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No. 501419

>How often do you visit Festivals/Concerts?
>How far have you traveled for an event?
>Do you ever go alone?
>Do you have an interesting story to share?

No. 501420

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I haven't gone to a concert, but next month I am going to my first concert to see Deftones. I'm super excited.

No. 501423

I'd love to go but I'm too socially anxious for that. I have friends but I'd rather go alone
Same for clubs/raves/parties whatever

No. 501424

Also the local music scene sucks so I'll have to go far to see anything I'm interested in

No. 501431

>How often do you visit Festivals/Concerts?
I probably visit one or two festivals a year, depending on the line up. This year it's only one.
>How far have you traveled for an event?
I think about 600 - 700 km to another EU country kek
>Do you ever go alone?
I regularly go alone. Concerts as well as festivals however if I visit a festival alone it's with a hotel room. I'm pretty good at taking care of myself and I like being alone so I don't mind at all. It just gets annoying when guys think it's an invitation to flirt. I recently went alone and had to sit next to a scrote and he wanted to buy me a drink. I kindly declined because I dind't feel like getting roofied but he kept trying to chat in between songs despite me giving one worded answers.
>Do you have an interesting story to share?
I went to many amazing concerts alone and I just love seeing passionate and professional musicians on stage! I just love the emotion that gets transferred to me almost like a meditation but energising.

No. 501442

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I've gone to about 20 or so concerts, all of them on my own. Furthest I've traveled was a four hour drive to Seattle. I drove the additional four hours back the same day and had to pound a Monster Energy while screaming with the windows down to stay awake because I refused to stop anywhere lol. I have less disposable income these days, but one day I would like to fly either domestically or overseas for a festival or show. I had a friend who would do that on a whim and I was envious of him, he always made friends everywhere he went, too.

Probably the only funny concert story I have is that a bunch of old people walked out of Grace Jones at The Moore Theater in Seattle because she started drinking wine and pantomiming using the microphone as a vibrator. Fully spread-eagle on stage lmao, the old folks must have forgotten who she was over the years.

No. 501444

>How often do you visit Festivals/Concerts?
Almost never, the few concerts I attended in the past were because I was dragged by some extroverts. I went to my first bigger-ish festival last year
>How far have you traveled for an event?
Another city, but I'd travel to another country if there would be an event that appeals to me
>Do you ever go alone?
I would never.
>Do you have an interesting story to share?
I wish I did, but I feel like I'm too old for festivals, I'm not the target demographic anymore and there weren't events like these 10-15 years ago so it makes me sad I missed out.

No. 501445

>How often do you visit Festivals/Concerts?
Used to go a few times a year but since covid, I haven't gone to one. I think a lot of it is because I tend to like smaller bands from abroad and it probably isn't financially feasible for them to travel to the States to perform anymore.
>How far have you traveled for an event?
About 8 hours. Was worth it because they haven ever performed in the States again.
>Do you ever go alone?
Pretty much all the time because I have no friends kek.
>Do you have an interesting story to share?
Don't want to out the band but I once shared weed with them back when I still smoked. Pretty funny memory because a few people might find if incredibly amusing if I named them.

No. 501456

Subject fail, and why did you put this in /g/ instead of /ot/?

No. 501484

Because in /g/ are a lot of threads where our experience is shared or exchange happenes between us. /ot/ still has a milk or fun aspect to it imo. And I didn’t put it in /m/ because, again we’re exchanging experiences here and not discussing a particular media.

No. 501567

get em non

No. 501656

Went to a small metal show under a highway one time and there was an obese child smoking a giant cigar.

No. 501783

Nta but this feels like an /m/ thread to me though, we also share experiences there, and the media is music. Just like move going. But alas, that's irrelevant, I just hope this thread doesn't get buried between a thousand horny posts

No. 502244

Aww this thread is cute. I used to go to so many concerts in my youth. I had a bestie who basically nepo babied her way into every venue for free and her mom was just grateful that she had a tall friend with her that I got in free too. Since becoming a broke adult, I go to shows and concerts as a fan very rarely, but for the last couple of years I have worked part time at venues just to be around for artists I like and buy the occasional $50 tour shirt and sneak peaks at the shows.

No. 502427

tour shirts and merch are so expensive it's insane! I follow a few festivals and orga companies on social media and I sometimes see that they're looking for volunteers. I always kinds wanted to join but I'm too lazy tbh kek
kek at the drive home nonna I totally get it! I had to drive through insane fog in the middle of the night coming from a show and it was the most scary shit. I was so exausted when I arrived home.

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