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No. 463830

Post about your guilty fashion pleasures, those green polka dot shorts you like to wear at home, that three wolves t-shirt at the back of your closet, and that awkward cyberpunk or emo phase you went through in high school.

Post bad/weird/questionable fashion you like/wear/enjoy, etc.

No. 463833

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No. 463862

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I wish I could wear seifukus and cute non-sexualised school uniforms in general (I used to find mine very comfortable back in school) but I'd feel weird wearing that kind of clothing as an adult as if I'm trying to cosplay a kid.

No. 463871

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I also love sailor collars and seifuku anon. You can kind of get around this by wearing preppy style. I have a sailor collar blouse and a tartan skirt I often wear together and it still has the same feel without straight up looking like a school uniform. It helps if you can wear a top with a sailor collar without a bow or tie, sometimes I feel like that's the piece that makes it look overboard.

No. 463873

I was raised poor so I put on whatever fits my body and keeps me warm and I'm good to go. My entire life is a bad fashion show.

No. 463874

Same, all of my clothes are thrifted too. Not in the cute overpriced way but in the dumpy adult woman wearing a zelda t-shirt and cargo pants in 2025 way kek.

No. 463877

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In high school I often wore a cat ear hoodie to school, before animal ears on hoods were a more widespread thing. When I tell people this, they often visibly cringe or tell me that's embarrassing, but I feel absolutely no shame about it. I still own the hoodie, it's a little faded from years of use but I loved it like crazy. It was like a security blanket for me and it made me feel cute. Picrel is the same brand but not the same hoodie. ETS clothes now are just not the same as the ones back then.

No. 463878

If it makes you feel better, nanchatte seifuku is a style that's all about adult women wearing school looks just for fun. I liked to read about it in the past on /cgl/, styles can be very accurate or deliberately deviate from real uniforms with unrealistic patterns and colors and more.
I think besides nanchatte you have a little wiggle room with clothing that has sailor elements since it didn't start with seifuku in Japanto begin with.

No. 463879

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I hate that all women’s slacks are ~ankle pants~ that don’t go with my shoes, so I wear long socks with them. It looks horrible but I refuse to cave to stupid women’s clothing forced fashion trends, I refuse to wear a different type of shoe.

No. 463887

I've worn butt scrunch/butt lift leggings because I wanted a certain someone to check out my butt.
Not my proudest moment, but it got me the attention I wanted from that person.

No. 463888

all fabric quality and clothing quality is worse nowadays, glad you still have yours to cherish!

No. 463890

I find this beautiful

No. 463895

I sewn big fluffy ears onto my favorite hat and some retarded moids did donkey noises at me. I really liked the ears but it really broke me so i got rid of them. I hope they got cancer.

No. 463899

Well at least you know why they work. My friend pretends to be annoyed when someone's staring at her crunch, while to me they honestly just look like elongated assholes

No. 463901

I will defend low rise skinny jeans to my dying breath no matter how hated they are.

No. 463902

Me too they were much more comfortable than mom jeans.

No. 463928

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I love sporty clothes, I never understood why it was stereotyped as lesbian.

No. 463933

I think it's closer to mid rise than low rise, no?

No. 463939

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I love cute anime shirts that have a drawing all over it and I wear them in public, idc.

No. 463965

That example is the opposite of cute.

No. 463989

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The tube top with the low sitting maxi skirt was my signature look in high school kek. I still kind of dress like this but crop top or halter and a high sitting maxi. It’s just really comfortable

No. 463993

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ayrt, yeah, that wasn't the perfect example of what I was thinking but I just used something I had recently saved on my phone as an example. I prefer something more sfw like this

No. 463994

But this is pretty cute, nothing to be ashamed of

No. 464000

I guess I just feel shame because I basically dress the same at 36 as I did at 16 kek. Sometimes I think I’ll be like those 50 year old women dressed in crushed velvet track suits with the knock off chanel bag. Idk how to dress my age but I guess I can get away with it for now.

No. 464004

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I still love skirt over jeans. If skirt over jeans has no fans then I am dead.

No. 464009

I love it too. Everyone roasts me for it but I promise you they will end up wearing it once some basic bitch influencer picks up on it.

No. 464012

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This+tank tops layered over shirts is so nostalgic. Layering in general leads to fun silhouettes and I wish all the "Y2K" obsessed kids would give it a try instead of just cropping everything

No. 464031

I'll happily support you if I see you be a 50yo woman dressed like that.

No. 464032

I'm sorry those retarded scrotes ruined something cute for you anon. If only we had gone to school together so I could tell them to piss off for you and we could wear animal ears together.

No. 464033

>instead of just cropping everything
Why are you so correct

No. 464058

This has to be bait.

No. 464061

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it was trendy a little while ago like 2 years ish

No. 464063

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Anime tshirts. I don’t even watch anime any more I just enjoy dressing like a middle school boy

No. 464212

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I'm emo still in my 20's. Although my style probably trends more gothic or generally alternative now I've still got my emo hair and wear colored extensions sometimes. Even if it's cringe I genuinely think the style is really cute.

No. 464214

Tops over shirts was trendy a minute ago, the y2k kids did do it you just didn't pay attention

No. 464215

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I own this exact set, kek. I love it so much. To answer this question, obviously lolita. It gets a ton of hate from anons on this site for looking juvenile but there is no way i am going to work 40hrs a week and be denied the experience of whimsy.

No. 464217

Yeah it's literally high waisted kek idk why nona thinks they're low rise

Super cute timeless look and age appropriate at basically any age. I feel like maxi skirts suit more mature women better. I don't see many young girls rocking long skirts. It's not the same as the tacky velour track suit look so don't worry.

No. 464221

love an XL anime tee, but im a snob when it comes to anime so i do side-eye a majority of what you typically see other ppl wear in public

No. 464238

You get me. Fuck heels

No. 464248

Emo and scene hair is adorable. I just want to ruffle the poof whenever I see someone with it.

No. 464296

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My ulzzang phase when I was 15-17, 80% of my clothes were pink and I had 5 of those tennis pleated skirts. I got all my clothes from aliexpress too kek

No. 464421

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Cute pic OP. I wear polka dot pieces and i'll never stop doing it. Long cargo shorts with graphic-tshirts, too. I love latex (would never wear it casually because of the implications, but really want to buy some pieces someday). I also like seifuku, health goth, nun-inspired clothing and tacky /fa/ outfits.

No. 464424

Layering is fun! I like to play mix and match with it. It's also a good way to wear something if you're worried it's a little too skimpy kek

No. 464553

Don't want to use troon memes but 'boymoding' aka hoodie, jeans and sneakers 99% of the time. It's comfy.

No. 464569

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i still love those cute milk or juice carton tshirts

No. 464576

I have a soft spot sometimes for shitty Temu/AliExpress/SHEIN clothing. I mean, I was no better with my quality back then so I'm in no position to hate on little Gen Alphas who consume it tbh.

No. 464580

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I wish I could wear balaclavas/head part of the niqab to hide my face when I'm in public to avoid ending up in random people's photos or videos without also looking suspicious or assumed to be a hijabi. I just want to hide my face while also looking badass! yea, I think some muslim/terrorist clothing looks cool Unfortunately, I can only get away with wearing something similar when it's cold and I can wrap my scarf around my neck and face.

No. 464582

i get it nona. want a balaclava and an adidas tracksuit to match

No. 464583

I bet someone's going to invent invisible makeup that rubs out your face on camera

No. 464586

Is polka dot bad fashion?

No. 464606

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I'm considering purchasing Jeffrey Campbells in 2025.

No. 464613

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Ok feel free to make fun of me, I probably deserve it. But I dress according to this fucking /k/ fashion guide, of all things.
I just feel so cool wearing it, I can't help it.

No. 464614

Which one do you go with? If I followed this, for me personally I'd go militia-core. Partisan-core would be nice if not for the adidas sweatshirt. I like the boots, I own a similar pair. Are you allowed to mix and match?

No. 464616

Terrorwave looks ugly as fuck but I'd wear the other two options. I like partisan-core the most. I don't have any camo/military jackets, so I probably wouldn't be able to pull off militia-core with my current closet. I guess I could steal some clothes from my dad but they'd look gigantic on me kek

No. 464617

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I wear mostly partisan-core but I mix and match. Personally I really like adidas sweatshirts, I own a couple, but I'm a slav so it's probably in my blood kek.
>Are you allowed to mix and match?
I don't see why not! I personally do, but I'm not a fashion expert.
Terrorwave is my least favorite as well, it's also the least comfortable one, so I don't wear it.

No. 464620

Yeah Terrorwave looks hideous

No. 464622

I still have my killercat winter coat with cat ears, i love it

No. 464623

i don't know what it was but every time my ex put hers on, or talked about them she turned into (even more of) an insufferable bitch, kek
if i saw someone in a flowery buttondown, skinny jeans and those boots the only thing i would be terrorized by would be their shit taste in clothes. the partisan pants look like they could be comfy paired with a hoodie and some proper boots. milspo breaks the whole "i look like i play airsoft in my spare time" rule which i feel should apply to all the styles

No. 464676

This is so fucking autistic, it's impressive.

No. 464695

I feel like these will make a comeback in the next few years at the rate we’re going.

No. 464816

Shit. You're living my 16-year old self's dream, anon, congrats

No. 465056

Just make sure you get a house arrest ankle bracelet to go with them

No. 465221

I like partisan core the most too. Why do you like this style nonn? And is there a lifestyle that goes with it? Like push ups everyday and raw egg shots? It might help me survive this shit world, maybe not. Do you train for a possible apocalypse?

No. 465236

Is this a lindsay lohan reference?

No. 465394

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It's from tumblr. Litas were the quintessential tumblr girl shoe.

No. 465576

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love love love kiko kostadinov’s ugly shoes

No. 465577

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and these hybrid derby shoes from remagine. i just love ugly shoes

No. 465581

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They are absolutely adorable. I hate how these collabs sell out so fast. The trend of mary jane sneakers in general has been wonderful. I used to own some when i was 10 and i loved them so much. I even bought the sandy liang x salomon pair because i thought they were cute. Not as cute as the one in your pic, but i still love them.

No. 465586

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I love the easily-a-decade-out-of-date 'off-duty ballerina' look with tons of tulle, lace, cashmere, pink, beige, and white, and the closely related and even worse 'christian girl autumn' look. It's endearing and soft looking to me.

No. 465587

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Asics also came out with these shoes in collaboration with cecilie bahnsen, they are going for crazy prices online and i guess that was to be expected. Again, i am mad they don't do more drops for these shoes, they are very beautiful. Asics in general have been killing it. They have another collab on their site right now but only size 12.5 is available.
But it's also in reference to Lindsay Lohan. She made them cool and it prompted a lot of tumblr users to post aesthetic pics of hot women with ankle monitors. Designer brands even made little pockets on high heels directly inspired by Lindsay.

No. 465754

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Honestly I love mcbling. I know it makes me look trashy and kind of retarded, but I enjoy the aggressive femininity and it's the type of aesthetic I pined after as a young girl. I dressed really plainly and in baggy fits growing up, so maybe this is just me having a phase with the opposite side. I'd only dress more normal if my girlfriend told me to, she thinks my outfits are fun though.

No. 465779

Zoomers actually have their own version of this called "balletcore" kek

No. 465781

Ngl I like their hats, belts and nails

No. 465793

No, this weirdly feels correct rn but I used to hate it. I think you're on to something and this could retrend soon anons

No. 465806

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stole a sweater that looks similar to this from the back of my gfs closet, i wear it all the time at home. i even wore it to work once and got a compliment from my male coworker for it kek (i thought he was joking and laughed but he got offended and said he genuinely thinks it's cool. guess i found the target audience for wolf shirts.)

No. 465807

you just reminded me of my favorite jacket back when i was in school, it was a black cat ear hoodie with x-es for eyes and detachable paw mittens that had "love" on one and "hate" on the other. the hole where the mittens connected to could be used as a thumb hole. it was the coolest thing to be and i'm not ashamed either, i wish i still had it just for the memories. i can't find a pic of it online though, sadly

No. 465808

I love these and think they're adorable.

No. 465843

My blind ass read "sailor moon" instead of salomon and i got really excited for a moment. I never knew about mary jane sneakers but i definitely want to try some on now.

No. 465914

i used to have a biker jacket on that pink leopard print when i was 16.

No. 466020

I see people constantly hate on the 2010s for fashion and claim others are "stuck in the 2010s" but like realistically what do we wear in the 2020s? Am I just out of the loop because what is even trendy nowadays other than fast fashion from Shein that the little Gen Alphas wear? At this point all outfits have been conceptualised some time in the past so might as well just wear some mangled mess of the 2010s, starry wolf print leggings included.

No. 466034

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Skinny jeans, chokers, skater dresses and skirts (especially floral), ankle boots, "hipster fashion", twee, etc is all very "2010s". Basically anything you would see on tumblr.
Current fashion stay away from silouettes like picrel wich I find very frustrating, because it's either too frumpy or too tight, no in between. I actually hate 2000's mainstream fashion as well, so I'm also stuck in the 2010's lol

No. 466049

stop this is literally my high school years. I always thought society would just keep cycling through 70s-90s fashion until we all died

No. 466058

>Skinny jeans, chokers, skater dresses and skirts
I still dress like this into my 20's and I'll dress like this until I'm on the deathbed

No. 466064

What even is 2020s mainstream fashion? I can't name a single outfit that's "new". Bring back the 2010s, the 2000s, the 90s, 80s and 70s, bring them all back.

No. 466098

your picrel looks so cute to me.

No. 466106

picrel is timelessly fashionable

No. 466110

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2020 fashion is pretty derivative but I like it. I'm just happy that the age of ripped skinny jeans for men is coming to an end, I've seen half the amount of guys wearing those now than before.

No. 466133

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I'm actually thinking of buying a cat ear beanie similar to picrel

No. 467088

Nobody ever pulls ballet looks off irl because nobody really knows what a ballet dancer really looks like. We just wear hoodies, sweatpants, and some sort of slip on shoe to and from class and only the toddler classes dress in pink leotards (which no adult is wearing uncovered in public kek)

No. 492524

Well selling a fantasy is kinda inherent to fashion isn't it

No. 493177

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EXPOSING my extremely questionable fashion decisions

middle school:
>bought jackets, shirts and spn merch to cosplay the winchester brothers every day at school.
>showed pictures of eren yeager to hairdresser (the haircut turned out surprisingly nice)
>"invented" a cool haircut for myself. it was supposed to basically look like hair the guy from the death parade anime had, with bangs over one eye. asked mom to give me the haircut. it looked awful. i rocked it for a whole year.
i stopped being a gendie and started dressing like a normal human in high school but got bored went back to my old weird fashion ways as i got older.
>flame hawaiian shirts
>phase dressing like zhao from yakuza (i don't know anything about yakuza)
>used a metric ton of hair gel during that general period
>celtic/viking enthusiast phase, upgraded undercut to undercut with hairbun, bought all of my jewellery at renfaires.
>"soviet spy" phase where i always went out dressed like illya from the man from uncle, with the little hat and everything. i don't remember my reasoning for this. i think i wanted to look more russian.
the funny thing is i'm not even gay so i wasn't doing any of this to look butch or get chicks, i was just genuinely insane and doing it out of love for fashion. tbh i was a visionary for some of these things.

No. 493188

I once wore my dad shirt by accident and my mom called me the D-slut because of that. Really makes you think?

No. 493199

i lowkey look like that boymoder meme with the brown hair with bangs and black hoodie lmao. but im pretty sure im still obviously a girl even with a hoodie unlike them

No. 493209

>showed pictures of eren yeager to hairdresser (the haircut turned out surprisingly nice)
>phase dressing like zhao from yakuza (i don't know anything about yakuza)
Kek these took me out. You sound hot by the way

No. 493212

I mean not really.

No. 493370

Adam Sandler lesbian fashion is top tier and can only be upgraded as partisan-core from >>464613, sportswear is for winter. Idgaf. Fuck old money and all that shit for mascs. Being comfy is the most important thing

No. 493420

D-slut? What does that mean

No. 493421

Your closet sounds fun. I had a couple of those button down shirts with the anime prints on them. They are comfy. I saw some flame shirts at an FYE recently.

No. 494706

Cosplaying as Sam and Dean in public is so based. I wish I knew you back then, because I had a jacket I called my "Dean jacket" and wore it every day.

No. 499707

the dreaded flecktarn field shirt worn as a jacket (i miss it) (might get another one)

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