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No. 46988
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>putting lemon juice on your face
No. 46996
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This only works with the regular size ob tampons, though other brands might be narrower, and some lip balms might be large enough to fit higher absorbency tampons.
No. 46999
>>46997Anon don't go all sjw, no one stuffs their tampons inside a tube irl. Though I agree with
>>46998 about not getting crud all over it.
No. 47006
>>47001it's not dedicated but i keep a pouch for pads/tampons as well as loose make up products like the lipstick i'm wearing that day, etc.
if i really need to hide it, tampons go in a pocket and i put pads in a sleeve/pants pocket. otherwise i bring my purse/pouch with me.
ob is euro, isn't it? i had a swiss roommate who brought, and left, ob tampons. there's no applicator. what are you, 12? they're so small you could stuff one in your nose and hide it until the washroom.
No. 47010
>>47006I've never used a tampon with an applicator and I'm 25. They're not that small, like an inch long and 7-10mm wide. You might have a wide vagina if you think normal tampons are crazy small. They're all applicator-free in Australia.
>>47008But what's the other option for women who aren't hippies with moon cups? I'll destroy the earth long before I make another woman in a restroom see me washing one of those things. Fabric pads will stink after an hour, so what can be done?
No. 47011
>>47010Continue to not give a fuck
or buy two moon cups and just switch one out when you're out and, wipe the dirty one with tp and stick it in a ziplock bag and wash it when you get home
Or not give a fuck honestly I don't even use moon cups I just scrolled past this thread and the idea popped in my head.
No. 47014
>>470101 - dump the small amount of blood goo out in toilet
2 - wipe out with tp
it's not like a wound anon, they don't get insane. wash out when you get home.
No. 47015
>>47014But then there will be old blood going back inside my vagina? These cups seem really unhygienic.
>>47013Old blood smells, and bamboo socks absolutely reek after a few hours wear so I don't see how bamboo in the pads is gonna help. Idk, over all tampons seem much cleaner and less likely to make you smelly.
No. 47021
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>>47010They sell special wipes and the like for cups, but it kind of defeats the purpose. That's why I use a combination of tampons and cups. You could also dump the cup and then wash it at home later.
They also sell pic related, though I can't vouch for it.
No. 47120
I use a diva cup and it's only supposed to be changed every 12 hours? like where the hell are these situations that sometime in 12 hours you can't get somewhere to dump it out. you rinse it (or use light soap) and put it back in and then clean it AFTER your period is over by boiling it. they even honestly say on the website that in a pinch urine is sterile so technically you could dump it in the toilet, pee on it, and toilet paper it off. tbh in a pinch you can just toilet paper it off and rinse later. it's silicone so it doesn't have a smell.
They also make disposable cups now. dump it and toss it and put a new one in. No. 47122
>>47021looks interesting
>>47120before becoming a neet, I used to work at a
sweatshop factory and the shifts were brutal, 24 to 48 hours with small breaks every 8 hours for some sleep, food or toilet. So yeah, having my period these times could've been worse without a cup.
sage for blogging and sob story
No. 55658
>>46995It's 100% fat like all oils are, what do you mean by "super fatty"?
Also, fat does not equal automatically unhealthy. I don't like coconut oil either but it's not inherently unhealthy.
No. 57776
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>>57772Moon cups are disgusting.
No. 57807
>>57799>>57800I agree. I was a little weirded out at first but you get used to it, you boil them before each first-time use and then wash them each time you take them out before putting them back in. They're not tampons so there aren't any strings to get soaked in piss when you use them, and they don't make public toilets smell of mouldy pussy like tampons and pads do.
Seriously, everyone should do the world a favour and get one.