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No. 501420
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I haven't gone to a concert, but next month I am going to my first concert to see Deftones. I'm super excited.
No. 501423
>>501419I'd love to go but I'm too socially anxious for that. I have friends but I'd rather go alone
Same for clubs/raves/parties whatever
No. 501442
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I've gone to about 20 or so concerts, all of them on my own. Furthest I've traveled was a four hour drive to Seattle. I drove the additional four hours back the same day and had to pound a Monster Energy while screaming with the windows down to stay awake because I refused to stop anywhere lol. I have less disposable income these days, but one day I would like to fly either domestically or overseas for a festival or show. I had a friend who would do that on a whim and I was envious of him, he always made friends everywhere he went, too.
Probably the only funny concert story I have is that a bunch of old people walked out of Grace Jones at The Moore Theater in Seattle because she started drinking wine and pantomiming using the microphone as a vibrator. Fully spread-eagle on stage lmao, the old folks must have forgotten who she was over the years.
No. 501444
>>501419>How often do you visit Festivals/Concerts?Almost never, the few concerts I attended in the past were because I was dragged by some extroverts. I went to my first bigger-ish festival last year
>How far have you traveled for an event? Another city, but I'd travel to another country if there would be an event that appeals to me
>Do you ever go alone? I would never.
>Do you have an interesting story to share?I wish I did, but I feel like I'm too old for festivals, I'm not the target demographic anymore and there weren't events like these 10-15 years ago so it makes me sad I missed out.
No. 502427
>>502244tour shirts and merch are so expensive it's insane! I follow a few festivals and orga companies on social media and I sometimes see that they're looking for volunteers. I always kinds wanted to join but I'm too lazy tbh kek
>>501442kek at the drive home nonna I totally get it! I had to drive through insane fog in the middle of the night coming from a show and it was the most scary shit. I was so exausted when I arrived home.