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No. 448891

Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.

Post your desires, affirmations, about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.

Tips for anons:
>Do not write it in the future tense (I will, they will, etc). Do it in the present or even the past tense.
>Avoid negatives (I don't, I can't, I won't, etc)
>Avoid "wish" or "want", think of it as if it's already happening and you don't have to wish or want anymore
>Keep your mind relaxed, focus on the good feelings of the outcome. Desperation attracts more desperation
>Trust the process

Advices and inputs are welcomed!

No. 448901

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No. 448902

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No. 448908

the like-attracts-like rule should not have an image of a magnet, that's confusing. /autism

No. 449075

He's doing it, what he usually does in public, for me and me only.

No. 449088

a tip i learned about manifestation is to write a journal entry about something you've always wanted is now happening in the current timeline. so, you write about your perfect day with the person/thing/event you've always wanted and is now a part of your current life.
>"i am so happy and grateful that today i spent the day with (crush's name) and i got to accept their question if i wanted to be their partner with a resounding yes. we're a couple now!"
i manage to manifest a few things in the past with just this tactic alone. if you do it a lot on a single page everyday, the effects become more dramatic over time.

No. 449115

I love this, nona. Something that I like to do (if I’m alone kek) is actually say it out loud too, I swear it helps.

No. 449118

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We are in a relationship and we love each other very much

No. 449298

I somehow just discovered Moonlight Scorpio and didn't see her mentioned here, a ton of her songs are about positive affirmations and manifesting. I've been listening to "$Money Mantra$" all week for financial abundance (and coincidentally or not, I was pleasantly surprised to find a check in the mail from my aunt for a gift that I was supposed to receive ages ago, as well as a random $25 settlement check that I completely forgot about, kek.)

I also recommend the song "Pretty Girl Magic" for confidence affirmations, it really picks up my mood when I'm feeling crappy.

No. 449300

You are, and I'm so happy for you!

No. 449303

I feel the smell of the wood, also the subtle coldness of the varnish on my fingers. It's hefty. I get into position, and I play as a lefty although I'm mostly right-handed. I've been enamoured with the Epiphone Casino since I first saw Lennon with one. The woody scent really is so nice, and the notes are so crispy. It's so cool to finally be able to get close to one like this.

No. 449721

I wake up well rested, the sun is shining through my window. I feel peaceful and incredibly receptive to loving energy. I feel my inherent self worth in my bone marrow. I feel seen loved heard and understood.

No. 449725

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Thank you nonna for starting off the thread with these graphics. They brought me deeper into the world of manifestation and my life is so much better for it. I feel such a profound sense of peace and security now. I'm manifesting all of life's beauty into my world. It's always been here. Now i see it more clearly than ever.
I launched my small business. I felt all my anxiety and doubt melt away as I sent out my first batch of emails. The response was overwhelmingly positive! I'm proud of myself for living courageously, for daring to dream, and grateful for everyone who encouraged me— especially my business partner. It's so gratifying to collaborate with clients who value my skills. I'm amazed by how well I get paid. Whatever challenges I face, I overcome them with confidence. My positive mindset has changed everything for the better. I love manifesting and manifesting loves me.
Pic unrelated. I just love Susan Kare.

No. 449756

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My successful manifestation I had recently!
>Fight with my best friend
>Cried at night
>Wrote manifestations that she knew my feelings. Not forgiveness. But for her to know truly how much I love her as a friend
>Pictured us hugging after talking
>Went back to bed
>Everytime I got sad/negative remembered us hugging tighly (I like hugs)
>Fell asleep happy instead of upset
>Next day we were both in a better mood. She knew my feelings without saying much. Knew I was honest and love her very dearly.

No. 449771

very excited for you - your business is doing well and you and your business partner are working amazingly together!

No. 449782

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I'm celebrating my birthday 12kg lighter!

No. 449790

I keep getting leaner and my ass/thighs/arms keep growing. Everyone is jealous and wants to hire me to make them workout plans. I get a holo wrap for my new car.

I already manifested the car, 2023 with less than 20k miles on it and in basically dealership new condition. It was 23k and I was able to pay in FULL. I’m winning so hard rn.

No. 450547

Joni Mitchell, River

No. 450686

i'm fascinated by and truly believe in LoA but i have mixed feelings on the constant positivity mindset. I think grief and pain are important (and unavoidable) parts of life. Only the extra suffering we heap on ourselves and others is optional. Positive psychology cuts back on the suffering in general and thats good. But I personally feel i'd be missing out on the fullness of life if I refused to ever be sad, afraid or regretful. I don't like the idea of 'only positive thoughts' or 'always feeling happy.' But then the law of magnetism states that any time spent feeling pain attracts more pain. How can I safely feel these emotions without creating more of them? Is it the same unavoidable pain vs avoidable suffering thing? Do I have to be intentional about pain? I think "negative" emotions hold just as much insight as pleasant ones, so my sadness or regret can actually be intentional and purposeful. Am I making any sense? Just wondering what nonnies think.

No. 450693

I think that the constant positivity mindset can be harmful and I've posted in the manifestations threads before. I think when directly manifesting it's important to keep focused on the outcome you want and if you feel sad create some space later on in the day to process those emotions. Without going too OT, I've found CBT unhelpful as I was constantly giving excuses for people treating me badly or intellectualising my emotions too much - if you're sad you can be sad.

No. 450775

You can give yourself space to feel negative emotions, but make sure you're not dwelling in them permanently or you will continue to create states of suffering. Personally, I don't think grief/pain are unavoidable, that's a limiting belief. We grow up with everyone saying life sucks, is hard, is full of suffering, and that's what we internalize, project outwards, and end up experiencing.

No. 451196

Yes I agree that manifestations and visualisations need to be 100% positive. It'd be silly to imagine pain for myself when instead I can create the best possible outcome. I can relate to overthinking and making excuses for others. I'm glad youve found something more helpful than CBT. Interpreting people's behaviours is a valuable skill, though. Just use it to lift yourself up instead.
I agree with you too anon, "life is hard" and other such statements definitely encourage needless suffering. When I talk about unavoidable things I mainly mean the deaths of loved ones. I'm not afraid of death (my own or other's) but I expect to be at least a little sad when my favourite people pass away. Beyond that, I think I might just be interested in darkness and pain kek. Enneagram type 4 strikes again.

No. 451222

I am having great sex with all of my favorite anime men. My autism is strong. I am powerful.

No. 451309

Please let me have one sexy dream about my husbando while im asleep thank you kamisama

No. 451346

i'm very grateful for the money i won

No. 452617

I've had a dream connected to my manifestation, do any nonnas have any experience with this?

No. 452685

The interview is mine. They are impressed by my resume and find me charming.

No. 452686

I am the best candidate. In fact, I am the only candidate. The others stand no chance.

No. 452746

I have a job. I have a good job. This job is mine.

No. 452894

I have a raise. I fall in love and it's requited. I make a lot of money. I live in the city I dream of.

No. 453073

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Weirdly enough I was gifted an acoustic guitar very similar to the Casino I was pictured, with a sunburst look. I'm trying to learn it "right-handed" because most guitars are tuned like that and I am too lazy right now to change the strings.
I honestly feel this is actually a step closer to getting my hands on that Casino. Sunburst or Olive, I'm fine with either!

No. 453323

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I told everyone I was going to get one of these at the company's sweepstakes! They thought I was joking, but I actually did it, haha

No. 453332

All of my friends cure their respective addictions: alcohol, sex, cigarettes, and controlled substances

No. 453377

I am losing weight steadily and healthily. I no longer feel the need to binge eat. I am dealing with my stress in a healthy way.

No. 453500

Didn't win sad face
But I won't lose hope

No. 453545

Your optimism is astounding. I'll stay positive, too.
Your visualisation was so detailed, of course the Casino is on its way to you. Maybe playing with this guitar will help you imagine it even better

No. 454480

he texted - he requested me to come to his show on saturday
ah this is so delicious

No. 454495

hello nonas how do you deal with setbacks in your manifestations? trying to keep positive but it's so difficult

No. 454761

I have a great rental in the new city, it's close to my new job as a counsellor. Our relationship is great and we are very happy living together

No. 454844

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it is tough isn't it? but the frustration we feel is proof that our desires matter to us. because they matter, they're worth striving for. it's ok if you need time to be sad and mourn. lately when i'm hurting i repeat the affirmation, "it's safe to feel upset. i feel upset, but i'm safe." then i thank God for my ability to feel emotions and choose my own thoughts. the more grateful we are for our freedom to think positively, the more we will want to do it. basically i take a break from manifesting what i initially wanted, then focus on manifesting the powers of manifestation itself. hope this helps nona x

No. 454857

I am doing well in training. I have a lot of new friends. I am stronger than I was before. I run faster and longer than before. I am eating good food for every meal. I remember all of my memory work.

No. 455821

I finally have a female best friend who loves me as much as I love her. She's a kind, cool person and we do many fun things together. She's always there for me and I her. She's taught me many new things. We talk a lot.

No. 455834

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I become confident in my thoughts and drop the need to avoid confrontation. I am well disciplined, i have confidants and I feel loved.

No. 455964

Is it possible to manifest things for others? Like good things? Well wishes? Or is it something that only works on who is manifesting it?

No. 455994

Everything I've read advises you to focus on yourself. Youre the only person you can think and act for. The other person is doing their own manifestations (consciously or not) which you cant ever control, nor should you aspire to. You can't know what's best for others and it's not your right to decide what they need. Obviously it's great that you care about others and want to help. You sound like a compassionate person. Definitely wish for the best and treat people nicely. But the most helpful thing you can do for everyone is become your best self. All the good things in your life will radiate outwards, inspire people, and lift them up. Maybe get to the root of what you considered manifesting for someone else and focus on embodying that quality yourself.

No. 456004

I will be very rich
He will love me to death
He will do everything for me
I will be very happy

No. 456010

That makes sense, you're right. Thank you for the considerate reply.

No. 456019

is this loa stuff even feasible for the mentally ill? i swing so quickly from positive thoughts of feeling so grateful and determined and loving to resentment shame guilt and fear. earlier today i read the whole science of getting rich pdf which inspired me to feel better for a while but i didnt do anything with that energy and spent the rest of the day torturing myself because i hate myself. i have bpd or something and i just dont know if this is going to work for me. should i give up? it only works if you stay positive and my moodswings are so severe. please universe give me a sign

No. 456194

thanks nona, I really like the affirmation you used. I'm trying to get better at just allowing myself to be sad when it's safe to do so and just letting all those emotions run through me (usually crying until I can't anymore) until I feel better again.

No. 456196

you have to override your thoughts and discipline your mind. Teach yourself to think nothing first. You are the master. Take control.

No. 456219

Why does this hit so hard

No. 456285

thank you anon. do you have any practical guides for this or is it just the usual zen buddhist thing?

No. 456324

I recommend either long (1 hour+, no music, just sitting) meditation sessions to start with or 40 minutes or longer guided breathwork sessions (you can find these on youtube) done daily for a set amount of time - set a goal for yourself, like 100 days, and keep track of it in a notebook that's dedicated only for that. The breathwork is going to be easier since you manually induce a trance and can achieve non-thinking easier or you can even achieve satori quite easily with some of the practices like the one I linked.

Some other questionable method I came to know was wearing a rubber band on the wrist and snapping it on the wrist whenever you perceive an unwanted thought. I used this method for a while and can say it does work to reduce the amount of unwanted thoughts, but in the end you will achieve more by not engaging with negative thoughts rather than punishing yourself for them physically.

No. 456361

Anon if you're a regular meditator, what are the most interesting experiences you've had, and did it help with your other manifestation work?

No. 456562

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Tall, thin, long healthy hair, dressed in black, making stuff.

No. 456712

what interesting experiences? it's not drugs kek

No. 457554

Sex dream

No. 457600

He's coming to me when I arrive to my future destination. We're gonna talk all night and exchange contacts

No. 458625

I am so grateful and happy that I am her friend again even after all this time

No. 458650

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I really want a sign, not sure yet what to ask for

No. 458776

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My parents are very healthy mentally and physically. The body pain, apathy and all other issues are gone and permanently cured. They're both doing amazingly. Every day they are at their best. What a christmas miracle.

No. 459607

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Nonnas, how do you let go attachment to outcome? I guess that's my biggest hindrance. Since we are told to be specific, I feel like I get attached and worried to that scenario. I try to think "this or something better", but sometimes I feel like my "something better" kinda feels unrealistic to my subconscious (or else I would've pictured it in my mind already) so I keep limiting myself to the outcomes I find more believable - so that's good in a sense that I put more belief in that particular manifestation scenario so I'm more inclined to feel it as I already have it; but at the same time I get too attached to that visualization/outcome, creating resistance. I keep thinking that if I come up with too many scenarios/visualizations in my mind, it means I'm too greedy or too uncertain and I'm not really feeling it as I should.
Did I make any sense? Any tips are very welcomed.

No. 459729

>I'm too greedy
This stood out to me because it sounds like you're telling yourself you are not worthy. Do you have self esteem struggles? Do you think there's not enough for everyone, therefore you should go without? Youre just as good and important and lovable as anyone else. You, and everyone, can have everything you want. Explore what "greed" means to you and why you thought some things were "unrealistic." Get to the core of it and pour all your love onto that pain

No. 459863

>Do you have self esteem struggles? Do you think there's not enough for everyone, therefore you should go without?
Well yeah, a bit. Not that I should "go without", but not this much? Especially if it also involves someone else, like some scenarios that I think of. I am trying to combat this by doing affirmations in my mind like "If it's the best for all of us, it's on its way of happening" or something like that. I feel that I'm still attached to the outcome, though.
>Youre just as good and important and lovable as anyone else
Aw, thanks nona! You're so sweet.

No. 459873

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I am a mother to two daughters

No. 459976

I can't wait for that new and exciting person to walk into my life. Also I'm beginning to improve at my art again and feeling better. Writing is going well, I'm motivated and positive.

No. 460105

Another pussy eating dream. Please let me not wake up this time or at least be longer than 10 seconds thanks

No. 460792

That was an amazing sex dream, I orgasmed and didn't wake up in the middle of the best part!

No. 461067

I'm shocked at how fast she entered my life and I couldn't be happier for her love. I finally have someone who understands me and engages with me the way I want to be engaged with while lifting me up and encouraging me to better myself. I'm glad I can do the same to her too!

No. 461090

I get pregnant in january

No. 461303

Oh yeah, she just told me I won the raffle! Now I just need to think how I'm gonna take this guitar home with me kek

No. 461423

I’m very confident, outgoing, charismatic, and all of my new coworkers like me. I have friends and I go outside and do things. 2025 is the best year of my life so far. I passed my boards. I got to travel to Europe again. I got to travel to Seattle. I’m a normie and I do normie things like post on instagram with my friends after getting coffee together. I saved a lot of money during 2025. I’m so happy that I was gifted a Cornish rex kitten! Fantasy life just came out on the switch. Life is good. Life is amazing.

No. 461487

My digital footprint dies. Nobody sees about what I wrote. Nobody cares. Nobody bothers to trace the dots. The things Ive written affects the lives of nobody. Nobody finds what Ive written and cringes. Nobody feels suicidal with what I said to them. Nobody dwells too much on me as a person. Nobody chooses to alter their lives based on my terminally online behaviour. I fade into obscurity so I can go back to shitposting like I used to

No. 462225

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Waking up a little bit thinner tomorrow. I'm reaching my goals and bettering myself. It all comes easily for me.

No. 462240

The art is everything I wanted it to be. I sit back in my chair and admire my creation. I feel so proud of myself. My heart is so much lighter. I'm so happy and grateful for my ability to draw.

No. 463082

I made some great new (female) friends this year. We hang out and do cool shit and have fun. Maybe we even write fanfics together. Awesome.

No. 464983

I speak wealth into existing.
I see him and I creating a baby girl.
I see myself being left alone in peace.

No. 466744

I can smell the steel faintly on his fingertips as he puts a rogue hair strand behind my ear. I feel it all and I welcome it.

No. 466771

I see wealth, good sex and a baby girl.

No. 466782

I speak into my life a lack of demonic energy, abundance and good reproductive health.

No. 467243

I am at a job that I love. I walk the shelter dogs in the morning, and on weekdays, too. I enjoy my husband's cooking.

No. 467415

We met up and talked for hours. You wanted to get to know me better, and I let you. You want to see me again.

No. 467486

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I love doing SATS, and I think it worked once, but even if it doesn't work I just find it very relaxing.

No. 467499

I have so much money. I am free to live however and wherever I want, and make my life exactly how I want. I am so comfortable. Nothing is limiting me. It feels so good to live my dream life. I love being at peace.

No. 468250

Things ended so peacefully, so quietly. I just set down my phone and sighed with relief. I'm so proud of myself and I stand by everything I said. I feel safe, confident, and secure. I know I've got nothing to worry about now. I just move on with my life, happier and freer than ever, focused on manifesting my dreams. I really am so lucky, aren't I? I turn every situation into my favour. And what's good for me is in the highest good for everyone.

No. 469909

So many synchronicities today. It's coming

No. 470092

part of my manifestation involves a couple breaking up and I feel really guilty about this

No. 470095

If it doesn't feel right, then it's not in your highest good. Focus on the root of your manifestation (I'm assuming you want love, romance, your perfect partner) and attract that into your life in any form that it comes. I truly doubt you need that one specific person. You just want to be loved. Open yourself up to the possibility of something even better, something you would never guess.

No. 470100

thanks nona I feel torn between wanting this person, and also moving past them. But I feel scared to let them go, so I keep manifesting a relationship with them. I don't think this person is my "one tru wuv" but I guess I feel scared at not knowing what the future will bring. I also sometimes hear things about their partner I don't like and I wish they would break up

No. 470109

I totally get it nona. Uncertainty is humanity's greatest fear. And when you're attached to someone, it's natural to want them to get what they need, and even imagine yourself as the one to give it to them. It's okay to feel afraid, upset, and unsure. You can also let those feelings go at any time. Your heart is full of love. You are love itself. The more you relax into the love that's already inside and around you, the more you'll receive from others. It's all gonna be okay. I feel lonely and long for love sometimes, too. I don't know exactly how things we'll get there, but I have utmost faith that both of us will one day wake up in paradise, living with the partner of our dreams. We're both gonna make it. I promise.

No. 470127

wow nona, your message made me cry, thank you I guess haha. I guess this all feels like a very cruel joke played upon me. For over a decade I never felt an attraction this strong towards anyone, then I realised I was attracted to my friend. My friend isn't my usual "type" so I saw it as a sign from the universe that love had unexpectedly found me and I should embrace it. It sadly happened as my friend started seeing someone and when I was going to share my attraction they told me that they and their partner were trying to go steady. So it felt like the universe had taken something away from me for whatever reason. Sorry for infodumping.

No. 470279

It's okay. It sounds like you need to speak your mind and maybe you haven't had the chance to share with anyone else. An anonymous imageboard is as good as any place to spill your story. I've done the same thing many many times. It sounds like youre disappointed and frustrated because you thought the love you've been waiting for was finally on its way… but it wasn't actually what you wanted or needed. You'll need time to grieve the loss of this wish. It's okay to be upset. Let the pain transform itself into love. The one destined to love you is worth all the hurt and longing. Think about how comforting that person is, how they console you, how they help you relax and remind you everything's okay. It's alright to cry. Even when you're hurting, you're still a being of infinite potential and creative power. Soothe yourself with a happy daydream and the daydream becomes real… even if only for a moment.
I believe in you nonna. Thank you for talking with me today.

No. 473148

Neither of us got sick, which is great! Flu season is upon us but we remarkably managed to get through two weeks without catching anything and I'm so glad.

No. 473299

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Just feeling this right now

No. 473631

I am living a happy life. My Partner and I love each other very much. I feel truly accepted and understood by my partner and my friends

No. 473653

finally, I am with a generous man that pays for my entire life - our daughters, our home, and his own too. he is so committed to providing security to me, i’m so grateful. i’m smiling ear to ear each time i see my daughters because it reminds me of how i used to want this since i was a child; a life of ease, luxury, travel (of course it’s more hectic with the kids) together. and because their mother attracted a man that worshipped her and wanted to improve her life and their future together.

No. 473659

where did you meet him

No. 473700

This is the manifestation thread. Learn how it works and you can have one too

No. 473948

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I no longer live by
I just accepted that I, in fact, will.

No. 473950

Based. Go get em tiger

No. 473957

No. 474811

I get pregnant in february

No. 474870

I get out of this debt hole i put myself in

No. 474952

we extremely fuck the ever unprotected living shit out of each other into an unbelievable amazing year for the orgasming both of us

No. 475478

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We do love each other, we really do. Our love is unconditional and it always will be.

No. 475855

I move to Scotland

No. 476091

I get the job and education opportunity I want, please let everything work out

No. 478057

I'm so happy you reached out. You remembered and still made time for me. You're such a sweetheart.

No. 478467

First asian leg of the tour ever - late 2025 or early 2026. Either Citta Club, Pacifico Hall, or something similar near central Tokyo Metro Area. The event is not sold out, I can easily buy a ticket and enjoy a placement closer to the stage.

No. 478710

i marry healthy and wealthy. i do only what i love and only allow love into my space.

No. 479012

I see 777,000 in my account. I feel amazed.

No. 480828

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He sent me a message. "There's no way", I reply. He confirms it as an audio. It's later in the evening, I'm in my room, and I keep replaying the audio, until I finally can answer it. I even ask myself if I'm actually dreaming, and I send the texts to my brother that grounds me again. It's happening!

No. 480876

I went for a walk-in haircut appointment and I came out looking just like one of those girls from my Pinterest haircut inspo. I look cute, sexy, beautiful. It was the perfect refresh to my everyday look. I'm so glad I went for that haircut!

No. 481075

I will get the job
I will get the job
I will get the job

No. 481638

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I'm going to the concert for free. Frontsage, or even better.

No. 481694

I get an interview offer. I love the office as soon as I step foot in it. They say I would be a perfect fit and offer me the job immediately.

No. 484413

Seeing him is a great idea. He will bring me flowers and chocolate tomorrow.

No. 484518

My Mom’s cancer is shrinking. It will be completely gone by the summer.

No. 486021

Oh, he is completely obsessed with me. He loves the taste. He loves to push me and her my noises, but he also loves to beg. Like, he completely satisfies me and then he still wants to put it in? It's mad. He's too skilled for his own good. But if his eyes are the perfect shade of desperate, I'll ride him until I feel like I'm melting again and his hands are trying their best to keep my body in its shape.

No. 486023

Imagine how much relief you feel when you get the remission news, anon! It's done! Your mom deserves the best!

No. 486159

he loves me, just as much as i love him. I am absolutely satisfied in bed, hes dick is big and he eats me out well.

No. 487241

I get pregnant in march

No. 487372


No. 487498

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Getting thin is very easy to me. I've done it before, I'm doing it again. Walks, jumping rope, hula hooping, dancing. I barely even feel cravings, I'm mostly eating to survive when I'm hungry kek
It also feels super good, because the extra weight was keeping me too warm and now I can sleep better, walk faster, I'm not chaffing as much when I wear dresses, and my hormones are in check. The cute clothes fitting me again is a huge plus as well!

No. 487913

BJ-Chan to finally kick the chair.

No. 490341

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this year i will get a cute gf that loves me

No. 491428

I'm a good employee. I love my job. I'm smart, resilient and adaptable. I'll last more than a year in this place. I'm productive. I better fucking be because they're paying me a fortune and I want to keep making this money for as long as I can kek

No. 499326

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I'm pretty shocked when he gives it to me. He insists, he doesn't have a record player, and he knows I'm a huge fan. It's an over a month belated birthday present. I barely have words, I just say it's so expensive as I flip the record over and over, almost moved to tears in shock and awe. He says it's really a coincidence how he got this vynil just now, and how everything aligned, basically. How I should actually try to get it signed. Holy shit, it's the special edition even. The record itself is a beautiful teal, looking more blueish or greenish depending on the lighting. Not only that, but it has my favorite song as a bonus track. I hold it close to my chest, and I later buy him a cake to show my gratitude. I think I even need a new record player to get this baby going, my old one wouldn't do it justice at all. I can't stop looking at it.

No. 499542

>be me
>decide I’m tired of doomscrolling and digital decay
>embrace feral monk mode
>no social media, no smartphone, no notifications
>embrace that analog life

>gym? religiously.

>hair? long, flowing, borderline mythical.
>vibes? immaculate.
>spend my days near water like some kind of poetic cryptid

>one day, at the beach

>dream girl™ appears
>she’s tanned, effortlessly cool, prolly a beach bum
>smells like coconuts and rebellion
>talks like she was born to flirt
>i black out, wake up in a rom-com
>now thriving, glowing, and probably the protagonist of someone’s Pinterest board
>this was always meant to happen

No. 499783

They call to tell me they loved meeting me last week. They offer me the job. I excitedly accept on the spot. Within a few days the paperwork is cleared and I hand in my formal resignation at my current job. I work out my notice, go on vacation with my dear childhood friend and return to a new role where I meet great new coworkers and make some friends amongst them. Remote work means I can move to a new city and buy my first home. 2025 is everything I have longed for and more.

No. 500534

Manifesting I get hit by a bus badly enough to survive but not have to work ever again.

No. 505950

I get pregnant in april

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