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No. 45777
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Let me get this thing jump started so it doesn't get buried in /ot/.
I bought these today at Ulta. Previously, I have not had a skin care routine. Are these good brands/products? My skin is pretty hardy, so I don't think they'll break me out or anything at least.
No. 45778
>>45777I can't speak to the quality of Pacifica products, but tonymoly brand is mediocre at best. The mist should be okay if you're just using it to freshen up.
At the start of 2016, my routine was at least 10 steps day and night. I was even sheetmasking daily and had a rotating AHA/BHA schedule lol. Now, after cleaning up my diet, I'm down to three steps and I rarely ever wear makeup anymore since I don't need it.
My skincare tip would be to cut out common irritants from your diet (sugar, dairy, wheat, spicy foods, etc) and up your water intake. You might find that it reduces your need for skincare products.
No. 45781
>>45780Ive got combination skin. Really oily t-zone and chin but my cheeks and forehead get dry enough to flake with daily cleansers harsher than goat soap.
I'm Australian but I think the skin doctors stuff is available internationally.
I only use the witch hazel on the really sebaceous areas like the end of my nose and across my chin since that's where I'd get horribly blocked pores and huge blackheads but it's helped a lot since then. I'm too lazy for anything with more than two steps but I think you can mousturize after a toner like witch hazel to combat the dryness.
There's definitely gonna be better toners out there but for $6 for a 450ml bottle it's damn good and smells nice too imo.
No. 45789
>>45786Clip your bangs back more often.
Always clip them back when you're asleep or when you know you'll be sweating
No. 45790
>>45788i bought some medical-grade manuka honey a few months ago, and it did shit-all aside from providing some very light moisture.
i feel jewed.
No. 45791
>>45788Medihoney is good for preventing and healing fresh marks and minimizing new scarring, but not for fading preexisting ones.
I'd try gentle derma rolling over the areas in question (only if you're pretty careful with hygiene and keep it sterile) a couple/few times a week.
I'd also do a lactic acid peel every few weeks until they fade. I find it a little more forgiving if you just do it on the areas in question, maybe choosing one area at a time if you have them in multiple places. This means the downtime isn't so bad as far as your raw/peeling patches go. It'll be easier to go about your daily tasks and job without looking really disgusting.
No. 45796
>>45795No, it used to be cystic when I was a teen, I had particularly bad cystic backne, even went on accutane for a while. I no longer get cysts, but I still get zits, and then they always leave huge dark spots that make it look like I still have tons of acne when I only currently have a few. I have large pores and get white heads mostly. My backne is always present, and of course its covered in dark marks that make it looks terrible. I haven't worn anything that exposes my back since I was 13. So… almost 20 years. My back gets a lot of hard sebum plugs, that are like a dark grain of rice when squeezed out, these when stuck often become zits. My chest used to be bad when I was a teen with cysts, but its actually quite clear these days. I just get the occasional white head or black head, or zits under my breasts if I wear bras with underwires.
No. 45804
>>45797a bit of a late reply, but i use liquid. i was going okay with hada labo foaming face wash, then started getting fucked up skin again, so i switched so nozema cream cleanser with moisturizers, which was working VERY well for a couple of months, then winter hit and i think the drier air just totally raped my face, as i broke out badly but also my skin was flaking everywhere, which makes it impossible to cover because makeup just looks so fucked up on flaking skin.
its starting to heal a little now though, as i'm alternating between noxema and what i have left of hado labo, plus now im using the thayers witch hazel for toner, following it with cold pressed rose hip oil, and only washing my face with water and using the witch hazel in the morning instead of using a cleanser.
my black soap should be in the mail either tomorrow or tuesday, i have my fingers crossed it will be helpful
No. 45811
For all the anons combating acne and looking for a cleanser, i cannot reccomend enough The "Avène cleanance gel", it was a godsend for me. I was battling acne for over 13 years and nothing took it out, not even dermatologist/expensive stuff, and using this every day ended it in like a month, i barely get hormonal breakouts if i'm not too lazy to use it every other day. It has also ended by backne, and chest-acne, since it's face & body. It's around 10 eurs here in europe and it's incredible. It also removes makeup amazingly.
For the left-over acne marks (or any scarring, really) i use the "Cicalfate post-act dermatologique superficial", it took a while because i used to pick a lot, especially on my legs, but my spots are barely noticeable anymore after using this for a few months as a spot treatment. (Around 15 eurs here)
They are pharmacy products but they are incredible for the price point.
As for other products i think helped:
On my face, apart form all my other skincare (i mostly use clarins products), i also use the Missha Time Revolution Borabit Serum every night, i'm pretty sure it's also a big helping factor with all the fading and acne, i do notice a very big difference when i do not use it. (25 eurs on ebay)
For face and body i use roseship oil and it really reduces inflammed spots and very deep "recent" marks in only a few days. (Costs me around 10 eurs)
No. 45812
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>>45809Coconut oil is one of the most controversial oils. Some swear by it but many say it gives them break outs.
>>45808>>45810Mineral oil is bad. Are you really this uninformed?
Just google "best oils for oil cleansing". It's not rocket science. You're not supposed to rinse if off when using real oil, you should use a wash cloth instead (pic related). Rinsing only works with some pre-made oil mixtures.
Either use a cleansing oil like
>>45809 suggested or make your own mixture. Your mixture should contain a tiny amount of castor oil diluted in an organic sunflower oil, olive oil, almond oil etc., depending on your skin type. No. 45813
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>>45812>Mineral oil is badHow so?
No. 45814
>>45813There are some myths about mineral oil but while some aren't true and it's ok to apply it to your skin after you washed it in order to lock in the moisture it's not a good choice for the oil cleaning method. Its large molecular structure doesn't really penetrate the pores. You want the oil you use get into your pores and replace the dirt/sebum.
Also, mineral oil doesn't have any other beneficial qualities than locking in moisture and removing superficial dirt. Most natural oils do. Castor oil for example contains undercylenic acid, which can help to disinfect the skin.
No. 45816
>>45815Holy shit you're over reacting. As I wrote the purpose of oil cleansing is for the oil to dissolve and replace the dirt and sebum inside your pores, not only to remove superficial make up. That's why you're supposed to put a hot, damp wash cloth on your skin to open the pores.
Even if that's wrong the other point I made - that mineral oil has no astringent or antibacterial qualities - remains.
No. 45817
>>45816>As I wrote the purpose of oil cleansing is for the oil to dissolve and replace the dirt and sebum inside your pores, not only to remove superficial make up. >inside your poresThat's demonstrably false, a quick google search proves this wrong.
>fell for the steam your face memeThe sanity ends here.
No. 45823
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>>45817I did a short online search and only found articles about how oil cleansing unclogs (you're probably going to be angry about this expression, too) your pores whilst recommending natural oils. These obviously aren't scientific claims and as a non-native speaker I lack the vocabulary to express this in a more accurate manner. If that's what rustled your jimmies calm down and explain it to me. I'm perfectly willing to admit that I'm wrong as mentioned here
>>45816 but you have to provide the sources. Also you still didn't prove the other part of my argument wrong - but keep calling me stupid and insane because that's what intelligent people do. You're way too
triggered by this.
>>45816Oh come on are you taking these expressions literally?
>>45819It doesn't literally open your pores
>>Unfortunately, your pores don’t open and close like a doggie door. Here’s what does happen: Steam can help loosen the sebum that builds up inside pores. Once that sebum gets cleared out, pores appear smaller's exactly what some oils do too. Using those oils and steam combined maximizes the effect.
No. 45824
>>45823meant to reply to
>>45818 instead of my own post
No. 45830
>>45829Try doing korean skin routine. It's a hassle so you can start with 4 steps. (cleansing oil, cleansing foam, toner and lotion) and sheet masks twice a week.
You might be overwashing your face hence your skin flaking but having break outs.
No. 45836
>>45835If you know it's hormonal, you probably need a derm or doctor. Topicals can mostly only treat what's already surfacing, so it'd be better to deal with whatever the source is.
Personally I'm kind of leery of how harsh Lush products can be, which might account for why you switch between dry and oily. Both of the products you use have stuff like lavender oil and citrus water, and both can be irritating and possibly cause even more trouble from that irritation.
Something more basic like the Cerave foaming cleanser or Cosrx low ph cleanser might be a lot gentler and cause less dryness. Salicylic acid, azelaic acid (The Ordinary brand has a 10% azelaic product for a low price), and benozyl peroxide (at 2.5%) are basically the best you're gonna get for treating acne that you can still get over the counter.
You can also try Differin if you really want to go far enough to start using a retinoid to treat it, although retinoids can be tricky to integrate into a routine because of their side effects. Retailers now sell the 0.1% version without needing a prescription.
No. 45838
I keep getting cystic acne. Like those deep in the skin, never come to the surface, painful bumps and they show up on my scalp, face, neck, chest, and shoulders.
I'm sure it's hormone based as I just switched to the implant. I was on nuvaring, got off it for a year and saw some acne, but nothing major. Now that I'm on the implant, It is a major problem. Like I kind of look diseased.
I'm morbidly obese and losing weight finally, so it could be my obesity fucking up my body.
But until I lose weight/get used to my birth control … what the every loving fuck do I do? I tried the heavy stuff and it just burns my skin, I tried the weak stuff an it's useless. I want to moisturize, but I'm afraid it will make it worse. I don't want to look 50 at 30 though.
No. 45839
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>>45827This product helped my skin a lot!
No. 45841
>>45831Hey, thanks, I got some aloe stuff and it's looking better! I'm drinking less each day instead of switching to coke which is helping… weed gives me tachycardia for some reason. Maybe it's psychological since coke is fine.
>>45830I kept on doing my cleanser + moisturizer routine through the drinking and it started both flaking and breaking out at the same time so I'm pretty sure it's just the alcohol. I'm trying to get into the whole korean skin routine but I'm a poor fag so that's more of a long term plan…
>>45832I did this too and gave it time, it's looking better already, thanks!
>>45839>rocShit nigga I love that brand, will definitely look into it
Also, if any anons have the same problem: I read somewhere (not sure where, I was drunk, sorry) that the flaking alcohol causes gets even worse because of something related to the liver that damages the skin. So try those plant herb stuff that helps the liver recover.
No. 45843
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>>45838Clean eating is important but I guess you're already doing that as you said you are losing weight (which you should, morbid obesity is no joke).
I have hear good thing about Accutane for cystic acne, but I think you need to get it thou a doctor. So, if you can, ask a doc or dermatologist.
In the meantime: cleaning lotion, cleaning tonic, moisturize, sunscreen in the morning, scrub occasionally. Don't pic, no make-up (but if you must just clean it as soon as possible of you face). And really, just google around and see what kind of other things you can try.
No. 45847
>>45842>>45845I'm pretty sure that anon asked that because your doctor seems absolutely crazy. First, who tells their patients to scrub their delicate facial skin daily? It should be done only once or twice a week. Scrubbing/washing too much makes your skin react by increasing its natural oils. When you scrub your skin you will get rid of this oil, making it produce MORE oil to protect itself,
unless you apply a good moisturizer.
I mean, if you're seeing good results don't stop. But be pay attention to your skin because that treatment just doesn't sound right.
No. 45848
>>45846>>45847I don't know… It seemed weird to me too, but she said that another product would've been "too much" for my skin. But I think I'll look for a good moisturizer for my skin type and see what happens.
Regarding the scrub, maybe it's a delicate one… Even on the back of the bottle it says "every day". I've chosen my dermatologist because even though she ain't cheap she only has good reviews so I'm expecting a good doctor. Let's see what happens.
No. 54489
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I just found out about deciem/the ordinary and holy fuck their prices are almost too good to be true. Has anyone tried their products?
I already ordered Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% and Azelaic Acid (I have slight hormonal acne)
No. 54549
>>54548Weeb shit.
No. 54558
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Snyone tried these masks before? I read good things
No. 54567
>>54548>>54549Did a weeb steal your man or something? Calm down, salty.
You said yourself that you don't give a shit some of us prefer being "pasty" yet you come ask here? Why do you bother coming here if you know nobody will give you the answer you want? Dumbass.
No. 54586
>>54567>Weeb detectedI was using the casual, deadpan snark that is pretty standard on lolcow.
I know there are grills on here that can answer me, because thankfully not everyone is in your hive-collective desu. I'm chill as hell. You're the one that couldn't resist throwing a tantrum that someone doesn't subscribe to your opinion.
>>54561I knew one of you aspies would nitpick this. Sorry, I'm saying I don't want to look like I just crawled out of a cave like Kiki.
Is it really that bad that someone doesn't want to look like a sallow dead fish anymore? I've been the color of a porcelain toilet for years. I'm bored with it. Thank God I'm not going to sperg over some sun spots and vitamin d. Going out in the sun a few times isn't the end of the world. I've spent my due time hiding behind layers and 80 SPF. Who cares.
No. 54605
You're on LOLCOW.
Fucking LOLCOW. Where casual vitriol is spot on the most casual teacup-in-hand-pinky-up levels. Just stop. Either contribute to people's questions or shut the fuck up dude. I'm not even going to read all that.
No. 54606
>>54605Of all the threads to try baiting in you choose the skin care thread
Bro lol
No. 54608
>>54595You are processing anons standard posts as aggressive because you are taking them personally.
A little dry humor never hurt anyone.
Sit down and stop projecting a very obvious insecurity over the fact that someone doesn't want to look like a Twilight extra anymore :^/ Jeez. You're not used to discrimination over your skin tone, are you? Typically, in the adult world, when someone doesn't agree with your beauty standard or finds one of your assets particularly attractive, you just brush it off and move on. I think you're lost or something.
No. 54609
>>54585I bought lactic acid online, diluted it, and began applying it to scars gradually, one spot at a time to reduce peeling monstrosity.
You can leave it on undiluted for a quicker result but you should wash it off thoroughly within 2 minutes or so.
No. 54613
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>>54605>>54608Could you at least be more subtle. Stop derailing with your autism, nobody cares about your hate boner for white people
No. 54653
>>54613What the…I'm white. White as a paper plate. And you're so fucking weird lmao how sensitive are you to process such a thing like that? Who hurt you? Cuz it wasn't me. Or anyone else who disagrees with you.
Moving on.
>>54643I don't think those are sebaceous filaments. Those are probably fordyce spots or milia. Most likely fordyce spots if they aren't extreme. Since the under eye area is so delicate, unless they really bother you I would leave them be, honestly. Coconut oil could actually exacerbate the issue, because fordyce spots are caused by trapped oil in places where there are no pores for it to exit through. You could try putting something on it meant for sebum production but again because it's your undereyes, the harshness could aid in aging. I'd research more about fordyce spots and milia if I were you and look for any treatment you're comfortable with doing under your eyes.
No. 54670
>>54653>Tries to be too edgy and fails, then gets called out by multiple people>Samefags pretending to be another person to whiteknight herself>"Lmaoo u so weird xd"You have to be at least 18 to post here.
Moving on.
No. 54793
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Okay it's been almost three weeks and I'm having the worst breakout on my cheeks I've ever had in my life.
I have no idea why it's happening, yes I have mild acne but a very mild one… like one or two small pimples on whole face and one or two papule type ones, or one blind pimple at worst.
But now. Despite me not being a teenager anymore since years and nothing changing in my habits recently, both of my cheeks are covered in papules (both red and flesh colored ones) since almost three weeks and I'm washing, scrubbing, lotioning and applying Clindamycin based gel every fucking day but little is changing. Now my right cheek seems clear, almost (some flesh colored papules are still there though, and it annoys me that you can see the shadows in sunlight). But the other one is still going on and it's making me feel bad. It's never been this bad, I've always had smooth cheeks. No amount of foundation can cover it. Any advice?
No. 54799
>>54794Hmm… I don't know, nothing has changed in my habits so I doubt it's food or something. Pillowcase and towels are always clean.
I'm currently on my period so let's see if it will clear up in the next days… if it doesn't, I will start considerating the possibility of it being an allergic reaction, maybe connected to some type of plant/tree blooming in this period. I hope it resolves quickly, three weeks is already a long time
No. 55004
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There's these tiny little bumps all over my face and I don't know what to do about them. I've had them for months now and got rid of the product that initially caused them but they haven't really gone away. I was thinking they were closed comedones but is it possible they could be keratosis pilaris? Like I said, they're really tiny and uniform across my entire face. No redness, no sensitivity. I have a glycolic serum that I've been using occasionally about maybe once-twice a week for the past month now but it hasn't really helped. Am I being impatient? Should I be applying it more often? Pic related.
No. 55282
Bad skin anon from here
>>45826 reporting back.
After that post, I had the worst breakout of my life, and I've been on fucking accutane as a teen. My skin went insane, even my back with two huge cysts and smaller zits all over to the point where I made a doctors appointment for next month (earliest I could get one, yay US healthcare.)
So, I decided to just go balls to the wall any home remedy / holistic treatment that was reasonably prices and do it fucking all. So, first I researched suppliments and found that Zinc is supposed to work well, so I bought zinc pills and also found some videos where you can use Desitin (zinc baby diaper rash cream) on breakouts, so I started doing that. Actually saw a little improvement, but not enough.
So then I bought vitamin E pills with added selenium, borage oil pills (like fish oil but supposedly more helpful for women with PMS symptoms) and most important, organic 100% spearmint tea.
I started the last three all together, along with the zinc pills, just under two weeks ago, and I think its all working, FINALLY. Particularly the spearmint tea. Even before this breakout, my forehead would be an oil slick by the end of the day, so much so that the hair touching my forehead would always look greasy and wet, to the point where I'd try, and fall, to dry it out with baby powder. Last two days that hasn't happened at all. Spearmint tea blocks DHT and testosterone, which causes hormonal breakouts and excess body hair (which I have a LOT of.) I also noticed, could be my imagination, but I feel like my armpit hair isn't as long by the end of the night when I shave (I have to shave it every day.)
Its only been two weeks but I bought a months worth of tea. I drink two cups a day (one full power, and then one with the reused tea bag because I'm cheap.)
I'm really excited this seems to be working and just wanted to share.
No. 55287
>>55282Thank you for sharing!
I'm the anon from
>>54793 and 11 days later the situation hasn't changed… Breakouts stopped on right cheek and now it's fine even though there's still some redness, the flesh colored papules/closed comedones are still there though.
But on the left cheek I'm still having breakouts and the whole area kinda itches, really weird. Even more since I've never had breakouts on that zone not even in my teenage years, so I'm starting to believe in what
>>54794 said. If you are still there, what kind of steroids did your doctor give you?
No. 55342
>>55320spearmint tea anon here, and yeah, though i've only been on it for two weeks i really do feel its helping. im going to try to get my doctor to refer me to an endocrinologist or dermatologist so i can get on spironolacone. if she won't, im going to add saw palmetto to my supplements instead.
so my suggestion is to try out saw palmetto because from what i read, some people say it works better for them than spiro sometimes.
No. 55385
>>55004I'd say go to a doctor. It could be milia, but it could be a few other things (including one I had and didn't know about for a lonnnng time. )
Just in case you treat it but end up making it worse by using the wrong products. The other anon is right though, keep your skin able to breath and try and protect it's moisture barrier without heavy products.
No. 55426
>>55282I love tea, I'm going to try with spearmint, thanks anon! Zinc has never really made a difference for me, I do believe that it helps with my itchy patches though.
Does anyone know if drinking green tea all the time has skin benefits? I always hear that it's anti-inflammatory but I think that only applies to using it topically.
No. 55467
>>5546455384 here
I sleep like a soldier lol so I don't wake up on my side.
AM routine: wash with Acwell 5.5, then layer cosrx snail mucin 96 with my rose water mist (I do a form of the 7 skin method, makes my face soft as cotton), moisturize with lush vanishing cream
PM: tbh no routine since I don't wear makeup. I might blot with oil absorbing paper before going to bed
No. 55526
>>55467You may want to consider developing an evening routine because even though you don't wear make up, your skin could be dirty/oily/sweaty/in need of moisture, but just see if that helps at all.
You may want to include some AHA/BHA or a retinoid to help with the situation too.
Another thing is you may want to check the ingredients lists of the items you're using on cosdna to see if anything could be causing you irritation.
No. 55528
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>>45776Anyone have any recs for good under eye cream? My skin is great everywhere else and it is really bothering me. It's so dull and dark. I get enough sleep, my diet is healthy, lifestyle active, take care of my skin, moisturize, I'm not old or anything. I hide it with makeup but would like something more preventative if possible. I am just fucked by genetics or what.
No. 55535
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>>55528Been using this moisturizing eye cream and it helped a bit to lighten my under-eyes.
If anyone has other suggestions I'd love to hear them, too
No. 55560
>>55557Closed comedones will generally look like slightly raised bumps with tiny sebum plugs. You can sometimes (but not always) squeeze out the plug and the sebum in it is usually dry and waxy.
Milia are tiny, usually white spots that can't be removed unless you use a needle to pierce them first. They can stick around for a long time and tend to appear around the eye area. Milia and fungal acne are not the same thing, and some people are more prone to milia than others.
I've seen and dealt with both in person but there may be other forms of the two for all I know. My SO gets a lot of milia and they never go away unless poked with a needle and squeezed out.
No. 55613
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i just had a real fucking weird acne/pimple breakout it started with ones on my chest that looked like a weird boil then to my butt now i have blind pimples on my right (face) cheek and one on my nose and one near my forehead
help me /g/ ;_;; ive been drinking a lot of water these dayss aaaaa
No. 55662
>>55657red bumps or white blisters?
pain and itching around the anus?
No. 55671
>>55661Anon did you have experience with this? It would really help if you told me how you dealt with it (still not sure if its chickenpox)
>>55662red small bumps and more of a itchy than pain
>>55665Does it help a bit that ive never had any sexual encounters aside from masturbating? Should I ask this on the vagina thread instead?
No. 55761
>>55760Normal. Also could be redness. Some body parts are naturally lighter/darker than others for a lot of people. Look at Lisa Eldridge without makeup and compare her face to her hands, she uses foundation to even it out, as do a lot of people.
Vitamin C might help or it might not.
No. 55765
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How do you deal with blackheads on your nose?
I can't stand this cancer.
No. 55788
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>>55765Are you actually referring to blackheads or are you talking about sebaceous filaments?
pls know the difference
No. 55790
>>55765Nothing fixes them lol
I have been using pretty strong BHA/AHA regime for two years and mine haven't budged. I'm close to just buying that blackhead remover that derms use and going to town on my nose. To clarify, my regime has kept the SBs at bay but the actual blackheads are still there.
No. 55799
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Does anyone have advice on how to whiten your inner thighs/crotch? Products that you've used, etc? I am white but I was huge for a long time and now I have darker skin where my thighs rub. I've been losing weight because I want to feel better about myself and finally have sex and enjoy a proper love life but I think I look disgusting down there. It looks especially bad because I have really pale legs and thighs so the contrast makes it look worse.
Pic unrelated, sort of
No. 55803
>>55801err oh dear :\
The strips didn't do that for me (I'm
>>55795) but then again, as I said I was a teen so maybe I got lucky and my skin healed. Sorry for the bad suggestion blackhead anon.
No. 55829
>>55806Super retarded question but can you buy spearmint tea in stores or do you have to go to the pharmacy?
I live in a small ass town, we don't have a wide selection so I'm wondering
>>55828Idk how you define bad in your case but moisturising helped me a lot, also less/this clothing that lets your skin breath, sleeping naked and changing the sheets often
But it never went 100% away tho :/
No. 55832
>>55828this is probably going to sound horrible but do you scrub in the shower? Or have you changed cleansers lately? It's kinda gross but it's only recently that I started scrubbing myself in the shower because I moved to a colder climate and I started getting dry skin and acne on my body.
When I say scrubbing I mean with a washcloth on your chest/arms and an exfoliating brush for your back.
Could also be a reaction to a chemical.
No. 55844
>>55832I do scrub my back regularly to remove dead skin cells. So I guess that wasn't the issue. I use a honey and coconut sugar scrub once a month and the other days a wash cloth.
>>55837Now that you mention that… I started using a new shampoo a month ago. I didn't even think about this! Thank you a lot anon! I usually wash my hair while standing in the shower but will try it differently next time and see if it makes a difference.
>>55839I use coconut oil on the rest of my body but not on my back or chest. My face is fine with the oil as well. So I think it must be shampoo and conditioner.
No. 55847
>>55845Have you tried face steaming? Like face over a bowl full of hot water with a towel draped over your head and then massaging your face after? My friend said that worked for her but I don't know if she's lying lol
Do you think it might be the type of makeup you're using clogging your pores?
No. 55848
>>55844a dip in the ocean really helps with body acne because of the anti-bacterial nature of the salt
No but really, using a soap with salt in it (not coarse) cleared up my body acne really fast.
And yeah conditioner can be so bad for bacne if it's really oily and you have long hair.
No. 55909
>>55385shout out to this anon for changing my goddamn life, i didn't know fungal acne was a thing but i was absolutely at my wit's end with atrocious skin for over a year, rubbed canesten on that itchy business and i woke up with an entirely new face. dreams really do come true.
may your lipid barrier be strong and your pores breathe easy, love from fungus face
No. 55917
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Could anyone give me an example of a good skin care regimen? I was trying to start one since I've reached my mid-20s and want to not look like a raisin by my late 30s.
I was using hydraluron for a while since everyone was raving about it but then I read derms saying it was snake oil because the particles were too big to penetrate your skin or some shit lol.
Now I use my clarisonic with a cleanser, moisturize, use a retinol cream every night and once a week use a 10% AHA cream.
Is this a super shit regimen? I don't know what a good cleanser/moisturizer should have in it because a lot of them claim to have retinol in them but I already use it. I just want to cover all my bases.
No. 55930
>>55917It's hard to say without seeing comparison pics of your skin. Does it look and feel better now? If not they you may be using too harsh a routine, or just not the right products. If you need to replace things, I suggest doing it as a 2 week tester so you can see how your skin reacts. Most important items to have are:
Oil-based cleanser (removes makeup and sunscreen)
Low PH cleanser (removes impurities and debris after skin is clear)
Moisturiser (AM and PM suitable)
Sunscreen (face specific. If you're pale you don't have to worry as much about white caste from zinc or other physical-based products. If you're worried about that you can try chemical-based sunscreen. Either way it should be specific to the face, it wont' be the same cream/spray you use on the rest of your body.)
No. 55936
>>55930for am/pm moisturizers do you have any brand recommendations? (I have combination skin, I'm pretty sure)
I don't think what I'm doing is too harsh for my skin but I don't think my moisturizers are up to par because I'm still rather dry on my cheeks.
Thanks for the cleanser explanation! I've got an oil-based makeup remover/cleanser and it made my skin feel so greasy (duh) that I ended up using bar soap afterwards. I didn't think of buying a second cleanser for some reason.
No. 55943
>>55936Phewwwwwww moisturizers are hard to rec and get a good feel for, they're so personal. I'd say hit up r/AsianBeauty and search for moisturizer to see if anyone has HG products (holy grail). Also people are encouraged to have their skin type/color as a flair so you can try and find a skin-sister and see if they have any recs. Of course because it's Asian Beauty it'll all be focused on those skincare items.
I personally use a stupid $$ one, by Yon-Ka. I have sensitive, dehydrated combo skin. It's annoying because it's 100$ a bottle, but it does last me awhile if I use the correct amount.
No. 55963
>>55956Expression lines like laugh lines run a lot deeper than just regular wrinkles and fine lines. If there was a surefire way to get rid of them everyone and their grandma would hear about it. You can get filler to reduce them for a number of months before it wears off.
The best you can do (without getting fillers) is potentially soften them with things like AHAs, retinoids, copper peptides (although this is a relatively new thing and I don't know how effective it is or the side effects), and maybe alpha lipoeic acid.
No. 55985
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I have some questions, not sure if they have been answered in the thread yet. Keep in mind that I don't know much about skincare, I'm mostly trying to not look greasy or like I'm sick anymore:
>are konjac sponges really useful by themselves or is it better to use it with a lotion or a cleaner?
>is something possible to reduce acne scars? not the ones that are visible because of the skin's color but the ones that look like tiny craters. Sorry if I explain it with the wrong words
>I have a hairy face, the hairs on my cheeks are dark and my skin is pale, how do I hide it without shaving it or waxing it (which would cause me to break out)? I used some cheap BB cream but it didn't work for that.
>does anyone use etude house pore freshner? Would you recommend it? I've seen people complain about the alcohol in it or the fact that it dries the skin too fast but it seems popular so I'm curious. My face tends to be oily btw, or at least that's how I understand it?
>I use some tonymoly stuff like eggpore to remove blackheads, eggpore to make pores less big, and a panda dream night mask once or twice a week, what do you think about these products? It has been some months since I started using the eggpore ones but I don't use them regularly enough to be sure they're working as much as they should.
I don't trust blogs that review skincare products and makeup, they praise pretty much anything because they're sometimes paid for it so I'd rather ask here.
No. 56246
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I have HORRIFIC cellulite. It's so bad and disgusting that I can't wear a bikini (or even shorts) without wanting to kms. I bought this the other day, I'm hoping it works.
do any other anons have any tips that might help? I'm desperate and will literally try anything.
No. 56250
>>55985do you mean putting lotion/cleaner on top of the konjac? in my experience it'll break down faster. just use it separately. i don't think using konjac by itself can clean your skin or… is it just me.
been using it for months and i still have some of those tiny crates but it look less visible now
No. 56257
>>56246Do these gels/creams even work? If so, how? Because I don't really believe it.
If you're not already doing so: start working out and eating more healthy + lots of water.
Cellulite is normal, everyone has some.
No. 56259
>>55950I didn't solve it just with canesten, but I imagine if you did it would take at least a month. I woke up with a new face because it was such a dramatic improvement.
It's nearly gone now, but I tried a lot of different things. Basically anything that would work for a fungal infection (tinea, athlete's foot, thrush) works for fungal acne, so i tried things like turmeric masks and head&shoulders shampoo. The nail in the coffin was when I found some prescription-strength antifungal shampoo in a cupboard and applied that in a dilute mask, every other day.
What I found to really speed the process up was doing things to break down the biofilm barrier that the fungus makes on your skin. The flaky dry bits that don't exfoliate away and the yellow/white shit that your pores are clogged with is the fungus' chitinous protection layer, and if you break that down, things such as canesten can work much more easily. I tried salicylic acid, glycolic acid, xylitol (the sweetener), and turmeric for this purpose, though the salicylic worked the best. (be gentle though, you don't need a full skin peel or anything)
I also got some zinc cream from Amazon as a future preventative and I've been using Sudocrem as a moisturiser and coconut oil as a cleanser, all of which are either antifungal or at least won't feed it.
regards, fungus face
No. 56287
>>56250I dont know if konjac sponges work either but I bought one to try and so far I'm not seeing the diffence, which is why I asked. People on forums and blogs just keep saying it's not as aggressive for thr skin as some products if you have a sensitive skin but they never talk about how efficient it is (or isnt) in the first place. It's frustrating.
>been using it for months Which one are you talking about? Eggpore or the etude house lotion?
No. 56315
>>56113imo straight oil is a shit moisturiser, especially if you need something else than occlusion. it doesn't give that soft feeling of a water/oil emulsion, it just forms a disgusting layer on your face and inexplicably skin underneath it dries anyway. i tried several oils (perilla, tamanu, immortelle in sunflower oil base, a mix of different ones with 2% salicylic acid) and it was disgusting every time (not to mention 3/4 of these were slightly sensitizing). theoretically you should put oil on wet face or mix it with hyaluronic acid solution but it doesn't change the feeling a lot for me.
additionally, low-processed linseed oil spoils very easily, if it doesn't sit in a refrigerator for most of its shelf life it's basically worthless.
No. 56388
>>56259Thank you for the reply! Btw I still don't know if my case is fungal acne or some type of dermatitis, I'm just using canesten. A week after I've seen some slight improvement: 80% of the itching is gone and those underskin things that looked like closed comedones (but under direct sunlight looked almost… translucent? Ew, fuck) are also almost gone. It's a good sign so I'll keep using canesten, even though for now the redness and numbness is still there and some days new underskin pimples are still forming. They hurt, ugh.
I miss my clear skin but I feel like in a month I'll see it again.
No. 56412
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Is the Aria Starr Beauty natural dead sea mud mask any good for blackheads?
No. 56448
I'm on antibiotics for issues not related to acne but it makes my skin have no acne ever when I'm on it. I usually get maybe one every 1-2 weeks and then red spots lasts weeks so it looks like I've constantly got some spots. I'm thinking of getting a prescription benzyl peroxide/ antibiotic cream since it seems my acne is caused by bacteria. Is there any better way to treat acne caused by bacteria or even better to promote the bacteria that protects against acne?
>>56387Have you tried Finacea? I just got some from the doctor but haven't tried it yet.
No. 56581
>>56412I can't find a list of ingredients, but the fact that it claims to have Shea butter in it makes me wary if you're dealing with blemishes.
A better option would be to make a clay mask yourself. Mix Bentonite clay with Apple Cider Vinegar (the vinegar makes the pH better for your skin), with maybe a little honey or tea tree oil if you skin likes that.>>56434I didn't care for the stuff I tried, but they do have a lot of sample options, which helps the trial period. I'd also recommend The Ordinary ( if you want simple products that work, and aren't too expensive.
No. 56633
>>56434I agree with
>>56581 anon for the ordinary, they're cheaper than paula's choice or the korean stuff and they do their work.
No. 56636
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Okay. I have to ask if any of you have tried Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum. I tried the sample I got from my recent Sephora order and really liked it… but at $80 for 1 ounce… I want to know if you guys have tried and liked it long-term because that seems like kind of a steep price tag.
No. 56694
>>45778I know this comment is a couple months old but wanted to pop in my two cents: Tonymoly is basic BUT their line that isn't aimed at teenaged girls (all the cute stuff basically) is pretty good "beginner asian skincare" imo. I like the bunny mist for really dry days since I live in a desert
And so I can keep this thread going since I did reply to an older comment i'll end with a question of my own.
Has anyone here tried any snail products? What's your opinion of them? What brands do you like? I tried Mizon after some suggestions on AB on reddit and i dunno what to think. I keep using it but i'm not really noticing any benefit from it.
The tonymoly snail sheet mask though makes my skin feel smoother though even though people on the same subreddit didn't like it as much.
No. 56699
>>56694I've tried Benton Snail Bee Essence, Mizon Snail Recovery Gel and COSRX 95 Snail Mucin something.
Didn't like any of them.
No. 56871
>>56636While I don't have this specific serum, I use the blue and pink serum from this line. I have mixed feelings about it. The first month it made my skin feel super moisturized and smoother and I was in love with it. But lately I feel like it might be what has been breaking me out in certain places. I can't tell. It is good, but in comparison to other lines I've used, I'm iffy about the results.
I'm not sure if I'm going repurchase. I definitely don't regret purchasing the serums the first time, because they were amazing and made a huge difference in the first month or so, but I feel like in the long-term it is something that my skin has adapted to? It's gotten to the point where I'm looking to replace it and I haven't even finished half the bottle.
For vitamin C serum, I use Dr Dennis Grossman serum. I've been using it on and off for about two years now. Sometimes it will break me out and I'll take a couple weeks break, but usually it is good. I'm hesitant to switch to another serum like the Drunk Elephant one because of how hit-and-miss the products have been for me.
tl;dr would probably skip this stuff if you don't have the money to burn, the entire brand seems hyped up at the moment. there are countless vitamin C serums on the market so none of these products are special enough to warrant the price tag.
No. 57022
>>56871Thank you for your reply! I haven't tried anything else from their line aside from the sample so I'm glad you have long term experience with them… it was also my first experience with a vitamin C serum.
I am mainly concerned about breaking out from usage, which the Drunk Elephant one didn't cause (yet– I could have a delayed reaction in the future) because I can turn into a bit of a skin-picker when it comes to getting acne.
No. 57056
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Opinion on Evian Facial Spray?
It's pretty much just mineral water in a spray can, but the girls in my social circle are absolutely in love with this for some reason
No. 57058
>>57056Amazing for light dryness and for making powdered makeup look less cakey immediately after application. I always keep a travel size in my purse.
If you're a little more than mildly dry, try Smashbox's primer water instead. It has a little more tack than just regular water and refreshes particularly dry makeup better.
As far as using the Evian outside of a makeup refresher, absolutely not worth it though. The effects aren't really lasting on clean skin imo.
No. 57095
>>57085You sound like you're vitamin deficient. Take a B complex (the Bs are responsible for healthy mouth tissue) and a skin supplement that includes E. You may also be iron deficient but that's a stab in the dark.
Basically, you need a good multi. Your lips shouldn't be cracking if you apply a balm.
No. 57096
>>57071That sounds like irritation from something. Honestly it sounds like something you want your GP/dermatologist to have a look at because it could be allergies or a fungal infection. Sometimes moisturizer isn't best because it softens damaged skin and prohibits healing so bacteria gets in.
The best thing to do while you're waiting to see a doctor would be to try an occlusive before bed (like vaseline) to stop it drying out over night and try to avoid super hot water until you know what the problem is.
No. 57100
>>57071I had (what I assume was) perioral dermatitis before and cleared it up by applying diaper cream, that zinc stuff.
I never got an appointment with a derma, but I have a feeling I caused it by stripping my skin too much and using a product with way too much paraffin. If you really think you have PD I recommend you find a list of skin irritants on google and then go through the ingredients of each product you're using to see if any are particularly irritating.
No. 57107
>>57102have you checked out the FAQs on the asian beauty reddit? I'm assuming you have since you sound familiar with the 10 step. like her beginner plans, they're cheap and quite effective.
No. 57120
>>57105this is very helpful, thank you anon. Starting with natural/simple things then slowly treading into chemicals seems to be my safest bet so i know exactly what did it if it goes tits up.
>>57107i have, but i guess let it overwhelm me too much. her site is helpful tho, really lays it out for simple consumption. walking into this blindly is easy and that guarantees a bad time.
No. 57149
>>57102I don't know if I can help but here's my korean poorfag routine:
oil cleanser: diy vegetable oil + peg 80 (oil should have a high amount of linoleic acid like safflower or grape, I don't recomment coconut or olive)
cheap mineral oil cleanser (Softymo Cleansing Oil for example)
cleanser: Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanser by cosrx (is only around 9$) or other cheap cleanser with low ph
toner/lotion: Secret key makes good and affordable toners. If you can't afford them then you can use a mineral water spray can or some flower essence. But no cheap western toner with alcohol and shit.
serums: the ordinary/deciem, you can't find any better and cheaper.
moisturizer: Mizon All in One Snail Repair Cream is great and not toooo expensive but you can find cheaper of course.
face masks: diy stuff mostly (honey + tumeric + milk + clay for example)
cleansing tools: konjac sponge
No. 57160
>>57159Anybody know how to avoid this?
I want to do anti aging skincare, but I have oily skin so I'm really prone to milia and a lot of Missha products made for anti aging break me out as well.
No. 57180
>Clear skin
>Suddenly in mid January I start developing redness and acne on both cheeks, with also a lot of closed comedones on that zone
>Weird thing is that this thing is limited only on these two patches of skin on my cheeks, it seriously doesn't go further, it's like a delimited area
>A lot of under skin pimples that don't go away, we're in March
>It also itches
>I first apply some clindamycin gel, then an erythromycin one: nothing happens
>After this thread and r/SkincareAddiction I start thinking it could be fungal acne, I start rubbing Canesten every day
>Week 4: those closed comedones are less visible, but other than that no big change
>This really happened out of nowhere, no routine changes, no diet changes, nothing
I finally booked an appointment to a dermatologist, I wanted to avoid it since they're hella expensive but at this point I literally have no choice. While I wait, does anyone here know what it could be? Maybe had it? I just want it to stop, I don't know if the next treatment will work, I miss my clear skin, my skin has never looked this bad not even in my teenage years :(
No. 57241
>>57186I'm 21… I really hope it's something that could heal with a specific med/gel. Don't think it's acne, it itches and the fact that it's only on a specific patch of skin is really weird
>>57194Yes, it is
No. 57308
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Anyone familiar with this sunscreen by la Roche posay? It was a bit pricey, I purchased it a few months ago but I'm finding it hard to apply daily because I feel like my skin gets oily ): I'm almost in my mid twenties so it's kinda annoying to know I do have to wear sunscreen but feel like everything makes me oily as fuck. I generally buy LRP stuff, I feel like they have good products but I wouldn't mind trying anything new, but since I'm a BRfag and don't know much about Asian products, I'd like something I could purchase in Brazil if possible, or buy online without high shipping costs.
Thanks in advance.
No. 57320
>>57308Have you tried a matte sunscreen or matte makeup over the sunscreen?
I've tried that sunscreen before, but don't remember how I felt about it. I prefer "sunscreen milk" now though. Good luck anon!
No. 57331
>>57320Any recommendations for sunscreen milk or matte sunscreen? Ideally, I'd like to not wear powder over it.
Also are there any britfags here? Do you still wear sunscreen to protect your skin, since you can still get damage from cloudy days?
No. 57337
>>57240Stfu with this open close pores shit lmao
No. 57374
>>57373sorry, I didn't explain myself. Of course you have to re apply it but I meant that the protection from this one is very very light as it is an "indoors" sunscreen and it is not waterproof/oilproof/sebumproof.
Right now I switched to another "essence style" sunscreen but its waterproof/sebumproof and has longer "staying power"
No. 57755
>>57365Is witch hazel ok as toner?
Best broad spectrum sunscreen for someone prone to blackheads and acne?
No. 58273
>>58272I had rings on my neck since I was a small child, they are like expression lines, or say, the lines on your wrists, they are there largely because of the shape of one's body. I doubt typical fine line treatments will show effect.
That is of course if anon that's asking is not past 40 and her collagen is not unwinding at light speed, but I bet that's not the case.
No. 58301
>>58267Fellow olive skinned strawberry anon reporting in.
I can't answer your other questions, but I've heard that yang laser works very well on brown skin. Might want to ask nearby places about more details and if there's anyone you can talk to who has gone through with it.
No. 58324
>>58306>>58320thank you! I'll drink more!
Should I use the little Vaseline lip tins or is the classic big tub of it ok?
No. 58391
>>58337do I exfoliate onto the ingrown hair skin?4
how do I exfoliate? what with
No. 58423
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>>58414not the same thing! just get some cheap store-brand aspirin. you can get a big bottle of plain tablets at target for just a few bucks
No. 58441
>>58423I ended up using some paracetomols and it became the paste like you said, but I didn't use the dissolvable ones in the end!
I'll get aspririn tomorrow though
No. 58510
>>58507Are you me? Exact same situation here (but with no job yet lol)
I want to do something about my crazy eyebags. They're dark and deep and I can't remember a day in my life I didn't have them. Even as a child I had them. I'm not sure anything can be done at this point but I've never tried harder than just sleeping a lot and moisturizing so I might as well try.
Any recs? If the product is vegan and cruelty free it'd be a nice bonus.
No. 58548
>>58507>>58510>>58519There's four of us now.
I'm looking into Japanese products as well, RatzillaCosme is a pretty good website for that. I'd like to know if there's a similar 'database' for Korean stuff, it'd help a lot…
I saved this link on my browser a while ago, it has a few suggestions: No. 58553
>>58507>>58510>>58519>>58548Five now.
Unfortunately, I haven't found anything to help with the eye bags and dark circles. I've tried Etude House Moistfull Collagen Eyecream, Cerave Eyecream, and raw almond oil so far. Not sure really what to try next, or to just give up on the hope of ever improving them.
No. 58572
>>58548>>58553>>58554>>58561>>58569Does that make 8 of us now? lol
Same problem here. Tbh what helps me the most is good sleep and lots of water, some days you can barely see them. I know it won't help everyone, maybe a few but somehow I gave up on creams and that kind of stuff :/
No. 58718
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Has anyone tried the nyx wonder stick?
No. 58724
>>58718I have the universal one and I would say it doesn't match my skin tone (I'm a warm nude/beige tone).
The color does go on quite smoothly though but it is chunky so the line ends up being pretty thick. Probably not the best for nose contouring (which is what I bought it for)
No. 58868
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Does anyone know how to get rid of line creases on your cheek, the ones under your eyes. I've been smiling more which helped greatly and I've been using Korean face masks called dojoshop from my grandma that been virtually getting rid of it.
The problem I don't want to keep troubling her for the masks every time she visits and was hoping there was something I could just get in the states that works great?
No. 58870
>>58763>>58773>>58794I'm in the same boat as you guys and I actually got tear trough fillers in the summer of 2015.
I was really skeptical at first, but I'm glad I went through with it. It did absolutely nothing for my dark circles, which was a little disappointing, but it's been almost 2 years (with no touch-ups or anything) and they still look pretty much the same as they did the first year. (Although everyone's body reacts differently so I can't speak for everyone). Also, they put numbing cream under my eyes before they did the injections so I didn't feel anything.
idk if this helps, but if any of you guys are interested I can try to find some pics of what my eyes looked like before compared to more recent ones. I'd be happy to answer any questions as well.
No. 58884
>>58870i am an anon you're replying to, i would reeeally appreciate pics! so did it fill out the area and just leave regular dark circles?
also if you don't mind me asking, was it expensive?
No. 58896
>>58885not hard to understand at all! I'll go through it for you if you want!
micellar water is like a really really mild cleanser, it takes off oil and makeup residue but you don't have to wash your face after using it. mostly I have it because I don't want to cleanse in the mornings
ideally I'd have a toner to restore my skin's pH level - skin is naturally slightly acidic, which means that if its pH is raised too much that certain unpleasant bacteria might find it more habitable (which causes acne)
but anyway I use the dual action moisturizer because it has the tiniest bit of salicylic acid in it.
sunscreen is important for anti-aging and for preventing any dark spots from getting even darker. I use this one because it doesn't clog my pores or leave a white cast on me
then I put on more moisturizer because my skin is dry af in the mornings
I use micellar water again to remove makeup and sunscreen and all the grime that's accumulated on my face throughout the day, and then moisturize afterward just like in the morning
I really like the cerave hydrating cleanser because it contains ceramides, which help your skin retain moisture (so it looks nice and plump). cerave actually stands for ceramide vehicle!
a BHA, or beta hydroxy acid, is a gentle chemical exfoliant, so it helps to remove dead skin cells, which allows the newer ones to shine through. it's oil-soluble, so it also reduces clogged and enlarged pores by reducing the amount of sebum (yucky face oil) that's in them. this is very useful if you have those black spots on your nose - don't use pore strips, they'll yank out all of the spots and your pores will be stretched out! the dots are called sebaceous filaments, and their appearance will diminish.
an AHA is an alpha hydroxy acid. this one is water-soluble. it helps to inhibit melanin production, which is the source of dark acne scars that are left behind after a breakout. also works as a skin brightener.
AHA and BHA products also keep your pH in check!
I use serum after exfoliating because then my skin is fresh and clear of any excess sebum/etc. and the fresh skin is ready to absorb any ingredients I put on afterward!
niacinamide is the holy grail of skincare products and I honestly pity anyone who is allergic to it because it works wonders. lightens scars, retains moisture, evens skin tone, has anti-aging benefits, etc.
the zinc I'm not so sure about, but I know that pyrithone zinc (in Head and Shoulders shampoo) is sometimes used to treat dermatitis. it's helped my skin out a lot!
ps, make sure you look at whatever hair products you're using. I was using tresemme and it gave me awful dermatitis for several months. my skin used to be perfect and now it's covered in scars :( oh well
then finally an emulsion is like a lighter version of a moisturizer. i don't like having something heavy on my face at night and the lighter the product, the more quickly it will absorb.
as for spot treatments:
rosebud salve is another miracle ingredient and I'm not sure how it works? it's basically vaseline imho
the mint-julep masque is a clay mask. these work by sucking out the excess oil from your pores. also good if you want to reduce sebaceous filaments or enlarged pores! I use it all over my face when my skin is starting to freak out.
tea tree oil is the nuclear option and will dry out your skin (and any pimples too).
lips are pretty self explanatory, but it's important to note that you have to put something hydrating on BEFORE vaseline because vaseline doesn't moisturize (it just keeps moisture from escaping)
I get very autistic about my skincare. I've also started a skincare blog on tumblr as an outlet for my obsession with it so lmk if you want me to link that too!
No. 58954
>>58884Yeah, basically it just got rid of the massive indentation under my eyes but the dark circles really didn't change. As for the price, it was about 750$ Canadian. I was a little hesitant at first because I wasn't sure how long it would last and I didn't want to pay that much for a temporary fix… but like I mentioned before, they seem to have held out fairly well so far.
I'll try to find those pics for you! Sorry about the wait- I think I'm going to have to look through some old SD cards. I have my final exam tomorrow, so I'll probably get around to finding/posting them after that or the next day.
No. 58980
>>58896thank you so much anon!! do you wear heavy makeup throughout the day?
How long have you been doing this routine for also? Thank you so much for explaining BHA/ AHA type things because i've been confused for this entire thread. you are a sunshine. <3
No. 58992
>>58980hey no problem!
I don't really wear makeup - it's not that I absolutely "don't need to" because I still do have some scars, but I find that my skin looks nice enough without it. but when I do wear makeup I make sure that I take it off as soon as I can. if you wear makeup regularly then you should look into double cleansing – you go first with an oil cleanser to dissolve all your makeup, and then with a foaming-type cleanser to remove everything else.
the makeup I do use, that has worked for me, has been
>foundation: MISSHA M Perfect Cover BB Cream I've got a medium skin tone (light-skinned south asian) and shade 23 fits me really well. it goes on kind of gray so you have to let it oxidize into a nice colour. gives you a dewy, healthy look without transferring or looking greasy! It also has SPF which is great, but I'm a stickler for using a dedicated sunscreen regardless of what I'm putting over it.
>concealer I use the maybelline age rewind concealer and it works fine for me. I wouldn't recommend the foundation from the same line, though. mostly the MISSHA stuff is good enough for spot concealing but sometimes I'll feel like doing a bit more!
for other makeup, I usually just line my upper waterline with a brown eye pencil and then use clear mascara. I don't really like the look of heavy makeup
the burt's bees tinted lip balm is also incredible! they have a lip crayon that I use also that lasts really long, and it's my only lipstick so I wear it for super special occasions only
I've been doing this for a couple of years now I think! I've only really settled into my "final" routine (the one that works best) for a few months though. Lots of trial and error involved. it's a good idea to just go with the most inoffensive products marketed for sensitive skin and then work your way up from there.
patch testing is important too, you should always sample something on your hand and leave it for 24 hours to see if you get an allergic reaction. then before using it on your entire face segregate it to one side and you'll be able to isolate what's breaking you out (if it is breaking you out).
hope that helps :) again you're welcome to check out my blog here and submit requests
>>58948 No. 59050
>>58878Thanks for posting your routine, anon! From my limited knowledge I'd say you put together a pretty simple but effective routine!
We should all post ours too, to help and inspire each other. I'd post mine but it's not even what I would call a routine. I really want to start taking better care of my skin but unfortunately I don't have the means for that yet.
I have a few questions; for someone who also uses minimal makeup double-cleansing isn't that necessary, right? Can I use micellar water instead of an oil cleanser?
I'm liking the reviews on the clay mask you use. Someone recommended me the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay, I wonder which of the two would be better for my enlarged pores/sebaceous filaments…
Also, I'm on the hunt for an affordable BHA/AHA product, does anyone have suggestions?
No. 59065
>>59050you really don't need that much money - like I said, my routine is very cheap :)
>minimal makeup depends on what you mean? the most I'll wear on a daily basis is some concealer and the lightest layer of BB cream. micellar water is enough to remove that, you just have to keep swiping until the cotton round has no more colour on it - depending on how hard your makeup is to remove, this might be too much swiping.
both of those masks are really good! I haven't tried the aztec one but I think it's pretty good based on what I've heard. MJM is less expensive, which is why I go for that one instead.
>BHA/AHA the CosRX BHA blackhead power liquid and AHA whitehead liquid (? i think that's what it's called) are really good and super cheap. A bottle of each is $20 and will easily last you 2-3 months. the paula's choice BHA liquid is also really good, but slightly more expensive - I'd recommend going for the trial size, which goes for like $9 CAD but will last you for a month if you're careful.
if you want to make products like that last longer, make sure you're applying them with hands and not a cotton round – the cotton round will absorb some of the product and it will run out more quickly.
I'd also recommend using the clay mask after putting the BHA on your face, because it will help to loosen up the sebum and the clay mask can then do its job more effectively.
No. 59128
>>59126Go to your doctor, they will give you a cream which will help and you'll probably have to apply it for a few days.
Warm compress helps too, but I don't think it'll make it go away. And don't put moisturizer there lol
No. 59175
>>59126Ow god, I had a eye infection in both my eyes for 3 years!!
>wash all your make-up (better yet, throw it all away)>don't use any eye make-up till it heals>wash pillow daily>clean your eyes with water that has been boiled>wear sunglasses if light it too bright >don't touch your eyes>go to the doc asapHope you're better soon, I feel your pain
No. 59186
>minimal makeup Same as you, most days I don't even wear BB cream. So I think I'll get the micellar water. I was going to buy the Bioderma one, but I see the Vichy one is cheaper and about the same, yay!
Thank you so much for all the tips! I'll make sure to have them in mind while building my routine.
I'd follow your blog, but I don't have tumblr… So I'll just bookmark it.
No. 59231
>>59229have you tried spironolactone? you said medicines make you sick but you didn't say which ones. i have slightly elevated testosterone and i can 100% say that drinking spearmint tea twice a day jump started my skin improving.
i drink spearmint tea twice a day, take vitamin e at least once a day, sometimes twice, zinc once a day, borage oil capsule once a day, vitamin a capsule once a day, and am now on 50mg of spiro. my skin has improved A LOT.
i also use tea tree oil infused goats milk soap, and just starting using Skin&Co products (i got a sample of their toner in my ipsy bag this month and liked it so much i went whole hog on a $100 set of their products. it's been two days and my skin really does feel softer and look better no fucking lie.)
No. 59232
>>59231Honestly I can't remember what I've been on, two oral pills and a few topical, one being Accutane? I think that was it? But honestly this is embarrassing to admit but I'm 24 and just moved out of my parents into my boyfriend's house to get out of a bad family situation. I've still been very stressed and lacking mad amounts of sleep 2hich I think helps contribute to me breaking out..
Also embarrassing but I have no money and am afraid it's "greedy" to ask my parents to help me with something…superficial? Is that the right word? Now I'm not sure where to turn. I'm trying to improve my diet but I barely eat and everything is a mess. It's why I'm trying to hopefully turn to more natural options to make it hopefully cheaper and since I get so sick from so many things avoiding a lot of medications my body might know how to handle.
I'm gonna try to gather the courage to ask my mom soon to help me look into the things you mentioned and maybe get an appointment with a dermatologists again. My parents aren't lacking in the money department so I shouldn't feel so terrible asking but idk. Do you think there is hope to getting my skin back to semi normal? I'm gonna say fuck it and post a pic of what I'm dealing with…sigh
No. 59233
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This is my sad skin…very nerve wracking to post this but I'm losing hope. There's pink zinc on my skin right now so it's camaflouging how dark/red it is right now, but I guess you get it…
No. 59234
>>59232none of the suppliments i'm taking are expensive, i get them from CVS or i live in MA and since I just work part time I'm considered low income so I get mass health. I was first on 25mg of spiro for about a month and a half and was just recently upped to 50mg two weeks ago because i was still breaking out on my back. The 25mg of spiro only cost 3.50 with my insurance, the 50mg is 6.50ish so it is not an expensive medication.
and to be honest, unless you are shaving, you are waaaay less hairy on your stomach than i am.
No. 59238
>>59231hi anon, I had very similar issues to you. My hormones were completely out of balance (a lot of testosterone gave me more hair, acne all over my face and back). I found out I have an underactive thyroid as well as a stomach issue called "leaky gut". Food slips through holes in the stomach and wrecks havoc in the body.
Try to do some tests for food allergies, and I definitely recommend staying away from oral contraceptive pills if they didn't help. Those pills absolutely ruined my skin (still working on the scarring and pitting now).
Natural could be a great way to go. Cut out irritants like soda, excess sugar (only 25g a day max), and junk food. Incorporate veggies into every meal if you can. Write down your meals for a couple days and see how you feel after them. You can do this for longer too. I personally cut white rice, gluten, and dairy and my skin is happy and pimple free (just hyperpigmentation now!)
It sounds like your issue is mainly hormonal, so perhaps look into natural hormone treatments, like Maca in pill form I believe.
A dermatologist could definitely help. And for the picknig issue, I was there too. I was constantly popping stuff on my face and back. But it was because I would stand in front of the mirror for way too long and get the urge. So try to wash your face, do your routine, and get away from the mirror.
Good luck anon! I just noticed your pic too, I have not seen something like this so probably a derm will be your best bet!
No. 59242
>>59233Most of your problem from what I see in the picture is the picking, as that particular area isn't really a place where hormonal acne happens. maybe try to start a hobby that occupies both your hands? like knitting? or playing videogames? an hour spent knitting is an hour not spent picking at your skin.
if all else fails force yourself to wear gloves whenever you're not in public. if you didn't pick you wouldn't be introducing bacteria into your skin and you wouldn't be getting as many infections.
No. 59364
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I've been trying to follow ScA and MuA advice, but I can't get the products without them costing an arm and a leg!
I live in the EU (Slovenia) and local stores don't carry those brands (CeraVe, Paula's Choice, Shiseido …). I don't want to ship it from, because of the enormous tax and shipping cost but also don't want to buy it from /, because the same products cost MUCH more! Check picture for side by side cart comparison.
Can anyone recommend me some European cosmetics webstore, where I can't get all those products with reasonable prices and shipping?
Sorry for simulatenously posting this here and on ScA. I've been trying to order on amazon for DAYS but can't get around high costs! Please, help :<
No. 59367
>>59365then what the fuck is with all the sca cerave pushing? i just want something with millions of reviews of it working
i have dehydrated skin or dry skin and mild rosacea. i want my skin to look good an that's it
No. 59369
>>59364try or
it's from the UK so usually no shipping cost since it's still in Europe.
No. 59399
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>>58954>>58981Thank you for the well-wishes on my exam!
Here are the pictures I promised. I know I had taken 'before' pictures prior to getting the fillers specifically for comparison, but I couldn't find them for the life of me. I ended up having to crop my eye area from various photographs instead, so it's worth noting that I'm wearing makeup in all the before pics (also, I believe the bottom one was taken with my camera's portrait setting which has some sort of automatic skin softening feature). Please ignore my eyebrows in the first after pictures as well… I have no idea what's going on with them, I swear they're not usually that unkempt.
Anyways, I don't know well the pictures showcase the difference… The lines of my dark circles are really defined so it kind of looks like a shadow. I think the second-to-last pics in each row are probably the best indicators of the difference. I'm smiling in both but you can really see how noticeable the indentations were in the first one.
(btw if you're wondering why my skin looks so flakey in a couple of the pictures, it's because I recently had dermatitis on my eyelids and the area is still rather dry.)
Thanks for being patient- I hope this helps! If you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer them as best I can. (Faster than it took with the pictures, haha)
>>58956Not a problem. I actually had cartilage removed from behind my ears when I was 11 because they stuck out a lot and and I was really self-conscious about it. (and that particular procedure was covered by my province's health care for anyone under 16.) Apart from that, I haven't had any other work done.
No. 59420
>>59418Gee girl, just try something like Avene Tolerance Extreme or Antirougeurs, it's better than importing Ceteareth-20 in a bottle from US of A for 20 EUR.
If you did try everything available in Europe then I doubt CeraVe is going to save you.
No. 59442
>>59417I appreciate the advice. I've always struggled with my eyebrows because they grow in 2 different shapes… Thanks for the tip!
>>59427Aw thank you so much! Good luck, I hope you're pleased with the results if/when you get around to it. ♥
No. 60163
>>60139If I put stuff on my face before I shower it will just come off, and if I put stuff on after I shower I'm afraid it won't work correctly.
>>60104I just wash my face in the morning and maybe put on sunscreen or something.
No. 60211
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Starting an all natural skincare routine today just posting before pics and ill add an after in a couple weeks
Also upping my water intake because i dont get enough
K bye
No. 60345
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Is the LED trend dead? There are cheaper home kits now.
No. 60479
>>60443Was it by any chance from the "Yes to" line? They're very common all over but always irritate my skin.
Try Tonymoly, they're getting pretty easy to find. Walmart sells some (Ae soo i believe?) that are nice and mild too.
Just remember not every brand or even every variety from a brand is created equal.
It's also likely your skin will react weirdly if you've never done skincare before (My husband's skin freaks out when he uses anything other than one specific skincare line, he can't add anything to it without breaking out for a few months first).
The only stuff that hasn't bothered him are SOME Tonymoly products (the banana-based ones for instance) but everything else burns his skin while it just feels wet and soothing to me.
No. 60543
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>>60463>>60479It was this.
I knew I should've looked at some reviews instead of being impulsive, but I guess that's what I get.
No. 60910
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>>602111 week later already an improvement imo
No. 60912
>>60543Oh god
Yeah most individually wrapped masks that they sell like that on a corner rack are straight garbage
Definitely look at reviews first next time and dont use those anymore
And never use peel off tbh
No. 60958
>>60939Honey in place of face wash (on wet skin is best)
Rose water or witch hazel or the combination kind
Coconut oil
I dont wear foundation but if i do for some reason remove with all natural wipes (can find hem at health food stores and shit)
No. 61034
>>61014Actually he's not wrong. I'm from a cold climate and I suffer from acne but when I'm on holidays for a few weeks it clears up. My nails and hair tend to grow faster too. I'm really jealous of girls from hotter climates because they can wear less makeup.
Depriving yourself of sun can have really horrible effects on your body, we need it to survive.
No. 61095
>>61034yeah, uv rays kill acne bacteria apparently, but that's pretty fucking unprofessional of him imo. it's not like it's an approved way of treating acne (ie. there's no way to administer the appropriate dose that shows clinical effects). so there's good chance that either anon will see no effects because of her sunscreen use/not enough time in the sun or will burn and likely her acne will be back in a few months anyway. it's not like acne is nonexistent in sunnier climates, as it is primarily a hormonal condition.
i don't know what was in the products he gave her but if it's just basic non-medicated stuff then he basically scammed her out of a visit.
No. 61100
>>61035It seems he gave her suncream though so it's all good.
>>61095Idk I'd rather exhaust all of the other, easier options before I started treating it with something strong like hormones personally.
No. 61118
>>61100"hormones" in this situation is usually just contraception pills.
i agree about exhausting less intrusive options first, but "just get some sun" belongs there with "just change your pillowcase daily lol" type of advice, the principle isn't wrong per se but it just doesn't address the core problem which is what i think a medical professional should do.
No. 61289
>>61273you can never get rid of them unless you surgically remove the skin they're scarred onto.
best you can do is use topical creams or oils to lessen how they look and get a little sun.
No. 61328
>>61095>>61100>>61118Anon from OP here, he gave me already some legit medical antiacne products to treat my acne, and for the summer he told me to stop only the antiacne gel application, since - he says - I'm getting better and it's one of those gels who react to the sunlight so it would be better to avoid it for the season. Don't know why he's so obsessed with the sun thing anyway. As far as I know it's the sea water that makes acne disappear on summer, not the sun, but I'll follow his advice and will make sure that my face takes a full hour exposed, with sunscreen of course. In this case, if nothing happens, on my October check I'll let him know that his advice was shit, lol. I can't take hormones, so the next step would be retinol. Thanks for the answers!
(Btw I just remembered that he also denied that fungal acne exists, I'm from a small town and his knowledge may be… eh… but there's people coming everywhere from my area to get visited by him and he has a certain reputation so for now I'll trust him)
No. 61759
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Is anyone here more prone to whiteheads? I have trouble with whiteheads alot then it turns into a fullblow pimple that hurts pls send help
No. 61942
>>61938Yes, me. I worked for 3 years in a hemp shop and would not recommend you putting hemp products on your face. I used hemp balm for my face for quite a while and I found it to be drying in the long run and a bitch to soak in.
Otherwise I don't see any problems (or benefits, tbh) with putting it on the rest of your body.
No. 61952
>>61942Hmm, thanks. Pretty much every type of moisturizer, lotion, cream, etc. has made me break out in a rash, so I'll take your word for it and stay away from products. Have you tried plain hemp seed oil? Also, do hemp products smell weird?
I've been trying out pure oils lately. Coconut, jojoba, olive, argan, and shea butter clog the fuck out of my pores. I use camellia right now with no irritation, but I still have thick, grimy sebum that I can't seem to wash off, and I've heard that an oil with higher linoleic acid (like hemp) would help with that. People have also said it's good for eczema. Idk, maybe I'll just have to get a small bottle and see how it goes.
No. 62045
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Pic related combined with 2x daily gentle facial washing rid me of my acne. I highly recommend it and am on my third or fourth stick now.
No. 62226
Since The Ordinary was brought up in the makeup thread, I'll post here too. I fell for the hype train and just got my first package from them last night.
My issues are combo skin, sensitive skin, hyper pigmentation out the ass, hormonal acne, large pores, flaky patches…
I got the
- Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
- "Buffet"
- Lactic Acid 5% = HA 2%
- Advanced Retinoid 2%
- Natrual Moisturizing Factors + HA
I used the Niacinamide and Buffet last night and this morning. The Niacinamide sinks into the skin, but the buffet leaves a faintly tacky feel. I'm going to ease myself into the Lactic Acid, maybe do it twice a week, and the Retinoid once a week.
I am also spearmint tea + spiro anon, the spiro has done a lot to clear up my skin but now I need to undo as much damage as I can.
I'll keep you guys updated if anybody is interested.
No. 62227
>>62226I'm using their Vit C + HA suspension cream and I like it, but it's super potent and siliconey. I'd ease up on the actives if their other stuff is anywhere near as strong as this.
Do you really need the retinol for treating all your issues? Because if you really have sensitive skin as you claim, it won't take all of that very well. It'll just make you sun-sensitive and even flakier.
5% AHA is good, but for enlarge pores you may want to try 1-2% BHA, it's not photosensitising like AHA (Lactic Acid).
No. 62238
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>>62227I did a lot of research and my skin isn't really that sensitive (it was never sensitive at all until starting this fall inexplicably.) their lactic acid is supposed to be very mild, i already used it on my back/shoulders last night with some buffet and felt nothing at all, and this morning there is no irritation, no dryness etc.
most of the people i've seen who are using the lactic acid from them use it every other night, some even every night. the retinoid is also supposed to be pretty mild from them (i've heard their 1% is crazy though and will make you peel/sore.) I heard bad things about their Vitamin C suspension (burning, gritty texture etc) so I didn't opt for it.
I based my choices from reviews from gothmista, waynegoss, and a reviewer who seems to have disappeared entirely from youtube and his website is gone too but it was inthenameofskin.
But mostly I focused on this chick's review uses the 10% lactic acid daily with no ill effects. with results like pic related after only 5 weeks i had to at least try
No. 62249
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>>62238ooooooooooookay. update already. my face has broken out with some micozits/white heads. looking around online leads me to believe that its the niacinamide, as ive found a few reviews from people saying that niacinamide in products broke them out.
super disappointed. washed my face and covered it with some aloe vera gel. never expected such a quick bad reaction. now i got to go back to my regular routine till my face calms down, then i guess i'll try the buffet by itself for a few days.
No. 62252
>>62249Told ya.
Also skin on the body =/= skin on the face.
No. 62336
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A bit of a retarded question- what are these tiny brown spots across my nose and cheek area? Are they freckles or something else? (I'm a relatively pale south-asian and don't know what freckles look like on my skin type).
I've been doing a skincare routine for about a year now and seriously for half a year. My skin has cleared up heaps and colour has evened out a lot but don't known if these need spot treatment?
No. 62595
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How does one get rid of discoloration like this?
I have something similar but it's more around the mouth corners than a circle
No. 62625
>>62592just use some heparin gel on that are, it always works for me in cases like this. it'll thin out the blood, help with circulation and natural removal of toxins from that area with your blood flow (sorry for being so vague, english is not my first language)
>>62595use azelaic acid on that area. it'll whiten it nicely.
you can also try something stronger like lactic acid, pha or aha but they cannot be used during summer because they may cause photosensivity.
No. 62736
>>62733i just got a sample of a korean sunscreen that supposedly reduces heat in your skin. i havent tried it yet, but its called MAKE P:REM UV Defense Me Blue Ray Sun Fluid SPF 50+
Maybe it will help you? Supposedly the brand is pretty good. No. 62755
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I started incorporating this into my skincare rutine about a month ago. I really like it, because it gives my skin a healthy glow and makes it really soft.
However during the last 2-3 weeks I have also gotten spontainous breakouts. I'm in the middle of my exam period, so I'm not sure if the breakouts are because of the facial oil or if it's just stress.
Anyone have any experience?
No. 62757
>>62755It might be stress or purging, but maybe cut back on using it.
I had products where they worked for awhile and then my face broke out from them. So I took a break from them.
No. 63186
>>63185I just this article today: looking through the skincareaddiction subreddit, too. I don't have any personal experiences, though.
No. 63217
>>63185i was on it for 6 months as a teen, its no big deal. if you have only been on it a week then anything you're experiencing right now is psycho somatic due to you being so scared by horror stories you've read.
the only issue i had was extremely dry lips, i would do insane if i didnt have chapstick within reach at all times.
No. 63230
>>63185I took it, best decision ever, minimal side effects . Don't drink on it and follow your doctors instructions and you should be fine. I doubt you got melanoma from taking accutane for a few weeks. I would blame the anxiety at one week from scaring yourself, you're already googling to see if you have cancer lol, trust me I read some horrible things too but it was mostly fearmongering.
mine started to really kick in around 3 months.
No. 63240
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>>63235I saw a dermatologist when I was a teenager. My acne wasn't even that bad, but he wanted to start me on Accutane right away, without even trying anything else. Let me repeat that my acne wasn't even that bad, just a few whiteheads every now and then. I didn't go on Accutane because I was scared of the side effects.
It all really depends on which dermatologist you happen to see.
No. 63253
>>63235the acne on my face wasnt very bad, but my back was a sea of cysts (it still is, though while on accutane and for a couple years after it was fine. only started getting bad again the past 3 years.)
if you only get 5 zits at a time you wont get a dr to subscribe it to you
No. 63404
>>63235Retin-a is amazing for skin and I totally recommend it. Even though it requires long term commitment, if you stop you basically just get your old skin back. There is a really gross flaky period like a month or so in, but afterwords skin is just SO glowing and beautiful. It helps prevent wrinkles long term too. The only thing that sucks is treating dry skin/using spf but that's really minimal and necessary regardless. If you end up going to a derm and getting it, try to pick up a lower dosage one (definitely not .1 like I started with).
BP facewashes are notoriously drying, have you tried using benzoyl peroxide spot treatments instead since your acne isn't severe?
No. 63730
>>61952I went ahead an bought some hemp seed oil like I said I would. Cold pressed. I'm very happy with it.
It looks gross (green & thick like olive oil) and smells grassy, but when I apply it to my skin and hair, the odor fades away. No one could smell it. The oil absorbs quickly instead of sitting on on the surface. No grimy feel. I actually had to apply more oil to my body a few hours later because my skin absorbed it all and was still a bit dry.
I apply a few drops straight to my scalp and ends of my hair before a shower. After the shower, I mix 5-6 drops with some Cetaphil and slather that on my face and body generously.
I was expecting it to be disgusting, but I think I'm gonna be using this every day. My skin is retaining moisture a lot better. The camellia oil I was using is shit in comparison to this.
No. 63932
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just bought this from sephora yesterday. I've wanted a Dr Jart product for a while since the rest of my skincare routine is Korean based but I knew the brand was pricier. I'm hoping it'll even out my skin tone. I get red cheeks and oily skin. I was going to just get a BB cream but the rep at the store told me this will help the problem and not cover it up. Gonna start using this week and see how it goes.
No. 64114
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Whats the best razor/shaving gel to use on sensitive legs? Are pic related any good?
How do you girls shave?
No. 64116
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>>64114I use my conditioner and this body trimmer. The normal trimmer piece shortens longer hairs, and the rotary piece gets super close to the skin. Since you don't actually scrape the skin/trim the hair too short like a normal razor, you don't get ingrowns.
I actually use it on my entire bikini area for that reason. As a bonus, it's waterproof and incredibly easy to clean.
No. 64117
>>64116That looks pretty cool, and it's cute too! I've never thought of using something like that.
The thing is, I have very dark, thick leg hair and I'm concerned that the stubble will show too much. How close of a trim does it get? Also, does it get dull and do you have to change it?
No. 64118
>>64117It's hard for me to say from personal experience because my hair is pretty light, but these are really popular in Japan so I'd expect them to do a good job on dark hair.
The blades will eventually dull, but the replacements are fairly cheap and easy to swap. Plus, the shaver itself was only about $20, still really cost effective compared to regular razors even if you throw it out after a year.
No. 64269

>>64264All I could say is the whole lemon juice method or using some baking powder mixed ith salt and form a paste with water to place over that acne or try apple cider vinegar.
I tried Bragg's with the Mother for 2 days personally before having to stop due to a weak stomach, but I saw my face clear up a bit in that timespan of my acne; though it might have just been a coincidence.
I heard 3 Tsp honey mixed with 1Tsp cinnamon can help, that or 3 Tsp honey mixed with egg whites.
You could also try breaking open Vitamin E gel capsules and putting it over your hyperpigmentation areas and acne, that or aloe vera or a sliced open potato.
Some reported it helps.
Otherwise I'd look towards your diet, it seems a lot of carbohydrates (even in vegetables) and/or sugars contribute to this.
The video I attached is a girl who combines potato and lemon.
You might want to moisturise quite often with this and use an SPF however to help protect the skin after using the lemon as it can end up with the opposite effect without the SPF. Definitely use a high factor.
No. 64995
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Wondering if anyone can help me out, I'm fairly sure I have rosacea on my cheeks/jaw but it's not super serious so I don't want to bother with a dermatologist. Has anyone used La Roche Posay products for this?
No. 64996
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hey anons! i just bought this a few nights ago from CVS' new korean beauty haul and i freaking love it–very gentle on skin. i have really sensitive skin as it is and this is non-abrasive while still cleaning my pores. i do it in the morning and at night.
cute packaging
not expansive
good for sensitive skin
seems like it'll be a bit of a pain later when it starts running out because of the packaging.
(i'm saging just because i don't know if this is considered a blogpost or not.)
No. 65024
it's me
>>58878>>58896again, just wanted to add that I've seen the most improvement using witch hazel as a toner. I use the Thayers rose petal one. In the morning I spray it on after my micellar water and before my moisturizer; when I get home, I also spray; at night, I put it on a cotton round and wipe my face with it.
I've also been using the Face Shop real nature rice mask maybe once/twice every month, and it works wonders. I have literally no more zits on my face or even "hard spots" under my skin.
No. 65220
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I have Agatha level undereye hollows, it's horrible. Is there anything I can do about this, or do I just have to bite the bullet and get fillers?
No. 65225
>>65220why spend so much money time and patience over something most people don't give a shit about?
I honestly wouldn't have ever noticed agathas eyebags until you pointed them out, it's really not a big deal, especially if you have good skin, good facial structure, nice hair, etc
No. 65544
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Do you guys wear makeup while working out? Am I crazy to think it's strange to wear makeup to the gym?
No. 65546
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>>65220ugh i have under eye hollows too and i have been trying nearly every under eye cream i can get my hands on with little improvement, i think fillers would be the best option.
No. 65560
>>65124I used it in the past. I have really dry, sensitive, acne prone skin. Its a light moisturizer, not too greasy. Didn't seem to break me out.
Only reason I stopped using it, was I found a moisturizer that worked for me. It's not worth it for me to buy anymore. Would recommend though.
No. 65576
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red faced people! read this post and it might help you
>>59364so i'm this bitch
>>59420>>59381and i believed this so i tried some more SCA and MUA recommended products and it of course broke me out like crazy. my skin has been at its worst for the past few months
now i finally visited a private dermatologist and that shit has payed off instantly. before you ask, i didn't visit it before because i didn't think i had an actual skin condition
i self diagnosed myself with rosacea and dehydrated skin and tried different rutines. my last was avenes face wash, hadolabo tonic, cerave or sebamed moisturizer, biores 50spf and paulas choice BHA once a week
my face was getting redder by the second. i can't even use make up at the moment, without my face fucking exploding with redness
the derma doc told me that i dont actually have rosacea and that i have seborrhoeic dermatitis. now, dont google that, because it look absolutely disgusting (i dont have any kind of eczema or rashes or anything like this).
she gave me ducray's kelual ds and my skin turnt white in like 20min, lol
No. 65604
>>65544no offense but that thought makes me cringe.
if you must wear makeup then go for eye makeup. for your skin maybe just dot some BB cream over any spots you have.
No. 65605
>>65576I'd also recommend witch hazel and pyrithone zinc (found in dandruff shampoos). you could also try the ordinary's zinc and niacinamide serum
I only use Head and Shoulders classic clean now, it gets the job done and keeps my face clear lol.
the lesson here is that if your skin isn't responding to actives then it might not be acne
No. 65625
>>65605just a heads up that if you are trying out a product with niacinimide in it and you begin to break out, don't keep trying to slog through it thinking its a purge. niacinimide doesnt cause purging, if you break out, you're having a reaction to it.
i learned that the hard way. its a pain to find products for hyperpigmentation that don't contain niacinimide, particularly when it comes to korean skincare.
No. 65626
>>65624maybe you can use that sunscreen when you don't really care about your looks, like when you're gardening or going for long bike rides, or use it on your body
and then get a better sunscreen for your face, like shiseido senka mineral water UV sunscreen gel
No. 65628
>>65605>>65625thanks to both of you. do you have any recs for moisturizing and sunscreen for SD? should i just buy everything else from ducray too?
i wonder if i will ever get to use bb cream again. any of you had this kind of episode? or just having their skin permanently get fucked up like this?
No. 65635
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>>65628im having good luck currently with make p:rem safe me relief moisture cream.
i was using it mixed with skin&co's anti aging regenerative face cream, but when i ran out of that cream, i switched to adding in skin&co's ultra rich face cream and my skin immediately began to get shitty (compounded by me using retinoid one night) so after like 3 days of that i just switched to ONLY using the make p:rem cream and my skin is clearing up again. not quite to the point where it was before i made it angry with the switch, but compared to 3 days ago its better.
the make p:rem cream is only 12 ingredients and its advertised for sensitive skin
No. 65636
>>65633i just to say that trying out aha and bha's did fuck my skin up as well. it wasn't until i stopped using them that my skin got better. last week i used the ordinary's retinoid solution which i used a few times before without much trouble, but i noticed my skin was a bit pink after. the next night i used their 5% lactic acid, which i also used a few times before, but my skin again went pink. then at the same time i also made the mistake of switching to a different face cream mixed with my usual and my skin was just pissed.
basically i havent seen any results from using the lactic acid or retinoid, and my skin was really improving the week i didnt use any of it, which is why i made the mistake of thinking i could push it to improve a little faster by using those products again. nope.
No. 65935
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Just wanted to share this
I have combination skin that's mainly oily and I've tried a shitload of brands (decleor, Elizabeth Arden, Nuxe, excuviance, clarins etc) and nothing has been as good as this.
Mario badescu Glycolic cleanser
Paula's choice pore minimizing toner
No. 65971
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>>65636Hey anon, Mario Badescu has a gentle lotion with a little bit of lactic acid that I enjoy. I wouldn't say it has holy grail immediate results, but I really like it. My acne prone skin is no longer acne prone and it's not irritating at all.
No. 65979
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My skincare routine is fucked and I'm trying to get back into it but I'm dealing with new skin issues.
Biggest thing is I sometimes drool while sleeping and it has caused red flaky patches at the corners of my mouth. I also get dry flaking skin at the sides of my nostrils. The cortisone may be helping with the mouth rash I can't tell, but no matter how much I moisturize I always have dry skin by my nose.
However, I would consider the rest of my face to be normal/oily as I always have small bumps of acne. I also have several old acne marks.
I currently use whatever gentle/sensitive cleanser I find at the drug store like simple, have both salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide I use interchangeably (but see no improvement), and a light moisturizer. I was wondering if any anons had recommendations on products to try to help with my dry skin + acne. Would something from Paula's Choice or Murad be beneficial?
Also would Mizon snail recovery gel cream be good?
No. 67062
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I'm wondering how much sun is too much for me.
I'm outside in the sun about 20 hours a week, and otherwise pretty much indoors. It feels like everyone I know is either outside for much longer and leathery, or almost never even goes outside.
To be really specific, about 10 hours is out of shade but in the morning so it's not the brightest of the day and sometimes even overcast. 10 is in one day so i get the brightest sun but the whole time is spend under a shade structure.
I'm also the kind of white person where if i didn't wear sunscreen (which i do!) i'd tan for about an hour and then burn after that.
So what do you think farmers, am I on track for premature skin aging or am i being ridiculous and this is barely even anything? I got some korean face sunscreen bc of this website kek.
No. 67132
>>65636Retinoids and lactic acid need time to work and your skin needs time to get used to them. Retinoids also require sunscreen and otherwise gentle skincare. So some pinkness isn't that odd.
If your skin is sensitive to 5% lactic acid just use it once a week.
So don't toss the products just yet, you have a whole year to call in a refund from The Ordinary.
No. 67668
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>>67664I like their shea butter rose mask. It's nice and moisturising, also great for calming breakouts.
No. 68169
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Anyone here used otc retinol/retinoid products? My hormonal acne seems to have gone into remission but I still have two ugly, flaking patches of closed comedones left. I have quite sensitive skin and prone to flaking around pimples too, and I'm debating what strength should I get to make it work. I'm in Europe, so retinol in cosmetic products is capped at 0.3% and often combined with AHAs (a la Avene Triacneal). Should I stick to 0.3% (possibly lower?) or get some acid combo? I'm also interested in the Granactive Retinoids in Squalane from the Ordinary, but do they even do anything?
>>67664My cuntry doesn't have DM but if I were passing by one I would get pic related. It's a dupe (using cheaper oils and extracts) for a way more expensive (at least where I live) Luvos cleanser that I once had and it was super nice.
No. 70114
>>60345Jesus Christ, that's horrifying.
>>67550See a dermatologist. Are you very fair-skinned?
No. 70253
>>70250Tell him to see a dermatologist if it’s hormonal they can prescribe something. In the mean time try to find a gentle cleanser one that’s maybe non-foaming and not to drying. Also I find most guys I know hate moisturizing because they think it’s counter productive and feels greasy but sometimes your skin acts out and reves up oil production when it’s dry which can lead to more break outs so moisturizing is important.
No. 70544
>>70539Dairy isn't puss…although I agree, cutting it out could help.
Anyway, my acne is clearing up quite a bit through regular face masks and stress reduction. I'm also on birth control, although never noticed any correlation with the condition of my skin.
I tried cutting out dairy for a few months, but noticed no changes. Some people claim it helps though, so worth a try if you think that could be the cause. I really hope it works for you, since acne sucks!
No. 70769
I've never had acne, I don't even get pimples, but my skin is just generally bad. My pores are huge and black and some of them frequently look bumpy and inflamed. I'm allergic to practically every skincare product and get at least one hive on my face daily. It is always itchy in one spot or another and if I touch the itchy spot, I'll immediately get an inflamed red spot there.
It's seriously infuriating. At the moment I'm using Fresh soy face cleanser, and Lush's 'angels on bare skin.' I also am using this Clinique moisturiser that is honestly really shitty, but it's the only one I have ever tried that doesn't give me a reaction. I sample new products literally every month but none of them ever work for me. Can't wear any face makeup or bb cream either or my face gets itchy and I get at least one little hive. Exfoliating products are the worst; they give me horrific reactions that peel the skin off my face and make me break out. Even those little brushes for your face that scrape the skin off, even the most gentle things there are. Nothing.
I am so envious of the girls that I see every day with PERFECT skin. No pores, no redness, nothing. They're just by themselves in a t shirt and sweatpants buying some fucking groceries while I stand there creepily staring at them with my basket of arugula. HOW?
I feel like I've tried everything and now I just bitch to myself about this every day of my life. I saw a dermatologist about it once when I was a teenager, and they gave me 100s of dollars worth of products that literally stripped the outer layers of skin off of my face like the worst sunburn in the goddamn world.
I eat a nutritious diet, my dairy intake is limited to the occasional frappuccino indulgence, and I get exercise. I'm fit, thin, and healthy. I'm obsessive about washing my towels and pillowcases nearly every day; if not, I always put a towel over the pillowcase before putting my head on it. I use a loose bandanna to keep my hair positioned out of my face at all times when I am not out so that it is never touching my face. My only bad habit is rarely squeezing the skin on my nostrils to see the white goo that comes out of my pores (which is absolutely disgusting, I'm sorry), other than that I don't even touch my skin. It's just so frustrating.
Whenever I mention this to anyone people just go 'oh you should try _____,' and I want to rip their damn heads off. Literally no one has ever suggested anything that works, not professionals, friends, or anyone on the Internet. And I have tried so many damn products I am honestly surprised that Sephora hasn't banned me from getting samples or returning things at this point. And I was even vegan for a couple of years and it didn't make a difference, someone tried telling me that once.
Ignore this rant, just REEEEEEEEing into the abyss, holy shit I need some actual female friends
No. 70878
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>>70856Their bamboo eye gel is really nice.
No. 70902
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Been trying out some Korean skincare routines (I know Ordinary isn’t Korean, but it was recommended) and I’m diggin’ these products so far especially Cosrx.
cosrx good morning cleanser
Etude sunprise spf 50 mild
klairs black deep cleansing oil
The Ordinary retinoid 2%
Any recommendations on other Korean skincare stuff that’s worth looking into? I’ve got combo pale ass skin
No. 71339
>>71324fuck large pore genetics, you can try:
-washing with cold water
-ice cube massage (but don't let it too long on the same spot and put on good moisturizer afterward)
-eggwhite mask (smells disgusting but actually works)
- primer
No. 72056
>>71300^Their pressed serums and that watermelon mask are pretty good.^ My favorite from here is the poreless mask.
No. 72273
>>72268I've been using Alba Botanica's Acnedote for my oily skin and it does wonders. I also drink diluted apple cider vinegar everyday and I also use it as a toner. Its really helped.
For a moisturizer, you could try you're skin is that oily then you'd want a moisturizer which is light. Alternatively, you could use witch hazel as a toner.
No. 72274
>>72268Oh and I forgot to mention that this a really good mask for oily skin as well. I've been using this for two years and it helps with acne and mopping up excess oil. Sometimes I'll even go to bed with it on and wash it off in the morning.
No. 72966
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No. 72968
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>>72967That's great to hear anon!
No. 73044
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Pcos perricone anon here
I usually use the following moisturiser, toner and cleanser
I apologise for dump 1/3
No. 73045
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No. 73046
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No. 73088
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I avoid smoking moisturise like a maniac and avoid the sun.
If someone knows how to avoid / treat nasolabial folds and has successfully done it please tell me how
No. 73117
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>>73101I'm allergic to almost everything, but not this. If you find it at Mashall's or TJMaxx, it's like $4, but it's more like $10 online.
No. 73126
>>73101Where are you based? I have really sensitive skin on my face too as well as patches of rosacea and so far the only highstreet brand that I can use is Simple, but I think it's a UK brand.
It might be worth trying to narrow down any other
triggers for your skin, for example literally anything will burn my skin after a shower because it seems hot water makes my skin more sensitive, and so I have learnt to only wash with a gentle drugstore cleanser and tepid water, pat dry and apply moisturiser after my skin feels dry. You might even want to try something like epiderm emollient if your skin is that sensitive.
No. 73328
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First time trying out micellar water and this is the one I got. I saw two other ones by this brand in coconut and cucumber. I really like how it makes my skin feel. It certainly gives a different compared to my diluted acv toner I've been using all of these years.
Also picked up drops of light lotion from the body shop. Been using it and my skin is noticeably softer and brighter, but I think the sebaceous gland minimizing may be due to the micellar water.
No. 73470 thought this post was sorta nice.
>HEMP SEED OIL>Hemp seed oil may be my favorite oil for people with oily and/or acne prone skin! Not only does it have a comedogenic rating of ZERO, but it is known to help balance the oils in your skin. It may also help clear up blackheads and small pimples. It does all of that while helping reduce dry patches, inflammation, redness, and fine lines!
>ARGAN OIL>Argan oil was already one of my favorite oils for both skin and hair, but I love it even more knowing that it also has a comedogenic rating of ZERO. The great thing about argan oil is that, because it helps balance the sebum production of the skin, it is a great oil to use on any skin type. It hydrates and works great on flaking or itchy dry skin. It is normally very well tolerated by people with sensitive skin, and it may help eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis. Because it helps balance the sebum production of your skin, it’s especially great for moisturizing oily or combination skin.
>SUNFLOWER OIL>I was very surprised to find that sunflower oil is another oil with a comedogenic rating of ZERO! There is a catch, though: you shouldn’t use sunflower oil with a high oleic content which may clog pores. Sunflower oil that doesn’t specifically say it is high oleic, which is made from sunflowers that have been crossbred to be high oleic to help prolong their shelf life and make them healthier for eating, should be fine. Otherwise sunflower oil is probably the very best oil to use on acne prone skin because it is the highest in linoleic acid of the oils with a comedogenic rating of zero. People who are acne prone tend to have lower levels of linoleic acid in their skin, and it is generally thought that oils high in linoleic acid will help with acne.
>ROSEHIP OIL>Rosehip oil is great for helping combat the redness and inflammation from acne. I was first introduced to rosehip oil when my husband was badly burned in an accident on his fishing boat. During his rehabilitation phase, the doctors prescribed rubbing reshape oil into the scars daily to help reduce them and allow for mobility in the scarred areas of his skin. Rosehip oil is thought to help with a lot of skin conditions: from fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, and skin discolorations like age spots to eczema, psoriasis, and stretch marks.Out of all of these rosehip has been my go-to. I've never had a problem with it and I have oily skin. It is a dry oil.
No. 73793
>>73771Hi, I had coconut oil as a makeup remover and rosehip oil drops in my moisturizer.
And, I have oily skin.
And, I've been doing it for 4 years.
And, the rosehip helps heal acne marks.
As with all skin care, some things work for others and some things don't.
How about don't come to a thread and tell others what to do? Because, you know, your skin and problem isn't everybody's skin or problem.
No. 73794
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>>73771Oil cleansing has existed in skin care for years, anon. Nobody here has to stop doing what works for them just because you have shitty luck.
No. 73825
>>73821They're probably from Reddit skin care. That place has always been full of cunts who diagnose others through the internet and can't seem to grasp that everybody's skin is different. Don't even get me started on how they sperg out when you say that you use diluted acv as a toner and that it works for you.
And, when you tell them you know what you're doing?
>>73781what is your skin type? do you know for sure if you require using both?
if you use the AHA and the BHA 4x a week on the same days, i would suggest using them on alternating days instead. depending on how sensitive your skin is, two actives on the same day could be too much.
No. 73837
>>73825Holy shit i
triggered you spergs, sca recomend oil cleasing btw kek
Just trying to put it out there that some people cant handle oil and perhaps help them from destroying their skin with scars etc. Such a bitch
No. 73845
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>>73837>make a stupid comment instead of simply asking how something works for others>get told off>I-I WAS JUST PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED!1!!!!You brought that upon yourself, you know that right?
And, no, sca isn't a hivemind. I've lurked that subreddit for years and they always go back and forth between oil cleansing, get
triggered by Asian products and micellar water, and routinely try to play armchair dermatologist over the internet.
You weren't "putting it out there" by wording your post the way that you did.
No. 73850
>>73846what would you be doing it for?
a close girlfriend of mine has been dermarolling for about a year for her acne scars but has seen no difference. i'm not sure why she continues tbh.
No. 73860
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I hate when I'm tempted by pretty packaging.
No. 73866
>>73858i tried paula's choice 8% AHA lotion and it was waaayyyy too harsh on my skin. i think i still have it, barely used lol. at the time they didn't sell a lower percentage so after trying it out like three times i had to switch over to a different brand at 5%. i don't think AHAs differ
too much across brands except in consistency and maybe fragrance, but if you're looking for recommendations i would highly recommend turning to The Ordinary for actives as they are a ~no fuss no muss~ kind of brand.
No. 73871
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Anybody ever try anything from this line? Their face wash didn't change much for me, but their deep cream and lotion were pretty moisturizing. I know they have a blue placenta line which is apparently even more moisturizing and it smells like lemons.
Speaking of, what is the worst skin care product everyone has used? The worst for me was that face wash by Simple and the Neutrogena oil-free face wash that is an orange gel in a pump bottle. The latter dried my skin out and made it itchy, but the acne remained.
No. 74229
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I know everyone's skin is different, but have any of you used products from Daytox? I want to pick up a couple of their serums.
No. 74650
>>74647It helped me with redness, I think. I drink 3 cups per day. But other than that I haven't really found anything that helps with hormonal acne :/
In my case: hormones are normal, I work out 4 times per week, eat healthy, minimal sugar (like 2 knoppers per week), change sheets frequently and have a skincare routine.
I'll try adding witch hazel to my skincare routine to see if it'll do anything. Other than that idk really.
No. 74672
>>74650perricone cleanser and pore tightening saved my life
I used to have really bad pcos flares and it’s 👌🏻
No. 74808
>>74710I'm Canadian so I couldn't resist trying a few products. For the price, I really like their 23% vitamin c suspension with HA spheres. It's quite gritty on the skin though because the vitamin c is a finely milled powder suspended in the formula, so it does take quite a bit of time for it to sit and sink in, usually about 20 minutes (or else anything I put on top of it pills up). Some folks say that you need to wait this long anyway for the vitamin c to work, so depending on what school of thought you follow, this might be irrelevant or even a good thing. But I'm definitely considering trying one of their new vitamin c formulas that are in silicone and apply smoothly just for the sake of convenience.
I'm trying out their 2% retinoid, but I may need to discontinue use because I'm pretty sure it gave me some small whiteheads that popped up on my cheeks. Hard to tell if it's purging or if my skin really doesn't like it.
I've also tried their glycolic acid and niacinamide solutions, but they did nothing for me unfortunately. I'm probably gonna try their caffeine and buffet solutions soon just because they're so inexpensive and I'm not immune to the internet hype they get. I think for the price they're good for trying new active ingredients but like anything, YMMV with the effectiveness. I've seen better improvement with my winter skin from cosrx products, which are also quite affordable but not nearly as cheap as TO.
No. 74962
I didn't have acne in my teens, I had the odd spot usually on my chin around my period. When I hit 21, I started getting proper, under the skin, hard and very painful cyst-y spots all over my fuckin chin and jaw. I get regular spots, seldom enough, in other places, but these things do NOT quit. I have tried everything. Also I mentioned it to my doctor but doctors here are useless unless you're blatantly throwing up blood in front of them fwiw. I have tried every combo of scrub and wash and moisturiser I can get here, as well as using less of all these, or none, or just coconut oil.
It is much worse when I'm not wearing makeup, my skin deals much better when I wear heavy makeup routinely.
It's made me really self conscious. Normally I would wear no makeup if I could, but it's not even a matter of detoxing and letting my skin "breathe" without makeup like everyone fucking says, I've gone for months without it and the chin acne just amps the fuck up. I hate it so much.
No. 74967
>>74962Same exact situation, but my skin's getting under control with a 15% azealiac acid formula prescription and BHA, every other night usage for the latter.
I have a feeling that mine's more due to stress because it flares up so badly when I'm feeling mentally unwell, though. My scarring's pretty bad and extensive, too, where my chin is an entirely different color than the rest of my face. It's weird to say that my skin only adds to my suicidal ideation, but it really does–especially since I'm like that one person in my classes who looks like they haven't grown out of the pimply teenager phase, in spite of having great skin in high school.
No. 74969
>>74967I totally understand anon, mine has really affected my mental health too. It feels ridiculous to say but it sucks so much especially when you already feel bad then find another spot cropping up. It's a catch 22 cause they make you more stressed and give you even more!!
For your prescription did you go to a dermatologist if you don't mind me asking? I really need to get my hands on something BHA. Thank you for replying btw!
No. 74979
>>74969The azelaic acid (specifically Finacea) was prescribed by a derm, yes, but The Ordinary has a 10% formulation and there's a 20% formulation on Amazon under the name of Melazepam. If you're outside the US, apparently it's easier to find over the counter, especially in Europe.
Forgot to mention, but the BHA I'm using is CORSX.
No. 74981
>>74962I've had similar issues with stubborn cystic chin/jaw acne. While doing a lot of research into skincare and developing a good routine helped the overall quality of my skin, my acne completely cleared up once I stopped eating dairy. I don't want to be one of those people who tries to push diet changes on others but now pretty much the only time I break out is if I eat dairy, so I definitely think it's worth a shot at the very least.
I've also heard good things about birth control or spirolactone for acne that seems horomonal in nature, which I've heard chin/jaw acne often is (not sure how true that is though).
In the meanwhile, I definitely second the recommendation of a BHA.
No. 75224
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>>74930No. I've been using cheap lotions and ointments my entire life because my family is poor and I've just gotten my hands on some cash, via college grant.
Cetaphil works, but it dissolves too fast for my taste and it's 3-4 dollars a bar. Dove is also good, but not as good as Cetaphil.
The only two cheap soaps I like are Dial and Ivory.
No. 75225
>>75224Oops I hit send. I'm willing to try Cerave, though.
Also, I like the way Aveno products smell, but for what they are, they are over priced. Infact any skin product that's Eczema-related is WAY over priced for what they are.
I hate having Eczema so much.
No. 75294
>>75261I use TO as well and it helped me with my acne. I used to look pretty bad but ever since I started using them my skin completely cleared up and I tried a lot of products over the years.
But everyone is different. Do your research on your skin and the products.
No. 75697
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>>75312to be quite honest my sister had this issue and the only thing that really helped her was antibiotics. she also used differin gel though
she used stridex pads a few times (BHA) and it really irritated her , differin gel is also over the counter FYI
No. 75851
>>75697+1 for antibiotics
I went off birth control and my face exploded in cystic acne. I just wish I took them sooner. Cystic acne takes forever to fade.
No. 75855
>>75540there's a big chance it's not just pollution but the water is different (worse). Try washing/rinsing your face with bottled/mineral water, not your tap water and see if there's a change.
Use clays such as rhassoul, bentonite, because they draw out toxins. Same with active charcoal. Use cosmetics with vitamin C and E. Basically practise an intense skincare with a lot of cleansing, because the city pollution can seriously wreck your skin.
No. 75856
>>75855The water quality is just as good as the one back home, I live in a country where the tap water is the same or better than the bottled water.
But thank you for the tips, I'll seriously up my skincare routine.
No. 75890
>>75887I'm depressed as well so right now I use a mosturizing sake toner and astral cream. I also try to drink as much water as I can.
One a week I'll apply AHA to get rid of flaky skin, I also wear sunscreen everyday.
My skintype is dehydrated/ combination and I used to have alot of closed comodones and more redness and flaky patches. I wash day and night.
No. 75900
>>75887Yes, genetics and washing your bed linens (and hands). My skin has always been really nice (haven't worn foundation since I was 18, and that was only because I thought it's what you're 'supposed' to do). I just put on a nice moisturising cream that evens out my skintone.
I know I'm going to get shit on six ways to Sunday for saying something nice about myself but, well… You asked for advice from someone with good skin.
No. 76261
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Shoutout to this product, it might be drugstore but since I've started using it my forehead's never been smoother.
No. 76337
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Since I started using a facial brush like pic related I've noticed my skin is smoother and I don't have those keratin small bumps that look like pimples but aren't. Really recommend using a cleansing brush.
No. 76353
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>>76261>>76301I use the pink one (right) and its fantastic~ would love to try the oil one (left), but scared it will cause acne. Any anons here try it before?
No. 76374
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>>76261I got theis because it was on sale for the same price as the garnier one. I tried the pink one garnier one before and I’m pretty sure there is no difference.
No. 76409
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>>76261I use this one and I looove my skin now.
No. 76411
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Question about micellar water + toner: toner before micellar water, after, or not at all?
I use micellar water every morning and night, and occasionally throughout the day if I feel like my face is grimy, but I can't figure out when I should use toner. Seems like if I use micellar water before, the toner would rinse off the micelles, and if I use it after, the micellar water would rinse off the toner, so either way, there's no point. But IDK.
No. 78928
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Please help anons!
I'm the prime example of white trash that ages badly, i'm only 22 but already have
>a big wide meaty jaw a la Kooters
>bad nasolabial folds
>extremely deep set eyes and therefore very dark circles and eyebags since i was just a preteen
>no longer just fine lines on my forehead, which really make me look a lot older
On the one hand my skin is so dry that it wrinkles horribly and sometimes feels super tight due to it's dryness, but on the other hand i constantly still get breakouts, especially on my chin and jaw.
My acne is not super bad, but even if i don't have any, my skin overall looks so red and uneven.
All of this paired of with a resting bitch face makes me look like a mean witchy hag…
My body is also pretty gross:
>half a year ago i suddenly started getting acne on my shoulders/upper back
>my tits already started sagging
>i've got cellulite
>horrible stretch marks and my hips, butt, thighs and the back of my knees
>and my whole legs are full of spider veins
>also, i somehow can't shave even once without getting dozens of ingrowns, pimples and itchyness
No. 78929
>>78928Saged for samefag, but i forgot to add that no matter how often remove it, i always have cornea on my feet.
In summer they smell so badly and they're so sensitive that i'll even get blisters in my most comfy sneakers when i walk for more than like an hour…
No. 78932
>>78928Anon, I'm kinda worried a lot of your problems come from lack of proper diet, not drinking enough water and possibly no exercise. How is your lifestyle? Do you use any skin products? Did you have your hormones checked?
>On the one hand my skin is so dry that it wrinkles horriblySounds like eczema, I have it too.
No. 78934
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>>78932I probably worded that weirdly. My skin is just always rather pinkish and small veins are visible (even on my face), because i'm so pale.
Whenever i pull up my eyebrows my forehead wrinkles and if i relax my face again there are lines left, more visible than for other people my age and they also take longer to fade; but not bumpy or anything.
I don't think that's excema, just dryness and loss of elasticity.
I don't sleep a lot and eat like shit, but right now i can't change that so at least i wanted to start a skin care routine, since i often don't even wash my face at all, not even water…
Pic related, that's how my forehead looks before and after raising my brows.
No. 78941
>>78935there's honestly so many pollutants outside that washing your face on occasion every 2 days once is going to mean that the grime of 2 days will be sticking to your face and clogging your pores. It'll be hindering cell renewal because you're leaving the dead skin sitting.
Get micellar water and a toner and cotton pads for your face. Every morning take the water and wipe your face, then use the toner and moisturise. I clean my face after the shower and put my creams on before doing my hair and makeup. At night do the same to your face as you did in the morning, you can add extra creams to sleep in.
Also do a face mask maybe once a week?
No. 78962
>>78944Dishydrotic eczema anon here (though it's on my hands). Look for a hydrocortisone steroid anti-itch cream at your local pharmacy. There's tons of brands, I personally use Cortizone 10 maximum strength which has 1% hydrocortisone. If your eczema is really bad, you should see a dermatologist if you can as they can prescribe you higher strength topical cream among further treatment.
However, if I were you, I would research hydrocortisone cream and the potentially long lasting effects since your eczema is on your face and in such a delicate area. I've heard the cream thins and ages the skin which the cream is applied on but I haven't personally noticed those effects on my hands. I don't know much about psoriasis, hopefully another anon can pitch in for that one.
No. 78973
>>78934Yeah the forehead lines thing shouldn't be happening at your age but everyone ages at their own pace and when it happens there's not much you can do.
Do you use sunscreen? Have 3 meals a day? Sleep at LEAST 5 hours every night? Do you sleep with the lights on, or have your phone/computer on? Do you drink alcohol, do drugs, smoke? How much are you stressing out? Do you do anything for your skin at all?
First, the quick fixes:
If you're not using sunscreen, start now. Bioderma Photoderm Fluide (the Dry Touch one) is really nice and only 2€ more than the famed Biore Watery Essence/gel. Order one, get the other in the pharmacy until it arrives, both are really good, lightweight sunscreens with moisturising properties.
Get some primer to fill out the wrinkles a bit and help the area under your eyes hold concealer better. Bourjois Blur the Lines is great, Etude House Proof 10 Eye Primer is cheaper and also good.
Get some concealer for your undereyes. Bourjois Radiance Reveal is really really really nice (seriously, I love it a lot and I've used many different brands). Prime the area, apply the concealer sparingly and tap until blended, seal in with some translucent powder (Innisfree No Sebum is great, if not Essence All About Matt is also good and very cheap).
If you're not using any skincare products yet, get a good pH balanced cleansing milk or lotion (I use a Nuxe one but lots of people in the States like Cetaphil), a makeup removing product if you wear any makeup and for the sunscreen (Etude House's Real Art cleanser is good but you can find a lot of pharmacy cleansing oils, micellar water is also popular but I find it's not as strong), one lightweight moisturiser and a heavier one for night time (La Roche-Posay Lipikar AP+ is super cheap for the size and has niacinamide as the 4th ingredient).
Second, cut out soda from your diet, try to drink more water and/or green tea, try to eat more vegetables (roasted capsicum is really good, asparagus with hollandaise sauce is delicious, you can also buy frozen veggie mix and fry it and eat it with some fish or chicken and something else like potatoes, try to push yourself to eat more salad with your meals too. It's okay if you can't do it all the time, at least try three times a week at first. Get a multivitamin and take it every day. Try to wash your face twice a day, when you brush your teeth for example.
Later you can start introducing vitamin C into your skincare and if you have leftover money get fillers for your nlf (I have them too, mine are genetic) and forehead. I'd suggest retinol but you seem kind of inconsistent and if you aren't vigilant with sun protection it can only make things worse.
Good luck! Sorry for the long post.
No. 78984
>>78934I have this too, from skin dryness. It’s probably not as noticeable to others as you think, if that’s any consolation. Get a good moisturiser and sunscreen to stop it getting worse.
I’m still trying to find something that doesn’t either make my skin drier or cause acne, sensitive skin is an ongoing battle.
No. 78998
>>78973Thanks a lot for the detailed answer, anon.
I actually drink a lot (nearly only water), even take mutivitamin pills, but other than that i'm retty bad i guess.
I just checked and here the Bioderma one costs just half as much as the Biore, so i'll definitely try that.
About filler/botox, until now i've done shit for my skin, so i do hope that if i finally manage to put in some effort it'll get better. I'm really against any kind of ps, i'd rather stay as i'm now.
No. 78999
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I get why she has a modeling career. But I HATE the weak chin, massive lips looks.
No. 79000
>>78941Thanks for the tips, anon.
I should try that, it's not much work after all.
No. 79149
>>79145I'd like to second this.
Many anons here seem to only use either korean or high end brands, which is expensive and a hassle to order…
No. 79152
>>79145>>79149Ugh same.
/inb4 "asian products are so much better/ don't you want to take care of your skin??"
Some of us can't afford shipping etc
I'm not german but we have a lot of your products here (mostly in DM and Muller lol)
I really recommend Alverde and Balea, it's really cheap but work pretty good (for me at least). Some of the products are hit or miss so try to find reviews before buying. Also Alkmene, Neutrogena and Vichy seem alright.
No. 79161
>>79158>>79158Balea - Soft & Clear Ölfreies Waschgel (Ölfreies Waschgel mit Salizylsäure und Zink)
Alkmene Teebaumöl Gesichtswasser
Neutrogena deep moisture comfort balm
Alverde peeling bio-aprikose, bio-calendula
If you're from Germany then you guys probably have a bigger selection of products than us here, so it's worth looking around a bit since I'm working with only what's available
No. 79208
>>79161Hello Austrian anon!
Can you recommend an acne spot treatment? The Balea and Alverde ones don't seem to work for me, but I don't know if it is worth it to buy one of the more expensive ones or not.
Alverde's Clear Waschcreme is the best cleanser I have ever tried for combination / acne-prone skin - and I've tried a lot of cleansers.
Does anyone have suggestions for a good eye creme that is easy to get in the EU or UK? I don't have many eye wrinkles yet but I want to prevent them. My ageless aunt gave me some kind of roller for puffy eyebags, but I think I habe the opposite of that problem. I get datk circles, not puffiness.
No. 79250
>>79208Not really since I don't use it, but I know alkmene has something like that which is basically just tea tree oil
If you can afford it go for the more expensive ones, but read up reviews and ingredients
No. 79271
>>78944>>78962It depends whether it's eczema or perioral dermatitis, as steroids can worsen perioral dermatitis.
However for eczema, OTC 1% hydrocortisone cream as anon suggested helps settle inflammation. It is however near the bottom of the potency ladder so I'd second visiting a dermatologist if you see no improvement.
Otherwise, emollients are the mainstay. I'd recommend trying diprobase as it's available OTC and a very rationalised ingredients list.
You can have a look on the site - it is a fantastic resource for skin conditions as it provides images for most of them. Some articles are aimed more at healthcare professionals but it's simple enough for non-medics to use as reference, too.>>79215I had a bad flare of seborrhoeic dermatitis recently and found the Avene Cicalfate cream a lifesaver. It was designed to support the skin's natural barrier, helped to reduce flaking throughout the day under makeup.
No. 79322
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Hello, I've been experiencing this thing for years and I was wondering if anyone here was having the same, and if it's possible to fix it.
Basically, whenever I frown or smile for more than 3 seconds I get red smiling lines (if I smile) or my forehead gets all red (if I frown) for like 30-60 seconds. I don't see other people experiencing the same thing, though. It's embarrassing, even more since I'm recently doing theatre so I have to, you know, act, without my forehead becoming red or getting red smile lines out of simply emoting. What can I do?
No. 79323
>>79322I have exactly the same problem.
It's even more noticible when wearing makeup since it creases, those lines stay and make me look like a granny…
No. 79351
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What can I do to protect my hands from the sun? The rest of my non-face skin?
I work indoors, but usually spend at least an hour outside each day during the daytime, and an hour in the car. I'd rather not look off-putting, but I don't mind looking a little silly.
No. 79366
>>75856To add to this anon:
Research skincare carefully. Treat everything you buy as a possible hazard because each ingredient could have a serious drawback. It may seem like Spain but you will thank yourself. Your skin is still an organ.
If you use clays like bentonite, understand the risks as bentonite clay soaks up a lot of lead from soil and overtime could cause damage. Each possible “holy grail” you see touted could be detrimental to your skin.
No. 79520
>>79271Not that anon but I’ve got PD or SB and tried LRP cicaplast baume for a few days and if anything it seemed to make it worse. Is the avene one worth picking up to try or is it basically the same thing?
Now I’ve been trying finacea since reading the dermnetz article for PD.
No. 79545
>>79520I did actually try the LRP cicaplast one first, as it had rave reviews and I'd never heard of Avene. Cicaplast burned on contact and made my scaling/peeling issues worse. My skin is generally sensitive anyway, but it's also acne-prone with a tendency towards fungal skin issues too since it's so oily.
The cicalfate cream is halfway between an emulsion and a thicker nappy cream, quite heavy for a facial cream really. It remains quite heavy and moist on the skin and behaves like a barrier cream. However it didn't burn and didn't worsen my existing acne, and as it never ended up 100% absorbed into skin, helped promote a moist healing environment for damaged skin. It didn't look fantastic under makeup as it is so heavy, but far preferable to the previous flaky mess I had. I only use it when I absolutely have to, but I've always got it in my bathroom just in case.
For very irritated and oozing skin, I've found Medihoney barrier cream useful. However, this will worsen acne so it's not a good all-over facial cream, just as a protective patch where the skin's upper layers are breached.
No. 79701
>>79545Wow, sounds like we have the same type of skin. LRP cicaplast might have given me acne since I was only putting it where the flaky skin was and I never get acne around my nose. I thought it was TO since I'm an idiot and never properly test products.
What actually gets rid of the flaky skin for you?
No. 79753
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>>79701It's hard to find products that work though, the skin care industry peddles so many ineffective and misleading things, and push certain products as "essential" when they're actually fairly harmful - alcohol-laden toner is a particularly common example. Not to mention all the nonsense words like "revitalising", "detoxifying", "rejuvenating" etc that sound impressive but mean fuck all in terms of measurable skin benefits. Not to mention practices like angel dusting and shit like "Proven 99% reduction in wrinkles!*" then next to the asterisk at the bottom is "consumer survey, subjective opinion of consumers' wrinkles after 2 weeks, sample size 14 people"
Actual evidence it is not.
Anyway here's my routine, if it helps:
>sunscreen every day>anti-dandruff shampoo used twice a week as face + body wash, left on for 3-5mins, then rinsed off in shower using warm cotton muslin cloth to gently physically remove flaky skin.Don't scrub too hard! Gentle pressure going once or twice over is enough.
Ketoconazole and selenium sulphide shampoos are less irritating than zinc pyrithione ones on my skin, and avoid anything with eucalyptus, citrus, or menthol in.
>mild facial cleanser, Cosrx BHA liquid, The Ordinary's niacinamide and resveratrol serumsBHA can treat acne while also softening and reducing dry flaky patches, niacinamide is anti-inflammatory and reduces sebum production. The resveratrol I use because it's an antioxidant.
>Hada Labo hyaluronic acid lotion, white bottleHumectant, supports skin's surface hydration
>Avene skin recovery cream, or cicalfate if very dry/irritatedThe only Avene products really worth the money - fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, richly moisturising and non-comedogenic. Rest is overpriced rubbish.
>remove makeup with dual phase solution since I wear waterproof mascara, any will do.>mild face cleanser, cosrx BHA liquid, TO niacinamide + resveratrol serums as above>The Ordinary - granactive retinoid 5% in squalaneNot as potent as prescription retinoids, but that suits me fine at present since my skin is quite irritable. I like that it comes as a squalane suspension, which is quite moisturising.
>CeraVe night creamhas niacinamide in it as well as hyaluronic acids and ceramides to maintain surface hydration overnight, reducing dryness and flakes.
When it is super dry, irritated, sore & flaky I'll skip the anti-dandruff shampoo, BHA & retinoid until it's better. At that point the skin just needs TLC and protection until the epithelial layer has healed.
Sorry this has ended up like War and Peace lol
But it's taken me YEARS to finally get my skin under control, keeping acne and flaky fungal skin issues at bay while also now having to battle against the ageing process. Hope it helps!
No. 79796
>>79753Thanks for the reply and I love long posts
>anti-dandruff shampooDo you just put it on the affected areas or all over your face? My dermatologist recommended me to do this but I've been putting it off since it seems scary
>AveneOh man I just bought their lipid replenishing balm for body and sunscreen emulsion. I noticed a lot of there stuff has fragrance in it when I was looking for a cleanser.
Do you put cicalfate all over your face? And do you think those Avene creams are good enough for night? I have an irrational fear of CeraVe since the foaming cleanser gave me chemical burns.
No. 79807
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>>79796Sorry, didn't mean to rain on your parade!
Generally Avene's products are good and are unlikely to do your skin any harm, it's just that for the price I'd expect more fragrance-free and one-way dispenser valves to minimise contact with air and microbes within the tube. Like the recovery cream. I also find the thermal water schtick a bit stupid - it has some more unusual electrolytes in it like selenium but honestly water is water, it's not innately soothing. To be fair, the other French pharmacy brands do this too - LRP, Vichy, Bioderma etc
My mother is a huge fan of their sunscreen emulsion if it's any consolation.
Anyway, for when I need to use cicalfate i.e. flaking, tight, red, itchy etc it goes over my whole face. A little goes a long way. For overnight use when needed, I apply a thicker layer and wash it off next morning.
So as regards to the anti-dandruff shampoo, it goes over all my oiliest parts - scalp, face, neck, chest, back.
Ketoconazole shampoo is probably the least irritating - you work it in to a foamy lather on your skin, wait 3-5 minutes, then wash off. As it's a short-contact treatment, it will kill off fungal cells while minimising the potential for irritants in the shampoo to cause problems. Avoid shampoos with known irritants - menthol etc
And be sure not to use it every day as that's too harsh on your skin.
It's a shame that CeraVe didn't work for you, I really like it. There's plenty of other good night creams out there, but a good moisturiser is absolutely fine by itself too so nbd.
No. 79815
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>>79753I thought BHA interferes with your hormones, causing them to go awall and can also interfere with your reproductive system?
I try to stay away from it until more research can conclude if it's really safe to use in short periods at least
Is there any truth to those Indian miracle type creams? I know some are just really gloopy and oily that will break you out in acne
But some get really positive reviews like Kailas Jeevan cream, or Himani Boro Plus, but my issue is that there's Talc in them.
What do you guys think?
No. 79855
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>>79815I meant BHA as in beta hydroxy acids, as opposed to alpha hydroxy acids. AHAs are water-soluble and BHAs are lipid-soluble. The only BHA used in skincare is salicylic acid. With normal use, i.e. putting it on your face once or twice a day & not bathing in it all day with broken skin, it isn't absorbed through the skin in sufficient quantities to have detectable systemic effects. I know of no cases where medical topical salicylic acid preparations were definitively linked to reproductive issues.
oh fuck it, rant incoming. Forewarning you now. This is not aimed at you in particular anon, as the fault lies with the “health guru” people spreading this crap online and in the media as if they have any scientific authority whatsoever. It drives me CRAZY the way they consistently misinterpret clinical and/or scientific data, and draw at best wildly overblown and at worst completely inaccurate conclusions from it.
The drug aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is converted to salicylic acid within the body as the active metabolite. It has a variety of uses other than as pain relief, owing to its antiplatelet activity. It belongs to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) class, alongside ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, and more uncommonly used ones like indomethacin and celecoxib. Broadly, they inhibit the cyclo-oxygenase enzymes (COX-1 & COX-2) which are needed to complete production of prostaglandins needed in inflammation, and the thromboxanes which are needed in normal blood clotting.
Aspirin is strongly selective against COX-1, and the only one that inhibits it irreversibly. This means that far less thromboxane-A2 can be produced, a vital component of the platelet aggregation mechanism. Therefore it is helpful in diseases where clot formation within damaged blood vessels would be dangerous - cardiac coronary arteries, arteries supplying the brain, etc. A more uncommon one is women with an autoimmune disorder called antiphospholipid syndrome. It is frequently discovered in those with recurrent miscarriages. Aspirin in combintion with heparin is used to treat these women and reduce rates of miscarriage. By itself at lower doses, 75mg-150mg/day, is used to treat pregnant women at risk of high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia beyond the first trimester.
There are a few older studies suggesting very large doses of aspirin over time may result in fertility and erectile issues in male rats, indicating prostaglandins are needed for normal reproductive function. Again, the doses involved are very high, not like 1 aspirin a day for a headache. There isn't any high-quality evidence supporting this conclusion in humans as far as I'm aware, just a Finnish study where men taking aspirin for years reported increased rates of erectile dysfunction than those not taking it. However it was a simple questionnaire type study and didn't distinguish whether it was the aspirin they were taking, or the condition they were taking it for - i.e. endovascular damage to arteries supplying the nerves and tissues there.
Finally, I want to highlight that just because something causes problems in massive overdose, this doesn't mean it's an unsafe or unnatural chemical that you shouldn't use EVER. Retinoids are strongly teratogenic and hepatotoxic, and this includes vitamin A in large enough doses. Massive doses (as in 100,000IU/day) were used to treat severe acne before isotretinoin was on the scene. In excess it's bad, but avoiding it altogether is also terrible for your health since you need a certain level of dietary intake of vitamin A to be healthy. “Natural” is also not an indicator of whether a product is beneficial or not –you need only look at the physical damage traditional Chinese medicine can do using “natural” herbs and ingredients.
Please be wary of what you read online, beauty magazines, in the news etc. It's frighteningly easy for people to put misleading and patently false information out there because they don't know enough about it to realise they are wrong. Case in point, someone finds that study about massive doses of aspirin affecting male rats' boners and interprets that as ASPIRIN IS AN ENDOCRINE DISRUPTOR, never mind that in normal doses it does no such thing. Fuck, even WATER will kill you if you manage to drink a heroic amount within a certain time frame. Of course you have to be guarded when it comes to buying products - at the end of the day, profit comes before everything else in most companies. However, those pushing the "natural" healthcare lifestyle also have their own motives, half the time to sell their bullshit-in-a-bottle daisy tablets or whatever. Sometimes it is meant well, but still wrong - and harms others who avoid potentially beneficial treatment over unfounded safety fears.
TL;DR please be aware that study findings are frequently misrepresented in mainstream media and try not to fall into the trap that natural = harmless and synthetic = harmful. Be especially wary of those advising against conventional medicine with a good evidence base behind it.
Fuck I’m mad. I’ll get off my soapbox now and stop sperging out. I won't be making any further posts in this thread.
Best of luck to you all anons <3
No. 79863
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>>79807I need to try the dandruff shampoo. My skin has been acting so badly this year and I even got head dandruff for the first time in my life. And the inside of my nose got sort of like an infection? after a cold in December so it’s always dry and cracking. Hoping this works.
>thermal water What do you think about serozinc though? I’ve been patiently waiting for a sale since they released it over here but they always exclude serozinc.
>>79855I know this feel.
>re-applying sunscreen in the summer when UV index is super highAnglo Saxon boomers with permanently red, damaged skin bragging how they never use sunscreen and saying chemicals in sunscreen are more dangerous than the sun. Not even mad I just feel bad for them especially when they get skin cancer.
No. 79906
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>take hot shower
>use skin peel
>it doesn't get any of the blackheads
Goddammit this fucking feel. Any one got any skin peel product recommendations? I've been using this cucumber one but it's not working for me.
No. 79935
>>45776Kinda a silly thing, but how do you feel confident with cystic acne? I don't put on makeup at school to cover it so it shows.
I was extremely stressed (still am) over the holidays (I have major exams this year) and applied some skincare products, which ironically caused this whole thing. Not to mention, my mother always scrutinizes my face when I wake up, and keeps talking about me acne and scars and shit.
I've told her so many times to stop it. I'm trying my hardest to stop it since it's compulsive, and whenever I feel stressed I just love squeezing the oil out. Fuck I've been feeling so shitty for the past 6 months, especially since Accutane has done nothing and I'm not even pretty to begin with.
No. 80298
>>79935you're on accutane and you've only had cystic acne since last holidays? girl…
and honestly i just try not to look at myself in the mirror. or like at least not look at my skin. im a bit shortsighted so i can't really see most of the acne and hyperpigmentation on my face when i stand more than a meter away from my mirror lol so that helps. but seriously, don't overexamine your skin. throw any magnifying mirrors right out. and stop letting your hands be anywhere near your face. every time you notice yourself mindlessly stratching or squeezing a spot, put your damn hand down. realize what you are doing, tell yourself why you don't want to be doing this and then busy yourself with school work or something. it takes time though. (tbh i sometimes switch to scratching at my hair/hairline if i can't help myself. at least that part of me is covered, ya know.)
i put on some light foundation and powder in the morning (doesnt cover much, just makes the red spots less in-your-face) and then just try not to think about it. yeah, the less the people in your life talk about it, the better, either explain to your mom how her comments make you feel even worse about the skin problem you know you have (and are reminded of every day in the mirror) or try your best to ignore her (which is hard but mastering the skill of ignoring stupid shit people say is really helpful in life lol).
but honestly, confidence is about so much more than just outwards appearance, you know? so once you start working on your
inside, having bad skin won't seem like the end of the world.
No. 80306
sigh. I stopped wearing makeup, drink a lot of water, but my skin is total shit.
my diet isn't great but I don't eat a ton of junk or sweets, just generic dinners of oven food are what's unhealthy about it
>Wedges or fries, breaded chicken
I eat fruit and good shit outside of that, I use micellar water,a toner and a charcoal moisturiser, take vitamins, but my skin is still dull as fuck, flaky yet oily,and under my eyes is pure fucking grey.
it's so depressing to see myself every day
No. 80307
>>79935You care about your acne about a 1000 times more than anyone you will ever meet. It's hard, but most people will probably take notice at most, go "oh" and then proceed to think about their own insecurities. You're fine.
The only thing that helped me with cystic acne was birth control pills. No matter how much I changed in my diet, skincare or makeup routine, I wasn't able to get rid of the worst acne. I tripled my water intake, stopped eating meat, cut out dairy, slept on a clean pillowcase every night, stopped wearing makeup, added and removed countless skincare products. No measurable change from any of those things. It took me a few months to completely get rid of my acne with birth control. Now I'm working on the hyper pigmentation that got left behind.
I'm about to switch birth control and it scares me shitless because my skin is the best it's been since I became a teenager and I don't want to undo all the progress.
No. 81266
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Eurofag here. I posted previously asking for recommendations of cheap products you can find at DM or rossmann. I bought this toner at DM for < 3 euros and it's doing wonders for my skin. The instructions say to apply it mornings and nights, but I only use it at night.
No. 81267
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>>81266Fuck I posted the wrong pic
No. 81287
>>80306How is your sleep schedule? Getting 8 hours every night does wonders for your appearance, seriously.
>micellar water,a toner and a charcoal moisturiserMaybe you could try switching brands? If any of the products you use contain alcohol, it is probably contributing to your dry skin.
Also, how much is "a lot" of water? Make sure to measure how much you're drinking every day to be sure you're getting as much as you think.
No. 81289
>>80350I use raw shea butter every night as a moisturizer. Don't use it in the morning, it's rich and greasy, but works wonders overnight.
Make sure you whip it before using (google whipped shea butter for more information), it helps a lot with the application.
No. 81491
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I recently got pic related from the body shop and it's awesome.Great body butter but dries into your skin and kind of locks in, like 10 seconds after applying so you're not all sticky,and makes your skin rly nice esp with continued use. I love it.
Can anyone recommend anything for visible redness and blood vessels around the nostrils? I have had it as long as I can remember and it really bothers me.
Also, are under-eye roll ons worth it? Like the cooling roll on serums?
I also have very grey under eyes as my skin there is very thin but i dont want fillers so I guess I just have to deal with it
No. 81780
This is embarassing and gross but a few weeks ago, I broke out in hives, i went to the doc and they gave meds that cleared it up in an instant
Anyway, I keep getting red bumps all over my body but not as much, like I'll have one or two on my arm, one on my boob, one on my stomach, etc etc but i have this huge one on my inner thigh, one on my pubis and these small flat ones where my pubes grow but assume theyre razor bumps and a rash/irritation, i think its from my pad where it goes
I never had sensitive skin before so idk why my skin is acting up my acne also has been getting worse than ever with AWFUL acne scarring
What do I do guys? If it helps im on birth control and my mom has been getting similar rashes
Sometimes I just wanna burn off my skin and start all over, this is driving me crazy especially since summer is coming and I've never felt more hideous
No. 81887
>>81780Could be an allergy? Of your mother gets them too then try to look for things that you share, it could even be the laundry detergent you're using
Other than that, if it's really that bad go back to the doctor and get some test done or to a derm
>>81860I think this is partially genetic?
I also have "hollow" undereyes with dark circles. Can't hide hollow they look from the side but a really heavy duty concealer (like 3 shades lighter) does it. Maybe you still need to find a brand that does the trick?
No. 81924
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Picture is my skincare routine in the order I use them. I don’t use every thing at once. I shave my entire face every 2ish weeks with the razors and the lemon peeling gel about 2-3 times a week. I use a knockoff Clarisonic with soft bristles to wash with and use lukewarm water. I only use my cleanser/Clarisonic at night, and the micellar water for my makeup and in the mornings. Toner, vitamin c serum, and eye gel is standard - if it’s night I end with my retinol and if it’s day then sunscreen. My skin is really clear and the tone and texture has improved a lot, it’s as close to perfect I think I can get without professional treatments. For undereye anons, the gel and retinol I use have been total game changers and if you’re comfortable with the price I say get them. Everything pictured I get on amazon. Remember to drink your water and get a full 8 hours sleep, ladies.
No. 81969
>>81924>>81956I use plain ol baby sunscreen, the hypoallergenic kind, it helps a lot and I only have to use very little and isnt as greasy as other sunscreens
>>81930Possibly, I'm going to switch to laundry detergent for sensitive skin and see if it will help, thanks anons
>>81926Are these good for scarring?
No. 82008
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Has anyone tried derma drinkables?
I just impulsed bought some but debating if it was a good choice or not
Nothing seems to be working for me even my perscribe face medication and I'm on my last straw
No. 82027
>>82016>>82008Before you go the chronic-illness route (seriously I’ve never heard that as a suggestion as to why someone has severe/chronic/never-going-away acne….)
Have you tried estrogen?
Many people I know who’ve suffered severe acne and tried everything under the sun started to take estrogen pills and their skin cleared up and stayed clear after a few months of usage
No. 82633
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Fucking hell, I’ve started getting problem areas around my mouth. Like they’re not traditional zits with roots n shit, they’re more tiny little white-filled bumps? Anyone know what could be causing this?
No. 82639
>>82633On the topic of problems with the mouth area, does anyone know how get rid of blackheads around the lips?
I've already stopped using lip balms with clogging properties
No. 82843
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So I use Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser, then the Black snail repair cream followed by this retinal moisturizer. Previously I was just using body lotion in the place of the retinal moisturizer, as thought that was just a normal thing to do. Since switching to this retinal one, my skin has been a little dry especially around my forehead. Should I go back to using the body lotion, or maybe the body lotion on top? Or a different facial moisturizer all together? Is it weird to use both the snail cream and the moisturizer?
No. 82865
>>82844I am kinda new to skin care and such, but I will look into a thicker moisturizer. Good to know I can combine it with the snail cream!
>>82862I use the retinol every day and night, I suppose I ought to switch it out with a thick moisturizer for four days out of the week then?
No. 82948
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For the past year I thought the acne on my upper arms is caused by bad skin care. After trying to get rid of it in different ways meself I gave up and signed up to dermatologist to find out I have Folliculitis so got to use topical steroid cream 2 times a day for the next week. Already noticed that there are no new pimples.
I am so glad especially when summer comes and I won't have to be ashamed anymore and hiding my arms under cloth even when it's hot outside.
Similar problem with legs tho got different medicine and have to use it mainly after shaving.
No. 83262
>>83243I used a lush hair mask after I bleached my hair and fried it and it changed it completely. I only used it once and continue to use a purple shampoo every month or 2 without my hair drying out. I would look online to find the ones that best suit your hair type and results you’re looking for, but I swear by their hair mask products…
Bleaching also had changed the way my hair would curl, and after doing the hair mask it’s gone back to its natural curls instead of frizzy waves… they’re also decently affordable!
No. 83266
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My face, especially my forehead, but really all over, is the texture of lumpy cake batter. What can I do? I've tried vitamin A, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid.
No. 83281
>>83266See if the cream and other products you use doesn't have stuff like heavy oils (coconut, soy etc), paraffin, glycerine high in ingredients. I usually get those awful forehead bumps from comedogenic stuff in products and from SPF creams specifically, they clog my skin like hell.
Maybe try OCM but make sure to use the lightest oils or you'll make more damage
No. 83332
>>83278I haven't tried hyaluronic acid; is there a brand you'd recommend?
>>83281I have done this.
No. 83421
>>83406are you perhaps confusing retin-a with accutane? the topical gel retin-a is pretty mild and shouldn't have any crazy side effects like that. i used it for years and it cleared up my hormonal teenage cystic acne a ton.
accutane is poison shit though, avoid it like the plague. you have to get your blood and liver tested every month you're on it to make sure it's not destroying your organs too much. not worth it unless you have a face like an earthquake and have zero quality of life
No. 83434
>>83406retin-a is topical, I think you're thinking of accutane like
>>83421 said. you would have to use an extremely high concentration of retinoids, the labels saying to not use while pregnant are just overly cautious. you could try differin, but if you have insurance it will be cheaper to just get prescription-strength. I have shit insurance and mine costs $10 for a 3 month supply
No. 83580
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Does anyone here have experience with shaving as a means of skin exfoliation?
One of my mom's friends does it regularly, biweekly, she's in her mid 50s, yet by the look of her skin, she looks like in mid 30s at most. There are telltale signs of her actual age like around the neck, hands etc., but overall I was impressed. I didn't think she was my mom's age, although my mom looks really well for her age too.
She said that her secret was just that, along with a healthy diet, steering away from the sun, not smoking or consuming alcohol. She doesn't use any anti-aging products.
So, are there any tips regarding shaving? Do any of you do it?
No. 83636
>>83580I don't but i've heard of that. Although I think you can get results just as good with
No. 83647
>>83645What about shaving with a tinkle razor for hair removal/to make foundation go on easier? I'm one hairy bitch and I feel like waxing does just as much damage, and hurts to boot, especially since I have hair on my upper cheeks.
I don't get irritation but I'm scared about premature aging
No. 83652
>>83647I use a tinkle/eyebrow razor on my chin hairs since they are long and very noticeable. I get irritation if I shave the rest of my face, though, but the hairs there are very tiny and light so I'm not too bothered by them.
I'm not too worried about premature aging. I try to take good care of my health and skin otherwise, like the friend of anon's mom further up in the thread. I'm going to get old anyway, might as well enjoy the years my makeup goes on flawlessly without creasing in the fine lines and wrinkles that will, no matter how hard I try, eventually appear.
No. 83654
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>>83647It’s your choice anon. If you’re not getting irritation and you’re using appropriate accompanying products, the risk of inflammation and pigmentation issues may be worth not having hair on your cheeks. However, do know the longer you space it, the better. Most of the worst cases are observed in daily male shavers.
No. 83660
>>83640This. The sun causes 90% of aging. If you want to look good when you’re 60 avoiding the sun at all costs is literally the only way. Even if you go outside for 5 min don your hat and long sleeves and SPF.
We have a lady at my clinic in her late 60s with the skin of a 30 year old because she is so phobic of the sun. Huge sun hat and clothes that cover her neck to toe every time she comes in. She’s absolutely gorgeous.
So yeah, shaving has nothing to do with it at all.
No. 83664
>>83644It's a bit…spotty, to be honest. Not as good as some anons here.
I use Alba Bontanica Un-Petroleum when I'm really dried out, but I took it off last night because I realized it has coconut oil in it. Argan oil for dryness as well. Thayer's witch hazel as a toner, Kracie Naive peach cleanser. I don't wash super often (used to be better about it) but I try to keep my face clean and free of too much oil.
I also use Ziana and Epiduo for acne, but keep the Ziana off when I'm drying up, as it is retinol.
I do sheet masks every once in a great while, or peel or wash-off masks when my skin isn't too dry.
I probably just need to stop touching my face for starters. :/
No. 83880
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Okay, ladies, please help me out by giving me your opinions on natural skincare!
A little context: I have sensitive, oily skin that is occasionally acne-prone. A couple years ago, when my skin was way more prone to breakouts, I went to a dermatologist and she told me to use Cetaphil's oil control foaming cleanser, and to moisturize with CeraVe PM moisturizer. No toners or anything like that in between cleansing and moisturizing.
These products have worked fine for the last couple of years or so until maybe 2 or so months ago. In the past 2 months, I've noticed an increase in my little breakouts – which are never anything awful like cystic acne, but I do take pride in generally having clear skin, and so this understandably bothers me. But I also got a new IUD put in 2 months ago as well.
The other day I decided to try using African black soap in place of my regular cleanser to see if that helped any, and it has! I'm not using "organic" African black soap found on Amazon or anything because I didn't want to wait for it to arrive. I just went to Target and got their Shea Moisture brand. I haven't popped any of my pimples, and they seem to be going away on their own faster when I use the ABS. I'm still using that same moisturizer after washing my face, though I'm considering buying jojoba oil instead since a woman I know with the clearest skin I've ever seen uses it. I've also heard that using raw shea butter as a moisturizer following African black soap works wonders.
Please let me know your thoughts on these methods/products, etc. If you love them, tell me why! If you hate them, also tell me why!
No. 84451
>>83880I would bet that your breakouts came from the oil control foaming cleanser. It's too harsh and drying for your skin, and dry skin produces excess sebums and oils to compensate - this leads to acne. Try the Cerave hydrating foam cleanser, it won't be as drying. Their entire line is great.
As for black soap….I think it's a meme. Real black soap is drying and cakey, and makes your skin smell like mud. It also leaves brown streaks on your body, idk, I really didn't like using it. The one you're using probably helped your acne because it helped to moisturize your skin due to the shea butter. It sounds like shea butter works for your skin so you should continue to use it as a moisturizer.
No. 84924
>>81924This is a great starter kit, thank you, anon! My only question is that I don't have oily skin and I hate how my skin feels tight after getting wet, but I do get like maybe one boil near my period. I've also had cellulitis in the past. Point is, do I need the neutrogena acne stuff? My current cleanser is the cetaphil one.
I'm really confused about my skin type. I used to lather my face in vaseline when I was in high school, then stopped when I learned how bad it was for your skin. However, that made me crave the feeling of my skin feeling dripping wet at all times. I'm always slathering on lotion on my face. I'm not sure if I actually have dry skin, though, because I'm so psychologically obsessed with wet, dripping skin. My nose has those things that look like blackheads, but aren't (according to my dermatologist, anyway). I only get boils on my chin and my nose does get sort of oily, I guess. But I'm not sure if that's because when I'm home and before I sleep that I slather it. Does anyone think I'm more of a dry skin type or combination? I'm so confused over such a simple detail.
No. 84978
>>83880>>84451>Real black soap is drying and cakey, and makes your skin smell like mud. It also leaves brown streaks on your bodywtf did you buy then.
I bought both: hand-packed black soap without even a company name from amazon (which was the best tbh) and original black soap from africa from an african super market in my town.
none left black streaks or were cakey at all. They also didnt dry out my skin like western soap does. My pimples got a lot better with using only those and nothing else.
>>84926what youre looking for is accutane. low dose 20 mg per day. keep for 6-12 months.
No. 85717
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I just butchered my thigh in a pathetic attempt to get an ingrown hair out…
I gained a lot of weight the last few years, so my thighs are touching while I walk. I was so happy that finally my stretchmarks had faded, but when I shaved my thighs for the first time this spring I got tons of ingrowns.
Around 3 weeks ago I went for a run and made the mistake of wearing shorts: all my ingrowns then turned into big bumps and it actually even hurt. I can't help but pick at them, but at least I managed to 'free' all hairs but one. It's such a big and kind of deep boil and hurts a lot if I try to pop it, so I couldn't stand it any longer and cut into it; no matter how hard i tried to search in it, I can't find that damn hair… I know that this was a dumb move that'll probably give me a scar, but I've had this for so long already, that getting one was inevitable anyways.
I've already tried everything
>using shaving foam, shaving cream or conditioner to shave
>using baby powder or aloe gel afterwards
>I tried using some toner (with and without moisturizing later on)
>and probably every single moisturizer on the market
but nothing works… The day after shaving my skin gets so incredibly itchy and even if I manage not to scratch I always get ingrowns. I don't even attemt to shave my bikini area any more… So even if I were to lose weight again, my legs would still look disguting because of my shitty skin.
No. 85718
>>85717I have sensitive skin and get ingrowns a lot too and what has really worked for me is using a (gentle) physical exfoliant before I shave and then shaving with coconut oil. I know it's a huge meme but it's really helped because it's so moisturizing and it gives me way less burn. I would also recommend getting a body moisturizer with hyaluronic acid that'll help retain moisture.
Anyone have any suggestions for incredibly stubborn blackheads? I have them all over my T-zone, all over the apples of my cheeks, and covering my chin. I've had them for about 11 years now. I wash my face twice a day and use a chemical exfoliant but nothing seems to work.
No. 85727
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>>85725Something gentle if your skin is sensitive. I use a cream based sugar scrub, one of the
Love Beauty and Planet ones. It's okay, sugar scrubs aren't amazing for the skin but as long as you don't use it on your face/verjerj you'll be fine. For something that's really gentle I'd recommend a body wash with jojoba oil beads. They're really delicate on the skin and are good for the environment.
No. 85732
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>>85718If you aren't already I would use a brush when you wash your face, mine has helped my blackheads a lot. Just make sure you actually focus on the problem areas and scrub them thoroughly, but only if your brush has fluffy bristles like pic related. If they're too hard you can cause broken blood vessels or hurt your skin. I got one from forever 21 for like $3.
No. 85743
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>>85725The Kiehls Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion is amazing. It doesn't leave a greasy residue at all and doesn't have an odor. I thought I hated all exfoliants until I tried this one
No. 85847
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Someone please help.
I've got a strawberry nose like pic related and it's affected my life profoundly. I can't stand being to someone upclose because of my hideous nose.
I tried every single product out there, went to beauticians and dermatologists, and nothing worked.
Does anybody else have a strawberry nose and how did you treat it?
I want to cut it off at this point.
No. 85848
>>85847steam + ice after
jojoba oil
clay mask, I like using indian healing clay mask
peel off masks can work too but it doesn't work most of the time
No. 85849
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>>85847I have the same problem, anon. BHA peels didn't do shit for me. AHA didn't remove them either.
This clay mask is
supposedly able to remove all kinds of impurities and it has amazing reviews. I have not tried it because my skin is ridiculously sensitive, so I can't recommend it. It's the one the anon above me mentioned.
No. 85850
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I'm going to try with the jojoba oil and clay mask. I'm from europe and there's no indian healing clay mask but there are other clay masks that apparently also clear the skin and blackheads. Hopefully, it's going to have the same effect.
> I have not tried it because my skin is ridiculously sensitiveMine is too, but I'm so desperate. My skin is otherwise clear with no acne problems, but I've been called rudolf the deer (Rudi was my nickname) for a long time that my body image, and even more so, my face image sometimes prevents me to go outside which also affects things like college and work. I never had a boyfriend and I feel like I'm missing out on life. It's just that when I dare to look at myself in the mirror I start crying. It's sounds superficial af but I can't help it. I just feel like covering my nose when I talk to other people. I feel hideous to myself and imagine others feel like that too.
No. 85860
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>>85851Check out some of the Japanese water gel types, they have them on Amazon. They're really light and great under makeup. I've also heard the sunscreen powder my Colore Science is great (you put it on over makeup), although it's quite pricey.
No. 85867
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>>85732Ntayrt but thank for bringing this up, I bought one today and used right away, it made my skin feel so smooth and soft and the sensation of deep skin cleansing is sooo satisfying. I'm guessing you can't use it too often because even thought the bristle are super soft it left my skin feeling quite different.
Brought pic related from the body shop.
No. 85870
>>85847I have that and I regularly squeeze my pores. Also when I used some harsh facial peel with microplastics like they're probably not even legal anymore, that helped incredibly well.
Those are both things that you're not really supposed to do but eh, what helps. BHA and peel-off masks as wll, you just have to know that BHA does shit on its own, it just loosens the plugs and makes them easier to remove when you use another product afterwards, like a mask or peel.
No. 86012
>>85847yes i have this too anon, they are called sebaceous filaments and they are perfectly normal, they are healthy and part of the skin's way of naturally cleansing and moisturising itself. basically they are small deposits of oil in the pores which are somewhat visible.
you can't get rid of them entirely, again they are a healthy, natural and important method for the skin to keep itself clean and healthy. to minimise their appearance, make sure you cleanse and RINSE VERY WELL with warm running water morning and night, pay careful attention to your nose area. clay masks should also help minimise their appearance.
also you shouldnt worry so much and be so insecure about it anon. literally nobody except you will ever notice them, if you asked anyone whether they had noticed the small dots on your nose they would look at you like you grew an extra head. its perfectly normal and a part of healthy skin. i hope you wont worry about it too much.
No. 86130
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Okay, I found this at my local Marshalls and decided to give it a shot. I've never heard of a 'body peeling mist' before but figured since my skin is always dry, I'd give it a shot and I'm wondering if I'm falling for some sort of hoax.
Basically you spray this on you, rub it into your skin until you get grey/white clumps coming up and you rinse it off.
And I think it works? I don't really know. My skin does feel a lot softer after I use it, and I notice if I use it a couple days in a row I get less and less clumps coming up when I rub it in, but if I got, say, a week without doing it my I get a lot of clumps. However, I don't really notice an overall difference in the way my skin looks? I can still see the cracks in my skin where I know it's dry despite rubbing so much dead skin off of it.
Have any of you used products like this? What kind of results did you have?
No. 86131
>>86040>exfoliating gloveNever heard, seen, or thought about this but it sounds awesome.
Any recommendations?
No. 86132
>>86131They're called Italy Towel or Korean Spa Towel and are around $2. You basically soak your skin for 30 minutes in water (for example taking a bath) and scrub afterwards to exfoliate (without soap).
Different colours mean different levels of exfoliation. I like this article, it also explains the colours: No. 86133
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>>86131I’m anon ur replying to and I was talking about these, everyone has different preferences but in my personal experience rash and ingrown hairs are reduced insanely after using this with a scrub of some sort. Currently I’m using apricot exfoliating scrub from the body shop!
Personally I hadn’t heard anything bad about the sugar scrub but maybe I’m just misinformed! Only suggesting things I’ve used personally that are affordable and worked for me’
No. 86172
>>86134>>86137Neat! Thank you guys for explaining it to me. The box didn't really have a lot of English on it aside from instructions, so I wasn't sure. Hopefully Marshalls will get it again because I do like the fact it is gentle. My skin has yet to feel irritated after using it, so maybe combined with this and a better moisturizing routine… I can get decent skin lol.
>>86138Not the greatest for anything that's not my face. My face is fine and I don't use this on there, but my legs and arms have a lovely routine of getting lotion on them… not often. So I know that's my fault.
No. 86260
>>86256natural skincare is a meme. In the end it's the chemicals in those natural things that have an effect.
Learn about useful skincare ingredients and those that might be irritants.
For example, if your skin feels dull and grey you could try using hyaluronic acid or vitamin c.
No. 86271
>>86262I only use tea tree oil pointwise, when I can feel the pimple rising. Sometiems it stops the pimple from surfacing.
>>86257Witch hazel mist was a part of my "natural" routine. I still use it though, it's very light so I doubt it's the perpetrator. It's very refreshing but I don't see it helping with acne.
>>86260yes but it's more about avoiding strong chemicals like SLS or clogging silicones etc. I agree though that it seems to be a meme, on a group I am the girls are really extreme, to the point of it being quite ridiculous sometimes. A lot of them don't use any creams, just oils, which I doubt is good on long run.
I think I'll experiment, use both chemical and natural stuff and see which cosmetic is fucking me up.
Can someone recommend me a "safe" moisturizer, something that won't clog me up more?
No. 86305
>>86271For moisturizers, look for non comedogenic ones. (They can still break you out but are less likely to do so)
I like water gels a lot. Elizzaveca hyaluronic water drop cream is great.
If you need something heavier, cerave, dr jart ceramidin and benton steam cream are good options.
No. 86324
>>86271Witch hazel is an astringent lol. How can you not see how that would help acne?
It will remove excess oils and tighten up pores, helping to prevent clogging with dirt or makeup. I’d worry less about establishing the ideal natural routine and more about learning the basics of how your products work first. I don’t mean that in a nasty way, just that it’s easier to build an effective routine with a solid understanding of what each product does and how it does it.
No. 86353
>>86305Thanks anon! Benton seems a little pricey for me but I see people praising it, maybe I'll save up for it.
Have you used Neutrogena's Hydro Boost Water Gel maybe? Or someone else? Is it any good?
>>86324I'm not saying it can't help with acne, just I don't see it helping with
my acne. I definitely feel the tightening but I broke out heavily while using it, anyway. I guess you could say "the damage is done", witch hazel alone won't fix it. I'm not negating its benefits though.
No. 86536
>>86144>>86150Thanks anons!
The one I had used with best results was handmade with literally just sugar (and probably like coconut oil or some thing), however I had been using a new sugar scfrub with kiwi seeds and I can totally understand what you mean - I broke out using it but assumed it was becuase my skin wasn't used to the new product, but I will for sure be staying away now yikes.
anyone know how to help pores? I feel like when my skin gets clear all I can focus on are the massive pores left on my face, i think some may even be scars from past zits… do i need to undergo a treatment or is tehre any at home solutions ?
No. 86621
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Hey there farmers, I have a good idea of what order I should follow in general with my skincare, but in this case I am a bit confused. I own both of these products, which should go first? Anyone else use any of them? (The Elizavecca one is the most recent, I've being using the CORSX one for a while and I really love it)
Thanks in advance!
No. 86624
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Is the brown sugar + honey combo effective as an exfoliating method? I mean, how often should you exfoliate?
Somehow I feel like doing it everyday is counterproductive
No. 86670
>>81266I just wanted to thank you for posting this.
Been using it for maybe 3 weeks and it's really helping with keeping the redness and forming of acne at bay, especially combined with the washgel
No. 86766
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>>86650try these– doesn't have to be this exact brand, but from my experience these are great. putting a dressing over your blemish will prevent bacteria from getting in there and since your pimple will be covered you'll be less likely to pick at it
No. 88156
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>>88135r/SkincareAddictionUK/ might be some use to you. I use the Clinique dramatically different gel and I like it too much to change but it's the most expensive skin care item I buy. Pic related might be worth investigating? I have a gel cleanser and acne treatment from lrp that I like, and I used to use their rich moisturizer when I had dry skin.
>>88138I don't think Sanex make anything for use on the face though?
No. 88163
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>>88135I use this and it has not broken me out at all and my skin is very sensitive/acne prone and I've tried many things. the pump can be bit annoying tho
No. 88343
>>86132Hey there! It's
>>86131 reporting back, just wanted to thank you so much for this. I bought the yellow pack, have used on two occasions with the soak beforehand, and it's pretty much cured my KP. Which honestly I had just accepted as a fact of life until now. I can't even believe it, my legs and upper arms are now like 90% bump free and so smooth! Ty Ty ty anon
No. 88819
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Anyone here knows how to properly use L-ascorbic acid powder?
No. 91735
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Has anyone experience with these laneige lip masks? they were really popular some time ago and have really good reviews but I'm still on the fence whether i's worth the 15$ or not
No. 91742
>>91735I’ve used the one pictured and it works really well. I’ve tried most of the recommended higher end ones like bite beauty and Clinique pep start but this one is my favorite. You get a lot of product and a little spoon in a clear pouch to apply it so you aren’t gooping it on. The original pink color is like a berry flavor, I saw they just released a lot of different flavors, but I can’t necessarily comment on worth it for the price cause the other lip masks I’ve used are also higher price.
I will say that I have tried all the cheaper things people suggest here like aquaphor, carmax, etc and this one reallly helped my liquid lipstick application look better and moisturize my lips.
No. 91744
>>91741Did they tell you to put no moisturizer cream specifically or like, nothing moisturizing in at all period?
Sounds shit to me. My experience with dermatologists hasn’t been good as they always suggested extremely alcohol and chemical ridden products that dried my skin worse or irritated it. Tbh when I had awful oily combo hormonal acne the only thing that stopped it was using oils, not stripping my skin.
No. 91751
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>tfw Benzoyl Peroxide now no longer working
>tfw have to wait until December to see a Dermatologist & finally go on Accutane
Going back onto Keto, wish me luck ladies…
No. 91794
>>91778How did you get Conjunctivitis may I ask? Were you allergic to BP, or did it get in your eyes?
Thank you Anon, do you have any tips for surviving Accutane?
No. 91880
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Has anyone had any luck with temporary whitening lotions? Going on vacation to Korea and Japan soon but stayed out in the sun too long and now I have this hideous farmers tan and I'm desperate to hide it
No. 92075
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>>92069Fuck off sometimes people have uneven tans to cover
>>91880Here anon this brand has a white emulsion that won’t bu
No. 92078
>>92069i hate when people say this. you wouldn't be saying this if people were purposely trying to tan/darken their skin. i use whitener because i used to be very pale, but my family is genetically susceptible to becoming darker if i tan at all, and it does not go away. anyone who is not 100% white, can experience this, even some mediterraneans.
>>91932i have actually. i use fairlucent by menard. it's very nice and lightens/brightens skin in only a few weeks. they also have a cream that's got a white tint that acts as a bb cream and self adjusts and makes your skin look bright without looking like you're using super pale foundation.
No. 92122
>>92118Samefagging but forgot to add that if anyone has any other things they can recommend for fixing small wrinkles, dark & sunken under eyes, then I’d appreciate it
Just turned 20 and suddenly I’ve got a small line appearing in my forehead and I want to get this fixed now before I reach the point of needing Botox in my 20s.
My eyes always look tired because they’re so dark under and very sunken sallow looking.
I’m happy to invest money into some good skincare if it means it will really work.
I’ve used Korean, Japanese, and American brands in the past but that was more for normal every day skin cleansing and toning so when it comes to fixing these areas and anti-aging I’ve got no idea what I should be looking for?
No. 92142
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I don't know if this is related, but years ago my ex's grandma bought me some Victoria's Secret products, and it also included a body cream (pic related). It ruined the skin of my legs forever, so I assume I'm allergic to it.
Are Victoria's Secret products that bad overall?
No. 92166
>>92154yours might not be but go off. if people
can they will, you being offended for them just makes you look bitter that you can't do it yourself.
No. 92178
>>92142my exes mom bought me this awful scented bath and body works lotion and I sometimes still stumble upon it and smell it and unfortunately get reminded of his ugly ass
Next time I see it I need to remember to throw that shit away.
No. 92217
>>92142I had some of that a couple years ago, and even though it was pushed as a moisturizer, it definitely stung the shit out of my skin like fire. I used it once after exfoliating and never again.
It's definitely used more to smell good than anything else. I don't know if they've changed since then.
Since then I've used Bodycology which is alright, but I use St Ives (~timeless skin~) for my face post-exfoliating
No. 92270
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>temporary>farmers tanJesus is it so hard to read the entire sentence? If you looked in the mirror and saw this no one would be giving you flack for your questions.
>>92075>>92078Thanks anon, I've been looking into a few brands for body whitening lotion and a lot come from the Philippines. I'm worried about buying a facial product to cover my arms and legs because I'd eat through it in a week. Plus I'm leaving in a few weeks so it probably wouldn't take effect in time.
No. 92291
>>92283I had this (in the UK).
Simply state that your acne doesn't become worse or better if you're on your period or not. Also say that you're Allergic to BHAs.
No. 92360
>>92283probably because you sound like you don't know what you're talking about while it's a strong chemical. ask your gp for retin-a micro gel 0.04%
if they say no, ask why
No. 92380
>>92285seconding this, a close favorite is also cosrx honey ceramide but it's a thicker cream. I think it's great for winter.
>>92286Doubling cleansing and treating your skin similarly to the way you've been doing may yield similar results.
>>92283differin gel is OTC
No. 92733
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My pores have gotten huge across my cheeks and idk how to fix it.
No. 92745
>>92696 you mean to reply to
No. 92803
>>92796The topical is not comparable to a pill. The side effects are usually red, peeling skin and more intense breakouts for a couple of months.
However, usually you use birth control/ antibiotic/Spironolactone alongside your topical, because the cream dose not actually get rid of your breakouts. It really just clears them up quicker and helps you maintain beautiful skin.
I’ve been using tretinoin alongside Spironolactone, and after six’s months, my skin is beautiful and clear. I have had hormonal breakouts since elementary school. The initial side effects are worth the end result.
No. 92806
>>92796I have had same experience as
>>92803 my skin got more dry and tender for a few weeks but i've been using tret+antibiotic for about 4 months now and my skin is perfect, 100% worth it
No. 92878
>>92803Sadly I'm migraine prone so every hormone pill is off limits for me… but antibiotic is probably okay. Will ask my derm!
>>92806Which antibiotic is it?
No. 92944
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So I was just on a boat trip and bought these. I haven't been able to find korean face masks anywhere but surprisingly enough they had all kinds so I decided to give them a go. There's also micellar water, BB cream, daytime moisturizer, cleansing oil, body lotion and probably something else I can't remember. Excited!
No. 93115
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>>93104i'm using these on fresh medical scars right now.
It's supposed to work by " This innovative technology simulates the natural barrier function of healthy skin, hydrating scar tissue to soften the scar, softening and flattening it. "
So far the scars I've used them on aren't any lighter but they're less angry red, more of a brown, and seem a bit flatter. I can update periodically
No. 93768
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i have the worst sleeping lines on my collarbone and i’ve tried everything to get rid of it, including anti-aging creams and sleeping on my back. I think i’m lucked out and may have to buy a silicon pad, but i bought some silk sheets that might work? anybody here with the same issue?
No. 93813
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>>93117BHA has worked pretty well for me. Sebaceous Filaments don't ever go away completely, but mine have become minor enough that you'd have to be right up against my face to see them. I'm on my second bottle of Cosrx blackhead power liquid. The first one lasted for nearly a year and it isn't super expensive. Can't recommend it enough.
No. 93831
>>93830Anon asked about
blackheads you made an assumption and then got all haughty and are still being an idiot. Just leave the thread if you won't help.
No. 93845
>>93830Nobody is asking how to get rid of sebaceous filaments, you’re just salty because you incorrectly assumed. Take a Xanax, go outside.
>skincare>they will go away in timeno shit. The point is not waiting for the skin to naturally slough off enough that the blackheads go too. The question was about getting rid of them instead of sitting around letting my skin be nasty. Why so aggressive over your total lack of answer?
No. 93868
>>93813Second this.
I had some on my nose and they were gone within days but I used the ordinary BHA.
No. 93877
I'm so frustrated with the level of oil that accumulates on my skin.
I physically exfoliate with a washcloth every other day (i have to or my skin gets little bumps and knicks all over it), and I shave once a week (with the grain, very gently, for exfoliating purposes - Marilyn Monroe and Huda Kattan have done it).
For products, I use an oil free facewash - forgot the name but it's korean.
I use the COSRX AHA/BHA clarifying toner after every time I wash my face.
After that, I use the Oil Free Ultra Moisturizing Birch Sap lotion - just a little bit, and I pat it into my face until it's absorbed.
After that, I use a Drunk Elephant serum on my eyes - it's helped with wrinkles and puffiness a LOT.
Lately, I've started using the Glam & Glow Supermud Charcoal mask between washing and toning and it's helped my pores a lot.
After I remove the mask and moisturize, I use EradiKate spot treatment, but I accidentally shook it a while ago and the consistency isn't the same.
What I have the biggest problem with is acne along my jaw, on the corners of my chin, and just underneath my chin. My skin also gets oily, but not greasy seemingly overnight (it feels oily to the touch but not like greasy, unwashed skin feels like).
My face is also drastically redder along my jaw and cheeks than it is on my forehead or neck, particularly when I'm having a breakout.
I'm 22. My skin was somewhat okay until I had a miscarriage in April. After that, all hell broke loose and I constantly have spots and the odd whitehead. I've stopped picking and popping but they won't go away.
My skin has always been prone to blemishes, and a little oily, but this is insane. I feel like I'm 14 again.
What do I do? What should I add or cut out of my routine? I drink lots of water already.
No. 93951
>>93877In terms of acne, try going to a dermatologist and getting spironolactone prescribed. Location + the fact that you were pregnant means it's probably hormonal.
I got the Mirena IUD and literally broke out all over my body within 2 weeks of having it. Got it removed and tried everything to get rid of the acne for YEARS. Spiro cleared everything up within 2 months.
As for being oily… idk. Even when I'm on prescription retinoids my skin will somehow flake off and still be oily.
No. 93956
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>>93953Koreans usually are dark af
What you see in pics or videos is all edited.
Example, the two girls on the right are known for their pale skin - yet actually they look super average. Oftentimes you can literally see the difference between their tan necks and faces with super white makeup.
No. 93957
>>93956are all the fancams edited too? god, these kpop fans are weird. the one on the right does look fairly pale though. i thought they did stuff to make themselves pale other than makeup. does it not work?
(btw any other comparison pics? kind of makes me feel better seeing that one)
No. 93972
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>>93957I have some
1. Difference in lightening/camera flash
No. 93973
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>>93972A non edited selfie she took with a fan
No. 94024
>>93957>i thought they did stuff to make themselves pale other than makeup. does it not work?In my experience, mainstream Korean skincare products can't make you lighter than you naturally are. All they do is revert your tan and prevent you from tanning (normal sunscreens from your local drugstores do the same thing) but if you aren't already pale by nature, you can't magically get milky skin by slapping on Korean creams.
Imo, people exaggerate the whole skin-bleaching thing due to all the edited and filtered pictures that exist of Korean idols. Many of them don't look absurdly pale without filters.
>>93974It's SPF, not white makeup.
No. 94126
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>>94024I think that anon meant that her chest is 2-3 shades darker than her face. It's like the opposite of the orange foundation line you sometimes see on women in the west.
No. 94129
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>>94024koreans have makeup that gives them whitecast on purpose. pic related is one such product. it's basically a whitecast foundation.
No. 94995
>>94991Not that good on the budget side. I would prefer cheaper and all-purpose products than specific use stuff.
I'm also kinda lazy so the less steps the better since I'm only starting to care about my skin at all and I need to get used to using product on myself.
No. 95050
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After years of only using Simple face wipes and moisturisers I've decided to work on an actual useful routine. I'm 26 with very fair, sensitive skin, constant chin/jaw spots, a slightly dry, finely lined forehead (I have deep-set eyes and always find myself raising my eyebrows), and a bit of scarring from old spots. Even though my chin is always broken out, it isn't oily.
I'm recovering from a decade of depression and atypical anorexia so I understand that improving my diet will help my skin a lot, and I've recently started taking prescribed iron and vitamin D on top of my regular multivitamin (my diet otherwise is oats, fruit, veg, and rice), making sure I get 2l of water a day, and exercising more.
Here's my plan so far:
Bioderma Micellar Water
The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid (I've been using this for a few weeks and it hasn't broken me out, yay)
Embryolisse Concentrated Milk Cream OR Avène Hydrance Optimale Light Cream (undecided)
Mecca Cosmetica SPF 50 Sunscreen
Bioderma Micellar Water
The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid
Clinique Smart Night Cream? (Not sure, v expensive)
Swisse Manuka Honey Detoxifying Facial Mask (it smells so weird but it isn't breaking me out)
For my body I've been using Aveeno moisturiser and Bio Oil, and I feel like a beautiful slippery seal.
Thoughts? I'm in Australia, and only visit England twice a year, so I'm hoping to be sure of what I want when I visit in December and can use
I'm also considering adding spearmint + peppermint tea (the T2 one looks nice) and evening primrose oil to my diet, since I can't currently eat more/different foods. I know all my problems are most likely self-inflicted, but I'm trying my hardest to fix them!
No. 95252
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I keep getting bumps like this all over my face
what is it and how do I stop it? it's annoying and stressful, and I have a good skincare routine and stay hydrated, I really don't know what is causing it
No. 95259
>>95252I know it's called "Unterlagerung" in German but I couldn't find a suitable translation. Maybe underlaying blemishes?? It can be caused by wrong skin care and food choices, possibly by hormones too.
You can get rid of this skin condition by drinking lots of water and no greasy food anymore. No drying up skin care products! Instead use moisturizing products and lots of fruit acid which will smoothen your skin. No pore clogging products which contain silicones, mineral based ingredients or waxes.
No. 95286
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I have horrible fordyce spots like pic related under my eyes and goddamn they're impossible to cover up. AFAIK you can't really get them to go away, ever, but I can't find a concealer that will cover it (NARS, Chanel, drugstore brands). Any suggestions on how to make them look better? I also am trying the ordinary caffeine serum but doesn't seem to be helping so far
No. 95426
>>95298Not a technically a serum, but argan oil might be less likely to break you out. Try that with a lightweight moisturizer for sensitive skin to make sure that the oil is absorbed. Try testing out samples of serums or specialized oils and see what sticks, if you can, so you don't blow a lot of money on things that don't work.
What are you looking for in a serum?
No. 95510
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Just impulse purchased this today. Has anyone here with uneven skin tone tried it? I'm pretty desperate to be rid of this sun damage from my cheeks.
No. 95611
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accutane and good moisturizing literally saved my life, but after years of battling cystic acne and coming out on the other end I still have some kind of shallow rolling acne scars (pic related, they can look a lot worse under harsh lighting)
anyone have any experience on treating them? subscision seems like the best but there's no clinics around here that do it, and I'm nervous to drop 1-2k on laser treatments when they might not even have great results. I might just go for fillers at this rate
No. 95649
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Anyone uses pic related?
What are your thoughts?
No. 95704
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I think the face wash I use is getting discontinued, it’s disappearing from online stores but it’s still in stock at the Ulta near me. “Clear Days Ahead” by Philosophy.
Any other anons dealt with their favorite items getting discontinued? I can’t decide if I should get it one last time or try something else, but I’ve never had as much luck with an acne face wash as this product.
No. 95712
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Has anyone used one of these little fuckers? What’s it like? Is it worth the hype and (most of all) the price?
No. 95728
>>95722thank you anon! i highkey wanna get one now lol.
also pardon my autism but is it complicated to use and care for in your experience? how and how often to you wash it to keep it in good condition + hygienic?
No. 96450
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I've been using some Yves Rocher products for a while now because I've bought huge bottle almost a year ago. These are a micellar water, which I like just fine, and a cleansing gel. I really don't like the texture of the cleansing gel and I don't really like having to rince products a lot all the time in the morning and before going to bed, so I don't know if there are cleansing products that can be used without water, not counting micellar water. My face is ok these days, everytime I get new pimples or white bumps on my face it's because I'm on my periods or about to be, so I don't have any specific needs. I've been considering getting stuff from the Body Shop because I like their moisturizers, especially the tea tree products, pic related. Do any of you use these?
Not related to that but while my face is ok, my body isn't really. My back is covered in acne scars and I get pimples very easily there, as well as my shoulders. This anon
>>45796 describes it very well, I've had the exact same problem since puberty. I shower everyday and once or twice a week I use Moroccan black soap to exfoliate with an exfoliating glove, it removes dead skin super fast and moisturize very well. So I think I'm clean enough, and I don't have allergies. I've tried other products to exfoliate, one from Lush and another one from the Body Shop and they can't even compete. I'm considering seeing a competent dermatologist soon to see how to remove the acne scars, even just a little, because this makes me look like I'm diseased when I wear a swimsuit or a tanktop. The few times I've seen one was when I was a teenager and had to take HGH injections every day for years, and she mostly recommended products for my face anyway. You have recommendations to remove dark spots/scars on a body' skin, as opposed to the face?
I also have two weird "spots" on my face, it's lighter than the rest of my face, like my skin is just discolored on one half of one cheek and one on my neck. I have no idea what this could be but it makes blush, bronzer or highlighter really ugly on me.
No. 96451
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>>96450sage for samefag, but is it normal that pic related seems good when you apply it at first, but then after a few minutes it feels like your face is all, idk, disgusting? I really don't like wasting anything but I don't feel like keeping using this moisturizer when I've got a better one. It's disappointing because the Panda Dream sleeping pack is pretty good.
No. 96694
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>>96682have you tried one of those drying lotions to spot treat it? pic related
No. 96798
>>96578Pixi makes a really good and cheap toner. Toners usually dont make or break your routine (just as long as its no-alcohol) and your are better off getting a cheap one and layering it for moisture where you need it the most.
Sleeping pack- the laneige one is really good but a little pricey for what it is. Too cool for school has a good one, and the etude house collagen one feels and smells really good.
No. 97903
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Hair removal is skincare, right?
What the fuck is wrong with my leg hair? Spoiled the image due to ugliness.
This is after one month of no shaving. Most of the hairs never grow past being little bits of stubble, and the ones that do grow are wiry and bizarre. Large swathes on the back of my legs and the outer side of my calves are constantly ingrown and don't ever sprout more than stubble.
I exfoliate regularly and I have generally good skin, no breakouts or acne at all, but my leg hair has been a huge problem for the last 2 years, and it gets worse every month now. I'm Sicilian by ancestry so not shaving isn't really an option. Tried epilating and it got even worse. Waxing is too expensive. Feel like I have tried anything and just feel hideous all the time.
No. 97904
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>>97903Second picture for extra yikes
No. 97916
>>97904To me that looks like keratosis pilaris, where an overproduction of keratin blocks the hair follicles and prevents the hair from escaping - or if it does manage to push its way through, it grows weirdly. My legs look just like yours - I have it on my arms too, but larger, red bumps are more frequent there.
Manual exfoliation is helpful, but chemical exfoliation (lactic, glycolic or salicylic acid) and consistent moisturising (particularly urea) are what's proven to work effectively. For the chemical exfoliation, you could find a cream or lotion (e.g. CeraVe SA Renewing Lotion, Gold Bond Rough & Bumpy, Ameliorate) or a toner (e.g. The Ordinary's Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution). You do have to keep it up though, which is annoying. IPL hair removal as the other anon suggested is something else that might help more permanently, but it's worth researching people's experiences. I'd try chemical exfoliation first though. hth!
No. 97962
>>97916>>97904Yeah, it looks like Keratosis Pilaris to me, too. I use both chemical exfoliation and manual. I'd go for The Ordinary, because it's cheap compared to other brands and you will need a lot of it because a) you have to use it on your whole legs, or (if you're like me) legs and arms, and b) you really have to do it often to see results. Other than that, I use sea salt scrub, shave with fresh blades and recently started using Noreva Kerapil, the holy grail of KP treatment according to others. It does help, even though it doesn't fix KP permanently and you'll have to continue using it, too. I can show you honest pictures of my results, if you want to.
Another thing: Get a tan. You look really pale, but pale skin only looks good when it's clear. I tanned my legs this summer and it's 100% better, because the red spots are not visible anymore. I feel confident enough to go out without tights now, and that's something, because my legs looked horrifying most of my life and I was ashamed of them for a long time. They are still far from perfect, but the tan really helps.
No. 97989
>>97962What product from the Ordinary do you recommend for exfoliation? I was planning to order from them soon anyway.
I's also be interested in the pictures
No. 98009
>>97989Oops, didn't see that you said exfoliation. I think they have a good mandelic acid.
I would recommend CosRX BHA and AHA though, those have given me the best results.
No. 98048
>>97989Everything with BHA/AHA is good for treating Keratosis Pilaris. I often use their Vitamin C Suspension 23% for my legs. They also have this AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution mask that's really amazing! But it's also a bit trial and error to be honest.
>>98009 recommended CosRX BHA and AHA and I dislike those products a lot. I still have their bottles in my bathroom and can't seem to finish them, it's just not working well with my skin (= no effect at all). CosRX gets great reviews, though, so I'm sure it works for some people. Imho, Paula's Choice offers the best chemical peelings, but there's no way I'm gonna use them on my legs as they are really expensive.
Also, I'll try to take pictures asap!
>>98008Oh god, I did not know this. Their CEO seems to have lost it?!
No. 98052
>>98008ppl from the beauty group I'm in are like 70% sure it's a fake move to get more money from people who'll now buy loads in reserve. Apparently the CEO is pretty much a cow and has a history of similar drama? Idk
My question though, how do I get rid of bumps. Not inflamed acne, not exactly clogged pores, but bumps, something like small closed pimples - sorry but I couldn't find the right term and this isn't my native language, but you know what I mean. I can't use cosmetic heavy weapons that require using sunscreen afterwards, because my skin goes pizza after sunscreen. Help?
No. 98057
>>98052Do these bumps look kind of white? Because if that's the case I would like to know too.
> Apparently the CEO is pretty much a cow and has a history of similar drama? Idk I've read on a blog somewhere that the CEO fired a bunch of people a long time ago and talked shit about them on instagram. No idea if that's true because I couldn't find posts on instagram about that, they were probably too old for me to scroll down and find them fast enough.
No. 98094
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Is there anything I can do to get rid of hormonal acne, without a perscription from a derm/doc?
My skin is almost 100% clear the week after my period but once ovulation starts the whole shit begins anew and I get random acne on my chin, sometimes underneath the skin and a lot on my forehead.
I use a mild bha wash gel, vitamin c and moisturizer, am on bc, drink 2l water daily, avoid sugar and processed carbs, exercise 3-5 times per week, change my sheets every 3 days, sleep 7 hours per night.
I have no idea what to do anymore so suggestions would be welcome.
No. 98186
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>>98094this stuff is a lifesaver. bit pricey but it's all plant-based ingredients and cleared my skin up surprisingly fast.
do not use accutane casually or for sporadic acne. it can cause long-term problems like it did for me. it also makes your skin extremely dry, or at least that's a common side effect. i wouldn't recommend it at all.
No. 98281
>>98094Anon, if your skin's hormonal have you tried taking Saw Palmetto? It's an anti-androgen and sometimes used for hormonal acne, so could help.
I've just started taking it (800mg a day) myself, so I guess I'll report back if I see any improvement, but I'm expecting to have to wait for a month or two before I can judge if it's useful to me.
No. 98290
>>98128I just got what I think is spearmint, my language seems to classify it all just as mint. So I'll try that for a while.
>>98281Literally never heard of it but will look into it.
Thank you all for the suggestions. I wish it was easier to figure this shit out. :/
No. 98302
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I recently bought the Tony Moly blackhead steam balm on a whim and I 'm confused. When I put my finger in to get the product it already starts turning white (from the small "beads" inside" ) and is already very much white when I put it on my face (so I never massage it for the 3-5 minutes indicated). I just watched a video and it's so clear until she massages it on her skin ? Am Ib stupid or something ? idgi, I love the smell, the packaging and how smooth my skin is after it but I'm so confused when applying it bc it's not like what it should… halp lmao
No. 98332
>>98331Exfoliating is only good once or twice a week and scrubs with “sand” or micro beads (like st Ives) should not be used on the face. It’s highly abrasive and can actually have a negative affect on skin like premature aging and calluses caused by injury from abrasion.
Use a peeling jelly or a gentle chemical exfoliant and try not to overdo it. Just let your skin heal a bit.
No. 98333
>>98332I use the daily superfoliant which is meant to be used once or twice a day (you won't catch me using st ives) but yeah. Really no results.
I just impulse booked another peel, this shit is really driving me nuts.
No. 98350
>>98247Yeah it doesn't block estrogen lmao. If anything it blocks androgens. supplement with regular DIM and it's improved my hormonal acne (estroblock is a form of DIM that supposedly absorbs better). Why it works isn't fully understood, but there are plenty of people out there who have seen results, myself included. Do you need to shell out for that particular brand though? I'd recommend trying a regular DIM supplement and seeing if it does anything for you first. Or you could just eat a lot of broccoli.
No. 98481
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>>98474Couldn't you just get a copper IUD and use a secondary form of birth control?
No. 98495
>>98485Where on your nose?
I get red, flaky, irritated skin on the creases around my nostrils and in the middle corners of my eyebrows sometimes. I think it’s seborrheic dermatitis, because dandruff shampoo and tea tree oil have been helping a ton.
No. 99323
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Anons I'm absolutely devastated.
I will turn 20 next week, but 5 years of binge, purge, calorie restriction, weight fluctuations and alcohol abuse has left me some horrible lines at the corners of my mouth, the ones that form when you laugh.
The left one is way worse than the other one… I wonder why. I look at my classmates, people of my age and they don't have ANY wrinkles and it makes me so sad because I was a stupid teenager and I deserve it but still.
This year my skin became dry, especially in the cheek area so I started to get weird red rashes and really deep and painful acne, so I had to change my skin care routine. I used only soap and call it a day but now I use:
In the morning: the same facial soap, rose water toner, shea butter
At night: African black soap, rose water, rose hip oil, shea butter.
I also avoid sun like a plage, I wear sunscreen only when I can't use my umbrella.
I read here that rose hip oil did wonders for wrinkles, but I'm not seeing it and it's been a month already since I started using it.
I'm so scared my wrinkles are only going to get worse from now on
No. 99341
>>99323don't know if it can reduce your existing wrinkles but you can prevent more wrinkles from using olive oil (EVOO is best).
I swear by it, although some are put off by the smell and hate the slickness but you have to message it into your skin. I generally put it on after I shower but you can put it on after your whole routine (it'll help seal in the stuff while also creating a good barrier).
No. 99394
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have any anons tried this mask?
( i have a coworker that swears by it for her acne that's worse than mine. i barely ever break out but over the past week have just a few small pimples, and one large one near the bridge of my nose/just under my left eyebrow, about where my glasses will touch my face.
i've tried switching to my usual breakout-killing routine: neutrogena deep clean face wash, thayer's rose toner, and cerave pm moisturizer, but nothing's improving. my usual routine when i haven't broken out is just african black soap, thayer's rose toner, and jojoba oil as moisturizer.
i should also mention that i have normal-to-oily, sensitive skin.
No. 99609
>>99539Are you using retina-a? I had this when I first starting using it and chemical exfoliation helps.
Also had it happen again on my chin and around nose because I had seb derm but chemical exfoliation didn't really help much at all. My derm told me to use nizoral once a week and it helps a lot.
No. 99638
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I've had an incredibly stressful year and I've gotta back into biting my nails so badly that I've gotten probably ingrowns or whatever that skin is down the side that's sharp and stings really badly. How do I go about it? My first reaction is bite and tear which isn't ideal, do I just leave those sharp bits at the sides be? They sting when touched
How do I break this habit? It's so embarassing but my family and me went through trauma and I'd bite away
No. 99652
>>99638I think there's special nailpolish for that, it tastes bitter.
Also generally doing your nails could help + maybe a pocket stressball or something to keep in your hand while stressed
No. 100169
>>100032Have you gone to a dermo yet? It sounds like you need some stronger treatment.
I have been getting cystic acne a lot more, so I'm going back to mine lol. But what I've found helps is I use a Neutrogena acne wash, which is going to be harsher than your Cetaphil wash, but I'm careful about overusing it or using it on sensitive parts of the face. Something like epiduo really helps, you don't want to dry the skin out too much, but to kill the bacteria. I've been doing mud masks and using spot treatments too but it can be iffy. Cortizone reduces the redness, but be wary because it thins the skin over long periods of time and loses effectiveness.
Also, no matter how tempting it is, DON'T TOUCH!
No. 100924
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what are skin friendly ways to to get rid of my upper lip hair? i used to get it waxed but a coworker who does threading says that i should thread it instead because waxing removes collagen and pulls on the skin and the last thing i want is to damage the skin right where muh nasolabial folds are forming When I try to do my own research everyone is just out for their own interests. Threaders say only threading is harmless. Sugaristas say sugaring is just as safe as threading. Waxers say the wrinkles are a myth and only time and UV can create wrinkles. The nearest threading salon is a lot further away from my place than sugaring or waxing places, so I wanted to see if anyone has thoughts on this.
No. 100938
>>100924I have straight up shaved mine in the shower for like two years now and it works perfectly for me.
I guess waxing and threading both pull at your skin so a more gentle option could be a removal cream?
No. 101371
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I suddenly noticed this weird bruise like black spot on my toenail, what is it? It doesn't hurt and it's not infected
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