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No. 54142
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>>54134same, especially going up and down stairs or really just running everywhere- I can feel every step and it bothers me! Do you also ever feel like…just the feeling of skin against skin is bothersome? I wear bralets or tight tanktops even to sleep because I don't like that weird underboob feeling, where you can feel your breast against sternum. I never knew if that was a "sizeable chest" problem or just a "me being weird" problem…
tbh I'm jealous of girls comfortable enough without bras, they're so expensive and such a pain- if I didn't feel so awkward without I would never.
No. 54175
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>>54136Consider a padded bralette. Not one that has enough padding to give you fake tits (unless you want that, of course) but one with padding to cover the nipples.
No. 54178
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I can't go without a bra. I'm a 34H so no bra = tits everywhere. It makes me sad because a lot clothing I want to wear require no bra or strapless, and strapless bras are all shit after a certain size. They're a bit too heavy too so I even wear a bralette or a soft sports bra when I sleep at night otherwise they feel sore in the morning from gravity pulling them back.
No. 54181
>>54178Same here (36 E). The only time I'm braless is for shit that requires no clothing whatsoever like showering. Otherwise it's just too uncomfortable.
Though lately I've been super adverse to bras because they just seem to hurt now. I've started wearing bralettes more, which aren't the most supportive but keep things in place reasonably. I just wish I could have something as comfy as a bralette but supportive as an actual bra.
No. 54187
>>54165I never considered it until I found things my size, so it was already kind of useless at this point. I don't have clothes that required me to not wear anything underneath so I don't need pasties yet.
>>54175That's the kind of stuff I'm currently wearing, but the ones I have makes me look like I have fake breasts a little bit and I don't like it that much. I tried looking for new ones recently but they were all sold out or overpriced because everything was on sales in stores. I have no idea why they're so hard to find, unless I shop online which I try to avoid as much as possible.
No. 54526
For reference, I'm somewhere around 34B, and probably relatively self supported by this chart (,334,30.html) but they're a little awkwardly bottom heavy I think?
I always always always wear a bra when I work out, preferably one designed for high impact, and I always shell out for a good one. Sometimes the built in tank bras are fine for like, yoga, but if I'm running or something, sometimes I even double up. I tried with just a looser one once and my breasts were so sore after the run, it was a nightmare.
If I'm just lounging around the house I go for maximum comfort, just a t-shirt and underwear usually, maybe even sometimes just a robe after a shower or bath. I don't see the point in wearing a bra at home (the caveat is if someone else is sleeping over, then I dress full pyjamas, bra, etc.; sometimes happens if I drink with my friends and one of them isn't ok enough to be alone yet)
For work, I usually use sports bras since I wear a uniform where nothing really stands out anyway. I know some women who wear more conventional bras, but I couldn't imagine it outside of our dress uniforms maybe. It makes sense if you're more endowed though.
I kind of like going braless under sweaters or stuff, with just a tank or something on but if I'm less layered, I'll wear a standard wire bra unless I'm going out to a convenience store and it's really late or something. I dunno, I don't really care if other people do it because I don't look, but I feel super rude if I don't wear a bra. Definitely a habit I developed to appease others.
No. 54527
>>54520I feel like that violates the spirit of anonymity, but if you really want nonsexual pictures of breasts, this website is pretty good for that. (NSFW, actual pictures of actual breasts, but presented non-sexually/without anything else)
I've given this URL out to people who freak out after/during/before PAP smears and they've said it's weirdly reassuring. You get so acclimated to perfect surgical breasts in Hollywood, magazines, and porn, and forget that there are plenty of women with an average pair, just like most people do.
No. 54562
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>>54527Went there and found boobs that look exactly like mine immediately, slight size/droop difference and everything
sigh so much space. I can't get butt-crack cleavage unless I stuff it like crazy on the sides. :/
I can go braless with the right cut blouse (like ones with a bit of boob support) or in a dress that can't be easily worn with a bra, sometimes I skip bras in the summer but rarely with a t shirt since it looks weird and floppy.
It always risks showing pointy nips so I hold the down with bandaids.
No. 54564
>>54563same here, about everything you said
Also my boobs are kind of saggy (elastic skin and heavy boobs) so I really need the support my bra gives me. Aaaand they're pretty sensitive so the little "cushions" are great.
No. 54571
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>>54562Your breasts look great and youthful anon!
Also found a pair that look like mine pretty early on. Mine also have some distance, but are wide like pic related. I also need pushing to get cleavage, but frankly I'm just grateful not to have lopsided or ultra saggy tits. Very few women have perky breasts
and natural cleavage so don't feel bad.
No. 54574
>>54571"early on"? how old are you now?
mine currently resemble those, perhaps a bit smaller.
No. 54576
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Mine are very similar to these here. I do wear a bra in public but skip it when I wear a padded dress or a blouse with support. I feel mostly uncomfortable going outside without a bra and I don't like my nipples showing. But at home it's all bra free
No. 54578
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Mine look like this with a bit puffier nipples and I have nipple piercings but idk I feel like my boobs aren't round enough or full enough to go braless I wish I could I think people who can do that are so lucky and it looks so cute
No. 54579
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>>54562>>54571>>54576Damn, I'm really jelly, you guys have great boobs
Pic related would be close to mine.
It looks weird if I don't wear a bra because they're far apart
No. 54580
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Mine look very much like pic related. I'm an European 70-75A.
I'm honestly happy with my smaller breasts. I don't have to wear a bra in most cases, which is pretty nice.
No. 54582
Since it's on topic enjoy some topless Kate Hudson
>>54571Thanks anon :) same to you! You're so lucky to have such balance. I know perky boobs are like a genetic gift, i need to figure out how to keep them that way for as long as possible.. I'm 25 and can see the sagging happen very very slowly
>>54576>>54579Wide-spaced boob club!
>>54578I think small can boobs looK super cute braless, especially in alt/punk-ish style outfits
No. 54677
>>54676freshman in college, usually by other freshman
she doesn't wear it at work either, but no one notices because of the dim lighting and it's really relaxed since it's a pizza place that caters to stoner culture
No. 56267
>>56239I'm confused too, now. Isn't the letter for the depth of the cup and the number for the band?
Like 85c is a more profound cup with shorter band than a 90B?
No. 56314
>>56267You're right about the sizing. I think I failed at communication there. 85 just seems like a very wide band for a thin girl, and average-sized women who wear big band + low cup size can often fit better into a lower band + bigger cup. If you are super tall or athletic, or generally have wide ribcage this probably doesn't apply.
I wear a similar size and my boobs never felt heavy to me so that guided my reasoning too. But then what boobs feel on your chest is probably a highly personal impression. I still wear a bra most of the time, but mostly so I don't have to look at their sorry shape.
No. 56316
>>54114I have zero breasts. I never developed breasts not even an A cup, so if I don't wear a bra I look very strange.
I wear an A/AA bra when I go outside just so I can not look totally board like, but it still looks like I have small breasts.
No. 56348
>>56338I kind of have the same issue as that anon, just in my case my boobs are just wide set and shallow
I've actually had people ask me what gender I am when I had short hair and wore baggy clothes. It all depends on how you dress/your face. I doubt anyone's that stupid to think that just because someone has no/small boobs =/= not female
No. 57011
>>57010Yeah I developed into a D cup at 8. No joke.
It was flat chest to big breasts instantly.
No. 59700
>>57009I'm a d cup and i go braless. It's not really as big of an issue as you're making it out to be. Just get something to cover your nips with for thin material.
Some shirts and fabrics make it really obvious so i'll wear one with those, but i've asked people if they can notice and no one can. It's helped my back.
If you're over 30 though it can be bad to suddenly drop wearing a bra though.
Either way expect a small period of soreness as the muscles you never let develop have to suddenly hold the weight of your boobs on their own.
I've been a D cup since I was 11 so i know the big boob struggle but you don't know if you like something better if you never try it. Just do it at home if you're to afraid to go out in public. Get dressed every day but just leave out the bra and see how you like it.
No. 59919
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>>56692>I kept tucking my shirt under my tits at home for comfort and caught myself doing it in publicThis might be a stupid question, but what exactly do you mean?
I have large breasts but if I try to "tuck" my shirt under them there's nothing to hold the shirt where it is, so it just falls down.
Do I just have weirdly shaped boobs I didn't previously know about, or..?
Pic related, 100 hours in MS Paint
No. 60518
>>54129I do the opposite (I'm a C cup though)
In summer I go braless because it's hot and don't want another layer over my tits making me even hotter and sweatier.
In the winter I wear bras for support because thick winter clothes and jackets press my tits down which is an uncomfortable feeling.
I always wear bras when exercising, though, stops them from bouncing around, and I get all hot and sweaty anyway.