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No. 50371
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This is the way to go. Online works the best because it's easier to find lonely guys while still maintaining a safe distance.
I play CSGO to find guys, though any game with a male majority audience will work. As soon as you start speaking, they're on you like flies on shit. I had one European guy that would send me money, special packages, and bought me a computer just for talking to him. Just be sure to use a PO box if you're doing shit like that, though trying to get money via Paypal is better.
You just have to make sure you cut them off better they start becoming too attached, because they can get really annoying and clingy after awhile.
No. 50378
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these might be guys who don't have much female interaction and see buying stuff as a valid way to get her attention. like guys go to prostitutes just to talk at her. a sugar daddy is basically just a more formalised, up front version of this arrangement. i don't think 'friends' really comes into it.
but >>139726 for instance definitely did exploit that british kid because she lied about what she was going to use the money for. personally i think that's hilarious that he was dumb enough to do that at all. iconic
No. 50380
He was a pretty lonely guy, so we didn't even have to use Skype or anything. He was happy to hear my voice occasionally when I played CSGO. He asked for a pic, but I told him I wasn't comfortable with it, and he never asked again.
I definitely didn't consider him a friend. I know that he considered me a bit more than a friend, but I never corrected him about it. He did get something out of it, but I'm not going to kid myself and say, "Well, it wasn't wrong because he enjoyed talking to me." This wasn't a sugar arrangement, so it's really not "right" to do.
>I find the smile-nod-laugh, keeping my mouth shut, ego stroking charade absolutely exhausting.
You're not the only one. It really is exhausting which is why I stopped doing it. It's hard enough to find lonely guys who are desperate enough and reckless enough to buy you shit without really knowing you, but when you actually have to pretend to care about them, it gets tiring. It's like playing a game of chess for days in a row, knowing what moves to make and when, knowing how to read these guys, etc.
No. 50385
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My best advice would be to start off playing a single player FPS first to get the hang of everything and then try out CSGO.
You couldn't find a way to word this to make it less insulting? I'm going to just assume your lack of tact means you're autistic.
My rank at the time was MGE, though now it's DMG. While it's true that more men probably play CSGO, there are plenty of women who do and just refuse to use voice chat because as soon as they do, they've got desperate fucks all over them. They can't even play the game properly.
My profile looks nothing like you described. I have less than 30 friends, 3 comments about my rep, and just a handful of games. It's almost like you're generalizing women who play video games.
Please fuck off back to /r9k/.
No. 50389
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Sorry, I'm kind of confused about what you mean by "interface".
You could always watch some CSGO tutorial videos on Youtube first. There's a weapons course in CSGO too, which is just like an in-game tutorial area.
My boyfriend is pretty great at CSGO and wanted to help out (he got a big kick out of this thread), so he made this little diagram for you to help you understand what you're looking at in-game.
Is this the kind of thing you were after, or am I being retarded and misunderstanding completely?
No. 50394
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getting back on topic, I've just started being a sugar baby. I currently have three daddies with a combined income from all of them of around three hundred to four hundred a week, depending on whether I skype them or not. All online. I've used a fake name, with matching fake email and amazon account. it's pretty great, ngl. Nice amount for me to save on top of my part time job for tuition costs
No. 50398
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How did you do that? Where did you find them? What do you do with them? I'm seriously interested
No. 50403
Same fagging to provide a bare bones guide to keeping yourself safe while sugaring:
1: Make a fake name, (pretty much a fake persona actually) and kit her out with all the social media you intend to be using. Her own accounts used specifically for when you're sugaring and nothing else. This includes some way of being paid.
2) if you're being paid in gifts posted to you, get a PO box.
3) Business paypals do not share your personal information with the person sending payment. Create a business paypal for sugaring payments and connect it to your bank account if you want cash.
4)If you're online only, make it clear. if that start harrassing you to change that, restate your terms. They don't drop it? You drop them.
Tips for getting more money/replies
1) sell yourself. "I want blah, I am blah, kik me at blah" is boring. However, include facts about your body, height, eye and hair colour and ethnicity.
2) When you get out of the shower, take a selfie. Getting dressed? take a selfie. Just done your makeup? take a selfie. Saves you from having to stop what you're doing when the daddies ask shit like what panties have you got on and stuff like that
3) Don't be afraid to chase them up for payments if they haven't paid you. If they get stingey, remind them that they're supposed to be a sugar daddy, and guilt them until they pay, Also, show them things you want online and sigh about how you can't afford it, beg them to buy it for you, wear them down.
No. 50417
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No. 50418
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I thought you were talking about KF, but CSGO isn't that much more. If you don't want to use sketchy sites (as long as you use paypal, you're protected even if they do try to scam you, but they usually work), you can wait for a steam sale, price should drop to around $10.
No. 50421
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Listen, at this point you might as well try to scam people by doing something you know how to do
No. 50424
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No, I just see that you would have absolutely zero luck finding guys to milk with that attitude.
I mean, come on. This is like if I waltzed into a chess club and started knocking over tables and shaking my ass in everyone's face, expecting the attention to that to be positive.
No. 50426
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Whoa, why are you so fucking defensive? I'm the one that's been giving you advice about CSGO tutorials and diagrams and shit. I just thought after everything you said, you'd be better off with some other method.
I think you have me confused with >>139783 or something. Either that or you're just a cunt.
No. 50427
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I dunno what's going on, but I see some of you are interested in csgo and would like to.. perhaps play with you too..
I've been looking for a reason to get back into the game. I peaked at badge. Just looking for a fun time and get better at the same time!
No. 50430
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Anyway, back on topic.
Anyone ever try or have any luck with those websites where you sign up and then sext with guys for money?
I think one of them is called MyGirlFund, but I don't really know how legit it is or what it entails.
No. 50446
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Probably the most related thread, has anyone used Fiverr for a fake girlfriend/selfie-for-hire situation?
I need some extra cash as security as I look for a job, so I set up one earlier today, and I've already gotten like twenty prying messages that have made me question every decision I've ever made in life lol
No. 50449
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Not without putting in a little effort, but if you're a girl on the internet with some sort of presence over time you can probably get some shit. I've seem some pretty worthless/boring girls on twitter just ask and they receive, the only thing is that they were shit posting on their accounts for a while before hand. Guys don't want to give shit to girls who just show up and disappear.
Girl if you're just going it for thirst money, you're still whoring yourself.
No. 50460
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I wouldn't mind doing something like twitch or youtube gaming to make money off of people, but like my laptop fan is shit cause anytime I run it you can hear its buzzing and I know people for the most part want to hear commentary while you play stuff and I know it would just piss people off.
So I'm not really wanting to scam guys out of money but like if you're willing to buy me things not really going to refuse it.
Also, do any of you have bf's that trick guys into giving you stuff? If so have you told them, and how did you tell them.
No. 50461
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>>50460My boyfriend and I have actually worked as a team before. He would play a game for me that I wasn't particularly good at and I would just talk in vent or in game and act like I was the one playing.
This worked pretty well as most dudes were impressed at how "good" I was at the game, so a lot of them basically threw themselves at me and bought me a bunch of shit, some of which was stuff my boyfriend specifically wanted. I didn't even have to do much of anything except text them occasionally on Skype or "play" a round or two with them.
No. 50465
Being an honest prostitute/camgirl/sugarbaby is fine and so is being a streamer that accepts the thirst dollars, but I don't get the point in pretending to be the latter when you're really the former. All that effort to get money out of sad losers without just being honest, it seems more time than it's worth, and I don't get why they fucking pay up.
Tbh I always assume half of stuff like
>>50461 is just trolling to piss the robots off, or even robots trying to 'expose' us or something, but then I see things like
>>50462 and then I wonder if I'm just naive.
No. 50467
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Jesus fucking Christ you people are pathetic(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 50481
>>50480alrighty, I was just wondering if there were some more obscure forums or sites to go to. I haven't eaten anything for 3 days and I don't have anything to eat for the following days… so at this point I'm honestly ready for anything that doesn't involve selling my organs or body. I'm slightly anxious so wish me luck!
No. 50486
>>50485Nope. He has a man bun ffs.
It's just good to know that this guy is super into me so i can put in minimal effort.
No. 50492
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I only take from guys if they keep pursuing me after I've told them that I don't like them. I've never manipulated one, never asked them to buy me anything (except food/unless I'm going to pay them back because I feel super guilty) and I've tried to never lead a guy on (I am very bad at being mean)
If you want guys to buy you stuff off your wishlist, I'd suggest posting nsfw/revealing pics to tumblr (assuming you're over 18, don't be an idiot). Amazon allows people to buy stuff off your wishlist, but some 2nd party stores reveal your name/address/number, so be careful of that.
But if you want to go the whole way with sugaring and all I'd suggest sugar daddy dating sites, they're really your best chance to meet POTs, unless you frequent extravagant parties.
Most of my "funders" are guys who like me, who I have told that I don't like them back. If they think they can win me over with money, then who am I to try and stop them? At the end of the day, you should be wary of where this can land you, as well as the friendship/relationship you have with these guys, it's true that a lot of them may have issues, and it's not kind to exploit this, but if that's who you are, then go ahead.
No. 50493
sugar baby tips
Before you sign up for any sugar baby/sugar daddy websites, make a list of things you’re willing to do and things you are not willing to do. Do not let any amount of money change that for you, unless you are truly open to and okay with it. I had a friend who had a sugar daddy who was super dominant and overpowering in bed and he gave her an incredible monthly allowance but it destroyed her mental health. Do not be that person. Stick to your guns.
Come up with a monthly allowance that you want, be reasonable but do not low ball yourself. Come up with the minimum allowance you’ll be okay with receiving and do not let any of these POTs talk you down from it. That’s the biggest mistake I see new sugar babes making. But do not and I repeat, DO not compare your allowance to other sugar babes. A lot of girls fabricate their allowance and others had to go through many sugar daddies to get that high allowance or have been in the bowl for awhile. Do not let comparison be the thief.
Come up with a sugaring name, do not use your real name. Also create a separate email with said sugaring name and use that to communicate with POTs. Never text from your real number. Use a burner app. I use Pinger and TextNow.
I recommend starting off with SeekingArrangement to search for a sugar daddy. Do not use any photos of yourself on there that link back to your personal accounts (Facebook and Instagram). Take new photos just for sugaring and don’t upload those to your personal accounts. You don’t want them to be able to reverse image search and trace back to you. My public photos on there are of my body in form fitting clothing and photos of my face from the nose down. My private photos are more body pictures and full face photos. Some girls put full face photos as their public photo but I choose not to as I have 20k+ followers on Instagram and Twitter on my personal accounts. I’m super cautious and don’t want just anyone knowing about my sugar life.
This is my rule and not every sugar baby agrees but do not ever send nudes to a POT. I think there’s no reason to do so until after you’re in an arrangement IF you choose to do so. But be smart about it. Never send nudes with your face in them because you don’t want that popping up later in life.
Anytime you meet up with a POT, make sure it is in a public place. NEVER get into a POT’s car or go to a POTs house on a first date. I don’t care if he says he has a check written for you for 50 million dollars there, don’t do it. Always make sure someone who knows about your sugar life knows where you’re going and who you’re with, in case things go south. I have a few close friends and my sister who know that I sugar. Anytime I meet up with a POT, they know who what when and where. If you don’t feel comfortable letting anyone know in your personal life, please message me and let me know.
Do not EVER sleep with a sugar daddy until after you’ve received your allowance. Don’t fall for that test drive bull. You are not a Ferrari dealership.
- taken off tumblr (bilyeubabe, if i remember correctly)
No. 50497
>>50356Why do girls who don't even play/enjoy games want to get into gaming/streaming if they don't like it ? Waste of time tbh. Twitch bux is easy to achieve if you're a girl but you still need to have knowledge on the games. You can get away with being silver if you're cute and have played for at least a season and play a variety of games, but if you're planning to show up in your Victoria's Secret push-up bra and expect donations you're just dumb.
I hate when girls pretend to be into something, it really shows. The boys will most likely flame you than be attracted. Why do you think that kaypea twitch bitch gets so much money from fanboys? Because she's kind of decent at the game, no tits required.
I used to stream, and I hated when girls who suck at games and have no personality would ask me to host their stream or follow them like go away leech.
Sorry if this sounds super salty I'm just saying that if you want money off of guys but you're not good at games and have a bad computer you should probably just resort to things like sexting. Or, this is easier to fake: nsfw cosplay. Slutty inaccurate cosplays are the easiest to make/buy anyways and the weebs will be drooling and sending you more shit on amazon to wear or receive.
No. 50510
>>50506Make sure your connections aren't too close to him. If he knows someone a Large Company, feel free to ask for a connection, but if he suggest the place he works for or a close friend's small workplace, it won't be worth it. Even if you genuinely like him, never shit where you eat.
Also, if he says he'll give you general advice and guidance for your search, he's probably just going to lead you on so you too can continue hang out. Good networking is one of the strongest assets you can have in your career. Get a lead, and then take action ASAP to get that job.
No. 50515
>>50514ofc, anon. Probably going to get to it in a couple days though since I still have to take some pictures and set up other accounts.
another thing is I'm not sure if I should keep this a secret from my bf or not. he's a bit of a goodytwoshoes and dare I say a tad possessive so I'm worried he'll tell me to stop even though it's really doing no harm. I could see why I would be potentially relationship ruining if I was going out to meet SDs irl but this will just be pictures. I want to be honest with him of course, but part of me just thinks it'll be easier to tell him I'm making all the extra money from my etsy instead. The way I see it it doesn't hurt to simply be sending pictures that don't even include my (real) face but I'm still conflicted since I generally have a need to be honest with those I'm close with. Thoughts?
No. 50516
>>50515It might be better to keep it a secret at first if he's the way you described since he might set you back. I want to do it and I already told my boyfriend and he's fine with it. I'll probably do it in approximately 1 week since I also need to set up. What do you mean by >sending pictures that don't even include my (real) face
Are you gonna Photoshop your pictures?
No. 50519
>>50516I intend to photoshop my pictures, yes. Not to uncalley valley kota levels of course but just switch up or enhance a few facial features as natural as possible. I have many years of photomanipulation experience under my belt so I'm confident I can do it to believable levels. Paired with a decent wig, I think it can work out nicely.
>I already told my boyfriend and he's fine with it. I'll probably do it in approximately 1 weekwonderful! Keep the thread posted on your experience. I'm looking to starting next week now as well after doing some more research. Really have to put a lot of work into setting all this up and I am fine with that.
>>50518I'm trying to figure that out, actually. It think giftcards are probably the easiest and most discreet way to go until I can find a website that is ok with adult work (if that even exists).
No. 50520
>>50519I don't know what I'm going to do about my face since I have no photoshop skills and I'm sure it's essential to show them my face. I'm not sure how I'll get paid since gift cards aren't that convenient for me because it takes forever for amazon items to be delivered to my country. Would setting a business paypal account be fine? I saw Square Cash being suggested on the subreddit, what do you think about it? Are you going to send nudes and if you do how much are you going to charge for them? Are you going to ask for an allowance? What are you offering?
Sorry, for the amount of questions but I'm really anxious and don't know how I am supposed to do this sort of thing since I've never done something like this before.
No. 50521
>>50520shh anon calm down, it's ok. let's just take it step by step share what we know to help each other out. Just remember I'm as stumped as you are with a lot of these things and I definitely don't have the best answers or solutions being a newbie myself.
>I don't know what I'm going to do about my facefrom what I've seen it's best to only show from your nose down in pictures, infact I think this is what a lot of online SBs do unless they are or are planning to take their services to the real world. I'm deciding to use photoshop as a bit of extra security later down the road, but I do not plan to /start/ with full face photos.
>Would setting a business paypal account be fine?No, paypal will freeze your account if they find out you're using it with a false name or for adult services. I haven't read up on square cash at all so i'll look into it as well.
>Are you going to send nudes and if you do how much are you going to charge for them?I do plan to send nudes but I'm not quite sure what reasonable prices are for those yet.
>Are you going to ask for an allowance?that's the plan but i need to understand what kind of things the general SD population is willing to pay for to understand how allowances should work in regards to what I'm willing to give them. i have an amount i'd like to get per month so that's a good starting point, I guess?
>What are you offering?photos and possibly nosedown videos if there is a market for that in the SD/SB world. I might even decide voice chatting is up my alley when i become more comfortable with things.
>I've never done something like this before.I haven't either, but it's something I've been wanting to do for a while. Now that I know there's a market for online SBs I'm all in. All the answers I've given you are based on minimal research and no experience, so take things with a grain of salt and do as much research you can for yourself! I'm finding out that Tumblr and Reddit are great resources for information on this.
No. 50523
>>50520If you're having so many problems with showing your face then perhaps you should think about it some more. If being identified is such as big risk, do the ends justify the means? what price is an ok price for that? Aside from either disguising it with makeup/Photoshop, show half, the only other way to hide it is to just not show any of it, and then accepting that you'll be a lower commodity than girls that do.
A business paypal is fine to get you started for hiding your real information. It's still against the ToS to use it for sex work so you shouldn't advertise your paypal name online as connected to your sugaring and all of the transactions look like legit online business transactions (no 'Thanx 4 da hot pics bby'), learning to send your own invoices is helpful for that. However just take it as certain that disgruntled asshole might report the account and get you shut down, in the same way that any of your photographs will get leaked.
>>50515Same thing as above, will the the pay out justify losing him? Just take it as a given that no secret stays kept, be practical own whatever decision you decide.
No. 50530
I was reading a SB guide and she said she uses this
https://www.youcaring.comWhat do you guys think?
No. 50540
>>50539Maybe if all men didn't act as butthurt as you, we wouldn't make such broad generalisations.
I don't know why you're so upset that you're not welcome here. Did you not read the rules? Girls only. Fuck off. Pretty please.
No. 50545
>>50543Oh my god get the fuck out and go see a therapist.
To other anons: keep reporting him, no reply.
No. 55730
>>55699I had a friend in high school who had a rich family and some scrub used her for years. She bought him food and so on and straight up gave him money, I would see him actually walk up and just ask for it. He was a relatively attractive guy and she had some issues with self-esteem and appearance.
>>55709I know these feels too, I want it but I actually hate it in practice. I'm perpetually guilty; just today a guy got me a perfume that in truth I dislike so now I feel even worse but I can't deny getting money and free shit is nice.
No. 56162
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>>50462>>50532Update, I found another girl to give gifts to, we fell in love and I'm gonna take care on a few trips to other countries in the next few days. She's the sweetest girls in the world and has cried several times from happiness because of my gifts.
I decided to give this update so you
>>50533 >>50536>>50542>>50544can see that if you're a positive person who treats people well and doesn't randomly insult people on the internet life will reward you, what have you done during this time you horrible man-hating dike? Oh yeah, nothing, you're still dumb and pathetic while I've found happiness, you're gonna die in pain and alone while I'll be surrounded by my loving wife, children and grandchildren.
I've had a couple of robots buy me a handful of items after seeing just my face. Never managed anything long term though, I'm simply not a very good conversationalist. I met a girl here once who managed to hook them without using her pics at all. Color me impressed.
>>50470>I'm a lesbian so it's useless You think we're attracted to these guys??
>findom This was already discussed. Shit like that's been oversaturated for quite a while, just like everything else.
>>50525Because most people don't know how to use bitcoin. Another hoop to jump through before getting the money.
>>55699Go sell your old socks on ebay. Homos love that shit for whatever reason.
No. 56168
>>50482>>50481Try collarspace or shilling on 4chan/8ch.
>>56167It's very saturated but you can still find people who are willing to do pay you.
No. 56170
>>56169/femdom/, /anita/
On 4chan you can also find people. /soc/, /r9k/ and maybe, maybe /d/. I think there was actually a robot begging for a findom on lolcow /b/ (now /ot/) like a year ago too.
No. 56186
>>56173Hell no. Call me old fashioned but I only want my boyfriend to see my butthole and nipples. I am considering doing a few 'no nude lewds'. Like photo sets in cute weeby attire (like the cat lingerie shit that got popular) or even a few cosplays. The only reason I'm hesitant on it is that I actually like cosplaying so I'd really want to separate my business and my hobby because I don't want to be like moomoo. Of course I would get creative and have the full cosplay, but I still don't want to be that kind of shit stain on the community.
I know everyone hates tumblr but honestly making a nsfw blog there to promote your content is good bc it's really easy to get attention/buyers.
No. 56229
>>56228>>56173I don't think it's worth it cosidering the current situation. Everyone and their dog wants to cam now, the market is flooded. You have to put in a shit ton of work if you actually want to make money. Not to mention people cam record your cam session and upload it anywhere.
It's just not worth it.
No. 59312
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>>59290I mean, if it works, why not?
>>59291Did you forget what thread you're in?
No. 59346
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No. 59362
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What do you all think about this 'Send Me 5$ And See What Happens' Girl from Tinder? Have anyone tried this shtick irl, does it work?
No. 59389
>>59362I hate her for selling her story because its obviously not got to work for anyone now, ugh
>>59388Ive tried sugaring before, trust me all the guys know that it's not a real relationship, they just enjoying pampering girls, and always go with someone they share common ground with in the first place. A lot of babies have boyfriends that know about it, theres not much romance going on with a sugar daddy, its kind of like hiring an entertainer for a party to be honest expect instead of singing happy birthday you eat dinner with some old dude.
No. 59390
>>59389All my ex-boyfriends feel like they were somewhat sugar daddies, except for we are in a relationship and as
>>59388said they were/are sad, lonely men.
I only date men who wait on me and buy me whatever I want, so I'd guess it's possible to date a sugar daddy or have your boyfriend basically behave as one?
No. 59450
>>59392 and as I said, both parties know there's no romance involved. If these men wanted real relationships they could find them easy on tinder or even irl but that's not what they want, they want girls to fo no strings attached dates here and there and if it costs them money it's fine because they can afford it. It's not at all like a having real girlfriend.
No. 59486
>>59443>>59390 here
I don't feel bad, because I date with the intent of marriage. I am just, basically, as said
>>59392an over pampered girlfriend. Since the guys I date tend to be sad and lonely men, they are really happy to be with me (and often state how much happier they are).
I tend to really like people more than love (or at least, it appears I don't feel it as strongly as a lot of people although I'd never admit it to anyone irl) so if a relationship doesn't make my life easier (ie. buys me food/cooks me meals, helps do chores and basically takes care of me) then I'll just end it. It's not like I just sit around and don't try to reciprocate, but I don't think I could ever love someone who doesn't spoil me. With that said, I'll gladly date someone 10-25 years older and/or physically below average if they are smart, nice, and basically worship me lol
No. 59495
I feel like something that doesn't get talked enough about are the "vidya game sugar daddies".
The ones that pay money to essentially obligate popular twitch streamers to hang out with them.
I always knew that there are retards that give tens of thousands of dollars away in a year to streamers. It goes even further than that.
They fly out to events. "Host" special parties, pay for bottle service, foot the bill at expensive restaurants, rent out club areas, etc. just to hang out with the "cool kids" of whichever video game. You may not see the sugar daddies in the pictures on Instagram, but I can guarantee you, if you see a group of people from a gaming community at a somewhat exclusive or expensive area, and if not some big company, a sugar daddy is footing the bill.
It is so pathetic how the retarded twitch streamer girls, who don't even know how to play the games, latch onto these sugar daddies. Even conveniently being in their hometown "for vacation" and of course "meeting for dinner" with them.
It feels disgusting to use people like that, but maybe these sugar daddies enjoy it.
No. 59622
>>50356To be honest i've tried doing this myself before but some guys will try to scam the fuck out of you online. Don't give anything in advanced if you do decide to exchange something for it (Even if it's just a normal selfie. The guy in my case was a boot fetishist and just wanted a picture of me, knees down, wearing boots. I kept telling him i would if he'd send the money so i could have money to get boots he liked but he was all talk.
Now i'm engaged so it's more complicated but my husband hates fuckboys so if i can get a base going i think he'd be fine with it if i didn't give anything in exchange besides my personality in videos or whatever i end up doing.
No. 59666
>>59655Yeah. he approached me and it was my first attempt. I don't really know how to go about finding a sugar daddy, especially just an online one.
I'm good at photoshop (graphic artist and shit) so I wonder if I could ever get away with shopping some pre-existing nudes so i don't ever have to share my own? lol. I know guys have gotten catfished with another girls pics before so it could work if it's a half-lie right?
No. 59852
>>59831Honestly, I don't use it too often, for guys to come up on your searches and for you to come up on theirs you have to be close-ish to each other and I live in a poor area sadly. My own experiences have been irl, but I have had one or two guys buy me wishlist items and never get to back to me.
A friend of mine lives near a bunch of millionaire houses luckily and she has a had a few guys buy her items from her wishlists often without ever having to send nudes or anything, just promising to meet and stuff like that. They usually will want to talk on the phone tho, or want a pic with whatever they get you.
If you are into 'darker' styles of clothing (like pleasers and latex, bdsm shit) it's easy to attract guys looking for findom, if you wanted to go for that
No. 59866
>>59852SeekingArrangement has the weirdest rules. They say that "illegal activities such as prostitution are not tolerated", isn't sugaring prostitution basically? Especially when irl. Duh.
Also they're pretty nazi with SB profiles, I was banned for mentioning the word "allowance" in the section about what you're expecting from a SD, and a friend of mine got her account suspended for having a name (the name she uses for sugaring) in her username… Crazy.
Btw you can change your location from what I recall
No. 59872
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Doesn't it seem morally bankrupt to knowingly take advantage of pathetic, desperate, broken people with no grasp on how human relationships actually work? For those of you who encourage or engage in this, do you have a general sense of honor or not?
I'm not here to piss in anyone's cornflakes but I am interested in the psychology behind it.
Before you point out that men take advantage of the opposite gender in certain ways too, I know they do. That isn't what I'm asking about, though that is also an interesting psychological phenomenon in its own right. Perhaps it's just both sexes effectively saying "well the other sex does it", but that would seem an oversimplification to me.
No. 60064
>>60060How much did he offer you anon?
I'm guessing he's poor and you live in a poor country, so he is basically planning to fuck you and pay less than for a hooker in his country kek.
Japanese men are stingy as fuck, and yakuza/CEO's are basically the only ones with real money.
No. 60111
>>60060anon, firstly you should not meet with this guy for your own safety
secondly, it's one thing getting money out of “normal” guys, but it's pretty bad imo to be getting it out of a guy who's not mentally sound
No. 60341
>>60320"online sugaring" is an oxymoron. You might as well call it camwhoring. The fact is, you earn what you put in it, and if you want the serious sugaring things like an actual allowance and shopping and all that, you will need to do IRL meetings and sex is of course expected.
You will read stories about how some girls make $1000 a week just by talking to people online or make $3000 a day when some older guy just takes them shopping and just wants to talk to a young girl in exchange… but remember, those are almost certainly all made up. Sugar daddies who have the money to spoil a girl didn't get rich by wasting their money. They certainly won't spend a cent on a girl who will give them nothing in return.
No. 60438
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I've always found fascinating what some dudes would do just to have a grill to talk to, but have had a hard time implementing myself into getting free stuff just cause i'm a girl, always felt awkward recieving things and having someone expecting something of me in return.
I'm generally good at games, but i stopped playing online a few years ago, used to get free stuff on habbo and mmo's by being cute to dudes, i didn't even realize why they were giving me things back then kek.
I find it morally grey because it's not the girl's fault that a dude is so desperate for affection that he's willing to give free stuff. Feel kinda bad for the dudes that expect the girl to love them but ehhhhh. So i'm kinda intrigued and would like to try it off.
What would you say are the best games (apart from cs:go)/communities for finding willing dudes?
Would you say voice chat is mandatory? What tips would you give a newcomer into this whole ordeal?
No. 60458
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>>60446>implying robots aren't broke NEETs living with mommy and daddyAnon, come on. There's no way you're going to get shit from them. They're probably just trying to scam you right back.
No. 60655
>>60475Why even waste your time for $10-$20 shit though?
At that point its better to just get a boyfriend or sugar daddy really. You can easily get at least $20 per day, plus a lot of lonely guys are happy to provide an allowance and buy expensive shit/pay for nice vacations too imo.
With that said question for other gold digging anons:
>>What kind of hair (curly, straight, up-do, blonde, brunette etc) /clothing (boho, sporty, rich girl, instate, slutty) /makeup (natural, heavy, cute, sexy) style do you find gets men to spend the most money on you? No. 60815
>>60799if you're that paranoid then don't do it, it's not the right line of work for you…
do something easier like pics.
No. 61192
>>60799Was browsing and…
Wait, you want someone to install a virtual computer with a restricted program memory so you can be a camwhore?
What if he has a separate recorder, a dedicated card that captures everything and it doesnt show in software? You then want to monitor his hardware, which is kinda illegal unless you get him to write up a ToS.
OR what if he records with a normal camera the screen?
lol bish u paranoid, dont do stupid shit if u fear the repercussions
No. 61263
>>61171>>61177I only had one gf in the past and we would split everything, but that was probably because I only study and have no money of my own and she already had a job (also she was older). We would do stuff like paying when the other had no money but it always felt like a natural thing, I never felt pression to pay.
The thing is: she was my only dating experience, is it a deal breaker if the guy doesn't pay? Or is it only a first date thing? Help an autistic anon please.
I don't want to pay for other people's meals tbh, unless maybe if she was broke No. 61272
>>61219Well there's not much else you can really do though, and walking out and jipping the servers seems pretty rude. Just call it a lose in those cases, seeing as it's probably not very common anyway.
>>61263>>61268>>61271>>is it a deal breaker if the guy doesn't pay? >>Or is it only a first date thing?It's a deal breaker for me personally. I expect the man to pay for everything for as long as we are together. Food is the bare minimum, as I also expect designer clothes and nice vacations/shopping sprees. With that said, there are women who don't feel this way and men who take pride in being able to afford to spoil a pretty girl. Just do you and if you end up on a date with someone like me and don't want to pay, she'll not go on a second date and you can find someone else. Good luck anon!
No. 61408
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Asking to the fellow suganons of this thread: how did you explain the sudden money to your parents? I'm trying to come up with a fake but legit enough job that I'm supposed to do at my computer (they know I'm unemployed) and my brain is burning. Damn Euro clingy families
No. 61531
>>61442Well, it's not the same thing as camming. Sugar relationships are relationships, as in there's obviously sexual stuff involved but it's just a small part of it. In my case for example, I only send pictures. No cam, no videos. Nudes are from the neck down. But we spend more time talking, from chitchats to serious stuff. Both my SDs live a very interesting life imo, so I genuinely enjoy talking with them. One of them is teaching me interesting stuff about photography. I'm doing pretty well for my standards, the allowance is basically allowing me to plan to move out to a bigger city.
If you're interested, you can open a thread in r/sugarbaby or create a profile on SeekingArrangement, but be careful with the latter since they don't allow online sugaring, so you basically have to avoid any mention to it in your profile and engage with daddies via dm to find out if they're interested in online.
Imo it's much better than camming, you can keep your identity private and make much more money. Win/win.
>>61438Sounds very nice. I'd do in-person too if all daddies were like this guy.
No. 61617
>>61569I find my daddies on SA, so I could check their profile to see their pics, income etc.
On Reddit I guess you should just talk to everyone who replies to your thread, see who's seriously interested in an arrangement, then exchange skype or whatelse. On Reddit they will most likely ask you to "verify": basically you have to send them a pic of yourself holding a piece of paper with your username written on it, to prove you're real. If you're afraid to show your face just shoop to oblivion, wear makeup in a way you usually don't, and if you own a wig wear it. There are also ways to have your daddy send you the allowance without ever knowing your infos. It's totally possible to stay anonymous
No. 65905
>>65904lol no1curr
quit schizo typing and fuck off back to r/incels beta cuck
No. 65911
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>>50462You know, i wouldnt even blame women for being whores, i blame it on you beta faggots who buy them shit.
Why not just go fuck a hooker or something? Im pretty sure that with 1600 dollars is more than enough to buy some high quality hooker.
>>65904Why don't weak faggots like you just die already
Oh right
We need them for free shit
No. 69578
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What do you guys think of her advice?
No. 72669
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I'll take the rest of your money and let you hate me, anon. I will also talk to you constantly about your daily life and maybe watch a movie or two online with you.
No. 72691
why is my post deleted?
it was >>72617
I was raising my concerns that you might be leeching people with autism or (diagnosed or not) mental disorders (like me). This is immoral and this is also illegal in many countries.
>>72669Thank you. I'm a selfhating masochist as well so I appreciate your post and derive pleasure from this and really like you. Please keep going.
I'm fucked up… but I have learned my lesson and will do my best to
No. 72717
>>72689I decline to reply.
That much.
No. 72748
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>>72694I've never used Skype, but I will try to set it up when I get home!
In the meanwhile, I do have kik, anon.
No. 72751
>>72691Guys aren't allowed on this board, dumbass
>>72694You can add me on discord
No. 75039
>>72585Wow, hi. First of all I've never managed to solicit money. Only items.
I was very upfront. I made my intentions clear before moving the convo to DM that I expected them to
prove that women truly have it on easy mode.
I limited my requests to small, inexpensive (~$10-15 USD) items so it probably wasn't that big of a deal to them in the case that I flake on them.
In the end the time and effort spent trying to get stuff off of them is more than the time and effort spent working at a minimum wage job to afford those stuff. Wouldn't really recommend.
No. 75073
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Elliot Rodger came back from the dead on Valentine's Day to sperg on this thread.
Sage for taking bait but I'm sorry this is too funny
No. 75080
>>75074I'm going to have to do my research. I know there are sites where you can be a fake gf to men but, most of them the men a looking for an eventual nude or video. And I want to make sure I don't give my information to the wrong company.
Reading about how women can make up to 25 cents a minute from just chatting is convincing me to want to try it at least once.
No. 75310
>>75157That's so frustrating
I'm desperate for cash right now in a country I can't work in, and I can't think how else I could monetise nonsexual girlfriend experience stuff
Seeking arrangement charges you to join and doesn't seem to lead to much unless you show face
No. 75316
>>75310I mean, you could always scan your ID and go on with it, the site says they won't do anything with your info and it's only meant to check if you're above 18.
You can also try on fiverr.
And does SA really charge you to join now? I made an account a year ago and it was free
No. 76410
>>50513probably a rare occurrence but a few years ago a posted in a snapchat thread on /b/ and collected a bunch of "friends".
Kept contact with a few nice ones, a few dicks bought me sex toys on amazon but now one of them is sending me technology stuff because he works for a cell phone company. Got a bunch of accesories for my surface including the ~$130 keyboard, used ipad and now an iphone 7 with a otterbox case basically for occasional nudes. I basically complained about being broke and needing to buy a new computer and having an old ghetto phone on my stories, he reminded me he was a store manager and that he had a bunch of extra phones, ipads and such lying around. I only really Asked for the keyboard and phone case when he offered the "new" iphone. Hes kind of older and respected no screenshots until recently i said it was fine. I still dont take nudes with my face though.
No. 76475
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>make SA profile long time ago
>get messages from ton of dudes
>narrow it down to foreign guy
>he wants to meet an hour away in a hotel
>obvs sex
>say fuck it, negotiate price
>he tells me I look like his crush
>his student
>be skeeved out but it's $1000
>he constantly messages me over the next few days
>I work and have a life
>realize that if I say anything remotely off that he gets very insecure and starts bombing me with messages
>day before trip
>he asks me if he could use a sleeve for his tiny dick
>tell him he's a creep
>delete SA
>delete from memory until now
I want to try again, but I think I'll do it the old fashion'd way by finding a nice rich guy that I actually love.
No. 76477
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>university student
>date a lot of guys in tinder and in ikc
>semi popular in the community I was in
>Ana chan peak
>rumour starts that I’m a sugar baby
>guy at mate’s work asks me if I’d go with him to the Xmas party for $
> no touching allowed
> continue going to office Xmas parties for money with several IT guys
>kinda creepy guys but mostly well paid autismos
>come back to a guys place because I knew him for months and told my friends about where I’m staying who I’m with.
>asleep in guest house
>sleep in underwear bc I packed change clothes
>wake up
>he was cuddling me
>nothing weird or boners he was just so sad and alone
> guy in his early 20s dresses horribly skinny fat but covered in money
>asks me if I’d like to be a little and live with him
> I tell him that I’m really awkward about this whole situation and he shouldn’t be in the room as we didn’t agree to me cuddling
He pays 2.x $
> I kindly thank him and leave.
We are still friends and I get paid for hugs.
He literally just needs someone to listen to him and care for him but leave if he needs them to.
Not too bad.
Warning ⚠️ you really need to read this if you are thinking of getting on this type of agreement.
My friend was anally raped with a curling iron turned on.
Fucked up things happen
I’m really lucky .. for now but the money isn’t worth the stares and the bad smoking coffee breath.
No. 76483
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>>76477Jesus christ mate i hope your friend is recovering well
No. 76485
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>>76477What the absolute fuck.
No. 76514
>>76508You arrange to meet for something like a lunch or coffee, at a public place. You see if there is chemistry, and if you want to take it from there. Before meeting though you should have clarified to each other what your expectations are and what you are looking for.
Just be warned, since you sound like you only want money without sex, that very few sugar daddies would bother to waste their time and money on a girl who doesn't give them anything. On the other hand, the best case scenario is that you could find a rich handsome sugar daddy, and he would take you on a fancy trip, and after a fancy candlelight dinner, he takes your virginity. You could earn several grand in one go if you tell him you're a virgin and you want your first time to be special and that it has a price.
No. 76557
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>>76492Here is another warning.
He fucked up and sent the text to the sugar baby that he was talking to instead of his friend.
This could be your photo.
Seriously if you are shy or awkward this is really not a safe job at all.
No. 80066
>>50524heres what you need to do
1) open a smurf PP account with fake name + google voice # + fake address
2) open a verified PP account with everything true
3) advertise and post links to smurf PP account to receive money
4) with the money in smurf account, have verified account send a money request to smurf account
5) verify the transaction from smurf account and have money for withdrawal in actual account
it works for me in my case; where I am infatuated with giving money online to twitch streamers but I don't want them to find out my info