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No. 453845
By smells i dont actually mean musk or sweaty stuff i mean actually fragrances perfumes deodorants etc.
the WOOD smell or like axe brand 'helicoper crash' smell will never be attractive to anyone in my opinion
here is my choice this one is the thing
No. 454238
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Incense smoke and resins (frankincense, myrrrh), tobacco (both leaves and smoke), oakmoss (very old-school and vintage, most people think it smells "grandpa" but I love it on a nicely-dressed man), cloves. I need men to smell dark. I'm getting all flustered thinking about this intense toxic (as in he was genuinely evil and abusive) fling I had who shared my obsession with perfume and how good he always smelled. Stupid animal brain making me salivate over someone I can't stand just because my olfactory bulb's memories.
No. 454246
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Anything woody (although cedar, pine and sandalwood are favorites) and earthy. I like my men to remind me of a dense, dark forest. Uninviting but alluring at the same time, but really peaceful and beautiful when you get to know them. Also liking animals and plants of course
Leather and smoke works sometimes as well.
No. 454247
nonnie I totally forgot about leather, I agree wholeheartedly. Sandalwood is good too but tbh a lot of popular sandalwood frags sicken me since they're almost always just an overdose of iso e super and smell nothing like actual sandalwood.
>Uninviting but alluring at the same time I think we have the same taste in man vibes kek.
No. 454262
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I got this for my Nigel on our anniversary, it really smells nice, it’s not super potent nor too delicate, it’s just right, it’s flowery and of sandalwood I think, very autumnal.