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No. 50928
>>50926Did you post in this thread just to say that shit lol
inb4 anyone say I have fucked up teeth: mine are perfectly normal
No. 50931
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My lower teeth are crowded exactly like in the picture. I don't know what to do about it and even if I knew I wouldn't have the money. The worst part is that I see the dislocation getting worse every year. The tooth that's been pushed to the back looks really dark when I smile because of the shadow. I hate it…
No. 50933
>>50931I have a similar problem with my upper tooth. But instead it's slightly rotated to the side, right next to my left front tooth. Looks retarded. Anyway, braces or a new tooth are the only option I think.
Really sucks that teeth care is so expensive, at least some parts that is.
No. 50935
>>50932If you give me the money…
Seriously though can braces solve the problem if you're already in your 20s?
My teeth were perfect in my teens which sucks because dental work is covered by pubic health insurance until you're 18 in my country.
No. 50936
>>50935braces don't stop working after a certain age.
when i had my braces i saw many middle-aged and elderly people in those chairs.
if you can afford it great! if you can afford the invisible set(s) even better.
No. 50937
>>50894i didn't notice how weird my teeth were until i got them straightened. now i love them a lot more than before. my teeth weren't that bad or obvious per say, but there was a lot of crowding at the bottom so over all my teeth just look a lot nicer than they have their own space and theyre all straight.
invisalign was weird but has some perks, and i kind of enjoyed them. my mum has them now at 45 and she likes them too. so much less obvious than braces.
i personally dont think there's anything wrong with getting braces when you're older but i just think it looks less professional since it's a common symbol of youth and teenagers.
also i'd like to whiten my teeth. i don't see how my teeth are so yellow when i brush my teeth 2-3 times a day. i have green tea but i didn't think it would stain my teeth so badly. i'm a bit self conscious about it so i'm thinking of getting them done at the dentist in march. i want what the youtubers get because it looks easy
No. 50944
>>50936>>braces don't stop working after a certain age. oh ok thx. I always thought braces only work on children and teens because they're still growing so their bones are still moving and stuff.
A friend of mine got braces with 21 for a year. Her teeth look perfect now but her parents paid thousands of dollars so nope I think I have to let go of my central incisor as he disappears into the second row.
No. 50945
>>50940>>Using Venus as an example for normal yellow teethI'm not American and I'm not obsessed with teeth whitening but Venus' teeth are almost brown, anon. Not hating, just pointing out a fact.
Sage because ot and because no one cares
Reposted this because I forgot to sage the 1st time lol
No. 50951
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I made an appointment with my dentist for next week because it looks like a cavity developed on a tooth in the back of my mouth. I didn't notice it at all until recently but I feel like an idiot because I haven't been in for a cleaning since 2015. It's 100% my fault for putting it off for so long.
No. 50952
>>50949Some fucking romanian ADHD fuckwad threw a handful of pebbles at me in the third grade and one chipped my front incisor and took a corner clean off.
The filling they used to fix it is top notch but it needs to be fixed up every now and then because it turns out biting shit is a lot of mechanical stress so every half dozen years I can feel it starting to… get a bit worn down.
No. 50954
>>50934There have been studies made proving it doesn't make a difference if you floss or not, as long as you brush twice a day. The only thing that would help when flossing is going to a dentist and have them floss for you (too lazy to find the actual article but here's one for reference). If you have gum disease they give you mouth wash for it at the dentists. So to prevent it you should always use mouth wash. It doesn't hurt to floss though, but it doesn't rly prevent stuff from happening to your mouth at all.
(Personally I still floss cus I just think it feels cleaner, but I know it's kinda futile)
No. 50955
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>tfw gums are receding, especially on my two front teeth (gums make an inverted v shape now on top of the tooth)
>gums bleed if I brush just slightly too hard
>gums are inflamed and growing over my molars and hurt when I touch them with my tongue (I can even move part of the gums around)
>front tooth is starting to show a subtle crack line
>bad breath
>wisdom teeth are coming in and I have no idea whether they're coming in well or not
well shit, I don't have dental insurance for another year and I can't afford it right now
just tell me it's going to be okay
No. 50957
>>50955Do you have a dental school nearby?
When I finally got my dental insurance, I was able to get all that shit fixed for cheap. And they normally have the full spectrum of dentistry so you wouldn't have to go to different locations and would be able to get into booked fairly easy. Will note, it will eat up your time
>be me, finally an adult at dentist, cleaning complete>Gets handed generic free toothbrush>Dentist: Ohwait.jpg That's too big for your mouth, you need a kids tooth brush head. >Me: but I'm 26? >Dentist: Yea, you have a tiny mouth with tiny teeth.Anyone else have a tiny kid head? Would be ok to request if they used pediatric equipment on me? X-ray films cut up and my cheeks and gums… :/
No. 50961
>>50953>I don't want American white teethKek. I didn't know we set a standard for white teeth. Huh.
I personally hate how tight my teeth are crowded together, but I do a pretty great job when it comes to oral hygiene, even without religiously flossing. I do brush aggressively though. I also think the appearance of my teeth is average, but I always get such amazing praise from different dentists, I swear to god they're trolling the shit out of me or most people must have really bad oral health.
No. 57837
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my teeth are slanted outwards, similar to pic related but mine are a bit worse. i never sucked my thumb or anything. i have a freakishly long tongue and it rests to the left of my teeth up against them, poking through a slight gap, and gives me a lisp. I literally hate my teeth with fervor, but can't afford braces at all.
Recently on top of that they're so yellow it makes me want to die, obvs can't afford teeth whitening either haha kill me
How long do you guys spend brushing your teeth in the mornings and evenings?
No. 57839
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Anybody have any experience with tooth whitening powder?
No. 57840
>>57838You'll probably have to get your wisdom teeth removed at some point. Lots of people do. I had mine removed a few months ago because they were impacted and growing completely sideways instead of up. They were huge too. My teeth were hurting all the time and I was miserable because of it but after I recovered from the dental surgery I was ok.
Just go to the dentist and have some x rays done or something to see what's up. They'll know more about what to do.
No. 57865
>>57845Some dentists will work out a payment plan if paying straight out of pocket isn't possible at the time of visiting. Save up money if possible and then go and also talk to different places about payment plans.
I didn't have an issue with infection after having mine removed. Normally, they give you antibiotics to take for awhile after surgery to prevent infections or fight any off if one is trying to set in. Generally, if you follow the guidelines for after care and take the antibiotics, you shouldn't have any issues except pain. Some people have severe pain and others are up and moving after a few days. Whatever you do anon, good luck cause wisdom teeth are terrible.
No. 58084
>>58082It is but see
>>58053>>58071>>58030is clearly confused about dental hygiene
No. 59690
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would any of you pay $200 for a toothbrush?
No. 59716
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>>59707>I brush once or twice every couple of weeksbitch wtf? and you think grinding your teeth in your sleep is the reason?? the consequences of this are going to be massive, expensive, embarrassing, and painful. you're already it's experiencing it.
get yourself a kawaii sanrio calendar and put stickers every day that you brush. that way you'll feel bad if there's a gap without a sticker. I mean that worked for my niece. didn't even need the calendar anymore after just 3 months. that's how quick the habit forms, you'll get so used to having a clean mouth all the time, that if you skip a day you'll feel disgusting.
No. 59718
>>59707Oh boy anon, it's not too late for you so start brushing and flossing asap and do what
>>59716 said.
I'm only 21 but have like 8 fillings and I can't afford the white ones, yet. My gums seem to be slightly receding too. I used to be a depressed little shit that didn't care about hygiene because I didn't think I'll live to see 18. All of that combined with my mothers shitty genetics, well…it's a disaster.
So start brushing 2 per day and flossing, what anon said is true, especially "you'll get so used to having a clean mouth all the time, that if you skip a day you'll feel disgusting."
No. 59742
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>>59716I'm not the anon you were advising, but this is a great idea, thanks. I brush like once every other day because I've never been the kind of person to keep a schedule or form habits with depression on top of that. Super cute things are what keep me going in life, so I think your suggestion would really help me get better with my hygiene…
No. 59743
>>59707>I've had it filled twice and both times the fillings came outEither the dentist or the oral hygienist who does your fillings is a complete dumbshit for not using a proper binding agent or giving you the wrong type of filling you need for that kind of cavity.
>I grind my teeth in my sleepGet checked for sleep apnea if you're not someone under stress. Sleep apnea causes bruxism.
>brush once every couple weeksYellowing plaque forms on your teeth after a three day cycle. It won't always be visible topside, but it can develop underneath the gums. That's what causes bleeding gums.
No. 70374
>>50943Not all veneers have to be replaced, at minimum they last for decades. A lot of people have broken their tooth and gotten a veneer/crown to repair it and it's still there like 40 years after. Front teeth get the least wear so their restorations also last the longest.
>>50945Some people just have that, anon. Teeth color comes from the color of your dental bone which is under the translucent white enamel, and if you have yellow bone, your teeth will also look yellow. It's not related to dental hygiene. If anything, if a tooth hasn't been taken care of, it looks matt white and has a
black/grey hue to it. Yellowish/brown is healthy.
I agree with the original anon about the american (or americanized) obsession with super-white teeth though. They just spread the assumption that anything but blueish white, plastic looking teeth are "dirty". They look fake as hell too, like wearing badly made dentures.
No. 70377
>>70376I'm also a heavy tea drinker (specially green and black tea) and the only thing that really helped me to remove the most (not all) darker stains from my teeth is a professional theet cleaning.
But I have read that after a while some darker outlines and stains are pretty hard do remove because they get stuck on your teeth, specially from green tea. whitening toothpaste never really helped me in this case so going to the dentist and getting it done there has been the only useful option for me.
No. 111088
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I hate to bump an old thread, but I can't find any other threads this would go in nor anything on google really, so I'm getting desperate lol. I tried to edit this image I found on google to describe my problem but basically my left lateral incisor goes slightly behind my left central incisor. All the teeth behind the left lateral incisor still feel straight and same with my left central incisor and all the teeth to the right. I've had braces, and I wear my retainers like I'm supposed to. I asked my friends and family about and said there's just probably nothing the dentist can do about it since he hasn't already, and he doesn't point out any issues with it when I visit, so it's more for aesthetic reasons I guess. Is there a surgery or anything? I haven't had my wisdom teeth removed yet either, so will it perhaps change once I do?
No. 111107
>>111088Getting out your wisdom teeth could help. They could be large or growing in at an angle and pushing your teeth together, so there could just not be room on your jaw for your teeth to fit straight currently. Do your teeth feel tightly packed together and kind of tight?
Keep wearing your retainers, and maybe just bring it up to your ortho/dentist next time you go. I had my wisdom teeth out after my braces were off and my teeth shifted a bit after surgery.
No. 112794
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Alright guys, give it to me straight. Does the do-it-at home kits with the blue light thing actually work?
No. 112797
>>112794They do work but are extremely bad for your teeth.
Dentists use H2O2 (or similar) to whiten your teeth. However, only dental practitioners, dental therapists and dental hygienists are legally allowed to treat your teeth with those bleaching agents. So these kits usually use NaClO2 (or, in other words: chlorine bleach), which they’re legally allowed to.
What this does is it dehydrates the teeth and therefore make it appear whiter. It also makes you lose tooth lustre. Your teeth become porous and stain more easily. This can be a permanent damage. It also leads to increased tooth sensitivity which is really difficult to treat. light thingy does absolutely nothing and is just for show purposes and to make it appear more professional.
Please do yourself a favor and either see a professional for something like that (although that can damage your teeth as well, but much, much less than those home bleaching kits) or don’t do it at all.
No. 112798
>>112797This is good to know, anon, thanks.
How much damage would it do if I had my teeth whitened by a professional? Or does it depend on the individual person's teeth?
No. 131474
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Have any anons used at home remedies like tumeric or baking soda? I've read tumeric and oil pulling can whiten naturally and gently but I have no idea if its just crunchy propaganda
No. 131544
>>131539Makes sense, thanks. My dentist says that now he's gonna put the screw thingy in, but for the tooth part it will take at least 6 months from now. It sounded a bit weird to me because I knew that you could put the tooth part after 1-2 months when you're sure that the screw has settled and isn't being rejected, but I don't know.
Has anyone here ever got a tooth implant? How long did it take?
No. 134129
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>>133282I have the same issue and my dentist recommended this mousse to me. It's supposed to strengthen the enamel
No. 135200
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>>135181Don't worry, anon. Once you get your teeth cleaned, just make sure to brush your teeth 3-4 times a day every day. My teeth used to be yellow when I was a preteen for the same reasons as you, until I got cleaning done and I brushed every time I ate. (which is too much. don't do that) My teeth became blinding, lmao.
Of course, be careful choosing your toothpaste.
No. 135416
>>135214Lmao this is an essay sorry! Social distancing has got me rambling.
As someone who's had them since a young kid I can recommend several things.
After getting by for over a decade using bonjela, I happened upon the fact that liquorice seems to remove the pain from a mouth ulcer and imo heals it quicker. Liquorice boiled sweets work best personally speaking, it's become my main crutch. Manuka honey also works similarly (since it has antibacterial properties) but in my experience it hurts a bit more. Uh if you drink coffee or eat chocolate I'd give it a break, same with particularly salty, spicy or tomato dense food. Also not too hot or crumbly foods. Awful, but the ulcer heals so much quicker when you obey these.
The other reply mentioned sensodyne, and that's mainly effective because it doesn't contain the ingredient sodium lauryl sulfate, which is known to not only not help but can cause ulcers in the first place. My favourite is the toothpaste from the lidl supermarket. Doesn't contain SLS, so isn't inflammatory. I brush more frequently too, after all meals and snacks because it numbs the ulcer.
The last one is most recent but I find it funny it actually worked because I saw it in a bonjela ad as something you can't do. In a moment of desperation I applied an actual plaster to a mouth ulcer on the inside of my lip to give it a barrier. What was amazing about it is that when I did it for a 1 day old ulcer, it froze the progress completely, and eventually went away. The bigger ulcers took 2-3 days, but whenever I pulled it off after a couple of hours, there was a disgusting yellow ring of what I think was a film of bacteria (or white blood cells but given that it healed quicker I'll assume the former), and yeah. It was also a less painful ulcer overall.
I'd been through times where I could only eat and drink through a straw, lived on painkillers and sometimes just refused to eat, learning these techniques throughout the years has helped me immensely. What's more is that I don't see shit on most of these things I list here when I tried to extensively research this. I mean, liquorice? Honey? It's so accessible but all I see is "buy sensodyne" when I google.
No. 137701
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Is it normal that my gums get sore and sometimes even bleed right before 'that' time of the month?
At first I thought it was incidental but recently I realized that it always happens a few days before I get my period
No. 140610
>>140606>it's been proven to work, if not better than traditional bracesNot true in my knowledge. Not only it costs way more than regular braces, it also works veeeery slowly and only if you don't have complicated issues like malocclusion or tooth rotations. Since it works so slowly (I've seen people with a slight crowding issue after a year of Invisalign and their teeth had barely moved at all, where with regular braces they would've had straight teeth by then) the treatment will last longer. I mean, it's plastic.
Tldr: get Invisalign if you hate the aesthetics of regular braces, you don't want frequent checkups and you don't have anything bad/complicated to correct, and if money and a longer treatment aren't an issue and you.
If you don't mind the look of metal braces and you want to go cheaper and faster, pick them instead.
No. 141472
>>141470Better to go literally as soon as possible because it'll only get worse the more you put it off.
I found out I needed around 10 fillings when I went after a few years of what I thought was OK dental care (brushing once, maybe twice a day). It was one shocking appointment taking 30 min, then it was just a case of fixing it up. It took 2 appointments to remove that active decay, and I think that's what'll get you. Because even if you take great care, the active decay will still be making your cavities bigger, and it'll be hard to fix without professional help. Go for the sake of your future dental health, or accept you'll have false teeth sooner than you should.
No. 141477
>>141472>>141473you're right anons, I'm going to make an appointment tomorrow.
I'll report back (to keep myself accountable)
No. 171791
>>171777If you're that concerned, I'd give your dentist a call. Tartar buildup can mess up your teeth even further.
This is obviously easier said than done, but the next time you're at the dentist, don't be afraid to bring up any concerns. Embarrassment is temporary but fucked up teeth? Not so much. Maybe also consider talking to your dentist about what you can do to remineralize your teeth and reduce the yellow appearance.