: 1739646695477.jpeg (228.4 KB, 1080x1433, IMG_0418.jpeg)

Saretti, a persian rapper from Sweden. I’ve never seen anyone as handsome as him. He is really tall as well.

No. 485749

He could fit his dick in his own nostrils. Hell naw. Persians are usually cuter than this, he looks moroccan.

No. 485756

File: 1739650098352.jpg (58.41 KB, 500x671, 22364efa3b85076df7e49b99cd23c8…)

No. 485757

hes cute, I like how some Persians look a little asian at times from the Mughal admixture

No. 485759

No. 485764

Can you stop spamming these inconstributions all over /g/ and /m/?

No. 485787


No. 485790

Rip ancient cuties

No. 486073

File: 1739692088553.mp4 (2.37 MB, 720x1280, 094E125FC22D56BA437B56B68A3480…)

No. 486075

File: 1739692419053.mp4 (3.77 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_8F405C0417…)

No. 486078

File: 1739692758305.mp4 (939.59 KB, 960x720, AQORp5PlCkptRHpbtYc5EwTJ1hOCJu…)

No. 486079

I cant believe i missed on this. FUCK. I would literally kill to see the guy i have the hots on wearing this. I guess thats why god gave me art skills

No. 486091

Indeed. He looks nafri or caribbean with ssa admixture.

No. 486095

not trying to hate but this shoulder to waist ratio is so ridiculously exagerrated it looks like the male equivalent of skirby

No. 486103

Don’t come for my husband like that. I want to a-log so bad

No. 486123

Please Nona, who is this?

No. 486428

File: 1739745045770.png (1.53 MB, 1170x1448, 1719645215000.png)

Wouldn't you like to know?

No. 486429

File: 1739745110824.jpg (Spoiler Image,532.45 KB, 750x915, _cr0102.jpg)

hehe I'm just messing with you. Filename

No. 486479

File: 1739752615943.jpg (309.27 KB, 1440x1800, 1000032818.jpg)

Thank you so much! You saved me! I've been looking for who that was ever since I saw him posted elsewhere a while back. God his insta is a fucking treasure trove.

No. 486527

Speaking of the gram, what do nonas think of profiles having non square images now? It's only been a week but I like it, the square format was an insta signature but it was outdated

No. 486529

File: 1739764185131.jpg (96.93 KB, 565x712, superman.jpg)

forgot pic ^

No. 486986

Anyone getting bothered by the assymetrical abs and the fact that his right (our left) shoulder is higher than the right

No. 486994

Faggot-tier taste

No. 487018

File: 1739866204105.jpg (513.07 KB, 1440x1800, 456852623_513684744481450_3243…)

Cavill is a god how dare you
Imagine coming back from work and he's waiting for you naked on the sofa, so that when you see him you freeze up. He walks up to you, closes the door behind you, rips off your shirt and grabs your waist with his giant, muscular, slightly chilly hands and you shudder, not just cause of his icy touch cause you know what happens next

No. 487019

Wrong quote

No. 487025

His small hands lose hold and he drops you. He bursts into tears. Every night he cries himself to sleep next to you, agonizing over his delicate fingers

No. 487026

Small hands, short stature, shrimp-ish physique despite the roids, and because of the roads his hair is being pushed back centimeter by centimeter and inch by inch. No thanks.

No. 487040

I'll grant you the small hands but those muscles would never drop me
He's like 6'2. Perfect male height. And balding is just a moid thing unfortunately

No. 487045

Looked him up and this mf is 20, 19 in the pic. Now I feel gross

No. 487076

Because he is so walled for that age?

No. 487181

File: 1739904152753.png (5.24 MB, 1179x2556, 1737277786728.png)

He's so fucking ugly now

No. 487436

File: 1739922448007.jpg (68.55 KB, 492x740, 1000017489.jpg)

god just give me a guy who looks like him and loves me unconditionally please please, he may be even younger than me pleeeease

No. 487458

would you be willing to accept a post car accident version?

No. 487462

In my timeline he doesn't have the car accident because I don't allow him to be a reckless junkie…

No. 487463

File: 1739924585835.jpg (235.77 KB, 1024x751, 1000000556.jpg)

Why are his hands so god damned small

No. 487464

do you allow him to be as annoying as he is in our real timeline?

No. 487476

File: 1739925255092.jpg (170.67 KB, 831x1000, 1000010645.jpg)

hmm he's annoying? I thought he already faded into obscurity, but maybe I don't know something. And if he does something dumb now, maybe it would have been different if the accident didn't happen?
Either way, I beat him into submission, it is for his own good

No. 487487

Scrotes who look like this are incapable of love. They know what they look like and they know how to take advantage of it
Hopefully this saves you some heartbreak nona
He needs to get surgery for that hairline YESTERDAY
Very edgy nona. You and I both know that you and I both'd kneel for any man who looked like that

No. 487494

File: 1739926470362.jpg (42.23 KB, 735x634, 1000011575.jpg)

>Scrotes who look like this are incapable of love
You really think so? I remember there was this one male model, I don't remember his name, but he was really pretty and he had a wife his age who was a slightly less attractive than him, they had a kid and they're still married, he seemed genuine and like a good family man. Do you think that even when a really attractive guy decides to marry, he will inevitably cheat behind his wife's back?
Is it really not possible to have a guy who's at least 8/10 and faithful to you?
If so, there's no point in dating at all. I don't want to settle for less and force myself to be with someone I'm not attracted to…

No. 487500

You're literally lying through your teeth. Ugly men won't "love" you any more than a model. You think you can save yourself by abstaining from worldly pleasures but if only it was that easy. Take the cutest guy you can find and never project your female depth and sensibilities onto him.

No. 487514

Nta but if you feel "deep" how can you become one with someone who's shallow and still feel good about it… sounds damaging in the long run. I don't think an ugly moid is more capable of love than a pretty one. But if the world tells chads they're the best and if there's nothing to humble them down they may really be shallow and only see sex with women as a sport. If an ugly moid was born a chad he would behave the same way, that is the male nature. Is there ANY logical reason for a chad to actually commit? If he can fuck many different kinds of women probably well into his 30s?

No. 487527

Well there are always exceptions to everything but the culture today really encourages high value men to have multiple partners. I'm not saying that you can't get him to commit, but you'll definitely have to get him early (think high school, cause college is a sex fest) and ward off a lot of female attention. I mean, let's say that you yourself see a guy that looks like that out on the street. Will you walk up to him? What are the chances that he's single? What are the chances that you'll continue to flirt with him despite being taken?
Nona, ugly men will literally worship you. They're desperate for female attention. Meanwhile, attractive men have more attention than time to give them. We're fighting for attractive men. Unattractive men are fighting for us
AYRT and I agree with you. Look at Leo DiCaprio, mf is ugly as fuck and like 50 and his gf is never older than 25. Why should he commit?
Requesting name of the model that got married and had kids

No. 487541

>Requesting name of the model that got married and had kids
I will find him but I need some time kek

No. 487655


No. 487656

You sound so beta

No. 487666

unironically GREAT casting for Leon

No. 487671

I wish women didn't have this filter in their head.
>But your just descending into scrotedom!!!
No, its a restriction you place on yourself and partially instilled by scrotes to control what women desire.

No. 487683

File: 1739946094021.jpeg (22.17 KB, 213x320, IMG_0645.jpeg)

Are you talking about Lucky Blue Smith? That Mormon male model who married Nara Smith kek?

No. 487691

File: 1739948301350.jpg (139.61 KB, 775x1390, photo-must-be-credited-alpha-p…)

Describes Jacey Elthalion well

No. 487692

File: 1739948327695.jpg (108.41 KB, 723x1000, 232db6cc7bd1f40c27b03efd792d88…)

Picrel is him in his prime

No. 487707

Maybe so, but am I wrong

No. 487735

Hate to admit it but he's got it

No. 487741

File: 1739965467786.png (810.64 KB, 736x1308, image_2025-02-19_214225848.png)

the things I'd want to do to this man would have me locked up for life.

No. 487748

No it wasn't him. The other guy is already out of the industry I think because he's older

No. 487752

File: 1739968788878.jpg (99.94 KB, 680x942, 2ff.jpg)

No. 487753

francisco lachowski? but he’s walled now

No. 487870

>Very edgy nona. You and I both know that you and I both'd kneel for any man who looked like that
Nta but he looks retarded and the facial hair makes him look like one of those hispanic machista scrotes.

>Nta but if you feel "deep" how can you become one with someone who's shallow and still feel good about it… sounds damaging in the long run.
What do you mean by "feel deep"? The problem is you want to have an equal relationship with a moid, moids don't want to be equal and never will. You want an equal relationship? Be selfish and demand what you actually want, that's what scrotes do. Forget about having romance and love with any scrote. Romance is not real and scrotes are not capable of love, so at least get with an attractive one.

>Nona, ugly men will literally worship you.
So? They're still ugly. Ugly scrotes have even uglier and more horrid personalities than their looks could ever be. You're gonna disrupt your hormones and risk getting depression and other side effects by taking birth control, risk getting pregnant and putting your studies and career on pause because, carrying a child for 9 months vomiting and being constipated, risk losing grey matter, birthing it and tearing your vagina or slicing your belly open to get it out, and then breastfeeding it with your own body resources, risk getting postpartum depression or psychosis, or get an abortion and having to drive out of state and risk tearing your uterus or taking some unresearched pill we don't know the side effects from and even end up going to jail and the guy isn't even attractive? Why do women never value their labour?

No. 487874

>Be selfish and demand what you actually want, that's what scrotes do
When I behave like this my bf resents me kek

No. 487875

>You're gonna disrupt your hormones and risk getting depression and other side effects by taking birth control, risk getting pregnant and putting your studies and career on pause because, carrying a child for 9 months vomiting and being constipated, risk losing grey matter, birthing it and tearing your vagina or slicing your belly open to get it out, and then breastfeeding it with your own body resources, risk getting postpartum depression or psychosis, or get an abortion and having to drive out of state and risk tearing your uterus or taking some unresearched pill we don't know the side effects from and even end up going to jail
But all of this is worth it if the guy is hot? Kek straight women are hopeless.

No. 487892

Ugly men are haram

No. 487897

Obviously the ideal would be the scrote to be rich and good looking but even seeing a strawberry milk to come out of a strawberry cow is more likely. Imo wether a woman wants to be childree or have kids, a woman needs to have her own money. She should be rich and have a well established career/skillset that makes a lot of money not only for the kids if she has them but if any complications happen to her. Depending on a scrote for money is the worst thing you could do. Scrotes are also shit at emotional labour and hold misogynistic beliefs, so all that is left is looks.

No. 487900

But does is he selfish and demands what he wants?

No. 487909

File: 1739999479065.gif (1.87 MB, 500x270, 1000014534.gif)

Dan Stevens cycles through a wide range of fuck-ability levels in his career, but this was his peak

No. 487911

File: 1739999780358.jpeg (43.84 KB, 640x407, IMG_0190.jpeg)

I agree. I’ve watched that movie so many times just to freak out over him. He’s also hot in Apostle in a drowned rat sort of way… I think it’s the intensity of his eyes for me.

No. 487961

>You and I both know that you and I both'd kneel for any man who looked like that
Nah, it's just you.

No. 487969

he's really fucking sexy

No. 487972

>Nona, ugly men will literally worship you. They're desperate for female attention.

Do NOT fall for this psyop. Ugly men are insecure and they will do what they can to break your ego so you stay with them. They are the WORST. Date your league or above.

No. 487988

The most abusive moids I've met were ugly ones. All men will abuse you, looks mean nothing. Pretty men will do it for one reason, and ugly men for another. The issue is the XY chromosome, not their looks.

No. 488017

I’d rather be dead with a beautiful man than alive with an ugly one.

No. 488117

Wrong thread

No. 488122

File: 1740054552196.png (1.08 MB, 736x1308, image_2025-02-20_222758734.png)

so fucking true

No. 488124

looks mid at best

No. 488135

>ugly men will worship you
No lmao ugly men are evil, thats why they are ugly. Their ugly insides seep out of their pores and taint their looks. Nobody is meaner to their partner than an ugly moid who thinks he is hot shit because he got a good looking girlfriend.

No. 488157

ohhhhhhhh my goooooooooooooood shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

No. 488215

His only halo is his hair. Stop posting mid ugly men on the attractive men thread where he doesn't belong. You are shitting up the thread.

No. 488216

let's agree to ignore her

No. 488234

yesss and he looks so cold and mean too

No. 488236

do wasians bald like whites?

No. 488264

I’ll take my racebait ban- wasian men look creepy as shit. Their features are alienesque but in the worst way possible, reminds me of white people who get plastic surgery to look asian. Their complexion has a corpselike component to it, everything about them is unnatural looking. 1/4 asians especially look like dead, bloated white people. And honestly the wasian “subculture” is cringe. They all have cute asian moms but ancient obese white dads, perhaps that’s the cause of their ugliness. Their genesis stories have zero sex appeal, they’re the result of undesired fornication on the mothers side and it shows. Wasian men either have complexes about being undesirable like their dads, or not looking white enough. They’re obsessed with asian woman/white man couples and think they’re being actively oppressed by them in a grand conspiracy theory. I’m OK with mixed men, I even like white and asian men on their own. But wasians are just… hell no. My intention isn’t to hurt the feelings of wasianons so I apologies if I did. But damn your men are chopped.(racebaiting)

No. 488301

File: 1740091433652.jpg (24.4 KB, 500x275, ajjsjfkgfjs.JPG)

I thought he was cute in Frankenstein

No. 488359

Fuck I need less 3d husbandos

No. 488387

File: 1740104223170.jpg (50.18 KB, 736x736, 1000020218.jpg)

He's the only reason why I follow that Japanese interview account

No. 488426

Beautiful eyes but the rest of him is busted

No. 488447

Nona what was the point of this post.

No. 488510

What is his name?

No. 488513

his voice is so nice too

No. 488528

File: 1740142177322.png (776.81 KB, 736x1179, image_2025-02-21_224809305.png)

true I need my wasian greencard

No. 488533

I just don't understand why he wears his glasses like that. It's kind of cute but it's also a bit odd. I'm sure he looks better without them..

No. 488534

>"stop posting ugly men"
>is actually just not personally attracted to them because hafu trauma

who hurt you nona? It's okay

No. 488536

Is he the one getting cock and ball tortured? Or is he threatening a theoretical student with cock and ball torture? Previous one is based second one is suspect. Is he a pedo?

No. 488540

File: 1740142786935.png (869.36 KB, 720x1280, image_2025-02-21_225753923.png)

I like how he gets treated like women do - sexually harassed and all. He's like my punching bag. men should be faced with the same uncomfortable comments from each other.

No. 488542

do wasians have small penises like asians do, average-big penises like whites do, or are they in between? I wonder

No. 488560

i'm so tired of getting his slop recommended to me because i liked 1 japan travel video. street interviews are a plague

No. 488571

How often have people around you inherited that precious gene they wanted? Yeah.

No. 488577

but do you think penises work in a "you have it or you dont have it way" (like noses or eye color) or do they work in a "lets blend and find a middleground between the two genes" (like skin color)

No. 488579

In my experience usually smol

No. 488580


No. 488625

File: 1740154099284.png (690.85 KB, 736x1308, image_2025-02-22_020706462.png)

tbh? idc because I'd want to hurt him

No. 489196

File: 1740177047384.png (376.46 KB, 451x527, RiverandKeanu.png)

Both of them.

No. 489237

File: 1740178966151.gif (9.61 MB, 800x360, 8768768876876.gif)

Thats Tomohisa Yamashita in Alice in borderland. he is completly naked in that scene kek

No. 489249

spoiler the rest of the scene and show it…

No. 489496

File: 1740216108391.jpg (349.09 KB, 1440x1800, Squall Leonhart looking mother…)

Post the full picture lmfao

No. 489499

gen z fag spotted. Learn to integrate jesus christ.

No. 489502

holy shit fucking stacy, she got a better looking bf than those model pickmes who go for the ugliest motherfuckers on earth like andrea lima

No. 489508

poor baby he looks sickly ; how can he look so pale on a vacation? he should be tan

No. 489509

based stacy, her teeth are lil silly but for that just get his whore ass to pay for dental work

No. 489510

NTA but that post is basically typed the same way as yours and I don't see any zoomer slang.

No. 489576

This is really funny for some reason.

No. 490285

File: 1740326549781.gif (5.56 MB, 671x503, Tumblr_l_4472066221000.gif)


No. 490296

Cute nipples

No. 490483

File: 1740348789162.jpg (102.47 KB, 1200x1600, 1000010810.jpg)


No. 490494

Lazy tard eyes 2/10

No. 490498

He looks shooped and she looks like a racial caricature kek

No. 490549

And yet he moggs all men

No. 490575

This is an AI-touch up

No. 490602

I saw the movie and he looks just as good to me in it

No. 490637

That’s your opinion

No. 490638

The only thing the AI does is smoothing the skin, facial proportions are the same in the movie

No. 490648

Pass as mexican. I think that hapas look like mestizos.

No. 490653

File: 1740366982057.jpg (122.01 KB, 1080x1080, small-head-curse-v0-4geujcubrr…)

He's edited as fuck

No. 490674

Welcome to the internet! I hope you enjoy your stay

No. 490676

anon you sound so reddit

No. 490726

i've never seen a mexican with cheekbones or positive canthal tilt like his

No. 490802

holy photoshoop

No. 490804

File: 1740410312333.jpeg (204.83 KB, 736x1104, IMG_1744.jpeg)

nnnnnnngh such a qt

No. 490957

When will people understand that shopping the hell out of themselves will make them look even uglier than before in comparison? I wouldn't think anything about his real looks if it wasn't such an egregious catfish, now I think he's ugg.

No. 491293

Oh Joseph Zeng? I like him too

No. 491409

File: 1740512827559.jpeg (84.51 KB, 400x640, IMG_1912.jpeg)

love his huge eyes

No. 492657

File: 1740620435335.jpg (38.88 KB, 736x978, 1000018220.jpg)

It's him or nobody

No. 492665

Faces composes of 30% nose but you do you, nonna

No. 492670

How many times will you post this obvious edit

No. 492677

File: 1740621788080.gif (15.6 MB, 1008x1466, 1000018235.gif)

I know right it would be fun to sit on it
Until there are good quality pics from that movie that aren't edited. Not that he's not as beautiful without slightly smoothened skin

No. 492703

WHO is this real life bishie?

No. 492707

young Eric Roberts before car crash ruined his face

No. 492710

File: 1740629266575.jpg (176.37 KB, 1280x1727, 232-2327287_indiana-jones-harr…)

He might not have been a stereotypical pretty boy but young Harrison Ford had ungodly charisma.

No. 492729

Where? Are you a faggot by any chance? Because you sure have the taste of one. The unconventional male attractions thread is the other way.

No. 492731

File: 1740634440036.png (360.92 KB, 640x879, hf.png)

I think she meant younger. And in any case, when he was actually young, he was kinda cute.

No. 492733

I always thought he was so handsome in the Indiana Jones movies when i was a child.

No. 492735

Maybe it's part of the ugly moid psyop, but personality can sometimes boost a guy's appeal in a fictional context. There are fictional characters I find hot who I would not touch with a ten foot pole if there were a real person.

No. 492738

He doesn’t look like >>492657 >>492677 at all

No. 492739

My grandma went to high school with him. Apparently he was the quiet type. She has his "have a good summer break" note in her yearbook along with all the others.

No. 492740

lol the human infatuation with storytelling and characters is not a 'psyop', it's part of the human condition going back many millennia. some of you are on this website way too much, i swear to fucking god.

No. 493073

Old, wrinkly and disgusting
He still looks old

No. 493131

>Harrison Ford
>unconventional attractive
I admire your commitment to the bit.

No. 493142

Can't say I feel the same way about your shit taste, grandpa fucker.(bait)

No. 493166

File: 1740682388112.jpg (55.07 KB, 451x612, 01317376c9259f758b33d545fceabd…)

He still looked good here post crash.

No. 493168

damn i had no idea he used to look like that. i guess i've never seen him in anything pre-2000s

No. 493169

Old men are unconventional by definition yes.

No. 493174

File: 1740683591574.jpg (84.34 KB, 1024x683, Mearsheimer1-1024x683.jpg)

I love this old guy(bait)

No. 493186

File: 1740684657294.jpg (72.6 KB, 720x886, 1731092572922.jpg)

No. 493189

Harvey Weinstein looks better

No. 493200

He looks dehydrated.

No. 493216

I love that skin color

No. 493377

File: 1740711937576.jpg (104.88 KB, 830x1278, 1713320245753504.jpg)

I dated a Nepali guy once. He used to be a footballer and athletic so the parts that were not covered by shirt while playing (so anything bicep down, face and neck) was that complexion and everything else was quite pale. If he tanned for a few hours he'd be that chocolate complexion all over for a month. Absolutely heavenly
Sad that he was quite short, 5'8ish and I'm tall and that among other things made it not work out

No. 493379

File: 1740712142447.jpg (583.32 KB, 1191x1557, 1000010611.jpg)

I can agree but after the accident he fits more into the unconventional category, while before he was conventionally pretty

No. 493384

Should've spoilered this

No. 493438

just because you have no self respect doesnt mean no one else does

No. 493733

File: 1740788105638.jpeg (522.36 KB, 1170x1655, IMG_1258.jpeg)

they don’t make them like young george strait anymore

No. 494130

File: 1740885906216.jpg (1.19 MB, 1800x1200, norm-macdonald-oj-flashback.jp…)

Young Norm

No. 494183

File: 1740919399556.jpg (5.09 MB, 2433x3651, Melodifestivalen_2025_deltävli…)

Not a big fan of his songs but he's so hot I wouldn't mind if he wins Eurovision again

No. 494190

Bait used to be believable

No. 494198

No. 494238

Kinda crazy how handsome he was, it’s weird that we wasn’t a major heartthrob in the 90s.

No. 494731

File: 1741019206847.jpeg (70.02 KB, 720x893, IMG_7208.jpeg)

No. 494854

I deeply regret rolling my eyes at my grandma, for buying Newman's Own dressings, and calling the guy on the label "handsome". I understand now.

No. 494857

File: 1741043506224.gif (1.15 MB, 500x577, d7758ba6f94cef2945d2840777d272…)

Grandma knows best?

No. 494860

>nona's grandma, caressing the salad dressing bottles at the grocery store longingly, wishing her husbando would leap off the label and bring her with him into a world of vinaigrette delight
Your grandma was based as fuck

No. 495099

Based grandma aside, why did an actor start making salad dressing?

No. 495317

File: 1741123406790.jpg (178.32 KB, 736x901, 1000020486.jpg)

No. 495339

File: 1741126756839.gif (9.69 MB, 540x500, hotsauce.gif)

100% donated to charity

No. 495499

File: 1741140764311.jpg (190.64 KB, 1400x1817, robert_redford1.jpg)

he hit the wall hard but goddamn

No. 495528

He looks kind of fat here

No. 496320

File: 1741289251709.jpg (991.85 KB, 750x1200, keanuu.jpg)

point break era keanu reeves. and also probably the only celebrity man that i trust isn't awful.

No. 496950

ericposting again (I post video because there are no quality photos of him when he was young)

No. 496995

File: 1741322382820.jpg (123.39 KB, 800x961, Sessue_Hayakawa_1918_(Fred_Har…)

No. 497623

File: 1741389470139.mp4 (5.6 MB, 720x1280, ginger nature autist.mp4)

No. 497656

Are you two retarded and blind? Wrong thread for the millionth time. Stop attentionwhoring.

No. 499099

File: 1741562726260.png (260.38 KB, 400x492, IMG_2612.png)

max malvicino. unfortunately, he grew facial pubes and got a super gay haircut in his linkedin profile

No. 500246

Hayakawa is hot as fuck wtf nona

No. 500257

Maybe if you're a grandma or into below average Asian dudes

No. 500261

nta but are you retarded?
>>496995 was considered attractive in his time and was a matinee idol

No. 500271

Guess they had shit taste back then, this is the conventionally attractive males thread, not the "popular males" thread. Nothing about him is conventional at all. The bar is in hell.

No. 500300

Nona successfully brainwashed by WW2 propaganda

No. 500423

I'll be honest. I don't think that lolcow nonas are experts on conventionality…

No. 501240

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