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No. 448891
Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.
Post your desires, affirmations, about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.
Tips for anons:
>Do not write it in the future tense (I will, they will, etc). Do it in the present or even the past tense.
>Avoid negatives (I don't, I can't, I won't, etc)
>Avoid "wish" or "want", think of it as if it's already happening and you don't have to wish or want anymore
>Keep your mind relaxed, focus on the good feelings of the outcome. Desperation attracts more desperation
>Trust the process
Advices and inputs are welcomed!
No. 448901
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No. 448902
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No. 449118
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We are in a relationship and we love each other very much
No. 449725
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>>448891>>448901>>448902Thank you nonna for starting off the thread with these graphics. They brought me deeper into the world of manifestation and my life is so much better for it. I feel such a profound sense of peace and security now. I'm manifesting all of life's beauty into my world. It's always been here. Now i see it more clearly than ever.
I launched my small business. I felt all my anxiety and doubt melt away as I sent out my first batch of emails. The response was overwhelmingly positive! I'm proud of myself for living courageously, for daring to dream, and grateful for everyone who encouraged me— especially my business partner. It's so gratifying to collaborate with clients who value my skills. I'm amazed by how well I get paid. Whatever challenges I face, I overcome them with confidence. My positive mindset has changed everything for the better. I love manifesting and manifesting loves me.
Pic unrelated. I just love Susan Kare.
No. 449756
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My successful manifestation I had recently!
>Fight with my best friend
>Cried at night
>Wrote manifestations that she knew my feelings. Not forgiveness. But for her to know truly how much I love her as a friend
>Pictured us hugging after talking
>Went back to bed
>Everytime I got sad/negative remembered us hugging tighly (I like hugs)
>Fell asleep happy instead of upset
>Next day we were both in a better mood. She knew my feelings without saying much. Knew I was honest and love her very dearly.
No. 449782
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I'm celebrating my birthday 12kg lighter!
No. 451196
>>450693Yes I agree that manifestations and visualisations need to be 100% positive. It'd be silly to imagine pain for myself when instead I can create the best possible outcome. I can relate to overthinking and making excuses for others. I'm glad youve found something more helpful than CBT. Interpreting people's behaviours is a valuable skill, though. Just use it to lift yourself up instead.
>>450775I agree with you too anon, "life is hard" and other such statements definitely encourage needless suffering. When I talk about unavoidable things I mainly mean the deaths of loved ones. I'm not afraid of death (my own or other's) but I expect to be at least a little sad when my favourite people pass away. Beyond that, I think I might just be interested in darkness and pain kek. Enneagram type 4 strikes again.
No. 453073
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>>449303Weirdly enough I was gifted an acoustic guitar very similar to the Casino I was pictured, with a sunburst look. I'm trying to learn it "right-handed" because most guitars are tuned like that and I am too lazy right now to change the strings.
I honestly feel this is actually a step closer to getting my hands on that Casino. Sunburst or Olive, I'm fine with either!
No. 453323
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I told everyone I was going to get one of these at the company's sweepstakes! They thought I was joking, but I actually did it, haha
No. 453545
>>453500Your optimism is astounding. I'll stay positive, too.
>>453073Your visualisation was so detailed, of course the Casino is on its way to you. Maybe playing with this guitar will help you imagine it even better
No. 454844
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>>454495it is tough isn't it? but the frustration we feel is proof that our desires matter to us. because they matter, they're worth striving for. it's ok if you need time to be sad and mourn. lately when i'm hurting i repeat the affirmation, "it's safe to feel upset. i feel upset, but i'm safe." then i thank God for my ability to feel emotions and choose my own thoughts. the more grateful we are for our freedom to think positively, the more we will want to do it. basically i take a break from manifesting what i initially wanted, then focus on manifesting the powers of manifestation itself. hope this helps nona x
No. 455834
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I become confident in my thoughts and drop the need to avoid confrontation. I am well disciplined, i have confidants and I feel loved.
No. 456324
>>456285I recommend either long (1 hour+, no music, just sitting) meditation sessions to start with or 40 minutes or longer guided breathwork sessions (you can find these on youtube) done daily for a set amount of time - set a goal for yourself, like 100 days, and keep track of it in a notebook that's dedicated only for that. The breathwork is going to be easier since you manually induce a trance and can achieve non-thinking easier or you can even achieve satori quite easily with some of the practices like the one I linked.
Some other questionable method I came to know was wearing a rubber band on the wrist and snapping it on the wrist whenever you perceive an unwanted thought. I used this method for a while and can say it does work to reduce the amount of unwanted thoughts, but in the end you will achieve more by not engaging with negative thoughts rather than punishing yourself for them physically.
No. 456562
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Tall, thin, long healthy hair, dressed in black, making stuff.
No. 458650
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I really want a sign, not sure yet what to ask for
No. 458776
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My parents are very healthy mentally and physically. The body pain, apathy and all other issues are gone and permanently cured. They're both doing amazingly. Every day they are at their best. What a christmas miracle.
No. 459607
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Nonnas, how do you let go attachment to outcome? I guess that's my biggest hindrance. Since we are told to be specific, I feel like I get attached and worried to that scenario. I try to think "this or something better", but sometimes I feel like my "something better" kinda feels unrealistic to my subconscious (or else I would've pictured it in my mind already) so I keep limiting myself to the outcomes I find more believable - so that's good in a sense that I put more belief in that particular manifestation scenario so I'm more inclined to feel it as I already have it; but at the same time I get too attached to that visualization/outcome, creating resistance. I keep thinking that if I come up with too many scenarios/visualizations in my mind, it means I'm too greedy or too uncertain and I'm not really feeling it as I should.
Did I make any sense? Any tips are very welcomed.
No. 459863
>>459729>Do you have self esteem struggles? Do you think there's not enough for everyone, therefore you should go without? Well yeah, a bit. Not that I should "go without", but not this much? Especially if it also involves someone else, like some scenarios that I think of. I am trying to combat this by doing affirmations in my mind like "If it's the best for all of us, it's on its way of happening" or something like that. I feel that I'm still attached to the outcome, though.
>Youre just as good and important and lovable as anyone elseAw, thanks nona! You're so sweet.
No. 459873
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I am a mother to two daughters
No. 462225
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Waking up a little bit thinner tomorrow. I'm reaching my goals and bettering myself. It all comes easily for me.
No. 467486
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I love doing SATS, and I think it worked once, but even if it doesn't work I just find it very relaxing.
No. 470279
>>470127It's okay. It sounds like you need to speak your mind and maybe you haven't had the chance to share with anyone else. An anonymous imageboard is as good as any place to spill your story. I've done the same thing many many times. It sounds like youre disappointed and frustrated because you thought the love you've been waiting for was finally on its way… but it wasn't actually what you wanted or needed. You'll need time to grieve the loss of this wish. It's okay to be upset. Let the pain transform itself into love. The one destined to love you is worth all the hurt and longing. Think about how comforting that person is, how they console you, how they help you relax and remind you everything's okay. It's alright to cry. Even when you're hurting, you're still a being of infinite potential and creative power. Soothe yourself with a happy daydream and the daydream becomes real… even if only for a moment.
I believe in you nonna. Thank you for talking with me today.
No. 473299
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Just feeling this right now
No. 473948
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I no longer live by
I just accepted that I, in fact, will.
No. 475478
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>>449118We do love each other, we really do. Our love is unconditional and it always will be.
No. 480828
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He sent me a message. "There's no way", I reply. He confirms it as an audio. It's later in the evening, I'm in my room, and I keep replaying the audio, until I finally can answer it. I even ask myself if I'm actually dreaming, and I send the texts to my brother that grounds me again. It's happening!
No. 481638
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I'm going to the concert for free. Frontsage, or even better.
No. 487498
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Getting thin is very easy to me. I've done it before, I'm doing it again. Walks, jumping rope, hula hooping, dancing. I barely even feel cravings, I'm mostly eating to survive when I'm hungry kek
It also feels super good, because the extra weight was keeping me too warm and now I can sleep better, walk faster, I'm not chaffing as much when I wear dresses, and my hormones are in check. The cute clothes fitting me again is a huge plus as well!
No. 490341
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this year i will get a cute gf that loves me
No. 499326
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I'm pretty shocked when he gives it to me. He insists, he doesn't have a record player, and he knows I'm a huge fan. It's an over a month belated birthday present. I barely have words, I just say it's so expensive as I flip the record over and over, almost moved to tears in shock and awe. He says it's really a coincidence how he got this vynil just now, and how everything aligned, basically. How I should actually try to get it signed. Holy shit, it's the special edition even. The record itself is a beautiful teal, looking more blueish or greenish depending on the lighting. Not only that, but it has my favorite song as a bonus track. I hold it close to my chest, and I later buy him a cake to show my gratitude. I think I even need a new record player to get this baby going, my old one wouldn't do it justice at all. I can't stop looking at it.
No. 499542
>be me
>decide I’m tired of doomscrolling and digital decay
>embrace feral monk mode
>no social media, no smartphone, no notifications
>embrace that analog life
>gym? religiously.
>hair? long, flowing, borderline mythical.
>vibes? immaculate.
>spend my days near water like some kind of poetic cryptid
>one day, at the beach
>dream girl™ appears
>she’s tanned, effortlessly cool, prolly a beach bum
>smells like coconuts and rebellion
>talks like she was born to flirt
>i black out, wake up in a rom-com
>now thriving, glowing, and probably the protagonist of someone’s Pinterest board
>this was always meant to happen